September - Daytona Beach HOG


September - Daytona Beach HOG
Daytona Beach Motorcyclists’ Club, Inc. d.b.a.
Daytona Beach Chapter
Harley Owners Group
May 28, 1943 - July 30, 2009
Inside this issue:
Assistant Director
Head Road Captain
Web, policies, Road
Bruce Rossmeyer, philanthropist, entrepreneur. A long-time
Daytona Beach resident whose remarkable business
success was matched only by his dedication to family and
his charitable achievements, died Thursday, July 30, in a
motorcycle accident while riding in Wyoming, as he and a
group of friends were headed to the Sturgis biker rally in
South Dakota. Bruce leaves behind his loving wife, Sandy
– as well as five children and nine grandchildren. Bruce
and Sandy met when they were students at the University
of Southern Mississippi. When he was just 24, Bruce
bought Rossmeyer Dodge in Washington, New Jersey, the
first of his many successful car dealerships. As their family
grew, the Rossmeyers settled in Ormond Beach in 1972. In
1994, looking for something fun to do in his retirement,
Bruce bought his first Harley-Davidson dealership in
Daytona Beach. In just fifteen years, Bruce expanded this
family business into the largest chain of Harley-Davidson
dealerships in the world – with 15 locations, from Ft.
Lauderdale to Boston. In 2005, Bruce opened the crown jewels of his empire: the world’s largest
Harley-Davidson dealership and Destination Daytona. The 150-acre complex – which includes
Daytona Harley-Davidson, restaurants, bars, shops, hotel and condos – quickly became one of
Florida’s premiere tourist destinations, for both bikers and non-bikers alike. Bruce’s passion was
motorcycles, but family was his first love. As wide-ranging as his business empire grew to be, it
always remained, at heart, a family business. All five of Bruce’s children -- Mandy, Wendy, Randy,
Will, and Shelly – have throughout their lives been actively involved in the family business, from a
childhood of helping out in the showroom to currently managing significant aspects of his businesses.
Bruce’s love of children was evident in the joy he received from his grandchildren, but it wasn’t
limited to his own family. His humanitarian and philanthropic endeavors are countless, but his main
focus was on charitable work that helped children. Bruce was a founder and served on the Board of
Directors of Camp Boggy Creek a summer camp for children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses
(a division of The Hole in the Wall Camps founded by Paul Newman), and was a dedicated year-round
fundraiser for the camp. For the past 15 years, Bruce’s “Ride For Children” motorcycle event has
raised well over three million dollars for Camp Boggy Creek. Bruce served on the Board of Directors
for the Boys & Girls Club of Volusia/Flagler counties, which named its Holly Hill unit “The
Rossmeyer Family Unit” in recognition of Bruce’s tireless fundraising efforts and personal
contributions. Bruce’s interest in the Boys & Girls Club began when he joined the Board of Directors
of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County, and his many fundraising events – including the VQ
Bikers Ball in Daytona and the Bikers Bash in Ft. Lauderdale – helped to raise over two million dollars
for the Boys & Girls Clubs. The Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital named a family sleeping room in
Bruce’s honor for his generous support – which includes the Ft. Lauderdale “Toys In The Sun Run,” a
(Bruce Rossmeyer Continued on page 7)
Daytona Hogcall
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Ken Fox
Boy, I can’t believe the year is going by so fast. Labor Day is here already. School is starting which means
the cooler riding weather is not far off. Just have to endure a little more of the rainy season before we get
October will be here before you know it and as usual it is packed with activities. October 11th is the Camp
Boggy Creek ride for the children. Then the following weekend is Biketoberfest. Followed by the Florida
State Rally October 21-24 in St. Augustine. By the time you read this newsletter you will only have a few
days left to Pre-Register. The deadline is September 7th. After that, it will cost you $10.00 more to register on
site. I know we have done a lot of rides to St. Augustine over the years, but the city is going all out for us.
There events are spread throughout the city. Some of the attractions will offer discounts. You can also be a part of the Nation’s
Oldest City Motorcycle Parade. The police escorted parade route will be through downtown St Augustine's historical district.
Parade duration is approximately one hour and is limited to 750 bikes. So sign up early! There is a box to check on the
registration form if you want to ride in the parade. You can go to to register and get more
information as to the schedule of events.
Biketoberfest HOG help will be needed at the Beach Street dealer. Anyone interested in making some extra money please
let me know. More details about the schedule will follow in future newsletters and meetings.
Until we ride……….
Harrell Rawlins
This has been a great summer so far with good attendance on all the rides. The calendar is full of rides for the
next two months. Looking forward to seeing everyone get out and ride with the fellow HOG members and
friends. While out riding during the week days please be alert school is starting up again for the fall.
Remember to register for the State HOG Rally before September 7 to get a discount. On another note the
Holiday party has been scheduled for Saturday December 19 from 6-10 pm. The location is the Bill France
Room at Daytona USA. For those who have purchased the merchant book you have already paid for the
Christmas party. We hope everyone will come and celebrate the holidays.
October 11 is the 15th Annual Ride for Children Camp Boggy Creek. Here is the website for anyone interested to
register for the ride
Ride Safe.
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John DeVito
As a young police officer, for Metro Dade, when dealing with a person who just lost a family member or
loved one, I was taught to say, “I’m sorry for your loss”. How inadequate this phrase seems at this time. I
joined the Drill Team in mid 1999. While parking bikes, for my first Boggy Creek Ride this, big guy walked
across the parking lot. As he approached me he held out his hand and said “I’m Bruce Rossmeyer, you
must be the new team member. Good work and thanks for the help.” I had the privilege of working for him
on several other fund raisers and motorcycle events. He was very receptive when I approached him with
the idea for our safe riding demonstration. I for one will miss working with him.
The Drill Team is hard at work on this year’s Drill Team Expo. It will be held Saturday the 10th of October
at Destination Daytona. As of this writing, five teams have committed to at least one performance each;
one team is coming from North Carolina. We will get to see some new talent and routines. All money
raised will be donated to Camp Boggy Creek. With free admission how do we plan to make money?
There will be a jar for each team. Spectators will place money in the jar for their favorite team. The team
with the most money will win the “Peoples Choice Award”. In addition, we will be accepting donations for Expo T-Shirts. Sale of soft drinks and
sponsorships are all being worked out at this time for additional fundraising.
From my view point, Christmas in July was a success. The Drill Team arrived early and assisted in parking bikes. We have a great deal of
experience in starting a run smoothly and efficiently. The escorted ride went without incident. Just prior to arriving at Destination Daytona it
started to rain. When we arrived the team did one of the things we do best, go out to eat! It stopped raining at the same time we finished lunch.
The field dried and we were able to entertain the crowd with a six man performance. Bruce will be missed but his charity still needs our help. I
know the economy stinks and times are rough however, if there is anything you can do to help with Boggy Creek please come out.
More than ever you need to dress properly when riding. When you see ATGATT remember it stands for All the Gear All the Time. As for me,
it’s suffering from straight road sickness. I hear there is a road in North Carolina with a tunnel has been cut into a mountain but stops on the other
side. The state ran out of money and couldn’t finish the road. I think I will ride up there and try to find it. There should be more than enough
twists and turns to cure my ills. I’ll let you know what I find.
To Bruce’s family, I offer my condolences. We all share in your loss. Motorcycling is a fun sport but it comes with risks. Learn the risks and
please Ride Safe.
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Daytona Hogcall
Greg Sieger
Group riding has always been a part of our HOG Chapter. We strive to have well trained Road Captains to
make your riding experience more enjoyable. Our ongoing training and yearly re-certification are just a
couple of things we do to help make the rides safe. We are always looking for new Road Captains and our
next Road Captain training is set for Sunday September 20 at Houligan's at 1pm. The training class usually
lasts about three hours with a ride after. Our instructors are John Lyon and Jim Slemp, both having many
years experience as riders and teachers. We are truly lucky to have such qualified instructors. A note to all
current Road Captains: if you have not re-certified this will be the last chance for 2009. We have also
scheduled a Road Captain only ride for Sunday October 4, leaving Beach St. at 10am. It is strongly
recommended that all current Road Captains attend this ride.
I took these Group Riding tips from the National HOG website, take a moment to read and understand this great article.
Group Riding
Group riding requires an extreme level of awareness and concentration. Know your limits and ride within them; never ride
above your abilities.
• Mental
• Physical
• Motorcycle
• Environment
• Road Captain training is
• Experience level
• Come to the ride prepared. Arrive with a full tank of gas and an empty bladder
Sunday September 20 at
• Bring appropriate riding gear for the expected range of conditions
Houligan's at 1:00 p.m.
• Maintain a constant speed. This helps prevent the “rubber band effect.”
• Novices or riders that are new to group riding should ride at or near the back
• Road Captain only ride
unless the riders wish to ride elsewhere.
is Sunday October 4,
• Always ride in a tight but courteous staggered formation or single-file line.
• Your eyes should be watching a few bikes up the road from you, not fixed on
leaving Beach St. at
the bike in front of you. Always be looking at least four seconds ahead.
• Riding side by side is very dangerous and against the law in many states.
• The only time bikes are to be side by side is when the group is stopped at an
• Never come up on the motorcycle in front of or beside you.
• In a staggered or single-file formation, do not pass the bike in front of you.
• If an exit is missed, stick together as a group, proceed to the next exit, and then return to the correct exit.
• When in a tight curve, the rider on the outside of the curve is required to give room to the rider on the inside
in case the curve is too tight to negotiate at that speed without crowding.
We are always looking for new places to ride, if you have
Note to self:
do NOT wear
orange next
visit to the Ice
Cream Club—
you can get
lost against
the wall!!
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Bret Hollenbeck
Well, let’s discuss activities and the sheer volume of the participants. There are almost 300 members in the HOG chapter
and I must say the same people ride, participate and show support for the HOG chapter. I would love to see more people
involved, sharing experiences, ideas and just having fun since that is what the HOG chapter is about. So, can anyone enlighten
me on why there is minimal involvement? Share some ideas of improving involvement or admit that what we’re planning is not
fun and offer up some other ideas. I’m open for any suggestions. Please email me or give me a call if you would like to see
something else planned.
We have had several rides and have enjoyed the company, laughed and eagerly look forward to more of the same, but my
goal is to increase involvement, so let me know if I’m barking up the wrong tree, or what. We’ve done two breakfast rides, a
dinner ride and an ice cream ride and I’m diligently planning for more adventures, such as a dinner cruise, water park and
possibly some overnight rides. By adding more people to the rides the result will be more fun, laughs and camaraderie so come
on people…get involved.
T R E A S The
U Wave”
R EBefore,
R Now and Why
Don “Kickstand” Seeley
We are thirty days into our ride out west, just approaching 7,000 miles, and Linda continues to love and follow me, I’m
a lucky guy – but this story will be told next month.
When Linda first started to ride, she was quite understandably nervous and when passing motorcyclists would wave
to her, she was too afraid to take her hands off the handlebars to return the wave. I explained that this was a serious
faux-pas in biker etiquette. Not wanting to offend anyone, Linda would then respond by raising the index finger on
her left hand. Well, this worked for awhile but as her confidence grew, so did the number of fingers until one day I
was amazed to see her actually lift her hand completely off her handlebar to wave at the passing bikes. Not only was
her confidence growing but so was her enthusiasm and her wave turned into something like, oh, how should I
describe it? I know. It was like Linda was on shore waving good-bye to someone departing for a cruise. Only Linda
was waving so vigorously that she could be seen from the 18th deck above the water line! After congratulating her on the “new wave”, I
suggested that maybe toning it down a little may be appropriate. I asked if she noticed what the other bikers were doing when they waved and
she said “they were pointing at something on the ground”. I suggested she try copying their technique and that should take care of everything.
Well, Linda is an extremely good student, and a very loving and sensitive woman. I say this so the following will make sense to you. Linda was
now pointing at the ground every time a biker passed. The problem was when multiple bikes passed; Linda wanted to give them all some
personal attention so as they would pass, Linda would give them their own individual “tap”. Now what I noticed is that every time a biker passed
Lin and she would give “the tap”, the biker would slow down and look behind to see what has fallen off! That was the before. The now, I am
happy to report, she points two fingers down and keeps them down until the last bike has passed.
Now for the Why. What is it about being a biker that people want to connect too? I know you have experienced what I am talking about. It
doesn’t matter what you look like, what you’re wearing or what you’re riding, people just want to be part of it. I’m not talking about fellow bilkers.
It’s a given they will wave and I understand that because we have a common bond that only if you ride you understand. I’m talking about
everyone else. The kids in the back seat of their parents’ car that make eye contact with you and then they smile, why? The homeless lady
sitting at a bus stop bobbing her head for no apparent reason and then looks up and gives you a thumbs-up, why? How about the flaggers on
the highway construction who will let multiple cars pass staring into infinity and then when you get close he gives you a nod, why? We cannot fill
the gas tank up without someone coming over to say hello, why? On a country road, the driver of a pickup will lift his fingers to say hello, why? I
have a theory as we all have. None are correct and none are wrong but I think sharing would take some of the fun out of it.
Keep riding and keep waving. See you all next month!
Treasurers Report – Thumbs up!
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Linda Seeley
Hello my fellow HOGs,
Remember last month I wrote that Donald and I were going out west on our planned motorcycle trip? Well, as I
write this month’s article, Donald and I are in Oregon. We have been riding so far over 5,000+ miles to get to the
Pacific coast, the long, slow way. Our trip has been heightened by being able to visit with friends: Dan and Lisa
Hopkins in Sturgis, SD; Mike and Sandy Walters in Seeley Lake, MT; and Rick and Rose McFadden in Coeur
d’Alene, ID. See picture below taken at Crater Lake, OR. Right now, we are half-way thru our journey and will be
heading south along the coast and then start east back to Florida. I never thought I would be saying this but seeing
America on a motorcycle is something everyone should do at least once in their lifetime. I feel I’m a real part of this
journey thru America. The sights, the
sounds, and the smells are so much of
the experience. Don’t get me wrong, I love comfort and looking out
the window from my heated/cooled car but it leaves so much to be
experienced. Not that traveling like this is easy. I find it a lot of work
to travel by motorcycle but I know now how well worth it is. It would
be awesome to get a group of HOGs to plan a trip that is longer than
an extended weekend. Bourbon Trail or Blue Ridge Parkway
See you when we get back (September),
On-hold till I get back to Daytona BUT last member count as of end of
July was 310
Not too much going on during the hot days of summer. We had our LOH meeting the 2nd
Tuesday of the month, with eight people attending at Booths Bowery in Port Orange. The food
was good and the company was too. Freddie brought a guest, her daughter. What a very
nice young lady. It was good to see some new faces.
We discussed the upcoming garage Sale - October 3rd. All proceeds go to Breast Cancer. I
hope we get some good donations from everyone in the chapter for the sale. Contact me Smitty at 386-212-8354. I need things, all kinds of things. We will not have clothes for sale
though. The cutoff date to get your donation to me will be the September meeting. The sale will
be in South Daytona at my house. The whole neighborhood puts on a garage sale at that time.
So if people can donate items and maybe their time we will have a GREAT Fund Raiser.
At the LOH meeting Michelle H. won the our lottery (everyone puts in a dollar and then a name is drawn)
Congratulations Michelle. Lucky in love and lucky in lotto. Ha ha. I was looking for a better turnout for our FULL
MOON RIDE in August. Yes, it was raining but what is it that I always say??? Come by bike, come by car, boat or
train, but just come. There were four people (including Just Al and I) and we had a very nice time. The food was
good at the Mexican restaurant. I will not have another full moon ride next month due to the lack of interest.
Where is everyone? Are you just content to say you belong to the Daytona Harley Owners group and just go to the
monthly meetings? Sometimes? If that is the case then so be it. I have been in the chapter for 16 1/2 years and
would love to see better participation in rides and planning activities. For those of you who do not attend our
events, you are missing some great fun and good friendships. Enough of that. Gotta run. Hope to see you out
there. I will announce where the next LOH meeting will be.
Ride safe,
Daytona Hogcall
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Rossmeyer continued from page 1)
fundraising event for the hospital that is also the biggest one-day bike event in Florida. Bruce’s dedication to charitable causes was as wideranging as his business interests.. He pledged time and money to both The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Serenity House and to The Darrel
Armstrong Foundation, which offers support for premature babies. His work for the Orlando Magic Youth Foundation (which aids
disadvantaged youth) was so appreciated by Orlando Magic owner Richard DeVos that the team honored him with a jersey featuring his
own name and “number,” which was retired. The Youth Automotive Training Center in South Florida was also very dear to his heart. Bruce
recognized and appreciated that the success of his charitable efforts were only made possible through the tireless support and contributions
of so many. They included friends, family, partners, business associates, employees, volunteers and the countless supporters who gave
selflessly and generously their time, energy and contributions. His wife, Sandy and the family’s greatest wish is to continue Bruce’s legacy
of giving. Bruce’s long involvement in the civic and business life of Daytona was unmatched. His varied businesses helped to vitalize the
Daytona Beach area and to create jobs and opportunities for local residents. He was instrumental in the creation of the Bike Week party on
Beach Street in 1994. Bruce embraced and helped to continue the tradition of Biketoberfest, an autumn event that now attracts well over
150,000 attendees to Daytona Beach. In addition to his Harley businesses, locally Bruce is part owner of Daytona Toyota, Palm Coast Ford
and Deland KIA. Bruce served on the Daytona Beach’s Police Athletic League Board of Directors, and was proud to lease the city its
motorcycle police fleet – for a fee off one dollar per year per bike. Bruce is survived by his wife of 45 years Sandy, and his children Mandy
Rossmeyer Campbell and her children Annie, Hunter and Trip Campbell of Ormond Beach; Wendy Rossmeyer Van Patten and her husband
Tim Van Patten and their children Grace and Anna Van Patten of New York City and Ormond Beach; Randy Rossmeyer Blalock and her
husband Paul Blalock and their children Parker and Ellie Blalock of Lakeland; Will Rossmeyer and his wife Lynn Rossmeyer and their
children Anthony and Gannon Rossmeyer; and Shelly Rossmeyer Pepe and her husband Dean Pepe of Daytona Beach. Bruce was preceded
in death by his parents William H. and Ella Rossmeyer of Ormond Beach and his brother William R. Rossmeyer of Ft. Lauderdale. Bruce’s
appetite for life and the way in which he lived it are legendary, but what he will be most remembered for by those who knew and loved him
was his total devotion to his family. Family and friends, please join us for a celebration of Bruce’s life on Tuesday August 4, 2009 at 11a.m.
at Christ Presbyterian Church, 1035 W. Granada Blvd. Ormond Beach, Florida with Pastor John Cole officiating. His family will also
receive friends on Monday August 3, 2009 from 3-9 p.m. at Lohman Funeral Home Ormond. In lieu of flowers, please help us continue
Bruce’s lifelong commitment to helping children in our communities. Memorial donations can be made to the Camp Boggy Creek, 30500
Brantley Branch Road, Eustis, Florida 32736, or Boys & Girls Club of Volusia/Flagler counties, 101 N. Woodland
Blvd. Ste. 400, Deland Florida 32720-4296 or Boys &Girls Clubs of Broward County at 877 N.W 61st. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309, attn:
In Memory of Bruce Rossmeyer. An additional celebration of Bruce’s life will be held at a future date.
Bruce Rossmeyer remembered by his Camp Boggy Creek family as "the Big Man with the Big Heart."
Camp Boggy Creek board members and staff were deeply saddened to learn of the untimely death yesterday of their dear friend Bruce
Rossmeyer. For nearly 15 years Bruce, his family and his businesses have been an integral part of Camp life.
In October, 1995, Bruce staged his first Daytona Harley-Davidson Ride For Children. He had already selected a national charity to
receive the proceeds for that event. Hearing about the ride, a camp volunteer met with Rossmeyer and suggested that adding a Florida based
charity that could provide volunteers and help recruit riders might be helpful. He agreed and at the end of the first Ride, was so pleased with
his interaction with the staff and volunteers of Camp Boggy Creek; he announced that from that point forward Camp would be the sole
beneficiary for his Ride. True to his word the Ride has grown to become one of the preeminent charity rides in Florida and, along with a
Champagne Ball which he added to the weekend line up in 2004 at the 10th Anniversary Ride, has raised over $3.5 million for the children
and families of Camp Boggy Creek. When his fundraising passed the million dollar mark he joined the ranks of camp founders that include,
among others, Paul Newman and Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf.
Along the way, numerous camp staffers have their own stories of witnessing the subtle changes in this forceful and often intimidating
businessman. One long time employee reflected back to the on-stage presentation in year 4 of the Ride where a 9 year old little girl, herself
a Boggy Creek camper, joined Bruce on stage to present his thank you gift. As the little girl read the inscription on the thank you plaque,
tears began to run down the "big man's" face. When it came to the children of Camp Boggy Creek, there was no softer heart.
In addition to his own involvement, his wife Sandy, his five children and their families have also been heavily involved in supporting
Camp. At least once each summer, campers seated in the dining hall for lunch would hear the unexpected roar of Harley-Davidson
motorcycles, the doors would open and in would roll Bruce and any imaginable combination of family members. And, once the pipes
cooled off, campers would be invited to crawl all over the bikes and ask questions of the World's Largest Harley-Davidson dealer.
On his most recent visit to Camp for a June 12th board meeting wherein he outlined his plans for the upcoming 15th Annual Ride For
(Bruce Rossmeyer continued on page 8)
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Children, he joined the kids in the dining hall. While watching them eating, laughing and doing their cheers at full volume, he turned to
those sharing his table and remarked, "I've got no problems...I look at these kids and..." At that point he quietly sat back down.
Camp Boggy Creek is a state of the art, year round facility that provides traditional camping experiences for children ages 7-16
suffering from chronic and life-threatening illnesses. Thanks to the generosity of Bruce Rossmeyer and so many others, Camp has served
over 44,000 children and their family members since opening in 1996 at no cost to them or their families.
The Rossmeyer family selected Camp Boggy Creek as a charity to which memorial donations can be made in Bruce's name. You may
donate on-line at or call 352-483-4200 x 676 (Monday-Friday) or mail your check payable to Camp Boggy Creek to
30500 Brantley Branch Road, Eustis, FL 32736. Donations are tax deductible.
(Editor’s Note: taken from News-Journal and Camp
Boggy Creek website)
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Hi everyone, as you all know Bruce Rossmeyer died in a motorcycle accident July 30. What most of you don’t
know is for six months leading up to our Christmas in July, Leo and I worked very closely and got to personally
know Mandy Rossmeyer, Bruce’s oldest daughter. It was because of this additional relationship with the
Rossmeyer family that Leo and I felt compelled to go to the viewing and funeral. I want to take just a moment and
share with you what an impressive, poised and classy family the Rossmeyers are. At the viewing August 3, from
3:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Sandy Rossmeyer, Bruce’s wife of 45 years and his children Mandy, Wendy, Shelly, Randy
and Will stood with their respected spouses and greeted all who attended. And a lot attended. The funeral home
led us around in a “Disney World” type of line going down hallways and in and out of rooms. Many times thinking
you were getting close to only find you had another “wind around” to go. (I want to give great kudos to Lohman
Funeral Home, by leading us in this maze type of line they kept us out of the heat and the sun and they served
cookies and plenty of water, Thank You).
When you finally did reach the casket and the family, they were so incredibly gracious. Mandy was first and she
gave me a big hug and we cried a little and then she introduced me to her mom Sandy standing next to her, and
told her I was the one that she worked with for our Christmas in July a couple weeks earlier. Sandy Rossmeyer
was a pillar of poise and strength. She had already been standing there for hours and yet she took my hand, said
she was glad to meet me and thanked me for coming. What a graceful, classy lady. And it did not stop there. Next
it was Shelly and her husband and then Randy and her husband and so forth and so forth. Each and every one of
them put out their hands, introduced themselves and thanked us for coming. I have to tell you all, I personally did
not know Bruce Rossmeyer but I immediately became very impressed by a man who had shared a family like this.
Then August 4 we went to the funeral. The church was so full we had to sit in a side room and watch on a video
screen. Wow! That says a lot. The funeral was very nice and it let us know Bruce Rossmeyer a little more through
the pictures and the stories his friends and family shared. It also let us know what a spiritual man he was. We cried
and we laughed. Bruce’s friend even told us about when Bruce first bought the Harley Dealership all his friends
had to buy new Harleys and new Harley clothes at “Rossmeyer’s full retail price, plus commission”. I can only
imagine Bruce looking down and busting at the seams, with what everyone referred to as his “Belly Laugh”. Mr.
Rossmeyer you have a lot to be proud of and may you rest in peace.
Leo and I are both very proud to be a part of the Harley family. And our prayers go out to the entire Rossmeyer
family. We will continue to honor our commitment to raise money for Camp Boggy Creek. We will be having a party
in September and I will get you more details as they become available. But for now, ride safe everyone and take a
minute to say I love you to the special ones in your life.
Until next time.
Sam “The Crazy Redhead”
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Members only have days to Pre-Register for the rally, I wonder why so many wait until the last minute, some even miss registering all
together after going ahead and booking a room months in advance. Pre-Registration is $25.00, onsite registration is $35.00, there can't be
any exceptions.
Here are some updates for you all.
The parade is up to about 650, we will only allow 750.
The Florida Harley-Davidson Dealers Association Run is up to nearly 500 doing the ride. Lakeland
has been added back into the Florida Dealers Association so their stamp is GOOD.
We have 450 members attending the Wednesday Night Early Arrivals Party at the Tiki Bar at the
Holiday Inn.
Nearly 700 are signed up for the St. Augustine Harley-Davidson Early Bird Party.
About 70% are ordering the T-shirts this year. NOTE: There is going to be a very limited amount
of T-shirts for sale on site.
Benny Suggs is attending.
The Friday night entertainment has been changed from Spanky and the band to The Trans will not want to miss this band, they have toured all over the world.
We have a new drill team performing this year...Welcome Palm Beach Motorcycle Drill Team.
We have about 35 Vendors signed up so far. Vendors will all be at the St. Augustine Beach Pier.
This year we will also have food vendors and BEER. This is right on the beach....beautiful place to
spend a few hours. No rally in the USA brings more vendors now than the Florida State HOG
Rally. You all asked for more...we got more.
We have nearly 200 volunteers...WOW!!! Nearly every chapter in our state is providing volunteers.
I would say about 1/2 the chapters in our state will receive the Volunteer Appreciation Plaque.
Chapters that have 30 or more members in attendance will receive a plaque for Chapter Attendance.
All awards have the State Rally artwork on them. Members must be Pre-Registered. These plaques
are pre-ordered.
Dates: October
21 - 24, 2009
Location: St.
September 7,
Contact: (352)
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Membership: Local memberships expire December of each year, as well as for Life Members. You
may NOT purchase multiple years. Complete the form online to renew, or email Membership and they'll
send you the form. Include an envelope if you won't be picking up your card at a meeting. THERE IS
A FORM. Notify Membership of email address and address changes so you'll receive your updates and
your newsletter.
INFO FROM OUR WEBMASTER: The website is in compliance with the National
H.O.G. web standards and has a certified rating. This gives our site a link from the National H.O.G.
site. The chapter news is in a secure directory. When you select it, you are asked for a login and
password. These are given out at the monthly meeting.
TO OUR READERS AND GUESTS: To join the local Harley Owners Group Chapter, you must be a
National member. To join National, you (or your better half) must own a Harley. You can join National
by calling
ROAD CAPTAINS: Greg Sieger (Head Road Captain), Harrell Rawlins, Wayne Schindler, Don Mendelson,
Ken Fox, Don Seeley, Linda Seeley, Mike Walters, Kenneth Murkett, Pam Mills, Todd Hay, Bret Hollenbeck,
Rudy Castillo, Sandy Walters, Leo Leonard, Bill Lawrence, Ric Keeley, Mike Aldenderfer, Lea Jackson, Butch
Kaddy, Chuck Doucette, Mike Hackley, Carlos Davila and Trainers John Lyon and Jim Slemp.
Only need an endorsement? Take your DMV APPROVED
riding test with us on the weekend.
Don't forget your ORIGINAL Harley-
Davidson dealership in Daytona Beach!
A full service store
New motorcycles
Used motorcycles
Motor clothes
A full staff of mechanics on duty
290 N. Beach Street,
Daytona Beach, Florida
Size ....................................
6 months ....
12 months
Business Card 3 5/8 x 2 1/8 ............. $75.00 ........... $140.00
Oversize Business Card 3 5/8 x 3 1/2 ....................... $90.00
.......................................................... ...................... $165.00
One Quarter Page ............................ $150.00 ......... $275.00
One Half Page .................................. $300.00 ......... $570.00
Full Page ........................................... $600.00 ....... $1150.00
Full Page Insert Only ........................ $100.00 month
Advertiser: _______________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Size of Ad: ______________________________________
Month: ____________ Amount Due: _________________
Remit to: Daytona Beach HOG Chapter, PO Box 1441,
Daytona Beach, FL 32115-1441 CONTACT KEN FOX (386)
679-9191. Thank you for placing your ad with us and helping
sponsor our newsletter. The Harley Owners Group HOGCall
is published each month, emailed and mailed to over 500
members, available at the Daytona, Ormond and New
Smyrna Beach HD dealerships and at
Please include any artwork you may have for your ad.
Visitors and guests welcome!
4th Saturday of each month, none in
January 24 February 21 March 28
April 25
July 25
May 30
June 27
August 22 September 26
October 31 November 21
Meetings begin at 10:00 a.m..
Our “coffee break” begins at 9:30 at
Houligan's 1643 N US Highway 1,
Ormond Beach, FL,
Daytona Hogcall
Page 19
Visit our website:
Will Rossmeyer
Phone 386-671-7100
Traveling HOG
.......a.k.a. Mr. Bacon
July 2009 winner = Seminole HOG!
Next Traveling HOG - September 19
. . . and
w e n e e d t o p l a n t o p a r t i c i p a t e ! ! J A X 5 t h Av e
D e l i & A l e H o u s e , 9 5 1 G r e e n w o o d B l v d . , L a k e M a r y, F L
If you're going on a great vacation, business trip, ride, drive while we have Mr. Bacon, he
wants to go with you!!! He's a real camera hog, so you'll need to write a history and take
photos! Anyone taking a great trip and want to take Mr. Bacon along??? Let Mike know!
• Traveling HOG will now take place every two months. Dates are all on the calendar,
location and leave times will be added as plans are finalized.
• Mr. Bacon has been all over the world and loves to travel with HOG members. When your
chapter has him, and if you have a great trip planned, take him along, write it up and take
pictures (he's a real camera hog!!).
DIRECT (954) 492-9444
FAX (954) 396-4234