leafning objectives project files required submission files
leafning objectives project files required submission files
LEAFNING OBJECTIVES I Modify images within Dreamweaver U Add or edit alt text for images INTRODUCTION Although Dreamweaver is basically an HTML editor, it also provides some tools for editing web images. You can resize, crop, resample, adjust brightness and contrast, and sharpen images f-rom inside the program. You can also access Dreamweaver's lmage Optimization dial6g box by simply right-clicking on any image and selecting that option from the context ren,i. The lmage Optimization dialog box allows you to resize an image and convert it from one file format to another. Changes made in this dialog box are permanent and saved to the image file itself. ln this exercise, you will perform some basic image-editing functions. PROJECT FILES I about-us.html U u ll eiffel-tower.jPg pisa.jpg san-francisco.tif REQUIRED SUBMISSION FILES I n I I about-us.html eiffel-tower.jPg pisa.jpg san-francisco.jPg GFIADING RUBFiIC You will be graded according to the following criteria: ! n ! I ! Did you insert eiffeUower.jpg into about-us.html? Did you apply the class .fltrt to eiffel-tower.jpg? Did you erop eiffel-tower.jpg to a width ol 215 pixels? Did you insert Pisa.jPg? Did you resize and resample pisa.jpg to 200 x 200 pixels? kluts, I did *t t''ol',^sl th, lnst vcll fir *ft)s k^so,r, ons Pt;"e ffiro, ,ovt 1ro, >d'pltc W lesTu-vi4 1il" t"t*"rdtus gi,rrtn Yy fh" aytL,oc So'^" minor oh,Af*tttt adv neLese INSTRUCTIONS 1. Open about_us.html and insert the cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph starting Favorite City Tour.... lnsert the eiffel_tower.jpg image. Type "EiffelTower, Paris" for the alt text, and apply the class .fltrt to eiffet_tower.jpg. Note: lf necessary, first define a new site targeting the DW08-ProjectFiles folder. 2. With the image selected, click the Crop tool in the Property inspector. Crop eiffel_tower.jpg to 215 x 500 pixels. Note: Remember to double-click on the image or press Return to complete the cropping. 3. lnsert the cursor at the beginning of the eighth paragraph, starting with These three ideas.... lnsert the pisa.jpg image. Type "Leaning Tower, Pisa" for the alt text, and apply the class .fltlft to pisa.jpg. Resize the image to 200 x 200 pixels. With the image selected, click the Resample tool in the Property inspector. 4. Launch Photoshop. Open and copy san_francisco.tif. 5. ln Dreamweaver, insert the cursor in the placeholder text in div.sidebarl. Using the Tag selectors, move the cursor before the opening <p> tag. Paste the image. Use the Property inspector to resize the image to 195 x 260 pixels. Save the image in JPEG format at a quality setting of 80. Enter "San Francisco Cable Ca/'for the alt text. 6. With the image selected, click the Brightness and Contrast tool in the Property inspector. Adjust the Brightness to a setting between 20-30, and the Contrast to a setting between 25-35. Click OK to complete the adjustment. 7. Replace the placeholder text with "What are you waiting for? Jump on board for the next tour!" B. Save allfiles.