Just Thinking - The Complete Obama Timeline


Just Thinking - The Complete Obama Timeline
Frederick William Dame
(Exercising freedom of speech … as long as it still exists.)
Number 83
Source: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-6K7ezk3VNPA/UiEWcXXp9FI/AAAAAAAAAfg/Xo_aF_3Nfzs/s288/2013-08-30.jpg
JT: Edward Snowden can stay in asylum in Russia. I would rather see Obama and
his associates in crime stored away forever!
Source: http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1434137/thumbs/o-IF-YOU-LIKE-YOUR-PLAN-YOU-CAN-KEEP-IT-MAYBE-facebook.jpg
JT: My Caption: If you like our lies, you can keep them. Period.
JT: Truth as truth is!
JT: Keep re-electing him!!! At least he was present at the meeting!!!
Source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/11/08/article-2493711-194B6A3900000578-759_634x541.jpg
JT: I love myself soooo much! My insider information tells me she does this at least
once an hour every day.
Source: http://iowntheworld.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/thejug-eared-lyin.jpg
JT: Hello, I'm a lyin. When I lie I roar!
Source: http://iowntheworld.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/LIARRHEA.jpg
JT: Garbage in … Garbage out
JT: The video (16 minutes) is about the slaughter of Christians in the Islamic world.
If you want to know more about efforts to save Christians from Islamic barbarians, go
to this site: http://rescuechristians.org/.
JT: This is revealing. It's about Mr. Zero, the faggot in chief. I think it's worth the 58
In a most recent weekly message ...Obama recognized veterans, saying, "...I will
make it my mission to make sure that America has your back.”
JT: What Obama really said was I will make it my mission to put knives in your
JT: It is too long to quote in full. However, it's by Ann Barnhardt, so it's the best.
JT: It's about where the money that the U.S. doesn't have is going.
What did Obama do on Veterans Day? He placed a wreath at the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. No that's the insult of insults to the
Unknown Soldier.
their_one _job_29.jpg.
JT: If you exit the door you get change. You change from being alive to being dead!
JT: This is Barry's toilet for him and his body servants!
JT: Are they talking about Barack Hussein Obama?
JT: Yup, They're talking about Zero!
JT: The sons of Obama play this game.
Remember when Nancy Pelosi said: “We have to pass it, to find out what’s in it”
Read more at http://iowntheworld.com/blog/#VoLIlegQAz7kzK8L.99
JT: A physician called into a radio show and said: “That’s the definition of a stool
Source: http://iowntheworld.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/8031537890_5ac90e312a.jpg
JT: Really Barack? You fooled the American public into believing that you are a
male? And you did it by forging your Birth Certificate? And your Social Security
Account Number? And your Selective Service Registration Form? And your false
penis, too? Not even Reggie Love realized it was false? You were more successful
than I was. I tried to fool them into believing I have brains!
Source: http://ca.shalomlife.com/img/2013/11/21018/map2_635x357_/400_300_map2_635x357_.jpg.
More information is at http://ca.shalomlife.com/news/21018/scholastic-inc-removesisrael-from-map/
JT: An Arab Islamic dream has come true. Israel no longer exists. At least in books
by Scholastic Inc. it doesn't exist. Allah hop! Allah hop! Allah hop!
JT: Now that the truth is out, think your own comment!!!
JT: Well, well, well! The Obamacare woman is not a United States citizen. She's an
immigrant from Colombia. Perhaps Obamacare should be shoved down Colombians'
JT: What!?! Secretary of State then Senator John Kerry? America's greatest
Vietnam War hero with thousands of decorations on his chest, whose always on the
side of right and who is America's first among patriots? Yup. The truth does come
out! Here's the proof!
Source: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c60bf53ef019b01072f00970c-700wi
Source: http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/SunKingObama.jpg
JT: Caption: My body servants love this costume.
Source: http://shoebat.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Anne_Patterson_1.jpg
JT: This is what a Muslim Brotherhood/Sisterhood stooge looks like. Read about the
thing here:
Source: http://iowntheworld.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/beans.jpg.
JT: I'm sure she HAS BEENS. She's setting herself up for a re-poop in 2016.
Source: http://iowntheworld.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/acid_picdump_72.jpg
JT: Don't tell me Progressives are clean! They're full of crap, inside and outside, and
wherever they go!
Source: http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/71134000/jpg/_71134023_71134018.jpg
JT: They should be nominated for the next Nobel Peace Prize.
Obama. They are so charming, so polite, so humane.
They are like
Here's why:
JT: Mo ham head made them do it!
Spontaneous thought: The golden rule + critical, logical thought = freedom!
Source: https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/q71/s720x720/482428_707008949311009_1734969634_n.jpg
JT: Who says animals are dumb?
JT: Progressives would surely love to be able to eat Obama, Michelle, and Valerie.
However there is no antidote for digestive problems. Bon Appétit!
Think about this: A skeleton walks into a doctor's office and says to the doctor: "I
don't feel well."
The doctor responds: "I think you should have come to me before ObamaCare
became law!"
Source: fakeposters.com via Source: http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/0/8/5/3/9/1/5/DEJA-POO-124346284615.jpeg
JT: Caption: I cannot tell a lie. I have always been a believer in déjà-poo!
JT: Google Pictures with this input: Obama smoking pot and this appears:
Source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YCY0dnQZa4E/Ubnm_JRXtHI/AAAAAAAAO08/UHZJnY61wiU/s320/obama5.jpg
JT: Concerning: http://ca.shalomlife.com/news/21018/scholastic-inc-removes-israelfrom-map/: As of the date below Scholastic Inc. has removed the book and therefore
the map from the market. This means nothing more than that if there had been no
outcries, Scholastic Inc. would have kept it on the market.
Frederick William Dame
Patriotic, Steadfast, and True
November 19, 2013