Temperature Woodland and Shrubland


Temperature Woodland and Shrubland
Temperate Woodland and
By Lily Brown, Joie Tsang, and WIll
The temperature tends to be hot and dry in the summer, and then cool and
moist in the winter. The average temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
There is winter and summer
Soil Conditions
Fertile with rich nutrients and minerals
Precipitation Levels
200 to 1,000 mm of rain per year
Dominant Plants
Aromatic herbs (sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano), shrubs, acacia, chamise, grasses
Dominate wildlife
Mediterranean Gecko
Geographic Distribution
Shrublands include regions such as chaparral, woodland and savanna. Shrublands are the areas that are located in
west coastal regions between 30° and 40° North and South latitude. Some of the places would include southern
California, Chile, Mexico, areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, and southwest parts of Africa and Australia.
These regions are usually found surrounding deserts and grasslands.
Herb. Img4.Sunset.com. 10/11/2011
Mediterranean Gecko. Dilberto Photo and Design. 10/11/2011
Rain. Sb.westfordk12.us. 10/11/2011
Rosemary Herb. Ygoy. 10/11/2011
Shrubland. NASA Earth Observatory. 10/7/2011