Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church


Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, New York 11010-3692
Parish Social Ministry
Maureen Miedreich
Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi
Faith Formation
Debbie Hurley
Associate Pastors
Rev. Allan Arneaud
Rev. Johnny Mendonca
Rev. Charles N. Srion
Music Director
Jennifer Wells
Joseph Benincasa
Frank Gonzalez
Dennis Canese
Marion G. Dreyfus
Parish office: (516) 352-0146
Parish FAX: (516) 326-7427
Faith Formation: (516) 354-4554
Social / Outreach: (516) 775-0840
Sunday Masses
Saturday: Saint Catherine Chapel - Sienna Center 5:00PM
Church 8:00PM
Sunday: Church 7:30AM & 5:00PM (Spanish)
Saint Catherine Chapel - Sienna Center
9:30AM, 11:00AM, 1:00PM
Parish Membership
Weekday Masses
Adoration: Every Friday after 8:00AM Mass to 9:00PM
and 24 Hour Exposition every First Friday
Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after 8:00AM Mass
Monday through Saturday: 8:00AM
Parish Office Hours (990 Holzheimer St.)
Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM—7:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM—4:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM—2:00PM
Sunday: Closed
Parish Social Ministry Outreach Hours
(995 Lutz Street)
Monday through Friday, 11:00AM-1:00PM
Wednesday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Additional hours by appointment only.
Anointing of the Sick
Communal Anointing of the Sick on Thursdays during the
8:00AM Mass. Please notify priest if family member is sick
at home. Emergency Sick Calls: Call 352-0146
Celebrate Baptism
We welcome Children & Adults to Catholicism through
Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Children: Baptism Celebrated First & Third Saturdays of
each month at 12:30PM.
Baptism Preparation Class: 2nd Tuesday of each month at
7:30PM (pre-registration is required).
Adults: Adults to be Baptized (or Confirmed) are
invited to call the Parish Office for assistance.
ALL are welcome to join our parish family; please REGISTER
on the First Sunday of the Month at the Pastoral Table after
Mass or anytime at the Parish Office. We invite you to be part
of our Parish Ministry through various groups and activities.
Parish Prayer Life
Parishioners with Special Needs
The Church, Saint Catherine Chapel and Sienna Center are
accessible through doors on right side of the Church where
buildings meet. The Sienna Center is also accessible through
its front doors and has an elevator at ground level for upper
and lower levels (left side of staircase) allowing access to
Church as well.
Assisted Listening Devices are available for the hearing
impaired. Please ask an usher if you need one.
Special Needs Advocacy: Dr. Priscilla O’Connell may
be reached by calling the Parish Social Ministry Office at
775-0840; contact if you have other needs to be addressed.
Mass For Those with Special Needs is celebrated on the
3rd Saturday of each month at 3:00PM in Saint Catherine
Chapel-Sienna Center.
Professional Therapy & Counseling
Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by
New York licensed therapists, are available to our parish.
Call Dr. Giuliani, Catholic Counseling Ctr., 631-243-2503.
Celebrate Marriage
Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon
before making your social arrangements.
Reconciliation (Confession/Penance)
Every Saturday: 4:00PM-5:00PM & 7:30PM–8:00PM
Every Sunday: 4:30PM (in Spanish)
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 9, 2015
During Week of August 9
will burn
In Loving Memory of: Thomas
Aug. 8 to Aug. 16
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
Aug 8 - St. Dominic
Parel &
Rev. Joseph Parel
With love and prayers of: Rosaly Simon
Msgr. William Costello, Mark & Gloria Bednar
Thomas Florio, Florence Urgo, Lena Murano
Mario Pagano
7:30 AM
5:00 PM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Aug 9 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 AM
Aug 10 - St. Lawrence
Plaek Srion
8:00 AM
Aug 11 - St. Clare
Mary De Angelo
8:00 AM
Aug 12 - St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Rosa Mascoli
8:00 AM
Aug 13 - Sts. Pontian and Hippolytus
Marty Hopkins
8:00 AM
Aug 14 - St. Maximilian Kolbe
Marty Hopkins
8:00 AM
8:00 PM
5:00 PM
Aug 15 –The Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Albert Giannetto
Ciro Ferraioli
7:30 AM
5:00 PM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Aug 16 - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
For The People of the Parish
For the Intentions of the Faith Formation Staff
Harold & Jane Sullivan
Martin Hopkins - Michael DeMarco
Donald Hughes
will be used at all Masses
In Loving Memory of: Martin Hopkins
With the prayers of: Dottie Saporito
Work We Do To Help Others This Week Is
In Blessing on Tom Hickey - 90 Birthday
With the prayers of: Maureen Hickey and family
Host Family/Individual
Richie Flores
John & Kathleen Garrish - Nicolina Tegliotti
Martin Hopkins - Francine Cardella
Ionie W., Lucio P., Josephine S.
For The People of the Parish
For the Intentions of the Faith Formation Staff
Martin Hopkins
Jean Ann Dolce - Peter Berend
Paul Brito
PRAY for DECEASED and their Families:
Catherine D’Aiello, John Schilt,
Emily Patella, Mary - Alice Mazzeo
The Payano Family
PRAY for those serving in MILITARY
Sgt. Patrick Brady
Maj. Thomas Babbitt
PFC Erik Jacobsen
Maj. Catherine Babbitt
LCpl. Michael P. Kelly
Capt. Shaun R. Cullen A.N.G.
Cpl. Thomas R. Kroez, Jr.
M. Sgt. Peter Jacobsen
Sgt. Michael Salemi
Lt. Col. Christopher Congalise
Cpl. Christopher Montes
Lt. Col. Andrew Phillips
Cpl. Joseph Blaikie
Robert Vitale
Esn. Anthony Patrick Huskisson
ET3 Peter J. King
A1C Phil Gautiere
E3 Thomas Mannle
Lt. John DeBonis
Chaplain Col. Msgr. Mark Rowan
PRAY for the SICK:
Rose Thimote-Chaperon, Michael Ahlert,
Mary DeBonis, Deborah Riccardi,
Myrna Batraville, Marie Kennedy,
Annie Karcinski, Catherine Diana,
Jimmy Bradshaw, Karen Baker, Philip Mule´
As members of Saint Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed by our Baptism to spread the
teachings of Jesus Christ by living our faith in loving service to all people. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and through
worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, to nourish the soul, care for the needy, minister to
the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith.
From Msgr. Figliozzi
Scriptural Reflection for the Week
“… and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life
of the world.” (see John 6:41-51) How exceedingly
clear! The Eucharistic Bread is the flesh of Jesus
Christ. It is Jesus Real Presence in our midst whom
we desire with all our hearts so that He may not only
dwell in the Tabernacle but in all of us as well. This is
why it’s no good to say “I’m spiritual but not religious”.
A person saying this simply wants to avoid the truth
that only at Sunday Mass do we get to receive our
Lord in such a profound, intimate and real way.
Whether out of laziness, self centeredness or
ignorance it’s never a virtue to miss Mass on Sunday.
Only at Mass can we have communion with Christ.
Only at Mass can we receive Him in such a unique
way. “If Jesus” offered His flesh for the life of the
world and so many decide not to believe Him it is no
wonder that it seems at times that evil and death surround us. But when you do receive our Lord and
Saviour in Holy Communion you instead experience
the joy, peace and victory of life, overcoming all the
sin and death in the world!
Second Collection NEXT Weekend
The Little Sisters of the Poor will be speaking at all
Masses next weekend to inform us about their ministry of caring for the poor elderly. There will be a special collection to help support their work.
Thank You to Our Local Vendors
I wish to thank Corkrey Electric Service and Perry’s
Flooring America (Perry’s Carpeting) for their recent
help to our parish.
Please Note
August 15th, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary is NOT a Holyday of Obligation
this year since it falls on a Saturday. This means
there is no Obligation to attend Mass.
One Final Thought
“The more we empty ourselves the more room we
give God to fill us.”
-Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
The gifts of God that the angel brought to Elijah food, water, rest and encouragement - were given,
not for his own good alone, but to strengthen him for
service. How am I using my gifts to serve others?
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our
parish who recognize that God has given all of us
special gifts and that those gifts are to be used in
service to build God’s Kingdom.
or “speaking about Parish funding & finance”...
We demonstrate being good stewards of our Parish
by sharing our blessings through our weekly offertory gift, and as donors of special funding for others in
5:00 PM SC
8:00 PM CH
7:30 AM CH
9:30 AM SC
11:00 AM SC
1:00 PM SC
5:00 PM (Spanish)
Received by Mail
Received thru Faith Direct
Last Week’s Offertory
Last Week’s Collection Total:
Average Weekly Parish Expenditures: $32,000
lit · ur · gy
n. a form of public worship;
a collection of formularies for public worship;
the celebration of the Eucharist
Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish
August 2015
(Month of Immaculate Heart of Mary)
15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
16 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
23 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Scripture Readings for
the NEXT SUNDAY. . .
The Twentieth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Reading I - Proverbs 9: 1-6
Reading II - Ephesians 5:15 - 20
Gospel John 6: 51-58
For weekday readings visit our diocesan website at and go to THE DAILY READINGS
By Rev. Johnny R. Mendonca
Then he made the disciples get into the boat and precede
him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. After
doing so, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray.
When it was evening he was there alone. Matthew 14-22-23
The report about him spread all the more, and great crowds
assembled to listen to him and to be cured of their ailments,
but he would withdraw to deserted places to pray. Luke
In those days he departed to the mountain to pray, and he
spent the night in prayer to God. When day came, he called
his disciples to himself, and from them he chose Twelve,
whom he also named apostles. Luke 6:12-13
I’ve got a question for you. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being
the highest), how would you rate the importance of prayer in
living out your life as a Catholic? Would you give it at least a
6, perhaps even an 8? I have another question. How do you
think Jesus would rate the importance of prayer in living out
his own life and fulfilling his mission? After all Jesus is the
incarnate Son of God, the only begotten Son - John 3:16.
Why should he need to pray?
In answering these two questions, let’s look at some Scriptures on
prayer. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus made it clear that we all need
both public and private prayer. He himself participated in the synagogue services and Jewish religious festivals, and he also explicitly
encouraged going to solitary places to pray - Matthew 6:5-6. Jesus
often withdrew by himself or with his apostles to pray in some quiet,
out-of-the-way place. He prayed to get refreshed after long days of
serving others - Matthew 14:22-23; Luke 5:15-16; Mark 1:33-35. He
prayed before making important decisions Luke 6:12-13. And he
prayed before enduring the agony of the Cross - Matthew 26:36-37. If
prayer was so important to Jesus, why would we not believe the same
for ourselves. This is why Jesus continually encouraged his followers
to follow his example of prayer. He knew that it is in these quiet times
with Him that we begin to experience HIM, the way, the truth and the
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2698 states, "The Tradition of the
Church proposes to the faithful certain rhythms of praying intended to
nourish continual prayer. Some are daily, such as morning and evening prayer, grace before and after meals, the Liturgy of the Hours. Sundays, centered on the Eucharist, are kept holy primarily by prayer. the
cycle of the liturgical year and its great feasts are also basic rhythms of
the Christian's life of prayer."
From early times, Christians gathered at regular hours during each day
and night to respond to God's word with praise on behalf of all creation
and with intercession for the salvation of the world. Then, morning and
evening prayer had emerged as the hours for the offering of praise.
Although they have remained so ever since, in the course of time a
major change came over the form of prayer offered. Thus the regular
daily prayer became more and more the practice of the clergy and
members of religious orders alone, with the rest of the people of God
participating chiefly on Sundays and other special days.
If it be of the greatest importance to begin the day well, it is one of no
less consequence to conclude it properly. The graces conferred on us
during the course of the day, and the protection we stand in need of
against the dangers of the night, are urgent reasons why we should
address ourselves to God, and pray to Him with the utmost gratitude
and fervor.
For evening prayer an examination of conscience in general, with regard to our whole conduct throughout the day, and in particular with
regard to our predominant vice, passion, or evil custom; and the virtue
we want most to acquire is strongly recommended by all spiritual writers as one of the most important duties of Christian life, and the most
profitable exercise we can apply ourselves to, for avoiding sin and acquiring virtue. It is a looking- glass in which we see ourselves in our
true colors, and come to the knowledge of our sins and evil inclinations. St. Francis Xavier says: "At night, before you go to sleep, you
must examine your conscience, inquiring into your thoughts, words,
and deeds of the whole day, and also whether you have left out anything of what you ought to have done. Sleep is the likeness of death.
Meditate on death and eternity. Retire not without being prepared for
There are still many current dates available for
Sanctuary Lamp,
Bread & Wine
Please consider this special way to honor
a loved one, living or deceased.
St. Catherine of Sienna
The Sisters of Saint Catherine of Sienna Convent will
gladly remember your special intentions in their daily
Masses and community prayers.
Place your petitions in the weekly collection basket or
drop off at the Parish Welcome Desk.
God Bless You.
Please join us for our next meeting on
Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 7:00PM Rosary,
in the Saint Catherine Chapel.
All are welcome!!!!
Todos los domingo a las 5:00 PM, por favor no faltes e invita a otros a asistir a la Santa Misa
Charla pre bautismal: Todos los terceros viernes de cada mes, a las 7:00 PM. Lugar: Mt. Carmel (pequeño
ubicado dentro de la misma parroquia). Por favor, hacer una cita previa a la charla durante la semana en la
oficina parroquial con el P. José Luis Tenas. No olvides traer contigo el registro de nacimiento del niño/a Celebración
del bautismo: Todos los cuartos domingos de cada mes a las 6:00 PM, o inmediatamente después de misa, por favor
quedarse a escuchar misa
Our pantry is always in need of peanut butter, jelly, tuna fish, canned meats,
canned fruit, prepared spaghetti sauce, red / black beans, canned vegetables, juice, powdered / boxed milk, cereal, rice, spaghetti, pasta, soap,
shampoo, toothpaste, toilet tissue.
Please keep in mind that regular size items are most needed by those we serve.
This week’s items of the week are: oatmeal, juice, laundry detergent
Please call 775-0840 if you know someone in need of assistance. We are here to help those in need. Ail information is kept strictly confidential.
“Whatever you did to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me”
Matt 25:40
Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, we believe in your triumphant assumption into heaven where the angels and saints acclaim you as Queen. We join them in praising
you and bless the Lord who raised you above all creatures. With them we offer you our
devotion and love. We are confident that you watch over our daily efforts and needs, and we
take comfort from the faith in the coming resurrection. We look to you, our life, our
sweetness, and our hope. After this earthly life, show us Jesus, the blest fruit of your womb,
O kind, O loving, O sweet virgin Mary.
with it’s hope and promise of a little more time for R & R. Be sure to
plan some of that time to spend with the Lord. Why not stop by the
kiosk in the Sienna Center Lobby and select a CD to listen to during
the week to deepen your faith, find the answers you seek, and bring
you closer to Christ and His Church. Then share with a friend.
BEFORE: Dr. E. Sri (CD)
Books and booklets are great for summer reading on the
beach, poolside, or on a road trip. $3.00 per CD, $2 per booklet, and $5 per book. Please put the money in the envelopes
provided on the kiosk and place it in the collection or drop off at
the Parish Office. This program is meant to be self-supporting
so that we can continue to provide these great spiritual resources at low cost for parishioners and our visitors as well.
We thank you for your support. If you would like to help
sponsor this program and see it continue to grow and flourish at Saint
Catherine’s, please consider making a donation.
“We cannot forget that evangelization is first and
foremost about preaching the Gospel to those who do
not know Jesus Christ or who have always rejected
Do you have a garden that is producing abundant
fruits and vegetables and you are looking to share
them? Our Outreach Pantry will gladly accept
them to distribute to those families who come to
us for help.
Thank you for your generosity.
Pray for the strength to give some things-even a few at a time--to someone who has
need of them.
— from Coping With Loss:
Praying Your Way to Acceptance
Sienna Small Fries
This fun program for 2-3 year olds includes prayer, song, stories and active play with a different theme each week.
Past themes have included colors, animals, counting, rhythm and holidays.
Ministry Leader Needed To Run
Sienna Small Fries” Story Time for Toddlers
Volunteers 18 and over require Virtus training and a background check. If you have already attended Virtus training/
background check, you do not need to do it again.
Please contact the Parish Office to discuss leading this ministry or for more information.
Friday, October 23, 2015 Pickup:
990 Holzheimer St. Franklin Sq.
Pickup Time: 8:00am
“Platzl Brahaus”
Angels on the Road
is heading to the famous Platzl
Brahaus for a Golden Oktoberfest. Enjoy a wonderful fun filled
day with meals, activities, music, entertainment and more.
Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation
Platzl Brahaus Oktoberfest
Choice of Roasted ½ Chicken, Roast Pork or
Sauerbraten all served with potato and vegetables.
Also served family style is Bratwurst and Spare Ribs.
Black Forest Ham or Turkey is also served
at the Carving Table, Dessert, Beer, Soda,
Apple Cider, Ice Cream and more.
All Taxes and Meal Gratuities included.
Price: $91.00 per person
Make checks payable to AMAZING DESTINATIONS
Payments due no later than October 9, 2015
For More Information Call Maryann
(516) 352-0082 or (516) 209-2256
Catholic Charities is accepting resumes for a Parish
Social Ministry Coordinator for Southern Nassau
We need to build local communities of faith where
our social teaching is central, not fringe; where
social ministry is integral, not optional; where it is the
work of every believer, not just the mission of a few
committed people and committees.
–Communities of Salt and Light, U.S. Catholic Bishops, 1993
The PSM Coordinator will have the responsibility of
promoting the presence and vision of Parish Social Ministry
to the parish and the community at large; engaging the
parish community in the ministry; recruiting, training and
supervising volunteers; collaborating with the Parish
Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; managing
the direct services provided to people in need; identifying
community resources; serving as the parish staff liaison to
civic and religious groups in the community; participating in
ongoing formation and education by attending deanery
meetings, as well as trainings and convenings offered by
Catholic Charities and other agencies; maintaining records
and preparing monthly reports of services.
To be an active and fully participative member of the Parish
Staff and leadership team attending Staff Meetings and
other meetings as assigned, providing information and
support as needed to pastor, fellow staff, volunteers and/or
visitors to parish office.
Necessary qualifications and skills: desire to live the Gospel
by serving those in need; knowledge of and commitment to
Catholic Social Teaching; experience with Parish Social
Ministry preferred; managerial, organizational and interpersonal skills; computer skills (Word, Excel, Publisher).
Bilingual (Spanish) and bachelor’s degree a plus.
Part-time salaried position; salary commensurate with
education and experience. Resumes and cover letters of
interested individuals should be emailed to:
Cardinal O'Malley denounces
Planned Parenthood for
disrespecting human dignity
By Matt Hadro
human fetal tissue.” It explicitly prohibits the sale of tissue for “valuable
consideration.” In the first two videos Planned Parenthood officials were
careful to articulate that the organization is not looking to make a significant profit from the transfer of body parts to procurement companies. On
the July 26 edition of ABC’s This Week, the organization’s president
Cecile Richards insisted that Planned Parenthood has not broken the
law. "We have the highest standards. The care and health care and
“The recent news stories concerning Planned Parenthood direct our
attention to two larger issues involving many institutions in our society,” safety of our patients is our most important priority,” she said. In the third
Cardinal Sean O'Malley said July 29. “The first is abortion itself: a direct video, Ginde appeared saying that financial compensation “per item”
8K life in its most vulnerable condition. The second is the rather than per baby would be better so “we can see how much we can
attack on human
get out of it.” Ginde also talks at length in the latest video about ensurnow standard practice of obtaining fetal organs and tissues through
abortion.” “Both actions fail to respect the humanity and dignity of human ing the offering of body parts are offered for research and not as a busilife. This fact should be the center of attention in the present public con- ness transaction.
troversy.” His comments come as a new undercover video shows a sen- “The only other thing that I would sort of be concerned about is are the
ior Planned Parenthood physician talking about the harvesting of organs other Planned Parenthoods doing this through research or are they just
from babies delivered before an abortion was performed at the clinic.
doing it as a stand alone contract,” she told the actors posing as mem“Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for bers of a human biologics company. “Because, even though we’re doing
a procedure, then we are intact, but that’s not what we go for. We try for it through research, if it comes up that someone else is doing it, just
that to not happen,” Dr. Savita Ginde, vice president and medical direc- doing it as a business sort of venture, it puts a different spin on it.” Listtor of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, said in the new vid- ing the transfer for research also gives Planned Parenthood “an
eo, of providing tissue procurement companies with “intact” body parts of overhang over the whole thing,” she continued. The organization’s lawaborted babies.
yers have been building layers of legal protection for Planned
Parenthood, she added, and she has been working to ensure the differCardinal O’Malley decried the practice described in the videos as
ent affiliates have a unified narrative in offering the body parts to compapart of the “throwaway culture” condemned by Pope Francis. He also
referred anyone who suffered “revived trauma” from previous abortions nies. “We don’t want to get called on, you know, selling fetal parts across
in watching the videos to the Church’s Project Rachel, a healing ministry states,” she said. “How do we protect ourselves from that.” The video is
the fourth in an ongoing series from the Center for Medical Progress.
for mothers who have had abortions. The group releasing the videos,
Center for Medical Progress, claims Planned Parenthood could be violat- The first video was released July 14 and showed the organization’s sening federal law if they performed abortions on second trimester babies ior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing in
born alive. They do not use drugs like dioxide to abort the child in those gruesome detail the practice of extracting the fetal organs from aborted
cases, the group maintained. Later in the video, Ginde appears in a
Washington D.C., Jul 30, 2015 / 06:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The
1 Boston on Wednesday lamented the harvesting of fetal
Archbishop of
organs, which is at the center of a series of videos showing Planned
Parenthood officials discussing the practice, as a failure to respect human dignity.
clinic lab poking through body parts in a petri dish. “Another boy!” a
The second video showed the president of Planned Parenthood’s mediPlanned Parenthood medical assistant announces as the body parts are cal directors council, Dr. Mary Gatter, flippantly discussing and joking
spread around the dish.
about prices for body parts of aborted babies with actors posing as prospective buyers. “I want a Lamborghini,” she joked. The third video
The video is the latest in a series of reports on “Human Capital” by the
citizen journalist group. It is the result of a three-year investigative study featured testimony by a former technician for StemExpress, a fetal
tissue procurement company, on her dealings with Planned Parenthood
of Planned Parenthood and its transfer of body parts of aborted babies
to obtain fetal tissue. Congress has subsequently taken action
for money. Previous videos showed top Planned Parenthood officials
against Planned Parenthood, with two House committees and a Senate
casually discussing the donation of body parts of aborted babies at the
clinic to tissue procurement companies for “reasonable” compensation. panel investigating the organization for any violation of the law. The
Senate has introduced a bill to prohibit any federal dollars from going
In one instance, a doctor also floated the idea of altering the abortion
procedure to have a better chance at extracting the organs intact, which to the organization and its affiliates, which will be voted on next week.
Rallies to defund Planned Parenthood, titled “#WomenBetrayed,” were
could be a violation of federal law. CMP has charged that Planned
held in over 60 cities on Tuesday, coordinated by the pro-life college
Parenthood has violated federal law banning the sale of body parts.
outreach group Students for Life. The organization’s 68 affiliates rePlanned Parenthood has defended its practice, saying it is not making
illegal profits and that it receives appropriate consent from mothers be- ceived over $500 million in federal funds in fiscal year 2013 according to
its annual report, or 41 percent of the overall revenue of Planned
fore offering the dead babies to procurement companies for research.
Parenthood for America and its clinics.
Federal law generally prohibits the selling of human tissue but allows for
the donation of tissue with “reasonable payments” for the “transportation,
implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of
Help from above: Priest in a helicopter exorcises Italian town.
Rome, Italy, Jul 31, 2015 / 02:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- A priest has performed an aerial exorcism of the Italian seaside town of Castellammare
di Stabia in response to a spree of church-targeted thefts and vandalism in the area.
At the urging of a local prayer group, a priest took to a helicopter to perform a minor exorcism over the entire town, according Italian papers.
“If Satan exists, he has taken control of Castellammare di Stabia,” the group said in a statement. “There was nothing left but to try the exorcist.”
Carried out July 9, the exorcism was announced by the prayer group a week later. The area has long been plagued with violence from organized
crime, but a series of thefts from churches, desecration of graves, crosses being turned upside down and statues of Mary being tossed over cliffs
led locals to believe that something more sinister was at work. Locals are hoping that this act, along with increased devotion among the locals, will
help turn around the town that has been in moral and economic decline for some time. Although the help of the helicopter is unique, it’s not the first
time an exorcism has been performed over an entire city – or country.
In May faithful in Mexico gathered for a nationwide exorcism, carried out quietly in the cathedral of San Luis Potosí by Cardinal Juan Sandoval
Íñiguez, the archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara. High levels of violence, as well as drug cartels and abortion in the country, were the motivation
behind the special rite of exorcism, known as “Exorcismo Magno.” The closed-door May 20 ceremony was the first ever of its kind in Mexico.
Spanish demonologist and exorcist Father José Antonio Fortea, attended the exorcism. He told CNA in an interview that “the exorcism performed
in San Luís Potosí is the first ever carried out in Mexico in which the exorcists came from different parts of the country and gathered together to
exorcise the powers of darkness, not from a person, but from the whole country.” He also spoke on how an entire country can become infested by
demons to the point that it’s necessary to resort to an Exorcismo Magno. “To the extent sin increases more and more in a country, to that extent it
becomes easier for the demons to tempt (people),” he said. He warned that “to the extent there is more witchcraft and Satanism going on in a
country, to that extent there will be more extraordinary manifestations of those powers of darkness.”
During the 12th annual conference for the International Association of Exorcists (AIE), held in Rome Oct. 20-25, 2014, the organization’s spokesman, Dr. Valter Cascioli, explained that occult activity has been on the rise in recent years. He said an increasing number of bishops and cardinals
asked to participate in the conference due to an increase in demonic activity. “It’s becoming a pastoral emergency,” Cascioli told CNA. “At the moment the number of disturbances of extraordinary demonic activity is on the rise.” The rise in demonic activity can be attributed to a decreasing
faith among individuals, coupled with an increase in curiosity and participation in occult activity such as Ouija boards and séances, he added. “It
usually starts out of ignorance, superficiality, stupidity or proselytizing, actively participating or just watching,” he said, but “the consequences are
always disastrous.”
Many countries have voiced a need for more exorcists, including the Philippines. According to National Public Radio (NPR), the Philippine Office of
Exorcism, headed by Father Jose Francisco Syquia, opened in 2006 to address a growing number of cases. Trained in Rome, the exorcist said
that he has been expelling demonic spirits from people for more than 12 years, and has seen a steady increase in cases in the past decade, with
200 already this year. With only five exorcists managing all of the incoming cases, Syquia recently sent a letter to the Philippine bishops conference asking for one resident exorcist to be sent to each of the country's 86 dioceses.
The majority of Philippine dioceses “do not have exorcists or a team of exorcists that deal with these kinds of cases. Therefore many of the Filipinos tend to go to the occult practitioners, what we call the faith healers, spiritists, etc.,” he said. The priest expressed his belief that the occult healers are responsible for the increased number of demonic possessions, saying that the healers leave a person with “spiritual openings” which allow
demons to latch on.
In addition to the nationwide exorcism of Mexico, there has also been talk of diocesan-wide exorcisms within the United States. Msgr. John Esseff,
a priest for 62 years in the Diocese of Scranton, Pa., and an exorcist for more than 35 years, told the National Catholic Register that exorcisms
such as the one done in Mexico “have helped bring awareness that there is such a thing as sin influenced by Satan.” “The devil has much to do
with (influencing people in) breaking the law of God,” he said, but stressed that an exorcism over the United States would be unlikely. Rather, such
actions can be done by each individual diocese, he said, and encouraged bishops to do so. “Every bishop is the chief exorcist of his own diocese.
Anytime anyone with the authority uses his power against Satan, that is powerful. Every priest and bishop has that power.”
K of C Twelve Apostles Council
Blood Drive
Sunday, August 16, 2015
8:15 am – 2:15 pm
Saint Catherine of Sienna Center
Lower Level
980 Holzheimer Street
Franklin Square NY 11010
Eligibility Criteria:
Bring ID with signature or photo.
Minimum weight 110 lbs.
Age 16 – 75 (16 year olds must have parental permission.
Age 76 and over need doctor’s note)
Eat well (low fat) & drink fluids
No tattoos for past 12 months
For questions concerning medical eligibility call 1-800-688-0900.
Knights of Columbus
Twelve Apostles # 5001
Important!! We are 8 months into
our Columbian Year
and as of today dues remain outstanding for some members.
Please send payment ASAP to the attention of Joe Lannon
for this Columbian Year. Make Check payable to our council
and mail payment to K of C Twelve Apostles #5001 PO Box
520 Franklin Square NY 11010. Dues are $30.00 for
each Columbian Year. Please avoid suspension and keep your
dues current.
Sept. 7th @ 7:30pm - Officers Meeting in the lower level of
the Sienna Center.
Sept. 21st @ 7:30pm - Council/Installation Meeting.