March 27, 2016
March 27, 2016
March 27, 2016 Page 1 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 10800 HENDERSON RD., VENTURA, CA 93004 WHY DO WE (805) 647-3235; FAX (805) 647-8087 SEEK THE LIVING ONE Visit us on the WEB at: AMONG THE DEAD? Email us at: Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday 8:30AM - 2PM & Sunday 7:30AM - 11:45AM SACRED HEART SCHOOL 10770 Henderson Rd., Ventura, CA 93004 (805) 647-6174 OUR SHARED MISSION We are called to be an unconditionally loving and welcoming community. We have been called by our Baptism, into the body of Christ, and we celebrate our relationship in Word, Sacrament, and family celebration. Rev. John Vogel, Administrator Rev. Carlos Macias, LC, Associate Pastor Rev. Daniel O’Sullivan, Pastor Emeritus Deacon John Barry Deacon Fernando Flores Deacon Phil Conforti Deacon Humberto Guzman BAPTISMS: Parents & godparents are required to attend a class focused on their responsibilities & the meaning of the Sacrament prior to the ceremony. Classes are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Call the parish office to set an appointment. After the initial interview the office will call you to schedule the class and the Baptism. MARRIAGES/QUINCEAÑERAS: They need to be arranged at least six months prior by calling the parish office & scheduling an appointment with a priest or deacon. VOCATIONS: If you think that God might be calling you to serve God as a priest, a brother, or sister contact: Fr. John Love at (805) 968-1078 or UPCOMING AT SACRED HEART • • • • • Easter Sunday—Parish Office Closed Food Pantry Divine Mercy Sunday Confirmation II Class Estate & Personal Planning Seminar Mar 27&28 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 6 Apr 7 Vivian Nichols, Business Manager Karen Oishi, Office Manager Marion Inglis, Bulletin Editor Aurora Gonzales, Secretary Sr. Margaret Mary, SND, DRE Justin Wilburn, Youth Ministry Christine Benner, Principal Don Mulville, Maintenance; Sp. Events Coord. RELIGIOUS SERVICES (SERVICIOS RELIGIOSOS) WEEKEND EUCHARIST: Saturday and Eves of Holy Days: 5:30 p.m. Sundays: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon (Español), and 5:30 p.m. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE: Monday - Friday: 7:00, 8:30 a.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. CONFESSION SCHEDULE: Friday: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. DEVOTIONS Morning Prayer: Monday - Friday 6:40 am, 8:15 am Rosary: Monday—Friday 6:25 am 9:00 am Saturday 6:00 am Sunday 7:00am Holy Hour: Friday 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm First & last Friday of the Month 7-8 p.m. (Español) Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary: Friday 3 p.m. Easter Sunday Page 2 “Unconditionally Pro-Life, Pro-Family” Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name. — Acts 10:43 Reflections by Fr. Carlos Happy Easter! As John Paul II said, "The cross does not have the last word". After going through a period of sadness for the death of our Lord we now have the joy of knowing that Christ has conquered death with his resurrection. Jose Luis Martin Descalzo would say: "It is very easy to suffer with others but it is difficult to rejoice with them their victories." The Easter season is a time to ask for true spiritual joy. That joy is manifested in the hope of knowing you are deeply loved by Him and that He always works in mysterious ways in our lives even if we have go through moments of darkness. It is a joy that is not without doubts or unrest but little by little penetrates into our hearts and in our head to give us the security that only God can give. Let us ask God for the grace of spiritual joy. God bless your week. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43). Psalm — This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118). (1) Second Reading — All who are baptized, set your hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or (2) Second Reading — Christ our Passover is sacrificed; therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8). Gospel — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9) or Luke 24:1-12 (or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35). PARISH OFFICE CLOSED The parish office will be CLOSED Sunday, March 27 and Monday, March 28 in honor of Easter. Please note there is NO 5:30 PM Mass Easter Sunday. Regular business hours resume on Tuesday. POPE FRANCIS’ GENERAL AUDIENCE: ON MERCY EXCERPT FROM JANUARY 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! Today we begin catechesis on mercy according to the biblical perspective, in order to learn mercy by listening to what God Himself teaches us with His Word. We begin from the Old Testament, which prepares and leads us to the full revelation of Jesus Christ who, in an accomplished way, reveals the Father’s mercy. The Lord is presented in Sacred Scriptures as “merciful God.” And this is His name, through which He reveals to us, so to speak, His face and His heart. He Himself, as narrated in the Book of Exodus, on revealing Himself to Moses describes Himself thus: “The Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (34:6). We find this formula also in other texts, with some variation, but always the stress is put on mercy and on the love of God who never tires of forgiving (cf. Jonah 4:2; Joel 2:13; Psalm 86:15; 103:8; Nehemiah 9:17). Let us look together, at this word of Sacred Scripture that speak to us of God. The Lord is “merciful”: this word evokes an attitude of tenderness as that of a mother in dealing with her child. In fact, the Hebrew term used by the Bible makes one think of the insides or even the maternal womb. Therefore, the image it suggests it that of a God that is moved and becomes tender for us as a mother when she takes her child in her arms, desirous only of loving, protecting, and helping, ready to give everything, even herself. This is the image that this term suggests. A love, therefore, that can be described as “visceral” in the good sense. And this merciful God is faithful in His mercy and Saint Paul says a lovely thing: if you are not faithful to Him, He will remain faithful because he cannot deny Himself. Faithfulness in mercy is proper to God’s being. And therefore God is totally and always trustworthy — a solid and stable presence. This is the certainty of our faith. And then, in this Jubilee of Mercy, we entrust ourselves totally to Him, and experience the joy of being loved by this “God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” March 27, 2016 Page 3 Youth Ministry News He is risen! I love the Easter season so much in the Catholic Church. I think that for most people the Easter season feels like a time of reward especially if we have followed through with our Lenten sacrifices. It feels good to sing the Gloria and Alleluia especially after such a long period of time. And for us in Youth Ministry it means that we are a stones throw away from the Rite of Confirmation! Our teens have been working for two years towards this sacrament, and in the final stretch, tend to get a bit of “Senioritis” when it comes to the program. So how do we prepare in the final weeks before confirmation? Well first off everything is about the future, about what happens after confirmation. We make a point to prepare our teens to witness their faith in whatever capacity they might have to. Second, we retreat. The week before Confirmation our teens and their Sponsors have a day retreat in our hall. This is done to help the teens take a step back and see all they have accomplished and what they could accomplish after confirmation. Lastly, we pray. Prayer is our direct line to God and sometimes we have a tendency to ignore that connection. So as we get closer to April 23, we pray for our teens as they make their final preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation. UPCOMING ♦ Youth Ministry will be closed for Easter break from March 25th - April 3rd. ♦ Next Confirmation II class is April 6th. PLEASE JOIN US! CATHOLIC ESTATE AND PERSONAL PLANNING SEMINAR Have you been putting off establishing a Will and other important documents as part of your estate plan? You are not alone! On April 7th, Sacred Heart Church will offer two informational seminars explaining the process of Catholic estate and personal planning. This seminar will last 90 minutes and refreshments will be served. Time: 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Location: Biedermann Hall Representatives from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will be joining us to discuss these important topics: • Catholic teachings on end of life decisions (advance healthcare directives, proper planning, funerals). • The importance for individuals and couples to have a Will and other critical documents in place. • Vehicles and tools for charitable giving Please RSVP to the church office at 647-3235, Ext. 300 or 301 to reserve a seat or e-mail: Sr. Margaret Mary E-Mail: 1. Blessed Easter to all from Religious Education. 2. Thank you to all who donated Easter candy for juvenile detention Easter bags and other projects during the year. We are most grateful. 3. We are currently conducting interview for our First Communion students. Sacred Heart School News Easter Blessings from Sacred Heart School! We are grateful for your interest and support for Sacred Heart School. When you bring General Mills Box Tops for Education ™ to the school office, participate in the scrip program, or make a donation using the monthly school-designated envelopes provided by the parish, you are helping to educate our students to be people of faith, academics, and service. During our 35th year, Sacred Heart School students are enjoying a 195-day calendar with classes continuing until June 10. If you or someone you know is interested in enrolling in kindergarten through 8th grade for the 2016 -2017 school year which begins on August 17, please contact us at or 647.6174. Happy Easter!! FOOD PANTRY Next Sunday, April 3rd is the first Sunday of the month. Please bring your non-perishable food items and place them in the red bins located outside the church doors. Through your generosity Sacred Heart parishioners have been a great help to the many hungry families in our area. Thank you for your continued support. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY CELEBRATION The Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy invites you to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday with us on April 3rd. The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and Mass will begin at 1:30 p.m. Refreshments will follow. For further information call Bob at 512-6996 or Zaida at 647-3086. Easter Sunday Page 4 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Friday Friday 9 a.m. — Saturday 8:30 a.m. There are two cries in man: the cry of the angel and the cry of the beast. The cry of the angel is prayer; the cry of the beast is sin. Those who do not pray, stoop towards the earth. (St. John Vianney ) We need committed Adorers on Friday at 8,9,and 11PM. Please call Elaine 659-4931. This week’s vocal Holy Hour is in Spanish @ 7p.m. SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN DID YOU KNOW? Kik Messenger and the dangers of anonymous messages Social media sites are available to anyone with an internet connection (computer, phone, tablet). Your kids may be sharing their lives with complete strangers, and parents should be aware of the sites they use, what they share, and who their friends are. One mobile app, Kik, is regarded as the most dangerous site for internet predators, because users can send messages to anyone with a cellphone, including young children. Kik has no options for parental controls, leaving kids exposed to the entire web. To learn more about this app in the Virtus® article “Mobile App Danger—Kik Messenger,” email YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Please DO NOT leave St. Anthony or St. Jude cards anywhere in the church. All information, brochures, pamphlets, etc. left in the church must be approved by the pastor. If there is something you would like to leave, please bring it into the parish office during the week. A staff member will ask for approval and if approved we will place it out. Anything left that does not have approval will be REMOVED. ONLINE GIVING - MAKES GIVING EASIER Did you know you can make your church contributions with your credit card or directly from your bank account electronically? Visit our website at and click on Financial Information and then Online Giving. Review the benefits to you & your parish and the “Frequently Asked Questions”. Sign up it’s easy! Intenciones de la Semana (†)Deceased (-)Intentions Sunday, March 27 7:30 pm (Sat) Easter Vigil 7:30 am † Deceased members of K of C 9:00 am † Jennifer Loan Nguyen 10:30 am † Don Smart 12:00 pm † Natividad Barajas Monday, March 28 7:00 am - Kathy Murphy 8:30 am - Lauren Crawford Tuesday, March 29 7:00 am † William Raymond, Sr. 8:30 am † Barry Hamilton Wednesday, March 30 7:00 am - Robert Johnston 8:30 am - Abby Cubbitt Thursday, March 31 7:00 am - Nenith Rhodehamel 8:30 am † Larry Doran Friday, April 1 7:00 am † Eleanor Palladini 8:30 am - Reynaldo & Robert Santos Saturday, April 2 8:30 am † Cecilia Dung Hoang INTERCESSIONS PLEASE PRAY FOR…. The Sick of our Parish — Enfermos de Nuestra Parroquia: Lilia Sanchez Died in Christ — Murio en Cristo: Darlelne Saavedra WEEKLY COLLECTION SUNDAY, March 13, 2016 COLLECTION Parish Support:$11,895.38 School Support:$208.50 Capital Improvements:$1,022.00 SVdP:$352.00 Children’s Env:$105.66 Archdiocesan Coll:$381.00 Misc:$13.75 TOTAL COLLECTION: $13,978.29 Thank you for your continued support! WORDS OF WISDOM… “I will not forget you...I have carved you on the palm of my hand.” ~ Isaiah 49:15 March 27, 2016 Page 5 MISA DEL MEDIODÍA, 12 P.M. Reflexiones del Padre Carlos ¡Felices pascuas! “La cruz no tiene la última palabra,” diría San Juan Pablo II. Después de pasar por un período de tristeza por la muerte de nuestro Señor ahora nos encontramos con el gozo de saber que Cristo ha vencido a la muerte con su resurrección. Diría José Luis Martín Descalzo que: “Es muy fácil saber sufrir con otros pero lo difícil es gozarnos con ellos de sus victorias”. El tiempo de pascua es un momento para pedir el verdadero gozo espiritual. Ese gozo se manifiesta en la esperanza de saberse profundamente amado por Él y de que Él siempre actúa de manera misteriosa en nuestras vidas aunque tengamos que pasar por momentos de oscuridad. Es el gozo que no está exento de dudas o inquietudes pero que, poco a poco, va penetrando en nuestro corazón y en nuestra cabeza para darnos la seguridad que sólo Dios puede dar. Pidamos a Dios la gracia del gozo espiritual. Dios bendiga su semana. OFICINA PARROQUIAL CERRADA DISPENSARIO DE COMIDA La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el domingo, 27 de marzo y lunes, 28 de marzo en honor al Domingo de Pascua. Favor tenga en cuenta que NO hay misa de 5:30PM el Domingo de Pascua. Horario regular reanudará el martes. El próximo domingo 3 de abrili es el primer domingo del mes. Por favor recuerden de traer comida enlatada para los necesitados y ponerlas en los barriles rojos situados afuera de las puertas de la iglesia. Gracias a su generosidad hemos podido ayudar a muchas familias necesitadas. SACRED HEART FINANCIAL NEWS… INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2016 AND FISCAL YEAR TO DATE Month of January INCOME Unrestricted Income: Offertory Collections & Donations $ 62,377 Fund Raising 50 Other Unrestricted Income 923 Restricted Income: Capital Improvements 11,452 Registration Fees - RE & Confirmation Together in Mission Rebate Other 84 TOTAL INCOME: 74,886 EXPENSES Salaries, Professional Fees & Related Expenses 40,634 10,881 Fixed Expenses (Utilities, Insurance, etc.) Supplies and other expenses 743 10,404 Operating Expenses (Repairs & Maint., Church, Rectory, etc.) Parish Program Expenses 2,824 Capital Equipment and Improvements: Church Sound Equipment 591 Rectory Upgrades School & RE Classroom Carpeting School & RE Plumbing Upgrades 1,000 Parking Lot Asphalt Hall Roof Parish Assessment 7,573 TOTAL EXPENSES: 74,650 INCOME - EXPENSE $ 236 Fiscal Year to Date 7/1/15 - 1/31/16 459,048 20,704 17,929 65,183 28,680 609 6,600 598,753 279,478 84,103 10,746 102,875 33,422 5,650 5,925 11,989 4,000 19,700 11,560 47,003 616,451 $ (17,698) Easter Sunday Page 6 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES SACRED HEART PARISH OFFICES SACRED HEART SCHOOL: Christine Benner, Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: Sister Margaret Mary Scott, S.N.D., Director HISPANIC MINISTRY (Ministerio Hispano): Deacon Fernando Flores, Director YOUTH MINISTRY: Justin Wilburn PLANT MANAGER: (Cell) Don Mulville SCRIP OFFICE: Shaune Ramirez 647-6174 647-3235 Ext. 306 647-3235 Ext. 311 647-3235 Ext. 313 797-4474 647-0713 ORGANIZATIONS BIBLE STUDY BOY SCOUTS Bob Camarillo BLUE ARMY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Huguette Johnston CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Blanca Macias CUB SCOUTS Therese Palmisano DETENTION MINISTRY Rick Goulette EUCHARISTIC APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY Bob & Zaida Worthley Vicky Spicer (Divina Misericordia) FAMILY TO FAMILY Nita Perkins FINANCE COUNCIL Cindy Fanning GUADALUPANAS Amelia Mijares HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE Patrick Manning ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION Carol Eller KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Joe Barajas, Grand Knight PARENT TEACHER COUNCIL Anna Jordon, President POLISH COMMUNITY Ed Osiadacz RESPECT LIFE Wilhelmina Stoll SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Liz Hoffman SENIOR ASSISTANCE Barbara Rodriguez ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Person on call WELCOMING MINISTRY Dcn. John Barry JOVENES ADULTOS PARA CRISTO 647-3235 377-7840 620-0958 647-9385 ALTAR SERVERS MINISTRY: Sandie Dominguez EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY COORDINATOR: Fred Baskin INFANT BAPTISMS: Dcn. Phil Conforti LECTOR COORDINATOR: Joann Abing LITURGY COORDINATOR: MARRIAGE COORDINATOR: Carmen Gomez Lee MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Sandie Dominguez, Facilitator USHERS MINISTRY: Joe Lee MUSIC COORDINATOR: Sarah Hardcastle CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Katie Manning R.C.I.A. ADULT ED: 647-3086 202-9555 650-8557 659-3839 647-1609 647-3206 659-2255 797-2298 647-6174 LECTORES: Jose Cancino MINISTROS DE EUCARISTIA: Maria Lopez Roberto Sanchez UJIERES: José Arambula SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR: Alicia Mendez MINISTERIO DE MUSICA: Dcn. Fernando Flores CORO: Hector Reyes BAUTIZOS: Dcn. Fernando Flores RICA (Iniciación Cristiana): Rosa Flores 659-3751 647-1842 216-2787 794-3623 889-3376 (Young Adults for Christ) Gabriel Rodriguez, Coordinator Read bulletin online at the Sacred Heart Church website: Please email all bulletin announcements by Fridays at 5 p.m. (10 days before bulletin is distributed) to 382-6816 644-4586 647-3235 647-4843 525-0010 647-4843 279-7595 766-1380 647-3235 525-4327 433-1944 448-9965 647-1351 701-9406 647-3235 Ext. 311 701-2253 647-3235 Ext. 311 701-7753 PARISH REGISTRATION OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS 647-7306 647-3235 671-9911 CORDINADORES DE LITURGIA 647-5641 340-3983 525-0010 If you are new in our Parish Community, in Jesus’ name we welcome you and hope along with us you will experience the touch of Jesus. If you have a new address or phone number please complete this form and place it in the collection basket or return it to the parish office so we can stay connected. The parish needs you; be counted. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE □ Moving Out of Parish □ New Registration □ Change of Address/Phone Number
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