fiesta week mother`s day brunch
fiesta week mother`s day brunch
GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 3E1 G E R M A N - C A N A D I A N C L U B L O R E L E Y Issue 3-3 (May & June), 2007 FIESTA WEEK bus meetings and dances. Call, email, or visit MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH our website for more information. JUNE 17th - 23rd, SUNDAY, MAY 13th Details: back page Details: back page German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY 2007 - Active Groups 2007 - Board of Directors Address Telephone/Email Address Telephone/Email Rifle Association: Peter Biller Thursdays: 7:30 to 10:00 PM Sundays: 10:00 AM to noon President: Ernst Stader 401-110 Park Rd N Oshawa, ON L1J 4L3 Vice-President: Edwin Albrecht 1636 Edenwood Dr Oshawa, ON L1G 7Y 6 H: 905-576-8664 H: 905-579-6803 Club Secretary: Gudrun Fuchs 807 Greystone Court Oshawa, ON L1K 2V1 H: 905-571-7972 Treasurer: Helmut Grander 14 Lormik Dr Box 606 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6 B: 905-985-3600 MemMbership Treasurer: Brian Dimock 1086 St. Andrews Ct. Oshawa, ON L1H 8B5 Director of Administration: Urd Grander 14 Lormik Dr Box 606 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6 Rainer Stimming 126 Raglan St. Whitby, Ont. L1N 2S9 Beverages: H. Dieter Keuthen 906 Tralee Ct H: 905-668-6461 H: 905-728-3577 Oshawa, ON L1J 7A7 Hall Rental: Gerda Koepp 8070 Old Scugog Rd Enniskillen, On L0B 1J0 Karl Kreis 76 Keewatin St N Oshawa, ON L1G 6M8 House & Property: Herbert Albrecht 2 Loreley Sänger: Otto Heller Mondays: 1:00 to 3:30 PM H: 905-728-1045 Heimat Sänger: Heinz Ottinger Thursdays: 2:00 to 4:00 PM H: 905-576-1199 Ladies Auxiliary: Monika Mehler H: 905-263-2745 H: 905-723-2107 H: 905-725-7632 K.G. Loreley/Youth Dancers: Holly Henninger Weekly Monday Practice: Kinder Tots: 5:30 to 6:15 PM Kinder: 6:15 to 7:30 PM Juniors: 7:30 to 8:45 PM Seniors: 8:45 to 10:00 PM Soccer: Hans Gotthelf Kinorama: Hans Mager H: 905-723-5435 H: 905-697-1044 H: 905-725-1268 H: 905-985-8415 H: 905-436-2565 German Language School Loreley: Christine Dejan H: 905-576-9065 Other supporting groups Newsletter/Webpage: Karl vom Dorff H: 613-688-2300 x6591 Next deadline for the newsletter is 3 p.m April 20th 2007 Bar # 1 & 2: Lilli Rank Wanda Friedrich H: 905-579-3120 H: 905-579-2565 Club Caretaker: Joanna Tuszkiewicz H: 905-666-8145 Club Kitchen: Trevor Foreman H: 905-259-2723 Miss Loreley 2006 / 2007 Lori Pflanzer Printing & organization of Loreley News - Ernst Stader, Karl vom Dorff, Klemens Denzel H: 905-728-8714 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 60/7*8*90 60/7*8*90: German-Canadian Club Loreley “Das Haus der Gemütlichkeit” -.%),/% ;0/()6%< Der Flug der Junkers Award!: Ernst Stader German clubs: An interesting story is awarded for his conAn article about the 36)02#%) about German aerial tributions to German survival of German4'*(E%$*%$$0#H* transatlantic flight. society in Canada Canadian clubs. A23%12# Page 9 Page 12 Page 20 &873/B, F)(E'#/!59'(*! FE3!IHB!! "#9/3%B "#9/3%4 President’s Report/Bericht des Vorsitzenden - Ernst Stader 563)%2A% J00D6)0!2'0!K6/(/$!! FE3!:L! Wieder ist ein Jahr vergangen und das 52. steht vor der F/316# Tür. Another year has passed, and we Wir können es erneut als einen Höhepunkt verbuchen oder nd are entering our 52 year. This is a 2#%&"' als Beweis unserer Vereinstreue zum Klub Loreley - Ein kurgreat milestone and is a reflection zer Rückblick seit unserer letzten Ausgabe: K!211 4'*(E%$*%$$0#H* of our dedication to Club Loreley Let’s reflect on events since our last .639%D(/ Der Winterball war - wenn auch nicht übermäßig edition. M)(N/0!&/0E$/E)! FE3!:@! besucht eine der schönsten Tanzveranstaltungen des letzten Jahres. "5%40), OD6''#!59/(95!O)P93! Die Kapelle “ The Upbeats” überraschte uns mit einer MisF)(E'#/!59'(*! FE3!IHB!! The winter ball has to mentioned chung:I96! aus Tanzmusik, alten und neuen Schlagern – un-4/%4088% although not too many of our besmembers were in attendance. Those beschreiblich! Diese Gruppe, die nur aus drei PersonenN%)2%O%5 teht, sorgte dafür, dass keiner auf seinem Platz sitzen blieb, who missed this event missed one of the best dances Solo Club Loreley has ever produced. The band--“The Up- sobald die Instrumente nur angefasst wurden. Auch die),/3/%4 QRS#)!"#$%!#'5)5!/##! FE3!:,! Show “ Mexican Fiesta” wurde von allen Anwesenden mit beats” provided us with the best entertainment a 3 2#/(:%6 viel Beifall aufgenommen. Alle diejenigen, die nicht dabei 9('P6R)5!9'!499/7/! member band can possibly provide. Excellent selecwaren, wissen nicht, was sie verpasst haben und Ent- A23%/@/3 tion of dance music was a delight to the dancers and schuldigungen wie: “ Wir haben es nicht gewusst,“ gelten also the solo show “Mexican Fiesta” was well apwerden früh und oft genug '229%A2 plauded by everyoneJ00D6)0!2'0!K6/(/$!! in attendance. By overwhelming nicht. Alle Veranstaltungen FE3!:L! bekannt gegeben, man muss sich nur das Datum merken. 6#9%F/ request, the “Upbeats” have been booked already for Nebenbei bemerkt, diese Kapelle wurde jetzt schon auf allth our Valentine’s Day dance on February 16 , 2008. By 930#=(%6 gemeinen Wunsch für den Valentinstanz am 16. Februar the way, excuses like I did not know are not valid- A Bi-Monthly Newsletter May & June, 2007 -.%),/%) ;0/()6%< 36)02#%)2 A23%12# &873/B,) "#9/3%B2 "#9/3%4 563)%2A%0 F/316# 2#%&"'" I2#)E9% K!211/ .639%D(/ "5%40),% 4/%4088%/ N%)2%O%5 ),/3/%40 2#/(:%6% there is plenty of advertisement in our club paper. 2008 gebucht. The next event was a complete sell out, “salute to spring” event, a concert and dance evening entirely promoted by the Loreley singers. Many other choirs were invited from throughout Ontario and was probably a rehearsal for their trip to Italy (see Loreley singer report). By the way, the Loreley singers have donated the bar receipts for the benefit dance to the club for the use of the club house. Our thanks to Otto Heller and his staff. Die andere Veranstaltung am 24. März “ Salute To Spring “ war ausverkauft bis auf den letzten Platz. Die Konzert- und Tanzveranstaltung, die vom Chor der Loreley-Sänger ausgerichtet wurde - mit mehreren Chören aus Ontario als Gäste - sorgte für eine großartige Stimmung, die bei allen Anwesenden ankam. Vielleicht war das schon eine Vorprobe für die bevorstehende Reise nach Italien. Nebenbei bemerkt, die Loreley Sänger spendeten die gesamte Einnahme vom Getränkeverkauf an den Klub Loreley, unser Dank an Otto Heller und seinem Vorstand. ( mehr unter Loreley Sänger Bericht). M)(N/0!&/0E$/E)! OD6''#!59/(95!O)P93! :I96! Kinorama events are also being well attended, and I believe Hans Mager, successor of John Uhlmann is doing a tremendous job by keeping up a tradition which has flourished since the beginning. Keep up the good work Hans. (Cont’d pg. 5) FE3!:@! *"%+,)-./)! Die Kinoramaveranstaltungen sind auch gut besucht und ich glaube, Hans Mager, der Nachfolger von John Uhlmann, (Weiter auf Seite 5). QRS#)!"#$%!#'5)5!/##! % 9('P6R)5!9'!499/7/! FE3!:,! German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 3 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY IU1V! IU1V! +)-./01234).05/10.)67)78.) 2007 Calendar of Events Loreley Singer’s ‘Rummage & Bake Sale’ - 9 a.m - 1:30 p.m Sat. May 5th Sat. May 12th +)-./01234).05/10.)67)78.) 50590.:);12)-./012:)6<;6) Mother’s Day Brunch - 11 a.m to 3 p.m (See back page) Sun. May 13th 50590.:);12)-./012:)6<;6) ,=;6)>3;40.:)5006)?00=34) Kinorama - 2 p.m (See pg. 17) Sun. May 20th ,=;6)>3;40.:)5006)?00=34) -.75)@ABC)>$5)71)&<8.:D Grosser Preis Skat - 11 a.m (See pg. 20) Sat. May 26th -.75)@ABC)>$5)71)&<8.:D 2;4:$) Kinorama - 2 p.m (See pg. 17) Sun. June 10th 2;4:$) Fiesta Week (See back page) ) June 17th- 23rd ) Sun. Aug. 12th Sommerfest ,7)E750)786);12)01F74);) Loreley Singer’s ‘Rummage & Bake Sale’ - 9 a.m - 1:30 p.m Sat. Sept. 8th ,7)E750)786);12)01F74);) G;50)7-),=;6)?/6<):750) Grosser Preis Skat (11 a.m) Sat. Sept. 15th G;50)7-),=;6)?/6<):750) -./012:H)I-)478)271J6)=17?) Oktoberfest with ‘EURO CONNECTION’ Sat. Sept. 29th -./012:H)I-)478)271J6)=17?) <7?)67)>3;4K)?0J2)90)<;>>4) Bi-annual Meeting (2 p.m) Sun. Oct. 14th <7?)67)>3;4K)?0J2)90)<;>>4) “Glen Miller Night” Classical Swing Orchestra Sat. Nov. 3rd 67)60;E<)LM) 67)60;E<)LM))) Youth Dancer’s Benefit Dance (See pg. 16) Annual Christmas Market (from 10 a.m - 4 p.m) Sun. Nov. 25th !Advent ! Concert (Loreley Singers) +"'),-&./",0$-1&2,33,1"&45"',/$36& +"'),-&./",0$-1&2,33,1"&45"',/$36& Rifle Club Christmas Party (2 p.m) !!6(G59G0)! 6(G59G0)!""#59)!#$%$&! #59)!#$%$&! ! Sat. Dec. 1st ! Sun. Dec. 2nd Club Loreley Christmas Dance !"#$"%&%'()*& with ‘Variation’ !"#$"%&%'()*& !"#$%&%'(#$%)"*+% !"#$%&%'(#$%)"*+% ,("-"#.(/% ,("-"#.(/% German Language School Christmas Party (2 p.m) 01213%4(.*#5(%6##*-(+2/% 01213%4(.*#5(%6##*-(+2/% 78132/%9+:;3*(/%"+-%<13(% CIA%K;+-"/%72L%M% 78132/%9+:;3*(/%"+-%<13(% New Year’s Eve Dance with EURO CONNECTION CIA%K;+-"/%72L%M% =13%"+%6881*+2<(+2>% 7;*2(%NO% =13%"+%6881*+2<(+2>% 7;*2(%NO% )5("/(%#"55?% P.*2QR>%S+2L% )5("/(%#"55?% P.*2QR>%S+2L% @ABCD%EFBGHIJF% TI'%HUC% @ABCD%EFBGHIJF% TI'%HUC% !! R! R! ;)/9G0E!H!"''#G0E!I*59)J5! ;)/9G0E!H!"''#G0E!I*59)J5! IG0D)!:-?K! IG0D)!:-?K! !"#$%&'#()*+,& !"#$%&'#()*+,& >-?@A!K+KQPB,,! >-?@A!K+KQPB,,! 4 Sun. Dec. 16th Mon. Dec. 31st !! !"#$%&' !"#$%&' B:B!LG5'0!MN3!I3!O0G9!,! B:B!LG5'0!MN3!I3!O0G9!,! 456/7/8!409/(G'! 456/7/8!409/(G'! &:;!P<-! &:;!P<-! Sat. Dec. 8th !"#$%&' !"#$%&' B5(-"*&CD89E&FG9HI997& B5(-"*&CD89E&FG9HI997& J,K*&CD89E&FG9H97F9& J,K*&CD89E&FG9H97F9& +L!M;N&O;N4!;&?4MP& +L!M;N&O;N4!;&?4MP& F''#!"6)JGD/#5!H!1DD)55'(G)5! F''#!"6)JGD/#5!H!1DD)55'(G)5! &GS$GN!"6#'(G0)!TG##G0E!I9/9G'0! &GS$GN!"6#'(G0)!TG##G0E!I9/9G'0! '"#()*+%"#,) '"#()*+%"#,) 7879&:$-1&.6'""6&;,36<&=35,>,<&=-6,6$(&?7@&7@A& 7879&:$-1&.6'""6&;,36<&=35,>,<&=-6,6$(&?7@&7@A& F/E)!!!:-!! ! !F/E)!!!:-!! German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY President’s report cont’d: Now the most important event: our general meeting with new election. This time excuses were in place for not being there because some of our members were in Italy (the Loreley singers). Even one of our board members, our secretary, was there. We also had to replace and change the election committee. Otto Heller volunteered but was part of the holiday crew. This left Peter Stenz and Heinz Henninger to be in charge. Fortunately there was not much turnover in that the entire board of directors with one new edition volunteered their service for another year. My thanks to the election committee and to the membership for their trust in us. But having us back for another year does not mean everything is fine, and nobody needs to worry anymore. On the contrary, all efforts will be required from everyone to support, attend, and volunteer sometimes, if extra help is needed. Always remember, it’s your club, and that your support is extremely important to keep our tradition alive, and our future secure. Here a brief detailed report of the general meeting: • Opening and a minute of silence for our deceased members, always a sad moment. • Reading of the minutes from the last annual membership meeting. • The president’s report. • Club treasurer’s report with explanation of our financial state and balance of accounts. • Membership treasurer’s report, new members were mentioned, also up to date membership, and membership fees. • Vice president’s report, in charge of active groups, also chairman of fiesta week of Club Loreley, At present, working very hard for a successful Fiesta week again. • Reports of every director, administration, rental, house and property, and beverages. • Then we walked through our active groups with their reports. An encouraging report from the ladies’ auxiliary, even without a permanent leader, the group will continue to exist, and carry on with their support with small changes. Our thanks to Monika Mehler for her dedication over the years. • Coffee break: • Election committee relieved the board from all duties, and announced the new board of directors. • The new board of directors is as follows: President: Ernst Stader; Vice President: Ed Albrecht; Club Secretary: Gudrun Fuchs; Club Treasurer: Helmut Grander; Membership Treasurer: Brian Dimock; Director of Administration: Urd Grander; macht seine Sache ausgezeichnet und hält die lange Tradition der Vorführungen aufrecht. Unser Glückwunsch an Hans und weiterhin viel Erfolg. Das wohl wichtigste Ereignis in unserem Vereinsleben war die Hauptversammlung mit Neuwahlen. Es sollte eigentlich die Pflicht eines jeden Mitglieds sein, bei dieser Versammlung anwesend zu sein. Diesmal jedoch waren Entschuldigungen angebracht, denn viele unserer Sänger nahmen an der Italienreise teil. Auch unsere Schriftführerin und Otto Heller vom Wahlausschuss mussten vertreten werden. Glücklicherweise hatte Peter Stenz und für Otto Heller eingesprungen Heinz Henninger vom Wahlausschuss keine zu schwere Aufgabe, denn der gesamte Vorstand mit einer Neuaufnahme erklärte sich bereit, für ein weiteres Jahr die Geschäfte des Klubs zu führen. Unser Dank an den Wahlausschuss und an die Mitglieder für das Vertrauen, das in uns gesetzt wurde. Das soll natürlich nicht heißen, alles ist wieder in Butter und alle Sorgen sind aufgehoben. Im Gegenteil, mehr und mehr müssen Mitglieder zusammenarbeiten, um mit ihrer Unterstützung und freiwilliger Hilfe dafür zu sorgen, dass unser Klub weiterhin bestehen bleibt. Hier ganz kurz ein Bericht über den Ablauf der Hauptversammlung: • Eröffnung der Versammlung mit einer Andachtsminute für alle Verstorbenen • Verlesung des Protokolls der Halbjahresversammlung • Bericht des Vorsitzenden • Rechenschaftsbericht des Vereinskassierers (und Erklärung zur finanziellen Situation) • Bericht des Mitgliedskassierers über Mitgliederzahlen, Neuaufnahmen und Austritte • Bericht des 2. Vorsitzenden (verantwortlich für die Untergruppen und nebenbei Vorsitzender der Fiesta Woche vom Klub Loreley) über den Ablauf der Fiesta Woche • Berichte der verschiedenen Direktoren über Buchungen, Haus und Hof, Getränke und Verwaltung. • Dann zum Schluss die Berichte der Leiter der einzelnen Untergruppen ( sofern anwesend ). Ich möchte hiermit meinen Dank der Frauengruppe aussprechen und hoffe, dass alles, bis auf kleine Veränderungen weiterhin so verläuft wie bisher, auch ohne einen Vorsitzenden. Unser Dank an Monika Mehler für die geleistete Arbeit der letzten Jahre. • Kaffee Pause. • Der Wahlausschuss übernimmt die Leitung, verabschiedet den letzten Vorstand von allen Pflichten und stellt den neuen vor. German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 5 !! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY • Hier nun der neue Vorstand für das Jahr 2007-08 – Vorsitzender: Ernst Stader, 2. Voritzender: Ed Albrecht, Secretärin: Gudrun Fuchs, Vereinskassierer: Helmut Grander, Mitgliedskassierer: Brian Dimock, Direktor für Verwaltung: Urd Grander, Liquör: Hans Dieter Keuthen, Vermietung: Gerda Koepp & Karl Kreis, Haus und Hof: Herbert Albrecht und Direktor: Reiner Stimming. This will give everyone who has never attended a general0#<%7"$+0+=>'%?1(8&+,%1'%"5+,%@&#$':9=%,1A&('%6$"B%C)DD%E% or annual meeting an inside look as to how • Zum Abschluss: Verschiedenes, Vorschläge der Mitglieder 0#<%7"$+0+=>'%?1(8&+,%1'%"5+,%@&#$':9=%,1A&('%6$"B%C)DD%E% und andere Angelegenheiten, danach wird die Versammlung meetings are handled and conducted. But the real F)DD%5GBG%H6%="#>:%01?+%("%+,I"=%'"B+%+J8+00+,(%.#$"5+9,% F)DD%5GBG%H6%="#>:%01?+%("%+,I"=%'"B+%+J8+00+,(%.#$"5+9,% geschlossen. thing is still, be there, and voice your opinion. • Beverages: Hans Dieter Keuthen; Hall Rental: Gerda Koepp & Karl Kreis; House & Property: Herbert Albrecht; and Director: Reiner Stimming. • New business: • Closing of the meeting. !" !" 8#1'1,+%1,%9%890B%9,:%$+09J1,A%9(B"'5&+$+%9B",A'(%6$1+,:'%9,:% 8#1'1,+%1,%9%890B%9,:%$+09J1,A%9(B"'5&+$+%9B",A'(%6$1+,:'%9,:% 6$"B%9%K"$0:E809''%8&+6L%0""?%,"%6#$(&+$%(&9,%="#$%"K,%80#<% 6$"B%9%K"$0:E809''%8&+6L%0""?%,"%6#$(&+$%(&9,%="#$%"K,%80#<% Dieser kleine Einblick ist für alle gedacht, die noch nie einer Heimatabend will be history by the time our paper &"#'+M%N0+9'+%:"%8"B+%"#(%9,:%:1,+%9(%O0#<%7"$+0+=G%N$181,A%1,E &"#'+M%N0+9'+%:"%8"B+%"#(%9,:%:1,+%9(%O0#<%7"$+0+=G%N$181,A%1,E has been published. But I’m not in the least worried Haupt- oder Halbjahresversammlung beiwohnten und mit dem 6"$B9(1",%1'%9'%6"00"K')! 6"$B9(1",%1'%9'%6"00"K')! Ablauf nicht vertraut sind. Wirklich ausschlaggebend jedoch about the outcome: firstly, it’s a tradition, and most of all, if Christel and Peter are in charge, it’s a wäre es, mit dabei zu sein und seine Ansichten zu äußern. guarantee for success. (report next edition ) !"#$%&'()")*%+,#(-./*%012,3%4)5#% !"#$%&'()")*%+,#(-./*%012,3%4)5#% Wenn dieser Bericht erscheint, ist der Heimatabend schon Vergangenheit. Sorgen um das Gelingen dieses Abends waren fehl Also this year’s “Hunterfest” will have already am Platz, denn erstens.(I0[5! ist es schon eine Tradition und wenn .I00)(! .(I0[5! .I00)(! taken place with a report to follow. Christel und Peter etwas organisieren, ist die Erfolgsgarantie CC :: << 0 <0 < < && CC << 0 D0 D AA && OD60I9b)#!.I00)(! "'dd))!H!P)/! OD60I9b)#!.I00)(! "'dd))!H!P)/! vorhanden. ( Heimatabend Bericht ) Make sure everyone is familiar with Kinorama Auch der Jägerball ist vorbei, (Bericht in der nächsten Ausgabe) dates--they are all listed under calendar events. Die Kinoramaveranstaltungen sind jeweils angekünC : < 0 < < & & C : < 0 < & C;C; 0im >0 > AA &Klub "6)df5!OL)DI/#! .'K)59ID!^))(! "6)df5!OL)DI/#! .'K)59ID!^))(! digt und jeder sollte sich über die Daten informieren. Now let’s look forward to upcoming events like the rummage and bake sale on May 5th. The timeCisC: :0 A0 A< <& & CE0>A& CE0>A& O'$L! TKL'(9)Q!^))(! O'$L! TKL'(9)Q!^))(! Nun zu unseren Veranstaltungen für die nächsten zwei from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monate, der Rummage und Bake Sale ist diesmal am 5. Mai th C : 0 A < & C : 0 A < & C;C; 0 <0 < < && O/#/Q! eI0)!9 Uhr morgens bis 13:30 Uhr. und zwareI0)! von O/#/Q! The youth dancers’ benefit dance is on May 12 Der Wohltätigkeitstanz der Jugendtänzer sollte unbedingt von and we’re hoping for great attendance by our allen Mitgliedern unterstützt werden. Diese Jugendgruppen membership. Thes dancers are practicing hard for C:0A<& CC ;; 0 A0 A << && C:0A<& "'dd))!H!"/[)! O'd9!.(I0[5! "'dd))!H!"/[)! O'd9!.(I0[5! üben schon fleißig für die Fiesta Woche und Anschaffungen Fiesta week, and new costumes and other stuff is neuer Kostüme und andere Sachen sind mit hohen Kosten ververy expensive. Their reputation at being the best bunden. dance group during Fiesta week should be enough to support that wonderful group. !"#$%&!'%(&)"*#+& !"#$%&!'%(&)"*#+& P6)!'#Q)59!R)(K/0S"/0/QI/0!P(/2)#!1E)0D*! P6)!'#Q)59!R)(K/0S"/0/QI/0!P(/2)#!1E)0D*! T0!P'('09'!</59! T0!P'('09'!</59! 470)Q!%*J!UVPP1!H!W1XTY!W&<TYU4;1YY! 470)Q!%*J!UVPP1!H!W1XTY!W&<TYU4;1YY! N!(!QI)!%)59)0!F()I5)!0/D6!Q)K!OZQ)0!%)5$D6)0!OI)! 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OD60I9b)#+ OD60I9b)#+ O9)/[+ O9)/[+ O)/d''Q+ O)/d''Q+ ^))d!R'$#/56+ ^))d!R'$#/56+ !"!" !"!" !"!" !"!" OL/9b#I+ OL/9b#I+ !"##$% !"##$% "6ID[)0+ "6ID[)0+ #&'()*(+% #&'()*(+% 1LL#)!O9$Q)#+ 1LL#)!O9$Q)#+ "/[)!H!TD)!"()/K+ "/[)!H!TD)!"()/K+ F#$5!K/0*!'96)(!D$#I0/(*!Q)#IE695c! F#$5!K/0*!'96)(!D$#I0/(*!Q)#IE695c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erman-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Three more events for the month of May: “Mothers’ day brunch”, Sunday, May 13th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (see flyer); our big prize skat on Saturday, May 26th 11a.m. sharp (see flyer);, and, Kino Rama on Sunday, May 20th at 2 p.m. Then, in June, the biggest event in Oshawa, FIESTA WEEK but before Kino Rama again on June 10th at 2 p.m. Fiesta Week will run from June 17th to June 23rd. Club Loreley again will be one of the most visited clubs with the best entertainment in town. Passports are available in our members’ lounge, and remember for every one sold at our club, 50% will be our profit, so needless to say, buy your Passport at Club Loreley. (see flyer ) These are the events for the next two months, and hopefully everything will be well attended. Again I urge you, check the “calendar of events”, and you will be well informed. Club kitchen will be closed from June 24th to July 11th and opening again on Thursday July 12th. This does not interfere with group activities. Now I would like to spend a few minutes in appreciation, and show my gratitude to a person well known to all of us over the last to years. When Karl Vom Dorff took over as our new editor, he changed and improved the whole scenario of our club paper. One thing, which tremendously helped everyone, was publishing every two months instead of one. This gave everyone more time, and the results of better reports. Karl with his creation and ideas put a new meaning into our club paper. This will certainly not take anything away from our former editors: they did a tremendous job under those circumstances. With times changing and the knowledge of high tech with computers, Karl with his imagination gave us the best we could ask for. He still tries to improve with every edition to provide us with the best possibilities. Check the advertising section, special reports, flyers, and what else you ask him to do, everything is close to perfection. The membership, and especially the board of directors is very proud to call you one of ours, and hopefully will continue for many years to come. Außerdem will unsere Truppe weiterhin ihren Ruf als beste Tanzgruppe in der Fiesta Woche bewahren. Das sollte allen Ansporn geben zur Unterstützung. Hier die restlichen Veranstaltungen für den Monat Mai: Der Muttertags – Brunch am 13. Mai von 11 Uhr morgens bis 15 Uhr. Der große Preisskat, diesmal am Samstag den 26. Mai um Punkt 11 Uhr morgens. Zum Schluss, am Sonntag den 20. Mai um 14 Uhr Kinorama. Der Juni ist natürlich ein besonderer Monat, das Volksfest in Oshawa. Vorher aber noch einmal Kinorama am 10. Juni, dann das große Ereignis, die FIESTA – WOCHE vom 17. bis zum 23. Juni. Ich möchte hiermit wieder betonen, dass Fiesta-Passports im Klub erhältlich sind. Jeder verkaufte Passport bringt dem Klub 50% vom Umsatz. Daher sollte es keine Frage sein , wo die Passports gekauft werden. ( siehe Reklame ) Wir hoffen natürlich, dass diese Veranstaltungen von allen gut besucht werden und nochmals: Informieren Sie sich im Veranstaltungskalender über alle Termine. Die Klub – Küche ist wieder wie im letzten Jahr für zwei Wochen nach der Fiesta Woche geschlossen, vom 24. Juni bis zum 11. July und öffnet ihre Türen wieder am 12. July. Die Untergruppen sind davon Ausgeschlossen. Nun möchte ich eine Person ansprechen, die unseren Dank und unsere Wertschätzung über die Maßen verdient. Seit Karl Vom Dorff, der mittlerweile allen bekannt ist, die Zeitung als Herausgeber übernommen hat, hat sich das ganze Image geändert. Dazu beigetragen hat natürlich auch, dass wir unsere Zeitung jetzt nur alle zwei Monate herausbringen. Das gibt allen Beteiligten größeren Spielraum und die Berichte sind bedeutend besser ausgearbeitet. Karl hat diese Zeitung mit seinen Kenntnissen und Ideen fast bis zur Perfektion vervollständigt. Computerkenntnisse und die neuste Technologie helfen kolossal, und diese hat er zur Genüge. Das soll auf keinen Fall heißen, dass unsere vorherigen Herausgeber ihre Arbeit nicht zufriedenstellend ausgeführt hätten. Im Gegenteil, unter den damaligen Bedingungen leisteten sie gute Arbeit. Karl arbeitet weiterhin daran, uns mit dem Besten zu versorgen, wie Sie sich selbst überzeugen können, z.B. anhand der Werbeinserate und Handzettel über Veranstaltungen und andere Berichte. Er leistet ausgezeichnete Arbeit und wir sind stolz, ihn einen der Unseren zu nennen. Wir hoffen weiterhin auf gute Zusammenarbeit und neue Ideen. Wir, der Vorstand, möchten uns aufs Herzlichste für alles bedanken. In our next edition, I will touch the subject of our In der nächsten Ausgabe werde ich einige Zeit darauf verwenwebsite. In closing, I wish everyone the best of health, or speedy recovery to many of yours, till the den, über unsere Website zu sprechen. Für dieses Mal wünsche ich allen Gesundheit, gute Besserung next edition, und weiterhin rege Beteilung am Klubleben. Ernst Stader Comments? Ernst Stader German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 Kommentar? 7 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Thank you - Olaf Rudolph +,-#.$!"!"#$%&'()*'&#+,%-$! !"#$%&#'()$*+#,-"(*"'09GH!I('J!D'2)(! Thank You All from the bottom of my Heart!!! %&"./$"1$-2 !"#$%&'"(&)*+,-),.(/,&$,01)"/,0$2),2$")+,(3(4",5'&, G)4/)%,2'00&)",-4%,"$7.,2(*,4",'"0)%),H(00),3%)4#)"6,'2, #$".%"/-'"&-*(9" &.)0),(%),4&)206,-.)",%)1*(7)/6,*(0&,#$%,(,*$"3,&42)8,9'%, To all my friends at Club Loreley, theB'0*(3)",^',/)7:)"8,T(0,04"/,(5)%,Y(7.)"6,/4)6,"(7./)2,04), Lore-ley Sänger, Heimat Sänger for caring 7$$*)%,4",#%$"&,$#,&.),:4&7.)",.(/,&$,5),%)1*(7)/8,,;.),$*/, )4"2(*,)%*)/43&,04"/6,)4"),D)4*),.(*&)"8,T)%,H_.*07.%(":,4",/)%, thought and compassion, not to mention the visits, cards, flowers, chocolates $"),%)<'4%)/,&$$,2("+,%)1(4%06,("/,4",&.),)"/,-(0,0&4**,(", `$%:_7.),-'%/),/'%7.,)4")",")')",)%0)&^&6,'2,-)4&)%), and calls during my recent hospitalization. "(*)"(":%*)$+&69" $*/,$")8,,;.)",-),#$'"/,$'&,&.(&,$"),$#,&.),&%))0,4",#%$"&, )&(./$+".%"(99"/-'" /0.$1.&,,#.0,-$(,$0,*#.#,$ Z%$5*)2),'"/,S)1(%(&'%)",^',=)%2)4/)"8,T("",0&)**&)",-4%, $#,&.),5'4*/4"3,-(0,/+4"3,("/,.(/,&$,5),%)2$=)/8,;.40,-(0, #)0&6,/(00,)4")%,'"0)%)%,EK'2),=$%,/)2,R)5K'/),)4"34"3,'"/, But most of all for just being there, for simply caring! "&+-$*)".%"(99"%&" -0)#,$2.#0,34$ $'&0$'%7)/6,("/,#$%,(,1%47),$#,%$'3.*+,>?@@8@@,-(0, /)2,3)0'"/)",E('2,/4),[(.%'"3,-)3"(.28,T4)0)%,2'00&), $'"&%+"("9%*,7" 1%$#)004$"(**+,/$")8,;.)%),(%),0$2),A$50,)=)",$'%,$-", /(%('#.4",24&0(2&,/)%,D'%^)*,/'%7.,)4"),M4%2(,#_%,)4")",Z%)40, &69"B('$"A%-;$" !#">?4"<(=">@@?"A$+9-$''"6*'"6*'$+" Thank you all, and hope to see you soon, 7%)-,(%),"$&,(5*),&$,/$8, =$",'"3)#K.%,>?@@8@@,)"&#)%"&,-)%/)"8,T(0,04"/,B'03(5)"6, 9-$B$+"G3*,$+&+$6*)"8%*+()"8$99$+"&d+" /4),"47.&,A)/)",;(3,=$%:$22)",'"/,4",/4)0)2,M(**),:$""&)", B3(4",-),.(=),*$0&,&-$,$#,$'%,/)(%,2)25)%0CCD(*&)%, -##$+4"8%*+()":(+"*-;/."*6+"$-*"(M.-A$'" -4%,/4),B%5)4&,"47.&,0)*50&,2(7.)"8, %#+()$"(*)")$2 E('2)40&)%,(,#$%2)%,1%)04/)"&,$#,F*'5,G$%)*)+,("/,H$"%(/, Heimatsanger Report - Christel Petrowski H/%+#-.,9-$)")$+"1$-#(.'3*,$+7"$+":(+" "8$99$+"0+$#-'$'4" H)**)%6,(",(7&4=),2)25)%,$#,&.),IJ)42(&0K"3)%8L,,9'%, (6;/"6*'$+"(99$+B$'.$+"Q+$6*)"6*)",6.$+" )+$*7",+(*)"I" ,I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter,G)4/)%,2'00&)",-4%,-4)/)%,B507.4)/,").2)",=$",^-)4,'"0)%)%, 7$"/$*)"7)0,&$,5$&.,#(24*4)08, even so the weather wasn’t the greatest. Just the thought a4&3*4)/)%6,D(*&)%,E('2)40&)%6,/)2,#%_.)%)",`$%04&^)"/)%,=$2, 8(#$+()4" that winter is over, the days are getting longer and people seem to be a lot happier is enough to H*'5,G$%)*)+,'"/,H$"%(/,H)**)%,=$",/)",J)42(&0K"3)%"8,!"0)%, B*0$,"$&)-$%&.+,40,&.(&,F*'5,G$%)*)+,-4**,5),7*$0)/,#$%,&-$, 9-*,'4"8%*+()":-99" make us all smile. Just wait, in a couple of months some of us will look forward to planting new F$**"(6;/"'$-*"U9(.E"-#"H/%+"&d+"-##$+" E)4*)4/,(",5)4/),M(24*4)"8, -)):0,422)/4(&)*+,#$**$-4"3,M4)0&(,D)):,("/,-4**,$1)", %"./$"8$99$+"&(#2 flowers and fiddling around in their gardens. Yes, I am one of those nature loving people. I have (3(4",$",N'*+,OP&.8,,B7&4=),3%$'10,2(+,7$"&4"'),-4&.,&.)4%, 9$$+"'.$/$*":-+)7"-*"6*'$+$*"1$+E$*":-+)" (="./$-+"9('."+$2 already some seedlings sprouting and itQ7.,2b7.&),.4)%,07.$",)%-K.")"6,/(00,'"0)%,H*'5,"(7.,/)%, makes me happy seeing them progress from day to day. -)):*+,%$'&4")8, 8%*+()"&d+"-##$+":$-.$+"9$B$*4"" %%M$)")%:*" M4)0&(,D$7.),#_%,^-)4,D$7.)",3)07.*$00)",40&8,T(0,34*&,A)/$7., Nature is fascinating! Q,(*0$,-$'*/,*4:),&$,&.(":,$'%,2)25)%0,-.$,/$"(&)/,#*(30, """"""""""""""""" a-*"9-$B$'"J+%'.:%+."&d+"C$+.-"6*)"Q(#-9-$4" "'%,#_%,H_7.),'"/,E(%c,/4),!"&)%3%'11)",:b"")",4.%), #%$2,&.)4%,7$'"&%4)08,,D),%)7)4=)/,&-$,R)%2(",#*(30,#%$2, This May/June report will be very brief.B:&4=4&K&)",5)45).(*&)"6,d%b##"'"3,-4)/)%,(2,OP8,N'*48, There is nothing yet to report about our Heimatabend, I J)%5,B*5%)7.&6,/4%)7&$%,#$%,.$'0),("/,1%$1)%&+,("/,S$*#, 5#&,$!.6*)76.)$&*)$*6$*)(.8$ promise to keep you focused on the outcome of the Heimatbend event in my July/August report as our deadline for "%*"O6*$"P@./" T$"(&.,U(,#$%2)%,2)25)%,$#,F*'5,G$%)*)+V6,("/,(",B'0&%4(", ab7.&),247.,('7.,5)4,'"0)%)",a4&3*4)/)%",5)/(":)"6,/4),'"0, sending in the April/May report is the 20th of April (one day before the event actually takes place). All I can say for 3#,$-.69#,$:;"'#.<$<0$'&,3#.,=$ *)"/(00="#(+2 #*(3,#%$2,9&&$,M*)407.2(""8,,B,&.(":,+$',(*0$,&$,9*(#, sure, is that we put a nice program together, we advertisedM(.")",('0,T)'&07.*("/,'"/,e0&)%)47.,24&5%(7.&)"8,J)%5, this event well, and all performers worked pretty hard to S'/$*1.,("/,J)*2'&,R%("/)%,-.$,&$3)&.)%,-$%:)/,$",F*'5, get their acts within the time limit. Edith Weinsheimer andB*5%)7.&6,T4%):&$%,#_%,J('0,'"/,R%'"/0&_7:6,S$*#,T$"(&.6, Waltraud Huesing worked extremely hard to collect and 36;"$-0)#$).#0#$2.#0,3#$$ G$%)*)+W0,#4%),1*("6,("/,-4&.,&.),1%$1)%,*(+$'&,1'&, #%_.)%)0,a4&3*4)/,/)0,T)'&07.)",H*'50,24&,T)'&07.)",M(.")", wrap donated items for our raffle (all donations came entirely from the Heimatsänger). Besides that, both ladies spend -;":-./"'%#$" )=)%+&.4"3,&$3)&.)%8,,Q,%)(/,&.),-.$*),1*("6,("/,5)*4)=),2), '"/,9&&$,M*)407.2("",#_%,/4),M(."),('0,e0&)%%)47.8,9*(#, many hours cutting and stuffing 0,3$3&#$/#&)$ straws for our raffle. We decided this year to eliminate the ticket sale and changed $A$+"("/$90-*," &0,24"/,5$33*4"3,-.(&,&.),#4%),/)1(%&2)"&,)X1)7&0,+$',&$, S'/$*1.,0$-4),J)*2'&,R%("/)%6,/4),/)",f,M)')%,Y47.)%'"30, over to the more popular straw sale for our draw. It will be faster and hopefully it keeps everyone happy! With this in >#.'?-#,$@",$<0$A&,3#.,4$$ :"$-8, Z*(",f,^'0(22)",0&)**&)"8,J(5),/)",3("^)",Z*(",/'%7., mind, I conclude my report. I hope every mother will have a very blessed, Mother’s Day. $")$'$+A$'"'0$;-(9" 3)*)0)"6,2'00,0(3)",-(0,J)'&^'&(3),=)%*("3&,-4%/6,40&, ! !"#$%#&'()*$+,(&-./$M$%,(,*$"3,&42)6,&.),Y$'&.,04/),$#,$'%, %6*)"#6'-;")6+2 Y&'/4)",%)4#8, For those who are interested in history, I have included a great story about the first crossing over the Atlantic ocean 5'4*/4"3,U&.),5(7:+(%/V,-(0,(,0$%),1(%&,4",&.),)+)0,$#,2("+, <5!NO6#)0!$0P!9)J#)0!<$)(0!KD6M)(Q8 with an airplane. ”So begann der Luftverkehr nach Amerika: Der Flug der Junkers W33 am 12.April 1928”. This story $#,$'%,2)25)%06,("/,)01)74(**+,&.),5$(%/,$#,/4%)7&$%08, 01#$2#34"14",#$5#&$%#&'()*./$Y7.$",0)4&,*("3)%,g)4&,-(%, 9%'-*,"K":%69)"9-M$" begins today and will continue in the next few newsletters because it is a long story and there is a space limit set for Z)$1*),-.$,*4=),4",&.(&,7$21*)X,2(/),4&,(,.(54&,&$,'0),&.40, '"0,/4),Y_/0)4&),'"0)%)0,H*'5.('0)0,U,/)%,R(%&)",V,)4",T$%", +"&(#-9-$'"(*)" each one of us to use in the newsletter. Sorry, this story written in the German language. I don’t have the time !! is only (%)(,(0,(,0.$%&7'&,&$,%)(7.,T)(",B=)8,[))/*)00,&$,0(+6,(**, 42,B'3)8,G)'&)6,/4),4",/4)0)2,H$21*)X,-$.")"6,2(7.&)",)0, to translate the whole story! The story is on the next page. :4"/0,$#,3(%5(3)6,*4:),7("06,5$&&*)0,("/,$&.)%,0&'##,-(0, 047.,^'%,B"3)-$.".)4&6,/)",:_%^)%)",D)3,/4%):&,.4"&)%, /'21)/,$",$'%,1%$1)%&+8,;.4"30,$"*+,7.("3)/,$"7),(", '"0)%)2,H*'5.('0,^',-K.*)"6,'2,^'%,T)(",B=)"'),^', Until next time, keep on smiling and have a song in your heart where ever you are. (1(%&2)"&,7$21*)X,-(0,5'4*&,$",&.),D)0&,04/),$#,$'%, :$22)"8,T(0,.(&&),('7.,("/)%),M$*3)"h,U-)4&)%,]V, 1%$1)%&+8,U7$"&\/,]V, " 4" P" [" Olaf Rudolph !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "#$!%$#&'()*+,$- Christel Petrowski ! Comments? %<=>?=<$@<AB0+$ 1$2"0/$&3$+4",$(*+5&304& !" , PX?@"J(6*.%*"c%()"a('." J(7:)%CZ07.$%%,, 5'/(:("5*.(.-%" , SP1"^S]" J$*0&)", ZW@[\"[]W2[]]P" D(%0&)4")%, !" !" J%0'%-9""`K*.$+9%;M-*,"`1=)+(69-;" i@n?,Y*(/)=4)-,F%)07)"&,!"4&,pO@, G$$)-*,"I"<69;/-*,"`a'.-#(.-*," a400400('3(6,9"&8,G?G,?jP, ;)*h,Uk@?V,nmnCmmPi,M(Xh,Uk@?V,nmnCOm@k, b$'-,*-*,"`S(*)';(0-*," ! $ ./%(#)$*0-1#*02"&32"#! OP@@,Y427$),Y&%))&,[$%&., 90.(-(6,9"&8, GOR,iji, ;)*h,Uk@?V,lmnCioko, M(Xh,Uk@?V,iPoClPin, 6(7&$8*&59*&#$+,(&#$ :(&$!"&##$2#;#&*,1(;3$ 8 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 ! F/E)!!!@! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! ! F/E)!!!:?!! &:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Erste Ost –West Ǜberquerung des Atlantiks mit einem Flugzeug So begann der Luftverkehr nach Amerika: Der Flug der Junkers W33 am 12.April 1928 Als Dr. Eckener 1924 mit dem Luftschiff 1Z3 nach Amerika flog, begann damit das Zeitalter der Luftfahrt. Nach ihm folgte am 20.Mai 1927Charles Lindenbergh mit seinem Flug von New York nach Paris. In den Jahren darauf schafften es noch andere, aber immer wieder von den U.S.A. nach Europa. In der umgekehrten Richtung von Europa nach Amerika schien es mit dem Flugzeug nicht zu gelingen. Einige die es versucht hat-ten waren umgedreht als sie in die dichte Nebelmasse gerieten. Andere, wie die Flugpioniere Nungesser und Coli, Hamilton und Minchim, die Fürstin zu Löwenstein – Wertheim, Hincliffe und Eleanor Mackay, bezahlten für ihren Mut mit dem Leben. Beim damaligen Stand der Technik war es bedeutend gefährlich den Ozean vom Osten zum Westen zu überfliegen. Ein Blick auf die Landkarte zeigt, daß der europäische Kontinent mehr oder weniger in einer geraden linie vom Norden zum Süden verläuft; die amerikanische Küste dagegen fällt mehr und mehr zurück je weiter man nach Süden kommt. Wer also durch Wetterverhältnisse oder fehlerhafter Navigation zu weit nach Süden abweicht , würde die Flugstrecke erheblich verlängern, ganz sicher mehr als es seine Reichweite erlaubt. Noch andere Schwie- rigkeiten gab es beim Anfliegen des amerikanischen Kontinents:Weitere Strecken hinter der Küste von Labrador und Neufundland sind unbewohnte Eiswüsten, wo sogar eine erfolgreiche Landung tödlich enden konnte. Bei der Firma Junkers in Dessau prüfte man zu dieser Zeit die Möglichkeit eine Ozeanüberquerung mit der neuen Junkers-Transportmaschiene W33 vorzunehmen. Die organisatorische Leitung hatte Günther von Hünefeld, und als Pilot wurde Lufthan- sakapitän Herman Köhl ausgewählt.. Die drei Flieger der Junkers W33 wurden im Weissen Haus empfang dort werden sie vom Präsident mit dem „ Distinguished Flying Cross“ ausgezeichnet.. anwesend, Präsident Calvin Coolidge, Hermann Köhl, Günther von Hünefeld und Major James Fitzmaurice. Inzwischen passierten aber die vielen Unglücks- fälle und danach zweifelte die Regierung , sowie auch die Öffentlichkeit an der Durchführbarkeit sol- cher Ozeanüberquerungen Hühnefeld und Köhl entschieden sich für einen Flug von der Westküste Irlands über Labrador und Neufundland. Die Bre-men wurde sorgfältig Ausgerüstet und startete am 26.März 1928 von Berlin-Tempelhof für den Flug zum Militärflugplatz Baldonnel in Irland. Dort wußte man schon be-scheid und hatte alles für den Empfang vorbereitet. Offiziere und Soldaten der irischen Fliegertruppe halfen in ihrer Freizeit bei den weiteren Vorbereitungen.Die Begeisterung war grenzenlos als sich der Kommandeur der irischen Luftwaffe,“James Fitzmaurice“. entschloß als Kopilot mit nach Amerika zu fliegen. Fitzmaurice hatte selbst einmal mit einer 550 HPFokker versucht den Ozean zu überqueren.Wetterverhältnisse hatten ihn zur Umkehr gezwungen. Der Flugplatz in Baldonnel war von dem feuchten Früh-lingswetter so aufgeweicht, daß der Start mehrmals verschoben werden mußte. Erst am 11 April ist der Boden trocken und auch dieWetterlage sieht günstiger aus, sodaß es am Tage darauf losgehen kann. Zahlreiche prominente Gäste sind für das große Ereignis erschienen, darunter Präsident Cosgrave, und der deutsche Generalkonsul. Aus Dublin sind mehrere Kabinettsmit-glieder mit ihren Familien gekommen. Nach den Ansprachen und dem Händeschütteln ist es soweit.Im Morgengrauen um 5 Uhr nehmen die drei Flieger ihre Plätze in. Weil es noch nicht ganz hell ist, muß noch für 10 Minuten.gewartet werden dann entlich räumt die Warte die Bremsklötze weg und der Startposten senkt die schwarz- weiße Flagge. die Laufräder beginnen sich zu drehen, und die schwerbeladene Maschine rollt über die markierte Startbahn. Nach den ersten 400 Metern geht es bergab und dadurch wird es schneller und schneller. Schon ist das Ende des Platzes in Sicht, wo einmal eine Mauer gestanden hat. Der Anlieger hat sie gegen eine Bezahlung von 70 englischen Pfund abgerissen. Die Geschwindigkeit erreichte 140 Km/hr, womit die Maschiene eigentlich abheben sollte aber noch immer ist das Fahrwerk am Boden. Köhl weiß, daß er auf der anschließenden Wiese noch für 700 Meter Platz Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 9 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY hat. Dahinter ist ein sechs Meter hoher Damm wo man hinüber muß. Die Bremen hebt kurz vorher ab und schafft es. Das nächste Hindernis sind die Berge, die sich mit der jetzigen Höhe noch nicht überfliegen lassen.Wärend Köhl das Steuerhorn leicht nach links neigt, leitet er eine weite Kurve ein und ist jetzt über offe-nem Wiesenland. Mit erhöhter Geschwindigkeit zieht er die Steuersäule zurück und läßt die „Ju“ steigen bis er mit ausreichender Höhe übere den -./0$1234.45$67,#4,$8$98::5$;<<7=43,835$"2$2/3$>./0$?4?043,@ ! Gebirgszug kommt. Der Propel-ler Teil $"!..&/,0(,&12" !"#"$%&'(("$ ! pflügt durch die frische Morgenluft dem Atlantik entgegen. Der schwierigste des Flugs ist überstanden. Die grünen Wiesen verschwinden und dafür liegt eine weiße Dunstwand über den Marschebenden. Um 7:50 Uhr erreichen sie den Leuchtturm von Slyne Head und überfliegen den Strand. Es ist ein wunderschöner sonniger Fühlings-morgen. Die Sonnenkugel steht genau hinter dem Leitwerk der Maschine und über;/05!H!;)0(J)99/!T'('U! ''"#$ ;$%)(9!H!<IJ96!K)J056)JL)(! !"#$ strömt sie mit einem grell roten Lichtschein.Weit im Südwesten zieht ein Dampfer mit einer langen Rauchfahne seine Bahn. Danach ist nur noch die grenzenlose Einsamkeit des Himmels und des Meeres da, in der sich das Dröhnen des <(JD!H!TJ0/!M$(E6/(I9! $ <(059!H!;J#I)!M/#/5D6! Motors verliert. Der Fahrt-messer zeigt jetzt 200 Kilometer Geschwindigkeit pro Stunde. In geringer Höhe streicht%"#$ der große Vogel über das Meer. Hier über den grauen Wellen ist der Gegenwind am wenigsten zu spüren. Längst war es KJ##J!H!<#J5/%)96!S/0I)(5! )+3A$ hart ;)#L$9!"6(J59/!N('0)(! &"#$ Tag geworden und Zeit zum Frühstücken: Tee aus der Thermosflasche, gekochte Eier, und belegte Brote. Anschließend übernimmt Major Fitzmaurice den Steuerknüppel und danach lösen sich die beiden Piloten all zwei StunF/$#!H!1I/!O$##)(! &"#$ den ab. Hünefeld als Passagier sitzt zwischen dem Gepäck und den Benzintanks. Ein Gespräch ist bei dem starken Motorengeräusch nicht möglich. Was man zu sagen hat, wird auf kleine Zettel geschrieben und herum gereicht. Eine '("#$ elektronische Eigenver-ständigung gab es damals noch nicht. Um GewichtP(I!H!;)#L$9!Q(/0I)(! zu sparen hatte man auf Funkgerät verzichtet. Als es nach der Taschenuhr bereits 12 Uhr ist, zeigt der Stand der Sonne noch längst nicht die Mittagszeit an, ;)J0R!H!100)#J)5)!499J0E)(! )*"#$ erst nach weiteren zwei Stunden Flug. Schon 1,500 Kilometer sind sie geflogen, und etwas mehr als 2,000 Kilometer sind es immer noch bis zur amerikanischen Küste. !"#$% &"'"()% N$(9!H!;J#I)!SD6LJI! 18A74,$;/B7.7835$!""#$%&'!"()*(+! Fortsetzung folgt in nächster Ausgabe +',"$ Submitted by: Christel Petrowski & Heinz Ottinger O35,(F30P3,.(5:A(M,93:A.Q((( H3(5,3(9:(123(09AAR3(-/(5(PB.S(M93.15(633T(5:A(1251(9.(3N5+1RS(2-6(63(R9T3(91Q(K,31U3R(.5R3.(5,3(;-9:;(,35RRS(63RRI( "#"+51(1-'/L"#$%1(1566&"%/(B,(=%&0-(?2-/%*(-'/(#+&/( Rifle Club Report - Peter Biller V-(6-:A3,C(62-(A-3.:W1(R9T3(123.3(;,351(/,3.2(K,31U3R.I(X23S(;-(.-(;--A(6912(5(:9+3(+-RA(P33,(5:A(123(A3R9+9-B.( /(B,(!-*"+'(=%''"0(-'/()&&-(I+#>%*C(2$-'>1(2+(,+5(-1( /--A(X,3?-,(5:A(29.(1350(25?3(+--T3A(B8I(X25:T.(1-(5RR(123(D5A93.(62-(6-,T3A(.-(25,A(5;59:I(Y-B(69RR(P3(,3$ %U#%&&%'2(-^2%*'++'(-'/(%M%'"'0(L%(#-N%($+N%(%N62,( Now that spring is finally here hopefully warmer and sunnier days will follow. Our Pokal 65,A3A(6912(5(K9+:9+(9:(EBRSC(629+2(9.(8R5:3A(1-(15T3(8R5+3(51(-B,(<RBPC(.9:+3(63(25?3(129.(P35B19/BR(5,35(6912(123( 6%^5&&,(L$%'(2$%,(#+N%($%*%('%U2(,%-*(L%(#-'(L"'(2$%N( shooting is well under way and the final has been set for April 22nd with teh final pairing as :36(K3,;-R5(63(05S(5.(63RR(B.3(91I(7-(63(.33(S-B(123,3(-:(EBRS(#C(R31W.(2-83(/-,(5(.B::S(A5SI(( follows: Bennd Vom Dorff will be shooting against Jakob Fischer in the regular Pokal and Karl H9.29:;(S-B(5RR(5(2588S(5:A(235R12S(.B003,Q(733(S-B(51(<RBP(D-,3R3SQ( Gores will shoot against Rolf Ebenreth in the Senior Pokal, I will report the winners in my next Report. A%(0+2(-(&+2(+^(L+*>(/+'%(-'/(_cN(15*%(,+5(L"&&('+2"#%(2$%( "#$%&'!"()*(+ ( +^(6%+6&%(2+(2$-'>("1(2++(&+'0C(,+5(>'+L(L$+(,+5(-*%C( On April 28th we will be having our rifle match against Ottawa and our dinner/dance in the 8%*/-(-'/(A-'/-(+'(B%$-&^(+^(2$%(05,1(^+*(2$%(2-12,(&5'#$( evening. I would like to thank all the guys who showed up earlier this month to paint the ! boxes, replace the lights and get everything ready for our match. A lot of work has already !12100134&-4&5/'6135&7'8.& been done to make this day run smoothly, I would like to thank Ernie and Helga for organiz''5-&(I"^&%(J"#'"#e(-2(3&5B(F+*%&%,(-2(G(6N@(_^("2("1(-',2$"'0( ing the lunch, dinner and breakfast the next day. Also the men and women who have made ,+5(5'2"&(2$%(1%-1+'(*%15N%1(+'(?%62%NB%*([2$C($-M%(-( the soup and sandwiches, cakes and salads need to be thanked as well. Without all the efforts of everyone involved an event like this would not happen. I will let you know in the next newsletter if we were able to win back any of the %"&(G9:;(71,331(H3.1( trophies. Remember there will be no shooting on Mother's Day. If you are thinking of attending the Annual Father's 4.2565C(4:1I(D'E(JG%( Day Golf Tournament please let Joe know as soon as possible. K2-:3L()!"#=(%&&$"!J!( M5NL()!"#=(%&>$&#>%( Until next time, +$ Peter Biller Comments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erman-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 &:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! ! F/E)!!!:,!! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY “Die Hilfe gegen Schmerzen und Schlafstörungen“ VITAFLEX © Ein guter Name... ein Name, dem man vertrauen kann Wir laden Sie herzlich bei Kaffee und Kuchen zu einem von unseren kurzen, in ganz Canada durchgeführten, informativen Vorträgen über die Bekämpfung von Schmerzen und akuten Befindlichkeitsstörungen ein. Wann: Freitag, den 18. Mai 2007 um 15:00 Uhr Wo: German Canadian Club Loreley 389 Dean Avenue - Oshawa - Ontario L1H 3E1 Für Ihren mitgebrachten Gast erhalten Sie GRATIS ein großes Paket Magnetpflaster, zur lokalen Bekämpfung von Schmerzen (Wert $ 59,-) Anmeldung unter Tel: (905) 576 8664 Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 11 ! G E R M A N - C A N A D I A N C L U "'09GH!I('J!D'2)(! B LORELEY !"#$%&#'()$*+#,-"(* Congratulations to Ernst Stader !"#$%&'"(&)*+,-),.(/,&$,01)"/,0$2),2$")+,(3(4",5'&, G)4/)%,2'00&)",-4%,"$7.,2(*,4",'"0)%),H(00),3%)4#)"6,'2, &.)0),(%),4&)206,-.)",%)1*(7)/6,*(0&,#$%,(,*$"3,&42)8,9'%, B'0*(3)",^',/)7:)"8,T(0,04"/,(5)%,Y(7.)"6,/4)6,"(7./)2,0 Our president Ernst Stader is a man of dedication, devotion and)4"2(*,)%*)/43&,04"/6,)4"),D)4*),.(*&)"8,T)%,H_.*07.%(":,4", com7$$*)%,4",#%$"&,$#,&.),:4&7.)",.(/,&$,5),%)1*(7)/8,,;.),$*/, mitment. Just recently in Delhi Ontario, and in the presence of political $"),%)<'4%)/,&$$,2("+,%)1(4%06,("/,4",&.),)"/,-(0,0&4**,(", `$%:_7.),-'%/),/'%7.,)4")",")')",)%0)&^&6,'2,-)4&)%), dignitaries, Ernst was presented with a citation in recognition ofZ%$5*)2),'"/,S)1(%(&'%)",^',=)%2)4/)"8,T("",0&)**&)",-4% out$*/,$")8,,;.)",-),#$'"/,$'&,&.(&,$"),$#,&.),&%))0,4",#%$"&, standing contribution to the German Canadian Community by the $#,&.),5'4*/4"3,-(0,/+4"3,("/,.(/,&$,5),%)2$=)/8,;.40,-(0, #)0&6,/(00,)4")%,'"0)%)%,EK'2),=$%,/)2,R)5K'/),)4"34"3,' president of the German-Canadian congress, Dr. Ulrich Frisse. You $'&0$'%7)/6,("/,#$%,(,1%47),$#,%$'3.*+,>?@@8@@,-(0, /)2,3)0'"/)",E('2,/4),[(.%'"3,-)3"(.28,T4)0)%,2'00&) wouldn’t know though, like other great people, Ernst is a man of mod1%$#)004$"(**+,/$")8,;.)%),(%),0$2),A$50,)=)",$'%,$-", /(%('#.4",24&0(2&,/)%,D'%^)*,/'%7.,)4"),M4%2(,#_%,)4")",Z% esty. 7%)-,(%),"$&,(5*),&$,/$8, =$",'"3)#K.%,>?@@8@@,)"&#)%"&,-)%/)"8,T(0,04"/,B'03(5)" /4),"47.&,A)/)",;(3,=$%:$22)",'"/,4",/4)0)2,M(**),:$""&) B3(4",-),.(=),*$0&,&-$,$#,$'%,/)(%,2)25)%0CCD(*&)%, Biography: -4%,/4),B%5)4&,"47.&,0)*50&,2(7.)"8, E('2)40&)%,(,#$%2)%,1%)04/)"&,$#,F*'5,G$%)*)+,("/,H$"%(/, !""#$%&'()*&+$ ["%3R)K*=)&;+73) H)**)%6,(",(7&4=),2)25)%,$#,&.),IJ)42(&0K"3)%8L,,9'%, Born on August the 3rd 1933 to Fritz and Else Stader – Gelsenkirchen G)4/)%,2'00&)",-4%,-4)/)%,B507.4)/,").2)",=$",^-)4,'"0) :;&3$)K3*C)E;8+;8) 7$"/$*)"7)0,&$,5$&.,#(24*4)08, Buer Hassel, Westfalen. After finishing elementary school, he learned the a4&3*4)/)%6,D(*&)%,E('2)40&)%6,/)2,#%_.)%)",`$%04&^)"/)%,= !"##$%&$'() trade of a locksmith (Schlosser). He immigrated to Canada at the age of H*'5,G$%)*)+,'"/,H$"%(/,H)**)%,=$",/)",J)42(&0K"3)%"8,!" B*0$,"$&)-$%&.+,40,&.(&,F*'5,G$%)*)+,-4**,5),7*$0)/,#$%,&-$, 22 in June 1956, and settled in Oshawa where he was eventuallyE)4*)4/,(",5)4/),M(24*4)"8, hired by 2"%$3$4)5"*(1)67+8$%)9):$.;'(%7(;"+) -)):0,422)/4(&)*+,#$**$-4"3,M4)0&(,D)):,("/,-4**,$1)", General Motors. He became a member of the German club, Club Loreley (3(4",$",N'*+,OP&.8,,B7&4=),3%$'10,2(+,7$"&4"'),-4&.,&.)4%, :;&3$)K3*C)'$7'"+)8"##$+8$') Q7.,2b7.&),.4)%,07.$",)%-K.")"6,/(00,'"0)%,H*'5,"(7.,/)% at the end of December the same year, and was active with several -)):*+,%$'&4")8, 2"%$3$4)!;+.$%):*##7.$)?)@7A$)!73$)B)7,#,)(")0)=,#,)) M4)0&(,D$7.),#_%,^-)4,D$7.)",3)07.*$00)",40&8,T(0,34*&,A)/ groups (Untergruppen). He was chairman of the ‘Old Timers’ soccerclub, Q,(*0$,-$'*/,*4:),&$,&.(":,$'%,2)25)%0,-.$,/$"(&)/,#*(30, Y;+"%7#7) Rifle Club, Vice President and Director of the German-Canadian"'%,#_%,H_7.),'"/,E(%c,/4),!"&)%3%'11)",:b"")",4.%), Club #%$2,&.)4%,7$'"&%4)08,,D),%)7)4=)/,&-$,R)%2(",#*(30,#%$2, D%"''$%)E%$;')!A7()F//)7,#G)) Loreley, and for the last 4 years, president of Club Loreley. B:&4=4&K&)",5)45).(*&)"6,d%b##"'"3,-4)/)%,(2,OP8,N'*48, J)%5,B*5%)7.&6,/4%)7&$%,#$%,.$'0),("/,1%$1)%&+,("/,S$*#, D$%#7+)27+.*7.$)!81""3)@$.;+') T$"(&.,U(,#$%2)%,2)25)%,$#,F*'5,G$%)*)+V6,("/,(",B'0&%4(", ab7.&),247.,('7.,5)4,'"0)%)",a4&3*4)/)%",5)/(":)"6,/4),' He retired from IA("C$%&$'()FJ*%")K"++$8(;"+G)) #*(3,#%$2,9&&$,M*)407.2(""8,,B,&.(":,+$',(*0$,&$,9*(#, General M(.")",('0,T)'&07.*("/,'"/,e0&)%)47.,24&5%(7.&)"8,J)%5, Motors on January 1st, 1994 after 37 years, and with his -++*73)M73&)5$7%')N$$(;+.)FO)=,#G)) S'/$*1.,("/,J)*2'&,R%("/)%,-.$,&$3)&.)%,-$%:)/,$",F*'5, B*5%)7.&6,T4%):&$%,#_%,J('0,'"/,R%'"/0&_7:6,S$*#,T$"(&.6, wife Helga, are looking forward to their 50th wedding anniverY;+"%7#7) G$%)*)+W0,#4%),1*("6,("/,-4&.,&.),1%$1)%,*(+$'&,1'&, #%_.)%)0,a4&3*4)/,/)0,T)'&07.)",H*'50,24&,T)'&07.)",M(.") sary on June 7th 2007! )=)%+&.4"3,&$3)&.)%8,,Q,%)(/,&.),-.$*),1*("6,("/,5)*4)=),2), '"/,9&&$,M*)407.2("",#_%,/4),M(."),('0,e0&)%%)47.8,9*(#, !813781&$'()9)&$7(*%;+.)(1$)P!=;8$)"&)2;&$Q)C7+R) 4&0,24"/,5$33*4"3,-.(&,&.),#4%),/)1(%&2)"&,)X1)7&0,+$',&$, S'/$*1.,0$-4),J)*2'&,R%("/)%6,/4),/)",f,M)')%,Y47.)%'"30 On behalf of Club Loreley, we would like to thank you for your Y;+"%7#7) :"$-8, long standing commitment to our club, and for your dedication Z*(",f,^'0(22)",0&)**&)"8,J(5),/)",3("^)",Z*(",/'%7., -++*73)K1%;'(#7')N7%A$(V)&%"#)/L)7,#,)(")U)=,#,)) to the preservation and promotion of German culture and tra3)*)0)"6,2'00,0(3)",-(0,J)'&^'&(3),=)%*("3&,-4%/6,40&, !"#$%#&'()*$+,(&-./$M$%,(,*$"3,&42)6,&.),Y$'&.,04/),$#,$'%, -RT$+()K7%"3')=$%&"%#$R)7()K3*C)2"%$3$4)C4)(1$)2"%$3$4)!;+ ditions in Canada. We would also like to congratulate you and 5'4*/4"3,U&.),5(7:+(%/V,-(0,(,0$%),1(%&,4",&.),)+)0,$#,2("+, Y&'/4)",%)4#8, :;&3$)K3*C)K1%;'(#7')E7%(4)) your wife Helga on your 50th anniversary! $#,$'%,2)25)%06,("/,)01)74(**+,&.),5$(%/,$#,/4%)7&$%08, 01#$2#34"14",#$5#&$%#&'()*./$Y7.$",0)4&,*("3)%,g)4&,-(%, K3*C)2"%$3$4)K1%;'(#7')67+8$)) Z)$1*),-.$,*4=),4",&.(&,7$21*)X,2(/),4&,(,.(54&,&$,'0),&.40, '"0,/4),Y_/0)4&),'"0)%)0,H*'5.('0)0,U,/)%,R(%&)",V,)4",T$% All the best wishes, K1;3R%$+Q')K1%;'(#7')E7%(4)FO)=,#G)) (%)(,(0,(,0.$%&7'&,&$,%)(7.,T)(",B=)8,[))/*)00,&$,0(+6,(**, 42,B'3)8,G)'&)6,/4),4",/4)0)2,H$21*)X,-$.")"6,2(7.&)",) D$%#7+)27+.*7.$)!81""3)K1%;'(#7')=7%(4) :4"/0,$#,3(%5(3)6,*4:),7("06,5$&&*)0,("/,$&.)%,0&'##,-(0,Club Loreley 047.,^'%,B"3)-$.".)4&6,/)",:_%^)%)",D)3,/4%):&,.4"&)%, Submitted by: Karl vom Dorff /'21)/,$",$'%,1%$1)%&+8,;.4"30,$"*+,7.("3)/,$"7),(", S$X)5$7%')JT$)@733)) '"0)%)2,H*'5.('0,^',-K.*)"6,'2,^'%,T)(",B=)"'),^', (1(%&2)"&,7$21*)X,-(0,5'4*&,$",&.),D)0&,04/),$#,$'%, :$22)"8,T(0,.(&&),('7.,("/)%),M$*3)"h,U-)4&)%,]V, 1%$1)%&+8,U7$"&\/,]V, %<=>?=<$@<AB0+$ ! !" , D(%0&)4")%, !" ! ./%(#)$*0-1#*02"&32"#! 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Der Saal fasst 190 Leute und unsere Member’s Lounge kann 55 Leute unterbringen. Beide sind ausgestattet mit einer Bar. LCD projector, screen, TV & VCR, and sound system available. LCD projektor, Bildschirm, Fernseher und VCR, Tonanlage. Full accessibility, air conditioning, and free parking. Ideally located just off of the 401, and 20 minutes East of Toronto. Kühlanlage, freies parken, und eingerichtet für Behinderten. Leicht zu erreichen, ideal gelegen. nur 20 minuten östlich von Toronto. Catering services available from an excellent chef. Both halls are available to rent for reasonable and competitive rates. Hall Rental - $450 Member’s Lounge - $150 Members: half price *taxes not included Eigene Küche mit erstklassigen Chef wenn gebraucht. Beide Räume erhaeltlich für angemessene Preise. FOR YOUR NEXT WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY, WHATEVER THE OCCASION, WE HAVE THE HALL FOR YOU! PLEASE CONTACT: GERDA KOEPP: (905) 263-2745 FÜR IHRE NÄCHSTE FEIER, JUBILÄUM, HOCHZEIT, ODER ANDERE FEIERLICHKEITEN, WIR HABEN GENAU DAS, WAS SIE BRAUCHEN. WEITERE AUSKÜNFTE: GERDA KOEPP (905) 263-2745 Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 Hallenvermietung - $450 Member’s Lounge - $150 Mitglieder: Halber Preis *steuern nicht eingeschlossen 13 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Ladies Auxiliary Report - Monika Mehler Dear members and friends! Spring has finally arrived and with it some sunshine and some rain. As of the meeting on March 7th, I have resigned as chairperson of the Ladies Auxiliary. The reason is mainly, that I can not commit myself this year to participate in any of the main events (Fiesta, Christmas Baking and Bazaar etc.) due to family commitments and extensive travel. The group will continue to function as usual, for the time being without a chairperson. Contacts for the Ladies Auxiliary will be Irene Lipski (Treasurer) and Ingrid Maier (Secretary). With lots of helping hands we hope to continue our work and most of you won't even know the difference. I would like to thank all of the ladies for their support during the last four years. It is my intention to still be active in the Ladies Auxiliary whenever possible. The decision to cancel the Children's Christmas Party has come after long consideration. Since it is not possible to get our own grandchildren to participate and members seem to be less interested every year we have come to the conclusion to discontinue this event. May be another group would like to organize the party and continue the tradition?? Wishing everyone a pleasant spring and summer! Monika Mehler Birthdays are for Celebrating... Celebrating Norbert Key's 80th, May 8th Celebrating Veronica Key's 50th, May 13th Norbert/Papa and Veronica... Enjoy the lovely pleasures of this beautiful day You are very special, precious and important to your family and friends. Let your hearts be full - as full as our hearts are today with love to both of you!!! Wishing you everything wonderful, with lots of love: Annemarie & Gary, Tyler & Nehal, Amber & Scott, Christel, Michelle & Carsten, Mutzi & Jasmine 14 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Happy Birthday May June Helmut Guenther 1st Margret Staeger 3rd Ingeborg Huber 2nd Rob Wannack 5th Paula Meier 4th Helga Rudolph 6th Irmtraut Denker 5th Renate Droegenkoop 6th Iris Kiessling 8th Marianne Creuzberg 6th Henrietta Torok 9th Peter Biller 6th Jacob Henninger 10th Jacquie Wannack 7th Michael Kelly 11th Kelly Biller 8th Esther Gryswatz 12th Gertrud Stenz 9th Otto Fleischmann 13th Friedl Fleischmann 9th Jennifer Kacaba 13th Craig Dimock 9th Gerald Otte 13th Herta Keller 11th Klaus Anselstetter 15th Rachael Lipski 12th Helga Bodenweber 19th Heidi Mönig 13th Alexandra Kelly 21st Harry Friedrich 18th Cecile Wagar 25th Maria Martinelli 20th Stan Wojnicz 25th Siegfried Cronacher 20th Isle Eilert 27th Hans Christian Maresch 22nd Klaus Meier 27th Lorne Sellick 23rd Laudia Werner 27th Toni Blakolmer 23rd Waltraut Haas 28th Rene Lang 24th Janice Reifers 28th Hannelore Cronacher 24th Eugen Rindfleisch 29th Helga Gausrab 25th Michael Bruene 30th Hildegard Romankewicz 28th Günther Burghardt 31st Magdalena Bressan 31st John Huber 31st German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 15 6$/42(( 6$/42(( @+8+"+/)2(( @+8+"+/)2(( GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY ?7,)(78()*+(,)-4+#),(*$>+($%/+$4&(,"@#+4(-5(87/( ?7,)(78()*+(,)-4+#),(*$>+($%/+$4&(,"@#+4(-5(87/( )* )* '(0-)( )*+(A+;(B+$/(,)$/)"#@(7#(3+5)+.0+/(=C '(0-)( )*+(A+;(B+$/(,)$/)"#@(7#(3+5)+.0+/(=C .$#&(.7/+(#+;(,)-4+#),($/+(+D5+6)+42(( .$#&(.7/+(#+;(,)-4+#),($/+(+D5+6)+42(( <=(36*N%+/(+/*"+%)+#(+"#(+/87%@/+"6*+,( <=(36*N%+/(+/*"+%)+#(+"#(+/87%@/+"6*+,( P0,6*%-OM+-@#",2(L"+(.+",)+#(36*:%+/(*$0+#(,"6*( P0,6*%-OM+-@#",2(L"+(.+",)+#(36*:%+/(*$0+#(,"6*( 0+/+"),(8N/(4$,(#+-+(36*-%Q$*/(+"#@+,6*/"+0+#'( 0+/+"),(8N/(4$,(#+-+(36*-%Q$*/(+"#@+,6*/"+0+#'( 4$,,($.(=C2(3+5)+.0+/(0+@"##)'('($0+/(4$##( 4$,,($.(=C2(3+5)+.0+/(0+@"##)'('($0+/(4$##( A+;(,)-4+#),($)($#&($@+(8/7.(EF()7(F/$4+(G($/+( A+;(,)-4+#),($)($#&($@+(8/7.(EF()7(F/$4+(G($/+( ;+/4+#(>"+%+(#+-+(36*N%+/(+/;$/)+)2( ;+/4+#(>"+%+(#+-+(36*N%+/(+/;$/)+)2( ;+%67.+2(H*+(4">+/,")&(78(7-/(,)-4+#),(",($( ;+%67.+2(H*+(4">+/,")&(78(7-/(,)-4+#),(",($( ! 0+#+8")2(I+(;"%%(%+$/#(;")*(8-#($#4($.0")"7#2( A+-+(3)-4+#)+#'(>7.(E"#4+/@$/)+#$%)+#(0",(M-/(G2( A+-+(3)-4+#)+#'(>7.(E"#4+/@$/)+#$%)+#(0",(M-/(G2( ! 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L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 ! ! CDEBFG'>->*ECD*H-'BIJJ-D>B' CDEBFG'>->*ECD*H-'BIJJ-D>B' DKLHM 'GDBBHG DBBHG !!DKLHM 'G '' GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY KINORAMA Das nächste Kinorama findet statt: Sonntag den 20. Mai & 10. Juni - 14:00 Uhr Kommt und erfreut Euch an einen schönen Film - Nachmittag. Die Küche ist geöffnet für warmes Essen, sowie Kaffee und Kuchen. Die Bar ist ebenfalls offen. Für mehr Information: Hans Mager (905) 436-2565 Comments? Membership Treasurer’s Report - Brian Dimock Hello fellow members, To date, we have 265 paying memberships, 3 honorary members and 1 free member. Of those 269 memberships, we have 89 single memberships and 180 family memberships. This would equate to a total of 449 members. Our newest members since the March/April issue was published are Werner and Ann Borgstadt, Irmtraut Denker and Doris Fougere and Valerio Puopolo. A great big Club Loreley welcome to all of you. In the last issue I stated that I would be mailing out invoices in mid-March to members who had not yet paid their dues. I apologize for not yet doing this. Again, there are a few methods of paying your membership, including mailing a cheque to the Club or giving your money or cheque to Wanda in the Member’s Lounge. As a reminder, single membership dues are $50.00 and family dues are $70.00. In closing, on behalf of all members I would like to express our sincerest condolences to the Wrobel family on the loss of their dear Sandra and to the Simon family on the loss of their dear Frank. Thank you, Brian Dimock Comments? Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 17 ! G E R M A N - C A N A D I A !N C L U B L O R E L E Y Happy Anniversary -./0$1234.45$67,#4,$8$98::5$;<<7=43,835$"2$2/3$>./0$?4?043,@! May Heinz & Christel Petrowski Eric & Tina Burghardt Karl & Hildegard Epping Michael & Margrete Kelly June !"#$%&'(")'&*"(+$"#,)-$"!. !"#$% &"'"()% 2nd Wilhelm & Maria Müller 2nd ;/05!H!;)0(J)99/!T'('U! !" ''"#$ 2(2$"1(2"N%C(+5*(1%-1+'($-1(#+N%(2+(-'(%'/C( ;$%)(9!H!<IJ96!K)J056)JL)(! !"#$ 3rd William & Renate Schmahl 5th -'/(2$%(^"'-&(*%15&21(-*%("'@(_(L+5&/(&">%(2+( 6th Brian &1%-1+'(&+'0@(9$"1(1%-1+'1(L"''%*1("'(+5*(I%05&-*( Peggy Dimock 16th 10th Kurt & Elisabeth Wagner 16th 6&-#%C(-'/(J%2%*(."&&%*("'(1%#+'/(6&-#%@(_'(+5*( <(JD!H!TJ0/!M$(E6/(I9! $ KJ##J!H!<#J5/%)96!S/0I)(5! Wilhelm & Laurie Beier 20th Christian & Oditza Maresch 20th Bert & Gerda Wiebicke 25th <(059!H!;J#I)!M/#/5D6! %"#$ 2$-'>(Q-*&(Q*%"1(^+*(>%%6"'0(2*-#>(+^(+5*(1#+*%1(-&&( )+3A$ ;)#L$9!"6(J59/!N('0)(! ?$++2"'0(8*+56(-*%V(.%*'/(`+N(4+*^^("'(^"*12( &"#$ F/$#!H!1I/!O$##)(! &"#$ ?%'"+*(?$++2"'0(8*+56V(I+&^(I+#>%*(L-1(+5*(L"'\ '%*(L"2$(8%*$-*/(7*5$'%*(2->"'0(1%#+'/(6&-#%@( P(I!H!;)#L$9!Q(/0I)(! 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V-(6-:A3,C(62-(A-3.:W1(R9T3(123.3(;,351(/,3.2(K,31U3R.I(X23S(;-(.-(;--A(6912(5(:9+3(+-RA(P33,(5:A(123(A3R9+9-B.( +*0-'"b"'0(2$"1(2*"6(^+*(51@(D'(2$%(L-,(L%(%'a+,%/(/%&"#"+51 /--A(X,3?-,(5:A(29.(1350(25?3(+--T3A(B8I(X25:T.(1-(5RR(123(D5A93.(62-(6-,T3A(.-(25,A(5;59:I(Y-B(69RR(P3(,3$ On May 12th at the K.G. Loreley Benefit Dance we will/*"'>1(1566&"%/(B,(4"%2%*(Q%52$%'@(3+^^%%(L-1(1566&"%/(B,( be officially crowning our 2007-2008 Miss Loreley, 65,A3A(6912(5(K9+:9+(9:(EBRSC(629+2(9.(8R5:3A(1-(15T3(8R5+3(51(-B,(<RBPC(.9:+3(63(25?3(129.(P35B19/BR(5,35(6912(123( L%&&@(K&2$+50$(L%($-/(-(0*%-2(2*"6(2$%*%("'#&5/"'0(-'(%U#%& Elizabeth Gifford and Mini Miss Julie Otte. I invite all Club members to join in this celebration. :36(K3,;-R5(63(05S(5.(63RR(B.3(91I(7-(63(.33(S-B(123,3(-:(EBRS(#C(R31W.(2-83(/-,(5(.B::S(A5SI(( $-'/%/C(L"2$(D22-L-(L"''"'0(-&&(2$%(2*+6$"%1@(.52($+6%^5&&, B-#>C(+*(-2(&%-12(+'%(+^(2$%N@( I have started preparations for Fiesta Week with the construction of the float that will be in the upcoming FiH9.29:;(S-B(5RR(5(2588S(5:A(235R12S(.B003,Q(733(S-B(51(<RBP(D-,3R3SQ( esta Parade on Sunday June 17th. The Parade route will(go past City Hall at approximately noon. There is "#$%&'!"()*(+ D'(S5'%(;Y2$(L%($-/(+5*(-''5-&(#&5B(#&%-'\56(/-,@(A%(0+ still(room for any volunteers to help out. I can be contacted at 905-579-6803. Fiesta Week is our busiest week at Club Loreley. There is need for volunteers and also for our members/"^^%*%'#%(2$%('%U2(2"N%(,+5(-*%(-2(2$%(#&5B@(9$%(&"12(+^(6%+ to support this cultural event. I hope to see each and everyone of you there. Come out and enjoy the festivities, the food, the music and the dancing. Again this year the Loreley Youth 2$-'>1(^+*(-(a+B(L%&&(/+'%@(_(L+5&/(-&1+(&">%(2+(2$-'>(8%*/Dancers will be performing each night Mon., Tues. 6:30 pm & 8:00! pm and!12100134&-4&5/'6135&7'8.& Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 6:30 pm, 8:00 pm and 9:30 2$%,(6*+M"/%/@( pm. D5*('%U2(/-2%(2+(*%N%NB%*("1(S5&,(GX2$C(2$"1("1(+5*(dK''5-& Since this will be my last report until September, I wish each and every member a safe and memorable summer. Don’t forget &">%(&-12(,%-*(,+5(L+'c2(L-'2(2+(N"11("2@(_^(_(/+'c2(1%%(,+5(5 %"&(G9:;(71,331(H3.1( about Sommerfest in August and Oktoberfest on the last weekend in September. L+'/%*^5&(15NN%*@( 4.2565C(4:1I(D'E(JG%( )'2"&('%U2(2"N%C( K2-:3L()!"#=(%&&$"!J!( Comments? M5NL()!"#=(%&>$&#>%( Ed Albrecht ! !"#"$%&'(("$% !"#$%&'$()*($+,&-./.&00.-.& '">(713?3:.-:(@-5A(7-B12( 4.2565C(4:15,9-( D'E(#F'( !"#$%&&$'!!'( 18 )*+,-..(/,-0(123(4.2565( 72-889:;(<3:13,=( !"#$%&''&#$()*&+$ ! !" !" !" !" !" !"#$%&"'(( )'"*+,-&( .*"/0%12+'%( 3+'2"'%'2-&( 45'&+6( !" !" !" !" .7(8++/*"#$( 8++/,%-*( 7"*%12+'%( 8%'%*-&(9"*%( ! 3$"4&5$"6,'$." !"#$%&'()*%+++,-.-.% :;<(=+6>"'1(?2@(A$"2B,C(DE(F;E(G3;( "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! ! F/E)!!!CG!! Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+ G E R M A N ! - C A N A D I A N Editor’s note - Karl vom Dorff C L U B L O R E L E Y !"#$%#&'()*+,-#.$!" !" !"#$%&$'()&*'%%)+&%,"-)&.)&-)/)01'#)+&#$,%&2)'13%&4),5' *1!5,%)+&#!&/)#&2!8&9"!.&$!.&#$,":%Q")+&!8#6&735&:/' Unfortunately I don’t have much to report in this edition... I have been very busy with school, and .)//6&;$)&$'//&.'%&<8//&'"+&)()12!")&)"=!2)+&#$)&*1!:1'56&;$) will likely be busy also during the summer with my honour’s project at the university. This being the case, I still haven’t managed to put together!8%&.,#$&#$),1&+!"'#,!"%6&;$'"9&2!8&'//&)()1&%!&58-$&<!1&2!81& a manual for our website but I will have slightly '##)"+'"-)&'"+&.,#$&2!81&:1'-,!8%&+!"'#,!"%?&@//&+!"'#,!"%&.) more time during the summer to do this, and should have it done at some point this summer! @%&2!8&'//&9"!.A&"!#$,":&,"&/,<)&,%&*)1<)-#A&'"+&#$)1)&'1)&#.!&%,+ P.S - thanks for the kind words and appreciation shown for my work. It makes it worthwhile! *,")%%&'"+&%'+")%%A&%8"%$,")&'"+&1',"A&'"+&%855)1&'"+&.,"#) -./0$1234.45$67,#4,$8$98::5$;<<7=43,835$"2$2/3$>./0$?4?043,@ ! Karl %!5)#,5)%&"!#&%!&*)1<)-#?& ! !"#$% &"'"()% C)&#!!&<'-)+&%!5)&"!#&%!&*)1<)-#&5!5)"#%&+81,":&!81&4),5'# .)"#&.'2&!()1&#$)&'--)*#'0/)&#,5)>/,5,#&)'-$&*)1<!15)1&.'%&' ''"#$ ;$%)(9!H!<IJ96!K)J056)JL)(! !"#$ 5',",":&*1!:1'5A&08#&%!5)$!.&,#&.'%&5'"':)+6& ;/05!H!;)0(J)99/!T'('U! 73+&/,9)&#!&*80/,-/2&'*!/!:,D)&<1!5&#$)&+))*")%%&!<&52&$)'1#&#!& Comments? $ <(059!H!;J#I)!M/#/5D6! %"#$ G!55,##))&<!1&#$)&/'%#&5,"8#)&-$'":)&!<&#$)&*1!:1'5H&.$,-$&. #!&*1)%)"#&#$),1&'-#%6&;$,%A&7&5'9)&%81)&.,//&")()1&$'**)"&':'," )+3A$ ;)#L$9!"6(J59/!N('0)(! &"#$ #)1#',",":&#$)&*80/,-&+81,":&#$)&,"#)15,%%,!"6&7#&.'%&()12&58-$ <(JD!H!TJ0/!M$(E6/(I9! Letter to the Editor: KJ##J!H!<#J5/%)96!S/0I)(5! At our annual meeting we listened to a very well phrased commentary from one of our members imploring us to J81&-/80&*1)%,+)"#A&K1"%#&B#'+)1A&!*)")+&#$)&4),5'#'0)"+&LMM F/$#!H!1I/!O$##)(! spread the good word about Club Loreley. We have a beautiful club, and as we are proud of it we should do our&"#$ best <8//&%.,":6&J/'<&O8+!/<&.'%&!81&PG&<!1&LMMNA&5'"2&#$'"9%&<!1&$ to spread the good word and invite new members. Due to time constraints, I did not have time to respond at that time 4)1)3%&#!&4),"D&J##,":)1&!81&-!"+8-#!16&7&$)'1+&!"/2&*1',%)%&<1! P(I!H!;)#L$9!Q(/0I)(! '("#$ but would like to now. IU1 -$!%)&<!1&8%&#!&*1)%)"#&!"&#$,%&)()",":6&R)!*/)&=8%#&/!()+&#$)&% =!2)+&%,":,":&#$)5&<!1&#$)56& ;)J0R!H!100)#J)5)!499J0E)(! )*"#$ As a relatively new member I wish to relate my impressions. I first joined the club in Sept. after being introduced to it ;!&'//&#$)&4),5'#%S":)1A&'&#$!8%'"+&#$'"9%&<!1&#$)&.!"+)1<8/& during Fiesta Week. I was impressed with the facility and the friendliness of the people present at that time. Since N$(9!H!;J#I)!SD6LJI! +',"$ !<&2!86&7&"!#,-)+&5'"2&$'**2A&%5,/,":&<'-)%&.$)"&#$)&'""!8"- +) joining I have taken part in several events - New Year's Eve, 18A74,$;/B7.7835$!" "#$%&'!"()*(+ ! Oktoberfest, Karneval etc. not to mention dinner every 50 ;!&#$)&T!1)/2&F'"-)1%&U'//&:1!8*%V&>&#.!&#$850%&8*&<!1&2!81&*) Thursday and many Friday evening social times. I feel the need to say that I have never felt so at home! The friendliO35,(F30P3,.(5:A(M,93:A.Q((( ").&-!%#85)%&.)1)/2&0)'8#,<8/6&;$'"9&2!8&)()1&%!&58-$&4 ness and efforts made to include me have been outstanding. During a few short months I feel that I have made many ,= H3(5,3(9:(123(09AAR3(-/(5(PB.S(M93.15(633T(5:A(1251(9.(3N5+1RS(2-6(63(R9T3(91Q(K,31U3R(.5R3.(5,3(;-9:;(,35RRS(63RRI( valued and loved friends. I really want to thank all of those who -'"&0)&()12&*1!8+&!<&#$),1&'-$,)()5)"#6&4!*)&#!&$'()&2!8&!"& have done so much to make me feel welcome. I have V-(6-:A3,C(62-(A-3.:W1(R9T3(123.3(;,351(/,3.2(K,31U3R.I(X23S(;-(.-(;--A(6912(5(:9+3(+-RA(P33,(5:A(123(A3R9+9-B.( ;!&'//&#$)&5'"2&'-#!1%A&'//&#$)&$)/*)1%&0)$,"+&#$)&%-)")%A&"!&5 the deepest and warmest feelings towards Club Loreley. -.7 /--A(X,3?-,(5:A(29.(1350(25?3(+--T3A(B8I(X25:T.(1-(5RR(123(D5A93.(62-(6-,T3A(.-(25,A(5;59:I(Y-B(69RR(P3(,3$ )W8'//2&,5*!1#'"#6&R)#)1&'"+&7&0!#$&/!!9&<!1.'1+&#!&.!19,":&., 65,A3A(6912(5(K9+:9+(9:(EBRSC(629+2(9.(8R5:3A(1-(15T3(8R5+3(51(-B,(<RBPC(.9:+3(63(25?3(129.(P35B19/BR(5,35(6912(123( Yours truly, :36(K3,;-R5(63(05S(5.(63RR(B.3(91I(7-(63(.33(S-B(123,3(-:(EBRS(#C(R31W.(2-83(/-,(5(.B::S(A5SI(( Keith Wagar H9.29:;(S-B(5RR(5(2588S(5:A(235R12S(.B003,Q(733(S-B(51(<RBP(D-,3R3SQ( "#$%&'!"()*(+( & !12100134&-4&5/'6135&7'8.& ! ,7 G -./ <7? !"#$%&'()*$%(#& %"&(G9:;(71,331(H3.1( 4.2565C(4:1I(D'E(JG%( +,-./&.0,123-4& K2-:3L()!"#=(%&&$"!J!( G'//&8%&<!1&2!81&58%,-'/&)"#)1#',"5)"#&"))+%& M5NL()!"#=(%&>$&#>%( ! ! +"'),-&./",0$-1&2,33,1"&45"',/$36& Change of address: !"#$%&'$()*($+,&-./.&00.-.& H. Uphoff Printing Inc. is moving to serve you better! As of April 1st, 2007'">(713?3:.-:(@-5A(7-B12( our new address will be: 595 Wentworth4.2565C(4:15,9-( St. E. #54 Oshawa, Ontario D'E(#F'( L1H 3V8 ! !6(G59G0)!"#59)!#$%$&! !"#$"%&%'()*& !"#$%&%'(#$%)"*+% "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+< ,("-"#.(/% 01213%4(.*#5(%6##*-(+2/% 78132/%9+:;3*(/%"+-%<13(% CIA%K;+-"/%72L%M% =13%"+%6881*+2<(+2>% 7;*2(%NO% )5("/(%#"55?% P.*2QR>%S+2L% @ABCD%EFBGHIJF% TI'%HUC% )*+,-..(/,-0(123(4.2565( German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 !"#$%&&$'!!'( 72-889:;(<3:13,=( ! !"#$%&' 19 ! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY ‘The Club’ - from Echo Germanica (April) In the first issues of Echo Germanica we printed five successive articles about the German club scene. This was in 1990. We were quite often reminded that these articles covered a lot of ground and answered a lot of questions that club presidents and members concerned with the survival of the German clubs had been asking. As we at Echo Germanica are not in the habit of re-reading articles of the past we had no idea why so many of our readers referred back to those articles. Then we visited Club Loreley Oshawa early this year. What we observed was quite a positive change compared to our previous experience. At our previous visit to Club Loreley we saw the same picture that presents itself to visitors at the majority of other German clubs: An aged membership void of a younger generation, void of a future. Now a joyous change at Club Loreley presented itself to us: Lots of children and their parents and their friends, and yes their grandparents. All of them enjoying German culture and customs. No attention paid to "German only". This was a demonstration to us that things can change from succumb to survival within a very short time span. We at Echo Germanica know that such changes come about only through the determination of a few survival-oriented individuals to turn things around and we want to thank those responsible. After our visit to Club Loreley we looked up those club articles of Echo Germanica from 1990. We found that they are just as valid today as they were in 1990. Why do we emphasize "no attention paid to German only"? We had to listen at high functions in German heritage clubs to German professors telling us there is no German culture without the German language. Where is their foot in reality? To whom are those professors talking? Were they mistaken the German heritage club for an academy? They definitely had not the youth of the German heritage, their parents and their friends in mind! Just a few of our youth still understand, speak or read German fluently. There is no studying of Goethe or Schiller in our clubs and that is not their purpose. Our clubs are a meeting place. A meeting place where the original immigrants met to celebrate their German heritage, their customs, etc. Eventually they brought their non-German-speaking spouses and friends with them. And there is lots of testimony that these non-German-speaking visitors had a good time taking part in German culture and customs. That’s how the German community gained a lot of friends. Again, whom do we actually want to attract with our "German only" policy? What is left to attract the German heritage youth, their parents and friends? The German culture and customs, of course! German culture and customs convey a lot of clean fun, a lot of wisdom, of lot of what it actually means to be of German heritage, a lot to be proud of. It transcends the language barrier. Once we have that we can start thinking about reviving the language skills. With these thoughts in mind, Echo Germanica will reprint those 1990 articles in the course of the year. Rolf Rentmeister PREIS – SKAT Sat, May 26th At 11 A.M. Admission: $25.00 Sandwich included Jeder ist eingeladen 20 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY K.G Loreley Youth Dancer Report - Holly Henninger What an incredibly busy yet rewarding time for our Dancers!!!!! Starting off with our Seniors Manoeverball on March 24th in Brantford-WOW!!!!!! We are so very proud of each and every dancer. All of their extra practices and hard work paid off. They performed so well as a group and each of them did their best. Seeing their smiles and enjoyment in their performances made it all worth while. We received many compliments on a job well done. Special thanks to Chathel Koepp for performing her Funkenmariechen Solo and to Julia Henninger for performing her Free Style Solo. To our teachers Brigitte Rank and Kim Sanders- BRAVO- for your continued dedication!!! ! Our Kinders and Juniors have been working really hard and hopefully with all the extra practices it will help them prepare for their Manoeverball on April 21st in Brantford. Once again to our teachers- Tracy Reid and Elizabeth Gifford for Kinders and Brigitte and Kim for Juniorsthanks for all of your hard work. Special thanks to the Rifle Club for allowing our dancers to fit in an extra practice on your practice time. To all of our dancer’s families- Thank you so very much for being so supportive!!!! -./0$1234.45$67,#4,$8$98::5$;<<7=43,835$"2$2/3$>./0$?4?043,@! Our Kindertots look forward to performing their Polka at Heimat Abend. Thanks to the Heimat Singers for the invite. On April 29th our Kindertots and Kinders look forward to attending Kinderfest at the Hansa Haus. It is always a fun and rewarding experience for our dancers and their siblings. ;/05!H!;)0(J)99/!T'('U! ''"#$ ;$%)(9!H!<IJ96!K)J056)JL)(! Karneval duties wrap up for the season on April 29th with the BDKK Annual membership meeting. Tammi and I !"#$ will be attending. !"#$% &"'"()% <(JD!H!TJ0/!M$(E6/(I9! $ <(059!H!;J#I)!M/#/5D6! %"#$ P(I!H!;)#L$9!Q(/0I)(! '("#$ ;)J0R!H!100)#J)5)!499J0E)(! )*"#$ N$(9!H!;J#I)!SD6LJI! +',"$ Saturday May 12th is our Annual Benefit dance. We invite all Club Members and friends to come out and help sup)+3A$ as;)#L$9!"6(J59/!N('0)(! port our event. We will be hosting theKJ##J!H!<#J5/%)96!S/0I)(5! Mini-Miss/ Miss Loreley Pageant well during the evening. Thanks to Gabri&"#$ ele and Ed Albrecht for organizing this. Please see advertisement in this paper. F/$#!H!1I/!O$##)(! &"#$ Fiesta Week is the Grande Finale of our Season. All of our dancers will be in the Fiesta Parade on Fathers day. From there we will be show-casing all four of our groups as well as inviting other guests to perform throughout the week Monday – Saturday. We encourage everyone to come out as you will not be dis18A74,$;/B7.7835$!""#$%&'!"()*(+! appointed. O35,(F30P3,.(5:A(M,93:A.Q((( H3(5,3(9:(123(09AAR3(-/(5(PB.S(M93.15(633T(5:A(1251(9.(3N5+1RS(2-6(63(R9T3(91Q(K,31U3R(.5R3.(5,3(;-9:;(,35RRS(63RRI( Upcoming Events V-(6-:A3,C(62-(A-3.:W1(R9T3(123.3(;,351(/,3.2(K,31U3R.I(X23S(;-(.-(;--A(6912(5(:9+3(+-RA(P33,(5:A(123(A3R9+9-B.( th - Youth Dancer Benefit Dance (See pg. 16) /--A(X,3?-,(5:A(29.(1350(25?3(+--T3A(B8I(X25:T.(1-(5RR(123(D5A93.(62-(6-,T3A(.-(25,A(5;59:I(Y-B(69RR(P3(,3$ May 12 65,A3A(6912(5(K9+:9+(9:(EBRSC(629+2(9.(8R5:3A(1-(15T3(8R5+3(51(-B,(<RBPC(.9:+3(63(25?3(129.(P35B19/BR(5,35(6912(123( June 18-23rd - Fiesta Week –with Parade on June 17th :36(K3,;-R5(63(05S(5.(63RR(B.3(91I(7-(63(.33(S-B(123,3(-:(EBRS(#C(R31W.(2-83(/-,(5(.B::S(A5SI(( Happy dancing, H9.29:;(S-B(5RR(5(2588S(5:A(235R12S(.B003,Q(733(S-B(51(<RBP(D-,3R3SQ( "#$%&'!"()*(+ Holly Henninger( ! !12100134&-4&5/'6135&7'8.& %"&(G9:;(71,331(H3.1( 4.2565C(4:1I(D'E(JG%( K2-:3L()!"#=(%&&$"!J!( M5NL()!"#=(%&>$&#>%( !"#$%&'$()*($+,&-./.&00.-.& ! German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 21 G E R M A N - C A N A D I A N C L U B L O R E L E Y Heimat Abend & Karneval 2007 - See more Club Loreley photos online at: 22 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY German-Canadian Club Loreley 389 Dean Avenue Oshawa Presents: German & Canadian Beer on Tap German Wine, and German & International Cuisine From Sunday, June, 17th to Saturday June 23rd Lunch from 11 A.M. & Dinner from 5 to 10 P.M. Entertainment by the Loreley Youth Dancers. Show start at: 6:30 P.M. Music by: Ed’s DJ & Music Fiesta Passports available at Club Loreley: Adults $8, Seniors $4 Children under 14 free (when accompanied by an Adult) The biggest festival in Oshawa, sponsored by the Folks Art Council Mother’s Day Brunch Chef Trevor & Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave, Oshawa are inviting you to: Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday, May 13th, 2007 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Advance tickets available in the member’s lounge or by phone: Gerda Koepp: 905-263-2745 Tickets are $20.00, Taxes included Children under 12 years ½ price Our chef will serve you a delicious full course buffet including: coffee, tea and a sweets table, Small fry (2 – 6 years) are free A surprise for all mothers Im ‘Haus der Gemütlichkeit’ German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 23
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