FEATURED - musicianslasvegas369.com


FEATURED - musicianslasvegas369.com
Officer’s Reports
Membership Report
New Members
Bylaws for Geeks
Condensed Minutes
Election Details
Frank Leone, President
(702) 373-3290
Bill Klinger, Vice President
(702) 293-1171
Keith D. Nelson, Secretary/Treasurer
(702) 845-4159
Mark “Tully” Massagli, President Emeritus
All correspondence to Local 369 should be sent to:
Musicians Union of Las Vegas, Local 369 AFM
3701 Vegas Drive, Las Vegas NV 89108
ATTENTION—Do not send any mail to PO Box 7467:
PO Box 7467, Las Vegas NV 89125 has been discontinued and is no longer
be in use. Send all mail to 3701 Vegas Drive, Las Vegas NV 89108.
(702) 647-3690
(702) 647-3693
Office Hours: Monday - Friday; 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Holiday Schedule:
Dawn McCoy, Accountant
Diane Ecker, Administrative Assistant
Gary Cordell
(702) 806-4550
Richard “Alex” Jackson
(562) 225-0657
Rebecca Ramsey
(702) 838-4342
Please note Local 369’s office will be closed the following days in 2014:
Jan 1 & 20, Feb 17, Apr 18, May 26, Jul 4, Sep 1, Oct 13 & 31, Nov 11,
27 & 28, Dec 24, 25, & 26. Holiday Open House - Thurs, Dec 18
Executive Board Meeting Dates:
Held at 9:30 a.m. every other Wednesday at Local 369 HQ, 3701 Vegas
Drive, Las Vegas NV 89108.
General Membership Meeting Dates:
Held at 1:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of each quarter (Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct)
at Local 369 HQ, 3701 Vegas Drive or at a location designated by the
Executive Board with proper notice to the membership.
2013 Meeting Dates: Jan 4, Apr 5, Jul 12*, Oct 4
( * note modified meeting date)
FREE Notary Service for Members:
Local 369 offers notary services to all AFM members who are in “good
standing.” The best part, the cost is FREE!
Call (702) 647-3690 to schedule an appointment.
Membership Dues for Regular or Youth Members:
Yearly membership dues for Regular or Youth Members are $170.
Quarterly membership dues for Regular or Youth Members are:
$42.50 if paid in the 1st month of the quarter: Jan, Apr, Jul, or Oct
$42.75 if paid in the 2nd month of the quarter: Feb, May, Aug, or Nov
Lawrence “Larry” Ransom III
$43.00 if paid in the 3rd month of the quarter: Mar, Jun, Sep, or Dec
(702) 354-3386
larry.ransom@countryfinancial.com Membership Dues for Life Members:
Ron Simone
(702) 321-5577
James “Keith” Thompson
(917) 705-6899
Yearly membership dues for Life Members are $74.
Quarterly membership dues for Life Members are:
$18.50 If paid in the 1st month of the quarter: Jan, Apr, Jul, or Oct
$18.75 If paid in the 2nd month of the quarter: Feb, May, Aug, or Nov
$19.00 If paid in the 3rd month of the quarter: Mar, Jun, Sep, or Dec
To qualify for Life membership in Local 369, you must be at least 65 years of
age and have held cumulative membership in the AFM for at least 35 years.
President’s Report
“And They’re Off” !!!
January 2, 2014, can certainly be called an
auspicious occasion, because it was the
first day of business in the new year for
Local 369”s Executive Board. Significantly
new was Keith Nelson; the Local’s first new
Secretary-Treasurer in more than twenty
years. New also as Trustees, were Alex, Jackson, and Ronnie
Simone (returning to the board after having served admirably on
the board for several years previously). Held over via re-election
were VP-Bill Klinger, and Trustees Gary Cordell, Rebecca
Ramsey, Larry Ransom, and Keith Thompson. Oh, almost forgot—
myself. A sense of exuberance was in the air, as well as a kind of
positivism and optimism.
Once again, as in 2012, AFM and Local 369 President Emeritus,
Mark “Tully” Massagli, graciously agreed to administer the Oath
of Office to the newly elected Local 369 Executive Board. We
stepped outside to take some board photos, after which we
immediately got to work.
Subsequent to last November’s Local 369’s Election of Officers, I
was peppered regularly with the same basic question; “How do
you think the Union will do with a brand-new Secretary-Treasurer?
Without going into details, my answer always was that I had
every expectation of an excellent job by Keith Nelson, and that
the Union would be fine. It should put all at ease, and filled with
delight to know that Secretary-Treasurer Nelson wasted no time
in putting forth some new ideas. Brimming with enthusiasm, he
expounded on new recruitment tactics, new communication
tactics with schools of every level, and great expectations for use
of social media by Local 369. Indeed, within two months of office,
he succeeded in implementing Face Book for Local 369, and
acquired Local 369’s ability to accept PayPal, in addition to
payment by credit cards, and arranged for a grant writing workshop
for members. His presence in office has also been a joining
catalyst for certain new members. He and I get along very well,
and similarly for our office staff, Diane and Dawn, who I suspect
may find him better looking than yours truly.
Besides Keith’s work, I want to emphasize that the rest of the
board, our wordsmith VP, Bill Klinger, and the trustees contribute
mightily with imaginative ideas, careful decision making, and with
their constant monitoring of the Las Vegas musical scene as it
applies to Local 369’s business. This is a very effective board, both
in words and deeds. Also, special mention must be given to
Administrative assistant, Diane Ecker, who continues to provide
unique methods of record keeping, formatting, and who deals
calmly with hundreds of revisions I’ve made over the years to my
articles, contracts, legal papers, and for her other ideas regarding
the looks and organization of the office.
Much business lies ahead; including a recording agreement to
release Local 369’s Las Vegas 1963 Jazz Festival, dealing with
particular miscreant activity in a pro-active way, a CBA for Momma
Mia at the Tropicana, union organization of musicians performing
for certain peripheral acts without a contract, a new Local 369
Members’ Guide, a completely revised scale book, an enormously
expanded website, and many, many other items, some
substantial, and some subtle, but all meriting our attention.
And so, “We’re Off” at full gallop to insure that no matter who is in
the race, whether corporation, celebrity, theatrical musical, variety
production, or whatever, that Musicians Union of Las Vegas, Local
369, AFM, will be right there at finish line as a winner.
A blast from the past…
Who remembers the Musicians Wives Club from
days gone by? During their time together, they
held fundraisers, annual dinner shows,
scholarship competitions, musical comedy
shows, entertained at the AFM Conventions, etc.
(L-R) Louise (Ed) Bordenavz,
Ella Mae (Tony) Lonney,
Arlene (Howard) Agster,
Aggie (Russ) Black,
Joan (Charles) McLean
performing during a luncheon
at the Grand Ballroom of the
Sands Hotel in 1966.
A special thanks to Arlene Agster for
sharing her newspaper clippings!
Above: (L-R) Linn (Dick) Eliot, Phyllis (Irv) Kluger,
& Joan (Mark Tully) Massagli performing at the
69th AFM Convention in 1966.
Right: (L-R) Arlene (Howard) Agster, Randy
(Joey) Preston, & Carol Bossert in 1971.
(L-R) Ken Hanlon, Sandy Bennett, Arlene
Agster, James Bilbray presenting a $2,000
check to be used for scholarships in the
UNLV Dept of Music. The money was raised
during an auction in 1972.
Vice President’s Report
Due to the fact that the last issue of the
“Desert Aria” was devoted entirely to the
upcoming Local 369 “General Election,”
it has been six months since I informed
the membership that after 4-1/2 months
of negotiations with the Las Vegas
Philharmonic, an agreement had been
reached! I also noted that a ratification
vote by the orchestra members had
been scheduled. The vote took place on September 7, 2013 and
the new two year contract was solidly approved.
A major problem for the season was and is how to handle auditions,
advancement towards tenure, substitutes and extra players, without
a permanent music director. This has been resolved through side
letters of agreement, basically giving these decisions to the principal
players of each family of instruments until such time as a new music
director is appointed by the Philharmonic Board of Directors. As you
are no doubt aware, the symphony season is more that 1/2 way
completed, and so far, things have been going reasonably smoothly.
Another item that should be of interest to all professional musicians
concerns the recent (December) performances of “The Nutcracker”
by the Nevada Ballet Theater. There were ten performances, six
with live orchestra and four were danced to recordings.
In an effort to avoid the cost of the orchestra the ballet advertised
lower ticket prices for the recorded performances. However, their
rational proved to be a false assumption because the performances
without the orchestra were poorly attended. I am informed that when
the orchestra was present, they were enthusiastically applauded.
Hopefully, this is a sign that Las Vegas audiences will not accept
artistic compromises.
As the old saying goes, “There’s no substitute for live music!”
Ecker know all the “In’s and outs.” So we’re up and running as
As the newcomer to office operations, I would like to share with
you what I have witnessed over the first couple of months. Below
is a list of day-to-day operations:
Addressing membership issues in person or by phone
Assisting with scale quotes
Assisting with Culinary questions and eligibility issues
Assisting with Pension Fund questions
Gig advice
Gig referrals
Website management (visit our site)
Facebook page management (Like us)
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Local -369AFM/424014511077633
Contract negotiations and/ or servicing ongoing contract
obligations (with employers and members alike)
Helping our local members and visiting AFM members
(who are in our jurisdiction) with various media concerns
& contracts
Research on present and future work opportunities
Processing work and membership dues
Processing membership applications
Coordinating information sharing with other locals
Managing services for our membership
Office lunches are in-house…we work while we eat (only
business lunches are justifiable outside the office J)
House Cleaning:
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Bio’s and up-to-date resumes are requested. If you
have a group, it would be beneficial for us to have the
group bio & photo on file. We receive inquiries for
musicians and groups from time to time.
Email address updates and beneficiary card updates are
also appreciated. Call Administrative Assistant Diane
Ecker at (702)647-3690.
Go paperless with the Aria!
It is available via email and downloadable via our website
“Maiden Voyage”
For my first article as Secretary /Treasurer,
I extend a salute to Thom Pastor and his
twenty-nine years of service to our membership and to our Las Vegas community.
I thank all of you who were instrumental
in electing me to this post, and as well, I very much appreciate
everyone who was able to participate in our last election.
On my second day in office, I was greeted with a phone call from
AFM International Representative Wally Malone. He welcomed
me and offered tips for matriculating, as a recognized officer, into
the Federation. He extended his hand in assistance as a “firstcall liaison”, should I ever get stumped. He assured me that
between Frank, Bill, Dawn, and Diane, I would have no problems
getting started. He confidently stated that they would point me in
the right direction on most issues. He was right!
Frank is a great mentor; Bill is always available via phone;
Accountant Dawn McCoy and Administrative Assistant Diane
As Secretary /Treasurer, I can report to you that our financial
health is stable. Although we are maintaining, we need to
aggressively grow opportunities.
There are strategies already in motion. The executive board is
involved in sharing expertise and associations to bring about
more employment opportunities for our members.
New and Upcoming Improvements:
Like us on Facebook! Check out our official Local 369
Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Local
Accountant Dawn McCoy is a certified notary; free for our
members. This service is available during office hours.
You can now pay work and membership dues via
PayPal™ on our site (PayPal™ charges a processing fee).
We are in the beginning stages of constructing a new
website. This site will have 24/7 access to the things
that will assist our members.
(Continued on page 5)
We are hopeful in securing a “cost effective” rehearsal
hall for our members. “Cost effective” is the key term.
Health Care:
Culinary is interested in assisting us with providing more of our
members with eligibility.
They have brought to our attention a program, currently in effect,
titled Window of Eligibility.
This program allows any of our members, from June 1st of the
previous year to May 31st of the current year, to make contributions
to UNITE HERE (Culinary Health Fund) via Local 369 contract.
Those contributions must total 40 days over an eight month period
between June 1st of the previous year and May 31st of the current
year. This will allow a member to become eligible for the Fund. Once
qualified, a member will be able to make up any missing hours via
self- payments.
All members need to maintain a minimum of 40 days annually to
stay eligible.
Culinary is a comprehensive healthcare option. Under Culinary,
members get medical, dental, optical, and a life insurance policy.
Nevada Health Co-op offers a medical only option for anyone who
does not qualify for Culinary (I have limited experience with NHC,
so this is not a recommendation. I am only sharing research . I
will be meeting with NHC officials for a full presentation of what they
offer. Culinary sponsors a general information meeting Thursdays
from 4pm-8pm to assist with NHC enrollment questions. Call
Culinary for more information: (702) 733-9938
Work Dues minus a contract?
Okay, most of us have a hard time shelling out money for no
apparent reason, stating “I’d like to see some tangible benefit when
I owe work dues.” Here are some hidden (or forgotten) benefits in
paying work dues on all gigs (the first is obvious):
We said we would……Article III E. (Please see * at the end
of this section)
Work dues are tax deductible. I personally keep a category
titled “work dues” in my banking program. At the end of the
year, it's a nice addition to my other write-offs.
Some are not so obvious:
An Arts Union is like the Arts, and needs to be supported. I
can attest first-hand to the amount of assistance we give to
musicians on a weekly basis. This assistance is diverse and
varied; if we aren't helping you, we are helping someone else.
What does that help look like?
Sometimes it's gig advice and information sharing for members
to base a pertinent decision upon. The union office is actively
working up scale quotes for members’ various projects.
The membership collectively contributes to a group death
insurance plan, so that when a member dies, the family
receives a $1,000. benefit.
The membership receives requests from time to time for
financial assistance from a member who has experienced a
legitimate hardship. Our emergency relief fund is strong and
being managed carefully in order to assist when these
unfortunate incidents occur.
Utilizing the Federation and its vast connections, the supported
local office is in constant communication on behalf of the entire
membership to create and maintain fair working standards
and minimums. Most all musicians benefit from American
Federation standards (whether they are aware of it or not).
Check out a couple of very real scenarios that I have witnessed
in the first two months of office.
There are more examples, but I'll only share two:
An artist and his group, made up of union and nonunion
members alike, were booked to perform on network TV. Most
television performances are under Federation contracts. The union
members called the office to check if what was being offered was
in line with scale for the type of show, etc. The nonunion members
benefit to a degree, because the union members have to make a
certain minimum amount which avails them the assurance of a
professional wage. The union members could get reuse, the nonunion members also benefit by hitching a ride. The payment and
determined minimum for this type of performance is due to the
AFM (an arts union) being supported, and having the resources
to negotiate and maintain fair wages for its musician performers.
A strip employer decided to video and audio record a DVD
and CD to be sold for profit. The production company attempted
to represent the project as if it was for a non-profit organization,
and thereby, justified not paying the musicians. Word of the scam
got to our Local Union office on a weekend. Due to a question
being asked of our office as to proper practices involved in
recording DVDs and CDs, every musician (including the nonunion musicians) received the benefit of the Union’s knowledge,
expertise, and strength of relationships. They are all now, at the
very least, promised a fair wage instead of being bullied into
working for free. Paying work dues allows our Union to pursue
respectable compensation.
It is our hope that every well practiced and consummate professional
is treated with financial integrity. The Union exists and represents
a minimum standard to that end. I personally believe that most of
our members are always worthy of double to triple scale,
understanding this may not be achievable in many situations.
The minimum scale should be a welcomed compromise. Paying
work dues funds these efforts.
How About More Opportunities?
Growth-minded, we are increasing our efforts to be more community
outreach-oriented, and proactive as a labor organization.
We will continue working on behalf of our membership to build a
stronger and more viable union.
Pro Point: “The best sidemen are leaders who follow well!”
(Unpacked) Good leaders are good followers. They understand the
extra responsibilities and pressures the lead position demands and
therefore act and perform supportively.
Keith D. Nelson
*E. Work Dues: Except for services otherwise expressly specified in the
Bylaws of the Federation as requiring the payment of Work Dues directly
to the Federation, and/or establishing different rates, every member shall
be required to pay work dues of four percent (4%) based on earnings to
the Local. Said dues shall include the amount due the AFM (“Federation
Work Dues”) on all musical services that the member renders within the
geographical jurisdiction of the Local. (See Article I-C) Work Dues shall
be due and payable not later than the 15th day of the month following the
month in which the member received payment for the service(s). Four
percent (4%) Work Dues shall be payable on any service, of any nature
or source, under any contract (or absent the same), and without regard to
the AFM status of any other Musician(s) with whom or for whom the
member is performing. Termination of membership shall not affect in any
way the obligation to pay Work Dues on services performed while a
member. Work Dues for electronic media employment shall be payable at
the rate set forth by the AFM of applicable AFM Electronic Media scales,
currently four and one half percent (4.5%).
Membership Report
October 10, 2013 through February 10, 2014
MEMBERSHIP STATUS VERIFICATION—Note: The Desert Aria is published quarterly, therefore member status may have changed.
For the latest status (standing) of any particular member, listed or not, you must call the Local. REMINDER BYLAW ARTICLE II, G: “A
Suspended member shall not be in good standing and shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and benefits of membership in the Local, but
shall continue to be responsible for the obligations of membership during such suspension.”
(818) 426-7843
Guitar / Electric Guitar / 12 String Guitar /
Steel Guitar / Mandolin / Ukulele / Teacher
mi s t y v e r a n d a h @g ma i l . c o m
(615) 557-6386
Violin / Fiddle / Mandolin / Arranger /
Teacher / Viola / Guitar / Vocals
p a t r i c k @l e a r n f i d d l e . c o m
(702) 269-7182 / (702) 682-0826
Guitar / 12 String Guitar / Classical Guitar /
Arranger / Orchestrator / Vocals / Vocal
Coach / Trumpet / Percussion / Latin
Percussion / Steel Drums
s t e v e n l e e mu s i c @c o x . n e t
(702) 277-0954
a n t h o n y d a t t o r r o @y a h o o . c o m
(816) 289-3133
Drums (Combo / Cocktail)
d o u b l e d a y m u s i c @s w b e l l . n e t
(909) 894-9262
Bassoon / Contra Bassoon / Teacher
e b e r l e . b a s s o o n @g ma i l . c o m
(702) 677-0241
Acoustic/Upright Bass / Electric Bass /
Bass / Tuba / Arranger / Composer /
Copyist / Keyboards / Teacher /
Claves / Vocals
s t e p h e n f l o r a @g ma i l . c o m
(702) 269-5430 / (702) 635-2632
Piano / Synthesizer / Trombone / Vocals /
Arranger / Conductor / Keyboards
w o r l d s t a g e @ mi n d s p r i n g . c o m
(702) 353-5070
Organ / Piano / Conductor /
Composer / Arranger
a m3 z7 7 @y a h o o . c o m
(949) 338-2648
Viola / Violin
r h e a i n g r a m @ g ma i l . c o m
Keyboards / Piano / Organ /
Vocals / Bass
r j k e y z@ a o l . c o m
(612) 267-1037 / (702) 704-6062
Clarinet / Saxophone
j a n d a mc d @ ms n . c o m
(702) 562-2664 / (510) 409-8733
Alto Saxophone / Tenor Saxophone /
Soprano Saxophone / Flute
c h a r l e s @c h a r l e s mc n e a l . c o m
(702) 428-2453
Drums (Combo/Cocktail) / Composer /
Arranger / Copyist
b o o mc r a s h 5 0 @g ma i l . c o m
(979) 229-6661
Saxophone / Oboe / Flute /
Bassoon / Clarinet
n u n e zd 1 @u n l v . n e v a d a . e d u
(702) 301-0530
French Horn
r u s h j 9 0 @g ma i l . c o m
(801) 867-5419
Guitar / Electric Guitar
t h e o d o r e s a b l a y @y a h o o . c o m
(702) 806-0991
me l a n i e @s c h i e me r s t u d i o . c o m
(559) 284-5423
Bassoon / Contra Bassoon
a s h l e a s h e r i d a n @g ma i l . c o m
Drums (Combo/Cocktail) /
Timpani / Percussion
p c a r o u s e l @a o l . c o m
(702) 334-0466
za p a t a v i o l @h o t ma i l . c o m
OCTOBER 1, 2013
Asti, John
Chai, Kim
Chirafisi, Robert C *
Falbo, John *
Fender, Charlotte *
Iles, Jennifer
Ivy, Julie M *
Jones, Jennifer E
Parsons, Philip
* Have since been reinstated to “Good Standing.”
(Continued on page 7)
ATTENTION! FOR YOUR PROTECTION! The following language appears in both our bylaws (Business Policy No. 10) and our scale
book (Section II-L): “The terms of a Personal Service Agreement (PSA), must not be in conflict with any AFM or Local 369 Rules and
Regulation; and must be reviewed and approved by a Local 369 titled officer prior to the musicians’ signing or shall otherwise be deemed
null and void.”
LEADERS AND CONTRACTORS—Although you may respect certain musician’s abilities and have hired them previously on a number
of occasions, under no circumstances should you automatically assume that their membership is current. Certain musicians who have
been expelled for various reasons will maintain that their membership is “in good standing” to secure the employment you are offering.
Do not rely solely on the directory in your possession! Circumstances and situations change! The most current membership is available
online and is updated on a monthly basis. Under Local 369’s Business Policy #2: “It is morally and ethically incumbent upon all contractors
who are members of the AFM to utilize only AFM members.”
OCTOBER 1, 2013 (continued)
Sinoto, Yurika *
Viscuglia, Lisa *
JANUARY 1, 2014
Asti, John
Chai, Kim
Iles, Jennifer
Jones, Jennifer E
Parsons, Philip
JANUARY 1, 2014
Anzaldo, Jr, Sebastian A
Arnold-Davis, Sheila *
Badessa, Lori
Barbato, Rocco *
Davis, Jeffrey L *
De Lorenzo, Janine T
Ehling, Otto *
Ellis, Barbara
Finger, Joseph A
Gould, John
Hachey, Michael J
Johnson, Tim
Kramer, Caitlin *
Kuter, Gary
Ley, Zoe K
Long, Andre J
Luck, Stephen
Marini, Pier
Marth, Thomas P
Mata-Alvarez, Juan
McGee, Brian W
McGee, Joan Butler
McGee, Richard L (Dick)
Morgan, Jacob
Nasshan, Jr, John
Papp, Colleen P
Paugh, Richard J
Payne, William A *
Pilon-Ellison, Rayne
Pooley, Austin
Ratigan, Lisa
Reed, Scott
Rich, Eddie
Rogers, Todd W *
Schmitt, Nicholas
Shepherd, Joyce (Vonn)
Sicam III, Raymond B
Suk, Hanna
Theriault, Robert Jr
Todd, Ben
Tulli, Nicholas *
Turner, Roby
Ventresca, Gene
Veslany, Nicholas
Viscuglia, Lisa *
Wiseman, William J (Bill)
Wright-Tolen, Jenny*
* Have since been reinstated to “Good Standing.”
Arnold-Davis, Sheila *
Barbato, Rocco *
Belneev, Svetlin
Bonora, Jr., Robert A *
Chirafisi, Robert C *
Kramer, Caitlin *
Davis, Jeffrey L *
Ehling, Otto *
Falbo, John *
Fender, Charlotte *
Ivy, Julie M *
Miranda, Anthony M
O’Connor, Lindsey
Payne, William A *
Rogers, Todd W *
Sinoto, Yurika *
Tulli, Nicholas *
Viscuglia, Lisa *
Wright-Tolen, Jenny*
Wucinich, Charles
Olesuk, Paul
Posella, Naldo
Shaheen, Jamie Lee
Tulli, Nicholas
Vaughn, Wendell
Willard, Jody Taylor
PALM Mortuary Offers
Musicians Local 369
Members, Retirees, Employees
and their families
FREE Personal Planning Guide
FREE Veterans Planning Guide
Pre-Need Discounts
10% Discount Pre-Need
cemetery property space
$200 off Pre-Need
traditional funeral packages
$100 off Pre-Need
cremation packages
10% off Pre-Need itemized plans
At-Need Discounts
5% Discount At-Need
cemetery property space
5% Off At-Need itemized
funeral or cremation services
For more information or to
schedule a FREE consultation,
contact one of your designated
Local 369 Union Representatives
Laura Martin
(702) 349-1163
Debbie Brunjes
(702) 757-7851
*If a death has occurred, please contact
one of our seven locations directly.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Andrew Chute
Guitar [inc Electric, 12 String, & Steel]/
Andrew has been a professional guitarist
and mandolin player since 2007. He has
played thousands of gigs since then,
ranging from theater to back various
entertainers, to modern rock and top 40
style performances. He is a competent sight-reader and has
excellent interpretation of styles. Please search for his live footage
on YouTube listed under his name. Contact information is available
through the Las Vegas Musicians Union.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Patrick Clark
Patrick Clark is a multi-instrumentalist
with a specialty in violin and fiddle. He is
a full time faculty member of the Nevada
School of The Arts in Las Vegas, NV
where he teaches Suzuki violin and
fiddling. His accomplishments in the music business are numerous,
as he has toured with some of Country Music’s biggest artists,
including a three and a half year stint playing for Darius Rucker.
He is the author of the book “Fiddling, The Basics and Beyond,”
published by Hal Leonard. The book is a fiddle methods book that
focuses on proper playing technique while playing an alternative style.
Patrick grew up in Flagstaff, AZ where he studied violin starting
at the age of five years old. By the time he entered college he
was a state and regional fiddle champion and held concert master
positions in nine different youth orchestras. He graduated from
Northern Arizona University in 2006 with a degree in Violin
Performance. While in college, Patrick ran and fronted a country
band that was very successful state wide. His final semester of
college was spent on the road with former American Idol contestant,
Josh Gracin. From there, Patrick went on to play with many other
artists including Darius Rucker, Big and Rich, Sara Evans, Roy
Clark, Mark Chesnutt, Mark Wills, Shannon Brown, Pam Tillis,
Crystal Gayle, Brenda Lee, James Otto, Lee Brice, Chuck Wicks,
Collin Raye and many more.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Steven Lee Cowart
Guitar/12 String Guitar/Classical
Vocal Coach/Trumpet/Percussion/
Latin Percussion/Steel Drums
Steven Lee has been a respected music
professional for over 40 years. Originally
from Virginia, he began playing guitar
and French horn at the age of thirteen. While being groomed for
a career in classical music at Wayne State in Detroit, he quickly
succumbed to the lure of jazz and R&B and became an in demand
guitarist, playing in the city's hottest jazz clubs and recording
sessions at Motown and United Artists.
Steven Lee moved to Las Vegas with a group he formed called
Friends. Under his direction, the group was known for their intricate
vocal and instrumental arrangements, performing everything from
the Four Freshman to Steely Dan. They also opened for music
greats like Tower of Power, Al Stewart and B.B. King and released
their CD of originals, "Almost Like The Real Thing" to critical
acclaim which Steven Lee co-wrote and co-produced.
In recent years award winning jazz sensation Steven Lee Group
performed for jazz enthusiasts at the Bellagio Hotel and shared
the stage with Fattburger, Kansas, Peter White and the Rippingtons.
Steven Lee also co-wrote, recorded and mastered SLG’s debut
CD, “From The Ground Up” which has received international
radio play and rave reviews.
For the last 5 years, Steven Lee has been the guitarist for Donny
and Marie and performs with them in the main showroom at the
Flamingo Hotel 5 nights a week. Touring performances include
“Donny and Marie...A Broadway Christmas,” a 4 week engagement
at the Marriott Marquis Theater. He is also featured on Marie’s
latest CD, “I Can Do This.”
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Anthony Dattorro
Attended Boston Conservatory of Music
and Berklee School of Music. Have lived
and worked in both Los Angeles and
Las Vegas since 1977.
In addition to his country career, Patrick maintained a presence in
the classical world. He currently performs as a substitute violinist
with the Las Vegas Philharmonic and has performed with the
Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra and with the Tuscaloosa Symphony
Orchestra. He was also a featured soloist with both orchestras
and arranged pieces played by TSO.
Beyond a life passion for music, I have a
strong attraction for fine automobiles and
boats. A firm believer in live music and the people that make it.
Patrick toured the world playing music and has also performed
on the following television shows; The Oprah Winfrey Show, David
Letterman, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Ellen, The Today
Show, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, The Jimmy
Kimmell Show, Jimmy Fallon, Wendy Williams, Bonnie Hunt, The
View, Dancing With The Stars, The ACM Awards, The CMA
Awards, and The CMT Awards.
I started playing drums when I was six,
started band and lessons in the sixth
grade, in the seventh grade moved to
Kansas City, KS, from Northwestern KS.
First drum kit, 1954, and it’s all up hill
from there. Started gigging in high
school with a great group of guys who all went on to be wonderful
musicians. Joined the union in 1957, played all styles, found Jazz
1958, been playing bebop ever since, or whatever the crowd calls
for. I have been fortunate to work with most of Kansas City’s finest.
Patrick has also become a sought after clinician and teacher.
After teaching at Tennessee State University, Patrick began to
build a clinician career, which is still growing today. He works
heavily with Eastman Music Company as a national clinician
promoting the Galliano program, which donates clinician time
and scholarship money to school orchestra programs around the
country. He has also been a featured speaker at the renowned
American String Teachers Association convention.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
John Doubleday
Drums (Combo / Cocktail)
(Continued on page 9)
Meet Local 369’s
New Member
Kevin Eberle
B.M., M.M. –
University of
experience with the Las Vegas Philharmonic,
Redlands Symphony, Scottsdale Arts
Orchestra, Riverside Lyric Opera, Inland
Valley Symphony, Inland Valley Opera, and
St Stephen’s Chamber Orchestra. Frequent
recitalist and clinician across the Southwest.
Principal teachers include Janis McKay and
Carolyn Beck.
Meet Local 369’s
New Member
Halsey Harkins
Halsey Harkins is a
pianist and vocalist
from Las Vegas.
She is currently a
student at UNLV.
Meet Local 369’s
New Member
Rod Lee Henley
“Rialto! “ GSU Vocal Jazz (CDs-GSU
Records), Director - Vocal Jazz Ensembles,
Georgia State University, performance
clinics - IAJE, GMEA, New York Voices,
Michele Weir, Phil Mattson, April Arabian,
Established first collegiate/high school
vocal jazz programs in Georgia.
1989-1991 Freelance Producer/Performer.
Director of Music, Atlanta First Assembly;
educator. Atlanta, GA.
1987-1988 Adjunct Faculty/Graduate
Assistant/Performer, University of Nevada,
Conducted jazz ensembles, combos and
taught Jazz History. Performances with
Tony Bennett, Carl Fontana, Joe Williams,
Las Vegas, NV.
1982-1987 Executive Producer/Arranger/
Performer, The Four Freshmen, two world
tours. Performances with Nelson Riddle,
Oscar Peterson, Peggy Lee, Manhattan
Transfer, Rob McConnell, Woodie Herman,
Atlanta, St. Louis, and Oklahoma Symphony
Orchestras, “Vocalese,” Manhattan Transfer,
(Platinum CD & Video - Atlantic Records).
Producer, music concept - Joan London’s
ABC-TV special “Our Kids,” Las Vegas, NV.
1973-81 Producer/Performer, RKM Studios,
Rod Henley Productions, Staff associate
producer/audio engineer, composer of
creative jingle concepts. Band leader “The
Hotlanta Band.” Atlanta, GA. International
tour - Wayne Cochran & the C.C. Riders.
1970-1973 Performer/arranger/leader,
“Montgomery East,” Fort Walton Beach, FL.
Experience: 2005
to present Producer/Arranger/Conductor/
Educator, Director, Vocal Jazz EnsemblesFaculty Adjunct, College of Southern NV,
Arranger, Chansons Sentimentales for
Wind Orchestra, MIC Publishing, Norway, US
concert tour conductor, The Four Freshmen,
Doctoral Assistant Conductor, UNLV, CCSDmusic specialist, Las Vegas, NV.
1969-1970 Assistant Production Manager,
WKAB-TV. Directed live daily news, children’s
programming, and advertising production.
151st Army Band, E-7 Brass & Jazz Band
Leader. Montgomery, AL.
1994-2005 Producer/Arranger/Composer/
Performer, “The Best of Manhattan
Transfer” (CD-Atlantic Records), Dr. Rod “A
Classic Case!”, Faure’ “Requiem,” Schubert
“Mass” MPC Choir, “Seasons of the
Heart,”“Scratchin’ the Surface” The Faux
Freshmen, (CDs-Worldstage Records),
“Magic of the Movies” Orchestra of the
Americas (CDPlatinum Records), Arranger/
Composer Craft Committee, The Grammy
Awards, “Adult Swim” (jingles- Cartoon
Network) Performer: “Jesus Christ Superstar,”
NY Production, “Oh,Henry!” Mancini tour,
“Kiss Me Kate.” Mountain Park United
Methodist Church Choir. Atlanta, GA
1988 Master of Music, UNLV, Las Vegas,
1991-1994 Executive Producer/Performer/
Faculty , “Fresh!”, and “Freshmas!”, The Four
Freshmen, (CDs-Ranwood Records), “Forever
Plaid” (jingle). “Live from the Green Room,”
2012 Doctor of Musical Arts. University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, NV.
1985 Bachelor of Music, UNLV, Las Vegas,
Affiliations: International Trombone
Association (ITA), Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia,
National Association of Recording Art
Sciences (NARAS), American Federation of
Musicians, AFM Recording Signatory,
American Society of Composers, Authors,
and Publishers (ASCAP)
(Continued on page 10)
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Amy Homer-Smith
Born, raised and University-trained in
Las Vegas, Amy has built a life full of
music. During her undergraduate years
at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
she had the privilege of studying the
piano under Carol Stivers and Mykola Suk, and the organ under
Dr. Paul Hesselink. She currently has a very active piano studio
where she teaches private students of all ages and is a member
of the Las Vegas Music Teachers Association. From 1995-2012
she accompanied for the choral department at the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas where she worked under Dr. Jocelyn K. Jensen
and Professor David Weiller, head of choral studies. Amy’s career
as a rehearsal and concert accompanist has led her to national
choral festivals in New York, Washington DC, California, Arizona,
Utah & Nevada. In 2012 she began playing for shows in Las Vegas,
such Off-Strip Productions’ production of Stephen Sondheim’s
“Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.” She now
can be seen playing keyboards regularly on and off the Las Vegas
Strip. Amy is also a church organist, and has provided both piano
and organ music numerous congregations around the Las Vegas
Valley. She currently resides in Henderson, NV with her husband
Michael, 3 dogs and 3 cats.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Rhea Ingram
Rhea is a classically trained viola player
from Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA.
While attending Pepperdine, Rhea was
principle viola player of the Pepperdine
University Symphony Orchestra and also
received a musicians’ scholarship. Rhea
was also featured in a Master class at Pepperdine with teacher
Alma Fernandez. Ingram has also played in several operas and
musicals with the University and in the Los Angeles area. She
has also performed with Earth, Wind and Fire, and The Celtic
Women’s Orchestra and Choir in Las Vegas. Ingram was also in
a quartet featured on the hit TV show “Millionaire Matchmaker”
on Bravo. Rhea has substitute player positions at the Las Vegas
Philharmonic, and the Phoenix Symphony. Rhea has performed
numerous weddings in quartets and as a soloist. She also performs
occasionally with the Phoenix Opera Orchestra as principle viola
player. Rhea is also a private viola instructor and an orchestra
coach for several high schools.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Reginald Johnson
RJ is a native of Chicago’s south side
and has been privileged to work
professionally as a musician for over 15
years. RJ embarked on his journey as a
musician learning to play by ear in his
home church. Empowered by his natural
music ability and personal drive, RJ pursued classical music
training and mentoring by some of the best in the industry. RJ’s
music knowledge base and overall musicianship rapidly progressed,
and soon thereafter afforded him opportunities to gain experience
playing keys in live shows and studios for some of Chicago’s and
the music industry’s greatest artist. Through JK Melody Productions,
RJ has contributed to music through writing, producing and per10
forming with various artists, thus affirming his level of musicianship
not only as a player, but also as a songwriter, arranger, composer
and producer. Over the years RJ’s work continues to impress
critics, as the feedback notably describes RJ as skillful, creative,
and consistent across multiple genres of music including; jazz,
R&B, neo-soul, and gospel.
RJ currently sustains a firm imprint in the Las Vegas area, working
among an array of great jazz groups and within major venues.
Most importantly, Las Vegas is where RJ birthed his band, The
Assignment, and pursued the vision and responsibility of reminding
listeners to spread the message that “jazz is very alive, jazz is
really hip, jazz is cool, and you don’t have to be afraid to listen to
it.”- RJ RJ’s debut project, Deceiving Eyes, accomplished just that
and made a believer out of many. RJ released the project with
the intent to “break the rules” and in-turn received respect and
appreciation for his nonconformist edge. George W. Harris’ Jazz
Weekly review noted RJ as; “Impressive on a myriad of fronts, this
guy has a spry touch on the keys, an inquisitive delivery, and the
heart of a young lion in delivery.”
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Charles McNeal
Alto Saxophone/Tenor Saxophone/
Soprano Saxophone/Flute
Versatile saxophonist in the Jazz and
Pop idiom. Studied extensively in Denver,
CO privately and at the college level with
teachers that include: Walt Fowler, Willie
Hill, Rich Charluce, Keith Oxman, Ron
Miles, Javon Jackson, Nelson Rangell, Brad Leali, Walter Barr.
Has been a featured performer at many national and international
festivals including: Monterey JazzFestival (CA), San Jose Jazz
Festival (CA), San Francisco Jazz Festival (CA), Playboy Jazz
Festival (CA), Telluride Jazz Festival (CO), Umbria Jazz Festival
(Italy), Porretta Soul Festival (Italy).
Performed, recorded and/or toured with: Jimmy Scott, Charlie
Mussellwhite, Keb Mo, John Faddis,Wynton Marsalis, Leslie
Drayton, McCoy Tyner, Ray Obiedo, Dave Garabaldi, RAD,
Brenda Boykin, Claire Dee, Lavay Smith and the Red Hot Skillet
Lickers, Barbara Morrison, Barbara Dennerlein, Jr Mance, Bruce
Forman, Mark Elf, Roberta Flack, The Temptations, Ollie Woodson,
Norman Conners, Jean Carne, Curtis Olson, Peter Horvath, Jaz
Sawyer, Boz Scaggs, and Nicolas Bearde.
In addition to being a world class saxophonist my website
"charlesmcneal.com" is the #1 source for jazz saxophone
transcriptions and related educational resources on the web.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Mike Mechem
Drums (Combo/Cocktail)/Composer/
Performed Broadway shows including
42nd Street, Showboat on Broadway,
Pippin, and Annie. Four tours with
Holiday / Disney on Ice. Artists include
Michael Grimm (winner of Americas Got
Talent). Drums/Musical Director with Michael, Sid Caesar, Buddy
Greco, Pia Zadora, McGuire Sisters, Debbie Reynolds, Deano
Martin, Rat Pack is Back.
(Continued on page 11)
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Daniel Nunez
Daniel Nunez specializes in being a
multiple woodwind doubler, with
saxophone as his primary instrument.
With a degree in Music Education from
Stephen F. Austin State University in
Nacogdoches, Texas, Daniel has been able to study privately
with all five woodwind instructors on faculty throughout the course of
his degree. During his time performing in Texas, he has served as
principal with the Orchestra of the Pines, playing both oboe and
english horn, principal of the premiere wind ensemble playing
saxophone, and principal another performing wind ensemble playing
flute and piccolo. His bassoon and clarinet experiences are from
chamber quintets and orchestras and instrumental choirs. Daniel
now resides in Las Vegas where he is continuing his education,
performance, and practice on all five woodwinds and completing
a Master's of Music in Woodwinds Performance at the University
of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Jordan Rush
French Horn
A native of Las Vegas, Jordan began his
studies with Bill Bernatis in 2008. During
his time there, he has enjoyed
freelancing with groups including the
Las Vegas Philharmonic, The Nevada
Ballet Theatre, and Peter Nero and is a
recent graduate of UNLV. Jordan is currently anticipating
attending graduate school starting in the fall of 2014. Jordan has
enjoyed attending the Chautauqua Institute and Rock Ridge
Music Center."
Meet Local 369’s New Member
“Ted” Sablay
Guitar/Electric Guitar
Ted Sablay is a touring guitarist for the
Grammy-nominated Platinum-Selling Las
Vegas rock band The Killers. Sablay is
also a private guitar and piano instructor,
and will begin teaching private lessons
at the University of Nevada Las Vegas in the spring 2014 semester.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Michael Ware
Drums (Combo/Cocktail)/Timpani/
1963 - finalized an amateur career of
participation in the usual school bands
and orchestras by accepting a music
scholarship to attend school and play
timpani in the Pepperdine University
Symphony Orchestra.
19654967 - entered professional music playing drums with L.A,'s,
The Sons of Adam, while recording for Decca Records. The group
appeared in, (and played a segmented soundtrack on), Paramount
Pictures', "The Slender Thread." During our time together, we
played Gazzarri's and The Whisky a Go-Go, in Hollywood, and
The Fillmore, Winterland and Avalon Ballroom in San Francisco.
1967-1969 - toured and recorded with the Los Angeles-based
rock group Love, providing drums, background vocals, and
percussion on the albums Da Capo and Forever Changes
(released by Elektra Records).
1969-1972 - session work and live performances with various
musical organizations in Seattle and L.A. (including The Danny
O'Keefe Band and C.K. Strong).
1973 - declined an offer to tour with Neil Diamond and took a
thirty-year break from professional music... jamming occasionally
(Continued on page 12)
In Memoriam
Local 369 extends sincere sympathy and condolences to the families of the following:
Gomez, Eddie
Ray, John “Jeff”
April 11, 1922
Local 369 Member Since
April 12, 1958
At Rest
December 20, 2013
Cabasa / Composer /Maracas / Guiro
April 9, 1970
Local 369 Member Since
December 11, 2007
At Rest
January 18, 2014
Guitar / Electric Bass /Vocals / Composer
in groups comprised of musicians with whom I shared similar
musical interests.
2001-2002 - wrote the musical odyssey, "Behind The Scenes On
the Pegasus Carousel With The Legendary Rock Group, Love,"
published in 2003 by Hefter Skelter Publishing, U.K.
Boulevard, the Whisky a Go-Go, as part of The Gibson
Foundation's, "Gibson Guitar Town on The Sunset Strip," an
ongoing art exhibit, celebrating artists and musicians who have
influenced The Sunset Strip.
Meet Local 369’s New Member
Anthony Zapata
2006 - performed in benefit concerts to raise funds for the care of
Love group leader, Arthur Lee.
2007 - appeared in the film bio, "Love Story," produced by the
UK based company, "Start Productions."
2008 - performed on Randy "Guitar God" Holden's "Raptor" album.
2009-2011 - played with the re-formed "Love Revisited" at selected
venues in the L.A area (Bootleg Theatre in Echo Park, Spaceland in
Silverlake, and Alex's Bar in Long Beach).
In 2003, Rolling Stone magazine recognized Love's third album,
"Forever Changes," as number 40 in their Special Collector's Issue
and hard cover edition, entitled, "The 500 Greatest Albums of All
"I've worked as a professional violist for
20 years. Through these years I've had
the opportunity to work with several
orchestras throughout TX and orchestras
abroad as well as ensemble groups. I've
been living in Las Vegas for 13 years and
I've had the opportunity to play with the Las Vegas Philharmonic in
numerous concerts and in various settings as well as working in
small ensemble groups with various artist. Las Vegas has given
me so much through years as a person who loves the arts and
as a musician. I look forward to a prosperous 2014 and i look
forward to working with our Las Vegas musicians."
In 2006, I was profiled in Bob Cianci's Hal Leonard Publication,
"Great Rock Drummers of The Sixties.
In 2008, our album, "Forever Changes" was inducted into The
Grammy Hall of Fame.
In 2012, "Forever Changes" was added into the National Archives,
Library of Congress' National Recording Registry, recognized as,
".._culturally, historically or aesthetically significant."
At present, the group is being honored by Gibson Guitars with a
ten-foot tall, guitar-shaped recreation of our third album cover,
hanging prominently over the door of Love's "club home" on Sunset
(dba Erin Miel, Inc.)
Just a reminder that Newton is on
the AFM International Unfair List.
Help the environment….Read the Desert Aria online.
Any member interested in receiving an
email notification from Local 369 advising them when we post the new issue of the Desert Aria online at
www.musicianslasvegas369.com versus receiving a paper copy in the mail, please complete the following
form and return it to our office or the change can be made easily over the phone, just call (702)647-3690.
Local 369 AFM, AFL/CIO
Musicians Union of Las Vegas
3701 Vegas Dr, Las Vegas NV 89108
Should we update your membership record with the phone number and/or Email listed above if it is different
than what we have in our database?
NO 
NO 
Do you want this phone number and/or Email published in Local 369’s Membership Directory?
NO 
NO 
By signing and returning this form, you will no longer receive the print version of the Desert Aria in the mail,
but will only receive Email notification when Local 369’s website is updated with the most recent version of
the Desert Aria. The Desert Aria will be available as a .PDF file under the “Desert Aria Online” link at
w w w . m us i ci a nsl a sv e g as 36 9. co m. Any Questions, please call (702) 647-3690.
Bylaws for Geeks...
The following is to remind you of your rights and responsibilities.
The fact that Nevada is a “Right to Work" state is relevant to issues
of collective bargaining and in no way gives a union member
license to circumvent their obligations to uphold the Bylaws of
Local 369.
Providing service for Electronic Media without an AFM EM contract
filed in advance is a gross violation, subject to charges. The signing
of waivers, release forms, “buyouts," or other compensatory agreements involving EM is strictly forbidden by the AFM. Decline any
of the foregoing, and call a union officer immediately!
NOTE: AFM Bylaw No 11, Section 2 (a) i, mandates that review,
determination, and adjudication for EMS violations falls under the
purview of the AFM, International Executive Board, not the Local.
This is something very few working people are aware of. Simply
put, should anyone in a supervisory capacity (Leader, Contractor,
Conductor, Personnel Manager, Etc.) engage an employee in
conversation which the employee believes could result in some
form of disciplinary action, the employee has the right to demand
the presence of a union representative and refuse to continue the
conversation until the request is complied with.
If you should have occasion to file a contract with AFM Pension
Fund benefits, please be advised of the following:
At its regularly scheduled meeting of May 25, 2011, Local 369’s
Executive Board approved a simple bookkeeping measure effecttively raising the pension contribution from 10.9% to 11%, a total
increase of .01%. This increase merely “rounds out” the multiplier
for ease of calculation. It should be noted that this change has no
affect on signatory collective bargaining agreements.
Implementation was arbitrarily set for June 1, 2011 at the aforementioned meeting. However, any contracts previously negotiated
at the 10.9% rate for an engagement taking place after June 1 st
will be honored.
Any questions, contact Secretary/Treasurer Keith D. Nelson, Phone
(702) 647-3690, Email local369keith@lvcoxmail.com
Members are reminded that, in accordance with Article 8, Section
3 of the AFM Bylaws “Members shall not render musical services
for organizations, establishments, or people who have been placed
on the International Unfair List. Any member who violates this
Section shall be subject to penalties in accordance with Article 11,
Section 13 [of the AFM Bylaws].”
A member who has not paid membership dues and assessments
for the current Quarter shall be suspended subject to the requirement of Art. 9, Sec. 25 of the AFM Bylaws that state: “A member
may not be suspended until at least 30 days after the first day of
the period for which the dues would be paid.” A Suspended member
shall not be in good standing and shall forfeit all rights, privileges,
and benefits of membership in the Local, but shall continue to be
responsible for the obligations of membership during such suspension. Upon payment of all accrued dues and other financial
obligations to the Local, plus the Reinstatement Fee set forth in
Article III-F, and complying with all lawful orders of the Board, a
suspended Member shall be reinstated to full membership.
A member who has not paid membership dues, fines for nonpayment thereof, and assessments for two consecutive Quarters, shall
be expelled at the end of the second Quarter. The Board may also
expel a member found guilty of (1) violating any part of the Bylaws,
Policies, or the Wage Scales and Rules & Regulations of the Local
or the AFM, (2) disobeying an order or summons of the Board, or (3)
failing to pay fines, claims, work dues, or other indebtedness to the
Local in a timely manner. A former member who has been expelled
shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership in the Local. An
expelled member who makes application for readmission, and who
has not in the interim been engaged in the profession of music to
the detriment of the AFM (or any Local thereof), shall be readmitted
upon payment of all dues, fines, and assessments owed at the time
of expulsion, plus the current Initiation Fee(s), and complies with all
lawful orders of the Local’s Board and/or of the AFM’s International
Board (“IEB”). A former member who is readmitted shall have the
status of a new member for all purposes.
A member may resign in good standing upon submitting a written
letter of resignation, and paying any financial obligations to the Local
as of the date of resignation. A former member who has resigned,
and who applies for readmission one year or less from the date of
his/her resignation, and who has not in the interim been
engaged in the profession of music to the detriment of the AFM
(or any Local thereof), may be reinstated upon payment of the
current Quarterly dues, plus the Reinstatement Fee set forth in
Article III-F). A former Life Member so reinstated, shall be restored to
Life Membership. A former member who has resigned, and who
applies for readmission after one year from the date of resignation,
and who has not in the interim been engaged in the profession of
music to the detriment of the AFM, or any Local thereof, may be
readmitted to membership by the payment of the current Initiation
Fee(s). A former member having resigned in good standing, shall
have the status of a new member excepting that Federation
Initiation Fees will be waived.
In addition, according to Article 13, Section 4 of the AFM Bylaws,
“Before accepting any Traveling Engagement, members shall be
responsible to ascertain that the organization, establishment, or
person for whom they propose to render musical services has not
been placed on the International Unfair List.
In accordance with the Bylaws of Local 369, AFM, and Robert’s
Rules of Order, any member wishing to address the Executive
Board, must make an appointment in advance in order to be placed
on the agenda. This shall be done either by phone, letter, or by
email, stating the subject of the appointment. When recognized
by the Chair at the meeting, the member is strictly limited to the
subject of the appointment. Unless having said appointment, per
protocol, observers will not be recognized to participate.
Member Services...
As a service to members in good standing, if you have an
instrument for sale, you can place an ad “free of charge” in the
Desert Aria.
The Desert Aria is proud to publish a list of CD’s recorded by
you, our esteemed member.
PayPal™ is now being
accepted for Local 369
AFM Membership Dues
and/or Work Dues.
As leader, you qualify simply by being a member in good
When contacting us, please include the title of your CD, the basic
musical genre, and information regarding where one may purchase
the CD, whether it be website, mail order, or telephone purchase.
PayPal™ payments can be made via our website:
KEVIN CARDIFF, Violinmaker
9868 Iris Valley Street
Las Vegas, Nevada 89178
(702) 685-0559
email: vlndr@mac.com
 Finest Quality Repairwork
 New and Antique Instruments and Bows
 By Appointment Only
Please submit ad copy as MS Word, MS Publisher, .jpg, .pdf, .gif or
similar format. We can also scan artwork or business cards, but
quality of image could be diminished. If assistance is needed
creating artwork, please let us know.
Full Page
$ 125
1/2 Page
$ 65
1/3 Page
$ 50
1/4 Page
$ 40
1/6 Page
$ 30
1/8 Page
$ 25
1/10 Page (Business Card) $ 20
Ad copy can be emailed to
or mailed/ delivered to
Musicians Union of Las Vegas,
Local 369 AFM, 3701 Vegas
Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89108.
Please contact Keith D. Nelson
or Diane Ecker at
[ Com pl et e m inut e s a v ail ab le fo r pe ru s al i n Se c re ta r y’ s O ffi c e]
No Quorum
Leone has proposed meeting dates with Circus Circus principals
as a continuance to the successor CBA negotiations begun last
August. The dates offered are October 29, 30, 31.
Bill Klinger, Vice President
(For Vacationing Frank Leone, President)
Thom Pastor, Secretary/Treasurer
Maestro Osmo Vansha resigned as Music Director of the Minnesota
Orchestra. Mr Vansha held off resignation for over a year in the
hopes that the orchestra lockout would end favorably with a contract.
OCTOBER 9, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President Frank
Leone with all present except Trustee Rebecca Ramsey, excused,
out of the country.
Prior to the commencement of official business, a moment of
silence was observed for deceased member, Bob Rozario.
On a motion made by Trustee Keith Nelson, the meeting minutes
of September 25, 2013 were approved as corrected.
President Leone reported on the following:
An email reminder was recently sent to Hindsight Records regarding
their promise to forward copies of artist clearances to Local 369.
The AFM is requiring evidence of the documents before negotiations
can proceed pursuant to the 1963 Las Vegas Jazz Festival.
Copies of the recently signed successor CBA with the Las Vegas
Philharmonic were distributed to orchestra members at a
rehearsal prior to the opening concert of the new season.
Remaining copies will be distributed by the orchestra steward,
Shakeh Ghoukasian.
Leone referenced a letter recently sent to UNLV Jazz Studies Dept
Head, David Loeb, regarding the proposed Tribute to Sinatra project.
Specific information is available for reference in preceding Board
minutes. The correspondence was written by Secretary-Treasurer
Pastor. Leone inquired whether there had been some response, to
which Pastor replied he had not received any to date.
Leone reported on a CD limited pressing and a PBS visual recording
that took place at the Smith Center last April. The artists were Jane
Monheit and Frank Wildhorn. The musicians were Eric Tewalt,
Adam Shendal, and Keith Nelson.
The contractor for the evening was Local 802 member Nick
Cheng, who failed to file any contract with the Local. President
Leone promised to contact Local 802 President, Tino Gagliardi
concerning the matter.
The Carnegie Hall Opening Gala Concert featuring the Philadelphia
Orchestra was cancelled due to a strike by IATSE (stagehands union).
Leone distributed various press releases and newspaper articles
pertinent to entertainment and the music industry.
Member Vincent Falcone entered the meeting at 10:15 a.m. by
Mr. Falcone requested special consideration for a proposed benefit
fundraiser for Las Vegas impressionist, Bill Acosta.
Falcone was excused from deliberations. After a brief discussion,
and on a motion made by Secretary-Treasurer Thom Pastor,
Falcone’s proposal was approved, provided Local 369 policies and
guidelines pursuant to fundraisers were followed.
Leone received correspondence from Las Vegas Youth Orchestra
Executive Director, Beverly Patton. Ms. Patton requested information
regarding the utilization of the various youth orchestras for certain
public performances. Leone noted he would be contacting her in
due course.
The Broadway musical Kinky Boots, winner of several awards,
has already recouped all of its investment capital $14,500,000 in
just 30 weeks.
The fundraiser parameters for Neurfibromatosis headed by Jeff
Leibow, were approved on a motion made by Trustee Keith
Thompson. The identical guidelines referenced in the above Falcone
request were implemented.
Secretary-Treasurer Pastor reported on the following:
On a motion made by Trustee Keith Thompson, the following bills
were approved for payment. Vice President Klinger abstained.
41.06 Cash (Costco – file boxes), 100.00 VFW Fundraiser, 44.65
Pastor (September Mileage 79 @ .565), 48.12 Pastor (1/2 of auto
insurance prorated through 12/31/13), 600.00 Montara Estates
HOA (deposit for Open House), 120.00 Grime Busters, 32.36 LV
Valley Water District, 144.49 NV Energy, 56.25 Republic Services,
52.43 Vegas Valley Office Machines, 202.27 Klinger (September
mileage 358 @ .565). 1441.63 TOTAL PAID
Read information from contracts that were filed with the local
since the previous Board meeting.
Distributed a Profit & Loss statement reflecting Jan–Sep 2013 for
Board perusal.
The requested sample letter from American Income Life Ins Co
was distributed to Board members for comment.
After discussion and by general consent, the Board chose not to
engage in a business relationship with A.I.L. at this time and the
matter was tabled.
A reminder that the October 5th 4th Quarter General Membership
Meeting lacked a quorum was mentioned.
A Culinary Health Fund audit of Aldonni (Donnie & Marie Osmond)
was found to be without any errors or omissions.
The Canadian “One Minute Contract” proposal was reintroduced.
A live demonstration of the B-3 report form software was approved
to be held at our forthcoming October 23, 2013 meeting.
Subsequent to a brief introduction by Pastor and an equally brief
discussion by the board, a motion was made by Trustee Keith
Nelson approving a $100 donation to the Down Syndrome Holiday
Festival of Lights and Trees.
Pastor reviewed a mailer from A&B Printing and Mailing, a union
firm that is soliciting Local 369’s business participation.
Pastor gave reassurance that the HEREIU Welfare Fund would be
operating as per usual. Certain information is circulating both locally
and nationally that is lending some confusion in regard to conflicting
language re Affordable Health Care Act VS HEREIU.
The Advantage Group Nevada Discount offer to unions and other
organizations has proposed participation by Local 369. After
highlighting some of the amenities, the matter was put back into
Secretary-Treasurer Pastor’s hands with instructions.
Vice President Bill Klinger reported on the following:
Seventy-three contracted musicians (union and nonunion alike)
are eligible to receive copies of the newly signed CBA with the
(Continued on page 17)
Board Minutes
Las Vegas Philharmonic. Five of the seventy-three did not perform
the first concert on October 5th. Additionally, twenty musicians did
not pick up their copy. Although each musician was asked to sign
a roster indicating that they received a copy, one orchestra member
refused to sign, but nonetheless snatched a copy off the table.
President Leone suggested that the remaining undistributed copies
be handed over to LVP Orchestra Steward, Shakeh Ghoukasian,
who in turn would see to it that the remaining orchestra members
received their copy.
Thirty-nine orchestra members participated by secret ballot vote
in the election for the three open positions for the 2013-2015 LVP
Orchestra Committee.
The committee is comprised of five individuals. Two remain from the
previous election. They are Martha Gronemeier, & Geoff Neuman.
The election for the remaining three positions went to: Steve
Caplan, DeAnn Letourneau, Jennifer Erikson, and Lee Schreiber
as Alternate in anyone’s absence.
Alissa Fleming remains as the ROPA delegate, with Elizabeth
Krupka as the Alternate.
As required by the CBA, Klinger provided the names to LVP
Under new business:
Leone noted that entertainer Gia Prima died at the age of 73.
Leone also noted that a very favorable review of the LVP’s first
concert of the new season appeared in the Review Journal.
The Broadway musical Mama Mia is rumored to be returning to
Las Vegas sometime in 2014.
There was a brief discussion regarding the Latin Grammys scheduled for November 21, 2013 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center.
There being no further business and on a motion made by Trustee
Keith Thompson, the meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.
Frank Leone, President
Thom Pastor, Secretary/Treasurer
OCTOBER 23, 2013
The meeting was called to order by President Frank Leone at
9:30 a.m. with all present.
Prior to the commencement of official business, a moment of
silence was observed for former member Jim Trimble who passed
away on October 10, 2013 in an Oregon nursing home.
On a motion made by Vice President Bill Klinger, the meeting
minutes of October 9, 2013 were approved as adjusted.
President Leone reported on the following:
There still has been no reply from Hindsight Records regarding
Local 369’s request for copies of artist release forms. The
documents are necessary prior to the AFM moving forward with
negotiations for the 1963 Las Vegas Jazz Festival CD project.
A recent conversation Leone had with member Paul Malin
revealed that no additional word from the UNLV Jazz Department
has come forth pursuant to the proposed Sinatra Tribute project.
Work dues invoices for the Nathan Adelson fundraiser concert
held recently at the Smith Center have all been mailed.
The Frank Wildhorn/Jane Monheit concert from last April was
addressed with Smith Center property management. Leone made it
clear that arbitrary taping, both audio and visual is problematic and
will result in litigation if there is future failure to report intent to use
electronic media. The musicians who performed on the aforeJAN FEB MAR 2014 DESERT ARIA
mentioned concert will be paid at the rates quoted from Local
369. Local PBS station Channel 10 has advertised an airdate of
December 5, 2013.
Member Vincent Falcone recently approached the Local regarding a
video promo for entertainer Bob Anderson. The event might have
an invited audience, ergo; no admission.
Leone spoke to Las Vegas Youth Orchestra representative, Beverly
Patton, concerning the possibility of an upcoming youth performance at a major strip casino. The solicitation to the orchestra came
from a New York City event planning firm. It was interpreted as a
ploy to save money, inasmuch as the orchestra was requested
simply to play background music and not any significant repertoire.
Leone advised that this was a clear violation of the AFM’s National
Music Code of Ethics. The conversation was cordial and the
information appreciated by Ms. Patton.
The HEREIU Welfare Fund is requesting that all participants and
dependents reregister during the month of December at the culinary
healthcare offices at Culinary Union HQ. This has been deemed
necessary in light of the fraud incidences that have occurred in
the past few years.
Local 369 member/contractor Lisa Viscuglia has been hired to contract a Christmas special to take place at the Venetian Hotel/Casino,
starring Kelly Clarkson. NBC will air the performance nationally.
Secretary-Treasurer Thom Pastor has been working closely with
Actors Equity representative, Alice Smith, pursuant to a production
of Mamma Mia opening early in 2014 at the Tropicana Hotel/Casino.
Leone recently participated in an oral history symposium at UNLV
headed by Claytee White that addressed the early days of entertainment in Las Vegas. Member Arno Marsh was also on the panel.
Various topics were addressed. Everyone on the panel was in
agreement that the late Howard Hughes was integral to the
changing face of strip casino ownership. Mr. Hughes petitioned then
Governor Howard Laxalt to remove “one ownership” restrictions.
This paved the way for corporate ownership of multiple properties.
A 2014 fundraiser to benefit UMC Children’s Hospital is in the
planning stages. An 85 piece orchestra conducted by film scoring
legend, Ennio Morricone, might take place at the Thomas & Mack
Center May 24, 2014.
Opera star, Andrea Bocelli, will be performing in Las Vegas with
an AFM travelling orchestra contracted by former Local 369
member and current Local 47 member, Mike Markman. Leone
quoted the $260.00 performance scale for the contract.
Secretary-Treasurer Thom Pastor reported on the following:
On a motion made by Trustee Keith Thompson, the following bills
were approved for payment: 76.37 Leone (cell phone), 461.95 Union
Travel MC (Office Supplies), 165.36 1st Ent Visa/Leone Officer
Exp 37.29, Office Exp 128.07, 59.99 Cox Comm, 29.32 SW Gas
Corp, 196.29 Pitney Bowes (meter lease), 45.40 Sparkletts, 258.64
Century Link, 35.13 AT&T (Long distance), 68.77 1st Ent Visa/
Pastor Office Exp. 1397.22 TOTAL PAID.
Read information from contracts filed with the Local since the
previous Board meeting.
On a motion made by Trustee Keith Nelson, Andrew Chute was
approved for membership into Local 369.
Pastor distributed a sample ballot for the upcoming election to insure
that candidate names were presented exactly as the candidate
would like to see them appear. Despite the “white ballot” * for all
positions save Secretary-Treasurer, the names must be listed to
conform to labor law mandates. * unopposed candidates.
(Continued on page 18)
Board Minutes
Vice President Bill Klinger reported on the following:
The newly elected Las Vegas Philharmonic Orchestra Committee
held its first meeting recently, and the positions on the committee
were agreed to as follows:
Steve Caplan, Chair; Martha Gronenmeier, 1st Vice President;
Jennifer Erikson, 2nd Vice President; Geoff Neumann, Secretary;
De Ann Letourneau, Treasurer.
Klinger mailed correspondence to orchestra members in response
to questions concerning retroactive payment for this years’ July
4th concert. Inasmuch as negotiations were still in progress, the
conditions of the previous CBA prevailed.
Klinger apprised everyone of an upcoming October 25, 2013 PBS
broadcast. European film footage featuring some of the greatest
names in jazz during the 1957-1978 era will be aired.
Under new business:
Trustee Keith Nelson inquired as to who is now the local TMA
Chapter President inasmuch as Michael Manley no longer resides in
Las Vegas. Leone informed that Dave Phillipus now has that title.
documents were then forwarded to the AFM national office in NY
for review. If approved, they will assist in the contract negotiations
for the 1963 Las Vegas Jazz festival CD release project.
Leone attended the Peter Nero rehearsal and concert at UNLV’s
Artemus Ham Hall. The all student orchestra performed admirably
accompanying Mr. Nero’s performance. No professional musicians
were hired as part of the musician complement.
Leone attended a big band rehearsal on November 4, 2013 for
the Paul Malin/Jerry Fischer Tribute to Sinatra project reported in
previous Board minutes. (See Minutes; 10-23-13)
An arbitrary payment to the musicians was supplanted by the
appropriate Local 369 rehearsal scale after Leone’s intervention
on behalf of the musicians.
A scheduled 10:00 a.m. teleconference took place for a video
demonstration of One Minute Contracts. The specific application
was to demonstrate the software as applicable to the AFM B-4
Report Form.
Member Vince Falcone was admitted at 10:45 a.m. by appointment.
A discussion regarding Mamma Mia’s possible re-entry into Las
Vegas was discussed at length.
Work dues responsibility by members on casuals and other employment not covered by CBAs was discussed.
Local high school music directors utilizing their students in professional settings was reintroduced for discussion. Trustee Rebecca
Ramsey suggested Leone contact the Superintendent of Schools
followed up by individual correspondence mailed to Clark County
music teachers. Consensus was that the practice of utilizing
students was widespread in the greater Las Vegas area.
Member Falcone was thanked and excused from the meeting at
11:15 a.m.
Trustee Larry Ransom cited significant long term plusses regarding
the benefits of filing AFM contracts. Securing a guaranteed
pension at retirement age and added social security benefits were
the salient points discussed of issuing a payroll vs. merely receiving
IRS Form 1099 wages; i.e., hired as an Independent Contractor
Trustee Larry Ransom left the meeting at 11:15 a.m. for work
related reasons.
Entertainer Natalie Cole will be performing in Clark County this
weekend, October 25-27. Former contractor John Papenbrook, is
in New Zealand and will not be acting in that capacity.
Pursuant to same, Leone is drafting language for an agreement
with the Smith Center insuring that all visual concert tapings are
subject to AFM electronic media payment standards.
The recent fundraiser for the childhood disease Neurofibromatosis
was a success. (Ref Executive Board minutes 10-09-13) The nonunion music director abandoned the project 48 hours prior to the
performance when told that there were no budget considerations
for anyone, and that all participants were volunteering their time.
The non-union music director had just submitted an invoice totaling
$2,000. The subsequent success of the concert was attributable
to Local 369 musicians conducted by Trustee Keith Thompson.
Anecdotally, Leone reminded the principals of the Smith Center
that separate contracts with celebrity entities themselves are the
responsibility of the property.
On a motion made by Trustee Larry Ransom, a $100 donation
was approved for the Wounded Warrior Project.
There being no further business and on a motion made by Trustee
Marty Radunz, the meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
Frank Leone, President
Thom Pastor, Secretary/Treasurer
A discussion ensued regarding the Sinatra Tribute rehearsal
reported on earlier in the meeting. Apparently certain musician
members turned down the call initially when told that it would pay
an amount less than scale.
Leone confirmed that the Frank Wildhorn, Jane Monheit, Clint
Holmes PBS video reported on in recent minutes will be aired
locally on Channel 10 on December 5, 2013.
Former County Commissioner, Thalia Dondero, invited Leone to
address Las Vegas Media Group on Monday, November 11, 2013
on the history and evolution of Las Vegas entertainment.
The recently recorded Christmas special starring songstress Kelly
Clarkson, went well both artistically, and with proper AFM contract
Leone reported that a union contractor in Seattle booked a 20 piece
orchestra to accompany Wayne Newton. Mr. Newton continues a
presence on the AFM’s International Unfair List. Leone and
Secretary-Treasurer Pastor both protested the occurrence to the
Seattle local and are awaiting a response.
NOVEMBER 6, 2013
Leone noted that NY contractor, Jill Del Abate, will once again
contract the Latin Grammys due to take place later in the month.
The meeting was called to order by President Frank Leone at
9:35 a.m. with all present except Trustee Keith Nelson, who was
excused for work related reasons.
A brief discussion took place regarding showcases and musician
remuneration for same.
On a motion made by Trustee Marty Radunz, the meeting minutes
of October 23, 2013 were approved as adjusted.
President Leone reported on the following:
Hindsight Records forwarded the requested artist release forms
for approximately a dozen jazz artists and/or their estates. The
AEG and MGM Resorts are planning construction of a 20,000
seat sound stage behind New York, New York Hotel/Casino. The
venue will host concerts, award shows, and sporting events. H.C.
Rowe, a principal with AEG, will be contacted by Leone to insure
a presence by Local 369 for the property.
(Continued on page 19)
Board Minutes
Secretary-Treasurer Thom Pastor reported on the following:
On a motion made by Trustee Keith Thompson, the following bills
were approved for payment. Vice President Klinger abstained.
98.62 NV Energy, 34.32 LV Valley Water District, 944.11 J&J Mktg
(Desert Aria), 200.00 Postmaster (bulk permit fee), 493.33 Leone
(cell phone 77.45, 1/2 6 months auto ins 415.88), 120.00 Grime
Busters, 67.80 Klinger (Mileage Oct 120 miles @ 56.5), 58.76
Pastor (Mileage Oct 104 miles @ 56.5), 52.43 Vegas Valley Office
Machines (maintenance agreement copier). 2069.37 Paid.
Following instructions by the Board from the previous meeting,
Pastor made inquiries to Chicago Local 10-208 regarding a Mary
Wilson (Supremes) production show being rehearsed in Chicago
and slated to premiere in Las Vegas sometime in 2014.
Read information from contracts filed with the Local since the
previous Board meeting.
Local 369 member and Southern Nevada Musical Arts Society
contractor, Sharon Street-Caldwell, has submitted the orchestra
personnel for their upcoming concert. Pastor noted that all the
musicians were AFM members.
Vice President Bill Klinger reported on the following:
Klinger read a memorandum of understanding that allowed for a
reduction in rehearsal hours (but not less than a 2-Hour minimum
call) for the Southern Nevada Musical Arts Society providing
certain criteria were met. Klinger noted this in light of a request
by the organization to exercise that provision.
A meeting at union HQ took place with President Leone, Vice
President Klinger and conductor Taras Krysza. The purpose of the
meeting was to discuss both the orchestra size and scale application
for a proposed 2014 NV Children’s Hospital benefit concert performing the music of movie scoring icon, Ennio Morricone. The
concert is slated to take place at the Thomas & Mack Center.
Should a contract not be signed prior to December 31st of this
year, the scale total will be increased by approximately $3,500.
The Desert Chorale will host their annual holiday concert on
December 2, 2013 at Ham Hall on the campus of UNLV.
Klinger reported that employees of the national music retail giant,
Guitar Center, have voted to unionize in light of poor treatment
by management.
Due to various professional employment conflicts, the next
performance by the LV Philharmonic will see a fair amount of
substitute orchestra personnel.
Under new business:
Leone added language on W-4 forms to assist the Local in
determining important contract information. This includes “other
instruments played” for determining doubles etc.
A brief discussion ensued as to whether the new Mamma Mia
production at the Tropicana resort will have union presence or not.
There being no further business and on a motion made by Trustee
Keith Thompson, the meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Frank Leone, President
Thom Pastor, Secretary/Treasurer
NOVEMBER 20, 2013
The meeting was called to order by President Frank Leone at
9:30 a.m. with all present.
On a motion made by Trustee Marty Radunz, the meeting minutes
of November 6, 2013 were approved as corrected.
President Leone reported on the following:
Local 369 is awaiting a reply from the AFM Electronic Media Dept
regarding Hindsight Records recent submission of artist release
forms. Should the documents comply with AFM requirements,
CD distribution negotiations for the 1963 Las Vegas Jazz Festival
can move forward.
The Michael Feinstein Smith Center concert went exceedingly
well. A Local 369 big band was hired to perform in conjunction
with his travelling musician complement.
Leone is preparing correspondence for vocalist Rick Michel
pursuant to a rehearsal that took place recently for the Sinatra
Tribute project referenced in recent Board meeting minutes.
Leone chronicled issues that appeared with the hiring of student
musicians for the upcoming Latin Grammy Awards Show. UNLV
Music Department faculty expressed concern when certain
students asked to be excused from curriculum responsibilities in
order to attend rehearsals and the Grammy performance. This
posture seems to conflict with students oftentimes called upon to
provide UNLV extracurricular musical services gratis and in conflict
with their curriculum.
In addition, waivers were presented to Grammy participants
containing language that violates AFM Electronic Media provisions.
Leone corrected the matter immediately, adding provisions that
protect media agreements. He expressed concern that it is the
national AFM office that should shoulder the responsibility of
addressing this issue in their master agreements, thereby protecting
Locals from having to deal with the problem.
Leone will suggest that AFM membership applications contain
language prohibiting members from signing waivers that attempt
to usurp AFM regulations.
An electronic media contract covering the Smith Center video
project of Frank Wildhorn’s show was completed by Leone and
signed by Smith Center CEO, Myron Martin.
Leone was invited as the keynote speaker at a recent LV Media
Club luncheon by invitation from former Clark County Commissioner,
Thalia Dondero. Leone spoke for approximately 30 minutes on
the evolution of entertainment in Las Vegas. President Emeritus
Mark Tully Massagli and his wife Joan were in attendance at the
luncheon and acknowledged as such by Leone from the podium.
The checks for the recent Kelly Clarkson Christmas television
Special have reportedly been cut and are in the mail.
The Broadway Musical, Spiderman, which recently closed its NY
run, has been signed to reopen in Las Vegas.
Leone chronicled telephone conversations and in person meetings
regarding a proposed concert to benefit NV Children’s Hospital.
As previously reported, the concert will feature the music of
legendary film composer, Ennio Morricone, who will also conduct.
Leone lauded the efforts of UNLV faculty member, Linda Lister.
An opera performance of a Puccini’s Suor Angelica and Hindemith’s
Sancta Susanna were performed admirably by the university vocal
Leone and Secretary-Treasurer Pastor will meet with Circus Circus
representatives at 10:00 a.m. on November 21st to negotiate a
successor CBA with the property.
On a motion made by Trustee Rebecca Ramsey, a scale petition
for an upcoming religious Christmas concert was approved.
Secretary-Treasurer Pastor reported on the following:
On a motion made by Trustee Keith Thompson, the following bills
were approved for payment: 59.99 Cox Comm, 131.38 Sewer Bill
(Continued on page 20)
Board Minutes
(Qtrly), 45.43 Sparkletts (H2O), 20.00 Jim the Bugman, 30.39 SW
Gas, 258.76 Century Link, 47.27 AT&T Long Distance, 100.00
ULAN (qtrly donation), 348.33 ADT Security Systems (qrtrly),
190.09 1st Ent Visa/LEONE (Officer Exp 175.01, Office Exp
15.08), 153.12 Union Travel MC (Office Exp). 1384.76 Total Paid.
Pastor is awaiting information he requested from Faith Lutheran
High School representative, Tracy Smith, prior to a scale petition
being approved. A $5,000 budget for a concert featuring local
performer, Frankie Moreno, needs both the number of musician
personnel and rehearsal hours before final approval.
On a motion made by Trustee Marty Radunz, the life membership
parameter of 35 cumulative years—as opposed to 35 consecutive
years was adapted as policy for Local 369. The ability to adapt
this change locally was approved last summer by the 99th AFM
International Convention.
On a motion made by Secretary-Treasurer Elect, Keith Nelson,
Rod Lee Henley and Amy Homer-Smith were approved for membership into Local 369.
Leone referenced a telephone conversation he had with Opera Las
Vegas Board Member, Luanna Duvall. The company is planning a
March 2014 performance of The Barber of Seville at UNLV’s
Judy Bayley Theatre.
The HEREIU Welfare Fund notified Local 369 that they will be
auditing Local 369’s SELA account in December.
Pastor was recently informed that the plan document for culinary
healthcare coverage will now include alternative medicine therapies.
Vice President Bill Klinger reported on the following:
Local 369 bylaws mandate that a report from the election committee
chairman be delivered at the first meeting subsequent to the
election of new officers. Leone telephoned committee chairman,
Walt Boenig, who reported that he was en route to Local 369
offices to deliver his report.
Klinger prepared a variety of budget considerations for the proposed
2014 Ennio Morricone UMC Children’s Hospital fundraiser concert,
utilizing various orchestral complements, coupled with a reduction in
rehearsal hours.
claimed the absentee ballot box from the Sunset Post Office at
11:45 a.m. on November 17th, as prescribed by Local 369 Bylaws.
They subsequently drove to Local 369 HQ where the final vote
tally was made. Election results: President - Frank Leone; Vice
President - Bill Klinger; Secretary/Treasurer - Keith Nelson; Trustees
- Gary Cordell, Richard “Alex” Jackson, Rebecca Ramsey, Larry
Ransom, Ron Simone, and Keith Thompson.
A surprise lunch delivery for outgoing Secretary-Treasurer Thom
Pastor arrived. A recess was called by President Leone and
everyone enjoyed a sumptuous lunch. The Board thanked Pastor
for his years of service.
Boenig was invited to dine and subsequently left the meeting at
12:10 p.m.
After discussion, the Community Events Scale and Public Service
Scale (Section 7- I and J) were left at existing rates for a period of
one year on a motion made by Trustee Keith Thompson. Klinger
voted against the proposed freeze on the two aforementioned
scales. There was unanimous approval of all other scales increasing
as of January 1, 2014 by 2.5%.
There being no further business and on a motion made by
Trustee Larry Ransom, the meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Frank Leone, President
Thom Pastor, Secretary/Treasurer
DECEMBER 4, 2013
The meeting was called to order by President Frank Leone at
9:35 a.m. with all present except Trustee Marty Radunz who was
excused due to a family related matter.
Prior to the commencement of official business, a moment of
silence was observed for Susan Martin, wife of former member
Gene Martin. Susan passed away on November 25, 2013.
On a motion made by Vice President Bill Klinger, the meeting
minutes of November 20, 2013 were approved as corrected.
President Leone reported on the following:
It was noted that currently, only a single concert in Santiago, Chile is
listed on Mr. Morricone’s performance website.
There is still no official word from the AFM Electronic Media Services
regarding examining Hindsight’s jazz stars releases pursuant to
the Hindsight Record contract proposal to distribute CD’s from
the 1963 Las Vegas Jazz Festival.
Klinger attended the most recent Las Vegas Philharmonic
Orchestra Board meeting held on November 13, 2013. He noted
that the scheduled conductor for the next LVP concert would be
Maestro George Hanson. Mr. Hanson currently resides in Tucson,
AZ. In addition to being a Curtis graduate, he was a former resident
conductor for an opera house in Germany.
The correspondence to vocalist Rick Michel was completed by
Leone who distributed copies to Board members and then read the
letter aloud. There were no corrections and/or additions from Board
members. Leone will mail the letter to all parties who participated
in the Sinatra Tribute rehearsal. Leone also noted that the letter
could be published in the next issue of the Desert Aria.
The LVP will be offering special ticket prices to our nation’s
veterans and as part of a fundraising effort, 22 pianos were sold
by Southern Nevada Music Co with a percentage of the sale
profit benefitting the orchestra.
The PBS special featuring Frank Wildhorn, Jane Monheit and Clint
Holmes, alluded to in previous Board minutes will be aired on
December 5, 2013. Leone is working on securing a blanket agreement that will cover all subsequent TV taping at the Smith Center.
When asked to comment at the meeting on any topic, Klinger
stressed the mutual cooperation between the two Smith Center
resident companies: The Las Vegas Philharmonic and Nevada
Ballet Theatre.
There was discussion regarding an airing of the Jan 18, 2014,
LVP concert in northern Nevada at the PBS affiliate in Reno. This
scenario would fall under the AFM’s national office jurisdiction, as
opposed to the local autonomy limited to Local 369’s jurisdiction.
Klinger reported that a large performance venue is slated for
construction in Laughlin, NV. This will ultimately provide further
work opportunities for Local 369 members.
The recently recorded Christmas special featuring songstress Kelly
Clarkson will have an additional payment coming to musicians for
$216, for a rehearsal that was inadvertently left off of the original
Election Committee Chairman, Walt Boenig, entered the meeting
at 11:45 a.m. and gave a comprehensive report on the recent
election of officers at Local 369. Boenig, Havard Smith, and Tom
McDermott were the three committee members who together
(Continued on page 21)
Board Minutes
The next contract negotiation meeting with Circus Circus is
scheduled for December 10, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
box office accounting process and is a consideration that has
been honored for the past few concert seasons.
Additional information requested from Faith Lutheran High School
regarding a February “Experience the Arts” project has not been
forthcoming. After a brief discussion, the matter was put into
Secretary-Treasurer Pastor’s hands with instructions.
Although musicians who performed for the annual Desert Chorale
holiday concert were paid at the concert, the master check was
made out incorrectly forcing a minor delay in the musician’s ability to
cash or deposit their individual checks.
Leone distributed new language for Local 369’s bylaw and policy
booklet. Addressing scale increases due to take place after the
first of the year, the language proposes a simplified math structure
for rounding to the nearest dollar or half dollar.
Klinger found a typo in the Smith Center program that credits
Local 369 for representing the orchestra. He will bring it to the
attention of the individuals responsible for the program booklet
layout and preparation.
“Scale Book Section II A. 2. Automatic Annual Scale Increases:
Unless otherwise amended by Local 369’s Executive Board at its
meeting nearest to the 15th of November each year, the minimum
scales herein on January 1st of each year, shall automatically
increase by two and one-half per cent (2 ½ %). If between twentyfive cents (25¢) and forty-nine cents, the amount shall be increased
to fifty-cents (50¢). If between seventy-five cents (75¢) and ninetynine cents (99¢), the amount shall be increased to the next dollar.
Any amounts not falling within these guidelines, shall be decreased
to the nearest fifty-cents or dollar as the case may be. Subsequent
annual minimum scale increases shall be calculated from the
established minimums then in force.”
Under new business:
A motion to approve the language amendment was made by
current trustee and Secretary-Treasurer elect, Keith Nelson. The
motion was approved unanimously.
Leone noted that the recent Celtic Woman performances were
paid in full on an IRS Form 1099 basis. A discussion took place
regarding local contracting practices. The need to strengthen the
AFM pension fund by ensuring that contracts are routinely filed to
include pension was agreed to by consensus.
Leone attended a Smith Center matinee performance of Evita on
December 1, 2013 noting that the pit orchestra, comprised of
Local 369 members was superb.
A possible national commercial for electronics giant, Samsung, was
addressed by Leone the previous week. The project, scheduled for
the weekend of December 7 and 8, 2013 was due to feature the
Las Vegas Philharmonic but no further dialogue has taken place
between the company and orchestra management.
A DVD video promo by entertainer John Secada was discussed
with the proper scale remuneration and benefit contributions
being prepared and forwarded.
Secretary-Treasurer Thom Pastor reported on the following:
On a motion made by Trustee Keith Thompson, the following bills
were approved for payment. Vice President Klinger abstained.
75.00 AFM (15 - 50 year AFM Membership pins), 78.14 NV
Energy, 93.00 1st Ent Visa/PASTOR Postmaster - election box,
330.00 Postmaster - Box 7467 annual rent, 29.89 LV Valley Water
District, 38.42 Klinger (Nov mileage 68 miles @ 56.5), 49.72 Pastor
(Nov mileage 88 @ 56.5). 694.17 TOTAL PAID.
Read information from contracts filed with the Local since the
previous Board meeting.
On a motion made by current trustee and Secretary-Treasurer
elect, Keith Nelson, the following candidates were approved for
membership into Local 369: Ashlea Sheridan, Rhea Ingram, and
Jordan E. Rush.
Vice President Bill Klinger reported on the following:
Musicians who participated in last months’ Southern Nevada Musical
Arts Society concert at UNLV’s Ham Hall are still awaiting payment.
The payment is usually delayed to accommodate the university’s
Trustee Gary Cordell noted that certain union contractors are continuing to employ non-union musicians for certain high visibility projects.
It was noted that member/contractor Steve Beyer had some nonunion musicians hired for Celtic Woman. Leone stated that he
intends to have a meeting with Beyer in the immediate future.
There has been a noticeable attrition with Vegas, the Show union
musicians not paying membership and work dues recently.
Leone distributed a list of nonunion musicians working in the LV
area who maintain a presence on union contracted projects.
Dynamic Music Productions will cease full-time operations as of
December 31, 2013. Secretary-Treasurer Pastor noted that member
Dan Philippus, who recently completed his accounting degree at
UNLV has expressed an interest in transitioning the local musician
payroll business into his own LLC.
Vice President Klinger mentioned that Local 369 is well within the
parameters of labor law in maintaining Business Policy No. 2,
that addresses a union member as contractor responsibilities.
Trustee Keith Thompson left the meeting at 11:35 a.m. for business
related reasons.
There being no further business, and on a motion made by SecretaryTreasurer elect Nelson, the meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Frank Leone, President
Thom Pastor, Secretary/Treasurer
DECEMBER 18, 2013
The meeting was called to order by President Frank Leone at
9:37 a.m. with all present.
Prior to the commencement of official business, a moment of
silence was observed for member Tommy Porello’s mother, and
UNLV Orchestra Conductor, Taras Krysa’s mother. Both parents
died recently.
On a motion made by Trustee Marty Radunz, the meeting minutes
of December 4, 2013 were approved as read with one adjustment.
President Leone reported on the following:
Leone took the opportunity to thank the current Board for their
services and accomplishments during 2013. He reminded returning
Board members that the first meeting of 2014 will take place on
January 2, 2014. At that time, President Emeritus, Mark Tully
Massagli, will be present to administer the “Oath of Office.” A
photo of the new board will be take right after.
On a motion made by Secretary-Treasurer Thom Pastor a $500
year end holiday bonus was approved for administrative staff
members, Dawn McCoy and Diane Ecker.
On a motion made by Vice President Bill Klinger, a 2.5% pay
raise for 2014 was also appropriated for both McCoy and Ecker.
(Continued on page 22)
Board Minutes
New member candidate, Daniel Nunez, entered the meeting at 9:50
a.m. Secretary-Treasurer Pastor introduced Daniel to the Board.
A brief discussion ensued regarding Daniel’s career aspirations.
Mr. Nunez was then thanked and excused from the meeting at
10:00 a.m.
On a motion made by Trustee Rebecca Ramsey, Daniel Nunez
was approved for membership into Local 369.
Leone read a cordial reply from vocalist Rick Michel to stern
correspondence sent to him by Leone pursuant to a Sinatra
Tribute rehearsal. Details outlining the circumstances leading to
the correspondence can be referenced in the December 4, 2013,
Executive Board minutes.
Mr. Michel’s response was cordial and sincere in its effort to
ameliorate the problem.
The recently aired PBS Frank Wildhorn concert special was
successful artistically.
A proposed PBS airing of the Las Vegas Philharmonic’s January
18, 2014, Smith Center performance in Reno has encountered
an issue with AFM PBS contract language. Although the LV
airing is inexpensive, once the product leaves the LV jurisdiction,
the national rates take precedent over local autonomy.
Leone viewed the Kelly Clarkson Christmas special that was
recently aired nationally. He commented favorably on the performance, which included many Local 369 members in the orchestra.
The most recent Circus Circus negotiation meeting that took place
on December 10, 2013, saw a counter proposal offered by management asking to reduce Local 369’s five year contract offer to just
one year. This was deemed unfavorable by both Leone and Pastor.
Local 47 member/contractor, Joe Soldo, emailed Leone to report
that he now has a full union orchestra for an upcoming appearance
by Frank Sinatra, Jr. in Laughlin.
Trustee Rebecca Ramsey volunteered to address a remaining
unresolved issue involving a Vegas the Show musician addressed
earlier in the meeting.
Secretary-Treasurer Thom Pastor reported on the following:
On a motion made by Trustee Keith Thompson, the following bills
were approved for payment: 35.67 Sparkletts, 59.99 Cox Comm,
1046.20 Ecker (Reimbursement open house), 46.45 AT&T Long
Distance, 20.00 Jim the Bugman, 52.43 Vegas Valley Office
Machines, 120.00 Grime Busters, 74.90 Leone Cell Phone, 25.00
Jim the Bugman (Holiday gift), 25.00 Dave the mailman (Holiday
gift), 40.00 Cash (Cleaning Ladies Holiday gift), 50.00 Cash
(Landscape maintenance). 1595.64 TOTAL PAID.
The Board took a brief recess to enjoy a homemade apple pie
baked by Trustee Rebecca Ramsey. The holiday season, the
impending retirement of Secretary-Treasurer Pastor, and the
departure of Trustee Marty Radunz were all noted.
Vice President Bill Klinger reported on the following:
The Southern Nevada Musical Arts Society payroll was met with
musicians receiving their checks the previous week.
The payroll issue for the Nancy Helm/Nevada Pops concert
reported in the previous Board minutes (December 4, 2013) has
also been resolved.
A lengthy article in the recent issue of the International Musician
by former Local 369 Board member Michael Manley highlights
the plight of the Minnesota Orchestra.
Leone will write a synopsis of the negotiation process thus far
and consult with legal counsel after the first of the year.
Klinger presented details of the auto accident that recently claimed
the life of UNLV Orchestra Music Director Taras Krysa’s mother.
To date, there has been no response from Faith Lutheran High
School regarding their proposed February concert event that will
employ Local 369 members.
Under new business:
Leone reported on a breakfast meeting he had recently with
Local 369 member/contractor, Steve Beyer. A variety of issues
were discussed focusing primarily on compliance matters that
Mr. Beyer is responsible for pursuant to Local 369 bylaw and
policy mandates.
Among the topics discussed were Workers Compensation rules,
Beyer’s continued use of some nonunion musicians, and benefit
contributions to both the pension and H&W funds.
A brief discussion took place regarding the accomplishments and
future agenda items of Local 369’s Executive Board as 2014
Current Trustee and Secretary-Treasurer elect, Keith Nelson left
the meeting at 11:10 a.m. for business related reasons.
Trustee Marty Radunz noted that it was both a pleasure and a
privilege to serve on the Executive Board during the last six months.
The proposed electronic giant Samsung’s national sales advertisement never materialized. A symphony orchestra was slated to
sideline the commercial.
Trustee Gary Cordell questioned as to whether member Vinnie
Falcone had been contacted pursuant to Local 369’s policy
regarding contractor responsibilities per Business Policy No. 2,
regarding hiring musicians. Leone responded he had, but would
also remind all member-contractors in the future.
Member Dan Philippus met with Leone and Pastor to discuss his
transition as Local 369’s “go to” payroll entity. Mr. Philippus recently
completed his accounting degree.
There being no further business and on a motion made by outgoing
Secretary-Treasurer Pastor and seconded by outgoing Trustee,
Marty Radunz, the meeting adjourned at 11:23 a.m.
The scheduled appearance by band members from Vegas the
Show at today’s Board meeting will not take place. With the
exception of one individual, all of the musicians became current
with their membership obligations.
Frank Leone, President
Keith D. Nelson, Secretary/Treasurer
A brief discussion regarding the 2014 reappearance of the
Broadway musical, Mamma Mia in Las Vegas at the Tropicana
revealed that there was nothing new to report.
An error on the Jon Secada contract quote was discovered and
addressed by Leone.
The error represented a much higher bottom line payment by the
signatory who was pleased to have the issue corrected by Local 369.
(For minutes taken by Secretary/Treasurer Thom Pastor, prior to his retirement.)
JANUARY 2, 2014
Meeting was called to order by President Frank Leone at 9:38
a.m. The meeting began with President Emeritus Mark Massagli
swearing in the new Board of Directors. All of the new board
were in attendance and took the sworn oath of officers.
(Continued on page 23)
Board Minutes
The newly revised AFM Bylaws (09/15/13) were distributed to all
the board members.
The meeting minutes from December 18th were read and approved
as adjusted by Trustee Larry Ransom. Trustees Alex Jackson
and Ron Simone abstained as they were not in attendance for
the previous board meeting.
Klinger reported on the attendance numbers of the Nevada Ballet
pertaining to the “Nutcracker” performances performed with live
orchestra work and those that were not; out of the 10 performances
at the Smith Center in 2013, the six with live orchestras were the
best attended and the four without were poorly attended.
The board took note of Trustee Gary Cordell’s Birthday and
wished him a happy birthday.
Klinger raised the question on strategies for creating more live
work with the Ballet for our members in light of the welcomed
attendance news.
The Board adjourned for 10 minutes to take the “newly elected”
executive board photo.
A discussion ensued with various strategies tossed around for
achieving the goal.
On return, President Leone reported on the following:
Under New Business:
Leone read an appreciation letter from Member Rodolfo Fernandez
to the board. Rodolfo also sent a gift basket for the board to enjoy.
All in attendance express gratitude for the kindness and thoughtfulness Maestro Rodolfo expresses annually.
Trustee Cordell briefed the board on state offered grant opportunities
for our members and offered to be a liaison, to have the state
grant representative give a class to our membership.
Admin Asst Diane Ecker also sent a letter of appreciation to the
board for the Christmas bonus and salary raise.
Leone reported on the Philharmonic live concert DVD for PBS
taping request. He Informed Geri Crawford of the applicable scales
with regards to regional versus statewide scales and how they
are determined.
Leone expounded on the differences between when local scales
apply and when regional AFM scales apply.
An email to be sent out to our members will be exacted when a
date can be confirmed.
A Facebook storefront style page for our local was discussed.
Trustee Thompson brought up our quarterly orientation meetings in
terms of scheduling accessibility for our new and seasoned members.
On a motion by Larry Ransom the meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Frank Leone, President
Keith D. Nelson, Secretary/Treasurer
Leone reported on the published success of 2013 Broadway
revenues, with Lion King setting records as the all-time top earner
exceeding more than a billion dollars since it debuted.
No Quorum
Leone ended his report with the introduction of new member Ted
Sablay (Theodore Sablay), member of “The Killers.”
Frank Leone, President
Keith D. Nelson, Secretary/Treasurer
Ted entered the meeting at 10:33 a.m. A brief conversation
ensued after Ted introduced himself to the board. He expressed
his reasons and confidence in becoming a member of Local 369.
Ted Sablay’s application for membership was approved on a
motion by Trustee Cordell.
Sablay stayed and observed the meeting for approximately 15 mins.
Secretary Treasurer Keith Nelson reported as following:
On a motion by Trustee Keith Thompson the following bills were
approved. 175.00 Katsumi Yamagishi (open house), 100.00 Howard
Agster (open house), 51.16 Cash (landscape maintenance 30.00,
McCoy reimbursement open house 21.16), 98.17 Leone (cell phone
74.90, office supplies 23.27), 36.16 Pastor (mileage 64 @ 56.5 per
mile), 415.13 Ecker (reimbursement open house), 150.00 Quality
One Services (cleaning clubhouse open house), 83.35 NV
Energy, 29.89 LV Valley Water District, 62.54 SW Gas Corp, 6.11
1st Ent Visa/PASTOR(Postage), 592.35 1st Ent Visa/LEONE
(Postage 198.00, Business Cards printing (Leone & Nelson) 133.61,
NV SOS Notary class registration (McCoy) 45.00, Office supplies
133.40, Officer Exp 82.34), 258.76 Century Link. 2058.62 Total Paid.
A to do list was passed over to Nelson from retiring Secretary/
Treasurer Thom Pastor was read by President Leone.
The Culinary enrollment extension of January 20th – 30th was
Suspended member Bob Bonora’s future with local 369 was
discussed and it was noted that contacting him in attempting to to
rectify his suspension have not succeeded.
On a motion from Trustee Cordell, the retired office photocopier
was approved to be donated to the Zen Center of Las Vegas.
Vice President Bill Klinger reporting on the following:
JANUARY 15, 2014
Meeting was called to order by President Frank Leone at 9:34 a.m.
All board members were present except for Rebecca Ramsey, Larry
Ransom, & Alex Jackson, who were all excused business related.
The meeting minutes from January 2nd were read and approved
as adjusted by Trustee Gary Cordell.
President Leone reported on the following:
He reported on a visit from Federation electronic media rep Michael
Manley. Manley is sent to locals to bring awareness to the streamlining efforts of the Federation.
Leone expressed the need for updating the electronic media
categories to reflect current modern capabilities to self-produce
and distribute a DVD.
He brought to the board’s attention that Dick Gabriel is retiring as
head of the Federation Electronic Media department. His successor
Bill Thomas, Esq., will assume the position. Leone regards Bill T
as supremely experienced and more than qualified.
He reported on the entertainment royalty that ASCAP, BMI, and
others are able to levee from businesses that stream music. He
noted the unintended consequences of this practice are the higher
rates applied for live music, as much as 400%, therefore a formidable deterrent to hiring live musicians.
He reported on Celine Dion’s Caesars Palace New Year’s Eve two
song Canadian TV airing. He noted that under AFM rules, the
entire orchestra had to be compensated regardless of whether or
not the two songs utilized the full 30 piece orchestra.
(Continued on page 24)
Board Minutes
Federation Electronic Rep Michael Manley entered the meeting
at 10:10 a.m.
Manley reported on some anecdotal concepts for dealing with
electronic media concerns.
He pointed out the Las Vegas Philharmonic is performing for the
150th Anniversary of Nevada’s statehood this weekend and that
PBS will be filming it for the State of Nevada broadcast only.
1) He distributed a Federation first contact and definitions handbook
to Leone and Nelson.
He spoke to the Dean of Fine Arts at UNLV concerning 3 students
who are performing for the Zombie Burlesque show at Planet
Hollywood, allegedly at much below scale. The subject of a
professional wage for professional work apropos the “Music Code of
Ethics” was discussed in the interest of maintaining a mutual
community area standard for students and professionals alike.
He brought to the boards attention the long history of support Clark
County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani has shown for Local
369 and the arts in general. On a Motion made by Secretary/
Treasurer Nelson, a $200 re-election contribution was adopted
for discussion. On a motion made by Trustee Cordell, the motion
was amended to $250 then approved as amended.
He shared an invitation with the board to attend the LVP Gala to
honor Siegfried and Roy.
He reported on a request from members Jerry Fisher and Paul Malin
on behalf of Rick Michel for a scale consideration pertaining to an
upcoming “M” resort small arena performance. On a motion by
Trustee Keith Thompson, the request for the previous scale
adjusted with a 2.5% increase was approved by the board.
He read a thank you sentiment from Thom Pastor for the retired
copier the board donated to the Las Vegas Zen Center.
He reported that Dave Loeb has filed a contract for the Take 6
concert January 18th.
He reported the Circus Circus contract negotiations are still pending.
He requested a motion to include Secretary/Treasurer Nelson to
attend the AFM Western Conference next month in Los Angeles.
On a motion made by VP Bill Klinger, the motion was approved.
He reported on his communiqués with the Tropicana Resort Mamma
Mia representative. He is scheduled to meet with her in the near
He commented on speaking at the Lions Club on the “History of
Live Music in Las Vegas,” and that it was well received.
He distributed an article on US Pension reforms for the executive
board to peruse.
Secretary Treasurer Nelson reported on the following
Bills were approved for payment on a motion made by Trustee
Thompson. 20.00 Jim The Bugman, 59.99 Cox Comm, 55.19
Sparkletts, 56.25 Republic Svcs, 35.00 Fire Pro (fire extinguisher
service), 180.00 Grime Busters, 52.43 Vegas Valley Office Machines
(copier maintenance agreement). 458.86 TOTAL PAID.
Ex-member Tom DeLibero is now complying with his past due bill
and has made a substantial financial step in resolving the matter.
Bob Bonora is at last fully up-to-date in his membership obligations.
The Local’s monthly financial report was distributed and discussed.
He reported on the initial steps the office has achieved in launching
a Local 369 Facebook presence.
The quick reference scale sheet was distributed to all present to
reference as needed.
He pointed out the opening introduction letter President Leone wrote
in the newest scale book and its relevance to our future.
He gave the floor to Manley to express in person his purpose for
the visit.
2) He expressed a protocol to operate by: “Advance notice to the
Federation through the local office. This allows them to secure
the proper wages and protections for all the parties involved.”
A discussion ensued referencing terms like “Alligator Clause‟
and it’s meaning in terms of media agreements. He also
expressed a desire for proactive relevant changes to the preexisting Federation contract agreements, especially in the selfproduced small entity context.
Manley left the meeting at 11:22 a.m.
Nelson resumed with requesting approval to accept two new
members and one life member into Local 369 for membership.
On a motion made by Klinger, Mike Mechem, Anthony Zapata, and
John Doubleday were approved.
Vice President Bill Klinger reporting on the following:
Klinger reported on the upcoming Masterwork concert which had
been intended for live Regional viewing via PBS. However, the plan
was postponed due to technical difficulties. Another broadcast is
expected to take place later this season.
Coppelia Ballet: The Orchestra agreement with the Ballet is still
pending without much movement.
Klinger reported the change in dates of the LVP board meeting
from January 15th to the 22nd.
Klinger noted that the Nevada Opera Theater 25th anniversary
concert of “Aida” is in its second year of postponement.
Under New Business:
Trustee Cordell raised a question of possible LVP service overtime.
Klinger responded that the 2½ hour call time limit in question was
not violated.
Cordell followed up with information on NV State Grant writer
representative Rebecca Snetselaar’s offer to hold a grant writing
workshop for our membership. He provided Nelson and Leone
with her contact information in order to set up a seminar.
Nelson highlighted the introduction letter in the 2013 revised Local
369 Scale Book written by President Frank Leone, and its purpose
of assisting the music community in appreciating and honoring
our “Area Standards.”
Cordell and Thompson reiterated the need for the new members’
orientation meeting every 1st Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m.
Leone’s impact word of the day was “phantasmagorical.”
On a motion by Trustee Thompson, the meeting adjourned at
12:01 p.m.
Frank Leone, President
Keith D. Nelson, Secretary/Treasurer
JANUARY 29, 2014
Meeting was called to order by President Frank Leone at 9:33
a.m. All board members were present.
A moment of silence was observed for the untimely death of
Local 369 and Jersey Boys band member, Jeff Ray.
(Continued on page 25)
Board Minutes
Leone briefly commented on the tragic conditions surrounding
Jeff’s death, and then the meeting minutes from January 15th were
read; ultimately approved as adjusted by Trustee Gary Cordell.
President Leone reported the following:
The corrected contracts for the Celine Dion New Year’s Eve
Canadian TV airing were forwarded to Celine’s management in
He read a guarded response from Jeff Koep, Dean, UNLV-Fine Arts,
regarding the utilization of university music students to fulfill the
needs for musicians concerning the Zombie Burlesque show and
the three UNLV students performing there for allegedly below “Area
Leone plans to continue to pursue the matter and to exhaust every
legal avenue to promote a professional wage for professional work.
He noted the dangers of qualified student musicians accepting work
whereby UNLV could become a reservoir for scabs under extremely
dubious rationales.
In a letter to the Board from members Jerry Fisher and Paul Malin,
they thanked the Executive Board on behalf of Rick Michel for the
scale consideration pertaining to a potential “M” Resort small arena
performance. In the same letter they also requested a Showcase
Scale quote -“No Admission fee.” for the same size band for a
potential showcase at the Cannery.
Secretary Treasurer Nelson reported on the following:
The bills were approved for payment on a motion made by Trustee
Keith Thompson. 70.00 Dawn McCoy (reimbursement for Notary
Bond & Filing), 41.21 AT&T Long Distance, 258.64 Century Link,
225.00 Doctors of Technology, 50.00 Western Conf of Locals
(annual dues), 250.00 Local 47 (Western Conf Registration), 35.85
Union Travel MC (Web Hosting), 86.80 SW Gas, 196.27 Pitney
Bowes (Postage meter lease), 67.76 1st Ent Visa/PASTOR
(Office Exp 42.68, Officer Exp 25.08), 78.76 NV Energy, 806.88
1st Ent Visa/LEONE (Office Exp 565.88, RSVP Party Rentals
224.30, Officer Exp 16.70), 128.67 Soft Choice (software), 2295.84
Nelson made a motion to discuss President Leone’s Salary. The
motion was approved.
Leone recused himself at 10:32 a.m. Vice President Klinger took
over as Chair.
The discussion revealed his Salary has not been adjusted in six
years. Trustee Cordell made a motion after the lengthy discussion to
postpone the salary adjustment consideration until next scheduled
meeting. Nelson was asked to research other like-sized Unions
with similar conditions and report to the Board at the next meeting.
The motion to postpone was approved.
Leone was invited back and resumed as chair at 10:57 a.m.
Bob Anderson requested a scale quote for a big band Sinatra
Tribute show comprising of four components; the performance,
archival video, audio recording and promotional DVD.
He reported on efforts to complete the revisions to the New
Members Guide. He solicited advice and suggestions from the board
as well as sharing the format changes he is looking to implement.
The Union is still working on the Circus Circus negotiations and
welcomed Secretary/ Treasurer Nelson’s experience, knowledge,
and input concerning the property and the musicians performing
for the Midway acts.
The layout change would address the Greeting, Benefits, and
general AFM operations.
Leone is following up and keeping in contact with the Mamma
Mia representative re procuring a CBA from the Tropicana.
He reported on a letter received from Champion Life Insurance;
the company that carries our group life insurance policy. No rate
increases this year…good news.
He reported on the Jersey Boys “seasonal only” show change
schedule request and that the other labor unions are in agreement
with it as a seasonal adjustment only. (7 paid shows per week
instead of 8), occurring only a limited number of weeks per year.
Jersey Boys management informed the local of how they are
resolving the 2nd guitar chair, now open as a result of the aforementioned death of Jeff Ray.
The production’s head office will be bringing in Ty Simmons (a
369 member) from the touring production for a couple of months
and then bringing in Larry Esparza (also a 369 member) from the
tour to permanently fill the chair.
He showed some gift packets provided by “America First Credit
Union” that we are now including in the new members packet.
He read a thank you letter for the $100.00 donation we made to
the Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada.
Nelson asked the Board to relay to as many members with whom
they come in contact, to please update their:
Beneficiary card (Call Admin Asst Diane Ecker at 647-3690)
Update or provide us with their active Email address
Provide us with their Bio and current photo
He reported a set of terms is yet forthcoming from Pat Varriale
(AFM-EMSD) for a long awaited resolution to the Hindsight
records request to release our local’s archived Jazz recordings.
He reported on seeking cost effective ways to reach our membership when notifications are necessary. Email being the most cost
effective and traditional mail being the slowest and most costly. He
is looking into the cost of a “Robo” telephone caller for members
that do not resonate with email or computers.
Leone reported on an informational meeting he attended with the
Las Vegas Philharmonic (LVP). He shared the parameters of
various media recording aspects pertaining to their orchestral
employment. (B Roll, PBS Regional, Local, Promotional ,etc.)
He reported on inviting Angela Chan to assist the local office with
a Business Facebook page. Angela is a member of our local, and
also of our local’s Theater Musicians Association. She is scheduled
to visit with the office February 3rd.
Laura Martin and Debbie Brunjes from Palm Mortuary entered
the meeting at 10:18 a.m.
Nelson reported on following up with The Nevada Arts Council
Grant writing specialist Rebecca Snetslaar. He is coordinating with
all the pertinent parties to set up a workshop for our members.
Laura and Debbie explained to the Board the array of benefits
they offer to our membership. (Reference page 7 of the Oct. Nov.
Dec. 2013 Desert Aria Ad)
They also handed out samples of their benefits package and
answered questions.
Laura Martin and Debbie Brunjes exited the meeting at 10:28 a.m.
He reported on a favorable correspondence from Tom De Libero
stating his intent to complete payment on his past due bill.
He presented five new members for approval: Steven Lee Cowart,
Patrick Clark, Anthony Dattorro, Kevin Eberle, and Charles McNeal.
(Continued on page 26)
Board Minutes
On a motion made by Trustee Ron Simone, the new members were
approved for membership.
Vice President Bill Klinger reporting on the following:
He attended the LVP board meeting on January 22 nd. He noted
and took interest in the meeting format.
He reported on the uneven ticket sales so far for the Casablanca
Matinee versus the more popular evening performance ticket sales.
He reported that a Masterworks Concert might be filmed by PBS
later this season.
There have been no further talks concerning the Coppelia Ballet.
The omission of the local 369 credits from the LVP concert programs
is still being addressed. Klinger reported he will continue to bring it
to the LVP management’s attention until the matter is corrected.
He further delineated; A Lock Out is when the employer or
management prohibits employees from continuing to work. A Strike
is when a Union forbids its members to work for an employer until a
contract agreement has been reached.
Klinger also anecdotally shared for the board’s understanding: When
a Symphony Orchestra makes a live recording; every member is
entitled to payment even if their instrument is not utilized in a
particular work.
Under New Business:
Trustee Simone brought up concerns for rehearsal hall options. A
brief discussion ensued and the board responded with concerns
to be “on the lookout” for financially responsible/ feasible options.
Trustees Larry Ransom and Gary Cordell reported that they have
launched a Non-Profit “Taps” Charity called “TAPPS”.
He noted that both Las Vegas opera companies have simultaneous
This service provides at no cost to the military families, a live trumpet
player to play Taps for a memorial service.
Trustee Thompson left the Meeting at 11:40 a.m. business related.
Leone commented favorably on an upcoming concert by “Axiom
Klinger reported during the LVP board meeting that the subject of
the Minnesota Strike being resolved came up. Klinger reported
bringing clarity to the legal understanding of a strike.
He shared that the Minnesota orchestra issue was a Lock Out
and not a Strike.
On a motion made by Trustee Simone the meeting adjourned at
12:05 p.m.
Frank Leone, President
Keith D. Nelson, Secretary/Treasurer
Presenting the 2014-2015
Local 369 AFM Officers
Frank Leone
Vice President
Bill Klinger
Keith D. Nelson
Presenting the 201-42015
Executive Board Trustees
Gary Cordell
Alex Jackson
Rebecca Ramsey
Larry Ransom
Ron Simone
Keith Thompson
VIX Records has released "2012?" from
renowned drummer J. D. Blair
CDs listed below are available for $15
including postage & handling
Ron Feuer
17366 Chase St, Northridge, CA 91325
Tel (818)343-7904,
Email rftheb3man@aol.com
[Available in either a country or gospel
version. Recorded in NASHVILLE.]
Joel Curtis.
(Also available on Amazon.)
15 track instrumental record features a
plethora of special guests.
For more information:
Ron Feuer featuring clarinet virtuoso,
John Tegmeyer
Original music
Rick Davis, Ron Feuer, Orlando "Papito"
Hernandez, Santo Savino
Selmer or Yanigasowa Baritone Sax with
low A
CD Reissue of 1971 album
Contact Dave Hawley (702) 255-5986
Ernie Watts & Ron Feuer
Duets for saxophone & piano
Conn 200 BbTenor Trombone,
silverplated with case. $500 or make an
Contact Jimmy Wilkins (702) 243-5515
IORIANA, Duo Vox, 120 note bass
Made in Italy. Includes a case. $1,200
new / best offer.
Contact Walt Boenig (702) 456-2161
Local 369 member Carson Rothrock has
written a book encouraging people to
attend live music concerts. Music Around
Us is the title.
www/carsonrothrock.com contains the
info and a contact link. Several 369
members supplied pictures, and Diane
Ecker proofread the manuscript.
Gina Jourard
Guest artists:Doug Webb-tenor, Nathan
Ron Feuer, Abraham Laboriel, & Harry
Lew Del Gatto & Ron Feuer
Romantic jazz
Lew Del Gatto featuring Randy Brecker,
Steve Turre, Ron Feuer, Chip Jackson,
Victor Lewis, & Joe Cohn
Ron Feuer
Fresh interpretations of Christmas
Ron Feuer featuring George Young, sax
& woodwinds
Original meditative composition
CD or single track’s are available for
purchase at:
or via a link at
where you can hear track’s for free.
B3 Conspiracy
Hammond B3 Jazz Quartet
Bill Callanan, Organ; Hap Smith, Guitar;
Paul Testa, Drums; Thom Pastor, Tenor
$15 Available at www.b3conspiracy.com
“John leaves no doubt that he possesses
a finely honed ability as a respected jazz
pianist and is a heartfelt interpreter of the
best material from the rich lineage of
American jazz repertoire and popular
music.” Dave Loeb.
Available for $15, including postage &
handling. Cash or money order.
John Lindner, 2217 Beverly Way,
Las Vegas NV 89104
Tel (702) 735-1413
Both are all-original jazz featuring clarinet
and soprano sax.
Original Zen poetry by Thom Pastor
Late 50’s—one owner. K modified Selmer
Trumpet. Made in France. Good shape.
$15.00 Available at
Contact Emil Arness (702) 478-5444
David Mott, Saxophone;
Jessie Stuart, Percussion
US Postage Paid
Permit No 99
Las Vegas NV
Desert Aria
Official Publication of the Musicians Union of Las Vegas, Local 369
LAS VEGAS NV 89108-1958
2014 AFM Western Conference, Los Angeles CA
If Not At This address, Please Do Not Forward
President Frank Leone [L-R with] Carmen Fanzone, Mike Barone, Sue Raney
Cat Conner, Frank Sinatra Jr., Sue Raney, Vince Trombetta
Secretary/Treasurer Keith D. Nelson’s
1st day on the job
Frank Leone, Frank Sinatra, Jr.,
Vince Tombetta
2014-2015 Local 369 AFM Officers & Executive Board
[Front Row L-R]
Rebecca Ramsey, Ron Simone, Frank Leone (President), Keith Nelson (Secretary/Treasurer),
Mark “Tully” Massagli (President Emeritus), Larry Ransom
Secretary/Treasurer Keith D. Nelson & [Back Row L-R]
Keith Thompson, Gary Cordell, Bill Klinger (Vice President), Alex Jackson
Frank Sinatra Jr.