Newsletter - Caboto Club
Newsletter - Caboto Club
G. Caboto Club Notizie / News Sept., 2016 Dal Presidente Dennis Segatto Dear Members, I hope everyone had a good summer. The new parking lot is finished, landscaping has begun and the resealing and lining of the old parking lot has been completed, all well under budget. This year we will be having our Board elections in December. I ask anyone interested in running to be positively sure that you understand that it takes a great deal of time and commitment. If you have the time to donate to the Club then please submit your name for election. Members who would prefer to assist on committees, we need your assistance as well, please feel free to contact the office. The Building Committee has done an incredible job in maintaining the Club over the years allowing us to save a great deal of money. I applaud all those who have donated their time and talents and continue to do so. I ask anyone able to donate blood on behalf of the Club to step forward to help save lives. President: Dennis Segatto Cari Soci, Mi auguro che tutti voi abbiate trascorso una piacevole estate. Il nuovo parcheggio é stato completato, i lavori del landscaping sono iniziati e le riparazioni del vecchio parcheggio sono stati completati con una spesa inferiore al previsto. Quest’anno, in dicembre, ci saranno le elezioni per il nuovo comitato. Chiedo a tutti quelli che sono interessati a concorrere di essere consapevoli del lavoro e il tempo che richiede. Se avete il tempo da dedicare al Club siete pregati di registrare il vostro nome nell’elenco degli elettori. I soci che vogliono aiutare i vari comitati sono pregati di farcelo sapere, chiamando l’ufficio, perché il vostro aiuto é essenziale. Il Building Committee, negli scorsi anni, ha fatto un lavoro incredibile nella manutenzione del Club permettendoci di risparmiare nelle spese. Applaudisco tutti coloro che hanno donato e continuano a donare il loro tempo e talento per il beneficio del Club. Chiedo a tutti quelli che possono donare il sangue di continuare questo gesto umano nel salvare altre vite umane. Presidente: Dennis Segatto Giovanni Caboto di Saverio Galli EVENTI Agosto 2016: 26 Gara di Salumi 30 Home Made Wine Deadline Settembre 2016: 05 Chiusura Caboto Park Torneo di Bocce 07 GCC Charity Pasta Night 08 Riunione Consiglio 09 Wine Tasting Contest 10 Banchetto Assoc. Siciliana 12 Italian W.C. Meeting & Buffet 16 Beer Tasting 18 Assemblea Gen. Assembly Nominations Open 19 Italian W.C. Afternoon Social 21-22 Fall Wedding Event 23 Puglia Regional Dinner 25 Caboto Soccer Banquet 26 Italian W.C. Executive Meeting Ottobre 2016: 05 GCC Charity Pasta Night 06 Blood Donor 07 Senior’s Banquet 13 Riunione Consiglio 16 Assemblea Gen. Assembly Nominations Close 17 Italian W.C. Presentat. Meeting 24 Italian W.C. Executive Meeting 28 Chiusura Nomin. I.O.T.Y. Novembre 2016: 02 GCC Charity Pasta Night 05 Alcamesi Banquet 10 Riunione Consiglio 13 Remembrance Service 14 Italian W.C. General Meeting 19 Bocciofila Banquet 20 Assemblea Gen. Assembly 21 Italian W.C. Afternoon Social 24 US Thanksgiv. Football Game 25 Photo Contest Deadline 28 Italian W.C. Executive Meeting Editorial Board Editor; Joe Vesco V. Editor; Mauro Chechi Roberto Brait (pp) Mario Fabris (pp) Gino Piazza, Tino Pistor Paolo Savio (pp) Matt Sgrazzutti, Dan Tonial, Roberto Tonial (pp) For the Next Edition, please send articles by email to: or by October 5, 2016 Il comitato si riserva la facoltà di fare delle correzioni senza modificare il contenuto. G. Caboto Club Charity Pasta Donates $18,000.00 to Local Charities The Chair of Caboto Charity Pasta Nights, Rick Buzzeo (left) & Co-chair Alex Sorrentino (right) present a $18,000.00 check to the 12 Charities it sponsored in 2015 -Alzheimer, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Assisted Living, Autism, Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association, Children First, Canadian Mental Health Association, Hospice, Iris House, Sexual Assault Crises Centre, W.E. Care for Kids & Windsor Regional Hospital. The Charity Pasta event takes place every first Wednesday of the month from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. The committee reserves the right to edit submissions without changing to the content. INFO Office 519 252-8383 Fax 519 252-6954 Bar 519 252-4910 Nuovi Soci per il mese di: Aprile, 2016 Dario Rossit Anthony DeLuca Italian of the Year Nominations Nomination forms are available at the club office. All nominations must be received by Oct. 30th, 2016. The annual awards banquet will be, March 4th, 2017. Thank you Chairman: John Bonato Maggio, 2016 Silvano Bertozzi John Conflitti Mark Panunzio Daniel Manzon Mark Schincariol IN MEMORIAM Photo Contest / Gara Fotografica The themes are: Photos of Windsor, Flowers and Pets. Deadline Nov. 25, 2016 I temi sono: Foto di Windsor, Fiori e Animaletti domestici. Chairman: Mauro Chechi Dei Soci Recentemente Deceduti Of Recently Deceased Members Giovanni Fantin Mario Casoni Bruno Cremasco Renzo Facchinato Arturo Lia John Naccarato Sergio Truant New Members for April, 2016 Anthony DeLuca, Dario Rossit New Members for May 2016 Mark Pannunzio, Daniel Manzon, Mark Schincariol, Silvano Bertozzi, John Conflitti. *** Three Generations Members *** Chris Manzon, Daniel Manzon, Romano Manzon Carlo Orlando, Giuseppe Orlando, Carlo and Philip Orlando NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS It was reported in May that the state of the membership is strong and our numbers continue to grow. We are currently 1360 strong. It was shown that as long as we average 2 new members a month we will continue to maintain our steady growth. We forecast that in about 10-15 years we would have to increase this rate to keep up with the aging demographics of our membership. Financial Secretary: Giuliano Lunardi AVVISO AI SOCI Come é stato riportato nel mese di Maggio il nostro sodalizio é forte e i soci continuano ad aumentare. Al momento siamo 1360 soci. E’ stato dimostrato che se si scrivono 2 nuovi soci al mese possiamo benissimo mantenere il nostro stato di crescita. Si prevede che fra 10-15 anni dovremmo aumentare il continuo numero di nuovi soci per mantenere l’inveccchiamento demografico dei nostri soci. Segretario di Finanza: Giuliano Lunardi th WINE TOURS September 25 wine tour is sold out!! Our final wine tour is scheduled for Oct. 22nd; we encourage those interested to sign up soon as we expect this to sell out as well. Please contact the office at 519-252-8383 to reserve or email Robert Brun at should you have any questions. This tour will visit Colio, Muscedere, Sprucewood Shores, and Oxley vineyards. The cost is $55.00 each and includes lunch. Chairman: Robert Brun Co-Chairmen: Giovanni Martinello & Giordano Sorrentino 2016 American Thanksgiving Day Football Game Thursday November 24, 2016 @ 12:30 pm at Ford Field Detroit Lions versus the Minnesota Vikings Ticket cost is $120 Canadian per ticket (Available September 1st from Caboto Office) Bus and Tailgate Cost is $55.00 Canadian per person (includes tailgate food, bus ride over to Ford Field & back to the Club after the game) This will be on a first come first served basis. The bus will leave the Club at 8:00am. SHARP!! If you have any questions you can call the Club Office at 519-252-8383 Thank you and looking forward to seeing you there!! Chairman: Dave Quagliotto Co-chairman: Adriano Zanchetta Coro Gioventù Laura D’Agnolo, Sarah Villella and the children of the Coro Gioventù are excited for a new Choir season. The Choir had fun singing at the Carrousel of the Nations Italian Village and the St. Angela Merici Festival. Practices resume Friday, September 16, 6:30 – 7:30pm. New children (4+) and their families always welcome! Info: Caboto Club Office 519-252-8383 Chairman: Mauro Chechi Co-Chair: Gino Piazza Caboto Park – Colchester Ontario We hope you had time to come out this summer to enjoy our Park in Colchester overlooking Lake Erie. The Park is open 7 days a week from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. during Park season. Chairman: Giuliano Lunardi Co-Chair: Robert Brun Manager: Renee Colarossi Caboto Park Manager The committee will be accepting applications up until October 31st for anyone wishing to apply for Park Manager for the 2017 season. For more information contact the office at 519-252-8383 or the Park Chairman, Giuliano Lunardi at Manager del Caboto Park Il comitato del Caboto Park accetta richieste per la posizione di Park Manager per la stagione del 2017. Si pregano gli interessati d’inviare il curriculum, con una ipotesi di salario, in ufficio con attenzione al comitato del Caboto Park. Le registrazioni si accettano entro il 31 Ottobre 2016. Chairman: Giuliano Lunardi Co-Chairman: Robert Brun BLOOD DONOR Elezioni 2016 / Elections 2016 On behalf of the G. Caboto Blood Drive Committee We want to extend our sincere gratitude for your continued support for this community cause, to say that you have been and will continue to be Donors that saved LIVES is the most unselfish act an individual can do during his/her life. As we continue to fulfill our pledge to the Canadian Blood Services and individuals in need, again, we express our many thanks. Keep up the good work. The hours of operation at the C.B.S. are as follows; Tuesday and Wednesday----3pm to 7pm Thursday---- 11:30am to 7:30pm Friday and Saturday---- 8am to 12pm Please book your next appointment at the Canadian Blood Services by calling 1-888-236-6283 or on-line at Chairman: John Naccarato Co-Chairman: Frank De Luca L’apertura delle nominazioni avrà luogo all’assemblea del 18 Settembre, 2016. La chiusura delle nominazioni e accettazioni avranno luogo all’assemblea del 16 Ottobre, 2016. Le elezioni verranno tenute all’assemblea Generale dell’ 11 Dicembre, 2016. Per le date del Voto Anticipato controllate il prossimo Notiziario. ***************************************** Nominations open at the General Assembly meeting on September 18st, 2016. Nominations close at the General Assembly meeting on October 16th, 2016. Elections will take place at the General Assembly meeting on December 11th, 2016. Advance Poll dates will be published in the next Newsletter. Chairman: Robert Brait Co-Chairman: Fabio Bernabó Frank Gabana, Andrea and Matteo Gervasi, Anthony Peticca. The junior squash clinics which began in the spring here at G. Caboto Club is now getting ready for the fall and winter clinics. We start a new year of fun and educational activities, available to all youth between the ages of 7 to 16. Friends are also welcome to participate. Help our youth embrace an active lifestyle for years to come. Enquiries for junior squash contact Frank Gabbana at 519 988-0857 SENIORS BANQUET Friday October 7th, 2016 Cocktails at 6:00 pm with Dinner at 6:30 pm Cost: $45.00 per person Great Food, Wine and Dancing. Tickets can be purchased at the Office 519 252-8383 Chairman: Bruno Quagliotto Co-Chairman: John Naccarato G. Caboto Club Bruno Tonial Golf Memorial We would like to thank everyone who participated and donated gifts to our 36th Annual Golf Tournament which was held at Seven Lakes on June 12th. A wonderful day was had with many of our Members, Sponsors and Friends. With the money earned we will be giving two $500 Scholarships to St. Clair College for the Skilled Trades Apprenticeship Program. A special thank you to: Rick Tonial and his family, who played a big part in assuring that this day was a success, Niva Segatto for helping with the registration and all the volunteers who helped out with the games throughout the golf course. In the picture above is the winning foursome along with President Segatto, Rick Tonial and I. Congratulations to the winners James Busi, Tar Franzoi, Anthony Dadamo and Jim Busi who shot the lights out with a 17 under par. Hope to see you all again next year! Chairman: John Benotto Fall 2016 G. Caboto Club Italian Culture Lecture Series presents The Rise & Fall of the Roman Empire: Is America headed for the same end? In Partnership with Canterbury ElderCollege (U of W) – 7 PM Mon 26 Sept - The Republic Era c509 - 27 BCE Mon 3 Oct - The Imperial Era c27 BCE - 476 CE Mon 17 Oct - Fall of Rome & U.S. Today: Part 1 Mon 24 Oct - Fall of Rome & U.S. Today: Part 2 G. Caboto Club Italian Culture Lecture Series: Rick Buzzeo, Joe Giuliani, Robert Brun, Andy & Donna Moro For Info 519-252-8383 Help Maintain the Best of Italian Culture - Bring Your Family/Friends!! - Grazie Caboto Squash and UK Racquetball News Congratulations to the Giovanni Caboto Club UK Racquetball team comprised of 10 members Vince Gervasi, Peter Gervasi, Lou DeBellis, Joe La Tona, Steve Demarco, Gerry Peticca, Randy Park, Ron Reisch, Jeff George and Gino Barzotto who won the inaugural Caboto Club vs. Windsor Squash and Fitness inaugural challenge games, 6 matches to 4. WSF hosted the event and all participants came back to Caboto Club to celebrate. Congratulations also to the 2015 fall squash league playoff winners A1, Les Lendvay, A2 Tony Dib, A3 Anthony Peticca, A4 Nadeem Qureshi and A5 winner Julie St. Onge. Congratulations to the winter squash 2016 playoff winners in A1 Phil Paolini, A2 Sal Albano, A3 John Lopez, A4 Tony Crispo and A5 Lou DeBellis. Congratulations to winners of the inaugural UK Racquetball Spring league playoff winner Gino Barzotto and 2nd place Matt Baggio. For any enquiries for UK Racquetball or for the squash league contact Gino Barzotto 519 979-1789 Co-ordinator: Gino Barzotto BEER TASTING Attention * BEER TASTERS * Attention September 16th is the date for our 2nd annual Beer Tasting. We will be pairing different craft beers with foods that will complement each other. We look forward to seeing you there. Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti Co-Chairman: Alessandro Sorrentino Wine Tasting Gara Assaggio Vini "Save The Date" Il 9 Settembre si terrà la gara annuale Assaggio Vini. Un evento favorito di fine estate fra soci e amici. Vi invitiamo a partecipare e dare prova della vostra conoscenza dei vari vini. Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti Co-Chairman: Pietro Palermo September 9th is our yearly wine tasting contest, a tradition for challenging your taste buds and senses while enjoying 10 different wines. Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti Co-Chairman: Pietro Palermo The first leg of the 10th annual Over 50 International match vs. Livonia was held on July 24th at the Vollmer Centre. Windsor Caboto won the match 4 to 1. An excellent post game celebration with both teams was held at the Caboto Club. The second leg will be held in Michigan during the early part of October 2016. Edy Facca COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Dear Members, We are reaching the end of our email campaign and we have called every Member in an effort to get your email addresses. Thank you to all the Members who have provided the information. You may have also received a voice mail from one of the Board Members, and if you have not called them back yet, please do so. Our goal is to begin sending the Newsletters, special events notices and Club information out electronically. Through this campaign, we have noticed that some of the contact information we have is out of date. If you have moved or changed your phone number and not notified the Club, please send the information to the below emails or more simply, go to and update your info in the Member's Area tab so we can get you up to date on the membership list. Don't forget to include your Membership Number when providing the information. Don’t miss out on keeping up with what’s going on at your Club. For Members without email, we will continue to send you your Newsletter via regular mail, but we still need to know if your contact information has changed, so please call the office at 519-252-8383. COMITATO COMUNICAZIONI Cari Soci, Siamo quasi al termine della campagna per ottenere il vostro indirizzo elettronico. Grazie a tutti coloro che ci hanno fornito le informazioni. Il nostro obbiettivo é d’incominciare a mandare notizie dei nuovi eventi elettronicamente, incluso il Notiziario. Durante questa campagna abbiamo notato che certe informazioni di alcuni soci sono cambiate. Se avete cambiato indirizzo o numero di telefono siete pregati di notificare il Club usando le e-mails sotto elencate oppure usate il sito del Caboto “” Non dimenticate di includere il numero del vostro tesserino di socio. Rimanete in contatto con tutto ció che accade nel vostro Club. I soci che non hanno un indirizzo elettronico continueranno a ricevere il notiziario per via di posta ordinaria, in ogni caso abbiamo sempre bisogno di sapere se avete cambiato indirizzo. Potete sempre chiamare l’ufficio del Club per aggiornare le vostre informazioni 519-252-8383. Chairman: Roberto Tonial Co-Chairman: Giuliano Lunardi Children’s Picnic Picnic Organizers and Volunteers The Pony Ride Once again our yearly children’s picnic was a success. Games were played, hot dogs were eaten and gifts were received by all the children. The biggest smiles were saved for the pony rides. Chairman: Pietro Palermo Co-chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti
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