ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH—February 28, 2016


ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH—February 28, 2016
ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH—February 28, 2016
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
824 Main St., Pasadena, Tx 77506—Phone 713-473-9484—Fax—713-473-2731—
Masses for Sunday: Saturday Vigil—5:30pm in English—7pm in Español;
Sunday 8 & 10:00am in English; 12:00 mediodia, 1:30 & 7pm en Español
Weekday Liturgy: Monday 8am thru Saturday 8am in English;
Tuesday, Wednesday & 1st Friday, 7pm en Español
Holy Day Liturgy: Vigil 7pm in English; Feast 8am in English; 7:00pm en Español
Sacrament of Penance: Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30pm; Saturday-3:30 to 5pm
Parish Office Hours: 9am to 5pm
School Office Hours: 8am to 3pm (713-472-5172)
Adoration: Friday from 8:30am until 10pm in the PLC Chapel
Pastoral Staff: Rev. Joseph Doran, Pastor
Rev. Ricardo Lazo, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Heath Hampton
Deacon Celestino Perez
Deacon Dan Seiler
Mr. Martin Garza, School Principal
Mary Kay Wallace, DRE
Felicitas Palacios, Coordinator of Faith Formation (Spanish)
Chris Rubio, Director of Parish Social Ministry
Alice Layton, Business Manager
In case of an emergency needing a priest, please call 713-397-7451 (bi-lingual) or 832-651-7329 (English only).
Pray for Peace ~ & Remember in your Prayers — Recuerda en sus oraciones
Diane Edwards, Lorraine Dow, Matt C Hammer, Larry Simecek, John Reitmeyer, James Alexander Bentley, Alex Velasquez, Cindy
Linares, John Reitmeyer, James Alexander Bentley,Guadalupe Gonzalez, Mary Hudson, Mary Lou Coss, Mary Edge, Yvonne Garcia,
Roxanna Orozco, Areani Cruz, Roland Teran, Fr. Michael Amesse, Leah Eckenrode, Jose Luis Sanchez, Christopher A Wiggins, Nick
& Isabel Soto and family, Joe Rabel, Rosalinda Perez, Katerin Castillo, Christian McKenzie, Raquel Mendoza, Steve Kasmiersky,
Roberta Simms, Aldo Montemayor, Manuela Munoz, Gracie Garcia Family, Rachel Herreth, Deana Edwards Herreth, Sherry Ross,
Aldo Montemayor, Maria T Rodriguez, Jose Arispe, Herminia Perez, Merida Maciel, Manuela Munoz, Raymond Romero, Leonardo V
Adler, Amanda Bramlet, Barbara Brown, Victor Capuchino, Shirley Guilliams, M L Syma, David Flores, Raquel Mendoza, Christine
McKenzie, Maria de la Paz Anaya, Maria Esperanza Anaya, Jon Fineo, Donald Turner, Nancy McElroy, Mary Livadas, Barbara
Livadas-Fript, Dina Contreras, Aldo Montemayor, Camilla Labue, The Mendez family, Angel Joe Rodriguez, Noemi Sanchez,
Marlene Armstrong, Adriana Salazar, Jose Alvarado, Donald Broach, Bonifacia Salas, Kirsten Garcia, Alexys Martinez, Al Clausen,
Jr., Henry Harrison, Basilio Cabrales, Guadalupe Esquival.
For repose oif the soul of Deacon Henry Herrera
(Please notify the church office when someone can be removed from the list)
St. Pius V Spring Festival — Sunday, April 24th — 11am til 7pm
Big Raffle—drawing at 7pm (need not be present to win)
Tickets—$10 donation each
1st prize—2016 Chevy Colorado Truck
2nd prize—$2,000 Gift Card
3rd prize—14K Tri-Gold Rosary
4th prize—49” JVC LED TV
5th prize—Tablet
6th prize—Tool Set
BBQ dinner plus many other Food items, Game booths, Bingo, Live Entertainment and more…
Thank you to all the ticket sponsors: Extreme Fab, Inc., Alvarez Wood Floors, A.B.R. Contract Painting,
Raul Ramos Paint Contractor, & Mr & Mrs Carlos Trevino.
Please pick up your tickets today after Mass and Sell, Sell, Sell
3rd Sunday in Lent
St. Pius V Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
My dear friends,
So, what are you doing for Lent? Did you receive Ashes on Ash Wednesday? Good! Have you been at mass every Sunday? Good!
Have you been abstaining from meat on Friday? Good! Have you been trying to say some extra prayers? Good! All good things that
we should be doing. Maybe you have plans for Holy Week, plans to spend some special time in prayer or with the Lord. Good! We
should plan ahead in the spiritual life as in other things. But what are you doing right now that has an impact on your life and the lives
of others?
This is a special time. If we truly recognize our sinfulness and the goodness of God, what could we ever do to merit forgiveness for
what we have done wrong and how we have been neglectful? Nothing. It is only through His love that we are forgiven and redeemed.
In response to that love, we return love. What are you doing right now, this day of Lent, to respond in love?
Do something big this Lent….maybe something more than giving up chocolate. We are almost halfway through the season, but there
is time. Make this Lent count!
Fr. Joe
Mis queridos amigos,
¿Qué pasa esta Cuaresma? ¿Qué haces para la Cuaresma? Recibiste las cenizas el Miércoles de Ceniza? Bueno! ¿Asistes a la misa
todos los domingos? Bueno! ¿Te abstienes de comer carne el viernes? Bueno! ¿Has estado tratando de rezar algunas oraciones
adicionales cada día? Bueno! Todas son cosas buenas que deberíamos hacer. Tal vez tienes planes para la Semana Santa, los planes
para pasar un momento especial en la oración o con el Santísimo. Bueno! Debemos planificar el futuro en la vida espiritual como en
otras cosas. Pero, ¿qué estás haciendo en este momento que tiene un impacto en tu vida y las vidas de los demás?
Este es un tiempo especial. Si verdaderamente reconocemos nuestros pecados y la bondad de Dios, ¿qué podríamos alguna vez hacer
para merecer el perdón por lo mal que hemos hecho y por nuestras omisiones? Nada. Es sólo por medio del amor de Dios que somos
perdonados y redimidos. En respuesta a ese amor, volvemos amor. ¿Qué estás haciendo ahora mismo, este día de Cuaresma, para
responder en amor?
Haga algo grande en esta Cuaresma....quizás algo más que renunciar a chocolate. Estamos casi a mitad de la temporada, pero hay
tiempo. Haga que esta Cuaresma sea cuenta!
P. Joe
Thank you to all came the last 2 weekends To help clean the parish grounds.
February 20th
Ofelia Hernandez
Rocio Zeneno
Ovidio Zenteno
Bernabe Landa
Victor Perez
Blanca Perez
Ramon Garcia
Irma Garcia
Simon Buenrostro
Christion Buenrostro
Maribel Canales
February 27th
Maricela Valdez
Santiago Quintal
Maria Quintal
Karla Rivas
Alexis Rivas
Alex Rivas
Drego Rivas
Alan Rivas
Bernardo del Toro
Ovidio Zenteno
Rocio Zenteno
Victor Perez
Blanca Perez
Ernesto Ramirez
Victor Mendoza
Marcelino Perez
Salvador Juarez
Antonio Juarez
Alcredo Perez
Lupita Alvarado
Rogelio Alvarado
Bernabe Landa
Simon Buenrostro
Maribel Canales
Lorena Gonzalez
Arturo Gonzalez III
Rogelio Alvarado
Lupita Alvarado
Ramon Garcia
Roberto Jimenez
Jose Vasquez
Miguel Fernandez
Thank you all so much, your ongoing help is soooo much appreciated and it does make a difference and
beautifies the property.
Join the St. Pius V. youth group for our weekly meeting. This )
week, we will focus on the topic of the Bible. Students will learn
how to properly use the Bible as well as the importance of it. (
We will be gathered in the cafeteria from 7-9 p.m. Come make )
new friendships through faith, all while having fun! We hope to (
see you there. For more information please contact Christian
Sanchez, 832-335-1940.
The St. Pius V Youth Group—Friday, February 26th
Upcoming Events:
The St. Pius V Youth Group is hosting a dodge ball tournament
Saturday March 5, 2016. Each team must have a minimum of
10 players. The cost to enter is $10 per person. All ages, and
groups are invited to join in on the fun and Dodge for a Cause to
support your church’s youth group! Costumes and team shirts are
encouraged. For early registration, please email Christian Sanchez,
3rd Sunday in Lent
St. Pius V Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
A Week of Reconciliation
Una Semana de Reconciliatcion
At St. Pius V / San Pio V
Monday/Lunes 29 Feb 5:30-6:30PM
Tuesday/Martes 1 Mar 5:30-:30PM
Wednesday/Miercoles 2 Mar 7:00-9:00PM
ThursdayJueves 3 Mar 5:30-6:30PM
Friday/Viernes 4 Mar 5:30-11:00PM (Every Parish/Todas las Parroquias)
Saturday/Sabado 5 Mar 3:30-5:00PM
Homily of Pope Francis, Divine Mercy Sunday, 7 April 2013
Let us remember this in our lives as Christians: God always waits
for us, even when we have left him behind! He is never far from
us, and if we return to him, he is ready to embrace us...
God is always waiting for us, he never grows tired. Jesus shows
us this merciful patience of God so that we can regain
confidence, hope – always! A great German theologian, Romano
Guardini, said that God responds to our weakness by his patience,
and this is the reason for our confidence, our hope…
[Reconciliation] is like a dialogue between our weakness and the
patience of God, it is a dialogue that, if we do it, will grant us
I would like to emphasize one other thing: God’s patience has to
call forth in us the courage to return to him, however many
mistakes and sins there may be in our life… This is important:
the courage to trust in Jesus’ mercy, to trust in his patience, to
seek refuge always in the wounds of his love. Maybe someone
among us here is thinking: my sin is so great, I am as far from
God as the [prodigal] son in the parable, my unbelief is like that
of Thomas; I don’t have the courage to go back, to believe that
God can welcome me and that he is waiting for me, of all people.
But God is indeed waiting for you; he asks of you only the
courage to go to him. ..For God, we are not numbers, we are
important, indeed we are the most important thing to him; even if
we are sinners, we are what is closest to his heart…
Papa Francsico, Domingo dela Divina Misericordia, 7 de abril
de 2013
Recordémoslo en nuestra vida de cristianos: Dios nos espera
siempre, aun cuando nos hayamos alejado. Él no está nunca lejos,
y si volvemos a Él, está preparado para abrazarnos…
Dios siempre nos espera, no se cansa. Jesús nos muestra esta
paciencia misericordiosa de Dios para que recobremos la
confianza, la esperanza, siempre. Un gran teólogo alemán,
Romano Guardini, decía que Dios responde a nuestra debilidad
con su paciencia y éste es el motivo de nuestra confianza, de
nuestra esperanza… [La Reconciliación] es como un diálogo
entre nuestra debilidad y la paciencia de Dios, es un diálogo que
si lo hacemos, nos da esperanza…
Quisiera subrayar otro elemento: la paciencia de Dios debe
encontrar en nosotros la valentía de volver a Él, sea cual sea el
error, sea cual sea el pecado que haya en nuestra vida… Esto es
importante: la valentía de confiarme a la misericordia de Jesús, de
confiar en su paciencia, de refugiarme siempre en las heridas de
su amor. ..Tal vez alguno de nosotros puede pensar: mi pecado es
tan grande, mi lejanía de Dios es como la del hijo [prodigo] de la
parábola, mi incredulidad es como la de Tomás; no tengo las
agallas para volver, para pensar que Dios pueda acogerme y que
me esté esperando precisamente a mí. Pero Dios te espera
precisamente a ti, te pide sólo el valor de regresar a Él. .. Para
Dios no somos números, somos importantes, es más somos lo
más importante que tiene; aun siendo pecadores, somos lo que
más le importa…
In my own life, I have so often seen God’s merciful countenance,
his patience; I have also seen so many people find the courage to
enter the wounds of Jesus by saying to him: Lord, I am here,
accept my poverty, hide my sin in your wounds, wash it away
with your blood. And I have always seen that God did just this –
he accepted them, consoled them, cleansed them, loved them.
En mi vida personal, he visto muchas veces el rostro
misericordioso de Dios, su paciencia; he visto también en muchas
personas la determinación de entrar en las llagas de Jesús,
diciéndole: Señor estoy aquí, acepta mi pobreza, esconde en tus
llagas mi pecado, lávalo con tu sangre. Y he visto siempre que
Dios lo ha hecho, ha acogido, consolado, lavado, amado.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us be enveloped by the mercy of
God; let us trust in his patience, which always gives us more
time. Let us find the courage to return to his house, to dwell in his
loving wounds, allowing ourselves be loved by him and to
encounter his mercy in the sacraments. We will feel his
wonderful tenderness, we will feel his embrace, and we too will
become more capable of mercy, patience, forgiveness and love.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas, dejémonos envolver por la
misericordia de Dios; confiemos en su paciencia que siempre nos
concede tiempo; tengamos el valor de volver a su casa, de habitar
en las heridas de su amor dejando que Él nos ame, de encontrar
su misericordia en los sacramentos. Sentiremos su ternura, tan
hermosa, sentiremos su abrazo y seremos también nosotros más
capaces de misericordia, de paciencia, de perdón y de amor.
3rd Sunday in Lent
St. Pius V Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
The Four Parts of the Sacrament
Las Cuatro Partes del Sacramento
* Contrición: Es un arrepentimiento sincero por
haber ofendido a Dios y es el acto más
importante de parte del penitente.
* Confesión: Confrontar nuestros pecados de
manera profunda a Dios hablándole —en voz
alta al sacerdote.
* Penitencia: Una parte importante de nuestra
sanación es la “penitencia” que el sacerdote
impone para la reparación de nuestros pecados y
para ayudarnos en conversión
* Absolución: el sacerdote dice las palabras por las
cuales “Dios, el Padre de la Misericordia”
reconcilia a un pecador con Él mismo a través de
los méritos de la Cruz.
Contrition: a sincere sorrow for having offended
God, and the most important act of the penitent.
Confession: confronting our sins in a profound
way to God by speaking about them—aloud—to
the priest.
Penance: an important part of our healing is the
“penance” the priest imposes in reparation for our
sins and to help us in conversion.
Absolution: the priest speaks the words by which
“God, the Father of Mercies” reconciles a sinner to
himself through the merits of the Cross.
Examination of Conscience
Confession is not difficult, but it does require preparation. We should begin with prayer, placing ourselves
in the presence of God, our loving Father. Then we
review our lives since our last confession, searching
our thoughts, words, and actions for that which did not
conform to God’s command to love him and one another through his laws and the laws of his Church.
This is called an examination of conscience.
To make an examination of conscience:
* Begin with a prayer asking for God’s help.
* Review your life (perhaps with the help of a
guide to examination of conscience).
* Tell God how truly sorry you are for your sins.
* Make a firm resolution not to sin again.
Act of Contrition/Prayer of the Penitent
A simple Act of Contrition is:
“Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a
(from the Rite of Penance)
Readings for the week of 2/29/16
Examen de Conciencia
La confesión no es difícil pero requiere preparación.
Debemos empezar con una oración, ubicándonos
ante la presencia de Dios, nuestro Padre Amado.
Entonces revisamos nuestras vidas desde nuestra
última confesión, buscando nuestros pensamientos,
palabras y acciones que no estuvieron conforme al
mandamiento de Dios de amarlo a él y a los demás
por medio de la obediencia a sus leyes y las leyes de
Su Iglesia. A esto se le llama examen de conciencia.
Para hacer un examen de conciencia:
Comience con una oración pidiendo la asistencia de
Revise su vida (tal vez con la ayuda de alguna guía
al examen.)
Dígale a Dios cuánto siente realmente haber pecado.
Haga una firme resolución de no pecar otra vez.
El Acto de Contrición/La Oración del Penitente
Una oración simple es:
“Señor Jesus, Hijo de Dios, apiádate de mí que soy
(del Rito de la Penitencia)
Knights of Columbus Catfish Dinner—
2 Kgs 5: 1-15ab; Lk 4: 24-30
Dn 3: 25, 34-43; Mt 18: 21-35
Dt 4: 1, 5-9, Mt 5: 17-19
Jer 7: 23-28; Lk 11: 14-23
Hos 14: 2-10; Mk 12: 28-34
Hos 6: 1-6; Lk 18: 9-14
Jos 5: 9a, 10-12; 2 Cor 5: 17-21; Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32
On Friday, Mar 4th & 18th we will once again
be serving a Catfish Dinner with all the
trimmings at the Knights of Columbus hall at
3418 Preston, from 4pm to 7pm. Dine in or take
out. The cost is $9 per plate. And desserts
available for $1. Dine in or take out. .
3rd Sunday in Lent
St. Pius V Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
Faith Formation (FF) Office (CCE) – 713-473-9484 – Oficina de Formación de Fe
(catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317) –;
Felícitas Palacios(x 304) –;
Martin Rodriguez (x 318) –
Next Weekend!
Office Hours: 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. –
Thurs.; Sun. – Thurs. while classes
are in session
¡El próximo fin de semana!
Year of Mercy Event – Un Evento del Año de Misericordia
“Christ, Have Mercy!” – “¡Cristo, Ten Piedad!”
Sat.-Sun., March 5-6 – 7:30 am-3 pm – Sab.-Dom. 5 y 6 de Marzo
¡FECHA LÍMITE para anotarse: Miér. 2 de Marzo!
Para adultos de 18 años en adelante; se llaman todos aunque ya hayas vivido otros retiros, está invitado a asistir.
Ofrecerá tiempo para una reflexión profunda
sobre la misericordia
Favor de traer su Biblia.
Para más información o para anotarse, llama
la Sra. Felicitas Palacios a la oficina (713473-9484) de lunes a jueves, 9 am-2 pm.
A time for serious reflection on mercy
and its role in our lives
For adults 18 and up
Bring your Bible.
For more details, and to sign up,
contact Mary Kay (e-mail above).
Beginning this weekend, our Elect (Catechumens preparing in Lent for sacraments at Easter Vigil) will celebrate three
Scrutinies – one this Sun. and one on each following Sun. – as part of their final preparation for the sacraments at Easter
Vigil. Please pray daily for them, and for our Candidate for Full Communion! (See names below.)
¡Empezando este fin de semana, nuestro Elegidos (Catecúmenos que se preparen en Cuaresma por los sacramentos)
van a celebrar tres Escrutinios – uno este Dom. y uno en los dos próximos Doms. – para su preparación final por los
sacramentos en la Vigilia Pascual. ¡Favor de rezar para este grupo diariamente! (Vean sus nombres abajo.)
Rogelio Fuentes – Aaron Briones – Crystal Briones – Melissa Briones – Jonathan Garces – Jasmine Ramírez –
Marvin Gutierrez – Dulce Gonzalez – Julio Gonzalez – Yeliada Grimaldo – Luna Hernandez – Dennise Moreno –
Jaime Sanchez – Estefani Liborio – Luis Martinez – Giselle Wong – Jesús Gutiérrez – Omar Velasco – Rodrigo
Mosqueda – Miguel A. Gonzalez – Leslie Alvarado – Brianna Bravo – Yanelly Medrano
There will be NO Faith Formation classes –
(For the Parish Retreat–) Sun. 3/6;
(For Spring Break–) Sun.–Sun. 3/13 - 20;
(For Holy Week & Easter Sun.–) Mon.– Sun. 3/21 - 3/27; and
(On Easter Mon.–) Mon. 3/28.
NO hay clases en estas fechas:
(Retiro Parroquial–) Dom. 6 de Marzo;
(Descanso de Primavera–) Dom.–Dom. 13-20 de Marzo;
(Semana Santa y Dom. de Pascua–) Lunes–Dom. 21-27 de Marzo; y
(Lunes de Pascua–) 28 de Marzo
Scripture Study in English—
meets on THURSDAY
EVENINGS at 7pm in the
Parish Life Center Living
room...Join us any time.
A Big Thank You to all who came last
Saturday to help clean the grounds—they
did a wonderful job cleaning the flower
beds, raking leaves, trimming limbs, and
pruning hedges and rose bushes. THANKS
3rd Sunday in Lent
St. Pius V Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
Mass Intentions, Schedule for this Week
Saturday, February 27—Lenten Weekday
8:00 a.m. — Presiders’ Intention
5:30 p.m. — Frederick Smith †
7:00 p.m. — Lupita Zamora †
Sunday, February 28—3rd Sunday of Lent
8:00a.m. — For the People of the Parish
10:00a.m. — Joe Vasquez †
12:00p.m. — Antonio Garcia
1:30p.m. — Manual Lopez
7:00p.m. — Presiders’ Intention
Monday, February 29—Lenten Weekday
8:00 a.m. —
Earl ‘Buddy’ Williams †
Tuesday, March 1—Lenten Weekday
8:00 a.m. — Sam & Julie Philip B-day
7:00 p.m. — Presiders’ Intention
Wednesday, March 2—Lenten Weekday
8:00 a.m. —
Regina Franco †
7:00 p.m. — Presiders’ Intention
Thursday, March 3—Lenten Weekday
8:00 a.m. —
Merlin Cruz †
Friday, March 4—Lenten Weekday—Day of Mercy
8:00 a.m. — Bryan Stoughton—B-day
No 7pm 1st Friday Mass tonight
Saturday, March 5—Lenten Weekday
8:00 a.m. —
Stella Stewart †
5:30 p.m. —
Robert Kucera †
7:00 p.m. —
Roy Garcia
Faith Commitment Contribution
Weekly Contributions for church Support
For weekend—2/14/16
Mass time
Black & Indian Missions
$ 728.00
$ 849.00
$ 702.00
$ 986.00
Holy Hour
Ash Wednesday
Grand total
Budgeted 1st Collection:
$ 2,980.00
Upcoming 2nd Collections:
February 21—Property Fund
February 28—Catholic Relief Services
Faith Commitment Contribution
Weekly Contributions for church Support
For weekend—2/21/16
Mass time
Our Parish Goal is $60,000.
As of 2/25/16 we have:
Amount pledged: $14,940.00
Amount paid: $6,577.00
Please make your pledge today.
Women’s Club 2016 Calendar
Thurs, Mar 10 Women’s Club Mtg in PLC Chapel @ 10am
*Tues, Mar 15 Bus trip: Tour Lanier Stone Chapel in North Hou
Leave at 10am — $3 for bus + Lunch.
Sun, Mar 20
Palm Sunday, begin Holy Week.
Sun, Mar 27
Easter Sunday.
Thurs, Apr14 Women’s Club Mtg in PLC Chapel 10am
*Tues, Apr19 Bus Trip: Mercer Gardens, Lunch at Potato Patch.
Sun, Apr 24
SPV Spring Festival: Women’s Club Cake &
Coffee Booth.
Thurs, May 12 Women’s Club Mtg, Luncheon, Golden Corral
*There are openings on our bus trips if you wish to join us. Call
Irma Morales @ 713-944-4624.
Prayer blankets available. Call Grace@ 713-645-2987.
Grand total
Black & Indian Missions
$ 1,276.00
$ 735.00
$ 3,446.00
$ 3,061.00
$ 2,532.00
$ 1,949.00
$ 666.00
$ 13,665.00
Budgeted 1st Collection:
Upcoming 2nd Collections:
February 28—Catholic Relief Services
March 6 —PSM
March 15—Catholic Relief Services
We can still use 2 or 3 bilingual (committed)
money counters. If you are interested, please
contact Fr. Joe.
3rd Sunday in Lent
St. Pius V Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
Find the Missal (Ordinary of the Mass) at 150 in Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song
First Reading 1 EX 17:3-7
In those days, in their thirst for water, the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “Why did you ever make us leave Egypt?
Was it just to have us die here of thirst with our children and our livestock?” So Moses cried out to the LORD, “What shall
I do with this people? a little more and they will stone me!” The LORD answered Moses, “Go over there in front of the
people, along with some of the elders of Israel, holding in your hand, as you go, the staff with which you struck the river.
I will be standing there in front of you on the rock in Horeb. Strike the rock, and the water will flow from it for the people
to drink.” This Moses did, in the presence of the elders of Israel. The place was called Massah and Meribah, because the
Israelites quarreled there and tested the LORD, saying, “Is the LORD in our midst or not?”
Responsorial Psalm PS 95 R. If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts
Reading 2 ROM 5:1-2, 5-8
Brothers and sisters: Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom we have gained access by faith to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in hope of the glory of God.
And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who
has been given to us. For Christ, while we were still helpless, died at the appointed time for the ungodly. Indeed, only with
difficulty does one die for a just person, though perhaps for a good person one might even find courage to die. But God
proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
Gospel JN 4:5-42
Jesus came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of land that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well
was there. Jesus, tired from his journey, sat down there at the well. It was about noon. A woman of Samaria came to draw
water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” His disciples had gone into the town to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to
him, “How can you, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?” —For Jews use nothing in common with Samaritans.
— Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God and who is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink, ‘ you would
have asked him and he would have given you living water.” The woman said to him, “Sir, you do not even have a bucket
and the cistern is deep; where then can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this
cistern and drank from it himself with his children and his flocks?” Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks
this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will
become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I may
not be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water.” Jesus said to her, “Go call your husband and come back.” The
woman answered and said to him, “I do not have a husband.” Jesus answered her, “You are right in saying, ‘I do not have a
husband.’ For you have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband. What you have said is true.”
The woman said to him, “Sir, I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain; but you people
say that the place to worship is in Jerusalem.” Jesus said to her, “Believe me, woman, the hour is coming when you will
worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You people worship what you do not understand; we worship
what we understand, because salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers
will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is Spirit, and those
who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.” The woman said to him, “I know that the Messiah is coming, the one
called the Christ; when he comes, he will tell us everything.” Jesus said to her, “I am he, the one speaking with you.” At
that moment his disciples returned, and were amazed that he was talking with a woman, but still no one said, “What are
you looking for?” or “Why are you talking with her?” The woman left her water jar and went into the town and said to the
people, “Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he possibly be the Christ?” They went out of the
town and came to him. Meanwhile, the disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat.” But he said to them, “I have food to eat of which
you do not know.” So the disciples said to one another, “Could someone have brought him something to eat?” Jesus said to
them, “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to finish his work. Do you not say, ‘In four months the harvest
will be here’? I tell you, look up and see the fields ripe for the harvest. The reaper is already receiving payment and
gathering crops for eternal life, so that the sower and reaper can rejoice together. For here the saying is verified that ‘One
sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap what you have not worked for; others have done the work, and you are sharing
the fruits of their work.” Many of the Samaritans of that town began to believe in him because of the word of the woman
who testified, “He told me everything I have done.” When the Samaritans came to him, they invited him to stay with them;
and he stayed there two days. Many more began to believe in him because of his word, and they said to the woman, “We
no longer believe because of your word; for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is truly the savior of the
3rd Sunday in Lent
St. Pius V Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
El Misal (Ordinario de la Misa) esta en Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song a Partir de 150
Primera lectura Ex 17, 3-7
En aquellos días, el pueblo, torturado por la sed, fue a protestar contra Moisés, diciéndole: “¿Nos has hecho salir de Egipto
para hacernos morir de sed a nosotros, a nuestros hijos y a nuestro ganado?” Moisés clamó al Señor y le dijo: “¿Qué puedo
hacer con este pueblo? Sólo falta que me apedreen”. Respondió el Señor a Moisés: “Preséntate al pueblo, llevando contigo a
algunos de los ancianos de Israel, toma en tu mano el cayado con que golpeaste el Nilo y vete. Yo estaré ante ti, sobre la
peña, en Horeb. Golpea la peña y saldrá de ella agua para que beba el pueblo”. Así lo hizo Moisés a la vista de los ancianos
de Israel y puso por nombre a aquel lugar Masá y Meribá, por la rebelión de los hijos de Israel y porque habían tentado al
Señor, diciendo: “¿Está o no está el Señor en medio de nosotros?”
Salmo Responsorial Salmo 94 R. Señor, que no seamos sordos a tu voz.
Segunda lectura Rm 5, 1-2. 5-8
Hermanos: Ya que hemos sido justificados por la fe, mantengámonos en paz con Dios, por mediación de nuestro Señor
Jesucristo. Por él hemos obtenido, con la fe, la entrada al mundo de la gracia, en el cual nos encontramos; por él, podemos
gloriarnos de tener la esperanza de participar en la gloria de Dios. La esperanza no defrauda, porque Dios ha infundido su
amor en nuestros corazones por medio del Espíritu Santo, que él mismo nos ha dado. En efecto, cuando todavía no teníamos
fuerzas para salir del pecado, Cristo murió por los pecadores en el tiempo señalado. Difícilmente habrá alguien que quiera
morir por un justo, aunque puede haber alguno que esté dispuesto a morir por una persona sumamente buena. Y la prueba
de que Dios nos ama está en que Cristo murió por nosotros, cuando aún éramos pecadores.
Evangelio Jn 4, 5-42
En aquel tiempo, llegó Jesús a un pueblo de Samaria, llamado Sicar, cerca del campo que dio Jacob a su hijo José. Ahí
estaba el pozo de Jacob. Jesús, que venía cansado del camino, se sentó sin más en el brocal del pozo. Era cerca del
mediodía. Entonces llegó una mujer de Samaria a sacar agua y Jesús le dijo: “Dame de beber”. (Sus discípulos habían ido
al pueblo a comprar comida). La samaritana le contestó: “¿Cómo es que tú, siendo judío, me pides de beber a mí, que soy
samaritana?” (Porque los judíos no tratan a los samaritanos). Jesús le dijo: “Si conocieras el don de Dios y quién es el que te
pide de beber, tú le pedirías a él, y él te daría agua viva”. La mujer le respondió: “Señor, ni siquiera tienes con qué sacar
agua y el pozo es profundo, ¿cómo vas a darme agua viva? ¿Acaso eres tú más que nuestro padre Jacob, que nos dio este
pozo, del que bebieron él, sus hijos y sus ganados?” Jesús le contestó: “El que bebe de esta agua vuelve a tener sed. Pero el
que beba del agua que yo le daré, nunca más tendrá sed; el agua que yo le daré se convertirá dentro de él en un manantial
capaz de dar la vida eterna”. La mujer le dijo: “Señor, dame de esa agua para que no vuelva a tener sed ni tenga que venir
hasta aquí a sacarla”. Él le dijo: “Ve a llamar a tu marido y vuelve”. La mujer le contestó: “No tengo marido”. Jesús le dijo:
“Tienes razón en decir: ‘No tengo marido’. Has tenido cinco, y el de ahora no es tu marido. En eso has dicho la verdad”. La
mujer le dijo: “Señor, ya veo que eres profeta. Nuestros padres dieron culto en este monte y ustedes dicen que el sitio donde
se debe dar culto está en Jerusalén”. Jesús le dijo: “Créeme, mujer, que se acerca la hora en que ni en este monte ni en
Jerusalén adorarán al Padre. Ustedes adoran lo que no conocen; nosotros adoramos lo que conocemos. Porque la salvación
viene de los judíos. Pero se acerca la hora, y ya está aquí, en que los que quieran dar culto verdadero adorarán al Padre en
espíritu y en verdad, porque así es como el Padre quiere que se le dé culto. Dios es espíritu, y los que lo adoran deben
hacerlo en espíritu y en verdad”. La mujer le dijo: “Ya sé que va a venir el Mesías (es decir, Cristo). Cuando venga, él nos
dará razón de todo”. Jesús le dijo: “Soy yo, el que habla contigo”. En esto llegaron los discípulos y se sorprendieron de que
estuviera conversando con una mujer; sin embargo, ninguno le dijo: ‘¿Qué le preguntas o de qué hablas con ella?’ Entonces
la mujer dejó su cántaro, se fue al pueblo y comenzó a decir a la gente: “Vengan a ver a un hombre que me ha dicho todo lo
que he hecho. ¿No será éste el Mesías?” Salieron del pueblo y se pusieron en camino hacia donde él estaba. Mientras tanto,
sus discípulos le insistían: “Maestro, come”. Él les dijo: “Yo tengo por comida un alimento que ustedes no conocen”. Los
discípulos comentaban entre sí: “¿Le habrá traído alguien de comer?” Jesús les dijo: “Mi alimento es hacer la voluntad del
que me envió y llevar a término su obra. ¿Acaso no dicen ustedes que todavía faltan cuatro meses para la siega? Pues bien,
yo les digo: Levanten los ojos y contemplen los campos, que ya están dorados para la siega. Ya el segador recibe su jornal y
almacena frutos para la vida eterna. De este modo se alegran por igual el sembrador y el segador. Aquí se cumple el dicho:
‘Uno es el que siembra y otro el que cosecha’. Yo los envié a cosechar lo que no habían trabajado. Otros trabajaron y
ustedes recogieron su fruto”. Muchos samaritanos de aquel poblado creyeron en Jesús por el testimonio de la mujer: ‘Me
dijo todo lo que he hecho’. Cuando los samaritanos llegaron a donde él estaba, le rogaban que se quedara con ellos, y se
quedó allí dos días. Muchos más creyeron en él al oír su palabra. Y decían a la mujer: “Ya no creemos por lo que tú nos has
contado, pues nosotros mismos lo hemos oído y sabemos que él es, de veras, el Salvador del mundo”.
3rd Sunday in Lent