Mission Source - Pittsylvania Baptist Association


Mission Source - Pittsylvania Baptist Association
Mission Source
Fostering Peace, Illustrating Faith, Proclaiming Christ’s Love...Missions begin with us
Inside this issue:
Events and Announcements
Church News
Calendar of Events
June 2011, Volume 46, No.5
We are on schedule for Operation In As Much
on October 8, 2011. Several clusters have been
meeting to discuss and narrow down their
projects. In the months of June & July projects need to be decided upon because August
18th is the deadline for all projects and project
leaders. Then on August 25th these projects
will be published and sign-up brochures will
be presented.
Focus on Missions
Our MINISTRY TEAM has been very active in looking at a strategic plan for LOCAL MISSION ACTIVITIES for the future. They have recommended and the Executive Committee has given a go ahead for the following;
OPERATION INASMUCH 2014: The plan is to follow-up every three years with Operation InAsMuch.
WOOD CUTTING MISSION – (2011 and beyond): The plan is to cut wood that would be given to the
poor who need it for heat in the winter and who cook with it.
GLEANING THE HARVEST – (2011 – beyond): This is a mission to collect produce from those who
have gardens and have an excess at the end of the harvest season that often is plowed under. How you can
get involved...Gardeners if you see your harvest will produce excess food that you can’t use call us and we
will pick it up and deliver it to others who are hungry. Pray about planting an extra row of produce specifically for the hungry. Volunteer to pick, bag, and help us deliver the produce to the appropriate places and
organizations that can distribute to the hungry.
Pray that God will bless our meager but challenging MISSION efforts.
“And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the
corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am the Lord your God.”
Lev. 23:22
A Monthly Publication of the
Pittsylvania Baptist Association
Events and Announcements
The proposed 2012 budget accomplishes three things:
1. Shows all mission activities, especially Collegiate Student Union (CSU);
2. Emphasizes main purpose of missions;
3. Allows churches to review the 2012 association budget in a timely manner, before adoption
of individual budgets. Final approval of budget will occur in October 2011.
This year, make a decision to become involved in one of the most rewarding programs offered by the Pittsylvania Baptist Association - Klothes 4 Kids. Under the leadership of the Woman's Missionary Union of
the Pittsylvania Baptist Association and the generosity of the churches in our Association, low-income
families are able to provide brand new back-to-school clothing for their children in elementary school (K5th grade).
This year, our 12th annual Klothes 4 Kids Sale will be held at the PBA Resource Center on Friday, July
22, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Your support and prayers for this ministry helps us to show the love of Christ in a practical way. Won't
you join us this year by sending your contributions made payable to Pittsylvania Baptist WMU and mailing them to our Treasurer, Page Slayton, 4101 Westover Drive, Danville, VA 24541 by June 30, 2011.
Vacation Bible School
Chestnut Level
College Park
Mount Hermon
Mount Tabor
June 19-24
July 11-15
last week of June
June 20-23
July 6-10
June 20-24
July 11-15
June 26-28
July 10-14
June 12-15
June 13-17
*Kickoff—June 11th 4:00-5:30
“Beach Blast!”
“Son Surf”
“I Go Green”
“Shake It Up Café”
“Rev It Up—Full Throttle for God”
“The Big Apple Adventure”
“The Big Apple Adventure”
“Shake It Up Café”
“Beach Blast!”
June 26-30
MINISTER TO CHILDREN: Seeking a Christian
individual with a serious love for children and the
Lord. Looking for a team player with a servant’s
heart committed to helping children grow spiritually strong. Creativity, compassion, commitment
and a strong background are necessities. Part-time
(approximately 12 hours weekly). Send resume to
Ringgold Baptist Church, P.O. Box 100, Ringgold,
VA 24586 or email to rbc.office@yahoo.com.
Church News
Blairs: WMU held birthday party at WW Moore Detention. Accepting peanut butter, jelly and cereal for
God’s Storehouse. Their homecoming service was
held May 15th with guest speaker, Cliff Hudgins.
Calvary: Celebrated Baptist Women’s Day on May
15th with special guest speaker—Terri Johnson of
God’s Pit Crew. Held children’s yard sale May 21st—
proceeds go to Jackline Odeika in Kenya.
Chestnut Level: Continuing to working on ideas for
community ministries for Operation In As Much.
Greenpond: A group of youth and adults attending
Impact VA in Culpepper from June 26-July 2 to participate in a construction ministry. Their high school
youth, college students and adults will be going to
Belize, Central America from July 15-22 to minister
to children and youth through a Bible based fitness
camp, soccer clinics, planting a garden and light construction work on Light of the Valley School.
Hollywood: Will have a car wash and bake sale on
June 11 with donations going towards their Impact
VA Mission Trip on July 24-30 for a construction
mission opportunity. On June 18th there will be a
Men’s Conference at White Oak Grove Missionary
Baptist with speaker Ergun Caner.
Liberty: Their June 12th offering will be given to
Klothes 4 Kids mission project.
Melville: They welcomed 2 new members, Logan
Harvey and Joshua Fisher through baptism on April
17. WMU is busy collecting snacks for the homeless
shelter, dental supplies and clothing for the Bland
Ministry Center and have started collecting items for
their boxes for Operation Christmas Child.
Mt. Hermon: Have a College Mission trip to South
Dakota starting June 4th.
Mount Tabor: Women on Mission will be providing
birthday cakes for Southern VA Mental Health Institute as their mission project for June. The church
wide mission project in May was the “Baby Bottle
Ringgold: WMU’s mission emphasis for May was the
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry for Female Inmates
Stationary Folders. In June their focus will be on
God’s Pit Crew.
Rivermont: Mission project—“Baby Bottle Boomerang” from May 8th-June 19th. New Song in concert
on June 12th @ 6:00 pm. Mission trip planned to the
Eastern Shore from June 20-26.
Schoolfield: 2011 Klothes 4 Kids Love Offering will
be taken after Morning Worship on June 5th.
Sharon: Visitations on Tuesdays @ 7 pm. Brenda
Dodd was presented as “Woman of the Year”. WMU
donated money to God’s Pit Crew, David & Lisa
Hatcher in Central America & to the needy.
United: June 5th will be Graduate recognition.
June 26th A.M. service: “Healing & Anointing” .
Young at Heart birthday party will be held June 28th.
West Main: Adult ministry trip to Billy Graham Library on June 23rd, leave church @ 8:30.
Woodlawn: June 5 a.m. service—Graduate recognition & p.m. service—Baby dedication. Men’s Prayer
breakfast June 11. Bland Mission trip June 20-24.
Submit future events
and activities
for your church
to be printed in
July 2011
newsletter by
West Main will be
Gary Ferguson’s
retirement as
minister of music
during their June 5th
morning worship.
He has served 27
years in this role.
From 2-4 that same
afternoon they will
host a reception for
him and welcome
those that want to
express their
personal gratitude
to him.
If you would like to be
removed from our
mailing list, receive your
newsletter by email, or
would like to add
someone to our list,
contact Kim at
792-7678 or
Willis Memorial invites
all adults, teens and
children on June 5thJune 8th @ 7:00 p.m. to
enjoy the Gospel team
of David & Rusty as well
as anointed singing by
David & Jill along with
gospel illustrations and
challenging Bible
messages that they are
sure will bless you!
GriefShare Ministry Offered to the Local Community:
Community members who have experienced the death of a family member or friend are
invited to register for the GriefShare program held at Mt Hermon Baptist Church, Danville,
GriefShare is a special seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone
close. This group is sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing
and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time.
Each GriefShare session includes a video seminar and group discussion. A GriefShare
workbook assists you with note-taking, journaling and grief study. The videos feature
top experts on grief recovery, dramatic reenactments about living with grief and real-life
stories of people who have experienced losses like yours.
Many grieving people find they are only beginning the work of healing when friends or
family have returned to their daily life routines. Past participants have related how helpful
the information and follow-up discussion were to them. GriefShare sessions are designed
to help you successfully travel the journey from mourning to joy.
Your bereavement experience may be recent or not so recent. You will find encouragement,
comfort and help in grieving the death of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, other family
member or friend. No matter what the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity
to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn how
to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief and that you do not need to live in
bondage as a slave to certain emotions. You will learn valuable information about facing
your new normal in life and renewing your hope for the future.
GriefShare will be held Tuesdays (beginning May 10, 2011) at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship
Center at Mt Hermon Baptist Church, 4385 Franklin Turnpike, Danville, VA.
To register or for questions, call Karen Haley at 724-7118 or 434-429-1932. The cost of
the work book is $15.
Pittsylvania Baptist Association, Inc.
186 Deer Run Road
Danville, VA 24540
Nonprofit Organization
Permit No. 30
Danville, VA 24540
Phone (434) 792-7678 Fax (434) 797-2673
E-mail pba.47@verizon.net
Return Service Requested
Looking Ahead
June 2011
June 14-15
SBC Conference—in Phoenix
June 15
Newsletter Deadline
June 19
Father’s Day
June 23-24
CBF Conference—in Tampa
July 4
PBA Office—Closed
July 15
Newsletter Deadline
July 22
Klothes 4 Kids Sale
10:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m.
For counseling, call
Association Resource Center
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Friday 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Rev. Cliff Hudgins, Association Ministries Coordinator, cliff.hudgins1@verizon.net
Kim Baldridge, Office Administrator, kim.pba1@verizon.net
EB Mark, Baptist Collegiate Ministries Director, eb.mark1@verizon.net