Mission Source - Pittsylvania Baptist Association
Mission Source - Pittsylvania Baptist Association
Mission Source Fostering Peace, Illustrating Faith, Proclaiming Christ’s Love...Missions begin with us Timeline August 11th—Evangelism Ministry training (Mt Hermon @ 7:00) August 18th—Deadline for all projects and project leaders August 25th—Publish project/sign-up brochures Inside this issue: Events and Announcements Church News Calendar of Events 2 3 4 July 2011, Volume 46, No.6 September 1st—Distribute project/sign-up brochure September 8th—Launch sign-up period September 22nd—Project leaders meeting October 8th—PBA on Missions (Participate at some level) Operation In As Much Ministry Evangelism Training The goal for Operation In As Much was 80/80 with at least 80% of our churches participating and we have meet that goal because we have 37 signed up as of June 21st. Our next goal to is to have 80% participation from volunteers within the churches. This would be around 8000 volunteers working together on October 8th! August 11th—Mt Hermon at 7:00 pm Message Break into groups with choice of six classes: 1. C.R.O.S.S. 2. Roman Road 3. P.B.A. 4. Four Spiritual Laws 5. A.B.C. 6. Colors of the Word—A Wordless Book "...Truly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." Matthew 25:40 A Monthly Publication of the Pittsylvania Baptist Association Events and Announcements To the right is a list of the churches that have volunteered to participate in Operation Inasmuch on October 8, 2011. If your has church has volunteered and is not listed call the association office. Would like to have 2 representatives to act as volunteers for contact information from the association office. Bethlehem Blairs Calvary Cascade Chatham Chestnut Level College Park First of Danville First Community Glenwood Memorial Greenpond Hillcrest Hollywood Kentuck Liberty Marion Melville Mill Creek Moffett Mt. Hermon Mt Tabor North Main Piney Fork Ringgold Rivermont Sandy Shores Schoolfield Shermont Shockoe State Line Stokesland United Vandola West Main Willis Memorial Woodberry Hills Woodlawn Logo Contest We Have a Winner: Jamie R. Watson, from Chestnut Level Baptist Church Jamie will receive a $50.00 Wal-Mart gift certificate. Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry. Pray for our Klothes 4 Kids ministry project as we prepare for our upcoming sale on Friday, July 22, 2011. Faith Night Friday, July 8th Danville Braves vs. Bluefield Blue Jays Game Time: 7:00 pm Gates open @ 6:00 pm Pregame performance by: “Sons of Thunder” quartet (starting approximately @ 5:45 pm) GriefShare Ministry Offered to the Local Community: Community members who have experienced the death of a family member or friend are invited to register for the GriefShare program held at Mt Hermon Baptist Church, Danville, VA. GriefShare is a special seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone close. This group is sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time. Each GriefShare session includes a video seminar and group discussion. A GriefShare workbook assists you with note-taking, journaling and grief study. The videos feature top experts on grief recovery, dramatic reenactments about living with grief and real-life stories of people who have experienced losses like yours. Many grieving people find they are only beginning the work of healing when friends or family have returned to their daily life routines. Past participants have related how helpful the information and follow-up discussion were to them. GriefShare sessions are designed to help you successfully travel the journey from mourning to joy. Your bereavement experience may be recent or not so recent. You will find encouragement, comfort and help in grieving the death of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, other family member or friend. No matter what the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn how to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief and that you do not need to live in bondage as a slave to certain emotions. You will learn valuable information about facing your new normal in life and renewing your hope for the future. GriefShare will be held Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Center at Mt Hermon Baptist Church, 4385 Franklin Turnpike, Danville, VA. To register or for questions, call Karen Haley at 724-7118 or 434-429-1932. The cost of the work book is $15. 2 Church News Bethlehem: Held a “Surprise for Jesus” service, which comprised of a guest speaker from West Virginia, Donnie Fink, special music by Bobby Gwynn, skits and special Sunday School with a theme of “How to expect the unexpected in your Christian life”. Has welcomed four new members to join the church. The Ladies Sunday School class visited a “homebound” member to have the Sunday School lesson with her since she is unable to come to church. Blairs: Welcomes new church secretary—Mrs. Dana Hardy. Making final plans for Operation In As Much. WMU will be promoting Klothes 4 Kids project in July. Had 26 adult volunteers devoting their time, talent and ministry for their VBS— ”Beach Blast”. June 24th was family supper night for their VBS. Glenwood: Veterans and widows were recognized for service to the country. Fathers were remembered for their commitment to God and family. Love offering was taken up to help tornado victims and sent to God’s Pit Crew. Mt Hermon: Youth will be going on a Mission trip to Greenville, SC from July 19-26th. Liberty: Collected $308 for Klothes 4 Kids and have volunteers to help distribute clothing on day of sale. Working on ideas for projects for In As Much for northwest corner of Pittsylvania County. Sharon: WMU collected $375 on Mother’s Day Love books and donated $100 to Samaritan’s Purse. Collecting food items for God’s Storehouse. New Christianity program coming in the fall. On July 2nd from 12:00—5:00 pm will have “old fashioned service” with gospel singing and activities. United: Monthly mission for July is “school supplies”. Having a “Hymn Sing and Ice Cream Social” on July 31st. West Main: Acteen’s Blume Summer Mission project—collecting toiletry items & socks/shoes for the Osceola Christian Ministry Center in Kissimmee, FL, who provides these resources to the homeless and under-employed and health kits for the Greater Orlando Baptist Association who provides these items to the victims of human trafficking. Woodlawn: Youth group going to Snowbird Camp July 4-9. Family night @ CiCi’s on July 21st. Their Chancel Choir and Pot Luck Praise Singers are practicing for “A Night of Southern Gospel” to be presented in August. Calvary Hollywood July 11-15 “Son Surf” July 6-10 “Rev It Up—Full Throttle for God” “The Big Apple Adventure” Submit future events and activities for your church to be printed in August 2011 newsletter by JULY15th! North Main is hosting a Southern Gospel Concert… The Oak Grove Quartet July 30th 6:00 p.m. Admission is free, a love offering will be taken Church Van for Sale: 1999 Ford V10, White 15 passengers 64,431 miles 4 brand new tires $5,500 If interested call: Rev. J.B. Baldridge Bethlehem Baptist Church (434) 792-1497 or (434) 203-2907 MINISTER TO CHILDREN: Seeking a Christian individual with a serious love for children and the Lord. Looking for a team player with a servant’s heart committed to helping children grow spiritually strong. Creativity, compassion, commitment and a strong background are necessities. Part-time (approximately 12 hours weekly). Send resume to Ringgold Baptist Church, P.O. Box 100, Ringgold, VA 24586 or email to rbc.office@yahoo.com. Mount Hermon July 11-15 Rivermont July 10-13 “Noah’s Ark Adventure: Shermont United If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, receive your newsletter by email, or would like to add someone to our list, contact Kim at 792-7678 or kim.pba1@verizon.net July 10-14 Where God is Always Reigning Kindness “Pandamania” July 11-15 “The Big Apple Adventure” 3 Kentuck Baptist Church, Ringgold, Virginia is in search of a part-time Minister to Youth. It will require 20-25 hours per week. Duties include planning and supervising youth activities that promote spiritual growth, mission opportunities, and recreation activities. Please send resume to: Kentuck Baptist Church 1845 Kentuck Church Road Ringgold, VA 24586 Email: kentuckchurch@verizon.net Pittsylvania Baptist Association, Inc. 186 Deer Run Road Danville, VA 24540 Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 30 Danville, VA 24540 Phone (434) 792-7678 Fax (434) 797-2673 E-mail pba.47@verizon.net www.pittsylvaniabaptist.org Return Service Requested CALENDAR OF EVENTS Looking Ahead July 2011 July 4 PBA Office— Closed August 11 In As Much—Ministry Training Mt Hermon @ 7:00 p.m. July 15 Newsletter Deadline August 15 Newsletter Deadline July 22 Klothes 4 Kids Sale 10:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. August 18 In As Much—Deadline for Projects July 24 Cliff preaching @ Rivermont August 25 Publish project/ sign-up brochures For counseling, call 799-8948. Association Resource Center Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Friday 8:30-11:30 a.m. Rev. Cliff Hudgins, Association Ministries Coordinator, cliff.hudgins1@verizon.net Kim Baldridge, Office Administrator, kim.pba1@verizon.net EB Mark, Baptist Collegiate Ministries Director, eb.mark1@verizon.net 4 List of Projects Cluster 1 Calvary College Park Schoolfield State Line Stokesland Cluster 2 First West Main Cluster 3 Hillcrest Sandy Shores Shermont Woodlawn Cluster 4 Moffett Memorial Rivermont Woodberry Hills Cluster 5 Blairs Melville Mount Hermon North Main United Cluster 6 Bethlehem Cascade Vandola Willis Memorial 1. Care packages 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Painting of home(s) Construction/home improvement projects Playground activities & goodies to kids 200 + bags of toiletries distributed at feeding program Laundromat project—quarters, detergent, dryer sheets given out Tacking quilts and cutting fleece lap blankets 1. Single parent car wash and oil change 2. Stew for shut-ins 3. Breakfast for neighborhood 1. Roof on a house in the community Cluster 7 Glenwood Memorial Kentuck Ringgold Cluster 8 Chestnut Level Mt Tabor Shockoe Cluster 9 Chatham First Community Mill Creek Cluster 10 Greenpond Hollywood Liberty Marion Piney Fork 1. Painting of food bank building and a garage 2. Construction of a wheelchair ramp 1. Repair to a house that was burnt * There is one project that is currently unassigned— replacing windows at a home. Listed below are ideas of projects that your group can perform: Blood Pressure & Sugar Checks Blood Drive Letters to Troops Letters to Inmates Prepare and Distribute Bags of Toiletries Yard Work Laundromat Ministry Prepare Care Packages for Troops Prepare and Delivery of Food Items to Shut-Ins Baby Shower for Donation to Little Life Car Check-ups Pick up Litter Prepare and Deliver Food Items to Fire Station/Police Station Clothes Closet - Clothing Items to be Delivered to Goodwill/Salvation Army Homebound Visitation Visitation to Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities Choir Project Lunch Preparation and Delivery to OIAM Participants Child Care for OIAM Participants Car Wash Home Repair/Painting Hospital ICUs Card Ministry Job Hunting Tips Prepare “Appreciation Package” for Nurses in Nursing Homes/Assisted Living Facilities Prepare and Deliver Food Items to Salvation Army/Homeless Shelter Installation of Smoke Alarms Rest Stop Ministry/Block Party
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Mission Source - Pittsylvania Baptist Association
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