• Erasmus+ Programme
• Erasmus+ Programme
• Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 - Mobility for learners and staff Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility Inter-institutic.nal agreement 2014-2020 between programme countries The institutions named below aqree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/er staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the I:rasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobility, in particular the recognition of the credits awarded to students by the partner institution. A. Information .-. about higher education institutions .. -• ..-iC;;rjfi. Sveučilište (University u Zagrebu of Zagreb) Veterinarski fakultet Zagreb (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb) Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences ul. C.K. Norwida 25 50-375 Wrodaw, Poland oI. us e HR ZAGREB 01 HR ZAGREB 01 PL WROCL'l,W04 Contact details! (email, phone) Institutional coordinator: Tajana Nikolić (Ms), erasm us. coordi nator @unizg.hr, Tel: + 385-1-46-98-165 Website (eg. of the course catalogue) http://international.uni zg. hr/international stu dents/exchange stude nts Faculty coordinator: Prof Estelia Prukner Radovčić, PhD, DVM pru kner@vef.hr + 385 1 2390 135 Mrs. JadwigaBolechowska Erasmus Institutional http://www.up.wroc.ol!studles Coordinator, and students! InternationalRelations Office,IncomingStudents Tel. +48 71 320 5478 Fax: +48 71 3205115 b.lli>..s..;Jjl!Y~.YlI ,still!.e..01J.!Q,;,v...ffi!:..,j1]L .iMJIillI/!. bOlechowska@up.wroc lista! ,Q] KrzysztofKafarski International Relations Office OutgoingStudents Tel. +48 71 320 5287 Fax: +48 71 320 5115 kl"lySltof.kpfarskl@lUD.~ I Contact detalls to reach the senior officer in charge of this agreement and of its possible updates. 1 B. Mobility numbers per academic year [Paragraph to be added, if the agreement is signed for more than one ecedemic year: The partners commit to amend the tebte below in case of changes in the mobility data by no later than the end of January in the preceding academic year.] PL I HR ZAGREB 01 I WROCLAW04 HR ZAGREB 01 c640 PL WROCLAW04 640 1 640 I Veterinary 1st 10 (2 students x 5 months) 1/ Veterinary Medicine 3rd 5 (1 student months) I/ Veterinary l" 10 (2 students x 5 months) 1/ 3rd 5 (1 student months) I/ I Veterinary Medicine 1 x 5 x 5 * Inter-institutional agreements are not compulsory for Student Mobi/ity for Traineeships or Staff Mobility for Training. Institutions may sqree to cooperate on the organisation of trsineeship; in this case they should indicate the number of students that they intend to send to the partner country. Total duration in monihs/deys of the student/stett mobi/ity periods ar average duration can be indicated if relevant.] PL I HR ZAGREB 01 WROCLAW04 640 I Veterinary 1 10 days (2 persons x 5 days) Administrative HR ZAGREB 01 I ~ROC~wo4l640 Veterinary I 10 days (2 persons x 5 days) I 10 days (2 persons x 5 days) 10 days (2 persons x 5 days) Admlnistrative 2 C. Reeommended language skllls The sending Instltutlon, following agreement with the receiving institution, is responsible for providing support to its norninated candidates so that they can have the recommended language skills at the start of the study or teaching period: HR ZAGREB 01 PL WROCLAW04 Croatian English B2 62 English Polish B2 62 For more detalls on the language OI' instruction recommendations, of each institution [Links provided on the first page]. see the course catalogue D. Additional requirements HR ZAGREB01: In case of additiona I requirements in regard to academic, organisational or other aspects (e.g. students with speclal needs) please contact the International Office: incoming@unizg.hr E. Calendar 1. Applicationsjinformation on nornlnated students must reach the receiving institution by: • Autumn term* [month] tI ••.• HR ZAGREB01: 10 May PL WROCLAW04 Nomination: Application: Spring term* [month] 10 November 01 June 01 July Nomination: Application: 01 November 15 December [* to be edepted in cese of a trimester system] 2. The receiving institution will send its decision within 8 weeks. 3. A Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution the assessment period has finished at the receiving HE!. 4. Termination no later than 5 weeks after of the agreement In the event of unilateral termination, a notice of at least one academic year should be given. This means that a unilateral decision to discontinue the exchanges notified to the other party by 1 September 20XX will only take effect as of 1 September 20XX+ 1. The termination clauses must indude the following dlsclatmer: "Neither the European Comrnisslon nor the National Agencies can be held responslble in case of a conflict."] F. Information 2 For an easier and consistent understanding of language requlrsments, use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is recommended, see http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resoLlrces/european-Ianguage-Ievels-cefr 3 1. Grading systems of the institutions HR ZAGREB 01; http://internationaJ.unizq.hr/international PL WROCLAW04; students/exchange students/academic information htto:llwww.up.wroc.pl/studiesandstudents!9312/localgrades.html 2. Visa The sending and recervinq institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and informatlon sources: ct details Website for information • • il, phone) "tTi"-"- ZAGREB01 incoming@uni,;gj}r 4698105 PL ~iga.bolechowska@up. HR I 00385 (0)1 wroc. pl WROCLAW04 http://international.unizg.hr/international_studen ts/exchange_students/before_coming_to_zagreb http://www.up.wroc.pl/studies dents/ and stu 3. Insurance The sending and receiving iostltuticns will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the folJowing contact points and information sources: Contact d . Institutio (email, ph. n _o • [Erasmus code] HR ZAGREB01 incoming@uniz9..:..!l!: , 00385 (0)14698105 http://international.unizg.hr/internationClI_students/exchange_ students/before_coming_to_zagreb http://www.up.wroc.pl/studies PL and students/ WROCLAW04 4. Housing The receiving institution will guide incoming mobile parttclpants in finding accommodation, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following persons and information sources: .r. "f Institutio Conta tUU (ernal n [Erasmus code] I HR ZAGREBOl viaoo.teva k@sczg.hr PL jadwiga. bolechowska@up.wroc.pl http:Llinternational.unizg.hr/international studentsL exchange students/student services/housing http://www.!,JD.wroc.ol/studies and students/ WROCLAW04 4 G. SIGNATURES OF THE INSTITUTIONS Institution [Erasmus Nam (Iegal representatives) .,..~. • •• r. code] Prof Tomislav Dobranit:, PhD, DVM ~5.H.dD~3. PL WROCLAW04 Prof. Dr. hab, Alina Wieliczko Vice-Rector Vice-Rector for I 14.11.2013 International Relations and Regional Cooperation * According to the Article 21 of the Statute, University of Zagreb, in the lSth session of the 344th academic year (2012/2013), held on 11 July 2013 University Senate reached a Decision that all the agreements reievent to one faculty or academy can be signed by the Dean of the relevant academy/faculty UNIWERSYTET PRZYRODNICZY 'Ile Wroctawiu 50-375 Wroc!aw, ul. Norwida 25/27 3 Scanned signatures are accepted 5