2014 - Serbs for Serbs


2014 - Serbs for Serbs
Monthly Report for June
Report No. 6
June, 2014
Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Website: www.serbsforserbs.org
E-Mail: office@serbsforserbs.org
Monthly Report for June
Dear friends and donors,
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs registered
in the state of Illinois in United States in Jun 2010
by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs is a 501(c)(3) notfor-profit
profit charitable organization. Donation is
deductible to the extent followed by the law.
On 30th September, 2011 we finally
nally got the letter
from department of the treasury (IRS)
S) with tax
exempt 501(c)3 approval. All donations to our
organization donated from June 16, 2010 are tax
deductible under section 170 of the Code. We are
also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests,
devises, transfers of gifts under section 2055, 21
or 2522 of the Code.
About Us
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,
Serbs and their friends through planned
projects, social and humanitarian activities in
order to develop and foster better society for
future generations and provide aid for
underprivileged families in need.
organizations and associations, help often doesn't
reach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessary
administration, missing informationn and slow
decision making, the delivery of aid arrives too late
to the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad and
embarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000
children daily die around the world because of
starvation and malnutrition.
ion. There, amo
among us, the
blind and deaf.
We are witnesses of the bad demographic situation
of our nation, decreasing natality, increasing
number of singles, abortions, accelerated aging of
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
the population and generally bad economic
condition of the households in Serbia, Republic of
Srpska and other countries in the Balkan.
An average couple has "fallen" on one child.
Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority in
its own country in the following century if the
nation, individuals and government don't wake up
from thee nescient in which they've fallen!
On the other hand, nobody is talking about the
families with many children which grieve by living
in bitter poverty. Occupied by their everyday
struggle for survival, they are being humbly in their
desire for implementing
ng rights which belong to
them. Their life stories, fears and problems are
identical, but almost invisible and unheard in order
to gain the attention of the public, media and even
state. That's why the idea of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs arose. The
rganization was formed by a group of young and
trustful people, who are united by the common
vision of helping families blessed by many children
and who are aware of the fact that even a small
help means a lot for those who don't live in a
material excess.
We are united by the humane idea to help the
poorest part of the Serbian nation.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to
revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora
which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian
heritage as well as all good people throughout the
world with minimal, but
bu constant monthly
We hope and believe that there is also a grain of
doing good and that you will join us in the endless
struggle against poverty.
God bless and save all Serbian families with many
children and our honored donors who participate in
the noble effort to return smile on children faces.
Charity organization
rganization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Our mission
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Serbian
people through our projects and humanitarian
activities, in order to develop better society for
future generations.
Why Serbs for Serbs?
We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian
people in togetherness and brotherhood help
through humanitarian work and social aid.
Who do we help?
We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans,
have five or more children and live in terrible
poverty. Under terrible poverty we define absence
of one or more basic factors required for living:
food, clothes, shoes, and safe space for living.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Who do we need in organization?
We need members and donors that will secure
financial stability through supporting our
programs and activities in the future. Donors may
join our daily activities within the organization in
order to coordinate our work better. We also need
volunteers ready to donate several hours per week
for actual work within the organization. Activities
of volunteers and their specific tasks would be
determined by the required projects and their
personal interest. From that group of volunteers
we would look for future leaders of organization.
How to donate?
1. PayPal donation: szsamerika@gmail.com
2. Direct Deposit to Wells Fargo Bank account
Please email us at: szsamerika@gmail.com
3. You can mail personal or business check to:
Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
4. Donation boxes:
2937 West Irving Park Road
Chicago, Illinois
Owner: Dule Pavlovic
Why do we help?
We believe that there is a basic need for one
human (or a group) to help others in distress. A
help is not only human virtue but also a Christian
responsibility. By focusing our help on families
with many children, we directly affect on their
stirring toward becoming independent from socialdependable government programs.
7316 West Lawrence Avenue
Harwood Heights, Illinois
What are our long term goals?
• family is ready to support itself daily and
manage to pay all required expenses;
• their children are encouraged to continue
with school and raising their own family;
• our donors are satisfied with the activities
and they are ready to help other families;
• our organization is satisfied with the results;
• family is ready in the future to become our
donor and if necessary help other families
that are in need of help.
8147 Joliet Road
McCook, Illinois
Owner: Roy and Maria Dobrasinovic
541 South LaGrange Road
LaGrange, Illinois
Owner: Olja Igic
4301 Prairie Ave.
Brookfield, Illinois
3201 W Devon Ave,
Chicago, IL 60659
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Family Kovacevic with refrigerator and freezer
President of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
Mr. Igor Rasula was a guest on Wednesday, June 4 in
the Radio Television of Serbia broadcast “Serbia on
call”, whose program is aimed to the Serbian Diaspora,
and is broadcasted on the satellite. Serbs for Serbs
presented their previous work and numerous activities
during the disastrous floods which hit Serbia and the
Republic of Srpska.
Family Kovacevic consists of father Milos (71), mother
Gordana (62) and sons Zoran (37) and Dragan (29)
who temporarily live in Zeleznik, Belgrade.
We wish the fast return to the family, and the restoration
of their home, and at the same time, we wish to thank
the organizers of the tournament who provided the
donation and conducted action on the field in
cooperation with our volunteers.
On the 6th Memorial tournament in mini football
“Nemanja Miljanic-Pile”, which was traditionally held
from 19th to 25th of May on the fields of the elementary
school “Nadezda Petrovic” in New Belgrade, Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs collected charity help for
the families hit by floods. In a seven-day time of the
tournament we collected 48.980 dinars from the donor
boxes and by selling T-shirts. On the suggestion of the
organizer of the tournament, we used the money for an
urgent help to family Kovacevic from the area near
Obrenovac (a refrigerator and a freezer in the amount
of 48.980 dinars), whose house is completely
submerged and the things within it are destroyed.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The help consisted in: several packages of diapers,
baby food and other groceries, hygiene and toys for
the children.
On Friday, May 30, members of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs from Switzerland and
Belgrade donated great help in the areas of Veliko
Polje and Obrenovac.
The action was coordinated with the Belgrade
authorities, the FMP reception center and the donors
from Switzerland.
Community center – Baljevac
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Community center – Poljane
After this action, we donated second part of the help
from the Swiss donors (at the charity pancakes party
in Wetzikon) to Jelena Milosevic and her daughter
Katarina who left Obrenovac after the floods and
settled at their friends’ house temporarily.
During the action we visited and delivered the help in
three local community centers – Baljevac, Konatice and
Community center – Konatice
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Religious Charity Trusteeship
Orthodox Church (RCT) and the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs sent on May 26 a full
truck of humanitarian aid to the city of Paracin in Serbia.
The priest Vladimir Markovic, secretary of RCT and
Ivan Toskovic from the organization Serbs for Serbs
visited areas of Paracin which were most hit by the
floods and saw the disastrous consequences of the spills
of Crnica. They promised the deliverance of the
chemicals necessary for cleaning and disinfection.
The significant donation of kvass, 10 t, was provided by
the hardworking activists of SfS and thanks to the firm
“Peric Trans Company”, which is a leader in
We call upon all the friends and benefactors worldwide
to join in the great action FIGHT AGAINST THE
FLOODS, so that we could help during summer to the
vast number of households and bring necessities of life
to them. We express great THANK to the donors who
participated in the action of help and raised over
400.000 € on the accounts of the Charity organization
Serbs for Serbs worldwide.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs from
Switzerland provided great donation of 1.800 l of
disinfection chemical “Sanosil SO15” in the total value
of 8.640 CHF which will be used in the municipality
Obrenovac for the disinfection of water, wells, pipes and
other contaminated surfaces in the floods which hit the
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The delivery of the donation was made on Tuesday, June
6 with the cooperation of the Veterinary Directorate of
the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, and the
help was equally distributed to the unit MMA Belgrade,
Veterinary Belgrade and the Institute for Biocides
and Medical Ecology.
On this occasion we would like to express our gratitude
to the company Sanosil AG from Switzerland which
provided 50% of discount for the entire quantity of
disinfection chemicals in the desire to contribute to the
help for the flooded and endangered areas in Serbia.
Their product is one of the best for the disinfection of
water, ground, air and rooms.
People from Military Medical Academy with SfS after
received disinfection chemical “Sanosil SO15”
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The action of our organization was precisely aimed at
the animation of government organs for the additional
disinfection chemicals so that the life in Obrenovac and
many other places in Serbia would be back to normal as
soon as possible, and be safe in the future.
We owe great thank to the friends of our organization
from the Veterinary Directorate who professionally and
responsible deled with the import, customs, storage and
distribution to the end users, i.e. the units in the field.
People from Veterinary Belgrade with SfS after received
disinfection chemical “Sanosil SO15”
People from the Institute for Biocides and Medical
Ecology with SfS after received disinfection chemical
“Sanosil SO15”
We must emphasize great contribution of the members,
donors and friends of the Charity organization Serbs
for Serbs from Switzerland who provided and
transported the necessary help to Belgrade. Without
them this action wouldn’t be possible. After we
successfully conducted this action, we believe that the
great actions of help to the flooded areas in Serbia and
the Republic of Srpska are yet to come in the
organization of SfS and in cooperation with the people
of great heart from all over Switzerland.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
The association “Sabor Bursaca” held its jubilee 15th
convocation on Saturday, June 14. This association was
founded at the beginning of 2000, and it has held its
convocations annually ever since. The association
gathers people who have family name Bursac, it keeps
mutual contacts, enables them to spend time together,
studies the family background and develops
consciousness about the common origin of all Bursacs.
The members of the association showed their humanity
during the night by gathering money in the amount of
12.450 dinars which was donated to the partner Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs as support within the
charity project “Fight against the floods”.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Representatives of the Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs and members of the fraternal Charity
organization Stara Raska held on June 18 a working
meeting with the director and owner of the company
Tehnomanija, Mr. Slobodan Sijan, at the premises of
this company in Belgrade. The meeting was about the
future cooperation between these charity organizations
and Tehnomanija on providing and delivering of the
necessary help to the households which were hit by the
floods in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, containing
primarily the domestic appliances.
The first contingent containing over 1.000 pieces of
appliances should be provided for the families in the
municipalities Paracin, Trstenik, Obrenovac, Bajina
Basta, Krupanj and others, while the same help is
planned for the households in Bijeljina, Doboj, Lopare
and others. We also agreed on the sponsor cooperation in
the following period in the benefit of the endangered
families across Balkan.
Slobodan Sijan - director and owner of Tehnomanija
This convocation was held in New Belgrade, in
“Radnicki” restaurant near the Student city, and it
gathered 68 people with the same surname. Vladimir
Bursac from Zrenjanin, president of the association,
opened the convocation by reporting of the work from
the previous year. The priest Krsto Maksic addressed
the present, and uttered a prayer.
We use this opportunity to express our gratitude to
Tehnomanija and Mr. Sijan for their sincere desire and
readiness for cooperation, and for the corporativeresponsible approach in the crisis situation for the
Serbian nation.
Apart from the charity organizations Serbs for Serbs
and Stara Raska, other fraternal organizations joined
the action of help, and numerous Serbian communities
gathered around the Serbian Orthodox Church. The
delivery of the first contingent of help is planned for
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
visited and helped at the beginning of June a
six-member family Jovanovic from the village
Kladurovo near Petrovac on Mlava. The help
consisted in four goats and two young goats. The total
amount of the help was 10.000 dinars and 165 EUR.
Members of family Jovanovic are parents Zoran and
Svetlana and the children Nikola (14), Stefan (11),
Ivana (7) and the youngest Marina who is a year old. A
devastating fact is that the family doesn’t have
electricity in its home (therefore, no refrigerator,
freezer...) nor water (and therefore, no bathroom nor
the washing machine)!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
They own 4 ha of land, of which 1 ha is fertile.
They have no mechanization, so they have little use of
the products from their estate.
The Serbian community from the Cincinnati, Ohio
collected help for the flooded areas in Serbia and the
Republic of Srpska within the action FIGHT
AGAINST THE FLOODS which was commenced by
the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs. The picnic
was held on Sunday, June 16 at the garden of Nela
bakery, whose owners Nela and Tomo Novakovic ceded
their garden for over 50 guests. We collected $ 1.252 of
donations, which will be used in the action of help of
our organization.
We use this opportunity to express our gratitude to the
Serbian community in Cincinnati who gave its
contribution to the collection of help. We sincerely hope
it was only the beginning of future cooperation and
networking between the Serbian communities and
organizations across USA and Canada.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The organizers of the competition decided to prepare
cooked bean for the supporters of the tournament.
On June 29 football charity tournament was held in
the elementary school “Jovan Popovic” in Novi Sad with
the aim of helping the families endangered in floods in
Serbia and the Republic of Srpska.
We stayed together even after the final game, and agreed
to organize further tournaments for which we expect
more teams.
A total of 10 teams participated in the tournament. The
games lasted for 12 minutes in the formation of 5+1
Thanks to the participants and friends of the tournament
we raised 35.200 dinars.
Thanks to all people who participated in the tournament
and helped in any way possible.
We also thank our friends from the Charity organization
Serbs for Serbs for their cooperation.
The teams which participated in the tournament were:
Liman Sonic, Firma Grbavica, Tehno S, Invalidi,
Bronx, PinBet, Orfej, NS Fights, Novo Naselje and
The teams Invalidi and PinBet reached the final, and
Invalidi won the tournament.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
While many of her peers wish for beautiful clothing,
footwear and expensive mobile phones, a fourteen-yearold Jelena Mirjanic from the village Gornji
Podgradci near Gradiska wants to enroll in high school.
The hard-working girl is forced to do all the housework.
She lost her mom when she was five years old, and since
then she was fighting for a better life with her father
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Novak is having a hard time, because he cannot help his
daughter. The only income is his pension in the amount
of 200 KM, half of which is being spent on a rent. They
are renting for nearly ten years. While he was able to
work, Novak dreamed of building a house in which his
daughter would have her room.
Jelena's dream is to go to school. She has always wanted
to help people, so she would like to go into medical high
school, and then to law school. Jelena is aware of the
fact that her schooling would represent additional
expense for them. Above all, is missing her mother
every day.
At the beginning of June representatives of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs delivered modest
donation to Jelena Mirjanic – a lap top gained from
the donor of the organization from Sweeden.
Jelena's teacher Svjetlana Vukicevic points out that
Jelena is a great child. Jelena is doing well at school
although she has changed several schools due to frequent
moves with her father. Her classmates is supporting her,
and she is studying regularly.
When she was just ten years old, the father become an
invalid after an accident in the forest. The girl realized
that many things depend upon her, so she started
working hard. After the chores, she would study hard
and gained all the best marks at school.
Novak Mirjanic says he lost faith that anyone would
help him and his daughter. They appealed to Gradiska
municipality, but no one helped them although he fought
during the war.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
visited Montenegro from June 21st to 24th because of
the completion of the house for family Dragojevic
from Martinic near Podgorica. It is the first big project
of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs in
Montenegro, and it was conducted in cooperation with
Ostrog monastery. Building of the house coasted
15.000 EUR. The works are nearly finished. The
archbishop of Montenegro and Littoral Amfilohije
welcomed the members of the organization, in which we
presented our activities and future plans. Apart from
family Dragojevic, we visited two other families and
organized a meeting with people who will work on the
registration of the organization in Montenegro.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
We started our visit on Saturday, June 21. Near the
Serbian-Montenegro border we visited Kumanica
monastery, and our next stop was Dajbabe monastery.
In both monasteries we were warmly welcomed.
In the evening hours we arrived at Ostrog, and met
father Matej who was running the project. St. Vasilije
Ostroski is the protector and slava of the
organization Serbs for Serbs. Next to his remains a
prayer was prayed for all the members and donors of the
organization and for our future work, which represents
special honor.
Serbs for Serbs with archbishop Amfilohije
The aims of the action in Montenegro were: 1) visit to
family Dragojevic from Martinic; 2) visiting two other
families; 3) reception with archbishop Amfilohije;
4) agreement with the brotherhood of the Ostrog
monastery on future cooperation and projects;
5) gathering of new people who will register the
organization in Montenegro and 6) visit to several
monasteries in Montenegro. All the aims were
successfully fulfilled.
After that, archbishop Amfilohije welcomed us. In the
short conversation we presented previous activities of
our organization and future plans, with special emphasis
on Montenegro. We were talking about several families
which live in difficult conditions, and we were
astonished that the archbishop had information in every
household. We were encouraged by his wisdom.
After delivering the annual report of our organization
and the promise to be present in a greater extent in
Montenegro, we went to sleep along with several
hundreds of other pilgrims.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The Sunday commenced with the liturgy and lunch.
Before lunch we had another opportunity to talk with
archbishop Amfilohije and get to know the status of
Serbian Orthodox Church in Southern and Middle
America where the archbishop Amfilohije is
administering until the appointment of new archbishop.
During the lunch we were listening to young minstrels
from the artistic society of the Cathedral of the
Resurrection of Christ from Podgorica. Our
members from Podgorica and Herceg Novi joined us
during the lunch.
The first family we visited during the day was family
Dragojevic. There were very happy to meet us, and the
mother introduced us to her children as brothers and
The house is not finished yet, because the exterior facade
and some inner works remain unfinished. We have
already collected the money for equipping the house.
New house has the surface of 155m2 in a single level
and 4 rooms. Vast part of the material was bought at
low prices thanks to father Matej who engaged
personally and visited the warehouses. We owe special
thank to our friends from Budva who donated
bathroom equipment and tiles. Predrag Dragojevic
performed much of the work himself or organized
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
After visiting the new house, we went into the old one
which is in a terrible condition for a family with five
The house is over 150 years old, and the beams in the
roof and floorboards are cracked. The things in the house
are unusable, and the family will get new ones for the
new house.
In our conversation with Predrag we found out that he
has about 0.5 acres, and a forest shared with his brother
and father, which is not enough to sustain three families.
He is renting the forests and logging, but due to the
problems with payment he is forced to lend money.
Ostrog monastery helped a lot in paying off the debts,
but it takes a lot to sustain the family and avoid new
debts. In order to earn extra money, Predrag is
occasionally working for a wage. They recently received
a cow, and now they have milk, kaymak and cheese.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The parents asked how to repay, and our answer was that
the help we provided should be the stimulus for further
struggle to provide the decent life for their children and
to make sure that the new house is always clean. The
youngest members of the family will perhaps be in a
position to help someone else in the future.
The family is a refugee one, from the village Dasinovac
near Decane on Kosovo and Metohija. They will need
to leave the house in which they currently live soon.
Their only income is a social benefit in the amount of
122 EUR once in three months!
The Ostrog monastery is considering the housing of this
and another family from the nearby building. The family
stated they could use a washing machine and a
The next family we visited was family Dasic, which
lives near family Dragojevic. The family consists of
father Zelimir, mother Lidija and their nine children –
Srecko (18), Sasa (16), Sanja (15), Sandra (14), Stefan
(11), Bojana (10), Mladena (9), Bozidar (4) and
Svetlana, who is in treatment in Bijela due to disabilities
and mental health problems.
The atmosphere in the house is very gloomy.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Father Matej informed us about the terrible condition in
which the Serbian refugees from Kosovo and Metohija
live in Montenegro, which is discriminating them. The
Serbian refugees have no rights, especially because they
cannot gain Montenegro citizenship, which is a
precursor for exercising rights.
The Serbs don't get the citizenship because there is a
presumption they will vote against the current political
forces. The reality of the Serbian refugees are refugee
centers, abandoned factories, the lack of citizenship, the
lack of jobs, no social benefit, and the problems which
are connected to the above – poverty, sickness and
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
shouldn't be sold. Although the family is in a difficult
condition, they are not giving up, which brings us new
strength to continue with our work. The family needs a
By visiting these families we finished “operating” part of
action in Montenegro after which we continued visiting
the monasteries in Montenegro. The first monastery we
visited was the Cetinje monastery where we were
warmly welcomed and got the opportunity to see one of
the richest treasury of Serbian Orthodox Church.
After that we visited beautiful monasteries Gradiste
and Praskvice near Petrovac and Budva on the seaside.
In Gradiste we met the prior with whom we spoke about
the monastery, visitors and our organization, and we
even spent the night in Praskvice. It was a great honor to
meet the priesthood in this area, and to have all the doors
widely opened.
The last family we visited was a refugee family Milic
which we have helped several times before, primarily by
delivering groceries and hygiene. The family was
forced to leave Djakovica 1999 with six children (the
oldest daughter is married and has three children).
Unfortunately, since our last visit the situation worsened.
The father due to the respiration problems must be
attached to the inhaler for 15 hours per day. A new
problem arise – the cut of electricity due to the debts.
The debt is about 6.200 EUR, and since they live in a
refugee center, the bills weren't arriving for a long time,
so it is not clear who should pay them. The father now
has to spend the 15 hours per day at his relatives' place
in another part of the city. It is only making the situation
harder. Without the church this family wouldn't have
survived. Thanks to the public kitchen at the
Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ they can
count on warm meals every day.
As far as Montenegro is concerned, it was an area with
the least of our activities, but it should change in the
future. The organization should be registered soon and
continue helping the Serbian families with many
The reason for our visit was the help of Ostrog
monastery in the form of donation of 400 EUR for
paying part of the debt for electricity in order to bring
the electricity back. The family doesn't want to sell
their land on Kosovo and Metohija, because the land
Our presence in the area from which some of the
greatest Serbian minds in history originated is very
important, especially because, unfortunately, the
Serbian people is having troubles in keeping its
identity and existence.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The oldest among the children is a son Danilo (16), who
attends the Gastronomy-Touristic school in Vrnjacka
Banja, where he lives in a dormitory, and comes to
Drenova twice a month during the weekend. He has a
financial help in the amount of 5.000 dinars.
Older daughter Marija (11) and younger Sofija (9) are
walking several dozens of km from their home to school
in Takovo and vice versa. The youngest Dimitrije is
three years old.
Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
visited on June 26 family Markovic from the village
Drenova near Gornji Milanovac. We built a bathroom
for family Markovic from the money collected within
the project “Trojka iz bloka” held on May 10 in
Gornji Milanovac. The Markovic’s house didn’t have
sewerage system, so we built cesspit apart from the
Thanks to the large number of sponsors and donors in
both money and material, new PVC windows were
placed on the house, and the terrace was concreted.
Family Markovic consists of six members. Mother
Natalija lost her husband, and the children lost their
father almost a year ago. He was an artisan who was
building bathrooms.
Condition in bathroom before reconstruction
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Condition in bathroom before reconstruction
Grandmother Mirka is also a part of family. The
family’s monthly income is 30.000 dinars from pension,
but the children don’t have the right to a child benefit,
because their mother Natalija is a Russian, and still
without Serbian citizenship.
Condition in front of the house before reconstruction
This family is in a business of agriculture and animal
husbandry, and they want to stay in their household.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Condition in bathroom before reconstruction
Thanks to the friends of the organization from the firm
PET PLUS PROM from Gornji Milanovac, family
Markovic received a valuable humanitarian help which
will help in isolation of their home from all weather
This was not the end of our works in Gornji Milanovac.
Family Cosovic from the village Pranjani will soon get
a new bathroom.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Four years ago Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
from the Republic of Srpska helped family Mandic –
children Aleksandar, Aleksandra and Jelena from
Pale, when we introduced water into the house and
equipped the attic. It was right after the children and
their mother Snjezana moved into their grandfather’s
house, fleeing from the molesting of their father.
Since we last met, Snjezana married again and gave
birth to a girl. Family Mandic (now Cosovic) is still
living in the same attic, which was rearranged by
Snjezana’s husband. They built a barn for the goats.
They are farming around the house, and in the rented
land, and they are selling the vegetables they grow.
Older children are helping in agriculture, while the
parents are gathering scrap iron as a contribution to the
family budget. Family Cosovic has a lot of land in the
village, but they don’t have the necessary appliances to
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
grow it. That was the reason why Snjezana asked us to
help them in buying a motocultivator.
In mid-May, during the seedtime we weren’t able to buy
them a motocultivator, but we appealed to Kojo
Trifkovic, to whom we bought a motocultivator
earlier, to help family Cosovic. He was glad to help, and
thus he proved that we all make a big family, in which
the one who needed help yesterday is today helping
Thanks to the great number of donors and friends of
our organization worldwide, the action of helping
family Cosovic was successfully finished in mid-June,
when an used motocultivator was delivered to their
household. The total value of motocultivator was
2.500 KM.
Thanks to that donation the parents can plan serious
work to provide the needs of their children.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
During the Vidovdan weekend in Philadelphia a great
celebration took place, “200 years since the arrival of
the first Serb in America”. The celebration was
organized by the Tesla Science Foundation and its
president Mr. Nikola Loncar, with the help of great
number of prominent Serbs volunteers.
Nikola Loncar – president of Tesla Science Foundation
and Aleksandar Krsmanovic from Serbs for Serbs
The organization Serbs for Serbs received a special
certificate “Tesla's people” for its previous charity
The certificate represents great recognition for our
organization and an obligation to continue with better
and more dedicated charity work in the future.
On Friday, June 27 in the Franklin Institute in
Philadelphia, Zeljka Cvijanovic, prime minister of the
Republic of Srpska, revealed the bust of Nikola Tesla –
a work of the Banja Luka artist Bojan Mikulica.
After that, a formal reception and the auction of the
valuable items was organized by Zvezdana Stojanovic
on behalf of the charity organization Ras International.
A three day celebration was commenced in Raynham,
New Jersey where the Tesla Science Foundation
donated the Nikola Tesla bust to the town.
The bust will stand on the main railway station and
remind the passers of the great Serbian scientist.
Representatives of the Republic of Serbia attended the
reception, and we must point out the presence of the
General Consul of the Republic of Serbia in New
York Mirjana Zivkovic, who has always supported the
work of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Mirjana Zivkovic - General Consul of the Republic of
Serbia in New York in conversation with
Aleksandar Krsmanovic from SfS
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
We have heard and learned a lot from Mr. Bastasic on
the subject of history of camp Jadovno, the subject
which is little known and much unspoken. And if we
forget the past, there is no future...
We were especially satisfied that most of the visitors had
already heard of the organization Serbs for Serbs, and
the details of our work and action.
We sincerely thank the organizers of the celebration
for the certificate “Tesla's People”.
Prime minister of the Republic of Srpska,
Mrs. Zeljka Cvijanovic
In the conversation with the prime minister of the
Republic of Srpska, Mrs. Cvijanovic, representative
of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
Aleksandar Krsmanovic presented the results of the
organization in the Republic of Srpska, and the planned
actions in the future.
The prime minister Cvijanovic expressed gratitude for
our previous work and asked us to participate in the
projects of helping the endangered families to a greater
extent in the future.
Dusan Bastasic, president of the Association of
Descendants and Supporters of Victims of Complex of
Death Camps NDH Gospic – Jadovno - Pag 1941,
delivered the lecture “Moje Jadovno”.
The floods are gone, but the havoc remained. Let us not
forget the people hit by the disaster like many times
before. Our little is everything to someone.
Children are our future!
With faith in God
Aleksandar Krsmanovic
Serbs for Serbs USA
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
visited Kosovo and Metohija during the last weekend in
June. After attending the holy Liturgy on Saturday June
28 on Vidovdan in the monastery Gracanica port, we
attended the memorial service for the Kosovo heroes on
Gazimestan. During the previous day a monument to the
Serbian hero Milos Obilic was officially unveiled.
SfS at monastary Draganac
On Sunday Serbs for Serbs attended the holy Liturgy in
the monastery Draganac in Gnjilane.
Serbs for Serbs in front of monument Milos Obilic in
Serbs for Serbs members at Gazimestan
We are happy because of the fact that every year there is
an increasing number of young people present at
celebrating Vidovdan in Gracanica and Gazimestan. We
call upon all the people of good will to visit and help the
Serbian sanctuaries and people on Kosovo and Metohija
in the future.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
The third sport-charity tournament in 2014 in three-point
shootout “Trojka iz bloka” was successfully held on
Saturday, May 31 in Novi Sad, on the basketball field
Pariske Komune 1. Despite the cloudy day,
approximately 500 people gathered, along with the
friends of the tournament from other towns. In the
competition of about 110 participants in the qualification
segment of the tournament 20 of them singled out, and
the winning trophy went to Bojana Kvrzic, who
pointed 10 three-points in the final series, which was
the first time for a girl to win the tournament. The
runner-up was Borislav Tosic, and Veljko Radakovic
won the third place.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Milenko Topic, kick boxer Nenad Pagonis, and the
world best basketball players 3 on 3 Dusan DomovicBulut, Marko Zdero and Nikola Ugrica.
World best basketball players 3 on 3 with
winner Bojana Kvrzic
We received great musical support from the famous
rapper from Novi Sad, Branko Nikolic Kobra. We
thank everyone who formed a part of this sport-charity
We wish to express special thank to our donors and
sponsors who supported the realization of this project:
- PIP, Novi Sad – 35.000 dinars
- DSS, Novi Sad – 20.000 dinars
- JKP Trznica, Novi Sad – 10.000 dinars
- Dragan Kovacevic – 50 EUR and 2.000 dinars
The common victory of all who attended this sportcharity event was the financial help we raised, which
will be directed to the families who suffered losses in the
floods. In just a couple of hours of the tournament, we
raised 105.000 dinars (including the money from the
participants and sponsors). “Trojka iz bloka” in Novi
Sad gained support from our sportsmen, former
Serbian and Yugoslav basketball representative
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
On Sunday, June 1 on the basketball field of the
elementary school “Laza Kostic”, a traditional basketball
Charity 3-point tournament “Trojka iz bloka” was held,
with the support of the Basketball Association of Serbia.
This was the third year in a row of the tournament in
Block 23.
Basketball national player Novica Velickovic
The tournament “Trojka iz bloka” on New Belgrade
succeeded the tournaments held in Gornji Milanovac,
Nis and Novi Sad. Despite the clouds prior to the
tournament, there were many participants. Numerous
public figures opened the tournament.
Journalist Vanja Bulic at the opening ceremony
The first to address the present was a Serbian national
basketball player Novica Velickovic, followed by the
famous Belgrade rap musician Bosko Cirkovic-Skabo
and a journalist Vanja Bulic.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Serbian volleyball player Nikola Rosic with his son
Serbian volleyball player Aleksandar Bata Atanasijevic
The charity tournament was also supported by famous
Serbian volleyball players Aleksandar AtanasijevicBata, Dragan Stankovic (the captain of the Serbian
volleyball team), Nikola Rosic, Bojan Janic, as well as
the basketball player of the Red Star, Vojislav
In the competition of about 152 participants the winning
trophy went to Nikola Tiosavljevic, who pointed 15 3points in the final round. The runner-up was Dusan
Neskovic who had 12 3-points, while Nikola Gostovic
who had 11 3-points won the third place.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The tournament was supported by:
the Vice-President of the Basketball Association of
Serbia Dejan Tomasevic, front man of the rock band
357 Nikola Hadzi Nikolic, Aca Celtic-Despot, Moto
club “Arhangeli” and others. Young DJ Nemanja
Damnjanovic-Partymakers from Gornji Milanovac
was responsible for the good atmosphere during the
entire day.
Winner of the "Trojka iz bloka" - Nikola Tiosavljevic
The Charity tournament “Trojka iz bloka” was
supported by our friends from “Agi pasta away”, who
donated all the income from selling pasta to charity. We
raised 270.550 dinars on the tournament, of which
171.500 dinars from the sponsors, and the remaining
money from the participants and friends of the
Third place - Nikola Gostovic
We thank everyone who participated in this sport-charity
manifestation, to the principal and workers of the school
“Laza Kostic” and to the great number of sponsors and
Sponsors of the tournament:
- Miskone Plastik – 10.000 dinars
- TK Gazela – 11.500 dinars
- Maks kafe – 10.000 dinars
- Strit butik – 10.000 dinars
- ACBV Tehnika – 25.000 dinars
- Dorat MC – 20.000 dinars
- Ramina – 53.000 dinars
- Nj.P. – 7.000 dinars
- Tomislav M. – 5.000 dinars
- Alpros – 20.000 dinars
Second place - Dusan Neskovic
“Trojka iz bloka” hosted numerous rep groups, who
performed despite the rain, and thus encouraged all the
participants and guests to stay on the field. The first to
perform were our friends from the group Sick Touch
followed by the great performance of the basketball
freestyler Nemanja Blazic-Tricky, Bosko CirkovicSkabo from the Belgrade syndicate, THC la Familia,
Uncle Jo and Ukov.
Members and volunteers of the "Trojka iz bloka" event
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
On June 7th, 2014, the Chicago chapter of Serbs for
Serbs held its 2nd Annual, Trojka Iz Bloka, Charity 3Point Tournament. Again, the tournament was held at
Veteran’s Park in Lyons on a warm and sunny, Saturday
afternoon. This year’s contest had some return
participants along with many new faces. Our youngest
participant was 8 years old and with some skill and luck,
was able to make it to the second round. With more than
50 participants starting the tournament, it came down to
a final group of five in the final round.
Unlike last year’s tournament, this year the money
collected is going to be used to help the flood victims in
Serbia with the recovery process. And thanks to the
many participants, visitors and sponsors, we were able to
raise $4,650 at this year’s event.
With some impressive shooting, 3rd place went to
Aleksa Vujic, while 2nd place was a repeat of last year
with Pavle Cosic taking the honor two years in a row.
This year, after 4 long and hard rounds of 3-pointers, 1st
place went Milan Miletic. We hope everyone had a
good time and will be back again next year.
We would again like to especially thank our sponsors
who helped make this event possible: Woodland
Transport, Pro Star Freight Systems, Marko
Transport, ADR Custom Builders, 2N Licensing,
White City Logistics, Beograd Café and Accolade
Design. And also a thank you to the Village of Lyons
for allowing to hold our event again on their wonderful
basketball courts.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
On Saturday, June 7, we organized the first charity
tournament in 3-pointers “Trojka iz bloka” on the
basketball field “Kiki and neighbors” in Lacarak. With
the support of Sremska Mitrovica municipality, over
200 people and 60 competitors gathered. The winner of
the tournament was Mirjana Kostadinovic with 14 3pointers, the runner up was Bojan Krkobabic with 12
3-pointers, while Stevan Vukolic with 10 3-pointers
won the third place.
This was the second time in 2014 that the fairer sex won
the tournament “Trojka iz bloka”, which brought us
plenty of joy. Both times the tournaments took place in
northern Serbia – Vojvodina.
The tournament was opened by the Deputy Mayor of
Sremska Mitrovica Tomislav Jankovic, and Director
General of Sport Association of Sremska Mitrovica
Nemanja Crnic.
The youngest competitor of tournament
Deputy Mayor of Sremska Mitrovica Tomislav Jankovic
The competition lasted for two hours, and we raised
12.450 dinars. We thank everyone who took
participation in this sport-charity manifestation.
Members and volunteers of the
"Trojka iz bloka" Lacarak event
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Charity competition in 3-pointers “Trojka iz bloka”
was held in the hall “Gordana Goca Bogojevic”
(Park), instead on the basketball field in the Great Park,
due to rain, which prevented some competitors from
Despite the rain, nearly 100 competitors participated,
and there were many spectators. The competition was
opened by Aleksandar Ristic-Alf, the legend of the
American football “Wild Boars” and captain of
volleyball club “Radnicki” Milan Ilic.
The Serbian Anthem was performed by Danica Krstic,
while Igor Jevtic-Muki was in charge of music.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
and Nikola Stankovic with 9 three-pointers won the
third place.
We collected 22.630 dinars, which will be used for
helping the places which suffered in the floods in Serbia
and the Republic of Srpska.
We thank the firm “Magneti Mareli” and a café “Carpe
Diem” for their support. The movement Clean Serbia
thank the co-organizers the Association of law students
and the Unique pupil’s parliament of the high schools of
Kragujevac, as well as the Sport center “Park” for the
hall, and the other friends of the tournament.
Danica Krsitc singing national anthem "Boze pravde"
The youngest turned out the best. The winner was Luka
Milenkovic who pointed 15 three-pointers, the runnerup was Aleksa Sukovic who pointed 11 three-pointers,
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Finalists of tournament "Trojka iz bloka" Kragujevac
Aleksa Sukovic - second place
Mladen Matijasevic director of project "Trojka iz bloka"
with Nikola Cvijanovic member of SfS Germany
Nikola Stankovic - third place
Luka Milenkovic - winner of tournament
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Bojan Todoric winner of the tournament
"Trojka iz bloka" Borca
On Saturday June 21, on the basketball fields of the
elementary school “Jovan Ristic” in Borca, Belgrade,
we held a charity tournament in three-pointers “Trojka
iz bloka” with support of the Basketball Association of
Serbia. After several successful “charity three-pointers”
across Serbia, the tournament was held in Borca for the
first time. There were many participants, as well as
numerous celebrities who opened the tournament, such
as Dejan Tomasevic, vice-president of the Basketball
Association of Serbia, Bojan Janic, former captain of
the volleyball representation of Serbia, Milivoje
Cirkovic, former football player of Partizan, as well as
Nedeljko and Ljuba Jovanovic, handball players.
Bojan Janic, former captain of the volleyball
representation of Serbia with his wife actress Nada
Dejan Tomasevic, vice-president of the Basketball
Association of Serbia
Former handball members of the Serbia national team
Nedeljko and Ljuba Jovanovic, with Milos Simovic
from Serbs for Serbs (in the middle)
Milivoje Cirkovic, former football player of Partizan
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The tournament was also supported by hip-hop
performers: Boško Cirković Skabo, Grashoper,
Manda, Duca, Ukov, Nina, Ankl Dzo, Savke from
RVG, Houk, DJ Djordje Bogdan and THC la Familia
who were entertaining the spectators.
Hip-hop performers Duca, Grashoper and Manda
In the competition of 115 participants, young Bojan
Todorovic won the tournament by pointing 13 threepointers, the runner-up was Lazar Stajcic with 10 threepointers, while Vasilije Rogovic won the third place by
pointing 9 three-pointers.
Followed by hip-hop, members of the wrestling club
“Pobednik” from Borca and MMA club “Car Dusan
Silni” from Belgrade presented martial arts and thus
warmed up the atmosphere.
President of Palilula municipality Stojan Nikolic
Friends from wrestling club “Pobednik”
We express special thank to the sponsors of the
tournament: Palilula municipality, Ravero leather
goods, Auto Kes center and cafes’ Eho and Ragina
glava, as well as media friends TV Studio B, Radio
Television of Serbia, Sport, Portal of the citizens of
Palilula, Blic, B92, national portal Magacin, Internet
portal Lobi info and others.
We shouldn’t forget our host, school “Jovan Ristic”
which enabled us to organize the tournament and
provided us with technical support.
Friends from MMA club “Car Dusan Silni”
We also thank our friends from Agi Pasta Away in
whose meals we enjoyed during the tournament and
coffee restaurant “Beli andjeo” who lent us their
People from Borca showed their big sport and charity
heart, and we will do our best to turn the tournament into
a traditional one next year.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
On Saturday, June 28 on the basketball field “Neimar”
in Belgrade, municipality Stari Grad, the Vidovdan
charity tournament in three-pointers “Trojka iz bloka –
Familija za Srbiju” was held with the support of our
friends from the rap group THC la Familija. After
several successful tournaments across Serbia, this
competition was organized in Stari Grad for the first
time. There were a large number of participants, and the
tournament was supported by numerous celebrities –
Nemanja Triki Blazic, young rap group Downtown
and many others.
In the competition of 103 participants, the winner of the
Vidovdan tournament “Trojka iz bloka – Familija za
Srbiju” was young Luka Cako with 8 three-pointers,
the runner-up was Rastko Bojovic with 7 three-pointers,
and the third place went to Vojin Babic with 6 threepointers. Followed by hip-hop music of the rap group
Downtown, Triki showed his “magic” with the ball and
warmed up the atmosphere on the field.
We express special thank to the sponsors of the
tournament: Greenstreet cafe, billiard club Kju ball,
Bastica, Evergreen cafe, Parlament, Klise and coffee
shops Drinka, Drunken Duck Pub, Macao vegetarian
cuisine and Chinese cuisine Crazy house, for their
trust and financial support. Our media friends from Sport
and many others also helped.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
We shouldn’t forget our host, the “Neimar” field.
Thanks to our friends from Agi Pasta Away who
presented their great meals. People from Stari grad
showed their big, sport and charity heart. Therefore, we
will do our best to turn the Vidovdan tournament into a
traditional one.
Winner of tournament – Luka Cako
We raised the total amount of 60.130 dinars, of which
20.400 dinars was collected by selling discs of THC la
Familija, and the remaining money consisted of the
donations of participants, sponsors and friends of the
More on project: www.trojkaizbloka.org.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Donors in June:
1. Compass Fuel donation box (IL) - $ 240
2. Balkan Bakery donation box (IL) - $ 57
3. Beograd Café donation box (IL) - $ 319
4. Nada's Deli & Bakery d. box (IL) - $ 81
5. St. Nikola, Brookfield d.box (IL) - $ 34
6. City Fresh Market d. box (IL) - $ 303
7. OSG Tap & Die employees (IL) - $ 1.337
8. Aleks Kaplarevic (IL) - $ 100
9. Vuk Radovic - $ 970 (Bank of America)
10. Anonymous - $ 40 (AT&T)
11. Marko Popovic - $ 12.12 (AT&T)
12. Zoran Golubovic - $ 27.64 (AT&T)
13. Anonymous - $ 2.12 (AT&T)
14. Milan Dakic - $ 4.2 (AT&T)
15. Ann Watson - $ 10
16. Dan Kovacevic (IL) - $ 25
17. Sinisa Radic - $ 100
18. Aleksandar Ivaz - $ 100
19. www.usaserbs.net - $ 25
20. Aleksandar Brkic - $ 350
21. Sanja Djukic (IL) - $ 20
22. Maya Fuerza - $ 25
23. Zoran Milovanovic - $ 50
24. DBA Merto Café (CA) - $ 500
25. Nemanja Lovre (CA) - $ 100
26. Gooderta Limos (CA) - $ 1.000
27. Anomymous - $ 1.390
28. Zeljka Bucalo (NV) - $ 25
29. Vukasin Milovanovic - $ 200
30. Milan Dobras (AZ) - $ 15
31. Tihomir Bajic (CA) - $ 100
32. Slav Karach (GA) - $ 25
33. Ana Miletic - $ 50
34. Ivan Aksentijevich (MD) - $ 25
35. Goran Veselinovic - $ 200
36. James Thiros - $ 30
37. Cynthia Kranz - $ 20
38. Dona Ricard - $ 20
39. Ronnie Podunovich -$ 50
40. Sam Vazanellis - $ 100
41. Jimmy Gergodemos - $ 100
42. Ivan Radulovic (NY) - $ 25
43. Nicholas Harmon - $ 20
44. Marija Milovanovic - $ 50
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
45. Milica Kostic (CAN) - $ 100
46. Sam Felker - $ 81
47. Nikolina Burilo (IL) - $ 15
48. Sherrie Kuzmanovic (NV) - $ 50
49. Nikita Kochetkov (Russia) - $ 5
50. Aleksandar Micic (MO) - $ 15
51. Irena Gumbert (CA) - $ 25
52. Milan Zdrnja - $ 25
53. Hope Point Church (Australia) - $ 340
54. Vesna Kozomora (IL) - $ 25
55. Milos Vujasinovic (PA) - $ 15
56. Aleks Pesic (New Zeland) - $ 20
57. TROJKA IZ BLOKA Chicago - $ 4.650
58. Milisav Danilovic (VA) - $ 25
59. Pietro Donato - $ 50
60. Stojanka Vukomanovic (IL) - $ 150
61. Microsoft Matching Gift
Program - $ 612.48
62. Paul Solomon (CA) - $ 180
63. Predrag Kisa - $ 50
64. Dragana W. - $ 498
65. Nenad Milasinovic (Australia) - $ 25
66. Zoran Starcevic - $ 20
67. Helena Urukalo (CAN) - $ 15
68. B. Bojanic (CA) - $ 15
69. Igor Lana Glisic - $ 50
70. Daniel Plavsic (WA) - $ 25
71. Tanja & Peda baby shower - $ 370
72. Zoran Mladenovic (MD) - $ 100
73. Nenad Balac - $ 20
74. Vukasin Djuro - $ 20
75. Vukasin Milivoj - $ 20
76. Spiro Alavanja - $ 20
77. Slobodan Lakic - $ 20
78. Bosko Djurisic - $ 10 (facebook)
79. Ivan Aksentijevich (MD) - $ 25
80. Anna-Lisa Bowans - $ 500.43
81. Charity night in Toronto - $ 2.000 CAD
82. Irena Bojanic (MA) - $ 182
83. Mirko Radovic B. (Peru) - $ 25
84. Irena Bojanic (MA) - $ 100
85. FK Srbija (NY) - $ 4,500
86. Donald & Janice Geopner - $ 20
87. Charity Picnic, Cincinnati - $1,252
88. Charity Party in LA (CA) - $ 2,620.87
89. Mirjanas Tairoling (WI) - $ 100
90. David Gavric (IN) - $ 50
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
91. Dragisa Dordevic (MD) - $ 15
92. Marta Stojanovic (Canada) - $ 25
93. Bojan Jovanovic (IL) - $ 25
94. Srdjan Markovic (CA) - $ 25
95. Danko Panic (Microsoft) - $ 6.24
96. Microsoft Matching Gift Program - $ 6.24
97. Aleksandar Jaksic (Microsoft) - $ 300
98. Microsoft Matching Gift Program - $ 300
99. Anonymous (Microsoft) - $ 200
100. Bojana Duke (Microsoft) - $ 1.550
101. Veljko Milanic (Microsoft) - $ 500
102. Marko Radmilac (Microsoft) - $ 100
103. Milena Dedijer (Microsoft) - $ 150
104. Uros Vidojevic (Microsoft) - $ 200
105. Ivan Mitic (Microsoft) - $ 300
106. Nemanja Matkovic (Microsoft) - $ 100
107. Anonymous (Microsoft) - $ 100
108. Aleksandar Jaksic (Microsoft) - $ 200
109. Vlado Zaric (Microsoft) - $ 200
110. Dejan Subotic (Microsoft) - $ 100
111. Ankica Drca (NJ) - $ 25
112. Anonimno - $ 100
113. Veljo Mijailovic - $ 100
114. Sasa Lazarevic (IL) - $ 30
115. Serbosi (Canada) - $ 620
116. Nina & Maksim Krsmanovic (VA) - $ 50
117. Sinisa & Mirjana Peric (MD) - $ 50
TOTAL IN JUNE: $ 32.462
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
$ 185.866
$ 32.462
$ 6.526
$ 3.240
$ 4.149
$ 2.110
Charity organization
rganization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS

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