2015 - Serbs for Serbs


2015 - Serbs for Serbs
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Monthly Report for December
Monthly Report for December
Report No. 12
December, 2015
Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Website: www.serbsforserbs.org
E-Mail: office@serbsforserbs.org
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
Dear friends and donors,
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs registered
in the state of Illinois in United States in Jun 2010
by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs is a 501(c)(3) notfor-profit charitable organization. Donation is
tax-deductible to the extent followed by the law.
On 30th September, 2011 we finally got the letter
from department of the treasury (IRS) with tax
exempt 501(c)3 approval. All donations to our
organization donated from June 16, 2010 are tax
deductible under section 170 of the Code. We are
also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests,
devises, transfers of gifts under section 2055, 2106
or 2522 of the Code.
About Us
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,
Serbs and their friends through planned
projects, social and humanitarian activities in
order to develop and foster better society for
future generations and provide aid for
underprivileged families in need.
organizations and associations, help often doesn't
reach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessary
administration, missing information and slow
decision making, the delivery of aid arrives too late
to the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad and
embarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000
children daily die around the world because of
starvation and malnutrition. There, among us, the
blind and deaf.
We are witnesses of the bad demographic situation
of our nation, decreasing natality, increasing
number of singles, abortions, accelerated aging of
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
the population and generally bad economic
condition of the households in Serbia, Republic of
Srpska and other countries in the Balkan.
An average couple has "fallen" on one child.
Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority in
its own country in the following century if the
nation, individuals and government don't wake up
from the nescient in which they've fallen!
On the other hand, nobody is talking about the
families with many children which grieve by living
in bitter poverty. Occupied by their everyday
struggle for survival, they are being humbly in their
desire for implementing rights which belong to
them. Their life stories, fears and problems are
identical, but almost invisible and unheard in order
to gain the attention of the public, media and even
state. That's why the idea of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs arose. The
organization was formed by a group of young and
trustful people, who are united by the common
vision of helping families blessed by many children
and who are aware of the fact that even a small
help means a lot for those who don't live in a
material excess.
We are united by the humane idea to help the
poorest part of the Serbian nation.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to
revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora
which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian
heritage as well as all good people throughout the
world with minimal, but constant monthly
We hope and believe that there is also a grain of
doing good and that you will join us in the endless
struggle against poverty.
God bless and save all Serbian families with many
children and our honored donors who participate in
the noble effort to return smile on children faces.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
Our mission
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Serbian
people through our projects and humanitarian
activities, in order to develop better society for
future generations.
Why Serbs for Serbs?
We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian
people in togetherness and brotherhood help
through humanitarian work and social aid.
Who do we help?
We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans,
have five or more children and live in terrible
poverty. Under terrible poverty we define absence
of one or more basic factors required for living:
food, clothes, shoes, and safe space for living.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Who do we need in organization?
We need members and donors that will secure
financial stability through supporting our
programs and activities in the future. Donors may
join our daily activities within the organization in
order to coordinate our work better. We also need
volunteers ready to donate several hours per week
for actual work within the organization. Activities
of volunteers and their specific tasks would be
determined by the required projects and their
personal interest. From that group of volunteers
we would look for future leaders of organization.
How to donate?
1. PayPal donation: szsamerika@gmail.com
2. Direct Deposit to Wells Fargo Bank account
Please email us at: szsamerika@gmail.com
3. You can mail personal or business check to:
Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
4. Donation boxes:
2937 West Irving Park Road
Chicago, Illinois
Owner: Dule Pavlovic
Why do we help?
We believe that there is a basic need for one
human (or a group) to help others in distress. A
help is not only human virtue but also a Christian
responsibility. By focusing our help on families
with many children, we directly affect on their
stirring toward becoming independent from socialdependable government programs.
7316 West Lawrence Avenue
Harwood Heights, Illinois
What are our long term goals?
• family is ready to support itself daily and
manage to pay all required expenses;
• their children are encouraged to continue
with school and raising their own family;
• our donors are satisfied with the activities
and they are ready to help other families;
• our organization is satisfied with the results;
• family is ready in the future to become our
donor and if necessary help other families
that are in need of help.
8147 Joliet Road
McCook, Illinois
Owner: Roy and Maria Dobrasinovic
541 South LaGrange Road
LaGrange, Illinois
Owner: Olja Igic
4301 Prairie Ave.
Brookfield, Illinois
3201 W Devon Ave,
Chicago, IL 60659
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
With the help of good people worldwide, we started the
action of moving the Vukovic family into their new
The action was also supported by the “Knjaz Milos”
company with the donation of 500,000 Dinars. The plan
is to finish all the work during December, so the family
could move into their new home before the winter.
At the end of August, members of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs visited the eightmember Vukovic family from the village of Dusmanici
near Prijepolje. The family consists of the grandmother
Milka, parents Nenad and Ivana, and their children:
Nemanja (11), Martina (9), Stefan (8), Djordje (7),
and Sladjana (6).
New bathroom being done
Front door installed
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The floor was leveled, ceiling panels installed
Kitchen being done
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS calls
upon all friends and donors of the organization to join
our fundraising action to help this family and other
socially disadvantaged Serbian families with multiple
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Sports-charity project “Trojka iz Bloka” was first held
in the town in the heart of the Sumadija on August 31,
2015, when people of good will and true sports lovers
raised 121,710 Dinars. With the help of proud sponsors
and large number of participants, the magic of the
“Trojka iz Bloka” was there for the first time in
Mladenovac, despite the heavy rain just before the start
of the tournament. The Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs would like to thank all sponsors, donors and
technical sponsors from Mladenovac, who contributed to
the success of the event, and today we wish to inform the
public that funds raised at the tournament will be
directed to the six-member Milovanovic family from
the village of Senaj near Mladenovac. The family lives
in very hard living conditions. The parents, Sasa and
Valentina, raise three children: Biljana is nine years old
and suffers from a mental illness, Bojana is a year
younger, and the youngest child is Nikola, who is five
and is everybody’s favorite.
Grandma Snezana also lives with them, and she is their
backbone in these difficult times, when they barely
manage to make ends meet, enduring their cruel fate.
They have no welfare, no child benefit, and no jobs.
They do not have a fridge, or a stove and their electricity
bill is over 30,000 Dinars. What is even worse, they are
in bad relations with the uncle, with whom they live
under the same roof.
View of the Milovanovic house from the street
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
The right and the left part of the house are different – the
Milovanovic family does not have a roof over their part
of the house, and they do not have a bathroom. The
uncle lives in the other part of the house alone, and he
does not let them start any construction work. Despite
our wish to build them a bathroom or fix the roof, we
have not managed to achieve our goal yet, because of the
ongoing litigation between them and the uncle. This is a
sad situation: water and sewage pipes should go through
the uncle’s part of the land, but he does not let this
happen. Social service got involved and they will try to
mediate in the litigation, but problems are difficult to
solve where there is no will to do so. The left and the
right part of the house are divided by a concrete pole –
the Milovanovic family lives in the part without the roof,
the uncle in the part with the roof. This is a tragic and
sad story about destinies ruled by people, and not
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The same thing happened in Mladenovac – due to heavy
rain, it was questionable whether the tournament will
take place up until the very beginning, but then,
suddenly, the rain stopped and people were able to enjoy
another sports-charity spectacle on a warm summer
Good will and true intentions open all doors: we will
start helping the Milovanovic family! We have some aid
ready for them, consisting of appliances and some
necessary furniture, but the biggest support to them was
showed at the tournament – we let them know that they
are not alone! Children are our future! And, we will not
let the problems which trouble adults affect the children.
Life has put these children in a very ungrateful position.
It is upon us to do our best and try to help them, to try to
change their view of the world and restore their faith in
the future.
Nevertheless, the sports-charity “Trojka iz Bloka”
tournament has become known for solving seemingly
insoluble problems. It often happens that heavy rain,
threatening to prevent the tournament from taking place,
stops a few moments before the tournament starts, and in
the same way, we grapple with the problem hoping for
the best.
“Trojka iz Bloka” Mladenovac has just started solving
problems. By next year, God willing, the Milovanovic
family will be living in better conditions, and the next
tournament in Mladenovac will gather even more people
who will surely want to be a part of the “Trojka iz
Bloka” mission!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Uncle Zoran in the new living room
The twins Danijela and Velisa were abandoned by their
parents when they were 3 years old, and uncle Zoran
took care of them.
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS delivered
additional help to Djuric family from the Crepulja
village in the Zubin Potok municipality on Kosovo and
The Djuric family was first visited during the Easter
action, and we helped them at the end of October by
providing electrical installations for the new house.
The Djuric family consists of Zoran and Biljana, and
their niece Danijela (24) and nephew Velisa (24) with
his wife Tanja (19) and one-year old son Stefan.
On this occasion we delivered door, windows and
provided inner plastering in the new house. We owe
great thank to the brotherhood of the Visoki Decani
monastery who helped us in realization of this action.
Future bathroom with new door and window
New door in hous of family Djuric
Current look of the new Djuric house
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
At the moment, all the family members live in the old
house, as long as the new house which is being built is
not suitable.
Beautiful sight from the family Djuric courtyard
Room in the old house where the Djuric family currently
We call upon all the donors worldwide to support this
and other numerous projects of the Charity organization
DONATIONS so that necessary help could reach the
great number of socially disadvantaged families and
their children as soon as possible.
The youngest member of the family Stefan Djuric
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Family Cvetkovic from Strpce with the donated
Friends of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
from the Merkur company donated several computers
to the socially deprived families on Kosovo and
Metohija. First two computers were delivered at the
end of summer to families from Istok – family Zakic
from the Saljinovice village and family Dubic from the
Suvi Lukavac village. Two additional computers were
delivered at the end of fall to Cvetkovic family
consisting of parents Stevan and Ankica and their
children Aleksandra (13) and Stanisa (10) from the
Sevce village near Strpce and Dasic family consisting of
parents Dejan and Magdalena and their son Miljan (7)
from the Rudice village near Klina. A friend of the
organization donated one printer for the elementary
school in Osojane.
Family Dasic from Klina with the donated computer
Printer donated to the grateful pupils of the elementary
school in Osojane
Aleksandra Cvetkovic thanks for the received gift
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS calls upon
all the friends and donors of the organization to get
involved in the action of collecting money for helping
this and other socially disadvantaged multiple children
Serbian families.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS
successfully finished new charity action of helping the
socially disadvantaged families. On this occasion, we
delivered freezer, refrigerator, double-decker bed
with mattresses and threeseater to the six-member
family Milovanovic from the Senaj village near
Mladenovac, who lives in truly difficult living
conditions, of which we were assured during our first
Total value of the delivered help was 97.814 RSD.
Father Sasa with his wife Valentina is raising three
children: Biljana is nine years old and suffers from a
mental illness, Bojana is a year younger, and the
youngest child is Nikola, who is five and is everybody’s
favorite. The means for this action were collected on the
TROJKA IZ BLOKA tournament which took place on
July, 31 in Mladenovac.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Grandma Snezana also lives with them, and she is their
backbone in these difficult times, when they barely
manage to make ends meet, enduring their cruel fate.
They have no welfare, no child benefit, and no jobs.
They do not have a fridge, or a stove and their electricity
bill is over 30,000 Dinars. What is even worse, they are
in bad relations with the uncle, with whom they live
under the same roof.
Delivering help into the new Milovanovic home
The house in which family Milovanovic lives (left part)
Setting the new double-decker bed
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
Mother Valentina and grandmother Snezana with the
representatives of the organization
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Old threes eaters thrown out of the children’s room
New threes eater delivered into the children’s room
New freezer delivered and placed into the house
Refrigerator delivered to family Milovanovic
Difficult living conditions of family Milovanovic
Thanks to the delivered valuable help for family
Milovanovic provided for by the organization SERBS
FOR SERBS within the project TROJKA IZ BLOKA
the family would be able to have more decent living
conditions and it would be a motive for the parents to
bring their children to the right path.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Sports-charity tournament in quick three-point shots
“Trojka iz bloka” was held on April, 30 in Uzice. It was
the very beginning of the best season so far – in the town
on Djetinja hundred residents of Uzice in their best
mood were shooting three-pointers with us, and over ten
proud sponsors, donors and technical sponsors supported
the mission of “Trojka iz bloka” – we collected
122.770 RSD and the tournament left the unforgettable
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS helped the
nine-member family Milicevic from the Dreznik
village near Uzice whom we first visited at the end of
April. The house in which the Milicevic family lived
most likely wouldn’t endure the following winter.
With the help of the good people from Omoljica near
Pancevo we came to an idea to move them into the
premises of the Football club “Mladost”, envisaged for
the cashier of the club. The organization SERBS FOR
SERBS built another two children’s rooms, the total
surface area being 45 m2 with three double-decker
beds with mattresses, three big closets, refrigerator,
electric stove, kitchen table with chairs, washing
machine, worktable, set new joinery, kitchen and
laminate, renovated the bathroom, painted all rooms,
provided stove and wood-burning stove as well as
electric radiators for the children’s rooms.
The residents of Uzice were gathered to help the ninemember family Milicevic from the Dreznik village
near Uzice, whom the representatives and organizers of
the tournament in Uzice found in the unfavorable living
conditions, in the house which could have collapsed at
any moment, without electricity and water, and with a
several-months-old baby.
The total value of help in this big action was 15.255
We wrote about family Milicevic on the website of
“Trojka iz bloka” and we believed that we would
succeed in resolving their problems, from renovating the
bathroom which was the basic task of sports-charity
project, to enabling the family to work, develop and live
on their own.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The electricity debt was increasing despite the fact the
electricity was cut off, and Zoran was over and over
again getting subpoenas under the direct threat of going
to prison because he had had similar problems with
electricity debt in the past.
However, Zoran was stronger than that. From day to day
he is doing heavy physical work and managing to feed
his family and looking into the future with hope. The
hope for Milicevic was born where we all expected it the
least. Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
immediately saw the seriousness of the situation of
family Milicevic.
Father Zoran and his wife Mirjana with Marko,
Milena, Milica, Milan, Milomir and Mirko lived
without any child benefit, with miserable social income,
without job, without compensation for care of old and
almost immovable grandma who is 90 years old, and
with the electricity debts that cannot be paid, unresolved
property relations, e.g. the simple question of water
The family was completely forgotten and the social
service in charge didn’t even know that young Mirko
was born.
We acted in Dreznik according to the motto of the
organization – from words to works. The plans were
changing, and the realization was the issue of days. The
first plan was to renovate, and afterwards we came up
with building the new house with all legal-property
relations and documentation complications that go along
with that. Having in mind the complete social exclusion
of family Milicevic we perceived them as a big and
urgent project.
The help soon arrived from Pancevo – father Branko
Bozic with the blessing of His Eminence Bishop of
Banat Nikanor called the members of the organization
Serbs for Serbs and proposed the very original and bold
Father Branko, extraordinarily high professional
basketball player in his youth, is a great friend of the
sport-charity project “Trojka iz bloka” and he is
following the work and advancement of the noble
mission. His incredible idea is the brightest example of
fraternal love and true sport spirit.
Difficult living conditions of family Milicevic in Dreznik
“Trojka iz bloka” brought the hope into this house that
good fellow citizens can help in getting the better place
in this world and that friends can help in resolving the
electricity debt of several tens of thousands of dinars.
Unfortunately, the opposite happened.
The institutions in charge showed no sign whatsoever of
the will to cooperate and urgently help the disadvantaged
Residential section of FC “Mladost” in Omoljica
(August, 2015)
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
As a respectable descendant of the plain from the
Omoljica village near Pancevo, he came to an idea to
give the family Milicevic part of the house of the local
village club of FC “Mladost” which has the status of
virtually being the family club of all the residents of
Omoljica, in which the family could live in peace. In
exchange, father Zoran would take the place of the
cashier of the club. Except for the apartment, they would
get water, electricity, washing powder, and some land to
cultivate, according to their needs and possibilities.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs felt the magnitude
of father Branko’s idea. The noble idea ennobled
everyone who has heard of it, and everyone went to
After the agreement with the club, the family Milicevic
received a proposal to move from their unsafe and
inadequate home into new and better home which was
far away, but was among the people who were waiting
for them with open arms and open hearts. Father Zoran
and mother Mirjana decided to go on a long journey
and see the house in which they hoped to find happiness.
This is exactly what happened. The beautiful area around
the stadium of FC “Mladost” just overwhelms the heart.
National park is 100 m from the house, there are
beautiful alleys, several football, volleyball and handball
fields and good and honest people on behalf of the club.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The idea of father Branko became alive. Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs completely renovated part
of the house and built another 40 m2 for two big and
nice children’s rooms.
Windows, doors, double-decker beds, closets,
worktables, stoves, washing machine, new bathroom and
a kitchen table, were soon waiting the Milicevic family
thanks to the numerous donors worldwide. A large
family went on a journey and with many tears it said
goodbye to the old area and came to the new one.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The Pancevo media came to follow this big charity event
and to tell the world the happy news. Big charity event
in which we proved once again that children are our
Father Branko is blessing the moving of family Milicevic
into their new home
On the great feast of Presentation of the Immaculate
Mother of God on December, 4 this big and happy
family moved into their new home. Members of the
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs were waiting for
them with the representatives of FC “Mladost” and
with father Branko who blessed their arrival and their
new home.
Because of them this seemingly unfeasible project was
conducted – from the good people of Uzice who
gathered at the end of April to help, to the good people
of Omoljica who received nine new, dear neighbors at
the beginning of December. Good people of Omoljica
will accept the hardworking and honest Milicevic family
members, and the good people of Uzice won’t forget the
injustice in which family Milicevic lived – their dear
fellow citizens will always remain their fellow citizens,
and in the future, with the good will, the current
insolvable problems on their land in Dreznik, still
remembering children’s voices, will be solved…
New room envisioned for the parents and the baby
New kitchen elements, electric stove and water
installations placed
Life goes on – young Milicevic family members are
ahead of new schools with many new friends. Father
Zoran is ahead of much responsible work, and all of
them are ahead of much time to adjust to the new
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
From electricity, water and bathroom to the sport field in
front of their house which represents a luxury and an
extraordinary event for all of them.
Dining room with refrigerator, bad for the grandma,
table and wood-burning stove
Completely renovated bathroom with new tiles,
installations and sanitary elements
Members of the Milicevic family, new inhabitants of
Omoljica near Pancevo
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs will do
everything possible to help the Milicevic family get
along in the new surroundings in the best possible way
and never again in the future find itself in a similar
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Irena and Ivana Jovanovic are helping their father
Miroslav in his duties (photo: Prva TV)
Representatives of the Charity organization SERBS
FOR SERBS visited at mid-December the family of a
single father Miroslav who in the Ranilovic village in
Arandjelovac municipality raises five children – Irena
(20), Ivana (17), Nebojsa (16), Ivona (12) and youngest
Dusica (8).
Unfortunately, their mother left them seven years ago,
married again and never called them. A new tragedy hit
the family during the May floods in 2014 when the
nearby creek overflowed and soaked more than one
meter of the house, barn and surrounding land of which
they lived.
Consequences of the last year’s floods
Sad and difficult childhood of Ivona and Dusica without
their mother (photo: Prva TV)
The only income the family has is a child benefit for two
children in the total income of 6.000 RSD. The family is
surviving from agriculture and animal husbandry in their
barn. In 2014, apart from the family house, the
greenhouses, seedlings, animals and a tractor were
destroyed – everything that was supporting this family
and children.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
So far they poured out the foundation of the house and
they are preparing to lay the concrete slab.
Appearance of the house in which the family lived prior
to May 2014
Thanks to the Red Cross the family was moved right
after the flood in the apartment aimed for the teachers in
the village, in which the family lives to this day. Thanks
to good people they received 10 m of firewood which
enabled them to spend the cold days in warmth.
At the beginning of November 2015 family Jovanovic is
commencing the building of a new family house thanks
to several companies from Arandjelovac and
Mladenovac which provided the means for the building.
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS is planning
to help family Jovanovic within the Christmas action by
providing seedlings and irrigation system which will
enable the family to work on their own and provide
additional income for their household. We call upon
donors and friends of the organization to SUPPORT the
realization and this project of helping the socially
disadvantaged family.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The parents, Radojica and Vojka, have four children:
Vesna (12), Jovana (11), Jelena (9), and Vasilije (7).
The aid for the Vlahovic family consisted of a fridge
freezer and 8 meters of firewood. The total value of the
aid was 536 Euros.
In mid-December, the Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs Montenegro helped the six-member Vlahovic
family from the neighborhood of Konik in Podgorica.
The family had also been visited two months earlier.
Jovana, Vesna, Vasilije and Jelena Vlahovic beside their
new fridge
Father Radojica beside the donated firewood
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Members of the Vlahovic family on the occasion of
firewood delivery
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS calls
upon all friends and donors of the organization to join
our fundraising action to help this family and other
socially disadvantaged Serbian families with multiple
Serbs for Serbs with the Vlahovic family in their home
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
At the beginning of December, members of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs visited the Stojkovic
family from the village of Izvor, Novo Brdo
Municipality, in Kosovo and Metohija. The family was
previously helped during the Christmas action of 2014.
The Charity organization Serbs for Serbs, together
with our chapter Serbs for Serbs Canada, which started
the campaign under the name of “In Time For Bozic
2016”, are starting a project to help the Stojkovic family.
Things that are urgently needed are construction
material, doors and windows, in order to provide basic
living conditions for the two children, Luka (2) and
Andrija (4), and their parents, Jagos and Danijela. In
order to improve their living conditions, we need to
collect 10,000 Euros.
Stojkovic family talking to members of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs calls upon all of
you to join forces with us and give these children a
BETTER CHILDOOD by sending a donation
earmarked for Stojkovic family (“za Stojkoviće”).
Global Donor
Platform: http://www.srbizasrbe.net/donacije/
Send SMS to 7763 and donate 100.00 dinars
(from Serbia)
Send SMS containing SZS to 81190 and donate € 2.99
(from Germany)
Pay Pal: szsaustrija@gmail.com ,
Dinar bank account: 160-279491-71
Luka and Andrija Stojkovic at the doorstep of their
unfinished house
Each donation will be publicly recorded. Upon finishing
the action, pictures showing conducted works will be
posted, together with scanned receipts.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The action was also supported by the “Knjaz Miloš”
company with a donation of 500,000 Dinars, as well as
the Charity organization “Stara Raška” with 50,000
Dinars. The total value of the project was 1,418,966
In mid-December, the Charity organization SERBS
FOR SERBS successfully finished another big project,
which aimed at helping the eight-member Vukovic
family from the village of Dusanici, near Prijepolje.
The family consists of the grandmother, Milka, the
parents Nenad and Ivana, and their children: Nemanja
(11), Martina (9), Stefan (8), Djordje (7), and Sladjan
(6). With the help of people worldwide, the action was
started to move the Vukovic family into their new
home. The action consisted of purchasing front door
and interior doors, wood-burning stove, bathroom
fit-out, construction material for plastering the entire
house, plaster boards for walls and ceilings, material
for insulation, electrical wiring and piping, laminate
and painting.
Djordje, Sladjan, Nemanja, Stefan and Martina in
December 2015
Members of the Charity organization SERBS FOR
SERBS first visited the Vukovic family at the end of
August 2015. We saw then that the good people from
Prijepolje had built, roofed and installed the windows on
the new Vukovic family house. Talking to the head of
the family, we agreed on fitting out the living room and
bathroom for them, so that they could move into the
house before the winter.
Look of the house when Serbs for Serbs first visited the
family in August
Sladjan, Djordje, Stefan, Martina and Nemanja,
at the end of August 2015
After publishing the report on visiting the Vukovic
family in September, we received a large number of
earmarked donations, so we agreed on completely fitting
out one floor and thus provide normal living conditions
for this family.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Vukovic family moving into their new house in
Side view of the house in August 2015
The aid action consisted of completely fitting out three
children’s rooms, a big living room and a bathroom,
which made all Vukovic family members very happy.
December 2015
Due to cold weather and rough terrain, we agreed on
finishing the works on painting the house and installing
the gutters and drainpipes in the spring, when the
weather is nice.
Look of the living room (August 2015)
Father Vlada inaugurates the new Vukovic family house
(December 2015)
Road leading to the Vukovic household
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Room for the girl Martina
Wooden giraffe, bear, snakes, crocodile and spider are
Vukovic children’s favorites
Nemanja and Stefan, the two oldest brothers, will share
the room
Vukovic children in their new living room
Happy and smiling, little Vukovic family members in
front of their new house
New room of the two youngest Vukovic family members,
brothers Djordje and Sladjan
We call upon all people of good will to get involved
and through their contributions help the projects of
the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs, which aim
at helping socially disadvantaged Serbian multiple
children families throughout the Balkans.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The mother, Dragana, sometimes cleans apartments
(although she should not do anything, because she has
had tumor surgery). When they did not have anything to
eat, she begged around Podgorica, went door to door,
monastery to monastery. She even split wood, although
she was sick.
On December 18, members of the Charity organization
Serbs for Serbs Montenegro visited the socially
disadvantaged six-member Dundzic family from
Members of the family are the single mother Dragana
and her children Aleksandar (21), Aleksa (16), Andjela
(15), Jovana (14), and Ivana (13). Over the last twenty
years, the Dundzics have fled Sarajevo, finding their
home in Pec, and later from Pec to refugee neighborhood
of Konik in Podgorica.
The Dundzics receive welfare and child benefit, which is
146 Euros in total. They went for meals to the soup
kitchen for a while. The oldest son, Aleksandar, has got
a job recently and he helps the family the most.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
We call upon all people of good will to get involved
and through their contributions help the projects of
the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs, which aim
at helping socially disadvantaged Serbian multiple
children families throughout the Balkans.
Since their washing machine is worn out and no longer
works, our plan is to purchase a washing machine for the
Dundzic family as part of the Christmas action, in order
to make the washing easier for the mother. Also, we plan
to purchase a wardrobe for the children’s clothes.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Vranic family in front of the St. Trifun Church
In mid-December, the Charity organization SERBS
FOR SERBS successfully conducted the big aid project
of upgrading a floor and attic on the family house for the
thirteen-member Vranic family from the Belgrade
neighborhood of Mali Mokri Lug.
The total value of the project, which was started in
January 2015, was 22,882 Euros. The big Vranic
household consists of the parents, Dragoslav and Olga,
and their children, Sandra (23), Andjela (20), Jelena
(18), Radomir (16), Veljko (15), Mihajlo (13), Jovana
(10), Teodora (8), Katarina (6), Filip (5), and Jovan
Filip Vranic with his brothers and sisters during the SZS
On their Slava, St. Nikola’s Day, in December 2014, 10
out of 11 children in the Vranic family were baptized at
the St. Trifun Church in the Belgrade neighborhood of
Mali Mokri Lug.
Up until recently, the only employed family member
was the father, Dragoslav, working at the City transport
His colleagues give him the opportunity to earn more
money by working night shifts. Now, his daughters
Sandra and Andjela help him support the family.
Youngest Vranic family members at their baptism
Look of the Vranic family house in January, 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Andjela was an A student through Elementary and
Secondary school, and later she had to give up the
School of Civil Engineering, in order to help her family
Also, the family receives child benefit for two children,
and from next year, they will receive the benefit only for
one child.
Look of the Vranic family house in January, 2015
This thirteen-member family lived in an unfinished
house with three rooms when the representatives of the
organization SERBS FOR SERBS visited them at the
beginning of 2015 and made a plan together with the
family to upgrade a floor and attic, which would
improve their living conditions.
Pouring the concrete on the second floor slab
A big charity campaign soon followed which enabled all
this. The children did not have any space for studying,
four of them sleeping in one room, together with their
After the organization started collecting donations for
this project, first construction works on upgrading the
Vranic family house started with first warm days in
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Tiles and pipes installed in the bathroom
Putting up roof construction in the attic
Doors, windows, and laminate installed, walls painted
Attic in the Vranic house
Interior walls plastered
Tiles installed, electrical wiring finished in the kitchen
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Children’s rooms completely fitted out, door installed,
together with heating system
Toys for the children arrived in the meantime
Vranic family gathered in front of their family house
In the name of all Vranic family members, the Charity
organization SERBS FOR SERBS would like to
extend big gratitude to donors and friends of the
organization who helped this big project of house
upgrade to be carried out successfully. At the same time,
we wish to appeal to Serbs from all over the world to
SUPPORT our future aid projects intended for multiple
children families throughout the Balkans so we could
provide a better childhood for our children.
Sanitary ware installed in the bathroom
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Our prime goal when it comes to this family is definitely
to improve the condition of the house, so that the
children could grow and develop. Apart from that, the
Stojkovics pointed out that purchasing a water pump
to supply the house with water, chairs, a table and
kitchen cabinets would considerably improve their
In the village of Parlovo, we find another family living
in inconceivably bad conditions - in a dilapidated house
without a chimney, and with a roof threatening to
collapse, not to mention a lack of bathroom which
should be a must. This is the house of Slavisa and Tanja
Stamenkovic and their four children, Nemanja (6), the
twins Uroš and Djordje (5), and the youngest, Andjelka
In the heat of the last terrorist attacks on our fellow
citizens in Metohija, as part of the upcoming big
CHRISTMAS ACTION, representatives of the
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS visited
fifteen families throughout Kosovo-Metohija enclaves.
We devoted most attention to visiting, supporting and
helping families from Gorazdevac, who were in the
center of attacks.
We first visit families in Novo Brdo Municipality,
where we find our old acquaintances, the Stojkovic
family. The family consists of the parents, and their
children Andrija (4) and Luka (2).
We first helped this family two years ago. Unfortunately,
the house is still in very bad condition, and living
conditions for the youngest are inhumane.
Stojkovic family from the village of Straza in Novo Brdo
Youngest Stamenkovic family members with their mother
and grandmother going through rough times
In the village where Siptars have slowly started
Stamenkovic family members have no one but one
Just like with the Stojkovic family, our prime goal will
be to fit out the house to ensure normal and safe living
for the children. Apart from the urgent works on the
house, the Stamenkovics also need some basic furniture
and appliances, like a fridge, wood-burning stove and
three beds for the children.
We see a lot better situation in the household of the
Vasic family from Gornji Korminjan. A young
married couple, Milos and Sanja, live in the same
household with their son David (1), and Milos’s parents
and brothers. As their prime need, the Vasics pointed
out purchasing floor and bathroom tiles (70 m2) in order
to fit out several newly built rooms.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Vasic family with representatives of organization SERBS
We move on and visit the Stankovic family from Donji
Korminjan, consisting of the parents, Dragan and
Dragica, and their children, Aleksandar (24) and
Milica (19).
Beside the fact that they are unemployed, their living
conditions are fairly moderate.
In order to fit out one room for the children, we need
to purchase about 20 m2 of laminate, plasterboard
and Styrofoam.
Stankovic family with organization representatives in
their household
In Odanovci, we reach the Dimitrijevic family,
consisting of the parents, Dejan and Branka, and their
children, Dusan (15), Vukasin (10), and Tomislav (5).
This hard working family is engaged in breeding
livestock, and what they need the most are laying hens
and some furniture: washing machine, bed and
Dimitrijevic family in front of their family house
After almost four years, we meet again with the Ristic
family from the village of Srezovce. The first time we
modestly helped this troubled family by purchasing
some basic house necessities.
Unfortunately, the situation with this family is almost
identical as when we first visited them. The entire
family, consisting of the parents, Sreten and Sonja, and
their children, Snezana (16), Jovana (15), Milos (11),
and Ivana (10), has only one room to live in.
Ristic family with no bathroom in their household
The house is in extremely bad condition, with no
bathroom, and with several unfitted rooms. This is what
daily life is like for the Ristic family.
Apart from modest social welfare, they are also users
of a soup kitchen. Our prime goal is to fit out the
bathroom and other rooms, so that children would have
their own rooms. Our plan is also to purchase a wood
burning stove for the Ristic family.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
Not far from Gracanica, in the village of Novo Badovce,
we visit the Arsic family. The parents, Milos and
Dragana, have two children, Djordje (3), and Todor (1
month old). In order to fix the wall in the bathroom, we
need to purchase tiles and plasterboard.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Due to cramped living space, little Nikolija knocked
down a container with hot water while playing, and
gained serious burns on her foot.
Arsic family and members of the organization Serbs for
Serbs together in the photo
In Donja Gusterica, we visit the family of Dejan and
Marija Zivkovic. They live with their children, Petar
(12), Nemanja (11), and Kristina (9) in the same
household with Dejan’s parents, and they need laminate
(50 m2) for the floor in the new house built in the same
yard. They would also need a wood burning stove to
heat the rooms.
Milic family in their home
The Milic family also breeds livestock, so they pointed
out that they could use a cow or motocultivator. To
broaden their living space, it would be necessary to
purchase building blocks, and a freezer would also be of
use to the entire Milic household.
The last family we visit on this day is the family of Ivan
and Jelena Jovic, who live in the same household with
their two children, Andjelina (5) and Nikolina (1), and
Ivan’s mother.
SZS with Zivkovic family in Donja Gusterica
We learn about another life story in the village of
Skulanevo. Igor Milic lives his wife Vera (the Goran
woman from Albania) and their two daughters Nikolija
(2) and Neda (1) in one small room.
Jovic family
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
Ivan is a sexton at a local church. We find him trying to
patch the house up before the upcoming winter. In order
to help the Jovic family to improve the condition of
their house, we plan to provide material for insulation
in the coming period. Apart from insulation, the Jovic
family would also need a wood burning stove to heat
the rooms, and a bed for the children.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
After that, we reach the household of Boban and
Sladjana Krstic, who have two children: Lazar (4) and
Damjan (2). Boban breeds livestock, so he told us that
he could use another cow, or two calves for breeding.
The last family from Gorazdevac that we plan on helping
is the family of Pera and Milica Kastratovic, who were
not at home at the time of our visit.
We continue visiting families the next day in the area of
Metohija. As was previously mentioned, we focus on
visits in Gorazdevac. Beside our plan to help the
families, we also wanted to show support to the Serbian
people who remained in the village after the terrorist
attack, which happened about a week ago. In
cooperation with local Serbian authorities and the
brotherhood of the Visoki Decani Monastery, we
visited three families.
First we visited the family of Veljko and Dijana
Zdravkovic, who have four underage daughters:
Andjela (12), Isidora (9), Sofija (6), and Neda (4). We
will try to provide a wood burning stove for this
Kastratovic family in their home
They have two children: Radmila (2) and Milic (1), and
we learned that the mother, Milica, is pregnant again
and that they soon expect another child. We plan to
provide an electric stove and a freezer for this family.
Youngest Zdravkovic family members in their home
Krstic family from Gorazdevac
Our last visit in Metohija was to the family of Dragosalv
and Gordana Djuric from Osojane. Their house was
built not long ago, and it is unfinished on the inside. To
make it suitable for living, we need to provide interior
doors, material for bathroom and floor, as well as
water installation. There are three underage children in
the Djuric family: Tamara (15), Dragisa (11), and
Danijel (9), so fitting out the new house is definitely a
Djuric family with father Isajia from the Visoki Decani
Monastery and SZS
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
As part of the Christmas action in the area of Metohija,
the plan is to purchase a corn harvester, which will be
at disposal to all households in Velika Hoca, which are
engaged in agriculture. Also, for the needs of Soup
kitchens, a machine will be provided for sorting
potatoes which are grown on 15 ha of church land all
over Kosovo and Metohija.
Apart from visiting the families south of the river Ibar, a
bit earlier we also visited the Milicevic family from
Socanica near Leposavic in the northern part of Kosovo
and Metohija.
The family consists of the parents, Milan and Sneza,
and their children, Jana (17), Perica (14), Nikolina
(11), and Mihajlo (4). The head of the family, Milan,
works at the Water company.
They receive child benefit and they are engaged in
agriculture, but they would be happy if they could get
a cow in order to provide dairy products for their own
needs and for selling as well.
Due to attacks on several Serbian families in the
previous days, two families were subsequently added to
the list of families that will be helped.
The first is the Simonovic family from Srbobran,
consisting of the parents, Zoran and Dana, and their
sons, Milan (16) and Bogdan (11). We will help the
family by providing glass for the newsstand where they
work, and which was hit by several bullets during the
Priest Milos Vukic from Osojane
Mother Dana and her son Bogdan in front of the
newsstand which was shot at
The second is the family of the priest Milos Vukic from
Osojane, who lives with his wife Danijela and his
children Helena (6), and Andjela (3). In the attack, the
house of father Milos was burgled, so the plan is to help
this family by purchasing new and better front door.
Dark clouds are above our suffering people throughout
Metohija again. We truly hope that there will not be
another storm and that Serbian people will resist all
thrusts and attempts to be erased from their hearths.
Whatever happens, the organization SERBS FOR
SERBS will be there for the people and will serve them
as part of its charity mission, with the aim of survival
and subsistence of our people in both Metohija and
We call upon all competent institutions, associations and
individuals to comprehend the seriousness of the whole
safety situation in our Southern Province and make
DONATIONS to provide a more carefree childhood for
Serbian children.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Families living in the territory of Strpce Municipality
face numerous problems, mainly caused by poor
financial situation, illnesses, unemployment, and so on.
There are many families on the list of those in need, but
the priority was to help the families Kecic, Krivcevic,
Mijatovic, Stojanovic and Dogandzic, who had not been
helped before and who could use any help they can get.
This aid action made the lives of those in need at least a
bit easier.
At the end of last year, the Charity organization
SERBS FOR SERBS delivered the second part of aid
shipment to five socially disadvantaged families in
Strpce Municipality in Kosovo and Metohija. The
families were previously visited during the November
action. The families that were helped are: Kecic,
Krivcevic, Mijatovic, Stojanovic and Dogandzic. The
aid consisted of providing doors, windows, goats, a
small wood burning stove, fitting up two bathrooms
and anteroom, and building a chimney for the
previously mentioned families. The total value of the
aid was 720,000 Dinars. We owe big gratitude to our
friends from the NGO “Majka devet Jugovica”, who
helped us conduct this action.
Strahinja Kecic in the fitted bathroom
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The Kecic family from Strpce, consisting of the parents,
Sladjan and Sladjana, and their children, Strahinja
(13), Danilo (11) and Vukan (7), lives in a very old
house, which did not have a bathroom.
We provided the family with construction material,
plumbing supplies, electrical material, sanitary ware, a
door, a window and bathroom tiles.
Members of the Krivcevic family
Uros Krivcevic in his new bathroom
Mijatovic family
The Mijatovic family, from Vrebesnica, consists of the
parents, Sladjan and Sladjana, and their children,
Slobodan (22) with special needs, Sasa (20), Milivoje
(12), Milica (12), and Marija (9). They receive welfare
and child benefit. They were provided with five goats.
The Krivcevic family, from the village of Berevac,
consists of the parents, Zoran and Dostana, and their
children, Stefan (20), Mirjana (18), Milos (14), and
Uros, the youngest.
The aid consisted of purchasing material and elements
for the bathroom.
Provided goats
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Father Sladjan Mijatovic with goats
Widow Sladjana beside the built chimney
Sladjana Stojanovic in front of her home
The Stojanovic family, from Vrebesnica, consists of the
widow Sladjana and her children, Valentina (26),
Miroslav (21), and Anica (20). The house is divided in
two parts, one belonging to them, and the other to her
The mother is a diabetic, and she also has other health
problems. All of them are unemployed, and receive
welfare of about 7,000 Dinars and a pension of 5,000
Dinars, which she inherited from her late husband.
We helped them by building a chimney and buying a
front door.
Front door bought for Stojanovic family
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
A large number of families in Kosovo and Metohija
,who have been helped by donors of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs, shows great dedication
and fight of benefactors to preserve every home and
every family in Kosovo and Metohija, to bring smiles to
faces of children who live in very hard conditions, to
show support to our people in good and bad times.
Let the dear Lord be kind to all donors, because when
you give your hand to those in trouble, you give it to the
Lord Himself and He will reward your effort with even
greater good.
Small wood burning stove provided for Dogandzic
The Dogandzic family consists of the parents, Srdjan
and Marina, and their five children, Marija (17),
Stefan (15), Ljubomir (9), Andjela (7), and Jovana
The parents are unemployed, and they live in an
unfinished house, lacking many basic necessities.
The priority was to upgrade a part of the house, provide
windows and a small wood burning stove.
Members of the Dogandzic family in front of the
upgraded part of the house
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Construction works, together with the construction
material, was the aid intended for the families of
Aleksandar Blagojevic (with three children), Sladjan
Spasojevic (with two children), and Goran Blagojevic
(with four children).
Funds for this project were provided by the
organization SERBS FOR SERBS Switzerland, as
well as Srpski Kulturni Centar `Nikola Tesla` from
the German city of Hagen.
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS Republic
of Srpska successfully finished works on three objects in
Doboj, which had been in progress during 2015.
Proud mother Danijela with Viktor, Sergej and Andrej
Blagojevic in their renovated living room
(December, 2015)
Visiting the destroyed house of Aleksandar and Danijela
Blagojevic (November, 2014)
Viktor, Andrea and Andrej Blagojevic in their living
room (November, 2014)
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
Bathroom in the Blagojevic family home
(November, 2014)
Bathroom in the Blagojevic family home
(December, 2015)
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Father of the family, Aleksandar Blagojevic, in front of
his home before the works started on replacing the
complete roof construction, which had been completely
destroyed after the floods and rains hitting Doboj in
May, 2014
Clearing the ruins from the house interior
(December, 2014)
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Through donation for helping the Blagojevic family, the
organization Serbs for Serbs provided construction
material for building the upper slab of the roof, roof
construction, terra cotta tiles, sheet metal, boards, sand,
cement, Styrofoam, nylon and also wages for workers,
who successfully finished all the works.
Removing the roof construction and clearing the house
interior (March, 2015)
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The final look of the roof to the Blagojevic family
(December 2015)
Putting up new roof construction and installing terra
cotta tiles (April-May, 2015)
The second family helped by the organization Serbs for
Serbs is the family of Sladjan Spasojevic, who has two
children, Tamara (18), and Ognjen (16). They live in
the downtown area of Doboj. In the May floods of 2014,
their studio on the first floor of skyscraper was
completely filled with water up to the ceiling. Sladjan is
a former volunteer of the Army of the Republic of
New doors and windows were installed, as well as
laminate and moldings; walls smoothed and painted
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Tiles installed in the kitchen area
New front door, room doors and bathroom door were
Tiles and sanitary ware installed in the bathroom
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The last family that received aid consisting of
construction material and construction works is the
family of Goran and Jasmina Blagojevic, who have
four children: Aleksandra (13), Duska (17), Nikola (5)
and Mihailo (2). Their home was completely under
water during the May floods last year. In the previous
aid action intended for the Blagojevic family, we
provided them with a wood burning stove, and in this
one we helped them by fitting out the children`s room.
The floor was leveled, and laminate installed; the walls
were smoothed and painted, and after the room dried, it
was ready for the youngest children to use.
Situation just before the laminate was installed
(July, 2015)
Blagojevics in the new children`s room
(December, 2015)
Chidrens room (December 2015)
Floor leveling in the children`s room (July, 2015)
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS would
like to thank all donors who helped and supported
wholeheartedly the realization of these aid projects
intended for families that were heavily affected by the
last year`s floods. We take this opportunity to express
deep gratitude for all received aid, consisting of
construction material, as well as appliances, and also
workers who did all the necessary works.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs continued
helping the seven-member Siljegovic family from
Miljakovci, near Prijedor in the Republic of Srpska.
Members of the family are the parents, Milivoj and
Tanja, and their five children: Tatjana (18), Vedrana
(16), Jovana (14), Nevena (10), and the youngest, Luka
(2). In the first phase of the works we conducted at the
end of last year, we managed to build a floor and attic,
pour the slab and roof the house. In the second phase,
we started with `interior`, i.e. installation works, and
so far plumbing and electrical installations have been
completed. At the end of December, doors and windows
for the entire house were bought and installed. The first
part was worth 9,255 BAM, the second 7,936 BAM and
the third 3,845, which is 21,036 BAM in total.
SZS with Siljegovic family members, January 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
New front door on Siljegovic family house from
Miljakovci, near Prijedor
Grateful and happy, householder Milivoj Siljegovic
(in the middle with a cap)
After completing the third phase of works, what remains
to be done is fitting out the house so that the family can
move into it. The following work is floor leveling. In
order to successfully finish this big project of our
organization and move another family into their new
home, we call upon all friends and donors of our
organization to get involved in fundraising.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The action of book collection was carried out, as always,
with the wholehearted help of Mr. Bane Kojic and his
We take this opportunity to call upon all interested
individuals and organizations to get involved in the
project of renovating the facilities of old elementary
school in Ridjan.
The Charity organization Serbs for Serbs delivered
aid consisting of thirteen packages of books to the
`Zene Kosovske doline` Association from Dalmatia.
The books are intended for the national library, which
this association is to open soon in the facilities of a
former elementary school in the village of Ridjane
(list of the delivered books). The `Zene Kosovske
doline` Association has been actively working on
preserving cultural and national identity of the remaining
Serbian people in the area of Dalmatian Kosovo.
We truly hope that this is only the beginning of
cooperation between our two associations, and apart
from the project of fitting out the future library, we are
working on aid projects intended for Serbian families
with children living in this area, and we are doing all this
as part of our usual charity activities.
`Zene Kosovske doline` Association started this project
with the aim of providing convenient facilities, where
members of this association could get together, and at
the same time, conduct activities for children, like
schools of the Serbian language, rehearsals of the local
cultural-artistic society, opening of a library and other
important activities for preserving national identity of
our people in this area. The needed amount for
realizing this project is about 4,000 Euros.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Family Goranovic needs to pay back the debt, because
the father was sick. The family needs the most a machine
for making donuts in order to earn additional income for
their needs during the summer.
We call upon all the people of good will to get involved
and give their contributions to help the projects of
the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs with the aim
of helping the socially disadvantaged multiple children
Serbian families throughout Balkan.
Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
from Montenegro visited on December 26 a sixmember family Goranovic from the Kuti village in
Herceg Novi municipality. The host died several months
ago, so the mother Mirjana took care of the family, with
the help of her children Bojan (16), Milos (13), Andjela
(11), Nikola (10) and the youngest Strahinja (7).
Andjela and Strahinja Goranovic with mother Mirjana
The mother is working in a store, and she claimed the
compensation for life-long income due to her children
(according to the new law in Montenegro which enables
the life-long compensation for mothers of at least three
children if they have 15 years of work experience).
The hardworking mother Mirjana is selling donuts
during the summer as an additional source of income.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The severity of the action can be seen through the
amount of collected help, albeit those who shouldn’t
have been absent.
At the end of 2015, on December 25 Charity
organization Stara Raska from Belgrade donated
charity help to the sick and poor children and children in
the kindergartens in Priboj, Nova Varos and Prijepolje
in the value of 628,950 RSD. The package of help
contained: flour (5,000 kg), sugar (800 kg), oil (430 l),
beans (200 kg), potato (1,500 kg), dairy products (300
kg), confectionery products (50 kg), various hygiene in
the amount of 11,786 RSD and 590 different toys in the
amount of 202,550 RSD. The number of beneficiaries
in around 1,000 within the Kindergarten “Neven” in
Priboj, the Society for Cerebral and Children
Paralysis and the Association of helping Mentally
Challenged Persons in Priboj, Kindergarten “Pasa i
Natasa” in Nova Varos and families in Prijepolje.
From the money dedicated for this action the
Organization purchased goods to complement the
assortment and it also allocated part of the funds from
regular donations.
The donations in goods were provided for by: “NIPS
Group” from Belgrade (Nenad Minjovic), 1,000 kg of
flour; Mill “Krnjic” from Vladimirovci (Ljubisa
Jeremic), 500 kg of flour; “Zitosrem” from Indjija
(Radoslav Basaric), 300 kg of flour and 20 kg of
biscuits; Creamery “Kuc Company” from Kragujevac
(Jezdimir Kuc), 300 kg of dairy; SUTR “Marinada”
from Belgrade (Rajko Dobrosavljevic), 150 kg of sugar;
TPC “Orasac” from Belgrade (Vladeta Tomasevic), 100
kg of sugar; “Beogas” from Belgrade (Jelenko Papic), 50
kg of sugar, 30 l of oil and hygiene in the amount of
19,546 RSD; Dragan Laptosevic and Renata Smiljanic
from Belgrade, individual packages of sugar, oil and
confectionery products; “Dexy Co” from Belgrade
(Slobodan Vucicevic), toys in the amount of 15,800
RSD; and “Movem Co” from Belgrade (Njego
Trifkovic), toys in the amount of 144,000 RSD.
The distribution of the charity help marked the end of a
big action commenced in the spring of 2015, when
“Stara Raska” started the activities of collecting help in
an article “We are starting the action of collecting
charity help for the children in the Raska area”. Great
number of legal persons and citizens responded the call
of the Charity organization Stara Raska and provided
charity help in goods, money or services.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
The donations of money were provided for by; Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs from Belgrade, 100,000
RSD; “Ibis Instruments” from Belgrade (Branko
Popovic), 50,000 RSD; “Devix” from Lazarevac
(Radojica Markovic), 50,000 RSD; “Candy” from
Subotica (Branislav Sipos), 30,000 RSD; “MB-Forever”
from Belgrade (Bogdan Markovic), 30,000 RSD; Bahro
Hodovic and Vojin Vucicevic from Belgrade, 5,000
RSD each; dr. Bajo Cmiljnic, dr. Zaga Popadic, Milojko
Obucina, Cedo Vucicevic and Draga Vucicevic, all from
Belgrade, 2,000 RSD each; and Zoran Matovic from
Belgrade, 500 RSD.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The successful activities of the Charity organization
Stara Raska in collecting the charity help for the children
in the Raska area present the challenge to include the
vast number of subjects in the future actions, particularly
those originating from the Raska area or with relatives
there, and those who are connected to the Raska area in
any possible manner.
The donations in services and activities were provided
for by: “Srboauto” from Belgrade (Predrag Tomic),
transport of goods from Belgrade to the Raska area; TPC
“Orasac” from Belgrade (Radisa Tomasevic), reception
and storage of goods in a longer period; “Dragon Fly”
from Belgrade (Svetozar Avramovic), transportation of
goods within the town; Dragan Slovic, Radisa
Tomasevic, dr. Zaga Popadic, mr. Velibor Ljujic,
Milojko Obucina, Rade Prelic, Cedo Vucicevic and
Vojin Vucicevic, all from Belgrade, contribution in
collecting and allocation of charity help; members of the
Executive Board of the branch in Priboj contributed
greatly in enabling the planned and efficient allocation.
We apologize to those who should have been mentioned
and we failed to mention them.
For years “Stara Raska” is conducting such charity
actions for the same target group in the Raska area. Up
until now we collected and distributed approximately 30
tons of foodstuffs.
We also allocated approximately 800 new toys, which is
the most beautiful and the most valuable present for the
children. That amount of donated toys from “Stara
Raska” has never been donated before, nor will be
donated again.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
We went to a meeting with the president of the
Association of Serbs in Romania Mr. Ognjan Krstic as
well as the media director Dr. Rajko Kornjan.
Representatives of the Charity organization SERBS
FOR SERBS visited on Wednesday, December 9 in
Timisoara, Romania the representatives of the
Association of Serbs in Romania. During the several
meetings with the Serbs in Timisoara we presented the
work of the organization Serbs for Serbs but also got
acquainted to the past activities of the Association of
Serbs in Romania which represent the model of a well
organized Serbian community in the region and
Representatives of the Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs Igor Rasula (left) and Milos Simovic on the
Liberty Square in Timisoara
Representatives of our organization were cordially
welcomed in the elite restaurant Lojd on the Liberty
Square in the centre of Timisoara whose owner is Mr.
Javor Radovankovic originating from Veliko Gradiste
who is one of the pivots of the organizing and operation
of the Serbs in Romania.
We hope that cooperation with the Serbs in Romania
will continue and broaden in the following period with
the aim of collecting even greater help for the socially
deprived Serbian families throughout Balkan but also
due to the strengthening of the organizational level of
the Serbian communities in Romania and the remaining
countries of the region.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
On Monday, December 14, 2015 within the preparations
for the big Christmas action in Prijedor there was a big
charity socializing. In the pleasant atmosphere of Café
bar Kafanica a great number of friends of our
organization gathered and were able additionally to
familiarize themselves with the work of our organization
through leaflets and annual reports that were at their
disposal. During the evening we collected a total of
657,70 KM, and symbolically 1 dinar.
We owe big thanks for this charity action to the
personnel of Café bar Cafanica who offered to organize
a charity socializing at their place and renounced their
income of sold drink for the evening.
The plan of this Christmas action in the Republic of
Srpska is to raise funds for the purchase a tractor to
the six-member family Davidovic for which it is
necessary to allocate 8,000 KM.
Raising funds for the Christmas action continues in
Prijedor. We called upon the Prijedor residents to join
the action according to their possibilities, whether by
donating money or foodstuff.
As well as during previous years on the Christmas Eve
we will visit the most disadvantaged multiple children
families from the Prijedor region and deliver the
packages of groceries so that they could welcome the
most joyful Christian holiday with the more or less
prepared table, and also the adequate presents to the
youngest members.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
On Friday, December 25, 2015, 3rd in a row charity
darts tournament was held in Nuremberg, Germany.
With gala dinner and live music show at As Café,
people could see and enjoy a very quality tournament.
There were 10 contestants in two groups. The total sum
of 1,170 Euros of donations was raised at the
tournament and we are really thankful to all contestants!
With great games from the very beginning, the winner of
the tournament was David Srdic, who could choose a Tshirt or our flag from the SZS boutique as a prize.
We would also like to thank the “Dva praseta” band,
Marta and Sale for a great atmosphere and voluntary
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
„Dva praseta” band
We call upon all people from Germany who follow the
work of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs to
support our Christmas action by sending an SMS
containing the word “SZS” to 81190!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
We plan to help dozens of families in Serbia, Krajina,
the Republic of Srpska, Montenegro and Herzegovina,
with the emphasis on Kosmet due to new terrorist
attacks. We need 50.000 EUR for the action, and we
invite all the Serbs worldwide to donate and thus
beautify the holidays to the disadvantaged little ones!
Donor platform: http://www.srbizasrbe.net/donacije/
Send SMS to 7763 and donate 100 RSD (from Serbia)
Dinar account: 160-279491-71
Send "SZS" to 81190 and donate 2.99 EUR
(From Germany)
Pay Pal: szsaustrija@gmail.com,
Each donation will be publicly recorded and we
guarantee that it will end up on the right place of which
we will inform the public daily through reports on our
website and on social networks.
1.438 MESSAGES TO 7763 IN
At the end of November Charity organization SERBS
FOR SERBS has successfully finished first part of its
registration in Canada. Thanks to the devoted work of
the members of the organization in Toronto the
organization SERBS FOR SERBS gained a corporative
status and right afterwards we sent a request to the
Canadian authorities to grant the organization a charity
status that would exempt it from paying taxes and enable
a tax exemption to the donors from Canada. For account
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS is starting
new CHRISTMAS charity action.
At the beginning of March, 2015, the Charity
organization SERBS FOR SERBS, in cooperation with
mobile service providers Telekom, Telenor and Vip,
started a national campaign for helping socially
disadvantaged families throughout Serbia. During
November, 1,438 messages were sent to the charity
SMS number 7763. The charity campaign SMS to 7763
continues. It is sufficient to send an empty SMS or an
SMS with any text you want. Your message will be
charged at 100 RSD (without the charge of your service
provider). We extend our deep gratitude to all donors
and friends of the organization who have taken part
in the charity campaign of the organization SERBS
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
Donors in December :
1. Compass Fuel donation box (IL) - $ 32
2. Balkan Bakery donation box (IL) - $ 10
3. Beograd Café donation box (IL) - $ 28
4. Nada's Deli & Bakery d. box (IL) - $ 34
5. St. Nikola, Brookfield d.box (IL) - $ 10
6. Bubamara cafe d. box (IL) - $ 10
7. Marko Saric - $ 20
8. iSerbApparel.com - $ 10
9. Radomans Framing (CA) - $ 15
10. Srdjan Gavrilovic (GA) - $ 15
11. Zoran Zdravkovic (MI) - $ 15
12. www.usaserbs.net - $ 25
13. Zeljka Bucalo (NV) - $ 25
14. Milan Dobras (AZ) - $ 15
15. Tihomir Bajic (CA) - $ 100
16. Marko Saric - $ 20
17. www.designswww.com $ 15
18. Slavisa Karach (GA) - $ 25
19. Milos & Marina Koprivica(MD)- $ 50
20. Marija Glisic - $ 30
21. Ivan Aksentijevic (MD) - $ 25
22. Dragana Beara (CAN) - $ 50
23. Dragan Zivanovic (IL) - $ 60
24. Ivan Radulovic (NY) - $ 25
25. Nina & Maksim Krsmanovic(VA) - $50
26. Stuart Murray (Norway) - $ 35
27. Milan Zdrnja - $ 25
28. Aleksandar Micic (MO) - $ 15
29. Vesna Kozomora (IL) - $ 25
30. Helena Urukalo (CAN) - $ 15
31. Milos Kuburovic (FL) - $ 15
32. Vlado D. - $ 50
33. Mateja & Filip Stojkovic (IL) - $ 50
34. Srdjan Knezevic - $ 40
35. Anastasia Murray - $ 20
36. Zivko Lakic - $ 50
37. Nikola Kokot - $ 100
38. Marko Saric - $ 20
39. Predrag Kisa - $ 50
40. Nikola Mrdakovic (IL) - $ 40
41. Milka & Bogdan Chuk (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
42. Ljubica Gombar Milka & Bogdan Chuk (CAN) –
$ 300 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
43. Nada & Aleksandar Pavlica (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
44. Oliver & Olivera Lepki (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
45. Zandra Zubac (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
46. Milena Grubic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
47. Bozidar Stajic (CAN) - $ 20 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
48. Dusanka Tubic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
49. Petra Pajkic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
50. Radmila Ninkovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
51. Mira & Aleksandar Brkic (CAN) - $ 500 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
52. Mary Zivic (CAN) - $ 200 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
53. Lidija Borojevic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
54. Ivo Vatovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
55. Dragica Zirojevic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
56. Milka Vujnovic & Milan Sanader (CAN) –
$ 300 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
57. Jovan Brkic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
58. Katarina Lukich (CAN) - $ 250 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
59. Stevanija Simic (CAN) - $ 25 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
60. Angelina & Danilo Racic (CAN) - $ 1.000 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
61. Tanja & Rade Rajevac (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
62. Vahida Jovasevic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
63. Olga & Jovan Lukich (CAN) - $ 300 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
64. Mira Miskovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
65. Aleksandar Todorovic (Finland) - $ 150 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
66. Milica Kostic (CAN) - $ 400 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
67. Vesna & Dragan Papic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
68. Radmila & Bogdan Pjanic (CAN) - $ 150 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
69. Aleksandra & Dejan Kecman (CAN) - $ 200 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
70. Kim & Mirko Maodus (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
71. Vida & Vaso Kosevic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
72. Irene Ratkovic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
73. Aleksa & Nemanja Pjanic (CAN) - $ 250 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
74. Vesna & Vasilj Petrovic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
75. Svjetlana & Dragan Kovacevic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
76. Milena & Vladimir Malesevic (CAN) - $ 40 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
77. Petar Radovanovic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
78. Nenad Stefanovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
79. Marko Mrkonjic (CAN) - $ 75 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
80. Gordana & Radenko Kosmajac (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016) for Stojkovic
81. Draga & Bora Dragasevic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
82. Dana & Brian Mitchell (CAN) - $ 1.000 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
83. Dusanka Pavlica (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
84. Dragana & Momir Kubura (CAN) - $ 200 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
85. Dimitrije Radakovic (CAN) - $ 400 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
86. Miljan Delic (CAN) - $ 150 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
87. Slobodanka & Djordjo Vasic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
88. Ivan Kuraj - $ 10
89. Zoran Starcevic - $ 20
90. Daniel Plavsic (WA) - $ 25
91. Nenad Milasinovic (Australia) - $ 25
92. Sanja Petrovic (NY) - $ 50
93. Miroslav Cika (CAN) - $ 15
94. Dragana Scekic - $ 50
95. Protecta El. Servic. (Australia) - $ 15
96. Ivan Aksentijevic (MD) - $ 25
97. Mladen Radakovic - $ 20
98. Vladimir Milosavljevic - $ 25
99. Dragisa Djordjevic (MD) - $ 15
100. Slavica Petrovic (IL) - $ 25
101. Tanja Josipovic - $ 25
102. David Gavric (IN) - $ 50
103. Tamara Nastic - $ 20
104. Nevena Jovanovic - $ 30
105. Zivko Lakic - $ 50
106. Olja Meyer (NY) - $ 15
107. Marta Stojanovic (CAN) - $ 25
108. Stuart Murray (Norwegen) - $ 25
109. Slobodan Pekovic - $ 100
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
110. Anonymous (CAN) - $ 20 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
111. Karol & Bojan Bujak (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
112. Mira Stojsavljevic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
113. Klara Stiglic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
114. Bojana Perisic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
115. Radosav S. Andric (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
116. Snezana & Miljan Golubovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
117. Nikola Lukich (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
118. Ljubica Drndarski (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
119. Dragica & Vlado Sobot (CAN) - $ 500 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
120. Ivanka & Dr. Dusan Lukic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
121. Borika Vucinic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
122. Lily & Cedo Ciganovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
123. Nikola Gacesa (CAN) - $ 75 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
124. Bojan Jovanovic (IL) - $ 25
125. Srdjan Markovic (CA) - $ 25
126. Biljana Bursac (CO) - $ 15
127. Serbianfun.com - $ 25
128. Neven Cvetkovic (Sweden) - $ 50
129. Sasa Savic (TX) - $ 30
130. Zana Zelenovic (CAN) - $ 80
131. Jovica Nojkic (MI) - $ 30
132. Dragana J. Nikolic (TX) - $ 25
133. Daniela Damjanoski - $ 60
134. Grant from American Endowment
Foundation - $ 1.774,90
135. Natasa Lazic Milosevic - $ 15
136. Делије Њујорк - $ 15
137. Dragana W. - $ 19,95
138. Marijana Males - $ 20
139. Slaven Gojkovic - $ 100
140. Bratislav Cvijetic (VA) - $ 30
141. Milka Bucalo (NV) - $ 50
142. Branko Gardijan (IN) - $ 20
143. Zivko Tatalovic - $ 100
144. Zeljka Bucalo (NV) - $ 50
145. Sinisa Bibic - $ 25
146. Marina Aleksic (NY) - $ 50
147. Kate Turner-Walker - $ 105
148. Yvonne Murray(Uni. Kindom) - $ 25
149. Ankica D. (NJ) - $ 25
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
150. Jelena Savic (IL) - $ 20
151. Luka Jovic - $ 25
152. Dragisa Stanimriovic (FL) - $ 50
153. Tihomir Bajic (CA) - $ 500
154. Gillian Milovanovic (VA) - $ 50
155. Sinisa & Mirjana Peric (MD) - $ 50
156. Zivko Lakic - $ 50
157. Marcus Smolanovich (CA) - $ 500
158. Pauline Papavassiliou-Bajic (GA) - $ 100
159. Brankica Paunovic - $ 25
160. Erica Jonson (CA) - $ 500
161. Dara Soldat Gidak (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
162. Anne & George Radojcic (CAN) - $ 200 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
163. Djurdja & Dejan Ratkov (CAN) - $ 150 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
164. Dr. Vesna Page (CAN) - $ 200 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
165. Dana & Igor Mrvaljevic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
166. Nada & Nikola Tijanic (CAN) - $ 200 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
167. Andjela & Zeljko Resanovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
168. Geana & Sasa Djurdjevic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
169. Stefan Lucic (CAN) - $ 40 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
170. Spasoje & Snjezana Gavric (CAN) - $ 200 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
171. Rev. Prvoslav Puric (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
172. Rade Petric (CAN) - $ 20 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
173. Miso & Natasa Kostic (CAN) - $ 500 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
174. Sasa Krsmanovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
175. Nada & Miles Obradovich (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
176. Marilyn & Nick Tintor (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
177. Biljana Zdrale (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
178. Dusica Ivanovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
179. Natasa Novakovic (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
180. Andjela Kubura (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
181. Donation box - Golden Grain Bakery and Deli
138A Highway 8 Stoney Creek (CAN) - $ 200 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
182. Milijan Lukic (CAN) - $ 50 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
183. Dragan Vujic - Serbosi iz Calgary-a (CAN) –
$ 360 CAD (In Time For Bozic 2016)
184. Slavica & Milovan Mavrak (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
185. Dragica & Aleksandar Obradovic (CAN) –
$ 100 CAD (In Time For Bozic 2016)
186. KSS Kraljica Aleksandra (CAN) - $ 100 CAD
(In Time For Bozic 2016)
187. Zoran Mladenovic (MD) - $ 100
188. Olja Meyer (NY) - $ 15
189. Radovan Radovic - $ 50
190. N. V. (CA) - $ 100
191. Nevena Cvjetkovic - $ 100
192. Aleksandar Tanasic (CAN) - $ 25
193. Rastko Tomin - $ 100
194. AD - $ 200
$ 12.875 CAD
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for December
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS

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