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the PDF version is also available 2015
Monthly Report for June
Monthly Report for June
Report No. 6
June, 2015
Charity organization Serbs for
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Dear friends and donors,
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs registered
in the state of Illinois in United States in Jun 2010
by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs is a 501(c)(3) notfor-profit charitable organization. Donation is
tax-deductible to the extent followed by the law.
On 30th September, 2011 we finally got the letter
from department of the treasury (IRS) with tax
exempt 501(c)3 approval. All donations to our
organization donated from June 16, 2010 are tax
deductible under section 170 of the Code. We are
also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests,
devises, transfers of gifts under section 2055, 2106
or 2522 of the Code.
About Us
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,
Serbs and their friends through planned
projects, social and humanitarian activities in
order to develop and foster better society for
future generations and provide aid for
underprivileged families in need.
organizations and associations, help often doesn't
reach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessary
administration, missing information and slow
decision making, the delivery of aid arrives too late
to the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad and
embarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000
children daily die around the world because of
starvation and malnutrition. There, among us, the
blind and deaf.
We are witnesses of the bad demographic situation
of our nation, decreasing natality, increasing
number of singles, abortions, accelerated aging of 2015
the population and generally bad economic
condition of the households in Serbia, Republic of
Srpska and other countries in the Balkan.
An average couple has "fallen" on one child.
Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority in
its own country in the following century if the
nation, individuals and government don't wake up
from the nescient in which they've fallen!
On the other hand, nobody is talking about the
families with many children which grieve by living
in bitter poverty. Occupied by their everyday
struggle for survival, they are being humbly in their
desire for implementing rights which belong to
them. Their life stories, fears and problems are
identical, but almost invisible and unheard in order
to gain the attention of the public, media and even
state. That's why the idea of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs arose. The
organization was formed by a group of young and
trustful people, who are united by the common
vision of helping families blessed by many children
and who are aware of the fact that even a small
help means a lot for those who don't live in a
material excess.
We are united by the humane idea to help the
poorest part of the Serbian nation.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to
revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora
which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian
heritage as well as all good people throughout the
world with minimal, but constant monthly
We hope and believe that there is also a grain of
doing good and that you will join us in the endless
struggle against poverty.
God bless and save all Serbian families with many
children and our honored donors who participate in
the noble effort to return smile on children faces.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Our mission
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Serbian
people through our projects and humanitarian
activities, in order to develop better society for
future generations.
Why Serbs for Serbs?
We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian
people in togetherness and brotherhood help
through humanitarian work and social aid.
Who do we help?
We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans,
have five or more children and live in terrible
poverty. Under terrible poverty we define absence
of one or more basic factors required for living:
food, clothes, shoes, and safe space for living. 2015
Who do we need in organization?
We need members and donors that will secure
financial stability through supporting our
programs and activities in the future. Donors may
join our daily activities within the organization in
order to coordinate our work better. We also need
volunteers ready to donate several hours per week
for actual work within the organization. Activities
of volunteers and their specific tasks would be
determined by the required projects and their
personal interest. From that group of volunteers
we would look for future leaders of organization.
How to donate?
1. PayPal donation:
2. Direct Deposit to Wells Fargo Bank account
Please email us at:
3. You can mail personal or business check to:
Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
4. Donation boxes:
2937 West Irving Park Road
Chicago, Illinois
Owner: Dule Pavlovic
Why do we help?
We believe that there is a basic need for one
human (or a group) to help others in distress. A
help is not only human virtue but also a Christian
responsibility. By focusing our help on families
with many children, we directly affect on their
stirring toward becoming independent from socialdependable government programs.
7316 West Lawrence Avenue
Harwood Heights, Illinois
What are our long term goals?
• family is ready to support itself daily and
manage to pay all required expenses;
• their children are encouraged to continue
with school and raising their own family;
• our donors are satisfied with the activities
and they are ready to help other families;
• our organization is satisfied with the results;
• family is ready in the future to become our
donor and if necessary help other families
that are in need of help.
8147 Joliet Road
McCook, Illinois
Owner: Roy and Maria Dobrasinovic
541 South LaGrange Road
LaGrange, Illinois
Owner: Olja Igic
4301 Prairie Ave.
Brookfield, Illinois
3201 W Devon Ave,
Chicago, IL 60659
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Greenhouse with tomato and pepper plantation at the
beginning of June
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS has
carried out another big project of helping multiple
children families in Serbia become financially
independent, primarily thanks to donations made by
members and friends of the organization SERBS FOR
On Wednesday, June 3, members of the organization
visited the nine-member Krsmanovic family from the
village of Zabrezje, near Obrenovac.
The family received valuable donation, consisting of a
greenhouse (dimensions 30m x 8m), with the
complete irrigation system (including a drilled well
on the farm), seeds (tomato), and all accompanying
elements necessary for professional vegetable growing.
The total value of this project is 719,797 RSD.
The look of the lot during our visit to Krsmanovic family
before the greenhouse was put up
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
As part of the project of putting up the greenhouse, a
well was drilled, which is13 meters deep, where the
water of good quality was found and it will serve for
irrigating the greenhouse, but also for the needs of the
entire household of this big family. 2015
The complete plantation is organic, which will definitely
result in the higher market price of the greenhouse
products. The expected yields are about 5 tons of
Goran Krsmanovic, talking to representatives of the
Goran and Tanja have seven children: Teodora (13),
Stefan (10), Djordje (8), Jovan (5), Filip (3), Andrej
(2) and Anastasija (1), and soon they are to take a foster
child into their home. This family deserves all the
respect and admiration, and the parental love and
sacrifice of Goran and Tanja can serve as an example to
future young parents.
When the greenhouse was finished, 520 plants of
tomatoes, received from the Fenek Monastery, were
There are different sorts: from Hilandar, Apple-shaped,
Yellow, Black, Red and Yellow Cherry.
There are also 180 plants of peppers planted.
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS calls
upon donors, members and friends of the organization
worldwide to continue SUPPORTING OUR CHARITY
WORK by making regular monthly donations, so we
would be able to help more Serbian families throughout
Serbia and the region and through economically viable
projects, help families become independent of welfare
support and be equal part of our society.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
The father, although not an educated man, taught his
children good manners, virtues and determination.
During May, the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
helped the seven-member Stevanovic family from the
village of Goracici, Lucani Municipality, by
renovating their bathroom. The family consists of the
unemployed parents, Zivorad and Ivana, and their five
children, Aleksa (15), Luka (14), Lazar (12), Matija
(10), and the youngest, Iva (8). We had visited the
Stevanovic family the year before and arranged the
bathroom renovation, using the funds collected at the
charity tournament, “Trojka iz Bloka” in Lucani. The
total value of the aid was 93,531 RSD.
The oldest son is planning on going to high school in
Cacak; he is dreaming of enrolling the Academy in
Belgrade. He reads a lot and he loves reading about the
history of the Serbian people. The youngest child, the
only daughter, princess and favorite of older brothers, is
finishing the first grade of primary school, and her
favorite subject is Serbian. Third grader, fifth grader and
seventh grader have their hound dogs each.
The Stevanovic family lives in very hard living
conditions, but God blessed them with five beautiful
children and the strength of spirit and mind, which keeps
this house honest and honorable. Everything about them
is modest and noble. The father, Zivorad, does all kinds
of work throughout Lucani and Guca and even Serbia
and the region.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
They play with a ball all around the yard and they are
very cheerful, and at the same time, they take care of
cattle and poultry at their small, but rich farm.
People who have the will to do something, they do it,
and the best example for this is the head of this family.
He refused help from the state, and he managed to clear
all his debts that he owed to the state. He had an
electricity debt, but he managed to pay it off.
The wall was knocked down between the old pantry and
the bathroom, so a new and more spacious bathroom
could be built for the Stevanovic family.
New bathroom of the Stevanovic family from Goricici
near Lucani
This is what the pantry looked like before the wall was
knocked down
The state of the old bathroom when we first visited the
Stevanovic family
The host has been helped by good people from all
around, known and unknown, but times change, and
things change, people come and go, and life goes on.
But, Zivorad and his hard working wife, together with
their five children, keep on struggling for existence
every day.
The father, Zivorad, is grateful for the help
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS calls
upon all friends and donors of the organization to join
our fundraising action to help this family and other
socially disadvantaged Serbian families with multiple
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
At the end of May, the Charity organization SERBS
FOR SERBS helped the six-member Stojic family
from the village of Batasevo in the municipality of
Family members are the parents, Nenad and Maja, their
son Nikola (6) and baby triplets, Luka, Natasa and
We provided them with the most necessary aid,
consisting of food and hygiene packages, worth 26,000
RSD altogether. The intended donation for helping the
Stojic family came from Italy, more specifically, the
Serbian cultural and sports organization “Kruna" in
the amount of 220 Euros.
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS calls
upon all friends and donors of the organization to join
our fundraising action to help this family and other
socially disadvantaged Serbian families with multiple
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS, in
cooperation with the NGO “Majka devet Jugovica”
from Gracanica, continued to deliver valuable
humanitarian aid to socially disadvantaged families in
the area of Kosovo and Metohija. This time, we helped
the Dikic family from Kosovska Mitrovica and the Velic
family from Gracanica.
The Dikic family received a cow with calf, worth 1,653
Euros, and the Velic family received a washing
machine and iron, worth 223 Euros.
During the recent thunderstorm, there was a thunder
stroke, which hit the Dikic family’s stable and killed two
cows which were the means of supporting the family.
Their monthly income consists of welfare and minimum
wage, which altogether is not enough to provide funds
for a new cow in a short period of time.
The Dikic family from the village of Berivojce in
Kosovska Kamenica consists of the parents, Radovan
and Suncica, and their five children, Stefan (18),
Marija (16), Milica (14), Aleksandar (8) and Jovan
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS once
again extends gratitude to the friends of our organization
from the NGO “Majka devet Jugovica” from
Gracanica, who helped carry out another aid action,
intended for socially disadvantaged families in Kosovo
and Metohija.
We call upon all donors and friends of our organization
to DONATE and thus support the big upcoming charity
projects, intended for helping Serbian multiple children
families, who guard Kosovo and Metohija with their
offspring and their lives.
Boban Velic from Gracanica is a medical technician,
and his wife, Darinka, is a housewife. They live as
tenants in Gracanica, together with their four sons,
Lazar (12), Nikola (10), Dusan (6) and Luka (4). The
organization SERBS FOR SERBS helped this multiple
children family by providing them with a new washing
machine and iron for the needs of their household.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Old look of home family Djordjevic
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS
commenced at the end of 2014 big charity action of help
to the socially disadvantaged family Djordjevic from the
village Sevce in the Strpce municipality on Kosovo and
Before our first visit and first help, the family somehow
managed to “keep up“, but after the death of grandfather
Bozidar and father Milorad in short notice, the five
children, mother Radmila and grandmother Bozidarka
were faced with uncertain future. Total value of the
construction material and artisans was 850.000 dinars.
First visit to family Djordjevic
The youngest Djordjevics Milenko (21), Milica (18),
Danijela (13), Kristina (9) and Ivana (8) didn’t want to
talk about their material situation, needs and desires.
Within the Christmas action of our organization we
delivered to family Djordjevic two beds, wood burning
stove, closet, and kitchen table as the first part of the
urgent help to this big Serbian household.
Thanks to big charity action for the reconstruction of the
Djordjevics home, members of the organization
SERBS FOR SERBS from Canada organized big
Christmas campaign IN TIME FOR BOZIC through
which they raised part of the necessary means
(approximately $2,500), and the other part came from
the donations from Germany, USA, Serbia, the Republic
of Srpska and numerous other countries worldwide.
Great number of individual donors decided to support
the project of reconstruction of the Djordjevic’s house to
provide decent home and help in the great family tragedy
and difficult situation.
Thanks to the cooperation of the organization SERBS
FOR SERBS and its friends from the Eparchy charity
organization “Majka devet Jugovica” which provided
artisans and necessary construction material, in the
beginning of June the works on the reconstruction of the
Djordjevic’s house commenced. We also owe special
thank to the Office for Kosovo and Metohija of the
Government of the Republic of Serbia which helped to
temporarily move the family until the works on the
house were finished.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
After all inner works which should be finished at the
beginning of July, the family will move into their house,
and after this the works on the outer part of the house
will begin – setting the isolation, facades and gutters.
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS continues
with this big project of helping the Djordjevic family
from Strpce. We plan to finish the works on the
reconstruction of the house at the beginning of July so
that the family could move into its almost new and
reconstructed warm home.
The ongoing works are as follows: setting PVC joinery
on the ground and first floors, concreting of all rooms,
setting laminate, garbage disposal and removing of the
old furniture from the house with the help of the local
utility services in Strpce municipality, and the
reconstruction of the bathroom in the future.
We call upon donors and friends of the organization
worldwide to DONATE and thus support the
completion of this and other big projects of help to
socially endangered Serbian families with multiple
children throughout Kosovo and Metohija and other
areas where Serbian families who need fraternal help,
support and attention live.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
COW 2015
The family used to have several cows, but they were
living as subtenants and after the owner came back, they
had to sell everything to buy the land and make the
house in which they live today.
Father Djuro is the only employed. He is working in the
Railway, but most of his salary is spent for paying off
the loan which they had to take in order to finish the
house. In the end they only have 220 KM left, and the
rest of the money they need usually comes from a wage,
although it is very difficult to find a job in villages.
The children are very diligent, the oldest Bojana
graduated from the college, Mitar and Dobrina finished
high school, while the youngest Miroslav finished
elementary school this year, and he should attend high
school in Prijedor in the next school year.
At the beginning of June the representatives of the
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs conducted
another successful action in a row in the Republic of
On this occasion we helped the six-member family
Hrvacanin from the settlement Petrov Gaj which is
approximately 15 km away from Prijedor. The
Hrvacanin family consists of the father Djuro (62),
mother Ljiljana (46) and their four children: Bojana
(26), Mitar (22), Djurdjina (20) and Miroslav (16).
After we assured that it was a hard-working family, and
that they have conditions to raise a cow, we decided to
buy them one.
The family chose a cow, and we paid 2.400 KM, which
constituted the costs of the action.
The family asked for help from our organization,
because they lacked the money to start farming of raising
stock despite the necessary conditions. They have
enough land around the house, the well and a stable, and
also the tractor with appliances, but they lack the money
for oil and seeds, so great part of their land are unused.
They emphasized they needed a cow to have enough
food for themselves, and earn money by selling milk and
dairy products.
A few days before we bought a cow, the sow furrowed
and thus increased the livestock population of the
family. The family was very happy after they received a
cow, but there was also uncertainty over the first
In the end we communicate the greetings from family
Hrvacanin and we send an appeal to all the friends and
donors of our organization to get involved in the action
of raising money for helping this and other socially
disadvantaged multiple children Serbian families.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Thanks to the long-standing fraternal cooperation
between the Charity organizations SERBS FOR
SERBS and the Eparchy charity organization “Majka
devet Jugovica” from Gracanica, another big economic
project of cow farm was commenced in the Novo Brdo
municipality. The organization SERBS FOR SERBS
financed the first phase of works in the amount of
715.000 dinars. The production of the cow milk would
complete the work of the existing dairy in Novo Brdo, in
which the goat milk from the nearby goat farm is being
processed. Apart from the milk production, the cow farm
should be expanded over time to the cattle and cow
breeding for the socially disadvantaged families
throughout Kosovo and Metohija.
The project of the cow farm will employ at least two
people who will feed, clean and milk the cows through
the electric milking machine.
The value of the machine is 350 EUR, and two of them
are needed. In this manner, two Serbian families can stay
and economically survive on Kosovo and Metohija.
The existing object was once used for sheep breeding,
and for the needs of the cow farm it would be adjusted
with the necessary construction material, equipment,
building of the drainage channels, cesspit, as well as
threshing barn and silage pool. Apart from that, the well
for the drinking water will be dug out.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
We should point out that the money from selling the
excess calves would be used for public kitchens. Over
2.000 of the socially disadvantaged people from the
Kosovo-Metohija enclaves is using the public kitchen
services each day, and the everyday meal allowance and
a piece of bread mean a lot in their survival in these area.
Considering the great costs of sustaining the public
kitchens, every income is of great significance, and the
realization of this project would provide additional
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS will
continue to promote and support new sustainable
economic projects on Kosovo and Metohija, but also
throughout Balkan, with the aim of sustainable economic
survival of the Serbian people in its ancestral homes. At
the same time, the organization SERBS FOR SERBS is
publicly appealing to all state institutions, public and
private companies and other similar charity associations
organization which will contribute to better future for the
Serbian people, and above all for socially disadvantaged
families and their posterity.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Menicanin family in front of their new hen house
In June this year, the Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs helped the seven-member Menicanin family
from the village of Sepsin, near Mladenovac. Our
previous visit to the family was at the end of March,
when we agreed on the way of helping them. Family
members are the parents, Zoran and Natasa, and their
five children: Mihajlo (12), Milica (10), Andjela (8),
Dimitrije (6) and Djordje (4). We helped them by
purchasing 300 laying hens and the equipment
necessary for starting their own farm. The total value
of the project was 237,400 RSD.
The Menicanin family fled Krajina during the war in the
1990s. The father, Zoran, who lost his job at Putevi
Srbije, is currently the sole breadwinner and works at a
sandwich shop.
He also keeps several pigs and decorative hens and, in
this way, he is trying to generate some extra income for
his family.
Serbs for Serbs with Menicanin family in their yard
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS calls
upon all friends and donors of the organization to join
our fundraising action to help this family and other
socially disadvantaged Serbian families with multiple
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
When we first visited the Pesic family, we realized that
they had two big problems. The first problem was the
ground floor, which was unusable. The problem they
faced at the end of last year had been caused by
inadequately installed floors on the ground floor, as
well as badly installed drain pipes in the kitchen.
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS
successfully finished the project of helping the sixmember Pesic family from Pirot. The family consists
of the parents, Momcilo and Irena and their four
children, Matija (9), Sergej (8), Doroteja (7) and
Amelija (4). Due to Momcilo’s vein problems and the
impossibility of getting a job, none of the parents is
employed. Hence, being a very creative family, wishing
to provide better living conditions for their children, they
started a family business called “Our little family craft
workshop”, and by doing handicraft, primarily intended
for children, they wish to improve their financial
The organization SERBS FOR SERBS, with the help of
its regular donors, managed to help the Pesic family over
the long haul by providing them with 136,908 RSD to
continue and expand their family business, and also with
the construction material for renovating their house,
worth 90,893 RSD, which makes 227,801 RSD in
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
When they removed the linoleum, they saw that the
flooring strips had been installed on the bare ground and
had completely rotted due to ground moist, and at the
same time had made mold on the walls, leading to their
dilapidation. At the same time, they noticed that the
kitchen sink drain had made the kitchen moldy, and
being twenty years old, it did not take long before it
rotted and became unusable.
This situation led to rooms on the ground floor being
completely destroyed.
Having been provided with the construction material,
this hard-working family started renovating the
ground floor.
As the pictures show, the kitchen is now completely
finished, and the living room will be done as soon as
they install laminate flooring, which will make the
ground floor completely finished.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
The second thing that is even more important for the
Pesic family is the tools which they need to improve
their business.
Machines they are using now are worn out (two sewing
machines), and the father, Momcilo, would like to
expand the business by woodworking. The Charity
organization SERBS FOR SERBS met their needs and
bought sewing machines and woodworking machines.
This gave results immediately. The amount of work
increased, which means they now have better living
We call upon all people of good will to continue
supporting the work of the Charity organization
MONTHLY DONATIONS and thus help and give joy
to numerous children in need.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
The Order of St. Sava, the highest decoration of the
Serbian Orthodox Church, has been solemnly awarded
to the representatives of the Charity organization
Serbs for Serbs on Vidovdan in the Gracanica
monastery for the long-standing charity work and help
to the Serbian nation throughout Serbia and the Balkan
by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej.
The solemn ceremony of awarding the Order of St. Sava
of second degree was carried out after the Holy Liturgy,
and it was received by the president of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs Mr. Igor Rasula
together with other members of the organization who
attended this solemn act.
We should particularly emphasize valuable charity and
economic help which the organization Serbs for Serbs in
the last ten years provided for the disadvantaged families
on Kosovo and Metohija and in Krajina.
Thanks to the highly dedicated work of the members of
the organization, there is a possibility for a great number
of families to come back to their hearth from which they
were forcefully banished in the latest war developments.
- The Order of St. Sava is the highest recognition which
we received from the Serbian Orthodox Church in our
previous work and existence of our organization.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs has been collecting
and providing valuable charity help for the socially
disadvantaged multiple children Serbian families
throughout Serbia and the region for ten years.
Thanks to its registered branches in Serbia, the Republic
of Srpska, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and USA, as
well as numerous donors worldwide, the organization
Serbs for Serbs has so far collected more than 1.2
million EUR and helped over 1.400 disadvantaged and
poor families which together have more than 10.000
This decoration doesn’t belong to the members of the
organization alone, but to each donor, both in Serbia and
worldwide, each individual who helped us to persist in
our charity work, and of course, this decoration belongs
also to all the heroes of our time, who far away from the
public eyes raise their multiple children families and try
to persist in the hard time in which we live – points out
Mr. Igor Rasula, the president of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs started at the
beginning of March great charity campaign “Send SMS
on 7763” charged at 100 RSD for a single message,
through which it raises means for helping socially
disadvantaged families throughout Serbia.
Also, through its official website
the organization is gathering hundreds of donors
worldwide each month, who through regularly monthly
payments provide the means for the realization of new
projects of help to families and children throughout
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
On June 13th in 17h, on the fields of the SRC Mladost in
Pancevo area Misa the sport-charity tournament Trojka
iz bloka was held.
Over 100 contestants applied for fast shooting of threepointers, and we raised 25.660 dinars!
SRC Mladost attracted everyone, from the youngest to
the oldest. People of good will from Pancevo united
themselves over charity and the sport spirit, and showed
that they can help their fellow citizens in trouble. Any
help is great and welcome, especially when people
gather around the noble idea – then it makes it all easier,
and everything can be done!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs, together with its
sponsors, donors and technical sponsors, thanks
everyone who participated in the tournament, and
contributed to the sporty, solemnly and cheerfully
At the start of the tournament, Mr. Milos Simovic in
front of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs, and
Mr. Aleksandar Farkas who is an alderman for sport of
the City of Pancevo, addressed the gathered crowd.
Many people from the world of sport, art and culture,
came to support the tournament in the city on the river
Tamis, including the most popular music groups in
Serbia and Pancevo, football players, dancers, sportsmen
and priests.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
A priest Branko Bozic gave great contribution to the
organization and realization of the tournament in
Pancevo. Mr. Aleksandar Farkas and the Department of
Sport of the City of Pancevo gave their unconditional
support to the tournament, as well as the Sport Alliance
of the City of Pancevo, SRC Mladost and the House of
Youth of Pancevo, who provided technical support. 2015
Our good old hosts of the tournament, Bore and Stefan
who are the members of the one of the most popular rap
groups – THC La Familia, were responsible for the great
fun on the tournament. Pancevo is their second home, so
they had serious support from the fraternal rap group
from Pancevo – Trijumf.
Media coverage was great: Television Pancevo, Radio
Pancevo, the weekly magazine with the longest tradition
in Serbia – Pancevac, web portal, and portal Special support to the tournament in
Pancevo came from dr Sandro Markovic, the author and
host of the show “Prslook again”, which was a media
sponsor of the tournament.
The first three-pointers were shot by Mr. Aleksandar
Farkas, Milan Stanisic – the director of SRC Mladost,
Dusan Borkovic – the best Serbian motorist and Branko
Bozic – archpriest of the Temple of St. Emperor
Constantine and Empress Helena.
Uncle Jo, a Belgrade rapper, also performed with them,
as well as the dancing club Evolution from Belgrade.
A football freestyler Nikola Milosevic Djota performed
with a football ball, which was of particular importance
to the football fans, which came to take a chance with
THC La Familia heated the atmosphere when they
played their hit, the victory hymn of the basketball
representation Play and win.
The music support came from DJ Sale L, member of the
THC La Familia, and official DJ of Trojka iz bloka, who
always provides the unforgettable fun on the
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
The sponsor of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
– Agi pasta away presented to the Pancevo inhabitants
its offer of original pastas, which they could taste and
celebrate this wonderful day. All the income went to the
The winner of the tournament in Pancevo with 18 shots
was Nikola Savic, the runner-up with 16 shots was
Aleksandar Ilkic, and the third place with 15 shots went
to Dusan Brajovic. The winners won the medals Trojka
iz bloka, and the best won the winner trophy. All
participants and the organizers of the tournament
enjoyed in victory.
We congratulate the winners and those who contributed
to the success of another tournament in a row in the
summer of Trojka iz bloka, which has only begun.
Thank goes to the organizers, volunteers and our
sponsors, donors and technical sponsors.
Special gratitude goes to the NIS Company which
announced the most successful season of Trojka iz bloka
so far, by donating the sport-charity tournament the
financial assistance for developing ideas on a
Community). We remind you that the complete gallery
of photos from the tournament in SRC Mladost can be
seen on the official Facebook page of Trojka iz bloka.
The tournament in Pancevo was held on the same day as
the tournament in Chicago. The magic of tournament
was shining on two sides of the globe. And it was a full
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
On June 13th, 2015, the Chicago chapter of Serbs for
Serbs held its 3rd annual Trojka Iz Bloka Charity 3Point Tournament. Again, the tournament was held at
Veteran’s Park in Lyons on a warm and sunny, Saturday
This year’s contest had some return participants along
with many new faces and many passersby who stopped
in to see what was happening.
With more than 50 participants starting the tournament,
it came down to a final group of four in the final round.
With some impressive shooting, 3rd place went to
Andrew Mesija, while 2nd place went to Nikola
Josipovic, who has participated in every one of our
tournaments here in Chicago since 2013.
This year, after 4 long and hard rounds of 3-pointers, 1st
place trophy went Nemanja Susa (Shusha).
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Along with the tournament, we had an arts and crafts
project set up for the children by local designer/artist
Bojana Ilic. The plan is to auction off the artwork at a
later event. This year, thanks to the many participants,
visitors and sponsors, we were able to raise $5,775.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
We hope everyone had a good time and will be back
again next year. We would again like to especially thank
our sponsors who helped make this event possible: Pro
Star Freight Systems, Woodland Transport,
Maybach International Group, ADR Custom
Builders, 2N Licensing, Charlie Trucking,
Professional Trucking of Illinois, BB Wolf Inc,
Beograd Café, White City Logistics, and Accolade
Design. And also a thank you to the Village of Lyons
for allowing us to hold our event again on their
wonderful basketball courts.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Archpriest-Stavrophor Marko Papic
On Sunday, June 14 on the school fields in Priboj one of
the best “Trojka iz bloka” tournaments this year was
The citizens of Priboj on the sport-charity manifestation
collected 125.278 dinars, 20.028 dinars on the
tournament, and 105.250 dinars thanks to the sponsors
and donors who participated in the project!
President of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
Igor Rasula opened the tournament, and ArchpriestStavrophor Marko Papic, head of the Temple of the
Resurrection of Christ from Priboj, addressed the
gathered crowd afterwards and greeted the lovely
gathering by talking of peace, love and fraternal
He put a smile on everyone’s face by his presence and
wise words. After him the atmosphere was set on a
higher level when the young Zorana Salipur sang the
anthem of the Republic of Serbia, “God of Justice”.
The last one to approach the microphone was Natasa
Milicic who delighted all the present by reciting the
poem of Ljubivoje Rsumovic – the “Toast to the Serbian
Young sportsmen Radislav Lakovic and Bojan Grujicic
who are playing in the Handball team Pozega, found the
time to support the noble action in their hometown, and
open the tournament by shooting the first three-pointers.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs thanks its proud
sponsors, donors and techical sponsors headed by the
Priboj municipality and the Sport Association of Priboj,
to the volunteers and all citizens of Priboj who came to
the tournament in great number and showed they can
help their fellow citizens in trouble. The school fields
were not sufficient to host everyone who was attracted
by the noble idea of “Trojka iz bloka”!
We were dancing, singing, shooting three-pointers,
celebrating life and the hope in better future!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Approximately 100 contestants applied for the
tournament. It was a competition in which it was
important to participate, not to win. Everyone applied,
from the youngest to the oldest, the fairer gender, older
neighbors and forever young in their hearts. The
programme in Priboj was run by the hosts of the “Trojka
iz bloka”, cheerful and smiling boys from one of the
most popular rap groups in Serbia – THC La Familia.
Bore and Stefan had a nice word for each shooter, they
were cheering the shooters, and called for the greater
number of the applied ones. The citizens of Priboj did
exactly that! In the end, the wonderful and talented boys
rapped the victory song of the basketball reprezentation
of Serbia – “Play and Win”! All people were on their
feet! Bore and Stefan continued, and performed another
hit – the song “I got burned”. Everyone was singing with
them! The musical support and the most responsible for
the wonderful atmosphere on the fields near Lim was DJ
of the group THC La Familia and the official DJ of
“Trojka iz bloka”, the charismatic Sale L, who found a
song for everyone. During the final series, all gathered
came down from the stands and watched the shooting.
The energy was almost tangible!
Priboj and the Sport Association of Priboj commenced
the realization of “Trojka iz bloka”. They donated
35.000 dinars, and thus gave a bright example to their
citizens. The number of proud sponsors was rising, until
it reached the number eight! Dekor Priboj, Vertigo Club,
Bookmaker Soker, Caffe Bar Jin, Caffe Quorum and
Gurman restaurant donated each 7.000 dinars, while
Bojic bakery and Palma catering donated each 10.000
dinars. The donors were also STUR Jela – 3.000 dinars,
STUR Restoran 5 – 1.250 dinars, SUR Miki – 2.000
dinars, and in the donor box set in the Priboj
Gymnasium was 1.450 dinars collected by the pupils.
Technical support came from the printing office Lav
which printed the posters for the tournament, Minos
caffee and Milko Janovic catering who provided
parasols, Elementary School “Vuk Karadzic” which
provided electricity and the Cultural Centar which
provided top sound system on the tournament.
Television Priboj and Radio Lim were the media
sponsors of the tournament in Priboj, broadcasting the
event from the first until the last day, and on the very
day of the tournament they were with us on the field and
recorded everything. The most popular Internet portal of
Priboj also reported of the tournament and called upon
the citizens to attend in great number.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
The best shooters on the tournament on the fields near
the river Lim were Marko Bozovic – first place, Stefan
Gligorijevic from THC La Familia – second place and
Marko Ivanovic – third place. We congratulate the
winners and those who contributed to the unforgettable
tournament in Priboj. This energy gives us the strength
to move on, confident in the mission of “Trojka iz
bloka”. Priboj has a task to outdo itself and the high
standards it set the next year, and it should not be an
issue. Priboj remains the bright star on the sky of
“Trojka iz bloka”!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs thanks again its
proud sponsors, donors, techical sponsors, organizers
and volunteers! We have great memories from Priboj
and the desire to see each other again next year! Until
then, take a look at the photo gallery from Priboj on the
official Facebook page of “Trojka iz bloka”, and follow
our website on which we will inform you of further
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs and the Palilula
Municipality have successfully organized the two-day
manifestation the Weekend of “Trojka iz bloka” in
Palilula on June 20 and 21 2015. On the tournaments in
Borca and Ada Huja we collected the incredible amount
of 328.090 dinars! Eight sponsors in Borca and 149
competitors in both tournaments, with strong support of
the Palilula Municipality turned this manifestation into
the shining example of benevolence – this is the second
“Trojka iz bloka” in Palilula, it lasted for two days, it
took place in two spots and it set the second best record
by the amount of the money collected!
The first day of the manifestation was organized on the
fields of Elementary school “Jovan Ristic” in Borca. A
total of 86 contestants applied for shooting threepointers, and many people came to support the second
tournament in a row in Borca. The tournament
commenced by intoning the anthem “The God of
Justice”, performed by Andjela Tasic, after which Milos
Simovic, the manager of the project “Trojka iz bloka”
and the media representative of the Charity organization
Serbs for Serbs, addressed the crowd and pointed out
that regardless of the medals and the trophy, the winner
of the tournament is each person who came to the
tournament and applied for shooting, because in that
manner he contributed to provide the new bathroom for
the six-member family Makrenic from Borca. After that,
the president of the Palilula Municipality Stojan Nikolic
addressed the participants, and asked for applause for the
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs and everything the
organization has been doing for years. With gratitude to
everyone who came to the tournament, president Nikolic
made an appeal to send a SMS to 7763, and thus help the
socially disadvantaged multiple children families
throughout Serbia and the region.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs thanks all the
sponsors, donors and technical sponsors, as well as
volunteers, who contributed to the full splendor of this
manifestation! The support of the Palilula Municipality
as well as the NIS Company, Basketball Association of
Serbia and numerous other great names which mean
safety and success, prove that the sport-charity project
“Trojka iz bloka” is on the right path in fulfilling its
noble mission of building and renovating the bathrooms
to the socially disadvantaged multiple children families
throughout Balkan!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Our famous handball player Nedeljko Jovanovic and
Nikolina Moldovan, one of the Moldovan sisters – the
best Serbian and European kayaks, who together with
her sister and the rest of the Kayak canoe club BSK
Borca came to support the tournament, had brief
With the help of the people of good will and true sport
fans who came to support the second “Trojka iz bloka”
in Borca we collected 30.360 dinars at the tournament.
Eight proud sponsors supported the tournament in
Borca: “I-Tech Elite” Belgrade by donating 20.000
dinars, “Restaurant Tara” Borca – 15.000 dinars,
Exchange Office and the car registration agency “Easy”
Borca – 7.000 dinars, Café “No stress” Borca – 7.000
dinars, “Wellux” LTD Belgrade – 7.000 dinars, Café
“Ragina glava” Borca – 7.000 dinars, Auto center “Auto
kes” Borca – 5.000 dinars and Café “Eho” Borca – 5.000
dinars. The sponsors donated in total 73.000 dinars, and
we also had an anonymous donation of 3.000 dinars. At
the beginning of July we expect to receive the generous
donation by the Palilula Municipality in the amount of
100.000 dinars, so the tournament in Borca can be proud
of the income of 206.360 dinars! 2015
Next to shooting three-pointers, the visitors and
participants had the opportunity to enjoy in the
entertainment section of the tournament. The good
atmosphere was created by the rappers of the group THC
La Familia and Belgrade rappers from the left Danube
bank Uncle Dzo, Manda and Duca. The dancing group
“Flaj” from Borca had remarkable performance, and
there was also a demonstration of the martial arts – by
the members of the wrestling club “Pobednik” from
Borca and members of the MMA team “Car Dusan
Silni” from Belgrade. One of the best football freestylers
of the Europe Nikola Milosevic-Djota had much
applause, and in the pause between the first part of the
competition and the finals, the youngest selections of the
basketball club “Borca” played an exhibition match. The
official DJ of “Trojka iz bloka” and DJ of THC La
Familia Sale L took care of the music. The best shooter,
who won the first place, was Milos Jovanovic who
received a gold medal and a trophy, the second place and
silver medal went to Ivan Vasilijevic, and the third
place and bronze was won by Mihajlo Stojanovic. We
congratulate the winners, but the biggest winners are all
people of good will who came to Borca and showed to
the members of the Makrenic family that they are not
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
The second day of the manifestation continued in grand
style on the basketball fields of the Ada Huja
The president of the Palilula Municipality again joined
the people of good will and while opening the event
emphasized that during the next year the works on
cleaning the bayou of Ada Huja will commence. “Trojka
iz bloka”, the champion manifestation of the sport spirit,
announces better times for Ada Huja!
The mission of the tournament attracted many people on
the field near the Danube, with 63 applied contestants
and 21.730 dinars collected! We expect another donation
from the Palilula Municipality for the second day of the
tournament in the amount of 100.000 dinars, so the total
amount collected on Ada Huja is 121.730 dinars.
Great support to the mission of “Trojka iz bloka”! 2015
In the pause of the tournament an exhibition match
between the youngest members of the basketball club
“Karaburma basket” was played, and the present people
had the opportunity to enjoy in the performance of the
rapper Uncle Dzo, who is using each opportunity to
become the part of the mission of “Trojka iz bloka”.
Popular Belgrade DJ “Voice” was responsible for good
music and atmosphere during the tournament. Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs owes special thank to Café
“Dilema” on Ada Huja for the technical support to the
tournament. The champion of Ada Huja was Jovan
Graic who won the gold medal and the trophy, Marko
Zigic won the second place, while Nemanja Savic won
the third place. The manifestation Weekend of “Trojka iz
bloka” was supported by many media. TV Studio B and
Happy TV were present on Ada Huja. Tv Internet portal
of the Palilula municipality was broadcasting live both
tournaments. Many significant media, daily newspapers
and Internet portals were reporting of Weekend: Blic,
B92, Dan u Beogradu, Start Srbija, Telegraf and many
others. We congratulate and thank everyone who came
and supported the two-day manifestation Weekend of
“Trojka iz bloka” in Palilula.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
We all give a little so that someone could get a lot!
And we know that the help to the multiple children
socially endangered families is a great deal! We
continue, together!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Slavko Pantovic and Nebojsa Zivkovic
On Vidovdan in Chicago a magnificent and traditional
Vidovdan celebration was held, organized by the Serbian
National Defense Council of America who celebrates
this day as the slava of the organization. In the full hall
of the Nova Gracanica monastery, after the greeting of
the host, the Bishop of the Diocese of New Gracanica –
Midwestern America Longin, the keynote speaker and
special guest from London, England was dr Srboljub
Zivanovic, an anthropologist and president of the
International Commission for the Truth on Jasenovac,
who was talking of all the aspects regarding this terrible
concentration camp in which Serbs, Jews and Roma
were killed, while the historian dr Srdja Trifkovic
complemented the theme from the historical point of
On the previous day, on Saturday, the regular 74th
annual congress of the Serbian National Defense
Council was held. It would be remembered by the
decision of the delegates to award the current president
Slavko Panovic the title of honorable president and the
Order of SND of first order for his homelike
management of this organization for the last 22 years.
The leader of the young generation, Mr. Nebojsa
Zivkovic who was the vice-president of SND, was
elected as new president.
The delegates of the congress of Serbian National
Defense, aware of the still difficult position of Serbs in
Serbia, the Republic of Srpska, Montenegro, Croatia and
Macedonia, adopted the Resolution in which, among
other things, they greeted the Government of the
Republic of Serbia with the message not to forget nor
neglect the Serbian national interests, glorious Serbian
history and Serbian orthodoxy in everything it does for
They greeted His Holiness the Patriarch of the Serbian
Orthodox Church Irinej and sent him the message to do
everything in his power to sustain the unity of the
Serbian Orthodox Church, and in their greeting to Serbs
in Montenegro, Macedonia, and Croatia, they paid
special attention to those in the Province Kosovo and
Metohija, saying that the Serbian Diaspora hadn’t
forgotten them.
They also greeted the Central Board of SND in Chicago,
headed by the long-standing president Slavko Panovic,
under whose leadership this old Serbian patriot
organization never departed from the Serbian way and
nurturing of Serbian values, and also the revision of the
big historical injustice towards General Draza
Mihailovic, but they still insisted that not enough had
been done until the grave of the first guerrilla fighter
who dared not to recognize the capitulation in World
War II was found. The Serbian National Defense of
America on Vidovdan this year celebrated the 101st year
of its existence. Its first president was a worldwide
scientist and inventor Prof. Dr. Mihajlo Pupin, while the
organization was restored by the famous Serbian poet
and diplomat Jovan Ducic.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs in cooperation
with our friends from the Shopping Mall Merkur set in
mid-June the donor box in the ground floor of the
Shopping Mall Karaburma. The total income which
will be collected in the box will be used to help the
socially endangered Serbian families with many
children. On this occasion we thank our friends from the
Shopping Mall Merkur which is located in the
Mirijevski bulevar 18b in Belgrade.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS) launched a public
tender under the name of “ZAJEDNICI ZAJEDNO
2015” (TOGETHER FOR COMMUNITY 2015), for
funding projects involving sports, culture, environment,
science and social welfare. The Public was invited to
apply, and after the deadline for application passed,
expert committee chose the best projects. The sportscharity “Trojka iz Bloka” project, submitted by the
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs was chosen
among the best ones in Belgrade and it was given funds
in the amount of 317,000 RSD! 2015
Projects were submitted from areas determined by the
NIS’s strategy of social responsibility: The Energy of
Sports, Culture without Borders, the Energy of
Knowledge, Helping Socially Disadvantaged Groups
and Environmental Protection. The sports-charity
“Trojka iz Bloka” project was among 152 projects from
11 cities throughout Serbia which received considerable
funds for the realization of ideas.
Promotion of sports and healthy lifestyles, accessibility
to sports activities, getting children and the young
involved, constitute just some of the conditions that our
tournament fulfilled. We are proud that so many good
ideas exist in our country, and we are proud of being
among the best! We share our joy with our esteemed
sponsors, donors and technical sponsors, and especially
with all past and future participants of the tournament!
We wish to thank NIS for the allocated funds, and also
all of you who are the part of the big “Trojka iz Bloka”
family! This is the success we achieved together,
because we all contributed to the fact that the “Trojka iz
Bloka” project has been seen and recognized in the best
possible light. The energy and idea of the three-point
shooting tournament, which everybody can be part of,
the young and the old, has already won our hearts, and is
now winning a better tomorrow for all of us!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
This is what Nemanja Bisevac, representative of the
Student Parliament of the University of Pristina with a
temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica, said for
KoSSev in a telephone statement from Raska.
Nemanja says that they anticipated possible problems at
Jarinje, which is why, days before sending the shipment,
activists of the “Serbs for Serbs” were engaged in
providing all the necessary documents needed from
Serbia, and students from Kosovska Mitrovica, through
the Mayor’s office, contacted the EU office a week
earlier and presented them the details, but the EU office
indirectly assured them that there “should not be any
problems,” since it was a humanitarian shipment.
Healthcare center vehicle from Kosovska Mitrovica,
which was transporting humanitarian shipment –
equipment for maternity ward of hospital in
Kosovska Mitrovica, was returned this afternoon
from the former Jarinje administrative border
crossing, which is now an integrated crossing. The
shipment was returned because the hospital in Kosovska
Mitrovica “does not have the operation license of the
Republic of Kosovo,” explained a customs officer to the
representatives of the Student Parliament of the
University of Kosovska Mitrovica and the
organization Serbs for Serbs. The students and
activists of the Serbs for Serbs waited for four hours to
cross the co called integrated crossing, but with no
They only managed to “save” the shipment from being
confiscated by the Kosovo customs officers and they
managed to transport it to a Serbian town nearest to
Jarinje – the town of Raska. Sterilizers, scales with
altimeter for measuring newborns, ECG devices and
pressure gauges will be stored there most probably until
another temporary humanitarian solution is found, which
is how health centers and hospitals in the North are
supplied with medicines and other medical supplies from
Central Serbia.
“Today we were lucky, because we managed to make an
arrangement with the Mayor’s office to save the
equipment from being confiscated, and transport it here,
in Raska,” added Bisevac.
The equipment for the safe birth of newborns from
Kosovska Mitrovica is stored from today in “private
accommodation with some relatives” and will wait for
the temporary humanitarian solution, in order to be
transported to the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica in the
following days.
The shipment, worth about 8,000 Euros, comprises
sterilizers, scales with altimeter for measuring newborns,
ECG devices and pressure gauges. The Charity
organization “Serbs for Serbs” raised funds for helping
the maternity ward of the hospital in Kosovska
Mitrovica in a recent “Trojka iz Bloka” charity action,
well-known throughout Serbia, which was held in
Northern Kosovska Mitrovica, and through funds
collected from donations to a special SMS number.
“We spent four hours at the border crossing. All
documents, prepared by the organization “Serbs for
Serbs,” are valid and they clearly state the list and origin
of the goods, i.e., that this is a humanitarian shipment.
The healthcare center did us a favor by providing the
vehicle for transporting the aid, but the Kosovo customs
officer immediately told us that the shipment was not
allowed to cross the border, because the hospital in
Kosovska Mitrovica does not have the operation license
of the Republic of Kosovo.”
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
On June 10, representative of the Charity organization
SERBS FOR SERBS, Milos Simovic, was a guest on
RTV Pancevo on the “Dobro jutro” show. The work of
the organization was presented, especially regarding the
sports-charity TROJKA IZ BLOKA project – which has already been held
in six cities in 2015 – Belgrade, Kosovska Mitrovica,
Kraljevo, Uzice, Nis and Novi Sad.
On June 18, representative of the Charity organization
SERBS FOR SERBS, Milos Simovic, was a guest on
TV Nasa on the “Uz jutarnju kafu” show. The work of
the organization was presented, especially regarding the
sports-charity TROJKA IZ BLOKA project – which has already been held
in six cities in 2015 – Belgrade, Kosovska Mitrovica,
Kraljevo, Uzice, Nis and Novi Sad.
On June 29, representative of the Charity organization
SERBS FOR SERBS, Mladen Matijasevic, and
president of the Student Parliament of the University
of Pristina with a temporary headquarters in
Kosovska Mitrovica, Miroslav Milic, were guests on
TV Most, on the Jutarnji program show. The work of
the organization was presented, especially regarding the
big project of helping the maternity ward of the hospital
in Kosovska Mitrovica.
The Serbian Cultural Center “Nikola Tesla” is
gathering the Serbian community in the German city of
Hagen for more than 20 years. The association has the
goal of preserving the Serbian origin, culture and ideals,
with the aim of surviving in Diaspora as a recognizable
and representative Serbian society. Thanks to numerous
donations from the members and friends of the SKC
“Nikola Tesla” for the help to the flooded families in
Serbia and the Republic of Srpska in 2014, it donated
5.200 EUR to the organization SERBS FOR SERBS
which will conduct the projects of help to the families in
Obrenovac and Doboj during the summer.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
SEND SMS AT 7763 2015
Dusan Borkovic
Vasa Mijic
At the beginning of March, 2015, the Charity
organization SRBS FOR SERBS established a
cooperation with Telekom, Telenor and Vip mobile
service providers to start a charity SMS number 7763
in Serbia.
At the beginning of March, 2015, the Charity
organization SERBS FOR SERBS, in cooperation with
mobile service providers Telekom, Telenor and Vip,
started a national campaign for helping socially
disadvantaged families throughout Serbia. Through the
charity SMS number 7763 in Serbia, during April
and May, 3,131 messages were sent: 1,636 messages
in April, and 1, 495 in May. The charity campaign
continues. It is sufficient to send an empty SMS or an
SMS with any text you want. Your message will be
charged at 100 RSD (without the charge of your service
provider). We extend our deep gratitude to all donors
and friends of the organization who took part in the
charity campaign of the organization SERBS FOR
It is sufficient to send an empty SMS or an SMS with
any text you want. Your message will be charged at
100 RSD (without the charge of your service provider).
By sending a donation to this number, you directly help
children from Serbian multiple children families
throughout the Balkans.
Our famous national volleyball team player, Vasa Mijic,
and our most famous car racer, Dusan Borkovic,
supported the action of sending a message to 7763 (in
Serbia) in a short video message.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June
Donors in June :
1. Compass Fuel donation box (IL) - $ 15
2. Balkan Bakery donation box (IL) - $ 10
3. Beograd Café donation box (IL) - $ 10
4. Nada's Deli & Bakery d. box (IL) - $ 25
5. St. Nikola, Brookfield (IL) - $ 15
6. Bubamara cafe d. box (IL) - $ 10
7. Aleksandar Tanasic (CAN) - $ 25
8. Marko Saric - $ 20
9. Edge Of The Woods motel Lukic (WI) - $ 50
10. Mirjana Males - $ 20
11. (IL) - $ 25
12. Radomans Framing (CA) - $ 15
13. Srdjan Gavrilovic (GA) - $ 15
14. Slavica Ristic - $ 20
15. Margareta Curcic (CAN) - $ 30
16. Mladen Subotic - $ 100
17. Zeljka Bucalo - $ 25
18. Darko Trencev (IL) - $ 15
19. Milan Dobras (AZ) - $ 15
20. Tihomir Bajic (CA) - $ 100
21. - $ 15
22. Slavisa Karach (GA) - $ 25
23. Ivan Aksentijevic (MD) - $ 25
24. Andreja Simovic (CA) - $ 300
25. Dragana Beara (CAN) - $ 50
26. Dragana Nikolic (TX) - $ 25
27. Marko Popovic - $ 95,25
28. Vuk Radovic - $ 200
29. Ivan Radulovic (NY) - $ 25
30. Milan Zdrnja - $ 25
31. Irena Gumbert (CA) - $ 25
32. Aleksandar Micic (MO) - $ 15
33. Vesna Kozomora (IL) - $ 25
34. Helena Urukalo (CAN) - $ 15
35. Mitar Prentic - $ 15
36. Nikola Mrdakovic (IL) - $ 40
37. Predrag Kisa - $ 50
38. Trojka iz bloka Chicago (IL) - $ 5.775
39. B. Bojanic (CA) - $ 15
40. Zoran Starcevic - $ 20
41. Daniel Plavsic (WA) - $ 25
42. Nenad Milasinovic (Australia) - $ 25
43. Igor & Lana Glisic - $ 50
44. Milen Tesic (IL) - $ 20
45. Branislav Kalinic - $ 50
46. Protecta E. Services (Australia) - $ 15
47. Ivan Aksentijevic (MD) - $ 25
48. Daniel Maljevic (NY) - $ 15
49. Sinisa Domazet (GA) - $ 100 2015
50. Dragisa Djordjevic (MD) - $ 15
51. Vladimir Milosavljevic - $ 25
52. David Gavric (IN) - $ 50
53. Marko Saric - $ 20
54. Marta Stojanovic (CAN) - $ 25
55. Biljana Bursac (CO) - $ 15
56. Srdjan Markovic (CA) - $ 25
57. Bojan Jovanovic (IL) - $ 25
58. Neven Cvetkovic (Sweden) - $ 50
59. - $ 10
60. Dejan Davidovic (NY) - $ 25
61. Ankica D. (NJ) - $ 25
62. Делије Њујорк (PA) - $ 24
63. Luka Jovic - $ 25
64. Sasa Savic (TX) - $ 30
65. Sinisa Peric (MD) - $ 50
66. Brankica Paunovic - $ 25
67. Aleksandar Tanasic (CAN) - $ 25
68. Zoran Mladenovic (MD) - $ 100
69. Andreja Simovic (CA) - $ 100
TOTAL IN JUNE: $ 8.329
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for June 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS

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