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www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Monthly Report for May
Monthly Report for May
Report No. 5
May, 2015
Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Website: www.serbsforserbs.org
E-Mail: office@serbsforserbs.org
Monthly Report for May
Dear friends and donors,
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs registered
in the state of Illinois in United States in Jun 2010
by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs is a 501(c)(3) notfor-profit charitable organization. Donation is
tax-deductible to the extent followed by the law.
On 30th September, 2011 we finally got the letter
from department of the treasury (IRS) with tax
exempt 501(c)3 approval. All donations to our
organization donated from June 16, 2010 are tax
deductible under section 170 of the Code. We are
also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests,
devises, transfers of gifts under section 2055, 2106
or 2522 of the Code.
About Us
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,
Serbs and their friends through planned
projects, social and humanitarian activities in
order to develop and foster better society for
future generations and provide aid for
underprivileged families in need.
organizations and associations, help often doesn't
reach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessary
administration, missing information and slow
decision making, the delivery of aid arrives too late
to the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad and
embarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000
children daily die around the world because of
starvation and malnutrition. There, among us, the
blind and deaf.
We are witnesses of the bad demographic situation
of our nation, decreasing natality, increasing
number of singles, abortions, accelerated aging of
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
the population and generally bad economic
condition of the households in Serbia, Republic of
Srpska and other countries in the Balkan.
An average couple has "fallen" on one child.
Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority in
its own country in the following century if the
nation, individuals and government don't wake up
from the nescient in which they've fallen!
On the other hand, nobody is talking about the
families with many children which grieve by living
in bitter poverty. Occupied by their everyday
struggle for survival, they are being humbly in their
desire for implementing rights which belong to
them. Their life stories, fears and problems are
identical, but almost invisible and unheard in order
to gain the attention of the public, media and even
state. That's why the idea of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs arose. The
organization was formed by a group of young and
trustful people, who are united by the common
vision of helping families blessed by many children
and who are aware of the fact that even a small
help means a lot for those who don't live in a
material excess.
We are united by the humane idea to help the
poorest part of the Serbian nation.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to
revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora
which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian
heritage as well as all good people throughout the
world with minimal, but constant monthly
We hope and believe that there is also a grain of
doing good and that you will join us in the endless
struggle against poverty.
God bless and save all Serbian families with many
children and our honored donors who participate in
the noble effort to return smile on children faces.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Our mission
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Serbian
people through our projects and humanitarian
activities, in order to develop better society for
future generations.
Why Serbs for Serbs?
We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian
people in togetherness and brotherhood help
through humanitarian work and social aid.
Who do we help?
We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans,
have five or more children and live in terrible
poverty. Under terrible poverty we define absence
of one or more basic factors required for living:
food, clothes, shoes, and safe space for living.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Who do we need in organization?
We need members and donors that will secure
financial stability through supporting our
programs and activities in the future. Donors may
join our daily activities within the organization in
order to coordinate our work better. We also need
volunteers ready to donate several hours per week
for actual work within the organization. Activities
of volunteers and their specific tasks would be
determined by the required projects and their
personal interest. From that group of volunteers
we would look for future leaders of organization.
How to donate?
1. PayPal donation: szsamerika@gmail.com
2. Direct Deposit to Wells Fargo Bank account
Please email us at: szsamerika@gmail.com
3. You can mail personal or business check to:
Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
4. Donation boxes:
2937 West Irving Park Road
Chicago, Illinois
Owner: Dule Pavlovic
Why do we help?
We believe that there is a basic need for one
human (or a group) to help others in distress. A
help is not only human virtue but also a Christian
responsibility. By focusing our help on families
with many children, we directly affect on their
stirring toward becoming independent from socialdependable government programs.
7316 West Lawrence Avenue
Harwood Heights, Illinois
What are our long term goals?
• family is ready to support itself daily and
manage to pay all required expenses;
• their children are encouraged to continue
with school and raising their own family;
• our donors are satisfied with the activities
and they are ready to help other families;
• our organization is satisfied with the results;
• family is ready in the future to become our
donor and if necessary help other families
that are in need of help.
8147 Joliet Road
McCook, Illinois
Owner: Roy and Maria Dobrasinovic
541 South LaGrange Road
LaGrange, Illinois
Owner: Olja Igic
4301 Prairie Ave.
Brookfield, Illinois
3201 W Devon Ave,
Chicago, IL 60659
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
During April, members of the Charity organization
SERBS FOR SERBS visited the Gocic family from
Nis. As part of the “Trojka iz bloka” project in Nis, the
plan this year is to help the seven-member Gocic family,
living in the village of Gornji Matejevac, Pantelej
Municipality. The family consists of the parents, Milan
and Milena, and the children, Iva (7), Ugljesa (5), Vera
(4), Nada (4), and Dimitrije (3).
Since they live in the same house with Milan’s parents,
Milan’s wish was to build a bathroom on the first floor.
That way, the children, who live together with their
parents, would have enough space for their rooms,
because all of them currently sleep in one room.
Unfortunately, after buying the sink, the Gocic family
had to give up on the idea, because they could not afford
to build the bathroom.
The Gocic family is a hardworking family, and their
financial situation was fine until a few years ago. When
the father, Milan, opened his own construction company,
he was able to earn enough money to make his biggest
wish come true, and that is to have a large family.
Unfortunately, in the last few years, his company, just
like hundreds of others, could not survive in the
conditions of the global financial crisis, and the demand
for their services declined significantly.
So, today, the family’s monthly income is about 25,000
RSD, and even that, as they have told us, since a few
months ago, when the mother, Milena, despite having
five children, started to work in a factory in Nis, because
they were in a difficult financial situation.
Vera, Nada, Ugljesa and Iva Gocic
Through the sports-charity “Trojka iz bloka” project,
which aims at building and furnishing bathrooms for
socially disadvantaged families, we have decided to
build and furnish the bathroom for the Gocic family.
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS calls
upon all friends and donors of the organization to join
our fundraising action to help this family and other
socially disadvantaged Serbian families with multiple
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
On May 10, the Charity organization SERBS FOR
SERBS delivered another shipment of aid to flooded
families with children in Obrenovac. This time, as part
of the FIGHT AGAINST FLOODS project, another 7
families received aid in the form of 4 washing
machines, 4 electric stoves and 1 fridge. The total
value of the aid was 252,913 RSD. So far, the
organization SERBS FOR SERBS has provided aid for
278 families from Obrenovac. This action had been
enabled by Aleksa Kostic from Switzerland who had
sent donations in the amount of 7,500 Swiss Francs for
helping flooded families in Serbia and Republic of
The following is a list of the families that received the
aid from the local communities in Obrenovac
Municipality, Zabrezje, II and Baric, the aid delivered
and its value:
1. Stasic B. (washing machine, fridge) 61,988 RSD
(two children)
2. Blazevic M. (washing machine) 32,489 RSD
(one child)
3. Tomic Lj. (washing machine, electric stove)
55,478 RSD (three children)
4. Veljkovic S. (electric stove) 22,989 RSD (one child)
5. Radosavljevic S. (electric stove) 22,989 RSD
(two children)
6. Kovacevic E. (washing machine) 32,489 RSD
(two children)
7. Popovic R. (electric stove) 22,989 RSD
(nine children)
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The big FIGHT AGAINST FLOODS action continues.
The Charity organization Serbs for Serbs calls upon all
fraternal organizations, donors and people of good will
in Serbia and worldwide to get involved in the action by
donating money into one of the accounts of the
organization - www.srbizasrbe.org/donacije.
Also, you can look at the reports on the aid delivered to
We thank the municipality representatives and
representatives of the municipality donation committee,
who helped us, visit the families and deliver aid. All
appliances are of the Gorenje brand, with five year
warranty, and they were delivered thanks to our friends
from Tehnomanija.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
When we first visited the Ivetic family and talked to
them, they said the best way of helping them was by
purchasing appliances, more specifically, a washing
machine and a freezer, so we decided to help them by
purchasing those.
During April, members of the Charity organization
SERBS FOR SERBS, Republic of Srpska, visited and
helped the Ivetic family from the Prijedor region. The
Ivetic family is a member of the Roda Association from
Prijedor, which gathers and helps families with four or
more children. In the past, we had helped several
families that are members of this association, so the
Ivetic family had addressed us with a request to help
them as well, if possible. The family consists of the
parents, Ljubomir and Mladenka, and the children,
Radoslav (15), Suzana (10), Milos (6), and the
youngest, Katarina (2). The family is from Grahovo,
actually, but due to war developments, they had to take
refuge and settle down in Prijedor. They do not have a
house of their own, so they live in a rented one in a
development called Gomjenica, in Prijedor.
The total sum spent for this action was 889.00 BAM.
The biggest problem for the family is not having a house
of their own, and this problem still remains to be solved.
Several years ago, they started building their house, but
due to lack of funds, they had to stop the construction
after laying the foundation. When they collect sufficient
funds, they will continue the construction, and our
organization will try to take part in the action.
Until then, we call upon all friends and donors of the
organization to join our fundraising action to help
this family and other socially disadvantaged Serbian
families with multiple children.
Both Ljubomir and Mladenka are unemployed, and the
only income they earn is when Ljubomir goes to work in
construction for a daily wage.
SFS Republic of Srpska
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
As part of the FIGHT AGAINST FLOODS action,
members and volunteers of the Charity organization
SERBS FOR SERBS from the Republic of Srpska
delivered valuable humanitarian aid for 42 families
from Banja Luka in the period from March to May,
2015. The total value of the aid delivered was 23,247
BAM, which included purchasing appliances, beds,
mattresses, couches, wardrobes, grass trimmers and
welding machines for families hit by the May floods in
6. Dragonjic V. – children’s bed - (one child)
7. Vukolic D. – washing machine - (one child)
8. Skavic B. - freezer - (one child)
9. Panic Z. - freezer, washing machine - (three children)
List of the families from Banja Luka that received the
1. Cvijanovic B. – three door wardrobe - (two children)
2. Santic B. – fridge freezer - (two children)
3. Kostadinovic S. - washing machine, Alfa woodburning stove, vacuum cleaner - (five children)
4. Grabez L. – electric stove - (five children)
5. Jovisic M. – washing machine, 2 bunk beds –
(five children)
10. Jakovljevic M. – children’s bed - (two children)
11. Cigojevic V. – gas electric combination stove and
wardrobe – (one child)
12. Fedesin J. – freezer – (one child)
13. Kasalovic P. – freezer – (one child)
14. Kostic N. – fridge freezer – (two children)
15. Bodiroza V. – electric stove – (two children)
16. Amidzic B. – washing machine – (two children)
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
17. Tramosljanin Z. – washing machine –
(two children)
18. Krstovic G. – water heater – (five children)
19. Veris R. – washing machine – (one child)
20. Marjanovic D. – washing machine – (three children)
21. Mijatovic M. – washing machine – (three children)
22. Civcija D. – electric stove –
(two children)
23. Ilikic M. – fridge freezer – (one child)
24. Iliktarevic V. – welding machine – (two children)
25. Besalic R. – Alfa wood-burning stove –
(three children)
26. Lukic D. – washing machine, fridge – (five children)
27. Antonic D. – washing machine – (four children)
28. Djajic L. – washing machine – (six children)
29. Kokanovic J. – freezer (seven children)
30. Babic D. – freezer – (two children)
31. Rudic D. – grass trimmer – (two children)
32. Popovic G. – washing machine – (three children)
33. Puzic M. – electric stove – (two children)
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
34. Buzanin S. – washing machine – (two children)
35. Djeric S. – washing machine –
(three children)
36. Kosic Lj. - couch
37. Dragisic M. – washing machine (two children)
38. Roljic M. – washing machine – (one child)
39. Krunic B. – fridge (two children)
40. Perisic R. – wardrobe – (two children)
41. Orozovic D. – washing machine (two children)
42. Umicevic M. – construction material –
(two children)
The big FIGHT AGAINST FLOODS action continues.
The Charity organization Serbs for Serbs calls upon all
fraternal organizations, donors and people of good will
in Serbia and worldwide to get involved in the action by
donating money into one of the accounts of the
organization - www.srbizasrbe.org/donacije.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
During our visit to Kosovo and Metohija, the journey
took us from the north of Kosovo, over the KosovoPomoravlje District and central Kosovo, and all the way
to Metohija. Apart from the socially-disadvantaged
families, we also visited the medieval monasteries,
Banjska, Visoki Decani and Devic, which are cultural
heritage of immeasurable value. They give testimony of
our continuity in this region and give us hope for a better
tomorrow. This journey gave us the chance to host our
friends from the rap group THC La Familia.
At the beginning of May, members of the Charity
organization SERBS FOR SERBS visited the area of
Kosovo and Metohija as part of the big Easter action.
On this occasion, we visited 14 families and saw for
ourselves how hard it is for them to stay and survive at
their ancestral homes.
The aid intended for them consists of purchasing
furniture and appliances: electric stoves, wardrobes,
bunk beds, sofas, freezers, washing machines, but also
things like: cow, tractor, garage door, grilles and stable
door, roof fixing, purchasing and delivering therapeutic
bicycle. The total sum intended for this aid action is
20,000 Euros.
We owe big gratitude to our friends from the NGO
“Majka devet Jugovica”, as well as the Brotherhood
of the Visoki Decani Monastery, who helped us carry
out this action.
Stanic Vujka in front of her house
We start our visit in Zubin Potok and the family of
Stanic Dragutin and Vujka. Other family members are
also Dragutin’s mother, whom they take care of, and
their six daughters: Dragana (16), Svetlana (14),
Stojana (13), Kristijana (11), Nikolina (10), and
Valentina (10). This large family shares the house with
Dragutin’s brother, and they live on welfare and child
benefit. They keep three pigs, which are enough to meet
their own needs, but they do not have enough space to
keep more. Talking to the housewife, we learn that they
do not have an electric stove, and that they could use
bunk beds.
Aleksandar with his mother, Drita
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Also in Zubin Potok, in an unfinished house, we are
welcomed by a single mother, Drita Lepovic, and her
five-year-old son, Aleksandar.
Welfare is insufficient for their needs, and they do not
have the right to receive child benefit, because Drita is
not a Serbian citizen.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Javorinka Ilic is a single mother of four: Marina (27),
Marinko (26), Marica (24) and Dragica (24). This
family lives in a rented house and they need a woodburning stove and a washing machine.
During winter, their living conditions are even harder,
because of two unfinished rooms with no windows,
which are separated only by room door from the part of
the house which can be used, so there is a lot of
difficulty with keeping the house warm.
The twins, Nino and Nina Rakic
We continue our journey to the village of Zupce and
there we reach Jadranka Rakic and her three children,
Nemanja (13), Nino and Nina (5).
Aleksandar Lepovic
Drita’s husband passed away several months ago, so she
cannot afford to adapt the rooms and buy the windows
on her own, and she does not want to sell the inherited
They also need an upright freezer, which we are going to
try to provide in the following period.
Talking to the single mother, Jadranka, we learn that
their only income is welfare and that they need an
electric stove and a freezer.
Javorinka Ilic in front of her house
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
After our visit to the Rakic family, we finish visiting
north Kosovo and we head towards the Banjska
Monastery, where the guys from the group THC La
Familia join us.
We continue our journey together towards Prekovac and
the soup kitchen, where we meet our friends from the
Charity organization Majka devet Jugovica and we
arrange our future mutual actions.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Their monthly income consists of welfare and minimum
wage, which altogether is not enough to provide funds
for a new cow in a short period of time. Hence, we agree
with the host to purchase the cow at our expense.
Luka and Dusan Velic
Boban Velic from Gracanica is a medical technician,
and his wife, Darinka, is a housewife. They live as
tenants, together with their four sons, Lazar (12),
Nikola (10), Dusan (6) and Luka (4).
In the afternoon, we arrive at the village of Berivojce, in
the municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, where we are
welcomed to the house of Dikic Radovan and Stanimir.
Radovan is married to Suncica, and they have five
children, Stefan (18), Marija (16), Milica (14),
Aleksandar (8), and Jovan (7).
What the Velic family needs most is a washing machine,
and in the following period, when they move into their
own house, we plan on providing them with furniture.
Dikic family
During the recent thunderstorm, there was a thunder
stroke, which hit the Dikic family’s stable and killed two
cows which were the means of supporting the family.
In the evening, we arrive in Orahovac, where we visit
two families and a kindergarten. First we visit the Djoric
Dobrivoje is a Serbian teacher, and his wife, Mirela, is
a housewife. They have four children, Marko (12),
Marija (9), Atanasija (6), and Milica (2).
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Kazic family
Marija, Atanasija, Milica and Marko Djoric
Not far from the Djoric family, we visit Kazic Misko
and Katarina, who are the parents of six-year-old Jovan
and two-year-old Nikolina. Their income consists of a
minimum wage and child benefit, and we arrange with
the host to have their dilapidated and rotten roof
Roof which will be repaired
In Orahovac, we also visit the kindergarten, counting
almost 60 children from Velika Hoca and Orahovac.
Therapeutic bicycle for Marija Djoric
Marija suffers from a genetic disorder, ataxia, which
involves muscle atrophy and problems with balance and
coordination, so we deliver the therapeutic bicycle to
them in the hope that it will strengthen her musculature
until our next visit.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
The kindergarten is crucial for the survival of the Serb
community in this region, because it is the only
kindergarten for Serbian children in this part of
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
This concludes our first day of staying in the territory of
southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija.
After a pleasant conversation with the monks, we spend
the night at the Visoki Decani Monastery, and after the
Sunday Divine Liturgy, we continue visiting the families
around Metohija enclaves.
First we visit Gorazdevac and the Jandzikovic family,
consisting of the parents, Ljubomir and Mirjana, and
their children, Ninoslav (21) and Neda (20), who suffers
from a developmental disorder. They live on welfare and
they cultivate 30 ha of land, but they also have 2 sows
and 14 piglets. The Jandzukovic family would also like
to have a cow, but they lack conditions, so they are
going to try and create them in the following period.
Until then, we are going to provide a bed for their
The roof is in a very bad condition, so our plan is to
provide 3,400 Euros, which will help build the new roof,
chimney and install gutters.
Mirjana Janadzgovic in front of her house
Group photo with children from Orahovac
In the same street, we visit the family of Simonovic
Tomislav and Dragica, and their five daughters, Tanja
(23), Dijana (21), Kristina (18), Tamara (16) and
Teodora (16). Three beds and a washing machine would
make their lives a lot easier, so we are going to try to
provide them as soon as possible.
SFS in Visoki Decani Monastery
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Simonovic family
Then the journey takes us to the village of Zac, where
returnee families often fall victims to thieves. The
thieves will steal anything. If they do not succeed in
taking cattle or tools, they will settle for old boots
standing by the front door. Because of that, we provide
Veljko Komatovic with a garage door, grilles and a
stable door, worth 600 Euros altogether, so he could
protect his tractor and cows from theft.
The young Komatovic family consists of the parents,
Veljko and Marijana, their son, Strahinja (2), and onemonth-old daughter, Marija.
Komatovic family in front of their new garage door,
which will make their garage safer
We take a break in the village of Opraske, where we are
welcomed to lunch by the only Serbian family there.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
The family consists of the parents, Petko and Snezana
Miletic, and their two children, Tamara (10) and Lazar
(9). This hard working returnee family receives welfare
and child benefit, and they are engaged in agriculture
and have 6 cows and 3 sows.
We make an agreement with the host to have a stable
built for them, which costs about 3,500 Euros, and the
money for this project will hopefully be provided by the
branch of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
from Germany.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Cedomir works as a janitor at school and is engaged in
agriculture, which is why we decide to help the family
with the purchase of a used tractor.
We have provided 2,000 Euros, while the rest of the
money has been provided by the host.
Tamara and Lazar Miletic in their yard
Having a tractor now, Cedomir has taken upon himself
the obligation to help his neighbors who do not have any
agricultural mechanization.
Miletic family
In a place called Suvo Grlo, we visit the family of
Cedomir Tomasevic, who lives with his wife,
Sladjana, and daughters, Andjela (7) and Milanka (5).
Tomasevic family children
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
The last family we visit lives in a very remote and
inaccessible part of the village of Crepulja, in the
municipality of Zubin Potok. The Djuric family consists
of Zoran and Biljana, and they have other family
members living with them: their niece, Danijela (24),
and nephew Velisa (24) with his wife, Tanja (19) and
their six-month-old son, Stefan. The twins, Danijela and
Velisa, were abandoned by their parents when they were
3 years old, so the uncle, Zoran, took them into his care.
Currently, all family members live in their old house, but
their new house is being built, so our plan is to help the
Djuric family by purchasing construction material.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
On the way to Osojane, we had taken the opportunity to
visit the Devic Monastery, which was last ravaged not so
long ago, in 2004, and its charred remnants can still be
seen today.
New house which will soon become a home to Djuric
Djuric family
Memorial dedicated to the missing Serbs in Kosovo and
Metohija, erected in Gracanica
The youngest member of the family, Stefan Djuric
After a successful action of visiting the families in the
area of Kosovo and Metohija, we headed towards our
friends in Osojane, where we were once again shown the
hospitality and customs of this part of Metohija. Our
friends, the rappers, had a short, but emotional
performance there, and we hope that they will repeat it
very soon.
Our way back home passed in recollecting fresh
impressions and our mixed feelings. We all agreed that
every visit to our fellow citizens in Kosovo and Metohija
changes the way we see the entire situation we are
currently in. We do not lose hope that better days are
ahead, and until then, we are going to keep trying, as
faithfully as possible, to show everyone the tragedy of
our people.
If we join forces, we can achieve a lot, so we invite you
to make modest donations and support this, as well as
other future actions of yours and ours Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
In August, 2013, after several visits to the family and
after getting to know them better, the organization
NEMANJICI TICINO started a big project of
building a house for the Todorovic family. The
Nemanjici took upon themselves the obligation of
buying all the necessary construction material for the
house, and Sofija’s friends and relatives took it upon
themselves to do all the construction works.
Until the end of 2013, the foundations and the first slab
were finished and the first story was built. In the past
2014, the works were continued, and the second slab
was poured, the attic built and the roof construction
During May, members of the Charity organization
Serbs for Serbs and the fraternal organization
NEMANJICI TICINO from Switzerland visited the
family of the single mother, Sofija Todorovic, who has
four children.
They are refugees from Smoluca, and they currently live
in Ravno Polje near Ugljevik, in the Republic of Srpska.
Sofija (40) is unemployed, and her children, Milka (18),
Aleksandar (15), Milos (14) and Sladjana (8) all go to
school and are good students.
They live on child benefit, which is 140 BAM, and
occasional daily wages which Sofija manages to earn.
She lives with her four underage children in an old
cottage in very hard living conditions. The house has
been made of all kinds of material - old bricks, boards,
nylon, and it has been made quickly so that they would
have a roof over their heads.
New house which is being built for Todorovic family
At the beginning of May this year, the NEMANJICI
bought: door and windows (6 windows and a front
door), electrical wiring material (cables, switches, etc.)
and plastering sand, to the total value of 1,925 BAM.
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS joined
this big project and earmarked 1,800 BAM for the
purchase of all the necessary material for plumbing
and floor insulation.
According to the total estimate of the organization
NEMANJICI, about 11,000 Swiss Francs have been
invested so far in the house construction for the
Todorovic family. The plan is to officially move the
family into their new house in the course of 2015, but in
order to do so, additional support and help of donors and
good people worldwide will definitely be needed.
Currently, the interior works are being done: installing
doors and windows, rooms plastering, insulation,
electrical wiring, plumbing and so on.
Old house where Todorovic family still lives
Children are our future!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
For the second time in a row, residents of Nis showed
what a successful “Trojka iz bloka” really is! They
helped their fellow townspeople by showing their good
will, beautiful energy, unity and by holding a great
tournament, which had 136 shooters and raised 50,250
The Charity organization “Serbs for Serbs” and the
Student-Pupil Association “ORNAS”, together with
their proud sponsors, donors and technical sponsors of
the sports-charity “Trojka iz Bloka” event, wish to
congratulate the residents of Nis, who, together with the
Gocic family, won the biggest victory of all - they
showed the strength of love and unity.
We expect the city municipality Medijana and the
Association of Independent Unions of the city of Nis to
make contributions in the total amount of 30,000 RSD,
which means that residents of Nis raised 80,250 RSD
this year, and this money will help build and fit out the
bathroom for the seven-member Gocic family from
Gornji Matvejevac, near Nis.
In the beautiful evening, at 6PM, at the courts of “Sveti
Sava” Primary School in Nis, there were lots of cheerful
people. When the national anthem of the Republic of
Serbia, “Boze Pravde,” was performed by Todor
Kitanovic, a student of “Dusko Radovic” Primary
School from Nis, the event was officially opened. Then
the youngest took over and continued to make
everybody’s day – the “Carolija” Children’s Choir from
Nis sang the songs: “Bavite se Sportom” by Sasa
Bozovic and Leontina Vukomanovic, and “Glavo luda”
by the legend of Serbian music, Zdravko Colic.
After the beautiful opening ceremony, spectators were
addressed by representatives of the Charity organization
“Serbs for Serbs” and the sports-charity “Trojka iz
Bloka” project, Mladen Matijasevic and Milos Simovic,
and after them, also the vice president of the Sports
Association of the city of Nis, Predrag Przic, and the city
sports alderman, Milan Nesic. After the welcome
speeches, the tournament was opened with shots by
Predrag Przic and Milan Nesic.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Television crews of Kopernikus Nis and Nis Television
were on the spot and shot this beautiful event in Nis for
the whole world to see, and the Sports Association of the
city of Nis provided the camera drone, so the tournament
in Nis will have the incredible air footage.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
We wish to give special thanks to members of FC “Red
Star” from Nis, who came as a team to support the
tournament this year, as well as last year. We also wish
to thank members of the Institute for Science and Art,
who came from Belgrade and supported the “Trojka iz
Bloka” project. This tournament was supported by the
esteemed sponsor of the event – the “Agi Pasta Away”
fast food restaurants, as well as the Sports Association of
the city of Nis.
The second “Trojka” in Nis will also be remembered by
performances of the most famous Nis rappers, Furio
Giunta, Demonio and Mali Mire. These talented guys
showed their skills with the microphone and joined the
proud musicians who, with their lyrics and music,
support and represent the “Trojka iz Bloka” in the best
light possible.
Out of 136 shooters, the most successful was Dusan
Projovic, who took home the “Trojka iz Bloka” trophy
and the gold medal. Milos Miljkovic won the second
place and the silver medal, while the third place and the
bronze medal was shared by Marko Stefanovic and Uros
In the final series, there was an unintentional oversight
during counting of the three point shots scored by Uros
Pesic, who was given one three point shot less, but this
injustice was corrected. Once again, we wish to offer our
apologies to young Uros, with a promise that the bronze
medal will be sent to him as soon as possible.
During the whole tournament, the audio mixer was in the
skillful hands of the official DJ of the “Trojka iz Bloka”
and a member of the famous Belgrade hip hop group
THC la Familia, DJ Sale L, who always understands and
feels the atmosphere at the tournament and replies to it
with great music. Fun, sport, humaneness – another
victory in Nis!
The “Trojka” of Nis this year has four winners, seven
rewarded members of the Gocic family, and lots of
medals for humaneness for all those who came and
supported the tournament in their own way!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
On Saturday, May 23, 2015, starting at 2PM, another
successful “Trojka iz Bloka” was held at the plateau in
front of the SPENS! For the third time in a row, Novi
Sad hosted the sports-charity event, and again, residents
of Novi Sad showed, in the best possible light, what the
combination of sports, humanness and spectacle can do.
The plateau in front of the SPENS was full of people
who gathered on this sunny Saturday afternoon in the
city on the Danube. Many true sports lovers came to
support the legends of the Serbian sport, world
champions, a good idea and a good cause – helping the
good Rodic family from Stari Ledinci, near Novi Sad.
As much as 232,710 RSD and 100 Euros were raised
for bathroom construction for the Rodic family. 157
shooters and our proud sponsors and donors from Novi
Sad all showed the Rodic family that they are not alone!
Mixed Choir “Slatkopojci”
Immediately following the anthem, this charming choir
sang another song, “Oj Srbijo, mila mati.” After that,
people attending were addressed by Milos Simovic, on
behalf of the Charity organization “Serbs for Serbs” and
the “Trojka iz Bloka” project, and after him, Nenad
Muzdeka, coordinator of the Charity organization “Serbs
for Serbs,” Novi Sad and the famous volleyball player of
Vojvodina and also Serbian national volleyball team
player, Vasa Mijic.
Vasa Mijic, famous Serbian national volleyball team
Sponsors of the tournament that made contributions are:
PIP Novi Sad – 50,000 RSD, JKP Trznica – 20,000
RSD, Museum Night 6,000 RSD, Mr Borko Ilic –
20,000 RSD and Mr Savo Capar – 100 Euros. Thank
you, Novi Sad!
The tournament taking place at the plateau in front of the
SPENS was opened by the Mixed Choir, “Slatkopojci”
with their solemn performance of the national anthem of
the Republic of Serbia, “Boze Pravde.”
Nenad Pagonis, European and world champion in Muay
Thai kickboxing
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The tournament was opened with shots by Vasa Mijic,
Nenad Pagonis, national Muay Thai kickboxer, and 3x3
world champions, Dusan Domovic Bulut, Marko Zdero
and Marko Savic. These sports greats were joined by
Sandro Markovic, member of the former group “Prslook
band” and the creator and presenter of the “Prslook
Again” show, which is the media partner of the
tournament. First shooters were called to the court by
Milos Simovic and the hip hop star, Bore from THC la
Familia, who co-hosted the whole program. Great
atmosphere in Novi Sad was almost tangible.
Bore – Frontman of the famous Belgrade rap group,
THC la Familia
Bosko Cirkovic Skabo – Beogradski Sindikat
Disc jockey Sale L and Bosko Cirkovic Skabo from
Beogradski Sindikat
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Sale L from THC la Familia was, as always, the one who
ensured great music, and during the break, Skabo from
Beogradski Sindikat performed a rap spectacle for
everyone attending. Bore from THC la Familia rapped
several hits by THC la Familia, and the two of them
together rapped one song, while the best European
freestyler, Nemanja Trickey Blazic performed his magic
with a basketball. Dance club Jupi performed their
number, and after them, dance club “Feel the beat” from
the dance club Master dance created a hot atmosphere on
the already sunny day in Novi Sad. The girls showed
their talents, and after them, the guys from the martial
arts club Patriote showed their skills in boxing, training
and sparring. To view the full photo gallery, visit the
official “Trojka iz Bloka” facebook page. The best
shooters at the tournament were Milos Lisica, who won
the gold medal, Novak Boskov – silver, and Pavle
Veselinovic – bronze.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Milos Lisica – winner of the “Trojka iz Bloka”
tournament in Novi Sad
Milos Lisica (in the middle), Novak Boskov and Pavle
We wish to give a big thanks to everyone for coming
and supporting the Rodic family. Words cannot describe
a good deed, only deeds speak for themselves. Novi Sad
showed the capability and will to help. The “Trojka iz
Bloka” in Novi Sad was a perfect example. New
bathroom will help the Rodic family have a better life. It
will help them overcome difficult moments they are
going through.
These people are hard working, but their efforts mostly
do not pay. They barely manage to make ends meet, but
they keep going. Together, we have put an end to their
hard living conditions. Together, we help our fellow
citizens keep fighting and we show them that they are
not alone in that. Novi Sad did it today. Thank you, Novi
Be a part of “Trojka iz Bloka!”
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
On Saturday, May 24, 2015, the fourth annual “Trojka
iz Bloka” was held at the courts of “Laza Kostic”
Primary School in Block 23 in Novi Beograd. The block,
which hosted the first “Trojka iz Bloka” ever, now was
the place of holding the tournament again, and neither
rain nor bad weather stopped people of good will from
coming and marking this unusual birthday. The “Trojka”
celebrated its birthday its own way – good atmosphere,
three point shooting, good people, fun, sports and
humaneness. Residents of Novi Beograd raised 73,770
RSD for the project of bathroom construction for
socially disadvantaged multiple children families
throughout the Balkans! The Charity organization
SERBS FOR SERBS would like to thank all participants
and proud sponsors, who made this birthday special –
Miskone plastic donated 10,000 RSD, Tennis club
Gazela,11,500 RSD and the gym Fitness World, 12,000
RSD, and about 80 participants who entered for the
tournament raised 40, 270 RSD! We wish to
congratulate residents of Novi Beograd!
The tournament was opened by Irena Lukac, Dunja
Savic, Asja Timofejev and Zenja Timofejev with
solemn performance of the national anthem of the
Republic of Serbia. The hosts of the event were the old
friends of the “Trojka iz Bloka,” Bore and Stefan from
THC la Familia, who called out shooters and cheered in
their own original and fun way. During the half time of
the tournament, the rapper, Uncle Joe, had a
performance, and after him, good-humored Skabo from
Beogradski Sindikat made a real spectacle for everyone
attending. As was the case with most tournaments, there
was a stand of Agi Pasta Away this time as well, where
people could try delicious pasta and contribute to the
event by buying it. The official DJ of the “Trojka iz
Bloka,” Sale L, and DJ duo from Gornji Milanovac,
Milano brothers org, ensured great music.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
The best shooters at the tournament were: Ilija Micic –
gold, Nemanja Cvjetic – silver and Aleksandar
Borojevic – bronze. The guys were awarded the medals,
and the first place winner, the trophy as well, but the
biggest award for all of us is the strength of unity which
was shown by all of us celebrating the fourth birthday of
the “Trojka.”
To view the full photo gallery, visit the official “Trojka
iz Bloka” facebook page.
We join forces and keep on going - there’s no giving up!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Exactly a year ago, Serbia and the Republic of Srpska
were hit by disastrous floods, which caused a serious
humanitarian disaster. As was the case with many others
from the Serbian diaspora (in my case, Switzerland), I
could not stand aside and watch my people suffer, either.
I realized that something had to be done to help people
in distress. First I helped organize fundraising by hosting
a charity party, and we raised considerable funds. I did
the best I could there, but again, I felt that I could do
more and this time make it more personal.
I had managed to make 110 people interested in
supporting me to go through with this action. They were
mostly my friends and relatives from Switzerland and
Serbia, but there were also others - 16 different
nationalities altogether from three different continents.
Some of them donated 20 Swiss Francs per kilogram,
some 10, some 5, some 3, and so on. What matters is
that I lost 13.7 kilograms in three months and that I
weighed 111.2 afterwards. By doing that, I raised 7,500
Swiss Francs altogether (6,250 Euros at the time).
The sum was split in two parts, 5,000 Francs being
intended for the flooded in Serbia, and 2,500 Francs for
those in the Republic of Srpska.
At that moment, I had an idea. I remembered that I had
seen on television that in the USA, some plump people
(not to say fat) had raised money for a good cause. They
set a specific time limit (for example, a month, three
months, half a year, a year, etc.) and within that period,
they try to lose as much weight as possible. Before they
start the action, they make an advertisement for their
friends, relatives, coworkers, acquaintances and other
people they know. Each of these contacted people can
fill out the form, saying how much money they are
willing to pay for each kilogram the person loses (the
one who is trying to lose weight). If, for example,
someone says they pay 5 dollars per kilogram lost, and
the person losing weight loses, say, ten kilograms, then
the former is to pay 5 times 10, which is 50 dollars of
donation altogether. Of course, the more kilograms lost
and the more donors, the more payments and ultimately
bigger sum of money which is raised for charity.
At the time, I was really overweight and I did not feel so
good. To be specific, on June 1, 2014, I weighed 124.9
kilograms. I decided that my action was to last for three
months, meaning June, July and August. September 1,
2014 was the end of my advertised action, when I had to
show everyone the result of my “charity diet.”
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
I opted for the cooperation with the organization
“Serbs for Serbs”, because I had been following their
work for some time and supported their activities.
Having finished this whole action, I personally
became an active member of the organization “SfSSwitzerland.”
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
This means that I have lost over 20 kilograms in a year
and I have never felt better.
Article about Aleksa’s action in Swiss media
I hope that this story of mine can spur people to do
something similar, or even to repeat the same action.
This whole thing meant a lot to me and I can proudly say
that I have not stopped there. I have continued losing
weight, and in the meantime, I have dropped to 104.7
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
On May 10, at the Synaxis held on St Mark’s Day in
Konstanz, under the patronage of the Serbian
Orthodox Church of Friedrichshafen, representatives
of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs from
Germany set up a stand and handed out informative
flyers, collected donations and sold T-shirts from the SfS
A hall full of people from Konstanz and nearby places
around Lake Constance (Bodensee) had the opportunity
to enjoy the performances of folklore groups as well as
the music show and festivity.
On the occasion, the sum of 120 Euros and 140 Swiss
Francs was raised.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank all
donors and those who attended the Syntaxes for the
donations and a beautiful get together!
We wish to give special thanks to SKSD “Nemanjici,”
who invited us to attend the second Synaxis. This is a
very young Serbian Cultural society, but they are united,
hard working and have traditional hosting manners, so
the members, young and old, made sure that all guests
were welcomed and served that day. We use this
opportunity to wish them a lot of luck and success in
their future work and society spreading! Keep it up!
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Pulling off an event like this requires much help and
there are many people who deserve to be thanked:
- The Board of Directors of the Saint Sava Church of
Toronto and the Queen Aleksandra Circle of Serbian
Sisters for offering their support for this humanitarian
- Dana Miscevic for sponsoring the cost of decorations,
- Branka and Bill Durovic for promoting the event on
Radio Program Ravna Gora,
- Nikola Tijanic for all of his help,
- All the volunteers-- kitchen crew, servers, set-up crew
and clean-up crew.
On Sunday, May 3rd, Serbs for Serbs Canada hosted a
Palacinka Party fundraiser in the Serbian Centre in
Mississauga. Parishioners streamed into the Centre
following Holy Liturgy, welcomed by young Serbs who
had come to help raise money for needy Serbian children
and families. The event was a success, and $3.510 was
raised to help those in need.
Serbs for Serbs Canada invites other communities to
host their own Palacinka Parties, and to raise money for
the charity. Events like this are proof that when Serbs
come together, we can make good things happen.
The Serbs for Serbs Canada Board of Directors looks
forward to seeing everyone again next year at the annual
Palacinka Party.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
In cooperation with the Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs, Serbs from Germany hosted a fundraiser on
May 1, in the city of Byblis.
At the end of the evening, after pleasant dinner and
socializing, the amount of 500 euros was raised for
helping the Ilic and Rakic families from Kosovo and
Metohija. Javorinka Ilic from Zubin Potok is a widow
and single mother of four: Marina (27), Marinko (26),
Marica (23) and Dragica (20). They all live together as
tenants. What they need the most is a wood-burning
stove and a washing machine. Members of the Rakic
family are the single mother, Jadranka, from the
village of Zupce, and her three children: Nemanja (14)
and the twins, Nina (7) and Nino (7).
What makes their life story even more tragic is the fact
that the oldest son drowned last year. Things they need
the most are: wood-burning stove, three-seater, twoseater, table and chairs.
Serbs attending the fundraiser in Byblis have not
forgotten their vulnerable people!
The Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS calls
upon all friends and donors of the organization to join
our fundraising action to help this family and other
socially disadvantaged Serbian families with multiple
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
On May 12, the Charity organization SERBS FOR
SERBS celebrated their Slava, St Basil of Ostrog.
Representatives of the organization from Serbia,
Republic of Srpska, Switzerland, Australia,
Montenegro, the USA, Canada and Germany got
together in their parishes to cut the Slava bread and
consecrate the wheat. What follows are beautiful photos,
showing the Slava celebration around the world.
The Slava celebration at the church of St Simeon
Mirotocivi in Novi Beograd, Serbia
The Slava celebration at the Klisina Monastery near
Prijedor, Republic of Srpska
The Slava celebration at the Church of the Dormition of
the Most Holy Mother of God in Zurich, Switzerland
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Father Aleksa Micic had a helper while consecrating the
bread and wheat
The Slava celebration at the Church of St George in
Sydney, Australia
The Slava celebration at the Church of St Luke in
Washington, USA
The Slava celebration at the Church of St Basil of
Ostrog in Niksic, Montenegro
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
The Slava celebration at the Synaxis of All Serbian
Saints Church in Mississauga, Canada
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Members and friends of the Charity organization Serbs
for Serbs at a small gathering in Belgrade
O Saint Basil of Ostrog, pray to God for us all!
The Slava celebration at the Church of the Saints Cyril
and Methodius in Nurnberg, Germany
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
On Sunday, May 10, 2015, the official site of the
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS www.srbizasrbe.org - had nine million hits, starting
from 2007. when we started counting visits to the site,
with almost a million new visits since the beginning of
2015. This is certainly another evidence of support to
our charity work and aid actions intended for socially
disadvantaged families all over Serbia, Republic of
Srpska and region.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
At the beginning of March, representatives of the
Charity organization SERBS FOR SERBS from
Montenegro received the blessing from the
Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral,
Amfilohije, to register our organization and do
voluntary work in the territory of Montenegro. In the
meantime, the official process has been started to
register the organization in Herceg Novi.
At the beginning of March, 2015, the Charity
organization SRBS FOR SERBS established a
cooperation with Telekom, Telenor and Vip mobile
service providers to start a charity SMS number 7763
in Serbia. It is sufficient to send an empty SMS or an
SMS with any text you want. Your message will be
charged at 100 RSD (without the charge of your service
provider).Our famous national volleyball team player,
Andrija Geric, supported the action of sending a
message to 7763 (in Serbia) in a short video message.
On May 2, 2015, representative of the Charity
organization SERBS FOR SERBS, Mladen
Matijasevic, was a guest on TV Happy on the Dobro
jutro Srbijo Morning Show. The work of the
organization was presented, especially regarding the big
sports-charity TROJKA IZ BLOKA project www.trojkaizbloka.org, which, up until May, 2015, has
been held in four cities– Belgrade, Kosovska Mitrovica,
Kraljevo and Uzice.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Donors in May :
1. Compass Fuel donation box (IL) - $ 18
2. Balkan Bakery donation box (IL) - $ 10
3. Beograd Café donation box (IL) - $ 27
4. Nada's Deli & Bakery d. box (IL) - $ 42
5. St. Nikola, Brookfield d.box (IL) - $ 15
6. Bubamara cafe d. box (IL) - $ 10
7. Mladen Simic (GA) - $ 15
8. Marko Saric - $ 20
9. Radomans Framing (CA) - $ 15
10. Srdjan Gavrilovic (GA) - $ 15
11. www.usaserbs.net (IL) - $ 25
12. Zeljka Bucalo (NV) - $ 25
13. Milan Dobras (AZ) - $ 15
14. Tihomir Bajic (CA) - $ 100
15. www.designswww.com - $ 15
16. Anonymous - $ 50
17. Slavisa Karach (GA) - $ 25
18. Ivan Aksentijevic (MD) - $ 25
19. Dragana Beara (CAN) - $ 50
20. Zoran Golubovich (IL) - $ 83,33
21. Anonymous (AT&T) - $ 6,36
22. Milan Dakic (IL) (AT&T) - $ 16,8
23. Marko Popovic (IL) (AT&T) - $ 37,56
24. Anonymous (AT&T) - $ 120
25. Anonymous (Microsoft) - $ 400
26. Aleksandar Jaksic (IL) - $ 600
27. Danko Panic (Microsoft) - $ 12,48
28. Nemanja Matkovic (Microsoft) - $ 281
29. Milan Tomic (Microsoft) - $ 100
30. Ivan Radulovic (NY) - $ 25
31. Irena Gumbert (CA) - $ 25
32. Milan Zdrnja - $ 25
33. Aleksandar Micic (MO) - $ 15
34. Vesna Kozomora (IL) - $ 25
35. Palacinka Party (CAN) - $ 3.510 CAD
36. Soulbath Foundation (India) - $ 1
37. Helena Urukalo (CAN) - $ 15
38. Mitar Prentic - $ 15
39. Predrag Kisa - $ 50
40. Perica Diklic (ID) - $ 100
41. Nenad Milasinovic (Australia) - $ 25
42. Daniel Plavsic (WA) - $ 25
43. Igor & Lana Glisic - $ 50
44. Zoran Starcevic - $ 20
45. B. Bojanic (IL) - $ 15
46. Vladislav Tomic (NY) - $ 10
47. Olja Meyer (NY) - $ 15
48. Marko Saric - $ 20
49. Protecta El. Services - $ 15
50. Ivan Aksentijevic (MD) - $ 25
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
51. Vladimir Milosavljevic - $ 25
52. Milen Tesic (IL) - $ 20
53. Dragisa Djordjevic (MD) - $ 15
54. David Gavric (IN) - $ 50
55. Marta Stojanovic (CAN) - $ 25
56. Dragana W. - $ 40
57. Biljana Busrsac (CO) - $ 15
58. Bojan Jovanovic (IL) - $ 25
59. Srdjan Markovic (CA) - $ 25
60. Neven Cvetkovic (Sweden) - $ 50
61. Olja Meyer (NY) - $ 30
62. Ankica D. (NJ) - $ 25
63. Nikola Mrdakovic (IL) - $ 15
64. Sasa Savic (TX) - $ 30
65. Sinisa & Mirjana Peric (MD) - $ 50
66. Brankica Paunovic - $ 25
67. Milan Dukic - $ 50
68. Andreja Simovic (CA) - $ 100
69. Zoran Mladenovic (CA) – $100
TOTAL IN MAY: $ 6.294
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2015
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS

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