2014 - Serbs for Serbs


2014 - Serbs for Serbs
Monthly Report for May
Report No. 5
May, 2014
Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Website: www.serbsforserbs.org
E-Mail: office@serbsforserbs.org
Monthly Report for May
Dear friends and donors,
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs registered
in the state of Illinois in United States in Jun 2010
by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs is a 501(c)(3) notfor-profit
profit charitable organization. Donation is
deductible to the extent followed by the law.
On 30th September, 2011 we finally
nally got the letter
from department of the treasury (IRS)
S) with tax
exempt 501(c)3 approval. All donations to our
organization donated from June 16, 2010 are tax
deductible under section 170 of the Code. We are
also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests,
devises, transfers of gifts under section 2055, 21
or 2522 of the Code.
About Us
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,
Serbs and their friends through planned
projects, social and humanitarian activities in
order to develop and foster better society for
future generations and provide aid for
underprivileged families in need.
organizations and associations, help often doesn't
reach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessary
administration, missing informationn and slow
decision making, the delivery of aid arrives too late
to the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad and
embarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000
children daily die around the world because of
starvation and malnutrition.
ion. There, amo
among us, the
blind and deaf.
We are witnesses of the bad demographic situation
of our nation, decreasing natality, increasing
number of singles, abortions, accelerated aging of
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
the population and generally bad economic
condition of the households in Serbia, Republic of
Srpska and other countries in the Balkan.
An average couple has "fallen" on one child.
Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority in
its own country in the following century if the
nation, individuals and government don't wake up
from thee nescient in which they've fallen!
On the other hand, nobody is talking about the
families with many children which grieve by living
in bitter poverty. Occupied by their everyday
struggle for survival, they are being humbly in their
desire for implementing
ng rights which belong to
them. Their life stories, fears and problems are
identical, but almost invisible and unheard in order
to gain the attention of the public, media and even
state. That's why the idea of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs arose. The
rganization was formed by a group of young and
trustful people, who are united by the common
vision of helping families blessed by many children
and who are aware of the fact that even a small
help means a lot for those who don't live in a
material excess.
We are united by the humane idea to help the
poorest part of the Serbian nation.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to
revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora
which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian
heritage as well as all good people throughout the
world with minimal, but
bu constant monthly
We hope and believe that there is also a grain of
doing good and that you will join us in the endless
struggle against poverty.
God bless and save all Serbian families with many
children and our honored donors who participate in
the noble effort to return smile on children faces.
Charity organization Serbs fo
for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Our mission
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Serbian
people through our projects and humanitarian
activities, in order to develop better society for
future generations.
Why Serbs for Serbs?
We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian
people in togetherness and brotherhood help
through humanitarian work and social aid.
Who do we help?
We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans,
have five or more children and live in terrible
poverty. Under terrible poverty we define absence
of one or more basic factors required for living:
food, clothes, shoes, and safe space for living.
Why do we help?
We believe that there is a basic need for one
human (or a group) to help others in distress. A
help is not only human virtue but also a Christian
responsibility. By focusing our help on families
with many children, we directly affect on their
stirring toward becoming independent from socialdependable government programs.
What are our long term goals?
• family is ready to support itself daily and
manage to pay all required expenses;
• their children are encouraged to continue
with school and raising their own family;
• our donors are satisfied with the activities
and they are ready to help other families;
• our organization is satisfied with the results;
• family is ready in the future to become our
donor and if necessary help other families
that are in need of help.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Who do we need in organization?
We need members and donors that will secure
financial stability through supporting our
programs and activities in the future. Donors may
join our daily activities within the organization in
order to coordinate our work better. We also need
volunteers ready to donate several hours per week
for actual work within the organization. Activities
of volunteers and their specific tasks would be
determined by the required projects and their
personal interest. From that group of volunteers
we would look for future leaders of organization.
How to donate?
1. PayPal donation: szsamerika@gmail.com
2. Direct Deposit to Wells Fargo Bank account
Please email us at: szsamerika@gmail.com
3. You can mail personal or business check to:
Serbs for Serbs
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
4. Donation boxes:
2937 West Irving Park Road
Chicago, Illinois
Owner: Dule Pavlovic
7316 West Lawrence Avenue
Harwood Heights, Illinois
541 South LaGrange Road
LaGrange, Illinois
Owner: Olja Igic
8147 Joliet Road
McCook, Illinois
Owner: Roy and Maria Dobrasinovic
4301 Prairie Ave.
Brookfield, Illinois
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
- Serbia - Dinar account: 160-279491-71
(indicating'' fight against the floods'') currency account:
IBAN: RS35160005080002381269,
SWIFT: DBDBRSBG, Customer: Srbi za Srbe
- Serbian Republic - km account: 5514802213924928
(indicating'' fight against the floods'')
account: IBAN: BA395514804813925344,
SWIFT: BALVBA22, Customer: Srbi za Srbe
- Austria: Account number: 10364339 BLZ: 32000
(with reference to'' fight against the floods'')
- States of the European Union:
IBAN: AT97 3200 0000 1036 4339
SWIFT/BIC: RLNWATWW, Customer: Serbs for Serbs
(with reference to'' fight against the floods'')
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs, with thousands
of members from both Diaspora and Serbia, launched a
major campaign in order to help vulnerable
households in Serbia whose properties were affected
by one of the greatest floods during the last 100
years. Since 2005 the organization has been actively
working on collecting and providing social and
humanitarian assistance to vulnerable families with five
or more children all across the Balkans. With the
blessing of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej, a large number
of donors from all around the world supported more than
400 families and several thousands of children, and
during that period our aid has raised over a half million
euros in donations.
- Switzerland: 61-335679-5,
IBAN: CH57 0900 0000 6133 5679 5, BIC: 9000
SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX, Customer Serbs for Serbs
(with reference to'' fight against the floods'')
- PayPal (Europe): szsaustrija@gmail.com
(indicating'' fight against the floods'')
- PayPal (USA): szsamerika@gmail.com
(indicating'' fight against the floods'')
- www.serbsforserbs.org
Checking acct info (USA)
Domestic wires: 121000248 Acct# 5765278378
International wires: WFBIUS6S
Bank Name: Wells Fargo NA.
Mail donation: PO Box 34206 Chicago, IL.
60634 USA.
Although, the primary goal of the organization is to help
children and families, we have decided to launch a major
national project that will primarily help gathering a
number of donors from the Diaspora and Serbia.
- We are aware that we cannot help everyone, but we
want to do something to help vulnerable families
because we do not want to stand on the sidelines. We
emphasize that we are always with our people,
especially in Kosovo, the Republic of Srpska and
Krajina, but now it is the time to do all that is
necessary to deliver humanitarian aid to the people in
flooded areas across Serbia, says the president of the
organization Igor Rasula.
If you want to support our project and help people who
were hit by the worst floods ever in Serbia, please
donate as much as you can via the organization's bank
- Moneybookers / Skrill: c3c.org@gmail.com
- Serbia: www.srbizasrbe.org
- Contact: organizacija@srbizasrbe.org,
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs would like to ask
all the fraternal organizations in Serbia and around the
world to launch all its capacities in order to jointly
support vulnerable households who have been affected
by this natural disaster.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The situation in both Serbia and the Republic of Srpska
is tragic. The third night in a row is sleepless. In the next
24 hours we expect the 100-year maximum of ever
recorded water level of rivers Vrbas, Bosna, Drina, Sava,
Kolubara... and finally Dunav downstream of Belgrade.
By Saturday morning over 4.000 people have been
evacuated from Obrenovac and its suburbs. However,
the water is not decreasing. The embankment near the
steam power plant in Obrenovac, which provides over
70% of electricity for entire Serbia broke down during
the night. Early in the morning the additional
embankment was established near the grain elevator in
Sabac and Crna Bara village, but the river Sava has
reached its historical maximum of over 680 cm.
Upon the SfS appeal, the diaspora stood up. We
thank all the people of good will. We move on. Serbs
for Serbs delivered during the day several hundreds
of kilograms of various charity help in cooperation
with the Gendarmerie of Serbia to the endangered
people in Obrenovac.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Students from the University of Pristina with
temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica organized the
collection of charity help for the population which is
endangered in central Serbia. A vast number of citizens
and representatives of the municipality joined the action.
The citizens donated food, bottled water, hygiene,
medicine, blankets and clothing, and they sent
bullyboy, smaller truck and a van full of food. The
help was gathered within a few hours.
According to the municipality data, 134 volunteers
headed towards Sabac and Sremska Mitrovica, although
there were almost 500 interested.
This is not the end of the humanity from the inhabitants
of Kosovska Mitrovica, because the Crisis staff has
made a decision that the employees in the municipality
single out one daily wage for the endangered people.
The employees in the educational institutions announced
the same measure.
The charity action continues in the building of the
Kosovska Mitrovica municipality, the priority being
food and baby equipment.
The list of the gathered help:
1. blankets and mattresses – 390 packages
2. wardrobe – 985 packages
3. footwear – 121 packages
4. pampers – 50 packages
5. hygiene – 63 packages
6. medicine – 3 packages
7. food – 73 packages
8. baby food – 27 packages
9. toys – 1 package
10. water – 107 packages of 1,5l;
41 balloons of 10l and 250 balloons of 6l
11. milk – 38 packages
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Serbia is on her feet. Until now 25.000 people –
children, old and sick, have been evacuated from
devastated Obrenovac and surrounding area.
However, great number of people still remained there,
and they are trying to keep some of their property. There
is no electricity or water, and only the police is allowed
to approach by boats. The police are keeping the objects
from possible robberies.
SERBS FOR SERBS continued the delivery of help.
The Diaspora has raised over 90.000 EUR until now
through our organization alone.
There is no slowing down. The disaster which hit Serbia
happens once in 1.000 years. Until Wednesday two
additional flood waves are being expected. All the areas
in left and right banks of the Sava river from Sremska
Mitrovica to Belgrade are endangered.
We hope that 50 river embankments which over 12.000
volunteers built during the last couple of days will hold.
May God help us, and thanks to all the people of good
will worldwide.
An appeal to all the donors and people of good will
worldwide is still valid – please DONATE.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Serbs from Chicago for their people Serbs from Chicago
showed solidarity with their suffering people in the
flooded Serbia. Serbs gathered in great number in the
bookstore “Ladybird”, and raised the significant sum,
which will be sent to Serbia through the organization
Serbs for Serbs.
The citizens of Serbia in Chicago and their friends
showed great interest in helping the victims of floods in
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs from Chicago
organized on Sunday, May 18, in the bookstore
Bubamara (Ladybird) in Chicago charity evening, on
which they raised donations for the endangered areas
in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska hit by the natural
disaster. We raised $ 13.448, but the help is going to be
even greater in the forthcoming period. The team of
Radio and Television of Serbia attended the event, as
well as local ABC 7 Television.
The owners of the bookstore, Biljana Miljkovic and PhD
Jovan Cupic, were very pleased by the number of people
who answered the appeal.
The help is being raised through churches and
monasteries in Chicago, after the appeal from the
Diocese of New Gracanica and Midwestern America.
The organizer of the charity evening was Petko Petrovic.
He said that for SfS it was important to organize the
evening, so that people could donate money by
themselves, and to offer common support to people in
SfS member Petko Petkovic - interview
Donations in USA and Canada:
PayPal (USA): szsamerika@gmail.com
(indicating “fight against the floods”) www.serbsforserbs.org
Checking acct info (USA)
Domestic wires: 121000248 Acct# 5765278378
International wires: WFBIUS6S
Bank Name:
Wells Fargo NA. Address:420 MONTGOMERY
Mail donation: PO Box 34206 Chicago, IL. 60634 USA.
Zelimirka Lalusic, president of the SfS in USA and
Canada, said that she was proud that so many people
from Chicago opened their hearts and donated their
money. Svetlana Petrovic said that each town in Serbia
is important, because people in USA have relatives
there. The Serbian Consulate in Chicago opened special
account for raising help for the endangered people on
Consul General Dejan Radulovic said that money can be
donated through the PayPal account. During the charity
evening in the bookstore “Ladybird”, the visitors raised
$ 9.000 in two hours. The events in Serbia draw the
attention of the American media, so ABC reported
directly from the charity evening.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
We thank all the people who helped in the action. The
Republic of Srpska will receive greater help in the
Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
from the Republic of Srpska went to Nova Janja near
Bijeljina and delivered the van and car full of help
(hygiene, water, food, diapers, wardrobe etc.), which
was distributed to 800 households! The rest of the help
was delivered in Bijeljina.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Serbian Diaspora, along with the great number of
donors from Serbia, collected over 200.000 EUR
during the last four days through the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs. Over 3.000 donors
worldwide supported this action. The list of the donors
can be found on the official SFS website
www.srbizasrbe.org. So far, the organization provided
great help for the endangered areas in Obrenovac and the
surrounding villages, in the accommodation centers in
Belgrade, endangered people in Mali Zvornik, Sabac,
Bajina Basta, Krupanj, Smederevska Palanka and
Paracin. Also, the first contingent of help was delivered
in the endangered areas in the Republic of Srpska
through the local branch of SFS.
The organization in Serbia spent 592.605 dinars in
the first four days, for various help: groceries (water,
canned food, milk for babies), diapers, life jackets
and lifebelts, pvc boots, raincoats, socks, T-shirts,
towels, diapers for adults, flashlights, etc. At the same
time, SFS delivered material help in food, clothing
and footwear from other towns in Serbia and
Diaspora. SFS from Switzerland spent 5.000 CHF for
the endangered areas in the Republic of Srpska. The
largest part of the remaining money will be used in the
projects of repairing the damage in the flooded towns
and villages in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs, which gathers
several thousand members from the Diaspora and Serbia,
commenced the action of helping the endangered
households in Serbia, whose properties were struck by
one of the largest natural disasters in the last 100 years.
The organization has been active since 2005 in
collecting and delivering of social and humanitarian aid
to the endangered families with five and more children
across Balkan.
The Diaspora has evidently recognized the value and
importance of the Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs, which is proven by over 200.000 EUR of
collected donations.
President of the organization, Igor Rasula, says he is
proud that the donations come not only from the Serbian
Diaspora, great number of Americans, Norwegians,
Chinese, Swedes and Canadians, but also from Kosovo
and Metohija and Krajina.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs thank all the
donors who recognized the moment when Serbia and the
Republic of Srpska need significant amount of money
for repairing the damage caused by the floods. The
action “Fight against the floods” continues, because this
is only the beginning of gathering the Serbian Diaspora
and providing necessary help.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
After the urgent donations, already delivered (and which
will be continued), we move on to help in the
municipalities. By Thursday SfS has received on its
official accounts in Chicago, Zurich, Vienna, Banjaluka
and Belgrade approximately 250.000 EUR of donations.
The Government of the Republic of Serbia has
communicated the preliminary information on damage
caused by the disaster, including rain, flood, torrents and
A total of 1.2 million people suffered damage in the
39 municipalities in Serbia. Over 31.000 people have
been evacuated from the most endangered areas (above
all, children, women, old and sick). There are 41
accommodation centers. 1.763 various objects were
demolished, and 2.260 were flooded. 30 bridges on
regional roads were demolished, as well as 200 bridges
on other roads, and 50 bridges were damaged. Over 300
of business objects were destroyed. The railroad on
national roads were also destroyed.
Over 130 workers of the company Velesstroy in the
Siberian city of Tyumen in Russia collected donations
for the endangered areas in Serbia, within the great
action “Fight against the floods”, commenced by the
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs. Although the
Serbian workers are over 5.000 km away from their
homeland, they decided to help. Apart from the Serbian
workers, the Russian and Ukrainian workers joined the
action. They collected over 4.500 EUR, which was sent
to the Organization Serbs for Serbs, in order to help the
endangered families who were hit by the floods.
The unofficial estimation of the damage is, according to
the Serbian Prime Minister, over 1 billion EUR. The
biggest damage was made to private homes. Charity
organization SERBS FOR SERBS is precisely
concentrated on the direct help to the families in all
endangered areas, door to door.
We use this opportunity to thank the Serbian, Russian
and Ukrainian workers who responded the appeal. The
action “Fight against the floods” continues in Serbia,
Russia, and worldwide.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
On Thursday, May 22, approximately 200 people
gathered in church St. Simeon Myrrh in the American
city of Las Vegas, in the church parish home, where
they collected money for the endangered families in the
Republic of Srpska and Serbia, which were hit by
floods. The donation in the amount of $ 41.355 was
forwarded to the account of the Charity organization
Serbs for Serbs from USA. After charity evenings which
are going to take place in several American cities, SfS
will sent the money to the accounts of SfS in Republic
of Srpska and Serbia.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs took part on the
popular Internet-TV channel The Huffington Post Live
within the broadcast dealing with the floods in the
Balkan by video link. SfS member Mihailo Makanjic
conveyed his impressions from the flooded area, and
expressed the gratitude of the Serbian people to all of
those who helped the common struggle against the great
We express immense thank of people from Serbia
and the Republic of Srpska to all benefactors from
Las Vegas who collected the money for the endangered
areas, i.e. for the people who lost so much in the
disastrous floods. Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs continues the FIGHT AGAINST THE
FLOODS, and calls upon other Serbian communities
worldwide to answer our appeal.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
After various troubles on the road and going on detours,
because the road from Zenica to Doboj is interrupted due
to escarpment, upon entering Doboj we met the team
from Banja Luka, whom we met for the first time.
Thanks to the selfless engagement of Mr. Pavle Maric
from Banja Luka, Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs from the Republic of Srpska managed to buy the
help for the endangered people in the amount of 5.000
CHF sent by SfS from Switzerland: 140 pairs of boots,
138 pairs of rubber gloves, 486 l of sanitary for
cleaning, 636 l of bleach, 20 packages of latex gloves,
60 packages of surgical masks and 5.000 l of water.
Pavle provided transportation (truck and van) for the
goods from Banjaluka to Doboj, and he went to Doboj
by himself.
We delivered the goods through the day, directly to
the endangered people. We tried to reach as much
quarts as we could, as well as the first floors of the
buildings, which was hit the most. It was unbelievable
to watch people coming to our vehicles in disbelief that
someone came in front of their houses to offer drinking
water and disinfectant.
Gipsstil from Pale ceded a van to SfS. We bought all the
water we could find in Pale (452 l), the masks in
pharmacies (1.500 pieces), 40 mountain cookers and
bleach (3 packages). Students from the Faculty of
Law managed to collect wardrobe, food, medicine and
hygiene. Student’s representative Nikola came along
with us.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
It was sad to realize that most of them limited
themselves to a canister of water or a single soap. The
granny in one of the areas said she received only two
loafs of bread two days ago.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
When we delivered all we brought we went back, and we
were miserable that our help was just a drop.
We offer great thank to the people from the association
KNEZEVINA SRPSKA, to friends and firms from
whom we gained help for the citizens of Doboj: “Voda
Kruna” Mrkonjic Grad, “Euro Lab” Banja Luka,
“Krajina Lijek” Banja Luka, “Centrum” Banja
Luka, “Gumi Centar” Banja Luka, “Dzajic Komerc”
Banja Luka and to the store “MAX” Petricevac,
Banja Luka.
The city is organizing working squads for cleaning. We
were still on the streets when one of them asked water
from us, because they miss the distribution of water
when they come back late.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs continues the
actions of helping the endangered families across the
Republic of Srpska who were hit by the floods several
days ago, in the scope of the global action FIGHT
AGAINST THE FLOODS, commenced by our
We express the immense thank from the citizens of
Doboj to all benefactors worldwide for the help in
money and goods.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
In a crisis, good people always step forward. This is true
in the case of the flooding in Serbia and Bosnia. When
the flooding started, good people around the world stood
up to help.
In Chicago, Zorica and Nenad Peric along with Sandra
Ostojic jumped into action immediately and organized a
fundraiser in conjunction with Serbs for Serbs. On the
same night as the fundraiser organized at the Lady Bug
Bookstore, Zorica, Nenad and Sandra called friends,
family and colleagues to get together in the Western
Suburbs of Chicago to raise as much help as possible.
The event was extremely successful with $5,225 being
collected. A special thank you is in order for Toscano
Restaurant in Schiller Park and Pera Jovanovic who
helped coordinate the event and all of the donors who
were able to attend.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The Charity Organization Serbs for Serbs has taken
many steps to try and help the regions of Serbia and
Bosna devastated by flooding. We will continue raise
awareness and funds to help the flood victims.
List of donors for Borba Protiv Poplava – Toscano:
Aleksandar Djordjevic, Neda Gorancic, Dejan
Stamenkovic, Sanja Radisavljevic, Drazen Lisic, Jelena
& Marko Zivkovic, Nikola & Jelena Prvulovic, Olivera
Stankovic, Djordje Miric, Vlado Premovic, Stekovic
Family, Dejan Petrovic, Nikola Vidovic, Bojan & Sasa
Jasnic, Zivko Kovacevic, Milos Tomic, Janko Ristic,
Gordana Ristic, Felicia Janic, Sasa Turovic, Sam
Zarkavi, Stanko & Zlata Niketic, Nenad & Zorica Peric,
Emina Potegic & Zoran Karovic, Stanimir Stosic,
Sandra Ostojic, Svetlana & Stefan Varagic, Goran
Kolarev, Vladimir Toskov, S Jovanovic, Calasan,
Pavlovic Family, Global Cargo Inc., American Cargo
Group Inc. ICE Trucking
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
from Switzerland gathered friends and members of the
organization on Saturday, May 24 in Wetzikon for a
new pancake evening. On this occasion, the motive of
the gathering were the terrible floods in Serbia and
Republic of Srpska in the last two weeks.
President of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
in Switzerland Nikola Cesarovic, PhD presented future
plans in relation to the collection of donations for the
disinfectants, which should take place in the following
days. After that, the guests asked him questions about
the action and the work of the organization.
We collected an amount of 2.100 CHF and 200 EUR,
which will be used in great action FIGHT AGAINST
THE FLOODS, commenced by our organization.
In addition to money donations, we collected a large
amount of commodities (hygiene, food and equipment
for children).
All the guests wanted to make their contribution for the
forthcoming SfS actions.
Let us mention that during the next week our member
Maja Jovanovic will personally donate all the collected
help to the endangered families, along with our members
from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The main water measuring station of the Republic Hydro
meteorological Service of Serbia (RHSS) is completely
under water, but the approach to the station, through the
improvised pedestrian bridge, is not endangered.
On Saturday, May 24, a team of experts in hydrology,
geology and construction, composed of the members of
the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs, visited road
and water infrastructure from Sabac to Loznica.
Upon arriving in the village Jarak (left bank of the Sava
river) we saw the solid bank forth, which managed to
save over 3.000 ha of the fertile land with vegetables,
greenhouses and crop farming.
The traffic on this part of the regional road Ruma-Sabac
is slowed down (in one track only) in the length of 2 km,
and there is no traffic signalization.
The approach to Sabac, from Platicevo and Klenak,
seems like sea. The left bank, in the width of 800 m, is
still under water, while the right bank between the
Fortress and the bridge is under water until the
The road towards Loznica, near Sabac and the village
Majur, is now completely free, without any problems,
although we spotted several places where the water
broke through the circuit from Cer circumferential
There weren’t significant damages in the zones of the
bank forth. It was obvious that the water management
services in charge from the municipalities Sabac and
Bogatic had performed their job responsible and well in
the previous period.
Unfortunately, the area of Prnjavor, especially the
village Jelav (in Loznica municipality), has suffered
almost complete flooding, by Jadar river spills, inflow
from hypsometrically higher hinterland and heavy rain
of over 216 mm per m2 in less than 48 hours.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Mud, stunted and damaged stems, submerged
greenhouses and commercial yards are visible, and
resemble the “natural horror”.
The data of RHSS are not available yet, but the
designers and performers of all hydro technical works
should take full responsibility.
The damages on the road infrastructure caused the lines
and communication interruption, above all on the local
roads, although the damages are visible also along the
regional road Sabac - Loznica, which is a main
communication route towards the Republic of Srpska.
According to the data of the city organs from Loznica
(which encapsulate municipalities Krupanj, Ljubovija
and Mali Zvornik), there are over 200 landslides, 700
devastated houses, 150 cottages, over 5.000 ha of
flooded area, over 20 t of dead animals (the data of firm
“Our home” from Loznica) etc. has made the damage of
1.6 billion dinars, or approximately 16 million EUR.
Unfortunately, the channels along the road are being
repaired or built, for the reception of rain and water from
the road.
The greatest damage from the flooding took place in the
Jadar river. The bridge on the Jadar river between the
villages Kozjak and Gornji Dobric collapsed. The bridge
which was build two years ago, although it was
relatively well-funded, lost its “left” lamella in the
length of 20 m. On this part of the flow, the riverbed of
Jadar was completely hydro technical regulated in 2011,
but neither the riverbed, nor the bridge were able to
sustain the flows.
The mayor of Loznica said it was more than an annual
city budget.
A hope remains that the state will have understanding,
and that it will help this municipality to regulate the
riverbed of the Jadar river.
For several years this river has induced “sudden” floods,
created almost constant damages, and the state should
intervene to prevent future problems.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
provided and delivered charity help into the local
community center Kostojevici in Bajina Basta
municipality. The action of help commenced on
Saturday, May 24, early in the morning, when we
loaded 1 t of sugar, 2 t of flour, 750 l of oil, 600
packages of pasta, 200 kg of rice, 120 l of liquid soap
and 240 l of shampoo in the total amount of 300.230
Great number of inhabitants welcomed us with disbelief
and delight in the late evening hours, and helped us to
deliver several tons of valuable help to the families
which were cut off from the rest of municipality due to
the disastrous floods which hit Serbia.
In our conversation with the president of the local
community center Kostojevic, Mr. Slobodan Mitrovic,
we learned the current situation and needs of the people
in this area. Most of the people earn income by selling
raspberries, and the plantings were destroyed in floods.
The truck also carried a donation of 1.5 t of water,
collected by the volunteers of SfS and Serbian Youth
at the city square in Zemun.
The company ELEZ Transport team provided great
help in the transportation of the donation. The owner of
the firm accompanied members of our organization in
delivering the help.
After more than six hours of tiring road along Ibarska
magistrala, charity help of our organization has been
successfully delivered to the final destination – the local
community center Kostojevici in Bajina Basta.
The people in Kostojevic are still struggling with the
problems of their households.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Thank you, Igor, you’ve found time for us, and above
all, what is the current engagement of “Serbs for Serbs”?
Help, even when Sava is not swelling and destroying
lives. Help, without asking whether Nole (when he beats
Rafa again in a couple of days) will donate the entire
Roland Garros prize money. Help, even when it becomes
clear that Timberlake has not publicly acknowledged
that he was a Serb, Bosnian or Croat, moreover a human,
and that Ronaldo hasn’t donated who-knows-how-many
of his millions to the citizens of Obrenovac.
And when the IPA funds are not opening, or they
perhaps are, but not soon, and when very few people are
able to interpret immediately that abbreviation. And
when there are rumors that someone is already abusing
the help, and when the media are not full of stories after
which the tears are flowing, and when... as someone put
it, the gene of waning interest activates itself. The truth
is that a person shows himself in trouble. Which
shouldn’t mean that we must hope for one in order to
show ourselves.
The interlocutor of the Voice of Russia is Igor Rasula,
president of the non-partisan, non-profit, nongovernmental
organization “Serbs for Serbs”, whose bills do not
stop receiving donations from literally all over the
world, the organization which has been delivering great
help to the flood victims, and has been trying for many
years to “deal with the tendency of the silent extinction
of Serbs in the homeland, and to help every Serbian
family with five and more children in former
Yugoslavia. Word and deed.”
First of all, thank you for the invitation and the great
support of the people from Russia, both Serbs and
the Russians. It represents a great honor,
commitment and responsibility to help the
endangered people in the flooded areas of Serbia and
the Republic of Srpska.
Currently our organization is delivering the urgent
help, consisting of food, water, medicine and other
necessities, so that people whose electricity, water or
any normal flow of traffic are cut off, could have the
possibility to obtain the most basic – flour, oil, sugar,
water, canned food, warm clothing, footwear, to
successfully overcome the first wave of the crisis.
After that, we have already begun to prepare the
projects, which will hopefully provide that the great
number of people get a tidy households, barns
repaired, agriculture machinery provided and so on.
I feel free to say that “Serbs for Serbs” are somehow
unofficially the most transparent charity organization.
And it’s not just my observations. Let me give a recent
example of the donors in Las Vegas, who decided by the
majority of votes that their help (of over $ 40,000)
should be forwarded on the account of your
Yes, we were surprised by the news as well. We
didn’t even know that the vote is going to take place.
Nor did we know that the people organized
themselves and gathered. Indeed, we are more than
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
I do not like to say that we are “best” at anything,
but we certainly try to put the transparency in the
foreground in absolutely every aspect. In both
receiving and spending money. This implies scanning
of the invoices, displaying the list of donors and
showing pictures taken during the actions. Therefore,
all those information can be checked without us, on
the spot, by people, donors or any civil service. That
refers to whether people really received help,
whether the money was actually transferred through
bank etc. We try to make our work absolutely open,
available to everyone, to both those who donated and
to those who didn’t. We maintain the practice of
transparency almost from the beginning, from the
very foundation of our organization.
We also emphasized that generally we won’t do
anything on our own, but we will cooperate with
absolutely all organizations and institutions, so that
the help could be truly effective and reach as many
people as possible. The most important thing for us is
to spend the money in the best possible way, the most
correct way possible, which represents the change
and difference compared to the some previous
actions and mass fundraising, when unfortunately
the state and organizations that were involved in
collecting money could not, did not want and were
not able to really show how the money was spent, to
show the bills and simply justify the trust they had
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
number of projects across Balkan for helping the
families with five and more children. We simply felt
the need to join in. But we certainly didn’t expect so
much confidence of people and such a response. We
were absolutely ready to accept that challenge, and I
think we’ve done everything in our power to justify
that trust.
We managed to exceed the planned income for the
entire year in about ten days, and in one of the
meetings of the organization we decided to raise the
amount we wish to raise this year, and to use it for
helping the endangered people in the flooded areas. I
don’t know whether we will be able to raise a million
of euro’s, and if we raise two-three millions, our aim
will be 50 millions. May God help us in that many
people responding.
How to encourage a large number of people to help
when there are no disasters?
During May alone, more precisely from May 16 you
raised nearly half the money (approximately € 300,000)
you had on your accounts since 2006. Although you
have earlier set the approximate target for this year of €
200,000, you now hope for a million.
We certainly did not expect such a flow of funds. Up
to the 16th of May we were a very small organization
which was trying to do some great things, great
Unfortunately, it is very challenging, and it is difficult
to awaken in people a desire and the need to be
involved when the situation is, shall we say, normal.
From our experience, the situation before the
flooding was very difficult, very bad. We have
appealed and asked people and state institutions to
engage, to allow us to get, i.e. an access to SMS
numbers for collecting donations. All of this was
somehow on the back burner. It wasn’t feasible, it
wasn’t possible, there was no particular desire to
engage. But it’s up to us to try to motivate people,
even when this problems with the flooding is
overcome, to join into some of our standard action,
standard projects of helping the families with a large
number of children, to maintain the continuity and
simply enhance our work and help as many families
as possible.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Would you agree that the primarily problem about
donating is not the lack of wish to help, but the fear that
the funds won’t be purposefully used?
Of course, it is the number one problem. We always
emphasize and ask people to pay attention to whom
they give money, to check whether the money
actually went to where it was said. I do not exempt
our organization of these checks. Therefore we ask
people not to rush and participate in our
programmers by any cost, but to see for the
beginning how we do it, and then, if you really find it
necessary, you are welcomed to join. From the
standpoint of our organization, we absolutely
understand the fear and concerns of many people,
because so far we were able to see a large number of
organizations and government institutions who in all
the misfortunes during the last 20-25 years had often
usurped that help and used in, so to speak,
illegitimate way and for personal benefit and gains.
And people who were deceived a few times or several
dozens of times simply do not wish to participate in
such matters any more, which is quite
understandable from their point of view.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Unfortunately, there isn’t. We have several friends of
the organization, both Serbs and Russians, but
unfortunately we haven’t managed to register the
organization officially, nor to have official
representatives. For several years we’ve been trying
to get in contact with the Serbian community through
our church there and through our friends. But for
some reason, all that is hard. First of all, it is the
communication and the willingness of people to
dedicate their spare time in action. At the same time,
the situation in some parts of Russia is also difficult.
From our point of view it is absolutely
understandable that people in Russia organize
themselves to help their own people, because there
are a large number of endangered families in Russia
who need help. We are trying to organize something
within the Serbian community, to bring people
together, and so far we have really done a great step
forward, because we motivated a great number of
Russians to get financially involved into our project,
and until now it has resulted in donations of nearly €
25,000, which is really amazing, it is commendable
and worth of our gratitude towards the people in
The most important thing is precisely that, that both
you and we convey the gratitude to both Russian and
Serbian people, and to all of those from Russia who
supported us.
Igor Rasula,
president of charity organization Serbs for Serbs
„Serbs for Serbs“ has its representative offices in USA,
Great Britain, Switzerland, Austria... There is not one in
And to the special teams who came to Obrenovac,
with whom we also worked on the field in rescuing
people. Big fraternal help and big fraternal love,
perhaps I should say Christian love that binds us
together has once again showed at work as an
example. It binds us together and obliges us to stand
next to each other in the forthcoming period, in a
case of any crisis or any problem.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The help was handed over to Mrs. Ruzica Sreckovic,
the representative of the Red Cross in Lajkovac, which
is sending part of the supplies to the Red Cross in
On Wednesday, May 28, activists of the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs brought humanitarian help
to Lajkovac. The help was collected in the past two
weeks as a help for the people endangered in the floods
in that part of Serbia. The help consisted of the toys for
the youngest, food for baby and the children, several
packages of diapers and hygiene, wardrobe for the
children and the adults, 20 packages of water and food.
During the short conversation we found out that the
natural disaster hit this part of Serbia, and that they will
need help in the future, mainly during the restoration of
the houses.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs use this
opportunity to thank all the people of good will who
brought the help to our premises, and thus showed their
trust in us.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
We used the opportunity to visit the monument to the
heroes in the Battle for Cer. YOUR DEEDS ARE
In the organization of the St. Sava Missionary
Community from Vrbovac and the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs, in the Smederevo area
from St. Nicholas day, the collection of the humanitarian
help for Krupanj commenced. We collected a large
amount of help, above all, bottled water, canned food,
baby food, hygiene, chemical cleaners, blankets,
children wardrobe and the rest of the needs for the
endangered areas.
On Monday, May 26 we went from Vrbovac, with the
blessing of father Dusan, towards Krupanj, by the loaded
van and caravan also loaded with humanitarian help.
After that the road was worse, and it was rare until
Krupanj to see the paved road! Many parts are heavily
damaged due to floods and escarpment.
The road to Sabac went without big problems. We went
to Cer. The van was lifted only a few centimeters from
the ground, due to the cargo. Approximately 40 km
before Krupanj, the tire pumped out in the middle of
nowhere in the mountain. Thanks to the inhabitants and
the workers who are repairing the road we managed to
overcome that problem and replace the tire.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
About 15 km before Krupanj, the sky overcastted, and it
went dark in the middle of the day! Heavy rain and hail
begun to fall! Torrent and large amounts of water
appeared on the road, which already had escarpment on
many places. We entered the town during heavy rain.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Thank God, the rain stopped after a while. If it had
continued for an hour or two, Krupanj would have
probably been in big problems again. After we delivered
the humanitarian help, we went to see the town. We have
seen pictures and footage on TV but when you see it on
the spot, the scenes of disaster astonish you! Many
houses are completely destroyed or damaged, the roads
are ruined, there are escarpment in many places... the
town suffered great destruction.
After nearly six hours of journey we went to Krupanj
downtown and entered the church courtyard. People
have already gathered there, so we immediately
commenced unloading the humanitarian help.
People of Krupanj need all kind of help. So far the help
is coming from all sides, but we are worried that after
the euphoria stops, Krupanj might be forgotten. We must
not allow that. They need long-term help.
Thank everyone who participated in the action. We are
aware of the fact it is only a drop in the sea in
comparison to the needs, but someone will have the
benefit of that. We owe special thank to the people from
Vrbovac and Drugovac who answered the appeal for
collecting help.
Nenad Milojevic, Smederevo
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
On May 31 in the small village Bocar near Kikinda in
VICTIMS OF FLOODING was organized. Children
from Bocar, Novo Milosevo, Kikinda, Kuman and
Novi Becej took part at the basketball competition. All
the money collected from the children and their parents
in the total amount of 8.975 dinars was deposited on
the account of the Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs within the action FIGHT AGAINST THE
FLOODS, with the aim that large number of people
across Serbia and worldwide involving in this action!
Great thank to GREAT people from the small village
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
In the full hall of Rilpark in Basel, during the last
weekend a charity evening was held, with about 400
visitors who collected almost 16.000 CHF for the
distressed in floods. All the money from the charity
evening will be donated through the Charity
organization Serbs for Serbs.
The organizers of the evening was Novica Pavkovic,
Aleksandar Paunovic, Dragan Lukic, Igor Cekic,
Vanja Vulovic, Zlatko Zivkovic and Dejvid
Avgustinovic. Rock bands Testament and Paragraf,
vocal soloists Mica Kolarevic Kole, Jelena
Jakovljevic, the orchestra of Milan Jovanovic Maca,
the accordionist Aca Bilic and the ensemble KUD
Kikac from Basel made their contribution. The audience
warmly welcomed them and had great fun.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs in Switzerland
organized a new charity socializing on Friday, May 30
in the rooms of SKD Duebendorf, and collected 1.550
CHF for the endangered areas in Serbia and the
Republic of Srpska.
The Serbian consul Radivoje Radojevic greeted the
attendees, and emphasized his admiration for the
readiness of Diaspora to help in the difficult moments
for Serbia and the Republic of Srpska.
President of KUD Kikac, Aleksandar Paunovic,
thanked all the participants and sponsors who helped
in the realization of this charity activity. He thanked the
Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Zurich,
teacher Ivica Horvatovic, daily newspaper Vesti,
Zivkovic transportation, the firm Miro-kredit, and to
everyone who helped by volunteering.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
We also thank everyone who fulfilled the evening by
their coming, and who offered their trust and support to
the work of our charity organization.
We express immensely thanks to the young artists from
the choir Zurich nightingales, led by the violinist
Milica Lazic, virtuoso on classical guitar Luka
Stamenkovic and charming sisters Bisera and Milena
Tasic who were singing Serbian ethnic songs.
We call upon all the Serbs and friends of the
organization from Switzerland to contact us for further
arrangements and coordination for the future donor
gatherings and evenings, in order to collect the necessary
help for the flooded areas in Serbia and the Republic of
Srpska - szssvajcarska@gmail.com
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Members and friends of the Charity organization
Serbs for Serbs, together with the students from the
Faculty of Law collected help (wardrobe, food,
hygiene) for the six-member family Milinkovic from
Podgrac near Bratunac. We have heard of them from
one of our donors.
The flooding didn’t hit Bratunac a lot. Instead, landslide
damaged some villages. Podgrac is one of rare
settlements which had problems with flooding.
However, only the Milinkovic family was hit. While the
neighbors had their soils flooded, Stojan lost his house
and a piece of land. He only has a corner of the house
left with a refrigerator and an electric stove.
The Bratunac municipality settled them into a private
accommodation, for which it is paying a rent. Other
than, the municipal authorities are trying to buy them a
parcel, and the owners of the firms obliged to donate the
material for new house once the parcel is provided.
Students from the Faculty of Law made an effort and
filled in the car with wardrobe, food, hygiene and a lot
of things. One of the volunteers from the Faculty joined
us in the action.
Family Milinkovic is a refugee one from Srebrenica.
They bought a piece of land and built a house in
Podgrac, 3 km away from Bratunac. Stojan and his wife
have four daughters. He is not employed, but since he is
a house painter, he manages to work for a wage during
the summer. Stojan’s wife is employed. She is working
in a refrigerator car in Bratunac, which means that the
six of them live of 550 KM per month.
We delivered the help to the family, and agreed to hear
from them should they need something else to finish the
new home.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The next family we visited was family Tisma from
Ivosevac near Kistanje. The family consists of parents
Damir and Sanja, Damir’s brother Zoran and mother
Ljubica, as well as Damir’s and Sanja’s children Boban
(7), Darija (5) and Jakov (1). The family recently
returned to Krajina from Serbia. They are in a business
of growing sheep, so we agreed to buy them a used
small tractor in the amount of 1.500 EUR, so that the
business could be further developed.
Family Calic with their wood-burning stove
A three-day visit of the Charity organization Serbs for
Serbs to the Serbian Krajina, with the goal of visiting
and helping the returnee families, has successfully been
finished. Within the biggest action so far in Krajina, we
visited 15 families with 51 children, and the help was
provided in the amount of 14.000 EUR. The action
was conducted thanks to the immense help of clergy and
monkhood of Dalmatian Diocese, to whom we thank
for the help and hospitality. We also thank the clergy of
the St. George Church from Banovo Brdo, Belgrade,
who participated in the action by donating about 50
books of the Orthodox literature, which we gave to the
youngest in Krajina. The first part of the action was
conducted in Dalmatia, where we visited family Calic
from the village Brgud near Benkovac. We have
helped this six-member family two times before. The
conditions under which they live is somewhat better. On
this occasion, we decided to provide them a woodburning stove in the amount of 470 EUR.
The youngest Vujsaninovic, Andjelina and Jovan
In the same village we visited a four-member family
Vujasinovic, consisting of father Dalibor, mother
Nikolina and the children Jovan (4) and Andjelina (8).
We have helped the family in one of our previous
actions by providing the material for building a barn.
Considering the fact that the flock of sheep is
considerably bigger now, and that they need more space,
we decided to provide the additional material for the
barn in the amount of about 800 EUR. We would like
to thank Dalibor who was our driver in the hardly
accessible area during the visit to the families the next
Family Tisma with members of Serbs for Serbs
SfS with family Modirinic
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Still in the area of Kistanje, in the village Raducic, we
visited a seven-member household of Modrinic
(parents Zeljko and Zvezdana, granny Marija and the
children Zeljana (22), Jovana (21) and Dusko (18)).
This family is growing cows and selling their products.
They now have only five cows due to some unpredicted
circumstances, so we agreed to get them another cow in
the amount of approximately 1.000 EUR.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
family Bojanic from the village Raskovici. This large
household consists of parents Aleksandar and Danijela,
children Todor (13), Veroljub (3), Ivan (1),
Aleksandar’s brother Zoran, their father Vasilj, mother
Marijana and grandmother Marija. They are
unemployed, and dependent upon social benefit. They
are farmers, and have several goats.
We agreed to get them 5-6 goats in the forthcoming
Daughter Marta and father Mica Kalat
In the same village we visited family Kalat, and the
young married couple Mica and Sanja and their two
children: Marta (3) and Marija (3 months old). This
humble family lives in a house which was borrowed a
few years ago. Father Mico is in a business of auto
transport, but there is no enough job, so he tries to find
an alternative in growing and selling calves. Therefore,
we agreed to get them two calves in the amount of
1.000 EUR.
Dmitrovici family from Knin with SfS members
In Knin we visited family Dmitrovic, consisting of
parents Djuro and Mirela, granny Jelica and children
Sonja (1), Ivana (14) and David (9). This family
recently come back from Serbia, and they live in a
dilapidated house in Knin. Father of the family is
engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry in the
village Biskupija near Knin, thus making extra income
for his family.
Family Bojanic lives near Knin
After the area of Kistanje, we moved towards the
villages near Knin. The first family we visited was the
Therefore we agreed to buy them a used tiller in the
amount of 1.200 EUR, which was successfully
delivered prior to our visit.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The last family we visited on that day was family
Vukovic from Golubic. The family consists of parents
Petar and Rada, grandfather Ilija and children Bosiljka
(25), Milos (20) and Ivan (17). Unfortunately, the
family is having difficult time because Bosiljka and Ivan
are very ill. Milos is in a great deal responsible for
supporting the family, so he will be using a tiller
(bought for 1.200 EUR) the most.
The youngest members of Katic family
In the village Biskupija we visited two families. The
first one was family Katic, consisting of the parents
Zoran and Zeljka, and children Pavle (12), Mia (10),
Lana (8) and Sasa (6). We provided a used tiller for
this family as well, in the amount of 1,400 EUR,
considering that they have fertile land. Father Zoran is
successfully engaged in tin-locksmith business, and he
made a trailer for the tiller.
SfS with family Basa from Dalmatia
Our second day of activities in Dalmatia was reserved
for visiting the families Basa and Radulovic. Family
Basa lives under the mountain Dinara, is extremely
inaccessible area, so we went through an adventure until
we reached them. The six-member family consists of
parents Marinko and Svetlana, children Antonije (17),
Tanasije (9), Marina (7) and Ilijana (4). We bought a
cow for this family in the amount of 1.000 EUR. It
wasn’t delivered by the time of our visit.
Used tiller for family Treskavica
Another family we visited in Biskupija was family
Treskavica. Parents Miki and Sanja have three minor
daughters: Andjela (10), Petra (8) and Marija (5).
Agriculture is the main source of income, so that
providing a used tiller in the amount of 1.200 EUR is
an opportunity to increase the income.
Family cooperative of Radulovics
Tiller for family Vukovic from village Golubic
The last family we visited in the area of Dalmatia was a
small family cooperative of Radulovics, consisting of
three brothers and their families: Pajo and Nikolina
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
(children: Aleksandra (8) and Djurdja (5)), Mico and
Olivera (children: Milica (10), Milena (8) and Ognjen
(5)) and Spasoje and Djurdja, who still haven’t got
children. They all live in the household of their parents,
while each brother is building a house for his family
nearby. Works on those houses are far from being over,
so we agreed to deliver 1.000 EUR for the
construction material for this family.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
After family Sestic, we reached the last family within the
Easter action. It was family Tesinic from the village
Zivaja, consisting of parents Zoran and Dragana and
the children: Milica (8), Marko (5) and Marina (4
months old). They live in a house given to them for
usage. Before we visited them, we agreed to get them a
cow in the amount of 950 EUR, which was delivered
prior to our visit. Although they don’t have an estate on
their own, they are keeping the cow in an abandoned
barn near the house in which they live. The cow is
producing milk, which is important for all the members,
especially for the youngest Marina.
The last family, which is the largest in number, we
weren’t able to visit due to the weather circumstances.
The family Lazic consists of the parents and seven
children 6 to 21 years old. We agreed to get them a
used tiller, which we will try to deliver them as soon as
Milos and Radovan Sestic with delivered help
The third day was dedicated to the area of Banija, i.e.
Kostajnica and the nearby villages. The first family we
visited was family Sestic, whom we helped in the last
Christmas action. The family consists of parents Djuka
and Ljubica, Djuka’s parents and the children Milica
(10), Milos (8) and Radovan (6). The house in which
they live looks big enough, but it is not completed. It
was built before the war, when the family was a situated
one. Today they have only two functional rooms in
which all of them sleep. Father Djuka is trying to
complete three rooms for the youngest, so we decided to
help them by providing the construction material in
the amount of 650 EUR.
Large amount of the help was successfully delivered
prior to our arrival, so the families, which wasn’t the
case before, were able to thank us during our visit for the
help they obtained. The aim of this Easter action was
to provide help for the returnee families, which will
help them in agriculture or animal husbandry, in order to
provide economic and social independence and stability
in Krajina.
Acknowledgements from SPC Dalmatian Diocese
Donation for family Tesnic - cow
The aim of our future actions of help in those area will
be in the same direction, and with even more intensity,
because it is the only way for our people to survive and
stay in Krajina.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs
from Switzerland celebrated the slava of the
organization, St. Vasilije Ostroski, by cutting the slava
cake in the church in Belpo. Father Stanko Markovic
wished the present members happy slava, and the
spreading and progress of SfS branch in Switzerland in
the future.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs celebrated on
May 12 its slava St. Vasilije Ostroski.
The representatives of the organization from Belgrade
gathered prior to the beginning of the Holy Liturgy in
the temple of St. Simeon Mirotocivi in New Belgrade,
where the slava cake was cut, and the wheat was
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
The first annual sport-charity tournament in kicking
three-pointers “Trojka iz bloka” has been successfully
held on Saturday, May 10 in Gornji Milanovac, on the
basketball field of the Gymnasium Takovski ustanak.
The sunny day gathered over 2.000 people on the fields,
and the friends of the tournament from other cities were
also present. In the competition of over 150 participants
in the qualifications, 10 of them singled out, and the
winning trophy went to Aleksandar Bosnjak, who
scored 12 three-pointers.
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The runner-up was Pavle Pavlovic, while Pavle
Trifunovic won the third place. The common victory of
all who were present on the sport-charity and cultural
event was the financial help we collected. The sixmember family Markovic from the village Drenova
near Gornji Milanovac already received a bathroom,
while we will commence the building of the bathroom
for the seven-member family Cosovic from the village
Pranjani just after the tournament.
Igor Rasula with Aleksandar Bosnjak
winner of tournament
On Saturday, in just a couple of hours of tournament, we
collected 78.050 dinars. Before the tournament,
students and high school pupils from Gornji Milanovac
collected 290.610 dinars. The sport-charity day ended
in a charity party in a local club, on which 10.810
dinars were collected. Therefore, the total amount
collected was 379.470 dinars.
Winners of tournament „Trojka iz bloka“
Gornji Milanovac
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
In the following months, the inhabitants of Gornji
Milanovac will have sufficient topics to talk about,
because the day of the tournament, thanks to the
organizers of this great charity project, was a family day
with extensive sport, cultural-musical and educational
programmed. The organizers decided to host the
Orthodox-Sport Society Holy Serbia, founded by the
famous Serbian basketball player and Vice-president of
the Basketball Association of Serbia Dejan
Tomasevic, who was born in Gornji Milanovac.
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Stefan Lazic – one of the organizers of the tournament
„Trojka iz bloka“ Gornji Milanovac
Charity tournament Trojka iz bloka was opened in 13 h.
One of the organizers of the tournament Stefan Lazic
addressed the audience, as well as Igor Rasula,
president of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs.
Dragan Arsic on behalf of the Cultural center and
Milomir Jankovic on behalf of the Sport Association of
Gornji Milanovac used the opportunity to thank
everyone for the organization of such a great project in
their town. The closing speech belonged to Dejan
Tomasevic and deacon Vladimir Vuleta, who
symbolically officially opened the tournament by
throwing the ball into the basket.
As we stated, the day had finished by organizing the
charity party with the help of local DJs, known as
Partymakers. Until the next year and new tournament,
we should sum the impressions of this day, to follow the
progress of works at families Markovic and Cosovic,
and to wish good luck and support the organizing of
tournaments in other towns. We thank again everyone
who helped in holding the manifestation.
On this occasion, we wish to express special gratitude to
all of our donors and sponsors who supported the
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
realization of the project. The list of the donors and
sponsors follows:
Nisava – Gadzin Han, Nis – 7.000 dinars
OMV gas station Gornji Milanovac – 7.000 dinars
GM Converting Ltd. – 10.000 dinars
Roloflex Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Sasa Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Nela market Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Milojko Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Eko Pak Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Dan - D Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Flint Group Balkan Ltd. – 12.500 dinars
“Express photo” – 7.000 dinars
Bakery Bojan – 7.000 dinars
„Maksmil“ Ltd. – 10.000 dinars
4 Somuna – 7.000 dinars
ОТР “Cipelici” – 7.000 dinars
Craft Shop “Kovacevic” – 7.000 dinars
Printing Office RP Ltd. – 10.000 dinars
“Forma” – 10.000 dinars
Norvegian house Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Ni Maco Ltd. – 10.000 dinars
Craft Shop “Fino” – 7.000 dinars
Metalmont Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
RVD Metal Ltd. – 10.000 dinars
Miskovic Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Auto house Arko Ltd. – 10.000 dinars
Inter-Plet construction Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Aleksandar Lucic – 8.000 dinars
Kumovi Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Tehno Car Ltd. – 7.000 dinars
Cafe confectionery and “Stari krojac” – 7.000 dinars
„Neven – komerc“ Ltd. – water heater of 80 l
Enterijer stil – bathroom sanitary facilities
Profix Ltd. – toilet and washbasin
“Stosic“ – bathroom equipment in the amount of 8.000
Pet plus prom Ltd. – sponsorship in PVC joinery
Printing Office “Lenex” – promo material for the
Gold Tower Trade Ltd. – promo material for the
“Mass” Ltd. – 4 m3 of sand, 10 sacks of cement,
armature framework and transportation of material
Balkan expres – technical support of the tournament
Peperino – technical support of the tournament
KD 24 S – technical support of the tournament
Bakery “Tapa Tapa”- technical support of the
Cultural Center Gornji Milanovac – technical support
of the tournament
Sport Association Gornji Milanovac – technical
support of the tournament
Agi Pasta Away – technical support of the tournament
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
The second sport-charity tournament in 2014 in rapid
kicking three-pointers, “Trojka iz bloka” has been
successfully held on Sunday, May 25 in Nis, in the
basketball court of the elementary school St. Sava.
The sunny day gathered around 500 inhabitants, and
friends of the tournament from Leskovac, Vranje,
Knjazevac, Prokuplje, Belgrade and Novi Sad. In the
competition of about 130 participants in the qualification
part of the tournament, the 10 of them singled out, and
the winning trophy went to Vojin Kikic, who hit 11
three-pointers in the final series.
In several hours of the tournament, we collected 34.670
dinars. Before the tournament, students and high school
pupils from Nis collected 58.410 dinars and 60 EUR
from sponsors and donors. Therefore, the total amount
of money collected so far for the time being is 93.130
dinars and 60 EUR. In the following days, we expect
the payment from another sponsor, and from the
municipality Medijana (if the members of the
Municipality Assembly authorize the payment). The
final amount will be published on the website
Danilo Jamakovic was the runner-up, and Milos Katic
won the third place. All people present on the event
made a common victory, by collecting financial help
which will enable the building of the bathroom to a
seven-member family Milivojevic from Nis, which
lives in very difficult conditions.
All the money remaining after the building of the
bathroom for family Milivojevic will be, as promised,
donated for the reparation of the damaged objects in
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
Donors in May:
1. Compass Fuel donation box (IL) - $ 60
2. Balkan Bakery donation box (IL) - $ 15
3. Beograd Café donation box (IL) - $ 80
4. Nada's Deli & Bakery d. box (IL) - $ 20
5. St. Nikola, Brookfield d.box (IL) - $ 50
6. Dan Kovacevic (IL) - $ 25
7. www.usaserbs.net - $ 25
8. Zeljka Bucalo (NV) - $ 25
9. Milan Dobras (AZ) - $ 15
10. Tihomir Bajic (CA) - $ 100
11. Bosko Djurisic - $ 10 (facebook)
12. Slav Karach (GA) - $ 25
13. Ivan Aksentijevich (MD) - $ 25
14. Dragana W. - $ 40
15. Ivan Radulovic (NY) - $ 25
16. Richard Kulics (NV) - $ 1.000
17. Nikolina Burilo (IL) - $ 15
18. Aleksandar Micic (MO) - $ 15
19. Irena Gumbert (CA) - $ 25
20. Milan Zdrnja - $ 25
21. Vesna Kozomora (IL) - $ 25
22. Olja Meyer (NY) - $ 15
23. Predrag Kisa - $ 50
24. Jovanče T. (Serbia) - $150
25. Helena U. (USA) - $15
26. B.Bojanić (USA) - $15
27. Danijel P. (USA) - $25
28. ðorñe G. (CA) - $60
29. Petar N. (USA) - $30
30. Mirjana H. (USA) - $20
31. Ivana H. (USA) - $50
32. Maja R. (USA) - $25
33. Pero I. (USA) - $200
34. Pamela B. () - $5
35. Nevena C. (USA) – $50
36. Jelena M. (CA) - $20
37. Ivana P. (USA) - $100
38. Adriana M. (USA) - $50
39. Miroslav L. (USA) - $50
40. Mirjana Š. (USA) - $200
41. Aleksandar Ž. (USA) - $125
42. Predrag B. (USA) - $100
43. Miloš J. (USA) - $40
44. Julija D. (USA) - $ 50
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
45. Milan K. (USA) - $20
46. Slobodan P. (USA) - $200
47. Dejana B. (USA) - $50
48. Želimirka K. (USA) - $100
49. Miloš Š. (USA) - $100
50. Miloš K. (USA) - $50
51. Sandra J. (USA) - $30
52. Predrag J. (USA) - $100
53. Mina ð. (USA) - $50
54. Siniša B. (USA) - $100
55. Janko Z. (USA) - $100
56. Jelena T. (USA - $50
57. Marija P. (USA) -$25
58. Milica M. (USA) - $25
59. Khabibullin A. - $15
60. Vladimir G. (USA) - $200
61. Mileva Ž. (USA) - $200
62. Natalija M. (USA) - $50
63. Slaven F. (USA) - $20
64. Gorana T. (USA)- $100
65. Dragana S. (USA) - $50
66. Aleksandra M. (USA) - $20
67. Tihomir B. (USA) - $500
68. Una S. (USA) - $25
69. Bojana P. (USA) - $100
70. Gordana V. (USA) - $100
71. Dragana M. (USA) - $50
72. Dušan B. (USA) - $30
73. Živko L. (USA) - $50
74. Ivanka M. (USA) - $20
75. Miloš K. (USA) - $20
76. Nenad B. (USA) - $50
77. Petar N. (USA) - $30
78. Jovana K. (USA) - $50
79. Milenko M. (USA) - $100
80. Goran Ž. (USA) - $100
81. Vlatko N. (USA) - $50
82. Biljana ð. (USA) - $5
83. Sonja R. (USA) - $100
84. Ljubiša B. (USA) - $200
85. Jasmina P. (USA) - $25
86. Bojan P. (USA) - $100
87. Bergman S. (USA) - $50
88. Aleksandar T. (CA) - $100
89. Vesna M. (USA) - $20
90. Stanislav B. (USA) - $50
91. Siniša M. (CA) - $200
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
92. Sanja M. (USA) - $54
93. Damjana M. (USA) - $25
94. Natalie J. (USA) - $100
95. Jelena D. (USA) - $100
96. Mladen M. (USA) - $30
97. Goran M. (USA) - $ 50
98. Uroš N. (USA) - $20
99. Vladimir K. (USA) - $300
100. Marija Č. (USA) - $25
101. Milena S. (USA) - $20
102.Anita G. (USA) - $30
103. Jaroslav K. (USA) - $5.5
104. Darko R. (USA) - $20
105. Milan M. (USA) - $100
106. Zorica D.(USA) - $100
107. Bojana I. (USA) - $100
108. Net TV + Chicago (USA) - $ 100
109. Milan M. (USA) - $10
110. Milena K. (USA) - $20
111. Ljubodrag ð. (USA) - $50
112. Darko T. (USA) - $40
113. Dragana M. (USA) - $25
114. Vesna T. (USA) - $100
115. Bojana P. (CA) - $50
116. Aleksandar T. (USA) - $100
117. Mirjana H. (USA) - $50
118. Kurt M. (USA) - $ 50
119. Milena K. (USA) - $100
120. Neda I. (USA) - $50
121. Violeta T. (CA) - $50
122. Uroš V. (USA) - $30
123. Miladinka F. (USA) - $100
124. Miljan Z. (CG) -$20
125. Jelena M. (USA) - $200
126. Jovan R. (USA) - $50
127. Veljko D. (USA) - $200
128. Marta S. (CA) - $100
129. Andrea L. (USA) - $200
130. Ivan V. (USA) - $50
131. Jelena T. (USA) - $50
132. Irina S. (USA) - $ 20
133. Miloš S. (USA) - $100
134. Darija V. (USA) - $100
135. Katarina J. (USA) - $200
136. Dstar Accessories INC. (USA) - $ 1.43
137. Ivana T. (USA) - $50
138. Dragan P. (USA) - $20
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
139. Branislav G. (USA) - $30
140. Lara V. (USA) - $50
141. Jovana G.(CA) - $50
142. Thomas T. (USA) - $5
143. ðuro V. (USA) - $100
144. Vladica B. (USA) - $100
145. Tina K. (USA) - $30
146. Predrag M. (USA) - $20
147. Tijana T. (USA) - $100
148. Vojislav R. (USA) - $100
149. Nataša K. (USA) - $50
150. Gordana D. (USA) - $100
152. Miloš M. (USA) - $60
153. Bojan T. (USA) - $25
154. Dušan J. ( USA) - $100
155. Gordana T. (USA) - $80
156. Milioš K. (USA) - $200
157. Nataša L. M. (USA) - $20
158. Tatjana S. (USA) - $40
159. Maja B. (USA) - $50
160. Ljiljana Z. (USA) - $50
161. Darko S. (USA) - $15
162. Dragoljub K. (USA)- $200
163. Jovanka V. (USA) - $20
164. Ira G. (USA)- $250
165. Laura J. (USA) - $100
166. Vladimir G. (USA) - $100
167. Miloš M. (USA) - $30
168. Jovan S . (USA) - $20
169. Nemanja K. (USA) - $100
170. Kristijan Š. (USA) - $100
171. Vladimir P. (USA) - $25
172. Ivan NJ. (USA) - $100
173. Maja R. (CA) - $8
174. Ellen L. (USA) - $5
175. Mario M . (USA) -$25
176. Tijana M. (USA) - $75
177. Milena K. (USA) - $100
178. Bruno F. (USA) - $1
179. Emily N. (USA) – $100
180. Vilson N. (CA) - $22
181. Milorad G. (USA) - $20
182. Mirela M. (USA) - $50
183. Srñan V. (USA) - $100
184. Sonja R. (USA) - $100
185. Goran V. (USA) - $10
186. Nenad J. (USA) - $20
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
187. Toni M. (USA) -$50
188. Denis R. (USA) -$50
189. Bojan G. (USA) - $25
190. Čedomir T. (USA) - $100
191. Andrea ð. (USA) - $30
192. Lisa K. P. (USA) - $10
193. Bojan C. (USA)- $10
194. Željka V. (USA)- $50
195. Oliver S. (USA) - $20
196. Alekdandar M. (USA) - $100
197. Dunja B. (USA) - $20
198. Aleksandar R. (USA)- $50
199. Dragan J. (CA) - $50
200. Ron S. (USA)- $200
201. Branka A. (USA) - $10
202. Ana O. (USA) - $50
203. Goran S. (USA) - $50
204. Igor K. (USA)- $250
205. Srñan M. (USA) - $50
206. Aleksandar (USA) - $50
207. Gorica M. (USA) - $200
208. Marko O. (USA) - $22,35
209. Slobodanka T. (USA) - $200
210. Dragana L. (USA) - $50
211. Nataša ð. (USA) - $75
212. Dušan S. (USA) - $50
213. Ivana K. J. (USA) - $300
214. Vladan O. (USA) - $50
215. Lazar B. (USA) - $20
216. Lidija B. (USA) - $50
217. Igor L. G. (USA) - $50
217. Srñan G. (USA) - $100
218. Ljiljana S. (USA) - $20
219. Milan V. (USA) - $25
220. Casey A. (USA) - $30
221. Michael A. (USA) - $50
222. Sanja R. (AUS) - $50
223. Miloš M. (USA) - $20
224. Michael A. (USA) - $50
225. Joshua N. (USA) - $25
226. Jelena C. (USA) - $100
227. Vladan J. (USA) - $100
228. Milorad V. (USA) - $300
229. Dragan S.(USA) - $200
230. Dušan A. (USA) - $100
231. Daniel M. (USA) - $20
232. Miroslav T. (USA) - $50
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
233. Mariola M. (USA) - $100
234. Dijana L. (USA) - $100
235. Stevan D. (USA) - $30
236. Jelena S. (USA) - $50
237. Igor M. (USA) - $100
238. Jovana M. (USA) - $20
239. Aleksandra T. (USA) - $10
240. Nedeljko P. (USA) - $100
241. Gavrilo R. (USA)- $10
242. Radovan R. (USA) - $50
243. Branko ð. (USA) - $25
244. Danijel S. (USA) - $20
245. Uroš M. (CA) - $200
246. Carl B. (USA) - $150
247. Boban K. (USA) - $100
248. Galina D. (USA) - $50
249. Miljan M. (USA)- $200
250. Danijel J. (USA) - $200
251. Vanja L. (USA) - $50
252. Miljana R. (CA) - $100
253. Marina B. (USA) - $50
254. Nataša D. K. (USA) - $100
255. Ivan K. (USA) - $10
256. Skyler M. (USA) – $0.5
257. Tijana T. (USA) - $50
258. Igor S. (CA) - $50
259. Vanja S. (USA) - $20
260. Mihajlo K.(USA) - $100
261. Bojan J. (USA) - $50
262. Tai H. (USA) - $20
263. Saša K. (USA) - $100
264. Nemanja G. (USA) - $50
265. Milka M. (USA) - $100
266. Nataša S. (USA) - $100
267. Momčilo P. (USA) - $100
268. Dragana I. (USA) - $100
269. Branka S. (USA) - $300
270. Dragan V. (USA) - $20
271. Andrea B. (USA) - $10
272. Žarko K. (USA) - $40
273. Aleksandar M. (USA) - $350
273. Saša D. (USA) - $100
274. Jovana B. (USA) - $30
275. Miloš V. (USA) - $200
276. Anita M. (USA) - $30
277. Snežana D. (USA) - $100
278. Luna J. (USA) - $20
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
279. Biljana P. (USA) - $50
280. Julija M. (USA) - $20
281. Dušan K. (USA) - $100
282. Rade G. (USA) - $100
283. Wendy F. (USA) - $25
284. Marija M. (CA) - $15
285. Miloš M. (USA) - $50
286. Goran U. (USA) - $40
287. Nebojša A. (USA) - $100
288. Marko G. (USA) - $20
289. Suzana L. (USA) - $25
290. Slavica R. (USA) - $50
291. Biopro Group INC (USA) - $100
292. Aleksandar M. (USA) - $30
293. Sabina A. (USA) - $20
294. Milan D. (USA) - $50
295. Biljana S. (USA) - $15
296. Aleksandra K. (USA) - $150
297. Snežana U. (USA) - $25
298. Tatyana G. (USA) - $30
299. Goja A. (USA) - $20
300. Nemanja J. (USA) - $100
301. Igor I. (USA) - $20
302. Snežana A. (USA) - $25
303. Jelena R. (USA) - $50
304. Mila V. (USA) - $75
305. Milica T. (USA) - $50
306. Duška V. (USA) - $80
307. Katarina S. (USA) - $100
308. Zvonko A. (USA) - $50
309. Gordana S. (USA) - $30
310. Zoran S. (USA) - $20
311. Nevena P. (USA) - $50
312. Danijela R. (USA) - $100
313. Biljana S. (USA) - $150
314. Milena S. (CA) - $50
315. Filip P. (USA) - $50
316. Miroslav (AUS) - $100
317. Nebojša D. (USA) - $250
318. Nenad L. (USA) - $20
319. Alan B. (USA) - $100
320. Milan B. (USA) - $150
321. Svetlana S. (USA) - $200
322. Tatjana V. (USA) - $50
323. Nemanja Dz. (USA) - $20
324. Ljiljana Ć. (USA) - $50
325. Aleksandar ð. - 15$
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
326. Ljiljana T. - 500$
327. Marko S. - 150$
328. Nebojša N. - 100$
329. Rebecca W. - 50$
330. Dragana B. - 100$
331. Louis S. - 100$
332. Sandra N. - 20$
333. Milana E. - 20$
334. Dale M. - 25$
335. Dijana K. - 50$
336. Joel M. - 200$
337. Ion B. - 50$
338. Tijana J. - 100$
339. Dejan L. - 20$
340. Rachel W. - 30$
341. Predrag K. - 100$
342. Lora G. - 50$
343. Nicole F. - 100$
344. Bad S. - 100$
345. Blažo K. - 50$
346. Miloš M. - 20$
347. Rodoljub S. - 25$
348. Tanja Z. - 100$
349. Milan P. - 100$
350. Colin L. - 250$
351. Jonel G. - 50$
352. Jakša M. - 100$
353. Aleksandar ð. - 120$
354. Robert F.T. - 10$
355. Steve V. - 200$
356. Marijana M. - 30$
357. Sokolov D. - 30$
358. Marko S. - 100$
359. Nataša G. - 100$
360. Marija M. - 70$
361. Ivan A. - 25$
362. Jodi M. - 25$
363. Andrew M. - 25$
364. Branislav L. - 70$
365. Marko S. - 100$
366. Landry R. - 15$
367. Katharina T. - 40$
368. Vasil M. - 10$
369. Antonio C. - 2.000$
370. Ilya M. - 30$
371. Tara's Medical fund - 100$
372. Aleksandar I. - 80$
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
373. Ljeposava G. - 100$
374. Nikola J. - 50$
375. Snežana S. - 100$
376. L315 Web studio - 2.000$
377. Danica B. - 25$
378. Dejan S. - 50$
379. Duško R. - 50$
380. Srñan K. - 100$
381. Nikola S. (AUD) - 45$
382. Saša P. - 40$
383. Per H. - 5$
384. Richard T. - 30$
385. Milan T. - 100$
386. Aleksandar R. - 50$
387. Vojo S. - 20$
388. Ivan S. - 20$
389. Marjan G. - 10$
390. Zoran Z. - 50$
391. Tanja M. - 10$
392. Michela M. - 10$
393. Aleksandar N. - 50$
394. Stevan K. - 50$
395. Dušan O. - 100$
396. Uroš P. - 50$
397. Siniša G. - 50$
398. Borislav C. - 100$
399. Yossi H. - 50$
400. Marija P. - 100$
401. Rade K. - 100$
402. Rade V. - 50$
403. Ivana R. - 100$
404. Elizabeta M. - 100$
405. Aleksić A. - 50$
406. Aleksandar ð. - 100$
407. Nick V. - 50$
408. Ljiljana Ž. - 100$
409. Igor M. - 40$
410. Goce B. - 10$
411. Radmila A. - 50$
412. Nikola M. - 50$
413. Saša Č. - 100$
414. Monika S. - 20$
415. Velinka A. - 30$
416. Gordana L. - 100$
417. Dragiša M. - 75$
418. Natalija V. - 60$
419. George P. - 50$
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
420. Ivana T. - 10$
421. Dejan S. - 50$
422. Aysylu G. - 10$
423. Nikola M. - 200$
424. Živko G. - 300$
425. Anita D. - 10$
426. Helena J. - 90$
427. Danijel M. - 20$
428. Ivan K. - 40$
429. Susi S. - 50$
430. Zorana T. - 150$
431. Danijel P. - 100$
432. Saša S. - 100$
433. Zoran M. - 100$
434. Nikola S. - 100$
435. Jim H. - 100$
436. NDN Logic LLC - 100$
437. Marko V. - 30$
438. Marčin O. - 25$
439. Zoran M. - 200$
440. Ashraf D. - 20$
441. Vanja ð. - 100$
442. Senka T. - 100$
443. Mirjana M. - 50$
444. Petar R. - 50$
445. Bojan P. - 100$
446. Dalibor K. - 100$
447. Dejana K. - 70$
448. Petar R. - 200$
449. Jelena A. - 100$
450. Sanja J. - 100$
451. Danijel G. - 100$
452. Denis D. - 100$
453. Bojan P. - 5$
454. Ivaylo M. - 20$
455. Ivan V. - 100$
456. Jasna P. - 100$
457. Srñan K. - 40$
458. Nikola R. - 100$
459. Alex B. - 30$
460. Radoje R. - 100$
461. Faith N. - 25$
462. Aco P. - 100$
463. Anka R. - 200$
464. Ernest L. - 50$
465. Miroslav I. - 100$
466. Milena S. - 20$
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
467. Ivan ð. - 50$
468. Kathryn K. - 5$
469. Danilo J. - 150$
470. Uglješa K. - 100$
471. Drago I. (CAD) - 100$
472. Ognjen B. - 100$
473. Deni K. - 100$
474. Veljko N. - 100$
475. Milica K. - 200$
476. Ranko L. - 2$
477. Inta right - 132$
478. Tijana M. (CAD) - 50$
479. Nikola O. - 100$
480. Nebojša D. - 100$
481. Saša K. - 50$
482. Vesna M. - 40$
483. Predrag R. - 100$
484. Neda M. - 100$
485. Marko M. - 50$
486. Dejan D. - 20$
487. Tatjana S.K. - 10$
488. Bojan J. - 50$
489. Vladimir M. - 100$
490. Ramon H. - 25$
491. Jelena K. - 50$
492. Zoran G. - 100$
493. Mladen R. - 30$
494. Nataša K. - 750$
495. Božana J. - 250$
496. Predrag L. - 30$
497. Vesna M. - 50$
498. Nada K. - 100$
499. Stephen K. - 25$
500. Ivana B. - 100$
501. Algohf LLC - 30$
502. Jovana B. - 50$
503. Budimir I. - 200$
504. Kristina B. - 20$
505. Nemanja ð. - 200$
506. Luiza Z. - 20$
507. Nikola M. - 50$
508. Maja S. - 300$
509. Miloš H. - 200$
510. Ivica P. - 50$
511. David D. - 50$
512. Miroslav I. - 200$
513. Dušan B. - 200$
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
514. Ivana L. - 500$
515. Alan O. - 25$
516. Branko M. - 10$
517. Igor D. - 320$
518. Natalija G. - 50$
519. Milan B. - 150$
520. Nemanja M. - 50$
521. Danijela P. - 20$
522. Dragana Z. - 40$
523. Tamara S. - 300$
524. Milica S. (CAD) - 100$
525. Jelena Š. - 50$
526. Denis C. - 20$
527. Brankica J. - 10$
528. Kristina K. - 30$
529. C&V Granite INC - 100$
530. Silvana M. - 50$
531. Aleksandar T. - 200$
532. Kisterev D. - 200$
533. Evan B. - 10$
534. Branko G. - 200$
535. Dejan R. - 100$
536. William M. - 50$
537. Joel D. - 15$
538. Jelena V. - 20$
539. Your Wedding Favors (CAD) - 50$
540. Vladan P. (CAD) - 100$
541. Ivana Ć. - 50$
542. Saša G. - 20$
543. Dejan M.(CAD) - 200$
544. Sandra K. - 5$
545. Ranko S. - 100$
546. Тhaddeus E. - 250$
547. Јulie S. - 70$
548. Karina M. - 10$
549. Van Gal Jewlery - 200$
550. Trajče I. - 50$
551. Snežana L. - 50$
552. Marko J. - 25$
553. Kathleen R. - 50$
554. Ljubica T. - 200$
555. Ljiljana O. - 100$
556. Goran J. - 100$
557. Marko ð. - 100$
558. Ivona N. - 20$
559. Jovana V. - 50$
560. Želimirka K. - 20$
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
561. Sam B. - 200$
562. Annabelle A. - 100$
563. Nadieszda K. - 25$
564. Dragiša M. - 50$
565. Aleksandar M. - 50$
566. Sandra M. - 25$
567. Milan S. - 50$
568. Marin R. - 100$
569. Miljan P. - 100$
570. Andrijana L. - 50$
571. Ivana A. - 100$
572. Lidija J. - 20$
573. Zak I. - 200$
574. Predrag P. (CAD) - 200$
575. Nada P. - 50$
576. Ana L. - 50$
577. Vladislav T. - 20$
578. Igor T. (AUD) - 10$
579. Dragan A. - 250$
580. Matt T. - 50$
581. Vladimir D. - 100$
582. Zlatko B. - 100$
583. Ivan K. - 50$
584. Filip T. - 10$
585. Ivan K. - 50$
586. Ankica D. - 100$
587. Predrag V. - 50$
588. Miroslav M. - 150$
589. Maja Č. - 100$
590. Slobodanka B. - 100$
591. Tamara Ć. - 25$
592. Jelena V. - 50$
593. Ivan B. - 30$
594. Ninela B. - 30$
595. Vlad M. - 300$
596. Vukašin K. - 100$
597. Vladimir L. - 100$
598. Dušan M. - 25$
599. Z. Marinković - 50$
600. Jelena S. - 20$
601. Jelena T. - 50$
602. Jovan J. - 100$
603. Tina K. - 120$
604. Stevan B. - 100$
605. Dragoljub R. - 100$
606. Anñelka G. - 100$
607. Oliver J. - 10$
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
608. Dijana M. - 50$
609. Nikola M. - 200$
610. Nemanja M. - 100$
611. Anonimus - 100$
612. Aleksandar J. - 200$
613. Ognjes S. - 50$
614. Dejan S. - 100$
615. Uroš V. - 30$
616. Vlado Z. - 200$
617. Mustafa D.M. - 40$
618. Donna S. (AUD) - 50$
619. Aliaksandr Z. - 7$
620. Bora S. - 100$
621. Nevena C. - 50$
622. Jadranka M. - 200$
623. Darko P. - 50$
624. Vlatko N. - 50$
625. Felicia C. - 20$
626. Anonymous - 50$
627. Neño M. - 100$
628. Dragomir S. - 500$
629. Miloš M. - 60$
630. Darko J. - 100$
631. Ljubiša Z. - 150$
632. Danka I. - 150$
633. Nina N. - 100$
634. Ivan V. - 100$
635. Kornel C. - 20$
636. Jennifer G. - 5$
637. Anastasia W. - 50$
638. Miroslav C. - 50$
639. Natalija B. - 100$
640. Societe Evoluglass - 150$
641. Aleksandar T. (CAD) - 45$
642. Andrej M. - 500$
643. Sieu N. - 10$
644. Srñan C. - 30$
645. Anja B. - 20$
646. Michael R. - 40$
647. Olgica G. - 30$
648. Samantha G. - 20$
649. Total LSAT Prep - 150$
650. Jelena Ž. - 100$
651. Predrag P. - 100$
652. Damir T. - 50$
653. Alan B. - 200$
654. Angela M. - 50$
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
655. Branko R. - 100$
656. Milan J. - 50$
657. Aleksandar P. - 100$
658. Oliveira W. - 50$
659. Vuk R. - $1055 (Bank of America)
660. Dejan J. -$70
661. Hendrik J. -$100
662. Olga G. - $250
663. Dragan T. - $100
664. Svetlana O. - $50
665. Dobrivoj K. - $500
666. Anita K. - $40
667. Irena R. - $10
668. Jill S. - $50
669. Ricky H. - $25
670. Dragan R. - $250
671. Ogi i Daca M. - $50
672. Nevena T. - $100
673. Bojan B. P. – $100
674. Bojan P. - $20 (CAD)
675. Lee M. - $20
676. Ana ð. S. - $30
677. Danijela L. - $100
678. Goran Š. - $200
679. Valentina D. - $50
680. Saša S. -$200
681. Zoran M. - $150
682. Boris B. - $100
683. Milan B. - $120
684. Nikola K. - $150
685. Ljubiša M. -$100
686. Miloš M. - $150
687. Rafael C. - $2
688. Suzana S. - $30
689. Anna Z. - $20
690. Milutin J. - $100
691. Željka B. - $100
692. William D. - $15
693. Stevo V. - $50
694. Nikola R. - $100
695. Biljana M. - $1000
696. Ivana ð. - $50
697. Dušan S. - $80
698. Branko G. - $510
699. Tomislav P. - $100
700. Simeon C. - $20
701. Dragoslav S. - $500
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
702. Anonymous - $100
703. Dragan M. - $100
704. Lazar M. - $200
705. Dunya M. - $20
706. Pavle K. - $30
707. Gehl E. - $100
708. Perica D. - $100
709. Dmytrov V. - $40.52
710. Branka R. - $100
711. Branko P. - $50
712. Darko A. - $200
713. Dragan V. -$30
714. Dušan T. - $50
715. Ivana B. - $100
716. Milena K. -$20
717. Draženka G. - $100
718. Milorad R. - $220
719. Jovana B. - $50
720. Živko K. - $50
721. Robert K. - $50
722. Mathew L. - $5 (CAD)
723. Mirko DŽ. - $85
724. Dragiša J. $100
725. Nikša L. - $50
726. Vladimir L. - $100
727. David N. - $300
728. Predrag J. - $100
729. Nikola S. - $100
730. Anna V. - $25
731. Viachaslau P. - $30
732. Spas N. - $50
733. Tatjana Z. H. - $200
734. Mladen P. - $200
735. Matthew K. - $50
736. Marija M. - $20
737. Ivana J. - $20
738. Frank S. - $100
739. Svetlana S. - $30
740. Sov – stock - $4
741. Sacha C. - $15
742. Anonimous - $100
743. Goran B. - $50
744. Makuwira M. - $15
745. Nestorović - $50
746. Igor T. - $100 (AUD)
747. Stevo K. - $100
748. Aleksandar J. - $100
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
749. Aleksandar M. - $20
750. Snežana J. - $20
751. Boris R. - $100 (CAD)
752. Mira M. - $100
753. Nenad S. - $200
754. Marija S. M. - $25
755. Alexey D. - $25
756. Vuk K. - $500
757. Christopher K. - $20 (CAD)
758. ML Global Ltd - $200
759. Jennifer C. - $25
760. Gordana T. -$50
761. Daniel ð. - $100
762. Nataša Š. - $50
763. Nick J. - $200
764. Miroslav B. - $50
765. Tatjana S. - $200
766. Jelena i Dejan A. - $100
767. Dejan J. - $100
768. Saša L. - $100
769. Anonymous - $100
770. Radmila G. - $110
771. Domazet - $100
772. Ana P. - $150
773. Radoje Z. - $100
774. Kiya S. - $10
775. Marc B. - $25
776. Marko M. -$20
777. Marko I. - $20
778. Nikola J. - $20
779. Petar Č. –$20
780. Rajko D. – $20
781. ðoko Š. - $20
782. Ranko P. - $20
783. Sekula Č. - $20
784. Miloš B. - $20
785. Marko J. - $20
786. Drago G. - $20
789. Marko Č. - $20
790. Dule Vukašin - $20
791. Rade P. - $20
792. Momo P. - $20
793. Drago V. - $20
794. Jole K. - $20
795. Ćiro A. - $20
796. Dušan J. - $20
797. Dušan A. - $20
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
798. Milan Z. - $20
799. Uroš L. - $50
780. Charity night in Chicago - $13.448
781. Pauline G. - $30
782. Ivana S. - $100
783. Denes V. - $25
784. Zorana S. - $40
785. Darko B. - $250
786. Anna K. - $10
787. Nikola K. - $100
789. Ken H. - $25
790. Sam C. - $5.000
791. Ivan S. - $30
792. Biljana M. - $178. 98
793. Brankica P. - $100
794. Saša K. - $50
795. Ljiljana N. - $100
796. Paula P. S. - $100
797. Anita P. - $5
798. Dijana A. - $10
799. Aleksandar T. - $250
800. Greg S. - $50
801. Aleksandar Z. - $7
802. Bora S. - $ 100
803. Nevena C. - $ 50
804. Jadranka M. - $ 200
805. Darko P. - $ 50
806. Vlatko N. - $ 50
807. Felicia C. - $ 20
808. Neño M. - $ 100
809. Dragomir S. - $ 500
810. Miloš M. - $ 60
811. Darko J. - $ 100
812. Ljubiša Z. - $ 150
813. Danka I. - $ 150
814. Nina N. - $ 100
815. Ivan V. - $ 100
816. Kornel C. - $ 20
817. Violeta V. – $ 50
818. Sarah A. - $ 30
819. Dragan P. - $ 100
820. Manoj P. - $ 50
821. Kristin McD. - $ 15
822. Zoran N. - $ 100
823. Aman D. - $ 50
824. Gina O R. - $ 50
825. Matthew K. - $ 25
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
826. Sam C. - $ 100
827. Jenny S. - $ 50
828. Blagovest P. - $ 50
829. Factory U. - $ 100
830. Lauren M. - $ 20
831. Milan S. - $ 50
832. Marko G. - $100
833. Chris W. - $ 20
834. Vladan Š. - $ 100
835. HD Technology - $ 20
836. Daniel N. - $ 25
837. Dianne D. - $ 100
838. Goran P. - $ 30
839. Continental Logistics Services,
Inc., McCook (IL) – $ 5.257
840. Mirko D. - $ 100
841. Elizabeta M. - $ 20
842. Dillon W. - $ 30
843. Matthew C. - $ 20
844. Nenad V. - $ 200
845. Genesis Home Care - $ 200
846. Željko V. - $ 100
847. Ruth Violeta S. L. - $ 50
848. Theodora Hadzi A. - $ 30
849. Katarina A. - $ 100
850. Dragana J. - $ 25
851. The Firm 1989 International - $ 400 CAD
852. Zdenka O. - $ 100
853. Miljan K. - $ 100
854. Marko Š. - $ 100
855. Zlata G.J. - $ 100
856. Danijela K. ð. - $250
857. Benjamin K. - $ 50
858. Goran K. - $ 80
859. Nikola N. - $ 200
860. Dragoljub S. - $ 100
861. Irena N. - $ 50
862. Nina Z. - $ 50
863. Tomislav Č. - $ 50
864. Vesna K. - $ 25
865. Tanja T. - $ 50
866. Anton K. - $ 20
867. Tony C. - $ 25
868. Petar R. - $ 250
869. Metheus N. - $ 2
870. Miloš S. - $ 50
871. Bob Veselin R. - $ 40
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
872. Mirko R. - $ 25
873. Stevan P. - $ 50
874. Bob E. - $ 100
875. Eileen G. - $ 200
876. Katarina G. - $ 100
877. Milan M. – $ 50
878. Evgeniya M. - $ 30
879. Nemanja S. - $ 100
880. Robert S. - $ 10
881. Radmilo K. - $ 100
882. Nevena K. - $ 40
883. Brian R. - $ 70
884. Dragiša ð. – $ 15
885. Miloš J. - $ 100
886. Dina K. - $ 50
887. Alexander S. - $ 50
888. Marko P. - $ 300
889. Gorica M. - $ 75
890. Jasminka J. - $ 50
891. Miloš M. - $ 100
892. Jonathan B. – $ 15
893. Marin M. - $ 50
894. Aleksandar M. - $ 200
895. Veneta J. - $ 100
896. Branislav J. - $ 30
897. Svetlana S. - $ 50
898. Milja M. - $ 100
899. Tanja J. – $ 20
900. Snežana I. - $ 50
901. Dragana Š. - $ 30
902. Slañana A. - $ 100
903. Gina R. - $ 50
904. Elena T. – $ 25
905. Zakhar K. - $ 20
906. Miodrag A. - $ 200
907. Boško Ž. - $ 100
908. Jean Y. - $ 20
909. Dragana K. - $ 100
910. Saša G. - $ 50
911. Miloš M. - $ 20
912. Miljan K. - $ 250
913. Usman K. - $ 50
914. Nevena Š. - $ 200
915. Rachel K. - $ 100
916. Joshua S. - $ 25
917. Radoslav S. - $ 100
918. Isidora B. - $ 50
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
919. Miljan S. - $ 100
920. David G. - $ 50
921. Slañana C. - $ 200
922. Slobo R. - $ 200
923. Miroslav M. - $ 200
924. Radojko D. - $ 20
925. Živko T. - $ 100
926. Branislav F. - $ 500
927. Dragiša S. - $ 100
928. Radmila A. - $ 50
929. Olja M. - $ 25
930. John H. - $ 40
931. Alen A. – $ 50 AUD
932. Charity night – Toscanos Chicago - $ 5.225
933. Mechanicals I.C.E. Chicago - $ 1.278
934. Nenad M. - $ 25
935. Radomir Z. - $ 250
936. Ivan Ž. - $ 300
937. Aleksandar M. - $ 50
938. Petar K. - $ 100
939. Pavel N. - $ 15
940. Tanja J. - $ 200
941. Bojana K. - $ 100
942. Kathy R. - $ 20
943. Silvia N. – $ 50
944. Frank W. - $ 10
945. Dmitrij L. - $ 3
946. Anonimno – $ 10
947. Predrag K. - $ 50
948. Bojan M. - $ 150
949. Ana K. - $ 200
950. Nemanja J. - $ 30
951. Dijana D. K. - $ 50
952. Anonimno – $ 10
953. Alenka J. – $ 50
954. Nick M. – 500 $
955. Katrina C. – $ 1.915
956. Iakov P. - $ 50
957. Yvonne G. - $ 50
958. Francesca R. - $ 12
959. Katrina K. - $ 20
960. Advance Technology Consulting, LTD. - $ 100
961. Mladen M. - $ 100
962. Dajana D. - $ 50
963. Muller.mx - $ 150 MXN
964. Leland Orr - $ 100
965. Marica G. - $ 100
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
966. Lora C. - $ 15
967. Branislav E. - $ 200
968. Vanja S. - $ 20
969. Sheeda C. - $ 10
970. Aleksandar P. - $ 200
971. Miljan P. - $ 200
972. Dušan S. - $ 200
973. Marijana M. - $ 100
974. Katarzyna E. R. - $ 20 CAD
975. Tanja J. - $ 50
976. Jovica I. - $ 50
977. Jovana I. - $ 20
978. Green Skin Organix LLC - $ 50
979. Dušan C. - $ 100
980. Sanja P. – $ 20
981. Nikola N. - $ 400
982. Aleksandr N. – $ 9.5
983. Marta S. - $ 25
984. Srinivasa M. - $ 50
985. Sanja - $ 300
986. Eleanor M. - $ 10
987. Katrina C. - $ 100
988. Vojin T. – $ 100
989. Radmilo T. - $ 100
990. Matija B. - $ 50
991. Katrina C. - $ 10
992. Anonymous - $ 140
993. Freddy B. - $ 25
994. Marija M. - $ 50
995. Daniela D. - $ 500
996. Gregg S. - $ 100
997. Chris C. - $ 126
998. Borko N. - $ 200
999. JP M. Chase Quick Pay / Anonymous - $ 100
1000. Anonimno - $ 10
1001. Renata A. Bjelobrk - $ 300
1002. Aleksandar P. /SAD/ - $ 1.000
1003. Belinda R. - $ 15
1004. Zlata M. - $ 50
1005. Slobodan O. - $100
1006. Alan V. - $ 46
1007. Vladimir K. - $300
1008. Gary M. - $20
1009. Bojan J. - $ 25
1010. Srñan M. - $ 25
1011. Vedrana M. - $ 120
1012. Vesna S. - $ 20
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
1013. Google wallet – $ 100
1014. Srbi iz Las Vegasa – $ 41.355
1015. Anonymous BB - $ 100
1016. Radovan K. - $ 100
1017. Shauna H. - $ 30
1018. Nevena T. - $ 50
1019. Slaven G. - $ 200
1020. Rachel K. - $ 4
1021. Gordon M. - $ 250
1022. Chelsea H. - $ 10
1023. Bojan J. - $ 100
1024. Tanja J. - $ 75
1025. Helena T. - $ 40
1026. Nency T. - $ 10
1027. Krstan M. - $ 100
1028. Nicole B. - $ 25
1029. Milan ð. - $ 40
1030. Milan J. - $ 30
1031. Slavko A. G. - $ 200
1032. Logvinov A. - $ 30
1033. Aleksandar I. - $ 60
1034. Ivana P. - $ 100
1035. Dragan G. - $ 20
1036. Dragan C. - $ 100
1037. Ljiljana S. - $ 100
1038. Biljana G. - $ 50
1039. Milica L. - $ 150
1040. Lidija S. - $ 20
1041. Ankica D. - $ 25
1042. Geraldine L. - $ 25
1043. Veljko D. - $ 200
1044. Salim S. - $ 150
1045. Slobodan J. - $ 50
1046. Michael P. - $ 100
1047. Nemanja Dž. - $ 100
1048. Marcus S. - $ 200
1049. Milos Kralj Microsoft GP - $ 400
1050. Gordana K. – $ 90
1051. Vedran V. - $ 415
1052. Aleksandra K. - $ 300
1053. Milina Z. - $ 50
1054. Vladan S. - $ 50
1055. Naser M. - $ 50
1056. MSC Transport Inc. Chicago - $ 300
1057. Beograd Cafe, Chicago, - $ 500
1058. Moravac Folklore Group, Sv Nikola,
Brookfield - $ 2.000
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
1059. Avala Folklore Group, Sv Stevan,
Chicago - $ 1.406
1060. Memorial Day Picnic, Nova
Gracanica Monastery - $ 1.712
1061. Milan S. – $ 100
1062. Nina & Maksim K. – $ 50
1063. Bojana M. - $ 40
1064. Fox Freight INC - $ 700
1065. Ivana Korabs Global Heart Event - 50 £
1066. Alexis D. - $ 20
1067. Marija T. S. - $ 200
1068. Branka D. - $ 10
1069. Dušan T. - $ 200
1070. Dragana K. - $ 300
1071. Dušan L. - $ 500
1072. Nataša K. - $ 100
1073. Suzanne F. - $ 100
1074. Ellen S. - $ 40
1075. Flash Express - $ 75
1076. Nada R. - $ 300
1077. Anonimno - $ 25
1078. Emina I. - $ 50
1079. Danica T. - $ 200
1080. Svetlana M. - $ 100
1081. Nada's Deli - $ 200
1082. Anonimno - $ 40 (AT&T)
1083. Marko P. - $ 12.12 (AT&T)
1084. Zoran G. - $ 27.64 (AT&T)
1085. Anonimno - $ 2.12 (AT&T)
1086. Milan D. - $ 4.2 (AT&T)
1087. Nenad i Nevena K. - $ 100
1088. Vedran i Mara S. - $ 100
1089. Branka D. - $ 10
1090. Sinisa P. - $ 50
1091. Linda C. - $ 50
1092. Nikola S. - $ 25
1093. Max M. - $ 70
1094. Momcilo S. - $ 100
1095. Serbosi Kanada - $ 400
1096. Dragoljub K. - $ 100
1097. Zoran G. - $ 300
1098. Helene B. - $ 100
1099. Dalibor L. - $ 50
1100. Srbi iz Las Vegasa (2. deo) - $ 10.090
TOTAL IN MAY: $ 185.866
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
$ 185.866
$ 6.526
$ 3.240
$ 4.149
$ 2.110
Charity organization Serbs fo
for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS
Monthly Report for May
www.serbsforserbs.org 2014
Charity organization Serbs for Serbs www.serbsforserbs.org
PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS

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