Q1 - Carousel for Missoula


Q1 - Carousel for Missoula
1st Qtr 2015
Volume IX Number I
Carousel building to expand
After twenty years of not-­‐enough-­‐room and several months of preparation, A Carousel for Missoula has engaged an architect and is raising money to expand the Carousel building. Plans call for a 640 sq ft expansion along the southeast wall of the building, projecting 20 feet east toward the Caras Park pavilion. The main floor of the expansion will house a museum detailing the history of the Carousel and Dragon Hollow Playarea, and an expanded workshop for volunteers. A loft above these rooms will create additional work room and storage.
This year, A Carousel for Missoula will celebrate its 20th birthday. We have many interesting and exciting events and activities planned this year. We hope you will join us when you can:
20 Item Social Media Giveaway
Each month during 2015, the Carousel will be giving away 20 items through a Facebook contest. Check out the insert in the newsletter for our first three sponsors.
Proposed footprint of Carousel expansion and remodel
Revisions to the existing building will create a more private space for birthday parties and other celebrations, a variety of storage areas and an office to replace the one that will be displaced by the remodeling. In addition, several repairs and enhancements will be made to trim, paint and fixtures. The Carousel was built to be a seasonal attraction. No one involved with its creation could foresee the year-­‐
round popularity it enjoys. More open hours and more usage demand more space. Twenty years after it was constructed, the expansion, remodeling and repairs will give the Carousel the home it needs.
Two grants have been secured to cover a portion of the cost of the expansion, remodel and repair and others are under consideration. We are seeking additional funding and offering naming rights to the largest donors. If you would like to contribute to this endeavor or can suggest someone we can approach about contributing, please contact Theresa Cox, Executive Director, at 549-­‐
Saturday, April 11, 5pm • $100/person
Community Ties: A progressive event celebrating the anniversaries of several Missoula organizations
The celebration begins at A Carousel for Missoula, continues at the Missoula Art Museum and culminates at the Missoula Center for the Performing Arts, where you will be treated to brief performances by Garden City Ballet, MCT, Missoula Symphony Orchestra and the String Orchestra of the Rockies, followed by a champagne toast.
Reserve your seat by contacting the MCT Box Office:
mctinc.org or 728-­‐7529.
Saturday, May 23, 11am-­‐7pm
Kids' Day at the Carousel
Each year, we celebrate our birthday by giving free rides on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. This year we are adding activities and vendors to the day to make it more like our Grand Opening on May 27, 1995. Kids' Day is sponsored by Hobby Horse Arts.
Thursday, June 18, 6pm • $125/person
Celebration Dinner & Auction
A Carousel for Missoula's 20th anniversary Celebration Dinner and Auction at the Ranch Club. Enjoy music by John Floridis and great food, and bid on amazing auction items, all to support a great cause.
About a Horse • TBD
Watch for more details on this unique event.
Baskin Robbins
Nancy Thompson & Dale Woolhiser
Renda Greene
Penelope H Oncken Giving Account
Twila Wolfe
Randy & Theresa Cox
Deneve & Kahl Concrete, Inc.
Janet Fowler-Dargitz
Montana Ace Hardware~Tremper's
Larry & Irene Pirnie
Helen & R.A. Vanderwilt
Zip Beverage
~ Harry & Kari Watkins
Bruce McCormick
Carla Pawelewicz
Republic Services of Montana
~ Max Bauer
Montana Security &
Communications, Inc.
Don & Marguerite Shattuck
Brenda Wilkins
John & Sharene Menson
Missoula Lions Club
Jeanne Brabeck
Christine Brummer
Randy & Theresa Cox in memory of
Ethel Diettert
Jerry Diettert in memory of Ethel Diettert
Jon & Karen Driessen in memory of
Ethel Diettert
Kay & Michael Duffield
Kathy Harris
Pete & Gingy Heyler
Jeffries Court Reporting ~
Melody Jeffries
Gregg & Doris Johnson in memory of
Ethel Diettert
James R. Kyger
Dennis & Angela Lind
Douglas & Bonnie Martinez
Sandy S Mitchell
Scott & Kristen Nicolarsen
Jim & Janice Nugent
David & Monica Paoli
Kay Salmonson
Peter Stickney
Jim & Pam Sund
John & Sue Talbot
Spankie Tingle
Alan & Karen Wagner
Stephanie Watts
Betsy & Warren Wilcox
Anne & Bill Wodrich
George & Faye Olsen in memory of
Ethel Diettert
Pat & Carol Williams
Ann & Jeff Wiltse
Up to $50
Becky Ophus
Jennifer Sonnichsen
Maurice Volkman
Sally Mutch
Jayne, Russ & Nic Piazza
David & Lillian Stack
C. Leroy & Joanne Anderson
JoAnn Pentland
Mary Welch
Geoff Badenoch
Harold & Arlene Braun in memory of
Ethel Diettert
Terry & Connie Cerutti in memory of
Claudine Spencer
Tara Duman
Jim & Julie Foley in memory of
Ethel Diettert
Mike Fredrickson
Colleen & Charles McHugh
Bill & Dori Johnston
Stan & Marj Lucier
William & Joanne Reynolds in memory
of Ethel Diettert
Chris Risano
George Sherry
Cynthia Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Barringer
Richard Hardy
Rick Stephens
Michael & Susan Sweet
Joel Baird
Frank & Jess Coulter
Mary Curry
Shane Hickey
Elsie O'Connor
Ira & Carolyn Robison
Barbara J. Smith
Marcille Sohlberg
Denise Vanzago
Sharon E Alexander
Jerry & Ethel Diettert
Flathead Travel ~ Patsy Galliher
Mary K Robins
Charles & Nancy Zadra
Glenn & Noreen Kozeluh
Melinda Larsen
Olivia Welsh
Jim & Julie Foley
Kristine Larson ~ aSureFit.com
Tony Beltramo
Linda Blakney
Laura Bovard
Charles & Cynthis Bryan in memory of
Ethel Diettert
Wayne & Betsy Chamberlain
Sally Ann & David Chisholm
Dr. & Mrs. Jim Dunlap
Clarene Dysart
Susan Engel
Les Gordon
Shirley Green
Diane McCue Hollinger in memory of
Ethel Diettert
Winton & Cathy Kemmis
Gerry & Gayle Knudsen
Idelle Manning in memory of
Ethel Diettert
Gary & Judy Matson
Steve & Carole Monlux
Donna & Roger Olsen
We are so grateful to the Sponsors of the Month who support the Carousel. Their contributions provide a steady stream of income to
support our operations. When you need services these sponsors provide, please support those who support us.
2014 Ride-a-Thon Report
Twenty-­‐one riders climbed on Carousel ponies for the second annual Ride-­‐
a-­‐Thon on Nov. 19. By the time the last rider dismounted, over $9,000 in payments and pledges had been raised to help keep the ponies going in circles year-­‐round.
Many thanks to our riders: Christie Anderson, Cindy Archer, Darlyne Block, Ellen Buchanan, Theresa Cox, Nycole Henes, Charene Herrera, Kandy and Cole Jenkins, Alex Krigsvold, Ladies of Xi Upsilon, Tia Metzger, Mike Nugent, Dale Olinger, Rick & Kim, Mark Roberts, Mykal Rubie, Jeff Stevens, Russ Thomas, John Thompson, Bob Wire and Dick Withycombe.
To our sponsors: Blackfoot Communications, Zip Beverage and Zimorino's.
And to our donors: Kathy Rogers, Mike Nugent, First Interstate Bank, Missoula Pediatric Dentistry, Dustin & Kandy Jenkins, Harper Randall, Larry & Dianna Riley, Community Medical Center/Mary Windecker, Mykal Rubie, Greg Jensen, Diane Beck, Rocky Healy, Julie Gardner, Richard Dailey, Lynne Sholty, Michael Hornick & Ellen Buchanan, Brent Campbell, Jeff Stevens, Matt & Catherine Ayton, Dirk Gottman, Bob & Mary Sullivan, Lee & Company, James Dawson, Dave & Sylvia Edgel, Stephanie Isbell, Ceridwen Scott, Andrew Granbois, Mike Murphy, Shawna Batt, Michael Painter, Falcon Communications, Don Sax, Suzan Olinger, Russ Klare, Maureen Fleming, Nader Shooshstari, Tammy Yedinak, Spencer Manlove, Carol Williams, Shawn Clouse, Cederberg Law Offices, Donna Gaukler, Mark & Lori Horner, Daniel Kemmis, Ruth Reineking, Bruce Bender, Anne Guest, Adrian Hoye & Nancy Thibo, Aaron & Ashley Rogers-­‐Thompson, Candy Johnson, Jennifer Hall, Stephanie Watts, Chris & Dorothy Busch, Shari Kain, Jason Doremus, Richard Kain, Joanne Berglund, James Behring, James Nugent, Staci Nugent, Mindy Palmer, Brint Wahlberg, Crystal Ault, Sharon Bennett, Mary Muse, Patsy Galiher, Geoff Badenoch, Cheryl Markovich, Susan Brownlow, Clarene Dysart, Barbara Riley, Daniel Lambros, Ann Adler, Megan Richter, Hide & Sole, Skylar Browning, Ken Sanders, HuHot, Doc's Sandwich Shop, Glenn Kozeluh, Dan & Chandra Roberts, Caras Nursery, Lowe's, Montana ACE Hardware, Pacific Steel and Recycling, Matt Roberts, Cathie Erickson, Tara Jensen, Jennie Smith, Rob Reesman, Michaeleen Crosier, Paul O'Neil, Scott Richman, Jim Foley, Kris Reimann, Jamie Cain, Lynne Foland, Joan Hess-­‐Homeier, Michael Magone, Sydney Carlino, Scott Matz, Justin & Kory, Clyde Neu, Nancy K Moe, Jeremy Keene, Scott Rasmussen, Phil & Marleen Bain, Marian Salo, Mik Hansen, Justin Hunt & Wendy Stuker, Katy McKinnon, Jennifer Taylor, Kate Supplee, Leslie Jensen, Lisette Pickens, Laurie Palmer, John Horner, Tamara Fister, Kathy Davis, Drew Malchi, Barb & John Alonzo, Kim Murray, Tia Metzger, Heather Ready, Kayce Grimsrud, Laureate Alpha Chapter, Patricia DaSilva, Jeanne & Dave Franz, Dee Dennison, Cindy Connell, Jim McNew, Jonathan Neff, Malcom Miller, Lance Osler, Tom Bulger, Kerrie Schneiter, Krista King, Karen Balfour, Shawn Kientz, Judy Whiddon, Mary Jane Tangedahl, Belva Jones, Bruce Budge, Charles Valach, Tom Nimlos, Doug Grimm, Jim Dunlap, Dean & Helen Roberts, Julie Birgenheier, Jackie Sellers, Brandy Gillespie, Lewis Matelich, John Herring, Aaron Gingerelli, Kirsten Hardy, Jeff & Ann Wiltse, Jamie Cox, Kali Cook, Paula Parcheta, Diane Oelig, Pam Weber, Sally Peryam, Mary DeNevi, Laura Fox, Chris Spencer, Rhiannon Krigsvold, Jodi Hunt, Mike & Margaret Wagner, Kendra Richardson, Diana Kreis, Skylar Browning, Rich Reinhart, Ednor Therriault, Scott Richman, Tina Indrehus, John Staats, Julie Gemar Williams, Lissa Olinger, Mary Thompson, Carol O'Neill, Don Koeppen, Doug & Shirley Stoner, Cindy Slagel, Amy McLaughlin, Kelly Katz, Brad Colberg, Marsh Davis, Scott Rossman, Theresa Cox, Josh, Rae & Sayer Ellen, Kathy Lockridge, Char Zimmer, Rhonda Krause, Frank Green, Catherine Stanke, Charene Herrera, Tami Allen, Wendy Norwood, Pamela Ronaldo, Julie Foley, Carol & Ken Jenkins, Rachel Ammons, Sean Roberts, Nick Porrini, Becky Pederson, Sebastkien Guilhemotonia, Claire Hardy, Kelly McDonald, Susan Curtis, Molly Nelson, Jerry Contonio, John Martin, Lance Eads and BZ Jones.
2014 GRANTS to date
to expand the Carousel building
Penelope Oncken
to expand the Carousel building
Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation
for free rides for disadvantaged children & youth
Max & Betty Swanson Foundation
$1500 to support operations
Northwestern Energy
to provide Ride all Day passes
for disadvanted children & youth
William H. & Margaret M. Wallace Foundation
$5000 to support operations
We loved our Haunted Hollow volunteers from the University Players and Hellgate National Honor Society, and they loved helping. We were touched by this letter from the Honor Society to our Director of Operations:
Greetings, Ms. Coulter:
We wish to express our gratitude to you for allowing Hellgate’s National Honor Society members to participate in the Haunted Hollow activity this October. Students greatly enjoyed their time at the Carousel, and we were so very surprised at the funds you were able to share with us! Students are working hard in many ways to raise money to provide Christmas meals to the Hellgate families in greatest need. All of the $600 earned at the Carousel will go to provide nourishment to Hellgate families!
Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Jennifer Copley & Jeff Waniata, Advisors
One more thank you to our 2014 Santa's Breakfast Sponsors:
First Interstate Bank
Wheat Montana on 3rd
PO Box 3345
Missoula, MT 59806
We would love to save
paper and postage costs.
Please send your email
address to
so we can deliver this
newsletter to you by email.
Help us go paper-free by
the end of 2015.
Volunteer painters worked hard during our closure to make sure the ponies are
ready for another year. The ponies love their annual pampering and we love the
talented volunteers who so generously donate their time. Special thanks to
Maggie Caraway for organizing this effort.
Congratulations to our 2014
Ride All The Ponies Winners!
Nora Haddouch
Omar Haddouch
Keegan Heldreth
Rowan Heldreth
Kathryn Keeble
We are giving away 20 prizes each month on Facebook to celebrate our 20th Anniversary!
20 $15 Gift Certificates!
20 “Date Night” Vouchers
20 Winners will Receive
Two $10 Gift Certificates
Makin’ Missoula Sweeter
190 S 3rd St W, Missoula • (406) 728-1358
Includes 2 movie tickets
(Good for IWFF or Roxy programs),
2 popcorn orders and 2 drinks.
Healthy Mexican Food
115-1/2 S. 4th St W and 1515 Fairview Ave
carouselformissoula.com • 549-8382 • Like us on Facebook and enter monthly at facebook.com/carouselformissoula

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