Staff Development at Middlesex July 2014


Staff Development at Middlesex July 2014
Staff Development at Middlesex
July 2014
Staff Development Online Booking
Contact: Staff Development 020 841 16442
Bringing Development to You
New Staff
Opportunities for All
Performance Appraisals
Developing Academic Practice
Business Partnering
Enhancing the Student Experience
Utilising Technology
Personal & Professional Effectiveness
Leadership Development
Please note: Brochure update January 2015
2 | Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15
Contact: Staff Development 020 841 16442
Staff Development Online Booking
Accessing Development Opportunities
Booking On
You can book yourself onto any of our scheduled sessions from
anywhere in the world!
We have a dedicated calendar where you can find information
and an online booking form for all the sessions we have
scheduled throughout the year. Where sessions are not
More Detail
To access more detail on all the opportunities outlined in this
brochure, go to the “Your Development” section of the Staff
Intranet under the “Working at Middlesex” tab. There you can
see an A-Z session list or browse what is on offer either by
Role or by Subject. Once at a detailed outline on the Intranet
you will find a link to the next session date that will take you
through to the online booking form. Have a click around the
sections and see what you can discover.
4 | Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15
scheduled you can “Register your interest” to be included in
the next one and we will contact you when a date is arranged.
If you have a specific need for a bespoke session, contact the
Staff Development team by email or phone.
You can also keep up-to-date with MDX Staff Development news
and opportunities by following us on Twitter @mdxStaffDev
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Staff Development Online Booking
Academic Practice
The University is committed to the development of academic practice for both new
and experienced academic and professional staff that meets individual needs and those
of the University, Schools, Departments and Academic Programmes.
In maintaining our reputation for providing high-quality
learning experiences and academic support for our students
and to achieve our vision of increasing our outputs of highquality research, enterprise and knowledge transfer.
of learning and teaching inspire and challenge them to learn
more. In view of this, we believe that it is important
to undertake development activities that are identified
by, customised for, and experienced by programme teams.
We have revised the programme for 2014/15 to ensure that
support is available for both individuals and teams. This reflects
the recognition that academic practice is not a lone endeavour
and that it is most effective and has the greatest impact when
at programme level, thus ensuring that students’ experiences
of processes are consistently executed and their experiences
The programme for 2014/15 has therefore been presented
under the headings of Individual (the new academic),
Individual (continuing development) and Team Development.
14 | Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15
Staff Development Online Booking
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
New Academic Staff (including hourly paid lecturers, associate
lecturers, etc.)
New Professional Staff (including finance, HR, academic
developers, library services, etc.)
All staff new to the University are required to attend the
“Welcome to Middlesex” event. All new academic staff will
also be required to attend an academic induction aimed at
introducing them to the academic frameworks within which
they will work at the University. This will include topics
such as:
The Middlesex University Learning Framework
Academic regulations
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy
Module Leadership
Preparing for Assessment Boards
Research and Knowledge Transfer Strategy
Engagement with and support for bidding for funding
New Professional Staff
There are a selection of workshops and events designed
to support new professional staff in their role, tailored
to the Middlesex context.
New Academic Staff who do not have
a formal teaching qualification:
Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
It is a contractual requirement that new academic staff who
do not have a formal teaching qualification undertake the
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PG Cert HE).
The PG Cert HE has two 15-credit modules and one 30-credit
module. The modular nature of the programme also enables
staff who engage in teaching or academic support of students
(librarians, technicians, staff supporting learning) to access
individual modules, with the agreement of their line manager
who will verify that they have sufficient opportunities to teach
and support students to enable assessment of their practice
to take place.
The programme has been accredited by the Higher Education
Academy (HEA) and is aligned to the UK Professional Standards
Descriptor 1: An Associate of the Academy (AFHEA)
Descriptor 2: A Fellow of the Academy (FHEA)
Descriptor 3: A Senior Fellow of the Academy (SFHEA)
Descriptor 4: A Principal Fellow of the Academy (PFHEA)
Those who complete the whole programme, (fulfils requirements
for Descriptor 2) may apply for HEA fellowship, whilst those
completing 30 credits (fulfils requirements for Descriptor 1)
may apply for Associate HEA fellowship.
15 credits
Intro to Learning & Teaching
in Higher Education
15 credits
Supporting Learning
in Higher Education
Associate Fellow of the HEA
30 credits
Theory into Practice
Fellowship of the HEA
Preparation for MA in HE
Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15 | 15
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Study Modes and Dates
The PG Cert HE and its constituent modules may be studied
by taught (London Campus) and distance education modes
of delivery or by mixed mode following consultation with the
programme team. There are normally two taught intakes per
academic year in September and December and two intakes
of the distance education mode commencing in September
and January.
Applying for the Postgraduate Certificate
in Higher Education
Staff wishing to apply for the PG Cert HE should do so using the
normal Middlesex University application form and forwarding
it to the Admission Department by the closing dates for
applications. Prior to completing the application, applicants
should discuss this with their Dean, Deputy Dean or line manager
to ensure that attendance at all the identified dates is possible.
Applicants should make it very clear on their application whether
they are applying for the whole programme or individual
modules and by which mode they wish to study.
Staff Development Online Booking
Doctoral Student Development Programme: Short Course
in Learning, Teaching and Assessment
In recognition of the fact that many of our doctoral students
are requested to teach at some point during their studies
the Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement (CAPE) offers
a short course in Learning, Teaching & Assessment. It is a
requirement for all doctoral students who undertake teaching
to complete this course. It runs for one-and-a-half days at
multiple times in the year and is scaffolded by a rich set of
online resources. Requirements for the course include attendance
at all sessions and participants’ submission of reflections of two
teaching observations.
Contact: Joanne Mullarkey, CAPE Office Manager, ext: 14709
Contact: Dr Carole L Davis, PG Cert HE Distance Education
Programme/Modules, ext: 16138
Contact: Michael Seignior,
PG Cert HE Taught programme/modules, ext: 14710
HEA Fellowship
Middlesex is accredited by the Higher Education Academy to
assess submissions for the award of Associate Fellow (Descriptor
1, UKPSF) and Fellow (Descriptor 2, UKPSF) of the HEA.
Experienced, new-to-Middlesex staff who are not required
formally to undertake the PG Cert HE are nonetheless
encouraged to apply to become Associate Fellows and Fellows
of the HEA through the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) and
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) routes.
Using the APEL route there is a pathway that enables staff
to claim up to 50% of the total credits required for the PG Cert
HE by developing a portfolio of evidence that maps to the
learning outcomes of the programme and to the United Kingdom
Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), Descriptor 1.
16 | Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15
Experienced staff are able to produce a portfolio of evidence that
will enable them to claim for HEA Fellowship (UKPSF, Descriptor
2). Whilst not an academic award, the award of a HEA Fellowship
indicates that the individual has demonstrated equivalent
knowledge, understanding and skills to those required by the
PG Cert HE. Increasingly this is seen as a necessary achievement
for appointment to academic posts within the UK.
In 2014/15 we are supporting the extension of the scheme
to cover Senior Fellow of the Academy (Descriptor 3, UKPSF)
and Principal Fellow of the Academy (Descriptor 4, UKPSF).
Contact: Dr Nicky Torrance, Director of Learning & Teaching,
ext: 14774
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Staff Development Online Booking
Support for Graduate Academic Assistants
The new academic structure has introduced the roles of
Graduate Academic Assistants (GAA) and Senior Graduate
Academic Assistants (SGAA) who will be appointed by Schools
to support their needs in terms of learning, teaching, research
and administration.
A range of staff development opportunities have been designed
to support these new roles. Initially those appointed will be
invited to a two hour induction session which will signpost
the development opportunities open to them. They will be
encouraged to discuss their development needs with their
line manager within the Schools and to book themselves
onto agreed development sessions. Most sessions will be
of two hours duration.
Depending on the particular requirements of the role, and
development opportunities accessed, GAAs may be supported
to prepare for Associate Fellow of the Higher Education
Academy (HEA Descriptor 1, UKPSF). In order to gain Associate
Fellowship it will be compulsory for candidates to attend a
preparatory workshop to prepare their submission that outlines
the requirements for mapping to Descriptor 1 involving the
production of a portfolio of evidence.
Depending on prior experience SGAAs may also wish to access
development opportunities and be supported in their application
for Associate Fellowship/Fellowship (Descriptor 1 /2) aligned
to the HEA UKPSF.
Additional opportunities can be accessed relating to the focus
of the role. These may include Supporting Online Distance
Education, Social Media for Higher Education, Assessing Online,
etc. as appropriate.
Support for Graduate Academic Assistants:
Learning and Teaching
The range of activities designed for GAA/SGAAs include those
outlined below. These sessions are tailored to acknowledge the
learning and teaching requirements of the role.
Options include:
– Introduction to Learning & Teaching Approaches
Interactive workshop identifying best practice to support
student learning taking account of contemporary learning
theories, styles and approaches to learning.
– Techniques for Learning
Interactive workshop exploring the different techniques
and methods – both face-to-face and online that make up
a teacher’s toolkit.
– Assessment of Learning
Interactive workshop discussing assessment literacies
and the forms assessment can take, in addition to best
feedback practices. This workshop considers the importance
of aligning assessment to learning outcomes and clear criteria.
– Evaluating Learning
Interactive workshop examining the importance of evaluation
(as distinct from feedback) and practising different methods
and identifying different forms and purposes of evaluation.
– Planning Learning & Teaching
Interactive workshop considering the essential elements
required to develop a successful learning event. This session
also focuses on techniques to encourage and measure
student engagement.
– Technology to Support Learning & Teaching
An exploration of the ways in which technology can be applied
to support and enhance teaching. This session will focus
less on specific tools and more on the application of certain
technologies to support student learning.
Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15 | 17
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Support for Graduate Academic Assistants:
First Steps to Support Research Activity - Short session
covering the key elements to be mindful of as you start out
supporting research developments.
Support for Graduate Academic Assistants:
In the Role
There will be a range of informal support meetings scheduled
throughout the academic year looking at topics such as:
– Transitioning into the role
– Exploring the role within the discipline
– Shadowing GAAs from other disciplines
– Facilitating student engagement
Support for Graduate Academic Assistants:
Personal & Professional Effectiveness
For example – Time Management, Confident Presentations,
Note Taking and Minute Writing.
Contact: Joanne Mullarkey, CAPE Office Manager, ext; 14709
Postgraduate study
Access to postgraduate studies will only approved in negotiation
and with agreement from the Dean of (see Staff studying for
academic and professional qualifications, Human Resources
Policy Statement HRPS09)
18 | Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15
Staff Development Online Booking
Staff Development Online Booking
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Case studies:
Ali Brown is a Graduate Academic Assistant in the School of Science &Technology. He
will have responsibility for enhancing student progression and overall achievement.
Tasks will range from assisting students in labs, to conducting one-to-one sessions,
keeping abreast of discipline developments, invigilating tests, updating My Learning
sites, arranging feedback drop-in sessions and monitoring attendance. To help him
in his role Ali will attend the following events:
Introduction to Learning & Teaching Approaches
Techniques for Learning
Online Course Design
Selection of sessions from “Personal
& Professional Effectiveness”
Francis Do is a Graduate Academic Assistant in the Business School working with
Accounting and Finance programmes. Her role will focus on supporting learning
and teaching and she will also have some research tasks. Tasks will revolve around
supporting students with assessment tasks, entering grades on MISIS, supporting
academic colleagues with research tasks such as entering survey results into
spreadsheets. Francis will benefit from the following sessions:
Introduction to Learning & Teaching Approaches
Assessment of Learning
Evaluating Learning
First Steps to Support Research Activity
Shadowing GAAs from other disciplines
Miriam Dack is a Senior Graduate Academic Assistant in the School of Media and
Performing Arts supporting Theatre Arts. Miriam will help develop initiatives to
support and enhance the student’s bridge to external industry practice. She will
support the delivery of sessions related to theatre design, give one-to-one tutorials
relating to students’ practical work and supervise class activities, support academics
with the application of different tools e.g. Dropbox and source materials and help
prepare bids for research projects. Miriam may be supported in her application for
Associate Fellowship/Fellowship (Descriptor 1/2). The following sessions will help
Miriam in her role:
Introduction to Learning & Teaching Approaches
Planning Learning & Teaching
First Steps to Support Research Activity
Technology to Support Learning & Teaching
Selection of sessions from “Personal & Professional Effectiveness”
Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15 | 19
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Individual – Continuing Development
Staff Development Online Booking
MA Higher Education
Candidates who have successfully completed the PG Cert HE
are eligible to apply for a place on the MA Higher Education.
The MA HE and its constituent modules may be studied by taught
(London Campus) and distance education modes of delivery
or by mixed mode following consultation with the programme
team. There is normally one taught intake per academic year
in October.
The MA in Higher Education is aimed at those who already have
a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education or the equivalent
relevant experience. It is a part-time programme and is normally
completed in two or three years.
Dates for 2014/15
The MA in Higher Education (Action Enquiry Module) will
commence in October 2014.
It is aimed at academics and those supporting learning in higher
education wishing to explore the literature in teaching, learning
and assessment together, to critique and apply generic and
subject specific pedagogies and carry out related research.
The assessment strategy has been designed with the intention
of being relevant to a wide range of subject areas, disciplines,
context and roles. As participants are both local and working
in other parts of the UK and overseas for those unable to
attend regular seminars at our Hendon Campus there will
be opportunities to participate via online seminars, Skype
and video conferencing.
Applying to do the MA Higher Education
Staff wishing to apply for the MA Higher Education should do
so using the normal admission procedures i.e. completing the
standard Middlesex University application form and forwarding
it to the Admission Department by the closing dates for
applications. Prior to completing the application, applicants
should discuss this with their Dean, Deputy Dean or line manager
to ensure that attendance at all the identified dates is possible.
Applicants should make it very clear on their application whether
they are applying for the whole programme or individual
modules and by which mode they wish to study.
The PG Cert HE counts as 60 credits towards the award so
participants enrolling with this qualification or equivalent starting
in October 2013 would proceed directly to the second MA in HE
module which is titled ‘Action Enquiry’ and worth 60 credits.
The ‘Action Enquiry’ module is assessed by a long project which
is closely aligned to practice.
Contact: Dr Carole L Davis,
MA Higher Education Programme/Modules, ext: 16138
In October 2015 participants would continue on to the
Dissertation module worth a further 60 credits which, following
completion, would give them the MA in Higher Education award.
Participants who wish to step off the programme after the
‘Action Enquiry’ module would receive a Postgraduate Diploma
in Higher Education as their exit award.
Annual Learning and Teaching Conference
Led by the Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement the Annual
Learning and Teaching Conference provides a space and focus for
exploring key issues in learning, teaching and assessment.
Held at the Hendon Campus in the week before graduation each
July, the conference engages staff in scholarly debate to consider
current practice and enhancement. The conference provides an
opportunity for discussion and debate, showcasing good practice,
20 | Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15
achievements, and expertise from both within Middlesex
and the sector.
It is advertised on the intranet every April.
Contact: Joanne Mullarkey, CAPE Office Manager, ext: 14709
Staff Development Online Booking
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Middlesex University Teaching Fellowships
Middlesex has two levels of award for excellence in teaching
and supporting learning – The Middlesex University Teaching
Fellowship and the Middlesex University Senior Teaching
Fellowship. Invitation to submit an application for these awards
is announced annually on the Staff Intranet in September with
applications being submitted in March the following year. Those
considering applying for either of these awards should have an
early conversation with their Dean of School or Head of Service
as their support is a vital part of the process. Support in the form
of a workshop outlining the requirements of the award will be
provided and applicants will be allocated a mentor to support
them in developing their application. Dates for workshops will
be provided on the intranet and highlighted in MDXpress.
Preparatory workshop for teaching fellows:
Tuesday 14th October 10am - 12pm
Wednesday 15th October 10am - 12pm
Thursday 23rd October 10am – 12pm
Preparatory workshop for senior teaching fellows:
Wednesday 15th October 3pm - 5pm
Monday 20th October 2pm – 4pm
Thursday 23rd October 1pm – 3pm
Contact: Joanne Mullarkey, CAPE Office Manager, ext; 14709
Senior and Principal Higher Education
Academy Fellowship
Experienced academics may wish to apply for Senior (Descriptor
3, UKPSF) or Principal Fellowship (Descriptor 4, UKPSF) of the
Higher Education Academy. Middlesex is currently in the process
of fulfilling the requirements to become an accrediting institution
for these levels.
Contact: Dr Nicky Torrance,
Director of Learning & Teaching, ext: 14774
Academic Excellence Exchange
Hosted by the Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement (CAPE)
and open to any member of University staff; this is a series
of lunchtime/early evening /webinar sessions that showcase
inspiring, innovative and effective academic practices. The series
will open with a keynote session in October followed by informal
monthly sessions until April. Within the Academic Excellence
Exchange good practice identified from the Annual Monitoring
Exercise will be showcased. Topics, venues, dates will be
publicised via the Staff Intranet.
All sessions will be videoed and available online.
Contact: Kirsteen MacDonald,
Lead Academic Developer, ext: 15763
Academic Practice Forum
Organised by the Middlesex University Teaching Fellows, the
Academic Practice Forum aims to stimulate discussions around
the research and scholarship of academic practice. It is an
open forum and all are welcome to attend. There will be four
meetings of the forum during 2014/15 and times, venues
and speakers will be announced on the events page of the
Staff Intranet.
All sessions will be videoed.
Contact: Sheila Cunningham, Principal Lecturer,
School of Health & Education, ext: 12687
Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15 | 21
Staff Development Online Booking
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Team Development – With you, for you,
suits you – Developing Community
A Customised Approach - As well as offering a programme
of workshops for individuals to attend, we also recognise the
importance of customising workshops that can be run with
you or for you in a format that suits you. We can work with
Departments and/ or Schools to deliver a session on a topic
of interest and co- facilitate it with you; or organise a series
of development days with you.
Below is a series of workshops that we will run centrally at
least once every academic year. It may be that you would
wish to customise/take parts of these to form your School
or Department development series. The list is not exhaustive;
we can add particular topics that you think are relevant. Unless
specified, all sessions are open to academic and professional
services colleagues.
Topics that we will also run centrally and that can be booked
by individuals will include:
Focus on Engaging Students
Inspiring Teaching
Fair Feedback
Supporting Study
These hour-long sessions combine an overview of current
literature with an exploration of student feedback on their
experience and some suggestions for collegiate practice
to support student engagement and satisfaction throughout
their educational journey.
Curriculum Design and Development
Curriculum Design and Development
A workshop that can be tailored to your specific needs, this
session is intended to lead participants through the stages
of designing and validating or reviewing and revalidating
academic programmes. It will consider developing programme
outcomes, alignment of learning outcomes and assessment
with learning, teaching and assessment strategies.
Authoring and Developing Online Distance Education
Programmes - A practical workshop that addresses the
preparation, authoring and development of materials for
academic programmes taught online and at a distance from
physical campuses.
Mixing your Online and Face-to-Face Teaching - A workshop
to enable you to identify how online tools can help enhance
and support face-to-face learning. What we share with you will
help ensure that you apply these tools in a pedagogically sound
way to enhance your teaching and positively impact the student
learning experience.
Focus on Academic Integrity:
Copyright: Finding and Using Teaching Material Confidently
and Legally - A workshop that provides an understanding of the
requirements of Copyright Law, which is a necessity for those
preparing learning and teaching materials of any kind.
Contact: Kate Vasili, Copyright Officer, ext: 13508
22 | Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15
Plagiarism: Cheating or Just Lacking Academic Integrity Provides an opportunity to discuss the issues around plagiarism
and to consider measures that can be taken to help students
avoid plagiarism whilst introducing the Academic Regulations
around academic misconduct.
Staff Development Online Booking
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Focus on Technology-Enhanced Learning and Assessment:
Online Course Design
An exploration into the benefits of using online tools to support
learning and teaching. This session also introduces techniques
for managing and facilitating online spaces.
My Learning Updates and Tasters - A series of bite-size
workshops and online presentations aimed at keeping you
up to date with the potential of My Learning and enabling you
to broaden your use of the tools available.
e-Assessment: Tools for the Job - A practical workshop that
introduces a variety of tools (including and beyond My Learning)
that have been found to be helpful in supporting e-submission,
e-marking and e-feedback.
Social Media for Learning, Teaching & Research - Workshop
investigating the academic value of social media tools and how
they can best be applied to enhance learning and teaching and
advance and support research.
Video for Learning & Teaching
An Introduction to Video in Higher Education
Identify how video can be used in higher education to effectively
engage students on a range of programmes from undergraduate
to postgraduate.
An Introduction to Using and Embedding Video
in My Learning
With the move to a new learning environment and
implementation of a new video platform, this practical
workshop will examine how to use and embed video
effectively within module content.
Using Video to Capture and Present Threshold Concepts
The aim of this workshop is to examine the use of video in
higher education and propose ways in which video could be
used to aid students through threshold concepts, or particularly
troublesome and difficult knowledge.
For support please refer to the Centre for Academic Practice
Enhancement pages on the intranet and the My Learning support
pages on My Learning
Focus on Quality and Enhancement
Chairing Assessment Boards - This is a challenging role that
requires broad understanding of assessment, policy, procedures
and regulations. This workshop will explore the role of the
Assessment Board Chair. This is a must for those planning to chair
assessment boards.
Contact: Dr Nicky Torrance,
Director of Learning & Teaching, ext: 14774
Sue Bailey, Deputy Academic Registrar, ext: 14438
Aimed at academic staff
Quality Matters –
Validation – University Representatives
Training for those aspiring to be part of the programme validation
and review process as University Representatives. The workshop
will identify different types of events and their characteristics
and explore the issues that University Representatives may be
required to address including a session on Distance Education
and consideration of the contents of a programme handbook.
Contact: Susie Hartley,
School Quality Enhancement Manager, ext: 15541
Validation – Panel Chair
A workshop for those who are experienced as University
Representatives and who wish to Chair validation and review
events. The workshop will provide a brief refresher of the issues
considered at the University Representatives training as well
as a detailed look at the responsibilities of a panel Chair and
consideration of issues with which a Chair is likely to be faced.
Contact: Susie Hartley,
School Quality Enhancement Manager, ext: 15541
Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15 | 23
Contact: Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement 020 841 14709
Staff Development Online Booking
Focus on Relationships and Behaviours:
Managing Collaborative Links - Provides an introduction to
understanding the management and support for collaborative
provision including the role of the University and the Institutional
Link Tutor (ULT/ILT) , Academic Partnerships and Academic
Quality Service. These sessions are aimed at academic staff
undertaking the link tutor role but are beneficial to all staff
involved in supporting the programme.
Aimed at academic staff
Additional workshops are available to support quality assurance
and assessment processes and procedures.
Contact: Janet Rix, Associate Director,
Centre for Academic Partnerships, ext: 16556
Managing Students’ Experience, Expectations & Conduct Staff Development offer two specific workshops to help staff
manage the student experience.
Meeting, Managing and Exceeding Student Expectations
for all Staff - An interactive exploration of the modern student
perspective and ways of realistically managing expectations and
supporting students in day-to-day teaching or support.
Managing Student Conduct for all staff - When a student’s
conduct needs to be addressed for the good of the course and
the students. Learn how to do this in a pressurised environment.
Contact: Staff Development, ext: 16442
Dealing with Student Misconduct for Academic Staff - Where
issues concerning student conduct and behaviour arise in the
day to day running of the University, it is hoped that these
issues will be resolved at a local level. This workshop provides
an opportunity for participants to discuss issues and how they
might be managed in relation to the University regulations
for misconduct.
Contact: Sue Bailey, Deputy Academic Registrar, ext: 14438/
David Malpas, Deputy Academic Registrar, ext: 15830
Research and Knowledge Transfer
Contact: Staff Development 020 841 16442
A programme of development opportunities has been designed
to support our academics to develop their research capability and
knowledge transfer activity. Our offer is based around building
skills as well as sharing the expertise and experience that exist
in the University through mentoring, forums and seminars.
Qualitative Data Collection Techniques
This session includes practical tips on how to design a topic guide
for focus groups and questions for semi-structured interviews
as well as techniques for facilitating focus group discussions and
conducting one to one interviews.
Development for Research
The programme of development includes workshops on:
Research methods:
Quantitative Methods – Using SPSS
This session introduces using SPSS software for analysing
quantitative research data.
Planning and Designing a Research Project
This session aims to explore the process of structuring a research
project - from the initial idea through to formulating research
questions and aligning this with the appropriate and most
relevant methodologies.
Workshops aimed at supporting delegates in understanding
fundamental ethical issues for academic staff in addition
to ethics for research.
Contact: Staff Development, ext: 16442
24 | Staff Development at Middlesex 2014/15
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020 841 16442
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