August 21, 2016
August 21, 2016
St. Titus Parish 3006 KEENWOOD ROAD, EAST NORRITON, PA 19403 PARISH PHONE: 610-279-4990 FAX: 610-279-8640 WWW.STTITUS.ORG EMAIL: STTITUS@ STTITUS. ORG PASTOR: REVEREND LEONARD A. LEWANDOWSKI DEACON: CLAUDE GRANESE August 21, 2016 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 4:30pm Sunday Morning 9:00am, 11:00am Daily Mass Mon, Tues, Fri 8:45am Thurs 6:30pm Saturday 8:45am Holy Days 8:45am,12:00Noon,7:00pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday afternoons 3:30-4:00pm or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Second Sunday of each month at 12:15pm. Fourth Sunday of month during 11:00am Mass. Baptisms are not performed on holidays. Parents presenting their first child for baptism are required to attend Pre-Jordan class. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples must make arrangements at least six months in advance of the requested date. Pre Cana participation is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Catholics who are seriously ill or weakened by old age are encouraged to request this Sacrament. Those entering the hospital for surgery are invited to receive this sacrament prior to admission. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday, 9:00am—4:00pm Evenings: Monday-Thursday, 6:00-9:00pm PARISH STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Maureen Lewis: 610-279-4990 DIRECTOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/ YOUTH MINISTRY Mrs. Claire Boyle 610-306-3438 CHOIR & MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Bob Leso: 856-478-4137 BULLETIN EDITOR Mrs. Maureen Lewis 610-279-4990 HOLY ROSARY REGIONAL SCHOOL Principal: Mrs. Lisa Hoban 610-825-0160 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 LITURGICAL NOTES: Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11:00am Mass “From the Pen of Father Len” Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Titus Parish, Praised be Jesus Christ—now and forever! Miraculous Medal Novena, This past Monday (although this year it was not a holy day of Mondays after 8:45am Mass obligation) the church celebrated one (if not ”the”) of the major feast days dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary—The feast of the Divine Mercy Devotion, Assumption. The Latin “ASSUMPTIO” means “a taking”. On this feast Fridays after 8:45am Mass Rosary following every Morning Mass of the Assumption, we celebrate the “taking” of the Blessed Mother— Body and Soul into heaven. Like Jesus it has been officially proclaimed HEADS UP! that Mary’s Body was not left to “decay” but was immediately THERE WILL BE NO EVENING “glorified” and “taken” into heaven. She is, after all, the highest honor HOURS AT THE PARISH OFof our race. Not only is she the only person to be born without original FICE AUGUST 29TH— sin (after Adam and Eve), but she is now the only person to have SEPTEMBER 1ST. THE NIGHT already received what we all hope to receive at the end of all time, SHIFT NEEDS A VACATION! and that is a “beautiful, perfect, glorified body” united to her soul in Heaven. As I said, this belief is “officially” stated in our Church. It took a long THIS WEEK AT ST. TITUS time, however, for the infallible statement to be made. It wasn’t until November 1, 1950, that Pope Pius XII officially and infallibly declared SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 Mary to have been assumed into heaven body and soul. Pope Pius XII’s 6:30-9:30pm, Bethany Music Group definition of Mary’s assumption still leaves open a few critical Practice, Church questions. First of all, it leaves open the question as to whether or not TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 1:00pm, Flame of Love Cenacle, Rectory Mary really “died”. Did she die and then was taken to heaven? Or, was she taken into heaven “before” she died? Also, there is no answer as Mtg Rm. to “where” she died? Some say her “death” took place in Jerusalem. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24 There is a church in Jerusalem dedicated to the “Dormition” (Falling 6-7:30pm, Two Hearts Prayer Meeting, asleep ) of Mary. Other’s claim she died in Ephesus where St. John was School taking care of her. It’s believed that she “died” and three days later THURSDAY, AUGUST 25 her body was assumed into heaven. When did she die? No one knows Pray the Rosary after 6:30pm Mass 6:30-9pm, Knights of Columbus and nothing official is written about it. Some say a few days after Jesus Woodworking Workshop, Parish Ctr. Ascension into heaven. Some say years later. How did she die? If she SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 did die, no one has recorded what she died from. So there are still a 4:00pm, Rosary for the Unborn, Church lot of “unanswered” questions. For our benefit, it is only necessary for us to accept the fact that Mary – the highest honor of our race born without original sin, and the Mother of God—should indeed be treated “special”. She has already achieved what we all hope to achieve at the end of the world. Her Please get your body has already been glorified and rests for all eternity in the payments in for magnificent beauty of God’s light. Who better than Mary to represent the Seniors’ us as we await God’s kingdom standing alone incomplete victory over Christmas Show Bus Trip! Satan. Make checks payable to: Oh—P.S. the date of August 15th is also a mystery as to why that date was chosen. It probably has to do with the St. Titus Seniors naming of a church in honor of the Assumption around the mail to: 15th of August . The common belief of Mary’s Assumption Bernie Pires goes back to the 3rd century. Her body was never found. You 37 Westover Club Drive, would think that a woman of that importance would have a prominent Norristown, PA 19403 grave. But no grave exists that actually contains the earthly remains of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Peace, Fr. Len #095 August 21, 2016 3 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, August 21 9:00am † Helen Manigly 11:00am † Catherine McCracken Monday, August 22 8:45am Living & Deceased Parishioners Tuesday, August 23 8:45am † Helen Manigly Wednesday, August 24 NO MASS Thursday, August 25 6:30pm † Ruth Godlewski Friday, August 26 8:45am † David DeColli Saturday, August 27 8:45am † Helen B. Gardocki 4:30pm † Vincent P. Corbo Sunday, August 28 9:00am † Rita Russo 11:00am † Joseph Gavanus CANDLE INTENTIONS Week of August 21st-27th BLESSED MOTHER: + Ruth Godlewski SAINT JOSEPH: + Ruth Godlewski MAIN ALTAR: + Ruth Godlewski OUR FINANCIAL PICTURE Fiscal Year: July 1st, 2016 to June 30th, 2017 Total Sunday Collection for Weekend of August 13-14, 2016………..$8,058.00 Thank You for Your Generosity! Special Visit This weekend, August 20th and 21st, representatives from the Metanoia Young Adults group will visit St. Titus. They will have a table in the Church Lobby with information on their organization. Metanoia is an active community of Catholic young adults in Western Montgomery County. The group supports Catholics in their 20s and 30s who are looking to deepen their faith and meet fellow Catholics in the area. Their Ministry includes: Theology on Tap, faith based meetings, community service, retreats, and outdoor events and activities. Please stop by and check it out either for yourself or your children or other family members. Welcome To all who are tired and need rest; To all who mourn and need comfort; To all who are friendless and need friendship; To all who are discouraged and need hope; To all who are homeless and need sheltering love; To all who sin and need a Savior; And to whomsoever will. The Parish of St. Titus opens wide its doors In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! ElectionofGodparents: One Godparent is required. Two Godparents – one male, one female may be appointed. Godparents must be practicing Catholics, 16 years of age or older, fully initiated into the Church (Baptized and Confirmed) at least 6 months before baptism. A non-Catholic may stand as a Christian Witness. Former Catholics are ineligible. Godparents must obtain a Certificate of Eligibility from their pastor; Christian Witnesses must provide a copy of their baptismal record. These documents and baptismal stipend must be received by the parish office one week before the day of Baptism. ST. TITUS PARISH UPDATE The Catholic Charities Appeal continues. We take this time to thank all our parishioners who have already made their donation to this vital appeal. Your gift helps tens of thousands of people through varied ministries, activities, programs and services funded by Catholic Charities. God bless you for your caring support. We know that our God is never outdone in generosity. As of August 12th, our parish family has made 124 donations totaling $14,559 which is 64% towards our goal of $22,796. This is a great start, but we still have a way to go. Please prayerfully consider your gift today to Catholic Charities and forward it through the envelopes or pledge cards provided or go to and donate there. Every gift, large and small, has an impact. With this year’s Appeal, there is A New Vision seeking to provide support to 180 beneficiaries in the key areas of Education; Social Services; Evangelization, Parish and Spiritual Life; Clergy; and Mission Activities. Thank you for whatever you can do! 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 4 J U BI LEE Y EAR OF M ER CY C ON N ECT ION S Reflection for August 2016 Jubilee Year of Mercy - The Corporal Works of Mercy Jesus was a Person of action who showed mercy and compassion in concrete ways. Jesus fed the hungry, sheltered those in need, visited the sick and buried the dead. Jesus took time and paid close attention to recognize the basic needs of the persons He encountered. He challenges us to do the same. The Catechism teaches that “human misery elicited the compassion of Christ the Savior. Hence, those who are oppressed by poverty are the object of a preferential love on the part of the Church” (2448). The Corporal Works of Mercy are a roadmap for each of us to share in Jesus’ ministry. As St. Teresa of Avila reminds us: “Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which to look out Christ's compassion to the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good.” Actions such as feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick and burying the dead are all actions that extend God’s compassion and mercy. The scriptural basis for the works of mercy are laid out in Matthew 25 when Jesus reminds us that when we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, visit the sick and imprisoned, we are doing it for HIM. The works of mercy are not optional but rather essential to living the Christian life of holiness and goodness. We are not only to receive the mercy of God but to use it by being merciful to others through our actions. – ~Anne Ayella, Diocesan Director, Catholic Relief Services How to Live It Discern the ways that God is calling to more deeply integrate the corporal works of mercy in your life. Here are all seven: Feed the hungry; Give drink to the thirsty; Clothe the naked; Shelter the homeless; Visit the sick; Visit the imprisoned; Bury the dead. To learn about practical ways to live the works of mercy, visit Straight Talk about Annulments The process of having a marriage annulled touches the lives of many couples in the Church today. Did you know that Pope Francis has made several changes to the annulment process? Learn about these changes and hear straight answers to “scratch your head questions” concerning annulments. Thursday, November 3,2016 7:00pm to 8:30pm Saint Maria Goretti Church 1601 Derstine Road, Hatfield For more information or to register, please contact: Mercy in Action! Archbishop Charles Chaput, in accord with the wishes of Pope Francis, has decreed that the annulment process now exists without cost. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia will absorb the $800.00 fee. Petitioners are only asked to contribute something out of charity according to their means. Did you know? If your marriage ended in divorce, you can petition the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for a Declaration of Nullity. The Tribunal is looking to see if something was lacking in the intentions of the parties in regards to children, fidelity and permanence, and/or in their understanding of marriage, and/or in their ability to enter into and fulfill marriage. Anyone can begin the process now from the ease of their own computer. Go to On the top right of the webpage, under the heading, “How do I”, click on the Start the Annulment Process tab. Follow the instructions, fill out the form on the computer, print out the form, obtain the proper documents and send everything to the Tribunal. When your application is received you will be #095 contacted to begin your case with formal testimony. The normal annulment process takes 6 to 8 months. August 21, 2016 5 FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES ADULT STEWARDSHIP RESOURCE KIOSK – NEW TITLES ARE ON THE WAY!! Next weekend, look for: 15 Things to Do In The Midst of Suffering Suffering is a mystery we all face at some time in our lives. Whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual, it will test our faith. Internationally known speaker Jeff Cavins shares personal insights he gained through his own physical pain. He shows us how we can join our sufferings with those of Jesus on the cross, bringing renewed meaning to the suffering we experience in our lives. All Things Are Possible For God As a young man, the last thing Fr. Joshua Waltz ever thought he would be was a Catholic priest. But a series of choices—some bad and some good—ultimately led him to enter the seminary. In this talk, Fr. Waltz shares an incredible vocation story that involves heartbreak, robbers, Europe, and several miracles—all showing that there is nothing more exciting than a life lived for Jesus Christ. New books & booklets are on their way, too!! PRAY THE ROSARY! FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES YOUTH PREP NEWS Registration for the 2016/2017 catechetical year is now overdue. A $15 late fee will now be required with any registration form. Registration Forms can be found in the vestibule of the church and at the parish office. We offer classes from kindergarten through 7th grade. Completed registration forms are to be returned to the parish office. A copy of the child’s Baptismal certificate is required when registering in the program for the first time. We will begin our catechetical year on Monday, September 12th at 6:45PM. At least one parent is asked to accompany their children for the first two classes. Parents of children attending private Catholic schools and preparing for the reception of a sacrament or anyone in need of further information, please refer to the contact information below. St. Titus Youth Ministry REAL. RELEVANT. JESUS. 7th-12th grades! There will be new titles coming in on the KIOSK specifically for young people, too! CHECK OUT: God of My Past, God of My Future (Mark Hart & Matt Smith) Presented by Lighthouse Catholic Youth: Recorded live at two of Life Teen's XLT events, Mark Hart and Matt Smith reveal the depth of God's infinite love for each of us, and challenge us to find out what happens when we abandon everything to Him. “QUESTIONS?” BOX Please feel free to use the “Questions?” box in the vestibule of the church to pose questions about the faith, communicate suggestions for our kiosk or enter guesses for “Name the Saint.” Longing for stability in our world, peace in our families and a return of hearts to God? Don’t feel hopeless! You can do something helpful and effective! Join us to pray the Rosary at 7:00pm on Thursday evenings, following Contact Information for any of the above: Claire Boyle the 6:30pm Mass. You don’t need to know all the mysteries or all the prayers – your presence alone brings 610-306-3438 or graces! There are many blessings that Jesus longs to shower on us through His Mother, if we only ask! COME!! 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 LAST CHANCE FOR MACY’S SHOP FOR A CAUSE August 26-28, 2016 $5 Passes are on sale after all weekend Masses now until August 21 & at Parish Office on weekdays. A $5 pass lets you shop ALL DAY and SAVE 25%. St. Titus keeps 100% of the proceeds! St. Titus’ Annual HARVEST & HOLIDAY VENDOR EVENT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 2016, 9:00am to 4:00pm CATHOLIC FAMILY FUN CLUB Want to find Catholic activities for the whole family to enjoy together? Want to meet other families that share your values? Look no further! The Catholic Family Fun Club (CFFC) and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia invite you to join the Catholic Family Fun Club to network with other families and to attend and create local Catholic catechetical and social activities. To join, go to Please direct questions to Mary Beth at POLISH FESTIVAL All are invited to the Polish Harvest Festival at the TK Club at 500 East Hector Street in Conshohocken on Sunday September 25th, 12Noon to 6pm, to support St. Mary Polish American Society, a nonprofit organization working to promote Polish heritage and culture in and around Montgomery County, PA. The Polish Harvest Festival will feature live Polka music from the Naturalistix Polka Band, Polish food, a full cash bar, a 50/50 drawing, a basket raffle, and baked goods for sale. Tickets are $10 advance sales, $15 day of event. Tickets include the price of admission, with food not included. Advance tickets are on sale until Wednesday September 14th. For tickets, please email or call Dorothy Swedkowski at 610-630-0861. JOIN FATHER LEN ON THE RADIO! At “800” on the “AM” dial, WTMR, on Monday evenings at 5:30pm. F R . L EN ’ S L A UG H IN G C OR N ER Last year we had over 45 crafters/vendors on hand together with some awesome food to enjoy. If you are interested in renting table space for $30, please contact Eileen Heflin at Tables will sell out this year! #095 Patriotic Humor from our Young Comic Q: Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in NY harbor? A: Because she can’t sit down. Q: What’s red, white, blue and green? A: A patriotic turtle. Q: “Johnny, what are the last words of The Star-Spangled Banner?” A: “Play ball”. LAUGH OUT LOUD TODAY—IT’S GOOD FOR YOU! August 21, 2016 7 PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS… OUR SICK: Eddie Avancena, Mary Ann Brady, Mitch Budzilowicz, Patrick Campellone, Connie Coyle, Brenda Drochek, Mary Gavanus, Joe Ehasz, Joan Interrante, Gordon Kittel, Pat Meier, Mary Munro, Stephen Ondik, Jr., Mary Rosanova, Felicia Schwartz, Jason Robert Taylor, Palma Wawrzak St. Titus / St. Francis KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS All Catholic men age 18 and over are invited to join The Knights of Columbus! We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm in the St. Titus Parish Center. NEXT MEETING: Council Meeting, Wednesday, September 7th 7:30-9:00pm, Parish Center New prospective members are welcome to attend. For more information call: Don McAvoy at 610-539-7881 or Tony Finamore, 484-995-7600. ST. TITUS SENIOR ACTIVITIES CLUB is open to anyone age 55 or older. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Our Fall opening meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6th in the Parish Center. Bingo is played from 10:30am to 12noon. You are welcome to bring your lunch. Coffee, tea and desserts are provided. Come out and have a good time! ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST MANAYUNK SCHOOL/PARISH REUNION Sunday, August 21, 1-5pm at Vittorio’s Italian Restaurant, 5101 Shawcrest Rd, Shawcrest, NJ. $35 per person. For more information, contact Marie Kwartnik at 215-317-2775 or CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS OF THE UNITED STATES Veterans Serving the Catholic Community Post 1182, Norristown, is seeking Catholic active duty veterans for membership. Call 610-539-3579. BUY IN-STOCK SCRIP & PLACE SPECIAL ORDERS! BACK-TO-SCHOOL SHOPPING Intentions for August 2016: Universal: Sports That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the world. Evangelization: Living the Gospel That Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor. NOW! Make it a weekly habit to BUY SCRIP! Special order from hundreds of retailers! Scrip is sold in the Church Lobby before and after the weekend Masses and at the Parish Office Monday-Friday,9:00am-4:00pm, and Monday-Thursday evenings,6-9:00pm Shop with Scrip Online! In addition to the gift cards we stock on-site, ONLINE ORDERING is available! You can buy gifts cards 7 days a week, 24 hours a day! Go to and enroll today! DON’T FORGET YOUR REGULAR IN-STOCK CARDS—ALWAYS AVAILABLE SHOPRITE, GIANT, WAWA, KOHL’S, WEIS, ETC! 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 ST. TITUS OUTREACH PROGRAM BACKPACK AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRIVE Our collection of backpacks and school supplies benefitted the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth Foster Child program. Our goal was to donate 75 backpacks filled with school supplies. We collected over 130 backpacks along with other school supplies and monetary donations in the amount of $335. Thank you to all who have participated. ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE CASSEROLE PROGRAM Keep those casseroles coming! St. Titus Parish has been making casseroles for St. John’s Hospice in Philadelphia for over 25 years. The casseroles are the “Main Course” of a complete, hot meal that is served to hundreds of God’s poor & homeless who come to St. John’s for their daily bread. St. John’s provides us with casserole pans and lids for your dishes. If you provide your own, please use a standard “half tray”. Each casserole serves 6-8 men. Each month, St. John’s picks up the casseroles from our freezer. Please bring your casseroles frozen to church and put them in the freezer located in the Social Hall Lobby. BETHANY MUSIC MINISTRY Bethany Music Ministry is honored to have been selected as the house band for the 28th Annual Charismatic Conference to be held at the Wildwood Convention Center in Wildwood, NJ on the weekend of October 7, 8 & 9, 2016. There will be Adult, High School, Junior Youth and Confirmation tracks offered. This year’s theme is: “...with deep love I will take you back” Is 54:7. We hope you can join us! Find registration and information at: #095 MINISTRIES Altar Servers Kathy Sexton Bell Choir Mary Ann Graham Bereavement Nancy Granese Bethany Music Ken Yoder Catechists Claire Boyle Church Cleaning Karen Haggerty Church Decorating Karen Haggerty CYO Megan Patzuk Eucharistic Ministers Phil Killian Finance Council Mike Sexton Flame of Love Victoria Naoe Fundraising Comm. Anthony Saldutti Gabriel’s /Gardening Parish Office Knights of Columbus Matt Faust Lectors Denise Hoisington Liturgy Committee Martha Heid Music Ministry Bob Leso Outreach John Barrett Pilgrim Virgin Statue Rose Fiorentino Pre-Jordan Lina & Tom McCracken Respect Life Comm. John Harris Sacristans Jack Fessler Senior Group Bernie Pires Sodality Nancy Kolenda STAC Bill Munro Stewardship Council Kevin Tickner 2 Hearts/2K Hail Marys/ Bella Kampmeyer Night of Reparation Ushers Parish Office 610-277-8394 570-650-8015 215-822-6012 610-272-6660 610-306-3438 484-390-1217 484-390-1217 484-744-0771 484-684-7764 215-480-5866 484-347-8569 610-313-9063 610-279-4990 610-277-4250 484-432-5871 610-272-2309 856-478-4137 610-279-5086 610-631-1835 610-279-7891 610-631-0532 610-476-6316 610-630-0962 610-716-5617 610-277-6926 610-292-7193 215-820-1995 610-279-4990 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR ABORTED CHILDREN—ST. ELEANOR On Saturday, September 10th, pro-life Americans throughout the country will gather at the gravesites of aborted babies and other memorial sites dedicated in their honor for the 4th Annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Solemn vigils will be held at these sites to commemorate the more than 55 million children who have lost their lives to legal abortion since 1973, and to remind our society of the humanity of the unborn child. Please join us for the memorial service in our community, Saturday, September 10th, 1:00-2:00pm at St. Eleanor’s Unborn Memorial. For more information, call Rita Smith, M.E.V. at 610-489-1929 or providarita1@gmail .com. Together let us remember the victims of abortion and pray for a final end to this injustice in our land. August 21, 2016 9 St. Titus Summer Lottery Calendar Winning numbers are based on the PA Lottery PICK 3 Daily Number (Evening), straight only and are shown on date in bold under prize amount. Call the Parish Office for payment if your number wins. August Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 $50. 2 $50. 3 $50. 4 $50. 5 $100. 6 $50. #473 #990 #801 #874 #744 #292 7 $50. 8 $50. 9 $50. 10 $50. 11 $50. 12 $50. 13 $50. #520 #734 #169 #416 #811 #502 196 14 $50. 15 $50. 16 $50. 17 $50. 18 $100 19 $50. 20 $50. 622 #807 #685 21 $50. 22 $50. 23 $50. 24 $50. 25 $50. 26 $50. 27 $50. 28 $50. 29 $50. 30 $50. 31 $50. Will You Sell Them or Will You Buy Them? You can do both! Get Your Football Mania Tickets! Tickets are also on sale after all weekend Masses and at the Parish Office until Deadline, September 4, 2016 The more tickets sold—the more the church makes, remember—this is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year FROM THE MAILING: Please return all sold ticket stubs and money by September 4th: To the Parish Office Or place them in the collection basket in an envelope clearly marked “Footballmania” 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 WHAT’S HAPPENING OUT AND ABOUT FREE DOCUMENT SHREDDING! Keep your environment safe! Date: Saturday, August 27th Time: 9am-12noon Fee: FREE! Location: Brandywine Living, 2101 New Hope St, Norristown. Shredding is for PAPER ONLY (staples and paperclips allowed). Each person is limited to 3 file size boxes (file size box 9”x12”x18”). Please bring a school supply donation to be presented to Norristown Elementary School. Join us for refreshments and a chance to win a raffle. For more info, call 610-272-6200. Tickets Onsale Now for AbbeyFest 2016 An unbelievable lineup of artists is planned for this year’s AbbeyFest September 24th held at Daylesford Abbey in Paoli, PA, 11:00am to 9:30pm. “As headliners, we have two of the hottest bands in Christian music,” said Artistic Director Mark Griswold. Sidewalk Prophets has been consistently hitting the charts with Top 10 songs including No. 1 “You Love Me Anyway.” Called “Infectious at every turn” by one music critic, Stars Go Dim has been climbing the radio charts as well with hits like “You Are Loved.” The Josh Blakesley Band has performed at World Youth Days and the World Meeting of Families and will lead this year’s Adoration along with their own set. Philly’s own, Teresa Peterson, will be singing songs from her 2015 album along with new work. Finally, AbbeyFest Emerging Artist of the Year, Aly Aleigha will be making her East Coast debut. Our Keynote Speaker this year is Jeff Cavins, internationally known Bible teacher and former host of EWTN’s Life on the Rock. Close to 3,000 people came to AbbeyFest last year and this year is looking even better with plenty of music, faith and fun for all ages. Stay tuned for some other surprises to be announced later this summer and purchase your tickets at a new reduced pricing rate at On vacation? Don’t forget your Sunday Mass obligation. Find Mass times at by city, state, zip. #095 ANNUAL BAZAAR The Regina Nursing Center “Family” invites you to our 2016 Annual Bazaar Saturday, September 24th, 8:30am—2:00pm Held at Regina Nursing Center 550 E. Fornance St, Norristown, PA All are welcome! For more info, contact Nancy Miley at 610-272-5600. A WELCOME HOME FOR OUR VIETNAM VETERANS Please join us upon our arrival from Washington DC and welcome home over 200 Vietnam War veterans as they walk the red carpet on this Day of Honor. Let us give them the welcome home they never received. Lets show them our appreciation for the freedoms they preserved for us. Date: October 1, 2016 Where: Sugar House Casino, 1001 N. Delaware Ave, Philadelphia When: Buses arrive 6:00pm, please arrive by 5:45pm Contact: Deanne 267-303-5977 There is no charge for this event, which is open to the public. 2016 CATHOLIC WOMEN'S CONFERENCE Mother of Mercy: Make Our Hearts Like Yours! Saturday, October 29, 2016 - 8:30am-4pm, National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA Nine dynamic speakers address all facets of the total woman. Find more info and registration at: Group Registration: Groups of 5 or more women receive a discounted registration rate of $40 per woman. There are a few ways to register a group from your parish: Online: Register online using one credit card By mail: Fill out the Large Group Registration Form available at http:// uploads/2014/05/Mail-inRegForm-LARGE-GROUP.pdf and send it by mail with one check or with individual checks from each person. August 21, 2016 11 12 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time