DENMARK Mediakit 2014 ELLE welcome CECILIE CHRISTIANSEN editor in chief • A l l a bou t st y l e • A c c e s s i b l e & we a r a ble fa s h i o n • M o r e b e a u t y tha n other ma g a z i n e s w elcom e to el l e ELLE is all about style. Danish women’s style. We bring the latest trends from the international catwalks; translating them into wearable and accessible fashion. We talk more beauty than any other Danish magazine and we focus on health with expert tips, recipies and wellness-guidance to our favorite products and places to visit and finally we write what Danish women are talking about tomorrow. Danish ELLE work closely together with our international sisters, so we are able to bring exclusive fashion stories and interviews with the world’s biggest style-icons. In addition to the magazine, the ELLE universe consists of, ELLE Collections, ELLE Decoration, and for the first time in 2013, our own award show, ELLE Style Awards. ELLE facts ELLE is published in 44 editions The World’s Nº1 Fashion Magazine Circulation in Denmark: 29.137* Readership figure in Denmark: 116.000* Online users on 34.594* the magazine ELLE is the world’s best selling magazine with more than 6 million copies sold and 23 million readers each month. ELLE is published in 44 different editions worldwide. Danish ELLE was published for the first time on 22 September 2008. ELLE gives you both international and Danish fashion trends, all on top/celeb fashion designers, photo shoots from some of Scandinavia’s top fashion photographers and lots of essential beauty trends. ELLE focuses on fashion from a Danish point of view, however, giving it a twist with all the best from international ELLE. ELLE also gives you high quality inspirational articles on trends and interviews with famous fashion, art and movie celebrities, which you simply have to read … gives you your daily fashion fix combining Danish and international fashion, beauty guides and interviews with interesting persons from home and abroad. It is all hand picked especially for our users and the website is updated several times a day to ensure that ELLE always gives you the latest news first. TARGET GROUP ELLE and addresses stylish, fashion conscious women but to a great extent (and especially) the woman who wants guides to the most important trends of the season. The core reader and user seeks quick information on fashion trends and wants to be guided to the most trendy fashion purchases as well as on how to get perfect red lips or seducing smokey eyes. She loves fashion, is young, decisive and ambitious, but also very impressionable, forthcoming and open-minded to new trends. *Dansk oplagskontrol 1. halvår 2013, Gallup Indeks Danmark 1. halvår 2013, Gemius august 2013 ELLE .dk facts gives you your daily fashion fix combining Danish and international fashion plus beauty guides presented in articles, galleries, and personal recommendations from ELLE’s editorial team. We also give our users coverage of VIP events in Denmark such as Danish Beauty Awards and offer shopping events for top brands. On users get updates on Danish and international style icons, number one actresses and designers’ new collections or collaborations – and get the ELLE team’s opinion of it. offers style galleries, interviews with celebs, shopping tips and daily news from stores all over Denmark. is updated frequently, and all content is produced especially for the website, closely related to the magazine, however, in its nature of course more current and newsfocused. Besides the magazine and, ELLE engages users on facebook, with more than 19.000 followers on the facebook group, and more than 10.000 followers on Instagram. ELLE subscriptions Each month, ELLE creates a special cover for its subscribers. ViVe la France juni 2013 ELLE s u bs c r i b e r s C O V ER 57 SÆRFORSIDE TIL ABONNENTER ELLE fashion Fa s h i o n i n ELLE Fashion in ELLE is about taking the trends from the international catwalk and edit it into a usable guide on how to dress for the season – the key pieces, the best collections and the new designers. about a boY Gå en isblå vinter i møde iført traditionelle, skræddersyede elementer fra herretøjsgarderoben krydret med showstoppende farver og print. Fuldend det drengede look med en bredskygget hat og et par flade sko, og du er good to go! It is very important that the fashion is wearable, accessible and affordable to our readers. Therefore we aim to use a wide variety of brands – from the international high fashion labels, to the many really great Danish and Swedish labels, and of course different high street brands. F o t o gr A F Anja Poulsen/ Filter Management S t y L i ng Mie Juel Uldfrakke, Céline, 25.360 kr. Uldtop, Céline, 15.665 kr. Uldnederdel, Céline, 4.325 kr. Snøresko i haj- og rokkeskind, Christian Louboutin, 7.420 kr. Filthat, By Malene Birger, 799 kr. Choker, Céline, 3.355 kr. Pels-manchetarmbånd, Claire/Anastasia hos, 1.800 kr. Mie Juel fa s h i o n d i r ec to r • I n t e r nat iona l • Fa s h i o n f o rwa r d • Ac ce s si bl e Our ambition is to be the most fashion forward magazine in Denmark and we are in close dialogue with the different PRs to ensure that ELLE has access to the best pieces in the collections and the latest news. The main fashion content is of course our fashion stories. The international ELLE network gives us the advantage of access to international top photographers, which allows us to take our readers onto an inspirational journey to different exotic locations and create amazing surroundings when interpreting the new trends. ELLE beauty EllE eLLe vignet eLLe vignet fristelser En kl assikEr! O.k. – her er så, hvad enhver kvinde bør eje … eller i det mindste kende. For din egen selvrespekts skyld og af kærlighed til kvalitet og skønhed i verden. Basta! 2 1 4 7 3 5 8 9 6 10 11 16 intense 15 be au t y 14 13 Her er Emma. Lige på og uden tøven. Med farver. Smukt! FotograF Henrik Bülow/ Hår & Makeup Anne Staunsager/ side 130 side 131 Hud (samme på alle billeder): ’Embryolisse’, fugtighedscreme, 199 kr. Øjne: ’Parfait Amour’ og ’Fresh Water’, øjenskygge, Mac, 135 kr. pr. stk. Læber: ’Stone’, læbeblyant, Mac, 135 kr. ’Myth’, læbestift, Mac, 150 kr. stk. 1. ’Dramatically Different Moisturizer’, Clinique, 20 ml, 225 kr. 2. ’Nr. 02 Terracotta’, solpudder, Guerlain, 360 kr. 3. ’Nivea Creme’, creme (her vist i 10 ml sample-udgave), Nivea, priseks.: 250 ml, 199,80 kr. 4. ’Diorshow Mascara’, Dior, 220 kr. 5. ’Margin’, blush, Mac, 180 kr. 6. ’Touche Éclat’, Yves Saint Laurent, 275 kr. 7. ‘Great Lash Mascara’, Maybelline, 69,95 kr. 8. ’Lait-Crème Concentré’, ansigtscreme, Embryolisse, 50 ml, 199 kr. 9. ’L’Corporel’, kropslotion, Biotherm, 225 kr. 10. ‘Juicy Tubes Nr. 17 Fraise’, Lancôme, 165 kr. 11. ‘Eight Hour Cream’, Elizabeth Arden, 275 kr. 12. Mappe, Ordning & Reda, 369 kr. 13. ’Advanced Night Repair’, serum, Estée Lauder, 30 ml, 515 kr. 14. ‘Popular’, børste, Mason Pearson, 799 kr. 15. ’Chanel No. 5’, eau de parfum, Chanel, 100 ml, 910 kr. 16. ‘Elnett’, hårspray, L’Oréal Paris, 75 ml, 29,95 kr. Tekst Anne P. Foto Lea Jessen/Ibsen & Co. Styling Louise Lyngbo 12 A N N E P. beaut y director sidE 140 • U n i q u e b e a u t y photo ser ies • H i g h f o c u s o n news • B roa d c ov e r age B e au t y i n E l l e The beauty and wellness in the Danish ELLE magazine is like no other magazine in Denmark. Not only do we have the most pages completely dedicated to the pure joy of visually stimulating content, enriching articles and guides but we also bring the most inspirational beauty stories – delivered only by the absolute best in the business. I’ve truly put a lot of effort into making the pages of beauty and wellness in the Danish ELLE magazine trustworthy and guiding and thankfully it has paid off. According to surveys we exceed our readers’ expectations and it is absolutely my mission to continue this rewarding path. The beauty in Danish ELLE is with out equal – and if it is up to me – it’s going to stay that way! Remember: The world needs beauty! ELLE ELLE shopping events advertorial To increase awareness and in particular to promote sales, ELLE co-hosts and promotes shopping N i s sa n M icr a T h e n ew ELLE mode l events at advertisers’ boutiques in Copenhagen and other larger Danish cities. Among others, OBJECTIVE: Nissan wanted to promote their new model Nissan Micra ELLE ELLE has co-hosted shopping events for By Malene Birger, Hugo Boss, Aldo etc. towards women, and especially ELLE’s readers. Nissan Micra ELLE was the result of a cooperation between Nissan and ELLE with the aim of creating a special i samarbejde med sephora I N V ITATION edition of the city car Micra. i samarbejde med sephora ‘Nail Polish Brook Street’, Nails Inc, 120 kr. ‘Color Adapt Bronzer’, Sephora, 120 kr. ‘Expert Manicure Nr. 12 The Red’, neglelak, Sephora, 58 kr. ‘SPF 50+ Sunscreen Face Lotion’, Sephora, 50 ml, 130 kr. ‘Aqua Rouge Waterproof Liquid Lip Color Nr. 08 Red’, Make Up For Ever, 184 kr. Kom med til sephoras FAN THURsdAY-event ’sommer’ CREATIVE EXECUTION: ELLE created an online competition, where users Hvornår: den 6. juni kl. 18-20 Hvor: sephora illum sephoras FAN THURsdAY er et skønhedskoncept, hvor du præsenteres for sæsonens nyheder og får tips til alt fra hud- til hårpleje. sommerens tema er solpleje og bronzingprodukter – så kig forbi og bliv klogere på, hvordan du passer på dig selv og din krop i solen (og samtidig får lækre, brune stænger og en smuk kulør). could win a 14 days trial of the new Nissan Micra ELLE. Additionally, an insert was created a pasted into the ELLE magazine to educate readers on the new Tilmed dig på chik som en pa r i s i e n n e sommeR i s T. T R o p e z Nissan Micra ELLE’s features. To promote the new model to the press and bloggers, Bliv klar til raffinerede Paris med røde læber og negle og en smule bronzer i ansigtet – og husk at passe på din hud under storbysolen. ELLE hosted a press event, featuring Danish lifestyle experts Christine Feldthaus and Christian Grau, who talked about Mindfulness, Time Management, Work Life Balance, I jetsetparadiset St. Tropez behøver du ikke at spare på guld og glam, så går sommerferien til det sydfranske, skal du huske at pakke solcreme og makeup i mange farver. linking the topics to cars, and especially the new Nissan Micra ELLE eLLelivsstil side 122 side 123 elle elle style awards V I N D DIt outf It tIl e l l e S t y l e awa r D S Kom med til årets mode-event ELLE Style Awards 2013 klædt på fra top til tå af InWear. VIND En billet til ELLE Style Awards 2013 til en værdi af 300 kr. samt et gavekort på 5.000 kr. til tøj og accessories på Samlet VærDI I alt 5.300 kr. Hvor foregår årets største danske modefest? Sms elK eSa2 a for Vladivostok eller elK eSa2 B for København til 1266. pris 7 kr. + alm. sms-takst. Se sms-betingelser på s. 44. E L L E S t y L E A w A r d S Modebranc hens f lot tes te f es t a f holdes ons dag den 15. maj i K øbenhavn. A l t,hvad der kan k r ybe og gå a f s t ilige og modebevids te navne, vil være t il s tede for a t hylde modens dyg t igs te k ræf ter. Ved et s tors t ilet pr is show mar keres bl.a. Å ret s Designer, Å ret s Talent, Å ret s Modepers onlighed og L æs er nes Pr is . Det er ELLEs redak t ion, der i s amar bejde med danske modeeksper ter inds t iller de nominere de, og det er læs er ne, der er med t il a t a fgøre vinder navnene. Du og dine veninder har mulighed for a t komme med t il den for r ygende a f ten i modens tegn, og der for udlodder vi ik ke bare billet ter, men ogs å hele looks t il heldige vindere. I denne måned et komplet out f it f ra ra f f inerede InWear, s om du s elv vælger på SIDe 98 Tekst Marie Louise Wedel Bruun Foto Asger Mortensen Styling Josephine Aarkrogh Stylistassistent Liv Andersen SVa r på SpørgSm ålet Tekst Redaktionen Styling Louise Lyngbo Øvrigt regi Privateje Foto Lea Jessen Psst ... Når jeg deltager i konkurrencen, accepterer jeg samtidig at modtage flere spændende nyhedsbreve og tilbud om medieprodukter, analyser, skønheds- og livsstilsprodukter, events mv. fra Aller Media A/S via brev, telefon og e-mail. Læs mere på side 44. ‘Colorful Nr. 03 Girls Night Out’, øjenskygge, Sephora, 100 kr. ‘Colorful Nr. 12 Green Tea Time’, øjenskygge, Sephora, 100 kr. ‘Moisturizing Beautifying Water’, Sephora, 150 ml, 100 kr. ‘SPF 30 Glowing Body Oil’, Sephora, 150 ml, 120 kr. ‘Nail Polish Royal Botanical Gardens’, Nails Inc, 120 kr. parapLy, neye, 199 kr. gummistøvLer, hunter, 1.799 kr. rejsetaske, mulberry, 4.650 kr. rejsetaske, Louis vuitton, 6.000 kr. tørkLæde, Épice, 1.895 kr. frakke, marimekko, 3.895 kr. håndtaske, Louis vuitton, 7.750 kr. handsker, Club monaco, 2.430 kr. biL, ’micra eLLe’, nissan, fra 159.490 kr. ex. levering og metallak (nb! ved køb får du min. 30.000 kr. for din gamle bil.) e L L e - b i L , m i n d f u L s p i s n i n g , t h a n k s g i v i n g - k ag e r , u s a - g u i d e & m ø d e m e d h o L Ly w o o d s d r ø m m e s k a b e r Tal om instant love! Nissan, der tidligere har lavet ’Micra’-versioneringer med bl.a. Sonia Rykiel, Balmain, Yves Saint Laurent og John Galliano, har nu lavet en særlig ELLE-udgave af den populære minibil; lige til at pakke til en efterårstur med veninderne. side 143 annonce annonce CoCa-Cola light 2012 ELLE Karl Lagerfeld har gjort det. Manolo Blahnik og Baum und Pferdgarten har gjort det. Og nu melder Jean Paul Gaultier sig også til skaren af verdenskendte designere, der har dekoreret den ikoniske Coca-Cola light-flaske. e n Joy! advertorial Co c a- Col a L igh t - E xclusi v e a d pa rt n e r sh i p jean paul gaultier OBJECTIVE: To link Coca-Cola Light closely to fashion and to increase awareness Jean Paul gaultier for CoCa-Cola light 2012 among Coca-Cola Light’s target group, fashion interested women. annonce annonce CREATIVE EXECUTION: To increase awareness of the Coca-Cola Light brand, Coca-Cola teamed up with leading designers Jean Paul Gaultier, Karl Lagerfeld, and Marc Jacobs. The designers created their own special edition of the Coca-Cola Light bottle, which were distributed exclusively at fashion events, selected fashion stores, salons, cafés, and restaurants. In Denmark, the campaigns was run exclusively in ELLE with a strong creative execution combining print and online media.This included print ads, advertorials with the designers and Coca-Cola Light, and an online competition, where readers could win a collector’s box with the designer Coca-Cola Light bottles. K arl lagerfeld for CoCa-Cola light 2011 annonce Manolo Blahnik for CoCa-Cola light 2010 Baum und Pferdgarten for CoCa-Cola light 2009 annonce Jean Paul Gaultier for CoCa-Cola liGht 2012 ELLE ELLE advertorial advertorial ECCO – Wa l k i n St y l e Awa r d s OBJECTIVE: ECCO wanted to promote their award show, Peugeot – Promot ion of t h e n ew 20 8 -mode l ECCO Walk in Style, and brand their shoes and new bag line towards the female target group. OBJECTIVE: To market the new Peugeot 208 to women, to increase sales in the female target group. CREATIVE EXECUTION: As part of ECCO’s campaign activities, ELLE made two advertorials for ECCO, promoting their bags, shoes, and their award show, CREATIVE EXECUTION: To increase sales of Peugeot 208 to women, ECCO Walk in Style. The advertorials ran in the months before the award show, Peugeot created Club 208, a loyalty club with exclusive competitions, discounts, and was part of a larger campaign with print ads, and online banners. tickets to red carpet events etc. As part of Peugeot’s print campaign, ELLE created an advertorial describing the new 208 model and Club 208. annonce i samarbejde med peugeot annonce i samarbejde med peugeot oh l a l a M e d clu b208 i by er n es by KlassisK med Kant som medlem af club208 får du adgang til rabatter og fordele med lækre brands som Kranz & Ziegler, rosemunde, läkerol, Adax, small danish Hotels, Mojo Mobile, Fri Ferie, biotherm, elle og selvfølgelig Peugeot. Hvad er det med ’la petite parisienne’? Hendes misundelsesværdige air af elegance, skønhed og sensualitet? Hendes medfødte evne til at se cool ud på den mest henkastede facon? Hun nærmest inkarnerer den særlige atmosfære, livsstilsnydernes mekka, Paris, emmer af, fyldt med æstetik, design, mad, kultur og mode. Hvad nu, hvis du kunne tage dette mekka til en del af din danske hverdag? Club208 giver dig mulighed for at skabe din helt egen version af det parisiske univers. ECCOs nye forårskollektion er præget af æstetiske linjer forankret i skandinavisk design, så glæd dig til sko og tasker i kækt samspil, der gør dig klar til den nye sæson. Og så kan du vinde unikke sko og tasker fra ECCO, så du kan markere Danmark som modeland, også efter modeugen er slut. Skandinavisk og cool design fra ECCO n e x t st o P Pa r i s du må ikke gå glip af madpandekager på les Pecheurs i 27, rue saint André des Arts i 6. arr., macarons hos ladurée og et glas champagne på les deux Magots i saintGermain-des-Prés. bo enten på Hotel Paris nord i det autentiske og ikke-turistede 10. arr. eller på Hotel Paris bruxelles i gåafstand til det charmerende Marais-kvarter. n y l i v s st i l s k l u b m e d s m ag a f Pa r i s Peugeot har startet en ny livsstilsklub – club208. inspirationen er hentet direkte fra de små gader i Paris og med afsæt i den nye Peugeot 208, som er meget mere end en almindelig bil. den er i en klasse for sig og nærmest dufter af Paris og urban chicness. der åbner sig en verden af fordele med den nye club208, som er for luxury afishionadas og bestemt ikke bilnørder. stærke partnere fra forskellige brancher har skabt et mødested, hvor inspiration, konkurrencer, rabatter, faste lodtrækninger, ViP-billetter til den røde løber og meget mere bringer dig lidt tættere på atmosfæren i Paris. ECCO ECCO er kendt for sin evne til at kombinere stil og komfort. Den danskejede internationale virksomheds succes bygger på den kompromisløse tilgang til kvalitet og den innovative tilgang til design. Det stilrene skandinaviske design kendetegner både sko og tasker. ECCO Walk in Style er en international hyldest til inspirerende kvinder, der dedikerer deres tid til at gøre en forskel for andre. Fem cool kvinder fra fem forskellige lande er nomineret til at vinde Walk in Style-prisen på 260.000 kr. Vinderen donerer prisen til et velgørende formål, som hun ønsker at støtte. De fire øvrige nominerede modtager hver 10.000 kr. til deres respektive velgørenhedsprojekter. Ud over at hylde inspirerende kvinder fremviser ECCO også sin nye kollektion i form af showpieces designet af skohusets egne designere. Petite Pr incesse Paris er indbegrebet af det feminine og flirtende, men uden at blive vulgært. intet signalerer dette som blonder – på en gang yndige og uskyldige og alligevel frække og forførende. danske rosemunde er en del af club208’s univers og rammer med sin nye kollektion det franske lolita-univers perfekt. k k vind Pak dit Paris sammen i tasken fra AdAX! du kan blive den heldige vinder af en toplækker taske fra AdAX med ægte pariser-look. Du kan blive den heldige vinder af de unikke showpieces på FaCEbOOk.COm/ECCO deltag i konkurrencen og bliv samtidig medlem, gratis og helt uden forpligtelser på: Psst ... Læs mere om prisuddelingen og showet på side 16 side 17 ELLE ratecard print Standard placements:Format Price Full page DKK 50,300 Double page spread DKK 84,500 Half page DKK 35,200 Premium placements:FormatPrice 1st double page spread DKK 105,700 2nd double page spreadDKK 101,500 3rd double page spreadDKK 97,200 4th - 10th double page spread DKK 92,600 Inside back coverDKK 55,200 Back cover DKK 70,400 special placements*:FormatPrice Full page DKK 55,200 Double page spread DKK 92,600 *Special placements are: Left page next to TOC (part 1) Right page next to TOC (part 2) Left page next to the fashion section Left page next to the beauty section Page next to the Editor’s letter Guaranteed placement in the first half of the magazine Other guaranteed placements Volume discount: No. of placements**Discount rate 2 placements per year 7% 3-5 placements per year 10% 6-9 placements per year 13% 10-12 placements per year 16% 13-20 placements per year 20% More than 21 placements per year 25% ** Within a calendar year Discounts: It is not possible to combine the discount granted with other types of discounts. ELLE is not part of Aller Mediesalg existing advertising portfolio. Events: Readers Night: DKK 25,000 ELLE Style Awards: Contact Key Account Manager ELLE publication dates & material ELLE Publication date 04/1403.03.2014 05/1407.04.2014 06/1405.05.2014 07/1402.06.2014 08/1407.07.2014 09/1404.08.2014 10/1401.09.2014 11/1406.10.2014 12/1403.11.2014 01/1501.12.2014 Booking deadlineMaterial deadline 14.01.2014 20.01.2014 24.02.2014 28.02.2014 24.03.2014 28.03.2014 22.04.2014 25.04.2014 28.05.2014 04.06.2014 01.07.2014 04.07.2014 28.07.2014 01.08.2014 01.09.2014 05.09.2014 29.09.2014 02.10.2014 27.10.2014 30.10.2014 Material: The advertising material must be in standard PDF format, version 1.3, generated form a PDF/X-1a standard. The PDF file must be created from an approved program such as InDesign or Quark, Adobe Acrobat Pro. The PDF file must have 5 mm trim on all sides. The PDF file must only contain CMYK colours. The fonts must be an integral part of the file and the picture resolution must be at least 300 DPI. All text, logo and similar features must be placed at least 10 mm within the trimmed format. The advertisements must be uploaded to our portal: We do not require a colorproof sent by mail. Advertisements formats: 722 701 225 x 297 mm* 450 x 297 mm* Full page Double page *A 5mm trim must be added to all sides of the advertisement. ELLE ratecard online FormatRate 930 ] [ 728 ] [ 300 ] [ 250 [ 90 ] ] [ [ 180 ] 930x180 / 728x90CPM 155 300x250 CPM 130 DHTML (floating ad) CPM 450 Expandable CPM 225 Wallpaper (1 day)DKK 9,500 Homepage takeover* (1 day)DKK 9,500 Quickpoll (14 days)DKK 10,000 Competition (14 days)DKK 12,500 Advertorial (3 months)DKK 12,500 Microsite DKK 75,000 SurveyAs per agreement 60 kb (flash and GIF) 60 kb (flash and GIF) 60 kb (flash and GIF) Targeted campaigns: + CPM 20 *Homepage takeover: 100% SOV of all 930x180 and 300x250 + wall paper on the homepage ELLE Newsletter Format Rate 300x250 CPM 200 WEB-TV eb-tv package A | DKK 60,000 W • Production of 4 spots • Exposure of 4 spots over a 3 months period on •D VD with the spots, which can be used on the advertiser’s website/shop Web-tv package B | DKK 90,000 • Production of 10 spots • Exposure of 10 spots over a 3 months period on •D VD with the spots, which can be used on the advertiser’s website/shop The video spots can be purchased after the expiration of the agreement, and can thereafter be used on other sites than and the advertiser’s site. Read the full terms and conditions on ELLE ON Ip a d ELLE ELLE St y l e Awa r d s The international renowned fashion award show, ELLE Style Awards, will be held in Denmark for the first time in May 2013, and will be the largest show of its kind in Denmark. ELLE Style Awards already exists in 19 countries, among others in China, the UK, and Sweden. Concept ELLE Style Awards takes place on the 15th of May at the Playhouse (Skuespilhuset) in Copenhagen. The invitation list consists of the fashion industry, fashionistas, and stylish celebs. In total, 600 guests are invited to the show, including 300 VIP guests, which are invited to an exclusive dinner. The award show is broadcasted prime time in week 22 on the Danish TV channel TV3. The show has 15 award categories, which include The Designer of the Year, Cool Woman of the Year, and The Readers’ Award. Partners ELLE Style Awards is created in collaboration with fashion consultants GrenaaBuchard and the Danish TV Channel, TV3 (a part of MTG). ELLE d i t n y e i n t e r n a t i o n a l e i n t e r i ø r m a g a s i n 193 cool design Fund 7 lækre boliger (sådan vil vi også bo …) sommer-special lazy living sådan bor vi designglimt fra milano Se dine nye favoritter det gode håndværk 5 seje danske kvinder viser deres personlige stil mød Faye toogood Kvinden, alle taler om e l l e d e c o r at i o n e l l e D e c o r at i o n 124 sider Mød snedkeren, møbelpolstreren og farvemesteren ELLE DECOR ATION PROVIDES stil & interiør 03 oktober - november 2012 • Fine, feminine and cool interiors jUni – jUli 2013 MATERIAL INFO Spread: 450 x 297 mm + 5 mm Single page: 225 x 297 mm + 5 mm i n t e r i ø r m a g a s i n d e co r at i o n Prices 03/02 2014 07/04 2014 02/06 2014 06/10 2014 01/12 2014 i n t e r n a t i o n a l e møbelfavoritter smukke stole, cool sideborde & stilige daybeds Publication dates: n y e 56 Decoration Spread: 82.900 Single page: 50.300 d i t • Beautiful homes to inspire you to modernize your own home. DKK 59,95 € 8,00 U B D 25.06 – 04.08.2013 p e r s on l ig i n d r e t n i n g : d y r e b a r e d e t a l j e r , k u n s t o g d e s i g n i v e r d e n s k l a s s e 01 DKK 59,95 € 8,00 U b d 18.10. – 21.11.2012 klæd dine rum på smukke tapeter og fine tæpper mit parisiske hjem indenfor hos fjerde generation Fendi v i n t er-pa st e l l er i n dr et m ed sæ son ens sl i k søde t en denser • Shopping – essential furniture and accessories for your living space. In October 2012, Denmark got its own version of the exclusive, world-renowned, interior décor and homes magazine ELLE DECORATION when a Danish edition of the magazine was published along with ELLE. From 2013, the renowned interior magazine will become a permanent part of the Danish ELLE universe with a publication frequency of four times a year. ELLE DECORATION is published in 27 countries, thus now including Denmark. It is n otably the magazine’s vast international experience which characterises the trend based Danish edition. The magazine revolves around Nordic design – enriched with a cool, feminine and fashionable touch. ELLE co n tac t sales manager maj-britt brøchner-mortensen Direct +45 7234 2685 Cell +45 2332 2735 senior Key Account Charlotte Juhl Direct +45 7234 2673 Cell +45 2539 0864 Key Account Kasper Smith Direct +45 7234 2691 Cell +45 2064 6961 V i si t i ng a dr e s s: Havneholmen 33, DK-1561 Copenhagen V, Denmark, Phone +45 7234 2626, Fax +45 7234 2003 P o sta l a dr e s s: Aller Media A/S, Postbox 420, DK-0900 Copenhagen C, Denmark
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