FALL 2015 - Marist Catholic High School


FALL 2015 - Marist Catholic High School
FALL 2015
Vol. 7 No. 1 • A Magazine for Alumni, Parents, and Friends of Marist Catholic High School • Eugene, Oregon
From the President
“We are
his special edition of the Marist Magazine
is much more than a Donor Report.
These pages are a reflection of our shared
commitment as a community to provide Catholic
education for high school students of today
and of the future. They demonstrate clearly the
results of what we have accomplished together
and offer us hope for what is possible.
Reflecting on this past fiscal year is a
humbling and inspiring exercise. Financial
results aside, what really stands out is the
progress we’ve made in promoting the Marist
mission and serving our students – how
we’ve continued to solidify the role and
of Marist Catholic High School
blessed. We Are One.”
in our community. All of this we have achieved
together, keeping alive the tradition of Catholic
high school education that’s been present in Eugene since St. Mary’s High School
nearly 100 years ago. Marist alone, est. 1968, has endured low enrollment,
recessions, operational deficits, and leadership transitions. By the grace of God,
here we stand – thriving and dreaming.
The power of teamwork is undeniable. Pope Francis, in his recent visit to
the U.S., called on national and world leaders to “work together for the common
good.” Here are a few examples of how the Marist community does this regularly:
• Students and staff participate annually in community service
projects that help our brothers and sisters in Latin America,
Southern California, Oregon, and right here in Eugene/Springfield.
• Families volunteer hundreds of hours helping on and around
campus, with and for students.
• Alumni, families and friends give generously to help make a Marist
education possible for over 37% of students who receive tuition
• Donors from the school and greater community are participating in
Advancing Marist, a historic fundraising effort to update our aging
campus, build new facilities and help keep Marist accessible.
As evidenced in these pages, our collective efforts are working and we are so
grateful for the generous contributions of time, talent and treasure. Marist students
are benefitting from a faith-based education in a welcoming community that offers
unique opportunities to learn, lead and serve. Just imagine the possibilities of what
we can do for the students of today and in the future, and what they, in turn, will be
able to do for our community.
We are blessed. We Are One.
Suzanne Graf, President
2 From the President: Together
Mission: Marist staff formation
School Profile
Revenues and Expenses
Inspire: Ryan Helbling '16
Connected: Bernie Conklin '69
Alumni Giving
Gratitude: Marist Catholic High School Donors
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Impact: Monquel Glasow '17
Marist Foundation Donors
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Marist Foundation Endowed Scholarships, Donors and
Support: Ben Salm '77
Community: Advancing Marist celebrating progress
Advancing Marist Donors since January 2013
Campus Notes
Class Notes
In Memoriam
Take 5: Jessica (May) Dwyer '05
Annual Fund for Marist
Mari s t
Page 4
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Vol. 7 • No. 1 • FALL 2015
Editor, Publisher, Design/Layout
Susan Schramm
Photo Editor
Toni Cooper
Contributing Authors
Suzanne Graf, Nancy Kiesewetter,
Rebecca Larson, Rick Martin,
Susan Schramm, and Beth Wirth
Marist Magazine is a publication of
Marist Catholic High School. Copyright
©2015 by Marist Catholic High School.
It is the product of contributions from staff,
students, alumni, and friends of Marist.
This issue and all back issues of the Marist
Magazine are available for download online
at www.marisths.org/marist-magazine.
Marist Catholic High School
1900 Kingsley Road
Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 686-2234
Fax: (541) 342-6451
Other Marist Phone Numbers
Advancement: (541) 681-5470
Finance Office: (541) 485-7879
Foundation: (541) 686-0251
The cover photo captures
freshmen and their leaders
(staff and seniors) in an
ice-breaker activity during
the annual Freshman
Lock-In retreat.
If you are interested in authoring an article
or have comments, letters, ideas, or photos
for upcoming issues, please send them
to the editor at sschramm@marisths.org.
When including photos, please make sure
they are high resolution (300 dpi) digital
images. Please send alumni news
to alumni@marisths.org.
The retreat is an all-night
event with the goal of
breaking down barriers,
making friends, having fun
with small and large goup
activities, and building
FALL 2015
Marist Catholic High School is a Christ-centered,
welcoming community, committed to academic excellence
and preparing students to lead and serve others.
o one questions setting aside
time for the inservicing
of teachers to work on
the improvement of their craft. In
fact, the Oregon State Department
of Education provides a specific
Statewide Teacher Inservice date
each school year set aside just
for this purpose. But for Catholic
education, the subjects we teach and
the strategies we use to help students
learn are set within the context of a
larger mission. In short, we do the
school thing in a Catholic way.
This Catholic way characterizes
everything we do through a set of
core values that define us, that make
us most distinctive. We sometimes
express this through our school
Statement of Charism:
Enlivened by a family spirit
that makes us One
Centered by fidelity to faith
in Jesus Christ in all things
Connected by justice to the
world beyond our borders
Animated by zeal that teaches
the mind and touches the heart
Seized by God’s calling to a Mission
by, for, with and to young people
To do this well requires that we
take time to inservice ourselves not
only in our craft, but in our Catholic
mission. We cannot deliver what we
do not examine and assimilate.
One way we inservice ourselves
is through our annual staff retreat.
From the earliest years of Marist’s
history, the staff has spent time
together on retreat. For the past
almost twenty years, the Marist
staff has started the school year
by going on an overnight retreat
at St. Benedict Lodge. Just as we
encourage our students to do, we go
on retreat to renew ourselves and
to re-set ourselves in the defining
foundation of Catholic education. It
is this habit, among others, that helps
us sustain our spiritual focus and that
keeps us anchored to our Catholic roots.
Each year we use the staff retreat
to kick off a theme for our yearlong focus. Each theme nurtures our
individual spiritual lives, draws us
together as a united community of
Catholic educators, and fine-tunes
our approach to our work at Marist.
We always leave our time of retreat
with both internal and external
benefits, benefits which ultimately
enrich the experience of our students.
For example, in the 2010-2011
school year, our focus resulted in
a clearer understanding of who we
are, as expressed in the Statement of
Charism shared above.
This year we focused on the
upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy,
declared by Pope Francis to open
on December 8, 2015. We examined
our practices and priorities through
the lens of the corporal and spiritual
works of mercy. We asked ourselves
what part we ought to play as a
school in the Church’s challenge to
be a people of mercy and how the
works of mercy direct our way of
doing things.
We learned what mercy is
and what mercy is not. We learned
that we are one ministry among
many in the Church, and that our
part delivers mercy most directly
through “instructing the ignorant”
and “counseling the doubtful.” We
learned that mercy requires keeping
the interest and growth of the student
foremost in our actions. We learned
that we all are beneficiaries of God’s
mercy, and that to be merciful toward
others is to follow God.
These learnings inspired the
beginning of our year, and as we
return to these themes periodically as
a staff, we hope to sustain our vision
in all we do. Our mission directs us
to be self-reflective and focused on
the Church’s call to service – our habit
of retreat is one of the principal ways
we remain true to this mission.
The 2-day retreat, at the beginning
of the year, serves as the foundation
for the many formation trainings
provided by Marist’s Campus Ministry
throughout the year, for faculty
and staff.
FALL 2015
School Profile
or the first time in school
history, Marist implemented
a new president/principal
leadership model. Effective July 1,
2015, this model divided the business
and operations management of the
high school between two people:
newly appointed President Suzanne
Graf and Principal Stacey Baker.
President Graf is in charge
of overall leadership, including
business matters, advancement, and
community and board relations,
while Principal Baker is responsible
for the day-to-day operations. This
model was adopted by the Marist
School Board after several months
of research and discernment and
approved by Archbishop Sample
of the Archdiocese of Portland
in Oregon.
The Marist Board of Directors
has general oversight and responsibility
for the school. The Leadership Team
supports the president and principal
in the daily management of the
school’s operations.
For the 2014-15 school year, 557
students attended Marist Catholic
High School with more than one
third of our enrollment consisting
of graduates from O’Hara Catholic
School and St. Paul Parish School.
The remainder of our students came
from more than 30 different public
and private schools.
Marist is the only local high school
to offer a Christ-centered community
that cultivates respect, sincere care
for those in need, and service to
others. Last year, approximately 45%
of our students were Catholic. Four
years of Theology are required for
graduation, which includes a service
learning component. Our students
participated in regular school Masses
and a variety of team Masses prior
to competitions and extracurricular
activities. Each year, students have an
opportunity to participate in retreats,
the most intensive of which is the
Junior Encounter.
Marist offered more than 50 extracurricular activities. The diversity
of the programs available included
multiple levels of athletic teams
competing in 5A and several clubs.
In 2014, Marist ranked
4th best private school
in Oregon.
- Based on a study by consumer
research group Niche.com, as
reported in The Oregonian.
Marist offered 24 College Now and
11 Advanced Placement courses,
allowing students to earn college
credits for Marist course work. Last
year, a large number of our students
participated in these courses with
some achieving enough credits
to enter college as sophomores.
Approximately 75% of Marist
teachers held advanced degrees.
Marist’s average class size was 21
and the student to teacher ratio was
18:1. Marist underclassmen were
required to take a full class load
of seven classes per day with 175
student contact days.
The Class of 2015 had 133 students
with 98% of them going on to a
4- or 2-year institution; they were
accepted to 127 different colleges
and universities. Students had
consistently higher SAT scores
than the national average and
two of them were National Merit
Commended Scholars.
Marist seniors each completed 65
hours of Christian service as part
of their graduation requirement. In
preparation for this project, each
student served 15 hours to family,
community, and church as part of
the first two years of their Theology
coursework. Last year, our senior
class completed more than 9,400
hours of service.
In addition, parents completed
hundreds of hours of service,
contributing their time and expertise
serving on school and foundation
boards, helping with maintenance of
grounds, concession stands, sporting
events, front desk service, retreats,
student supervision, and fundraisers,
including the Marist Auction.
Collectively, this service represented
an in-kind contribution to the school
of several hundred thousand dollars.
A Marist education
inspires its students to
become moral, caring,
and competent leaders
who, with a sense of joy
and zeal, place their
gifts at the service of
the common good and
pursue a social order that
is attentive to the welfare
and rights of others.
- Marist Vision
Governance & Leadership
School Board Members Front row: Fr. David Brown, Suzanne Graf, Jim Menezes, Kelly (Howard) Hughes '80, and Tim Welch.
Back row: Charlie Kimball, Bernie Dorsey, Br. William Dygert, Pete Kerns '79, and Alan Thayer. Not pictured: Sally Killgore and
Donna Moore.
2015-16 School Board of Directors
Fr. David Brown, Pastor, St. Paul Catholic Church
Bernard Dorsey, Multi-Line Agent, American National Insurance Company, past parent
Brother William Dygert, C.S.C., Ph.D., Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
Suzanne Graf, President, Marist Catholic High School, current parent
Kelly (Howard) Hughes '80, Vice Principal, St. Paul Parish School, past parent
Pete Kerns '79, Board Chair, Chief of Police, City of Eugene Police Department, past parent
Sally Killgore, past parent
Charlie Kimball, Chief Financial Officer, Murphy Company, past parent
Jim Menezes, Vice President, Pacific Benefit Consultants, past parent
Donna Moore, Partner, The Gilmore Agency
Alan Thayer, Attorney, Innovative Law Group, current parent
Dr. Tim Welch, Surgeon, Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery, current parent
School Leadership Team
Suzanne Graf
Stacey Baker
Andy Oldham
Assistant Principal of Academic Affairs
Christi Nicholson
Dean of Student Affairs
Rick Martin
Director of Campus Ministry & Formation
Rick Gardner
Director of Athletics & Facilities
Reba Stephens
Finance Director
School Leadership Team Front row: Reba Stephens, Stacey Baker and Suzanne Graf.
Middle row: Rebecca Larson, Christi Nicholson and Rick Martin. Back row: Rick Gardner
and Andy Oldham.
Rebecca Larson
Advancement Director
FALL 2015
Revenues & Expenses
Tuition & Fees 68.1%
Advancing Marist 19.4%
Donations & Grants 9.6%
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Student Activities 1.5%
Other Income 1.4%
Wages & Benefits 62.9%
& Program Costs 19.1%
Tuition Assistance
& Scholarships 15.1%
Depreciation 2.9%
o strengthen the School’s
financial position while
planning for future needs,
both revenues and expenses were
carefully managed.
The School’s net assets grew
42% to just under $5.5 million
for the year ended June 30, 2015.
Temporarily restricted net assets
represented approximately $1.3
million of the increase primarily
due to the ongoing Advancing Marist
campaign. Unrestricted net assets
increased by $338,000 to nearly
$2.2 million.
Independent Review
of Financials
The School’s financial statements
for 2014-15 have undergone an
independent review by Moss Adams,
a local CPA firm. Their conclusion
was again positive, finding that no
material modifications were needed
in order for the financial statements
to be in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles. For
a copy of the full report, please
contact the Marist finance office
at (541) 485-7879.
Tuition & Fees
Advancing Marist
Donations & Grants
Student Activities
Other Income
Wages & Benefits
Administration & Program Costs
Tuition Assistance & Scholarships
Juniors Malia Adee, Margaret Walters, Deborah Hample and Danika White enjoy Welcome Week.
uccessful advancement initiatives,
including the Advancing Marist
campaign, resulted in more than
$2,500,000 in revenue for the fiscal
year. This included nearly $900,000 in
revenue from fundraisers, private gifts,
grants and donations to fund endowment
growth and school operations, as well as
tuition assistance and special projects:
Advancing Marist 65.1%
Auction 16.5%
Annual Fund for Marist 8.8%
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
•Completion of Wi-Fi infrastructure
for iPads
•Resurfacing the tennis courts
• Intercom system for theatre productions
•Track timing system
Annual campaigns helped make up the
$2,201 difference between the actual
cost of educating a student and the rate
of tuition. These campaigns include the
GAP program, Annual Fund, Marist
Auction and Sign Sponsorship program.
3rd Party Grants 5.5%
Marist Foundation
Endowment 2.7%
Sign Sponsors 1.2%
Other 0.2%
Advancement revenues for school operations and facilities
Advancement revenues for the Marist Foundation
Total Advancement Revenues
The near capacity crowd generously embraces the 44th Annual Marist Auction – The Great Outdoors.
FALL 2015
he day at Marist begins
with prayer, the pledge of
allegiance and daily news.
A student’s voice comes over the PA
system, prefacing announcements
with a quirky factoid or an
inspirational bit of trivia. It’s student
body president Ryan Helbling, son of
alumnus Anie (Makyadath) '92 and
George Helbling.
When the Helblings decided to
send Ryan (class of 2016) to O’Hara
Catholic School for his elementary
and middle school years, they had
hoped he would continue on to
Marist because of all that Marist gave
Anie as a student and person.
“Ryan wants to be involved
with everything. I think it’s because
he truly loves Marist,” said Anie.
She’s right about his involvement
at Marist. Ryan is a singer and
musician in Proclaim – a full year
activity that provides music for
all Masses and prayer services
at Marist. Ryan participates in
the Christian Leadership Course
(CLC) – a theology and leadership
course designed to give students
the opportunity to learn basic skills
in leadership and peer facilitation
within a Christian context. Students
develop these skills through
activities, classroom lecture, assigned
reading, and directed service to the
school community. Ryan has been a
member of Marist for Life, a student
pro-life club, runs cross country and
track and field, and has served on the
student council all four years.
“As ASB (student council)
president, he models the school
motto, 'We Are One' in many ways –
from making it a goal to get to every
sporting event, play, and concert at
least once each season, to his regular
involvement in retreats,” said Beth
Wirth, Marist ASB moderator and
English teacher.
Being a part of the retreat
program at Marist, Ryan helps
classmates retreat from their normal
everyday world in order that they
might better reflect upon that world.
He helps students focus on identity
and self-image, relationships with
others, and their relationship with God.
Whether on campus or off, Ryan
exemplifies the values we aspire to at
Marist. In addition to his involvement
at Marist, Ryan is also an Eagle Scout
– trustworthy, loyal, helpful, kind,
obedient, reverent, and a confident
leader. “When he was brainstorming
about what he would do for his Eagle
Scout project, he kept returning to the
idea that he wanted to give back to
Marist,” remembered Anie.
What could one person
realistically do? Quite a lot, as it
turned out. Knowing the significance
of the Grotto on campus, Ryan
noticed how overgrown and unkempt
it had become. Located between the
Academic Resource Center and the
200 wing, the Grotto was designed to
be a quiet refuge for students, a place
for rest and contemplation. Over
the years, the plantings had become
overgrown and the space looked
neglected, shabby and uninviting.
Ryan literally started from
the ground up. He installed an
irrigation system and replaced the
tired shrubbery with new plants. He
painstakingly cleaned each paver in
the cross-shaped path leading to the
wooden statue of Mary and the Baby
Jesus (created for the Marist Grotto
by artist Howard Hevlin in 1990).
The Grotto was transformed.
Ryan truly does love Marist. The
school provides opportunities for Ryan
to authentically lead and serve the
community that inspires him, and in so
doing, he inspires those around him.
The Grotto begins to show its fall colors.
Opposite page: Ryan Helbling (center) leads songs at the Freshman Lock-In
Mass with senior Jordan Haggas (left) and teacher Ryan Moser (right).
FALL 2015
Bernie Conklin­– a member of the first graduating class of 1969, father of Marist grads and now grandfather of a Marist freshman – greets Dr. Pat Merrick
outside of the reception for the dedication of the new Kevin Teller Field in October 2015.
or faculty, staff and parents
who have been in and around
the Marist community for a
long time, there are names that seem
to revolve through the doors.
Delve a little deeper, trace the
relationships, and some surnames
will also occur with regularity,
a thread of continuity that spans
generations. Names like Heidt,
Macke, Clemens, Teller, Kerns,
Schrieber, Moser and many more.
Recognized as “legacy families,”
these families represent 11.5% of
the Marist population. These are
families who, because of their firsthand experience of what this Marist
Catholic education offers, desire for
their family to experience the same.
Add the name Conklin to the list.
Bernie Conklin '69, was in the first
Marist graduating class, sent three
daughters here and will be attending
the graduation of a granddaughter in
a few years.
Bernie’s parents believed in the
value of Catholic education. With
that, they established a legacy that
has transcended generations. Bernie
recalls they valued “the nurturing
and quality of the entire learning
experience – academic, physical and
spiritual.” Bernie received that kind
of education and he is delighted that
his granddaughter, Brianna '19, is
receiving it and is looking forward to
his other granddaughter, McKenzie,
graduating from Marist in 2027.
Bernie’s hope for his
granddaughters is a prayer suitable
for all Marist students: to continue
to grow in faith and academic
competency and become an
outstanding citizen in whatever they
aspire to do.
In 2014-2015, fifty-five legacy
families continued the tradition of
Catholic high school education, a
total of 66 students with 58 alumni
parents. That’s a legacy.
Connections are many in the Marist
community. Dr. Pat Merrick, in the
photo above, is not only a friend
of Bernie but also a past Marist
Foundation Board member, parent
of alumnus Jeff Merrick '94, friend
of the Teller family (having worked
with Dr. George Teller at the old
Eugene Hospital & Clinic - Family
Practice Department), and supporter
of Catholic education.
Alumni Giving
e Are One is evident by
our collective alumni
support. Reaching
across generations, alumni
from St. Mary's, St. Francis and
Marist continue to value Catholic
education and support the
mission of Marist.
St. Mary's High School
1946 1947 1949 1950 Gertrude (Moran) Christy
Margaret (Gimpl) Compton
Helen (Durbin) Michael
John Gent
Monsignor Carl Gimpl †
Bob Bryan
Betty (Morrow) Cohen
Fred Gent
Dolly (Furrer) Gustafson
Kathryn (Heidenreich) Lytle
Connie (Lowery) Metzler
John Breeden
Robert Grant
Marian (Wobbe) Young
St. Francis High School
1952 1953
1956 1957
1960 1961
1962 1963
Marlin Franssen
Jack Pynes
Joann (Oswald) Breeden
Loni (Morrow) Ferebee
Bill Walsh
Tom Hawn
Ann (Banks) Stein
Marge (Cooley) Barrett
Richard Furrer
Wayne Laemmle
Joyce (Tork) Lane
Lewis Malin
Darlean (Laughlin) Scott
Jerry Thenell
Margaret (Schaefers) Walsh
Larry Fieland
Michael Starr
Michael Atkinson
Roy Eberle
Carl Mosen
Bob Stewart
Sue (Stirewalt) Adlesich
Gino Barbisan
Judith (Gersich) Countryman
Jeanne (LaBarre) Hicks
Jane (Grosulak) Liston
Judy (Pierson) Fredricks
Suzanne (Storms) Mills
Nick Robertson
Bob Wellnitz
Don Klenke
Tim Wenzl
Jerome LaBarre
David Shepard
Lou Wenzl
Burrle Elmore
Penny (Schreiner) Gross
Roger Guthrie
Sue (Conley) Hohman
Thomas Kerns
Daniel Eberle
John Gallagher
Mary Ann (Huff) Wilk
Rosemary (Henrikson) Brady
Armond Clemens
Jerry Kersey
Rosemary (Storms) Montgomery
Carol (Evonuk) Sullivan
John Sullivan
Molly (O'Neil) Wirch
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
1965 1966
1967 1968 Thomas Gallagher
Jim Hoffman
Bill Jones
Sue (Mersdorf) Hallett
Arlene (Klocek) Kersey
Billie Olson
Stephen Shepard
Dan Brown
Ray Nehl
Anna (Storms) Ingram
Christine (Evonuk) Ledgerwood
Colleen (Heidt) Schneider
Catherine (Gaughan) Mant
Marist Catholic High School
1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975
Terrie (Tremaine) Clemens
Mark Clemens
Bernie Conklin
Teresa (Burns) Ewoniuk
Rick Ewoniuk
Yvette Keolker
Kathleen (Brown) Powell
Dan Sullivan
Pat Brown
Dan DeAutremont
Jim Kerr
Paula (Moser) Leroy
Jeremy Starr
Ellen (Jessie) Brown
Lynn (Kaba) Jones
Sandy (Bringe) Murray
Maureen (Ronnau) Smith
Tim Sullivan
Gerald Freitas
Morgan McQuiston
John Sandstrom
Leslie (Blume) Tompkins
Norm Becker
Will Kerns
Anita (Porreco) Ploghoft
Anna Potwora
John Teller
Tim Barnes
MaryRose (Keolker) Gangle
Mark Jaszkowski
Tom Starr
Scott Lilley
Chris Wagner
Carol Wilger
Ben Salm
Fr. John Kerns
Mel Damewood
Colleen (Meagher) Gardner
Chris Holvey
Ingrid Lowery
Kevin Norris
Rita (Schmidt) Proulx
Donna (Walsh) Dorsey
Carolyn (Lee) Kenney
Joan (Meagher) Kerns
Pete Kerns
Don Lance
Joe Moore
Richard Proulx
John Stacy
1980 Janice (Edwards) Bocci
Tina (Wilson) Bowden
Anitra (Reaney) Evans
Joe Gonyea III
Kelly (Howard) Hughes
Cissy (Holvey) Kast
Kelley (Olsen) Kline
Billy McCallum
Julie (Free) Stacy
Michael Colgan
Cindy (Duyck) Couey
Terry Hackelman
Diza (Hoglen) Hilles
Mark Jones
Don Jones
Carrie (Wilson) Link
Tricia (Lowery) MacKinnon
Mark Murphy
Joe Potwora
Steven Splonskowski
Michele Wenzl-Cunningham
Gregory Deggleman
Dan Hummel
Lisa (Tuttle) Kimball
Debbie (Gonyea) Madden
Garth Morgan
Melissa (Adair) Morgan
Shawn Pynes
Suzanne (Schreiber) Hernandez
Dan Schlesinger
Tracie (McKay) Shojai
Jennifer (Stewart) Solomon
Harry Campbell
Julia (Swadener) Fudge
Trudi Glander
Dan Heidt
Jon Jones
Michelle (Beck) Ochenkoski
Andrew Hafner
Michelle (Gonyea) Laing
Jim McGaughey
Bryan Travis
Annie (Schueller) Vitus
Marc Carlson
Chad Ficek
Colleen (Miller) Howley
Ken Hubbard
Brian Jones
Erica (Whitney) Pifer
Tony Albertini
Michelle (Portz) Cross
Kristen (Jones) Ell
Brian Ellsworth
Beth (Brinkman) Garland
Dana (McMahon) Humphrey
Leticia (Konyn) Ficek
Julie (Murray) Fulton
Christy (Clemens) Hakala
Shannon (McDonald) Johnson
Marc Lund
Leesa (McMahon) Michael
Marcus Whittaker
Amy (Cersovski) Mills
Alyson (Papé) Richards
LeighAnn (Whitney) Scherer
Chris Conway
Mari (Pittman) Gibson
Michael Stokes
Charene Dehne
Kevin Lee
Josh Gibeau
Anie (Makyadath) Helbling
Christine (Fugitt) Holmberg
Kris Jeremiah
Sean Jones
Antony Kim
Jonas Kungys
Sarah (Hutchinson) Ostendorf
Robyn (Blair) Emde
Ryan Dwyer
Andrea (Sieg) Jones
Chenoah (Belcher) Konyn
Garrett Nehl
Brendan O'Donnell
Beth DuPriest-Melo
Katie Jeremiah
Matt Stitz
Meredith (Jones) White
Nick Everett
Derek Janssen
Mary Elizabeth Madden
Ryan Sieg
Leslie Simmons
Heather (Hoffman) Campion
Justin Gartland
Cory Howard
John Murphy
Jason Allen
Courtney Jeffries
Carol-Ann (Tyler) Nelson
Timothy Crawley
Brent Glover
Jennifer Konow
Meghan McMahon
Sarah (Baird) Reed
Jordan Jeffries
Heidi (Hoffman) Mooney
Ellen (Hagan) Nichter
Matt Solvason
Rihana (Kimball) Roseta
Brooke (Stribling) Crow
Jessica (May) Dwyer
Andrew Perkins
Kasey Rowe
Emery Hilles
Danielle Vinson
Allison Boyce
Madison Hilles
Julia (Chambers) Stiltner
Sarah Jamieson
Nick MacKinnon
Calder Whiteley
Carson Kiesewetter
Cameron Jack
Michael Baird
Katie Barker
Cesare Bocci
Emily Boyd
Britt Brann
Shawna Burke
Michelle Campbell
Dallin Cone
Abby Crowell
Claire Farrington
Tyler Fechtel
Oliver Feng
Taylor Gregory
Lauren Griffin
Chaney Hart
Matt Harwood
Julia Hastings
Malik Jackson
Wille Johnson
Emily Kelly
John Kerns
Jack Kiesewetter
Sean Kimball
Emily Laing
Joe Laver
Halie Lawrence
An Le
Lindsey Lee
Nick Mack
Doug McGirr
Joshua McIntire
Nikki Mirhosseyni
Gwen Over
Jordan Pickrel
Brett Proulx
Ethan Quick
Victoria Richards
Angelina Rivas
Katherine Rivas
Tate Rupp
Jackson Ryan
Sophia Schlesinger
Karson Silver
Corey Solari
Bri Stowell
Allie Thompson
Natalie Tichenor
Joe Wagner
Carley Weixelman
Katelynn Williams
Mitchell Young
Natalia Zreliak
† Deceased
"All that we behold is
full of blessings."
his quote is part of a 1,244
word poem penned in 1798 by
William Wordsworth, inspired
by the beauty of nature.
Fast forward to today when the
quote appeared as a #grateful tweet,
a 50-character offering posted by
someone practicing the prayerful
habit of gratitude.
The quotation graces the lists
of our donors because the following
pages are more than a collection of
names: they represent the blessings
of a community that believes in
Catholic education.
We are grateful to so many
families, friends, alumni, and
businesses who have contributed to
the financial stability of Marist over
the past fiscal year through a variety
of campaigns and efforts, including
(but not limited to): Auction,
Annual Fund, Arts Angels, G.A.P.
(Gracious Assistance from Parents),
and Sports Sign Sponsorship.
Thank you for your generosity
and for helping us continue the legacy
of Catholic high school education in
Lane County.
Marist Catholic High School
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Anonymous (5)
A Helfrich Outfitter LLC
Above All Sanitation
Dick & Sue Abraham
Brian & Debbie Achter
Ralph & Sue (Stirewalt) Adlesich '57
Adobe Resort
ADR Image Consulting & Interior Design
Patricia Agee
Aggregate Resource Industries
Tom & Pam Akers
Dick & Peggy Albertini
Scott & Janell Alldridge
Jason Allen '00
Brian & Laurel Allender
Kevin & Irene Alltucker
Brian & Michelle Almond
Amavi Cellars
Michelle Amberg
Terri & Jon Anderson
Brad & Chantel Anderson
Corey & Holly Anderson
Allen & Kendra Anderson
Dee Andrews & Susie Gress
Applegate Hills Alpacas
Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
2014 Safety First Project
Saalfeld Newman Grant
Schaefer Grant
Tuition Assistance Grant
B2 Wine Bar & Bistro
Patricia Baier
Michael Baird '15
Mike & Marilu Baird
Patricia Baird
Sarah Baird-Reed '02
Ryan & Stacey Baker
Ballet Fantastique
Gino '57 & Norma Barbisan
Katie Barker '15
Dave & Theresa Barker
Marge (Cooley) Barrett '54
Jim & Eileen Bartko
Jeff Baumgart
in memory of Jane Hope Baumgart
Kevin & Kim Beat
Ryan & Tracy Beck
Amy Becker & Nick Valley
Don Behrens & Keri Elliott
Dan & Kelli Bell
Carl & Amber Bell
Bello Day Spa & Salon
Fr. Vincent Benoit
Berg's Ski & Snowboard Shop
Best Way Window Cleaning, Inc.
Marlene Biersteker
Big Town Hero
Bigfoot Beverages
Billy Mac's Bar & Grill
Bi-Mart Corporation
Bitinc Systems, LLC
Robert & Lucille Blaesi
Blitz Sports Pub
Ray & Cathy Bly
Cesare Bocci '15
Scott & Janice (Edwards) Bocci '80
Leroy & Julie Bodine
Roberta & Gary Boedigheimer
John & Lisa Bollinger
Sallylou Bonzer
Bosworth Family
Raymond & Angela Boucher
in memory of Phil Heidt
Opposite page: Juniors Molly Holmberg and Rachel Larsen wait for their class meeting to start.
Ken & Laure Boucher
John & Tina (Wilson) Bowden '80
Allison Boyce '09
Greg & Paige Boyce
Emily Boyd '15
Bryon & Becky Boyd
Heather Boyles
Jim & Rosemary (Henrikson) Brady '63
Brails Restaurant
Kerry & Tesa Brainard
Britt Brann '15
Denny & Kelli Braud
Dave & Barb Brazelton Family
Mrs. Tom Bricher
Marie Bricher
Corey Bridgens & Jamie Dobson
Dale & Janet Bridges
in memory of Donald Bick
Brindiamo Catering
Brothers Carpet Cleaning
Dan '66 & Ellen (Jessie) Brown Family '72
Michael Brown
Fr. David Brown
Tom & Joyce Browning
Bob Bryan '47
Bryant House
Glenn & Renee Buchanan
Dan Buckwald & Pam Thoreson-Buckwald
Buddy's Diner
Builder's Electric, Inc
Shawna Burke '15
Jon & Cheryl Burke
Jon Burke/Remax Integrity
Bush Animal Hospital
Stan & Cathi Busse
Janet Byerley
C & E Rentals
C & K Market
C J T Properties
Michael & Ann Caffey
John & Ruth Caloia
Michelle Campbell '15
Harry '84 & Beth Campbell
Dan & Heather (Hoffman) Campion '99
Capital Genealogy
Capper's Frames & Prints
Robert & Belle Caracol
Chris & Sheryl Cardani
Carl's Jr. Restaurants
Lynette Carlson
Marc Carlson '86
Bob & Judy Carmichael
Kershia Carpenter
Anita Carter
Tom & Mary Cary
Mike Cary
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court
Oregon No. 118
CFG Rental
Cheryl Chapman
Harvey Chapman & Ellen Frank-Chapman
FALL 2015
Rick & Darci Christian
Christine & Company Salon
Gertrude (Moran) Christy '37
Doug & Emily Clark
Steve & Alayne Clarke
Mark '69 & Terrie (Tremaine) Clemens '69
Armond '63 & Sue Clemens
Paul & Lana Clements
Leland & Corrine Clifford
Coburg Pizza Company
Coburg Road Car Wash
Betty (Morrow) Cohen '47
Jill & Brent Cole
Roger & Kim Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Colgan '81
Ed & Kelly Collins
Randall & Leanne Collis
Jud & Margaret (Gimpl) Compton '41
Dallin Cone '15
Bernie '69 & Sandy Conklin
Milt Conner
Tom & Megan Connor
Jay & Judy Conroy
Conveyered Aggregate Delivery Inc.
Chris '90 & Tammy Conway
Dixie Lee Cook
Gary & Sara Cook
Corvallis Knights
Cosmos Creations
Joe & Cindy (Duyck) Couey '81
Country Financial
Keith & Judith (Gersich) Countryman '57
Velma Cox
in memory of Donald Bick
Bob Craviotto
Timothy Crawley '01
Bob & Michelle (Portz) Cross '87
Jim & Lorraine Cross
Brooke (Stribling) Crow '05
Abby Crowell '15
Kristi & David Crowell
Debbie Cullen
Dari Mart Stores
Darin & Lori David
Phil & Sue Davidson
John & Rochelle Davisson
Dan '70 & Diane DeAutremont
Sam & Julie DeBellis
Deep Woods Events
Gregory Deggleman '82
Charene Dehne '91
Jeffrey & April Demers
Jodi & Chad DePaoli
Sue Devereux
Scott & Miranda Dewitt
Diamond Ridge Fine Jewelry
Disneyland Resorts
Dizzy Dean's Donuts
Bernie & Donna (Walsh) Dorsey '79
Doubleback Winery
Pete & Katharine Drakatos
Elmer & Marian Dreiling
Jeff & Debra Dreiling
Dan & Amy Drennan
Bridget Drobac
Beth (DuPriest) Melo '97
Ryan '96 & Jessica (May) Dwyer '05
Pat & Sally Eagan
Eagle Rock Lodge
Roy Eberle '56
Robert & Liz Edgar
Jon & April Ekstrom
Jeff & Molly Elder
Elite Car Bath
Elizabeth Chambers Cellar
Patrick & Kristen (Jones) Ell '87
Brian '87 & Tori Ellsworth
Robyn (Blair) Emde '95
Emerald Excavating, Inc
Essig Entertainment
Leon & Nancy Etzel
Eugene Emeralds Baseball
Eugene Party Bus
Eugene Skin Divers Supply
Eugene Swim & Tennis Club
I do not think
anyone besides
myself can
understand how
blessed I am to
have been given
the opportunity
to attend Marist.
My goal is to
give back as
much as I
can to a
that has
given me
so much.
- Madisyn
Bryant '16
Fr. David Cullings
Chris & Robin Cummings
Mel & Mary Lou Damewood
Mel '78 & Kathy Damewood
Lee & Kathryn Daniel
Dr. Lee B. Daniel Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
& The Spa Side
Eugene Wine Cellars
Anitra (Reaney) Evans '80
Jason & Jennifer Evans
Carl & Yvonne Everett
Nick '98 & Dana Everett
Evergreen Roofing of Oregon
Everybody's Brewing
Jon & Vivian Ewing
Rick '69 & Teresa (Burns) Ewoniuk '69
Excelsior Inn & Lounge
Fall Creek Nursery
Claire Farrington '15
Phil & Mary Farrington
Faye & Lucille Stewart Foundation
Tyler Fechtel '15
Kate Feeney
Oliver Feng '15
Don & Loni (Morrow) Ferebee '52 Family
Bill & Julie Ferrari
Fiddler's Green
Fidelity Charitable - Sadowsky Family Fund
Fidelity Charitable - Trustees' Philanthropy
Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to
Education Programs
Larry '55 & Mary Lou Fieland
Woody & Amy Fine
Greg Fisher
Dan & Denise Fitzpatrick
Willy Foster
David Frank & Marjorie Enseki-Frank
Marlin '51 & Shirley Franssen
Kurt & Brenda Franssen
Brian & Darbi Franssen
Judy (Pierson) Fredricks '58
Loren Free
Gerald Freitas '73
Jerry & Barbara Friedson
Chris & Julia (Swadener) Fudge '84
Pancho & Julie (Murray) Fulton '88
Robert & Erica Funk
Ray & Karen Gale
MaryRose (Keolker) '75 & Michael Gangle
William & Colleen (Meagher) Gardner '78
Rick & Mandy Gardner
Beth (Brinkman) Garland '87
John & Kathy Gartland
Justin '99 & Ellie Gartland
Brice & Sheri Gary
Josh & Cris Gaskill
Gass Orthodontics
Mike & Cindy Gates
Shirley Gaut
Herb & Gwen Gazeley
Ed & Sandy Gear
Eric & Anita Geisler
Dr. Julie Gemmell Brian & Mary Genovese Family
John '43 & Tink Gent
G-Force Aerobatics LLC
Josh Gibeau '92
Jarred & Mari (Pittman) Gibson '90
Tanya Gibson
Monsignor Carl Gimpl '46
Jo Ann Gish
Giustina Land & Timber
Trudi Glander '84
Glenwood Restaurant
Global Perspectives for Youth LLC
Rob Gloeckner
Brent Glover '02
Werner & Betty Goeckel
David & Tracie Gonyea
Joe '80 & Janine Gonyea, III
JoMae & Joe Gonyea, II
Frank & Angie Good
Fr. Frances Goode
Chip & Sue Goodman
Richard & Angela Gorman
Matthias & Suzanne Graf
Robert '50 & Joy Grant
Mike & Debbie Grant
Gray's Garden Center
Taylor Gregory '15
Gray & Denise Grieve
Dr. W. Gray Grieve Orthodontics
Lauren Griffin '15
John & Terri Griffin
Br. Dan Grogan
Edward Gropp
Jason & Emily Gropp
Therese Gropp
Penny (Schreiner) Gross '61
Guaranty RV
Doug & Dawn D. Gubrud
Jeff & Dee Guckenberger
Roger '61 & Doris Guthrie
Robert & Helen Gwozdz
Terry '81 & Carol Hackelman
Robert J. Hacker MD PC
Andrew Hafner '85
Mark & Kim Haga
Gerry & Sharon Hagan
Gerald Hagedorn
Patrick V. Hagerty DMD PC
Marion Haislet
in memory of Donald Bick
Don & Christy (Clemens) Hakala '88
Sue Ellen (Mersdorf) Hallett '65
John P. Hammer
Brent & Monica Hample
Travis & Jordyn Hansen
Jeff & Ann Hansen
Richard & Paola Hardt
Chuck & Kristina Hare
Gerald A. Harper DDS PC
Cary & Kathy Hart
Chaney Hart '15
Laura Hartman
Harvey & Price Mechanical Contractors
Matt Harwood '15
Jeff & Dana Haskins
Julia Hastings '15
Chris & Cheree Hayes
Dan '84 & Tammy Heidt
Arvilla Heidt
Dan & Tracy Heitman
George & Anie (Makyadath) Helbling '92
Aaron & Jonnie Helfrich
Greg & Marilyn Helms
Bill & Winnie Henderson
Rob & Julie Henry
Eric Henshaw & Cathleen O'Reilly
John & Suzanne (Schreiber) Hernandez '83
Patrick & Erin Herrell
Br. Sumner Herrick
Jeanette Herro
Doug Hickman
David Hicks Photography
Richard & Jeanne (LaBarre) Hicks '57
Randy & Tracy Hiday
Tim & Bridget Hill
David & Diza (Hoglen) Hilles '81
in memory of Phil Heidt
Emery Hilles '08
Madison Hilles '09
Marilyn Hoblit
Mary Dot Hoffman
Jim '64 & Carla Hoffman
Roger & JoAnn Hogfoss
James & Brenda Hoiland
Wade & Cinda Holaday
Michael & Diana Hollingshead
Brian & Christine (Fugitt) Holmberg '93
Chris '78 & Lynn Holvey
William Bradshaw & Chris Holzapfel
Hop Valley Brewing Co.
Bud & Jennifer Horsman
Martin & Margaret Hopkins
Hot Shots Coffee
Tom & Cris Houser
Houser Logging
Cory Howard '99
Jim & Colleen (Miller) Howley '86
Ken '86 & Laura Hubbard
Tony Huck - in honor of Jay Conroy
Kyle & Kate Hudson
Rex & Krista Hughes
Philip & Gloria Johnson
Krista Johnson
Alex & Andrea (Sieg) Jones '96
Bill '64 & Judith Jones
Bob & Gay Jones
Brian '86 & Jill Jones
Jon Jones '84
Mark Jones '81
Robert & Lynn (Kaba) Jones '72
Sean '94 & Leslie Jones
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
Without your
I wouldn’t be
able to attend
Marist. I promise
I will continue to
serve and share my
gifts, as you have, with
others. I will make you proud!
- Tate Rupp '15
Erik & Kelly (Howard) Hughes '80
Hughes Fire Equipment
Darrin & Shelley Humble
Ed Hummel
Dan Hummel '82
Dana (McMahon) Humphrey '87
Imperial Floors
Anna (Storms) Ingram '67
Dean & Natalie Inouye
Cameron Jack '14
Malik Jackson '15
Mark Jackson
Sarah Jamieson '10
JoAnne Jamieson
Jane Shasky Studio, Inc.
Derek Janssen '98
Mark Jaszkowski '75
Courtney Jeffries '00
Jordan Jeffries '03
Ric & Debbie Jeffries
Jeremiah Family
Katie Jeremiah '97
Sandy Jeremiah
Jerry's Home Improvement Center
Brian & Debbie Jewett
Jimmy John's
Jimmy Kimmel Live Charity
JKG Electric
Joe's Garage
Claude & Blanche Johnson
Shannon (McDonald) Johnson '88
Wille Johnson '15
Judith's Kitchen Tools
Mark & Tammi Kalen
Sam & Lark Kalstad
Michael & Alana Karam
Joe & Cathleen Karcher
Todd & Tracy Karo
Karo Construction
Rick & Kelly Karr
Dale & Cissy (Holvey) Kast '80
Patty Kast
Kast Construction Inc
Mecca Kealoha
Beth Keech
Emily Kelly '15
Ryan & Carolyn (Lee) Kenney '79
Yvette Keolker '69
John Kerns '15
Pete '79 & Joan (Meagher) Kerns '79
Thomas Kerns '61
Kerns Revocable Living Trust
Jim '70 & Leslie Kerr
Jerry '63 & Arlene (Klocek) Kersey '65
Kesey Enterprises, Inc
Scott & Sarah Keylock
John & Corinne Kiefer
Kiefer Mazda
Carson Kiesewetter '11
Jack Kiesewetter '15
John & Nancy Kiesewetter
Steve & Sally Killgore
Antony Kim '94
Charlie & Lisa (Tuttle) Kimball '82
Josh & Diane Kimball
FALL 2015
Sean Kimball '15
Rick & Alisa Kincade
Edward & Artie King
Stephen & Miyoko King
Troy & Shannon Kirk
Scott & Kathy Kitchel
Wayne & Catherine Kleckner
Don '59 & Pat Klenke
James & Liz Kline
Sharon Kline
Chris & Kelley (Olsen) Kline '80
Steve & Karen Klump
Heather & Jerry Klym
Bill & Deane Lange
Jay & Margaret Lara
Curtis & Brenda Large
Brett & Sheila Larson
Gwen Larson
Larson Mechanical
Joe Laver '15
Bob & Peggy Laver
Nick & Mindy Lawlor
Halie Lawrence '15
An Le '15
L'Ecole No 41
Richard & Christine (Evonuk) Ledgerwood '67
My education means so much to me as
does attending Marist. Thanks in part to
your contribution, I am able to attend
Marist and develop values
that will serve me for
my entire life.
- Matt Harwood '15
Rodger & Debbie Knebel
Karrie Knecht
Knights of Columbus
Jeff & Summer Knowlton Family
Koala-Tee Electric Service & More LLC
Steve & Christine Koester
Mick & Arvella Kokkeler
Andy & Jody Kokkino
Jennifer Konow '02
Chenoah (Belcher) Konyn '96
Konyn Dairy LLC
Korbel Champagne Cellars
Steve & Lisa Korth
KPD Insurance, Inc
Kim Krause
Joseph Kremers
in memory of Joan Kremers
Regina Kungys
Jonas Kungys '94
LA Nails
Jerome '60 & Mary LaBarre
Nick Warden & Jane Lackey
Dan & Di LaCoste
Emily Laing '15
Brent & Michelle (Gonyea) Laing '85
Lamar Transit Agency
Dan & Elise Landry
E. Joyce (Tork) Lane '54
Lane Forest Products
Lane Werner Family Foundation
Robert Laney
Jeff & Gail Lang
Jae & Jae Lee
Kevin '91 & Sara Lee
Lindsey Lee '15
Steve & Sally Lee
Jad & Sherri Lemhouse
Leonetti Cellar
Jim & Paula (Moser) Leroy '70
Les Schwab Tire Centers
Helen K. Lester DDS FAGD PC
Levi Strauss & Co
Siu Kong & Chiling Li
Scott Lilley '76
Stan & Carrie (Wilson) Link '81
John Linn & Paula Jewett
Jane (Grosulak) Liston '57
Paula Litchfield
Long's Meat Market
Mike & Nikki Louie
Luna Sea Fish House
Marc '88 & Christina Lund
Lydon Enterprises LLC
Kathryn (Heidenreich) Lytle '49
Bob & Barb Mack
Nick Mack '15
Nick MacKinnon '10
Scott & Tricia (Lowery) MacKinnon '81
John & Norine Madden
Mary Elizabeth Madden '98
Mark & Debbie (Gonyea) Madden '82
Make Your Mark Stables
Lewis Malin '54
Bill & Diane Mangels
Carol Manstrom
Catherine (Gaughan) Mant '68
James & Mary Kay Manwill
Mari's Books and...
Marist Catholic High School
English Department
Freshman Class
History Department
Junior Class
Photography Class
Sophomore Class
School Board
Market of Choice
Jerry & Maria Markopoulos
Sev Marsted
Joe Martin
Rick & Linda Martin
Jay & DeAnn Mathison
Edwena Matychuck
Maurizio Paparo
Mazama Sporting Goods
Marvin & Flora McAllister
Ellen McBain Hubbe
Billy McCallum '80
Kevin & Amy McCarthy
Richard & Karen McDuffie
Jim '85 & Julie McGaughey Family
Doug McGirr '15
Dennis & Cathy McGrath
Joshua McIntire '15
Doug McKay
McKay Family Foundation
McKay Investment Co LLC
Eric & Brandy McKibben
Patrick McLoughlin & Kathleen Reed
McMenamins Pubs & Breweries
Ed & Stephanie McNeil
McQuaid Family
Morgan '73 & Janet Marie McQuiston
Bryan & Leslie Mehlhaff
Jim & Patricia Menezes
Pat & Kathy Merrick
Metrocom Development LLC-MetroBru
Connie (Lowery) Metzler '49
John & Leesa (McMahon) Michael '88
Helen (Durbin) Michael '42
Michael J. Dwyer Foundation
MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc
Mike Grant Insurance Agency
Lloyd & Karen Millegan
Chris & Sarah Miller
Corey Miller
Dee Miller
Robb Miller
Wally & June Miller
Amy (Cersovski) '89 & Roger Mills
Suzanne (Storms) Mills '58
Doug & Shirley Miner
in memory of Donald Bick
Nasser & Jill Mirhosseyni
Nikki Mirhosseyni '15
David & Marni Moch
Mohawk Metal Co
Andy & Barb Mollahan
Don & Thelma Montgomery
in memory of Donald Bick
Rosemary (Storms) Montgomery '63
Austin Montoya
Marty & Heidi (Hoffman) Mooney '03
Joseph Moore '79
Andy & Donna Moore
Garth '82 & Melissa (Adair) Morgan '82
David & Julie Morris
George & Cheryl Morris
Kirk & Jo Morton
Jerry & Debbie Moser
Kevin Moser
Motion Industries
Mark Moussa
Mucho Gusto
Fred & Karen Mueller
Fred & Carol Muir
Bryan Mullaney
Mural Mural on the Wall
Mark Murphy '81
John '99 & Andrea Murphy
John & Chrissy Murphy Family
Murphy Company
Byron & Sandy (Bringe) Murray '72
Don & Colleen Murray
Shelley Murry
Myrtle Creek Golf Course
Mystic Woods Chainsaw Sculptures
National Christian Foundation -The Speers
Family Giving Fund
Garrett '96 & Jill Nehl
Ray '66 & Debbie Nehl
Ethan & Carol-Ann (Tyler) Nelson '00
Tripp & Sherri Nelson
Rick & Joan Nelson
in memory of Phil Heidt
Todd & Sara Nelson
John & Brenda Nepute
Brad & Bonnie Ness
NeuroSpine Institute
New Hope Christian College
Mike & Jeana Newman
Shaun & Ellen (Hagan) Nichter '03
Niles Orthodontics
Chris & Elise Noonan
Kevin '78 & Melissa Norris
Northwest Christian University
Northwest Community Credit Union
Northwest Oral Maxillofacial & Implant
Northwest Retirement Services Inc
Northwest Surgical Specialists LLP
Hans & Heather Notenboom
Scott & Sharon Nowicki
Arthur & Leslie Noxon
Jon Nuxoll
Oakshire Brewing
Jerry & Kathy O'Bannon
Gary & Michelle (Beck) Ochenkoski '84
Corey & Patti O'Connell
Sarah O'Connell
Jason O'Connor
Brendan '96 & Monica O'Donnell
Patrick & Laura O'Donnell
Gary & Maureen Olbrich
Andrew Oldham & Toni Cooper
Rob & Amy Olive
Scott Olmos Photography
Richard & Sally Olson
Olsson Industrial Electric
David Olszyk & Teresa Danovich
Derek & Rosemary Orchard
Oregon Bach Festival
Oregon Community Credit Union
Oregon Oral & Implant Surgeons PC
Oregon Track Club
Dennis & Sharon Orem
Sarah (Hutchinson) Ostendorf '94
Gwen Over '15
Larry & Beth Over
Larry Michael Over, DMD, MSD
Ox & Fin
Pacific Pub Cycle
PacificSource Health Plans
Papa's Pizza
John & Sandy Park
Shane Parsons DMD PC
Shane & Sharyn Parsons
Donald & Lucille Partridge
Passion Flower Design
Brita Pastor
Byron & Andrea Penn
Anne Peper Perkins
Pepper Bridge Winery
Carlos & Patricia Perez
Andrew Perkins '05
Richard & Erma Peterson
Chris & Kristi Peterson
Jordan Pickrel '15
Sydney Piercey
Brian & Erica (Whitney) Pifer '86
George Pilant
Pillow Talk
Ken & Shari Pimental
Cathy Pittman
Plank Town Brewing Co.
Platinum Hair - Jon Moore
Plaza Medi Spa
Janie Polen
Portland Timbers
Portland Trail Blazers
Ed & Connie Portz
Bart Poston
Angel Rain
Ben Rain
Rainbow Graphics
John & Matheial Ranstad
Jeff Rear
Red Lobster
John Reed & Dian Nafis
Daniel Reed
Rick & Shanna Reichenberger
Ralph & Gloria Reid
James & Sara Reilly
Bill & Diane Reinhard
Jim Reinking
Victoria Richards '15
Gordon & Tamara Richards
Dorothy & Erik Riechers
John & Heather Riney
Angelina Rivas '15
Katherine Rivas '15
River Time Guide Service
Ryan & Debbie Rogers
Shawn & Heather Rogers
Christina Rogers
Rose Quarter - Moda Center
Brendan & Rihana (Kimball) Roseta '04
Jerry & Sue Rouleau
Kasey Rowe '06
Rudy Hoellrich MD
Tate Rupp '15
Mike & Wendy Russo
Jackson Ryan '15
Frank & Martha Ann Ryan
Sacred Heart Medical Center Foundation
The opportunity for
me to attend Marist
has truly been one
of the greatest gifts
that I have ever
been given and I
know that I would
not be the same
person I am
today had I not
been able to
attend Marist
- Karson Silver '15
Jim Potterf
Joe '81 & Adrianne Potwora
Prep Talk Eugene
ProHealth Family Medicine
Brett Proulx '15
Shawn '82 & Erin Pynes
Jack '51 & Jackie Pynes
Ethan Quick '15
Michael & Mary Quick
Jerry & Patty Ragan
Ben Salm '77
Salon Delange
John '73 & Kim Sandstrom
Scottie & Earlene Scallion
Scapes Unlimited Inc
Doug & Shirley Schaaf
Stephan Schepergerdes & Donna Byrne
Robert & Terry Scherer
Bruce & LeighAnn (Whitney) Scherer '89
Dan '83 & Christie Schlesinger
FALL 2015
Sophia Schlesinger '15
Jerry & Colleen (Heidt) Schneider '67
Tim & Linda Schor
Schwab Charitable Fund - Kevin & Irene
Todd & Sherilyn Schwartz
Bruce & Darlean (Laughlin) Scott '54
Sea Lion Caves
Fredericka Smithies
Peter C Snyder DDS PC
So Delicious Dairy Free
Nelson & Elba Solano
Corey Solari '15
Mike & Jennifer (Stewart) Solomon '83
Southern Wine and Spirits of Oregon
Phil & Lisa Speers
I appreciate what you
have given me; being
able to come to a
Catholic school is an
amazing gift that I am very
lucky to have. Attending
Marist has shaped me
more than I know.
- Emma Thompson '16
Charles & Elizabeth Search
Scott & Amy Sessums
Seven Feathers Casino Resort
Shady Oaks
David & Sarah Sharpe
Shear Style
Michael Sheehan & Leeann Platz
Sheppard Motors
Bart & Kelli Sherman
Ramin & Tracie (McKay) Shojai '83
Mike & Megan Shultz
Wes & Diane Sibole
Augie Sick & Kristin Nelson-Sick
Silvan Ridge Winery
Karson Silver '15
Shelly Silver
Silver Cloud Inns & Hotels
Leslie Simmons '98
Simply Strong
Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc, KVAL TV
Greg & Nani Skaggs
Skeie's Jewelers
Slocum Center for Orthopedics & Sports
Slocum Orthopedics RENEW
Smile Institute
Michael Smith & Lisa Abia-Smith
Richard & Mary Smith
Smith Lund Mills Funeral Chapel
Mike & Kandy Spencer
Steven '81 & Cathlyn Splonskowski
Spring Creek Holly Farm
Springfield Buick
Vince & Trish Sprung
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church
St. Paul Catholic Church & Parish School
John '79 & Julie (Free) Stacy '80
Kathleen Stahmer
Charlie Stanton & Julie Gemmell
Stanton Vineyards
State Farm
Jeff Krier
DeAnn Mathison
Rob Olive
Heidi Pollock
Jason Stefely
Bill & Barbara Stater
Staton Companies
Tyson & Gjusta Steele
Bill & Ann (Banks) Stein '54
Bishop Kenneth Steiner
Grace Steinke-Aman
Mike & Reba Stephens
Becky Stephens
Cynthia Stephens
Rick & Kathy Stewart
Tom & Susan Stewart
Andrew & Julia (Chambers) Stiltner '09
Jerry & Lyn Stiltner
Matthew & Nicole Stopher
Andy Storment
Andy J. & Christine L. Storment Fund of
Oregon Community Foundation
Storms Family Foundation
Bri Stowell '15
Chris & Deborah Stowell
John & Kathy Stringer
Judith Stringham
in memory of Donald Bick
Mark & Sherry Stuckart
Dan '69 & Linda Sullivan
Summers Investments Inc
Summit Bank
Sun Automotive
Thomas & Muriel Sunada
Sunset Hills Cemetery Funeral Home &
Paul & Judy Swadener
Carl & Alison Swan
Larry & Sherry Swartz
Sweet Life Patisserie
Symantec Matching Gift Program
T. Maccarone's
TakeWING Aviation
Tap & Growler
Larry Tardie
Tetherow Golf Club & Resort
Texas Roadhouse
The Benson Hotel
The Broadway
The Cleanery
The Cooler
The Daily Bagel
The Drift Inn
The Dublin House Motel
The Duck Store
The Growler Guys
The Japan Foundation of Los Angeles
The Men's Warehouse
The Papé Group
The Prefontaine Classic
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
The Shamrock
The Wax Room
The Wayfarer Resort
Jerry '54 & Mary Ann Thenell
Allie Thompson '15
Brian & Vicki Thompson
Natalie Tichenor '15
Dan Tichenor & Elaine Replogle
Timber Products Company
John & Ruth Timberlake
Tokatee Golf Course
Eduardo & Soriel Tolosa
Eric & Leslie (Blume) Tompkins '73
Toppers Ice Cream and Candy
Track Town Pizza
Bryan Travis '85
Trinity Alps Resort
Trio Property Management Inc.
U.S. Bank
Umpqua Bank
United Way of the Columbia-Willamette
University Printing
Stephanie Urso
Valley River Center
Valley River Inn
Judy Van Buskirk
Roger & Sharon Van Loan
Judy Van Noy
Vectors Espresso
Donald & April Venes
David & Susan Vill
Michele Vinson
Danielle Vinson '08
Viper Aviation
Troy & Annie (Schueller) Vitus '85
Sid & Hank Voorhees
Raylene Vorhis
Chris Wagner '76
Donna Wagner
Joe Wagner '15
Pat Wagner & Fay Sunada
Geraldine Wagner
Jay & Sharee Waldron
Bill '52 & Margaret (Schaefers) Walsh '54
Pat & Beth Walsh
Bill & Shelly Walter
Chris Walton & Beth Sheehan
Waterbrook Winery
Michelle Weber
Karla Weber
Weber Enterprises, Inc-Taco Bell
Robert & Cheri Weeks
Steve & Lynda Weilbrenner
Carley Weixelman '15
Bob Welch
Tim & Judi Welch
Robert Wellnitz '58
Lou '60 & Betty Wenzl
Richard & Michele (Wenzl) Cunningham '81
Blaine & Jennifer Werner
Westraunt Concepts
Carrie Weymouth
Bill & Tracy Whalen
Jack & Kay Wharfield
Eric & Meredith (Jones) White '97
Calder Whiteley '10
Mike & Kay Whitney
Whitney Investigations
Tim & Carol Whitsel
Marcus '88 & Suzyn Whittaker
Wild Duck Café
Jim & Yvonne Wildish
Steve & Kim Wildish
Wildish Land Co
Carol Wilger '76
Beverly Wilger
Richard & Mary Ann (Huff) Wilk '62
Willamette Artisans Jewelry & Design
Willamette Valley Cancer Institute
Willamette Valley Restoration
Katelynn Williams '15
Court & Julie Williams
Phil & Susan Williams
Nick & Michelle Williams
Teresa Wilson
Tom & Mary Lou Wilson
Joy Winner
John & Molly (O'Neil) Wirch '63
Wireless Source
Court & Beth Wirth
Philip & Brenda Wisnewski
Alden & Eloise Wolfe
Brent & Andrea Woodrich
World Fuel Services
Vance & Marjean Yates
Marian (Wobbe) Young '50
Mitchell Young '15
Chip Zachem & Chris Kollmorgen
Natalia Zreliak '15
We strive to accurately recognize
each of our generous donors and
regret any omissions or errors.
Please call Rebecca Larson,
Advancement Director, 541-284-7537,
if there are any corrections.
My Mom always tells
me to have faith, stay
focused and be
grateful for the gifts
of today. Thank you
for believing in me.
I will do my best to
make you and my
family proud.
- Erik Blondé '18
FALL 2015
Junior Monquel Glasow, 2015-2016 recipient of the John Hammer Scholarship, with John Hammer.
on’t walk on the grass, stay
on the cement, there are no
shortcuts in life’ is what
Coach Geske told me when he was
giving me a tour of the campus on
one of my first days here, and I’ll
never forget that,” smiles Monquel
Glasow '17.
After having moved around a
lot, Monquel most recently moved
from Las Vegas to join the Marist
community at the end of last fall.
“It hasn’t always been an easy
transition,” he admits. “These
students have had much different
lives than me, but at the last minute,
I was persuaded to attend the Marist
Sophomore Boys’ Retreat last year.”
Monquel recalls, “On the bus I
taught them this song that I learned
on TV when I was eight years old
called ‘At the Family Reunion,’ and
it changed them. I just saw these big
smiles on their faces. That retreat
gave me an opportunity to meet new
people and I realized what an impact
I can have on this school even though
my background is so different.”
He has been told that this will
be a continued ritual on the bus ride
to this retreat. Rick Martin, Director
of Campus Ministries at Marist said,
“Monquel demonstrated the power
of Marist retreats — to bring about
mutual impact. He was so moved
by the talks that upperclassmen
gave that he felt compelled to share
some of his story during our chapel
gathering, which encouraged others
to do likewise. By the end of the
sharing, one of Monquel’s classmates
observed ‘this must be what heaven
is like.’”
He is a positive, charismatic
young man and he has always viewed
football as his ticket to college
and success, but his time at Marist
has pushed him to work harder on
his academics and rise to his full
potential. “I have never spent so
much time on my homework, but it’s
a good thing,” Monquel confesses.
Monquel is living the advice
from Coach Geske. He isn’t taking
any shortcuts.
Marist Foundation
he Marist High School
Foundation is an independent
organization charged with
managing long-term endowments for
the benefit of Marist and its students.
Those who establish or donate
to a fund make an investment in
Catholic education with confidence
in the Marist mission – knowing
the Catholic education scholarship
recipients receive will make a
profound impact.
Founded in 1968, the Foundation
currently manages more than $2.9
million in assets through 52 named
funds endowed as legacies or in the
memory of many members of the
Marist community.
Foundation Donors
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Terri & Jon Anderson
Michael Atkinson '56
Mike & Marilu Baird
Mike & Lori Butler
Tom Chambers
Armond '63 & Sue Clemens
Bill & Paula Dion-Watson
Daniel Eberle '62
Gene & Dolly (Furrer) Gustafson '49
Gerald & Sue (Conley) Hohman '61
Cory Howard '99
Wayne Laemmle '54
Don '79 & Marilyn Lance
Arlene Lee
Ingrid Lowery '78
Tony Lum & Ann Koffler Lum
Martin MacDonald & Leslie Jamison
Carl Mosen '56
Craig Norris
Billie Olson '65
Keith & Anita Rea
Nick Robertson '58
Carl & Jackie Ruckwardt
Lowell & Maureen (Ronnau) Smith '72
Michael '90 & Jessica Stokes
Tim Sullivan '72
Gerry Wagner
Adrian & Joan Ward
Steve & Lynda Weilbrenner
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational &
Matching Gift Program
Tim '59 & Judy Wenzl
2014-15 Foundation Board of Directors Front Row: Cathleen Karcher, Mark Giustina '99,
Tracie Gonyea, Suzanne Graf, and Debbie Jewett. Back Row: Chris Duyck '74, Megan
McMahon '02, Marcus Whittaker '88, Tony Albertini '87, Robb Miller, Dr. Gerald Harper, and
Jerry Rouleau. Not pictured: Jon Anderson, Bradley Copeland and Cissy (Holvey) Kast '80.
2014-15 Foundation Board
President Dr. Gerald Harper, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, past parent
Treasurer Meghan McMahon '02, Exchange Manager, Cascade Title & Escrow
Secretary Jerry Rouleau, Managing Director & Branch Manager, Wells Fargo
Advisors, past parent
Tony Albertini '87, Sales Manager, Zimmer NW, current parent
Jon Anderson, President, Random Lengths, past parent
Bradley Copeland, Partner, Arnold Gallagher Attorneys at Law,
past parent
Chris Duyck '74, Retired Vice President, KPD Insurance Inc., past parent
Mark Giustina '99, Purchasing Agent, Giustina Land & Timber Company
Tracie Gonyea, current parent
Suzanne Graf, Marist Catholic High School President, current parent
Debbie Jewett, Retired Nurse, current parent
Cathleen Karcher, Franchisee, Carl’s Jr., Inc., past parent
Cissy (Holvey) Kast '80, Instructional Aide & Volunteer Coordinator,
St. Paul Parish School, past parent
Robb Miller, Attorney, Law Office of Robert A. Miller, past parent
Marcus Whittaker '88, Director of Human Resources, Market of
Choice, current parent
FALL 2015
Marist Foundation Endowed Scholarships
Endowed Scholarships,
Donors and Recipients
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Diane G. Andersen Memorial
Madisyn Bryant
Mattison DiMercurio
Karson Silver
Reow Jackson
John Rustik
James Arp Memorial Scholarship
Juniors Susmitha and Lincy Helbling, the 2014-15 recipients, help out during Freshman
Welcome Week in September.
"I can’t even express how grateful and
blessed I am to have received this scholarship.
Marist has helped me grow academically
and spiritually." – Susmitha Helbling
Fran & Dale Cooley Scholarship
The Fran & Dale Cooley Scholarship was established to honor their
decades of faithful service to both St. Francis and Marist Catholic High
Schools, the parish of St. Mary’s and the greater Catholic community in
Eugene. It is awarded annually to a deserving Catholic student at Marist.
Fran Cooley graduated with the St. Mary’s High School class of 1926.
The Cooley’s were the first couple married in St. Mary’s after its dedication
in 1928 and remained active, lifelong parishioners. Fran was the organist
there for 56 years and Dale served as choir director. Their 3 children, Janet '50,
Margery '54 and Ed '65 all graduated from St. Francis High School.
Fran was truly an ambassador for Marist as well as a living historian
of Catholic high schools in Eugene. She taught at St. Francis High and
worked in the office at Marist for many years. She is fondly remembered
by former students, from St. Francis and Marist, as the cheerful lady
outside the principal’s office and the talented pianist for the Glee Club.
Dale also served as a faculty member at St. Francis and Marist High
Schools where he supervised the Music and Art Programs. In fact, the
present Art facility at Marist bears his name. His tireless dedication to
Catholic education influenced hundreds of students who passed through the
doors of both St. Francis and Marist.
After the passing of Dale, the Marist community chose to honor Fran
and Dale for their service. During the 2005 Marist Auction, where Fran
presided as Honorary Chair, attendees willingly raised their bid cards to
establish the Fran & Dale Cooley Scholarship, a gesture that deeply moved
Fran, who passed away the following September.
Sister John Backenstos Scholarship Thomas & Peggy Hayward
Emma Thompson
John & Joann Breeden Family
Erik Blondé
Joska Fischer
Peter C. Bronson Drug Education Fund
Marist Catholic High School
Health Department
Clarence & Eileen Brown Memorial
Textbook Scholarship
In memory of Jim Brown '59: Dan '66 & Ellen (Jessie) Brown '72
In memory of Phil Heidt:
Pat '70 & Tig Brown
Kathleen (Brown) Powell '69
William Loveall
Fran & Dale Cooley Scholarship
Susmitha Helbling
Lincy Helbling
Fr. David Cullings Religious
Education Grant
Marist Catholic High School
Campus Ministry Department
Lucy Duffy Memorial Scholarship
Brittan Silver
Stan & Naoma Duyck Family
Joe & Cindy (Duyck) Couey '81
Jeff & MaryAnn Duyck
Grace Gibson
Ryan Helbling
Levi Spears
Colleen Peterson
Michael J. Dwyer Memorial
Sage Rauenzahn
Dr. Robert Furrer Memorial
Scholarship Richard '54 & Rose Furrer
Savannah DiMercurio
Rennie Rupp
Brian Piña
Kevin Gallagher Memorial
Scholarship John Gallagher '62 Thomas '64 & Cheri Gallagher
Malay Johnston
Fred & Donna Gent Family
Scholarship Fred '49 & Donna Gent
Kennedy Sundberg
Terry Gent Memorial Scholarship* Joanne Anderson
Norm '74 & Janet Becker
Joe '80 & Janine Gonyea
Donald '49 & Colleen Greco
Anna Potwora '74
Steve & Corie Rice
Don '81 & Julie Jones/Spartan Management, LLC
John Teller '74 & Amy Tykeson
Umpqua Bank
* Endowed in 2014
Anne Greig Memorial Scholarship Karson Silver
Scott Halbrook Memorial Scholarship Marcella Buser
Dallin Cone
Karina Garcia-Cervantes
Kai Harper
John Hammer Scholarship John P. Hammer
Dawson King
Henry Hanson Scholarship Jordan Baird
Verne Hawn Scholarship Tom '53 & Pat Hawn
Austin Gregory
Anna Houser
Richard C. Williams & Stanley
Howard Scholarship Dylan Myers
Jerry Holvey Scholarship Taten Rupp
Ed Hummel Scholarship Austin Hubbard
Bob Jeremiah Scholarship Sandy Jeremiah/Aggregate Resource Drilling LLC
Tanner Cantwell
Joseph & Cathleen Karcher
Scholarship Kyndsi Sundberg
Freda Kirkish Theater Scholarship Katelynn Williams
Michael Kirkish Christian Leadership
Scholarship Matthew Harwood
Joan Kremers Memorial Scholarship William Loveall
Judge Edward Leavy Scholarship Geraldine Perez
Michael G. Lewis, Jr. Memorial
Scholarship In memory of: Jens Anderson III, Phil Heidt, and Helen Stycharz
Michael & Sandy Lewis
Jacob Hubbard
Kaitlyn Witschger
Louis & Katharine Lopez Family
Scholarship Sean Dorsey
Zachary Oldham
Hernan Gonzalez
L.V. "Bud" & Rose Macke Family
Scholarship Rosebud Family LLC
Geraldine Perez
Brother Patrick Magee Scholarship Chaney Hart
Jill Richardson Family Scholarship Joshua McIntire
Howard Scholz Memorial Scholarship Katharine Kreidler
David & Sandra Shepard Scholarship David '60 & Donna Shepard
Stephen '65 & Martha Shepard
Angelina Rivas
Lex Schmidt Arts Endowment Sallylou Bonzer
Ryan '96 & Jessica (May) Dwyer '05
Rick & Mandy Gardner
Jerry & Debbie Moser
Marist Catholic High School
Arts Department
Jack Starr Memorial Scholarship Michael Starr '55
Avery May
Hugh & Adella Stewart Memorial
Scholarship Bob '56 & Lynn Stewart
Jake Harwood
L. L. "Stub" Stewart Scholarship Joseph Laver
Marist Brothers Scholarship Gabriel Sampedro
Mark & Doris Storms Scholarship Lindsey Chapman
Alberto Silva
Marist Parents Association Scholarship Taylor Gregory
Avery May
Bill & Delores Tremaine Memorial
Scholarship Alec Howard
Memorial Scholarship Fund
In memory of Donald Bick:
Fred '49 & Donna Gent
Tom Hoyt, Attorney PC
Karen McDowell
Troutman Scholarship Keaton Aronson
Sophia Bethel
Sunny Childers
Robyn May
Molly McCabe
Griffin Puls
In memory of Doris Cary:
Robert & Jeanne Berg
Hal & Dianne Bert
Dan '66 & Ellen (Jessie) Brown '72
Gordon & Kathleen Bushman
Susan Hamlin
David & Diza (Hoglen) Hilles '81
Robert & Laural LaFavor
Riverbend Dental
Donald & Faye Sadowsky
Jerry & Colleen (Heidt) Schneider '67
Robert & Shirley Strickler
Tom Tymchuk
Alex & Clare VonderHaar
In memory of LouAnn Martin:
Barbara Klein
Nora May Long
Jack & Robilyn Lyttle
Monsignor Edmund Murnane
Scholarship Claire Farrington
Bill Richards Scholarship Bill & Shirley Richards
Corey Solari
Cody Waters 'Heart of a Champion'
Memorial Scholarship Jeremy Asher
Mike & Colleen Bellotti
Huron Consulting
Don & Martha Jones
Joe Schaffeld
Ryan Sieg '98
Matt Stitz '97
Charlie & Rosie Waters
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational
& Matching Gift Program
Jacob Lindley
Kathy Yocum Scholarship
Maurice & Gilda Thorne
in memory of Jim Yocum
Alex & Clare VonderHaar
Kathy Yocum
Isaac Gonzalez
Loretta Young Scholarship Maddie Thompson
FALL 2015
Sophomore William Loveall, the 2014-15 recipient, speaking to his class during a class meeting in the fall.
"Thank you for investing your money, time and spirit into the lives
of young people like myself. I feel so blessed to be able to receive
such aid so I can continue studying under great teachers who believe
not only in grand education, but an even grander God." – William Loveall
Clarence & Eileen Brown Memorial Textbook Scholarship
The Clarence & Eileen Brown Memorial Textbook
Scholarship is awarded each year to a deserving Marist
student who demonstrates a spirit of reaching out and
helping others.
The Brown’s own spirit of service and outreach
was evident in their many volunteer activities. Clarence
was a real estate broker who shared his expertise with
his parish and other Catholic ministries. He was active
in the Knights of Columbus and was a catalyst for
establishing the Marist Foundation. Eileen volunteered
with Catholic Daughters, Altar Society, Sacred Heart
Hospital and many church committees.
Both of them were passionately dedicated to our
churches and schools and Catholic education was
important to them. Their 10 children graduated from
St. Mary’s, St. Francis, or Marist and many of their
grandchildren have attended local Catholic elementary
schools and have graduated from Marist.
After Clarence and Eileen passed away, their
daughter-in-law, Tig Brown, Pat’s wife, suggested that
the family honor them by establishing a scholarship
covering the cost of books for a Marist student each
year. The family wholeheartedly embraced the idea and
collectively provided the funding to endow the Clarence
& Eileen Brown Memorial Textbook Scholarship.
Endowed scholarships help make a Marist education possible for more than 68 students each year. Scholarships are
a wonderful opportunity to memorialize a loved one and/or to encourage students to excel in their studies and extra
curricular activities. If you are interested in establishing an endowed scholarship through the Marist Foundation,
please contact Rebecca Larson, Advancement Director, 541-284-7537, rlarson@marisths.org.
Junior Brittan Silver, the 2014-15 recipient, journals on the fall Formation Retreat.
"Attending Marist has meant so much to me. I am very appreciative
of the opportunity I have to continue my education." – Brittan Silver
Lucy Duffy Memorial Scholarship
Established to honor her memory, the Lucy Duffy
Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to an
outstanding student.
Lucy Duffy was the grandmother of three Marist
alumni, Christine Duffy '04, Lauren Duffy '07 and Sara
Duffy '07. One of ten children, she was born in New
York City in 1916. Lucy raised eight children on her
own after her husband died in 1963. Lucy, along with
all nine of her siblings and all eight of her children,
graduated from Catholic high schools in the New York
area. Her children all received degrees from various
universities, with many getting advanced degrees.
Lucy Duffy believed in the value of hard work
and Catholic education. She maintained a full-time job
until two weeks prior to her death in 1998. Her strong
Catholic faith helped her endure the hardships of being a
young widow left to provide for eight children. She was
survived in death by her six sons and two daughters, 20
grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.
Since she was always generous to people in need,
her family decided to honor her memory by establishing
a scholarship at Marist in her name.
General Donations 2.0%
Endowment/Scholarship Gifts 25.0%
Advancing Marist Gifts 73.0%
Foundation Gifts*
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
General Donations$
Endowment/Scholarship Gifts
Advancing Marist Gifts 186,917
Total Gifts
$ 257,456
Assets as of 6/30/15
$ 2,913,698
Scholarship Distribution
*Pending completion of Financial Review by Jones & Roth PC
FALL 2015
is father was raised by
Catholic clergy in Virginia.
His French-Canadian mother
attended an all-girls Catholic school
in Maine. His earliest elementary
years were spent in a Catholic school
in Beirut, Lebanon. “Marist was
probably inevitable for me,” said Ben
Salm '77 with a smile in his voice.
Ben entered Marist as a
sophomore in 1974 and remembers
how much the Marist Brothers and
coaches meant to him. “Coming from
a single-parent home meant there
was a lot of learning and mentoring
that had to take place elsewhere,
and so I think the Marist experience
became that much more important.
For me, that happened on the sports
field, along with other opportunities
to be involved. I remember being at
football practice and hearing the We
Are One motto. That phrase leads
into the whole ‘community’ and
‘fellowship’ aspects that I think are
at the core of my Marist experience,
then and now.”
As it is for every Marist student,
service was interwoven into school
life. Ben volunteered at the auction,
participated in retreats and helped
with the construction of the Marist
brothers’ home through his woodshop
class taught by Coach Rich Schwab.
Ben transitioned from being a
Spartan to a Duck, earning a degree
in Business from the University of
Oregon, before getting his Masters
in Applied Economics and Finance
at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT). Ben describes his
career path as “an organic and richly
rewarding journey.” He crafted his
computer skills, business acumen and
analytical abilities into a successful
career as an investment manager.
“Most of what happens in the world
affects financial markets, so you have
to pay attention to the wider view –
which keeps it interesting.”
While at MIT, he reconnected
with Brother James Halliday, a
Marist teacher during Ben’s high
school years. Their friendship
endured as Ben’s work led him
around the globe, prior to putting
down roots in Cambridge,
Not only is "We Are One" heard, but also seen. These words grace the football field and track where Ben practiced.
and women who are strong, smart,
grounded, and compassionate.
I really can’t think of anything
more important than to chip in
towards that.”
Ben is helping ensure that other
students will benefit from the Marist
community. He’s contributed to
the Advancing Marist campaign in
support of tuition assistance, the
science wing and athletic field
construction. And he’s looking even
further ahead: A thoughtful planned
gift to the Marist Foundation will
fund scholarships and help provide a
Marist experience for young people
who otherwise might not have the
chance to experience three important
aspects of life: community, leadership
and service.
Mark Sunderland '77, at left, with Marist Br. James Halliday and Ben Salm '77, at right, enjoying
dinner together near Ben’s home in Cambridge, Mass.
Photo by Megan Braud '13
Massachusetts – where he now lives.
It just so happens that Brother James
teaches at Central Catholic just down
the road 30 minutes.
“Ben’s a genuine person,”
commented Brother James. “I got
to know him on retreats, and he was
always dedicated to service.” Ben’s
sense of leadership and service led
him to be involved with the Marist
Brother’s summer camp in New
Hampshire for the past 15 years, while
he also serves separately as an advisor
to the Marist Brothers Province.
“Ben’s wholesomeness as a
student in high school has carried
over into his adult life and his
concern for people,” said Brother
Dan Grogan, another Marist brother
from Ben’s high school days who has
kept in touch over the years.
Ben realizes more and more,
as the years go by, how important
Marist is in his life – and his
relationships. “I’ve been fortunate
thanks in part to some rich life
experiences like Marist,” Ben
said. “The world’s become more
challenging and we need young men
FALL 2015
Community representatives break ground for the new Science Wing in early September. President Suzanne Graf, Fr. David Brown (School Board member),
Michelle (Gonyea) Laing '85 and Rex Hughes (Campaign Leadership members), Kim Knudtson '16 (Student Council VP), Mark '69 & Terrie (Tremaine)
Clemens '69, Marist science teachers Renee Cool, June Miller and Amy Becker, Jerry Harper (Foundation Board Chair), Chris Cardani (Former School
Board Chair), Principal Stacey Baker, Superintendent Br. William Dygert, Charlie Kimball (School Board Member), and former Principal Jay Conroy.
dvancing Marist is the largest
community-wide effort in
the history of Marist. Since
the spring of 2013, members of our
school and greater community have
stepped forward in support of our
plans to address the short- and longterm needs of the school. As of June
30th, we reached 63% of our $8.6
million dollar goal, allowing us to:
• Break ground on a 21st century
Science Wing. The new wing will
include 4 science labs, teacher
prep space and ADA compliant
restrooms with expected completion
in the summer of 2016. The
existing science classrooms will
be remodeled to accommodate the
addition of a STEM classroom and
expand classroom space.
• Add $300,000 to the Marist High
School Foundation’s endowment
fund. This represents 25% of
our overall $1.2 million goal to
help keep Marist accessible by
providing more scholarships.
Photo by Gabby Mujica '16
• Install a multi-use artificial surface
– the Kevin Teller Field – that
is lined for football, soccer and
lacrosse and has created a yearround outdoor classroom for P.E.
A memorial plaque at the entrance to the field tells the story of Kevin Teller '71 and his contributions
to Marist.
These achievements are major
milestones for a community that
has not undertaken a project of this
magnitude since the school was
built in 1968. Contributions have
come from: alumni; past, present
and future parents and grandparents;
staff; School and Foundation
Board members; businesses; and
We are grateful for the generous
response and are excited about
the progress. We will continue our
campaign fundraising efforts in
support of future projects, including:
• Updating the old library to a
resource center and moving the
counselors' offices to this location
• Renovating the cafeteria
• Relocating the music room to
create an Arts Wing
• Moving the weight room
• Expanding the girls' and boys'
locker rooms
Thank you for your continued
prayers and support.
Kevin Teller family members, including his sister Suzette (Teller) Malkasian '66, sister-in-law Amy Tykeson, brother John Teller '74, sister Bernadette (Teller)
Warwick '77, and son Darek Teller at the reception before the dedication ceremony.
hanks to the vision and
dedication of a generous
group of people who care
deeply about Marist, our students
and the future of our school, a major
financial milestone in the Advancing
Marist campaign was reached. This
enabled us to begin and complete
construction of a new multi-use
artificial turf field this summer.
On October 16th, the Marist
community gathered for the historical
dedication and blessing of the new
Kevin Teller Field.
Kevin Teller '71 was a Marist
athlete and charismatic school leader.
As a young entrepreneur, Kevin
started his own landscaping business
while in high school. After serving in
the U.S. Navy, he turned his passion
for the environment into a career
and founded Teller Landscaping
Company. One of Kevin’s first
projects was the landscape design
and maintenance of the Marist
courtyard and sports fields. Kevin
took great pride in caring for the
Marist grounds and employing Marist
students in the work.
At the dedication ceremony,
before an over-capacity crowd, Rick
Gardner, Athletic and Facilities
Director at Marist said, “This multiuse field not only serves football,
soccer, lacrosse, and track and
field athletes, but also every Marist
student as an outdoor classroom.
The students who will play on this
field will learn about teamwork,
sportsmanship, discipline, and
leadership. They’ll develop stamina,
persistence, and confidence. Our
students will carry these lessons into
their lives, becoming the leaders of
tomorrow and living out a valuable
part of our mission.”
Suzanne Graf, president of
Marist, added, “This beautiful new
field is a dream come true – a dream
that has required vision, leadership,
collaboration, commitment, and
funding. Once again, the Marist
community has lived out our motto,
We Are One."
The turning point for making this
field possible was when John Teller
& Amy Tykeson made a gift in honor
of John’s brother, Kevin. Naming the
field after Kevin is a fitting tribute
to someone who not only played on,
planted and cared for the original
grass field, but whose character
exemplified the values we aspire to
at Marist.
“Kevin was an inspiration to
many people. Kevin loved Marist
High School. Kevin loved his work.
This beautiful sports field is a
wonderful honor to his memory,”
said John Teller, Kevin’s brother.
At a private reception before the
dedication ceremony, John and Amy
were presented with the first ball ever
used on the new field for a game. It
was signed by the Marist football
The entire evening's events expressed
Marist's deep appreciation for John
and Amy's gift. Their generosity will
benefit many generations of students
and honor the memory of an alumnus
who is beloved by many.
FALL 2015
e are sincerely grateful
for the following donors
who have collectively
contributed more than $5.4 million
in gifts and pledges to the Advancing
Marist campaign, benefitting Marist
Catholic High School and the
Foundation’s endowment fund.
Advancing Marist Donors
January 2013 - October 2015
Anonymous (8)
Advance Cabinet Designs
Brian & Jakyoung Agnew
Tony '87 & Beth Albertini
Dick & Peggy Albertini
Kevin & Irene Alltucker Family
Norm & Carol Andersen
Terri & Jon Anderson
John & Nancy Anderson
Sally Baker
Ryan & Stacey Baker
Jim & Eileen Bartko
Jeff Baumgart
in memory of Jane H. Baumgart
Ryan & Tracy Beck
Norm '74 & Janet Becker
Carl & Amber Bell
C. Wade & Marie D. Bell Fund of The
Oregon Community Foundation
Dr. Pilar Bradshaw/Eugene Pediatric
Kerry & Tesa Brainard
Dave & Barb Brazelton
John '50 & Joann (Oswald) Breeden '52
Fr. David Brown
Pat '70 & Tig Brown
Jon & Cheryl Burke
C&E Rentals
Chris & Sheryl Cardani
Mary & Thomas Cary
Cascade Title Co.
Chambers Construction
Edward & Jodi Cheever Family
Mark '69 & Terrie (Tremaine) Clemens '69
Randall & Leanne Collis
Joe & Cindy (Duyck) Couey '81
Kristi & David Crowell
Debbie Cullen
Fr. David Cullings
Lee & Kathryn Daniel
Dan '70 & Diane DeAutremont
Peter & Monica DeLuca
Bernie & Donna (Walsh) Dorsey '79
Durbin Construction
Chris Duyck '74
Diane Duyck
Jeff & MaryAnn Duyck
E&S Hardware Supply, Inc
Judith & Burrle Elmore '61
Owen Engelmann
Eton Lane Foundation
Evergreen Roofing of Oregon
Jon & Vivian Ewing
Farwest Steel Corporation
Faye & Lucille Stewart Foundation
Fidelity Charitable - Sick Family
Charitable Fund
Fidelity Charitable - Trustee's
Philanthropy Fund - Thomas Stewart
Larry '55 & Mary Lou Fieland
Dan & Denise Fitzpatrick
Bill Ford
David Frank & Marjorie Enseki
Kurt & Brenda Franssen
Rick & Mandy Gardner
John & Kathy Gartland
Frank & Lauri Geske
Paul G. Gibson
N.B. Giustina Foundation
Gonyea Family
JoMae & Joe Gonyea II
Matthias & Suzanne Graf
John P. Hammer '68
Vicky Hanson
Haps Masonry
Dr. Gerald Harper
Julie Harper
in honor of Andrus '08 & Henry Harper '10
Terry & Krista Harrison Family
Harvey & Price Mechanical Contractors
David '86 & Jennifer Hatfield
Jerold Hawn '59 & Mary Jane Mori
Jeanette Herro
Randy & Tracy Hiday
David & Diza (Hoglen) Hilles '81
Jim '64 & Carla Hoffman
Wade & Cinda Holaday Family
William & Maureen Hollander Family
Tom & Cris Houser
Erik & Kelly (Howard) Hughes '80 Family
Rex & Krista Hughes
Larry & LaVelle Hughes
Anna (Storms) Ingram '67
Dick & Lynn Jacobson
Tony '96 & Danie James
Jeremiah Family
Dr. Brian & Debbie Jewett
Paula Jewett & John Linn
Brian '86 & Jill Jones
Don '81 & Julie Jones - Spartan
Management LLC
Dick & Dorothy Jones
Sam & Lark Kalstad
Joe & Cathleen Karcher
Dale & Cissy (Holvey) Kast '80
Pete '79 & Joan (Meagher) Kerns '79
Fr. John Kerns '77
Will '74 & Martha Kerns
Jim '70 & Leslie Kerr
John & Corinne Kiefer
John & Nancy Kiesewetter
Steve & Sally Killgore
Charlie & Lisa (Tuttle) Kimball '82
Rick & Alisa Kincade
Doug & Susan (Gant) King '81
Chris & Kelley (Olsen) Kline '80
Wally & Lynne Knecht Family
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Kokkino
Konyn Family
Steve & Lisa Korth
Brent & Michelle (Gonyea) Laing '85
Sue Laing
Don '79 & Marilyn Lance
Dan & Elise Landry
Rebecca Larson & Tom Schwetz
Steve & Sally Lee
Helen K. Lester DDS FAGD PC
Scott Lilley '76
James & Mary Kay Manwill
Marist Parent Association
Rick & Linda Martin
Jim '85 & Julie McGaughey
Steve McGirr & Sue Polchert
in honor of Ryan Moser
Van & Sheri McIntire
Doug McKay
Meghan McMahon '02
McNally Family LLC
Medtronic Your Cause LLC
Patrick & Laurie Melendy
Jim & Patty Menezes
Dee Miller
Robb Miller
Wally & June Miller
Suzanne (Storms) Mills '58
Dom Monahan
Rosemary (Storms) Montgomery '63
Andy & Donna Moore
George & Cheryl Morris
Murphy Company
National Fire Fighter Corp
Scott & Shelley Nelson
Christi & Jeff Nicholson
Chris & Elise Noonan
Jon Nuxoll
Andy Oldham & Toni Cooper
Rob & Amy Olive
Omlid & Swinney
Sharon & Dennis Orem
Larry Michael Over DMD, MSD
Mike & Tammi Owen
Ken & Shari Pimental
Michael & Anita (Porreco) Ploghoft '74
Bart & Melissa Pollard
Bill & Heidi Pollock
Anna Potwora '74
in memory of Terry Gent '74
Richard '79 & Rita (Schmidt) Proulx '78
Gerard & Patricia Ragan
Marjorie & Michael Rear
Patrick & Alyson (Papé) Richards '89
Roseburg Forest Products Company
Jerry & Sue Rouleau Family
Ben Salm '77
Schwab Charitable Fund:
Kevin & Irene Alltucker
Chris & Elise Noonan
Ramin & Tracie (McKay) Shojai '83
Augie Sick & Kristin Nelson-Sick Family
in honor of Julianna '12 & Claire Sick '15
Shelly Silver
Clay & Colette Skurdal
Richard & Mary Smith
Smith Sheet Metal
Matt Solvason '04
John '79 & Julie (Free) Stacy '80
Jeremy '71 & Debi Starr
Michael Starr '55
Tom Starr '75
Mike & Reba Stephens
Bob '56 & Lynn Stewart
Tom & Susan Stewart
Richard & Sheila Stokes
Andy J. & Christine L. Storment Fund of
The Oregon Community Foundation
Christine L. Storment Fund of
The Oregon Community Foundation
Storment Family - Nick Krieger '05 &
Lilly Storment '14
Storms Family Foundation
Carol '63 (Evonuk) & John Sullivan '63
Sunset Electric, Inc
Symantec Matching Gift Program
Twin Rivers Plumbing, Inc
John D. Teller ('74) & Amy C. Tykeson
The 3995 Family
The Bank of America Charitable
Foundation, Inc
The Papé Group
The US Charitable Gift Fund
Karcher Legacy Fund
Schor Family Charitable Fund
Jerry '54 & Mary Ann Thenell
Ron & Gloria Tyree - Tyree Oil, Inc
U.S. Bank Foundation
Matching Gift Program
WC Finishes, Inc
Chris Wagner '76
Patrick R. Wagner & Fay Y. Sunada
Sharee & Jay Waldron
Robert & Cheri Weeks
Steve & Lynda Weilbrenner
Tim & Judi Welch
Michael & Kay Whitney
Jeffrey Willis '78
Beth & Court Wirth
Woodard Family Foundation
Keith M. Wright
Chip Zachem & Christine Kollmorgen
Alumni Matched Gifts
The following gifts to the Advancing Marist campaign were made by or on
behalf of alumni. Two anonymous donors matched $100,000 in alumni gifts.
Anonymous (4)
Tony Albertini '87
Amelia (Brazelton) Aust '02
Bill Baker '80 †
Jeffery Bedbury '10
Jackson Bedbury '13
Carley Beck '15
Cort Brazelton '99
Pat Brown '70
Mark Clemens '69
Terrie (Tremaine) Clemens '69
Whit Daniel '15
Dan DeAutremont '70
Chad Ficek '86
Leticia (Konyn) Ficek '88
Aliza Fones '00
Isaac Fones '02
Ben Graf '14
John P. Hammer '68
David Hatfield '86
Diza (Holgen) Hilles '81
Brant Holaday '10
Garret Holaday '12
Taron Holaday '14
Hayden Houser '09
Olivia Houser '12
Adam Houser '14
Andrew Hughes '08
Jordan Hughes '10
Hannah Hughes '14
Tony James '96
Brian Jones '86
Jim Kerr '70
JP Kiefer '14
Jacob Kiefer '15
Ashley Laing '10
Meredith Laing '11
Patrick Laing '13
Emily Laing '15
Joey Laing '21
Scott Lilley '76
Jim McGaughey '85
Meghan McMahon '02
Corey Owen '10
Austin Owen '14
Anna Potwora '74
Alyson (Papé) Richards '89
Amy (McKay) Romero '87
Gerald Rouleau '11
Ben Salm '77
Tracie (McKay) Shojai '83
Logan Silver '11
Morgan Silver '13
Karson Silver '15
Matt Solvason '04
John Stacy '79
Julie (Free) Stacey '80
Bob Stewart '56
Jerry Thenell '54
Chris Wagner '76
Kelsey Weilbrenner '08
James Weilbrenner '10
Jeffery Willis '78
† Deceased
In Honor of Jay Conroy
Terri & Jon Anderson
Doralyn Bocchi
Kristi & David Crowell
Sam & Julie DeBellis
Jon & Vivian Ewing
Gayle Frunz
Vicky Hanson
David & Diza (Hoglen) Hilles '81
JoAnne Jamieson
Sandy Jeremiah
Jesuit High School
Bruce & Helen Kramer
Bob & Barb Mack
David Olszyk & Teresa Danovich
Pacific Continental Bank Matching Gift
Bill & Shirley Richards
Mike & Reba Stephens
John & Molly (O'Neil) Wirch '63
Marist photography students "together".
FALL 2015
2015 Commended Scholars
Showing Off School Spirit and Class Pride
The annual Homecoming Week gave
students the chance to show off their
school spirit and class pride as each class
spent hours preparing for the well-loved
Decade Day dance contest.
The hours of work and dedication
that went into preparation were evident
when the crowd was treated to four
choreographed dances that marked the end
of a week-long celebration of Homecoming.
It was a “senior sweep” as the Class
of 2016 finally won the dance competition and senior DJ Tomcal won the lip
sync contest with his Chicago Blackhawk
pump-up routine.
Gescher and Kennedy Sundberg were
crowned Homecoming King and Queen
Principal Stacey Baker presents Jordan Haggas, Avery
May, and Emily Scherer with their certificates.
Seniors Avery May, Emily Scherer,
and Jordan Haggas have been recognized
as commended students by the National
Merit Scholarship Corporation for their
exceptional performance on the PSAT
taken in the spring of their junior year.
Principal Stacey Baker presented the students with certificates from the corporation in recognition for scoring in the top 3
percent of around 1.5 million entrants.
Sophomore Brooke Kline participates in her 60sthemed class dance during Homecoming Week.
Dedicating New Turf Field and Breaking Ground on a New Science Wing
President Suzanne Graf leads the dedication ceremony for the new Teller Field that included the Teller family and current students and staff.
The walls and hallways of the new science wing
start to take shape.
The Advancing Marist Campaign has
made for some exciting times for Marist students this fall.
On October 16th, Marist dedicated its
new multi-use turf field during a special ceremony at the begining of the annual Homecoming football game and already multiple
football and soccer games have been played
on the field.
John Teller '74 and Amy Tykeson, who
made a generous gift to the campaign, honored John's brother Kevin '71, who passed
away from cancer four years ago, with the
naming of the field because of his fondness
for Marist. Joining the family for the dedication were a host of Marist representatives
including the president and principal, student
council members, and representatives from
the multiple athletic teams that will use the
new field. Fr. John Kerns '77 and Fr. Vincent
Benoit ended the ceremony with a blessing
of the field.
On the other side of campus, the new science wing is starting to take shape. The roof
will be on in November and construction
should be complete by the summer of 2016.
iPads All Around
New theology
teacher Henry
Harper '10
works with
in his Paschal
Mystery class.
AP Gov,
Photo by Michael Henderson'16
Of the nine new staff
who joined the Marist
community this fall, four
of them are classroom
teachers and one is even a
Marist grad. Henry Harper
'10 is back at Marist after
earning his Masters in
Education from Gonzaga
University. He is teaching
freshman and sophomore
theology. The three other
new teachers are in
English, Art and Social
Photo by Christiana Fountain '18
Nine New Staff, Including a 2010 Graduate
With the arrival of iPads for each student this fall, students and staff seem to
be embracing the new technology and
discovering ways to complement their
school work. Teachers have reported
great success with the iPads.
Fall Sports Looking Forward to Exciting Post-Season Play
Photo by Maya Peterson '16
Senior Anna Houser celebrates after a great team-effort point.
The fall sports seasons are quickly
coming to an end but not without some exciting post season action.
The no. 1 ranked 5A volleyball team
easily secured a Midwestern League
Championship with a 12-0 league record
-losing only 2 games in all 12 matches. After winning their first-round playoff game
at home against Central High School, they
advanced to Liberty H.S. in Hillsboro for
the final rounds of the 5A State Tournament on Nov. 6-7.
The 4th ranked varsity girls soccer were
also the 5A Midwestern League Champs.
They won the first round of playoffs on
Nov. 4 and play in the quarter finals of the
5A State playoffs on Nov. 7.
The boys soccer team finished their
regular season 5th in league and then beat
South Albany 2-1 in a OSAA 5A Play-In
game to put them into the 16-team 5A
State Playoffs. They lost to Woodburn 1-4
in the first round of the playoffs on Nov. 3
The boys cross country scored 79 points
and earned a 3rd place trophy at the 5A
State Meet on Oct. 31. Sophomore Jerik
Embleton, the top state finisher for Marist,
finished 10th. The team placed 2nd at the
Midwestern District Meet which sent the
entire team of seven to the 5A State Meet
at LCC.
On the girls side, juniors Booy Rogers
and Hope Powell both placed in the top
seven at the District Meet, earning them
Jerik Embleton
competes at the
5A State Cross
Country Championships in late
Freshman Sarah
Hayes turns the
ball towards the
goal in a win
against North
Eugene on the
new turf field in
a place in the State Cross Country Championships as well. They finished 24th and
25th respectively at the State Meet.
The water polo team finished their season with seniors Peyton Hobie, Marissa
Gibson, Spencer Nelson and Jameson
Collis earning All-Conference honors.
Football finished their season 3-6 and
did not qualify for any post season play.
FALL 2015
Glen and Joann (Furrer) Rissberger '60
celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary
on June 26th with a cruise to Alaska.
They met in the first grade at St. Mary’s
elementary school in 1949. They have
two grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. They now reside in
Gladstone, Ore.
the Martyr Catholic Church in Sisters, Ore.
Emery (Hilles) '08 and Grant Heffernan
married at St. Thomas More on August
22nd. They will live in San Jose, Calif.
Emery obtained her doctorate from
USC and is an occupational therapist
and Grant is an investment banker.
In August, Mary (Schnabel) Bray '75
celebrated her 20th anniversary of
working for the State of Oregon.
Mary is a Senior Assistant Attorney
General with the Oregon Department
of Justice in Salem, where she lives
with her husband, Barry, and daughters,
AnnaMaria and LilaAnn, who attend
Blanchet Catholic School.
Steven Bustrin '10 works for Acceptance
Now and lives in Portland, Ore. In
2014, he graduated from Multnomah
Bible College with a bachelor’s degree
in Biblical Studies.
Karlin Andersen '14 received the
Woodrow Foundation Scholarship at
Whitworth University, covering full
tuition, books and fees for the 2015-16
school year.
Alumni BBQ
It was great to see everyone at the
All Alumni BBQ on September 26th.
Jay Watts '85 retired from the military
as a field grade officer. He is currently
working for a county court judge in
San Antonio, Texas.
Ted '47 and Arlyn (Erickson) Brandt '50
and Bob Bryan '47, stand in front of the
1946 State Championship trophy. Ted
and Bob were halfbacks on the 1946
St. Mary's championship football team,
playing both offense and defense.
Katie Harbert '00 was recently
profiled in The Register Guard for
her involvement with the Reaching
Out Mentoring Program – a program
that connects students at Pleasant Hill
Schools with role models who help them
succeed in their class work, preparing
them for high school.
Tanelle (Brincat) Azzato '04 and her
husband Dan welcomed their daughter,
Grace, on March 11th.
Trent Tyree '04 has joined his family’s
business, Tyree Oil, Inc. He is
responsible for directing retail sales
and the sales operations of the company,
as well as leading special projects.
J.J. Mascolo '05 married Jessica Spees
at St. Josef’s Winery on August 22nd.
Kyle Hauser '06 was promoted to
Business Assurance Manager at Moss
Adams. He provides assurance services
within financial and higher education
institutions and the wine industry.
Nicholas Balthrop '07 graduated from
the University of Washington School of
Law, and is now working at the law firm
of Gaydos, Churnside & Balthrop, P.C.
in Eugene, Ore.
Alec Swindling '08 and Sarah (Oberle) '08
were married on August 8th at St. Edward
Class of 1950
St. Mary’s Class of 1950 celebrated their 65th reunion on August 5th, at Valley River Inn.
Front row: Vangie (Koffler) Andreason, Marilyn Harber, Doreen (Dion) Hames, Bob
Grant, Arlyn (Erickson) Brandt, Charlotte (Laemmle) Iven, and Frank Brandt.
Back row: Bernard Meile, Bob Hill, Lee Campbell, and John Breeden.
class of 1995
Marist Class of 1995 celebrated their 20th
reunion at Armitage Park on July 18th.
Front row: Brian Hartwig, Sonja (Louisiana)
Hultsman, Jennifer Peck, and Kevin Moore.
Back row: Sarah (Evonuk) McCabe, Fr. David
Jaspers, Aaron Durbin, Chelsea (Studer)
Holland-Bak, Shawn Miller, Geoff Appel,
Jessica (Lewis) Hibberd, Phillip Barry,
Anthony Coleman, and Jean (Brooks) Butler.
Not pictured: Erik Svarverud, Jennifer
(Vaughn) Johnson, and Jean-Anne Olson.
In memoriam
DeLora (Dorsey) Vitus '51 passed away
on June 3, 2015. She is survived by her
husband Barney, siblings Karin (Dorsey)
Dawson '60 and Gary Dorsey, four
children, fourteen grandchildren, and
sixteen great-grandchildren.
Jack Pyle passed away on June 4, 2015.
He is survived by his wife Diane, children
Sally (Pyle) Kootenkoff '82, John Pyle,
and Robert Pyle, and six grandchildren.
Michael Blaser passed away on June 25,
2015. He is survived by his children,
including Caleb Blaser '14, parents,
and siblings.
Mary Peot '63 passed away on June 28,
2015. She is survived by her siblings
Donna (Peot) Hicks '55 and Thomas
Peot '58, her son Matthew Laird, and
two grandchildren.
JoAnn Weiss passed away on July 30,
2015. She is survived by her daughters
Sheri Roper and Marla Swenson, five
grandchildren, including Chad Swenson
'08, and three great-grandchildren. She
was preceded in death by her husband
Larry and daughter Kimberly.
Darrell Dwyer passed away on August 4,
2015. He is survived by his son Michael
Dwyer '72, five grandchildren, and six
great-grandchildren. He was preceded
in death by his wife Louise (Kokkeler)
Dwyer '44 and daughter Patricia Dwyer '71.
Jim Lance passed away on August 8,
2015. He is survived by his wife Gayle,
children Janice Lance '77, Don Lance '79,
and John Lance, five grandchildren,
including Ashley Lance '02 and
Samantha Lance '04, and two
Calvin Doss '47 passed away on
August 30, 2015. He is survived by his
wife Florence, eight children, brothers
Raymond Doss and Jim Doss, numerous
grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and
Marcus Aberle passed away on
September 6, 2015. Marcus is survived
by his children William Aberle '64,
Judith (Aberle) Houston '68, Patricia
(Aberle) Fryling '70, Richard Aberle
'79, and Beverly (Aberle) Hunnell,
seven grandchildren, and several
Michael Bodey, grandfather of Sage
Rauenzahn '18, passed away on
September 12, 2015.
Abigail (Morgan) Sullivan passed away
on September 13, 2015. She is survived
by her husband Daniel, sons Daniel
Sullivan '69, Arthur Sullivan '71,
Timothy Sullivan '72, Patrick Sullivan
'74, Michael Sullivan '75, Kevin
Sullivan '78, and daughters Kathleen
Sullivan '70 and Margaret Sullivan '81.
Correction: In the spring/summer issue of
Marist Magazine, Thomas Moore '84 was
mistakenly included in the In Memoriam
section. We are pleased to report that he
is indeed alive and well! Tom has been
happily married to Deanna for 24 years and,
because of his landscaping business, has two
homes – in Alaska and Oregon. They have
been blessed with five daughters and a son.
Kari (Karr) Bjornstad '08 passed
away on August 28, 2015. Kari
fought a life-long battle with cystic
fibrosis and was in Pittsburgh
awaiting a lung transplant. Just
before she passed, she married Brad
Bjornstad in her hospital room.
The family said that Kari may have
left to see the Lord, but the family
gained a son.
She is survived by her husband
Brad, brother Dylan Karr '12, and
her parents Rick and Kelly Karr.
If you know of an alumnus, a family of
an alumnus or friend of Marist who is
in need of prayers due to the passing of
a loved one, please let us help. Email:
FALL 2015
Jessica is an attorney for Arnold
Law in Eugene. She and her
husband, Ryan Dwyer '96, are
co-chairing the 2016 Marist Auction
on May 14th, along with Garrett '96
and Jill Nehl.
Q: When you look back at your
time at Marist, what stands out
to you?
The sense of community that is
founded in the Catholic teaching
is what stands out to me the
most. We were all there for
each other and in it together. It
permeated my entire experience.
This community extends to the
history of my own family; my
mom, Tammy (Norris) May '75
and my dad, Clem May '67, both
graduated from Marist (and St.
Francis). It was never a question
for me if my sisters and I would
also attend Marist. I felt the sense
of community that is Marist well
before my time there, and it is
Jessica (May) Dwyer '05
answers 5 questions in 5 minutes.
something that continues to impact
my life and my husband's life —
I have no doubt that it is what
continues to bring people to the
school. The community of Marist is
what helps develop not only good
students, but good people.
Q: Your mom, Tammy May,
has been a staple in the Marist
office for 17 years. What was it
like having her around school
throughout your time at Marist?
It was fun being at school with my
mom — everyone loves Mom. I
always knew how special my mom
was, but seeing how she impacted
others around her, and me, was
really a blessing. The contact she
had with each student day-in and
day-out was so amazing, and it
only deepened my appreciation of
her gifts as a mom and person.
Q: What have you done in your
time since Marist? What have
been some highlights?
I attended Creighton University
in Omaha, Nebraska and stayed
there for law school. In 2013, I
moved to Portland and worked
as I was studying for the State
Bar Exam and looking for a job.
Then in 2014, Ryan and I got
married and I started working for
Arnold Law — these are two huge
highlights. I love my job at Arnold
Law, I get to practice a variety of
areas of law and I have learned
so much in my first year.
Q: What is it like having your
whole family connected to
It’s pretty interesting having
parents and a husband who
are Marist alumni. But, our
experience also shows what is
so special about this community.
When we moved back, we
immediately felt reconnected
to the Marist community, which
made the transition much easier.
Ryan and I have friends whose
grandparents are friends with my
grandparents, and that’s a pretty
special thing.
Q: Why did you and Ryan want
to chair the auction?
We see how the school has
impacted our lives and the lives
of those around us, not just for
the four years of high school, but
through the years since then.
Being involved in the auction is
a way to show thanks for what
it was for us, but also to keep it
for future generations. We also
thought it would be a good way
to bring our generation into the
greater Marist community.
2016 Marist Auction Chairs: Jill & Garrett Nehl '96 and Jessica (May) '05 & Ryan Dwyer '96
Annual Fund for Marist
July 1st marked the start of a new Annual Fund year. A fresh
opportunity for all of us within the Marist community to help
provide an exceptional experience for the 571 promising
students Marist welcomed to campus in September.
5 Promising Ways Your Annual Fund Gift
Impacts the Marist Mission
Enriching our curriculum and upgrading current technology
Providing our students with the best trained, most
experienced faculty
Promising over 37% of our student’s tuition assistance to
ensure Marist remains accessible
Allowing us to maintain and upgrade our facilities
Engaging our students in challenging activities, faith
formation and leadership opportunities
Your gift makes this possible. On behalf of all 571 Marist students
who will benefit from your generosity, thank you!
Every year. Every gift matters.
“Without your kindness and
support, I would not be a
student at Marist. I can’t begin
to list all the positive ways
my life has been transformed
in the classroom, on the
field, and through spiritual
encounters. I believe that it
is because of your generosity
that I am developing into
someone who can make an
impact in our world.”
Keaton Aronson
Class of 2016
Donate Today
Return the postage-paid reply envelope
Click "Annual Fund" at marisths.org
Call us at (541) 681-5470
FALL 2015
Marist Catholic High School
Advancement Office
1900 Kingsley Road
Eugene, OR 97401
Eugene OR 97401
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Find out h
st Found
The Mari
ca Lars
16, 18
Jesse Manibusan Concert
Mass of the Holy Spirit
Ed Hummel Celebration
Christmas Music Concert
6 Epiphany Mass
9 Marist Preview Day
15, 16, 22, 23 Marist Theatre Winter Play
19, 26
Catholic Schools Week
All Catholic Schools Mass
(O'Hara, St. Paul and Marist)
Ash Wednesday Mass
Lenten Masses
Please save the dates and join us. For more details
visit our website at www.marisths.org.