Happy Holidays - Greater Louisville Association of Realtors


Happy Holidays - Greater Louisville Association of Realtors
Happy Holidays
December 2006 Issue
Wishing you and your family a wonderful
Holiday Season from the
Greater Louisville Association of Realtors®
Friday, December 1
Rookies Meeting
Monday, December 4
GLAR Holiday Reception - Ali Center
Tuesday, December 5
MLS Improvement Task Force
Wednesday, December 6
Coffee Hour/ Roundtable
Advertising Task Force Meeting
Government Affairs Meeting
Friday, December 8
Commercial Meeting
Monday, December 11
Assoc. Office Closed 11:00am to 2:00pm
Tuesday, December 12
MSI Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, December 13
Board Forms
Monday, December 18
New Member Orientation
Tuesday, December 19
GLAR Finance Meeting
GLAR Board of Directors Meeting
Association Office Closed
December 25 & 26
January 1 & 2
Greater Louisville Association
6300 Dutchmans Pkwy
Louisville, KY 40205
Tel: 502.894.9860
Fax: 502.894.9866
GLAR Holiday Reception at Ali Center!
Join us in spreading some holiday cheer to your fellow Realtors® and friends at
the Annual GLAR Holiday Party! The party will be held on Monday, December
4th from 5:30 - 8:30pm at the Muhammad Ali Center. The Ali Center’s two and
a half levels of exhibits features an innovative visitor experience on the life of one
of Louisville’s icons, Muhammad Ali. These exhibit floors will be open during the
event for an exclusive private viewing for our members.
Parking is FREE at the Ali Center Garage with validation at the event. The Ali
Center Garage is attached directly to the Center, located at 144 N. Sixth Street.
Reservations are not needed. This is a Member-only event, and you must be a
Realtor® or Affiliate member to attend. We hope to see you there!
Save These Dates!
Ever attend one of our Roundtable/Coffee Hours? If not, you are missing out
on some great information! The Coffee Hour is an informal session that gives
you the chance to discuss a variety of topics, get new ideas, as well as some hands
on training on issues that are affecting you right NOW. Networking over coffee
and pastries begins at 8:30am, with the program beginning at 9:00am. You could
also win a $50 gift. These sessions are FREE and open to all Realtor® members.
Register for any of these topics on our website, www.LouisvilleRealtors.com,
choose GLAR Members, then Internet Member Services (IMS) - under Events.
Dec. 6, 2006
Jan. 4, 2007
Feb. 1, 2007
Mar. 1, 2007
Apr. 5, 2007
June 7, 2007
Aug. 2, 2007
Sept. 6, 2007
Oct. 4, 2007
Nov. 1, 2007
Dec. 6, 2007
The Apprentice / How to Form a Business Plan
House Hunters /Comparing Properties and Appraisals
Jeopardy/ Foreclosures and Short Sales
What’s Your Line / Smart Phone and PDA
The Total Package / Part 1-Home Staging
The Total Package/Part 2-Pre-Inspections and Repairs
Lost/ Expanding Your Boundaries
Who Wants to be a Millionaire/ Financing in Today’s Market
Extreme Makeover / Personal Marketing and Branding
Deal or No Deal /The Art of Negotiation
Survivor/ Permits and Licensing
Letter From Your GLAR President - Joe Simms
Prima Donna - Definition: A vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult
to work under direction or as part of a team.
2006 - 07
Board of Directors
Joe Simms
Nelson Collins
Mike Farrar
Steven Elmore
Vice President
Jacqueline Klein
Vice President &
Immediate Past President
Andrew Pruitt
Commercial Chair
Doug Owen
MSI President
Allison Bartholomew
KAR Regional Director
Santosh Bhatt
Charles Ballard
Lamont Breland
Linda Gibson Cecil
Harriett Conely
Lisa Presley
Evelyn Pusateri
Jan Scholtz
Cindy Shannon
Kathryn Vaughn
We have all heard this term used when talking about some of the agents among us.
My question is, “Are you on this list”? If you’re not sure, ask your fellow agents.
If you are, you probably need to work on changing to get your name off this list.
It is definitely, not the list that you want to be on.
What are some of the signs that you might be on the list? 1. Are you an agent,
who thinks they can do no wrong – it’s always somebody else’s, fault? 2. Do
you treat other agents as if they are below you? 3. Do you treat new agents as
neophytes and try to take advantage of their inexperience or do you offer to share
your knowledge with them? 4. Do you treat your Assistants as peons? If you are
guilty of any of these, then you might be on that list and don’t know it.
How do you get off this list? The
first thing is to remember that you
Main Entry: pri•ma don•na
were new and inexperienced once.
Pronunciation: “pri-m&-’dä-n&, “prETreat the new agents with respect and Function: noun
Etymology: Italian, literally, first lady
help and teach them what you know
1 : a principal female singer in an opera
- someone helped you. Treat other
agents with the respect and as equals. or concert organization
I tell all new agents, “It’s as important 2 : a vain or undisciplined person who
finds it difficult to work under direction or
to have a good working relationship
as part of a team
with other agents, as it is to have a
good business relationship with your
clients”. You want to make it easy and enjoyable for other agents to show your
homes and want to work with you. If you are the opposite personality, then agents
might shun your listings, costing you sells and, in turn, hurting your clients.
Treat your assistants and office staff with respect and professionalism. When you
do so, they will want to help you be successful. Otherwise, they could care less. It
depends on how you treat them. Treat them the way you want them to treat you!
If you took offense to this article, then you might be on that list. My hope is that
we can all treat each other with the respect and dignity that is deserving of a true
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character: it becomes your destiny.
Frank Outlaw
Supra Display Key Holders - High Importance
Invoices for the lease of the Supra display key were mailed to Keyholders on
November 9, 2006. For questions regarding your invoice call Supra Support 1-877699-6787. Payments must be mailed directly to Supra and NOT to the Association.
Letter From Your MSI President - Allison Bartholomew
As January approaches, I remind you that there are several changes about to occur
with your MLS. Please watch for the changes with regards to our map areas, as we
have implemented a new area called 00. This will be the Central Business District,
and follows the basic outline of the inset map on the current GLAR grid map.
2006 - 07
Board of Directors
Allison Bartholomew
Harrell Tague
Paul Ogden
Commercial Representative
Paul Ogden
GLAR President
Joe Simms
Ginny Carnes
Brad DeVries
Glenn Edelen
Merle Edmiston
Sue Ernst
John Fischbach
Wallace Fluhr
Kim Hayes Ricca
Paul Kirkpatrick
Rosemary Nobles
Pat Parks
ANSI standards of measurement will be required as of the 1st of the year. If you
haven’t attended a class, you may view an instructional video from the main page
of List It. The change will involve a new layout both on the listing input form,
as well as the report generated from the computer. It is important to grasp the
idea that we now will be referring to square footages in above grade and below
grade terms. In addition to the grade totals, non-conforming square footage may
be added to the finished square footage. Please make every effort to learn the
difference between what footage conforms and what doesn’t. Most important in
the list of conforming, is the measurement of living space with a ceiling height
of a minimum of 7’, with the lowest inclusive point on the sloped ceiling being
at 5’ (most commonly found in a cape cod style home). All finished footage in
the areas UNDER the 5’ mark cannot be included in the total footage calculation.
Remembering of course, that the use of the remarks section is an ideal place to
DISCLOSE just what footage you are counting as non-conforming and why, and
also if there are other “living” areas a buyer might want to consider. Finally, both
appraisers and Realtors® will be arriving at the actual size of homes in the same
manner. In the event you are uncomfortable with measuring your listing, ask a
fellow Realtor® to assist, or many appraisers are available for a nominal fee to
measure for you and provide you with a CAD type drawing of the floor plan.
The plan is for the footage to appear in a grid format with a breakdown of the
above grade and below grade finished and unfinished square footage. Also,
there will be a space for the non-conforming finished space, such as low ceiling
height areas, which are common in many older neighborhoods. Not only will a
purchaser know the total finished footage, but also the area available for possible
expansion, whether it is in the lower level or an attic. It will take a little time for us
to completely grasp this concept, but in the long run it will be most beneficial for
the consumer.
Best wishes to you and your family for the Holidays, and as always, you may reach
me at allison@abgrealtors.com.
Classes Filled? Get Your CE Online!
You can now get continuing education online! GLAR’s new online course, Ethics
& Real Estate, not only counts for your NAR Ethics requirement, but also is
approved by the Kentucky Real Estate Commission for 3 hours of elective credit.
You simply review the class material online, complete the tests during the module,
and then the required evaluation at the end of the course. Each online registrant
is granted a 6 month window to complete the course once you begin it. However,
please remember that for the course to count for 2006, you must submit all
required paperwork to the GLAR Education Department by December 29, 2006.
To sign up for the Ethics & Real Estate Online course, go to our website
www.LouisvilleRealtors.com and choose GLAR members, then Online Education.
Questions, call the Education Department at (502)894-9860.
Actions of GLAR Board of Directors, Oct. 24, 2006
Education News
Ken Wingert, Political Representative of the National Association of Realtors®
attended the GLAR Board Meeting and spoke briefly with regard to the
importance of voting and volunteering in the upcoming elections. Mr. Wingert
listed the three real estate related issues that are of great significance as the
development of small business health plans, the role of banks in real estate, and
the acquisition of natural disaster insurance. Mr. Wingert stated that these issues
play a part in driving the real estate market.
A motion was carried to educate Realtors® on the subject of lock boxes with
the placement of information on List-It, and to require the inclusion of the type
of lock box being used in agent notes, as well as requiring the listing agent to
provide alternative means of entry for showing.
The appointments of John Milliner, Louise Miller, & Jan Scholtz to the GLAR
Finance Committee were approved.
The appointment of Charlie Lotze as Chair of the Advertising Task Force was
The appointments of Andrew Pruitt (Chair), Rue McFarland, and Bill Snyder to
the GLARPAC Board of Trustees were approved.
The appointment of Lisa Presley as Vice Chair of the Community Relations
Committee was approved.
The appointment of Stan White as Vice Chair of the Board Forms Committee
was approved.
The appointment of Linda Gibson Cecil as Vice Chair of the Government
Affairs Committee was approved.
The appointment of Carole Williams as Vice Chair of the Rookies was approved.
Rookies Meeting
The announcement was made that Linda Gibson Cecil, Donna Gordon, & Betty
Schutte have been appointed to RPAC by KAR.
New Members! Mark your calendar
for the next Rookies Meeting.
These meetings are FREE and
designed for new agents. They
are open to members with less
than 2 years of experience. Take
advantage of this opportunity to
get some great information as
well as network with your fellow
KAR has requested that GLAR advertise “6 in ‘06”, a fundraising initiative in
support of the partnership between NAR and Habitat for Humanity to aid
victims of Hurricane Katrina called Operation Home Delivery: REALTOR®
Habitat Partnership for Gulf Coast Recovery. KAR has asked that each of our
members donate $6 that will be combined with other associations across the state
of Kentucky to raise $70,000 as a demonstration of support.
Elder-Serve has thanked Realtors® for funding their client services program
through a recent donation.
Financial statements from August 2006 and September 2006 were reviewed and
will be sent to audit. Steve Elmore noted that $10,000 will be contributed to the
GLI for economic development.
A report was given by Doug Owen on KCREA’s commercial reporting system.
There are currently 340 members.
Next Commercial Committee Meeting will be held on Dec. 8, 2006 at 8:15am. .
The MLS Forum will meet for the first time on November 17, 2006. Volunteers
are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The use of ANSI standards will become a requirement as of January 1, 2007.
There has been a change to the meeting times for the GLAR Board of Directors.
All future meetings will begin at 9am to maintain consistency.
MLS Open Lab
The MLS Open Lab this month is
on December 14th from 2-4pm. All
members who have attended a ListIt class can come to the Computer
Lab during the listed time. Just bring
one or two examples of what you
are having a problem with. This is
to help troubleshoot your specific
problem and will not replace a ListIt class. No registration is required.
Continuing Education
If you would like a full list of
Continuing Education Providers,
please call the KY Real Estate
Commission or visit them online at
**The January 2007 Continuing
Education schedule for GLAR is
coming soon! **
Topic: Tax Deductions
Friday, December 1
9:00am to 11:00am
To register, go to our website at
LouisvilleRealtors.com and log in
to IMS, then click on Register for
Actions of MSI Board of Directors – Oct.17, 2006
Charity Bowl-A-Thon
Coming In February
The Community Relations Task
Force is hard at work planning the
2007 GLAR Annual Charity BowlA-Thon. If you have attended
this event in the past you know
what a great time it is.
The Bowl-A-Thon will be held
in February and a date will be
announced in the January issue
of The Informed Realtor®
Newsletter along with a sign up
sheet for teams. We hope you will
attend this great event and help us
raise money for a worthy cause!
Important Notice:
Supra Lock Boxes
Remember that the Association
no longer supports the old style
grey Supra boxes. If you are still
using these boxes and have not
converted to the infrared box you
are required to do the following:
1. Disclose in agent notes on the
listing that you are using an old
Supra box.
2. Be prepared to make alternate
arrangements to get the key to the
cooperating agent who may not be
able to open the old box.
President Allison Bartholomew noted that this year we will hold a monthly
MLS Forum. The idea is to offer an informal session for members on effective
use of the MLS. Taught by Realtors®, the first meeting will be held on Friday,
November 17, 2006 at 9:00am. The topic will be performing CMA’s.
Motion was passed to place information and contact information about one
Metro Housing & Community Development home within the Forum section of
The August & September 2006 financial statements were reviewed and will be
sent to audit.
There were 7 List-IT classes held with approximately 57 students in attendance,
2 Managing Digital Photos classes were held with 15 students and 2 Advanced
List-It classes with 4 students. There were also 2 open labs.
It was reported that Matt Fowler from Solid Earth would like to schedule a
visit. He is willing to conduct a Marketing with List-It class similar to those held
previously, as well as meeting with the Board of Directors to provide general
information on upgrades and the direction of future enhancements for the ListIt system.
An overview was given of a recent CMLS (Council of Multiple Listing Services)
Effective January 1st 2007, a new MLS area will be created. The downtown area
as outlined in the Louisville Realtors® map will be called “Central Downtown
District” and will be searchable without being excluded from area 1 or 2, but as a
Motion was passed to add municipality and preservation district to the agent full
Question was raised regarding changes to the data input sheets and MLS reports
as a result of the shift to ANSI. The MLS task force will schedule a meeting to
address this issue.
A report was made from the Commercial Representative regarding the status of
KCREA, and the feedback of their booth at KAR in Owensboro.
Shop Now!
Holiday Items Now Available in Realtor® Store
Back by popular demand! The Holiday Season is here
and so are many new closing and office gifts, as well
as one or two for your own stocking.
Come see our selection of holiday platters and pins,
cookie jars and more! We also still have the Holiday
Magnets for your clients to remember you all year!
If you need an order form for the Magnet
Calendars, please call the Realtor® Store at
(502)894-9860 and we will fax one to you.
You can stop by and shop the Realtor® Store
Monday through Friday from 8:00am to
5:00pm. Tis the Season!
Appraisal Services
Inspections / Mold Continued
Here is a good way to advise your clients on how to
select professional appraisal services. Hand them a copy
of the Appraisers’ qualification sheet.
Jack McCarty, MAI, SRA, CPA
Tony DeMala, Engineer
Call our office, we’ll gladly fax you a copy of our
qualifications. 327-8009
All √ Check Home Inspections LLC
Always a Free Termite inspection with every home
inspection. ASHI and NAHI inspectors on staff. We
send a team of inspectors to get the job done faster. We
also can check for Radon, mold, and the duct work. Call
ALL CHECK Home Inspections LLC. 231-6087
(fax 231-3689) Toll Free 1-877-255-2435.
Credit Union
Allergen-Mold Solutions LLC
We offer certified inspectors, Allergen and Mold spore
removal. We also handle borate treatments, positive
drainage techniques and installation of vents, vapor
barriers, sump pumps-exterior sloping and dry carpet
allergen extraction. Mention this ad and receive 50% off
initial inspection fee. Call 502-231-1155. “A MOLD
FlexRate Certificate -Kentucky Telco Federal Credit
Union’s FlexRate Certificate lets you improve your life
and your rate! Start your 60 month share certificate now
and you can improve your rate at any one time during
your term…with no penalties! With deposit rates on the
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Call us at 502-459-3000 or 800-292-9490 or stop in
any of our offices today to find out more about our new
FlexRate Certificate.
L&N FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - (502) 368-5858
Fixed Rate Mortgages ~ 10, 15, 20, & 30 years terms
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Home Equity Loans ~ 100% financing; 3 day turn
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financing; no PMI
Inspections / Mold
BOB OLIVER 502-599-1815 fax: 502-244-8204
AmeriSpec Home Inspection Services 426-2719
Number One in North America! Award winning office
since 1991. ASHI and KREIA certified. Radon testing
available. Computer generated or on-site reports to
meet your specific needs. 200 Page Home Maintenance
Manual with every inspection. Full E&O coverage
and Realtor referral protection for complete peace of
mind. Give us a call today to schedule your next home
inspection and receive a $15.00 discount for mentioning
this ad. Inspecting Louisville One House At A Time!
KY License #2018 - ASHI Certified #207797
Radon testing -NEHA/NRPP certified #103859RT
Onsite computerized reports with digital photos E&O
insured with Realtor® referral protection.
Professional Home Inspections
•Fully Insured
•CO/Gas Testing
•Radon Testing
•Site Grading
•Termite Reports
Onsite Computer Generated Reports with Photos
John W. Thomsen
Office: (502) 432-2312
KY Lic# HI-2068
IN Lic# HI-00500011
Mortgage Companies
offer free pre-approval, no application fee, guaranteed
closing costs, fast closings, personalized service, and
very low rates. We will attend your closings to make
sure your transactions are correct. We are locally owned
in St. Mathews and a member of the better business
bureau. Call Drew Schaefer or Scott U’Sellis at 502896-2616 for a low rate quote.
Rick Tryon
Do You Have a 4th or
5th Grader?
Pest Control/Repairs
Pest Control/Repairs Continued
A- 1 PEST CONTROL, INC. We are proud to be
a GLAR BLUE RIBBON affiliate. We appreciate
your business for last 23 years. DO IT RIGHT
THE FIRST TIME. We offer Termite Inspections,
MOLD Analysis and Remediation, Structural
Damage Assessments, Structural Repairs, Moisture
Control for crawls/basements, Odor control and
Animal Dander Allergen removal Services. Thank
you for making us your ONE STOP problem
solving assistant. Call our friendly staff at 339-1234.
Termite Inspections for Real Estate Closings and all
of your Pest Control needs. Same day service upon
request...Saturday appointments are no problem!
Courteous, Uniformed, State Certified Inspectors.
Termite reports generated electronically on-site. East
452-9600 / West 935-3500 / So. Indiana 282-3600.
For more information on Advertising rates and availability
in The Informed Realtor®newsletter, call Karla Murphy at
502-894-9860 or email Karla@LouisvilleRealtors.com.
Ohio Valley Termite and Pest Control/Repairs
Full Service for your termite problems from the Ohio
Valley Termite And Pest Control. Termite inspections
for Real Estate closings. Treatment procedures where
necessary and NOW ---DAMAGE REPAIRS. Why go
anywhere else? We now repair / replace damage caused
by termites, carpenter ants and wood mold (rot) to
floor joists, sill plates, sub floors and flooring and other
parts. We install vapor barriers and crawl or attic vents.
Call Ohio Valley now, because: “The Bug Stops Here”!
Phone 231-6088. Fax 231-3689.
Martin Crane Virtual Tours
Virtual tour packages starting at $95. Includes 5 tour
scenes and 10 high resolution photos. Photo packages
start at $55. Tour packages uploaded to Realtor.com for
one year. All images provided on CD. Other packages
available. Tour link and photos can be added to the
MLS! Website: www.martincrane.com or call 502-5927868.
If so, they are eligible to enter the
Kentucky Association of Realtors®
Fair Housing Poster Contest!
Twelve lucky artists will win a
spot for their artwork in the 2008
calendar, a $300 savings bond, and
the opportunity to attend an awards
ceremony with the Governor in
the rotunda of the State Capitol
Building in Frankfort. Entering is
easy! Simply have your child draw
a picture incorporating the theme
“Homes for Everyone in 2008” that
meets the following:
1. 8 ½ inches high by 11 inches
wide, landscape format instead of
portrait format.
2. Posters should be in color and
any materials can be used.
3. All entries must display the
Realtor® Logo and Fair Housing
logo below, with the theme Homes
for Everyone in 2008:
4. On the back of the poster
please include child’s name, child’s
age, parent/guardian’s name and a
telephone number, to call if your
child is a finalist.
Open The Door To Your Real Estate Dreams
See Our Licensing Course Listings at WWW.BAARES.COM
or call our office at (502) 995-6850 email: info@baares.com
Commerce Crossings Place
5111 Commerce Crossings Drive
Suite 108
Louisville, KY 40229
Conveniently Located at
Gene Snyder and I65
Deadline for submission to the
Greater Louisville Association of
Realtors® is January 17th. If
you have any questions, please
call Karla Murphy at 502-8949860 ext. 222 or email her at
Submissions can be mailed or
delivered to the Greater Louisville
Association of Realtors® located
at 6300 Dutchmans Parkway,
Louisville, KY 40205.
U.S. Postage
Louisville, KY
Permit No. 677
Greater Louisville Association of Realtors®
6300 Dutchmans Parkway
Louisville, KY 40205
Welcome New Members!
In This Issue:
• GLAR Holiday Party
• 2007 Coffee Hour Topics
• President’s Letters
• Important Supra
• Online Continuing Ed
• MSI & GLAR Board of
Directors Meeting Actions
• Education News
• Holiday Items Now in
Realtor® Store
Mohammed Abraham, Milestone Realty Consultants
Melinda Adkisson, ERA-Kepple-Keene, REALTORS
Andrew Alexander, River Glen Realty
David Allen, The Lally Company REALTORS
Tommy Arnold Jr., Keller Williams Realty- Louisville
Joshua D. Beam, Sanderfer Realty Company
Laura A. Bilotta, ERA-Kepple-Keene, REALTORS
Jay Bowman, 60 Day Realty
Jennifer Bray, Semonin REALTORS
Larry Cottingham, Real Estate 3000
Keith Crume, Homestead Properties LLC
Chad J. Cutsinger, Wendell P. Wright & Assoc. Inc.
Theresa Davis, Semonin REALTORS
Sergio Estrada-Gasca, Real Estate Unlimited
Kristilee Evans, Coldwell Banker/McMahan Co.
Leelan C. Greer, Semonin REALTORS
James A. Hall, Rainey, Jones & Shaw REALTORS
Hunter Heeren, ERA-Kepple-Keene, REALTORS
Jodie Hill, Landmark Realty of Kentuckiana
Tonya M. Jaggers, A+ Jewell REALTORS, LLC
Lori A. Jarrard, Keller Williams Realty- Louisville
Jon Karlen, RE/MAX Properties East
Lena Kearney, Semonin REALTORS
Sara Kirkwood, Semonin REALTORS
David Landis, Keller Williams Realty- Louisville
Marcello A. LaRocca, Semonin REALTORS
Lauren Maxwell, Patriot Real Estate, LLC
Margaret Mays-Brown, Semonin REALTORS
Cheryl Mc Coy, Option One REALTORS
Mitchell D. Nelson, Semonin REALTORS
Catherine K. Newman, ERA-Kepple-Keene, RLTRS
George R. O’Bryan, O’Bryan Real Estate
David L. Orr, Wendell P. Wright & Assoc. Inc.
Joyce Posey, Wm. R. Sellinger & Associates
Susan M. Powers, Semonin REALTORS
Andrew G. Quiggins, J P Pirtle REALTORS
Troy D. Roach, TKA AppraisalService
David Ross , Semonin REALTORS
Laura Kay Rumage, C-21 Commonwealth Real Estate
Don Schmitt, Exit Elite Realty
Lisa Marie Scott, FourSquare Realty
Carol R. Seay, Ross Company Realty LLC
Heather Sellars, Daily Management Group
Terri Skipworth, The Home Source
Jaclyn N. Smith, Advantage Realty Group
Mark Sneed, Hagan Properties
Adam Snyder, Keller Williams Realty- Louisville
Jessica Sparrow, Semonin REALTORS
Timothy M. Spencer, Heartland Realty
Jennifer St.Peter, Hagan Properties
John Stewart, W. Tom Huber, REALTORS
Robyn Thomas, Semonin REALTORS
Andrea H. Thornton, Rainey, Jones & Shaw RLTRS
Paul R. Toler, Ellis & Associates
Diana Wagner, ERA-Kepple-Keene, REALTORS
Kay Webb, Exit Realty Crutcher
Gabrielle Weber, Fox Realty
Timothy A. Wise, Coldwell Banker Action, RLTRS
Adriana D. Young, Freedom Max REALTORS
New Affiliate Members
Melody Beverly, Republic Bank & Trust
Linda Carter, Thoroughbred Mortgage Company
William Cooper, Service USA Home Inspections
Alissa Domine, Eddins Domine Law Group
Jan Gable, Partners Capital Mortgage
Kara Harkins, The Storeroom-Mobile Storage
Anne Scholtz Heim, Eddins Domine Law Group
Earl Horn, H P Property Development