Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua. Today we celebrate the
Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua. Today we celebrate the
Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua. Today we celebrate the: Bienvenidos a San Antonio de Padua. Hoy celebramos el: APRIL 19, 2015 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER PAGE 2 STEWARDSHIP & PARISH INFORMATION St. Anthony of Padua Pastoral Staff (559) 439-0124 Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Rob D. Wenzinger ext. 104 fatherrob@stanthonyfresno.org Parochial Vicar : Rev. Bert Mello Parish Deacons Rev. Mr. Edward C. Valdez Rev. Mr. Ricardo DeLeon Parish Sisters Sister, Flor Azevedo, FHIC Sister, Rosa Maria Branco, FHIC Sister/Hermana, Teresa Norberto, MCSTNJ Support Staff Finance/Facilities Tom Neumeier tneumeier@sasfresno.com Parish Administrator Chris Shiveley cshiveley@stanthonyfresno.org Accts. Receivable Lilli Angela Antonio lantonio@stanthonyfresno.org Bookkeeper Sherry Otero sotero@stanthonyfresno.org Webmaster Lisa Hendey lhendey@stanthonyfresno.org Bulletin Editor email bulletin articles to: bulletin@stanthonyfresno.org ext. 243 One of the wonderful things about vacations is the time we spend two or three weeks afterward savoring the experience, sharing vacation photos and memories with our family and friends. This kind of reflection puts us back in touch with the original experience and reminds us of the relaxation and wonder the vacation afforded us. Today, on the Third Sunday of Easter, the Church blesses us with reminders of what we celebrated two Sundays ago. All three readings are reflections on the meaning of the death and resurrection of Christ. One of the threads running through these reflections is that the purpose of the Lord's suffering, death, and resurrection was to save us, to forgive our sins. We are given fifty days to ponder this reality--fifty days to savor the experience of Christ's dying and rising for us. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. ext 101 ext 172 ext 120 St. Anthony's School News A cheerful giver does not count the cost of what he gives. His heart is set on pleasing and cheering the one to whom the gift is given. -St. Julian FOR THE WEEKEND OF: PARA EL FIN DE SEMANA DE: APRIL 12, 2015 plate income: $24,566.00 Last year’s plate income: $28,224.00 Difference: SAVORING THE EXPERIENCE - $3,658.00 YEAR TO DATE PLATE COLLECTION COLECTAS DEL AÑO HASTA LA FECHA 7/1/2013-12/31/2013 $349,824.77 7/1/2014-12/31/2014 $335,547.20 Difference: - $14,277.57 WE GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR CONTINUED GENEROSITY! GRACIAS POR SU CONTINUA GENEROSIDAD! Openings for teaching positions at St. Anthony's School are now available for qualified candidates. If you are interested in applying for a position, or if you know of someone who would be interested, please contact the principal, Susannah Nelson, at snelson@sasfresno.com. St. Anthony's School has a limited number of spaces available for the kindergarten class for school year 2015-2016. If you are interested in having your child attend a Catholic school, please call the school office at (559)435-0700 Remember to stop by the Conference Room this Weekend for the ‘SPRING BOUTIQUE’ Saturday 4pm-7pm & Sunday 7:30am - 1:30pm PARISH REGISTRATION SHEET Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua. We are so grateful you are with us. If you have not registered or you would like to register to our Parish, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket or take it to the Parish office. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Husband and Wife’s Name, if applicable) Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________________________________________________________ □ Check the box if you like to receive Collection Envelopes. TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA - 19 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 PAGE 3 MASS INTENTIONS, PRAYERS & PETITIONS READINGS AND MASS INTENTIONS (APRIL 19 - APRIL 26, 2015) SUNDAY’S READINGS CAN BE FOUND AT #905B SUNDAY 4/19 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Español) 3:30 pm (Latin) 6:00 pm MONDAY 4/20 6:45 am 8:00 am TUESDAY 4/21 6:45 am 8:00 am 6:45 am 8:00 am THURSDAY 4/23 6:45 am 8:00 am FRIDAY 4/24 6:45 am 8:45am (School Mass) SATURDAY 4/25 5:15 pm 7:00 pm(Spanish) SUNDAY 4/26 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Español) 3:30 pm (Latin) 6:00 pm ACTS 3:13-15, 17-19; PS 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 JN 2:1-5A; LK 24:35-48 † Ambrose Facio by Ramona Facio † Evan & Pepita Cameron by Mr & Mrs Maurice Cameron † Frank & Frances Urtaza by Marc & Lucy Vasquez † Jose Montoya por su familia Pro Populo † Ed Rontell by Zetta & Dave Hadden ACTS 6:8-15; PS 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; JN 6:22-29 Intentions of Amy Veneski by Marti & David Veneski † Thomas Olson by Marketa Limova & Olson Family ACTS 7:51, 8:1A; PS 31:3CD-4, 6, 7B, 8A, 17, 21AB; JN 6:30-35 † Deceased Members of the Ferdinandi & Ochinero Families † Jean Kersten by Ed Kersten ACTS 8:1B-8; PS 66:1-3A, 4-7A; JN 6:35-40 † Betty Mackin by Sally Lauritzen † Pietro & Davidina Mastrocinque by Rosanna Lampman ACTS 8:26-40; PS 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; JN 6:44-51 † Darrell Duzi by Carol Wathen † Epimaco C. Daloyoc by Kristina Faith Socias ACTS 9:1-20; PS 117:1BC, 2; JN 6:52-59 † Rafael Lira by SA Silver Angels Ministry † Michael J. Birmingham, Jr by Mr & Mrs Richard Ginder 1 PT 5:5B-14; PS 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; MK 16:15-20 † Luzviminda Lindain by Sandy Raymond † Pastora Madriz por Adela Sanchez ACTS 4:8-12; PS 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29;1 JN 3:1-2; 10:11-18 † Jan Butterworth by Jim & Mary Lund † Leona Garber by Leonard Garber † Mauricio Romero Belosa by Martha deBueno Intenciónes para Natalie Valerie Ramirez por Leticia Maria Pro Populo † Gregg Redino by Patty Fahrney RECENTLY REQUESTED: Rose Beltramo by Marvin & Marybeth Perez Jan Butterworth by Marvin & Marybeth Perez Dr Bill Owen by The Frye Family Mike Kozeka by MJ & Ron McClain Demmi Rasmussen by Manuel & Virginia Pacheco Marie DeMera by Jon & Karen Underdown James DeMera by Jon & Karen Underdown Alice Giannetta by Jon & Karen Underdown Eliseo Pano by Laura & Bill Michels David Leue by Richard Downs Fr. Tom Timmings by The Frye Family Christ will be your teacher if only you will listen. To be a “disciple” means to sit at the feet of the Teacher. INTENTIONS: Bill Thomas by The Frye Family Mary Mosier by The Frye Family Sacraments Support Staff (559) 439-0124 Infant Baptisms & Funerals Teri Loera ext 102 tloera@stanthonyfresno.org Marriage Coordinator Lynn Medeiros ext 116 lmedeiros@stanthonyfresno.org Music Ministry David Sarkisian ext 222 dsarkisian@sasfresno.com THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated at St. Anthony on Please schedule your child’s baptismal date and your Baptismal Preparation Class in the Parish Office. We welcome the infants who were recently initiated into the family of Christ: May they always feel the love of God working through their lives as they are guided by their parents and godparents. THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY The following couples will marry in the coming weeks: Khamtanh John Phonsurin & Alicia Figueroa Jesse Sanchez & Tessa Patton Christopher Perez & Brittany Munoz Peter DeLuca & Ashley Del Testa If you know of any canonical reason for them not to be married, please contact the parish office. Pray for the Sick: We pray for Bob Kaffes, Richard Zeroski, Teresa Cain, Guadalupe Hernandez and all those who are sick. May they feel the healing power of our prayers. Condolences: We pray for Alica Costales, George Dillard, Rev. Thomas Michael Timmings and all the faithful departed. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. APRIL 19, 2015 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER PAGE 4 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education & Sacraments (559) 439-0124 Children's Religious Education Mary Socorro Briseño ext 119 mbriseno@stanthonyfresno.org Religious Ed. Secretary Aida Bolton ext 115 ibolton@stanthonyfresno.org High School Sacraments Sharon Christison ext 111 schristison@stanthonyfresno.org Youth Group Assistant Jenise Coates ext 110 jcoates@stanthonyfresno.org SCHEDULED DATES: April 19th Sunday Class - 3:30pm-4:45pm April 21st NO CLASS for regular Tuesday GIFT First Communion Rehearsal for English 2nd year only—6:30pm - 8:00pm in Main Church April 25th First Communion Day - 9:30am English mass April 26th NO CLASS - First Communion Recess Complete calendar at www.stanthonyfresno/EDUCATION/GIFT REFLECTION When Jesus tells the two disciples “Peace be with you,” questions and doubts flood their minds. Jesus is always trying to tell us “Peace be with you,” especially in hard times. He knows the hardships that I endure and knows that I will triumph over them but I don’t always believe that. I have a hard time believing in myself, believing that I am capable of great things, and believing that I am a good leader and follower of Christ. When I think these things Jesus is screaming in my heart “PEACE BE WITH YOU,” but because of the loudness of my life I don’t hear Him. Every Sunday Jesus tells us “Peace be with you,” as we receive Holy Communion. When I can’t physically see Him or hear Him say it, I feel it in the core of my soul as I say “Amen,” and consume the Eucharist. Because of the Eucharist and because of the beautiful Mass, I get to feel Jesus telling me “Peace be with you,” every Sunday, no matter what stresses, worries, doubts and hardships that are present in my life. For more information contact: Mary Briseño at 439-0124 ext. 119 or mbriseno@stanthonyfresno.org EDGE Session 6:00pm till 7:15 Rm 22—April 16th REFLECTION DAY FOR PARENT(S) & YOUTH - “INSIDE OUT” APRIL 18TH IN ROOM #24 1:00PM TILL 6:30PM You can download calendar for our next meetings at www.stanthonyfresno.org. For more info Call Jenise Coates at 439-0124. LifeNight: April 12th & April 19th If you are interested in being a part of our Life Teen Ministry please call Sharon Christison at 439-0124x111 or email: schristison@stanthonyfresno.org Thank you for your support. SUMMER 2015 July 24 - 26 Katie, 18- LIFETEEN Steubenville San Diego is a Catholic conference for teens. It’s a retreat weekend and a transformational experience! Evangelistic in nature, authentically Catholic. With over 5,000 teens, Steubenville San Diego offers youth, young adults and leaders the opportunity to encounter Christ and to see the truth and beauty of our Church - to be loved so that they may go out into the world and love one another! If you would like to sponsor a teen it is $275 dollars a person. Thank you for your support. TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA - 19 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 PAGE 5 ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAITH FORMATION RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Sessions are held every Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room. Anyone interested in completing their sacraments of initiation ~ Baptism, Confirmation or Eucharist ~ is welcome to join us. Adult Religious Education-RCIA And Sunday Pre-School (559) 439-0124 Martha Danks-Ferguson ext 114 mdanksferg@stanthonyfresno.org LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE STUDY will continue on Tuesday, April 14 with the Book of Daniel. We welcome new participants to join us for this next series of our Bible study. Our group meets on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Parish Center. Study materials will be available from the facilitator. If you have any questions, please contact Martha at mdanksferg@stanthonyfresno.org. @Pontifex April 14 The Lord never tires of forgiving us. It is we who get tired of asking for pardon. @Pontifex April 10 We can bring the Gospel to others only if it has made a deep impact in our lives. @Pontifex April 9 Lord, give us the gift of tears, the ability to cry for our sins and so receive your forgiveness. Dziękuję! Thank you! for supporting our SAYA group last weekend with our Polish Dogs Sale towards their pilgrimage to World Youth Day in 2016! Please save the Date for our next polish Dog Sale May xx, 2015 Fundraiser Pilgrimage to World Youth Day Krakow, Poland 2016 If you would like to sponsor a youth fully, partially or our group in general please contact Edgar Briseño @ 439-0124 *173 or ebriseno@ stanthonyfresno.org THANK YOU FOR CONSIDERING A DONATION! Your donation is tax deductible. APRIL 19, 2015 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER PAGE 6 PARISH MINISTRIES Parish Ministries (559) 439-0124 Norma Jean Liscano ext 105 Ministries Secretary njliscano@stanthonyfresno.org Sister Rosa ext 112 rosamaria@stanthonyfresno.org Sister Flor ext 122 sisterflor@stanthonyfresno.org Music Ministry David Sarkisian ext 222 dsarkisian@sasfresno.com ST. ANTHONY FOOD DRIVE NEXT WEEKEND APRIL 25th & 26th Let’s fill-up the truck and feed our brothers & sisters in Christ! Needed most is: water, canned tuna, peanut butter, 1-lb bags of beans, rice, and other non-perishable food items. Monetary donations are greatly appreciated; please make checks payable to: St. Anthony of Padua Church “Charity does not lie down inactively: It is a flame that never lies still...” - St. Gaspar, 1813 Stop by the Conference Room this Weekend for the ‘SPRING BOUTIQUE’ Saturday: 4:00pm-7:00pm & Sunday 7:30am - 1:30pm We will have a wonderful variety of items, and various White Elephant items and much more! We thank you in advance for supporting our Ministry! Reminder – St. Anthony’s school is holding an ELECTRONICS RECYCLING FUNDRAISER next Sunday April 26th, 2015 9am to 3pm This is a perfect way to clean out your closets, garages, homes and office of all your old electronics for FREE and Benefit the School. For all TV’s, Computers, Monitors, Laptops, Printers, Cell Phones, Print Cartridges etc received, Electronic Recyclers International will donate money to the school. All items received will be recycled!! Please pass this information on to all your employer, family and friends, as the more we collect the more money the school will receive!!! The next Taize Prayer service is Monday, April 27, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. St. Anthony of Padua Church QUESTIONS CONTACT THE OFFICE OF MINISTRIES AT: 439-0124, 112 OR 105 Membership Sunday: April 26th JACOB’S LADDER are you in need of prayers, please contact the Office of Ministries at: 439-0124, ext. 105. The Catholic Professional & Business Club (CP&BC) of the Fresno Diocese will be conducting a membership drive onSunday, April 26th. Our club is a great opportunity to share our faith, network and deepen our relationship with God as we listen to inspiring speakers that will motivate and encourage us to live an exemplary Catholic life style. The group meets monthly to network and hear engaging speakers from throughout the country. Membership dues are $45.00 a year. If you are interested in joining the organization you’re encouraged to talk to a representative today after Mass. You may also e-mail membership@cpbcfresno.org , online at www.cpbcfresno.orgor contact your Parish Ambassador, Don Cardell at (559)227-4048 Online Giving. If you would like to enroll in Online Giving, please visit www.stanthonyfresno.org and click on the online giving bottom. TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA - 19 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 PAGE 7 PARISH MINISTRIES & OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ST. ANN’S BRIDGE CLUB Join us for a game of cards on Monday, April 13 @ 12noon in the Conference Room for fellowship and refreshments. Interested Bridge players are invited. Call for reservations to: Rose Marie at: 439-2601 or Anna at: 439-1649. LEGION OF MARY This group meets every Tuesday from 5pm-6pm, in the Board Room. Help us to keep bringing Jesus & Mary to our neighborhood. For information please contact the Office of Ministries at: 439-0124, ext. 112 TUESDAY NIGHT FAITH BIBLE STUDY WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE SEMINAR CATHOLIC CHARITIES FUNDRAISER See pg#10 for more information Parishioners: We are pleased to present, for our Mother’s Day Celebration, A Vignette of “Bye, Bye Birdie MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS Performed by: The students from Glacier Point Middle School Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2015, 11:30am @ Pardini’s (Shaw & Van Ness) Entrée: Ham; Price: $13.50 All reservations must be paid in advance at the Church office, or mail to: St. Anthony of Padua, 5570 N. Maroa Ave. Fresno, CA 93704, no later than Wednesday, April 29th. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! CENTERING PRAYER BACKYARD BOCCE BALL TOURNAMENT will be on a Easter break and until Tuesday, April 21 @ 7:30pm in Rm #21 Blessed Holy Week and Happy Resurrection! “Always be ready to give a reason for your hope...” ~ 1 Peter 3:15 INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP This group meets every Tuesday in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel at 6:30pm to pray the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and prayers for the intentions. All are welcome to join us at anytime. CHRISTIANS IN COMMERCE (Men’s ) Christians in Commerce is an ecumenical organization dedicated to bring Jesus Christ to the market place. This group meets every Wednesday @ 6:30am in the Conference Room Coordinator: Francis Samson. Contact: info@cicintl.org or www.christiansincommerce.org or contact Gary Carrasco at: 448-8907 This group meets every Wednesday 10am-11am in the Parish Office Boardroom for recitation of the Holy Rosary, Prayers for Pope Francis. Questions? Call Vera Cruz at: 349-2802. This group meets in the Parish Office Boardroom on Wednesday’s at 6:30pm. For questions, please contact: Lisa Washio at: 285-8630 CHRISTIANS IN COMMERCE (CIC) (Fresno Women’s Chapter) This is a nonprofit ecumenical Christian ministry of lay women working together to bring Christ to the workplace and our homes. We cordially invite you to “come and experience” the Women’s Fresno Chapter. Every Thursday from 6:30am to 7:30am in the Conference Room. CENACLES OF MARY This group meets from 9am-10am every Thursday morning in the Parish Office Boardroom to recite the scriptural Rosary for vocations, and all Priests, for spiritual needs & special intentions for our parish. Newcomers are welcome. WOMEN’S THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY This group will be on a break starting March 26th & will resume on Thursday, April 16th. Have a blessed Holy Week and a Happy Easter! The Italian Catholic Federation is sponsoring our 6th annual Backyard Bocce Tournament and Picnic, Sat., May 23, 2015. Check in time 8:45 a.m. , come early (7:00 a.m.) to practice. San Joaquin Memorial H. S., grassy area by Ryan's gym. Entry fee $80.00 per team of 4. Tri-tip lunch included. r.s.v.p. by 5/18/15 Please call Antoinette: 431-9536 or Maria 439-2510 for more info. HOLY HANDS QUEEN OF THE HOLY FAMILY GUILD All women of the parish are invited to attend our meetings. This group meets every first Thursday of the month - next meeting will be on Thursday, April 9 @ 7:00pm in the Sierra Boardroom the Parish Office. For questions, please call Rose Marie at: 314-5452 or Alice at: 222-7005. DIVORCE & SEPARATED GROUP This group meets every Friday @ 6:30pm in Room #22. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions please contact the Office of Ministries at: 439-0124, ext. 112. ST ANTHONY OF PADUA CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Please join us, let’s praise and worship our God through songs, inspired teachings and powerful life conversion experiences and stories every Friday @ 7:30pm in Room #23. Christy Villas: 271-1246 To knit on crochet small Baby Blankets for Rachael’s Vineyard Retreat for woman who have had abortions. If you would like to be a part of this precious healing ministry by making baby blankets please call Carol at (559) 681-9521 APRIL 19, 2015 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER PAGINA 8 HISPANIC MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Hispanic Ministries Staff (559) 439-0124 Hispanic Ministries Director Director de Ministerios Hispanos Edgar Briseno ext 173 ebriseno@stanthonyfresno.org Hispanic Ministries Assistant Asistente de Ministerios Hispanos Hna. Teresa Norberto, MCSTNJ ext. 113 sisterteresa@stanthonyfresno.org @Pontifex Abril 14 El Señor no se cansa nunca de perdonarnos. Somos nosotros los que nos cansamos de pedir perdón. @Pontifex Abril 10 Si el Evangelio arraiga profundamente en nuestras vidas, seremos capaces de llevarlo a los demás. @Pontifex Abril 9 Señor, concédenos la gracia de las lágrimas, para llorar por nuestros pecados y recibir tu perdón. El SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO Bautismos se celebran en San Antonio de Padua los sábados a las 9:00am o los domingos a las 2:30pm. Los padres deben programar la fecha de bautismo y la clase de preparación bautismal en la oficina parroquial. Recordatorio – La escuela de St. Anthony tendrá a una recaudación de reciclaje de aparatos electrónicos el Domingo, 26 de abril de 2015 9:00am a 3:00pm esto es una maner a per fecta para limpiar sus armarios, garajes, casas y oficina de todos sus aparatos electrónicos viejos GRATIS y beneficia a la escuela. Por todos los aparatos eléctricos recibidos como: TV, computadoras, monitores, computadoras portátiles, impresoras, teléfonos celulares, etc. cartuchos de impresión, Electronic Recyclers International donará dinero a la escuela. Todos los artículos recibidos serán reciclados!! Por favor pase esta información a sus patrones, familia y amigos, entre más recogemos la escuela recibirá más dinero!!! SABOREA LA EXPERIENCIA Una de las cosas maravillosas sobre las vacaciones es que después de nuestro regreso nos pasamos dos o tres semanas saboreando la experiencia, compartiendo las fotos y recuerdos con nuestra familia y amistades. Esta clase de reflexión nos vincula nuevamente a la experiencia original y nos hacer volver a vivir el descanso y las maravillas que la vacación nos proporcionó. Hoy, el Tercer Domingo de Pascua, la Iglesia nos da la bendición de unos recordatorios de lo que celebramos hace dos domingos. Las tres lecturas son reflexiones del significado de la muerte y resurrección de Cristo. Uno de los hilos que unen a estas reflexiones es que el propósito del sufrimiento, la muerte y la resurrección del Señor fue para salvarnos y perdonar nuestros pecados. Tenemos cincuenta días para contemplar esta realidad cincuenta días para saborear la experiencia de la muerte y resurrección de Cristo por nosotros. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA - 19 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 PAGINA 9 MINISTERIOS HISPANOS / HISPANIC MINISTRIES LOS SIGNOS DE REVERENCIA: LAS POSTURAS EN LA IGLESIA FECHAS PROGRAMADAS: 19 de abril Clase del Domingo - 3:30pm-4:45pm 22 de abril Miércoles—Ensayo de Primera Comunión solo para los de 2do año de preparación—6:30pm-8pm en Iglesia Principal 25 de abril Día de Primera Comunión - 12:00pm misa de español 26 de abril NO HAY CLASES - Descanso de Primera Comunión Calendario Completo en www.stanthonyfresno/EDUCATION/GIFT Para mas información comuníquese con: Mary Briseño al 439-0124 ext. 119 o mbriseno@stanthonyfresno.org 19 de ABRIL Confirmación1 y Reunión Padres 3:30-5:00pm 26 de ABRIL Confirmación1 y Reunión Padres 3:30-5:00pm GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Miércoles a las 7:00pm en el Salón #24 de la escuela. Acompáñanos ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA Jueves de 6:30 a 8:00pm Salón #21 Acompáñanos y trae tu Biblia! St. Anthony of Padua Felicidades Confirmados del 2015! Nuestra comunidad parroquial felicita a la clase de confirmación en Español del 2015 que fueron confirmados el sábado, 11 de abril del 2015 por nuestro Reverendísimo Obispo Armando X. Ochoa. (ver pagina #10 para los nombres de los confirmados) Ustedes no me escogieron a mí, sino que yo los he escogido a ustedes y los he designado para que vayan y den mucho fruto, y que su fruto permanezca...Juan 15:16 Y el Espíritu del SEÑOR reposará sobre (éllos): el Espíritu de sabiduría y de entendimiento, el Espíritu de consejo y de poder, el Espíritu de conocimiento y de temor del SEÑOR. Él se deleitará en obedecer al SEÑOR. Isaías 11:2-3 Que Dios los bendiga mientras continúan en su camino de fe. La Ordenación General del Misal Romano da unas normas claras de las posturas corporales que hay que adoptar durante la Eucaristía por todos los que toman parte en la celebración como un signo de comunidad y unidad de la Asamblea" (OGMR nº 42). Las posturas corporales que el Misal Romano indica (OGMR 43) son las que resumimos a continuación: Por que nos paramos en la misa? ESTAR DE PIE: Es una forma de demostrar nuestra confianza filial, y nuestra disponibilidad para la acción. El estar de pie significa la dignidad de ser hijos de Dios. Es la confianza llana del hijo que está ante el padre a quien respeta muchísimo y a quien tiene cariño. Al mismo tiempo, al estar en pie manifestamos la fe en Jesús resucitado que venció a la muerte, y la fe en que nosotros resucitaremos también. Se esta de pie: desde el canto de entrada hasta el final de la oración Colecta. durante la lectura del Evangelio y el canto del Aleluya que le precede. durante la profesión de Fe (Credo) y la oración de los Fieles. desde que empieza la oración de las ofrendas hasta la consagración. después de la consagración hasta después de la comunión. desde la oración después de la comunión hasta que el sacerdote abandona el altar. Todas las oraciones en la misa deben oírse de pie como actitud de respeto y buena disposición. Próxima semana: Por que nos sentamos en la misa? APRIL 19, 2015 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER PAGINA / PAGE 10 OTHER NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS A two hour Women’s Health Care Seminar. Sunday, April 26, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Cost is $10 per person & $15 per couple. Registration is on line at www.dioceseoffresno.org / Family Life Ministry, or with bilingual secretary, Edith Moldanado at edith@dioceseoffresno.org; 559-488-7474 Spring FUNdraiser to benefit Catholic Charities Thursday, April 30th 5:00-10:30 p.m. $50 per ticket* *Ticket Includes: appetizer, salad, entrée and dessert, tax and gratuity $30 of each ticket benefits Catholic Charities Programs. Wine Auction and Raffle Advance Purchase Tickets & Reservations Required For Tickets call Catholic Charities 237-0851 or email Sandy Cetti @ scetti@ccdof.org Reserve your table by calling FIVE Restaurant @ 559-434-5553 “Spring into fun while supporting those in need in our community! WOMEN’S WEEKEND RETREAT Join us from Friday, May 29 – Sunday, May 31, 2015 at St. Anthony Retreat Center, in Three Rivers. For additional information contact Lucy U. Vasquez, 559-355-7403 our CIC website at christiansincommerce.org/ wcic-fresno Congratulations 2015 Confirmands! Our St. Anthony of Padua parish community congratulates the 2015 Confirmation class who were confirmed on Saturday, April 11, 2015 by the Most Reverend Bishop Armando X. Ochoa CATHERINE ACEVES AALIYAH ANAYA ANGELICA ANGUIANO ERIC ARGUETA NOAH ARMAS CIRO ARONI ALEJANDRO AVENDAÑO JUAN BARAJAS JULIA WEILAND KIMBERLY BARGA KAYLA BEASTON VICTOR BUENO JR OSCAR CADENAS ALICIA CANALES TONY CARLOS WESLEY CASTILLO BRIAN CHAVEZ MARISA CHAVEZ TURNER CHRISTENSEN JOHN COSSETTE MATTHEW CUEVAS CHRISTOPHER DAVIS JENNIFER DAVIS JUAN DE LA TORRE VICTOR DEL TORRO TANNER DEMERA EDGARDO DIAZ II ALEXANDER DUARTE JR JESSICA ERLENHEIM ROSA ESPINOZA AUDREY EXUM SCOTT FARROW ALEJANDRO FIGUEROA GRANT FOX PEDRO GARCIA RUBEN JR GARCIA-DIAZ DALTON GARVER BRAYAN GOMEZ IAN GONZALES JACQUELYN GONZALEZ JUAN GONZALEZ MARTIN GUTIERREZ URSULA HERNANDEZ CAROLINE IDSVOOG NOELLE JACCARD ALLISON JOHNSON CLAIRE KASAIAN LAUREN KAZARIAN DIANA KIRK MADISON LAVAL TIFFANY LEE ZACKARY LILES GRANT LILLES AUDRA LINNEY ALEXANDER LOPEZ BRITTNEY LOUGHNEY ADAM LUCERO EMILY LULEJIAN SERGIO MADRIGAL ADRIAN MARITANO KELLY MARTIN LIAM MARTIN MAKENNA MARTINEZ JOSEPH MATHER BRITTANY MEDARD MIGUEL JR MEDRANO EMMANUEL MEDRANO PEREZ LIANA MELENDEZ DANIELLE MERCADO BREEANA MONTOYA LARA MORENO KELLY NASSAR JASMINE NAVARRO TESS O'BRIEN PERLA OCEGUERA ABRAHAM OLIVAS CINDY OROZCO ANGEL SIMON PEREZ MAREZ NOAH QUINTANA ANDREZ RAMIREZ JAIME RAMIREZ CYNTHIA RAMIREZ NAVARRETE MARIHA RAMIREZ NAVARRETE JUDAS RAMOS ADRIEL REYES CERRILLO MAXIMILIANO RODRIGUEZ-MORENO JOSEPH ROMERO FRANCIS ROQUE ALLISON SAFFOLD ALEXIS SALVADOR MARTINEZ ALEXIS SANTIAGO DAISY SANTIAGO BLAKE SCHMIEDERER ALEXA SCIACQUA EMILY SHAFER MARGARET SOLOMON KAYLA SORRICK CARLA SOTO OLIVIA TELIHA KYLIE TOROSSIAN HELAINA TREVINO JULIA WEILAND SETH WILKINSON ERIC ZARATE ANTHONY ZUNIGA III St. Agnes EMMA DELEON CARLOS HERNANDEZ CAROLINA VALENCIA ISABELLA MOLINARY JORGE MESA OMAR MATEHUALA ROXANY TELLEZ May God bless you as you continue on your faith journey. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of courage, the Spirit of the knowledge, [the Spirit of Piety] and fear of the LORD and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. Isaiah 11:1-3 DR. THOMAS PENMAN VAL DORNAY Podiatrist – Foot Specialist ATTORNEY AT LAW (559) 226-5860 Former Dep. D.A. & Vietnam Vet. Knight of Columbus For 35 Years 4820 N. First St., #104 LEGAL SERVICES FOR: FUNERAL DIRECTORS FD-385 Wayne Gomes Mgr., FDR-171 559-432-8814 www.jaychapel.com 1121 Roberts Ave., Madera AUTO ACCIDENTS • PROBATE WILLS • LIVING TRUSTS FREE Consultation • Se Habla Español CATHOLIC BOOKS AND GIFTS OPEN EVERYDAY ONLINE AT MARELLOBOOKSTORE.ORG (559) 299-5300 or (888) 214-1000 211 N. J Street, Madera DISCOUNT OF 50% FOR PROBATE, WILLS & TRUSTS FOR PARISHIONERS (AT ST. JOACHIM’S CHURCH) 559-662-0682 DALENA/BENIK & ASSOCIATES Insurance Service Inc. (559) 486-4070 2140 Merced Street, Suite 106, Fresno, CA PERSONAL INJURY • ACCIDENTES EN GENERAL WORKERS’ COMPENSATION • COMPENSACION PARA TRABAJADORES ACCIDENTADOS BUSINESS LAW • DERECHOS DE NEGOCIOS HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL Edward C.Valdez Vivian M. Saldana Abogado/Attorney Abogada/Attorney www.valdezandvaldez.com (559) 229-7354 24 HR.EMERGENCY Water Heaters • Garbage Disposals Sewer & Water Line Repair or Replacement • Faucets • Toilets Contractor License #901640 Slab Leaks • Gas Lines • Leak Detection and more... Hablamos Español • Hydro-Flushing For All Your Insurance Needs 6740 N. West Ave. #108 Fresno Parishioners 448-9580 You never know who you’re going to run into. Rufino Paguio 277-1903 SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING Complete Landscape Maintenance EMERGENCY 24-HOUR SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEEK LIC. NO. 618155 Call 449-1985 281-5241 FOR EXPERT SERVICE Parishioner Lic # 417057 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP St. Anthony’s Parishioner ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Christina@ChristinaLinneman.com TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Felix Haro Realtor ® 559.307.9522 JK DENTAL CLINIC General Dentistry & Orthodontics Most Insurance & Medi-Cal Welcome HENRY FAJARDO, D.M.D. Open Mon-Sat: 9am-6pm • Se Habla Español 2100 E. Clinton (between Fresno/Blackstone) 224-5988 • 224-5989 Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Scan the QR Code to visit my web page ✂ and Present It The Next Time You Fax: 559.436.0938 felix@guarantee.com www.felixharo.net BRE#01946762 METALS CARDBOARD CRV 2345 W. Belmont Ave., Fresno 559-48METAL Patronize One of Our Advertisers LET OUR FAMILY CARE FOR YOUR FAMILY! COMPREHENSIVE FAMILY DENTISTRY 125 E. Barstow Avenue, Suite #141 559-222-5331 • www.thefresnodentists.com Pa r i s h i o n e r s Blake Scott, D.D.S. Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry Veterans of Foreign Wars Life Member John W. Feaster, D.D.S. Fresno Comprehensive Dentist for 30 years Lindsey Scott, D.D.S. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Faces! CENTER FOR FACIAL AESTHETICS AND REJUVENATION PETER T. TRUONG, M.D. Surgeon & Parishioner 434-9497 • Ft. Washington & Friant Rd. www.facialsurgerydr.com Medically Supervised Weight Loss 6137 N. Thesta St., Ste. 101A 2150 E. McKinley Ave. Fresno CA 93703 (559) 268-7646 www.sjglass.com The Salcedo Family (559) 447-9056 Grocery and Natural Foods, Quality at affordable prices Deli, Homemade Salads and Dishes Kid’s Day Activities, First Saturday of every month from 2-4 PM NE Corner of Herndon & West (559) 432-3306 062360 St Anthony of Padua Church (B) www.jspaluch.com www.themarketfresno.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Whitehurst G UILLERMO DONAN D.D.S. SILVIA DONAN D.D.S. Sullivan, Burns & Blair Funeral Home FD 1146 Catholic Funeral Directors Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Call 222-9923 1525 E. Saginaw Way – Fresno, CA – 558.227.4048 whitehurstsullivan.com Donald Cardell FD1185 Mgr. for an Appointment 125 E. Barstow Avenue, Ste 101 www.smilesbydrdonan.com Most Dental Insurance Accepted Gentle & Professional Staff Hablamos Español “2 Generations Serving Fresno for Over 35 Years” Flooring and Complete Remodeling “You Dream It, WE’LL DO IT” 559-436-0677 Fig Tree Plaza SE Corner of Bullard and West www.JaimesHomeDesigns.com Christine Shirinian - Parishioner Jaime Martinez - Parishioner Lic. #842258 1932 E. Home (559) Mention Bulletin for Janine Esquivel Abogada/Attorney La Abogada Habla Español DeMera Certified Public DeMera Accountants Cameron LLP Suite 101, 5080 North Fruit Fresno, CA 93711 559.226.9200 www.ddccpa.com Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PHONE: (559) 435-6099 FAX: (559) 435-6098 LIKE U S ON FACEBOOK 7255 N. ABBY ST. FRESNO, CA 93650 Hours M-F 8:30-7, Sat. 9-5 2026 W. Bullard at West 438-0111 559-488-7449 www.DioceseofFresno.org/cemeteries Ph: (559) 439-2991 2377 W. Shaw # 208, Fresno, CA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com NICHOLAS ORME, MD, INC. General Practice Bi-Lingual - Spanish Parishioner Chaz’s Riverpark Auto Repair BULLARD PHARMACY 264 N. Blythe Ave., Fresno Parishioner/Accepting New Patients Accepts VISA and MC Speaks Tagalog and Spanish 10% OFF PARISHIONER Mausoleums, Traditional Ground Burial Niches for Cremation Competitive Prices Affordable Pre-Need Financing Available Se Habla Español FAMILY LAW IMMIGRATION 268-6286 Catherine Irasusta, D.D.S. Gentle Family Dentistry & Orthodontics St. Peter’s, Holy Cross, Calvary BANKRUPTCY Heating • Sheet Metal • Refrigeration 125 E. Barstow, Suite 129 (Blackstone and Barstow, behind Auto Zone) 221-7303 221-0578 Knights of Columbus, Past 3rd & 4th Degrees Grand Knight Hanford, CA Maurice Cameron & Bill Warmerdam JC MELTON AIR CONDITIONING Diocese of Fresno Catholic Cemeteries 6183 N. Fresno St. #101 432-5003 Lunch & Dinner - 7 Days a Week 5279 N. Blackstone Ave. (559) 435-6570 Joe Nino OWNER CHAZSRIVERPARK@GMAIL.COM Compliments of CRIBARI VINEYARDS Serving the Clergy for Four Generations Fresno Don Scordino Michael W. Berdinella 490-1590 Accident Injury and Criminal Law Attorney At Law Real Estate Broker Certified Residential Specialist DRE #00554312 436-8000 donscordino@yahoo.com www.DonScordino.com St. Anthony’s School Graduate and Parishioner 726 W. Barstow, Fresno, CA (Palm and Barstow) St. Anthony’s Parishioner Since 1979 Se Habla Español ADOLPH’S A-1 TREE SERVICE TREES AND STUMPS REMOVED Trimming • Topping • Transplanting Pruning • Shrubs Trimmed & Removed Chipping • Stump Grinding General Clean-up • Hauling Lic. & Insured Lic. # 737958 Senior Citizen Discount 224-1005 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES 7 DAYS A WEEK EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE 222-0815 Catholic Owned and Operated DAI SPECILAYL S ner Parishio $5 OFF Bob’s Special OPEN DAILY • Mon-Sat 8am-6pm • Sunday 9am-4pm 7213 N. Ingram Ave. • Fresno, CA 93650 • (559) 261-1125 The Camargo Group Judgment Recovery Specialists OUR GROUP OF SPECIALISTS WILL COLLECT YOUR JUDGMENT (559) 898-2886 TheCamargoGroup@gmail.com www.TheCamargoGroup.com A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com 062360 St Anthony of Padua Church (A) Free Estimates GENERAL DENTISTRY and ORTHODONTICS ARE YOU IN CAREER TRANSITION? ACCELERATE YOUR JOB SEARCH WITH PROFESSIONAL EDGE TRAINING For Professionals • Over 80% hired after training Weekly program provides: Resources, Skills, Tools NO COST to eligible job seekers Space is available in Fresno For more details contact us at: gweissman@employers.org or call 916.921.1312 Nazareth House of Fresno Lic. #5506678740 A Catholic Assisted Living Community for Seniors Since 1952 Call 559-237-2257 Ext. 222 or Email rosemary@nazarethfresno.org 2121 N. First St. www.jspaluch.com BENITO B. JULIAN D.D.S. 225-0395 Walk-Ins Welcome • Payment Plans MEDI-CAL & MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED 2818 N. BLACKSTONE AVE., FRESNO (BETWEEN SHIELDS & PRINCETON) $40 Two X-Rays & Initial Exam Not valid with insurance SE HABLA ESPAÑOL / SPEAKS TAGALOG EL AGUA ES ASUNTO DE TODOS (559) 513-8564 • www.AguaAsuntoDeTodos.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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