the spirit of the lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to
the spirit of the lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to
“THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE HAS ANOINTED ME TO BRING GLAD TIDINGS TO THE POOR.” Luke 4:18a St. Anthony of Padua 5770 N. Maroa, Fresno Ca 93704-2038 (559) 439-0124 Fax: (559) 439-3050 Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm (open during lunch) Mass Schedule Saturday: 8:00am., 5:15pm (Vigil Mass), 7:00pm (Spanish) Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish), 3:30pm (Latin), 6:00pm Daily Mass Schedule (September - May) Monday - Thursday: 6:45am, 8:00am Friday: 6:45am, 8:45am First Friday: 5:30pm (Chapel) Misa en español del Primer Viernes: 7:00pm (Capilla de Guadalupe) Perpetual Adoration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week located in the Parish Office Sacrament of Reconciliation (confesiones) Saturday: 11:00am - 12:00pm AND 2:30pm - 4:30pm St Agnes Mission Church 111 W. Birch St., Pinedale, Ca 93650 (559) 439-2100 Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 4:00pm (Closed for lunch 12:30 - 1:30pm) (Closed Wednesdays) Mass Schedule Sunday: 9:00am, 10:30am (Spanish) No Daily Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Confessions will be held at St. Anthony's Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday: 7:00 - 8:00pm St. Anthony’s School 5680 N. Maroa, Fresno, Ca 93704 (559) 435-0700 Fax: (559) 435-6749 Principal: Mrs. Kim Cochran St. Anthony’s Staff page 2 January 27, 2013 Clergy Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar, St. Agnes Mission In Residence Parish Deacon Parish Deacon Mission Statement Rev. Msgr. Rob Wenzinger Rev. Fr. Loren Blessing Rev. Ricardo D. Magdaleno Rev. Msgr. Myron J. Cotta, V.G. Rev. Mr. Edward C. Valdez Rev. Mr. Ricardo DeLeon The Catholic Christian Community of St. Anthony of Padua welcomes all to our celebrations of God’s love. Through prayer, education, sacraments, caring and stewardship, we strive to serve the needs of God’s people and Religious Parish Sister Parish Sister Parish Sister to gain a richer understanding of the gospel Sr. Flor Azevedo, FHIC Sr. Rosa Maria Branco, FHIC Hna. Teresa de Jesús, MCSTNJ Religious Ed. Secretary Sunday Pre-School Youth Group Ministries Youth Group Assistant Contact Person Rev. Msgr. Rob Wenzinger Mary Mosier Chris Shiveley Teri Lóera Lilli Angela Antonio Sherry Otero Martha Danks-Ferguson Jan Spraggins Mary Socorro Briseño Tom Neumeier Teri Lóera Sharon Christison Edgar Briseño Hermana Teresa de Jesús Lynn Medeiros David Sarkisian Norma Jean Liscano Sister Flor Sister Rosa Maria Aida Bolton Martha Danks-Ferguson Sharon Christison Sarah Moreno School Principal Mrs. Kim Cochran Pastor Administrator, Parish Administrative Asst. Administrative Asst. Accts. Receivable Bookkeeper Adult Religious Ed. Bulletin Editor Children's Religious Ed. Finance/Facilities Infant Baptisms High School Sacraments Hispanic Ministries Hispanic Ministries Asst. Marriage Coordinator Music Ministries Parish Ministries message of love. Phone ext. ext. 104 ext. 103 ext 101 ext 102 ext 172 ext 120 ext 114 ext 115 ext 119 ext. 243 ext 102 ext 111 ext 173 ext. 113 ext 116 ext 222 ext 105 ext 122 ext 112 ext 121 ext 114 ext 111 ext 110 E-mail address St. Anthony’s School ~ 435-0700 ext 233 St. Agnes Mission Church ~ 439-2100 Parish Administrator Director of Religious Ed. Hispanic Ministries Annette Amparano Phyllis Carmona Miguel Mireles 394-5058 299-5549 259-4205 Welcome to St. Anthony’s We at St. Anthony of Padua Church extend our heart in a warm welcome to you. Whether a long term resident or newly arrived in the Parish, we are so grateful you are with us. If you have not registered, or would like to update registration information, please fill out this form; you may place it in the collection basket or mail/drop off at the Parish Office. Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________ Request Registration Information State___________________ Change of Address Zip________________ New Phone Number Phone_________________________ Monthly Envelopes page 3 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA contribution statements will be mailed by the end of January. If you do not receive your statement by the first part of February, please contact the Parish Office at 439-0124 ext. 172. VATICAN II - THE CHURCH IN SERVICE TO THE WORLD 50th Anniversary and the Year of Faith Vatican II called every Catholic to take an active role in caring for those in need, in building unity among all peoples, and in shaping a more humane world. In this workshop we will review Vatican II and present the Catholic Social Teaching that flows from it. For your ministry as parish leaders and educators, we will share resources to engage families, youth, and children in living the Church’s mission to the world locally and globally through prayer, learning, and action! Offered in English and Spanish This workshop will explore: Vatican II and the Church’s Social Mission Catholic Social Teaching Our local and global call to mission Resources for Parish Leaders and Educators • • • • Saturday, February 2nd * 9:00am - 12:00pm St. John’s Cathedral, 2814 Mariposa St., FRESNO and Sunday, February 3rd * 2:00pm - 5:00pm St. Philip the Apostle, 7100 Stockdale Highway, BAKERSFIELD For more information and to register, please contact: Jim Grant, KNXT-TV (559) 488-7440 Presenters: Joe Hastings, M.Div, works with Catholic Relief Services promoting global solidarity in West Coast dioceses from his office in Seattle, WA. Before coming to CRS he worked with the homeless, in parish social ministry, and in adult religious education. His workshops share a mix of his experience in lay ministry in the US and the work of CRS and Catholic Churches in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia. Maria G. Arroyo, MTS, works with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) raising awareness and educating on Catholic Social Teaching, global solidarity and the work of CRS. Maria’s 19 years of ministry have included parish pastoral ministry, Catholic school educator, youth/university minister, community organizer and adult education. Maria has led delegations and spent time in Latin America, West Africa and India. POLICY FOR BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Deadline: 11 days prior to the Sunday you’d like your article to be considered for publication. Format: Typewritten, e-mail is preferable Send articles to Jan by e-mail @ Note: The editor’s deadline is set by the publisher and is non-negotiable. Due to this reason, late articles will not be accepted. Articles must be approved prior to appearing in the bulletin. We reserve the right to edit articles. VISIT OUR WEBSITE ( E-mail Lisa Hendey at: Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook and “check in” (on your mobile device) before Mass to let others know about our wonderful Parish. Bulletin Announcements Sacraments Page 4 Readings and Mass Intentions ~ (January 27 - February 2, 2013) Sunday 1/27 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm (Latin) 6:oo pm Monday 1/28 6:45 am 8:00 am Tuesday 1/29 6:45 am 8:00 am Wednesday 1/30 6:45 am 8:00 am Thursday 1/31 6:45 am 8:00 am Friday 2/1 6:45 am 8:45 am 5:30pm 7:00pm Saturday 2/2 Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8-10, 15; 1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 † Angelo Marone by Mr. & Mrs. DiNuzzo Pro Populo † Ventura Rodriguez-Cazarez by Greg & Carmen Rodriguez † Maria Cervantes por La Familia Sanchez † Rex Davenport by Jim & Jean Wilkins Intentions of Vincent Sherrill by Jenny Sherrill Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 98:1-6; Mk 3:22-30 † Jennifer Prongos by The Belton Family Intentions of Ben Singer by Jenny Sherrill Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 † Jesse Esparz by Rebecca Mestas † Ed Williams by Patricia Bailey Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 † Carrie Dunn Penchuk by her mother, Ann Rader † Maria Villaflor by Cerlin Alingasa Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 † Nanette Scott by Jenny Sherrill † Noel Michael Bernal by his mom, Melanie Arroyo Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34 † Carl Orlando by Mike & Sara Orlando † Gary Gentile by The Reynolds Family Intentions of Marcela & Sophie Martinez by Kim Nguyen †Roy Silva by J. Silva 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm (Latin) 6:oo pm Recently Requested Masses And Intentions Manuela C. Gutierrez by Maria L. Gutierrez Jose J. Gutierrez by Maria L. Gutierrez Stan Uyrostek by John Figura Intentions Sister Rosa Maria Branco by Vince & Norma Jean Liscano Evelyn Manfedo by Anna & Don Saldino Evelyn Manfredo by Lloydell & John Muro Evelyn Manfedo by Ashley & Jeff Wills BROKEN BRIDGES When we cannot forgive, we break the bridge over which we must pass if we would ever reach heaven; for everyone has need to be forgiven. ~ George Herbert Pray for the Sick: We pray for Margaret Ramirez, Paulina Quitoriano, Steve Segal and all those who are sick. May they feel the healing power of our prayers. Condolences: We pray for Julia Bravo and all the faithful departed. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] 8:00 am † Nora Shirey by Cerlin Alingasa 5:15 pm † Rosemary Lawrence by Patricia Johnson 7:00 pm (Spanish) † Artemio Valles por Yvonne & Luis Romero Valles Sunday 2/3 January 27, 2013 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Cor 12:31 - 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30 † Lourdes Orlovida by Nanette Galon Intentions of Tom & Mary Masarenaz † Joaquin Maciel by his wife & family † Pro Populo †Judy Dolenshak by her family † Fr. Rick Matty by MaryKay Buckley For the weekend of January 20, 2013 This week’s plate income: $21,027.00 Last year’s plate income: $21,246.62 Difference: - $ 219.62 Year to Date Plate Collection: 7/1/2011 - 12/31/2011: $ 619,087.19 7/1/2012 - 12/31/2012: $ 670,912.64 Difference + $ 51,825.45 Thank you for your generosity! MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN “Marriage is not merely a private institution. It is the foundation for the family, where children learn the values and virtues that will make good Christians as well as good citizens. The importance of marriage for children and for the upbringing of the next generation highlights the importance of marriage for all society.” (Excerpted from the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter entitled Marriage: Love and Life In The Divine Plan. To read the document go to Lord God, grant that every family on earth may become for each successive generation a true shrine of life and love. Grant that Your grace may guide the thoughts and actions of husbands and wives for the good of their families and of all the families in the world. Grant that the young may find in the family solid support for their human dignity and for their growth in truth and love. Grant that love, strengthened by the grace of the sacrament of marriage, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass. Through the intercession of the Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that the Church may fruitfully carry out her worldwide mission in the family and through the family. We ask this of You, Who is life, truth, and love with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Religious Education Page 5 2nd YEAR OF SACRAMENT PREPARATION Next session for families in their 2nd year of Sacrament Preparation is scheduled for Thursday, January 31st A New Year has begun. A new Bible Study begins too: Our Little Rock Scripture Study series continues with the Gospel of John. Join us on Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Board Room of the Parish Center. New members are always welcome. Materials are available from the facilitator. Keep that great New Year’s resolution to get more involved with your faith and make some new friends at the same time. We look forward to you joining us. RADIANT JOY All teens in High School are welcome to attend our 6:00pm Mass. Come sit up front in the Main Section of the Church. Our Life Nights immediately follow until 9:00pm. February 3rd: NO Life Night February 10th: Life Night February 15th - 17th: Retreat at Three Rivers Do you know an adult interested in learning about our faith? Our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) sessions are held every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Parish Center. New inquirers are always welcome. Please join us. (Accompanying friends are always welcome too). Contact Martha if you have any questions. 439-0124, ext. 114. February 24th: Life Night G.I.F.T. Growing in Faith Together GRADES: K - 6TH Classes are held: Sundays: 3:30 - 4:45pm or Tuesdays: 6:30 - 7:45pm For more information, please contact: Mary Briseño at 439-0124 ext. 119 All 6th, 7th, & 8th graders ALWAYS WELCOME! Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:45pm in the Social Hall January 29 ~ Serving the Poor What can the poor teach us about loving God? February 5 ~ Movie Night! Come see what’s playing (This night will be a little longer that usual) 2nd Year Sacrament class Thursday class: 1/31 LOVE IN OUR WORKS Our Lord does not care so much for the importance of our works as for the love with which they are done. Sarah Moreno at 439-0124 ext. 110 or ~ Teresa of Avila G racious God, You have called me to life and gifted me in many ways. Through Baptism You have sent me to continue the mission of Jesus by sharing my love with others. Strengthen me to respond to Your call each day. Help me to become all You desire of me. Inspire me to make a difference in others' lives. Lead me to choose the way of life You have planned for me. Open the hearts of all to listen to Your call. Fill all with Your Holy Spirit that we may have listening hearts and the courage to respond to You. Enkindle in my heart and the hearts of others the desire to make the world a better place by serving as Lay Minister, Sister, Priest, Brother or Deacon. Amen. ( Page 6 Parish Ministries WORLD DAY OF THE SICK @ ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2013 @ 10:00AM Pope Benedict XVI...“In the Anointing of the Sick, the sacramental matter of the oil is offered to us, so to speak, “as God’s medicine…which now assures us of his goodness, offering us strength and consolation, yet at the same time points beyond the moment of the illness towards the definitive healing, the resurrection.” (cf. Jas 5:14)” (ibid.). SILVER ANGELS SENIOR MINISTRY Seniors: The Silver Angels Senior Ministry invites you to a celebration of St. Valentine’s Day! Bring your Valentine and come out dancing to the music of: “Dave, Mike & Ed”. Date: Tuesday, February 5th, 11:30am at Pardini’s, (Shaw & Van Ness) Entrée: Braised Beef; Price: $12.00. We look forward to seeing you! For questions? Please call Antoinette @ 431-9536. January 27, 2013 TAIZÉ PRAYER SERVICE Monday, January 28, from 7:30pm to 8:30pm in the Main @ St Anthony of Padua Church “Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?” ~ St. Gerard Majella EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Of HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND! Our next meeting will be on Monday, February 4th @ 10am in the Conference Room or 7pm in the Parish Office Boardroom. Also, if you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister to the Homebound or a Visitor, you are welcome to attend one of these meetings or contact Sr. Rosa for training at:439-0124, ext. 112. Thank you! St. Anthony Food Drive This Weekend! Please drop-off your non-perishable food items in the big white truck located in the Church parking lot. Catholic Charities does except monetary donations. By your donations Catholic Charities is be able to buy groceries from the Food Bank at a very low cost. Please make checks payable to: Catholic Charities 149 N. Fulton Street Fresno, CA 93701 Volunteers are always needed, if you’d like to help please contact: Catholic Charities at: 237-0851. Thank you in advance for your generosity! “When you are called from your prayers or the Eucharistic celebration to serve the poor, you lose nothing, since to serve the poor is to go to God. You must see God in the faces of the poor.” - St Vincent de Paul First Friday Mass February 1, 2013 Everyone is welcome to join the St. Padre Pio Devotees as they gather for Mass 5:30pm on First Friday, in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction, immediately following a conclusion of prayers for the intercession of St. Padre Pio. “If we only knew how God regards this Sacrifice, we would risk our lives to be present at a single Mass.” ~ St. Pio of Pietrelcino MINISTRY CORE GROUP MEETING! The next Ministry Core Group meeting will be Monday, February 11, @ 7:00pm in the Board Room. It is important that you attend this meeting if you cannot, please send a representative in your place. If you have any questions, call the Office of Ministries at: 439-0124, ext. 112 or 105. Thank you. FATIMA’S FAITHFUL MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st “Fatima, more important than ever.” ~ Blessed John Paul II Come join us on Thursday, January 31, 2013 @ 6:30pm in the Parish Office Boardroom. Bring your “Fatima for Today” book; we’ll be discussing Chapters 14 & 15. Newcomers are welcome at anytime. For further information please contact Sr. Rosa Maria in the Office of Ministries at: 439-0124, 112. QUEEN OF THE HOLY FAMILY GUILD All women of the parish are invited to the: Queen of the Holy Family Guild Meeting on Thursday, February 7th @ 6:30pm in the Conference Room. Please call Pat at: 431-5246 or Irene at: 431-0167 for more information. FAITH STUDY w/Rev. Mr. Ed Valdez Facilitator: Rev. Mr. Ed Valdez When: Every Tuesday Night Time: 7pm-8:30pm / Where: Room #21 Come join us, this class begins with prayer, song, meditation and the Rosary; teachings on the Sunday Readings, Church History and much more. Occasionally there are guest speakers. All, are welcome at any time. Bring your bibles and a friend. Questions? Call:439-0124, ext. 105. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time REFLECTING For the Ride Home January 27, 2013 SCRIPTURE • …for rejoicing in the LORD must be your strength! (Nehemiah 8:10) • The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart (Psalm 19:9) • …the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary, (1 Corinthians 12:22) • …to bring glad tidings to the poor… to proclaim liberty to captives … to let the oppressed go free, (Luke 4:18) REFLECTION • How do the weak help the strong in the Body of Christ? • How is the parish the Body of Christ? • How are you part of the Body of Christ? • When do you remember “rejoicing in the Lord?” • What is an experience that you have had that “lets the oppressed go free?” Because Jesus freely chose to bring good news to the poor and showed a special love for them, Francis wanted to imitate Christ and work with social outcasts and the poor, something he had never imagined himself doing. He had always possessed a generous spirit but struggled to identify with those in need. In fact, he admits in his final testament that the turning point in his conversion was his willingness to serve lepers. The change came when he left behind the security of his social structure and comfortable lifestyle to care for the lepers and the poor, to spend time with them and to eat with them. Living with the poor awakened to him the poverty and suffering of Christ. Francis response to living the gospel challenges the typical social categories that define our lives and keep us isolated from each other. By living among the poor lepers and the sick, and by welcoming everyone whether friend or enemy, he prods us towards a wider understanding of community, one in which no one is excluded. He reminds us that God can be found in the poor, sick, lonely, unemployed, and powerless because God is known in vulnerability. This image of the vulnerable, poor God is the heart of Francis’s spirituality. This is what encouraged him to seek out the weakest members of society.1 1Simsic, Wayne, Living the Wisdom of St. Francis, Paulist Press; Mahwah, NJ, 2001, p. 3,4.For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh © ParishVision LLC 2010 page 7 ON GOD’S WORD The book of Isaiah has been called the fifth Gospel, so often so the Gospel writers use it for proclaiming Jesus as Christ, the long-awaited Messiah and Son of God. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus begins to move through his home territory of Galilee “in the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:14), the same Spirit that descended on him after his baptism. He then goes to his hometown of Nazareth and to the synagogue on the Sabbath. A hush must have filled the room as he walked to the place of reading and searched the scroll to find this passage. They had been hearing about his time in Galilee and how all had praised his teaching. What would he say to them? He chose Isaiah’s words (61:1–2a) about one anointed by the Spirit who would preach good news to the poor, bring liberty to captives, and, at the heart of these lines, exercise a ministry of compassion, a reference to another citation from Isaiah (see 42:6b). This three-part mission continues to be the work of the Church: preaching the Gospel, working for social justice, and reaching out to all peoples in compassion. At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus announced that this work was being fulfilled in the hearing of his listeners by what he was doing. The Spirit works to do the same today through us. ~ James A. Wallace, Living God’s Word When Ezra read from the book of the law of God, explaining it so the people could understand, they wept, but he said to them: “Today is holy to our Lord. Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength!” (Nehemiah 8:10). Ask God to let the divine word bring joy to your heart. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights YEAR OF FAITH: JANUARY 2013 Manifesting Christ: Blessed Are the Peacemakers Meditation The joy of love, the answer to the drama of suffering and pain, the power to forgive offenses, life’s victory over death’s emptiness: all this finds fulfillment in the mystery of Christ’s incarnation, in Jesus becoming human and sharing our human weakness in order to transform it by the power of his resurrection (see Benedict XVI, Door of Faith, 13). This Year of Faith has opened wide the “door of faith.” The liturgical “door” that opens every calendar year is the solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Her Son is the Prince of Peace, thus her feast fittingly coincides with the World Day of Prayer for Peace, whose theme this year is “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Peace, writes the pope, grows from deep within each human soul as God’s gift. It flowers whenever we work to build peace in the world, as individuals and as members of the human family. As January unfolds, the Sunday Gospels proclaim Jesus’ “manifestations” as Savior of the world: on Epiphany, to the Gentile nations, in the persons of the magi; on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, to the people of Israel listening to John the Baptist at the Jordan; at Cana’s wedding feast, to the smaller circle of disciples, as Jesus changes water into wine; finally, in his hometown synagogue, as Jesus inaugurates his public ministry by proclaiming his mission of bringing glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, sight to the blind, freedom to the oppressed. Mission To continue manifesting Jesus’ presence in the world by making his mission our own, especially as peacemakers in Jesus’ name at home and in our communities. — Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. News You Can Use Page 8 January 27, 2013 St. Agnes Mission Church The St. Agnes Mission Church contribution statements will be available by the end of January. The statements will only be sent to those who used their pre-printed envelopes or for those who wrote a check. Please call the St. Agnes Mission Church office at 439-2100 to request your statement; statements will not be sent without a request from you! (This only pertains to St. Agnes Mission Church) Super Bowl Sunday Tri-tip Dinner February 3, 2013 Look for us outside the Conference Room after all morning Masses $10 includes tri-tip, chili beans, peppers & onions & rolls or Reserve your whole tri-tip by calling Doug @ 908-6762 (you MUST pre-order the whole tri-tip) Root for your favorite team and leave the cooking to us! Sponsored by St. Anthony of Padua’s Knights of Columbus Diocese of Fresno’s March 23, 2013 All 6th - 8th graders are welcome! ST. PAUL NEWMAN CTR. 1572 E. Barstow Ave., Fresno, CA Cost: $20 / participant 9:00am: Check in / doors open 9:30am - 4:00pm: Mass of the day and lunch is included! Religious articles are available for sale For more information, contact: Sarah Moreno at 439-0124 ext. 110. Keynote Speaker JUDY MCDONALD Catholic Comedian DIRECTIVES RECIVED FROM THE DIOCESE OF FRESNO FOR THE FLU SEASON FOR MINISTERS, ALTAR SERVERS AND PARISHIONERS IN LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS: 1. 2. 3. Do NOT come to Mass when you have flu-like symptoms Do NOT bring sick children to Mass or to school Symptoms of flu in humans includes: Cough, fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, chills, headache and body aches, fatigue, (and sometimes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea). 4. Do NOT shake hands (e.g., greetings and sign of peace) if you have a scratchy throat, the “sniffles,” coughing, or sneezing. 5. The distribution of the Precious Blood has been suspended until further notice. We DISCOURAGE distribution of the Host on the tongue until this flu epidemic has passed. Doing so can contaminate the entire ciborium if a finger touches an infected person on the tongue or mouth, and then returns to the ciborium. 6. Wash your hands well with hot water and soap (20 seconds) before and after Mass. When you can’t wash your hands, use a hand sanitizer like sanitizing hand wipes, “Purell” or like products that have alcohol based anti-bacterial solution, especially before distributing communion. 7. If possible, get the flu shot, get plenty of rest, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water. 8. Wash your hands before and after touching your eyes, face or mouth. 9. Eucharistic Ministers MUST wash hands with an alcohol (62%) based anti bacterial solution immediately before and after distributing the Eucharist. 10. Strongly encourage children and pregnant women to receive flu vaccinations. Remind God’s People that they are excused from attending Mass if they are ill with the flu or have reason to believe that they have flu-like symptoms. Those who must care for a sick family member at home, or who reasonably fear they will spread a flu virus if they leave home are also excused from Mass. Weekend Masses, school attendance, and other gatherings and celebrations will only be suspended in the case of a local epidemic, or threat of one. Around our Diocese will celebrate a very special Mass. ANNUAL DIOCESAN ANNIVERSARY MASS Sunday, February 10 3:00pm @ St. Mary’s Catholic Church (Visalia) This is a reminder to couples who are eligible to receive a wedding anniversary certificate who celebrate their 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and more years of marriage in the years 2012 and 2013 to register at the Parish Office by January 20, 2013. ST. HELEN’S ALTAR GUILD is having an afternoon of Bingo This promises to be a fun, relaxing event. Please feel free to bring lots of friends! YOU MAY EVEN WIN ONE OF MANY PRIZES When: Saturday, February 16 Where: St. Helen’s Parish Hall Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm (Doors open at 12:15pm) Cost: $5.00 (extra cards are $1.00 each) For more information, contact Marge at 266-6225. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! J esus came into the world to bring the good news. Allow Him to open your eyes and renew your marriage? Sign up today to attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend; Listen to God’s voice and let Him strengthen, renew, rekindle and bless your marriage sacrament. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in the Fresno Area at St Nicholas Retreat Center, Dunlap, is March 15 - 17, 2013. We also have a weekend May 3 - 5, 2013 in San Juan Bautista. For more information contact Rich & Mary Jo Castello at 831-704-6322 or To register online Come and join the Knights of Columbus every first Saturday of the month directly after the 8:00am Mass, reflecting on the Rosary for Life. This Rosary is the Scriptural Rosary selecting one of the mysteries each month. Each mystery draws on exact bible passages corresponding to each mystery. Come pray and offer this rosary in union with our blessed mother to battle abortion. Page 9 Fr. Mike Lastiri, pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hanford will be leading a tour of Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Russia, Finland and Sweden abroad the cruise ship NCL NORWEGIAN STAR from September 8 - 20, 2013. The total inclusive package with airfare, taxes, cruise ship, and gov’t taxes start at $3689 per person for 13 days. Call Fr. Mike at Immaculate Heart Church at 584-8576. Host Family Needed for a 16-year-old, 11th grade Chinese boy at San Joaquin Memorial H.S. He enjoys basketball, computers, running, music, and table tennis. He speaks English, pays full tuition, is covered by insurance, and has his own spending money. The host family provides a warm environment and receives a generous monthly stipend. Please open your home and hearts to this deserving boy. For more information, please call Christa Shannon, toll-free, at 866-238-9285. POINT IN TIME SURVEY OF HOMELESS On September 19, 2012 Fresno County Councilmember Henry Perea and several people from various county departments and from the Fresno Housing Authority met with the Summit Conference on Homelessness for Fresno’s religious leaders to discuss how members of the faith community can help the city and county solve the problem of homelessness. One need was for 150 volunteers to help with the Point In Time Survey which is required by HUD for Fresno and Madera agencies to get Federal grants to help and house the homeless. To volunteer you must participate in a mandatory volunteer training session at Poverello House located at 412 F Street, Fresno, on Sunday, February 24, 2:30pm - 6:00pm. Surveyors are needed for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 25 - 27, arrive at 5:00am, surveying is 5:30am– 9:00am: Teams of 4 - 5people will take to the streets to survey Fresno and Madera’s Homeless. We kindly ask that volunteers commit to participating on all three mornings if possible. To sign up as a volunteer, contact: Gabriela McNiel, Director of Volunteer Services, Poverello House (559) 498-6988 ext.101 or (559) 970-8477. Please indicate that you would like to be a Registry Week volunteer. HISPANIC MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Pagina 10 Enero 27, 2013 EL TIEMPO Los días de fiesta ya pasaron, el año se nos viene encima. ¿Y qué clase de año será? De acuerdo con las palabras de Jesús en el Evangelio de hoy, será “el año de la gracia del Señor”. Y Jesús con seguridad no se refería solamente a los próximos trescientos sesenta y cinco días cuando hablaba a la gente en ese tiempo. El anuncio de la “llegada” de la gracia de Dios lo hizo Jesús para todos los tiempos, para cada año. De manera similar, leemos hoy en Nehemías cómo la gente se reunía con solemnidad a escuchar la Palabra de Dios como si fuera la primera vez. Escuchaban y luego se postraban con el rostro en la tierra y lloraban. Pero el profeta decía: “Este día está dedicado al Señor… no estén tristes”. El “año de la gracia del Señor” es este año. El día “dedicado al Señor” es hoy. El tiempo de escuchar es ahora. ¿Qué clase de año tendrás? ¿Qué clase de día? La ayuda de Dios siempre está aquí. Lo que haces cada día será santo y aceptable al Señor solamente si escuchas y practicas la palabra de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. HOMEBOUND (VISITAS A LOS ENFERMOS) Por favor informe a la Hna. Tere al 439-0124 x. 113 de cualquier persona, familiar o vecino que esta en el hospital, asilo de ancianos o en casa para que sean visitados por un miembro del Ministerio de Enfermos. A la misma vez invitamos a personas que les gustaría ser parte de este importante ministerio. Bendición de las velas Los días sábado y domingo 2 y 3 de febrero se bendecirán las velas y los niños Dios después de la misa. GRUPO DE HOMBRES APOYO, COMPAÑERISMO Y CRECIMIENTO ESPIRITUAL El Grupo de Hombres se reunirá el próximo lunes a las 7:00pm Salón #21 YA SE ARMO! ACOMPAÑANOS! GRUPO DE ORACIÓN El Grupo de Oración se reúne los miércoles a las 7:00pm en el Salón #21 de la escuela. Acompáñanos ESTUDIO de la BIBLIA El Grupo de Biblia reanuda sus reuniones el jueves 10 de enero del 2013 - 7:00pm Salón #21. Acompáñanos y trae tu Biblia! GRUPO DE JOVENES KICK-OFF VIERNES 1RO DE FEBRERO a las 6:30pm en la Capilla de Guadalupe! AÑO DE LA FE - ¿Quien es la Hermana Glenda? Hermana Glenda es una cantautora chilena con nacionalidad española, conocida como la Hermana Glenda. Lleva 21 años como consagrada a Dios. 17 con las Hermanas de la Consolación y 12 años dedicados a la evangelización con la música. Se graduó como teóloga y su música es internacionalmente reconocida por su ámbito en la música cristiana católica. Su misión es evangelizar a través de su música. No te pierdas la gran oportunidad de ser parte de esta tarde llena de bendiciones con Hermana Glenda! Por el tiempo que dura el concierto se sugiere que no traigan niños pequeños para que ustedes puedan disfrutar de su música y la buena nueva. El cupo es limitado, obtén tu boleto hoy. Te esperamos! MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: SÁBADO 7:00PM Y DOMINGO A LA 1:00PM - AÑO DE LA FE Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” DR. THOMAS PENMAN ✂ and Present It The Next Time You Podiatrist – Foot Specialist Father & Daughter Team and St. Anthony of Padua Parishioners RAMIREZ & RAMIREZ LAW OFFICES Patronize One of Our Advertisers (559) 226-5860 4820 N. First St., #104 FUNERAL DIRECTORS FD-385 Wayne Gomes Mgr., FDR-171 559-432-8814 1121 Roberts Ave., Madera Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 6011 N. Fresno St., Suite 120 Fresno, CA 93710 (Bullard & Fresno Street) (559) 437-9400 Since 1947 Save Money on Any Make or Model of New Car or Truck Jason Sanders 3rd Generation Parishioner (559) 822-4500 Free Consultations on Auto Accidents and Personal Injury HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL • RAMIREZANDRAMIREZLAW.COM TAX PROBLEMS? • • • • • CATHOLIC BOOKS AND GIFTS OPEN EVERYDAY ONLINE AT MARELLOBOOKSTORE.ORG 211 N. J Street, Madera Tax Audits & Appeals Sales Tax Defense Discharge Taxes thru Bankruptcy Past Due Returns Levy Releases Offers in Compromise — Limited to Tax Collection & Appeal Matters — Tuttle & Tuttle CPA’S (AT ST. JOACHIM’S CHURCH) 559-662-0682 VAL DORNAY 559-291-5527 ATTORNEY AT LAW Former DEP. D.A. & Vietnam Vet. Knight of Columbus For 35 Years LEGAL SERVICES FOR: ACCIDENTS • PROBATE Certified Public AUTO WILLS • LIVING TRUSTS Accountants FREE Consultation • Se Habla Español Rufino Paguio, Agent DeMera Insurance Lic. #: 0B04309 5637 N. Figarden Drive DeMera Cameron Suite 108 LLP Frenso, CA 93722 Suite 101, 5080 North Fruit Bus: 559-277-1903 Fresno, CA 93711 Please stop by and say, “Hi!” 559.226.9200 I’m looking forward to serving your needs for insurance and financial services. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY. (559) 299-5300 or (888) 214-1000 DISCOUNT OF 50% FOR PROBATE, WILLS & TRUSTS FOR PARISHIONERS GRAND OPENING T A Q U E R I A 1001013 1 DOZEN tAMALES $18 State Farm, Bloomington, IL 4 3 7 - 9 6 1 4 • Income Tax Preparation • Financial Statements • Enterprise Zone Tax Credit 440-0700 ADOLPH’S A-1 TREE SERVICE TREES AND STUMPS REMOVED Trimming • Topping • Transplanting Shrubs Trimmed & Removed Chipping • Pruning Stump Grinding General Clean-up • Hauling PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES Lic & Insured • Lic. # 737958 7 DAYS A WEEK Senior Citizen Discount FREE ESTIMATES 275-2700 Catholic Owned and Operated 5730 n. first #114 (near bullard) MEDICAL ALARM PROTECTING CATHOLIC SENIORS NATIONWIDE ✓ 25+ Yrs. in Business ✓ A+ Rated with BBB ✓ Dr. Recommended ✓ Made in the USA ✓ Waterproof Button ✓ Price Guarantee ✓ Monitored in the USA ✓ Lifetime Warranty ✓ Tax Deductible* $19.95*/Mo. - Holiday Special Toll Free: 1-877-801-8608 *First three months only *Check with your accountant BULLARD PHARMACY Hours M-F 8:30-7, Sat. 9-5 2026 W. Bullard at West 222-0815 438-0111 KENNETH JORGENSEN LAW MAID FOR YOU Affordable Residential Cleaning! 291-2906 “Mention this ad for a New Customer Discount” SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING Bankruptcy A Debt Relief Agency STOP BILLS - GET A FRESH START Free Consultation DALENA/BENIK & ASSOCIATES Insurance Service Inc. For All Your Insurance Needs 6740 N. West Ave. #108 Fresno Parishioners A FACILITY SPECIALIZING IN SHORT-TERM REHABILITATION SERVICES 668 E. BULLARD (559) 320-2220 062360 St Anthony of Padua Church (B) EMERGENCY 24-HOUR SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEEK 431-5555 448-9580 LIC. NO. 618155 Call 449-1985 FOR EXPERT SERVICE Faces! CENTER FOR FACIAL AESTHETICS AND REJUVENATION PETER T. TRUONG, M.D. Surgeon & Parishioner 434-9497 Ft. Washington & Friant Rd. (559) 325-8400 “People Who Care... Caring for People” ™ The Finest in Banquets (559) 222-2453 675 W. Alluvial Ave., Clovis Assisted Living • Memory Care • Respite For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Whitehurst Diocese of Fresno Catholic Cemeteries G UILLERMO DONAN D.D.S. SILVIA DONAN D.D.S. Sullivan, Burns & Blair Funeral Home FD 1146 Catholic Funeral Directors Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Call 222-9923 1525 E. Saginaw Way – Fresno, CA – 558.227.4048 Donald Cardell FD1185 Mgr. for an Appointment 125 E. Barstow Avenue, Ste 101 Most Dental Insurance Accepted Gentle & Professional Staff Hablamos Español St. Peter’s, Holy Cross, Calvary Mausoleums, Traditional Ground Burial Niches for Cremation Competitive Prices Affordable Pre-Need Financing Available Se Habla Español 264 N. Blythe Ave., Fresno 559-488-7449 Attorney Represented JC MELTON AIR CONDITIONING BANKRUPTCY Heating • Sheet Metal • Refrigeration Lic. #842258 1932 E. Home ESTATE PLANNING FOR THE ROMAN CATHOLIC (559) 268-6286 “An Affordable Alternative” • Catering For All Events • Parties - Baby Showers, Quinceañeras, Bautizos • Taquizas (559) 317-5563 I Will Come to You! (559) 229-9292 • Two Locations! Alisa Rakich Brooks, JD, Legal Document Service BANCARROTA Fajita Fiesta Janine Esquivel Abogada/Attorney Se Habla Español Debt Relief Agency / Agencia de Liberacion de Deuda Compliments of CRIBARI VINEYARDS Serving the Clergy for Four Generations Registered and Bonded in Fresno County #201210000009, Expires 06/2014 “I am not an attorney. I can only provide self-help services at your direction” Fresno JK DENTAL CLINIC General Dentistry & Orthodontics Catherine Irasusta, D.D.S. Gentle Family Dentistry & Orthodontics Most Insurance & Medi-Cal Welcome HENRY FAJARDO, D.M.D. Schedule Your Smile Consultation Today! NEW PATIENT GIFT 7614 N. Fresno St. #105 435-3344 CRYSTALDENTALFRESNO.COM Open Mon-Sat: 9am-6pm • Se Habla Español 2100 E. Clinton (between Fresno/Blackstone) 224-5988 • 224-5989 1575 W. Shaw (bet. Fruit/West) 221-7303 559-221-0578 Hanford, CA Maurice Cameron & Bill Warmerdam Lunch & Dinner - 7 Days a Week 5279 N. Blackstone Ave. (559) 435-6570 Real Estate Specialists DRE# 01881260 Competent • Confidential • Professional TOM LINDEMANN Farm & Ranch Properties 559-479-1658 DEREK LINDEMANN Residential Properties 559-217-2829 Bellarmine Graduate San Joaquin Memorial Graduate Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 349 E. Bullard Ave. Ste. 105 For further information, (559) 447-9056 please call the Parish Office. Seniors Since 1952 Mention St. Anthony For Discount 5665 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. (SOUTH OF BULLARD, NEXT TO OFFICE DEPOT) NOT VALID FOR PREMIUM SUBS OR WITH ANY OTHER PROMOTIONS BOB COUNTER’S INLAND Hearing Aid Repair Center SALES & IN OFFICE REPAIRS 1341 W. BULLARD SUITE 1 584-9206 DENTIST BENITO B. JULIAN D.D.S. Call 559-237-2257 Ext. 222 or Email 2121 N. First St. 225-0395 Walk-Ins Welcome • Payment Plans MEDI-CAL & MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED 2818 N. BLACKSTONE AVE., FRESNO (BETWEEN SHIELDS & PRINCETON) $40 TWO X-RAYS & Initial Exam 2150 E. McKinley Ave. Fresno CA 93703 (559) 268-7646 The Salcedo Family COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATION 253-3265 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Lic# 918549 Parishioner/Accepting New Patients Accepts VISA and MC Speaks Tagalog and Spanish Medically Supervised Weight Loss POOL SERVICE CHURCH Nazareth House MARION’S • Weekly Service • Up-Start of Fresno • Full Service or Chemical SPECIAL Lic. #5506678740 Service • Residential Any Regular 6 inch Sub & 21 oz. Drink A Catholic Assisted 351-1605 Living Community for $4.99 Fast Relief with: * Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 * Foreclosures * Lawsuits * Reposessions * Creditor Calls Ph: (559) 439-2991 Free Consultation & Only $100 per Completed Document • FAITH BASED Estate Planning • Advanced Health Care Directive • Final Arrangements • Last Will and Testament DIANA C. VELOSA, DDS LOW COST Not valid with insurance SE HABLA ESPAÑOL / SPEAKS TAGALOG Grocery and Natural Foods, Quality at affordable prices Deli, Homemade Salads and Dishes Kid’s Day Activities, First Saturday of every month from 2-4 PM NE Corner of Herndon & West (559) 432-3306 QUALITY FOSTER CARE Become a Foster Parent and Change the Life of a Child in Need! —Financial Reimburstment— Contact Ofelia Escoto, MSW (559) 255-8519 ext. 243 Personalized Service at Competitive Prices Draperies • Valances Custom Bedding Shutters Shades • Blinds 1st Place National Window Fashions Design Competition INTERIOR REDESIGN Free Cour teous Consultation 22 24-4404 2 4 062360 St Anthony of Padua Church (A) Michael W. Berdinella, Attorney At Law Kathi O’Rourke DESIGN, LTD. St. Anthony’s Parishioner Since 1973 Accident Injury and Criminal Law 436-8000 726 W. Barstow, Fresno, CA (Palm and Barstow) St. Anthony’s Parishioner Since 1979 Se Habla Español For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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