Mar 15 2013 - Crown Point Community School
Mar 15 2013 - Crown Point Community School
Lake Street Connection 219-663-5683 Office Mar 11—15, 2013 Cindy Wise, Principal WWW.CPS.K12.IN.US/LAKE Standard 1: The school establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the school. Monday 3/11: Ham Cheese Goldfish Sandwich W.G. Chicken Nuggets Baked Beans Garden Salad/Mandarin Oranges Fresh Fruit/Milk Tuesday 3/12: 3/12: Burger Deluxe/W.G. bun Creamy Chicken & Wild Rice Whole Wheat Bread Broccoli/Baby Tamatoes w/dip Succotash taste test Peaches/Fresh Fruit/ Milk Wednesday 3/13: Turkey Chef Chef Dave’s Cranberry BBQ Pork Sand Walking Taco Whole Green Breans/Garden Salad Applesauce/Fresh Medley/Milk Thursday 3/14: Lasagna Whole Grain Bread Whole Grain Chicken/Patty/ Goldfish bun Roasted Eggplant taste test Sugar Snap Peas/Carrots w/dip Pears/Fresh Fruit/Milk Friday 3/15: Chicken Chef Grilled Cheese Trix Meal Corn//Cucumber w/dip Pineapple/Fresh Fruit/ Milk Lunch $2.00 Reduced lunch $ .40 Breakfast $1.30 Reduced Breakfast $ .30 Milk $ .40 Please see next page 4 School Attendance this week was 96% We have to maintain 97% for student success and a 4 star status. Please avoid voluntary absences! Wise’s Words of the Week: Leprechaun Greetings from Lake Street Elementary—home of the Dazzling Dolphins The month of March is an extremely busy month here in the dolphin pool. We have completed week one of our ISTEP+ testing. Our dazzling dolphins were incredibly focused, they did their best, and we are sure ROCKED the test. Next up will be IREAD (aa reading achievement test) test for our third graders. This will take place March 18th – March 20th (see box below). All grade 3 students will do a practice test on the computers prior to Monday, March 18th. The REAL computer test will be on Monday and/or Tuesday the 18th or 19th. Any 3rd grader who is absent on Monday or Tuesday will only have Wednesday to make up the test. If your child misses Tuesday and Wednesday, he/she will have to take the test in the summer in order to move on to grade 4. In addition to that, our first graders will be taking the Terra Nova during those same days. Please be sure your 3rd or 1st grader is ready for the test by resting well and eating a nutritious breakfast. Bringing a healthy snack is also recommended. Rock the test, 3rd and 1st Graders! PLEASE DO NOT SCHEDULE APPOINTMENTS DURING THE FOLLOWING WEEKS: Week of March 18 – IREAD (3rd grade only) Week of March 18 Terra Nova (1st grade only) Week of April 29th – ISTEP+ part 2 (grades 3 – 5) STAY FOCUSED, DO YOUR BEST, ROCK THE TEST! March is National Disabilities Awareness Month. Month “Everyone is UNIQUE, DIFFERENCE is natural”. Stop by and see the bulletin board in the fifth grade hallway that will be filled with “Thumb Buddies”. Buddies” Thank you to our speech team, Mrs. Marcy Swinarski and Mrs. Dominique Bowman for putting this all together. “Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are for…Joseph Joseph Addison something to do, something to love, and something to hope for We have all that here at Lake Street Elementary School. Enjoy your families, friends and a great weekend, Mrs. Cindy Wise, happy to be part of TEAM LAKE STREET PTO Corner Lake Street School Events Disabilities Awareness Month March 4-13 ISTEP Applied Skills Test March 12 PTO Mtg Our 2012/2013 PTO Board March Mar 12-19 Twelve Islands Restaurant Week Mar 18-20 IREAD March 19 3rd grade testing Market Day Pickup March 22 Spring Family Event March 26 End of the 3rd Grading Period March 29-Apr 5 Spring Break—No school April Autism/Occupational Therapy Awareness Month April 8 School Resumes April 16 PTO Mtg/Pizza Hut Night Market Day Pick-up Apr 29-May 8 ISTEP Multiple Choice Test April 23 May 3 Mid Term Progress The DOLPHIN Pledge Every day in every way we will be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE! L eave hands and feet to self. A lways work for my personal best. K indly fill buckets for everyone. E ngage, CONNECT, and pay attention. S hhh—Silent in the halls. T reat others as you would like to be treated. R emember to walk everywhere. E njoy keeping our building clean and bright. E ncourage safety in all we do. T hank you, please, and May I are our magic words. President: Vice President: President Vice PresPres-Fundraising: Fundraising Treasurer: Treasurer Secretary: Secretary Lisa Tufts 226-0502 or Michael Vesich (630) 886-8924 or Julie Bodamer 306-2952 or Dena McCormack 663-6072 or Gloria Guadagno 779-1321 or We’re on Facebook! Search for Lake Street Elementary PTO (Crown Point, IN), click “Like” and be a fan! Also, check us out at for updated information and downloadable forms. This year's PTO Spring Fundraiser will be a RAFFLE. Each family should have already received (via their oldest student) 10 $5 raffle tickets to sell. There are cash payouts in addition to a LiveNation Concert Package featuring Jason Aldean/Kelly Clarkson at Wrigley Field. These raffle tickets can be sold to friends, families, co-workers, etc. Checks should be made out to Lake Street PTO and are due back to school on or before Thursday, 3/14/2013. 3/14/2013 Additional raffle tickets booklets will be available upon request in the office. Drawing will occur on 3/22. More info can be downloaded at Questions? Contact Lisa Tufts at above or Julie Walkowiak at Check your students' backpack for the yellow flyer detailing information regarding our new Spring Family Event on 3/22 (formerly advertised as Spring Bingo). PTO is proud to host Tim Hannig's Pro Kids Magic Show! Show The messages in this show will encourage kids to make good choices in life and will also serve as a reminder to parents of the important role they play in their kid's lives. Admission is FREE and students in attendance will be entered in some really great FREE RAFFLES that were donated from our community sponsors! Doors will open at 7:00, giving you plenty of time to have a family dinner before arriving. (There will be no food available at this event.) Please note - Students need to be accompanied by their parent/guardian - no drop-offs allowed. And, due to seating capacity, this event is only open to Lake Street students and their immediate families (not grandparents, cousins, friends, etc.). Please return your family's RSVP paperwork by Thursday, March 14th. We are looking forward to sharing this special night with all of you - you won't want to miss this show! Please join us for our next PTO meeting on 3/12 at 6:30 in the library. In addition to report on upcoming events, we will be setting the slate for the officers for the 2013/2014 PTO Board. Please consider volunteering your time to be a part of this worthwhile board. It's a fun group of people to work with and get to know better and you will be rewarded with a sense of pride for helping to shape our PTO involvement in the school. Be on the lookout for the next restaurant flyer to come home soon. Twelve Islands Restaurant Week will begin 3/12 and go through 3/19. When you take your flyer in with you anytime during the week to treat yourself to a night out, part of the proceeds from your bill will be donated to PTO. Thank you for your continued support! This Year's PTO Spring Fundraiser will be a RAFFLE!!! Did your oldest student bring home your family's Spring Raffle Fundraiser information sheet and raffle ticket envelope? If not, let PTO know and we'll see to it that you get one ASAP. Included in this envelope are 10 $5 raffle tickets to sell. There are cash payouts in addition to a LiveNation Concert Package featuring Jason Aldean/Kelly Clarkson at Wrigley Field. Checks should be made out to Lake Street PTO and are due back to school on or before 3/14/2013. Additional raffle ticket booklets will be available upon request in the office. Drawing will occur on 3/22. See PTO Corner for more info. Thank-you for your past contributions and your continued support!! SALE: PTO has extra long-sleeved spiritwear tshirts on sale for $10. Please make checks payable to: Lake Street PTO. Inquire in the office for more details... PTO Board Elections for 2013/2014 It's that time of year again for the PTO board nominations for the 2013/2014 school-year. The slate of nominations will consist of the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President (overseeing fundraising), Treasurer, and Secretary. The slate will be announced at the March 12th meeting (3/12 @ 6:30pm in the library). The elections will be held at the April 16 meeting (4/16 @ 3:45pm in the library). If you are interested in running for a PTO Board position contact Mrs. Pociask, Ms. Blimm or Mrs. Anthony at 663-5683. Please check out page 3 Congratulations to the following students for Artist of the Month of March; Mary Clare McConnell, Angelina Pedraza, Cassidy Clarke, Megan Gallagher, Lucie McConnell, and Madison Bahl. They received an art certificate and got their picture taken with Mrs. Wylie and Mrs. Wise. Please view Mrs. Wylie’s website to see these great artist’s artworks. Congratulations to David Gonzalez, his artwork was chosen to be part of the Lake Street Art Gallery! David will receive an art award on award’s day. Great work! Crown Point Community Events Breakfast with the Easter Bunny—Saturday, March 16th Bunny Crown Point Swim Club Summer SignSign-Ups (Ages 5 to 18), Tues, March 26th and Wednesday, March 27th—5:45 to 8:00 p.m.—Crown Point High School— Bring a suit and towel for a brief evaluation. Crown Point Swim Club offers a two week trial for $25. CP JR Bulldog Cheerleading Registration—returning cheerleaders (Friday, April Registration 12, 5-7pm & new cheerleaders—Saturday, April 13, 10:00-2:00pm @ Lake Street Elementary School. Easter Eggstravaganza—Saturday, March 30th @ Lake Street Fairgrounds St. Jude House Benefit— Benefit—Princess Spring Tea—Sat., April 20 @ Avalon Manor—Merrillville—Doors open @ noon—Adults $35—Children 12 & under— $20—please call 219-662-7066 extension 15—s Attention all Scientists Camp Invention!! St. Baldrick Baldrick’s s Event Crown Point is once again hosting St. Baldrick's Day on March 17th in conjunction with Crown Point's St. Patty's Day celebrations. Did you know that Lake Street has a St. Baldrick's Team? So far, we only have 14 people registered on our team, but we are hoping to recruit some more charitable souls. (Last year, we had 16 shavees on our LS team.!!) Check out our front display case for the traveling trophy we were awarded last year as the school team that raised the most money! St. Baldrick's is a volunteerdriven organization that people can volunteer to have their heads shaved to stand in solidarity with child cancer patients. In return, shavees ask for donations that raise money for child cancer research. Are you or your child interested in participating? Maybe you'd like to make a monetary donation to our team? Questions about the event - call the CP Fire Dept at 6623248. Questions about the team - call Lisa Tufts at 226-0502. Find out more info here GO Dolphins!! Registration flyers have gone home in backpacks and spots are already filling up! Don’t forget to register before March 28th & save $25.00! ANY current Kindergarten-5th grader can be a part of the week long Geo-quest program! You can pre-register at:! Don’t forget to contact Kelly Anthony at: with any questions! Location: Lake Street Dates: June 17-21 Time: 9-3:30pm PTO—BOX TOP WINNER!!! Much thanks and appreciation for clipping and sending in all those Box Tops in February! We've hit our yearly budgeting goal of $1000, with this drive bringing in $555! Congratulations goes out to our Lake Street Spirit Pack winner - Logan Sertic!! (Please keep on clipping, so we kick off our next submission with a bang!)
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