TOPS Core Curriculum


TOPS Core Curriculum
St. Amant High School Alma Mater
St. Amant our Alma Mater
Praise we give to your name
Your banners fly of black and gold
Which stand for victory
The gator strong and mighty gives
Us lasting courage to endure
Through life’s toils and through life’s hardships
Guide us ever more
St. Amant we ever pledge
To keep your memory
St. Amant High School
12035 Highway 431
St. Amant, LA 70774
Principal – Mia Edwards
Associate Principal – Beth Templet
Student Office:
391-6007 or
Angela Boudreaux
Assistant Principals
Christina Carter
Amy Knott
Geraldine Couvillion (last names A – D)
Jamie Kramer (last names E – J)
Carmen Robichaux (last names K-Q)
Dareth Auzenne Sampson (last names R – Z)
Renee’ Legendre
Selina Fontenot
Suzanne Elisar
Jerry Holland
Office Staff
Sandra Trahan
Jodie Signorelli
Jamie Lanoux
Cynthia Pickering
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 3
Bell Schedules & Calendar
7:30 - 7:35
Move to 1st Block
7:35 - 9:13
1st Block
9:18 - 10:51
2nd Block
10:51 -11:24
A Lunch Shift
11:29 -1:02
3rd Block for A Lunch
10:56 -12:29
3rd Block for B Lunch
12:29 -1:02
B Lunch Shift
1:07 -2:40
4th Block
2:40 -2:45
Dismissal for Bus Riders
Dismissal for Others
7:30 -7:35
7:35 -9:04
9:09 -10:35
10:35 - 11:05
11:10 -12:36
10:40 - 12:06
12:06 - 12:36
12:41 - 2:07
2:07 -2:40
2:40 -2:45 2:45 Move to 1st Block
1st Block
2nd Block
A Lunch Shift
3rd Block for A Lunch
3rd Block for B Lunch
B Lunch Shift
4th Block
Pep Rally
Dismissal for bus riders
Dismissal for others
7:30 -7:35
7:35 -8:43
8:47 -9:51
9:56 -11:00
11:05 -12:09
12:09 -12:40
Move to 1st Block
1st Block
2nd Block
3rd Block
4th Block
Car Riders may leave
Bus Riders Leave
7:30 - 7:35
Move to 1st Block
7:35 - 9:06
1st Block
9:11 - 10:37
2nd Block
10:42 -11:10 Advisory
11:10 -11:43
A Lunch Shift
11:48 -1:14
3rd Block for A Lunch
11:15 -12:41
3rd Block for B Lunch
12:41 -1:14
B Lunch Shift
1:19 -2:40
4th Block
2:40 - 2:45
Dismissal for Bus Riders
Dismissal for Others
4 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
2014-2015 School Calendar
Official Opening of School..............................................................................................August 4
Teacher Pre-Planning.................................................................................................. August 4-5
First Day Students Attend...............................................................................................August 6
Labor Day................................................................................................................... September 1
Staff Development (Student Holiday)................................................................... September 12
Fall Break...............................................................................................................October 13 - 14
Thanksgiving Holidays....................................................................................November 24 - 28
Christmas Holidays..............................................................................December 22 - January 2
High School Professional Development (Student Holiday)......................................January 5
Staff Development (Student Holiday).........................................................................January 16
Martin Luther King, Jr..................................................................................................January 19
Mardi Gras.......................................................................................................... February 16 - 17
EOC Testing............................................................................................. December 1 – 17 (Fall)
April 22 – May 22 (Spring)
Explore (9) and Plan (10).............................................................................................March 12*
ACT (11).........................................................................................................................March 31*
Easter Holidays.................................................................................................. April 3 - April 10
St. Amant Graduation........................................................................................................ May 14
Last Day Seniors Attend...................................................................................................... May 6
Last Day Students Attend.................................................................................................. May 21
Official Closing of School.................................................................................................. May 22
*Mandated state testing.
Senior ACT scores will now be calculated into our School Performance Score (SPS).
Student Clubs
Allied Health Academy
Black History
Digital Media/Film Makers
French Club
History Club
Gamers Club
Gator To Gator
Mu Alpha Theta
Science Club
Student Council
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 5
As prescribed by law, every teacher is
Room 213. Students are expected to work on their
authorized to hold every pupil to a strict
schoolwork during allotted time.
accountability for any disorderly conduct
• Please arrive promptly with all necessary books and
in school, on the campus, or any street,
materials to do your school assignments. Sturoad, or school bus going to and from
dents who arrive tardy to behavior clinic will not
school, and during recesses. (R.S. 17:46) It
be allowed to remain and will receive a Saturday
is the final responsibility of the Principal to
maintain discipline at each school or any
• Behavior Clinic is an extension of the school day.
school function.
Students must adhere to the dress code and wear
their I.D. Cell phone policy is in effect.
School administrators may notify law en• Failure to attend behavior clinic will result in a
Saturday detention.
forcement officials when deemed necessary.
• Behavior clinic may be rescheduled, in advance,
by Mr. Favorite in the ISSP room for extenuating
St. Amant High School follows the rules
and regulations set forth by the Ascencircumstances ONLY (i.e. death in family, serious
sion Parish School Board in the Discipline
illness as documented by a doctor’s excuse, serious
Policy Handbook. Each student is given
• Students may be picked up at 4:30 in the bus lane.
a copy of this handbook at the beginning
of the school year and a parent’s signature
They must remain for the entire hour and one-half
is required to acknowledge receipt of said
time period or the behavior clinic will be rescheduled.
handbook. Please see this handbook
• If you have a question about this program, you may
for policies on alcohol, possession and/
or distribution of drugs, suspension and
call an Assistant Principal at 391-6000.
expulsion procedures, weapons, search and
seizure, sexual harassment, hazing, due
process and administration of medication. SATURDAY DETENTION
Saturday detention will be assigned at the administraDisciplinary action will include, but not be tor’s discretion in lieu of a suspension for a student
who has committed a suspendable offense. Saturlimited to one of the following:
day detention is designed to serve as a deterrent to
inappropriate student behavior without impacting
1. Counsel/Warn a student
instructional time. Saturday detention hours are from
2. Administer reinforcement work
8:00 to 2:00. Saturday detention will be comprised of
3. Contact parents/guardian
three components:
4. Time-out (1 or more periods)
After-school behavior clinic
In-school suspension
Saturday detention
Out-of-school suspension
School work
Social skills and character education
Campus work detail.
Long term suspensions for use of alcohol or drugs
Descriptions of possible disciplinary conse- will not be considered for this program. Suspensions
involving fights will be handled with a combination
quences are as follows:
of out-of-school suspension and Saturday detention.
Saturday detention will only be rescheduled by Mr.
Favorite in the ISSP room for extreme extenuating
Time-Out is usually used as a consequence circumstances: i.e. death in the family, serious illness
verified by a doctor’s excuse, serious family emergency,
for minor offenses. Students may be
etc. Rescheduling of a Saturday detention must be
assigned to Time-Out for a single class
period or all day removal from class. These done in advance to serving the detention.
students will report to the ISSP room for
A student must comply with the following expectathe required length of time. (No student
shall be assigned Time-Out at home unless tions:
specifically written in I.E.P. or 504 Modification Plan.) Students are allowed to make • Be on time and prepared to spend the entire sesup any work missed while in Time-Out.
sion. Bring his/her own lunch.
• Furnish his/her own transportation.
• Bring all textbooks, notebooks, paper, pens, or
• Behavior clinic is an after-school
• Follow all school rules concerning dress code, I.D.,
detention. It meets from 3:00 - 4:30 in
6 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
and behavior. Cell phone policy is in effect.
• Fulfill all obligations of the program.
Failure to report to and satisfactorily complete a
Saturday detention will result in a one-day suspension
and the student having to attend the next Saturday
detention. The only valid excuses are: doctor’s excuse,
death in family, and court summons. Those who miss
detention need to report to the office at 7:30 a.m. the
following Monday morning.
In an effort to assure the academic success of all of our
students and to align with our philosophy that “Failure is not and Option”, Saturday Detention may be
assigned to students for academic purposes to assist
them in completing missed assignments or to “catch
up” on assigned work or projects.
The purpose of the In-School Suspension Program
is to provide a sequence of intervention strategies
designed to prevent and/or minimize the frequency of
nonproductive social behavioral acts of students.
• In as much as an In-School Suspension Program is
counted as a suspension toward expulsion, notice
in writing must be provided as outlined in the
Discipline Policy Handbook.
• A parent or guardian must accompany the student
to the ISSP room between 7:00 and 7:15 to sign the
student in. (If a student arrives after 7:15 without
having received prior approval of an administrator, he or she will be sent home and the day will be
counted as an out of school suspension, which is
an unexcused absence.) The parent must also pick
up the student and sign him or her out of the ISSP
room at 2:15 P.M. Upon signing the student in,
the parent may give the ISSP coordinator written
permission to allow the student to drive him/herself home. Exceptions to these rules may only be
allowed by an administrator.
• If an ISSP student is unable to attend due to an
emergency or illness, it will be the responsibility of
the parent to notify the school before 7:15 that day.
The ISSP suspension will then be extended and a
normal absence recorded for that day. The ISSP will
be served the day the student returns to school. If
there is no notification, the In-School suspension
will be converted to an out-of-school suspension
and will be deemed an unexcused absence.
• Students should bring all textbooks and materials
needed to the ISSP room. Work assignments will
be assigned by the student’s teachers.
• Students referred to ISSP are suspended students
and, therefore, will not be allowed to attend or
participate in any extra curricular activities for the
duration of their suspension.
A suspension is defined as a temporary removal from
school for not more than nine school days.
A student is counted absent; however, the student
may contact the teacher to make up any missed assignments. This does count as a suspension toward
expulsion. Parents must be notified in writing stating
the reasons for the suspension (Parish Disciplinary
Students in out-of-school suspension will not be allowed to participate in or attend any extra-curricular
or after-hours school activity on any day that they are
The principal and other appropriate personnel
shall be required to file written documentation of
all suspensions. Said documentation shall include
the circumstances surrounding any suspension, the
reason for suspension, and any other pertinent facts
concerning the disciplinary action. The principal shall
file copies of this report with the Superintendent or
designee, other appropriate personnel and the parent
or guardian and retain a copy for the school’s records.
Before initiating an out-of-school suspension, a
phone call or personal contact must be made with the
student’s parent or legal guardian.
(See APSB Student Handbook)
• Students must remain for the complete day (7:15
A.M. – 2:15 P.M.) This also applies to half-day
seniors and GCE students.
• ISSP students will be counted as present and will
receive credit for all work done in the program.
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 7
A student will fail a full credit course due
to absences on the 6th unexcused absence.
A student will fail a half-credit course due
to absences on the 4th unexcused absence.
All absences from school shall include the
• Excused absences: personal illness, serious illness in the family (not to exceed
one week), court appearances, death in
the family, or for recognized religious
holidays of the student’s own faith. The
school must receive documentation
within five days of the student’s return
to school in order for an absence to be
• Unexcused absences: any absence
not meeting the requirements to be
NOTE: For unexcused absences, students
shall not be given the opportunity to make
up work and shall be given failing grades in
those subjects for those days missed.
Students who are absent from school for
more than two class periods (excused or
unexcused) may NOT participate in after
school activities including all practices/performances/games.
Students with more than 3 unexcused absences will not be allowed to participate in
any school sponsored activity which takes
them out of class. (field trips, recruiting,
contests, athletic competition, etc.)
Any exception to the above attendance
policy shall be made only after approval by
the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, in consultation with the appropriate
school principal. Exceptions will be granted
only if one or more of the following conditions are in evidence:
• Extended personal physical or emotional
illness as verified by a physician or dentist.
• Extended hospital stay as verified by a
physician or dentist.
• Extended recuperation from an accident
as verified by a physician or dentist.
8 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
• Extended contagious disease within a family as
verified by a physician or dentist.
• Prior school system approval for educational travel.
• Death in the family (not to exceed one week).
• Natural catastrophe and/or disaster.
• For any other extenuating circumstances parents
must make a formal appeal in accordance with the
due process procedures.
Students who are verified as meeting extenuating
circumstances and are, therefore, eligible to receive
grades shall not receive those grades if they are unable
to complete makeup work or pass the course.
1. Parent should call attendance clerk (391-6021) on
the day of the illness and send a written explanation with accompanying documentation when the
student returns to school. Upon parental notification of illness, the student will be given a slip for
make-up work.
2. For the absence to be excused, a doctor’s excuse
or legal excuse for the day(s) absence must be presented to the attendance clerk in the student office
within five days of the student’s return to school.
3. The attendance clerk will give the student an
excused absence slip.
4. The Principal must personally excuse absences for
reasons other than illness, death in the immediate
family, and court appearances. Prior notification
and a written explanation are required. A makeup slip may or may not be provided, and the
absence may or may not be excused.
5. Steps to follow if student has missed more than 6
days in any class:
6. Give name and request for extenuating circumstances to your guidance counselor.
7. The attendance clerk will research your records.
If sufficient documentation is filed, she will refer
your case to the principal for review.
8. If adequate documentation is not on file, your
case will be referred to the Supervisor of Child
Welfare and Attendance.
All official attendance records are in the attendance
office. If you receive a letter from the school that you
have missed more than 6 days in at least one class,
you must contact the attendance clerk to review your
An automated attendance-calling machine will call
the house of absent students every day of an absence.
These calls will occur in the evening hours to ensure
a greater likelihood of reaching a parent/guardian.
This will only occur if you have an accurate number in
Attendance recovery is available for students who
miss more than the allowed 5 days. Students are
only allowed to recover 5 unexcused days and the
recovery time must be done outside of regular school
hours. Students can see an Assistant Principal anytime
during the semester to recover hours, but will be
counseled with at the end of the semester. Once hours
are recovered, there is no additional recovery time.
If a student arrives at school five minutes or more
after the first block tardy bell has sounded, he must
report to the attendance office to sign in with the
attendance clerk. The attendance clerk will then send
the student’s name to Mr. Favorite to be marked tardy,
and the tardy policy will be implemented. See The
APSB Student Handbook (Appendix A) for specifics.
Excused tardies will only be given if the student presents written documentation of a doctor’s visit, a court
appearance, or a death in the family.
Students should have no more than THREE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES in order to attend a field trip.
Teachers have the right to refuse a student’s attendance to any field trip.
Makeup work for excused absences is the student’s
responsibility. You have three days to make arrangements with teachers for makeup work, including tests,
and no more than two weeks to complete such work.
When you and your teacher agree to a date on which
work is due or tests are to be taken, you are bound
to that date. Teachers will make every effort to assist
you by providing assignments and offering peer and/
All students’ personal possessions are the responsibility of the student as well as textbooks, uniforms,
technology etc. loaned to you by the school. The
school has no personal liability for your property
and will not replace or repair such property. Students
guilty of theft and destruction or damage to property
of others are liable and will be held accountable to
school discipline consequences and civil law as applies
to such inappropriate action.
Visitors are not allowed on the campus unless they are
there for “official” school business and should always
report to the office first. All visitors must report to
the office to receive approval and a visitor’s pass to be
worn at all times. Having students in class at all times
is very important to us – this is when learning takes
place. We will work to minimize class disruptions and
calling students from class as much as possible. If you
Students who must check out for a doctor/dentist appointment may do so by bringing their appointment
card to the attendance clerk before school. This will
eliminate the need for a parent to come to school to
sign the student out. The next day the student must
return with an excuse from the doctor/dentist.
Only the parent/guardian will be allowed to give
permission for a student to check out. A parent/
guardian, or person(s) designated on the checkout list,
must come to school to check out the student. They
may come to sign the student out prior to the check
out time. Students who are emancipated must have
permission of the Principal to check out.
Bathroom use is only allowed when supervision by
school personnel can be provided. Therefore, students
are not allowed to use the bathroom during class time,
unless there is an emergency situation. Frequent
bathroom use is generally unnecessary unless you
have a medical problem. If this is so, you must submit
medical verification to the Principal or an Assistant
Principal who will then make arrangements for your
bathroom needs. Students who choose to defy a
teacher and leave the classroom without permission
will be assigned disciplinary consequences. All students are required to have a pass with them
when they leave the classroom for any reason.
are bringing an item for a student, we will
call the student at the end of the block for
them to retrieve the item between classes.
Each student is given the opportunity to obtain a locker during Prep Week registration.
This locker must be locked or the privilege
of its use will be revoked. Ascension Parish
policy mandates that all lockers be kept
locked to comply with the state fire marshal
regulations. Students are strongly encouraged to use their lockers for personal items.
All students who eat lunch must eat in the
cafeteria or courtyard area. The cost for
students’ regular meal is determined by the
Department of Food & Nutrition. Students
General Info.
or teacher assistance. For extended absences, you
may contact the guidance office at 391-6022 to collect
make up work. This make up work will be available
for pickup 24 hours after requested.
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 9
are encouraged to pay for their meals in advance.
Charging is not allowed. You may pay for your students lunch on-line.
We expect St. Amant High students to model Success
Through Actions by observing all rules of courtesy
in the cafeteria. All cafeteria trays and trash must be
picked up. The floor and table should be left clean. Do
not “cut” the line.
In accordance with federal guidelines, fast food deliveries to students are not allowed.
All students are required to pay a $20.00 student fee.
This covers expenses for the agenda, additional school
supplies, equipment repair, etc. Some fees are charged
for special classes (ex. art, industrial arts, chorus,
band, chemistry, etc.) These fees must be paid within
the first month of school. Obligations must be paid
before a student is allowed to participate in Prep Day
the following year
Guidance services are available for every student
in school. These services include assistance with
educational and post-secondary planning, interpretation of test scores, and addressing personal concerns.
Students needing to meet with a counselor should sign
up with his/her assigned counselor in the counseling
Students who are experiencing difficulty may be
referred to a counselor who is trained to provide support through individual or group counseling. Students
may also participate through self or parent referral
by contacting a counselor or the counseling office at
Phones are available for student use before, during,
and after school in the student and attendance office.
Students must have the permission of an adult to use
the phone.
The APSB provides the opportunity for students to
bring cell phones to school to use strictly as an educational tool when such use is approved by the classroom teacher. A student may only use a cell phone
in a school classroom during an official class session
and only then if explicitly authorized to do so by the
classroom teacher. No other use of the cell phone
is permitted on campus at any time during the day.
Usage of the cell phone may begin after the 2:45 bell.
The possession of a cell phone is a privilege. Adherence to these guidelines is essential to maintaining an
academic environment and the privilege. The APSB
(and its employees) shall not be responsible or liable
10 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
for any electronic device that has been confiscated,
including for any damage, loss or theft of such device.
CONSEQUENCE AND RETRIEVAL: Only the parent/guardian shall be permitted to seek return of the
cell phone and shall do so in person. Phone retrieval
will occur ONLY on Tuesday and Friday from 12:30
– 2:30 in ISSP. A $10 processing or administrative fee
will be assessed when the parent/guardian retrieves
the phone. This money is used for our PBIS student
rewards. See APSB Student Rights and Responsibilities
Handbook (Appendix J) for the complete Electronic
Device policy.
Computers located in classrooms and labs are for class
use and students are only allowed to use the computers with teacher permission. Any unauthorized use or
damage of a computer will result in serious disciplinary consequences.
Students are responsible for all textbooks issued
to them. At the end of the year, only those books
specifically assigned to the student as indicated by
barcode will be accepted. Theft or damage of one’s
book(s) does not negate responsibility for the book(s).
Students will be assessed the cost of the book if lost or
Students are encouraged to use the library for
research. To use the library during a class period, students MUST have a note from the classroom teacher.
Fines are charged for materials overdue. Student
grades will be held until overdue books are cleared up.
Students MUST show I.D. cards when checking out
books. The library is available for student use during
lunchtime. Please see the Discipline Policy Handbook
for the acceptable use of the Internet policy.
The Board shall require all children entering any
school for the first time and every ten years thereafter
(age 15) to present satisfactory evidence of immunization against preventable communicable diseases
according to a schedule approved by the state office of
public health, or shall present evidence of an immunization program in progress. The Board may require
immunizations or proof of immunity more extensive
than required by the office of public health. Any student failing to meet the immunization standards shall
be prohibited from attending school until such time as
the immunization standards are met. Principals and
teachers of all schools shall be responsible for checking student’s records to see that the provisions of this
policy are enforced.
• Shall be khaki or black. (No glitter, shimmer
or other color distraction is permitted.)
• Shall be appropriately sized with a regular fitting crotch: not tight fitting, not loose fitting.
• Bottoms (worn above the hip bone) must be
properly hemmed or cuffed at or below the
ankle and no wider than shoe length, but not
dragging the ground. “ Slicing or ragging” is
not allowed. Belts (with no distracting decorations) must be worn at all times with bottoms
that have belt loops.
• Bottoms may not be worn in any way that reflects gang affiliation, conceals contraband, or
creates a distraction (“sagging” not allowed).
• No stretch slacks, sweatpants, jogging pants,
wind suits, warm-ups, overalls or coveralls
• No leather, suede, vinyl or denim fabrics.
• Shorts, skirts or dresses must reach the top of
• The top of any side, back or front slit must be
clearly no more than three (3) inches above
the kneecap.
• Shall be polo style with collar.
• “Polo style” shirt must have two, three, or four
buttons (no snap-up or zippers), with long or
short sleeves (no sleeveless or cap-sleeves).
• Shall be solid in color (black, white, or yellow)
or appropriate campus spirit shirt. Spirit
shirts (school colors only) may be worn over
the polo shirt. The polo shirt must be tucked
in and the collar must be visible.
• Shall be appropriately sized. Must be tucked
in and appropriately buttoned above the chest
area at all times.
• May not be worn in any way that reflects gang
affiliation, conceals contraband or creates a
• If a t-shirt, undershirt, or turtleneck is worn
underneath the polo style shirt, it must be
school colors.
• Students may add the approved school name
and mascot to their polo style shirts. Logos
(mascots & school names) can be stitched/
printed on the left front, upper chest area of
the shirt. The logo will be of acceptable size if
the flattened hand can cover it.
• Curriculum related uniforms are considered
standardized dress on designated days. (i.e.,
Allied Health Academy, ROTC, etc…..)
• Shirts or other objects that contain or symbolize obscene, drug related, gang related or offensive wording are not allowed. This includes
the advertisement of products that contain
tobacco or alcohol. Clothing or other articles
depicting violence, blood, knives, guns, skulls,
etc. are also not allowed.
• Must be neat, clean and well groomed.
• Head covering skullcaps, hats, hair rollers,
kerchiefs, bandanas, sweatbands, hoods or any
other headgear are not allowed. Long-handled combs are prohibited for safety reasons.
• Symbols and/or styles that are identified with
gang membership, affiliation or representation
are not allowed.
• Extreme hairstyles that detract from educational setting are not allowed. Hair may not be
dyed colors other than natural hair colors (i.e.,
No blue, green, pink, etc…)
• Hair carvings are not allowed.
Dress Code
• Closed in shoes (front and back) i.e., tennis
shoes, tied shoes or loafer type are all acceptable (no slipper style or house shoes).
• Wheels, glitter, noisemakers, lights or hanging
tags are not permissible on footwear.
• Shoes will be worn and fastened appropriately.
• May be pullover, button-up, zipper, snap, etc.
• Must be solid in color (black, white, yellow,
or gray) worn with the polo style shirt collar
showing. Hoods may only be worn outside
during cold weather. The only logos allowed
(other than mascot & school name) should be
the manufacturer’s label. The manufacturer’s
logo will be of acceptable size if the flattened
hand can cover it.
• Must be appropriately sized in the shoulders,
sleeves, and length.
• Students may add the approved school name
and mascot to sweatshirts, vests or sweaters
with principal approval.
• May not be worn in any way that reflects gang
affiliation, conceals contraband, or creates a
• Coats/jackets/wraps that are worn outside/
outdoors of the school building must be an
approved school color.
• May be high school letter jacket as long as
it corresponds with the specific school the
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 11
student attends (Ascension only). To show their
school spirit St. Amant High School students may
only wear St. Amant High School/Gator affiliated
No college or professional logo jacket or coats may
be worn, (i.e. starter jackets).
May not be worn in any way that reflects gang affiliation, conceals contraband or creates a distraction.
Full-length jackets/coats such as those commonly
referred to as “trench” coats or “dusters” are not
allowed. Jackets/coats of ¾ length (or less) are
Outside jackets and coats are considered to be cold
weather apparel only.
• New students enrolling in any Ascension Parish
Public High School will be provided a grace period
of no more than five (5) calendar days to comply
with this dress code.
• Revealing or tight garments considered inappropriately sized are prohibited.
• Accessories with inappropriate decorations or
advertisements are prohibited. This includes, but
is not limited to, any item that depicts the occult,
gang membership, death, suicide, violence, drugs,
alcohol, tobacco, or ethnic bias.
• Garments that have holes worn or torn in them.
• Heavy chains, spike necklaces or other inappropriate types of jewelry.
• Glitter, tattoos and writing/drawing on the face.
• No more than (2) earrings may be worn in each
ear. Nose rings, lip rings, eyebrow rings, tongue
piercing rings, or any other body piercings are not
permitted. Clear (STUD ONLY) pierce hole fillers
are allowed in areas pierced where decorative rings
are not allowed.
• The wearing of Body Armor by a student on school
property is prohibited. Body Armor shall mean
bullet-resistant metal or other material intended to
provide protection from weapons or bodily injury.
See APSB Student Handbook (Appendix D) for complete High School Dress Code and Consequences.
Principals select four designated days each nine weeks
to offer as jeans days or designated dress days for all
students. In addition, principals are allowed to award
additional days for various reasons to include but
not limited to: participation in charitable donations,
rewards for various reasons, incentives to encourage
good academics and behaviors; celebration of special
events on campus, etc. Jeans must be of the same style
and design as defined by the standardized dress code
12 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
for slacks.
The board has the right to modify or change any of the
above said policy.
Administrators have the responsibility and right to
determine the appropriateness of attire and grooming
for school setting.
• To preserve the safety of our students and faculty,
ID badges must be worn appropriately and in
the chest area at all times with the picture facing
outward. IDs must be clearly visible and are not
to be defaced or to have any non-approved items
attached or placed on the front or back. No
disfigurement such as writing, coloring, decorative
stickers will be tolerated. Students may purchase
a temporary ID for $1.00 from the library before
school. The cost of a replacement ID is $5.00 and
can be purchased from the library.
• EACH TIME a student does not comply with the
ID policy, he/she will be assigned an after-school
behavior clinic.
Parking on campus is a privilege and may, therefore, be revoked AT ANY TIME due to inappropriate behavior, parking, or driving. Student
safety is first priority.
• Ninth grade students will not be allowed to
drive to school. The only tenth grade students
who are allowed to drive to school are those
students who participate in extra curricular
activities that require that they regularly stay
after school for practice.
• All parking places are numbered. Student
drivers (seniors, juniors, and sophomores)
must register as drivers when they pick up
their schedules. At that time they will pay a
$15.00 parking fee and be given a parking tag,
which must be displayed in the car at all times.
To register a car a student must show their license, car registration, and proof of insurance.
• If a student driver blocks someone or parks
in a non-designated area, the vehicle will be
towed away at the expense of the driver.
• Students will not be permitted to park on the
grass (other than areas that are identified) at
any time.
• Students are not allowed to leave school
grounds after having arrived on the campus
without first receiving a sign-out pass. (Exceptions are C.C.E and dually enrolled students.)
• Students are not allowed to remain sitting in
his/her car after driving on campus.
• The parking lot is OFF LIMITS during school
• Reckless driving while on campus is prohibited. Appropriate discipline will be taken and/or
a referral will be made to the Sheriff ’s Office.
• The school is not liable for a student’s personal
property. Theft of possessions or damage to
cars is the responsibility of the student.
• Any student who receives two or more
suspensions may have his or her parking privileges revoked.
• Parking fees are not refunded should a parking pass be revoked.
• Student parking is monitored by an authorized
authority. St. Amant High parking tickets may
be issued. After a student receives two STA
parking tickets, the student’s parking pass may
be revoked.
In an effort to alleviate traffic congestion, there
are two dismissal times at the end of the school
day. The first dismissal is at 2:40 and includes
ONLY bus riders. If a student rides the bus, they
should get a bus sticker from the bus driver and
place it on their ID. If a student parks in the shell
lot, they should get a shell lot sticker from Master
Sergeant Daily and place it on their ID. The second bell is at 2:45 and includes all other students.
If a student stays after school for extracurricular
activities, behavior clinic, etc. they are to leave
on the 2nd bell. If a student leaves at the wrong
dismissal time, their ID is collected and turned
in to the office. The student should report to the
office upon arriving at school the next day to
retrieve their ID and the student will be assigned
an after school behavior clinic.
All car rider students must be picked up by 3:15
in the designated area, which is the bus lane.
Students are not allowed to remain on campus
after school unless they are under the direct supervision of a teacher. If a student is on campus,
without teacher approval, the student will be
assigned a Saturday detention.
Automobiles & Parking
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 13
In the block scheduling at St. Amant High
School, each full-credit course shall consist of
two nine-week grading periods. Each ½ credit
course shall consist of one nine-week period.
Each teacher shall have a minimum of eight
grades per grading period, and a comprehensive
exam (mid-term or final) will be given. Interim
reports will be issued in the middle of each grading period. The final exam will be standardized
for most courses. In the case of ½ credit courses,
students will take the final exam at the end of the
nine-week period.
• Teachers will assign percentage grades for
all work done during a grading period and
record these grades as percentages. Once a
percentage grade for the nine weeks has been
determined, it will then and only then be
converted to a letter grade.
• Grades will be rounded up, rather than down.
Example: An “A” and a “B” which averages 3.5,
will be an “A.” Semester and final grades will
be averaged from the letter grades.
• Students must pass the final term in a full
credit course for a passing grade. They must
also pass the final grading period to pass any
The parish-wide grading scale is as follows:
A 93-100 4 Quality Points
B 86-92
3 Quality Points
C 75-85
2 Quality Points
D 67-74 1 Quality Points
F 0-66
0 Quality Points
A+ 93-100 5 Quality Points
B 86-92
4 Quality Points
C 75-85
3 Quality Points
D 67-74 2 Quality Points
F 0-66
0 Quality Points
In classes where students take an EOC test as a
graduation requirement, the EOC test will count
as 15% of the student’s final grade.
Purpose: To recognize, reward, and encourage
academic excellence at St. Amant High School.
The following requirements are for the 2015
graduating class ONLY:
For courses completed by the first
grading period of the second session of the junior year provided:
14 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
• The student has been enrolled at St. Amant
High for the entire previous school year.
• The junior year is the student’s third year in
high school.
• A junior must have completed at least two
units in English, mathematics, science, and
social studies and be enrolled in a third from
the junior courses listed on the following
page; and completed one unit of foreign
language or currently be enrolled.
• A junior must have completed at least six honors level courses including his/her junior year.
For courses completed by the
first grading period of the second session of the senior year,
• The student has been enrolled at St. Amant
High for the entire previous school year.
• The senior year is the student’s fourth year in
high school.
• A senior must have completed three units
in English, mathematics, science, and social
studies and be enrolled in a fourth from the
Junior and Senior courses listed below; and
two units in a foreign language or be enrolled
in the second.
• A senior must have completed at least six
honors level courses.
A student must have an overall grade point average of 3.5 (all courses completed to mid-term
of the junior and senior year will be used in
computing this overall average). No grade lower
than a C in any course will be accepted.
Junior Year (mid-term)
• English I, English II, English III
• Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or higher
math course
• Any three of the following science courses:
Biology, Chemistry, Biology II, Physics, AP
Biology, AP Chemistry
• Any three of the following social studies
courses: Civics, American History, World
History, AP Government, AP Human Geography, or AP European History
Senior Year (mid-term)
• English IV
• Advanced Math or higher math course
• Any social studies elective from the list above
* District requirements for academic letter awards
have changed for the 2012-2013 incoming freshman and beyond. These students that have a
cumulative weighted GPA of 3.5000 and above (no
rounding) and which includes courses completed
• Repeating a subject for the purpose of improving a grade will not be considered for this
• A transfer student who has taken honors
courses at another school will be given
weighted credit only in those courses which
are also offered on an honors level at St. Amant
High School.
• Early Start courses will replace AP courses
where needed.
• Students in Early Start courses may have different grades for SAHS and SELU. This will be
based on SAHS and SELU grade requirements.
In this instance, the SAHS grade will be used.
(For current 10th, 11th, and 12th graders)
Science, Physics II, Physics of Technology II,
Agriscience II, Anatomy and Physiology, or
a locally initiated elective approved by BESE.
*Cannot take both Integrated Science and Physical Science
• A student completing a Career Area of Concentration may substitute one BESE/Board of
Regents approved IBC-related course from
within the student’s Area of Concentration for
the fourth required science unit.
Social Studies - 4 Units
• 1 unit of Civics or AP American Government
• 1 unit of American History
• Two (2) units from the following: World History, World Geography, Western Civilization, AP
European History, or AP Human Geography
• A student completing a Career Area of Concentration may substitute one BESE/Board of
Regents approved IBC-related course from
within the student’s Area of Concentration for
the fourth required social studies unit.
Foreign Language – 2 Units
• Shall be 2 units in the same foreign language or
2 Speech courses
All ninth graders will be enrolled in the Louisiana Arts – 1 Unit
Core 4 Curriculum. After the student has at• 1 unit Fine Arts Survey or 1 unit of Art, Dance,
tended high school for a minimum of two years,
Music, Theatre Arts, or Applied Arts.
as determined by the school, the student and the • A student completing a Career and Technistudent’s parent, guardian, or custodian may recal Area of Concentration may substitute one
quest that the student be exempt from completing
BESE/Board of Regents approved IBC-related
the Louisiana Core 4 curriculum and choose the
course from within the students’ Area of ConLA Basic Core curriculum or the Career Diploma
centration for the required applied arts unit.
English - 4 Units
• English I, II, III, and English IV
Math - 4 Units
• Alg I, Applied Algebra I, or Algebra I-Pt. 2
• Geometry or Applied Geometry
• Algebra II
• The remaining unit shall come from the following: Financial Mathematics, Math Essentials,
Advanced Math—Pre-Calculus, Advanced
Math—Functions and Statistics, Pre-Calculus,
Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Discrete
Mathematics, or a locally-initiated elective approved by BESE.
Science - 4 Units
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Two units from the following courses: Physical
Science, Integrated Science, Physics I, Physics
of Technology I, Aerospace Science, Biology
II, Chemistry II, Earth Science, Environmental
Graduation Requirements
in and through the completion of the third year
of high school eligible to be awarded an academic
jacket. The academic jacket will be awarded to the
student prior to the completion of their first semester of the student’s fourth year of high school.
Health Education – ½ Unit
Physical Education – 1 ½ Units
Electives - 3 Units
24 Units
English - 4 Units
• English I, II, III, and English IV or Senior Applications in English
Math - 4 Units
• Algebra I (1 unit), Applied Algebra I (1 unit),
or Algebra I-Pt. 1 and Algebra I-Pt. 2 (2 units)
• Geometry or Applied Geometry
• The remaining unit(s) shall come from the
following: Algebra II, Financial Mathematics,
Math Essentials, Advanced Math—Pre-Calculus, Advanced Math—Functions and Statistics,
Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, or a locally initiated
elective approved by BESE.
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 15
Science - 3 Units
• 1 unit of Biology
• 1 unit from the following physical science cluster:
Physical Science, Integrated Science, Chemistry I,
Physics I, Physics of Technology I
• 1 unit from the following courses: Aerospace Science, Biology II, Chemistry II, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Physics II, Physics of Technology II, Agriscience II, Anatomy and Physiology, an
additional course from the physical science cluster,
or a locally initiated elective approved by BESE.
• Students may not take both Integrated Science and
Physical Science
Social Studies - 3 Units
• 1 unit of American History
• 1 unit of Civics or AP American Government
• 1 unit of the following: World History, World
Geography, Western Civilization, AP European
History, or Human Geography AP
Electives - 7 Units
Shall include the minimum courses required to complete a Career Area of Concentration for the incoming
freshmen class of 2010-2011and beyond.
Health Education – ½ Unit
Physical Education – 1 ½ Units
Education for Careers or Journey to Careers – 1 Unit
24 Units
English - 4 Units
• English I
• English II
• The remaining units shall come from the following:
Technical Reading and Writing, Business English,
Business Communications, Using Research in Careers (1/2 credit), American Literature (1/2 credit),
Film in America (1/2 credit), English III, English
IV, Senior Applications in English, or a course
developed by the LEA and approved by BESE.
Math - 4 Units
One of the following:
• Algebra I (1 unit) or
• Algebra I-Pt. 1 and Algebra I-Pt. 2 (2 units) or
• Applied Algebra I (1 unit)
• The remaining units shall come from the following:
Geometry or Applied Geometry, Technical Math,
Medical Math, Applications in Statistics and Probability, Financial Math, Math Essentials, Algebra
II, Advanced Math—Pre-Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, and a course(s) developed by the LEA and
approved by BESE.
Science - 3 Units
• Biology I
16 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
• 1 unit from the following physical science cluster:
Physical Science, Integrated Science, Chemistry I,
Chem Com, Physics I, Physics of Technology I.
• The remaining unit shall come from the following: Food Science, Forensic Science, Allied Health
Science, Basic Body Structure and Function, Basic
Physics with Applications, Aerospace Science,
Earth Science, Agriscience II, Physics of Technology II, Environmental Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Animal Science, Biotechnology in Agriculture, Environmental Studies in Agriculture, Health
Science II, EMT – Basic, an additional course from
the physical science cluster, and a course(s) developed by the LEA and approved by BESE.
• Students may not take both Integrated Science and
Physical Science
Social Studies - 3 Units
• 1 unit of American History
• 1 unit of Civics or AP American Government
• The remaining unit shall come from the following: Child Psychology and Parenthood Education,
Law Studies, Psychology, Sociology, World History,
World Geography, Western Civilization, Economics, American Government, African American
Studies and a course developed by the LEA and
approved by BESE.
Career/Technical Education - 7 units
• 1 unit of Education for Careers or Journey to
• Shall include the minimum courses required to
complete a Career Area of Concentration for the
incoming freshmen class and beyond.
Health Education – ½ Unit
Physical Education – 1 ½ Units
23 Units
Students and parents should keep track of units of
credit towards graduation. You may seek assistance
from a guidance counselor by calling 391-6022.
2 Units from the following:
English III, English IV, English IV AP, Business English, Technical Writing
English - 4 Units
• English I, II, III, and English IV
MATH = 4 Units
1 Unit - Algebra I or Algebra I Part One and Algebra
I Part Two
3 Units from the following:
Geometry, Math Essentials, Financial Mathematics,
Business Math, Algebra II, Algebra III, Advanced
Math - Functions and Statistics, Advanced Math PreCalculus
Math - 4 Units
• Algebra I
• Geometry
• Algebra II
• The remaining unit shall come from the following:
Advanced Math—Pre-Calculus, Advanced Math—
Functions and Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus,
Probability and Statistics
SCIENCE = 2 Units
1 Unit - Biology I
1 Unit from the following:
Chemistry I, Earth Science; Environmental Science;
Physical Science; Agriscience I and Agriscience II
(one unit combined)
Louisiana Graduation Curriculum Requirements
2014-2015 Incoming Freshman
Science - 4 Units
• Biology
• Chemistry
• 2 units from the following courses: Physical Science, Physics I, Biology II, Chemistry II, Environmental Science, Physics II, Agriscience I
Social Studies - 4 Units
• 1 unit of Civics or AP American Government
• 1 unit of US History
• 1 unit from the following: World History, World
Geography, Western Civilization, AP European
History, or AP Human Geography
• 1 unit from the following: World History, World
Geography, Western Civilization, AP European
History, or Human Geography AP
Health Education – ½ Unit
Physical Education – 1 ½ Units
Foreign Language – 2 Units
(Shall be 2 units in the same foreign language)
Arts – 1 Unit
• 1 unit Fine Arts Survey or 1 unit of Art, Dance,
Music, Theatre Arts, or Applied Arts.
Electives - 3 Units
TOTAL - 24 Units
Required for Career Diploma graduates entering high
school in the fall 2014
ENGLISH = 4 Units
1 Unit - English I
1 Unit - English II
1 Unit from the following:
U.S. History, AP U.S. History
½ Unit from the following:
Government, AP U.S. Government and Politics:
Comparative, or AP U.S. Government and Politics:
United States
½ Unit from the following:
Economics, AP Macroeconomics, or AP Microeconomics
*One unit of Civics may be substituted for the two ½
Units above
1 ½ Units
Physical Education
½ Unit from the following:
Health Education
Minimum 9 Units
Complete a regionally designed series of CTE Jump
Start coursework and workplace-based learning experiences, leading to a statewide or regional Jump Start
credential. This shall include courses and workplace
experiences specific to the credential, courses related
to foundational career skills requirement in Jump
Start, and other courses, including career electives,
which the Jump Start regional team determines are
appropriate for the pathway.
Students graduating with a CAREER DIPLOMA
MUST attain an approved statewide or regional credential in order to graduate.
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 17
Progression from one grade to the next is based upon
the number of units per year which are successfully
9th to 10th
5 credits and completion of one
full year of high school
10th to 11th
10 credits and completion of two
full years of high school
11th to 12th
16 credits and completion of
three full years of high school
24 credits for Core 4 and Basic
Core Diploma, 23 credits for
Career Diploma
In order to participate in graduation ceremonies a
student must meet all state and parish academic and
attendance requirements no later than 12:00 p.m. on
the last day of the final senior exams. He/she must
have paid or arranged to pay all financial obligations.
Such arrangements must be agreed upon with the
In addition, graduating seniors must attend the
rehearsal scheduled the day before graduation, and
they must report to the designated meeting place on
the day of graduation at the scheduled time and be
dressed according to the graduation dress code policy.
Students who are suspended may not participate in
the graduation ceremony. Seniors are subject to all
discipline rules of the school.
Students who report to graduation exercises under the
influence of alcohol or drugs or who create a disturbance on the campus prior to or during the ceremony
will not be allowed to participate in the exercises.
Students with excessive absences must complete attendance recovery for the excessive days or will not be
allowed to participate in graduation. This is effective
for fall and spring semesters.
Official class ranking will only be done at the senior
level. To be ranked, a student must be a fourth year
senior, having completed his entire senior year and
one other full year at St. Amant High School working
towards a regular or higher level diploma. Students
who receive alternative certificates will not be ranked.
Grade point averages will be used beginning with
the first nine weeks of the freshman year and will be
cumulative through the last nine weeks of the senior
year. Computation will be done to the ten thousandth
18 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
The highest ranking senior(s) will be recognized as
valedictorian(s). The second ranking senior(s) will
be recognized as salutatorian(s). All students with a
grade point average of 3.0 or higher will be designated as honor graduates. Those students with a 3.5
or higher will be designated as distinguished honor
The Tuition Opportunity Program for Students
(TOPS) is a state-funded scholarship program
adopted by the Louisiana Legislature in 1997. These
scholarships provide up to eight semesters of tuition
(plus additional stipends in some categories) for
qualified students to attend Louisiana universities or
up to four semesters of tuition in Louisiana’s technical
school system.
Both the TOPS and the TOPS Tech awards require
a specific high school core curriculum, a minimum
GPA on that core curriculum, and a specific minimum
A.C.T. test score. If a student meets these, he or she
is eligible for the award provided the student submits
the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
by May 1 (priority) or July 1 (final deadline to avoid
penalties) of the graduating year. Once the student
enrolls at the Louisiana college or technical school of
choice, specific criteria must be maintained in order to
continue to receive the award from one academic year
to the next.
Brochures with more detailed information are available in the St. Amant Counseling Department Office
or from the Louisiana Office of Student Financial
Assistance (1-800-259-5626, Ext.1012). As requirements for these awards can change from year to year,
parents and students are advised to stay informed of
up-to-date information through this LOSFA website:
The following are the TOPS requirements for these
TOPS Core Curriculum
For the Opportunity, Performance and Honors Awards
For High School graduates of 2018 and thereafter
ENGLISH = 4 Units
1 Unit
1 Unit
1 Unit from the following:
1 Unit from the following:
English I
English II
English III, AP English Language Arts and Composition, or IB
English III (Language A or Literature and Performance)
English IV, AP English Literature and Composition, or IB English
IV (Language A or Literature and Performance)
MATH = 4 Units
1 Unit
Algebra I
1 Unit
1 Unit
Algebra II
1 Unit from the following:
SCIENCE = 4 Units
1 Unit
1 Unit
2 Units from the following:
(Integrated Mathematics I, Integrated Mathematics II, and
Integrated Mathematics III may be substituted for the Algebra I,
Geometry, and Algebra II sequence)
Algebra III; Advanced Math - Functions and Statistics, Advanced
Math - Pre-Calculus, Pre-Calculus, or IB Math Methods I
(Mathematical Studies SL); Calculus, AP Calculus AB, or IB Math
Methods II (Mathematics SL); AP Calculus BC; Probability and
Statistics or AP Statistics; IB Further Mathematics HL; IB
Mathematics HL
Biology I
Chemistry I
Earth Science; Environmental Science; Physical Science;
Agriscience I and Agriscience II (one unit combined); Chemistry
II, AP Chemistry, or IB Chemistry II; AP Environmental Science or
IB Environmental Systems; Physics I, AP Physics B, or IB Physics
I; AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, AP Physics C:
Mechanics, or IB Physics II; AP Physics I and AP Physics II;
Biology II, AP Biology, or IB Biology II
1 Unit from the following:
½ Unit from the following:
½ Unit from the following:
U.S. History, AP U.S. History, or IB U.S. History
Government, AP U.S. Government and Politics: Comparative, or
AP U.S. Government and Politics: United States
Economics, AP Macroeconomics, or AP Microeconomics
(one unit of Civics may be substituted for the two ½ Units above)
Western Civilization, European History, or AP European History;
World Geography, AP Human Geography, or IB Geography;
2 Units from the following:
World History, AP World History, or IB World History; History of
Religion; IB Economics
Please see reverse side for continuation of TOPS Core Curriculum
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 19
Foreign Language, both units in the same language, which may
include the following: AP Chinese Language and Culture, AP
French Language and Culture, AP German Language and
Culture, AP Italian Language and Culture, AP Japanese
Language and Culture, AP Latin, AP Spanish Language and
Culture, IB French IV, IB French V, IB Spanish IV, and IB Spanish V
ART = 1 Unit
1 Unit from the following:
Performance course in Music, Dance or Theatre; Fine Arts
Survey; Art I, II, III, and IV; Talented Art I, II, III, and IV; Talented
Music I, II, III and IV; Talented Theater Arts I, II, III, and IV;
Speech III and Speech IV (one unit combined); AP Art History; AP
Studio Art: 2-D Design; AP Studio Art: 3-D Design; AP Studio Art:
Drawing; AP Music Theory; IB Film Study I; IB Film Study II; IB
Music I; IB Music II; IB Art Design III; IB Art Design IV; or IB
Theatre I
TOTAL = 19 Units
GIFTED COURSES: Any core curriculum course that is taken by a student who has been identified as
gifted pursuant to State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) policy and that is taken
in fulfillment of the student’s Individualized Education Plan shall be considered a “Gifted Course” and
shall fulfill the core curriculum.
Beginning with students entering the 9th grade in 2014 -2015 and graduating in the 2017-2018 school
year and thereafter, the calculation of the TOPS Core Curriculum grade point average (GPA) will use a
five- (5.00) point scale for grades earned in certain Advanced Placement (AP) courses, International
Baccalaureate (IB) courses, Gifted Courses, and Dual Enrollment courses used to complete the TOPS
Core Curriculum. At this time, BESE and the Board of Regents have not designated the courses that
will be calculated on the five- (5.00) point scale.1 For such courses, five quality points will be assigned
to a letter grade of “A”, four quality points will be assigned to a letter grade of “B”, three quality points
will be assigned to a letter grade of “C”, two quality points will be assigned to a letter grade of “D”, and
zero quality points will be assigned to a letter grade of “F”. Note that students earning credit in courses
graded on the five (5.00) point scale may earn a grade point average on the TOPS Core Curriculum
that exceeds 4.00.
Courses approved for the five- (5.00) point scale will be noted in updates to this document.
This core curriculum is accurate as of the date of publication and includes courses listed in TOPS statue. (800) 259‐5626 P.O. Box 91202, Baton Rouge, LA 70821‐9202 Updated : 09/10/2013 20 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
For the Opportunity, Performance, and Honors Awards
For current 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.
ENGLISH - 4 Units
(4 Units)
English I, II, III, and IV
MATH - 4 Units
(1 Unit)
Algebra I, Integrated Mathematics I, or Applied Algebra I
or Algebra I – Parts I & 2 (2 units)
or Applied Mathematics I & II (2 units)
or Applied Algebra 1A and 1B (2 units)
(1 Unit)
Algebra II or Integrated Mathematics II
(2 Units)
Geometry, Applied Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Advanced Math–PreCalculus, Calculus, AP Calculus AB, Advanced Math–Functions
and Statistics, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Applied Mathematics III, Integrated Mathematics III, or Algebra III
SCIENCE - 4 Units
(1 Unit)
Biology I or Biology II
(1 Unit)
Chemistry I or II, or Chemistry Com
(2 Units)
Earth Science, Physical Science, Environmental Science, Integrated
Science, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, Physics II, Physics for
Technology I or II, AP Physics C:Electricity & Magnetism, AP Physics C: Mechanics, or Anatomy and Physiology
or Agriscience I & II (both for 1 unit)
(1 Unit)
American History
(1 Unit)
Civics and Free Enterprise (one unit combined) or Civics (one year)
or AP American Government and Politics: United States (one unit)
(2 Units)
World History, Western Civilization, World Geography, AP Human
Geography, European History or History of Religion
FINE ARTS - 1 Unit
(1 Unit)
Fine Arts Survey
or 1 unit of a performance course in music, dance, or theatre
or 1 unit of studio art
or 1 unit of visual art
or both Speech III and IV (both for one unit)
(2 Units)
Foreign Language (2 units in the same language)
TOTAL = 19 Units
Advanced Placement (AP) courses with the same name as the course listed in the TOPS Core Curriculum
may be substituted.
This core curriculum is accurate as of the date of publication and includes courses listed in TOPS statute and
those determined to be equivalent by the La. Board of Regents and BESE.
(800) 259-5626, Ext. 1012
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 21
(Technical School)
ENGLISH - 4 Units
(4 Units)
MATH - 3 Units
(1 Unit)
English I, II, III, and IV (or Business English)
Algebra I
or Algebra I – Parts I & 2 (2 units)
or Applied Mathematics I & II (2 units)
Geometry, Applied Math III, Algebra II, Financial Math, Advanced
Math, Discrete Math, Probability & Statistics
(2 Units)
SCIENCE - 2 Units
(1 Unit)
(1 Unit)
Chemistry or Applied Chemistry, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Physical Science, Integrated Science, Biology II, Chemistry II,
Physics II, Physics of Tech, or Agriscience I and II (both units)
(1 Unit)
(1 Unit)
(1 Unit)
American History
World History, Western Civilization,World Geography or AP Human
Civics and Free Enterprise (one unit combined) or Civics (one unit)
Remaining Courses Must Be Selected From One Of These Two Options:
(1 Unit)
(2 Units)
(1 Unit)
17 Total Core Curriculum Units
(4 Units)
(1 Unit)
(1 Unit)
19 Total Core Curriculum Units
Fine Arts Survey (or substitute two units or performance courses
in music, dance, or theater; or two units of visual art; or two units
of studio art; or substitute one unit from among the other courses
listed in this core curriculum; or a career/technical course approved
Foreign Language, Technical Writing, Speech I, Speech II
Computer education course approved by BESE
A career major (sequence or related specialty courses as defined in
the career options law)
Related or technical course
Basic computer course
Minimum ACT/GPA requirements for TOPS Eligibility
TOPS Tech:
ACT Composite: 17
TOPS Opportunity:
ACT Composite: 20
TOPS Core GPA: 2.5
TOPS Performance:
ACT Composite: 23
TOPS Core GPA: 3.0
TOPS Honors:
ACT Composite: 27
TOPS Core GPA: 3.0
22 - St. Amant High Student Handbook
In April of 2010, the Louisiana Board of Regents approved these freshmen minimum admission standards for
regular admission to a Louisiana, public four-year university – flagship, statewide, or regional*. These standards
are effective Fall 2012, except where noted. Students should check with the specific institution for additional
information, as some have adopted or may choose to adopt additional requirements for admission.
High School Curriculum
Regents’ Core: 19 units (from Core 4 Curriculum)
Those courses in the English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, and Arts Categories as defined in the Core 4 Curriculum** listed
in Louisiana Department of Education Bulletins 741 http://www.doe.state. (Section 2318 of the Louisiana Handbook for
School Administrators and Section 2109 of the Louisiana Handbook for
Nonpublic School Administrators)
Overall High School GPA
Minimum overall HS GPA — 2.0
Developmental Courses
Developmental courses needed:
Effective Fall 2012: 0 at Flagship and Statewide Universities, 1 at Regional
Effective Fall 2014: 0 at any University
As demonstrated by the following minimum ACT sub scores:
ACT English - 18; ACT Math - 19
As per Board of Regents’ Academic Affairs policy 2.18
High School Core GPA
GPA on the Core — 3.0 – Flagship
GPA on the Core — 2.5 – Statewide
GPA on the Core — 2.0 – Regional
ACT Composite— 25 – Flagship
ACT Composite— 23 – Statewide
ACT Composite— 20 – Regional
* Flagship: LSU. Statewide: LA Tech, ULL, UNO. Regional: Grambling, LSU-A, LSU-S, McNeese, Nicholls, NSU,
Two-Year institutions are open admission for freshmen students with: a diploma from a BESE-approved high
school, or GED or its equivalent, or appropriate score on an Ability to Benefit test.
** Universities may admit 2012 high school graduates who have not met the Arts Category of the Core 4, but
otherwise meet the minimum admission standards.
St. Amant High Student Handbook - 23