February 9, 2014 - Elk River Nazarene Church
February 9, 2014 - Elk River Nazarene Church
Please use this section to inform us of any prayer requests or updates and family information changes _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Requests will be left on our list for at least three weeks then may be removed. Please let us know of updates and changes. ERNC PRAYER LIST 2-9-2014 Extended Family and Friends Norma Abston—lung surgery; Teresa Eskins’ aunt Mrs. Anderson—bad fall/broken arm; Teresa Eskins’ contact. Linda Ankley—critically ill; friend of Keith & Janice Ledsome Christy Arbaugh-Johnson—breast cancer; Marilyn Clark’s cousin Raymond Bateman—job/health; Kay Barker’s son Bekka—health/God’s grace; friend of Michele Grigoraci Rudy Bird—salvation confirmation; Norma Lucas contact Marc Block—ICU critical condition; Cindy Dunlap’s brother in law Roy Buchanan—heart/cancer; Norma Lucas’ brother in law Larry Clark—health; Greg Clark’s dad Jenny Colvin—cancer; Cathy Higginbotham’s aunt Mrs. Crites—Teresa Eskins’ co-worker’s mother Landon Cummings—brain tumor; Norma Lucas contact Marjorie Dean—recovery; Susan Smith’s aunt Mary Dittebrand—cancer; teacher at Shoals Dixie—guidance; Jennifer Woodruff’s neice David Edens—heart/health; Debbie Fields Brother Sarah Estep—13 yr. old with serious health problems; friend of JoAnn & Danny Lucas Leon Evans—health; Sandy Boggess contact Zoe Evans—cancer; Shelby Radcliffe contact Rose Marie Fernandez—cancer; friend of Missy Belcher Denise Ferris—surgery/radiation/chemo treatments; friend of Donna Carney Ronnie Fisher—son of Ron & Juanita Fisher Mike Givens—salvation; Jack Kutil contact Linda Grubbs—cancer; Donna Carney’s sister Steve Hamilton—guidance; Jack Kutil contact Jerry Hodge—cancer; Michele Grigoraci’s uncle Joey Hodge—brain cancer; God’s grace, guidance & healing; Michele Grigoraci’s fiance Sarah Hodge—God’s grace, guidance & strength; Michele Grigoraci’s daughter Mike Hubbard—cancer; Susan & Rod Green contact Felicia Huson—leukemia; friend of Jenn Woodruff Rev. Paul & Alice Jameson—health; Connie Sheets’ parents Kerry Johnson—leukemia; Virginia Evans contact Kathy Kutil—fibromyalgia; Jack Kutil’s daughter Mary Louise Lane—health; Norma Lucas’ mother Christy Lively—brain cancer; Marilyn Clark contact Trenton Lowe—health; Nikki Elswick’s son Gloria Lusk—health/spot on her lungs; Dee Gunno contact Ted & Deanna Malone—health; Nikki Elswick’s grandparents Branson McCormick—major disabilities; Jim Fields contact Adelle McFarland—mini-stroke; Kirby McFarland’s mother Nancy Meghan—multiple heath problems; Scott Geyer’s aunt Cindy Meige—mass on liver; Norma Lucas contact Donna Moore—health; Karen Kutil contact Eloise Moore—health; Drema Clark’s mother Rick Moore—cancer/ heart problems; Drema Clark’s brother Joan O’Neal—Hospitalized—cancer; Joan Townsend’s aunt Plauchon Family—healing/wisdom; Jessica Beha contact Susan Raines—cancer; Nikki Elswick contact Creed Sellars—8 yr. old with cancer, chemo—Susan Smith contact Sherri—pneumonia/infection around cartilage of heart; Teresa Eskins contact Andy Sizemore-7 yr. old, stroke, surgery—Jenn Woodruff contact Tracy Stewart—breast cancer; Nancy Strickland contact Brian Stuck—brain cancer; Tom Stuck’s son Cindy Stump—cancer; Teresa Eskins’ contact Brookie Terlikewski—cancer; Sue McMinn contact Unspoken for Teresa Eskins’ co-worker Ray & Velma Westfall—health; Nikki Elswick’s family Brooklyn Windham—undergoing cancer treatment; Norma Lucas contact April Woody—cancer; Marilyn Clark contact Elk River Nazarene Church Helping people become dynamic and fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ February 9, 2014 Sunday Services and Activities 9:15 am 9:45 am 10:45 am 6:00 p.m. Naz Café & Continental Breakfast Sunday School for all ages Morning Worship Service Nursery Available Children’s Church available for all ages Evening Worship Service Nursery Available Class Available for Children Teen Worship Service (Grades 6 to 12) Wednesday Common Ground Activities 7:00 p.m. Children’s Ministry (Infants to 5th Grade) Teen Ministry (Grades 6 to 12) Adult Bible Study Choir Rehearsal Elk River Nazarene Church 143 Dutch Road * Charleston WV * 25302 Phone: 304.342.6052 * Fax: 304.342.6075 www.elkrivernaz.com Church Staff Rev. Randy Ledsome * Senior Pastor Email: pastorrandy@elkrivernaz.com Home 304.965.7702 Cell 304.541.1910 Rev. Kyle Miller * Student & Worship Pastor Email: pastorkyle@elkrivernaz.com Home/Cell 615.417.3311 Susan Ledsome * Children’s Ministries Email: swledsome@suddenlink.net Home 304.965.7702 Cell 304.541.1925 Rev. Jim & Cherry Morris * Visitation Pastors Email: JamesAMorris@Frontier.com Home/Cell 304.541.5658 SUNDAY, February 9, 2014 “ Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.” —1 John 4:7 Welcome to Elk River Church of the Nazarene We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us today. It is our desire that you will experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and learn to walk daily in His teachings. We are excited to help equip all who desire to become dynamic and fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ! Special Moments As you depart our sanctuary at the close of the service, please give consideration to those who have gone forward for prayer concerns or who may have made a personal decision to follow Christ today. Information for Parents We offer several ministries for your little ones. Tiny Tots (infant to age 2) is our nursery located just outside the sanctuary. Little Tykes (2-3 yrs), Celebration Station (3½ to 5 yrs) and Big City Studio (1st through 5th grade) are located on the second level. Your children will be given the opportunity to hear a message that will apply to their lives and help them grow in the knowledge of Jesus. ‘The River’ Hospitality Center Connect with various ministries, events, and other opportunities for you. It is located on the right side of the main foyer as you exit the center doors of the Sanctuary and is available following each morning worship service. Debit machine for electronic giving is now available on the right side of the foyer as you exit the sanctuary. PRAYER CONNECTION Prayer requests may be given in several ways. You may email your request to elkrivernaz@elkrivernaz.com at anytime or you may call the Church Office at 342-6052 for special requests Monday-Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. After hours, simply call the main number and you will be auto-prompted to the Pastor’s mail box. Your request will be handled in confidence in whatever manner it is received, via e-mail or by phone. For immediate response, please call Pastor Randy at home 965-7702 or cell 541-1910. ERNC Prayer List 2-9-14 Our Church Family Andrea Acton—sarcoidosis Judy Acton—health Glen Arthur—health Edna Banks—health Kay Barker—health Angie Bickley—health/employment Terri Bickley—health Tim Brown—back pain/employment LeaVada Canaday—health Donna Chatman—recovery from surgery Jane Coleman—wisdom & direction David Darnold—health Nikki Elswick—God’s grace & healing Jewel & Mike Epperly—health Virginia Evans—health Jim Gerencir—health Michele Grigoraci—God’s grace, strength & guidance Earl Gunno—health Margie Hendricks—hospitalized Sarah Hodge—God’s strength and guidance Brad Holley—kidney disease & diabetes Reba Hammonds—health Susie Kenney—health Rebecca King—recovery from surgery Eugene & Mildred Kiser—health Martha Krause—health Karen Kutil—health Keith & Janice Ledsome—health Larry & Janiece Mack—health Dennis Marcum—health Vickie Marcum—thyroid surgery Jim & Cherry Morris—health Phyllis Pauline—health Doris Shank—health Mary Smith—health Susan Smith—health RA Crystal Stutler—health Emmett & Barbara Stutler—cancer/upcoming surgery Carlos Surface—health Jeff Wright—health issues *Unspoken requests from our church family *Pray for those in nursing homes & homebound PROTECTION & GUIDANCE FOR U.S. MILITARY GOVERNMENT LEADERS Chuck Pressburg—Afghanistan; Gary & Jackie Ward contact COMMUNICATION CARD Welcome Guests! Please fill out and place in the offering plate. Name _____________________Date_______ Address_______________________________ City _________________State____Zip_____ Email:________________________________ Phone (home) ____________(cell) ___________ I would like information on: Children’s Ministry Teen Ministry Ladies Ministry Men’s Ministry Prayer Ministry Sunday School Missions Needles Ministry Men’s Softball Choir & Drama Ministry Help with LERMA—February Name_________________________________ Family Night-Dinner & a Movie February 28th at 6:00 p.m. Children 5th grade & under and their parents. Name_________________________________ Number attending______________________ FAMILY ACCOUNTABILITY Last Sunday’s Attendance SS 158 Weekly Need: 2/4/14 Offering AM 236 PM 78 $ $ FAMILY CALENDAR TODAY’S ACTIVITIES 7,124.00 7,744.78 Monthly Need: February Offering $ 28,496.00 $ 7,744.78 YTD Need: YTD Giving YTD Mortgage Sunday Offering Deficit $ 220,844.00 $ 184,561.09 $ 9,244.07 $ 27,038.84 February Mortgage Offering $ Faith Promise/World Evangelism Goal Received $ 23,550.00 $ 10,194.20 9:15 9:45 10:45 5:30 6:00 THIS WEEK AT “”The River” 350.00 Feb. 9 ENCOURAGING THE FAMILY Jake & Carol Buckner 359 Mill Creek Road Charleston, WV 25311 (Loss of nephew) 12 Barbara Stutler 750 Beulah Street Charleston, WV 25302 (Surgery 2/12/14) TINY TOTS (birth to 23 months) TODAY AM Debbie Titcher, Kaylee Bayes PM Kayla Miller 2.12 PM Teresa Eskins 2.16 AM Linda Wiseman, Aieshia Boggs PM Diane Billings LITTLE TYKES (2’s and 3’s) and Wee Praise TODAY AM Grandparent’s Day—Jackie Ward, Emily Dunlap 2.16 AM Jennifer & Jason Woodruff CELEBRATION STATION (3 1/2 to Kindergarten) & Wee Praise TODAY AM Grandparent’s Day—Julie & Tori Chestnut 2.16 AM Jamie Doughty & Gracie Doughty CHILDREN’S CHURCH (1st—5th Grade) THE SANDS ROOM TODAY AM Grandparent’s Day—Ed McMinn, Connie Sheets 2.16 AM Missions WEDNESDAY NIGHT 2.12 Valentine’s Day Party—Sandy Boggess, Georgia Withrow Naz Café Continental Breakfast Sunday School for all Ages Morning Worship Service Nursery Available Classes Available for Children (Age 2 yrs.—Fifth Grade) Teens Phase 2 Worship Service—DV8 Room Evening Worship Service —Sanctuary Children’s Music Classes (Age 2 yrs.—Fifth Grade) 16 Grandparent’s Day—10:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Mortgage Luncheon at Noon in the Fellowship Hall. Menu will consist of Meatloaf, Corn, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Dessert & Drink. A donation of $5 per person is suggested. All proceeds are applied directly to the mortgage balance. Children’s Department Valentine’s Day Party at 7:00 p.m. Activities at 7:00 p.m. Nursery Available Children’s Activities Teens—DV8 Room Adult Bible Study in the Sanctuary Adult Choir Practice—Choir Room Dr. Smith will be with us during the morning worship service at 10:45 a.m. CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK BIRTHDAYS 10 Kayla Miller 11 Sandy Jones 12 Cindy Dunlap 13 Dallas Enoch 15 Sarah Jett 15 Lindee Lacy 16 Woody Edwards ANNIVERSARIES 14 Bob & Stephanie Gunno 14 Steve & Londa Marks . If your birthday or anniversary is not listed, please let us know so we can update our church software records. Thank you! UPCOMING FAMILY EVENTS THE BIGGEST LOSER NOW THROUGH APRIL 27TH—It’s time to get healthier! Susan Smith will be taking your weight in the restroom beside Sandy Jones’ classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. (before Sunday School) and immediately after the morning worship service until 12:30 p.m. Please weigh in each Sunday. Your weight and results will be kept confidential! Cash prizes will be given for the top three. 1st Place wins 50%, 2nd Place wins 30% and 3rd Place wins 20%. We will be going by percentage, not weight. The cost is $20. FEBRUARY’S MORTGAGE LUNCHEON TODAY—Jim & Debbie Fields and crew will be UPCOMING FAMILY EVENTS FAMILY NIGHT IN THE CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT—DINNER & A MOVIE FOR CHILDREN 5TH GRADE & UNDER & THEIR PARENTS on Friday, February 28th at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The movie is 101 Dalmations, and we will be making Pupperoni Pizza and Kanine Cookies! There will be a devotion for the children following the movie. Please RSVP To Susan Ledsome to ensure the right amount of food. WOMEN’S RETREAT—Registration will begin on Sunday, February 16th for the Women’s Retreat hosting the Mortgage Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall after the morning worship service today. The menu will consist of Meatloaf, Corn, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Dessert & Drink. A donation of $5 per person is suggested. All proceeds are applied directly to the mortgage balance. to be held on March 15th. The cost will be $15, and ladies will be treated with Special Speaker, Kathy Wiseman, Lunch, and a Self Defense class taught by Hannah Shipman Marsh. Registration deadline is March 2nd and is open to high school ladies and above. See us at the registration table in the foyer beginning February 16th to purchase your ticket! GRANDPARENT’S DAY TODAY at 10:45 a.m. Grandparent’s pictures will be taken following the YOUTH & MISSION RETREAT—Nazarene Extreme Ministries is hosting a Youth & Mission morning worship service! Please move to the front of the church, following the morning service, for pictures. CHILDREN’S VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY—Wednesday, February 12th at 7:00 a.m. in the Children’s Department. NEEDLES MEETING—The ladies will be meeting on Tuesday, February 18th, at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone bring a dish to share. All ladies are welcome! SUNDAY SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING—Wednesday, February 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. FEBRUARY ALL LADIES NIGHT OUT—Elk River Ladies will be HOPPING at Ladies Night Out, Thursday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m.in the Fellowship Hall. This event is for ALL LADIES, not just those who participate in secret sisters! Teresa Eskins will be the hostess for the evening, and will be sharing with us how we can Fully Rely on God. Bring a dish (something GREEN) to share for our snack. Be sure to invite someone and join us for an evening of fun, food, and fellowship! SPAGHETTI DINNER & FAMILY FEUD! —Saturday, February 22nd at 5:00 p.m., there will be a Spaghetti Fundraiser Dinner in the Fellowship Hall. The menu will include Spaghetti, Salad, Bread, Dessert & Drink. We will play 2 games of Family Feud with competition between the Sunday School classes! All donations will benefit our Music/Drama Ministries. Come out & join us for an evening of fun, fellowship, laughter and great food! See Mary Beth Taylor for more details. DUCK DYNASTY TICKETS FOR DARE TO BE DUCK—The cast of Duck Dynasty will be speaking at the Charleston Civic Center on February 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Group rate tickets are $15. We will leave the church at 6:15 p.m. Contact Pastor Kyle for tickets while they last! Happy, Happy, Happy!! ALABASTER SUNDAY IS COMING UP ON FEBRUARY 23RD Retreat at Cedar Lakes on Friday, February 28—Sunday,March 1, 2014. The cost is $25 and includes your room, pizza party, and a continental breakfast on Saturday morning. Please see Pastor Kyle for more details. Registration form and money are due by February 21st. LOVE TO SING? NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO JOIN THE CHOIR! You don’t have to be able to read music, just willing to make a joyful noise! The choir practices every Wednesday night in the choir room from 7:00 p.m.-8:15 p.m. See Kelly McMinn for details. FEBRUARY IS OUR MONTH TO HELP AT L.E.R.M.A.— Please join Martha Krause each Tuesday in February from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the LERMA building in Pinch. Any Tuesday that you can help will be very much appreciated! Both women & men can volunteer. Please see Martha for details, or fill out the Communication Card in the bulletin and place in the offering plate. THE DRAMA MINISTRY IS LOOKING FOR ACTORS! Please see Kent Cochran or Marvin Taylor if you are interested in being a part of the upcoming dramas. We will be working on the Easter drama very soon! WEBSITE—A new feature has been added to the church website. The weekly bulletin is now available online. Go to the website www.elkrivernaz.com and click on “Media” and then choose the bulletin you want to see by date. Just one more way to help keep you informed! SIGN UP FOR TEXT UPDATES from the church by texting to 304-982-8271 with the message: @ernc. You will receive a text message back requesting you to text your full name. That’s all there is to it! You will then begin receiving any new updates via text message! Note: You CANNOT respond to the text updates. KROGER FUNDRAISING FOR THE TEENS—Help be a part of raising funds for our youth group! Just sign up for the Kroger Neighborhood Rewards Program, give $5, and you will receive a gift card pre-loaded with $5. Load up the gift card with the dollar amount of groceries you will buy at your local Kroger each week. Kroger will then give back 5% of your purchase to DV8 Youth Ministries! See Diane Billings or Pastor Kyle for more details and to get your card.