kpc news 98 - Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
kpc news 98 - Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Under Amiri patronage, a new complex of Olefins & Aromatics inaugurated Dialogue with CEO During the past few days Kuwait lived through the joy of national celebrations; such celebrations are the ones that history marks with characters of light, recording in it the struggle of people looking for survival in order to lead a decent life. With blessings of Almighty Allah, the good people of Kuwait succeeded in winning the whole world’s support for the just cause, and were able to gather friends who helped liberate their country and retrieve their pride. This puts Kuwait on the map of countries of the civilized world that know the importance of human element and its value in building nations and civilizations. From the outset, KPC took into account the importance of the human factor and shaped the appropriate environment, devoted efforts and developed strategic plans to build a generation that can take up responsibilities and achieve high hopes for our beloved country. Through qualifying national experts who can manage the oil sector and by applying the latest technologies to ensure optimum utilization of the oil wealth, which is bestowed upon us by Almighty Allah, we can enhance its survival for coming generations. The result of this care was impressive, as the Kuwaiti human element was able to accomplish many of the oil sector’s aspirations in a number of oil areas, especially in the sector of exploration and production. An example is Kuwait’s position placed at the forefront of the developed countries that aims to achieve integration between the petrochemical industry and refineries in the company’s projects inside and outside Kuwait. The project of the Aromatic Complex II, which was inaugurated by HH the Amir in February, comes as a new quality and quantum leap for the oil industry in general and the petrochemicals in particular. Saad Ali Al-Shuwaib Chief Executive Officer In This Issue.. HE Al-Abdullah receives Shell’s Executive Manager 6 Under Amiri patronage, a new complex of Olefins and Aromatics inaugurated 2 In This Issue 2 Events 6 Participation 12 Miscellaneous 14 KPC Society 16 Brown bread excels its white counterpart 15 KPC News Team: Media Relations Dept. Fax: 24994991 Email: Under the theme “Partners in Development” His Highness the Amir inaugurates the largest petrochemical industry complex for Olefins, aromatics and styrene projects His Highness the Amir of the State of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah inaugurated, on Tuesday, February 23, 2010, a major petrochemical project by EQUATE company at southern Al-Shuaiba Industrial Zone. The mega project concerns the “Olefins II” aromatics, oil derivatives project and a Styrene project. The opening ceremony was attended by His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Deputy Chief of National Guard, Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the Prime Minister, Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed AlAhmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Acting Parliament Speaker, Dlaihi Saad Al Hajri, former Chairman of the National Assembly Mohammad Yousuf Al-Adasani, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ministers and Defense Minister, Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- I N T H I S I S S U E Sabah, Deputy Minister of the Amiri Diwan Affairs, Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah and senior officials in the country. The ceremony started with verses from the Holy Qur’an, recited by Sheikh Mishari Al-Afasy, following which, the master of ceremonies, Yusuf Mustafa, invited Oil Minister, the Minister of Information and Chairman of KPC’s board of directors Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah to make his speech. HE Oil Minister, Minister of Information, Mr. Saad Al-Shuwaib, Mrs. Maha Mulla Hussein and Mr. Andrew N. Liveris pose for memorial photo Addressing the inaugural ceremony, Sheikh Al-Abdullah said, “The patronage of HH the Amir and his honoring of the ceremony comes as a continuation of the journey of Late Amir, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah (may Allah rest his soul in peace) who sponsored renaissance in the field of petrochemical industry in the country. During the period when he was the Crown Prince and Chairman of Board of Ministers, he inaugurated the chemical fertilizers plants in 1967; those factories then formed the nucleus of the petrochemical industry in the State of Kuwait and the region. The first Olefins project ceremony in 1997, was also inaugurated by him, it was this ceremony which witnessed the launch of “Equate” Snapshots from the ceremony: • HH the Amir arrived at the ceremony exactly at 10:30 a.m. • Technology was strongly featured in the ceremony as the opening was witnessed by a remote controlled aircraft with a camera in it, so that the attendees could witness the proceedings of the inauguration, from within the tent. Once the aircraft reached the location, the head of workers took the permission of HH the Amir to launch work officially in factories, and then His Highness said, “In the name and blessing of Allah.” • Despite the bad weather, the attendees were happy with the occasion. company. Although weather conditions were harsh at that time, it did not stop him from personally attending the opening ceremony, and today your Highness will be completing the journey by honoring the official opening ceremony of olefins II, aromatics and styrene plants. By your wise foresight, the strategic importance this event will contribute to the advancement of the national economy in line with the state’s development plan.” Al-Abdullah pointed out that KPC gives great and strategic significance to expansion and growth of the petrochemical industries that maximizes and adds value to the hydrocarbon resources of the state of Kuwait. This strategic direction falls under the context of the state’s development plan, and within its efforts to preserve natural resources and increase the revenue from it. Hence, Petrochemical Industries Company I N T H I S I S S U E PIC adopted a plan that is based on strategic partnership with major international companies to ensure advanced technology and wide marketing, management and technical expertise for its industries. It also encouraged the Kuwaiti private sector’s involvement through public subscription and the participation of citizens in these industries which keep pace with the government’s orientation and its policy in this regard.’’ Al-Abdullah concluded his speech saying, “Today, we are living in the State of Kuwait’s joyous occasion of its national celebrations on the 49th anniversary of its National Day and the 19th of its glorious Liberation Day; as well as 4 years have passed since the assumption of the leadership of the country by His Highness the Amir and the Crown Prince. He extended his prayers to Almighty Allah I N T H I S I S S U E our beloved country and our joy increased after having the honor of His Highness the Amir attending the ceremony; hence, congratulations to your Royal Highness, congratulations to us on the celebrations of our beloved Kuwait and congratulations to Kuwait on these achievements.’’ HE Oil Minister, Minister of Information to give them health and long life. God bless Kuwait and its people and bless its leader; the Amir and the Crown Prince”. For her part, the Chairperson and Managing Director of Petrochemical Industries Company, Mrs. Maha Mulla Hussain said in her inaugural speech during the ceremony, “Our celebrations today coincide with the celebrations of She added that the opening ceremony of Olefins II, aromatics and styrene industries took “ Partners in Development “ as its theme because it reflects harmony and integration between the partners represented by PIC, KNPC, KPC’s subsidiaries, the foreign partner US Dow Chemical Company; in addition to the private sector represented by “Boubyan Petrochemicals” and “Al-Qurain Petrochemical industry”, as each of them did their part to the fullest in order to achieve the purposes and objectives of the projects that made it Olefins II project was classified as one of the best projects that has been implemented globally and by different measures as compared to the results prevailing in industries in the fields of security, safety and capital cost and the use of added value applications and the integration and coherence of the duration of implementation and the project team. Mrs. Maha Mulla Hussein Mr. Andrew N. Liveris possible for us to celebrate today. into consideration during the design and implementation of these industries, to ensure that the level of environmental pollutants will not increase more than the usual standard of Kuwaiti and global ranges,’’ noted she. “The design and implementation of this project included latest manufacturing technology with great competitive value and highest standards of safety, health and environment. Environmental studies were conducted before starting the implementation of projects for a range of 20 km; however, these results were taken She went on to say that these projects recorded more than 50 million continuous working hours without lost time incidents. The She mentioned that this experience did not come without many challenges, and the most obvious is the presence of more than 22 thousand workers per day within the project boundaries in Al-Shuaiba Industrial Area during the peak of its implementation. The consequents came with huge challenges to maintaining the safety and security of the workers and in full compliance with the busy work schedules and the need to meet required deadlines. I N T H I S I S S U E Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah receives Shell Executive Manager HE Oil Minister, the Minister of Information and Chairman of KPC’s board of directors, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, received on Tuesday, Feb 16, 2010 the Executive Manager of Upstream International and Member of the Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc, Mr. Malcolm Brinded, and the Chairman and Managing Director of Kuwait Shell Limited, Mr. Ahmed Mouti at his office in the oil complex. During the meeting, the parties discussed many oil related issues including at the forefront the conditions of the global oil market. They also discussed issues of mutual interest between the two sides. In an effort to raise the productive capacity of gas field KOC inks an accord with Shell for technical services Kuwait Oil Company KOC signed a contract on Feb 17, 2010 with Shell for enhanced technical services, in line with the company’s strategy that aims to increase the production capacity of non-associated gas. In accordance with the agreement, Shell will provide technical support for the development of Jurassic gas fields that were discovered in 2006, in the north of Kuwait. On this occasion, the Managing Director of the Governmental, Parliamentary, Public and Media Relations Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid Al-Sabah, stated that the non-associated gas development is considered one of the vital projects that receive a lot of attention from KPC and its subsidiaries. He added that this is done in order to ensure that a large share of energy used in power stations, petroleum industry and petrochemical projects comes from gas. Furthermore, gas energy will also contribute in the reduction of environmental pollution as it is used as a substitute for oil in power generation. He added that this agreement will provide many important services help develop gas fields, and supply specialized manpower, advanced technology and technical E V E N T S expertise; in addition to training and developing Kuwaiti staff to deal with these fields. Al-Khaled assured that the development of the Jurassic gas fields requires special kind of technology and technical manpower; as well as expertise in identifying ways to deal with all the modern technological facts. Considering its difficult and unique nature, this project is one of the most complex and challenging projects technologically. He also mentioned that the gas reservoirs in the northern fields are non-traditional in terms of depth and geological composition, making it a challenge that has never been encountered by the oil sector. It is worth mentioning that Shell is one of the most advanced companies in the development of gas. KOC hopes that Shell’s technical and technological abilities will contribute in the area of deep gas reservoirs development, especially since it aims to raise its gas production capacity from the Jurassic gas field from 140 million cubic feet, which is the current production capacity, to one billion cubic feet by the year 2015/2016. During the Open Day of Governmental, Parliamentary, Public and Media Relations Dept. Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid: We can achieve goals with constant and continuous bonding In a delightful family atmosphere, far from the daily routine of work, the Governmental, Parliamentary, Public and Media Relations sector held an open day for its personnel at Mangaf Hilton Resort, on Thursday February 11, 2010. The day was inaugurated with a welcoming speech by MD of the Governmental, Parliamentary, Public and Media Relations, Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid who welcomed the attendees and said, “It is gratifying to meet you again within few weeks of our previous gathering, by this, I keep my promise which is to achieve our goals through constant and continuous bonding that aims to dissolve barriers between chiefs and their employees. Such bonding also strengthens team spirit, this is obvious through the continuous achievements of the sector. This is what I'd like to emphasize and seek to instill in everyone”. between members of one team and one family. It is noteworthy that the open day brought joy to the hearts of the personnel through a program full of cultural competitions and recreational activities. Al-Khalid hailed the sector’s employees' efforts which are evidence for their devotion to work and effort in achieving progress and success. He added that progress and success are factors cannot be achieved by individual effort, in fact, it is the result of cooperation E V E N T S HSE showcases KPC’s strategy of reducing emissions of CO2 and other green house gases On the occasion of preparing KPC’s strategy regarding reducing emissions of CO2 and other green-house gases emitted from the Kuwaiti oil sector, the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Department, represented by International Relations Department, held a lecture in cooperation with Planning Sector to showcase the strategy. the strategy. He clarified that the study specified the list of harmful gas emissions, including CO2 and other green-house gases emitted by the oil industry in Kuwait. The lecture was held on Tuesday March 2, 2010 and given by the international consultant Gerick Riffly. Furthermore, he presented a brief summary about the clean development projects available in the Kuwaiti oil sector that can benefit from commercial exchange with international oil companies, in order to find the best ways of reducing harmful gas emissions. Mr. Riffly explained in detail the study which was submitted by International Consultative House and conducted as a step towards preparing He pointed out that this field witnessed international competition, especially among industrial countries, which seek commitment to the terms and conditions of UNFCCC’s accord that obligates oil countries to reduce gas emissions and thereby global warming. For his part, the Managing Director (MD) of Planning Sector, Mr. Hashim Al-Refai, honored the team members who took part in finalizing the said strategy. It is noteworthy that the team is composed of a number of employees from KPC and its subsidiaries. E V E N T S To reinforce communication channels between KPC and its subsidiaries An introductory lecture about PIC for Planning & Career Development staff Among the efforts exerted by the higher administration to enhance communication channels between KPC and its subsidiaries, an introductory lecture was held on Wednesday February 24, 2010. Planning and Career Development Department organized the lecture in line with directives given by the CEO, Mr. Saad Al-Shuwaib and the department’s manager, Mr. Abdullatif Ahmad Al-Houti. The step is aimed to inform KPC personnel of the tasks shouldered by the companies of the oil sector; as well as the objectives they seek to achieve. The lecture was given by the Deputy Managing Director (DMD) of Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC), Mr. Yousef Al-Ateeqi. During the lecture, Al-Ateeqi elaborately explained the nature of PIC’s activities, its role in this field, the most important achievements it managed to fulfill and the challeng- es it efficiently confronted. He also highlighted targets the company is looking forward to accomplishing as well as efforts being put forth to achieve its strategic plan. To benefit from modern technology A telephone invoicing system launched in KPC In accordance with the directives of KPC’s higher administration aimed at availing modern technology in all spheres, the Information Technology (IT) Department held an introductory lecture on Monday Feb 22, 2010 at the oil sector’s auditorium. The lecture was about the new telephone invoicing system for KPC personnel that will be launched soon. The lecture, given by Mr. Ahmad Al-Za’abi from Service Sector and Ms. Eman Al-Doub from IT department, included an elaborate explanation about the whole invoicing process which is finalized automatically. The lecture also explained ways of applying the new system and its merits, the groups that will benefit from it and the methods of calculating monthly calls; as well as the ways of deducting due amounts from invoices in line with KPC’s internal by-laws in this field. E V E N T S Believing in the importance of learning from the experience of others KPC hosted the international motivational speaker Nick Nicholas According to the strategic directives of KPC’s higher administration, which believes in the importance of benefiting from the expertise of other people in all fields, the Training and Career Development Sector hosted world renowned motivational speaker Dr. Nick Nicholas Vujicic. Dr. Nicholas, who holds a PhD in Media, Economics and Business Administration and is head of one of the world’s largest organizations for people with special needs, delivered a lecture entitled “Life Without Limitations” on Monday Feb 15, 2010. The lecture started with a speech given by the Manager of Training and Career Development, Mr. Abdullatif Al-Houti in which he assured that: KPC spares no effort in pursuing the development of the human race, which the company considers as the institution of success and progress. He mentioned that KPC was proud to host Dr. Nick Nicholas as he was a living example of the 10 E V E N T S ability of human beings to face and overcome difficulties and transform them to remarkable achievements. Al-Houti commended the efforts of Sheikha Shatha Al-Sabah, MD of Training and Career Development, which is the major support for all human development programs in KPC and its subsidiaries. For her part, the Honorary President of the Sporting Club for the Disabled, Sheikha Sheikha Al-Abdullah Al-Khalifa Al-Sabah pointed out that the Arab world abounds with many people like Nicholas who challenges and overcomes their disabilities through determination to achieve accomplishments that many healthy people might not be able to achieve. Nick Nicholas began his lecture, following a warm greeting from the audience, stating that some stands he had taken in life to prevent his disability from becoming a hindrance between him and his goals. He pointed out that courage, determination and not fearing the unknown are tools that enable a person to achieve the impossible. According to him, abbreviation of the word FEAR is “False Evidence Appearing Real”, which may lead a person to failure. Nicholas explained that he never considered his disability to be a failure or weakness; in fact, he considered it an opportunity to fulfill his aspirations and dreams. He faces life with patience, love and determination to succeed, without surrendering to obstacles and difficulties. In a lecture to teams leaders of Best Practices' communities Milton: Four new communities in the third phase of the program In the context of the ongoing communications aimed to demonstrate the latest developments in the Best Practices program and the practical steps that can be taken to implement them, a lecture was held by Global Counsel Mr. Nick Milton, on Wednesday, Feb 10, 2010. The program was attended by the leaders of the six best practices communities. During the lecture, Mr. Nick Milton explained the concept of working communities, the role of the communities in development and preservation of knowledge and transferring of best practices that lead to a high level of performance in KPC and its subsidiaries. Milton mentioned that after the success of the first and second phases of the program of best practices, in which the six working communities were launched, the launch of the third phase of the program has been approved. The third phase will in- clude four new communities that are as follows: Automation Community, Health Community, Talent Management Community and Energy Efficiency Community. Internal Audit honors Al-Farhoud for moving to Financial Affairs Dept. The Internal Audit Department represented by its Deputy Managing Director DMD Mr. Tariq Al-Roumi honored on Monday Feb. 15, 2010 Mr. Mohammed Al-Farhoud, the DMD of Financial Affairs Department on the occasion of completing his duties at Internal Audit Department and moving to Financial Department. The ceremony was held at the Diwaniya of the oil complex and was attended by the Managing Director of Financial and Administrative Affairs Department, Mr. Ali Al-Hajeri, Deputy Managing Director Legal Affairs and General Counsel, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Sabah and a large number of colleagues. In his keynote speech, Mr. Tariq Al-Roumi praised Al-Farhoud’s efforts and support to his colleagues during his tenure in Internal Audit Department, pointing out that he played a significant role in the progress of the sector. He then presented a commemorative gift to Al-Farhoud wishing him further progress in future. Al-Hajeri, at the same time, honored several members of the Central Internal Audit who received the professional certification, Certified Investments and Derivatives Auditor (CIDA). E V E N T S 11 Analyzing the Financial Statements through Ratios By Mr. Ayman Deibis TPL Specialist - Financial Analysis In this part of a series of articles on analyzing the financial statements through ratios, we will highlight Activity Ratios. These ratios measure the efficiency of the company in utilizing its resources. 1. Fixed Asset Turnover This ratio defines the ability of the company to achieve profits by using its fixed assets in an ideal manner. 2. Inventory Turnover This ratio points out the number of times a company’s inventory is sold and replenished. An increase in this ratio is to the company’s benefit, since it can attain great profit by a lesser profit margin as compared to the other similar companies that have less inventory turnover. This is a competitive advantage can be utilized. 3. Total Assets Turnover This ratio defines the activity of the assets and their ability in using total assets of a company in generating sales. 4. Accounts Receivable Turnover This ratio defines the efficiency of the collecting process and follow-up of client’s liabilities in the 12 PA R T I C I PAT I O N company. The increase in this ratio is to the benefit of the company. 5. Payables Turnover This ratio has to be close to the accounts receivable turnover, keeping in mind the difference in the value of sales to the value of purchases. It is to the benefit of the company to increase the ratio of accounts receivable than payable. 6. Average Collection Period It is the duration of collecting liabilities from accounts receivable; an increase in this duration is not good, as it is a sign of poor company collection management. Increase in time period makes the company lose opportunity of investing the frozen assets, or worse, it might end up with the company shouldering other burdens like having to take loans and bearing the interests to face operational load. 7. Average Payment Period It is the time period required to pay the liabilities of the suppliers, these liabilities are considered to be the company’s short term financial resources. An increase in this period is of benefit to the company as long as it is agreed with the supplier and does not show the company as being unable to pay up. 8. Storage Period This ratio defines the time spent by the inventory in stores before being sold; increase in the time period is undesirable, especially for companies that deal with products that have expiration dates or fast developing technology, as they lose their value over long period of storage. Despite the facts, the storage period might be considered reasonable when evaluated on basis of other factors such as high costs of order, transport etc, though being relatively long. (To be continued) Your guide to find out what is meant by Personal Interviews By Nosaiba M. Al-Nassar Organization & Manpower Dept. Personal interviews are an element within a bigger set of elements used by organizations to attract the best candidates in the industry. These elements consist of different tests, such as; • Specialization tests • English-language tests • Psychometric tests In which the candidate has to work through the above mentioned tests. Then comes the role of a personal interview, where the interviewer is able to recognize the candidate’s ability, which may not be identified through other methods. It also helps in recognizing the candidate’s ability and to match it with the information provided in the curriculum vitae. In keeping with the goal of publishing this article we will also take you dear reader on a quick tour of the general definition of personal interview, which will help clarify your doubts and give you an insight on the objectives of the interviews and goals for which they are made. We also intent to indicate the various elements in interviews (for instance, conducting methods, a number of participants and the advantage of the interview, which is an effective instrument to those in charge of conducting interviews). First: The definition of personal interview A personal interview is a meeting between one or more offi- cials of the organization and the applicant, which helps the interviewer to assess the suitability of the candidate to fill the vacancy and select the best. Second: The objectives of the interview There are many objectives can be beneficial to the organization. The most important objective to the organization is to assess the suitability of the applicants and therefore choose the right person who will meet the qualifications and competencies required for the job vacancy on the basis of efficiency and excellence. In addition, interviews can be beneficial to the candidate; such as providing some important information about the vacancy and the organization. Third: The types of personal interviews Individual interview (One To One/Face To Face): This interview consists of two parties (the interviewer and the applicant), where the candidate is asked questions related to the job applied, which will help the interviewer draw conclusions about the candidate, and highlight the ability of applicant to answer the questions raised during the interview, which help in assuring the candidate’s suitability for the job and stand on his qualifications, experience and skills. Meet the group: This is an advanced form of interview where there is an interaction and discussion on a particular subject given to the applicants. This method enables the interviewer to choose the most appropriate candidate depending on the criteria established by the organization in advance. Telephone interview: This form of interview is conducted over the phone; wherein the interviewer asks questions to the candidates and, if found suitable, the candidate will be asked for a personal interview. Online interview: This kind of interview is similar to the former type but includes the fact that the interview is done through sound, and image. The aim of this type is to reduce time, effort and cost. The Hypothetical interview: This type of interview depends on the composition of a set of questions concerning the nature of the job vacancy in which the responses are evaluated based on a set of answers that have been developed in advance by the organization as a model for comparison. PA R T I C I PAT I O N 13 The anniversary of our Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birthday We greatly praise Almighty Allah, the Most Gracious who has put the name of our Prophet Muhammad-Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH)- in high place, supported him throughout his entire honorable lifetime. He also sent his angel ‘’Gabriel’’ with revelation and the Holy Qur’an to him to guide all mankind with the help of his Sunna, which includes all his speeches and deeds; whereby, Almighty Allah rescued people from darkness to enlightenment. In Rabi-Ul-Awwal- the 3rd month of the lunar calendar- we annually mark the anniversary of birthday of our Prophet Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abdulmuttalib Bin Abdumanaf Bin Adnan Bin Ismail Bin Ibrahim (PBUH), the best person of mankind who is sincere and honest. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Almighty Allah chose Ismail from the sons of Ibrahim (PBUH), and chose Kenana’s kinsfolk from Ismail’s sons and Quraish from Kenana’s tribe, and He chose Hashim’s sons from Quraish, and chose me from Hashim’s sons.” Our prophet’s birthday was a great victory and new dawn by which Almighty Allah has eliminated all kinds of darkness, guided people and dragged them from ignorance to the right path. He was born on Monday in 571 AD which is called ‘’the year of Elephant’’. Moreover, the prophet’s mother named “Amena Bint Wahb” said, ‘’When he was born, light got out from her and lightened the palaces of Beladul Sham– Mediterranean zone.’’ His characteristics The prophet (PBUH) was perfectly handsome and his manners were completely good; therefore, nobody can accurately describe him or give him his actual right in this respect. He was eloquent and his speech was rhetoric. He was the best in this regard. He cannot be ignored in a place he exists. His speech was brief but rhetoric and wise. Almighty Allah rooted in him patience, perseverance, wisdom and forgiveness. Relevantly, Ayesha- one of his wives whose nickname is ‘’Um AlMo’meneen’’ or mother of believersmay Allah be pleased with hersaid, ‘’When The Almighty Allah’s messenger Muhammad (PBUH) was 14 MISCELLANEOUS given alternatives, he was always choosing the matter which is easier unless it is vice; yet if this matter is vice, he keeps himself away from it farther than any other person. In addition, he never avenges himself except when any restriction legislated by Almighty Allah is violated. He was also the slowest person in getting angry; yet he was the fastest one to get satisfied.” He was generous as he was giving gifts without fearing poverty. Ibn Abbasone of the prophet’s companionsmay Allah be pleased with him, said, “The prophet (PBUH) was the most generous person and more generous than anybody especially in Ramadan when he meets Angel “Gabriel” who was dropping to the prophet every night in Ramadan to teach him the Holy Qur’an. He added that the prophet was more generous than wind which carries good for people. In addition, Jaber, one of the prophet’s companions, said, “The prophet never said no to any person asked him.” No one can either ignore the bravery and strength of the prophet (PBUH) as he was the bravest one among people during hard situations. Imam Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said, ‘’When the battle becomes harder, we were sheltering behind our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); therefore, nobody was nearer to the enemy than him.’’ He is the fairest, the most truthful, honest and chase person. Moreover, his enemies before his supporters admitted these facts since they called him, before receiving revelation, ‘’Muhammad, the sincere and the honest’’. He was also asked to judge among people before Islam. Al-Termezi, may Allah be pleased with him, was quoted as saying that Abu Jahl-one of the notorious disbelieverssaid to the prophet (PBUH), “We do not accuse you of telling lie but we do not believe in what you announce to us about prophecy.’’ Therefore, Almighty Allah said in His Holy Qur’an that those disbelievers do not distrust you, but they deny Almighty Allah’s verses. In addition, Hercules said to Abu Sofian, “Were you accusing him of telling lie before unveiling what he said?” Abu Sofian answered saying no. He (PBUH) was the most modest person and furthest from arrogance. He was banning people to stand up for greeting him like what kings do. He was visiting and sitting with poor people. He was answering the invitation of slaves; in addition to sitting with his companions as if he is one of them. Ayesha, may Allah be pleased with her, said, “The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was fixing his shoes, sewing his clothes and helping his wives in fulfilling their domestic chores. He was helping himself like any person.” He never broke pledges. He visited relatives more than anyone. He was more merciful to mankind than any person. He was the most wellmannered person. He was simpler than any other one. He was farther away from debauchery than any person. He was quiet in markets and he never met sin with sin but he was always forgiving people. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was uniquely brought up since Almighty Allah took care of him since his juvenility. Almighty Allah praised him also in His Holy Qur’an saying he is of great manners through which he was close and dear to spirits and hearts; therefore he became a leader to whom hearts are eager to surround. He also succeeded in softening the snaffle of his nation after rejection; the matter led many of them to embracing Islam. We beseech Almighty Allah the Most Glorious, the Omnipotent to bestow his peace and blessings on his prophet of mercy Muhammad (PBUH). Brown bread excels its white counterpart It is widely believed that brown bread contains fewer calories as compared to white bread, but this belief is wrong because both brown and white bread contain 80 of calories, 15g of carbohydrates, 3g of protein and 0-1g of fat per share (which is equal to quarter of a large loaf of bread, or half of a small loaf, or a slice of toast, or a small piece of Samon bread, or half a piece of hamburger bread). In fact, bread is not a cause of obesity, because bread in all its kinds is low-fat, and is a good type of food that can be used to control weight gain. It is a common belief, especially among those who follow certain diets to lose weight, that brown bread does not cause obesity as compared to white bread, due to presence of a special connection between the specific diet and brown bread, or is the requirement of the specific diet to consume brown flour products permitting the consumption of brown flour or bread in large quantities. This belief has no basis of fact and is incorrect. According to experiments coupled with scientific research, a healthy diet pattern depends on the diversification in the consumption of types of white and brown bread, keeping in mind the quantity of each meal. We should also take into account the distribution of the quantities of carbohydrates, calories and meals during the day according to the requirements of a person. It is scientifically proven that bread is a rich source of fiber. Brown bread and whole grain bread are considered to be types of bread that are the richest in fiber because they contain in them the crust of the outer grains that are rich in energy and fiber especially vitamin B group, and minerals like Zinc and Magnesium. As for peeled bread like white bread, it provides the body with the same nutritional energy but lacks proportions of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Bread that contains a good proportion of bran is relatively better than white bread, but both have a common feature — they contain almost similar amounts of carbohydrates. It should be noted that, giving out advices like the consumption of brown flour or bread is related to the fact that they contain fiber which helps in the process of losing weight, as a result making the person feel satiated. This doesn’t mean ignoring the diversification in consumption of white flour or bread, or not taking into consideration a person’s preference, his life circumstances and his nutritional behavior. There are certain cases where the consumption of brown flour or bread instead of white is a requirement, especially for people with problems such as constipation, hemorrhoids, or sudden drop in blood sugar level and tumors (like bowel tumors and breast cancer in women). MISCELLANEOUS 15 مــبــروك الـتـرقـيــة Promotions Omar Al-Munaiyes Corporate Internal Audit KNPC Unit ح�سن عبدالرحمن ر�شيد التعوي�ضات KNPC Maryam Al-Wazzan Corporate Internal Audit KNPC Unit دالل علي اجلناعي مبيعات امل�شتقات الو�سطى KNPC Ali Sarkhouh Corporate Internal Audit KPC Unit جوان تري�سا انتاو عمليات التزويد KPC Sharifah Al-Hamad Organization and Manpower ر�شا نوري الرومي العالقات الإعالمية Ghada Al-Sultan Compensation Department فهيد طامي الهاجري التدريب عمر عبداهلل املني�س وحدة- التدقيق الداخلي مرمي �أحمد الوزان وحدة- التدقيق الداخلي علي م�سعود �صرخوه وحدة- التدقيق الداخلي �شريفة جا�سم احلمد التنظيم والقوى العاملة غادة جا�سم ال�سلطان التعوي�ضات يو�سف جا�سم ال�شطي التنظيم والقوى العاملة Yousef Al-Shatti Organization and Manpower Zahraa Shishter Organization and Manpower Hasan Rashaid Compensation Department زهراء عبدالعزيز �شي�شرت التنظيم والقوى العاملة Sabha Al-Shammari Accounts Dalal Al-Jannaee Sales Middle Distillates �صبحة فراج ال�شمري احل�سابات Maha Al-Mudhaf Consolidation & Group Reporting Joan Theresa Antao Supply Operations مها في�صل امل�ضف دائرة احل�سابات املجمعة والتقارير املالية Khalaf Al-Shammari Compensation Department Rasha Al-Roomi Media Relations خلف زيد ال�شمري التعوي�ضات Nourah Bouhaimed Compensation Department Fuhid Al-Hajri Training نورة بدر بوحيمد التعوي�ضات مــبــروك التـعـيـيـنات New-Comers يو�سف حممد الغريب البحرية Yousef Al-Ghareb Marine مولود New Born Congratulations to colleague Mariam Abdul Ghafour from Bunker Sales Department (Global Marketing) as she received a beautiful baby girl and named her “Ghala”. رزقت الزميلة مرمي العبدالغفور من دائرة مبيعات وقود ال�سفن . �ألف مربوك.. 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For more details, please contact: Haya Al-Randi - Tel: 4785, Alia Al-Jasmi - Tel: 4789, Jaber Al-Sabah - Tel: 4866 16 K P C S O C I E T Y
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