kpc news 88 - Kuwait Petroleum Corporation


kpc news 88 - Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
with the CEO
“KPC gives top priority to the human element as it
believes this to be its true wealth, and the main foundation
of the development process. For this reason, the company’s
senior management has sought to improve its programs
with a special focus on HSE-related ones, with the aim of
creating a new employees’ culture. Beginning last year, it
formed a committee to execute the senior management’s
general directives. This committee launched a set of
awareness campaigns like ‘The Smoking Challenge,’ a
unique challenge for those hoping to quit this bad habit.
KPC provided all the means of support for this campaign,
as well as the material and moral incentives that smokers
may need to help them during the first stages of their
attempt to quit. The campaign’s results were impressive
and helped many participants to abandon this bad habit
for good. This encouraged the senior management
to inaugurate ‘the 2nd Smoking Challenge’ under the
leadership of the CEO, a challenge we have set our hopes
on to increase the number of non-smokers.
“In a similar fashion, senior management is pursuing a
policy of fostering a culture of excellence and innovation
through harnessing its employees’ creative energy. To
achieve this, it established ‘The CEO’s Prize of Excellence
and Innovation.’ This initiative has subsequently had
a substantial impact on employees, generating many
great ideas to benefit from the oil sector. On the basis of
the senior management’s concern for every individual
working in the oil sector, we urge you to participate in
our corporation’s programs in a bid to enhance its stature
in all domains, especially the HSE field.”
Saad Ali Al-Shuwaib
Chief Executive Officer
In This
Ahmad Al-Abdullah sponsors
concluding celebration of the
‘1st Kuwait Science Fair’
The launch of the
Quit and Win Challenge
In This Issue
KPC Society
International Marketing Sector
Open Day
KPC News Team:
Media Relations Dept.
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Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah sponsors concluding
celebration of the ‘1st Kuwait Science Fair’
Under sponsorship of Sheikh
Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah,
the Oil Minister and KPC’s Chairman, a closing ceremony for Kuwait Science Fair Students of the
motto ‘best 100 ideas’ - was held
on Saturday 28 March 2009 at
the Scientific Center, Salmiyah.
At the beginning, Sheikh Ahmad
Al-Sabah stressed the necessity of
the human element considered to
be Kuwait’s true wealth. He also
referred to KPC’s role in this field,
and its willingness to patronize
all youth-related festivals on the
basis of its social role to sponsor
creative and innovative youth.
The Oil Minister praised the role
of participating students’ parents,
as they supported and encouraged their sons to innovate in different scientific domains. Hence,
benefitting Kuwait at present and
in the future.
Sheikh Ahmad also thanked Engineer Sarah Akbar for her important role in fighting oil-well fires
that erupted during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, expressing his
pride for the presence of a Kuwaiti lady within the oil sector
firefighting team.
At the end of his speech, Sheikh
Ahmad thanked the contest creator Asil Al-Takrit as well as the
contest sponsors.
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah receives Brunei’s Ambassador
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah AlAhmad Al-Sabah, KPC’s Chairman
and the Oil Minister received on
Wednesday 15 April 2009, H.E.
Banjiran Datu Fudok Jabridean
Bin Haj Mohammad Salih, Brunei’s
Ambassador to KSA and Kuwait
(non-residing Ambassador).
The two sides discussed means of
reinforcing mutual relations between Kuwait and Brunei Sultanate in all domains, and focused
on supporting ties in the oil field.
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah is receiving Sultanate Brunei's ambassador
... and inaugurates plastic art exhibition
H.E. Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah, the
Oil Minister and KPC’s Chairman inaugurated a
plastic art exhibition on Monday 13 April 2009.
The exhibition, which was dedicated to works
by two Kuwaiti artists, Abdulrida Kamal and
Badir Hayati, took place in the ‘Kuwaiti Plastic
Arts Association’ headquarters in Hawalli under KPC’s sponsorship.
After the opening, Sheikh Ahmad expressed his
happiness at seeing artistic works distinguished
by precision in their selection of colors, not to
mention the boldness of the artists’ ideas.
He said, “What I saw today demonstrates the
Kuwaiti artists’ ability to excel and innovate
in the plastic art domain. For this reason, attending this event to encourage and support
Kuwait’s plastic artists is a priority of ours.”
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad’s
field visits to oil companies
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah
Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Oil Minister and KPC’s Chairman conducted field visits to Kuwait’s
oil companies over a two day
period. The first visit, which
included KOTC and KPI, took
place on Wednesday 15 April
During his meeting with Nabil
Bouresly, KOTC’s Chairman &
MD, along with the company’s
DMDs and other senior KOTC
officials, he discussed many
topics related to improving and
enhancing the company’s stature at the international level.
After this, Sheikh Ahmad
met with Hussein Ismail, KPI’s
Chairman & MD, as well as the
company’s DMDs and other senior officials, for talks on KPI’s
external investments.
At the end of their meeting, the
two company’s leaders bade
farewell to H.E. Sheikh Ahmad
Al-Abdullah with the same degree of hospitality with which
they had received him.
Oil minister with KOC officials
The next day, H.E. visited both
KOC and KGOC. During the
first visit, which lasted several
hours, he met with KOC’s senior management, led by Sami
Al-Rushaid, the company’s MD
& Chairman. The discussions
between KOC’s leadership
and Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah touched on many oil-related issues, with the company’s
long-term 2020 strategy at the
forefront, as well as the steps
being taken to fulfill it.
One of the subjects discussed
with KOC’s officials was the
Oil minister with KGOC officials
company’s plan to raise Kuwait’s production capacity to
4 million bpd, as well as investment projects scheduled
for the upcoming period and
the steps being taken in this
lenges. Sheikh Ahmad AlAbdullah promised to help
with any difficulties so that
the progress of development
will continue unabated in one
of KPC’s most important subsidiaries.
exert more effort to fulfill the
company’s strategy, which is
considered KPC’s arm in the
exploration and production
domain. He also promised
more visits and follow-up for
oil companies including KOC.
Furthermore, each of KOC’s
leaders presented a detailed
explanation of their corresponding sector’s activities,
accomplishments and chal-
Sheikh Ahmad also focused
on ensuring oil sector workers’
health and safety and working
to improve health services, especially in KOC’s Hospital.
H.E. the Oil Minister later visited KGOC, where he met with
a number of the company’s officials led by Badir Al-Khashti,
the company’s MD & Chairman, who outlined the most
important points of KGOC’s
strategic plan for the minister.
At the conclusion of this
meeting, H.E. Sheikh Ahmad
Al-Abdullah commended the
endeavors of KOC’s employees, and requested the company’s senior management to
They also touched on the
company’s capital enterprises
in the upcoming five-year plan
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah meets KOTC officials
and shed light on KGOC’s
2008 accomplishments.
H.H. Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah expressed his appreciation of KGOC’s merits and his
hopes for the company’s continued success.
Oil minister meets KPI officials
As his visit drew to a close,
Sheikh Ahmad thanked the
officials for the luncheon held
in his honor.
KPC’s CEO honors ‘Creation and Excellence Contest’ winners
Saad Al-Shuwaib, KPC’s CEO
along with Hana’ Al-Sumai’e,
Administrative Affairs DMD and
Excellence Reward President
honored the winners of ‘Creation and Excellence Contest’.
In the address he delivered before the gathering in the Oil
Complex Diwaniya, Al-Shuwaib expressed his profound
happiness for the presence
of unique talents and potentials at KPC, which innovate
through their ideas and benefit
the oil sector.
On her part, Hana’ Al-Sumai’e,
Administrative Affairs DMD
and Excellence Reward President assured that the reward
is not a spur-of-the-moment.
Rather, it was among the principal agenda of KPC as it fully
believes that the employee is
the success first element in any
company pursuing excellence.
Hana’ expressed her great delight with the immense number of participations the judges
committee received.
As the ceremony drew to a
close, Al-Shuwaib delivered
prizes to the winning employees.
Fahad Jasim Al-Nashmi, DMD Crude Oil and
Light Derivatives Marketing
Establishing the Toast Master Club
‘For a better environment and less cost’: Altering
the artificial lake into beneficial areas
Abdurida Ali Gholom Al-Qatan,
KPC Project Coordinator
Mohammad Ali Mohammad Hayati,
KPC Project Engineer
Mohammad Hasan Abdulwahab,
Administrative Counselor
Establishing an information bank specialized in oil
Ayman Al-Sa’id Diebis,
The first analyst of the budget and costs
Holding a contest for KPC departments to execute
the best project in serving the society via selfefforts
Ahmad Yousif Jasim Al-Fahad,
Mechanic Engineer
Smart Contract: a mechanism to apply key
performance indexes in service contracts
Rabi’a Farhan Mohammad Al-Bakhit,
Administrative Assistant
Presented several ideas that benefit employees
in general and Workforce & Organization
Three workshops held to develop KPC’s leaders’ skills
As part of KPC’s strategy to develop its senior management,
the Leader Development Department, in cooperation with the
Career Development & Training
Sector, organized three workshops in the period from 17-26
March 2009 in PIC’s Bobyan
The first workshop was attended by KPC’s CEO, as well as the
company’s MDs and its subsidiaries’ chairmen, while the second
and third workshops involved
the oil sector companies’ DMDs.
The three workshops were presented by lecturers from the PDI
Consultancy Firm, who explained
in detail the methodology to develop/prepare leadership skills, as
well as leaders’ abilities to guide
their subordinates and know
their professional and personal
needs alike.
The lectures also analyzed the
definition of the leadership’s role
in training and their ability to lead
the team ably to accomplish their
establishment’s goals; how to be
an effective trainer; the characteristics of the development and
training process; an explanation
of effective trainer models, and
applied strategies and tools.
The participants’ training included how to implement this
mechanism in KPC and its subsidiaries, and provided them with
the necessary plans and tools to
develop their subordinates in different administrative sectors and
The workshops concentrated on
development tools represented
by these points:
The first set of tools include these necessary attributes:
• Insight;
• Motivation: motivating employees to invest the required
time and energy to develop
• Capabilities: ensuring that
employees possess the skills
and knowledge required to
perform their duties;
• Real-world practice: work opportunities to apply/practice
acquired skills; and
• Accountability: whether the
employee is responsible for
developing his/her capabilities
to achieve the desired results.
The second set of tools involve:
• Goals and values: motivators that energize and drive
behavior and ultimately sustain commitment and development. These include the
employee’s interests, values,
desires, work objectives and
career aspirations.
• Perceptions: how others
(superiors, colleagues and
friends) perceive the person’s
capability, performance, priorities and motives.
• Success factors: these include
goals accomplishments, teamplaying ability and considering how to use work strategies and influence others.
60 Oil Sector workers participate in 2nd Quit and Win Challenge
After the overwhelming success of
the first Quit & Win Challenge for
Oil Sector Complex (KPC & Ministry
of Oil) employees, the Higher Health
Safety & Environment Committee,
headed by the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Saad Al-Shuwaib launched
the second Quit & Win Challenge to
be held at the Oil Sector level.
To mark the official launch of the
challenge, a reception was held under the patronage of the CEO, who
deputized Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid
Al-Sabah, the Managing Director
of KPC’s Government, Parliament,
Public & Media Relations department and member of the Higher
HSE Committee, to represent him.
In his keynote address, the sponsor
of the challenge Mr. Ali Al-HajriManaging Director Finance & Administrative Affairs- lauded the participants for taking on the challenge
of their lives, emphasizing that KPC
is the first company in the country to introduce a challenge of this
kind. He stressed that the Higher
HSE Committee will do its utmost to
provide a strong support system and
help the participants on every step
of this life-altering challenge.
For his part, Dr. Tayseer Al-Asi, the
head of Preventive Medicine & Occupational Health at Ahmadi Hospital
and general supervisor of the challenge, said that the Quit and Win program has been specially designed to
help smokers to gradually stop smoking and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
He said the large number of personnel
taking part in the campaign, around
60 employees from various companies
affiliated to the Oil Sector, confirms
the success of last year’s program,
adding that it is also a great win for
KPC and the K-companies if one of
their staff members stops smoking.
He explained that the participants
will be divided into two groups, further clarifying that any participant
who is absent twice or more during
the three-month contest will be withdrawn from the contest.
Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid inaugurates
‘Intelligent Buildings, Safety and Security Fair’
Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid Al-Sabah,
KPC’s MD of Government, Parliament, Public and Media Relations,
patronized and inaugurated the
‘Intelligent Buildings, Safety and
Security Fair,’ which was held in
the Court Yard Marriott Hotel on
Monday March 23, 2009.
During his tour of the exhibition,
Al-Khalid was shown the latest security devices and their methods
of use, as well as learning about
the intelligent technological solutions and professional integrated
services that contemporary buildings will guarantee.
Many specialist companies participated in the three-day exhibition,
which concluded with a ceremony honoring both the sponsoring
and participating firms.
KPC sponsors Kuwait’s 2nd Waste Management
Conference & Exhibition
Under the patronage of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC), Dr. Fadhil Safar, the Minister of Public Works and Municipality Affairs, inaugurated Kuwait’s
2nd Waste Management Conference and
Exhibition at the Radisson SAS Hotel on
April 14-18, 2009.
In his inaugural speech at the event, Dr.
Safar said that waste management is one
of the most important issues today due
to the immensity of the undertaking and
the potential associated dangers. Among
the important factors to take into consideration are the variety of means used to
handle waste in a suitable manner for its
nature, the location of disposal and landfill sites and the available technology and
possible solutions used in this regard.
The minister revealed that a new inclusive waste-handling method has been
introduced the theory of which depends
upon the so-called ‘Integrated Waste
Management System.’ Dr. Safar explained that Kuwait Municipality’s plan
to manage solid waste depends on a
system of separating the different substances, processing them and disposing
them in a responsible manner that helps
to reduce their potential risk to the minimum.
The minister stressed the necessity of
providing the right solutions, which can
be introduced and utilized in all areas of
Kuwait since each area has different circumstances.
Dr. Fadhel Safar inaugurates Waste Management Exhibition
Dr. Fadhel Safar delivers a memorial plaque to the manager
of KPC Public Relations Dept.
Mr. Ali Mourad
Captain Ali Al-Haider, the Acting Director General of the Environment Public
Authority (EPA) said in the speech he
delivered at the conference’s opening
event on behalf of Dr. Ahmad Khalifa
Mousa, KPC’s Director of Public Relations
and Media, ‘’We are keen on promoting
environmental awareness for citizens
and residents, in addition to positively
altering any negative types of behavior
committed by some individuals against
the environment as this is a duty which
has to be fulfilled to maintain a safe and
healthy environment for future generations.”
He explained that the EPA seeks to provide scientific solutions to the problem of
waste disposal sites, which endanger the
environment, revealing that this problem
has noticeably increased, with the quantity of waste handled annually in Kuwait
now standing at around 950,000 tons.
Meanwhile, Eng. Talal Al-Qahtani, the
chairman of Kuwait Engineers Society,
affirmed that Kuwait is among the largest generators of waste globally, with the
quantity of domestic waste produced in
the country reaching 1.022 million tons
in 2007, an increase of 1.5% on the previous year.
He also revealed that Kuwait Municipality currently pays around KD 60 million
annually to handle its waste and dispose
of it in landfill sites, according to its own
At the International Marketing
Sector’s Open Day
Abdullatif Al-Hoti: “Achievements and successes are the
result of your efforts and we hope more from you”
To honor their employees’ efforts
and accomplishments in 2008,
the KPC’s International Marketing
Sector held an open day for its
employees in Mövenpick Hotel
located in Salwa.
The open day program included a
number of recreational activities,
scientific, historic and educational
contests which caused joy and
happiness among the sector’s
staff members who competed
among themselves in a joyful atmosphere.
At the event’s beginning, Abdullatif Al-Hoti, KPC’s International
Marketing MD gave a speech
through which he welcomed the
attendants saying: “The success
and achievements we recently accomplished were the result of the
efforts of each employee from
the staff members at the sector’s
different departments. We hope
to achieve more successes from
you since we must work side by
side for the advancement of Kuwait to overcome all difficulties
and hindrances resulted from the
international financial crisis which
hit the whole world.”
from his side, Yousif Al-Qabandi,
KPC’s Sales DMD thanked Al-Hoti
for sponsoring the open day and
for his key role in leading the International Marketing Sector, he
said: “Despite the difficult economic circumstances pervading
the world, we have every right to
be proud of what we have
achieved for our beloved Kuwait.”
Planning Sector holds Open Day to
honor employees’ efforts
Jamal Al-Nouri: Event enhances family spirit
among employees
The Planning Sector held its
annual open day for its different departments’ employees in the Mövenpick Hotel,
Salwa on Thursday April 2
2009 to honor its staff members’ efforts.
At the outset of the Open
Day, which included a num-
ber of recreational activities
and events, Jamal Al-Nouri,
KPC’s MD Planning delivered
a brief speech welcoming the
large staff turnout. He indicated that the goal behind
the Open Day was to enhance
the family spirit among employees away from the work
Al-Nouri thanked the team responsible for organizing the
event, as well as the sponsoring
companies, especially KNPC,
NBK, Kuwait Airways and Zain.
They had spared no effort to create a joyous atmosphere during
the celebration through contests
and valuable prizes, he said, with
everybody being a winner.
KPC sponsors eco-trip to Kubbar Island for Earth Day
In cooperation with Al-Nakheel
Diving Center affiliated to AlNakheel Hotel, Kuwait Petroleum
Corporation (KPC) sponsored an
environmentalist trip to Kubbar
Island off the coast of Kuwait on
April 22, 2009.
Around 50 professional divers and
environmental enthusiasts took
part in the day’s activities.
At the start of the journey, which
began at 9:00 am on board the
boat Salsaan 1, Eng. Mohammed Raja’e stressed the need for
all the participants to be cautious
and committed to the safety procedures to avoid sustaining any
Emphasizing the company’s role
in serving social causes, especially
environmental ones, Eng. Raja’e
hailed KPC’s efforts to support
and financially sponsor the journey.
Also during the outward trip, Dr.
Hanan Al-Khalaf gave a lecture on
man’s relationship with the surrounding environment and how
he utilizes it with little caution,
disregarding other environmental
She also talked about the huge
harm which mankind has historically perpetrated against the environment in establishing civilizations.
Upon their arrival at Kubbar Island, the participants were divided into two groups, spreading
across the entire island. They then
collected and bagged up the rubbish left there before loading it
onto the boat to take back to the
The teams of divers team worked
in two underwater groups, removing the environmentally harmful
debris left in the water and on
the sea bottom by careless fishermen and tourists, which was also
loaded onto the boat.
Directives and advice
1.Use less water while you are
taking showers, performing
ablution, brushing your teeth,
watering plants, washing cars,
and inside the kitchen as well.
2.Save electricity! Do a home energy audit, get programmable
thermostats, buy Energy Star
products, turn stuff off when
you’re done, and change your
bulbs to compact fluorescents.
3.Use chemicals safely! Read pesticide labels carefully. Lock up
pesticides, paints, and cleaners
where kids can’t reach them.
4.Reduce, reuse, recycle! Try to
find products with less packaging, take reusable bags on shopping trips, creatively reuse other
products, and recycle what’s
left. Utilize what can be reused
again in the domestic chores
such as glass, some kinds of
plastic, paper and cartons.
5.Recycling the electronics is an
evidence for civilization: Recycle your old computer, printer,
fridges, TV sets and the A/Cs as
this helps keep hazardous substances out of the landfill.
6. Enjoy the outdoors safely! Find
out the quality of beach water
from your state office and get
the UV Index to protect yourself from the sun. Check your
local air quality when you exercise outdoors, use your local air
quality forecast to help plan the
best time for a workout or run.
7.Spread the word! Teach others
where you work or go to school,
or through Press, TV and Radio.
Encourage people to Pick 5 for
the Environment!
KPC’s CEO honors DMD Administrative Affairs
To honor her efforts, KPC’s
CEO presented a ‘Thank You
Card’ to Hana’ Al-Sumai’e.
The card was given to her by
Mohammad Al-Farhood, DMD
Financial Affairs and President
of Administrative Decisions
Protest Committee on behalf
of the CEO.
This initiative came to express
gratitude for her successful efforts during the period when
she headed the committee.
Administrative and Financial Affairs Sector honors Alawi Habib
Upon the completion of his tenure with KPC, the
Finance Sector held a farewell ceremony for Alawi
Habib, the Social Insurance & Special Insurance
Fund’s Senior Accountant.
The ceremony was attended by a large number of
Finance Sector employees, led by Ali Al-Hajiri, KPC’s
MD Administrative & Financial Affairs, Jabir Al-Sa’edi,
the Accounts Manager and Abdulmohsin Al-Ajami,
the Cost & Budget Manager.
The Compensations Department also held a farewell ceremony for Habib, with his colleagues there
presenting him with souvenir gifts and wishing him
further advancement in his future career.
Financial management celebrates Hadil Al-Rifa’e success
On the occasion of her acquiring
the Certified Valuation Analyst
(CVA) Certificate, the Accounts
Management at the Finance Sector held a reception ceremony on
Thursday 2 April 2009 in the Oil
Complex Diwaniya to honor Hadil
Al-Rifa’e, Computer Systems and
General Accounts Team Leader.
A number of the Finance Sector
employees attended the event.
They wished her more advancement and progress as colleagues
held a luncheon in her honor.
How can you
take care of your baby?
You have already given birth safely,
but at the same time you’ve begun
a new life with your baby and husband, as the baby who used to live
inside you has become ready to begin a new life outside your womb.
Therefore, you have to exert a tremendous effort to take care of him
or her and show your child immense
tenderness and love. It is an incomparable responsibility that you have
taken on; however, you shouldn’t
forget that it is a shared responsibility between you and your husband.
Since there is no happiness that can
be compared to bringing up a baby,
we will try to help you take care of
him or her through offering some
directives and advice that you’re
advised to heed since you’re still
new to parenthood.
First of all, you have to visit the pediatrician regularly to monitor your
baby’s progress, at least until the
pediatrician feels it is safe to discontinue the visits.
Among the most important directives in this regard are the following:
1.You have to bathe the baby daily
using a sponge, warm water and
gentle baby soap, while being
careful to hold the baby upright
at all times and keep their head
above the water.
2.Wipe the baby’s umbilicus with
a piece of cotton wetted with
esparto. If you find any unusual
marks on it, you must check with
the doctor just to be on the safe
3.Make sure the temperature of
the room where you bathe the
baby, and of the bathing water
itself, is suitable, neither too hot
or too cold.
4.Only use a soft tissue to clean the
outside of your baby’s ears after
you finish bathing him or her.
5.After you finish breastfeeding
your baby, lie him or her on their
stomach or side and don’t put
a cushion or pillow under his or
her head while sleeping. Do not
wrap the baby in a loose sheet as
this may suffocate them.
Your baby may defecate several
times during the daytime, but there
is no need for concern if he feels
comfortable and his feces is normally yellowish and firm.
If you notice that the baby’s feces
is solid, you have to give him some
water or orange juice between
feeds. It is also better to put some
Vaseline on the baby’s anus to avoid
any chapping of the delicate skin
there. In addition, there are suppositories made of a glycerine substance, which can ease the passing
of stools for him or her.
If your baby suffers from diarrhea,
don’t give him or her milk; instead,
try giving him or her boiled water
or mashed rice or carrot several
times a day. A visit to the doctor is
recommended if the diarrhea does
not stop within 24 hours.
There is no need to pay special attention after circumcising the baby,
but in case you observe any inflammation, it is better to apply an antiinflammatory ointment (check with
the doctor first to find if it is suitable for children).
You should be aware that it is natural in newborn babies for a little
blood to appear in their feces.
You need to change your baby’s
diapers after each defecation or urination, in addition to washing his
or her bottom with warm water.
Don’t use plastic or nylon pants for
your baby as this may irritate their
sensitive skin. If you observe any
reddish spots on their buttocks,
keep washing them with warm water after each defecation or urination, as well as applying a suitable,
specially formulated cream, such as
It is advisable not to use any chemical substances or even chemical
soap when washing the baby’s
Walnuts: the real
The walnut has often been called
‘brain food’ due to the wrinkled,
brain-like appearance of its shell.
Walnuts are distinguished by their
delectable taste, in addition to their
energy-giving calorie levels, with
scientific analysis indicating that
each 500 grams of walnuts contain
350 calories, providing the body
with sufficient energy for 24 hrs.
The walnut contains large quantities of nut oil, proteins, Omega 3,
Fatty Acids and high levels of vitamins B and C. It also contains iron,
meaning that it’s recommended for
inclusion in children’s diets, offering
protection against both rickets and
anemia, and is suitable for diabetics.
Parts of the walnut which
are used:
The fruit, leaves and green husk.
Location and history
The walnut tree is renowned in the
mountains of Lebanon, Syria and
grows as far away as Greece. It also
grows in Asia, Iran, India, the Himalayas and Kashmir. The trees grow
on the sides of hills and mountains
at heights of between 4,000 and
7,000 feet.
Several kinds of walnut are grown
in Asia; one of them is the Black
Walnut, which is originally indigenous to North America.
The structure
The walnut is composed of the
fruit, husk and shell; however, the
most important part of the fruit is
juglone, which contains minerals
such as iron, calcium, zinc, carbon
and potassium, in addition to vitamins A, B1, B2 and PP. Juglone also
has fungicidal and antibacterial
The shell contains oil, gum, gluten,
minerals and water.
Walnuts’ medical uses and
1. Walnuts’ leaves contain a styptic detergent which has an antiseptic effect; in addition, the
green husk has a physic influence on the anus.
2. The leaves are used to treat
dermatitis and viral inflammatory conditions such as Herpes.
3. The green peel and the outer
shell have a diaphoretic effect
(producing perspiration).
4. The unripe green husk kills
hookworm and tapeworm.
5. It eliminates flaccidity and
6. Walnuts have been widely used
to treat alopecia and the husk
used to dye hair black.
7. Walnuts are traditionally used
to help in healing injuries.
8. Like other nuts, it helps in treating the effects of diabetes.
9. One can remove hard skin
around the toenails by rubbing
this area with a walnut husk.
10.The dried fruits are boiled and
sweetened, being served with
other fruits as an appetizer,
and are rumoured to assist
liver functions.
11.The walnut’s shell is roasted
and used for whitening teeth
and strengthening gums, as
well as helping to eradicate
bad breath.
A study conducted by a team of
experts at Texas University confirmed that eating four walnuts
per day will help increase the level
of Omega 3 in the bloodstream in
the same way as fish or fish oil.
Furthermore, it has been discovered that walnuts have the highest
percentage of Omega 3 compared
to other nuts. In addition, drinking
a quarter of cup of nut oil per day
provides an individual with more
than 90% of his or her daily Omega 3 requirements.
Promotions ‫مربوك الرتقية‬
‫حممد عثمان احلماد‬
Mohammad Al-Hammad
Corporate Internal Audit KNPC Unit
‫وحدة التدقيق الداخلي ل�شركة البرتول الوطنية الكويتية‬
Bibi Al-Jasem
‫بيبي عادل اجلا�سم‬
‫�ش�ؤون مكتب الرئي�س‬
Chairman's Office
‫هيفاء �سعد العد�ساين‬
Haifa Saad Yousef Al-Adasani
Emad A/Razzak Al-Othman
‫�صادق جعفر املطوع‬
Organization and Manpower
‫�إدارة متابعة الأداء‬
Hanan Al-Gharabally
Sadeq Al-Mutawaa
Corporate Treasury & Investment
Performance Management
‫عماد عبدالرزاق العثمان‬
‫التنظيم والقوى العاملة‬
‫حنان عبدالكرمي الغربللي‬
‫التمويل واال�ستثمار‬
‫طالل بدر اجليعان‬
Talal Al-Jaian
Organization and Manpowe
‫راما�شاندرا دا�س كومار‬
Aseel Al-Watar
‫الغاز امل�سال‬/‫البنزين‬/‫مبيعات النافثا‬
‫�شيخة نوري الربيعان‬
‫التنظيم والقوى العاملة‬
‫�أ�سيل �سامي الوتار‬
‫العالقات العامة‬
‫بدر �سليمان الن�صف‬
Fahad Al-Shatti
Ramachandra Das Vijaya Kumar
China Office
Naphtha/Mogas/LPG Sales
‫فهد عدنان ال�شطي‬
Mohammad Allanqawi
Shaikha Al-Rubaian
Naphtha/Mogas/LPG Salesr
Public Relations
Bader Al-Nisf
Crude Oil Sales
‫مبيعات النفط اخلام‬
‫مكتب ال�صني‬
‫حممد عبا�س اللنقاوي‬
‫الغاز امل�سال‬/‫البنزين‬/‫مبيعات النافثا‬
New-Comers ‫مربوك التعيينات‬
Ghadeer Al-Enizi
Market Research
‫غدير �شكري العنزي‬
‫البحوث الت�سويقية‬
‫ي�سر �أ�سرة )ن�شرة �أخبار الم�ؤ�س�سة( �أن تتقدم بال�شكر �إلى جميع الزمالء الذين‬
‫ وي�س ّره����ا �أن تتقبل المزيد‬،‫�ساهم����وا معه����ا في الأعداد ال�سابقة م����ن الن�شرة‬
.‫م����ن م�شاركتك����م و�أفكاركم التي تزيد من التوا�صل البن����اء والتطوير الم�ستمر‬
4785 :‫ ت‬- ‫هيا الرندي‬/‫ ال�سيدة‬:‫لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى االت�صال على‬
4866 :‫ ت‬- ‫جابر الصباح‬/‫ ال�شيخ‬4789 :‫ ت‬- ‫عالية الج�سمي‬/‫ال�سيدة‬
‫قدم اقرتاحاتك ومالحظاتك‬
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It is the pleasure of KPC News staff members to extend their
heartiest thanks to all the colleagues who contributed to KPC
News past issues. We will be more than happy to receive
even more of your contributions and ideas which will further
bolster constructive cooperation and continuous progress.
For more details, please contact: Haya Al-Randi - Tel: 4785,
Alia Al-Jasmi - Tel: 4789,
Jaber Al-Sabah - Tel: 4866