KPC NEWS Issue 163 - Kuwait Petroleum Corporation


KPC NEWS Issue 163 - Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
I would like first to extend congratulations to HH the Amir
Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, HH Crown
Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and
the Kuwaiti nation on Eid Al-Fitr imploring Allah, the Almighty, to bestow blessings, safety and security to our beloved Kuwait.
I would like further to extend appreciation to the diligent effort exerted sincerely by Training and Career Development
Sector to apply the latest advanced training programs in the
world in liaison with KPC 2030 strategic directions such
Learning and Development Strategy – Generic Competency
Framework program. This program highlights a number of
important points among which learning and development
strategy, unified generic competency framework, proficiency
levels defined for different levels of employees and different
types of development programs.
I cannot disregard either underlining the tremendous efforts
which KPC exerts in social responsibility field. These efforts
have come into fact thanks to the vision and infinite support
that the higher administration provides keenly to reinforce
the concept of social responsibility in the spirits of the oil sector’s employees. Thereof, KPC has sponsored and subsidized
in coordination with Kuwait Association for the Care of Children in Hospital (KACCH) a campaign aimed at equipping
the rooms of children in a number of governmental hospitals
with cupboards to enable them keep their personal issues and
games. This is part of its effort and keenness on improving
the health care services provided to patients particularly children; in addition to creating an appropriate entertainment environment to let them enjoy their stay in hospital during the
period of treatment.
Faisal Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah
Deputy Managing Director, Relations & IT
«August 2015
Al-Omair receives
well-wishers of
Eid Al-Fitr
KPC inks
convention to
provide MEW
power stations
with fuels
between KPC,
of Dutch industry
For your Opinions & Suggestions
It is the pleasure of KPC News
staff to extend their heartfelt
gratitute to all colleagues who
contributed to KPC News past
issues. We will be more than
happy to receive even more of
your contributions and ideas
which will further bolster constructive cooperation and continuous progress.
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) is a
corporation of economic character, run on
a commercial basis and fully owned by the
State. It is one of the world’s major oil &
gas companies and its activities are focused
on petroleum exploration and production,
refining, marketing, petrochemicals, and
transport. KPC’s mission is to manage and
operate these integrated activities worldwide
in the most efficient and professional manner,
in addition to growing shareholder value
whilst ensuring the optimum exploitation of
Kuwait hydrocarbon resources.
KPC future vision is based on the following
• Be a highly profitable and performance
driven company.
• Contribute significantly to the support and
development of the Kuwaiti economy.
• Strengthen the world class reputation of all
KPC operations.
• Encourage continuous learning in all areas
related to KPC’s business.
• Become a regional leader in HSE
performance and apply the latest and the
most appropriate technologies in KPC’s
KPC seeks diligently to accomplish a number
of values as follows:
• Integrity
• Motivation
• Corporate Thinking
• Commitment to HSSE and Society
• Partnership
• Flexibility
• Excellence
KPC News Team:
Public Relations & Media Dept.
Press & Publications Section
Ext. 4785 - 4789 - 4769
Fax: 24994991
Al-Omair receives well-wishers of Eid Al-Fitr
His Excellency Minister of Oil, State Minister for Par-
KPC Mr. Nizar Al-Adsani, dignitaries and media prac-
liament Affairs, Chairman of KPC board of directors
titioners along with press were keen on extending con-
Dr. Ali Saleh Al-Omair received on Tuesday July 21,
gratulations on such occasion. The minister exchanged
2015 well-wishers on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr. Top
welcomingly congratulations and cordial talks with the
officials from the oil sector on top of them CEO of
KPC inks convention to provide MEW power stations with fuels
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation signed, on the sideline
of the periodical coordinative meeting held on Wednesday June 24, 2015 in the presence of the concerned officials, a convention with Ministry of Electricity and Water to provide the power stations of the latter with fuels.
The convention was signed by CEO of KPC Mr. Nizar
Al-Adsani, CEO of Kuwait Oil Company Mr. Hashim
Hashim, CEO of Kuwait National Petroleum Company
Mr. Mohammed Al-Mutairi, and Undersecretary of
MEW Mr. Mohammed Bushehri.
The convention is aimed to apply the principle of governance on the administrative, financial and technical affairs between KPC and its subsidiaries with the ministry.
‫‏‬Planning & Career Development organizes lectures on generic competency framework
‫ ‏‬uwait Petroleum Corporation represented by
Training and Career Development Sector organized
a series of awareness lectures entitled ‘Learning
and development strategy – Generic Competency
Framework’ between 7-13 July, 2015 in the auditorium
of the oil sector’s complex.
‫ ‏‬he lectures are part of KPC HR 2030 strategic
initiatives which are aimed to develop the capabilities
and skills of employees. They highlighted and
covered several pivots among which the learning and
development strategy, the unified generic competency
framework, proficiency levels defined for different
levels of employees and the different types of
development programs.
I‫ ‏‬t is worth mentioning that Training and Career
Development Sector has implemented several training
programs to develop the skills and efficiency of the
oil sector’s employees among KPC 2030 HR strategy
which is aimed to unify the generic competency of all
employees in the Kuwaiti oil sector.
Workshops between KPC, representatives of Dutch industry organized
‫ ‏‬esearch and Technology DepartR
ment at KPC organized two workshops to discuss the proposals
submitted by Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, Energy research Centre of
the Netherlands and the National
Metrology Institute of the Netherlands on 9-10 June, 2015.
‫ ‏‬he workshops are held in line with
a memorandum of understanding
signed between the Kuwaiti government represented by Ministry of
Oil and the Dutch government in
September 2014 to bolster cooperation in research, technology and development in oil and gas industry.
‫ ‏‬r. Mohammed Al-Farhoud, ManagM
ing Director of Planning, welcomed
in his keynote speech the attend-
ees who attended the first workshop
which was held in the auditorium of
the oil sector’s complex. After that,
His Excellency Nicolaas Beets, the
ambassador of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands to the State of Kuwait
gave speech.
‫ ‏‬he first workshop included several
activities among which proposals
submitted by the Dutch oil companies
to bolster mutual collaboration with
the Kuwaiti side in research, development and technology fields in refining
industry. Meanwhile, the activities of
the second workshop which was held
in ‘Al-Habari’ Center in Al-Ahmadi
City included proposals to bolster cooperation in exploration and production of gas and oil.
‫‏‬The workshops were attended by
representatives from KPC subsidiaries who displayed the new developments of establishing the Kuwait
international center for research and
technology; in addition to explaining
elaborately the roadmap of carrying
out the research and technological
projects in the oil sector between
2014 and 2018; besides other proposals aimed at reinforcing cooperation
and partnership with the Dutch side.
‫ ‏‬t the end of the workshops, the atA
tendees hailed the well organization
of the workshops and their scientific
content, requesting to organize such
workshops continuously to bolster
collaboration and exchange experiences and knowledge in all fields
for the good of the Kuwaiti and
Dutch oil industry.
KPC sponsors of Kuwait Medicine Students Syndicate
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation patronized the
graduation celebration of Kuwait Medicine Students
Syndicate of Kuwait University which was held on
Monday June 15, 2015 in The Regency Hotel.
In his keynote speech, Mr. Ali Al-Obaid, Managing
Director of Relations and Information Technology, and
Acting Managing Director of Training, extended his
delight over attending the celebration, indicating KPC
pays special concern to manpower considering such
important element the key support of development and the
true resource of the country. He added that such concern
is stemmed from the country’s strategic vision which
perceives man as the basis of development and progress.
He further extended appreciation to the teaching staff
members who spared no effort to convey knowledge
and experience to students, hailing the diligent effort
which doctors exert effectively in the society.
KPC provides cupboards for rooms of children in Ibn Sina Hospital
‫ ‏‬delegation from KPC headed by Mr. Jamal Al-Sanosi,
Manager of Public Relations and Media Department,
visited Ibn Sina Hospital on Thursday July 2, 2015
to follow up the latest development regarding the
preparations conducted to equip children’s rooms with
cupboards to keep their personal items and games.
‫ ‏‬l-Sanosi emphasized that KPC seeks diligently to
reinforce the concepts of societal partnership and
sustainable development which help develop the society.
Accordingly, it spares no effort to bolster communication
with the various institutions of the country particularly
the medical authorities to sponsor childhood; in addition,
it harnesses all capabilities to take part in relieving pains
of patients particularly children.
‫ ‏‬e added that KPC is proud of sponsoring and taking
part in equipping children’s rooms in the governmental
hospitals, indicating such step is carried out in
collaboration with Kuwait Association for the Care of
Children in Hospital (KACCH).
‫‏‬Organized by Planning, Career Development Dept
Lecture on “Kelna” campaign conducted
‫ ‏‬lanning and Career Development
Department organized a seminar
in collaboration with International
Training Center Gate on “Kelna”
campaign for people with special
needs on Wednesday May 27, 2015
in the auditorium of the oil sector
as per KPC’s keenness on merging
such group in the society.
‫ ‏‬or her part, Thawrah Abdulkarim,
Senior Analyst at Planning and
Career Development Department,
extended her delight over the
distinguished attendance of the
guests, adding, “Our guests are
distinguished with extraordinary
capabilities, as they have
challenged their circumstances
and sought diligently to achieve
their goals despite the hindrances
that they confront. Therefore,
they are with us today to spotlight
their experience and let us know
how they achieve successfully
their goals through perseverance
and devotion.”
‫ ‏‬eanwhile, Norah Al-Othman,
Deputy Manager of International
Training Center Gate, said the
gate launched such youth initiative
to underpin the humanitarian
values and develop the self as
well as spreading positive ideas
through holding such seminars in
participation of youth with special
needs to highlight their experiences.
‫ ‏‬he added that the campaign
includes open dialogues in which
youth with special needs pose
their development vision for the
homeland on all levels such as
education, employment, health,
social awareness, youth and sports.
‫ ‏‬l-Othman presented some brilliant
examples of people with special
needs who underlined their stories
of success and how they managed
to surmount their hard health
circumstances by determination to
achieve success and ambitions.
‫ ‏‬t the end of the seminar, Mr.
Khaled Al-Munayekh, Manager of
Planning and Career Development
Department, honored a number of
people with special needs along
with Mrs. Kefaya Al-Alban,
Manager of International Training
Center Gate.
I n
I ssu e
For memory
‫‏‬Ruining Kuwaiti oil wells is incomparable environment disaster
‫ ‏‬his year witnesses the 25th anniversary of the Iraqi
invasion against the State of Kuwait which took place
on August 2, 1990 and left behind an incomparable
environmental crisis in history, as it destroyed on
purpose about 1073 oil wells in late February 1991;
727 of which were burned. These burned wells caused
a black cloud that covered the sky of Kuwait and
spread to other neighboring countries; in addition, they
caused heavy smoky clouds that reached Greece in the
west and China in the east.
‫‏‬Diligent efforts
‫ ‏‬fter liberating Kuwait from the invasion, the
operations of quenching the burning wells were
launched in March 1991. The estimated period for
snuffing out these wells was between two years to five
years due to the large number of these burning wells.
Yet, all of these wells were extinguished in 240 days
thanks to the diligent efforts exerted in this domain, as
27 international specialized teams took part in putting
out these wells; however, the last burning well was
doused on November 6, 1991.
‫ ‏‬his large number of burning oil wells led to huge
quantities of poisonous emissions and gases which lasted
in the atmosphere for about eight months. Moreover,
the extent of the visual smoke reached 2000 kilometers
from Kuwait, as the smoke reached China and India in
the east; whereas, the smut resulting from these burning
wells was monitored in Hawaii - USA and Japan.
‫ ‏‬uch oil fires caused big amounts of harmful emissions
among which CO, CO2, SO2, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) and many other hydrocarbon compounds.
I‫ ‏‬t is worth mentioning that the amount of CO2 which
emitted from these oil fires reached two million tons
which is equal to 2% of the international percentage
of CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, the amount of SO2
reached 9000 ton daily, nitrogen oxide 350 tons, and
250 tons of CO.
‫‏‬Water pollution
‫ ‏‬he invasion pumped oil into the water of the Arabian
Gulf starting the second half of January 1991, as it
pumped oil to seawater from five tankers that anchored
in Mina Al-Ahmadi and from other oil wells which
are located in the Gulf. The amount of oil spilt in water
was estimated at six million barrels. On January 25,
1991, taps of pumping oil from Mina Al-Ahmadi were
opened; the matter increased oil pollution. The amount
of oil pumped by such way reached 6000 barrels per
day. This led to forming about 128 oil patches opposite
to the Kuwaiti and Saudi coasts to form accordingly
the biggest oil spill in the world, as the length of such
oil patch was estimated at 130 kilometers and its width
reached 25 kilometers.
‫‏‬This spill banned gas exchange operation and light
which is required for botanical planktons; the matter
influenced negatively many maritime organisms, and
caused a disorder in food chain, as it led to a sharp
shortage in the ship stock particularly in 1992 and
1993. The oil leaked from the destroyed wells polluted
also the underground water.
‫ ‏‬he oil leaked from the destroyed wells led to forming
about 246 oil lakes which have influenced negatively
the soil, as it covered about 50 square kilometers which
were covered by about 24 million barrels of oil. This
caused an ostensible disorder in the ecological system
on plants, animals, insects and soil too because the
water used in quenching the burning wells was seawater
which is salty; thus, the soil became unsuitable for
botanical and animal life.
‫‏‬Organized by Planning & Career Development, Public Relations & Media
‫‏‬Mohammed Al-Awadhi lecturing in oil sector
‫ ‏‬lanning and Career Development Department
organized in collaboration with Public Relations and
Media Department a religious lecture entitled ‘Titanic’
in participation of the noted religious preacher Dr.
Mohammed Al-Awadhi on Monday July 6, 2015 in the
auditorium of the oil sector.
‫ ‏‬l-Awadhi highlighted the case of social participation,
indicating the society is like a titanic ship which all people
are on its board irrespective of their belongingness.
Those people share responsibility and work to protect
such ship from any hazard; accordingly, each person has
to perform perfectly his role to reach the safe side.
‫ ‏‬e pointed out that any hole in the ship’s bulk leads
to drowning all people not certain group; therefore,
it is necessary for all people to unite and work
harmoniously for their safety because success is a
result of collective work.
‫ ‏‬e further stressed the necessity of applying certain
values and criteria to help the society’s ship to sail
safely among which justice which must be prioritized
before belongingness, putting aside personal
interests, teamwork spirit, and handling defaults as
early as possible
‫‏‬Lecture on healthy lifestyle and good nutrition held
‫ ‏‬ublic Relations and Media Department organized a lecture
entitled “Healthy Life” in cooperation with Planning and
Career Development Department on Wednesday July 1,
2015 in the auditorium of the oil sector’s complex.
‫ ‏‬r. Nasser Al-Awadhi, Nutrition Specialist and Private
Couch, highlighted the main points which help enjoy a
healthy lifestyle among which what follows:
• To practice sports continuously.
• To change the bad and unhealthy habits. It is advisable to
adopt healthy nutritional system.• It is important to have a
motive and serious will to follow a healthy diet.
‫ ‏‬or her part, Dr. Reem Al-Enezi, Nutritional Treatment
Specialist, Member of Research team of Vitamin D, threw
light on nutrition and its relation to the psychological and
mental health, stressing the necessity of balancing between
food items to achieve integration and balance for the body.
‫ ‏‬he further emphasized the importance of having food
rich with vitamins to meet the body’s needs for growth
and good health as well as protecting it from diseases.
Family medicine…comprehensive care
Dr. Ahmed Abdulmalik
Family Medicine Specialist
Al-Ahmadi Hospital
Family doctor is a
physician who has
completed successfully
training courses in all
medical specifications,
then he becomes
specialist in ‘family
medicine’ through
completing a specialized
medical program for four
or five years.
The family doctor should be
acquainted with all medical
specifications, as he examines
several cases and different diseases
starting simple diseases such as
cold, sore throat and even the
dangerous diseases such cancer
and cardiac diseases. Therefore,
the family doctor should have the
ability to deal with the various
kinds of diseases which the family
members experience irrespective
of their age.
First circle
The family doctor is considered
the first circle in the process of
treatment, as he provides the basic
medical care for the patient through
examining him and diagnosing
his case and then prescribing the
required medicine or referring the
case to hospital or a specialized
doctor if necessary.
Medicine is divided into several
types among which the traditional
medicine which treats the person
through chemical medicine, the
alternative medicine which depends
basically on natural treatment far
away from chemical substances,
and preventive medicine which is
preferable for many doctors.
The preventive medicine is aimed
to protect the person’s health from
diseases to avoid the disease and its
repercussions and the problems of
chemical medicines and their side
effects; therefore, doctors prefer
such kind of medicine.
The good family doctor follows
up closely the slow changes
which take place over his patients’
bodies including their weights,
the sports they practice, the food
they eat, and the examinations
and analyses which they conduct
every six months or year as per
the age to let them enjoy a healthy
life which is priceless.
with special
infinite devotion
and injured
C‫ ‏‬ulture of work…
and career
‫ ‏‬he culture of work is
composed of a number of
principles, instructions,
moral and career regulations
which identify the behavior
of the employee in the
institution where he works.
In addition, it depicts the
right path which enables
him to perform his duties
efficiently. Thereof, it is
unanimously important to
spread such culture among
employees to guarantee
achieving the highest possible
rates of productivity; as
well as rooting sincerity and
devotion to their homeland
and society.
‫ ‏‬hen we talk about the culture
of work, we are talking about
relative values which are available
in each work environment as per
the surrounding circumstances of
such work. Consequently, the spirit
of teamwork is on top of these
values which should be rooted in
employees, as it helps reinforce
irrespective of their career degrees.
It is also important to fortify the
culture of commitment to time
and productivity; in addition to
applying the principle of award
and punishment because showing
leniency in the way of applying
such principle impedes achieving
efficient performance.
I‫ ‏‬t is also necessary to provide
an appropriate environment for
employees to help invest their
capabilities and improve their
skills to develop performance. It
is further important to encourage
and support any positive initiative
among the frame of work. Add to
this the importance of developing
human resources, as such element
is the key support for the success of
any institution.
Cultural transformation lecture held in KPC
cooperation with Relations and
Information Technology Sector
on the cultural transformation
on Monday June 8, 2015 in the
Diwaniya of the oil sector.
The lecture was given by Dr.
Ali Gooyabadi, from iValue
infosolutions in Dubai, UAE. He
stressed the importance of allotting
a general culture for KPC, as it is
essential element for development;
in addition, it is necessary to train
employees on such culture.
He made clear that the culture of
KPC is considered the mirror and
façade for the exterior audience,
as it represents the first impression
which KPC clients take on it,
indicating that each institution has
its own culture which reflects the
ideology and goals of its personnel.
He further indicated that the
Gulf area is distinguished with
variety, as it attracts laborers from
different nationalities; however,
KPC should adopt an appropriate
culture that helps it allot effective
operational strategies and plans to
be more familiar with the desires
of audience.
On the occasion of the annual anniversary of
the painful invasion against the State of Kuwait
which falls on August 2 every year, the editorial
team of KPC Newsletter has perceived that it
is suitable to include related questions in this
issue’s quiz.
1- How many oil wells burnt during the invasion?
2- What is the name of the well which was firstly quenched?
Manal Ghanim from Sales Administration
Department at International Marketing Sector
won the quiz of last month.
3- When was the last well quenched?
4- Who is the female firefighter who took part in
quenching wells after the invasion?
Answers are sent to
before the deadline on 23/08/2015.