BUSINESS NEWS May 2015 - Roselle Chamber of Commerce
BUSINESS NEWS May 2015 - Roselle Chamber of Commerce
Upcoming Events Mark Your Calendar! Wednesday, May 13 Annual Golf Outing Time: 10:30 am – Registration & Lunch Noon – Shotgun Start 6:00 pm – Dinner & Raffles Location: Bloomingdale Golf Club 181 Glen Ellyn Road, Bloomingdale Wednesday, May 27 Business After Hours Time: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Location: Lights, Camera, Dancin’ 209 E. Irving Park Road, Roselle You’re invited to check out their dance studio! Sunday, June 7 56th Annual Rose Parade Line-Up: 12:30 pm Step-Off: 2:00 pm Location: Starting at Roselle and Devon; ending at Irving Park and Lawrence. VOL. XXII Issue 5 May 2015 It’s not too late, you can still participate!! Annual Golf Outing Wednesday, May 13 Calling on all golfers, sponsors, and donors! This year’s Golf Outing at Bloomingdale Golf Club promises an entertaining day of golf that includes range balls, greens fee with cart, and beverages, fruit and cigars on the course. Registration starts at 10:30 am with a lunch cookout on the veranda. After a day of golf and fresh air, appetites will be satisfied by our famous pig roast dinner. Expect gifts for all golfers, and a raffles with terrific prizes. Additional prizes will be presented for Hole-In-One, Longest Drive, and Closest-to-thePin! Returning this year is our Golf Dream Raffle with a chance to win a round of golf for a threesome Medinah County Club or Itasca Country Club. For information, please contact Gail Croson at the Chamber office at (630) 8943010 or executivedirector@ THANK YOU to our Early Bird Sponsors! ABM Commercial Flooring, Inc. AG VanGundy Landscape Materials, Inc. All Point Property Services, Inc. Bloomingdale Township Assessor John T. Dabrowski Bloomingdale Township Republican Party Cyber-Construction, Inc. Friendly Ford Heritage Realty & Development Itasca Bank & Trust Co. Jameson’s Charhouse Mueller & Associates, DDS Old Town Travel Porte Brown LLC Roselle Bank & Trust Salerno’s Rosedale Chapels The HBC Insurance Group Tornatore Law Office Wickstrom Chevrolet (as of 03/16/2015) Calendar! Board of Directors Chairman Joseph Salerno Salerno’s Rosedale Chapels President Kevin Weslock Langner Eye Care Vice President John Binneboese Itasca Bank & Trust Co. Secretary Brian Cash Cyber-Construction, Inc. Treasurer Michelle Daniel Roselle Bank & Trust Directors Lynne Uhl ABM Commercial Flooring, Inc Tony VanGundy AG VanGundy Landscape Materials, Inc. Tom Kowalski American General & Electrical Contractors, Co. John T. Dabrowski Bloomingdale Township Assessor Todd Eichholz Heritage Realty & Development Greg Martucci Law Office of Gregory J. Martucci, PC Jay P. Mueller, D.D.S. Mueller & Associates Norm Hendle Ventura 21, Inc. Director Emeritus Jim Hodgdon The HBC Insurance Group Executive Director Gail Croson It hasn’t really felt like spring until lately and it’s a good thing because there are some great summer events are just around the corner! We look forward to seeing you at the best golf outing of the year – The Roselle Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Outing. Foursomes are still available if you are looking for great way to reward clients or build relationships with new clients. On June 7 we are excited to partner with the Village of Roselle to host the Annual Rose Parade, showcasing why Roselle is a great place to live and do business. Last month the Chamber helped you understand your property tax bill as we heard from Bloomingdale Township Assessor John T. Dabrowski. We also enjoyed a great evening at the Business After Hours at BMO Harris Bank. This month’s Business After Hours will be a great night of fun and networking as we visit Lights, Camera, Dancin’ We look forward to visiting their studio that has turned out national award winning teams. Lights, Camera, Dancin’ teams have performed at venues such as the Daley Center, the Morton Arboretum, the Brookfield Zoo, and on the Boardwalk in New Jersey! Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the Chamber’s Casino Night on October 9. This was a great success last year and the Chamber is looking forward to another great community event. Once again Chamber members can collect playing cards by attending Chamber events, beginning with the Golf Outing. Collect as many cards as you can because the best five card poker hand turned in at Casino Night will win a cash prize! One of the most valuable aspects of the Roselle Chamber for our business has been meeting those I perceived to be successful in Roselle. Sometimes I bent their ear for a tip. Sometimes I strived to emulate something they did for their business. Regular attendance at Chamber functions helped me learn how to be successful in Roselle by knowing those who were already successful. You can’t meet them if you aren’t there! See you at the next event! Kevin Weslock Langner Eye Care Roselle Chamber Business News Editor: Gail Croson, Executive Director Special Assistance: Roselle Bank & Trust Please direct your comments, questions and/or ideas to: 1350 W. Lake Street, Ste A, Roselle, IL 60172 P: 630-894-3010 • F: 630-894-3042 Email: Web: Layout, Design and Printing Services provided by; Rosette Printing LLC - 630-295-8500 The views and/or advertisement expressed herein are those of the author and/or advertiser and do not reflect the views of the Roselle Chamber of Commerce & Industry, its members, its officers or its directors. Welcome New Members! Cross Kicks Fitness Timothy Patrick 17 E. Irving Park Road, Roselle, IL 60172 (630) 307-7900 | Fitness Center that combines professional trainers and circuit training with high intensity workouts which incorporate boxing, kick-boxing, cardio/endurance training, & strength training. They’re dedicated to keeping our members fit through fitness and nutritional help. Nicor Gas, An AGL Resources Co. Karen Gustafson 90 N. Finley Road, Glen Ellyn, IL 60435 (331) 223-7592 Utility. Solutions Cleaning Services Inc. Lilianna Aguilar 65 Andover Drive, Roselle, IL 60172 (630)-351-8997 | Quality Cleaning Services for General Contractors, Commercial Office and Retail Market at the most competitive prices. THIS SPACE CAN BE YOURS (630) 894-3010 THIS SPACE CAN BE YOURS (630) 894-3010 Please update your Chamber Membership Directory and Community Directory, and welcome our new members and contacts at an upcoming meeting. And remember…it’s good business to do business with Chamber members. Business Booths at Taste It’s not too early to start thinking about your participation at this year’s Taste of Roselle to be held on Friday, July 31 through Sunday, August 2! This is a terrific opportunity for Chamber members to showcase their businesses at this well-attended community event. The Taste Commission is accepting applications for business booths via the Village’s site at via the Forms Center found on the Concerns & Requests page. Chamber Awards Scholarships! The Roselle Chamber of Commerce & Industry is pleased to announce that Edan Armas, Katarina Martucci and Madison McAteer have been awarded $1,000 scholarships based on outstanding academic ability, leadership qualities and community involvement. All recipients are college/universitybound in the fall. The Scholarship recipients, along with her parents, will be recognized by the Chamber Board as honored guests at our July Membership Appreciation Picnic, and will be honored in the community as the Chamber banner bearers in the Rose Parade. We thank Greg Martucci, Law Office of Gregory J. Martucci, PC and Lynne Uhl of ABM Commercial Flooring, Inc. for chairing the Scholarship Committee. Greg and Lynne managed the program while others took on the responsibility of reviewing and judging the blind applications. We recognize Committee members who volunteered their time to determine this year’s award recipients: Dr. Charles Chapple, Advanced Chiropractic Health Center Sue Ellen Eichholz, All Point Property Services, Inc. Kerrie Trebonsky, JET Auto Repair, Inc. Dr. Kristen Langner, Langner Eye Care Cara Steetz, Printing Plus of Roselle, Inc. Dr. Leslie Wong, Reinforce Health & Wellness PC Gloria Warnimont, RE/MAX Central Michelle Daniel, Roselle Bank & Trust Elaine Pizzicaro, Roselle Public Library District, Trustee Jean Bonavolonta, Roselle Public Library Foundation Finally, we thank and recognize Roselle Bank & Trust who contributed $1,000 to our Scholarship Program making it possible for us to award a third scholarship this year. Casino Night Returns Friday, October 9 Save the Date! Mark your calendar and tell your friends about this community event featuring professional gaming tables and dealers! Watch for more information in upcoming editions of our newsletters and eNews as well as visit Take Advantage of On-Line Coupons! We’d like to remind you that you’re invited to advertise discounts and other special promotions on the Chamber’s website. This is a Members Only Program, and it is FREE OF CHARGE! 425 E. Maple Avenue, Roselle Phone (630) 529-2251 • Fax (630) 529-2281 OPEN 7 DAYS ! Community Coupons is a page on our website that is dedicated to advertising promotions offered by Chamber members. The page lists participating businesses and the title of the coupon offer. Coupons are also attached to members’ on-line listing within the directory. Visitors, potential customers, will click on the offer to view details of the coupon. Details include: • Coupon Title • Description of the Promotion • Restrictions (if applicable) • Coupon Expiration Date • Business Name, Address & Phone Number • Optional Link to Business e-Mail & Website • Print Option for Customer Redemption How do I participate in Community Coupons? Coupons are accepted at coupons. This electronic form includes two sections. The first section requests member contact information; the second section is related to creating the coupon offer. If you’d like to post a coupon, please visit the form, complete the required information and submit it to the Chamber office for approval. Upon its approval, your coupon will be created by our office and posted on the Chamber’s web. A link to Coupons is available on all pag- Be sure to bookmark the es of our website form in your Internet browser making this program and use it as often as you highly visible to the like! Questions?? Contact our office at (630) 894-3010 Visitor. The Village of or email executivedirector@ Roselle’s website and e-News also include a link to Community Coupons as added exposure to the local community. Member Email Blasts Using the Roselle Chamber’s email service, we’re pleased to offer our e-blast communication to our member businesses and organizations. Please note the following guidelines: • Service is available to Roselle Chamber Members only. • Cost is $75.00 per ‘blast’ payable by cash, check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard & Discover accepted). • Message to be composed and formatted in a Word document. The message will be copied and pasted out of Word. • Company logo may be included but no other clipart. Logos to be provided in JPG or GIF file (preferably one that is not memory-intensive). • Message may contain hyperlinks. • Attachments cannot be sent out with message. • Message will be sent within 5 business days of receipt. • Message will be sent via executivedirector@ address using Constant Contact e-service. • Member’s message will be afforded a block of its own, however the Chamber reserves the right to include news about upcoming Chamber sponsored activities or programs within the email. • A disclaimer will be included to indicate the message is a paid advertisement and will release the Chamber of any liability for the contents of the message. • Messages may be refused at editor’s discretion. • Member’s copy of the email will serve as sent confirmation. For more information or to schedule an e-blast, please contact Gail Croson at the Chamber office, (630) 894-3010. Taste of Roselle Volunteers The Chamber is once again co-hosting alcohol sales at this year’s Taste of Roselle, July 31 through August 2. This is a great opportunity to be a part of a popular summertime event and offers you a fun-filled setting to get better acquainted with your fellow-chamber members. Volunteers serving alcohol at the Taste of Roselle must be BASSET certified (Beverage Alcohol Sellers & Servers Education & Training), an official certification that’s valid for years to come. If you’re not already certified, take advantage of a local BASSET Certification Class to be held on Saturday, May 16 starting at 8:30 am at the Roselle Police Department. Please contact Gail at the Chamber office to reserve a seat for this class. , Tricia Carlstrom Marketing Specialist 845 Oakton Street Elk Grove Village Illinois 60007 T. 847.956.1040 F. 847.956.6780 Mister Natural Services, Inc. 301 E. Irving Park Road, Roselle, IL 60172 630-980-7571 Professional Cleaning of • Carpet, Area Rugs & Blinds • Leather & Upholstery • Water Restoration • Janitorial Services Established 1973 Clean Trust Certified Air Duct Cleaning NEW CARPET & FLOORING SALES Dryer Vent Cleaning Erin E. Ducat,DC,CSCS,CKTP,CCSP Board-CertifiedChiropracticSportsPhysician 125S.BloomingdaleRd,Suite#11 224-653-8094p Bloomingdale,IL60108 224-653-8317f Roselle Chamber of Commerce and Industry 1350 W. Lake Street, Suite A Roselle, IL 60172 56th Annual Rose Parade Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 7 and join the crowd to watch the 2015 Rose Parade as it strolls through town! Member businesses who are participating as an entry will discover our parade is a great way to promote your business to the hundreds of spectators lining the parade route. Line-up notices will be mailed to parade applicants this month. The notice will provide your lineup number, instructions for staging/drop-off procedures, and a parade route map. Please be sure to distribute this information to all members of your unit! The Parade Committee is looking for volunteers to help with assembly on Sunday, June 7. If interested, please call Gail Croson at the Chamber office. In an effort to enhance our parade, the Parade Committee has developed guidelines for all parade entrants. So please remember, all entries must show some effort in their presentation by providing visual or audio amusement for spectators. We look forward to the sights and sounds of this year’s parade and hope to see you there!
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