Military field card


Military field card
With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community.
Orchis morio
Oxytropis pilosa
Festucetu vaginate
Lacerta agilis
Merops apiaster
Zerythia polyxena
Iris arenaria
Pelobates fuscus
Carabus hungaricus
Adonis vernalis
Orchis militaris
Orchis ustulata
Priority listed plant and animal species
Steps to follow in case of emergency situation
Defence for the Environment
Step 1 Prevent any dangers to human life, first aid;
Step 2 Notify the Officer on Duty at the Military Barracks
of the SAM WING 12 ’Arrabona’ Training Centre or
the Official Fire Department of Győr Municipality
through your Commander or the Person on Duty in
the Military Camp;
Step 3 Identify the material causing pollution or fire;
Step 4 Cut off the possible ways of supplies of the material
causing pollution or fire;
Step 5 Withhold the spread of pollution or fire;
Step 6 Collect, impregnate, transfuse polluting materials,
remove extremely flammable or potentially explosive materials, if possible;
Step 7 Report to your Superiors;
Step 8 Start restoration activities;
Step 9 Evaluate the actions, draw the inference;
Step 10 Administrate, document the damages, and introduce the necessary measures;
Step 11 Consult with the legally appointed expert of the
Fertő-National Park Directorate.
The Hungarian Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces
are paying attention to the protection of the environment
during the execution of military training, exercises and other
tasks related to defence. The defence of the nation cannot
mean the destruction of nature.
In case of fire or environmental pollution
please contact:
SAM WING 12 ’Arrabona’ Military Barracks
Inside line: 02 33 5055
Tel.: 0036 96 622 755
Official Fire Department of Győr Municipality
Tel.: 105 or 112
Environmental and nature protection in the Hungarian Little Plain
Important information for
Győrszentiván military shooting & practice range
Our basic intention is to execute military tasks by minimising
the ecological footprint of national and international military
The Hungarian Ministry of Defence has been paying increased attention for handling environmental problems
since 1994 in order to establish the conditions for applying
the best available technique in environmental protection related to military activities.
The Hungarian Army has to fulfil strict environmental regulations since the beginning of our NATO/EU membership.
The Hungarian Army is conscious about to find the answer
for that key question, how it is possible to satisfy the needs
of the present generation such way not to divest future generations from the possibility of harmonic coexistence with
nature and prevent our environmental-natural heritage from
irreversible damage.
Col. József Cseppentő
infrastructure director
Defence Economic Office
Hungarian Ministry of Defence
The Győrszentiván military practice range, – currently used by the Hungarian Armed Forces –,
became part of Natura 2000 sites in 2004, while the shooting-range already under national
protection was integrated in 2009 as part of Gönyű sand land region (HUFH20009) natural
protection area of great importance. The area is used for military training for infantry shooting.
In cooperation with the other units of the Hungarian Air Forces, different military organizations as well as the allied forces in the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System
(NATINAMDS), the primary mission of the (SAM) WING 12 ’Arrabona’ - using this area - is
to provide air defence coverage for the designated military facilities, vital industrial installations and power stations of outstanding importance as well as for specified formations
of the manoeuvring land forces. The WING conducts comprehensive peacetime training
activities to train for the tasks specified above.
Main military training activities on the area can be divided as follows:
• Military routine without combat vehicles, without imitation equipment
• Military routine without combat vehicles with imitation equipment
• Shooting exercise with infantry weapons (pistol and submachine-gun)
• Hand grenade throwing and blasting exercise
Aquaprofit Co.
Defence Economic Office of the Hungarian Ministry of Defence
Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) WING 12 ’Arrabona’
Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate
Fotókat készítette:
Gábor Takács, Sándor Mogyorósi, Sándor Bérces and Róbert Dankovics
Principles of Environmental and Nature Protection
The Hungarian Act No. LIII. of 1996 on Nature Conservation is applicable to all personnel involved
in the military trainings.
Rules regarding motor and combat vehicles:
• In the area of the practice and shooting range moving is only allowed exclusively on areas described by the map without disturbance of the protected species and habitats. Driving through forests, scrogs, shrubby areas or creating new paths is PROHIBITED.
• Filling ordinary and fighting vehicles with fuel, liquids or lubricants shall be performed by excluding
the possibility of soil pollution, primarily at temporary filling station spots.
• Washing ordinary and fighting vehicles outside the area of the designated washing spot is PROHIBITED.
• Repair and maintenance is allowed primarily on properly built repair-spots, in the practice and
shooting area allowed only in case of justified situations, in any other cases it is PROHIBITED.
• The motor and fighting vehicles unduly idle-state operation must be eliminated, in order to reduce air pollution.
• Temporary establishments (e.g. ditches, parapet) during military training can only be set up in the
designated sites, and these areas must be restored to its original state. Elimination of invasive
species and weeds must be ensured between military training periods.
Waste Management:
• Municipal and hazardous waste shall be separately collected.
• Hazardous waste shall be transported to hazardous waste dump site and shall be registered.
• Camp sites used for training must be cleaned after termination of their activities. All waste should
be collected. All waste generated during military activities (municipal waste, cartridge cases,
remnants of imitation tools) shall be collected and transported from the shooting range and
exercise area. Leaving behind or burying any kind of waste is PROHIBITED.
• Military units may leave the area used during the practice only after checking that all necessary
measures had been taken to avoid environmental pollution or nature damages even after the
termination of their activities.
Fire Protection:
• Smoking is only allowed at the designated sites.
• Performing any kind of fire activities during periods of increased fire hazards should be exercised
only with caution, only in the presence of designated temporary fire brigade and necessary fire
• Military units may leave the area used during the practice only after checking that all necessary
measures had been taken to avoid fire even after the termination of their activities.
Nature Protection:
• The territory of the shooting range and exercise area forms the part of the Natura 2000 network.
• Specifications of the map on limitations of military activities shall be considered at planning and
kept during performing military activities.
• Cutting or eliminating tree and shrub stocks of forests and scrogs during practices is PROHIBITED.
• Dig any trench is PROHIBITED.
• Leaving or burning any waste on site is PROHIBITED.
• Leaving waste from smoking is PROHIBITED.
• Make noise without any reason is PROHIBITED.
• Special attention shall be paid to the protected plant and animal species. Practicing units bear
the disciplinary and financial.
Maps: SAM WING 12 ’Arrabona’ and Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate