Joy of Giving Market


Joy of Giving Market
Volume 37, Issue 42
November Calendar
Wednesday, November 7
6:00 am Men’s Early Bible Study
9:30 am Women’s Bible Study
5:00 pm Family dinner
6:00 pm Bible Studies
6:00 pm Kids Choirs
6:00 pm Youth Study
*6:30 pm Chancel Choir
*7:30 pm Praise Team
Thursday, November 8
9:00 am Prayer Ministry
7:00 pm Scout Roundtable
Friday, November 9
10:00 am Threads of Faith
Sunday, November 11
8:00 am Worship
*9:00 am Worship
*10:00 am Sunday School
*11:00 am Worship
3:00 pm Handbells
4:00 pm Jr. High Youth
6:00 pm Sr. High Youth
Monday, November 12
Tuesday, November 13
1:30 pm Glenna Rose UMW
5:00 pm Women’s Bible Study
6:30 pm Cub Scouts
Wednesday, November 14
6:00 am Men’s Early Bible Study
9:30 am Women’s Bible Study
5:00 pm Family dinner
6:00 pm Bible Studies
6:00 pm Kids Choirs
6:00 pm Youth Study
*6:30 pm Chancel Choir
*7:30 pm Praise Team
Thursday, November 15
9:00 am Prayer Ministry
Noon Silver and Gold Potluck
Friday, November 16
10:00 am Threads of Faith
Saturday, November 17
8—2 Joy of Giving Market
Sunday, November 18
8:00 am Worship
*9:00 am Worship
*10:00 am Sunday School
*11:00 am Worship
2:30 pm Handbells
4:00 pm Community Thanksgiving
at Griffin Memorial UMC
4:00 pm Jr High Youth
6:00 pm Sr High Youth
Monday, November 19
6:00 pm Youth practice
Tuesday, November 20
5:00 pm Women’s Bible Study
5:30 pm Trustees
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:00 pm UMM @ Campground
7:30 pm Praise Team
Wednesday, November 21
6:00 am Men’s Early Bible Study
9:30 am Women’s Bible Study
Sunday, November 25
8:00 am Worship
*9:00 am Worship
*10:00 am Sunday School
*11:00 am Worship
6:00 pm Hanging of the Greens
Monday, November 26
Tuesday, November 27
5:00 pm Women’s Bible Study
6:30 pm Cub Scouts
Wednesday, November 28
6:00 am Men’s Early Bible Study
9:30 am Women’s Bible Study
5:00 pm Family dinner
6:00 pm Bible Studies
6:00 pm Kids Choirs
6:00 pm Youth Study
*6:30 pm Chancel Choir
*7:30 pm Praise Team
Thursday, November 29
9:00 am Prayer Ministry
6:00 pm Recovery
Friday, November 30
10:00 am Threads of Faith
*nursery provided
November 7, 2012
Joy of Giving Market
8 AM - 2 PM
Join us for the 3rd Annual Joy of Giving Market!
Threads of Faith: Handmade kitchen dish cloths
Holy Grounds Café: Featuring breakfast, lunch and beverages.
Adopt – a – Gift: Heifer Internationals sponsorships of animals.
Sweet Treats – Greene Co. Tech FFA baked goods sale
Gift Galore – ASU Wesley Foundation returns with their
unique gifts to help support the campus ministry.
Gifts for Change – Fair Trade jams, coffee, teas, chocolate
Advent calendars and unique handmade gift items
Cupcakes for Kids and Packs for Kids – helping the backpack food programs at our area schools.
Gift of Life – Soup Mixes in a Jar
Crafty Kids Corner – Christmas ornaments made by our
children and craft sessions
Country Casseroles – homemade frozen casseroles
Paragould Plays Together – handicapped accessible
playground in Paragould.
Treasured Memories – Christmas Ornaments in
memory of Bill Leslie
Hodge Podge – handmade door/wall hangings
First United Methodist Church Cookbooks – thanks
to our UMW for this
And more…..
Mark your calendars and come check out the exciting
offerings we will have and the organizations that will be
supported. Oh, and remember, none of the money
raised this day is profit. It all goes to help the missions
and ministries here and around the world.
This year is going to be fantastic with more unique
items than we have ever had. Let’s make it the most
successful one also. Mark your calendars and see you
P.S. - It isn’t too late to sign up your class, mission or ministry to be involved in the
Joy of Giving Market. Just let Pastor Angie know as soon as possible by calling 870
-239-8541 or by email at
We are still looking for volunteers to provide entertainment such as singing, playing
instrument, etc. along with volunteers for cashiers and other areas. If you can help,
contact Pastor Angie.
We have available for sale before the Joy of Giving Market the new UMCOR
Coffee, Hope’s Blend. As Sandra Pascoe Robinson said, “you can do mission
work every morning when you make your pot of coffee. It’s Mission in a
cup.” Purchasing the Hope’s Blend coffee for $9.00 provides $2.15 to
UMCOR (15 cents to sustainable agriculture and development work around
the world, $2.00 to disaster relief around the world) and $7.00 to the fair
trade coop of farmers.
Items pictured above are just a few of the many items from the
Fair Trade Market that will be available to purchase.
Page 2
The Flame
The youth will be leading the Hanging
of the Greens service on Sunday
night, Nov. 25th at 6pm.
youth will be providing an opportunity
for you to purchase “backpack” sheets
on Sunday mornings through Nov. 18.
Each “backpack” sheet cost $5, $10,or
$20. The $ collected will go to purchase
food for the backpack program in our local schools. Children
are given backpacks with food in them to take home on a
weekly basis. This is a great need for the children and families in our community!
Here are the dates/times
that youth need to be
Monday, Nov. 19, 67pm: Hanging of the
Greens prep
Sunday, Nov. 25,
3:30pm: meet prior to
service (pizza will be
provided for dinner)
The youth will
be collecting backpacks for the backpack program during the
Joy of Giving market (Sat., Nov. 17).
Following the service in the sanctuary, we will have a dessert/snack potluck in Fellowship Hall along with hot
chocolate. During this time volunteers can decorate the Fellowship Hall
for Christmas.
Breakfast with
December 1, 2012
9:00 am - 11:00 am
This year our breakfast will
be served by the Methodist
Men of FUMC. We will have a
couple of tables set up for cookie decorating while awaiting Santa’s
arrival. HO!HO!HO!
Christmas Pageant All children interested in par�cipa�ng need to let me know by November 18. We have 6 so far. I’ll have sign-up sheets out dur­
ing Fellowship dinner and in your Sunday school classes. If you are interested in direc�ng this drama, please contact Wendy McDaniel.
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Monday, November 12, 5:30 p.m.
we will hold our Trunk or Treat Debrief. This should
take no more than 45
minutes. We’ll come
together to discuss
the successes and
failures of the event
so that we can make
improvements for next year. All
suggestions welcome!!
Mr. Greig Lynn’s class of 3rd and 4th graders is accepting loose change for their mission project.
They are decorating the cans to look like stone wells. The change they collect will go to clean water projects in Nicaragua. It is great to see our little ones reach out across the world to help their
brothers and sisters in need. Bring your loose change for Wednesday night and this Sunday. The children will collect
your change at all three services.
Kids handbells meet every Wednesday night from 5:00 to about 5:20. If your children have
not rung before, they are still welcome to join. I just ask that they meet with me 30
minutes prior to handbells so that we can learn a few basics.
If you have an elementary student, please consider having them join us for kids
choirs at 6 and 6:30.
The Christmas songs cannot be put on disc for your convenience. If you would
like to hear them or download for $.99 ea you may go to the following web sites:
“Christ Has Come” (1� 3rd grade song) will be found at Put “Christ Has Come” into the
search engine. You will want the Downloadable Listening Track in MP3 form.
“Welcome to Our World” (4� 6th grade song) by Christ Rice can be found on as an MP3 or
on iTunes
If you have a little one in preschool, we now have a choir for them! They meet from 6-7 on
Wednesday nights with Mrs. Donna Williams. Children learn with bells, scarves and games in
this fun approach to music.
Volume 37, Issue 41
Page 3
Be a servant of God - Volunteer
Call the church office if you would like to volunteer to usher, greet,
attend nursery, etc.,
Nov 11: Wake Kasserman,
Katie Kasserman, Olivia Bolen,
Jayke Bolen
Nov 18: Hall Benson, Sam Cook,
Allie Robb, Reagan Wheelis
Nov 25: Pheobe Harris, Brooke Rockwell,
John Allen, Ryley McMains
Nov 11: Neely Branch (9-10_
Natalie Bland (10-12)
Nov 18: Ashley Glenn (9-10)
Audra Brown (10-12)
Nov 25: Kay Luter (9-10)
Donna Jones 10-12)
Nov 11: Lily McDaniel, Michael Wyatt
Nov 18: Quentin Cupp, Karole Risker
Nov 25: Kelley Huffman, Liz May
Nov 11: Angela Newby
Nov 18: Rena Jackson
Nov 25: Wendy McDaniel
Bruce Dickey, Bob Thompson
Nov 11: Tommy, Sharon, Tyler & Jesse
Nov 18: Shane & Liz May, Melissa Tarry,
Jeff Phillips
Nov 25: Mike & Tracy Finch,
Dale & Caroline Schenk
11:00 USHERS
11:00 CAMERA
Hannah Risker, Lily McDaniel,
Jeff Reynolds
Everett Rogers, LaDonna Gilbert, Doug
Threlkeld, Mary Justice, Robert Thompson
Welcome Center Door
Welcome Center Door
Welcome Center Desk
Fellowship Hall
Fellowship Hall
Welcome Center Door
Welcome Center Door
Welcome Center Door
Welcome Center Door
Welcome Center Door
Welcome Center Desk
We’re on the Web!
Ministers Every Church Member
Bishop � Gary E. Mueller
District Superintendent � Bud Reeves
Pastor � Don Nolley, Angie Gage
Minister to Youth� Billy Fly
Minister of Music � Danny Davis
Music Director � Brian Pearson
Dir of Media/Comm� Karole Risker
Children’s Director� Wendy McDaniel
Organist � Bernard Raley
Church Administrator � Denise Chipman
Custodian � Iona Stone
November 11
November 18
November 25
Chip Dortch
Trey Dortch
Judy Dacus
Clifford Gordon
Beverly Gordon
Gina Starling
Greg Starling
Sally Martin
Shane May
Liz May
Gene Weeks
Jill Weeks
Mary Beth Weidman Nate Herget
Jim Weidman
Kerstin Herget
Winnie Hill
Susie Cook
George Cook
Linda Futrell
Kat Block
Laura Jackson
Chris Donaldson
Sara Donaldson
Bobby Kasserman
Kelly Kasserman
Barbara VanHorn
Riley VanHorn
Lacy Lusk
Jan Parker
Paige Wooldridge
Finance Update
A Dollar A Week
Given to date
2012 Budget
Contributions (11/04)
Year To Date
Conference ($97,958) 20,000.00
Still owe $77,958
before Dec 31
District ($8,543)
Race to the FINISH:
Debt Balance
Bus Fund
Contributions to date
Services are broadcast on channel 6
as follows:
Contemporary service
Sunday at 3:00 p.m. and
Monday at 5:00 p.m.
Traditional service
Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
You may also check out a copy on
DVD in the church office.
Charlie Rhodes
Crete Rhodes
8:00 Worship
9:00 worship
11:00 Worship 152
Sunday, November 11
Bro. Don Nolley
MARK 6:30-43
‘Like Sheep Without A Shepherd’
Page 4
The Flame
Prayer Requests
In Memory of
Bill Leslie by Donna and David Jones, Kathy Thurman,
Stan & Carol Phillips
Toby Block by Gary & Beverly Biggs, Anne Wells, Anna
Findley, Mary Ann Stallcup, Stan & Carol Phillips
Ethel Spooner by Debbie DaVault
Jimmy Smith by Stan & Carol Phillips
Ed Raley by Stan & Carol Phillips
Todd Dudley by Stan & Carol Phillips
John McKenzie by Stan & Carol Phillips
Lori Thompson by Stan & Carol Phillips
Walter ‘Bud’ Carlson by Stan & Carol Phillips
Jerry Tripod by Stan & Carol Phillips
Dr Tory Stallcup by Stan & Carol Phillips
Tom Brocksmith by Stan & Carol Phillips
Holly Tripod
Emily Bradford
Bill Findley
Devin Greene
Senoa Greene
Margaret Stricklin
Mary Rankin
Laura Lynn
Cannon Dalton Massey
Brenda Rowell
Frank Keys
Patsy Johnston
Bobby Pipkin
Bobby Inman
Richard Roberts
Doug Vail
Unspoken Prayer
Kirby twins
Bettye Elam
Doris Coleman
Ken Swain
Karen Winfrey
Jac Cole
Winford Moreland
Amy Baker
Jacob Smalling
Janice Smith
Melissa Tarry
Penny Sparks
Barbara VanHorn
Kody Langdon
Dr. James Laird
Nancy Cupp
Larry Faulkner
Clarence Barren
Tristen Wheeler
Frank Brogden
Tessa Cripe
Millie Baker Lynn
Silver and Gold Potluck
Thank you to Terry & Cindy Brake for volunteering their
trailer to be used for a float! They also have available a tractor or truck to pull it. Now all we need are volunteers to decorate it for the Paragould Christmas Parade on December 4. If
you have any ideas and/or would like to help decorate, contact
Karole Risker or the church office. We would like to get the
ground work started as soon as we can.
Thursday, November 15
Fellowship Hall
Come join us for a pot-luck lunch! Just bring one
dish of food (meat, veggie, dessert, etc). Drinks
and table service will be provided. Join us as we
have lunch and enjoy priceless fellowship together.
CallJ.orLaDonnaGilbertat239� 3978
Keep a lasting memory of Bro. Bill by purchasing your
FUMC ornament today. These ornaments have a picture
of the church on one side and the church logo on the other
along with inscription “In Memory of Rev Bill Leslie.” The
cost is $20 for one and $15 for each additional. All proceeds will go toward his vision of eliminating the debt.
Operation Christmas Child
Community Thanksgiving Service
Ministerial Alliance will have their Community
Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 18, at
4:00 pm at Griffin Memorial United Methodist Church.
Mayor Gaskill will be giving the sermon.
All the boxes have been picked up! Don’t forget to return them no later than November 12.
Label each box boy or girl, place a rubber band
around the box and attach $7 for each box to
cover the expense of delivering these overseas.
You may purchase a Poinsettia to be placed in the sanctuary/fellowship hall this
Christmas in memory or honor of a loved one or friend. Poinsettias will be
$20.00 each. Please fill out the following, attach to your check, and place in the
offering plate or bring to the church office. Deadlines to order Poinsettias will
be November 15.
In Memory of: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
In Memory of: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
In Honor of: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
In Honor of: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Given by: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Acknowledgements will not be sent for these. They will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.)