at 8 PM - St. Walter Church
at 8 PM - St. Walter Church
Page 2 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday October 2, 2011 PREACHING FOR LIFE God plants a vineyard. He labors from sun-up to sun-down to make it fertile. We’re told he turns the soil clears the land of stones and plants only the choicest vines (that’s us!). But what happens when the crop comes in? Are there big luscious plump and juicy grapes, overflowing with sweetness and beauty? No. The grapes are small and bitter and hard. These vines did not hear the fruit for which they were planted. Is that how God sometimes looks on us as a nation? He led our ancestors here from every continent and corner of the earth. Through their hands he cleared the land and planted what promised to he a bountiful harvest a veritable cornucopia of justice and truth and equality. God planted in the United States of America a single nation which, even on its currency recognizes that unity comes only from him and virtue only from following his ways. But when harvest time comes what will God reap in this American vineyard? Will it be the grapes of justice? Will this harvest include babies saved from abortion, the treasured old man and the invaluable life of the woman who is deathly sick? Will this harvest include a Church who loves the poor, the broken, the forgotten and those whom everyone else would throw away? Will this harvest include an army of those who preach, proclaim and live the Gospel of life? Or when the fullness of time comes, will God reap a sickly harvest in this vast nation? Will he find the bodies of those whom we have killed despite their innocence and executed because of their crimes. Will he find the sad lives of those whom we have forgotten or neglected and the lifeless bodies of those who died from the loneliness of a forgotten old age or the deadliness of sicknesses we didn’t think worth treating? Will he reap a vineyard of apathy, selfishness and consumeristic narcissism? What will God find when he returns to this vineyard? Only we can tell. Let us recommit ourselves today to tending the Lord's vineyard, beginning with our own little parcel. Let us read, and pray, and study and live the Gospel of Life that we may grow rich in grace and abundant in God's holy life. Along with Saint Paul, let us have no fear. Rather, let us abide in the peace of God that surpasses all understanding and which will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Whatever is true, let us embrace it and live! Whatever is honorable, let us embrace it and live! Whatever is just let us embrace it and live! Whatever is pure, let us embrace it and live! Let us embrace and live the Gospel of Life, that the harvest God finds in this blessed nation at the end of time may be rich, and faithful, and true! Page 3 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday October 2, 2011 Stewardship of Treasure Sunday, October 2 7:30 AM James Trussel by St. Walter Parish Kathie Marino by Jean Gruneisen 9:00 AM Livia Bruni by Novielli Family Shirley Raine by Kim O’Donnell 10:30 AM For the Parishioners 12:00 PM Marie Shillings by Family and Friends Irena Debicka & Helen Engelbrecht By Emelia Debicka Monday, October 3 6:30 AM Special Intention of Matthew Ratajczyk by Patricia Hudson 8:15 AM Communion Service Tuesday, October 4 6:30 AM Communion Service 8:15 AM Communion Service Wednesday, October 5 6:30 AM Communion Service 8:30 AM Communion Service Thursday, October 6 6:30 AM Communion Service 8:15 AM Communion Service Friday, October 7 6:30 AM Communion Service 8:15 AM Dorothy J. Maritote by John Maritote Jessie Podgorski by Patricia Hudson Saturday, October 8 8:15 AM Georgia & Elaine Warnke by Lucretia Perrone 4:00 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM Frances Manfredi by Aiuppa Family Andrew & Louise Roman by Florian & Trudy Roman Sunday, October 9 7:30 AM Michael Kowalchik by Joe & Lucy Tierno Joan Krupica by Kathy Cheatham 9:00 AM Ellen Wiley by Family William Grady by Mr. & Mrs Richard Day 10:30 AM Intention of Ralph & Genevieve Keller 50th Wedding Anniversary 12:00 PM For the Parishioners 24 Hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament This devotion to the presence of the Lord in the Sacrament of the Eucharist will take place this Friday, October 7th in the Ministry Office Center Chapel beginning after the 8:15 am mass. It will conclude at 8:00 am on Saturday, October 8th. Each of us is called to be a steward of God’s vineyard. If we lose sight of who owns the vineyard, however, we can get into trouble. If we start to think that we are our own Lord and Master, we may forget that obedience to God — the Master of all — is the only true way to achieve success, which for us is eternal life. Sunday, September 25 Online Giving (9/19 through 9/5) Total for Week $ 19,124 641 $ 19,765 Weekly Budget/Goal YTD Average Fiscal 2012 Jul 1, 2011 thru Jun 30, 2012 $29,000 $27,123 Make Your Offering the Electronic Way. Please consider making your contribution electronically. Online Giving allows parishioners to make contributions to our regular and special offerings electronically and automatically using their credit card or checking account. Go to the St. Walter web site at and click on the link to Online Giving and follow the instructions. If you do not have internet access please call the parish house at 630-894-2461 for assistance. Remember in Prayer Our Recently Deceased G. Maxine Cotton Frank Guski Bruce Madiar PARISH COUNCIL MEETING All Parishioners are welcome to attend Parish Council Meetings. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month (next Meeting October 12) at 7:00 p.m. in the Ministry Center Chapel. Parishioners interested in addressing the Council or wish a topic considered should submit their request in writing two weeks prior to a scheduled meeting. Written requests should be sent to the rectory or emailed to Page 4 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday October 2, 2011 Seasoned Adult Ministry For anyone 55 years and over Prayer at Abortion Clinics “Helpers of God’s Precious Infants”, an international prayer group committed to praying at abortion clinics asks you to join them every First Friday and the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in prayer at Advantage Clinic, 203 E. Irving Park Rd, WoodDale. If anyone has any questions or is in need of a ride to the clinic prayer hour please call Fran at (630)529-5837. For those who cannot come we ask for your prayers. ✚ Respect Life Ministry S WYM Youth Ministry @ what’s going on. Com October SWYM Dates to Remember Oct 2 SWYM Time 10 am –11:45 am Ministry Center Oct 2 Discovery Team Meet 7:00 pm -9:00 pm Ministry Center Oct 9 Rally/Retreat Info & Training 10:00 am-12:00 noon Ministry Center Oct 9 Discovery Team Meet 7:00 pm—9:00 pm Ministry Center Oct 16 Teen Nite-6-8 pm Gym/SFH Oct 23 Rally Retreat Day 2:00 pm- 5:00 pm Campus Oct 30 Coffee House 10:00 -11:45am SFH Oct 30 Mass– 12:00 noon Section 4 by Choir Oct 30 Discovery Planning 7:9 pm Ministry Center SWYM Time 10am-11:45am October 2 !! All high school teens are invited !! After the 9am Mass, come on over to the Ministry Center to hang out & get caught up with SWYM News over donuts & juice. All are welcome! So if you have not been to any other SWYM things, it is perfectly okay to come to this. Discovery Retreat Planning-7-9pm—Oct 2 & 9 & 16 We are ready to start preparing for the January Discovery Retreat! See you at 7pm in the Ministry Center This month we will decide on a theme & theme song & design & each will discern the role they will have on the actual retreat. October Hospitality will be after the 8:15 a.m. mass on Saturday, October 8th. Come to Mass and then stay for ‘coffee and’ along with some pleasant conversation with friends, old and new. The next Steering Committee Meeting will be on Monday, October 10th at 7:00 p.m. in St. Francis Hall. This is an open meeting and all are welcome to attend. The Committee Meeting time is changed this month so that anyone who wishes can join the group saying the Rosary at 6:30 pm in the central driveway. S.A.M. has received an invitation to the Installation Mass of our former Pastoral Associate, Reverend John Phan, as Pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 534 N. Wood Street, Gibson City, IL 60936 on October 8th at 5:00 p.m. If you are interested in going to the Installation Mass, please RSVP to Fr. John at Baptisms September 25, 2011 Caroline Grace Estephan Child of Antoine & Jennifer (Gallas) Estephan Recitation of the Rosary The rosary will be recited every evening in October starting at 6:30 pm in front of the statue of Our Blessed Mother. There will also be candlelight procession each Monday in October, as well as Friday October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, and Thursday, October 13th in commemoration of the date of the sixth (6) and last apparition of Mary to the children of Fatima. The Rosary is said after the 8:15 mass every day and every Monday evening at 8:00 pm in the Ministry Center Chapel Page 5 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday October 2, 2011 ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Liturgy as Source and Summit: Rediscovering the Riches of the Mass: REGISTRATIONS BEGIN Registrations are being received. Information can be found in the narthex after Mass. Book Club Next month’s book: The Hiding Place Corrie ten Boom was a woman admired the world over for her courage, her forgiveness, and her memorable faith. Her family risked their lives to help Jews escape the Nazis, and was sent to the concentration camps. But she survived and was released--as a result of a clerical error-and now shares the story of how faith triumphs over evil. Now releasing in a thirty-fifth anniversary edition for a new generation of readers, The Hiding Place tells the riveting story of how a middle-aged Dutch watchmaker became a heroine of the Resistance, a survivor of the death camps, and one of the most remarkable evangelists of the twentieth century. Living Rosary Children Faith Formation is sponsoring a Living Rosary, led by current third graders. These students will be dressed in their full Communion attire, having celebrated the sacrament in Spring 2011. There will be three opportunities to join us; 5:00 pm and 6:45 pm on Tuesday October 18 and 9:30 am on Saturday, October 22. ALL LITURGICAL MINISTERS You are invited to a FALL GET-TOGETHER. It is always good to pray together, talk with one another and examine those instances and opportunities that allow us to build up our ministries. Extraordinary Ministers of Communion will meet on-Wednesday evening, October 5th at 7:00pm in Church Lectors will meet on-Wednesday evening, October 12th at 7:00pm in Church Ushers, Greeters, Crossbearers & Hospitality will meet on-Wednesday evening, October 19th at 7:00pm in Church Your presence is strongly encouraged as this is our yearly time to get together. We have much to talk about to keep our ministries vibrant and growing! St. Francis High School would like to invite any interested students and their families to an Open House on Sunday, October 16th at 11am. The Open House is geared toward middle school students of all faiths, particularly those currently enrolled in 6th, 7th or 8th grade. There is another Open House scheduled for Wednesday, November 17 at 6pm. St. Francis is a college preparatory, coed, Catholic high school with an emphasis on the academic, physical and spiritual development of all students. Committed to providing an education of the highest caliber, St. Francis also stresses the importance of the formation of the whole person. 100% of the St. Francis graduates from the Class of 2011 were accepted to colleges and universities. Faculty members will be present during the Open House. Tours of the facility will be conducted. All are invited! St. Francis is located at 2130 West Roosevelt Road, Wheaton. For information, please call Dan Tuskey at (630) 668-5800 ext. 1120. Founded in 1956 and located on twenty acres in suburban Wheaton at the corner of County Farm and Roosevelt Roads, St. Francis has provided Catholic education for thousands of high school students from western suburbs. Thank for your continued support, time and energy in clipping and saving the numerous Box Tops for education, Campbell’s UPC labels and Tyson A+ labels. There is a wooden box located in the narthex for all the labels you have clipped and saved. We continue to need your support! If you have any questions regarding the school’s earnings or the process, please do not hesitate to call the school office. Fr. McDonald Health Update Fr. Mac is currently living at Sunrise Senior Living and is feeling more comfortable in his new surroundings. Sunrise is located at 129 E. Lake Street in Bloomingdale. His direct phone number is 630-307-1235. Fr. Mac welcomes visitors. If you would like to make a visit please call ahead to insure he will be available and not having a meal or in rehab. He has an answering machine and he will promptly return your call. Your continued prayers are always appreciated. Page 6 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday Get your team together! It’s time for St. Walter’s 4th Annual October 2, 2011 Ladies of St. Walter Parish Get your friends together and spend an evening out! Come and play FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2011 7:00-10:00 P.M. St. Francis Hall Admission: $10.00 Doors open at 6:00 pm Game begins at 7:00 pm Soda, coffee, tea available Cash bar Contests, games, prizes! $200.00 per team Up to 10 people per team For more information or to register your team, go to or grab a flyer in the narthex Wednesday, October 5 Note: No All School Mass this Week Thursday, October 6 No School – Teacher In-service Friday, October 7 No School – Diocesan Institute If you’ve never played Bunco before, try it! It’s easy to learn and fun to play! Great food and prizes will be provided! To reserve your spot, please call Beth at (630) 894-1159 or e-mail Proceeds benefit the St Walter School Endowment Fund St. Walters Knights of Columbus Council #5732 Upcoming Events 10/4-Tue General Membership, WH 7:30PM 10/7-Fri 24 Hr. Adoration, Chapel, 7PM Knights pray The Rosary during the First Friday 24 hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Parish Center Chapel. Families are welcome. 10/8-Sat Vocation Mass, 8:15 AM 10/8&9 Sat-Sun Reverse Bulletin & Pulpit 10/15&16 Sat-Sun Reverse Collect Supplies 10/20-Thu D&O Meeting, WH, 7:30PM 10/30-Sun Pancake Breakfast 11/1-Tue General Membership, WH 7:30PM PEACEFUL HEART While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart. —St. Francis of Assisi Page 7 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday Prayer Shawl Ministry ALL AGES WELCOME October 2, 2011 Our Friends at Abbington .. (Sponsored by S.A.M.) Our next 4 gatherings will be 10/11, 10/18, 11/08 and 11/22 – all on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 pm. Abby’s Birthday List Thanks for helping to make the birthdays and other days special for the Abbington Residents! Send your cards directly to: Abbington Rehab & Nursing 31 West Central Avenue Roselle, IL 60172 and add the names as listed below We have been able to give over 300 shawls to Alexian Bros. Med. Ctr., and have enough on hand to supply the needs of personal requests. Please call Dorothy at 630/894-5880 for more information. Thank You Messages Received by the Prayer Shawl Ministry Dear Prayer Blanket Ministry, I would like to thank you for the special blanket. I was a patient in the emergency room at Alexian Brothers and a very kind lady prayed with me and gave me this special gift. I will never forget how special it made me feel. God Bless all of you, and thank you for giving me some hope. Love Always, Maggie +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please accept our sincere thanks for your kind thoughts and gift at a time most needed. Your kindness reaches deep in our hearts. Please accept our gratitude with the knowledge that our love one is home recovering with good expectations. Sincerely +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you for the beautiful Prayer Shawl. I wear it every night and really like it. God Bless all of you. Fran +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To all Member of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thank you for your prayers, time, and work of love as you make the prayer shawls. They are going to two (2) premature babies (twins). They were born at 1 ½ pounds and are now doing well at 2 pounds. What a gracious gift of your love!!!. May God bless each of you for sharing your caring and talents, Alice Caryl B Ralph O Georgia K Dan S 10/1 10/10 10/21 10/31 Helen V Katica V Eloisa G 10/1 10/13 10/26 Worldwide Marriage Encounter “Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Is the peace of God in your marriage? Attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on October 14-16, 2011. Contact Tim and Pat Doyle, 630-577-0778. For more information visit our website at: Save The Date St. Walter Women’s Annual Tea Thursday, December 1, 2011 Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive The Knights of Columbus wish to thank the parish for their contributions for the Tootsie Roll drive at the church entrances and the street and store fronts throughout town. Without our parish, and their support, our drive would be a failure. We had parishioners man the collection sites and donate very generously. Thank You ALL. Frank Duda Director of the Tootsie Roll Drive Page 8 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday Pray for our Sick Carol Baker Lucretia Barnett Charles Barnett Greg Barone Arlene Belpedio Barry Bowlus Debbie Bronars Anne Burke Antoinette Carani Salvatore Carbonelli Jody Cardone Richard Carrigan Frank Castronova Eleanore Cerwin Mary Chiarito Donato Console Dean Coronato Jack Cox Donald Cushing Rita Dayton Rose Diener Don Devitt Cathy Fields Richard Gajewski Ella Germino Giovanna Giovannoni Patricia Gibbons Catherine Gorski Frank Guski Peter Hallin Steve Harris Dolores Hart Donna Hocker Margaret Hoff John Huber Elizabeth Carani Keil Margaret Kipel William Lawlor Mary Ann Lawson Sabrina Lukasz Dorothy Masciola Rev Francis McDonald Sherri McKinney James McKinney Joseph Micolichek Virginia Mielke Sergio Monfeli Joseph Pecoraro William Peterson Robin Riedl Virginia Rybacki Lucille Schlies Robert Schmidt Kitty Schmidt Mary Schumacher Dick Schumacher Lisa Stolpe Florence Surman Delphine Trembackiewicz Nicholas Veghts Bud Von De Bur Rita Von DeBur Mary Ann Weber Anthony Wiers Dennis Wimberley Chuck Winterburg Pablo Ypil Monthly Baptismal Class The next monthly Baptismal Class for parents will be held on October 4, 2011 at 7:30 PM in the Church Narthex. Parents are required to attend this class if you wish to have your child baptized at St. Walter. If you have any question please contact the Parish House at 894-2461. October 2, 2011 As a Community, Let us Pray for the Outstanding Men & Women in Service to our Country Yoshio Adachi Miki Adachi Joe Baio Michael Bellavia Joseph Bellizzi Dorothy Betencourt Mike Brown Ian Cavanaugh Troy Clay Christopher Collard Jacob Cox Michael Cox Anthony Dugo Brian Duffy Patrick Duffy Nicole Ferrara Christopher Fischer Eric Flesvig Favio Garcia David Gizynski Ben Graham Herschel Haynes Becky Hennig Allen Henricks Michael Hyland Michael Ippolito Gary Jurs Dave Kim Margaret Krase Anna Latourney Mark Lawicki Stephanie Maglio Ken Madsen Mark Manes Elizabeth Mangini Will Mangini Brian McGehee Patrick Mooney Andrew Nicholson Joshua D. Olson Sean Orquiola Nicholas Otis Matthew Ozog Eric Page Robert Piagentini, Jr. Paul Ruiz Todd R. Schiro Rachel Sefton Daryn Stark Gina Stramaglio Jennifer Svendsen Lee Thatcher Matt Thompson Stephanie Thompson Jennifer Vosyka Daniel Wheatley Marcin Witek Magda Wtyklo Eddie Zehme A prayer focus & related verse from 10/2-10/8 10/2 Wisdom—James 1:5 10/3 Peace—John 14:26 10/4 Presence of God—Psalm 46:1 10/5 Inner strength—Ephesians 3:16 10/6 Clear Mind—2 Timothy 1:7 10/7 Security—Psalm 17-8 10/8 Health for Physical Body—Philippians 4:13 To be Married October 8, 2011 Kevin Manley & Carrie Fairchild October 15, 2011 Gary Keil & Megan McGovern October 22, 2011 Ryan Ventrella & Stacey Ellingsworth Page 9 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday We will start a grief support group in October. This group will be made up of six sessions. Our most demand for a meeting comes from daytime, so that is where we will start. The schedule will be as follows: Tuesday, October 4 Tuesday, October 11 Tuesday, October 18 Tuesday, October 25 Tuesday, November Tuesday, November 8 All sessions take place are from 9am -11am I n the Ministry Center Chapel During these six meetings, it will be a time for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one to come forward to tell your story. It is important to remember that yes feelings can be similar but never the same. No two people will ever feel the same because every circumstance is different. Topics to be covered are: Being Open to the Presence of Your Loss, Dispelling the Misconceptions about Grief, Embracing the Uniqueness of Your Grief, Exploring Your Feelings of Loss, Recognizing you are not crazy, Understanding the Six Needs of Mourning, Nurturing Yourself, Reaching our for Help, Seeking Reconciliation, Not Resolution, and Appreciating Your Transformation. This journey of grief support will help you to be on your way to heal, not to forget, but to heal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in the Ministry Center office by phone (X3020) or by email at Attendance at all six sessions is not mandatory, so please do not let that deter you from joining our group. An evening session for grief support will start up in November. Day and time to be announced. Also, before Thanksgiving, we will have a session on “Grief through the Holidays”. This is especially for those who have lost a loved one in the past year and are still going through the “firsts” that come with that. If you are interested in attending, please feel free to contact me. This is free of charge, but I do need a count for the purpose of materials. Vince Zaprzal Pastoral Associate Priest: All: October 2, 2011 The Lord be with you. And with your Spirit How often do you get to say these words along with “consubstantial” and “that you should enter under my roof” in one hour?! At Mass is the answer! These are some of the new revisions that we will begin in Advent of 2011. In order to better prepare us for the new Third Edition of the Roman Missal, we are offering an informational seminar. Fr. Phil Horrigan, our Weekend Associate extraordinaire, will continue with the third part of his presentation of these revisions, a Q&A session, and practice run. Plan on joining your Parish family for this seminar session. You are guaranteed to be prepared for Advent 2011 – with a smile on your face ☺ PART 3 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14th at 7:00pm Church We strongly encourage you to join or rejoin a Small Christian Community for our new Adult Faith Formation series on the Mass. Using the audiovisual companion, featuring Fr. Phil Horrigan, groups will learn, discuss, and pray on the significance of the Order of Mass. This Mass series will be based primarily on the workbook, At the Supper of the Lamb, written by Fr. Paul Turner. There are brochures in the Narthex kiosk and more information in the bulletin. If you have any questions, please call or email Marj Collette 630-894-5880 x3014 OR TRUE WEALTH Measure wealth not by the things you have, but by the things you have for which you would not take money. —Anonymous Page 10 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday CH = Church EC = Early Childhood FL = Faculty Lounge Nrthx = Narthex All Armed Services’ Veterans and their Families Are Invited to a Special Mass Honoring their Service On Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011, 8:15 a.m. Refreshments will be served after Mass Sponsored by S.A.M. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Council of Catholic Women Annual Holiday Fair 0S233 Church St., Winfield, IL 60190 Saturday, October 8th 9:00am-6:00pm and Sunday, October 9th 8:00am-1:00pm HOLIDAY FAIR, is an annual event and fund-raiser at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Winfield. St. John’s is at the corner of Church and Liberty streets-one block south of the tracks and 1 block east of Winfield Rd. The Fair will feature home baked goods, crafts, jewelry, religious items, a raffle and our This and That Shop. New items this year include “ Honey Trails” locally produced honey, “I Have a Bean Coffee” and a silent auction featuring a handmade Quilt and Christening Gown. For further information contact Jean at 630-690-2536. Facility Codes PHB = Parish House Basement MCChap p= 0Ministry Center Chapel SFH = St. Francis Hall SOR = School of Religion October 2, 2011 PH = Parish House SWS = St. Walter School WH = Wagner Hall Mac Center (Gym) Sunday, October 2 9:00 am PHB E) RCIA 8:00 am SFH/Mac PSO Sock Hop 11:00 am MCchap SWYM Meeting 1:00 pm Mac SWS Athletics 6:00 pm MCchap Discovery # 3 6:00 pm Church Memorial Service 7:00 pm Gym Adult Volleyball Monday, October 3 3:00 pm Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 3:10 pm SFH SWS Student Council 7:00 pm CH Lector Practice 8:00 pm MCchap Rosary Group Tuesday, October 4 9:00 am MCchap Grief Support 2:30 pm Church Children’s Choir 3:00 pm Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 3:15 pm WH SWS Beginning Band 4:30 pm Campus Rel Formation Gr 1-6 7:30 pm WH K of C General Meeting 7:30 pm Church Parent Baptism Prep Meeting 8:00 pm Mac Ctr Men Basketball Wednesday, October 5 9:00 am MCchap Small Christian Communities 3:00 pm Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 7:00 pm Church Ministry Meeting Eucharistic 7:00 pm PHB (E) Pack 194 Comm Meet 7:30 pm WS St. Vincent dePaul Meeting Thursday, October 6 7:00 am Campus SWS In-service Hosting 7:00 am WH SWS Advanced Band 3:00 pm Mac Ctr SWS Athletics 3:10 pm Mac Ctr SWS Volleyball Team Picture 3:15 pm WH SWS Intermediate Band 7:30 pm Ch Choir Practice Friday, October 7 No School—Diocesan Institute 8:15 am MCchap 24 Hour Adoration 8:00 pm WH AA Meeting Saturday, October 8 9:00 am Campus Rel Formation Gr P-6 Sunday, October 9 9:00 am PHB E) RCIA 10:00 am Chapel Confirmation Retreat/Rally 6:00 pm MCchap Discovery # 4 7:00 pm Gym Adult Volleyball Page 11 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday Catholicism Series WTTW (Channel 11) starting Thursday, October 13th at 8 PM How Do I Hear God's Call In My Life? Vocation comes from a Latin word meaning “calling”. Usually when we hear the word vocation, we think only of priests and religious. However, every single person in the world is called by God to love and serve Him. There are four types of vocations: priesthood, religious life, marriage and single life. All of these vocations are ways in which we reach heaven. The key to finding our vocation is prayer. Our world is full of distractions—TV, internet, cell phones, texting, IPods, commercials, Twitter, etc. Very few people take the time to pray in silence every day because we might be afraid silence. We encounter God and who we really are in the eyes of God in the silence and this might frighten us. However, it is in this silence that the Lord speaks directly to our hearts. So if your heart is restless and you are trying to find your way in life, take time to pray. Find a church or adoration chapel and take some time in silence with the Lord. Other recommendations include attending daily Mass, going to confession, reading the Gospels, praying the rosary, finding a spiritual director, reading the spiritual classics and hanging around good people who support your faith life. If you are thinking about priesthood or the religious life, I would encourage you to take part in some of the events we offer in the Diocese of Joliet. You are not alone in searching for your calling by God. To learn more about vocations, check out Be sure to watch Catholicism, a beautiful and powerful new documentary on Catholic faith over four consecutive Thursdays (8 PM) or Sundays (4 PM) beginning on October 13th. Never before has the Catholic Church been portrayed on TV in such an inspiring and sweeping manner! Join with Fr. Robert Barron (a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago) on a journey through time and across our globe as he explains and celebrates the origins, beliefs and impact of the Catholicism in our world. Also, please tell others about this special TV event. Invite neighbors, co-workers, family and friends to share in this exciting and sweeping look at Catholic faith. Dedicated to providing the following services to all those in need: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Christian Fellowship and Support Job Networking Opportunities Career Skills Presentations and Inter-action Resume Preparation and Critiquing Assistance Interviewing Skills and Techniques Job Fair Opportunities and Dates Area Employment Opportunities & job web site Meetings are conducted at 7:00 pm: 1st Wednesday of each month St. Margaret Mary Church 1450, Green Trails Dr, Naperville Room 17-2nd Floor Annex 3rd Wednesday of each month Southminster Presbyterian Church 680 South Park Blvd, Glen Ellyn Lower Left entrance St Walter's Moms & Tots & Beyond We are a ministry of mothers and their children supporting one another through friendship and prayer. Please join us for activities. For information about our ministry and its activities, please contact Kathy Schabelski at 630-351-2755. October 2, 2011 Upcoming Speakers: 10/5-David Carl Organizing your job search 10/19-Arlene Romaine Etiquette and your job search Website: Email: ALL ARE WELCOME Page 12 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday October 2, 2011 Page 13 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Respect Life Sunday Assisting All of Us to Praise and Worship God Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 pm Ministers Ministers— —October 8 8--October 9 Presider 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Fr. Brian, OP Fr. Brian, OP Fr. Brian, OP Fr. Guiney Fr. Jim 7:30 am Cross Bearers 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm John Barabba Patrick Devitt Mark McNeela Jeff Warnimont Phil Horwitz 9:00 am Greeters 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Dolores Kling Dolores Lawicki Ellen Cox Antoinette Jean Pat Frazier Pat Kapustka Bernard Swiontek Janet Swiontek Cindy Balza 12:00 pm Servers 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 10:30 am Maggie Peplow Jack Bedtke Angela Krokos Erin Peters Garrett Fant Isabel Regalado Nathan Hatter Elizabeth Baubkus Nicholas Kavouris Briana Gonzalez Kevin Struck Sammy Wojtowicz Thomas Swiderski Courtney Keilman Ministers of Care Bernadine Tamburino, Richard Bronars, Larry Naughton, Julie Olzen, Patty Grzybowski, Barbara Rice, Lauren Feltes, Pat DeBiase Rita Naughton Bob Hospodka Cynthia Janczy Nancy Michael George Mueller Karen Mueller Tim Bell Elaine Bell Marilyn Sudd Joe Tierno Geri Myers Janice Cartina Pat DeBiase Marian Colliander Harold Von DeBur Debby Bulak Mary Simonsen Cindy Kueller Bill Burke Donna Burke Mark McNeela Don Simonsen Patricia Stare James Gaffey Susan Gaffey Linda Wasserstrom Cari Johnson Mary Swiderski Michelle Kerfman Kim Cheatham Mel Tanig Tom Sommers John Baumgart Maria Uribe Joanne Soo Donna Smith Don Carani Anita Buonincontro Maureen Beeter William Plasschaert Lauren Plasschaert Lectors 5:00 am 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Thomas Parker Carmaine Pollack Rose Joseph George Mudry Bob Stare Susan Gaffey Bill Bolen Rose Ann Gussy Michael Butz Jim Koptik October 2, 2011 The Catholic Community of St. Walter Web site: Email: Parish House: Ministry Center: School: 130 West Pine Ave. 140 West Pine Ave. 201 W. Maple Ave. Roselle, IL 60172 Parish Office Phone: (630) 894-2461 Fax: (630) 582-4206 Monday-Friday:9:00 AM-5:00 pm Rectory/Parish House (630) 894-2461 Pastor: Rev. James Schwab ext 3005 Email: Pastor Emeritus: Rev Francis McDonald 129 E. Lake St,, Bloomingdale, 60108 (630)307-1235 Weekend Associate: Rev. Philip Horrigan Deacons: Deacon Michael Kowalchik Deacon Richard Foy Deacon Ronald Searls Bookkeeper: Nancy Kavadas, ext 3004 Email: Parish Council: Karen Smith (630)894-2461 St. Vincent de Paul: Carl Olofson (630) 894-2461 ext 3504 School (630) 529-1721 Fax (630) 529-9290 School Principal: Mary Lloyd School Board: Rob Burns Ministry Center (630) 894-5880-Fax (630) 582-5192 Music Director: Tom Malouf, ext 3017 Associate Music Director: Joan Figley, ext 3016 jfigley@stwalterchurch,com Director Faith Formation: Ken Ortega, ext 3019 Youth Minister: Karen Campe, ext 3013 Director of Liturgy: Marj Collette, ext 3014 Pastoral Associate: Vince Zaprzal, ext 3020 Pastoral Counselor: Annette Spiezio, ext 3501 Saturday Mass Sunday Masses 5:00 PM 7:30AM, 9:00AM 10:30AM, 12:00 Noon Daily Masses: Monday thru Friday 6:30 AM & 8:15 AM Wednesday—8:30 AM (When St. Walter School is in Session) Saturday—8:15 AM Mass Baptisms: Baptisms usually take place on Sundays at 1:30PM. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism class. The next Baptismal class will be held on October 4, 2011 at 7:30 pm in the Church Narthex. You may enter the Church either through the circle drive or Hill Street. Pre-registration is not required. If you wish to have a Baptism at a weekend Liturgy they will take place on the weekend of the First Sunday of the month at the 12:00 Noon Mass and the 5:00 PM Saturday evening Mass. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 4:00 PM-4:45 PM, or by appointment. Weddings: Must be arranged six (6) months in advance of wedding date by Diocesan law. Contact the Parish Office. Rite of Anointing for the Sick: Available at regularly scheduled Sunday liturgies throughout the year or by appointment. You may also ask the presiding priest before any Mass for an anointing. The anointing will be conferred after Mass either privately or in a communal setting. Faith Formation-Religious Education for Public School Students: Tuesday session available for students in grades 1-6 and Saturday sessions available for students in grades Preschool-6. Contact the Religious Education Department at (630) 894-5880 or check the website at for additional information. High School Program: Contact Karen Campe, Youth Minister for program information. Hospital Stay: If you or a family member are admitted for scheduled treatment or a non-planned emergency, please notify the Parish Office. Recent federal privacy laws do not allow hospitals to release information or allow visits unless specifically permitted. One of our priests, deacons or pastoral care coordinator will be pleased to make a visit. Communion to the Sick and Shut-In: If you or a family member are confined to home and unable to attend Mass—either temporarily or on a continuing basis—our Ministers of Care are available to bring them Communion. Call the Parish House/Rectory at 630-894-2461 to schedule this service. Parish Registration: Parish House/Rectory Monday thru Friday 10 AM to 4 PM Saturday and Sunday before and after Masses at the Faith Network Desk Parish Vocations: Call Rectory Offices (630)894-2461 Holy Rosary: Every Monday evening at 8:00 pm in the Parish Center Chapel or Church. Send your intentions to and they will be presented. All are Welcome 439 E. Irving Park Rd. • Roselle 630-529-8208 1050 E. Lake St. • Hanover Park 142 E. Lake Street Bloomingdale 630-295-9888 477 Georgetown Square Wood Dale 630-595-5556 Indoor Playland • Birthday Parties 630-307-8700 Mon-Sat Open 4:30 AM Present Your Bulletin for a Free Small Coffee or Soft Drink with Purchase Serving the Roselle & Hanover Park Communities For Over 30 Yrs. TREASURES OF THE VATICAN 2012 WALL CALENDAR •Illuminated manuscript art from the Vatican Apostolic Library (The Pope’s personal collection!) •Charming photographs of Pope Benedict XVI and excerpts from his writings •Large Roman Catholic calendar grid with important liturgical and civil dates 1-800-566-6150 12x9, full color • JSP12-VCR $14.95 450 West Lake Street, Roselle 630-889-1700 We Remain Family - Owned & Operated by Rosario D. Salerno Sons for Over 90 Years Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans Are Available and Transferable from Any Funeral Home Funerals & Cremation Services Designed for Any Income Joseph G. Salerno • Frank Salerno • George Salerno Licensed Attorney on Staff ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Contemporary Gourmet Breakfast and Lunch Meals Dine In • Take Out • Catering Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 6:30 AM till 2:30 PM Daily Seating Up to 100 for All Special Occasions and Business Meetings After 3:00 PM Roselle Refrigerator Repair 630-924-3057 1500 W. Lake Street, Roselle Free Service Call W/Repair Rich Schlau, Parishioner 630-307-8801 Roselle 110 E. Irving Park Rd. 630-980-2700 400 E. Irving Park Rd. 630-980-2700 Harris ® is a trade name used by Harris N.A. and its affiliates. Member FDIC Riccardo’s Restaurant Dine In • Carryout • Catering • Banquets 1170 S. Roselle Road 847.891.7777 Schaumburg, IL 60193 Fax: 847.891.0726 GENUINE QUALITY PAINTING AND DECORATING • Commercial/Residential • Interior/Exterior 630-400-5237 10% OFF ANY SERVICE W/AD LEN’S ACE HARDWARE 272 W. Lake St. • Bloomingdale 630-523-5486 425 E. Maple Ave. • Roselle 630-529-2251 SERVING THE COMMUNITY OVER 40 YEARS 630-924-0400 000453 St Walter Church (B) Lic#20-2943220 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 BRIANNA’S FLOWERS The Countryside difference...our attitude, our facilities, our affordability 333 S. Roselle Road, Roselle Other Locations: Streamwood/Schaumburg & Bartlett 630-529-5751 Owned and directed by Marcus C. Jaeger • The only funeral home with on-premise crematory in the region. ROSELLE SERVICE CENTER Complete Auto Repair 309 E. Irving Pk. Rd. DR. JOHN DURKIN DR. DAVID O’BRIAN Dr. George H. Mueller Family Dental Center Podiatrists Day - Eve - Sat. Appointments Foot & Ankle Surgery – Sports Med. New Patients Welcome 10 N. Roselle Rd. Ste. 300 529-6634 Parishioner X-Ray Facilities 11 S. Howard 529-9091 630-894-3737 Ever-Ready TAXI ROSELLE ANIMAL HOSPITAL GREG EVERHART PARISHIONER 630-307-2200 WWW.ROSELLEANIMALHOSP.COM Medicine Surgery Digital X-Ray OWNER - OPERATOR DISCOUNTED FLAT RATE TO O’HARE & MIDWAY 630-479-7635 102 W. Lake St. Bloomingdale, IL 630-351-1966 MCELROY PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY, LTD. $1 ROSES EVERY FRIDAY! Parishioner 231 S. Gary Ave., Ste. 105 Bloomingdale, IL 60108 (630) 351-4440 C & L Plumbing 630-773-0893 160 S. BLOOMINGDALE RD. BLOOMINGDALE 630-980-7383 Dan Ward Licensed Insured Plumber Chef John Miulli Class of ‘79 Lic # 055-027734 10% OFF w/AD 25 W. 571 Lake St., Roselle, IL 60172 Christopher J. Pauly D.V.M., Parishioner Law Offices of BRYAN E. MRAZ & ASSOCIATES 111 EAST IRVING PARK ROAD ROSELLE, IL 60172 (630) 529-2541 Dance Classes for Kids Ages 2 & Up R. I. B. E., INC. Classes forming now ~ Join today! 209 E. Irving Pk. Rd., Roselle 630-295-5599 Phone: 630-529-5901 $10 OFF w/Ad Full Service Grocery Store Featuring Bakery, Deli, Meat, Liquor, Produce 525 E. Irving Park Rd. Roselle, IL 06172-2394 DR. PAUL H. BASTERMAJIAN Optometrist BASEMENTS KITCHENS BATHROOMS HOME REPAIR Comprehensive Eye Exams LensCrafters DRAMATIC HOME IMPROVEMENT Stratford Sq. Mall 630-893-7688 630-744-1652 Bruce Collette (Parishioner) CORPO COLLISION and MECHANICAL CENTER 1429 Wright Blvd. Schaumburg, IL 60193 847-895-4000 “A One Stop Shop” special discount when you mention this ad GLORIA WARNIMONT Associate Broker / Parishioner 455 N. Roselle Rd. Roselle Central CALL FOR YOUR FREE REPORT ON ROSELLE HOUSE PRICES!! 630-307-9055 OPEN FOR LU NCH & DI N N ER • Bridal Shower • Anniversary • Rehearsal Dinner • Engagement • Baptism • Luncheon PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE FOR ANY OCCASION 20-100 PEOPLE 94 Stratford Dr., Bloomingdale 630-671-9090 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS each office independently owned and operated For further information, please call the Parish Office. 630-529-7070 555 E. Irving Park Road Dr. Marek Mroczka ED THE PLUMBER Family Dentistry ED THE CARPENTER Evening and Saturday Appointments Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work 25 E. Main St. Ste. 201, Roselle MAY 9 12:00-9:00 Lic# 055-026066 Parishioner Discount 630-663-1444 FOR MOTHER’S DAY Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. IT’S WHERE WE ALWAYS SELL FOR LESS! Phone: 630-924-1185 Abbington Rehab and Nursing Center Quality Long-Term Health Care Serving the Community Since 1970 Professional and Personal 31 W. Central, Roselle For a FREE ESTIMATE 894-5058 161 W. Irving Park Rd. Roselle Parishioner Located just a few minutes east. We invite your comparison and believe it will be time well spent. Owned and operated by the Gibbons Family since 1935. 1201 E. Irving Park Rd. Itasca, Illinois 60143 (630) 250-8588 000453 St Walter Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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St. Walter Church
Placing our faith in Christ brings healing, wholeness and