Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad


Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad
Most Holy Trinity
Santisima Trinidad
Catholic Church/Iglesia Católica
Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston
1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Texas 77515
Basilian Fathers
1st Sunday of Advent - November 27, 2011
The Mission of Most Holy Trinity
Catholic Church, a parish
empowered by the Holy Spirit, is
to spread the Gospel of Jesus
the Christ in order to bring all
people into union with God our
Father, through worship,
preaching, teaching, fellowship
and service.
La Misión de la Iglesia Católica
de la Santisima Trinidad una
parroquia bajo el poder del
Espíritu Santo, es proclamar el
Evangelio de Cristo Jesús, con
el fin de unir a todos con Dios
Padre a través del culto, la
predicación, la enseñanza, la
convivencia y el servicio.
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas:
Mass for Vocations/Misa para Vocaciones:
9:00 a.m. Saturday/Sábado – English/Inglés
Saturday Anticipated/Sábado Anticipado:
5:00 p.m. English/Inglés
8:00 a.m. Español/Spanish (Nursery/Guardería)
10:00 a.m. English/Inglés (Nursery/Guardería)
8:10 a.m. English/Inglés
12:00 Noon English/Inglés
Parish Staff/Personal Administrativo: 979-849-2421
Pastor: Rev. Maurice Restivo, CSB, x-118
Deacon/Diacono: Robert Ward
Deacon/Diacono: Luis Hernandez
Pastoral Asst./Ast. Pastoral: Cheryl Scott, x-109
Apprentice: Kristi Haas, x-108
Receptionist/Recepcionista: Rebecca Mireles, x-100
Secretary/Secretaria: Barbara Bohnert, x-103
Bookkeeper/Contadora Publica: Annie Damian, x-104
Ministerio Hispano/Hispanic Ministry: Luisa Lopez, x-111
Music Director: – Tim Dyksinski, x-112
Director of Parish Social Ministry: Mildred Wauson – 849-9458
CCE Coordinator/Coor. CCE: Norma Mata, x-110
Maintenance: Eleuterio (Marty) Martinez, x-105
Confessions/Confesiones – English & Español
5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Thursday/Jueves
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Saturday/Sábado
Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santisimo:
9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Mon, Tue, Thur. & Fri.;
1:00-9:00 p.m., Wed.
Anointing of the Sick/Unción a los Enfermos:
1st Sunday after all Masses/1er Dom. despues de todas las Misas
Directory: (Area Code 979)
Church Office/Oficina---------------------- --------------849-2421
Church Fax----------------------------------- --------------849-2425
Parish Social Ministry/Centro de Servicio Social------849-9458
Parish Social Ministry Fax----------------- --------------848-3146
Resale Shop/Tienda de 2a mano ---------- --------------849-2767
Emergency/Emergencias ----------------- --------------849-1143
Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina:
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes– 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
(closed from 12:30-1:30 for lunch)
U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops:
Catholic News Service:
Lectionary, Scripture Study:
First Sunday of Advent
November 27, 2011
Be watchful! Be alert!
You do not know when the time will come.
— Mark 13:33
From the Pastor’s Desk
Mensaje del Parroco
Happy New Year! As this new liturgical year
begins with the First Sunday of Advent, I pray that
each and every one of you may be filled with
blessings and peace, and that you may know the
movement of God in your lives. As the world
becomes engulfed with Christmas preparations, I
hope that you may find the time to experience peace
and stillness to prepare for the coming of our God.
And as our Church begins the use of the new
translation of the Roman Missal, Third Edition, I
pray that the transition may be smooth. I know that
for some of us it will feel awkward for a while, but
with time I think that we will come to appreciate the
beautiful Scriptural images and metaphors we will be
hearing, and soon it will feel “natural.”
As I write this, it is the end of a long day of
walking and touring in Jerusalem. We have met
many people involved in peace and justice work,
Israelis and Palestinians, Jews, Muslims, and
Christians. The situation is difficult and
complicated; there are no easy solutions. By the
time you read this, we will have been in Hebron
for almost a week. Hebron is where Abraham
bought a cave to bury his wife Sarah. Today
tradition says that Abraham, Sarah, Isaac,
Rebecca, Jacob, and Leah are all buried there.
On top of the cave is a mosque, that has now
been divided into a mosque and a synagogue.
There are military checkpoints all over the
city, that the Palestinians must pass through. Daily
life is tense, for Jews and Moslems.
In the U.S., you have just celebrated
Thanksgiving. I invite you to give thanks for the
many blessings that we have in our lives—one of
them being that most of us never have to think about
whether we will be allowed to go to work or school,
or church, or a hospital.
Marana tha! Come, Lord Jesus!
Fr. Maurice
¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Al empezar este nuevo año
litúrgico con el Primer Domingo de Adviento, yo
pido a Dos que todos y cada uno de ustedes sean
colmados de bendiciones y paz, y que reconozcan la
actividad de Dios en sus vidas. Mientras el mundo se
involucra con los preparativos de Navidad, espero
que ustedes encuentren tiempo para experimentar la
paz y tranquilidad para prepararse para la venida de
nuestro Dios.
Al escribir esto, es el final de un largo día de
caminar y viajar en Jerusalén. Hemos conocido a
muchas personas involucradas en los trabajos por la
paz y la justicia, Israelíes y Palestinos, Judíos,
Musulmanes y Cristianos. La situación es difícil y
complicada, no hay soluciones fáciles. Para cuando
lean esto, nosotros ya habremos estado
en Hebrón por casi una semana. Hebrón
es donde Abraham compró la cueva
para enterrar a su esposa Sara. Hoy en
día la tradición dice que Abraham,
Sara, Isaac, Rebeca, Jacob y Lea están
sepultados allí. En la parte superior de
la cueva se encuentra una mezquita,
que actualmente se ha dividido en una
mezquita y una sinagoga. Hay casetas
de control militar en toda la ciudad,
por las cuales los palestinos deben
pasar. La vida diaria es tensa, para
Judíos y musulmanes.
En los Estados Unidos, ustedes acaban de celebrar
el día de Acción de Gracias. Los invito a dar gracias
por tantas bendiciones que tenemos en nuestras vidas
– una de ellas es que la mayoría de nosotros jamás
tiene que pensar si se nos va a permitir ir al trabajo o
a la escuela, o a la iglesia, o al hospital. ¡Marana tha!
¡Ven, Señor Jesús!
Padre Maurice
Our Advent Penance Service will be held on
Wednesday, December 14, at 7:00 p.m.
Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
Reflection by Tim Dyksinski
Remember how as a child we would look forward
to an upcoming event with great excitement. We
could hardly wait for the beginning of summer
vacation, a birthday, Christmas, a trip, or a visit from
someone special. Even as adults we often wait in
expectation for some good that will soon happen.
Expectation keeps us alert and watching, heightens
our awareness, affects our behavior and opens us to
new possibilities.
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells his disciples, “Be
watchful! Be alert!” Their
expectations were narrow
and limited. They were
waiting for a Messiah who
would restore Israel to its
former power, glory and
wealth. Their narrow
expectations were not
open to look for a
carpenter already in their
midst as the one sent by
God to be their Messiah.
We must also be alert
and watchful with wide
eyed expectation to see
God present in our midst.
If we expect Christ’s
presence, we will find it because God is always
present, always faithful. Our challenge is to be alert
and watchful in every day life, to open our eyes and
see Christ present in the simple events and people
around us. We are constantly gifted by God’s
presence in ways we cannot even imagine – we have
only to open our eyes, be alert, watchful and widen
the vision of our expectations.
This Advent, what are we looking for and what do
we expect? This Advent, let us be like wide-eyed
children alert with expectation for God to reveal his
presence in our daily living.
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
Reflexión por Tim Dyksinski
Recuerdan cómo cuando éramos niños
esperábamos un evento próximo con gran
entusiasmo. Casi nos desesperábamos por que
llegaran las vacaciones de verano, un cumpleaños,
Navidad, un viaje o una visita de alguien especial.
Incluso ya de adultos, frecuentemente estamos a la
expectativa de algo bueno que pronto va a suceder.
Las expectativas nos mantienen alertas y vigilantes,
aumentan nuestra conciencia, afectan nuestro
comportamiento y nos abren a nuevas posibilidades.
En el evangelio de hoy,
Jesús dice a sus
discípulos: “¡Velen y
estén preparados!”Sus
expectativas eran
estrechas y limitadas.
Estaban esperando a un
Mesías que restaurar a
Israel a su antiguo poder,
gloria y riqueza. Sus
estrechas expectativas no
estaban abiertas a buscar a
un carpintero, ya en medio
de ellos, como el enviado
por Dios para ser su
También nosotros
debemos estar alertas y vigilantes con expectativa y
ojos muy abiertos para ver a Dios presente entre
nosotros. Si esperamos la presencia de Cristo, vamos
a encontrarla porque Dios está siempre presente,
siempre fiel. Nuestro desafío es estar alertas y
vigilantes en nuestra vida diaria, para abrir los ojos y
ver a Cristo presente en los acontecimientos más
sencillos y en las personas a nuestro alrededor.
Estamos dotados constantemente por la presencia de
Dios en formas que ni siquiera podemos imaginar sólo tenemos que abrir los ojos, estar alertas,
vigilantes y ampliar la visión de nuestras
En este Adviento, ¿qué es lo que estamos
buscando y que es lo que esperamos? En este
Adviento, que seamos como niños con los ojos bien
abiertos, alertas con la expectativa de que Dios
revele su presencia en nuestra vida diaria.
Please pray for our loved ones and friends in
the hospital: Dolores Delgado, Jennifer
Gamboa, Cynthia Heffernan, Jennifer
Lambright, Jordan Nachtegaele, Jimi
Odom, Delia Yanez.
Please note: An individual whose name appears
on the hospital list will be published for 4 weeks.
For an extension, please call the Parish Office.
Among Our People
Congratulations to Ted & Maggie Snyder, who
are celebrating their 43rd Wedding Anniversary.
A donation to the Environment and Art fund
was given for altar flowers this past weekend in
their honor.
Remember also those in the nursing homes:
Cypress Woods Care: Mary Jane Baker, Elida
Benitez, Karyn-Anne Brown, Josefa Cruz, Eugene &
Lenora Duval, Joann Erdelt, Dominga Fleming,
Michael Fuchs, Fannie Garcia, Mary Hausl, Judy
Homrighaus, Charlie Hundl, Diane Jurek, Rebecca
Labaki, Manuel Longoria, Eugenio Martinez, Carlos
Medeles, Joyce Newmann, Sharon Nuernberg, Mitchell
Peltier, Walter Piszczyk, Santana Ramos, Lowell
Stuessel, Leonarda Whittington.
Country Village: Cy & Elizabeth Adamcik,
Rita Anthony, Maria Aparicio, Betty Bartee,
Kathryn Carpenter, Lucianna Farrar, Norma Garner,
Lucy Garrett, William Kolojaco, Lillian Pool, Deacon
Andy Shefts, Elsie Shman, Doris Soria, Matilda West,
Evelyn Zbranek.
Country Village Assisted Living: Emma Horky,
Elsie Kadera, Florence Kohutek, Lucinda Sendejo,
Barbara Shaw, Annie Walcik.
Adoration Schedule for
Thanksgiving week
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume this
Monday, November 28, after the 8:10 a.m. Mass.
Parish Social Ministry needs
turkeys for the holidays
Turkeys are needed for Thanksgiving
and Christmas baskets for the needy.
Please take your donations to
St. Thomas Center by Tuesday,
December 20. For more information,
please call Mildred, 849-9458.
Woman to Woman Retreat
Anointing of the Sick….
next weekend after all Masses in the
chairs on the left side of the Baptismal
Font. This is for people who have a
serious illness, are going into the
hospital for an operation, or who are
elderly and feeling the weight of
their years.
January 13-15, 2012, Christian Renewal Center in
Dickinson. Friday night registration 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Sunday departure 11:00 a.m. Awareness and Inner
Authority: Finding my Identity within God.
Speaker: Fr. Robert Duggan, CSB
For more information or to register, call Janis
Barnes, 979-297-8218 or 979-709-1881. Single
Room: $190; 2 Persons in Room $165; 3 Persons in
Room: $140. Full nonrefundable payment due by
January 4.
Trinity Book Nook - New Arrivals!
Five Minutes With The WORD - Advent
meditations based upon the daily
scriptures. English and Spanish copies.
$2.95 plus tax.
The Living Mass - An easy-to-understand
explanation of the Roman Missal changes that
begin this first Sunday of Advent. 48-page
booklet. English & Spanish copies.
$4.00 plus tax.
Golden Stars, the senior group at
Most Holy Trinity, is open to anyone
in the community age 50+ Come
bring your friends and neighbors.
For more information, call
Helen Infante, 849-8895.
Stewardship of Treasure
and Mass Attendance
not available at press time.
Weekly Scripture Readings
Monday/Lunes, November 28
Isaiah 2:1-5 ...................................... Matthew 8:5-11
Tuesday/Martes, November 29
Isaiah 11:1-10 .................................... Luke 10:21-24
Wed./Miércoles, November 30
Romans 10:9-18............................. Matthew 4:18-22
Thursday/Jueves, December 1
Isaiah 26:1-6 ............................ Matthew 7:21, 24-27
Friday/Viernes, December 2
Isaiah 29:17-24 .............................. Matthew 9:27-31
Saturday/Sábado, December 3
Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26...............................................
.................................... Matthew 9:35—10:1, 5a, 6-8
Sunday/Domingo, December 4
Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11.............................. 2 Peter 3:8-14
.................................................................Mark 1:1-8
Thank you for your contributions to the collection
for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.
Your generosity has laid the foundation for important
changes in low-income communities all over the
U.S. Through CCHD, we manifest Catholic social
teaching and carry out Jesus’ mission “to bring good
news to the poor...release to captives...sight to the
blind and let the oppressed go free” (Lk 4:18).
Online Giving
Thank you to those of you who signed up for Online
Giving. If you have not yet signed up
for Online Giving, please prayerfully
consider this option. Not only can it be
used along with our offering envelopes,
Liturgical Ministers for December 3/4, 2011
Ministry Saturday
Sacristan: Patricia Rincon
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Maria Lopez
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Betty Rees
Lector 1: Robert Pena
Lector 2: Dorothy Wilbeck
Elia Cruz
Berta Aleman
Joe Damian
Dennis Hastings
Servers: Rebecca Jewell
Miriam Jewell
Brandon Lopez
Jennifer Cardoza
Agustin Carrizales
Diobelis Huesca
Elizabeth Leyva
Albert Barrientes
Kayla Fishbeck
Angelica Hernandez
Adam Infante
Hope Arce
Judy Jo DeVries
Dana Ernst
Grace Flores
Roger Hernandez
Annie Hernandez
Beth Kaspar
Patricia Rincon
Bertha Vasquez
Rosy Cruz
Josefina Landaverde
Ana Leveck
Julia Perez
Deyanira/Marcos Perez
Andres/Vicky Silva
Elisa Sustaita
Marcus & Shirley Calderon
Annie Damian
Suzanne & Bill Dellinger
Lori Greak
Abel Gutierrez
Erma Hastings
Fred & Helen Infante
Pat Jennings
Cindy Stone
Barbara Villarreal
Maria Wilde
T. J. Sbrusch
Glenn Comiskey
Henry DeVries
Oscar Greak
Michael James
Art Munoz
Greg Wiley
Maria Cardoza
Santiago Cardoza
Rudy Lopez
Jesus Ozuna
Brenda Saldana
Teodora Sustaita
Tiburcio Sustaita
Fred Sander
Patrick Buentello
Chris Coale
Gene Giraud
Vincent Perez
Tommy Sbrusch
Efren Perez
Sam Valdez
Altar Guild – November 27—December 3, 2011
Alicia Flores
will also help reduce
expenses, and allow the
parish to count on a
steadier stream of
income. You can visit to
sign up or for more information.
Blood Drive coming soon
Schedule your appointment soon!
Our next Blood Drive is planned for
Sunday, December 18, from 8:30
a.m.-12:30 p.m., in the Donor
Coach. All who donate at this drive
will receive a free t-shirt from the
blood center. The need for blood
is especially high during the
holidays. To schedule your
appointment, visit and enter
sponsor code “0754” or call Barbara
at the Parish Office. There is no
substitute for blood. If you have any
questions, please call Barbara at x103. A picture ID must be presented
when you check-in to donate.
Mass schedule for Immaculate Conception
Thursday, December 8, is a holy day of obligation/
dia de obligación. Masses are scheduled as follows:
8:10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. (both English)
Our Lady of Guadalupe/Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe
Celebrations, Presentations, Activities & Fellowship
Celebraciones, Presentaciones, Actividades y
All in Spanish
Friday, December 9, 7:00 p.m., Inés de Viaud
Topic: To forgive is to heal...Prayer & Hymns for
Healing, in the church/Tema: Perdonar es
Sanar...Oración y Himnos, en la iglesia.
Saturday, December 10, 7:00 p.m., Tony Beltran
Topic: Personal testimony of healing prayer and son,
in the church/Tema: Testimonio Personal, Oración y
Himnos, en la iglesia.
Sunday, December 11 - Celebration of Our Lady of
7:30 a.m. - Mananitas at St. Basil Hall/Salón San
8:00 a.m. - Mass, Spanish
11:30 a.m. - Rosary/Rosario (KC Hall)
12:00 Noon - Blessing of Meal (KC Hall)/Cena y
Celebración en el Salón de los
Caballeros de Colón
1:00 p.m. - Matachines
Monday, December 12 - Feast of Our Lady of
5:00 a.m., Mañanitas at St. Basil Hall followed by
Spanish Mass. Chocolate and pan dulce in St. Basil
Hall/Salón San Basilio, despues de Misa.
All are welcome/Todos bienvenidos.
Lector Workbooks are in
Please pick your up at the Parish Office during office
hours. Workbooks are $10.00 each.
These new lector resources are for Year B.
Workbooks are $10.00 each for English or Spanish.
All lectors are strongly encouraged to have a
workbook for each of the liturgical cycles.
Poinsettia memorial donations wanted
If you would like to make a
$10.00 donation towards the
purchase of a Christmas
Poinsettia in memory of a loved
one, please call the Parish Office
by 12:00 Noon, Wednesday,
December 14. A list of
Poinsettia Memorial donors will
be listed in the Christmas Day bulletin.
Order your Christmas tamales today
Please support the Junior CDA as they host their
annual tamale sale fundraiser. Pre-order for $8.00
per dozen. To place your order, call Frances Barrera,
832-250-4534 or Roseann Buentello, 979-487-5839.
Tamales will be delivered December 18.
Most Holy Trinity is on facebook!
“Like” us and join the group. Here’s how.
Log in to facebook and search:
“Most Holy Trinity Catholic
Church, Angleton, TX,”
or Scan this QR code → →
These sites will be used to
invite you to events at our
parish, share the latest news
from our parish community and beyond, and point
you to ways to learn about our faith online.
Gathering Place meeting planned
The Gathering Place at St. Timothy’s Episcopal
Church in Lake Jackson will be held this Tuesday,
November 29, at 10:00 a.m. The Caregiver Support
Group is held from 10:00 a.m. until Noon.
Revised Roman Missal last class set
As part of the ongoing preparation for the upcoming
changes in the Mass with the Revised Roman Missal,
classes are offered on Tuesdays, at 9:30 a.m., in
Room SB-2. All are welcome and encouraged to
attend. Facilitators will be:
November 29 - Kristi Haas
M o s t H o ly
Tr i n i t y
Advent Day of Prayer
& Reflection
Presented by
Pat Kerwin,
Director of Spirituality in Ministry for the
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
Tim Dyksinski,
Music Director of Most Holy Trinity
December 3, 2011
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p. m.
Location: Most Holy Trinity
1713 N.Tinsley, Angleton
Take time to withdraw from the seasonal
distractions of hustling and bustling in
preparation for Christmas to spend time
listening to the Lord in word and prayer.
This Advent, join Mrs. Pat Kerwin, and
Mr. Tim Dyksinski, for a prayerful
reflection on the mystery of Christ’s
presence in the Liturgy through the spirit
and prayers of the Advent season.
“A Joyful
“...behold, I proclaim to you good
news of great joy that will be for
all the people.” Luke 2:10
Begin with Mass in Chapel then
adjourn to St. Basil Hall
Day is free to all participants.
Nursery available.
Please call the parish office to register.
4:30 CCE Grades K-5
6:00 CCE Grades K-5
6:15 CCE Special Needs
7:00 Grupo de Oracion
7:30 RCIA
7:30 KC Meeting
[Dec . 5
4:30 CCE Grades K-5
6:00 CCE Grades K-5
6:15 CCE Special Needs
7:00 Grupo de Oracion
7:30 RCIA
[Dec. 6
5:30 CCE Gr. 6-8
6:00 Choir
7:00 CCE Gr. 9-12
[Dec. 7
5:30 CCE Gr. 6-8
6:00 Choir
7:00 CCE Gr. 9-12
8:10 Louise Sykes (+) by Joseph Lewis
8:10 Debbie Sanders-Williams (+) by The Boeker
[Dec. 9
[Dec. 2
Retired Religious Coll.
3:30 Confessions
[Dec. 10
Building Fund Coll.
[Dec. 3
No Confessions
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 For all the people
8:10 Zeke Damian (+) by wife, Nieves
8:10 For all the people
6:30 1) Ernesto Garcia (+) by wife, Olga
2) Concepcion Luna (+) by family
12:00 1) Manuel Trevino (+) by sister, Angie &
Tony Lopez
2) E. J. Rab (+) by wife, Bettie
5:00 Confessions
6:30 Mass
7:00 Gospel of John with
Fr. Bob
[Dec. 8
Immaculate Conception
Parish Offices Closed
8:10 Mass
7:00 Gospel of John with
Fr. Bob
5:00 Confessions
[Dec. 1
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 Jose Zavala (+) by daughter, Guille Silva
8:00 Guadalupe Society
10:00 For all the people
8:10 John Fuchs (+) by The Boeker Family
7:00 Legion of Mary
7:30 KC Charity Bingo
10:00 Golden Stars
7:00 Legion of Mary
7:30 KC Charity Bingo
Bulletin Deadline - Tuesdays at 12:00 Noon
8:10 Jack Lander (+) by wife, Viola
8:10 Jeanne Smith (+) by The Boeker Family
12:00 Eloy Salinas (+) by Lydia Thompson
8:10 Randy Reed (+) by sister, Robbe & Paul
Sebesta & family
9:30 Roman Missal Class
10:00 Golden Stars
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 For all the people
8:00 Fernando Flores (+) by wife, Alicia & family
10:00 Eustacio, Alftedo & Rafael Obregon (+++) by
2nd Sunday of Advent [Dec. 4
Building Fund Coll.
8:30 1st Reconciliation Class
Candidates only (Eng.)
9:30 1st Reconciliation Class
Candidates only (Sp.)
10:00 CCE PK
1st Sunday of Advent [27
Environment & Art Advent
November 27 — December 10, 2011
Baptisms: Preparations sessions are required for parents and godparents and a recognition Mass. Parents
should be registered in the parish and practicing Catholics. Call the parish office as early as possible during
pregnancy to pre-register for classes. Baptism will be set upon completion of the required classes.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For individuals who are not baptized, baptized in another
denomination and interested in becoming Catholic, or baptized Catholics who never completed the sacraments
of initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation). This process leads to full communion in the Catholic Church.
First Reconciliation/First Communion: Enrollment in the sacrament preparation process is open to children
in grade 2 or older who are registered in the parish, faithfully attending Mass and enrolled in ongoing faith
formation programming. Classes include required parent & child sessions for both sacraments.
Confirmation: Enrollment in a 2-year preparation process is open to youth in grade 10 or higher who actively
practice the Catholic faith and are registered in the parish. Youth must be regularly attending Mass and ongoing
faith formation classes. An entrance interview may be required.
Marriage: By appointment only, 6-12 months in advance. Either one or both of the couple must be registered
in the parish. Marriage Preparation Program required. No weddings during Lent.
Holy Orders: If interested in the Priesthood or Diaconate, contact Fr. Maurice Restivo, C.S.B.
Death in the Family: Call the Parish Office before you make an appointment with the funeral home. We are
here to help you spiritually and emotionally.
If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 849-2421.