Most Holy Trinity Santísima Trinidad


Most Holy Trinity Santísima Trinidad
Basilian Fathers
Most Holy Trinity
Santísima Trinidad
Visit us at:
April 15, 2012
Sunday of Divine Mercy
Domingo de Divina
Contact us via e-mail:
Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica
Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston
1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Texas 77515
The Mission of Most Holy Trinity
Catholic Church, a parish
empowered by the Holy Spirit, is to
spread the Gospel of Jesus the Christ
in order to bring all people into union
with God our Father, through
worship, preaching, teaching,
fellowship and service.
La Misión de la Iglesia Católica de la
Santísima Trinidad, una parroquia
bajo el poder del Espíritu Santo; es
proclamar el Evangelio de Cristo
Jesús, con el fin de unir a todos con
Dios Padre a través de la alabanza, la
predicación, la enseñanza, la
convivencia y el servicio.
Parish Staff/Personal Administrativo:
Pastor: Rev. Maurice Restivo, CSB, x-118
Deacon/Diacono: Robert Ward
Deacon/Diacono: Luis Hernandez
Pastoral Associate/Asociada Pastoral: Cheryl Scott, x-109
Apprentice: Kristi Haas, x-108
Receptionist/Recepcionista: Rebecca Mireles, x-100
Secretary/Secretaria: Santana Belmares, x-111
Bookkeeper/Contadora Publica: Annie Damian, x-104
Music Director: – Tim Dyksinski, x-112
CCE Coordinator/Coord. CCE: Norma Mata, x-110
Director of Parish Social Ministry: Mildred Wauson
Maintenance: Eleuterio (Marty) Martinez, x-105
Web Resources:
U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops:
Catholic News Service:
Lectionary, Scripture Study:
Sunday Mass Schedule / Horario De Misas Dominicales
8:00 a.m. Español/Spanish (Nursery/Guardería)
10:00 a.m. English/Inglés (Nursery/Guardería)
Daily Mass Mon.-Tue.-*Thur.-Fri.
Misa Semanal Lun.-Mar.-*Jue.-Vier.
8:10 a.m. English/Inglés
12:00 Noon English/Inglés
Mass for Vocations/Misa para Vocaciones:
Saturdays / Sábados 9:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday Anticipated/Sábado Anticipado:
5:00 p.m. English/Inglés
Confessions/Confesiones – English & Español
5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Thursday/Jueves
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Saturday/Sábado
Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santísimo:
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Mon, Tue, Thur.
1:00-9:00 p.m., Wed. and 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fri.
Anointing of the Sick/Unción a los Enfermos:
1st Sunday after Mass/1er Dom. despues de la Misas
Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations / Hora Santa de Oración por Vocaciónes
1st Friday / 1er Viernes 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina:
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes– 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
(closed from 12:30-1:30 for lunch)
Church Office/Oficina Parroquial-------- ------- (979)849-2421
Church Fax ---------------------------------- ------- (979)849-2425
Parish Social Ministry/ Servicio Social -- ------- (979)849-9458
Parish Social Ministry Fax----------------- ------- (979)848-3146
Resale Shop/Tienda de 2a mano ---------- ------- (979)849-2767
Emergency/Emergencias ----------------- ------- (979)849-1143
April 15, 2012
Divine Mercy Sunday
Pastor’s Weekly Message:
15 de Abril
Domingo de la Divina Misericordia
Mensaje del Párroco:
He has risen from the dead! He is truly risen! I wish
that I could capture what this really means for me,
what this means for the world. I know that if I did, my
life would be different, as well as the lives of those
around me.
Since the year 2000, the Church celebrates this
Sunday, the Octave of Easter, as Divine Mercy Sunday.
Our readings are filled with concrete examples of how
to be merciful. Filled with joy in
the risen Christ, the early
Church shared everything.
According to the Acts of the
Apostles, each contributed
according to his or her own
possibilities, and each received
according to his or her needs.
Nobody went without. and
Jesus, the Risen One, breathes
the Holy Spirit on his Apostles,
just as the Father breathed the
Spirit into Adam at the creation. We are new
creations, and we begin by forgiving one another’s
sins and offenses.
May this be the mercy we show to one another:
forgiving the one who hurt me, sharing what I have
with all those who are in need. I invite you to
celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation within these
next 20 days, if you have not done so already, to
receive this most Divine of mercies… and then to go
out and show mercy to all those you meet! As the
psalmist says, “His mercy endures forever!” Wouldn’t
it be nice if everyone I encountered instinctively knew
that, because of the way I treat them?
¡Ha resucitado de entre los muertos!
¡Verdaderamente ha resucitado! Desearía poder captar
lo que esto significa para mí, lo que significa para el
mundo. Yo sé que si lo hiciera, mi vida sería diferente,
así como las vidas de los que me rodean.
Desde el año 2000, la Iglesia celebra este
domingo, la octava de Pascua, como el Domingo de la
Divina Misericordia. Nuestras lecturas están llenas de
ejemplos concretos de cómo ser
misericordiosos. La Iglesia primitiva,
llena de gozo en Cristo resucitado,
compartía todo. Según los Hechos de
los Apóstoles, cada uno contribuía de
acuerdo a sus posibilidades, y cada
uno recibía de acuerdo a sus
necesidades. Nadie se iba vacío. Y
Jesús, el Resucitado, sopla el Espíritu
Santo sobre los Apóstoles, tal y como
el Padre soplo el Espíritu en Adán en
la creación. Somos creaciones nuevas,
y empezamos por perdonarnos pecados y ofensas
unos a otros.
Que esta sea la misericordia que nos mostremos el
uno al otro: perdonando al que me hizo daño,
compartiendo lo que tengo con todos aquellos que
están necesitados. Los invito a celebrar el sacramento
de la reconciliación en los próximos 20 días, si aún no
lo han hecho, para recibir la más Divina de las
misericordias… ¡y luego salir y mostrar misericordia a
todos los que nos encontremos! Como dice el
salmista, “¡eterna es su misericordia!” ¿No sería bueno
si todos los que me encontrara instintivamente
supieran esto, debido a la manera que los trato?
Knights of Columbus Bazaar
Jamaica HOY!!!
Segundo Domingo de Pascua
Second Sunday of Easter
ac e
Today's Gospel tells us about the apostles, gathered behind
closed doors with some fear due to the situation they were
living. Jesus, the Risen Lord, appears to them and the first
thing he says is “Peace be with you …” and He repeated it
three times, reassuring what he had said to them at the Last
Supper “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you”
(Jn 14:27). No doubt that Jesus knew what the apostles needed
most at that time of doubt and fear, the peace that only He
can give, so they can be open to receive the Holy Spirit and,
like Him, be sent to proclaim the Good News.
Currently we gather each Sunday, at Mass, as the
community of believers and although not
behind closed doors, I would say that all of
us have some worries and fears. The priest,
when the risen Christ makes himself
present in the Eucharist, pronounces the
same words “The peace of the Lord be with
you always.” For me, this Rite of Peace is a
reminder of the most important thing I
need to face any difficult situation that I
may be going through – the Peace of Christ – without it I
cannot go on with the tasks God has for me.
in the last few days I have been experiencing some stress
and fear, due to the treatment I am getting, to heal my
disease. As much as I try, it has been difficult to focus on
other things and I feel that I have neglected my family, my
work and my community quite a bit. Today, my prayer for all
of us is that we recognize and accept this gift of peace that
Jesus continues to offer us each day, and go forward, without
fear or doubts, with the plan that God has for each one of us.
- Deacon Luis
El evangelio de hoy nos presenta a los apóstoles, reuniéndose
a puertas cerradas por miedo a la situación que estaban
viviendo. El Señor Jesús resucitado se les aparece y lo primero
que les dice es “La paz esté con ustedes…” y se los repite tres
veces, asegurando lo que ya había dicho en la última cena;
“La paz les dejo, mi paz les doy” (Jn 14,27). No cabe duda que
Jesús sabía muy bien lo que necesitaban los apóstoles en esos
momentos de dudas y temores; la paz que solo El ofrece y así
disponerlos para recibir el Espíritu Santo y, como El, ser
enviados a proclamar la Buena Nueva.
En la actualidad, nosotros nos reunimos cada Domingo, en
Misa, como la comunidad de creyentes y aunque
no a puertas cerradas, me atrevo a decir todos
tenemos algunas preocupaciones y temores.
El sacerdote, cuando Cristo resucitado se hace
presente en la Eucaristía, pronuncia esas
mismas palabras “La paz del señor este siempre
con ustedes.” Para mí este Rito de la Paz es un
recordatorio de lo más importante que necesito
para encarar cualquier situación difícil por la
que esté pasando – la Paz de Cristo – sin ella, no puedo seguir
adelante en las tareas que Dios tiene para mí.
En estos últimos días han sido de mucha inquietud para mí,
con algo de tensión y temor debido al tratamiento que he
empezado para aliviar la enfermedad que padezco. Por más
que trato, ha sido difícil enfocarme en otras cosas y siento que
me he descuidado un tanto de mi familia, de mi trabajo y de
mi comunidad. Mi plegaria hoy, para todos nosotros, es que
reconozcamos y aceptemos ese don de paz que Jesús continua
ofreciéndonos cada día y así continuar adelante, sin temores
ni dudas, con el plan que Dios tiene para cada uno de nosotros.
- Diacono Luis
Si usted está casado solo por el civil, o en unión libre, y está interesado en
casarse por la Iglesia Católica, favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial
(979-849-2421) lo más pronto posible para inscribirse y hacer una cita
con el Diacono Luis Hernández.
La primer clase de preparación será el miércoles, 9 de mayo
a las 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. en el Salón San Basilio.
Las clases serán por 4 semanas (9, 16, 23 y 30 de mayo).
July 20-22, 2012
Hilton Americas Hotel
Houston, TX.
Most Holy Trinity Incoming Freshman to
Outgoing Seniors may register
Registration Cost: $85.00 per person
The Archdiocesan Youth Conference is an opportunity for high school youth
to gather in a multicultural environment to explore, experience and express
our relationship with God, church, and community through a spirit filled
celebration. Our primary focus for this
year’s AYC is to rejuvenate the faith life of
our youth, to help them get serious about
life in Christ and His Church, and to learn
the truth of the Gospel.
2012 AYC Major Presenters:
Steve Angrisano, Mary Bielski, Mark Hart
Brian Johnson
Registration Forms are available at the parish
office. Deadline to Register is
May 20th.—No Exceptions
For more information Call Cheryl Scott
@ 979-849-2421, x109
Please pray for those in
the hospital: Bailey Bracken,
Addie Dufield, Jennifer
Gamboa, Dee Hall, Diane
Logan, Cindi Ortego, Betty
Powell, Rene Zabala, Chance
Talbot, Tiffany Byers, Annie
Mae Havel, Jaime LeBouef,
Doug Peltier, Linda Rabel, Fr. Ritz, Guadalupe Montalvo, Dawn
Smith, Peggy Koenig.
Please note: Names on hospital list will be published for 4 weeks, then removed. For an
extension, please call the Parish Office.
Also let us Pray for those in nursing homes;
(Cypress Woods Care, Country Village, Country
Village Assisted Living) and for their caregivers may
the Lord Bless them with Love, Patience,
Strength and Understanding.
Next bazaar planning committee meeting
will be held Thursday, April 19th at
7:00 p.m. in the Parish Office. Everyone is
welcome to join us. If you would like a
committee chairperson position, to help
with one of the planning teams or would
like to discuss plans, please contact
Margarito Cruz Jr at 979-481-1015 or
Laura Cruz at 979-215-1682.
“For you have looked with favor, O God, on your lowly
servant … all generations will call me blessed” -Luke 1
Sacred Scriptures don’t say much about Mary, the mother of
Jesus. However, they do reveal Mary as a woman of faith, of
service, of courage and compassion. A May Crowning
Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 2, at 5:30 p.m.,
after the End of CCE year awards program that will be held in
the church. We will crown the image of Mary, Queen of
Heaven, donated by the Knights of Columbus in remembrance
of the unborn children lost to abortion. Everyone is invited to
bring a flower to place at the foot of the statue in honor of
Mary, our Blessed Mother.
“Y mi espíritu se regocija en Dios mi Salvador. Porque ha
mirado la humildad de su sierva; Pues he aquí, desde ahora
me dirán bienaventurada todas las generaciones.”
- Lucas 1:48
Las sagradas Escrituras no dicen mucho acerca de María,
la madre de Jesús. Sin embargo, ponen de manifiesto a
María como una mujer de fe, de servicio, de valentía y
compasión. La Ceremonia de Coronación de La Virgen se
llevará a cabo el miércoles, 2 de mayo, a las 5:30 pm,
después de la entrega de certificados que será en la iglesia
vamos a caminar en procesión para coronar la imagen de
María, Reina de los Cielos, que fue donada por los
Caballeros de Colón en memoria de los niños no nacidos;
perdidos al aborto. Todos están invitados a traer flores para
colocar a los pies de la estatua de María, nuestra Santísima
Madre. Habrá juegos para los niños y convivencia!
*El Comité de planificación de la próxima
jamaica se reunirán el jueves, 19 de abril a las
7:00 pm en la Oficina Parroquial. Todos son
*St. Joseph on The Brazos
bienvenidos. Si desea una posición en el
Church Bazaar in
comité, para ayudar a uno de los equipos de
Brazoria 4/22/2012
planificación o le gustaría discutir los planes,
11 a.m.-? Barbecue dinner
por favor póngase en contacto con
with all the trimmings,
Margarito Cruz Jr. : 979-481-1015 o con
silent/live auctions, raffle, country store, purse
Laura Cruz :979-215-1682
booth, kid’s games, much much more!!
*St. Anthony Bazaar 5/6/2012
Parishioners will be here on
Sat., 4-21 and Sun 4-22
to sell Raffle tickets.
*La Iglesia San Antonio tendra una
jamaica Mayo 6 del 2012
Los feligreses estar aquí en la
Sábado, 21 de Abril y
Domingo 22 de Abril
para vender boletos.
All Are Welcome!
*La Iglesia San José, de Brazoria
tendrá una Jamaica
04/22/2012 11 a.m.-? Cena de Carne asada,
Silencio / Subastas en vivo, rifas, tienda de
pueblo, el stand de bolsillos, juegos
infantiles, y mucho mucho más!
Todos son bienvenidos!
We still need items
to make our goal!
Online Registration at:
Aun Estamos
Colectando Alimentos!
In The Parish Office there is a lost
& found box PLEASE!
If you LOST something come by
maybe it was found.
En la Oficina Parroquial esta una
caja de objetos perdidos y
encontrados, PORFAVOR si usted
a PERDIDO algo pase a ver si fue
Early Registration for 2012-2013 CCE
Year begins on Sunday, April 15.
Please register your children for next
year's CCE program as soon as possible.
Discounts are available if you register
BEFORE June 15, 2012
Inscripción temprana para el año de CCE 2012-2013 es el
domingo, 15 de abril. Por favor inscribir a sus hijos para
el programa de CCE del próximo año, tan pronto como sea
posible. Se ofrecen descuentos si se inscribe ANTES de
15 de Junio 2012
Confirmation Retreat for All
Candidates and their Sponsors will
be held on Sunday, April 22 from
1:00 to 7:00 p.m. in St. Basil Hall.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
will be celebrated at Most Holy
Trinity on Sunday, May 6 at 1:00 p.m. with
Bishop elect Monsignor George Sheltz.
Everyone is invited to Mass.
"JCDA is holding a
DVD Drive to collect
gently used or new
DVDs to donate to local
hospitals, woman's
centers, and clinics, for
the kids in their waiting rooms. There will be a box in
the gathering space of the church throughout the month
of April. Please donate!"
La Legión De María
Les invita a registrarse para recibir
la virgin peregrine a las familia que
todavía no la reciben o para recibir
la imagen del sagrado Corazón de
Jesús y tener su entronización en el
hogar. Para mas información llamar:
Ana Leveck - (979) 319-6245,
Juany Pérez - (979) 549-9936, ó
Isidra Cardoza - (979) 864-7604
Any graduating senior who is a member of
Most Holy Trinity is eligible for the Local
CDA Scholarship. The scholarship funds can
be used for college, university, or trade school
expenses. The scholarship forms are available
at the church office, by calling Linnet Orlik at
979-849-9453, or by email at
Deadline for submitting application:
May 13, 2012
...Continue the journey...
the Easter season offers daily
reflections on the Sunday Gospels of
Easter (Year B), picking up where
Lent left off and ending on Pentecost Sunday, May 27th.
Again, the left-hand pages are filled with a variety of
quotes and interesting information including, "Mary
Magdalene and The Red Egg"; "The Invisible
Disciple"; "The Frost Saints"; and "World's Smallest
Church." English and Spanish copies are available in
Trinity Book Nook at the same low price of $1 plus tax.
Get yours...and one for a special friend?...TODAY!!!!
21 & 22
Weekly Readings / Lectura Semanal
Monday/Lunes, April 16
Acts 4:23-31; Jn 3:1-8
Tuesday/Martes, April 17
Acts 4:32-37; Jn 3:7b-15
Minister of
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
Glenn Comiskey
Henry De Vries
Oscar Greak
Steve Ramirez
T. J. Sbrusch
Greg Wiley
Blanca Canizales
Santos Canizales Sr
Felipe Martinez
Maura Martinez
Jesus Ozuna
Baldomar Silva
Chris Coale
Eddie Damian
Fred Sander
Joe Williams
Drew Blawvelt
Miriam Jewell
Danyel Prioux
Agustin Carrizales
David Garcia
Gabriel Garcia
Luis Garcia
Jesus Huesca
Alexis Huesca
Jacob Gamboa
Chase Janczak
Julia Janczak
Tyler Kubala
Eddie Ocanas
Brian Ernst
Eva Gutierrez
Carlos Jones
Monica Jones
Beth Kaspar
Isabel Martinez
Art Muñoz
Lillie Spillars
Luis Hernandez
Lina Hernandez
Ana Leveck
Guillermina Mendez
Guadalupe Mendez
Julia Perez
Marcos Perez Sr
Tiburcio Sustaita
Elisa Sustaita
Marcos Calderon
Shirley Calderon
Annie Damian
Joe Damian
Bill Dellinger
Donna Hundl
Jay Janczak
Jackie King
Arnold Ramirez
Lina Ramirez
Yañez Sr
Michael James
Diana Roberts
Sylvia Munoz
Deyanira Perez
Kailey Damian
Judy Jo De
Camila Belmares
Donna Hundl
Robert Villarreal
Billy Efird
Altar Server
April 17
Book Club
10:00 a.m.
The Dove Keepers
By: Alice Huffman
Wed./Miércoles, April 18
Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21
Thursday/Jueves, April 19
Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36
Friday/Viernes, April 20
Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15
Saturday/Sábado, April 21
Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21
Sunday/Domingo, April 22
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4; 1
Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
Mark Your Calendar!
Lets Play,
Learn And Grow
Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Program — Re-link as
soon as possible!
Most Holy Trinity is enrolled in the Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor
Donation Program. Linking Kroger Plus Cards is now in effect. The
next time you shop at Kroger, present this barcode to your cashier,
along with your Kroger Plus Card at the beginning of your order.
Once your card is scanned, every time you shop and use your enrolled
Kroger Plus Card, a percentage of your eligible purchases will be
contributed to the Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor fund. This percentage
is then donated to Most Holy Trinity on a quarterly basis.
La Iglesia Santísima Trinidad ya esta inscrita otra vez con Kroger
para el programa de Vecino a Vecino. Por favor, pase por Kroger para
activar sus compras (en conjunto con su tarjeta “Kroger Plus”) así
dándonos la oportunidad de recaudar fondos para nuestra parroquia.
April 15 - April 28, 2012
2nd Sunday of Easter
8:30 - Sacrament
Preparation Candidates
& Parents, Engl.
9:30 - Prep Sacramental
Candidatos y Padres,
10:00 CCE PK
6:30 Confirmation
3rd Sunday of Easter
8:30-Sacrament Prep. Engl.
9:30-Prep Sacramental
Candidatos Español
10:00-CCE PK
6:00 Adult
Confirmation Classes
4:30 CCE
Grades K-5
6:00 CCE
Grades K-5
7:00 Grupo de
10:00 Gathering
Stars, Book Club
St.George; St. Adalbert
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 Rudy Santos Sr. (+)
de su esposa, Elia Santos
8:00 Aracely Ortega in Thanksgiving for
3rd Birthday by parents, Aaron & Karina
10:00 For all the People of the Parish
8:10 Jesse Ramos (+) by wife, Gloria
8:10 Trey Rachunek & Courtney McGaughy (+ +)
by grandparents (Richard & Joann) & friends
8:10 1) Alton Prihoda (+) by Golden Stars
2) All Blessed Souls in Purgatory
by Olivia Trevino
12:00 Matthew Charlson (+)
by friend, Janie Schwartz-Shaw
8:10 E.J. Rab by wife, Bettie
9:00 Vocations
5:00 pm Josefina Zavala (+)
by daughter, Guille Silva
8:00 Jose Manuel Diaz Arano (+)
de su tía, Leticia Bernal
10:00 For The People Of The Parish
8:10 John Jerabek (+) by, KC Council 5155
8:10 Albert Cook (+)
by, John (son) & Bernetta Cook
12:00 Eloy Salinas Sr. (+)
by, F.M., Hope Garza and Family
8:10 1.) Gregorio Cuellar (+) by, Cuellar Family
2.) Estella Cavazos (+)
by husband, Federico y Familia
8:10 Jose y Pabla Ramos (+ +)
by daughter-in-law, Gloria
5:00 Confessions
6:00 Choir
Bulletin Deadline
Tuesdays at 12:00 Noon
4:30 CCE
Grades K-5
6:00 CCE
Grades K-5
6:15 CCE Special
7:00 Grupo de
5:30 CCE
Grades 6-8
6:00 Legion de
7:30 KC
Charity Bingo
6:15 CCE Special
7:00 CCE
Grades 9-12
7:30 RCIA
5:30 CCE
Grades 6-8
6:00 Choir
7:00 CCE
Grades 9-12
St. Mark
6:00 Legion de
7:30 KC - Bingo
St. Fidelis of
Tuesdays at
12:00 Noon
St. Marian
St. Anselm
5:00 Confessions
7:30 RCIA
St. Peter Chanel;
St.Louis Grigonion
de Montfort
St. Zita
Community News
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Fundraiser for
This is a request for letters for all RCIA Participants from our parish who were initiated
as Catholics at the Easter Vigil. Catechumens: Donald Gibson Jr. and, Fernando Chavez
Candidates: Lucia Arredondo, Rachel Maguire, Courtney Rodriguez,
Gustavo Rodriguez, Shiniko Williams
We are asking for your help in two ways:
(1) Will you pray for them and all those who mentor them in faith?
(2) Will you write them a letter?
When you have written the letter, please turn it in...
(1) To the parish office, in envelope marked with your return address, and a stamp if
you’ve got one handy. (2) We can add the stamp and his family’s address.
Thank you!!! God bless you!!!
Skye Garza for a Diabetic Alert Dog (D.A.D)
Angleton April 29,2012 (11 am - 5pm) Plate
Knights of
Sale ($8),
Columbus Hall,
Bake Sale, Raffle & Silent Auction start at Live Auction, D.A.D Dog and
Handler, Kids games & More…
Info:Stella Garza 832-860-4713
All are invited to attend the Unite For Life Family FunFest on Saturday,
April 21, 2012, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, at the University of St.
Thomas, 3800 Montrose Blvd. The event will take place on the Campus
Life Mall, off of West Alabama and Graustark. Come hear fantastic
speakers, learn what pro‐life groups are doing and what you can do to get
involved. Enjoy free family festival activities such as a moonwalk,
cakewalk and more. Lunch, cotton candy and popcorn can be purchased.
For more information:
Alisa Turner Lara’s expensive IV treatments.
Saturday May 5, 2012 Time: 9:00 a.m.
Benefit For
West Columbia Civic Center 516 E. Brazos Ave. West Columbia, TX 77486
*5K Walk + Roll *Golf Tournament
*Dinner ($8per plate dine-in/pick up) *Silent Auction (11:00am.) *Henna
Painting, *Clowns, *Puppet Show, *Face Painting *Cake Walk
Contact: Ester & Danny Lara(979) 345-4577
NOTE: Try to wear a Lime Green Shirt...
Groupo “Fe”
415 S. Erskine
Angleton TX
Reuniones de
Lunes a Sábado
8 pm - 10 pm
Si el alcohol se a
convertido en un
problema para
usted visítenos
Y encontrara la
manera de dejar
de beber sin
Costo alguno.
(979) 864 - 3441
(979) 848 - 1320
(979) 215 - 4533
Mass Attendance
April 7/8 -Total 1,510
Sat.5:00 p.m. 200
Sun.8:00 a.m. 450/ 10:00 a.m. 860
April 8, 2012
Stewardship Corner
Sunday Coll. : .................$12,132.99
Building Loan : .................$4,072.19
Our Parish; is on FaceBook! “Like” us and join the group!
Here’s how. Either: Log in to facebook and
search: “Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church,
Angleton, TX,” or Scan this QR code
**These sites will be used to invite you to events
at our parish, share the latest news from our
parish community and beyond, and point you to
ways to learn about our faith online.
Online Giving
Thank you, to those of you who signed up for Online Giving.
If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving, please prayerfully
consider this option. Not only can it be used along with our offering
envelopes, it will also help reduce expenses, and allow the parish to
count on a steadier stream of income.
Please visit to
sign up or for more information. God Bless You.
Baptisms: Preparations sessions are required for parents and godparents
and a recognition Mass. Parents should be registered in the parish and
practicing Catholics. Call the parish office as early as possible during
pregnancy to pre-register for classes. Baptism will be set upon completion
of the required classes.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For individuals who are
not baptized, baptized in another denomination and interested in becoming
Catholic, or baptized Catholics who never completed the sacraments of
initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation). This process leads to full
communion in the Catholic Church.
First Reconciliation/First Communion: Enrollment in the sacrament
preparation process is open to children in grade 2 or older who are
registered in the parish, faithfully attending Mass and enrolled in ongoing
faith formation programming. Classes include required parent & child
sessions for both sacraments.
Confirmation: Enrollment in a 2-year preparation process is open to
youth in grade 10 or higher who actively practice the Catholic faith and
are registered in the parish. Youth must be regularly attending Mass and
ongoing faith formation classes. An entrance interview may be required.
Marriage: By appointment only, 6-12 months in advance. Either one or
both of the couple must be registered in the parish. Marriage Preparation
Program required. No weddings during Lent.
Holy Orders: If interested in the Priesthood or Diaconate, contact Fr.
Maurice Restivo, C.S.B.
Death in the Family: Call the Parish Office before you make an
appointment with the funeral home. We are here to help you spiritually
and emotionally.
If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 849-2421.

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