March 2012 Newsletter - Cornish Language Partnership
March 2012 Newsletter - Cornish Language Partnership
A-berveth: Tamm ha Tamm Series 2 Partnership update Fun Day for Beginners Cornwall Music Festival 90 Second Kernewek Film Challenge Watch Tamara online Perran Bear 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 Helston Brownies Pennseythen in Newquay Ar Redadeg Celtic Congress in Brittany Events New Publications Further Information Contacts 7 7 8 7 9 10 10 10 • Tamm ha Tamm Series 1 Nowodhow a-gynsow released on DVD as Series 2 begins online • 90 Second Kernewek Film Challenge launched • East Cornwall Beginners’ Day mis Meurth 2012 Lyther-nowodhow Tamm ha Tamm war DVD Orth Gool Peran hevleni y fydh lonchys DVD a’n dowlen Gernewek meur gerys, Tamm ha Tamm. Elizabeth Stewart, Sodhek Ragdresow MAGA. “Ny vern mar mynnowgh dyski Kernewek rag dos ha bos freth, po mars eus hwans dhis mires orth neppyth didhanus war an bellwolok, Tamm ha Tamm yw meur dhe les dhe ogas ha pubhuni, del hevel.” Y hyllir prena an DVD Tamm ha Tamm Kevres 1 warlinen, dhyworth nebes gwerthjiow ha dhyworth MAGA. Rag pella derivadow vysytyewgh tammhatamm po kestevewgh orth MAGA war 01872 323497 po Tamm ha Tamm DVD Tamm ha Tamm yw kevres a dowlennow dhe weres dalethoryon lann ow tevnydhya Kernewek y’ga bewnansow pub-dydh. Gwrys gans ha MAGA, an kevres o kavadow warlinen yn unnik yn kynsa le. An kynsa towlen o diskwedhys war wiasva Gool Peran warleni hag yth esa towlen nowyth ughkergys Blah dhe’n wiasva pub mis rag bledhen dhien wosa henna. Lemmyn, rag an kynsa prys, pubonan a’n dewdhek towlen re beu gorrys warbarth war DVD, hag y fydh dhe wertha 5es mis Meurth. “Yth esa marth bras dhyn bos an kynsa kevres mar sewen warlinen, ha pan vo dyllys avel DVD y fydh kemerys dhe voy a dus hwath,” yn medh St Piran’s Day this year will see the launch of a DVD of the popular Cornish language programme, Tamm ha Tamm. Tamm ha Tamm, meaning ‘Little by Little’ in Cornish, is a series of programmes designed to give complete beginners confidence using the Cornish language in their everyday lives. Produced by in association with MAGA, the Cornish Language Partnership, the series was Tamm ha Tamm DVD continued initially only available online. The first episode was streamed on the website on St Piran’s Day last year, and a new episode was uploaded to the site every month for a year after that. Now, for the first time, all twelve episodes of the first series have been brought together on DVD and will be available to purchase from 5th March. “We’ve been astounded at how popular the first series of Tamm ha Tamm has been online, and making it available on DVD will take the programmes to an even wider audience,” said Elizabeth Stewart, MAGA’s Project Support Officer. “Whether you’re intent on mastering the Cornish language or you just fancy watching something a bit different, Tamm ha Tamm seems to have universal appeal.” 01872 323497 or The Tamm ha Tamm Series 1 DVD can be bought online, from selected shops or direct from MAGA. For further details visit tammhatamm or contact MAGA on Tamm ha Tamm Kevres 2 Ow sewya sewena Tamm ha Tamm kevres 1, yth eson ni ow kul nessa kevres, ow trehevel war an pyth a veu dyskys y’n diwettha kevres. didro dhe’n towlennow dyllys war wiasva MAGA dhe tammhatamm. Series 2 Tamm ha Tamm Following the success of Tamm ha Tamm series 1, we are making a second series that will build on what was taught in the last series. The first episode of Series 2 will be Kingsley Village streamed through the Kynsa towlen a Gevres 2 a vydh website from 5th March, and there will diskwedhys war wiasva be twelve episodes altogether made ow talleth 5es mis available at the start of each month Meurth, hag y fydh dewdhek towlen Chiow an Senedh, Loundres ~ Houses of Parliament, L:ondon for a year. In the second series, Steve will go shopping at Kingsley Village, have a guided tour of Tremough Gardens, meet Victoria Leigh and Lee Chater oll war-barth: unn dowlen rag pub from Atlantic FM, and travel to London mis a’n vledhen. to visit Dan Rogerson at the Houses of Yn nessa kevres, Steve a wra mos Parliament, amongst other prenassa orth Kingsley Village, kavos adventures. torn a lowarthow Tremogh, metya As well as being available on the orth Victoria Leigh ha Lee Chater orth, direct links to each Atlantic FM, ha viajya dhe Loundres episode will be published on the dhe vysytya Dan Rogerson orth Chiow MAGA website at an Senedh, yn mysk aventurys erel. Keffrys ha bos kavadow war wiasva, y fydh kevrennow mis Meurth 2012 Victoria Leigh ha Leigh Chater, dhyworth Atlantic FM ~ Victoria Leigh and Leigh Chater from Atlantic FM tammhatamm. 2 Nowodhow diwettha a’n Keskowethyans Ha 65 treylyans kowlwrys ha 12 govyn arbennek degemerys yn mis Genver, MAGA a dhalathas an vledhen yn maner splann! Ni a dhalathas ynwedh dhe usya Twytter, le may hyllowgh agan sewya lemmyn! Yma lies fordh dhe guntel kedhlow lemmyn gans an lyther nowodhow, Facebook ha Twytter dh’agas gweres. Chonsow dhe dhyski an yeth y’n vledhen ma a dhalathas gans Pennseythen Kernewek Agan Tavas dhe dhalleth mis Hwevrer hag y’n lyther nowodhow may hyllir trovya kedhlow adro dhe dhydh rag dalethoryon nowyth yn Kernow Est. Res yw erhi le lemmyn ynwedh rag Pennseythen Tregedna dhe 23-25 mis Meurth, le may hyll studhyoryon moy avoncyes gwellhe aga Hernewek kewsys, ha rag Pennseythen Kowethas an Yeth 11-13 mis Me. Gans oll a hemma hag ynwedh lonch DVD Tamm ha Tamm ha kevres 2 ow tos yn skon, nyns eus askus vyth dh’avoydya omjunya ha’n dewis dhe dhos ha bos moy freth yn 2012! Partnership Update MAGA started the year with a bang, with 65 translations completed in January and 12 substantive enquiries. We also ventured into the realms of Twitter, where you can now follow us! Lots of ways to pick up information now, with newsletter, Facebook and Twitter! The year’s learning opportunities kicked off with the Agan Tavas Pennseythen at the beginning of February and in this newsletter you will find details of a day for new learners in the east of Cornwall. Register now also for the Tregedna weekend on March 23rd-25th, to help more advanced students improve their spoken Cornish and for the Kowethas’ Pennseythen on May 11th13th. With all of this plus the launch of the Tamm ha Tamm DVD and a new series in the offing, there is no excuse for not signing up to the pledge to become more fluent in 2012! Dydh didhan rag dalethyoryon yn Kernow Est Ow sewya an jydh didhan rag dalethoryon synsys mis Du yw passys yn Resrudh, yma MAGA ow profya dydh aral rag dalethoryon. Ebrel ha merkya agas les gans Sam dhe’n sodhva MAGA 01872 323497. Erhewgh lemmyn! Fun day for Beginners in East Cornwall Following the fun day for beginners held last November in Redruth, MAGA is now offering another day for beginners. This time it will be for beginners in East Cornwall, and will take place on Saturday 14th April at the Burraton Community Centre in Saltash from 10am-2pm. An prys ma y fydh rag dalethoryon yn Kernow Est, hag y fydh synsys dy’ Sadorn 14ves mis Ebrel dhe Gresen Gemeniethek Burraton yn Essa, 10kh dhe 2wh. Y fydh ena dyskadoryon a’n gwella ha’n dowlen a vydh dhe golonna dalethoryon a dhevnydhya Kernewek mis Meurth 2012 y’ga bewnans pub dydh oll – ow kul te ha koffi, golhi an lestri h.e. An kors yw gwiw rag tus usi ow tyski Kernewek rag kynsa bledhen. Plasow a vydh finwethys, ytho yth yw kynsa devedhys, kynsa erhys. Rag henna gwrewgh kavos agas dydhlyvrow ha skrifa an 14ves mis The day will feature top tutors and will encourage beginners to use Cornish in their everyday lives – making tea and coffee, washing up etc. It is suitable for people who are in their first year of studying Cornish. Places will be limited and so it’s a first come first served basis. So get your dairies out, write in 14th April and register your interest with Sam at the MAGA Office on 01872 323497. Book now! 3 Gool Ilow Kernow 2012 An 102a Gool Ilow Kernow a vydh synsys dhe’n Eglos Vethodek Truru dy’ Lun 12ves – dy’ Sadorn 17ves mis Meurth. An gool re devis dres an bledhynnyow Rag pella derivadow a-dro dhe’n competitions on the Saturday, ha lemmyn yma moy ages 200 klass gool, mirewgh orth including a new class for dialogues in profys rag ilewydhyon hag arethoryon Cornish. The other two classes are for a bub bloodh dhe dhiskwedhes aga sleyneth. Cornwall Music Festival The 102nd Cornwall Music Festival will recitations by individuals. Students from several classes across Cornwall will be entering the competitions, so do Hevleni, y fydh tri hesstrif rag take place at Truro Methodist Church Kernewek kewsys dy’ Sadorn 17ves, from Monday 12th-Saturday 17th March. yntredha klass nowyth rag keskows The festival has grown over the years ynter dew dhen. An dhew glass aral so that it now offers over 200 classes For further information about the yw rag lennans gans person y honan. for musicians and speakers of all festival, visit Y fydh studhyoryon dhyworth klassow ages to demonstrate their skills. divers yn Kernow owth ombrofya dhe’n kesstrifow, ytho kewgh dh’aga skoodhya ynter 1.30 ha 3.30wh. go along to support them between 1.30-3.30pm. This year the festival will feature three Cornish language spoken Towlen rag klassow Kernewek orth Gool Ilow Kernow 2012 Programme for Cornish language classes at Cornwall Music Festival 2012 13:30 Z 1 CORNISH LANGUAGE up to and including the grade 4 examination MORGARER CUP 14:10 Z 2 CORNISH LANGUAGE above the grade 4 examination JOAN EATON TROPHY Any own choice item of prose, verse or Bible reading in the Cornish language Any own choice item of prose, verse or Bible reading in the Cornish language Reference to copy will be permitted Time limit: 4 mins Reference to copy will be permitted Time limit: 5 mins 1. Wendy Simpson, Retire Loer (Verse) - Wendy Simpson 1. Roger Tackley, Falmouth - tba 2. Delia Brotherton, St Ives - Ogh Pendre Vyghan - Delia Brotherton 3. Trounce Guy, West Portholland Jowan Chy an Horth 4. Roz Peskett, Penzance Matthew 14: 1-33 5. Sue Hall, St Hilary - tba 6. Frank Blewett, Penzance - tba 14:55 Z 3 CORNISH LANGUAGE DIALOGUE up to and including the grade 4 examination MIGHAL AN GOF TROPHY Dialogue between two people in the Cornish language. This may be scripted or improvised role play, and reference to copy will be permitted Time limit: 5 mins 2. Esme Tackley, Falmouth - tba 1. Sue Hall & Julia Wass, Praa Sands - Yn Kamelot - John Parker 3. Mighal An Gov, St Cleer Kerdhes War an Dowr – An Testament Nowydh 2. Denise Chubb & Delia Brotherton, Portreath - Y’n Studhla - John Parker 4. Trevor Smitheram, Hayle - tba 5. Paul Holmes, St Illogan Thessalonians I: 1-10 The Cornish language classes will take place in The Parlour and will be followed by refreshments in the Trevail Room. Adjudicator: Elizabeth Stewart mis Meurth 2012 4 Chalenj Fylm Kernewek 90 Eylen Gool Fylm Kernow re omjunyas gans o-region ha MAGA dhe bresentya an kynsa ‘Chalenj Fylm Kernewek 90 Eylen’ bythkweyth! - Res yw dhe’n fylm bos gorfennys wosa 6ves mis Du 2011 - Yth yw res bos kynsa diskwedhyans orth Gool Fylm Kernow 2012 - Kost a £5 dhe brofya pub fylm (profyansow heb finweth) - 3 piwas ervirys gans an vreusysi: 1a Piwas £1,000; 2a Piwas £500; 3a Piwas £250 – ha Piwas Goslowysi £250 - An vreusysi a vydh kanasow an skoodhyer sodhogel / o-region / Gool Fylm Kernow / gwester arbennek - Linen varow rag profyansow yw 10kh 1a mis Ebrel 2012. Rag solempnya 11ves bledhen a’n Gool, ymons i ow lonchya versyon nowyth ha moy dalhus a’n kesstrif rag fylmow berr yn Kernewek. Yn keskowethyans gans o-region, kowethas askorrans selys yn Kernow, ha skoodhys gans MAGA, an ‘Chalenj Fylm Kernewek 90 Eylen’ a wra dri war-barth elvennow a’n darvos meur gerys, an ‘Big Pitcher’, gans avoncyans an yeth Kernewek dre wrians fylm. An chalenj yw dhe wul fylm a 90 eylen, ny vern a by ehen, a wra devnydhya a’n yeth Kernewek yn fordh a vri. Bagas a vreusysi a wra mires orth oll an fylmow ha dewis 25 dhe vos diskwedhys dhe Wool Fylm Kernow yn mis Du avel kesstrif gans piwasow a £1,000 rag kynsa piwas, £500 rag nessa piwas, £250 rag tressa piwas, ha piwas aral a £250 dhe vos dewisys gans an woslowysi. REWLYS: - Thema: Govyn Kernewek – res yw dhe’n fylm devnydhya Kernewek yn fordh a vri - Ny vern py ehen a fylm yw - Hirder: namoy ages 90 eylen mis Meurth 2012 - Mar ny gewsewgh hwi Kernewek, na borthowgh own – yma gweres ragowgh hwi! Yma MAGA ow profya gweres hag y hyllir dadhla agas edhommow genen dre e-bostya po pellgewsel orth 01872 323497. All entries will be viewed by a select panel and the top 25 entries will be screened in a juried competition at the Cornwall Film Festival in November. Cash prizes will be awarded for first (£1,000), second (£500) and third (£250) place, along with an audience award (£250) to be decided at the festival. RULES: - Theme: Govyn Kernewek - must use Cornish language in a significant way - Any genre - Maximum running time: 90 seconds (including credits) - Must have been completed after Nov 6th 2011 - This must be the premiere screening of the film - Entry fee £5 per film (unlimited entries) Rag profya agas fylm y fydh edhom dhywgh y ughkarga dhe Vimeo. - Three Jury Awards: 1st Prize £1,000; 2nd Prize £500; 3rd Prize £250 - plus an Audience Award £250 Rag pella derivadow mirewgh orth http:// - Jury members will represent Official Sponsor / o-region / CFF / Special Guest 90 Second Kernewek Film Challenge Cornwall Film Festival has joined up with o-region and MAGA to present the first ever ‘90 Second Kernewek Film Challenge’! To celebrate its 11th year, the CFF is launching a new, more inclusive version of its long running Cornish language short film competition. In partnership with Cornwall based production company o-region and sponsored by MAGA, the 90 Second Kernewek Film Challenge will combine elements of the ever popular Big Pitcher event with the promotion of the Cornish language through filmmaking. - Deadline for entry 10am 1st August 2012. If you don't speak Cornish - never fear - help is at hand! MAGA is offering assistance and you can discuss your requirements by emailing or phoning 01872 323497. To enter your film you will need to upload it to a private, passwordprotected account on Vimeo. For further information go to http:// The challenge involves making a 90 second film, of any genre, that uses the Cornish language in a significant way. 5 Mirew’ ort Tamara war-linen Onan a’n gwella poyntys en Gool Fylm Kernow an bledhydnyow diwettha ma a veu an kesstrif henwys ‘Govyn Kernewek’. kernewegores abel ha kampyores revya ha hwath dadhelores warbydn freudh ha garowder. Tamara An fyt omdowl ma ynter dyffrans gwrioryon a fylmow en Kernowek a ros dhen divers dentethow avel ‘An Jowl yn agas Kegin’ gen Brett Harvey ha’n fylm kenys ‘Skynt’ a veu gwres warlergh an gis Bollywood gen Ian now available to watch online. ‘Tamara’ was co-written and directed by well known Cornish storyteller Will Gen aray rych a gomplow ow tochya Coleman, whose previous films ‘Jooan istori arwodhel ha politek Dowr Tamar, Choy an Horr’ and ‘Tom and the Giant’ ma ‘Tamara’ ow tidhana e’n kettermyn won the Cornwall Film Festival audi- ha’ ev ow terivas, ha’y davas pub pres ence award and the coveted Celtic et y vogh, war-lergh an vaner own. Ma Media Festival award in Galway. an fylm ow tyghtya dyffrans maters a’gan dedhyow nei, avel omdhetermyans, kenedhlegieth ha’ uthweyth keswlasek. What were Davey and Dawe up to last night? Well, it involved a rubber dinghy, a home-made bomb and the Tamar Bridge! But the boys didn’t reckon on Bucknole. Rag an dus na veu gwelys Gen an waryoryon a Gernow veur- losing their hearts to Tamara; fluent ganjans an fylm a waynyas en 2011, gerys, Charlie Barnecut, Dean Nolan Cornish speaker, champion rower and ‘Tamara’ a ell bos gwelys war-linen and Jenny Beare, an fylm kot ma ew advocate of non-violence... lebmyn. purra dynamit! ‘Tamara’ a veu skrifys gen an hwed- Mirew’ ort an fylm war-linen ort http:// to the symbolic and political history of hlor godhvedhys Will Coleman ha’y the Tamar River, ‘Tamara’ entertains, gowetha. An fylmow a wrug Will paruji Watch ‘Tamara’ online kens lebmyn, ‘Jooan Choy an Horr’ ha ‘Tom and the Giant’ a waynyas powas gosloworyon Gool Fylm Kernow ha’n powas hwansys dhort an Celtic Media Festival en Galway. A real highlight of Cornwall Film Festival over the past few years has been the ‘Govyn Kernewek’ competition. This prize-fight between Cornish language With a rich array of historical allusions informs and, with tongue appropriately in cheek, confronts head-on some contemporary issues around selfdetermination, Cornish nationalism and international terrorism. film makers has given us such treats Featuring much-loved Cornish actors Pandra era Davey ha Dawe ow kul as Brett Harvey’s ‘An Jowl yn Agas Charlie Barnecut, Dean Nolan and nyhewer ? Dar ! Th era skath hwethys, Kegin (The Devil in your Kitchen)’ and Jenny Beare the short film is pure dy- tanbelen gwres e’n dre, ha Pons Ian Bucknole’s Bollywood-style musical namite! Tamar ! Saw an vebyon, na dhesens ‘Skynt’. And for those of you who Watch it on-line at http:// kelli aga holodnow dhe Tamara, neb o missed the 2011 winner, ‘Tamara’ is Orsik Peran “Dydh da, ow hanow yw Orsik Peran.“ “Dydh da, ow hanow yw Orsik Peran ha my a veu henwys a-barth Sen Peran, tasek stenoryon. Baner Sen Peran yw baner Kernow, hag ow fenn-bloodh yw 5es a vis Meurth, hag yw Gool Sen Peran.” “Hello, my name is Perran Bear and I am named after St Piran, the patron saint of tin miners. The St Piran’s flag is the flag of Cornwall and my birthday is 5th March, which is St Piran’s Day.” Y hyllir prena Orsik Peran dhyworth Perran Bear can be bought from mis Meurth 2012 Perran Bear 6 Gelligow Hellys Ottomma an Gelligow Hellys ow kul aga ambos yn Kernewek. Julia Wass a wrug mos di mis Genver rag aga dyski geryow Kernewek rag gorhemynadow, liwyow ha niverow. Yth esa an Gelligow owth omlowenhe gwari ha kana y’n yeth Kernewek. An ger gwella dhedha o 'bryntin'! - hag yth esons i bryntin, yn hwir! Helston Brownies Here are the Helston Brownies making their promise in Cornish. Julia Wass went along in January to teach them greetings, colours and numbers in Cornish. The Brownies enjoyed playing and singing in Cornish. Their favourite word was ‘bryntin’ (brilliant) – and they were indeed brilliant! Gelligow Hellys ow kul aga ambos yn Kernewek ~ Helston Brownies making their promise in Cornish Pennseythen Gernewek Yma Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek ow restra Pennseythen Gernewek herwydh usadow rag pubonan a vynn devnydhya an yeth Kernewek. gwriansow hag arethow rag pub nivel. Nowyth hevleni, y fydh ‘Dydh Stoffya’ rag kynsa prys – chons rag ombroforyon yn apposyansow Kernewek dhe dhasweles puptra rag aga apposyansow. Yma furvlennow erhi war wiasva Kernewegoryon yn Tewynblustri ~ Cornish speakers in Newquay MAGA ha’n linen varow yw 31ns mis Meurth. Rag An bennseythen a vydh synsys dhe pella derivadow Ostel Sandy Lodge, Tewynblustri dy’ kestevewgh orth Gwener 11ves – dy’ Sul 13ves mis Me. po 01344 Yma dhe’n Bennseythen ayrgylgh 424105. diskwithys ha kowethek rag dalethoryon lann bys dhe gowsoryon Pennseythen Gernewek freth dhe omlowenhe klassow, Kowethas An Yeth Kernewek is mis Meurth 2012 hosting another Pennseythen Gernewek (Cornish Language Weekend) for all those interested in the Cornish language. The weekend will take place at the Sandy Lodge Hotel in Newquay and run from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th May. The Pennseythen offers a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in which complete beginners through to advanced speakers can enjoy a range of classes, activities and talks to suit all levels. This year’s Pennseythen will also feature the first ever ‘Dydh Stoffya’ – a cramming session for anyone taking exams in Cornish this summer. Booking forms are available to download from the MAGA website and the closing date for bookings is 31st March. For further information contact Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek at or phone 01344 424105. 7 Ar Redadeg en Breten Vian Gen Morwenna Jenkin ‘Ar Redadeg’ ew resegva daskor rag an tavas Breton a vedh gwres eneth arta ‘ter an 12ves ha’n 19ves a vis Me 2012. An resegva a vedh 1,500 km en hester, oll a-dro dhe Vreten Vian ha ponyes ‘vedh en jedh hag en nos gen bagasow a skodhyoryon a’n tavas a veu pernys ganjons an gwir dhe dhon an lorgh, radn ha radn wor an kilometer. An resegva a vedn dalla en Brest, ha passya reb for’ow Montroulez/Morlaix, St Brieg/St Brieuc, Roazhon/Rennes, Naoned/Nantes, An Oriant/Lorient, Karaez/Carhaix, Kemper/Quimper ken diwedha en Douarnenez. An tybyans ma a dheuth a’n Pow Bask, lebma veu dalethys an ‘Korrika’ nanj ew pemp bledhen warn ugens ha gwres 'vedh Ar Redadeg’ en Breten Vian pub diw vledhen. Th ew hebma an tryja gweyth. An kensa resegva a veu ornys dhe skoodhya skolyow Diwan bes lebmyn ema hanter an mona gwaynys ow mos dhe Diwan ha hanter dhe dhyffrans towlow erel a veu gwres dhe avoncya an tavas Breton: dyllo levrow, gwariva, oberow natur, sportys ha kebmys a daklow erel. Pub kilometer a vedh gwerthys rag 100 euro dhe bersons udnik ha clubs ha gwerthys rag 200 euro dhe negysyow, kompanis ha governans leel. Ma tus erel ow ponya gen deger an lorgh hag e’n vledhen 2010 a-dro dhe 10,000 a dus a gemeras radn. Messach a-jei dhe’n lorgh a vedh passyes a’n eyl resor dh’y gila ha redyes 'vedh woja an diwettha kilometer en Douarnenez. Ma hebma ow mos avel arwodh an tavas a vedh passyes an eyl kowser dh’y gila, henedh war henedh. Avoncya an Tavas Breton Ken fo gwres an resegva dhe brovia mis Meurth 2012 mona rag an tavas Breton, ema ken part dhedhi ew moy bysi hwath. Thema an vledhen ma a vedh ‘Brezhoneg ha Plijadur’ (Breton ha Plesour) ha dyffrans keskanow ha hwarvosow erel a vedh ornys war an for’ a-hes ha specyli dhe’n dalleth ha diwedh. Ma hebma ow kweres dhe argemydna an tavas ha ma lies skoodhyer na wor dhe gows Breton uji ow kemeres radn e’wedh. Ma hwans dhe junya kowsoryon a'n tavas gen tus na wor’anjei dh'y glappya ha provia endella keschanjyow 'ter an dus yonk ha'n re goth, keffres ha skodhyoryon dhort powyow erel. En 2010 'th era resoryon ow mos rag powyow Keltek erel, avel Kembra, Werdhon ha Kernow. Mar medn nebonen dhort Kernow ponya en resegva daskor an vledhen ma, gwrew’ skrifa dhe Morwenna Jenkin, mar pow’ plesys, ort : An vledhen ma Dom Duff a skrifas kan dhe argemydna an resegva daskor, gen video a ell bos gwelys war Youtube: CLtpn2z91DU?hd=1. Gen govenek y fedh ‘Ar Redadeg 2012’ gwell hwath es an diw resegva sowen a veu gwres kens. Ar Redadeg By Morwenna Jenkin The ‘Redadeg,’ the relay race for the Breton language, will take place once again between 12th and 19th May 2012. The race covers 1500km all around Brittany and is run day and night by groups of Breton language supporters who have bought one kilometre sections and the right to carry the baton through those sections. The race will start in Brest, passing through Montroulez/Morlaix, St Brieg/St Brieuc, Roazhon/Rennes, Naoned/Nantes, An Oriant/Lorient, Karaez/Carhaix, Kemper/Quimper and finishing in Douarnenez. The idea of this relay came from the Basque Country, where the Korrika started 25 years ago, and the Redadeg now takes place every two years in Brittany. This is the third edition. The first race was organised to help finance the Diwan schools but now half the money gained goes to Diwan and half to other projects set up to promote Breton in publishing, drama, nature activities and sport amongst others. Each kilometre is sold for 100 euros to individuals or clubs and 200 euros to businesses or local government organisations. The baton carrier is accompanied by others and in 2010 about 10 000 people ran altogether. A message held within the baton and passed on from one runner to another will be read at the end of the final kilometre in Douarnenez. This symbolises the transmission of the Breton language from one person to another, from one generation to another. Promoting Breton Although the relay is organised to help finance Breton it also has a much more important role. The theme this year is Brezhoneg ha Plijadur (Breton and Pleasure) and concerts and different activities are organised all along the route and especially at the beginning and the end. This helps to publicise the language and many non-Breton speaking sympathisers also participate. The aim is to link Breton speakers and non-Breton speakers, to provide opportunities for exchange between young and old and between Bretons and supporters from elsewhere. In 2010 there were runners representing other Celtic countries, such as Wales, Ireland and Cornwall. If anyone from Cornwall would be interested in taking part in the relay this year, please contact Morwenna Jenkin at This year a song has been written by Dom Duff to publicise the relay and a video of it is available to watch on Youtube: CLtpn2z91DU?hd=1. It is hoped that the ‘Ar Redadeg 2012’ will be even more successful than the two previous ones. 8 Darvosow / Events mis Meurth / March 2.30pm 2 Saints and Skinners, a double celebration of St.Piran and St.Patrick, Cornish music from Dalla plus Irish music from Alan Burton & Steve Hunt, followed by a proper job session with Bagas Crowd, Seiners, Perranporth, 7.30pm ( 01872 573 118) 5 Procession in Marazion, 5.45pm from the Guildhall, finishing with entertainment at the Cutty Sark 2 Pirantide celebrations at the Victory Hall, Roche, 6pm 01208 77037 3 St. Piran's Festival in Redruth: entertainment in the town begins at 10.00, with a three -part procession converging outside the miner's statue at about 11.30 and making its way to Redruth Rugby Club, where there will be more entertainment - and a rugby match of course! http:// 3 The Welcome, Perranporth, 6pm 01872 571560 3 The Big St. Piran Nos Lowen - with Dalla plus special guests, The Performance Centre, Tremough Campus, University College Falmouth, Doors 8pm (01326 243843) 3 Cornish Music and Singers Session, Ring Of Bells, St Issey 8.30pm – tel. 01841 540251 3 St Piran's Feast, Victoria Hotel, Newquay - tea dance from 3-6pm followed by feast at 7. 30pm – further details from Beatrice 01209 860410 4 St Piran Play - a processional play through the sand dunes to the sites of the oratory and mediaeval church, Perran Sands Holiday Park, 2pm, for further information call 01872 572121 4 Dydh Tregedna Loundres, pella derivadow dhiworth Tony Hak - 01344 424105 5 St Piran's Day 5 St Piran’s Day event in Penryn Temperance Hall, for more details visit 5 Procession in Falmouth, starting from The Moor at 10am (gathering from 9.30 in the WI Hall), finishing in the WI Hall with storytelling, singing and dancing – further information from Vicki Ferguson 01326 315013 or 5 Raising the St Piran flag, Launceston, 6pm 6 Yeth an Werin, Royal Standard, Gwinear, 8pm - for further information contact 6 St Piran Concert at St Johns Hall, Penzance, 7pm 10 Dance lead by Pyba, Penstow Manor, 5pm, Morwenstow (01288 321354) 10 Kernow in the City, Rich Mix, London 11 Evensong in Cornish for the feast of St Piran, Perranarworthal Church, 3pm 14 Yeth an Werin, The Wig & Pen, Truro - for further information join the Yeth an Werin Truru group on Facebook 14 Open House Cornish Music Session, Masons Arms, Bodmin, 8pm – contact 01208 77442 17 Cornish Dance Day, Seiners Arms, Perranporth – contact 01208 831642 17 Celtic Market raising funds for International Celtic Congress in Cornwall 2013, Leedstown Village Hall, 11am3pm 20 Yeth an Werin, Cornish Arms, St Ives - for further information contact 21 Yeth an Werin, Coldstreamer, Gulval - for further information contact 22 Yeth an Werin, New Inn, Mabe - for further information contact 26 Yeth an Werin, The Blue Anchor, Helston - for further information contact 27 Yeth an Werin, Plume of Feathers, Scorrier - for further information contact 5 Raising the flag ceremony with Porthleven Old Cornwall Society at Gartul, Breageside, 10am – further details from Beatrice 01209 860410 5 St Piran in Penwith Procession, Penzance, starting from Causeway Head at 10.30am and ending at St John’s Hall 5 Procession in Bodmin, 10.30 from Lower Bore Street, followed by speeches, singing and dancing on Mount Folly and performances by local schools at St Petroc’s church 5 Procession through Truro, starting from Waterfall Gardens off St George’s Road at 1.15pm, finishing at High Cross – further information from or 5 St Piran’s Day Session in the Crab & Ale House, Truro, mis Meurth 2012 Gwari Gool Peran orth Marhas Yow 2011 ~ St Piran Play at Marazion 2011 9 Dylansow nowyth / New publications Publisher: Evertype A journey into Cornwall's mythical past adapted and retold in popular and colourful graphic narrative format for those of all ages who enjoy great art and story telling. (KS) ISBN 978-1-904808-74-9 Book £19.95 Available from or See http:// *** A Practical Book of Cornish Verbs kuntellys gans Dee Brotherton Dyller: Agan Tavas Whedhlow ha drollys a Gernow Goth derivys ha lymnys gans Nigel Roberts, treylys gans Nicholas Williams Dyller: Evertype Viaj aberth y’n mystery henwhedhlow agan pow ni, desedhys rag agan dedhyow ni ha dasterivys yn form grafek spladn a wra plesya pynag oll a garra delinyansow bryntin ha whedhlow da. (KS) ISBN 978-1-904808-74-9 Lyver £19.95 Kavadow dhyworth po Gweler http:// Whedhlow ha drollys a Gernow Goth written and illustrated by Nigel Roberts, translated by Nicholas Williams Lyver verbow yn Kernewek Unyes leun compassus. Verbow meur yw res gans aga hesyewans leun hag a-berth y'n lyver yma kedhlow aral dhe les ow tochya devnydh verbow Kernewek. (KU) ISBN 978-1-901409-14-7 Lyver £8.95 Cavadow dhyworth Agan Tavas pell. 01209 842394 po A Practical Book of Cornish Verbs Kestavow / Contacts Dyghtyer Displegyer / Development Manager - Jenefer Lowe Sodhogyon Adhyskans / Education Officers - Pol Hodge & Mike Tresidder Sodhek rag Skoodhya Ragdresow / Project Support Officer - Elizabeth Stewart Menystrer / Administrator - Sam Rogerson Trigva / Address: Cornish Language Partnership Cornwall Council Dalvenie House County Hall Truro Cornwall TR1 3AY compiled by Dee Brotherton Pellgowser/ Telephone: Publisher: Agan Tavas 01872 323497 A comprehensive book of verbs in Unified Cornish. Main verbs are given with their full conjugations and the book contains other useful information about the use of Cornish verbs. (UC) E-bost / E-mail: ISBN 978-1-901409-14-7 Book £8.95 Gwiasva / Website: Available from Agan Tavas tel. 01209 842395 or Derivadow Pella /Further Information For further information about any of the articles in this newsletter, please contact the MAGA office using the contact details above. Arhesans Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek yw dhyworth: The Cornish Language Partnership is funded by: If you are organising a Cornish language event and would like to have it publicised in this newsletter please send us the details. If you would like to subscribe to receive this newsletter free of charge every month send us an e-mail or letter and we will add you to our distribution list. Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to others. Deadline for contributions to April newsletter: Monday 26th March. mis Meurth 2012 10
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