November 2014 Newsletter - Cornish Language Partnership
November 2014 Newsletter - Cornish Language Partnership
Kevren Cornish language n e w s mis Du 2014 November 2014 Aberveth / Inside Minister hears about Cornish language work Letting the government know what we do Boswinger News on the latest intensive Cornish language course run by MAGA Lowender Peran The last year at Perranporth for this festival included plenty of Cornish language Kesva Teachers' Day The next Kesva teachers' day will take place on Saturday 22nd November Skians 02 Cornwall College hosted the first Cornish language research network conference 02 Taves an Tir update 03 The next 'discovery day' will be in Lanivet on Saturday 15th November 03 Text friend 04 Speaker in the Hampshire area looking to practise Cornish with a fellow learner 05 Agan Tavas e-library Two new bilingual e-books are now available to download for free 04 05 Niverans kowsoryon User Survey Pygemmys pobel a gows Kernewek ytho? Warlena o an kynsa tro nans yw pymp bledhen may kuntellsyn dustuni dhyworth Kernewegoryon. Yth esa gorthyp da ha'n Keskowethyans a wrug unnverhe dhe wul hemma pub bledhen may hyllyn diskwedha an avonsyans gwrys dre ober kemeneth an yeth yn tien. Gans an sondyans ma, ni a vynn diskudha pygemmys pobel a wor nebes Kernewek, po nebes geryow po Kernewek freth. Sempel ha berr yw ha nyns eus ynno saw govynnadow elvennek. Da via genen kestava kemmys a’n pobel a wra devnydh a Gernewek dell yw possybyl, ytho gwrewgh danvon an gevren ma dhe bubonan aswonys genowgh a wor nebes Kernewek. Y fydhyn ni orth y herdhya dre bub bagas an yeth, media social hag yn fordhow erel. Versyon war baper yw kavadow rag an re na's teves jynn-amontya. Martesen hwi a wra degemerys an sondyans ma moy es unnweyth, mes ni a wovyn orthowgh hwi dh’y lenwel unnweyth yn unnik may hyllyn bos sur an niverow dhe vos ewn – heb linen sel dha, kales yw mesura an avonsyans. Ny dal an sondyans kemeres moy es pymp mynysen dh’y lenwel ha da via genen degemeres gorthebow kyns diwedh mis Du 2014. _____________________________ So how many people speak Cornish? Last year was the first time in five years that we gathered evidence from Cornish users. We had a good response and the Partnership agreed that this should be an annual survey, so that the progress made as a result of the efforts of the whole of the language community can be evidenced. With this survey, we hope to establish how many people know some Cornish, from just a few words up kavadow warlinen available online Events Information about upcoming Cornish events 06 Further information Information about this newsletter and the next deadline 06 to and including full fluency. It is simple, short and asks only the basic questions. We would like to reach all of the users of Cornish that we can, so please forward this link to everyone you can think of who knows a little Cornish. We will be promoting it through language groups, social media and in other ways. A paper version is available for those who do not have computer access. You may receive this several times through different means, but we ask that you only fill it in once so that we can ensure we have accurate figures – without a good baseline, it is very difficult to measure progress. The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete, and we ask that replies reach us by the end of November 2014. Rag kowlwul an niverans / To complete the survey: magausage2014 An Menyster a glew adro dhe ober gans Kernewek Minister hears about Cornish language work RIGHT Representatives from MAGA & Cornwall Council met with Stephen Williams MP. Dres vysyt dhe Gernow nans yw termyn berr, an Menyster ha ganso omgemeryans rag Kernewek, Rt Hon Stephen Williams, MP a spenas unn myttin yn tien ow koslowes orth avonsyans yn displegyans Kernewek hag ober an Keskowethyans ha’ga eseli. Yth esa lies derivas, gans kanasow dhyworth Skolyow Meythrin ha Skol Park Eglos, dyskadoryon Kernewek, ragdresow kemenethek, Radyo Kernow, an gonys treylyans ha Maga y honan ow klerhe rannow a’n ober. Yn keswel war Radyo Kernow, an Menyster re kampollas efander an ober usi ow hwarvos. An kas rag kevarghow yn Kernewek dhyworth an governans dhe besya o profyes yn krev hag y fydh herdhyes gans Maga y’n misyow dhe dhos. _____________________________________________ During a recent visit to Cornwall, the Minister with responsibility for Cornish, the Rt Hon. Stephen Williams, MP, spent a morning hearing about the progress on the development of Cornish and the work of the Partnership organisations. Presentations were wide-ranging, with representatives of Skolyow Meythrin, Parc Eglos School, Cornish language teachers, community projects, Radio Cornwall, the translation service and Maga itself explaining the various areas of work. In an interview on Radio Cornwall the Minister noted the breadth of the work happening on the ground. The case for continued investment by the government in the Cornish language was put strongly and will be pursued by Maga in the coming months. Skians (Rosweyth Hwithrans an Taves Kernewek) Skians (Cornish Language Research Network) An kynsa keskussulyans a Rosweyth Hwithrans an Taves Kernewek a veu synsys dhe Golji Kernow dhe’n 27ens ha 28ens a vis Hedra hag y tennas kevrenogyon dhyworth Kernow keffrys ha dhyworth broyow pell avel Itali. Efander kooth a baperyow a veu res, dhyworth dadhel a-dro dhe boyntys gramasek ha kesweythek, dielvennans a dekstow hag arvreus liennek dhe studhyansow kehevelek a dhisplegyans yethek yn kemenethow yethek dihaval ha dielvennans a nebes an chalenjys a wra enebi Kernewek hedhyw. Gelwys veu Professor Ken MacKinnon a ri an areth alhwedhek, le may firas orth tirwedh hwithrans Kernewek hag ev a brofyas rol negys hwithrans rag avis y’n termyn a dheu. Arethoryon erel re viajsa dhyworth Kembra, Iwerdhon ha leow erel rag kemeres rann hag yth esa presentyansow erel dre Skype, y’ga mysk onan dhyworth Peru! Skians yw rosweyth nowydh, selys wos’talleth yn keskowethyans yntra Maga, Kresen Studhyansow Kernewek (Pennskol Karesk) ha Kolji Kernow. Y vedras yw dhe dhri war-barth hwithrans a-dro dhe hag a vri dhe Gernewek, mar pe henna yethoniethel, socio-yethoniethel po statystegel. 2 Dyllys vydh an paperyow dhyworth an keskussulyans yn gwiasva nowydh desinys dhe wolowboyntya hwithrans a-dro dhe po a vri dhe Gernewek. The Inaugural Cornish Language Network Conference was held at Cornwall College on October 27th and 28th and attracted participants from Cornwall to as far afield as Italy. An excellent range of papers were presented, ranging from discussion on points of grammar and structure, textual analysis and literary criticism to comparative studies of language development in different linguistic communities and analysis of some of the challenges which face Cornish today. Professor Ken MacKinnon was invited to give the keynote address, in which he looked at the Cornish research landscape and proposed a research agenda for future consideration. Other presenters had travelled from Wales, Ireland and other places to take part and there were also presentations via Skype, including one from Peru! Skians is a new network based initially on a partnership between Maga, the Institute of Cornish Studies (Exeter University) and Cornwall College. The aim is to bring together research about and of relevance to Cornish, be that linguistic, sociolinguistic or statistical. The papers from the conference will be published shortly on a new website designed to highlight research about or of relevance to Cornish. mis Du / 2014 Boswynngor Boswinger Meur ras bras a Esther Johns ha Sarah Tresidder rag aga helgh tresor ha gromerci dhe Maureen Pierce rag hy maglennow awgrym – fest kales o! Ni oll a dhyskas an lavar meur a vri, ‘ny wonn vy’. Gans fydhyans ynkressys rag klappyers, kanoryon ha dyskadoryon, Boswynngor o ober kales mes sewen marthys da. _____________________________________________ RIGHT Attendees at Boswinger writing policies for their mock party elections. Pyth yw Boswynngor? Nyns yw annedh rag kevewi dhe gestreylya gorti po gwreg [bos + swinger]! Boswynngor yw an le may feu synsys kors gluw yn Kernewek – pymp dyskador ha dewdhek studhyer rag tri dydh ha heb Sowsnek! Devedhys veu y’n kors ma, restrys gans Maga, tus dyworth Pennsans dhe Lannstefan ha dew gerneweger freth dyworth Kardydh mes heb Kembrek! Gras dhe Ken George rag y areth pur dha a-dro dhe F.V. Walling ha yn Kernewek yn Kynsa Bresel an Norvys hag ynwedh an gwari Call My Bluff. Meur ras a Jan Edmonson rag hy etholans. What is Boswinger? Well it isn’t a place for a wife/ husband swapping party (bos + swinger)! Boswinger is the place where the latest Cornish intensive course was held – five teachers and twelve students for three days with not a word of English! Participants in this course, organised by Maga, included people from Penzance to Launceston and two fluent Cornish speakers from Cardiff – who do not speak Welsh! Our thanks go to Ken George for his excellent talk in Cornish about F.V.Walling and Cornish in the First World War and also for the Call My Bluff game. Thanks also to Jan Edmondson for her mock 'election'. Many thanks to Esther Johns and Sarah Tresidder for their treasure hunt and to Maureen Pierce for her maths problems – and very difficult they were! We all learned the important phrase ‘I don’t know’. With increased confidence in speakers, singers and teachers, Boswinger was hard work but a great success. Nowedhheans Taves an Tir Taves an Tir update Yma ragdres Taves an Tir owth avonsya an nessa hwarvos Agan Henwyn Agan Kernow. Henwys Dydh Diskudhans, an amkan yw dhe vos hwarvos kemenethek may hallo tus y vysytya, eva hanafas, ha dyski neppyth a-dro dhe henwyn tylleryow kernewek hag istori Pluwneves. Y fydh diskwedhyansow, mappow, skeusennow ha kedhlow a-dro dhe’n ragdres ha’n yeth ollgemmyn. Yma hwarvos Facebook rag an jydh may hyllir gortos yn-dann dava. Na hockyewgh dhe vos ena ha profya govynnow a-dro dhe’n hwarvos po a-dro dhe’n ragdres dre vras, po govynnewgh orth Twitter @tavesantir. Pella derivadow orth goles an skrisel. Mars owgh trigys y’n ranndir ha bodhek dhe dhiskwedhes skrisell, na hockyewgh dhe dhevnydhya an huni awoles rag hy fryntya, po danvon ebost dhe Rob Simmons orth hag ev a wra surhe hwi dhe dhegemeres nebes skrisellow. November / 2014 The Taves an Tir project are promoting the next Our Names Our Cornwall event. Called a Discovery Day it aims to be a community event where people can drop in, have a cuppa and learn something about the Cornish language place names and history of the parish of Lanivet. There will be exhibitions, maps, photos and material about the project and the Cornish language in general. There is a Facebook event for the day to keep in touch, feel free to go on there and ask any questions about the event or the project in general, or ask on Twitter @tavesantir. More details at the bottom of the poster. If you live in the area and would be willing to put up poster feel free to use the one below for printing or email Rob Simmons on and he will get some posters to you. Rag derivadow pella/For further information: 11886/?source=1&sid_create=610415132 3 Lowender Peran An re na neb era e’n Seiners e’n termyn na a veu chersyes dre ganow a The Aggie Boys, gwaynyoryon a Gan rag Kernow warlena. Thera anjei o kana en Kernowek y'wedh. An peth a wayt termyn spladn a dheu, o, dell wrug an bobel kana kanow hengovek e’n barr heb paruji, ha re a veu kenys en radn bo en tien en Kernowek maga ta! RIGHT Keur heb hanow performing at Lowender Peran. An taves Kernowek a dhiskwedhas y honan en fadnek ort gool Lowender Peran a’n vledhen ma. Hevlena tho an diwettha bledhen Lowender Peran dhe voas en ostel Ponsmere en Porth Peran, ha dhe voas marthys yth ombrovas. Kevewyji avleythys, keffres ha’n re na neb o nowydh dhe’n gool, oll warbarth, a senjis pur dha towlen a lies eghen a vusik ha dons a’n powyow Keltek ha donsya ha kana pell aberth e’n nos. Y feu an keskanow kowal presentys en dew daves, hag arwodhyow en Kernowek ha Sowsnek a alja boas gwelys oll adro dhe’n ostel. Thera diskwedhyans a hwel MAGA, stallys neb a wertha devnydhyow en Kernowek, bo adro dhe Gernowek, a veu menystrys gen Kowethas an Yeth hag Agan Tavas, ha govel daves skoodhys en ta, dyghtys gen Pol Hodge. Tho gofednys gen an towl Kan rag Dons, oberys dre Gowethas Dons Kernow, ort bagajow dhe gesoberi warbarth gen kanoresow ha kanoryon dhe wul gwrythow rag keskan de’ Sadorn en doghajedh ha re anodhans a dhewisas dhe gana en Kernowek. Tho proviys gen MAGA treylyans ha deskas rag udn keur, ha Matthi Clarke dhe hedhes gorra aberth e’n termyn kott esedhek kanow en Kernowek, o kana rag Kan rag Dons ha performya gen y vagas Kernowek henwys Growan, oll hedna warbarth en udn jorna! De’ Sul, Keur Heb Hanow a ros performans brentin a ganow en Kernowek, en omdhiskwedhes reb keur Cor Cwm Ni, Kembrek y daves. En udn pryck, y feu kenys Bro Goth gen an dhew geur en Kernowek hag en Kembrek en kettermyn - pryjweyth prout a veu hedna! Koweth Tekst Text friend Koweth Tekst yw hwilys orth nivel kres rag praktisya an yeth kernewek. Kestevewgh orth Justin - 07948 675679. _____________________________________________ 4 Text friend sought at an intermediate standard to practise the Cornish language. Contact Justin on 07948 675679. Ha pandra vedh? Well, e’n vledhen a dheu, y hwra Lowender Peran chanjya dhe Dewynblustri ha happya e'n Atlantic Hotel. Sadd ew, dell hembronk kerdhejyas broas a’n par ma dhe janjyansow fatel ober an gool, bes penag oll a hwarffo, mall vedh genen pejya kesoberi gen Lowender Peran, heb own, dell vedh ordenoryon an degol o rei ga gwella skovarn dhe vaters a Gernowek. _____________________________________________ The Cornish language was much in evidence at this year’s Lowender Peran festival. This year was the final year for Lowender Peran at the Ponsmere Hotel in Perranporth and it proved to be exceptional. Hardened festival goers and those new to the festival all enjoyed a varied programme of music and dance from around the Celtic countries and danced and sang way into the night. The concerts were all compered bilingually in Cornish and English and Cornish signage had appeared all round the hotel. There was an exhibition of the work of Maga, stalls selling Cornish language materials run by Kowethas an Yeth and Agan Tavas and a well-supported Cornish language workshop run by Pol Hodge. The Kan rag Dons project, run by the Cornish dance Society, had asked dance groups to work with singers to create performances for a concert on Saturday afternoon and some of these chose to sing in Cornish. Maga had provided translation and coaching for one of the choirs, while Matthi Clarke managed to fit in running a song session in Cornish, singing for Kan rag Dons and performing with his Cornish language group Growan, all in one day! On Sunday, Keur Heb Hanow gave a fantastic performance of songs in Cornish, appearing alongside Welsh speaking choir Cor Cwm Ni. At one point Bro Goth was sung by both choirs in Cornish and Welsh at the same time – an uplifting moment. Those in the Seiners at that time were treated to songs from the Aggie Boys, winners of last year’s Kan rag Kernow, who were also singing in Cornish. What bodes well for the future was that impromptu singing of traditional songs in the bar included some partially or entirely sung in Cornish as well. What does the future hold? Well, next year Lowender Peran moves to Newquay and will take place at the Atlantic Hotel. Such a major movement will inevitably lead to changes in how the festival works but whatever happens, we look forward to continuing to work with Lowender Peran confident that they will keep Cornish at its heart. mis Du / 2014 Dydh rag Dyskadoryon an Gesva Kesva Teachers’ Day An Jydh rag Dyskadoryon restrys gans an Gesva a vydh synsys dy’Sadorn an 22ns a vis Du yn Stevel Grenville, Lys Kernow yn Truru dhyworth 10.30 k.h. – 4.00 w.h. Y fydh dasvegyans dhyworth dydh trenyans gans WJEC a-dro dhe’n galladewderyow nowydh rag arvreusyans hag aswonvos sodhogel; studhyer a wra ri ‘Gwelva Studhyer a Dhyski Kernewek’; Liz Carne a wra kewsel a-dro dhe ‘Asnodhow’; y fydh nowedhheans a-dro dhe’n Keskowethyans Dyski an Yeth Kernewek – ha meur a daklow moy. Mar mynnowgh kavos pella derivadow po mar ny dhegemersowgh furvlen ha hwi a garsa bos ena, kestevewgh orth Maureen Pierce. The Kesva teachers’ day will take place on Saturday 22nd November in the Grenville Room at Lys Kernow in Truro from 10.30am - 4pm. There will be feedback from the WJEC training day with the new assessment and accreditation system; a student will give 'A student's view of learning Cornish'; Liz Carne will talk about 'Resources'; there will be an update on the Teachers’ Association - and lots more. If you would like more information or have not yet received a form and would like to go then please contact Maureen Pierce. Rag derivadow pella/For further information: M Pierce - r-Lyverva Hep Cost Agan Tavas Agan Tavas's Free e-Library Yn un gesobery gans Agan Tavas, Gwask an Orlewen yu lowen deryvas bos noweth dyllys deu r-lyver dywyethek rak dyscoryon Kernewek ha redyoryon yowynk. G an O a'n jeves tressa r-lyver y'n gevres yu ogas cowlwres, hag a vyth dyllys kens hyr. Drolla Tubm Scaf-y-Dreys / The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes gans Beatrix Potter £0.00, r-lyver PDF Drolla Gwywer Knofennyk / The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin gans Beatrix Potter £0.00, r-lyver PDF Hem yu dalleth towl gans Agan Tavas dhe wul 'r-lyverva' war lynen a dhafar hep cost rak dyscoryon ha tus yowynk. Agan Tavas a vyn wolcumma profyansow aberth y’n fynyow Agan Tavas adhyworth scryforyon, kevyethoryon ha dylloryon Kernewek, a garra ry yn ro re a'ga scryfow rag comendyans dhe'n towl. Kefrys ha bos dhe les dhe dhyscoryon, hem a vensa sordya gwerthow pella a'ga gwara, hep dowt! _____________________________________________ In collaboration with Agan Tavas, Gwask an Orlewen is delighted to announce the publication of two new bilingual e-books for Cornish learners and younger readers. November / 2014 G an O has a third e-book in the series which is almost completed, and will be released shortly. Drolla Tubm Scaf-y-Dreys / The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes by Beatrix Potter £0.00, PDF e-book Drolla Gwywer Knofennyk / The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin by Beatrix Potter £0.00, PDF e-book This is the beginning of a project by Agan Tavas to create an on-line 'e-library' of free resources for learners and youngsters. Agan Tavas welcomes contributions within the Agan Tavas remit from Cornish language writers, translators and publishers who might like to donate some of their writings for approval to the project. As well as benefitting learners, this would doubtless stimulate extra sales of their wares! Rag derivadow pella/For further information: 5 Darvosow / Events mis Du / November 2014 4 Yeth an Werin, The Royal Standard, Gwinear - for further information contact 4 Yeth an Werin, Y Mochyn Du, Sophia Close, Cardiff - for further information contact 10 Yeth an Werin, The White Hart Hotel, 15 Broad St, Launceston for further information contact 12 Yeth an Werin, Wig & Pen, Truro - for further information join 15 Taves an Tir: Local names discovery day, Lanivet Parish Hall, Church Road, Lanivet - for further information contact or call 07907 462294. 18 Yeth an Werin, Cornish Arms, St Ives - for further information contact 19 Yeth an Werin, The Sportsmans Arms, Heamoor - for further information contact koreen@freshapproachaccountancy. 24 Yeth an Werin, The Blue Anchor, Helston - for further information contact 25 Because they are Cornish: Five views on the usefulness of a minority language, 19.30-21.00. A presentation by Dr. Jesse Harasta on the Cornish Language today at the Cornish Studies Library, The Cornwall Centre, Alma Place, Redruth - for further information contact or call 01209 216760 25 Yeth an Werin, Cornish Arms, Redruth - for further information contact 26 Yeth an Werin, Wig & Pen, Truro - for further information join For more information on the events listed above and for events further ahead visit Kestavow / Contacts Dyghter Displegya Development Manager Jenefer Lowe Sodhogyon Adhyskans Education Officers Pol Hodge & Mike Tresidder Sodhogyon Skoodhya Support Officers Matt Blewett & Sam Rogerson Trigva / Address Cornish Language Partnership Cornwall Council Dalvenie House County Hall Truro Cornwall TR1 3AY Pellgowser / Telephone 01872 323497 E-bost / E-mail Gwiasvaow / Websites Twitter Facebook Derivadow Pella / Further Information For further information about any of the articles in this newsletter, please contact the MAGA office using the contact details above. If you are organising a Cornish language event and would like to have it publicised in this newsletter please send us the details. If you would like to subscribe to receive this newsletter free of charge every month please send us an e-mail or letter and we will add you to our distribution list. Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to others. Deadline for contributions to December newsletter: Fri 21st November 2014 Arhesans Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek yw dhyworth: The Cornish Language Partnership is funded by:
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