December 2015 January 2016 Newsletter
December 2015 January 2016 Newsletter
Kevren C or nish la n gu ag e news mis Kevardhu 2015 / mis Genver 2016 December 2015 / January 2016 Aberveth / Inside Cornish Language Lead The lead for the language unit is announced Happy Christmas 02 Council language plan The council's first language plan is approved 03 Entries for the 2016 CLRN conference are now open 04 MAGA has been working with English Heritage Learning and Communication fund Tickets are now available for the January competition A new fund has been launched to build on services originally provided by MAGA 05 Kowethas treasurer Language Technology Conference Call for a new treasurer to replace Koreen in 2016 06 The British Irish Council held a technology conference in November 07 Events & Yeth an Werin Information about upcoming Cornish events Announcements from Keur heb Hanow and Gwenno 04 New signs at Tintagel Kan rag Kernow 2016 Cornish music in the limelight 02 Skians 2016 Association of Celtic Students The fourth Celtic Students' conference opens in April 2016 in Ireland A special message from Jenefer Lowe as she leaves the MAGA office 04 kavadow warlinen available online Tregedna VII 05 You can now book your place for the next Tregedna weekend 06 Call for Taves an Tir volunteers 06 The Kowethas is looking for volunteers to help with research in Redruth 07 Further information 08 Information about this newsletter and the next deadline 08 Nadelik Lowen ha Bledhen Nowydh da! dhyworth an sodhva Maga Ledyer Taves Kernewek Cornish Language Lead Pes da on ni derivas y fydh Mark Trevethan ow talleth y’n Unses Taves Kernewek dy’Lun an 18ves mis Genver 2016, avel an Ledyer Taves Kernewek nowydh. Y teu Mark dhyworth kilva wovernans leel ha dri y brevyans avel dyskador Kernewek orth an klass Loundres. Yth yw ev bardh Gorsedh Kernow. Y fydh an charj dhodho lewya strateji an taves ha skoodhya displegyans towl taves Konsel Kernow. “Pur yntanus o’ma dhe dhalleth avel Ledyer an Taves Kernewek a-varr y’n vledhen nowydh. Ow sira wynn a dhyskas dhymm an roweth a Gernewek ha my pur yowynk hag y fia ev orgelus – hag ahanav hag a’n pyth re beu kowlwrys rag an taves, kyns oll y’n bledhynnyow a-dhiwedhes gans MAGA. Y fynnav vy surhe y trehav an framweyth nowydh war an momentom ma. Yth yw dhe les dhymm dres oll kavos fordhow gul an taves moy hedhadow, ha mall yw genev a gesoberi gans pub bagas hag unigyn usi seulabrys owth avonsya an taves dres Kernow.” Ni a wayt y hwrewgh hwi omjunya genen ow ri dhe Mark dynnargh tomm. ___________________________________________ We are pleased to announce that on Monday 18th January 2016, Mark Trevethan will be starting in the Cornish Language Unit as the new Cornish Language Lead. Mark comes from a local government background and brings his experience as a Cornish teacher at the London class and is a Bard of the Cornish Gorsedh. He will be responsible for driving the language strategy and supporting the rollout of Cornwall Council’s language plan. “I'm very excited to be starting as the Cornish Language Lead early in the New Year. My grandfather taught me the importance of Cornish from an early age and he would have been very proud - both of me and of what has been achieved for the language, especially in recent years by MAGA. I want to make sure that the new structure builds on this momentum. I am particularly interested in finding ways to make the language more accessible and I look forward to working with all the groups and individuals who are already promoting the language across Cornwall.” We hope that you will join us in giving Mark a warm welcome. Nadelik Lowen Happy Christmas Ha my ow tos dhe dhiwedh ow thermyn gans Maga, da via genev kemeres an chons, der an lyther nowodhow, dhe ri grassow dhe bubonan ahanowgh a wrug skoodhya ha kemeres rann yn ober an Keskowethyans dres an deg bledhen eus passyes. Viaj dhe les re beu ha kyn na wrussyn ni, martesen, mos mar skav dell vynsen ni, re gemersyn kammow bras yn rag. 2 Ow mires orth an lyther nowodhow ma, yma genen lemmyn Konsel a'n jeves y Dowl rag an yeth y honan, usi owth omgemeres displegyans stratejek an yeth, korfow poblek kepar hag Ertach Sowsnek owth oberi gans Kernewek, ragdresow gans ilow ha Kernewek ow kwaynya pewasow ha ragdresow meur kepar ha Taves an Tir. Yma genen myns da a studhoryon yn klassow ha moy es 1200 usi ow tyski warlinen. Yma Akademi Kernewek parys dhe dhalleth y ober, gwiasva hwithrans dhe vos lonchys wosa Nadelik ha gonis treylya usi owth oberi kalessa es nevra, drefen bos moy Kernewek usys gans negysyow ha gonisyow poblek. Moy es 20% a'gan henwyn stretow yw diwyethek lemmyn, yma moy Kernewek gwelys adro dhyn ni hag y hyllir gweles meur a Gernewek war an kesrosweyth ha media socyal. Hemm yw gras dhe ober kales pubonan a gows Kernewek, a dhysk Kernewek ha ri gweres der usya an yeth, dyski ha kemeres rann yn gweythresow ha ragdresow, ha da via genev merkya hemma kyns ni oll dhe dalleth unweyth moy gans an ober adheragon ni. Yn personek, da via genev ri ow grassow dhe veni Maga lemmyn hag y'n termyn eus passyes – Sam, Mike, Pol, Matt hag Elizabeth – an re a gemeras rann y’n Keskowethyans ha’n Gesva Dhyghtya, meni hag eseli an Konsel ha lies erel dhyworth kemenethow yethow dihevelep rag oll aga gweres ha skoodhyans. My a vir yn rag dhe oberi gans Kernewek yn fordh dhyffrans! Nadelik Lowen. Jenefer Lowe pesys war folen 3 continued on page 3 mis Kevardhu 2015 / mis Genver 2016 pesys dhyworth folen 2 continued from page 2 As I come to the end of my time with Maga, I would like to take this opportunity through the newsletter to thank all of you who have supported and taken part in the work of the Partnership over the past ten years. It has been an interesting journey and while we may not have gone as fast as we would have liked at times, we have made some major steps forward. Looking at this newsletter, we now have a council with its own dedicated language plan which is taking on the responsibility for the strategic development of Cornish, public bodies such as English Heritage working with Cornish, prize-winning Cornish language music initiatives and major projects such as Taves an Tir. We have good numbers of students in classes and more than 1200 online learners. We have a new Academy ready to start work, a new research website to be launched after Christmas and a translation service which is working harder than ever, due to increasing use of Cornish by businesses, public services and individuals. More than 20% of the street names in Cornwall are now bilingual, Cornish is more visible in the landscape and our presence on the internet and through social media is extensive – and not only in Speak Cornish week. The progress is due to the hard work of all those who speak Cornish, learn Cornish and contribute by using the language, by teaching and by taking part in activities and projects and I would like to celebrate that before we all focus again on the tasks ahead. On a personal note I would like particularly to thank the Maga staff past and present – Sam, Mike, Pol, Matt and Elizabeth - those who took part in the Management Board and Partnership, Council staff and members and many others from other language communities for all their help and support. I look forward to continuing my involvement with Cornish in a different way! Nadelik Lowen. Jenefer Lowe Towl Taves Konsel Kernow Cornwall Council Language Plan hag oberi troha aswonnvos pella rag an taves. Y fydh an towl gorwolys pub bledhen gans an Kabinet. Ni a wayt y hwra konselyow ha restryansow erel sewya led Konsel Kernow ha komendya aga thowlow taves aga honan! ___________________________________________ Cornwall Council has adopted its first Cornish Language Plan, which will be used to guide the use of Cornish by departments and services across the council. Konsel Kernow re dhegemeras y gynsa Towl Taves Kernewek, hag a vydh devnydhys dhe gevarwodhya us a Gernewek gans asrannow ha gonisyow dres an konsel. Towlow taves re beu gorholedh yn Kembra hag yn Alban dres nebes termyn, mes hemm yw kynsa a’y eghen yn Kernow. An towl a dhelin niver a wriansow y’ga mysk us a lavarennow kernewek gans meni an gresen alow ha’n dhegemerva, us a Gernewek yn arwodhieth, war gartennow negys hag yn ebostyow. Ynwedh y re an charj dhe’n konsel dhe ventena y skoodhyans dre sodhek taves December 2015 / January 2016 Language plans have been a requirement in Wales and Scotland for some time, but this is the first of its kind in Cornwall. The plan sets out a number of actions including the use of Cornish phrases by call centre and reception staff, the use of Cornish in signage, on business cards and in emails. It also commits the council to maintaining its support through a language officer and working towards further recognition for the language. The plan will be monitored annually by the Cabinet. We hope other councils and organisations will follow Cornwall Council’s lead and introduce their own language plans! 3 Skians 2016 Keskussulyans Skians (Rosweyth Hwithrans Yeth Kernewek) a vydh synsys yn 2016 dhe dhy’ Gwener 30ves mis Gwynngala / 1a mis Hedra. Yma galow rag paperyow a-dro dhe’n testennow soshyel-yethonieth kelmys dhe’n yeth kernewek. Ny dal berrskrifow bos moy ages 200 ger ha gans titlow ha kevrennow (afilyansow). Y tal bos paperyow towlennys bys dhe 20 mynysen yn hirder. Welkom yw presentyansow skresel ha presentyansow dre Skype. ___________________________________________ The Skians conference (Cornish Language Research Network) will be held in 2016 on Friday and Saturday 30th Sept / 1st Oct. Papers are invited on topics in the fields of linguistics and socio-linguistics relevant to the Cornish language. Abstracts should not exceed 200 words and should include titles and affiliations. Papers should be planned for up to 20mins in length and poster presentations and presentations via Skype are welcomed. Y tal bos berrskrifow submyttys kyns dy’Lun 30ves, mis Me 2016 ha danvenys dhe / Abstracts should be submitted by Monday 30th May 2016 and sent to: Kowethas an Studhyoryon Geltek a Iwerdhon ha Breten Veur Association of Celtic Students of Ireland and Britain Kowethas an Studhyoryon Geltek a Iwerdhon ha Breten Veur a wra synsi y beswora keskussulyans bledhynnyek yn Pennskol Genedhlek Iwerdhon, Gaillimh, dy’Sadorn ha dy’Sul an 9ves ha’n 10ves a vis-Ebrel 2016. Amkan an Kowethas yw kenertha, ha dri war-barth yn kowethasek, studhyoryon a bub testen yn-dann an lawlen geltek, kyn fo yeth, gonisogeth, istori po neppyth dresta. ___________________________________________ The association of Celtic Students of Ireland and Britain will be holding its fourth annual conference at the National University of Ireland, Galway on Saturday and Sunday, the 9th and 10th of April 2016. The aim of the Association is to encourage and bring together socially students of all fields under the Celtic umbrella, be it language, culture, history or beyond. Rag kedhlow pella/For further information: Rag profya neppyth, po rag pella kedhlow, kestevewgh orth / To submit a paper, or for more information please contact: Arwodhyow Nowydh dhe Gastel Dindagel New signs at Tintagel MAGA re beu owth oberi gans Ertach Sowsnek dres nebes termyn dhe ri gweres dhe gesjunya Kernewek yn nebes a’ga ober yn Kernow. An gresen wodriger nowydh orth Kastel Dindagel, hag a veu ygerys a-gynsow, yw ragdres yntanus. Yma arwodhyow diwyethek rag an sodhvaow, koffiji ha kresen wodriger dres an displetyans y honan, hag yw kooth hag y tal yn surredi y vysytya. Nyns yw hwath kowlwrys an ragdres hag yth eson ni owth oberi a-res war dreylyans pella rag remenant an displegyans. Orth an ygeryans, an widyoryon orth an le a leveris re bia pur dha an gorthyp poblek dhe us an taves. 4 Y feu pur yntanus dhe oberi gans Ertach Sowsnek ha gweres dhe ynkorfora Kernewek y’n ragdres yn fordh styrus. Ni a wayt dhe oberi pella gansa y’n termyn a dheu. ___________________________________________ Maga have been working with English Heritage for some while to help with integrating Cornish into some of their work in Cornwall. The new visitor centre at Tintagel, which opened recently, is an exciting project. There is bilingual signage for the offices, café and visitor centre as well as in the exhibition itself, which is excellent and well worth a visit. The project is not yet completed and we are currently working on further translation for the rest of the development. At the opening, the guides at the site said that the public reaction to the use of the language had been very good. It has been very exciting to work with English Heritage and help to incorporate Cornish into the project in a meaningful way. We hope to work further with them in future. mis Kevardhu 2015 / mis Genver 2016 Kan rag Kernow 2016 Gwrewgh kavos agas toknys Kan rag Kernow 2016! Yma genen ni arta an kesstrif rag dewis kan dhe vos kannas y’n kesstrif Pan-Keltek yn Iwerdhon. Dell hwarva warleni, y fydh synsys orth Ostel Pennfenten yn Resrudh, dy’ Gwener, 29ens mis Genver dhe 8wh. Keffrys ha'n kesstrif y honan, y fydh performyoryon erel, yn unn ri dhywgh hwi nos a ilow ha kan gernewek, presentys gans Pol Hodge. Toknys yw kavadow der Eventbrite (gans diskont edhen a-varr) po orth an daras. ___________________________________________ Get your Kan rag Kernow 2016 tickets now! The competition to choose a song to represent Cornwall in the Pan Celtic competition in Ireland has come round again. As last year, it will be held at the Penventon Hotel in Redruth, on Friday January 29th at 8pm. In addition to the competition itself, there will be other performers, giving you a night of Cornish music and song, ably compered by Pol Hodge. above The Changing Room, winners of the 2015 Kan rag Kernow competition. Tickets are available on Eventbrite (with early bird discount) or on the door. Rag kedhlow pella/For further information: Dyskas ha Keskomunyans Learning and Communication Fund Yn 2015 Konsel Kernow re dhaswelas y ober ow skoodhya Kernewek, yn-dann erghi strateji nowydh ha gorra yn le drehevyansow nowydh, ha rag resegva stratejek an yeth ha rag delivrans towlen an ober. An strateji nowydh re aswonis peswar amkan olldhalghus avel an fogel rag polici devedhek an yeth ha rag ragdresow towlenna a-barth Kernewek: • an edhom a gressya niver a gernewegoryon, • a n edhom a gressya devnydh a Gernewek avel yeth kemenethek, • a n edhom a ventena ha kressya an profil ha’n savla ros dhe Gernewek y’n bewnans poblek, hag • a n edhom a ventena ha displegya Kernewek avel yeth dhynamek a yll bos devnydhys rag kevres dien a borposys yn pub gwedh a aktivita denel. Yn keworrans, avel rann a’n taktek nowydh, y fydh moy arghasans kevarghewys gans kowethasow tressa-parti y’n ranngylghyow privedh, poblek ha bodhek rag displegya ha delivra ragdresow nowydh ha towlennow a aktivitys a wra skoodhya an strateji ollgemmyn. An chons ma rag arghas gront a brov an nessa kamm y’n argerdh ma ha’n amkan a vydh drehevel war wonisyow ha provians delivrys a-ji kyns es hemma gans an para MAGA. An linen varow rag ombrofyansow yw an 20ves mis Genver 2016. December 2015 / January 2016 In 2015 Cornwall Council has reviewed its work in support of the Cornish Language, commissioning a new strategy and putting in place new structures both for the strategic direction of the language and the delivery of the work programme. The new strategy has identified four overarching aims as the focus for future language policy and planning initiatives in relation to Cornish: • the need to increase the numbers of Cornish speakers, • the need to increase the use of Cornish as a community language, • the need to maintain and increase the profile and status afforded to Cornish in public life, and • the need to maintain and develop Cornish as a dynamic language that can be used for a full range of purposes in all fields of human activity. In addition, as part of the new approach, more funding will be invested with third party organisations in the private, public and voluntary sectors to develop and deliver new projects and programmes of activity in support of the overall strategy. This grant fund opportunity provides the next step in this process and will seek to build on services and provision previously delivered in house by the MAGA team. Please see below for details of current open funds, application forms and closing dates: The deadline for applications is 20th January 2016. Rag kedhlow pella/For further information: 5 Tregedna VII ow tos yn uskis! Tregedna VII fast approaches! Pennseythen Dregedna 2016 a vydh synsys 19ves dhe 21ens mis Hwevrer. Rag an re na wrug mos dhe Bennseythen Dregedna, hy forpos yw dhe ri chons an brassa rag pobel dhe braktisya ha displegya aga Hernewek yn kerghynnedh skoodhyek. Yma hwarvosow socyal towlennys ha dyskadoryon elwys dres an bennseythen. Mar pleg, perthewgh kov bos Lojja Tregedna ostyans selyek ha mar mynnowgh godriga nosweyth res yw dhywgh kevrenna stevel gans tus erel. Rag gortos an vledhen ma, an fardel a syns ynno godrig a dhiw nos, oll an boos, te ha koffi ha kostow dyski: oll warbarth £70.00 peub. Yma prisyow ynwedh rag tus na wra godriga dres an bennseythen. The 2016 Tregedna weekend will take place from the 19th to 21st February. For those that haven’t been to a Tregedna weekend, the purpose is to give as much opportunity as possible for people to practice and develop their Cornish in a supportive environment. There are planned social events and activities supported by guest tutors over the weekend. For a residential stay this year, including two nights’ accommodation, all meals, tea and coffee and tuition fees will be £70.00 per person. Non-residential rates are also available for the weekend. Rag kedhlow pella/For further information: Galow rag alhwedhor nowydh an Kowethas Call for new Kowethas treasurer Dell wor lies ahanowgh seulabrys, y fydh Alhwedhores Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek, Koreen Twydell, owth omdenna dhyworth hy soodh dres Hav 2016. Konsel an Kowethas a vynn kavos Alhwedhor nowydh kettooth ha possybyl may hallo ev kesoberi gans Koreen dres nebes misyow rag dyski an kevreythyow. Mars eus genowgh neb prevyans akontieth ha hwans dhywgh a ri gweres dhe’n Kowethas owth avonsya an taves kernewek, mar pleg kestevewgh orth Tim Hambly (Skrifennyas) kettooth ha possybyl. As many of you will know already, the Treasurer for Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek, Koreen Twydell, will be retiring from her role during the summer of 2016. The Council of the Kowethas wants to find a new Treasurer as soon as possible so that they can work with Koreen for a few months to learn the systems. If you have some accountancy experience and you want to help the Kowethas to promote the Cornish language please contact Tim Hambly (Secretary) as soon as possible. Rag kedhlow pella/For further information: Tim Hambly (KYK Skrifennyas/Secretary) Keskussulyans Teknologieth Taves Language Technology conference An bagas Oberi rag Tavosow Minoryta ha Teythyek an Konsel Pretennek Iwerdhonek a synsas keskussulyans mis Du gans an desten a teknologieth Taves hag a awenis lies tybyans rag ragdresow devedhek. Arethyow a rosyas dhyworth lesow hag anlesow a dreylyans dre jynn dhe apps taves ha’n possybylta a gevranna asnodhow. Y firas orth nebes an digolmow teknologiethek nowydhyansek dhe’n kudynnow a oberi gans tavosow byghan hag ynwedh dhe worra in le bagas a bartis didheurys dhe weres keschanj a dybyansow y’n arenebeth ma y’n termyn a dheu. 6 Termyn a veu res dhe unn esedhek dhe’n tavosow le omdhiskwedhys, may kewsis Mike Tresidder dhyworth MAGA a-dro dhe nebes an chonsow dyski warlinen re beu assayys yn Kernow. The Indigenous and Minority Languages Working group of the British Irish Council held a conference in November on the subject of Language technology which inspired a lot of ideas for future projects. Talks ranged from the advantages and disadvantages of machine translation to language apps and the possibility of sharing resources. It looked at some of the innovative technological solutions to the problems of working with small languages and also set up a group of interested parties to help the exchange of ideas in this area in the future. One session was devoted to the smaller languages represented, where Mike Tresidder from Maga talked about some of the online learning opportunities that have been trialled in Cornwall. mis Kevardhu 2015 / mis Genver 2016 Galow rag bodhogyon Taves an Tir Call for Taves an Tir volunteers Taves an Tir, ragdres henwyn tyller Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek, a hwil hwath bodhogyon rag gweres gans an hwithrans yn arenebedh Resrudh. Gwelewgh rag kavos manylyon po kestava orth Pat Parry ( po 01209 215917). Taves an Tir, Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek’s place names project, is still looking for volunteers to help with research on the Redruth area. Please see for details or contact Pat Parry ( or 01209 215917). Ilow yn Yeth Kernewek yn Golowlim! Cornish language music in the limelight! CD Keur heb Hanow dyllys Keur heb Hanow CD released Keur heb Hanow re dhellos aga hynsa CD, a-dermyn rag Nadelik! An albom a garolyow kenys yn Kernewek a vydh rann a vri a bub kevewi an vledhen ma, ytho bedhewgh sur kavos onan a-brys! Keur byghan, hwegh-rann, lev kemyskys dyworth Kernow West, Keur heb Hanow re waynyas klass Karolyow Hengovek orth Gool Ilow Kernow yn Truru teyrgweyth y’n diwettha teyr bledhen. Lies a’n karolyow yw aswonys yn ta dhe woslowysi mes yma nebes kanow le aswonys, kepar ha Karol Pennsans gans William Viner, hag y hwayt an keur sidis kepar hemma a's gwittho yn few. An karolyow re beu treylys dhe Gernewek gans John Parker ha Ken George hag y hyllir kavos oll an geryow, Kernewek ha Sowsnek, y’n folennik gans an CD, o askorrys gans gweres hel towlen FEAST Trest Konsel Artow ha lies esel an gemeneth Kernewek dre routh-arghasa. Rag pella kedhlow kestevewgh orth Steve Penhaligon; pellgowser 01736 811182. ___________________________________________ Keur heb Hanow have released their first CD, just in time for Christmas! The album of Cornish carols December 2015 / January 2016 sung in Cornish will be an essential part of the celebrations this year, so make sure you get yours in time! A small, six-part, mixed-voice choir from West Cornwall, Keur heb Hanow have won the Traditional Cornish Carols class at the Cornwall Music Festival in Truro three times in a row. Many of the Cornish carols are well known to listeners but there are also less familiar works, such as the Penzance carol by William Viner, and the choir hope that CDs such as this help to keep them alive. The carols have been translated into Cornish by John Parker and Ken George and all the words, both in Cornish and in English, can be found in the leaflet that accompanies the CD, which was produced with the generous support of the Arts Council Trust’s FEAST programme and many members of the Cornish Language community via crowdfunding. For more information contact Steve Penhaligon at telephone 01736 811182. Ynwedh... / also... Gwenno a wayn Pewas Meur Kaner Kembrek ha Kernewek Gwenno, neb yw kowser teythyek a'n dhiw yeth, re waynyas Pewas Ilow Kembrek 2015 rag hy albom Y Dydd Olaf (An Diwettha Dydh) hag ynno kanow y’n dhiw yeth. An keth albom a waynyas Albom Yeth an Vledhen hag yth yw derivys yn efan an synsas Kernewek. ___________________________________________ Gwenno wins major prize Welsh and Cornish singer Gwenno, who is a native speaker of both languages has won the 2015 Welsh Music Prize for her album ‘Y Dydd Olaf ’ (The Last Day) which contains songs in both languages. The same album won Welsh Language Album of the Year and its Cornish content has been widely reported. 7 Darvosow / Events mis Genver / January 2016 3 Christmas service in Cornish, Bridge Methodist Chapel, 3pm. For further information please contact Jane Kneebone on 01637 873135 or email 3 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, St Swithun's Church, Launcells, 3pm. For further information please contact Jaqi Heard on 01288 354324. 10 Epiphany service in Cornish, Gulval Parish Church, 3pm. For further information please contact Jane Kneebone on 01637 873135 or email Yeth an Werin / Conversation groups Every Yeth an Werin, An Rann Wartha, St Austell - for further Monday information contact 1st Yeth an Werin, The Royal Standard, Gwinear - for further Tuesday information contact 1st Yeth an Werin, Y Mochyn Du, Sophia Close, Cardiff - for further Tuesday information contact 2nd Yeth an Werin, The White Hart Hotel, 15 Broad St, Launceston Monday for further information contact 2nd Yeth an Werin, The Star Inn, Porkellis - for further information Monday contact 2nd & 4th Yeth an Werin, Wig & Pen, Truro - for further information join Wednesday 3rd Yeth an Werin, Cornish Arms, St Ives - for further information Tuesday contact 4th Yeth an Werin, The Blue Anchor, Helston - for further information Tuesday contact Last Yeth an Werin, The Bridge Inn, Illogan - for further information Tuesday contact Kestavow / Contacts Dyghter Displegya Development Manager Jenefer Lowe Sodhogyon Adhyskans Education Officers Pol Hodge & Mike Tresidder Sodhek Skoodhya Support Officer Sam Rogerson Trigva / Address Cornish Language Office Cornwall Council Dalvenie House County Hall Truro Cornwall TR1 3AY Pellgowser / Telephone 01872 323497 E-bost / E-mail Gwiasvaow / Websites Twitter For more information on the events listed above and for events further ahead visit Facebook Derivadow Pella / Further Information For further information about any of the articles in this newsletter, please contact the MAGA office using the contact details above. If you are organising a Cornish language event and would like to have it publicised in this newsletter please send us the details. If you would like to subscribe to receive this newsletter free of charge every month please send us an e-mail or letter and we will add you to our distribution list. Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to others. Deadline for contributions to February newsletter: Mon 25th January 2016 Arghesans Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek yw dhyworth: The Cornish Language Partnership is funded by:
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