FEB. 4 - Barneveld Shopper
S B Serving The Barneveld Area Since 1950 BARNEVELD SHOPPER Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Barneveld, WI 53507 Permit No. 1 Deadline-Saturday 12:00 PM Thursday Distribution FEBRUARY 4, 2016 2827 McSherry-Nihles Rd Barneveld, WI 53507 Ph. 608-924-2002 e-mail barneveldshopper@countryspeed.com Website: www.barneveldshopper.com SHENANIGANS SPORTS PUB & GRILL OPEN 11:00 A .M 7 DAYS A WEEK Featuring Daily Lunch Specials KIDS WELCOME – KID MEALS 107 COUNTY ROAD ID BARNEVELD WI - 924-5555 SUPER BOWL SUNDAY 10 BIG SCREEN TV’S to watch the game from... never miss a play! Barneveld Legion Advancement ASSOC. Holiday Party Saturday February 13th Barneveld Legion Hall $10 Steak Dinner w/ potato & salad Happy Hour starts at 5:00 Dinner is served at 6:30 ENTER A CHANGE TO WIN SHENANIGANS’ $50.00 SUPER BOWL GIVEAWAY Legon & Advancement Members & Their Guests Are Welcome To Come Up For A Great Meal & Conversation With Old Friends & New. ORDER YOUR PIZZA EARLY Please RSVP so we know how much food to order 576-4022 Lee Pollock 574-8884 Doug Manteufel 341-7314 Mike Peterson LET US DO THE COOKING AND WE CAN HAVE READY FOR THE GAME BIN GO BARNEVEL D LEGION HALL SUNDAY - 1:00 PM FEBRUARY 7 Progressive Jack Pot $3,400 Limited space come early Doors open at 11:00 AM 1st & 3rd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Come and have a delicious lunch before bingo starts and get your lucky seat. 3 TV’s to watch your favorite sport, plenty of refreshments available, please no carry ins. Any Questions Call 608 576 4022 FUN FOR EVERYONE...JOIN US SUNDAY Ridgeway, WI 608-924-2819 Hours: Wednesday - Sunday Lounge opens @ 4:30 PM Dining Room @ 5:00 PM www.highpointsteakhouse.com We will serve BRUNCH EVERY SUNDAY from 9am-1pm Valentines Day Features Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th *21 Day Dry Aged Bone In Ribeye *Seafood Scampi Make Your Reservations Today The 2015-16 Barneveld High School Dance Team Performed This Past Saturday At The WACP Regional Competition. They team performed in the D5 Poms and the D2 Jazz categories. They had two great performances and represented Barneveld well. This is the second year in a row of going to the regional competition and the girls are gaining great experience and working hard to The BHS Dance Team (front to back, left-right) Charlotte Bloching, Second row: Emily Straubhaar, Bailey Trainor, back row: Kayla Hazan, Hallie Amble, Abby make it to the next level of going to State. Meyer, Claire Harned, Jossy Amble, Carley Owens, Jenna Peterson 24/7 . . . Rain or Shine . . . local, independent 24/7 . .Your . Rain or Shine . . . BARNEVELD CHURCHES Church News Sponsored By: agent will be there. Your local, independent agent will be there. Wright's Feed Service Barneveld Legion Auxiliary www.eschinsurance.com www.eschinsurance.com E. Main Street 322 N. Iowa Street 122 E. Main Street 322 N. Iowa Street 122 Mount Horeb, WI 53572 Dodgeville, WI 53533 Mount Horeb, WI 53572 608-437-9308 608-935-9308Dodgeville, WI 53533 608-935-9308 608-437-9308 NATURALLY SPEAKING By Jerry Jerry Davis Davis By Erika Forseth It seems confusing to write The Virginia opossum doesabout not hibernature’ s springs, particularly when nate, but it does hole up from time to time spring is approaching. Or when tree during the coldest times during winter. That buds are enlarging and flowers and time come this winter forth so the fear new may leavesnever are trying to spring of getting frost bite on its ears and tail should from these buds. not be a But concern, maybe. all spring things are about Opossums mostlyup nocturnal changes. Water are bubbles out ofwhile searching carrion. This Even cat-sized mamthe groundforfrom a spring. though many springs flow all year, springs mosttonoticeable in for spring mal doesare come bird feeders cornbecause and everything associated with this bubbling other seeds, too. water has been kept warm all winter. Even during winters, and theinhottest These animals are the the coldest only pouched mammal Northsummers, America. water from springs bubbles forth at about 50 degrees. Watercress, Up to 14 embryonic young are born after two weeks of gestation and duckweed and a host of green can grow in this again. constant, attach in a pouch for about twoalgae months beforequickly being “born ” life-giving water temperature. The adult opossums have grizzled white hair above, and a few are Trout anglers, particularly those who fish in March and April, nearly too. Their reallytoare prehensile so action the animals rely onwhite, spring-fed trouttails streams coax trout into whenmay the be seen hanging from tree limbs. water from springs mixes with nearly frozen stream water. The trout, Opossum tracks are easily because hind feet have too, seeks locations where springidentified water comes into athe stream, carrying an opposable (thumb-like), which lacks a claw. warmer waterfirst andtoe a plethora of active aquatic insects. Theytime do “play possum” and sometimes useparticularly other techniques Any is a great time to visit a spring, but when to ward off predators such the as hissing, salivating, showing one is anxiously awaiting return screeching, of spring. One can find, in a their 50that teeth, and excreting a green from their terrain. mouths. spring, everything months aheadsubstance of the surrounding Erika Forseth BARNEVELD BARNEVELD LEGION HALL HALL HALL FOR RENT private private partie parties-reunions s-reunions wedding wedding recep reception tion and and dances anniversary-bir sary-birthday-graduation thday-graduation anniver IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC PARISH...Barneveld 8:30 AM February 22nd 10:30 am Sunday St. Bridget’s15th - Ridgeway MassFebruary 5:00 pm Saturday Lector: Lynn Evans Lector: Mary Sunday February 7th Sunday FebruaryAnn 14th Myers Servers: Dayne Evans Servers: Natalie Elfering Lector: Mary Ann Myers Lector: Mike Ashmore Morgan Fuerstenberg Noelle Elfering Servers: Natalie Elfering Servers: Dayne Evans Laney Evans Noelle ElferingNicole Elfering Laney Evans Greeters: RonElfering and Michelle SkaifeNicole Fahey Nicole Greeters: andTerri Betty Smith Greeters: Grace Schlimgen Greeters:Terry Jerry and Schlimgen St. Bernedette - Barneveld 33rd Annual Community Wide Garage Sale Days coming May February 28, 2015 12th, 13th, & 14th! Family Fun - Movie Night CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev. Donna Kaveloski CHURCH OF CHRIST SMOKE FREE...AIR FREE...AIR CONDITIONED...FULL CONDITIONED...FULL KITCHEN...BAR SMOKE For Bookings Bookings or or Questions Questions For CALL TO BOOK YOUR LEE POLLOCK POLLOCK 576-4022 576-4022 924-5404 924-5404 LEE FAMILY OR GROUP EVENT TODAY! MARY ANN ANN MYERS MYERS 924-4943 924-4943 MARY WEDNESDAY HAPPY HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS WEDNESDAY STOP P IN STO CHURCH NEWS SPONSORS NEEDED LOOKING FOR 2-3 MORE SPONSORS PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL WITH ??? 924-2002 barneveldshopper@countryspeed.com (608)341-0096 (cell) (608)Kaveloski 924-0086 (parsonage) Rev. Donna e-mail: barncong@mhtc.net (608) 778-4782 (cell) (608) 924-0086 (parsonage) e-mail: barncong@mhtc.net Sun. Feb 7th Sun., 22ndService 9:00 &am Worship Service 9:00 amFeb Worship Communion Food Drive 9:15 am Sunday School 9:15 am Sunday School 10:05 Hour am Coffee Hour 10:05 am Coffee Greeters: Pat & Carol Calhoun Greeters: Ryan & ViAnn Lampman Acolyte: Coffee Hr: Ryan & ViAnn Lampman Offertory: Joyce Aschliman & Family 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous SS Volunteer: Wed. Feb.10th 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Coffee Hour: Julie Wright & Jodi Sullivan Anonymous Come Join7:30 Us onpm February 7thAlcoholics for Super Sunday. Wed., Feb. 25th 6:30 7:30 Confirmation Super Bowl Sunday “It’s a SUPER day to come to church”Class Thurs. 26th Youth Come toFeb church and5:00 bring-a7:00 friend – wear yourGathering favorite colors Barneveld Congregational United Church of Christ Fellowship immediately after service BARNEVELD LUTHERAN CHURCH Dr. Kimberly Ann Horsfall, DC, CCSP® “Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician” RENT BASED ON 30% OF YOUR INCOME www.barneveldfamilychiropractic.com We Extended Our Tanning Hours!!! ISHave YOUR BODY FEELING Monday-Wednesday and Thursdays tanning& is PAINS THE ACHES available until 8:00 pm. WINTER? Purchase a one month unlimited package and get a free tanning lotion Call For An Appt. (while supplies last) Saturday by Appointment THE RECIPE BOX Memphis BBQ Pork Totchos Prep 15 m Cook 45 m Ready In 1 h “A mashup of the BBQ pork nachos that are on so many menus in Memphis and the South-of-the-Border influenced Totchos that have blown up as the must-try bar food in Seattle. Serve with extra barbeque sauce for dipping.” Ingredients 1 (28 ounce) package frozen bite-size potato nuggets (such as Extra Crispy Tater Tots) 2 cups shredded pepperjack cheese 2 cups cooked pulled pork 1/2 cup chopped white onion 1/4 cup chopped pickled jalapeno peppers 1/2 cup barbeque sauce 1 cup prepared coleslaw (optional) 1 bunch green onions, sliced Directions Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Arrange potato nuggets in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Shake baking sheet and continue baking until potato nuggets are extra crispy, 20 to 24 minutes longer. Remove baking sheet from oven and turn on oven’s broiler. Top potato nuggets with pepperjack cheese, pulled pork, onion, and jalapeno peppers. Drizzle barbeque sauce over “totchos”. Broil in the preheated oven until cheese starts to bubble, 5 to 7 minutes. Top “totchos” with coleslaw and green onions. OF Today. Visit our website to learn more about our Wellness Team members and the services they offer 924-8621 blc@mhtc.net or www.barneveldlutheran.org BARNEVELD LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Jim Hearne pastorjimblc@gmail.com INTERIM - Pastor Michael Rehak 924-8621 blc@mhtc.net or www.barneveldlutheran.org February 7 Sunday Accompanist: Linda Seeley9:00 am Worship 9:15Group – 10:00 Sunday School Greeters: Bob Whitish Small Ushers: Karla Pohlman Family Tuesday Minister: Becky Stauffer 6:30 Bell Choir practice Assisting Wednesday 9:30 – 3:30 Food Pantry Reader: Michelle Ihm 5:30-6:00- Lenten Soup Supper Acolyte: welcome Com. Servers: Larry MyersAll&are Lois Lease 6:15 Lenten worship Barneveld Food pantry is a cooperative outreach of the Barneveld & Ridgeway churches, local organizations The private Food Pantry is Open onFood Wednesday – 3:30atorthe by and donations. The pantry,9:30 housed appointment by contacting Donations Barneveld Lutheran facility924-8621. is available for thoseareinalways need welcome Barneveld Food pantry is a cooperative outreach of in the area. The Pantry is Open on Wednesday 9:30 – 3:30 the Barneveld & Ridgeway churches, local organizations and or by appointment by contacting 924-8621. Donations are privatewelcome. donations. The Food pantry, housed at the Barneveld always Lutheran facility is available for those in need in the area. THE RECIPE BOX Special items in our “Town” Healthier Broiled Tilapia Parmesan Even the angles a farmer during the next several months by Jerry Davis Every community has creates when he or she plants and provided a touch of histoitems that help make an area, a corn field have Prep come be ry. Time:to5 Minutes Cook Time: 10 Minutes Ready 15 have Minutes town, or village what it is. watched, maybe subconsciousIf In: you any you’d like Servings: 8 These items may be huge and ly. to suggest, please let me know “A quick and easy meal, this healthier version of tilapia uses Special items are old andsolessreaders valuable, tiny and seemingly light mayonnaise butter.” can say to themworthless, or even impossible buildings that remain upright selves, “oh, I’ve seen those blue in spite of violentINGREDIENTS: winds, pot- doors.” to be structurally described. 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese An item might be the holes that never 1/8 succumb cup butter,to softened or centusmell of freshly cut and condi- repeated patching, Jerry Daivs 3 tablespoons light mayonnaise 2 tablespoons fresh sivadjam@mhtc.net lemon juice tioned alfalfa just prior to the ry-old trees that mark time in1/4 teaspoon dried basil Fourth of July, or a particular ternally. 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper forest or fence post that is ofDoors mysteriously paint1/8 teaspoon onion powder teaspoonout celery salt ten covered with hoar frost or ed blue may be 1/8 pointed 2 pounds tilapia fillets rime frost when the local air is to give directions to a nearby B ui l di n gsneighbor spe c i al iz es i n t he able to initiate changes W ini c kthe or delivery service DIRECTIONS: f o ll o win g are as o f co ns t ru ct io n : 1. Preheat oven broiler. Grease broiling pan or line state of moisture in early Jan- driver. with aluminum ♦ Suburban uary, as it goes from a solid to The sounds of Sundayfoil. 2. Mix Parmesan cheese, butter, mayonnaise, and liquid to gas or skips one of morning motor bikes racing on ♦ Commercial lemon juice together in a small bowl. Season with dried Cont act onion powder, and celery salt. Mix well and these physical states. ♦ Agricultural local county roadsbasil, canpepper, be speRyanMaybe Genrich set aside. Arrange a recognizable cial items, albeit unpleasant to fillets in a single layer on prepared pan. 3. Broil a few inches from the heat for 2 to 3 minutes. ♦ Residential animal, wild or domestic, is some. 608-577-0108 Flip fillets over and broil for 2 or 3 minutes more. Remove Ple as e ca ll 1 -800 -35 6 -968 2 or go t o Wi ck Buil fillets from own oven and cover with Parmesan mixture on top frequently seen by residents or di ng s. com t o g et Everyone has their for all your FRE E i nfor mat ion on Wi ck Buil di ng s. side. Broil until afish flakes easily with a fork, about 2 minvisitors, often in the same lospecial items and I’ll share Hel pi ng you get the buil di ng and utes. Post Fr am e nee ds serv i ce few you de seof rve! them in this newspaper cation. BARNEVELD CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST BARNEVELD SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF EDUCATIONAL OPTIONS Election Day Barneveld School District offers students a wide variety of education options to children who reside in the District. Options include: • Traditional high quality classroom educational programs • Youth Options • Course Options • Advanced Placement Courses • Online Courses • Open Enrollment to virtual or brick and mortar schools • Summer School programming • Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs HSED completion in conjunction with Southwest Technical College At Risk education Special Education Programs Special Education Vouchers (under conditions specified in Wisconsin ACT 55) Early Childhood Special Education Programs Enrollment in a home-based private educational program as provided under state law Part time enrollment for non-public school children Chili/Soup Smorgasbord Don’t cook tonight! Tuesday, February 16 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm All You Can Eatf - Carry Outs Available! Adults $8.00 – Children 5-12 $4.00 EVERYONE WELCOME! GAFFNEY FAMILY CATTLE “Our bus iness . Our Livelihood.” 4888 Cty HH, Barne veld, W I 608-924 -1029 A full version of the District’s most recent school and school district accountability report, as issued by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction under section 115.385 of the state statutes, can be accessed on the Barneveld website www.barneveld.k12.wi.us The most recent state report card ranking (from 2013-14) assigned to each school within the District is: Elementary 75.0 and Middle/High School 64.5. There are no charter or private schools operating within the boundaries of the Barneveld School District. www.gaffneyfamilycattle.com Support the Wisconsin Junior AnGFC Bull Sale gus Association a $100 35 bullswith went tofarm fresh pork 5 bundle. Email us to get states Averagi ng bundle $33 00 details on what the includes. District Attorney Larry Nelson for Iowa County Circuit Court Judge Vote Tuesday, February, 16 PROVEN RESULTS TAKEN FROM ACTUAL HEADLINES AND EXCERPTS OF ACTUAL ARTICLES OF THE DODGEVILLE CHRONICLE The Dodgeville Chronicle Vol. 12 - Thursday, January 22, 2015 Circuit Judge Edward Leineweber presided over the trial. Iowa County District Attorney Larry Nelson prosecuted the case. The Dodgeville Chronicle Vol. 36- Thursday, July 2, 2009 The WITZEL SAYS "DEATH Dodgeville SENTENCE WOULD BE C:\Users\amble\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Chronicle HEROIN DEALER SENTENCED Antwan D. Williams, "One of the biggest suppliers of heroin in Iowa County" has been ordered to serve a 20 year sentence after being found guilty of first degree reckless homicide/delivery of heroin. Iowa County District Attorney Larry Nelson prosecuted the case. Vol. 32- Thursday, May 26, 2011 MORE APPROPRIATE" The Dodgeville Chronicle Vol. 7- Thursday, November 27, 2008 CRIMINAL CASES MADE IT THE LONGEST DAY For the Iowa County court system it was business as usual Tuesday, November 18 with a heavy emphasis on "busi." Or rather make that busy. Everyone from Judge William Dyke, to District Attorney Larry Nelson, to the staff in the Iowa County Clerk Office was extremely busy. And the result was the largest amount of criminal cases in the history of the Iowa County Circuit Court went through the system that day. According to the District Attorney's office, the court handled 165 cases that Tuesday. "We usually go through about 130 cases on a busy day," a spokesperson from the DA's office said. "But this was a much busier calendar." DA Nelson sat through them all as did Judge Dyke. Nelson feels the busy day is the result of the fine investigative work of area law enforcement. "Certainly serious crime has increased and overall criminal case filings have increased to an all-time high," Nelson said. "Some of that obviously can be attributed to a rise in criminal activity if one looks at it with a simplistic view. However, I also believe the increase in criminal filings is attributable to the efforts of law enforcement throughout Iowa County in quickly solving crimes and conducting thorough and efficient investigations in a timely manner." Files\Content.IE5\EALMUCPJ\Act 55 NOTICE OF EDUCATIONAL OPTIONS 2016.docx After Witzel, 42, was sentencedJanuary Friday The Dodgeville Chronicle Vol. 45 - Thursday, August 16, 2012 FORMER TEACHER, COACH SENTENCED FOR SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Oleson was convicted of three felonies-sexual assault of a student by school staff, child enticement and and third degree sexual assault. During sentencing prosecuting attorney Larry Nelson called Oleson a "parents worst nightmare." "We hope that teachers are educators and role models," Nelson said. "He preyed on the most vulnerable...our children.” Oleson will serve a six year sentence. The Dodgeville Chronicle Vol. 16- Thursday, February 3, 2011 JURY FINDS COBB MAN GUILTY OF SEX WITH UNCONSCIOUS PERSON The trial for Kyle Wicks took place over two days last week and ended with the jury finding him guilty of five counts. Three of the counts were misdemeanor bail jumping and two of the counts involved an unwanted sexual encounter with a female. Those were felony sexual intercourse with an unconscious person and felony sexual intercourse without consent. The first count carries a maximum of 40 years in prison and the second a maximum of 10. GUILTY-NEEVEL COMMITS RECKLESS HOMICIDE During the two and a half day trial, Neevel never wavered from his claim that on July 11, 2010, he shot Jeffrey McPhail because he feared for his life. Neevel's attorney Ronald Benavidas argued self defense. In closing argument District Attorney Larry Nelson called on a John Wayne movie he watched over the weekend to help make his point. "The Duke was having a discussion with someone about whether a person was guilty of murder or not," Nelson said. "What he said was, if both men had guns, there would be room for reasonable doubt. If only one man had a gun what else would you call it. In this case only Andrew Neevel had a gun." Nelson said after the verdict he appreciated the jury's efforts. "They worked extremely hard which was evident by the questions they asked. They did a fantastic job examining the evidence and I thank them for it." The Dodgeville Chronicle Vol. 44- Thursday September 3, 2009 SEX CRIME GETS LOCAL MAN LONG PRISON TERM Roger A. Bellinder formerly of Dodgeville and a resident of Sun Prairie when he was convicted, will spend nine years in prison for sexual assault of a child and four years for child enticement-sexual contact as well as a count of exposing children to harmful material. He was also given eight years extended supervision. Bellinder’s case went to court on May 22, 2009 and he was sentenced August 18. He was prosecuted by Iowa County District Attorney Larry Nelson. to life in prison without the possibility of parole, he told Judge Edward E. Leineweber he felt a death sentence would be more appropriate. But, the Judge can't grant that as Wisconsin is a death penalty free state. In his sentencing argument prosecuting attorney and Iowa County DA Larry Nelson spoke to the homicide count. "He (Witzel) fancies himself a tough guy," Nelson continued. "He is no tough guy. A tough guy is someone who overcomes adversity and is mentally strong. A tough guy gets up and goes to work when he doesn't feel well but goes because others depend on him. A tough guy is brave. There is nothing brave about shooting unarmed persons in cold blood without warning. You are a coward. Society doesn't need to be protected from tough guys. They need to be protected from cowards. You will always be a danger to society." After discussing the counts and the maximum sentence recommendations Nelson turned to Witzel and said, "Prison is not hell. You've got that (hell) to look forward to." The Dodgeville Chronicle Vol. 29- Thursday, May 15, 2008 SEX WITH CHILD SENDS MAN TO PRISON A 45 year old Stoughton man was ordered to spend nine years in prison after being found guilty of sex crimes by a jury. Ronald O. Sugden was found guilty of first degree sexual assault of a child and two counts of second degree sexual assault of a child. He entered not guilty pleas to each of the counts. Sugden will also serve 11 years of extended supervision. The case was prosecuted by Iowa County District Attorney Larry Nelson. The Dodgeville Chronicle Vol.22- Thursday, March 27, 2008 SCOTT ANDERSON SENTENCED FOR PART IN KILLING Scott P Anderson was found guilty earlier this year of causing the death of Richard Qualls, 52, Dodgeville after putting him in a choke hold. Judge George Curry sentenced Anderson to 18 years and six months the maximum allowed by law for the crime of Felony Murder. Anderson's counsel was Craig R. Day. Iowa County District Attorney Larry Nelson prosecuted the case. The Dodgeville Chronicle Vol. 33- Thursday, May 31, 2007 ARRAIGNMENT SET IN RECKLESS DEATH CASE Based on testimony heard last Thursday, Iowa County Circuit Court Judge William Dyke ordered Jerry Lee Warren and Scott P. Anderson bound over for trial. Dyke determined there was sufficient evidence presented that Warren and Anderson can be tried on their involvement in the death of Richard Qualls. Felony murder is a class U felony and carries a prison term of not more than 18 years and six months. Warren and Anderson are being prosecuted by Iowa County District Attorney Larry Nelson. Warren is represented by Roseann Olivetto and Melinda Campos. Anderson is represented by Craig Day. Detective Jerrett Cook, Department of Criminal Investigations Special Agent Lisa Wilson and David Pope of the Dodgeville Police Department gave testimony. Also testifying was Dr. Robert Corliss, a pathologist with UW Hospital and Clinics. He said he ruled the cause of death as "homicidal violence" caused by multiple hemorrhages to the neck along with blunt force trauma to the head and thorax. Anderson's attorney spent 45 minutes questioning Corliss. He went through an explanation of choke holds and pointed out that even law enforcement officers who are skilled in administering such a hold to render a person unconscious, sometimes end up with the person dead. Day also asked if it was possible the cardiac arrest was brought on by cocaine or crack ingestion. Corliss said "I can't rule out or rule in cocaine as the cause of cardiac arrest." During cross, Nelson asked Corliss if he had ever ruled the use of cocaine as a cause of death. Corliss said he had many times. "How many had ligature marks at the feet and hands?" Nelson asked. "None," was the response offered by Corliss. When testimony was finished Dyke determined "I am satisfied the criteria has been met and there is probable cause," he said as he bound Warren and Anderson over on all counts. • 27 years in Iowa County District Attorneys Office • 17 Years of Civil Court Experience • Successfully tried hundreds of court and jury trials • Founding member of the Iowa County Drug Court Team For more information, see Nelson For Judge on Facebook Authorized and paid for by Friends of Larry Nelson, Jeff "JT" Thomas Treasurer. 505 SWISS LANE, BARNEVELD, WI 608-924-8621 Email: blc@mhtc.net Web: www.barneveldlutheran.org REV. P. JACK WAY JR. SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:00 AM Visitors Always Welcome! The Food Pantry is Open on Wednesday Save the Date – June 10 -13 at Barneveld Lutheran 9:30 Va – cation 3:30Bible or School by appointment by (4 & 5 yea r olds) contacting Da y Ca mp (1st 924-8621. – 5th grade) Everyone is welcome Donations are always welcome. is it worth it to advertise in your local newspaper? For many small businesses that sell to consumers, yes it is provided you think of your local newspaper as not being the major-metro newspaper but the LOCAL COMMUNITY PAPER where the audience is targeted, the ad rates lower, and the staff motivated to place your marketing message with more of a personal touch. BARNEVELD SHOPPER 924-2002 - barneveldshopper@countryspeed.com DMAP improving deer hunting by A Time for Mothers managing environment Hello, I am organizing a Time for Mothers to get together for sharing support in the winter months. Winter can be a difficult time: the early darkness of winter calls for hibernation and reflection; and yet the busyness of life in the human world goes on. The kids are inside more when it is so cold; getting ready to go outside to school or work takes at least twice as long; winter colds and flu happen more frequently. What’s a mother to do? I am picturing mothers meeting at the Library, every other week through February and March and half of April: 6 times for 90 minutes each. My role will be to facilitate conversations and exploration of how we can balance the care of others and care for ourselves. There will be time to tell your stories of daily life in a safe, deep listening place. You can share what has worked for you and ask for support when you need it. ask questions, go to the DNR Web site on that date and search using Chat as the keyword. These chats are archived and can be re-read at any date after the chat. “There are many ways participants can get additional information and assistance from us once they’re enrolled,” Nack said. “They get to know their local forester and biologist; they meet neighbors at workshops, they are mailed information; and they may sometimes be able to get antlerless tags at a reduced price.” The highest interest by the first 750 participants who signed up was concentrated in northern Wisconsin, but now nearly every county has some landowners who are enrolled. Surveys from participate suggest a 93 percent satisfaction rating. A total of 188,000 acres have been enrolled in the program to date. Two public land areas are enrolled, too, including the Milwaukee Parks Department and the Dane County Parks Department. “This is a good time to sign up,” Nack said, “because there are fewer things to compete with a landowner’s time right now.” One optional aspect of DMAP is data collection by the participant, such as deer taken, their ages, weighs, lactation rates, antler structures and observations on other wildlife. DMAP, in general, does not conflict with state forestry and land conservation program such as managed forest law and conservation reserve programs. Ritchie Implement 100 W Industrial Dr 608-924-9711 Barneveld, WI 53507 BARNEVELD BOOSTER CLUB Show your School Spirit - Pick up a sign! $10 in concession stand at any home game. GREAT for gifts! If you are interested in more information or to register, please call 924-3047 or email me at wendyalettha@gmail.com. 11014 Ridge St Blue Mounds 608-576-3429 Is your schedule to busy to clean? ab Re as on e& bl GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FOR SPECIAL OCCASION GIFT IDEAS! le! Give me a call & let me help! xi BE READY... WE SERVICE ALL MAKES! The plan is for us all to meet at the new and beautiful Barneveld Library for the first session on Feb 6th at 10:30-12. Then we can decide together the best dates and times and place for the rest of the groups. HOW ABOUT A GOOD DEEP CLEAN? Fle JUST LIKE SNOWFLAKES NO TWO WINTERS ARE ALIKE! I am Wendy Alettha. I have lived in Barneveld for 10 years now on the periphery of the community. I am a mother, a grandmother and in the past I was a foster mother as well. My daughter and I ran a daycare, Magical Child, in Madison for children, 6 weeks to 3 years old. I am a licensed clinical social worker and a Parenting Coach. A passion of mine is supporting parents to enjoy parenting so that children grow up feeling loved and accepted for who they are. This requires a wise balancing of love and limits. And time for Self Care. CI CL ND EA Y’S NI NG by Jerry Davis freelance writer sivadjam@mhtc.net In 2014 the Department of Natural Resources Deer Management Assistance Program coordinator, Bob Nack, began inviting applications from landowners asking for help managing wildlife habitat. The management emphasis was usually about deer, and deer habitat. The management practices suggested and agreed upon between the landowners and DNR biologists and foresters also may be tailored toward other wildlife, either directly or indirectly. Forestry management that enhances deer is usually good for ruffed grouse and wild turkeys. Songbirds, smaller mammals, and forest understory plants are usually enriched, too. “For us it was taking the next step in terms of land management,” said Aaron Bigalke, of New Lisbon in Juneau County. “It was nice to meet our county forester and biologist to make sure we were doing it right and changing things to make it better.” Bigalke is part of a group cooperative of five landowners who own 730 acres. Therefore, they applied for the Level 3 participation level. They pay $150 for three years of assistance from the DNR. Level 1 has no acreage minimum, is free, but does not offer a site visit to the property. Level 2 has a 160-acre minimum, costs participants $75 for three years, and grants the landowner(s) one site visit. Landowners wishing to enter the program this year need to finish the process by March 1, 2016 by completing and submitting the DMAP application. Additional information is available on the DNR Web site, through the local DNR forester or biologist, from Nack and a member of the County Deer Advisory Councils. A DNR on line chat is scheduled for noon, Feb. 11. To read along and Cindy Ziegler 516-0256 dazzlingdigits@mhtc.net Dazzling Digits Offers Shellac – The REAL Shellac! Be cautious when looking to have your Shellac Manicure. Many salons will call their gel polish services a “shellac manicure” however they don’t actually use Shellac. Shellac is a brand of polish like Kleenex is a brand of tissue. One of the great benefits of the Shellac polish is a hybrid polish and you don’t have to “remove the shine” from the nail as you do with gel polishes. Want to check out the REAL Shellac? Give me a call! THE BARNEVELD SHOPPER WANTS YOU! ADVERTISERS NEEDED NOW! SHORT OR LONG TERM SPACE AVAILABLE 924-2002 barneveldshopper@countryspeed.com WWW.BARNEVELDSHOPPER.COM B C See See your your savings savings add add up up Sue Kempfer-Weeks & Concrete Removal Snow Removal Dozer Work Driveways House Basements Building Sites Dustin Kruser suekempfer@allstate.com dustinkruser@allstate.com Sue Kempfer and Associates, Inc. Madison 165067 608-274-4147 PO Box 38 499 East Industrial Dr. Barneveld, WI 53507 TRUCKING and EXCAVATING, LLC Bill and Charlie Aschliman Owners/Operators Ph. 608-924-1662 Bills cell: 608-220-7062 Charlie's cell: 608-575-1114 GET NOTICED...ADVERTISE BARNEVELD SHOPPER CONTACT ME TODAY! 924-2002 OR barneveldshopper@countryspeed.com SPRING IS KNOCKING SPECIAL 3 MONTHS ADVERTISING – GET 1 MONTH FREE *ANY SIZE AD *PREPAID CONTRACT ONLY *NEW ADVERTISERS ONLY CURRENT NEWS Library Board of Trustees Wednesday Feb. 24, 7 pm Friends of the Library Tuesday Feb. 23, 6 pm Everyone is welcome to attend! HOURS Mon—Thu 10—7 Friday 10—5 Saturday 10—1 The Barneveld Public Library wants to thank you! We had our work cut out for us as we entered the fall season, but with much help, we managed to achieve our goals. From holding our annual Halloween Party to moving into a new building, we had help every step of the way. Thank you for being such a supportive community. READ Because of you, we were able to expand how we serve the community and start a new era in the library. We are thankful for your support; we couldn't have done it without you! COMING UP Early Release Makerspace Mar. 9, 1-3 pm Drop-in Ages 7 & up Mom Book Group Sat., Jan. 30 8:30 am discussing “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova & “The Cherry Harvest” by Lucy Sanna Mid-Book Club (6th - 8th Grade) Wed. Feb. 3, 3:30-5 pm discussing “Wednesday Wars” by Gary D. Schmidt Over 55 Book Group Mon. Feb. 22, 1pm at Summit Apt. meeting room discussing “Tilli’s Story” by Lorna Collier 608-924-3711 107 W. Orbison St., Barneveld, WI 53507 www.barneveldpubliclibrary.org YOUR AD HERE YOUR AD HERE YOUR AD HERE THE BARNEVELD/RIDGEWAY OVER 55 GROUP will meet Feb.8th and 22nd for a potluck lunch at noon at Summit Apartments Dining room. On February 8th Rita Stanton will hold her foot clinic. She soaks your feet, cuts your nails and massages your feet all for $20.00 each visit. Call 924-4342 for an appointment. On February 22nd, Jeannie Lewis plans on attending our meeting and she would like each guest to bring a favorite item and tell the story about the item -- a version of show and tell. For our March program, we will give everyone who would like to participate, a brown paper bag. This will be a brown paper bag white elephant game. You will put your first name initial on the bag. Then add an item that begins with that initial and bring it to the next meeting. Donna will explain more at our February 8th meeting. March meetings are the 14th and the 28th. Come and join us TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF BARNEVELD - Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot. The elector must also be registered and proof of identification must be provided in order to receive an absentee ballot. Please contact the Village Office at 924-6861 or 403 E. County ID, Barneveld, WI 53507 to request an application to vote absentee. The first day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is Monday, February 1st, 2016 (Hours for casting absentee ballots: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Noon) and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Friday, February 12th, 2016 by appointment). The deadline for making an application by mail is 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 11th, 2016 and deadline for voting absentee in the clerk’s office is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12th, 2016. BMAP ECOLOGY LECTURE Time: 7:00PM Thursday Feb 4th, 2016 Location: State Bank of Cross Plains, 1740 Business Hwy 18-151 E. (Main Street) in Mount Horeb (next to Culvers Restaurant) Dr. Karen Oberhauser will give a talk titled ‘Dwindling numbers for an iconic insect: the biology and conservation of Monarch butterflies,’ describing the amazing biology of monarch butterflies, the work of citizens and scientists in documenting monarch populations at all stages of their migratory cycle, as well as potential responses to declining monarch numbers. The Blue Mounds Area Project (BMAP) is an organization based in Mount Horeb that seeks to inspire, inform and empower private landowners in Southwest Wisconsin to enjoy, protect and restore native biodiversity and ecosystem health. For more information about joining BMAP, site visits, or other events, please visit www.bluemounds.org, email info@bluemounds.org, or call 608-561-2627. THE FRIENDS OF THE MILITARY RIDGE TRAIL will be holding their Annual Meeting on Monday, February 8, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at Blue Mound State Park in the Friends Shelter. Election of officers will be held. All members and those interested in becoming members are encouraged to attend. A variety of delicious refreshments will be served. ABSENTEE VOTING IN THE TOWN OF BRIGHAM Anyone desiring an absentee ballot for the February 16, 2016 Election, must do so in writing to the Town Clerk at 407 E. Business ID, Barneveld WI 53507. Included with your written request should be a copy of a current photo ID. Absentee voting in the Town Office begins Monday, February 1, 2016 at 8:00 AM. A photo ID will be required. Audrey Rue, Town Clerk C LASSIFIEDS APARTMENT FOR RENT Three bedroom apartment for rent in Barneveld. 924-5481 please leave message if no answer. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN BARNEVELD: Main Floor: • Room 3A 11 x 12 (132 square feet) • Room 4A 13 x 20 (454 square feet) • Room 5A 7 x10 (70 square feet) Second Floor: • Room 1B 13 x10 (132 square feet) • Room 3B 17 x 14 (238 square feet) *Vault Space Available* 608-924-2424 BARNEVELD SHOPPER SATURDAY NOON DEADLINE: 12:00 PM Items received on or before Saturday's mail will be included in the upcoming Thursdays publication. $10.00/30 words or less, 10 cents for each additional word after 30. Call 924-2002 for other ad cost. E-MAIL DEADLINE: 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. E-MAIL: barneveldshopper@countryspeed.com In the subject line enter (Shopper & your phone #) CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS ACCEPTED: call 924-2002 Please send/enclose payment to: Barneveld Shopper 2827 McSherry-Nihles Rd, Barneveld, WI 53507 AMERICAN LEGION SAL meets the 2nd Tues. of each month @ the Legion Hall. AMERICAN LEGION will meet the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at the American Legion hall. TH COMMUNITY CLOTHES CLOSET'S hours are the 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10 a.m. -noon and the 3rd Thursday, 5-7 p.m. The Clothes Closet located at 102 E. Lincoln St., Mt. Horeb. FOOD PANTRY: The Barneveld Food pantry is a cooperative outreach of the Barneveld & Ridgeway churches, local organizations and private donations. The Food pantry, housed at the Barneveld Lutheran facility is available for those in need in the area. The Pantry is Open on Wednesday 9:30 – 3:30 or by appointment by contacting 924-8621. Donations are always welcome. THE BARNEVELD ADVANCEMENT ASSOCIATION is looking for new members. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month, so if you’re interested in giving back to the community please come to the American Legion Hall at 7pm. HEALTHCARE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES To find out more detailed information about all open positions and to apply, go to our website at www.uplandhillshealth.org Upland Hills Health 800 Compassion Way, Dodgeville, WI 53533 *Director of Patient Financial Services – fulltime salaried management position *Housekeeping – part-time position *Family Nurse Practitioner – full to part-time clinic position *Pharmacy Technician – seeking part-time certified tech *OR Tech - .8 FTE, part-time tech position YOUR AD HERE UNIQUE GIFT IDEA CUSTOM ENGRAVED KEYCHAIN & HEART PENDANTS DOGTAG KEYCHAIN $12 CZ HEART OR CZ DOGTAG $16 COMPLETE NECKLACE $22 add $1.25 for CC payment sample Great For: Grandparents Parents Friends Kids Backpacks Everyone! Businesses Organizations School Wedding Use Your Pictures Or Logo To Be Engraved Great For Memorials, Memories, School Or Sport Picture & More! CALL 608-924-2002 or email JEREMY AMBLE - EI@COUNTRYSPEED.COM THE BLUE MOUNDS FOOD PANTRY & CLOTHING CONNECTION is located at 11010 Blackhawk Drive, located in the Blue Mounds Industrial Park south of Hwy 18/151. Hours are every Thursday from 9 to 11 and 4 to 6. We have no residence restrictions. You can come every week. We offer free food and clothing. Questions about food contact Sharon at 437-8680 or clothing contact Fran at 437-2213. Always willing to accept donations. Monetary ones can be sent to PO Box 92, Blue Mounds, WI 53517 while others can be brought to the Pantry during open hours or call the contacts. BARNEVELD SCHOOL BOARD meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. 11014 Ridge St Blue Mounds 608-576-3429 Dazzling Digits LLC is looking to expand!!! I am Certified Master Pedicurist with a full service nail salon and solid reputation in the Blue Mounds, WI area. I offer everything from acrylic and gel, shellac and nail art while specializing in pedicuring. I am looking for an individual who is passionate about the nail industry, is driven to continue to learn and possesses uncompromising health and sanitation standards. Your knowledge that a solid business is built on these things wrapped in superior customer service is the attitude I need on my team. Bring your skills to Dazzling Digits and you will be offered opportunities to learn new skills in a collaborative environment. We are known for superior pedicuring and, working with the only Certified Master Pedicurist in the area, you will have opportunities to treat complex cases and further learn your craft. You will also enjoy a fairly flexible schedule but must be able to work evenings and some Saturdays. Position to start out part time but if desired could expand into full time. Only candidates holding a valid Wisconsin manicurist or cosmetology license will be considered. Please forward your resume and cover letter for immediate consideration to: dazzlingdigits@mhtc.net Upland Hills Health Calendar Vote WANTS YOU! Tim THE BARNEVELD SHOPPER Angel JUDGE ADVERTISERS NEEDED NOW! Most events are free, some require early registration and fee. For details visit UplandHillsHealth.org or call 930-7112 FEBRUARY MARCH continued February 25 Wellness Wednesday, NOON Arcadia Books in Spring Green Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle Tips March 18 Wellness Wednesday, NOON Arcadia Books in Spring Green Migraine Headaches February 26 Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers-Renewal Class, 6-9 pm March 25 Wellness Wednesday, NOON Arcadia Books in Spring Green Spring Allergies MARCH March 4 Wellness Wednesday, NOON Arcadia Books in Spring Green Controlling Cholesterol Tips March 5 Community Links Program Economic Update 5-6 pm March 6-7 Spring Crop for a Cause March 11 Wellness Wednesday, NOON Arcadia Books in Spring Green Nutrition vs. Fad Diets March 18 Community Links Program Mount Horeb Wellness Night Featuring documentaries: Fed Up! and Weight of the Nation, a free meal and the cookbook, Super Snacks for Super Kids, 6-9 p.m Mount Horeb High School gym Autume Gollon Direct: (608) 574-7500 AGollon@BunburyRealtors.com Monthly Support Groups autumegollon.bunburyrealtors.com “Gilda’s On the Go” Cancer Support Group — APRIL April 7 April 7-May 12 April 8 Stamp A Stack Diabetes Education Classes: 5:30 pm NEW,7,NEW, NEW 4-Part session April 14, 21, 28 Join us in making 10 cards using NEW stamp sets, Living Well with Chronic Conditions paper, and accessories out Tuesdays, 1:00-3:30 pm of the NEW Occasions Catalog,. Community Links Program Fastpitch Throwers Clinic 2016 Monday February 15th, April 8 Community Links Program Barneveld Lutheran Church Social Security Presentation Kathy Bramlett, 5-6 pm 6:30-9:00 if youOellerich, RSVP by Friday January April 13 FREE GIFTJulia Upland Hills 15th. HealthFREE GIFT if youDirector bring a friend. Foundation speaking at Kiwanis. NOON, Dodger Bowl Hope to see you there!!! Inspire...Create...Share Stampin Up! 5:30 pm Grief Support Series begins, April 13 Topic “Where am I today?” Michelle Ihm - Independent Demonstrator April 15 Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 608-924-2616NOON, Cell 574-4866 mkihm@mhtc.net Hidden Valley Church April 16 Senior Expo in Belmont Simplify your life. SHORT OR LONG TERM SPACE AVAILABLE 924-2002 barneveldshopper@countryspeed.com paid for by Angel for Judge Committee, Paul Angel Treasurer WWW.BARNEVELDSHOPPER.COM GET NOTICED...ADVERTISE Deer Valley 1030 COPIES DISTRIBUTED WEEKLY & NOW ON THE WEB Golf Course YEARLY RATES ARE LESS THAN YOU BUYING STAMPS FOR ONE WEEK and Lodge Weekly Classified ads starting at $10.00 up to Full page-$156.00 Barneveld 924-2002 barneveldshopper@countryspeed.com 608-924-3033 WEBSITE: WWW.BARNEVELDSHOPPER.COM YOUR AD HERE YOUR AD HERE CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS Jerry 2nd Monday evening of every month, 6 pm Grief Support Series — Six Mondays, April 13 — May 18, 5:30 pm No matter what your stage of life, buying or remodeling your home can be stressful. The last Heart Building 101 — 2nd Wednesday afternoon of every month at 10 am Vote April 7 Davis things you need to discover are unexpected closing costs or that your mortgage was sold to the highest bidder. Our customers are not for sale. At The Peoples Community Bank, your payments, your escrows and your questions stay with us. Monthly Classes Fitness Classes: Start the beginning of each month — Now Offering Zumba! New Parent Classes: Include: Childbirth Education, Next Breastfeeding, Sibling Classmake sure you time you need home financing, get more than just a mortgage. Get to know your local providers! Visit SimplyGoodBanking.com 130 N. Iowa St. 800 Compassion Way, Dodgeville Dodgeville, WI 53533 WI 53533 | to learn more. Watch Wisconsin Doctors on Channel CW57 brigham town board chair Because Board Experience Matters Paid for by Jerry Davis, 7970 Lake View Road, Barneveld, WI 795-2151 www.SimplyGoodBanking.com 608.930.8000 (800) | www.uplandhillshealth.org We have your back. W i c k B ui l di n gs spe c i al iz es i n t he f o ll o win g are as o f co ns t ru ct io n : Suburban ♦ Commercial ♦ Agricultural ♦ Cont act Ryan Genrich 608-577-0108 for all your Post Fr am e nee ds ♦ Residential Ple as e ca ll 1 -800 -35 6 -968 2 or go t o Wi ck Buil di ng s. com t o g et FRE E i n for mat ion on Wi ck Buil di ng s. Hel pi ng you get th e bu il di ng an d serv i ce you de se rve! B C & Questions About The Real Estate Market? Buying Or Selling A Home Or Land? Call, Text, Or E-mail Me! John Murphy BARNEVELD Construction HEAT I NG Specializing in Roofing Siding (FORMERLY SOUTHWEST & MECHANICAL) No project to big or too small FOR ALL YOUR Fully Insured Free Estimates HVAC NEEDS John Murphy, Barneveld ROGER UPTEGRAW M 608-212-7227 608-220-1667 OR 608-924-2053 e-mail johnmurphyconstruction@yahoo.com Concrete Removal Snow Removal Dozer Work Driveways House Basements Building Sites PO Box 38 499 East Industrial Dr. Barneveld, WI 53507 TRUCKING and EXCAVATING, LLC Bill and Charlie Aschliman Owners/Operators Ph. 608-924-1662 Bills cell: 608-220-7062 Charlie's cell: 608-575-1114 You need a farm insurance company that knows the area and your individual needs. We have protected area farmers for CLUB decades BARNEVELD BOOSTER with quality insurance coverages and WINTER SPORTS ARE HERE SUPPORT OUR YOUTH friendly local service. Call Us 608-437-7226 www.trollwayinsurance.com Scott Marty Trollway Insurance LLC 311 West Main Street Mount Horeb, WI 53572 GAFFNEY Y CATTLE John FAMIL Murphy “Our bus iness . Our Livelihood.” Construction 4888 Cty HH, Barne veld, W I Specializing in608-924 Roofing-1029 & Siding www.gaffneyfamilycattle.com No project to big or too small Fully Insured Free Estimates Gaffney Cattle GFC Family Bull Sale Bull Sale bulls went to John35 Murphy, Barneveld 5 states February 28, 2015 608-212-7227 M Averagi ng $33 00 **New Date** e-mail johnmurphyconstruction@yahoo.com
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