Roman Catholic Church of St. Matthew
Roman Catholic Church of St. Matthew
May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 1 SCHEDULE OF MASSES Roman Catholic Church of St.Matthew The Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law 35 North Service Road, Dix Hills, New York 11746 Tel: (631) 499 -8520 Fax: (631) 499 -1530 Office Hours: Monday-Friday at the Parish Center 9:00 am –5:00 pm May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity Rev. Robert S. Hewes Pastor Parochial Vicars Rev. Lawrence Chadwick and Rev. Raymond Akpunonu Pastoral Associates Sister Anthony Therese Roncallo, O. P. Sister Kathleen McCarthy, O. P. DEACONS James McQuade, Carmine DeStefano, Luis Roberto Polanco Saturday 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 (Tridentine Mass in the Chapel); 9:30 (Family Mass), 11:00 a.m. (Choir Mass) , 12:30, and 5:15 (Youth Mass) Weekday Masses take place; 9:00 a.m. in the church and 5:15 p.m. in the chapel. Saturday 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel. Holyday Will Be Printed In The Bulletin CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:45–4:45p.m. Eve of Holyday and Eve of First Friday 3:45– 4:45p.m. And at any other time, please call to make an appointment with a priest. BAPTISMS SCHEDULE The 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 1:45 p.m. and the 4th Saturday of the month at 12:30 p.m. Contact the Parish Center to arrange the ceremony and for the Baptismal Preparation Class which meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 8:00 p.m. The only exception is in December when no class is held. MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance and should be made prior to making plans for a reception. Call the Parish Center for an appointment with the priest or deacon you wish to witness your wedding. All couples are required to attend Pre-Cana. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE FAITH Those seeking information about the Catholic Faith are invited to contact the Parish Center concerning the R.C.I.A. Program. DEVOTIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION In the chapel, Monday through Friday at 3:00 p.m. and concluding with Benediction at 5:00 p.m. FIRST FRIDAY Masses are at 9:00a.m. and 5:15 p.m. Exposition of the Holy Eucharist takes place in the chapel from1:00 to 5:00 p.m., concluding with Benediction. FIRST SATURDAY– 8:15 a.m. devotions ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament is available EVERY SATURDAY after the 9:00 a.m. Mass , the Sacrament is available for those who are to undergo a serious medical procedure the following week or who have a serious illness and who have not been anointed within the past three months. If you wish to be anointed, please let the celebrant know before Mass. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA – Monday-– 5:15 p.m. Mass in the Chapel. CHARISMATIC PRAYER Takes place every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Holy Communion will be ministered to those confined at home. Those who are seriously ill should request a priest for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. PARISH REGISTRATION New families and new parishioners are encouraged to register at St. Matthew. Registration forms are available at the Parish Center or on line at Kindly notify us when you move so that we may send a letter to your new pastor. PARISH SCHOOL—HOLY FAMILY REGIONAL Please contact: Principal, Constance Jenkins-543-0202 May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 2 Dolores Tiernan Weekly Collection Monday Novena 5:15 p.m. Legion of Mary 3:00 p.m. In the Blessed Mother Room Tuesday Morning Prayer Group at 10:00 am. In room. 201. Rosary Society meets the first Tuesday after the first Sunday of each month at 7:00 p.m. K of C General/Business Meeting 8:00 p.m. (2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month) Thursday Young Seniors 9:00 a.m. Apostleship of Prayer- First Thursday after 9: 00 Mass Fatima Spiritual Formation Prayer Group: 1st & 3rd Thurs of the month @ 7-8pm We meet in Blessed Mother Room Adult Choir practice 7:30 p.m. in Family Room Festival Choir: 2nd and 3rd Thursday in Family Room Saturday Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Spanish Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Tridentine Mass Choir (Latin) 4:00 p.m. in Family Room May 18th & 19th $16,545 Business Manager Richard Bove Finance Chairperson End of Season Fuel $3.783.00 Dir. of Music Ministry Faith Direct $1900.00 Sister Kathleen McCarthy Please use your Envelopes and Please indicate donation amount on the outside of the envelope. Deacon Carmine DeStefano and Joseph Napolitano Thomas Tirino Parish Outreach Trustees PARISH MINISTRIES ALTAR SERVERS John DiGiorgio : Mark Petosa: APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER Kathryn Giandoreggio 491-3735 ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: Chris Felice: Moderator: Sr. K. McCarthy 499-8520 x 124 BAPTISMAL PROGRAM: PLEASE CALL TO REGISTER Bettyanne Russo 499-8520 BEREAVEMENT Sr. Anthony Therese 499-8520 Kathryn Monaco Douglas 495-8541 Anthony Monoco 516-779-3568 BIBLE STUDY Anthony Albano 586-4827 BOY SCOUTS Sal LaRosa 516-567-6486 BULLETIN: email: Bettyanne Russo 499-8520 x 126 BUSINESS OFFICE ACCOUNTING Dolores Tiernan, Mgr 499-8520 CATHOLIC MINISTRIEs APPEAL John Gatto 499-8520 x 117 C.C.D. -RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mary Donaldson ,D.R.E. 864-3321 Rita Minder, Assistant CHARISMATIC GROUP Louise Williams 265-7007 CHEFS ON CALL Sr. Kay McCarthy, Moderator Mary Motlenski 586-7446 Judy Archbold 667-4629 ADULT CHOIR Thomas Tirino-Director 499-8520 x116 Dolores Tiernan, Coordinator CHILDREN’S CHOIR Nicole Nicholson: FESTIVAL CHOIR Thomas Tirino-Director 499-8520 x116 TRIDENTINE CHOIR (LATIN) CHOIR Thomas Tirino-Director 499-8520 x116 Ed Oriani - Cantor COMPASSIONATE CARE AND CONSOLATION MINISTRY Sr. Anthony Therese 499-8520 x120 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Julie Cohen 586-2553 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Ray Smolenski 243-0449 FAMILY ROSARY GROUP Paul Pileggi 424-2364 FEED THE POOR MINISTRY Frank Harnos 499-0074 Julie Maddaloni 242-2183 FOOD PANTRY Sr. Kay McCarthy 499-8520 x 124 John Gatto 499-8520 x 117 KIDS 4 KARING Kara Lulley 643-7636 Sr. Kay McCarthy, Moderator KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Sir Mark A. Negron, G.K. 631-355-1651 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SQUIRES Sir Francis Scotti 917-567-9829 LECTORS Helen Campa 586-0682 LEGION OF MARY Terry Sbashnig 254-9472 MINISTRY OF PRAISE Rosemary Sammon 499-5176 MOMMY and ME Caroline Rafferty 351-1328 Silvia Campa 254 -6827 PARISH OUTREACH Sr. Kay McCarthy 499-8520x124 PILGRIM MADONNA Adreana Napolitano 673-9353 PLANT ENGINEER Luis Flores 492-7881 PRAYER GROUP (Tues. Morning) Ed Sheil 549-1861 PRE-CANA Deacon James McQuade 586-5326 RCIA Marie Prainito 499-4725 Robert A. Ruvio 595-2175 RIGHT TO LIFE Toni Shannon 586-3807 ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Co-Presidents: Mildred Czech: 631-249-4519 Tina Murgolo: 631-595-2860 SECRETARY TO THE PASTOR/ PARISH SECRETARY Bettyanne Russo 499-8520 x 126 SENIOR CITIZENS Dix Hills Unit 351-3253 SONS OF ITALY Stanley Klein 549-4278 Spanish Ministry: Deacon Luis Roberto Polanco 648 7330 STEWARDSHIP/HOSPITALITY Marge Puccio 667-1176 ST. VINCENT de PAUL John Gatto 499-8520 USHERS Thomas Siegler 920-2055 YOUNG SENIORS Sr. Anthony Therese 499-8520 x120 YOUTH MINISTRY Gina Drost 631-835-3088 May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 3 Saturday, May 25 5:00 pm Teresa Morizio Frances McNinney Guiseppe Commisso Living Intention Jack Tseng Dec'd. Mbrs. Pileggi & Natale Families Anthony D' Amico 7:00 pm For Peace On Earth Sunday, May 26 7:30 am Brian Donahue 9:00 am For the People of the Parish 9:30 am William Massa 11:00 am Living Intention Thomas Giondoreggio 12:30 pm Giovanni Musacchia 5:15 pm Millie & Frank Tricamo Monday, May 27 9:00 am Ann Waters 5:15 pm NO MASS Tuesday, May 28 9:00 am Dolores Cooper 5:15 pm Tomy John Joseph Living Intention Wednesday, May 29 9:00 am Thomas Moore 5:15 pm Patrick Hansen Living Intention Thursday, May 30 9:00 am Anthony D' Amico 5:15 pm Dr. Orlando Apiado Friday, May 31 9:00 am Louis Garafalo Sr. 5:15 pm Frances Adams Saturday, Jun 1 9:00 am Pasquale Murgold NIcholas Russo & Frances M. Palmaccio Sally Douglas Odette Landers Jane Penzavecchia Rosa Torre 5:00 pm Connie Imbesi Jennifer & Thomas Maguire Augustine Leto Lillie Gibbs Living Intention Jack Tseng Ronald T. Policare 7:00 pm For All the Children in Religious Program Sunday, Jun 2 7:30 am Dolores & Lloyd Chadwick 9:00 am For the People of the Parish 9:30 am Sandra Marie Lane&Gerald T. Lane Jr. 11:00 am Dolores & Lloyd Chadwick 12:30 pm Dolores & Lloyd Chadwick 5:15 pm Dolores & Lloyd Chadwick The St. Matthew Roman Catholic Church Rosary Altar Society's 10th Bi-Annual International Banquet 6:15 p.m. June 15, 2013 in Msgr. Goggin Hall Banquet Food Provided by Our Dedicated Local Restaurants & Merchants Includes Beer, Wine, Soda, and Dessert We will be selling tickets after Masses on June 1 and 2. Tickets are $20 each, Children ages 4-16 - $10 Any Questions? Call Louise @ 631-586-4515, Judy @ 631-667-4629 or Terry @ 631-254-9472 May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 4 Dear friends, This weekend marks Memorial Day. We remember all those who served this Country in uniform in any war, and did not return home. The observance began as “Decoration Day”. It was instituted in response to the then-unprecedented trauma of the Civil War and the huge casualties, all American, of that war. Graves of fallen Civil War soldiers would be “decorated” on May 30th. In our own time, the observance has been given a movable date and honors all the dead of all the Armed Forces who lost their lives on active service in time of war and conflict. Its roll of honored dead now stretches from Lexington and Concord in 1775 right down to Baghdad and Kandahar in 2013. While it marks the unofficial start of summer, we have less reason to forget than ever. The memories of war are indeed very fresh for us this year. Our troops still serve all over the world, from Germany to Korea. Our fleets patrol all the seas of the earth, and Air Force aircraft stand ready on a moment’s notice to deploy. As a free people, we have the right to debate, discuss, and disagree with the decisions and actions of our government; and yet we must all agree to honor in grateful thought and in prayer those who gave their lives to ensure we have that freedom. It would be foolish, in my opinion, to hold that every war the United States has fought has been just and worthwhile. No less a military statesman than Ulysses S. Grant stated in his Memoirs that the war against Mexico in the 1840’s was unjust; and opened the door to the Civil War. Yet, in this century, again allowing for legitimate debate, can anyone be failed to be touched by the response of former Secretary of State Colin Powell to the implication that America was “imperialist” that the only land we ask for after a victory is just enough “to bury our dead”? “They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old…At the rising and the going down of the sun… we shall remember them.” Also, we are moved by the beautiful Liturgies that saw hundreds of our children receive First Holy Communion this month. Anyone who wants to see the life of this Parish, or who doubts that life, just “come and see” the wonders the Lord does in the souls of His children. God’s blessings, Fr. Hewes Special Mass on June 2nd, Corpus Christi Sunday. This year, on Sunday, June 2nd, at the 12:30 PM Mass we will continue our recent tradition of offering a special Missa Cantata or “Sung Mass” in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, or traditional Latin High Mass followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The powerful and beautiful music of our Catholic tradition ( Gregorian Chant, polyphony, and Mozart’s Ave Verum) will be featured. The Eucharistic Blessing will be intended to reach our entire community as well. May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 5 May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 6 LOOKING AHEAD Registration forms for September 2013-2014 classes, grades two through eight, are coming in at a steady pace. Please return these blue forms as soon as possible. New student registration 1st thru 8th grade is the week of June 10th, 11:00AM to 4:00PM in the St. Jude Room on the second floor of the Parish Center. Tuesday evening, June 11 th, we will have registration until 8 :OOPM for those who cannot get here during the day. A copy of the child's Baptismal Certificate is required and the fee of$175.00 per child is due at that time. SUMMER PROGRAM This year the Summer Program runs from August 4th thru August18th. Sign up to be a Summer Program helper is Wednesday, June 5, 2013 from 7-8PM in Msgr. Goggin Hall. FIRST COMMUNION - SPECIAL THANKS Our First Holy Communions were wonderful but that was only possible with the collaborative effort of so many. Our special thanks to Fr. Hewes who celebrated the six Masses and made each Mass memorable for the children and their families. We are grateful to Fr. Chadwick and Fr. Raymond and to Sister Kay, the Lectors, the Altar Servers, The Knights of ColumbuslUshers and the Eucharistic Ministers. I'd like to thank our Children's Music Ministry - Nicole Nicholson, Director and Joseph Smaldino, our Organist, who added to the beauty of each Communion. We can't forget Luis Flores, Plant Engineer, who kept us comfortable during these past few weeks and who is always helpful to the Religious Education Department. A great big 'Thank You" to the following teachers, who so happily gave their time each week at rehearsals and at the Communion Masses: Sr. Benarda, Gloria Montesano, Olga Mantione, Anne Nicholls, Becky Muraco and Carmela Sposato, our second grade coordinator, who gives endlessly to Religious Education. Last, but not least, I'd like to recognize Rita Minder, whose contributions have helped to make our Religious Education Program successful. Her dedication, deep commitment to the children and sense of humor, makes working together a real joy. PHOTOGRAPHS Rosemary Femia, the professional photographer who takes the pictures for Confirmation and First Holy Cdmm:union can be reached at this number-(631) 586-0833. Photographs taken during the First Communions (and Confirmation) will be available for viewing in the breezeway every Thursday until June 27th from 7:00PM to 9:00PM. May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 7 May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 8 St. Matthew Parish Catholic Ministries Appeal 2013 Goal: $ 122,700.00 As of May 1, 2013: $168,852.45 in Pledges You can make a difference in the lives of those around us by making a gift to this year’s Appeal. Your generosity helps support the formation of our priests and deacons who give their lives to the Church. provide religious education to more than 110,000 of our youngsters in public schools. provide food, shelter and care to the disadvantaged in our communities through the good works of Catholic Charities and our Parish Outreach programs. Last year, we provided assistance to thousands of families who were displaced due to Hurricane Sandy. form future generation of Catholics through Campus Ministry, Young Adult and Youth Ministry programs. Pledges can be made over 10 months with Check, Cash, or Securities. Appeal envelopes are available in the Church and Parish Office Many thanks for your continued support and generosity. God Bless. May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 9 James A. Rice, Rosalie Hagel, Phyllis Carabba We Remember In Prayer Those Who Are Sick or In Need In Our Church And Community PRAYER FOR THE SICK: Before you place a name on the weekly prayer list, please be sure to have permission from that person to publish their name in our bulletin, and be prepared to give your own name as the person requesting prayers. ** The names will remain on the list for 30 days.** Margarita Abelaruiz Baby Chloe Atienza Hank Baluta Vivian Blom Esther Chahin Elizabeth Crapet Louis Crapet Joseph G. Costa Carmela David Irene Drawbridge Jo Ferlini Marino Figueroa Josephine Flynn Karen Garrison Andree Germain Connor Golden Ted Kingsley Dan Kopetic Laurie Kramer Thomas Labette Denis McNamara Patricia McNeill Krystina Moskwa Greg Pederson Vincenza Petrozziello Mario Puliciani Helen Reineking Charles Sanzone Harry Siedel Louis Soriano Margaret Stachler Ed Stein Diego Stincone Terry Tanzer Edward Youskites George Weiss Becky Zallek Bernard Zoborowski Mary Zuccaro We Pray, especially for our Service Men and Women: 1st Lieut.Autumn Baur-Marines-Behrain ,1st Lt.Gerard J. Connolly II-Army-10th Mountain Division-Afghanistan, Michael Lembo-Afghanistan Warrent Officer 2nd Tour, Pvt. Michael Dore, U.S. Army, Lt. Brendan Johnston, U.S. Navy, , LCPL Michael Porfidio, Marine in Afghanistan, Robert Gabriellini, Navy—Afghanistan, Cpl Louis Angulo-Afghanistan, Corporal Michael Grella — Navy Airman, First Lieut. Michael DiPietro-Army-Iraq, PFC James Suschinsky-USMC, Stacyann Willingham-Combat medic– Army, LCPC. Marc KrauthamerMarines, Iraq, Sgt. Capt. Francis Xavier Sperl-Army, Sgt. Shurwin Julien-Army-Iraq., Lt. Col. Robert WrightMarines, Lance Corporal Robert Kirschenheiter-Marines-Iraq, Corpsman Devon Westerlind-Navy, Wayne Corrigan – Iraq, Christian Suarez -Marines, Stephanie Uliano -Air Force, Major Shirley Crumpton, Sgt. Travis Coleir, Sean Keeffe -Army, Tara Kelly, Chris Skala - Marines, Sr Airman Leah Dunne, Paul Ryder - Marines, Nicky Bivona - Navy, LCPL Andrew Dubriske, Michael Wissemann, LPL San Sievero -Marines, Ambrose Michelino, Jarod Racuot-Army, Robert Scarpelli, Anthony Lazado -Marines , Richard Freese, Jr. -Navy, Rho Nagasguna - Marines ,Michael Doherty -Army, Pablo Quirindongo-CW4-Army, Cpl. Ronnie Belmarez- Marines, Lt. Christopher Grande-Navy. The Tuesday Prayer Group gathers every Tuesday at 10:00 am. in room 201. The morning includes The Rosary, Prayer for Priests, Prayer for America, Bible reading, Religious songs and during Lent, The Stations of the Cross. Please call Ed Sheil at 631-549-1861 for further information. The Family Rosary Group prays the Rosary each month (the first Friday of the month at St. Elizabeth in Melville and the 2nd Friday at St. Matthew in Dix Hills NY at 8:30 pm... PS...if you have any prayer intentions, please email them to May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 10 Ahearn Amanda Akerele Donal Alfani Alessandra Amore Giovanni Andrews Jessica Arsenicos Jessica Aruanno Ava Ashley Alyssa Avdoulos Julia Barnett Avery Basta Sophia Beach Cody Bello Sophia Benenati Mia Beresheim Alexandra Bisbee Jack Bisulca Michael Boltz Connor Bonocore Ryan Boyle Jolie Buquicchio Nicolette Burke Jayden Calvet Victoria Campisi Matthew Caras Allison Catalanello Luke Ceseretti Christopher Chiappetta Donald Chin Julianna Cincis Brenna Cinquemani Deanna Colasacco Christopher Columbano Nicholas Connell Christopher Cooper Tyler Cosentino Andrew Cummings Gabriella D'Alessandro Joseph D'Amato Shannon Davi Sarah Debenedittis Victoria DeCicco Kylie Diamond Mitchell Dilavore Logan Dobbins Elizabeth Doerrie Daniel Eger Joseph Elmo Michael Escobar Samuel Esposito Sophia Faga Sophia Fakuade Jadesola Farrell James Fasciana Joseph Feinberg Joshua Fernandez Daniela Ferraro Brian Fisher Lauren Fling Sara Flynn Logan Forte Amanda Frain Kelsey Gallub Ian Ganosis Jimmy Gentile Paul George Tyler Germano Abigail Ging Liam Girimonte Mikayla Gizzi Giovanni Glatz Dominick Grauer Jack Grossi Tyler Grzesiak Alexander Guanti Julia Guanti Sophia Guginsky Julianna Haber Amanda Hamilton Olivia Hiu Laura Hofsiss Benjamin Hopps Ellen Hughes Andrew Hughes Patrick Jean-Louis Aubrey Kampta Shaquille Kattau Ryan May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 11 Koch Victoria Mule' Ryan Schwarz Lauren Kowalski Peter Muskopf Ryan Sciara Sabrina Kuplen Grace Natale Nicholas Sedita Gabrielle Lagrua Abigail Natale Raquel Sikorski Ryan Lamendola Victoria Nicolette Michael Sklar Jack Lazarto Bryce Nuzzolo Alex Sloan William LeGuernic Justin Oquendo Gabriella Speicher Alec Linsalata Jake Pabisch Brian Stabile Dakota Linsalata Kyle Pachuta Thomas Stauder Kevin Loccisano Aiden Palazzo Nico Stauder Tyler Lockhart Mason Palina Violet Suapengco Aidan LoCurto Sebastiano Pallan Emily Tantillo Vanessa Lombardi Alexa Palmeri Erik Tevez Daniel Long Dylan Parada James Thornton Samantha Lopez Daryanna Parkes Matthew Tiernan Theresa Lopez Elvys Pasquale Jenna Torre Victoria Lopez Yulianna Pastroski Eric Traina Anna Lorenz Ryan Pelliccione Nicole Traina Victoria Lukaszewski Gabrielle Pennella Christopher Trotta Vincent Mallon Luke Petruzzi Robert Truberg Melissa Mancuso Blake Picciano Grace Tucci Sean Manetta Anthony Picciano Paul Tuzzolo Christopher Mangano Luca Pipia Luca Ulloa Katherine Martin Benjamin Pleasants Shane Ulloa Pablo Martin Luke Pomareda Ian Umbreit Nikki Marzigliano Alana Proniewski Aleksander Varrone Anthony Massaro Angela Rafferty Kieran Vasconcellos Zachary Mastroianni Nicholas Reedy James Viola James Mata Christopher Regala Gabrielle Wang Brandon Mata Fernando Rosato Christian Warner Laila Mata Grace Rosenthal Andrew Werner Jaxson Matthews Jonathan Rossi Giuliana Wilson Ryan McCabe Crystal Ruocco Ryan Wisniewski Samantha McKeown James Salerno Gianna Zapata Olivia McManus Justin Sammartano Alyssa McNally Gavin Sariski Jenee McNamara Sophia Sariski Jesee Mercurio Sophia Sarisky James Montemarano Joseph Sarnelli Anthony Montemarano Vincent Schiffer Jordan Morello Juliana Schupler Alexandra May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 12 HORNORING DECEASED KNIGHTS Sunday June 9, 2013 All widows, relatives and friends of the deceased members of the Knights of Columbus are invited to a memorial service at the outdoor 1st Station of the Cross on Sunday, June 9th after the 9:30 am mass. The Council's Chaplain Father Chadwick will speak and offer prayers for the deceased members. All members of our parish family are welcome to attend. Lectors Schedule June 1st & 2nd 5:00 PM 7:30 AM B. Vogt B. Stio 9:30 AM T. Rosenlicht 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:15 PM G. Cruz M. Shef ——— Eucharistic Minister Schedule June 1st & 2nd 5:00 P.M. R. Grande 7:30 AM C. DeStefano 9:30 AM J. Napolitano 11:00 AM A. Cantone 12:30 PM R. Ruvio 5:15 PM F. Sabella R. Smolenski K. DiGiovanna R. Germain E. McEvoy B. Abadom J. Maccio C. Vogt B. Hermosura M. Prainito G. Merendino A. Albano C. Vela M. Puccio ** J. Burke E. Vincente A. Sosnilo First Time Matthew Hasbrouck and Erica De Badts Richard Camacho and Jennifer DeStefano Anthony Prestigiacomo and Katelyn Dore Respect Life News Spiritual Adoption Program HAPPY BIRTHDAY – SPIRITUALLY ADOPTED BABY! Your spiritually adopted baby is born this month - - nine months after his/her mother conceived him/her. The only change at birth is a change in the external life support system of the baby. He/she is no different now than he/she before birth except that he breathes and eats differently. He/she is truly a miracle. He/she began as a 46-chromosome cell and has developed over the past nine months into this unique human baby. Never before in history, nor ever again, will anyone exist who is just like your spiritually adopted baby. Your prayers saved his/her life. Thank you on behalf of all of the little babies that you cared enough to pray for him/her and his/her mother. The BABY SHOWER for the Life Center of Long Island The weekend of June 15 and 16 The Father’s Day Baby Shower for the Life Center of Long Island will take place after all Masses, June 15th and June 16th. The following items are in most need: Girl and Boy Clothes: 0-3m, 3-6m, up to 4T, Toiletries and Wipes, Crib Sheets. *Cribs, *Car Seats (Infant and Toddler) Diapers: sizes 1 to 6 Please bring your unwrapped gifts to Mass. We will be outside to collect donations. Whatever you donate will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to help or have questions, please call Tonie at 586-3807 or Lisa at 499-6684. May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 13 The Rosary Altar Society Dear Rosarians, We will begin our Tuesday, June 4, 2013 meeting outside at 6:15 PM to pray the Rosary in front of the Blessed Mother statue. In the event of inclement weather, we will meet in the Chapel. Afterwards we will be having our “End-of-the-Year Party.” Please bring your appetites. We will be enjoying catered food. Tickets for the International Banquet will be available for sale next weekend, June 1 and 2 after all Masses. Please volunteer to help if you are able to do so. The Board gratefully acknowledges all our Parishioners and visitors who generously supported our Spring Plant Sale. The proceeds of every Rosary fundraiser are donated back to St. Matthew’s for the needs our parish. Additionally, much appreciation is extended to all our volunteers, Molly, Mary M., Lisa H., Fran M., Fran B., Carmela, Louise, Terry and all members of the Board. A special thank you goes to Catherine G. for selecting the plants and arranging for their delivery. As the End-of- Year and the International Banquet approach, we want to thank our generous donors and volunteers for their support. The Board acknowledges and recognizes our St. Patrick/ St. Joseph Dinner Donors. Sal Mangano, Vice -President of Mangano Funeral Home and Parishioner, for his generous Lotto Board donation. Peter Cosentino, former Parishioner, donated our DJ money. Larry Benenati and Vincent Benenati generously donated all the corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots for the event. Larry and Vinny, and their brother-in-law, Mike Terrone for also cooking and their beautiful presentation of the corned beef and cabbage. Our Co-President Tina and husband Joe for donating the cannoli. All our Rosarians, who cooked Italian food, Tina, Terry, Molly, Mary Lou, Karen, Catherine, Judy, Rosalie, and Pat. For Judy’s daughter-in-law, Terry, and Rosarian, Rosemary, for the delicious Irish Soda Bread. Judy’s granddaughter Gabriella and her friends for setting up for the party. Terry’s granddaughter Shannon and her friends from St. Anthony’s High School for serving at the party. MaryLou’s children for serving. Catherine’s son Vincent and his friend Jennifer for setting up, serving and filling the cannoli. Louise for contacting and coordinating donors. Lastly, Judy, our Chairlady, for her endless energy and dedication. We could not make the event a success without your support. May God Bless You. May the Blessed Mother be always at your side, Mildred, Tina, Marylou, Karen, Catherine, and Judy. Come let us adore Him! Could you spend 1 hour or 1/2 hour with Jesus in our church Mon.-Fri. between the hours of 3 and 5 p.m.? Call Julie Cohen at 586-2553 if you are able to commit to a particular time and day each week or month. You can also sign up at the reception desk. All are welcome to join us on First Fridays for Eucharistic Adoration throughout the night, Friday 6:00 p.m. to Saturday 9:00 a.m. At 8 p.m. we meditate on the lives of Jesus and Mary as we pray all four Mysteries of the Rosary and at 3 a.m. we pray the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy. If you would like to be a Eucharistic Guardian, please call Lisa at (631) 499-6684. -"Jesus, You never said it would be easy if we followed You, but You did promise it would be well worth the effort. " Vandy Brennan Nies The Next First Friday Nocturnal Eucharistic Adoration is Fri. June 7th from 6 p.m. till Sat. June 8th at 9:00 a.m. May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 14 SENIOR NEWS Young Energetic Seniors What a great time we had at our first annual "Pound Auction" Thank you to all those who contributed the items to be auctioned, to those who bid on them sight unseen (rather brave) and to Rose, our auctioneer, who made it such a fun filled event. On June 18th we will be going for the first time as a group, to "Resort World Casino" (Aqueduct). The cost is $30.00 with a $20 give back and $5 food voucher. This trip is perfect for those who had to forgo casino trips due to the long bus ride. We are trying this for the first time and if it works, there will be another soon. Departure time is at 10:00 am. On June 13 we will have a representative from the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. He will speak on Avoiding Senior Scams. Do not miss this meeting. and bring a friend. Memorial Day is coming. Wear your colors and fly your flags. Pray for all those who are ill and for their loving caregivers. Remember always our Military and their families. God Bless America See you in Church, Pat ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Every experience God gives us, Every person He puts into our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see. Corrie Ten Bloom ATTENTION SENIORS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• As seniors, we seem to be prime targets for dishonest people whose main objective is to separate us from our money. I personally know of two instances where perfectly intelligent people were scammed for thousands of dollars. On June 13d., we will have a speaker from the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. The subject will be "Avoiding Senior Scams" Please do not miss this opportunity to learn how to gain the advantage over these predators. Do not think that you are too smart to be a -victim. Pass the word and bring a friend. You do not need to be a Senior to attend. They want any ones money, not just the Seniors. The savings that you save may be your own. June 13d., following the 9 a.m. Mass. Questions: 66779.22 MOMMY N’ ME—SUMMER 2013 FATHERS AND GRANDPARENTS ARE WELCOME TOO! St. Matthew Roman Catholic Church Fee $75 per child for two weeks/ 1/2 price for one week 8 months—4 years old Class time: 10 am—12:00 pm Please go to our web site to download the Registration Form: May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 15 IN MEMORY OF … A FUND-RAISER WALK ON SATURDAYJUNE 1, 2013 AT 10:00 AM AT BELMONT LAKE STATE PARK THIS IS A FUND RAISER WALK IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES TOO YOUNG, FOR THEIR CHILDREN, THEIR SPOUSES, THEIR PARENTS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS. WITH THIS FUND RAISER, THE LONG ISLAND YOUNG WIDOWS/WIDOWERS ARE HOPING TO: BRING AWARNESS TO THE MANY YOUNG PEOPLE, NOW WIDOWED ON LONG ISLAND. THEY HAVE LOST LOVED ONES DUE TO VARIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES. PROVIDE FINANCIAL AND MORAL SUPPORT TO THOSE RECENTLY WIDOWED. PROVIDE WHATEVER IS NEEDED IN BEREAVEMENT CARE PROVIDE BOOKS AND PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT, TO HELP THEM AND THEIR CHILDREN GET THROUGH THIS DIFFICULT TIME. BE ABLE TO HELP ANY YOUNG WIDOW, IN HIS OR HER FIRST YEAR OF BEREAVEMENT. THOSE WHO WERE SUDDENLY LEFT TO RAISE THEIR CHILDREN ON THEIR OWN AND TO SUPPORT THEIR FAMILIES WITH MINIMAL FUNDS. WE VERY MUCH APPRECIATE ANY DONATION YOU CAN MAKE TO SUPPORT OUR CAUSE. WALK WITH US, STRENGTH COMES IN NUMBERS, SHOW YOU CARE BY JOINING US ON JUNE 1ST WIDOWEDNOTALONE@AOL,COMOR 631-495-8541 TEAR OFF AND SEND WITH EMAIL ADDRESS: NAME_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ (SHIRTS FOR WIDOW/WIDOWERS AND CHILDREN ONLY) PHONE NUMBER____________ WALK PARTICIPANT?_____ SHIRT SIZES & NAMES_________________________________________________________________ DONATION: $_____ (DAY OF WALK)________YES OR NO REGISTRATION FEE FOR WALK: $10.00 PER PERSON $10. 00 PER WIDOW AND CHILDREN *WIDOWS WITH HARDSHIPS ARE EXEMPT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: ST MATTHEW'S WIDOW AND WIDOWERS GROUP C/O SISTER ANTHONY TERESE ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH 35N SERVICE ROAD, DIX HILLS N.Y.11746 Come Visit St. Matthew’s Gift Shop Open 9-5 Mon-Sat Gift for all Occasions May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 16 May 26th, 2013 The Most Holy Trinity 17 Helpful Phone Numbers Life Center of Long Island: 631-243-2373 Long Island Women's Coalition: 631- 666-8833 Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk: 631-360-3606 Child Abuse: 631-439-0480 Day top: 1-800·2·DAYTOP Brighter Tomorrows: 631· 395·1800 The Retreat (Domestic Violence Hotline) 631· 329·1200 Birthright: 631· 821-9727 Catholic Charities (Food Stamp Info): 631· 789-9546 Good Shepherd Hospice: 631-376-3758 Alcoholics Anonymous 24·Hr Hotline: 631· 669·1124 Emotions Anonymous (EA) meets at St. Matthew every Saturday Night at 7:30 p.m. Please call Dominick with any questions: 631-321-1980 Mood Disorder Support Group of Long Island 516-499-MDSG (6374) Suicide Prevention 1-800·SUICIDE D.R.V.C. Special phone line for reporting allegations of sexual abuse by church personnel and volunteers: 516-594·9063. Job Opportunity at Catholic Charities – Diocese of Rockville Centre Bi-lingual (Spanish/English) Hourly Social Worker – Mental Health Outpatient Services, Freeport, LI We are seeking a talented, caring Social Worker (fluent in Spanish & English) to provide individual and/or group therapy to children, adolescents and adults seeking care at our Freeport Mental Health Clinic. The Social Worker must have strong computer skills and will complete psychosocial assessments, develop/implement treatment plans, complete progress notes, and facilitate linkage to appropriate resources and community services, if indicated. Our ideal candidate will be a LCSW, LMSW or LMHC, fluent in Spanish/English with at least 1 year prior experience in a related program. To apply : email cover letter and resume to: jobs@catholiccharities.ccor fax to: 516.733.7038 SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGE TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA, OUR LADY OF LOURDES & MEDJUGORJE We are accepting reservations now for our trip scheduled for Monday, Oct. 21st till Wed., October 30th, 2013. final price with airfare & taxes will be confirmed by December 2012. Suggested price $2,699.00. Call Nellie Germain 631-357-9036 or Loiuse Benenati: 631-586-4515. The Pilgrimage Chaplain will be Fr. Eden JeanBaptiiste. PROFESSIONAL THERAPY AND COUNSELING Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by New York State licensed therapists, are available to our parish an147 other parishes. This program, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the diocese for the past 39 years for the convenience of parishioners. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies, including Medicare, are honored. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at (631)2432503or go to our website at