The Professional Educator - Fort Hays State University


The Professional Educator - Fort Hays State University
Fall 2009
The Professional Educator
Fort Hays State University
College of Education & Technology
Kansas Academy of Mathematics and Science (KAMS) Students
Forward thinking. World ready.
Fall 2009 Edition
Dean’s Comments
Department Highlights
Advanced Education Programs
Teacher Education
Technology Studies
Focus on Faculty
College Faculty Awards
New Faculty
University Faculty Awards
Scholarly Publications & Grant Activity
Student News
Student Scholarships
Dean’s Honor Roll
Student Organizations
Ben Franklin Papers
COET Center Activities
Instructional Resource Center
Science and Mathematics Education Institute
FHSU Foundations/College Contributions
Alumni News
Office Directory/Calendar of Events
COET Newsletter
is produced by
College of Education & Technology,
Dean’s Office.
Editor: Debbie Mercer
Design & Layout: Amie Wright
From The Dean
Welcome to the Fall 2009 edition of the College of Education and
Technology’s (COET) newsletter. While much of the last year
included talk of budgets woes, I have been impressed with the resolve
and the creativity of faculty to maintain our commitment to excellence.
The COET is well positioned moving into this new academic year.
Enrollment numbers continue to increase with more on-campus and more
virtual students than ever before. Candidates wanting to enter the
teaching profession could not come at a better time. Since our inception in 1902, we have focused on
preparing quality teachers. In our quest for ways to continue to improve our programs and services, the
COET engages in an annual review of student learning outcome data. Faculty, students, and P-12 partners
come together each fall to examine data, analyze the results, and create action steps. By looking at longitudinal data trends we were recently able to determine areas of strength and areas for improvement. We
set lofty improvement goals, but I am confident with the College’s talented and dedicated faculty, we will
achieve them. Our students deserve no less.
This focus on improvement carries over into our accreditation activity. Thirty-two programs leading to a
State teaching license were submitted to the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) for review
this past Spring. We welcome the opportunity to showcase the data that accents our quality programs and
appreciate the reviewer’s feedback. We are pleased to report that all programs have been approved by
KSDE. Further, we are engaged in preparations for an onsite accreditation visit by both the KSDE and a
national (NCATE) board of examiners. Our onsite is scheduled for March of 2010. It will be here in no
time at all!
Three outstanding departments continue to house the quality programs in the COET. First, the
Department of Technology Studies houses programs in technology education and industrial technology.
Second, the Department of Teacher Education supports growing Early Childhood Unified and TEAM:
Elementary Education programs. We continue to serve many Kansas districts with our alternative
licensure route. The transitional teachers entering our teaching profession through alternative pathway are
positively impacting over 80 school districts in our state. Finally, the Department of Advanced
Education Programs houses growing programs in special education, administration, counseling, English as
a Second or Other Language (ESOL), Reading Specialist, and Library Media Specialist.
Quality is embedded throughout our College activity. On the pages that follow you will read about
students and faculty that have received honors and awards. Grants have been awarded and faculty
scholarship shares expertise with our learning communities. Service to our students, College, University
and community is a natural activity and part of our daily professional lives. The College of Education
and Technology is truly growing to best serve our students needs.
As always, my door is open, I welcome your comments as the
College continues to flourish. Please feel free to stop by anytime.
I invite you to spend a few minutes reading more about the things
and people that make up our highly effective College.
COET Department Highlights
Advanced Education
Dr. Ron Fahey
Interim Chair
Focus On State and National Accreditation:
The faculty of the Department of Advanced Education Programs (AEP) have been extremely busy
this past year working on accreditation at the state and national level. Accreditation of programs
at both levels last for seven years. We are proud to report that all nine advanced programs
submitted to the Kansas State Department of Education were approved!! More recently, attention
has been directed to the upcoming evaluation by KSDE and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
Education (NCATE). The NCATE Institutional Report is sent into the board in December with the
on-campus ‘live’ review scheduled for March 2010. AEP faculty serving as chairs of critical accreditation committees
are the following:
Dr. Regi Wieland:
Dr. Mike Slattery:
Dr. Dorothy Fulton:
Dr. Robert Moody:
Chair, Conceptual Framework
Chair, Unit 1-Knowledge, Skills and Disposition (Advanced)
Chair, Unit 4-Diversity
Chair, Unit 6-Unit Governance and Resources
Enrollment Indicates Growth Trend:
Longitudinal data for fall enrollments indicate a strong growth trend in graduate programs that comprise the
Department of AEP. Data on number of graduate students in AEP show that enrollment has more than doubled in the
five year period from 270 in Fall 2004 to 536 in Fall 2009!
Ed. Admin. (MS)
Ed. Admin. (Ed.S)
Instructional Technology Special Education
Service and Professional Development:
AEP faculty members are constantly involved in service to the university and professional organizations. They are
also involved in many facets of professional development throughout the year. Listed below are acknowledgements of
just a few of the most recent appointments and ongoing educational development activities of our faculty. All faculty
members were involved in a recent special training workshop in the preparation for the transition from Blackboard 7.3
to Blackboard 9.0. This is critical to our online teaching of graduate students in AEP. Most faculty also participated in
a Skype (video conferencing software) seminar conducted by Dr. Robert Moody. Knowledge of this technology can
enhance interaction among faculty and assist in more personal advising/teaching of our students. Dr. Regi Wieland
and Dr. Dorothy Fulton, along with other participants, attended a Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) workshop
in September. Dr. Fulton also served as a facilitator at the Michael Tilford Diversity Conference sponsored by the
Kansas Board of Regents. Dr. Wieland was appointed as a higher education representative on the state executive
committee for AdvancEd (formerly NCA). This committee works with KSDE on the accreditation for Kansas school
districts. Dr. Kathy Sanders was recently elected as President of the Organization of Teacher Educators of Reading
COET Department Highlights
Advanced Education
Scholarly Activities:
Faculty members are required to participate in the publication of articles in refereed state, regional,
national, and international journals or at quality refereed conferences. Often, this process from article
submission to the final publication/presentation, may take months or even years. Below are recent ‘final’
scholarly publications and presentations by AEP faculty.
Borchers, C. A., & Sanders, K. J. (2009) A framework for scholarship in teacher education. Primarily
Undergraduate Institutions Conference. Kearny, NE.
Hyatt, L. & Hyatt, B. (2009) Effective collaboration through emotional maturity. 31st International
Conference on Learning Disabilities. Dallas, TX.
Moody, R. A. & Barrett, J. T. (2009) Stress levels of school administrators and teachers in November and
December. Academic Leadership. (7) 2.
Moody, R. (2009, September). Advising at a distance using Skype. Kansas Academic Advising Network
(KAAN) 2009 Conference. Wichita, KS.
New Programs:
The faculty and staff of the Department of AEP would like to welcome two new programs to the
department. The first program is the Masters of Instructional Technology (MIT). While this program is
not new to the university or to the College of Education and Technology (COET), it is a new addition to the
Department of AEP. We’d like to welcome Dr. Bob Howell, program coordinator, and the MIT students into
the group! A brand new program to the COET and to the Department of AEP is the Master of Education in
Teaching and Learning. This new 31 credit hour program is designed to qualify retired military personnel
to become Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) instructors throughout the United States.
Ex-Students In the News:
Occasionally we hear ‘great news’ about ex-students who have graduated from our department.
Congratulations go to Lisa Gehring of Damar Junior High School, who was an Area V Middle School
Principal Honoree!! This recognition was issued by The Kansas Association of Secondary School
Principals. ‘Way to go, Lisa’…..we are all proud of you!!
AEP Individual Program Contact Information:
The following table is provided to assist you in obtaining information on the programs offered by the
Department of Advanced Education Programs. Please contact individuals directly for assistance.
COET Department Highlights
Department of Advanced Programs
Individual Program Contact Information
Advanced Education Programs (AEP)
Contact Person
Dr. Ron Fahey
Building Leadership (EDL)Dr. Robert Moody
• Principal
• Last Name A-M
Dr. Regi Wieland
• Last Name N-Z
Counseling (COUN)
Dr. Carla Hattan
• Community
• School Telephone
District Leadership (EDL) Dr. Michael Slattery 785-628-4546
• Superintendent
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Dr. Kathleen Sanders 785-628-5850
Instructional Technology
Dr. Robert Howell
Library Media (LIBR)
Dr. Mindy Salmans 785-628-4544
Reading Specialist (READ) Dr. Kathleen Sanders 785-628-5850
Special Education (SPED) Dr. Linda Hyatt
• Adaptive
• Gifted
Transition to Teaching (TESS)
Dr. Jim Barrett
M. S. in Education
Dr. Kathy Dale
• Teaching and Learning 785-628-4547
Interim-Chair: Dr. Ronald Fahey
COET Department Highlights
Teacher Education
Dr. Germaine Taggart
Fall Story Festival
Excited children, stories and activities filled the upper level of the Memorial Union this
October when costumed and energized Teacher Education students hosted a Story Festival.
Each semester the Children’s Literature class, TEEL 260, engages with pre-school and elementary school
age children from the community. This fall was no exception. The 33 on-campus students told stories
about pumpkins and fall…football and parties. Some of the students enjoyed “Going on a Bear Hunt”
inside a student designed cave. Others had a visit from “The Cat in the Hat.”
Nearly 100 online Children’s Literature students from across the United States read to an elementary or
pre-school classroom in their own community. They also guided the children through a story related
activity. Teacher education students, children and books…those are elements for a joyful day.
Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)
On September 10-11, 2009, four faculty members from the College of Education and
Technology; Drs. Lorie Cook-Benjamin, Dorothy Fulton, Beth Walizer and Regi
Wieland attended a MTSS Symposium in Wichita, Kansas. MTSS is a collaborative
approach to helping all students succeed and is the Kansas Department of Education’s systemic
approach to helping all students learn by providing a system of prevention and intervention for
all students.
Two other initiatives are often confused with, yet are part of, MTSS. These are Response to
Intervention (RtI) and Early Intervening Services (EIS). However, reference to RtI and/or EIS
reflects a much narrower focus than the broader and more systemic meaning that applies to
MTSS. In Kansas, MTSS encompasses both of these approaches and more (Posny, 2007).
The main goal of MTSS is to provide an integrated systemic approach to meeting the needs of
all students and to use resources in the most effective and efficient way enabling every child
to be successful. According to Dr. Alexa Posny, former Kansas Commissioner of Education
and now Assistant Secretary of OSERS (Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Services), “MTSS sets up a system to provide students at-risk of, or already experiencing school
difficulties, with evidence-based interventions that prevent additional problems” (2007).
Drs. Cook, Fulton, Walizer and Wieland are researching how MTSS is being implemented in
Kansas schools and how to best implement MTSS as part of candidates’ training in the College
of Education and Technology at Fort Hays State University.
COET Department Highlights
Technology Studies
Dr. Fred Ruda
Fort Hays Technology Studies students continue to enhance their reputation in quality,
problem solving, and professionalism among their colleagues while attending the Four
State Technology Conference in Pittsburg. Fifteen FHSU Technology students
participated in seven technology competitions along with TECA students from the University of
Wisconsin Stout, University of Arkansas, University of Central Missouri,
and Pittsburg State University. Fort Hays State TECA students won 1st place honors in four of the seven
competitions, two 2nd places and one 3rd place recognition.
The students won first place in manufacturing, teaching lesson planning, problem solving and the
technology challenge, a contest of general knowledge of the technology profession. Second place awards
were won in Robotics, as well as second and third place in transportation.
The Manufacturing competition was designed to both encourage and reward the study of production
technology as it relates to manufacturing. The teams had to design, document, fabricate and implement a
continuous manufacturing system to produce an assigned product using only the tools on the official list.
Evaluation was based on team performance, safety, craftsmanship of jig and fixture design, documentation
of design efforts, and quality of the product.
The Problem Solving competition each team received contest details, tools, supplies, and related
materials necessary for a problem to be solved specifically for the competition. The solution to the
problem had to be created using the materials provided. Each team developed a solution to the problem
by: brainstorming the problem and developing a list of possible solutions, identifying the solution that
has the best potential for solving the problem, preparing a sketch of the device that is part of the selected
solution, constructing the device / mechanism that was part of the selected solution, testing and evaluating
the device that is part of the selected solution, and then described how the device solved the problem.
The Robotics competition involved the students programming a standard robot to run a maze avoiding
obstacles, and following a predetermined pathway in the shortest amount of time.
The Teaching Lesson competition was designed to evaluate how well an individual, or pair of students,
teach others about a technological topic. The topic was provided in advance of the TECA competition.
During the actual competition, the lesson was timed and instructional material was evaluated. The judging
panel (evaluators) consist of: one current Technology Education teacher having a minimum of three years
of teaching experience, one professor of Technology Education, and two or more students from a local
junior or high school. The teaching evaluation was based on: teaching effectiveness, use of appropriate
instructional materials, effective and appropriate lesson plan learning objective, helpful and well scaffold
anticipatory set, evidence of learning assessment, ability to engage learners, and the ability to demonstrate
innovative teaching techniques.
COET Department Highlights
Technology Studies
The Technology challenge competition provided a means for TECA members to demonstrate
their knowledge about the core concepts of technology, the profession of technology education,
and pedagogical concepts such as curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Questions were drawn
from the seven categories found in the Technology for All Americans© national standards
documentation: Agricultural and Bio-related Technologies, Construction Technology, Energy and Power
Technologies, Information and Communication Technologies, Manufacturing Technology, Medical
Technology, Transportation Technology, Technology Education / Professional concepts, and questions
related to curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices.
Transportation competition dealt with conceptualizing, designing, and constructing a transportation
device or craft for optimal efficiency. The contest had several variations and this year’s contest involved
concepts associated with air transportation. Each team was evaluated on craft performance efficiency in
addition to the design documentation and construction.
Name of students from right to left
Adam McElwain, Tim Markloff, Joe Horning, Mark Bogner, Lindsey Bogner, Kate Armstrong, Trevor
Clark, Nathan Wendel, James Kauffman, Brandon Bunger, Drew Holmes, Aaron French, Duane Wente,
Joel Prater, and Josh Crowe
Focus on Faculty
Dr. Debbie Mercer
College of Education and Technology
Dr. Linda Hyatt
Advanced Education Programs
Associate Professor
Dr. Ron Fahey
Advanced Education Programs
Interim Chair/Associate Professor
Focus on Faculty
Dr. Dorothy Fulton
Advanced Education Programs
Assistant Professor
Tenured and Promoted
Dr. Kathleen Sanders
Teacher Education
Associate Professor
Dr. Placido Hoernicke
Kansas Humanitarian of the Year
New Faculty
Mrs. Sara Stroup
Teacher Education
Rarick Hall 210D
Mrs. Janet Stramel
Teacher Education
Rarick Hall 210E
Focus on Faculty
Faculty Awards
2009 President’s Distinguished Scholar
Dr. Paul Adams
The President’s distinguished Scholar Award was first conferred in 1989. All unclassified employees of the university are eligible for consideration
and are evaluated for this honor by analysis of their performance in the
categories of research/creative activities, service, and instruction.
Acceptable levels of performance must be demonstrated in service and
instruction, with the primary focus of this award on research/creative
Dr. Paul Adams received his doctoral degree from Purdue University, his Master’s degree from Washington
State University and his Bachelor’s degree from Heidelberg College. He became a faculty member at
Fort Hays State University in 1986 as an instructor of Physics and was promoted to the academic rank of
professor in 2003. Dr. Adams holds the prestigious title of Anschutz Professor of Education.
Paul is well known for his dedication to science education and his ability to write and secure grants and
funding for FHSU. One of his entrepreneurial stories is the Kansas Academy of Mathematics and Science
(KAMS). The Kansas Board of Regents selected FHSU to host the Academy in partnership with the
Legislature and other key stakeholders. KAMS is a commitment to the future of mathematics and science
learners in the State of Kansas and beyond.
Dr. Adams serves as the founding director of the FHSU Science and Mathematics Education Institute in
the College of Education and Technology. This Institute sponsors the Lego Robotics competition, FHSU
Girls’ Science and Math Camp, Space Week, Earth Day and various teacher workshops.
Dr. Adams has been facilitator for two satellite missions and three NASA workshops. He has also worked
with teachers from the French Space Agency and in Mexico. He has served on numerous departmental,
college and university committees. He received the Faculty Member of the Year Award in 2005. His
record of research and faculty institutional leadership represents a solid foundation for assignment of his
special award.
Bibliography of College Scholarly Publications
2008- 2009
Brown, J., Hickman, C., & Borchers, C.A. (2009). An after-school science program to
raise water awareness on a local and international level. The Kansas Association of Teachers of
Science News, 40 (2).
Dale, K. (2009). Living a Legacy of Leadership. NorthStar for Principals, 4, (11).
Hayes, J. L. & Mercer, D. (2009). Alternative Pathways to Teaching Licensure in
Kansas: a Regent’s Partnership. The Advocate: The Association of Teacher Educators-Kansas.
Hyatt, L. (2008). Consequence of choice for gifted students. THE BUGLE. Kansas
Association of the Gifted and Creative (KGTC).
Hyatt, L. (2009). The importance of early literacy in wiring the brain. Kansas Reading
Journal, 24.
Hyatt, L. & Hyatt, C, B. (2008) Wind Down: A common sense approaching to
extinguishing stress. Parowan, UT: Homestead Publishers.
Moody, R. A. & Barrett, J. R. (2009). Stress levels of school administrators and
teachers in November and December. Academic Leadership, 7, (2).
Salmans, M. (2008). Background checks and fingerprinting in public school systems.
Journal of Academic Leadership, 6, (4).
Salmans, M. (2009). Background checks and fingerprinting in public school systems—
Part II. Journal of Academic Leadership, 7, (1).
Sanders, K.J. (2009). Striking it rich: Discovering gold in state awards for literature for
young readers. The Advocate: The Association of Teacher Educators – Kansas.
Sanders, K.J. & Borchers, C.A. (2009). Seven tips for encouraging students to read for
pleasure. Kappan.
Walizer, B. R., Dreiling, K., & Taggart, G. L. (October, 2008). A systematic approach
for training candidates to use the teacher work sample. Academic Leadership, 5, ( 3).
Walizer, B. R. (May, 2009). From the Review Corner: Bill Martin, Jr. Picture Book
Nominations for the 2009 Award, A Project of the Kansas Reading Association. Kansas Journal
of Reading, 24.
Focus on Faculty
Active Grant Activity
2008 - 2009 Fiscal Year
Adams, P., & Hopkins, A., Improving Earth Science Education in Kansas (3 of 3), ESSEA,
Adams, P., Keller, R., Bolte, A., & Noble, A., Kansas Academy of Mathematics and Science
(1 of 3), Kansas Board of Regents, $297,000
Adams, P., Boldra, S., Chretien, J., Cook-Benjamin, L., & Walizer, B., Energizing Middle
School Science and Social Studies (2 of 3), Kansas Board of Regents, $149,944
Adams, P., Robotics for Western Kansas Schools (1 of 1), NASA, $5,537
Adams, P. Taggart, G., & Ross, J., We go to the Moon (1 of 1), NASA AESP, $30,000
Adams, P., Borchers, C., Siemears, C., & Eicke, E., Unpacking Science with Cueing Systems to
Promote Academic Success for English Language Learners (1 of 3), Kansas Board of Regents & Emporia
State University, $150,000
Adams, P., Aflatooni, K., & Walizer, B., Modeling Instruction Institute (1 of 3), Kansas Board
of Regents, $148,140
Boldra, S., Teaching American History (2 of 3), U.S. Department of Education, $6,710
Borchers, C., Water Awareness Education (1 of 1), Kansas WaterLink, $7,485
Borchers, C., Taggart, G., Walizer, B., Hopkins, A., & Adams, P., Western Kansas Primary
Mathematics Academy (2 of 3), Kansas Department of Education, $99,602
Karl, M., UCAN Serve (2 of 5), Americorps, $12,000
Mercer, D., Rural Education Scholarships (5 of 6), Hansen Foundation, $24,000
Mercer, D., Transition to Teaching (2 of 2), Kansas State Department of Education, $20,149
Mercer, D., KNOTS – Alternative Certification (1 of 4), USDOE & Wichita State University,
Taggart, G., Kauffman Strategic Planning Grant (3 of 3), Kansas Association of Teachers
of Science, $6,500
Total Grants Awarded $1,007,067
Student News
College of Education and Technology Scholarships
Special Education Transfer Student
• Dallas Friedli
• Collene Haehn
• Jacqueline Schawe
• Megan Juenemann
Wallas N. Weber, MD
• Nolan Trapp
Marguerite Eckles Mann Educational
• Janell Carr
Bill Powers
• Chandra Heiman
Joye Witten Hays High/Felten Middle School
• Taylor Betts
Vails and Freda Rockwell
• Andrea McCarley
John H. Locke Memorial
• Kayla Schmidtberger
Oliver and Emma C. Knowles James Family
• Amy Marcotte
• Emily Baker
Lucile Wright Memorial
• Chelsea Wirtz
Jack Tangeman Memorial
• Erin Esparza
Edna Shutts Williams Educational Trust
• Diana Yarmer
• Dane Tryon
• Jennifer Hill
• Daniel Grater
• Trever Seibert
Dr. Charles Leftwich
• Tiffany Haug
Terry J. Knoll Memorial
• Elizabeth Krause
Educational-Order of the Purple Heart
• Kayla Hollern
Earl and Anna Dragoo
• Elizabeth Krause
Virgil and LaVon Cook
• Megan Cline
• Ethan Hays
• Jessica Tibbott
• William Allen
Larry and Sarah Bowman Memorial
• Brittney Trexler
William J. Befort
• Amayi Wendell
• Nicholas Ophaug
Paul H. Andree Memorial
• Lacey Goebel
Scott and Rita Harmon
• Kristin Miller
• Jillian Cote
Teacher Education Transfer Student
• Christine Griggs
• Shanon Lee
• Kelly Lippert
• Heather Evans
• Vickie Gilbert
• Nicole Dinkel
• Jennifer Grabbe
• Shelby Ringering
• Melanie Williams
College of Education & Technology
• Allison Groff
• Breanne Davis
• Katie Bueker
• Tiffany Haug
• Tyson McGuire
Alan Fulbright
• Jocelyn Haynes
Cecile LeSalle Beougher
• Danielle Kocher
Rural Project Education
• Amy Marcotte
• Nicole Satran
• Jessica Dechant
• Kyle Glodt
• Tim McElroy
• Gena Myers
• Rebecca Muirhead
• Chelsee Blau
• Stephanie Demuth
Transition to Teaching
• Tom Rundel • Tim Woodcock
• Jeffrey First • Amy McKinney
• Hector Serna • Linda Brown
• Genesis Ferch • Daniel Ruda
• Tranda Ihrig • Jackie Leiker
• Alecia Noel
• Michael Rains
• Jesse Janssen • Sheri Jonsson
• Kjell Nordgren • Kristy Nyp
• Joseph Holdren
• Breanne Marrs
• Cy Rolfs
• Christie Brungardt
• David Green
• Andrew Gwennap
• Jennifer Winfrey
• Don Ferguson
• Kenny Waddell
• David Dennis
• Amber Garcia • William Thompson
• Zusseth Pinillo • Nancy Ihlenfeldt
• Deanna Vegas • McKenzie Fergerson
• Justin Amos • Jeana Parker
• Kristin Mandsager
• Adam Krug
• Jennifer Larsen
• Shawn Mount
The College of Education and Technology awarded nearly
$71,000 in scholarships to graduate and
undergraduate education students for the 2009 - 2010
school year. These scholarship are made possible through
the generous support of our alumni and friends.
Student News
Dean’s Honor Roll
2008-2009 Dean’s Honor Roll
3.6 GPA and higher (Enrolled in a minimum of 12 Credit Hours per semester)
Robin Amend
Elizabeth Anstine
Samantha Aspegren
Tina Backman
Emily Baker
Karyn Baker
Brittany Baldwin
Michael Barrow
Brody Baxter
Christa Bergmann
Staci Bertholf
Barri Bessert
Heather Betzold
Amanda Biegel
Katie Blackwill
Cassandra Blau
Jody Bloodgood
Mark Bogner
Gaylynn Boone
Stephanie Booth-Varnado
Kimberly Boxberger
Halley Boyd
Megan Boyles
Dayna Breese
Katie Brennan
Kaler Bretz
Mary Bridger
Joshua Brown
Caitlin Bruffey
Megan Brummer
Amy Brungardt
Katie Bueker
Britton Burr
Charley Campbell
Janell Carr
Jaclyn Cooper
Jillian Cote
Darcy Couse
Sarah Culpepper
Sky Davis
Jessica Dechant
Natausha Dechant
Veronica Deines
Bret Derr
Jebediah Detter
Danielle Dinges
Krystal Dinkel
Gregg Dixon
Heath Dohrman
Kayla Douglas
Rebecca Dozier
Kayla Dreiling
Amanda Drury
Stephanie Dupont
Lacey Edwards
Lacy Ellis
Erin Esparza
Sarah Fast
Alycia Faust
Christopher Feil
Derek Fenner
Rachel Franz
Kacey Fulton
Katie Ganger
Stephanie Ganoung
Keith George
Kelly Giebler
Rebecca Gigax
Lacey Goebel
Amiee Goetz
Daniel Grater
Julie Griffin
Christine Griggs
Allison Groff
Tana Gustafon
Kandice Hamner
Alyssa Hardinger
Bradly Harris
Valerie Harris
Tiffany Haug
Ashley Hecker
Chandra Heiman
Kristine Hepner
Sheena Herl
Chelsey Hickman
Jared Higdon
Adam Hinojos
Adrianne Hoefler
Kevin Hoff
Patrick Holton
Sarah Hubbell
Vicki Jackson
Shylah Jarvis
Melissa Jasnoch
Sara Johnson
Deidre Jones
Bethany Kerfoot
Brandyn Kilgore
Elizabeth Klima
Brooke Klitzke
Danielle Kocher
Brittany Kratzer
Haley Krehbiel
Topaz Krehbiel
Kayla Krinhop
Kayla Kuhlman
Daisy Labra
Destiny Lalicker
Danielle Lambrecht
Chelsea Lang
Cara Leahy
Jessika Lehmann
Stephanie Linn
Kelly Lippert
Jessica Loomis
Karen Loudon
Jolene Lowe
Amber Lutz
Travis Macdonald
Brooke Major
Madison Mall
Amy Marcotte
Timothy Markloff
Kelly Matlack
Andrea McCarley
Thomas McElroy
Mehlina McEntire
Tyson McGuire
Amanda Mcllnay
Lindsay Miles
Kristin Miller
Melissa Miller
Amanda Miner
Ashton Mitchek
Alison Mohamed
Danielle Moore
Rebecca Muirhead
Gena Myers
Corbin Myers
Sandra Nickel
Felisha Nolan
Renee Nonamaker
Jana Ohman
Jana Oldham
Carlotta Patterson
Bronwyn Perez
Lindsey Pierron
Shalon Ragnoni
Monica Rangel
Aspen Rank
Emmele Reed
Ian Reel
Shari Reichard
Nicole Reichert
Sarah Rhodes
Mindi Richmeier
Kyle Ricke
Austin Rogers
Brooke Rogers
Jeffrey Rollins
Kindra Rowley
Benjamin Rowland
Lacy Rummel
Derek Rupp
Ashley Salmans
Bethany Sauer
Jacqueline Schawe
Betsy Schirmer
Ken Schlegel
Hannah Schletzbaum
Vicki Schmidt
Jacquelyn Schneweis
Ann Schrick
Terri Schriwise
Amy Schroller
Lori Schwindt
Brooke Scott
Sarah Scott
Crystal Searles
Casey Seirer
Amanda Siebert
Erin Signer
Kelsey Simon
Jenny Smith
Nathan Smith
Janelle Solko
Ashley Sperry
Lacy Sramek
Jessica Stegman
Amber Steindler
Michael Stettinger
Jenny Stewart
Sharon Stocton
Colleen Szymaniak
Brittney Trexler
Amber Unrein
Taylor Vap
Carolyn Walker
Debra Walls
Hunter Ward
Tanner Ward
Jennifer Warner
Emily Watkins
Amanda Waugh
Benjamin Weber
Brianna Weber
Kimberly Weber
Kristen Weber
Stephanie Weber
Abbie Wedel
Jennifer Weilert
Nathan Wendel
Amayi Wendell
Katrina Wentz
Anna Westhusin
Jill Whitson
Kayla Williams
Melanie Williams
Joshua Williby
Traci Wood
Kirby Woods
Wesley Wright
Diana Yarmer
Emily York
Susanna Yust
Sarah Zerr
Angela Zordel
Student Organizations
Council of Exceptional Children (CEC) is a student organization that is beginning to
establish itself within our college. An essential element in CEC’s vision for special
education is having well-prepared special education teachers working with all students
with special needs. To achieve that goal, CEC provides special educators with the latest
information on effective instructional strategies through professional development,
publications, and journals.
For more information, contact Dr. Dorothy Fulton at or
Dr. Linda Hyatt at
Technology Education Collegiate Association (TECA) promotes leadership, fellowship, scholarship,
and a philosophical foundation for future technology teachers, through college chapter coordinated
activities at the campus, state, regional, and national level.
President: Mark Bogner
Vice President: Nathan Wendel
Secretary/Treasurer: Lindsey Bogner
Sponsors: Mr. Kim Stewart & Dr. Duane Renfrow
Undergraduate and graduate collegiate students enrolled in a technology education program are
welcome to become members of TECA.
Membership Dues: $5.00 per year (for active members)
Meeting: Once a month
Student Organizations
Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT) is an honor society for Technology Studies majors. Technology
Studies students (past their junior year) and a 3.0 GPA are invited to join. Members of EPT
review The Journal of Technology Studies. Monthly meetings are held where students plan
professional activities and visits to industrial sites.
President: Mark Bogner
Vice President: Corbin Myers
Secretary/Treasurer: Casey Seirer
Sponsors: Dr. Bob Howell & Dr. Fred Ruda
Membership Dues: National & Initiation dues
Meeting: Monthly
Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) is an International Honor Society in Education that is dedicated to scholarship and
excellence in education. The Society as a community of scholars pledge to:
Recognize scholarship and excellence in education
Promote the development and dissemination of worthy educational ideas and practices
Enhance the continuous growth and leadership of its diverse membership
Foster inquiry and reflection on significant educational issues, and
Maintain a high degree of professional fellowship
President: Ty Mcguire
Vice-President: Sarah Hubbell
VP - Membership: Chelsea Lang
Secretary - Hannah Schletzbaum
Treasurer - Megan Boyles
Historian - Brian Gilligan
Foundations Representative: Kelly Matlock
Sponsor: Dr. Debbie Mercer
Membership Dues: $50.00
Meeting: Second Monday each month, 7:00 pm, Rarick Hall 231
Student Organizations
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) promotes excellence and innovation in science
teaching and learning for all.
The purpose of the Student Chapter is to:
-Promote the mission of NSTA
-Acquaint preservice teachers of science with the support resources available from NSTA
-Provide additional professional development in science education to preservice teachers
-Create a network of preservice teachers of science at universities or colleges across the world
President: Heath Owens
Vice President: Aaron Gonzales
2nd Vice President: Dan Yoder
Secretary/Treasurer: Seth Ehlers
Sponsor: Dr. Paul Adams
Membership Dues: $5.00
Meetings: Once a month @ 5:30 p.m. in the Memorial Union.
Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) is the largest professional organization for educators. Phi Delta Kappa is regarded
by many as the most prestigious educational organization in the world. Members include professional and
pre-service educators as well as individuals that are engaged in educationally related endeavors. As advocates of education, the mission of PDK is to promote leadership, service and research among those dedicated to excellence in education.
President: Dr. Regi Wieland
Foundations: Dr. Debbie Mercer
Treasurer: Dr. Ed Stehno
Membership Dues: $80.00
Student News
Ben Franklin Papers
The “Ben Franklin Papers,” sponsored by several organizations and entities at Fort Hays State University, is in its fourth year and offered to fifth-and eighth-graders in Ellis County.
Fourteen students in Sue Boldra’s Elementary Social Studies Methods class in the Department
of Teacher Education came up with lesson plans and planned their interactive projects about Ben
Franklin and his inventions. These students include Dina Augustine, Josh Brown, Kristin Clark,
Kayla Douglas, Erin Exparza, Tiffany Hipp, Kelly House, Kayla Herrman, Jessika Lehman, Kelly
Lippert, Renee Nonamaker, Mindi Richmeier, Katelynn Scott, and Amanda Siebert.
This year’s event featured different activities than past years. Some of the activities were
stamp-making, instructions on how to chart the Gulf Stream and several quiz-bowl type units making
learning fun by competition. There were also stations where students had to create an invention using
batteries, magnets and copper wire. “A good cooperative learning structure,” Boldra said.
In the past, eighth-graders also attended the day’s events. However, it would have been a duplication
for this year’s eighth-graders, who attended as fifth-graders in 2006. So this year’s group numbered
about 300 Ellis County fifth-graders rather than nearly 600, cutting those 40-student classes of the
past in half.
“Keeping the groups smaller was important; they remain more engaged that way,” said Dawne
Leiker, project coordinator for the Ben Franklin Papers. “Groups of 20 is really helping making it
easier to interact with the kids.”
In addition to some new twists this year, there also was the familiar Fred Krebs, a history professor at
Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, impersonated Ben Franklin once again.
The event focuses around two actual handwritten Ben Franklin letters and copies of Franklin’s
newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette.
The letters and papers were donated to FHSU’s Forsyth Library several years ago by alum Cecil
Currey, and Fort Hays decided in 2006 to start sharing them with area school children.
COET Center Activities
Instructional Resource Center
The Instructional Resource Center (IRC) staff is devoted to helping students and faculty with technology needs, as
well as providing an environment that is suited to both learning and social interaction. The IRC has small and large
meeting space, room for students to meet together and collaborate on class projects, technical assistance, and
technology equipment available for checkout.
On average there are about 60 to 65 students that utilize the IRC every day. Teacher education faculty and students,
Tiger Tot preschoolers, as well as classes meet and use the facility for their projects. The IRC provides a work area
that includes a professional library, die-cut machine, laminator, and various other items to help teachers/students be
creative, conduct research, and plan instruction. Also provided are desktop computers, printer/scanners as well as
space to sit and work on laptops. Special software packages allow students to do their homework for all their classes,
such as History or Political Science. Math students come in to utilize mathxl to complete their homework in a quiet
Because Fort Hays State University has a large virtual-college delivery model, video-conferencing facilities are provided for faculty and students that enable them to collaborate and/or deliver courses through distance technology.
Why students should visit the Instructional Resource Center:
Quiet place to study and complete homework
Print off items needed for class
Check e-mail
Take tests/quizzes on Blackboard on a reliable connection
Meet with colleagues, peers, and other students
Access to a variety of Mac and PC computers available for checkout
Nice place to sit on the couch and read a book
Use resources to create classroom materials
Check out a camera/video camera for class projects
It’s free to education students!
The IRC is located in Rarick Hall, Room 236, and is open from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. We
invite everyone to use our facilities.
COET Center Activities
Science and Mathematics Education Institute
The Science and Mathematics Education Institute is hosting a NASA Lego Robotics Workshop
(Nov. 13-14) for teachers and community members at the Sternberg Museum of Natural History.
Participants will be able to learn more about becoming involved in Lego Robotics and will receive
a LEGO NXT Robotics Kit to compete in the LEGO Robotics Competition. For more information
about attending the LEGO Robotics Competition held at FHSU April 9, 2010, visit the Institute’s
website at:
The Institute is continuing to host monthly Science Café sessions and they have been extremely
popular both with FHSU students and the Hays community. The casual, informal atmosphere is the
ideal situation to foster the level of intellectual curiosity and dialogue between science professionals
and the community we hope to achieve. Topics this semester have included: Satellites and Strange
Space Clouds, and Violence in Women. See the Institute’s website for forthcoming topics.
The Science and Mathematics Education Institute will again host the Regional Science and
Engineering Fair on Saturday, February 27, 2010, in the Memorial Union. For more information,
please visit the website at:
For more information about any of the many activities available through the Science and Mathematics
Education Institute, contact Dr. Paul Adams at
Kansas Academy of Mathematics
and Science
The Kansas Academy of Mathematics and Science celebrated its grand opening with a ceremony on August
20th on the FHSU campus. Dignitaries attending the event included: Kansas Senators Dick Kelsey, Janis
Lee and Stephen Morris; Kansas Representatives Barbara Craft, Don Hineman, Deena Horst, Dan Johnson,
and Eber Phelps; representing U.S. Representative Jerry Moran, Chelsey Gillogly, and Drs. Don Norwood
and Jerry Magliano. Formed to be the state’s premier early-entry-to-college program for high school
juniors and seniors, twenty-six students from across Kansas compose the inaugural class.
Of the twenty-six students, nine are from Congressional District One; eight from District Two; four
from District Three; and five from District Four. These students are also exceptional young scholars
with an average GPA of 3.81 and average composite ACT of 26. In their first semester at FHSU KAMS
students are taking Chemistry I, Pre-calculus or Calculus I, English Composition, US History or American
Government, and a class on Global Climate Change.
In addition to their coursework, several KAMS students have joined the FHSU marching band while others
have joined a variety of FHSU clubs and organizations including the Astronomy Club and SGA. Students
have also volunteered at the Humane Society of the High Plains in Hays and toured Reeves Agri-Energy in
Garden City and Greentown and the Kansas Meteorite Museum in Greensburg. Several KAMS students
have also attended the Linda Hall Library Climate Change Symposium in Kansas City, MO.
KAMS is currently recruiting its second class of juniors. Preview Day hosted on November 14, 2009,
brought 25 potential students to campus. For more information on the Kansas Academy of Mathematics
and Science, visit the web site at To contact KAMS, e-mail or call
(785) 628-4690.
FHSU Foundation
2008 - 2009 College Contributions
The Dean’s Club recognizes individuals and
companies who support Fort Hays State
University and the College of Education and
Technology. We gratefully thank the
following for their generous contributions to
the College; your donations have made a
tremendous difference in the opportunities
we can offer to our students, faculty and staff.
Thank You!!
Dean’s Club: Ambassadors
Betty Akins
Terry and Kay Balthazor
Sharon Dreher
Noel Glasgow
Betty Jane Bittel
Dan and Judy Nixon
Dezarie Mayers
Dan Nixon
Rob Allison
Karen Cortese
Dean’s Club: Benefactor
Paul Adams & Cheryl Shepherd-Adams
Shirley Buehler
Irland and Virginia Fullbright
Shirley Wadsager
Debbie Mercer
Debra Prideaux
Richard Shanahan
R. W. and Krista Stuart
Troy Robinson
We appreciate everyone who supports the College of Education and Technology. With your help we
are able to offer opportunities to our students, departments, and programs.
Fort Hays State University Foundation
Robbins Center, One Tiger Place
Hays, KS 67601
FHSU Foundation
Charles and Cathryn Allphin
Letitia Anderson
James and Joyce Anschutz
Dan and Mary Berning
Roy and Shelli Bielser
Robert and JoAnn Bollig
Paul and Jane Bowerman
Dan and Carol Bramhall
Trent Braun
Jerry and Ruth Briney
Wayne and Annelle Buehler
Paul Campbell
Marilyn Richwine
Michael and Kaye Cillessen
Jeane Johnson
Bill Claflin
Virginia Clapp
Charles and Fern Colton
Robert and Sheryl Cox
William and Kathy Dale
Larry and Sandra Daugherty
Edith Dobbs
Tom Kotch
Elma Erickson
Harold Foos
Joe Glassman
Jerry and Ruth Goddard
Tim and Julianne Gottschalk
Mario and Karen Gutierrez
Jeremy and Amy Hale
Ronald and Nancy Halling
Scott and Rita Harmon
Donna Harsh
Harold Hartzog
Mike and Carla Hattan
Chris and Rita Hauck
Wallace Henrickson
Dan and Lisa Hess
Dan Hess
Dan and Gwen Johnson
K & B Norton Oil & Investments
Greg Keenan
Eloise Kerbs
Albert and Joyce Klaus
John and Shirley Koochel
Ray and Mary Kurtz
Earnie Lehman
Cory and Stephanie Locke
Rozeene Lyon
James and Carolyn McElroy
Robert and Dorothy McFadin
James McNiece
Dave Meile
Keith Miller
Glen and Diane Moore
Scott and Kathy Morris
Mary Nilsson
Thomas and Normadine Noone
Kenneth and Barbie Norton
Darrel and Kathy Ochs
Paul Wertenberger Construction, Inc.
Ethel Peterson
Eilleen Ruda
Fred and Sherrill Ruda
Lynne Ryan
Joseph and Janice Scanlon
Kenneth and Marilyn Schwertfeger
Twylia Sekavec
Elaine Seeman
Gary and Erin Senseman
Robert and Dorcas Severance
Larry Sevier
Mike and Ione Slattery
Raymond and Bonita Slipke
Glen and Marilyn Smith
Richard and Walta Stanton
Ralph Streit
Bruce and Germaine Taggart
Bill and Nancy Talbott
F. Wade Uhrich
Robert and Patricia Vavricka
Donald and Sheila Vochatzer
Denise Wayland
Chris and Marilyn Weller
Lee and Joyce Wieck
Rolland and Sharon Zier
Eldon and Karen Zimbelman
Leslie and Donna Zimmerman
FHSU Foundation
Dean’s Club: Black and Gold
Fred and Toya Abbatiello
Larry and Reba Adams
Ronald and Elaine Adams
Deanne Alexander
Mitchell and Lila Allen
Keith and Eloise Anderson
Mary Anderson
Jon and Sheri Appel
Connie Applegate
Daniel and Sarah Applegate
Ron and Janet Armbruster
Robert and Dedria Ashworth
Scott and Rebekah Ausherman
Sid and Shelly Baldwin
Dennis and Cindy Balthazor
Mark and Bernice Barber
James and Hannah Barrett
Phillip and Margaret Bartholomew
Don and Sharon Barton
Garry and Lorie Baxter
George and Leona Beezley
Gene and Bethine Bender
Duane and Margaret Bender
Gregory and Michele Berens
Christi and Debra Berg
Jon and Teresa Berning
Daryl and Peggy Berry
Paul and Valerie Besperat
Mark and Kathy Beyer
Dean and Susan Biggs
Donald and Debbie Blazek
Don and Phyllis Bloss
Mike and Brenda Boatwright
Dusty and Joni Booth
Donald and Patricia Bott
Brian and Margaret Boucher
Anthony and Donita Bozarth
Tresa Branch
Ronald and Dorothy Bretz
Rodney and Michelle Briggs
Kent and Lorna Brown
Pamela Brown
Douglas and Mary Buchanan
Robert and Rebecca Burcher
Jerry and Janice Burkhart
Mary Burnworth
Zachary and Jessica Butte
Dennis and Carole Byram
Eugene and Susan Calabro
Patrick and Karen Call
Ronald and Elizabeth Callaway
Max and Carol Campbell
Jim and Elaine Campbell
Sid and Arlene Carlile
Richard Carlile
Kelly Carrico
Matt and Nicole Carroll
Allan and Sherryl Carter
Doug and Connie Chaney
Bob and Shirley Churchill
Don and Janice Clancy
Randy and Janice Clark
Norris and Darlene Cole
David and Alice Conner
Joshua and Jessica Conner
Norman and Barbara Cook
Rodney and Margaret Cook
Gary and Delilah Copenhaver
Tom and Mary Copenhaver
Ted and Shirley Coulter
Craig and Nancy Cousland
Edward and Carol Cramer
David and Kevin Creech
Jack and Marsha Crook
Raymond and Twila Custer
Melvin and Wanda Davenport
Carolyn Davis
J.J. and Susan Deges
Rose Denning
Kenneth and Diane Depperschmidt
Brian and Melanie Deterding
Rich and Marsha Dietz
Chris and Kimberly Dinkel
Keith and Marsha Doane
Marilyn Doerfler
Elaine Driscoll
Ron and Michelle Dubbert
Mathew and Susan Dumler
Larry Dunekack
Douglas and Jo Durr
Gregory and Sandra Dutt
Kristi Ekum
Danny and Judy Elwood
Paul and Tasha Erickson
LaDonna Eshnaur
Richard and Cindy Evans
Fred and Kathleen Felder
Howard and Norma Finley
Diane Finn
A.B. and Judy Fisher
Eric and Lori Flax
Merlin and Barbara Fluke
Bryan and Jennifer Foos
Richard and Mary Ford
Tim and Linda Frazey
Morris and Mary Ann Froelich
Heath and Shannon Funk
Grant and Rhonda Gaede
Jennifer Gagnon
Rex and Connie Gallentine
Dale and Mary Galliart
Kirk and Pamela Gallion
Jeff and Sheryl Gansel
(up to $100)
Roger and Camella Gardner
Bill and Tami Garst
Herman and Kathleen Gerritzen
Dennis and Jana Gfeller
Harris and Vicki Gile
Mark and Amanda Gilmore
James and Carla Gish
Mary Gleason
Jake and Amy Glover
Gabe and Jessica Goering
Lance Gordone
Kirk and Stacey Green
Christine Greif
Colby and Cher Greving
James and Twila Griffin
Steven and Brenda Hadley
Joan Hale
Doloros Hamm
Dennis and Mary Hampl
James Hanson
Jim and Linda Harmon
Estella Harold
Carla Harris
Kevin and Rosemary Harris
William and Diana Harris
Sharon Hauser
Gale and Ranelle Hays
Wilbur and Brenda Henry
William and Jeanette Hermes
Greg and Amber Herrman
Dustin and Jessica Herrs
Kathy Hertel
David and Marcia Hickert
Gary Hicks
Kenneth and Janet Hofacker
Bradley and Tammy Hofflinger
Gary and Judith Horne
Roy and Ruth Horton
Randy and Karen Hujing
Mike and Cynthia Hulse
Kenneth and Mary Beth Ingles
Jerry and Janet Ireton
Keith Irvine
Helen Jackson
Loren and Debra Jacobs
Wesley and Alice James
Deborah Jarmer
Troy and Melinda Jeffrey
Richard Coffelt and JoAnn Jennings
David and Roseann Johnson
Ronald and Gay Johnson
James and Judy Johnson
Daniel and Linda Johnson
Douglas and Marla Jones
David and Wendy Karr
Randy and Deborah Kaufman
Ron and Dana Keller
FHSU Foundation
Club: Black and Gold
David and Jane Kelling
Georgia Kenyon
Robert and Mary Ann Kibbe
Nicholas King
Mark and Tonya Kircher
Lyn and Faye Kleinl
Marcelline Koch
Alan and Janet Kohl
Richard and Sandra Kratzer
Vernon and Linda Kraus
Paul and Lois Kuchera
Tim and Faye Kuhn
Brian and Trina Kuntz
Dorothy Lacey
Philip and Nancy Lacey
Keith and Claudene Lassman
Joyce Leitner
Annette Lemert-Larrabee
Gaynelle Lentz
Kenneth and Prudy Lewton
Gilbert and Patricia Lietz
Nancy Lindberg
Larry and Connie Lindquist
Scott and June Loomis
Robert and Sally Loomis
Margaret Louthan
Linda Ludwig
Robert and Laura Luehrs
Nina Maddux
Donald and Althea Mai
Jim and Susan Mall
Douglas and Patricia Marrs
Kara Marsh
Richard and Judith Mason
Frances Matheson
John and Julie Mauch
Terry and Andra McCarty
Ernest and Helen McClain
James and Karen McClain
Mitchell and Jamie McClure
Michael and Kelly McDermeit
Marcellene McDonold
Arlene McFall
R.L. McFall
Dorothy McMillen
Mike and Audrey McMullen
Thomas and Patricia Meagher
Michael and Roberta Meier
William and Sheryl Melton
Doris Meng
Perry and Maria Mick
Gary and Lou Ann Geist
Bill and Carolyn Miller
Steven and Linda Miller
Karrie Millershaski
Merle and Janet Mills
Rick and Mary Mills
Kerry and Denise Monk
Dan and Lisa Moomaw
Douglas and Lisa
Yvette Moritz
Jeffery and Fay Murphy
Charles and Deanna Myers
Steve and Dana Nelson
Jay and Mary Nelson
Mary Nelson
Jack and Connie Nichols
Abby Nighswonger
Rod and Robyn Nordyke
Greg and Donna Norman
Janice O’Toole
Bonnie Olsen
Gerald and Connie Olson
Stacy and Marla Olson
Gerald and Carol Orr
Deborah Ortiz
Lycrecia Ouellette
Tamara Padfield
David and Seresa Parton
Thonda Patrick
Louise Pearce
Dwayne and Rebecca Peitz
Pete and Vickie Peterson
Travis and Jayme Peterson
Bruce and Bonnie Petty
Danny and Patricia Petz
Vernon Pfannenstiel
Kent and Patricia Pierce
John and Patricia Pilcher
Jerry and Barbara Poage
Chris and Tonya Pollart
Dean and Betty Popp
Dean and Debra Portschy
Ronald and Connie Potts
Robert and Donna Price
Phil and Jean Prose
Orville and Betty Pruter
Jason and Rachel Purdy
Gary and Joyce Rabas
Sandra Rall
David and Leah Rampy
Debbie Reed
Roger and Janet Reed
Melissa Reed
Arlan and Tamara Reed
Melvin and Sammie Reif
Kendall and Laura Foss
Beth Rein
Cheryl Rein
Craig and Cheri Renner
Steven and Elizabeth Reust
Carol Reynolds
Karl and Cecy Rice
Joseph and Kathy Riedel
Ronnie and Elsie Rietcheck
Violet Riffe
Lyle and Brenda Ritterling
Alice Robbins
Allen and Glenda Roberts
Virginia Robertson
Louis and Barbara Robinson
Ray Rodriguez
Merle and Mary Rohrscheib
Bryan and Laura Rolo
Joseph and Carol Ross
Chad and Jackie Ruder
Judy Ruder
L. Howard and Claire Runft
Joshua Rush
John and Rise Russin
Jeffrey and Kari Ryser
Bruce and Mary Sander
Eric and Ava Schaefer
Andrew Scheopner
Gladys Schichtel
Stan and Janice Schlepp
John and Lucille Schneider
Cindy Schnelle
Edward and Judith Schoenberger
Robert and Susan Schonthaler
Eugene and Susan Schremmer
George and Connie Seeman
Verl Seger
Claude and Diana Selfridge
Alfred and Elizabeth Seth
Michael and Margaret Seybold
Tom and Laura Shade
Marlana Shellito
Brian and Laura Shoaff
Mike and Betty Slechta
Paul and Hilda Slopansky
Marjorie Smith
Mary Ann Soerries
Alexander and Kimberly Specht
Danelda St Aubyn
Willard and Patricia Staab
Fred and Norma Staker
Jim and Sally Stansbury
August and June Stellberg
Kim and Jeri Stewart
Herbrt and Pauline Stewart
Dennis and Connie Stichter
Charles and Ardith Stones
Sid and Marsha Stranathan
Martin and Mary Straub
Delvin and Anita Strecker
Laurel Strecker
Michael and Sharon Streit
Nancy Swafford
Harvey and Donna Swager
Jon and Judith Swail
David and Vickie Tangeman
Sheila Teal
Robert and Janice Teske
(up to $100)
Gary Thach
Tom and Christine Tharp
Donald and Joyce Thompson
Brian and Patricia Thorell
Wallie and Coralee Thornburg
Carmela Thyfault
Todd and Kelly Tichenor
Eddie and Christina Tomanek
Clifton and Linda Townsend
James and Jan Tracey
Bill and Elaine Trantham
Lori Truetken
Boyd and Judith Tuttle
Duane and Lois Unger
Arlyn and Jo Ann Unrein
Joyce and Denton Unruh
Jim and Natalie Unruh
Bryan and Joyce Urban
John and Loretta Vinlove
David and Joelene Vitztum
Jane Volker
Damon and Janet Vonada
Todd and Tracy Wacker
Shane Walck
Lance and Myra Walker
Thomas and Susan Waller
William and Diana Walter
Rick and Barbara Walz
Elmer and Margaret Waterman
Tom and Elizabeth Weatherholt
Richard and Amy Webb
Charlene Weber
Bennie and Kathy Weber
Roger and Mitzi Weinman
Jetta Wellman
Trey and Rachel Wentling
Rhonda Westerhaus
Jake and Emma Whipple
Francis and Patricia Whisler
Jerry and Susan Whitworth
Joseph and Toshia Widener
Brent and Tina Wiebe
Dennis and Jennifer Wieberg
Cynthia Williams
Grover and Pamela Williams
Ken and Natalie Windholz
Wayne and Carolyn Windholz
Ralph and Kimberly Wolf
Mindy Wolfe
Randall and Leanna Wolfe
Helen Wray
Nancy Wyatt
Joseph and Jean Yanda
Dale and Paula Yunker
Wesley and Betty Zenger
Cletus and Amanda Zerr
Ervin and Susan Zimmerman
Joshua and Shauna Zweifel
Alumni in the News
2009 Master Teacher of the Year
USD 305 Salina School District
2010 Alumni News
Jennifer Kay-Higgins, daughter of Gary and Peggy
Kay of LaCross, and daughter in-law of Robert J.
Higgins, Salina, has been selected as the 2009 Master
Teacher of the year for Salina USD 305 School
District. Jennifer currently teaches 7th and 8th grade
reading at Lakewood Middle School. She earned a
master of science in special education from Fort Hays
State University.
Hays Daily News
HHS Michaelis Named
Outstanding Teacher
Jeanie Michaelis a business teacher at Hays High
School, has been named outstanding secondary school
teacher of the year by the Kansas Business Education
Association. She was honored at the organization’s
annual convention in Wichita.
Let your fellow COET alumni know what’s
happening in your life through the
Professional Educator.
Besides her duties as a teacher at both Hays High and
FHSU, Michaelis also does a lot of volunteering in the
community. She is involved in Meals-on-Wheels and
also volunteers her time at a local nursing home.
Michaelis said she was “Very honored,” by the
teacher-of -the-year award.
Hays Daily News
Send information to: Fort Hays State University, College of Education and Technology, Attn: Amie Wright,
600 Park Street, Hays, KS 67601 or e-mail
Office Directory
Office of the Dean
213 Rarick Hall (785) 628-5866
Debbie Mercer, Dean
Office of Professional Services
213 Rarick Hall (785) 628-5828
Kathy Dale, Assistant Dean
220C Rarick Hall (785) 628-5902
Mike Karl, Director, Field Experiences
College of
Education and
Fort Hays State University
Calendar of Events
220B Rarick Hall (785) 628-4542
Kerry Schuckman, Licensure Officer
Advanced Education Programs
232 Rarick Hall (785) 628-4283
Ron Fahey, Interim Chair
Department of Teacher Education
244 Rarick Hall (785) 628-4204
Germaine Taggart, Chair
Department of Technology Studies
203 Davis Hall (785) 628-4211
Fred Ruda, Chair
Instructional Resource Center
236 Rarick Hall (785) 628-5309
Lance Gerstner, Director
Kansas Academy of Mathematics and Science
241 Custer Hall (785) 628-4690
Ron Keller, Director
Reading Service Center
Rarick Hall (785) 628-5579
Beth Walizer, Coordinator
December 18th, 2009
End of Semester
December 25 - January 3rd
Winter Break - University Closed
January 13th, 2010
Classes Begin
January 18th, 2010
Martin Luther King Holiday - University Closed
March 15th-21st, 2010
Spring Break
April 19, 2010
Teacher Career Fair
May 15th, 2010
May 31st, 2010
Memorial Day Holiday - University Closed
Science and Mathematics Education Institute
241 Custer Hall (785) 628-4168
Paul Adams, Director