Measuring - IDG Communications
Measuring - IDG Communications
Measuring UP THE MID-TIER October 2003 Distributors Supplement �������� ��������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������� ���������������� ��������������� �������� ��������������� �������� ��������� ��������������� �������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� �� ���������������������� �������������������������������� �� ���������������������������� ��������������������� �� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������� �� ������������������������������������������������ ��������������� �� ���������������������������������� �� ������������������������������������� �������������������������������� �� �������������������������������������� �������������������������������� �� ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ �� ���������������������������� ������������������������������������� �������������������������� �� ���������������� ����������������� ����������� �� �������������������������� �������������������������������� �� ������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������ �� �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������� �� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������� �� ����������������� ������������������ ����������� �� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������� ������������������� �� �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������� �� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������� �� ������������������ �������������������� �������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������� �� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ �� �������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ �� ������������������������������������� ������������� �� ��������������������������� �������������������������������� ����������� �� ����������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ���������������������������� � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������� ����������������� ���������� ����������������� ��������� ���������������� ������� ���������������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � OCTOBER 2003 Measuring up the mid-tier There’s something very spooky about mid-tier distributors, something almost ghostlike about the way they just keep hanging on despite the chorus of analysts predicting their imminent demise. Trapped in between the rock of the mass distributors, and the hard place of shrinking into niche market obscurity, mid-tier IT distributors have discovered a myriad of strategies to stay profitable in an increasingly competitive market place. This is all good news for resellers, who are the main beneficiaries of mid-tier tenacity. ALEXANDRA LIMA REPORTS. O “ ur size lets us be a little more Couvaras points to resellers who are happy for their “What we believed was going to happen in the mid- personal,” explains David Hein, customer base to take advantage of vendor based tier, is now happening,” Gilliland said. “The larger marketing manager of Adelaide- service and support — only to lose those same resellers are no longer just moving boxes, they are based distributor, Hitech Distribution. customers to the direct vendor network. also including services in their offerings.” “If you are talking purely in a dollar “A focus on price alone, without considering service Other analysts agree that the pressure is on, but sense you might opt for a big tin shed and a focus on and support is a very short term outlook,” Couvaras claim such a movement may well bring with it moving boxes, but that strategy really doesn’t help said. opportunities for the sector. any more and resellers understand that.” However, some in the mid-tier reject any suggestion Analyst with channel research-company Inform, Hein said “value for money” is core to the Hitech that they can’t compete on price with the mass Chris Herbert, warns that distributors of all sizes offering, as resellers benefit from personalised distributors. need to recognise their area of speciality and stay service, and extensive product knowledge in return “We can compete on price,” general manager of focused, or else risk market backlash. for a minimal premium. Without the buying power Global Business Technology (GBT), Gordon Taylor, “Very few companies are able to support two of the big players, most mid-tier distributors take a said. “Because we are smaller we’re quicker to approaches,” Herbert said. “If you’re a box shifter, similar approach, offering services levels rather than react, and our account managers are empowered and you attempt to dip your toe into services you’re price as a key differentiator. to make decisions on products and marketing so we making a mistake.” Managing director of Datastor Australia, John can meet the needs of different resellers” Herbert suggests that the need for a service-based Couvaras, said that price ceased to be a key factor Unfortunately for the mid-tier, mass distributors are offering at the big end of town, may pave the way once a reseller understood the importance of pre- well aware of their weakness in this area, and are for mid-tier distributors to partner with some of the sales support and service. redoubling their efforts, according to Martin Gilliland, larger players, offering product service and support “We do what we can to help our resellers, we principal analyst at Gartner. For many years now on an outsourced basis. handle all the returned authorisations for example,” Gartner has predicted the “whittling-away” of the “The message to mid-tier disties is still ‘get big, get Couvaras mid-tier distributors, as the big boys muscle in on niche or get out’,” he said. “But there are options their service offerings. for service companies through partnering. You can said. Demonstrating the importance for channel-based support for ongoing business, ARN S3 DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT imagine a scenario where somebody deals with Tech Pac for volume, and goes to someone else for service.” THE VENDOR BENDERS “Vendors are consolidating their list of distributors and the larger distributors are growing bigger. The mid-tier’s days are numbered” As much as they focus on service, and keeping their customer base happy, mid-tier distributors are also increasingly coming under pressure from vendors keen to consolidate their distribution channel. Not only does the mid-tier need to juggle mini-margins and mega-service levels, they also need to convince the vendors to provide them with a top-notch — Gartner’s Martin Gilliland product line to take to market. This could prove difficult because as with many in the mid-tier GBT’s Taylor sees product range as a key component to the overall service offering. offer warranties on all our stock, and go out to the “We’re “Most of our resellers enjoy dealing with us, because country guys, because often they just can’t get what distributors,” Datastor’s Couvaras said. “They are they know their business is important to us,” he they want from anyone else.” more regimented, they don’t bend when they said. “It all comes down to a thorough product While Cuda concedes he is unable to supply the need to.” portfolio, and personalised service with helpful and latest and greatest product line, he argues that As for their future many are reassured by their success knowledgeable staff.” resellers are not so concerned when they see the thus far. However, with vendors cutting back on the overall margins they are able to make on slightly used “We were told that the Internet would wipe out the size of their distributor channel, Gartner’s Gilliland equipment still under warranty. middle men and our business would disappear,” warns the mid-range not to become too dependent “It’s a niche market we’re in, but what really makes Hitech’s Hein said. “But both vendors and resellers on any one brand. us different is our approach to sales, we are very realize that there is more to what we do than prices.” “Vendors are consolidating their list of distributors, proactive, our sales people are on the phones and That’s not to say the mid-tier is about to take a rest, and the larger distributors are growing bigger,” email all day,” Cuda said. far from it. The mid-tier realises its future depends Gilliland says. “The mid-tier’s days are numbered.” Hitech’s Hein emphasises the importance of a lot more flexible than the larger on levering customers away from the big boys, and IMMINENT DEMISE? are keen to get the message out. developing a good relationship with vendors. So while the analysts continue to predict their “The biggest challenge we face is getting OEMs and “The critical thing is having a good relationship downfall, mid-tier distributors continue to eek out retailers to recognise the advantages of dealing with with account managers,” Hein said. “Our greatest an existence, and even go so far to scoff at rumours us,” challenge is geographical, lots of vendors simply that their days are numbered. names, they don’t like them, but they keep going don’t have representation in South Australia, so we “People have been saying that the whole distribution back to them instead of looking for a distributor who have to do a lot of work on the phone.” channel would disappear with e-marketing and stuff is keen to keep their business.” Datastor’s Couvaras has taken a different approach like that,” managing director of BCN Technology, And for the time-being the mixture of flexibility, — opting to specialise across a limited product Ken Lowe, said. “But the mid-tier is really good personal service and technical expertise might well range, rather than struggle for the attention of a at supplying things such as componentry and keep the mid-tier running ahead of its rivals. variety of vendors. By focusing on random array peripherals which require more technical expertise.” “There may be a point where the whole structure of independent disks (RAID) and network attached Size, or lack thereof, doesn’t always rate as a changes enough to wipe out the middlemen,” Hein storage (NAS), Datastor is able to make the numbers handicap according to some in the mid-tier channel. conceded. “But it hasn’t happened yet.” to keep the vendors interested in their business, and maintain workable margins. “Focus and efficiency that is the core to our success,” Couvaras said. “We’re not a Tech Pac or an Ingram, so we don’t try to compete on their level. We service our resellers by knowing our product line and NOT using a phone answering system.” In a similar vein Australiasian PC Distributors has opted for a specific market, which limits their exposure to vendor whims and changing channel strategies. Dealing with end-of-lease and ex-government stock, managing director, Mario Cuda, also chooses to focus on regional and rural resellers who often find it hard to source goods in their area. “Originally we were a dealer working with the corporate market, but our margins just disappeared, so we started looking for other options,” Cuda explained. “We pick up the goods at auctions, we S4 Taylor said. “The resellers all know the big MANAGING THE CHALLENGE While most of the mid-tier does its darndest to compete on services rather than price, one distributor has managed to challenge the big boys by running a high end operation with mid-tier staffing levels. And it all comes down to management, supply chain management to be precise. When the Year 2000 bug looked like it might bite, BCN Technology, like many Australian businesses conducted an overhaul of their IT systems. However, unlike many others, the company decided to take a gamble with a promising — but emerging — technology, implementing — as it went — an Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) solution designed to minimise its stock exposure, and improve its supply chain management practices. Although it took a significant time to put in place, BCN Technology’s managing director, Ken Lowe, said the system had enabled the company to offer national coverage, maintain a high service level and compete on prices. So successful was the implementation that Lowe was inspired to embark on a doctoral thesis in the area of supply chain management. “This technology lets you be close to your market, close to your customers,” Lowe said. “We also provide a wide portfolio, you often find distributors are limited to one brand, you need to provide different products to provide the resellers with a choice.” ARN �������� ����� ������ ������ ���������������� ������������ ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������������ ����������������� ��������������� �������������� ������������������ ���������������� ������������� ������������ ��������������� ������������� ���������������� ������������������ ���������������� ��������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT ACA Pacific Pty Ltd. ACA Pacific has a reputation within the storage and document imaging sector for having a thorough knowledge of its customers’ needs and a firm grasp of technology. With more than 13 years experience and continual growth, ACA Pacific now delivers quality brands and comprehensive solutions, backed by strong pre-sales support and operational efficiency. Based: South Melbourne, Victoria. Branches: Sydney, Brisbane, Perth Staff: 50 Vendor Partners: Storage/security/document imaging – AMI, Bell+Howell, Canon, CCS, CommVault Systems, Computer Associates, Crossroads, Crystal Decisions, eiStream, Exabyte, Fujitsu, Hitachi Data Systems, Imation, JMR, JNI, K-Par, Kodak, Kofax, LSI Logic, Maximiser, MGE UPS, MicroSolutions, OnDemand Software, Pioneer, PowerQuest, QLogic, Quantum (inc ATL), Rainbow Technologies, Readsoft, Red Hat, Redmap Networks, Ricoh, Seagate/Certance, Scansoft, SNAP Appliance, Sony, StorageTek, Tandberg Data, Veritas, Visioneer, Vixel, WatchGuard. Web site functionality: Live pricing, stock availability, product information, and updates on current programs, promotions and events. Core Competency: Strong focus on storage, protection/ security, and document imaging markets, backed by expert advice and genuine investments in value-added services to assist resellers in generating revenues. With staff expertise and infrastructure at its disposal, ACA Pacific continues to engage in market development and diversification, particularly in security. Market differentiator: Activities aimed at growing the market for vendor and reseller partners; full demonstration/training/ seminar facility at its Melbourne headquarters and Sydney office; in-house sales and marketing providing flexibility and support on a pre-sales level; streamlined operations and RA procedures to ensure unsurpassed levels of service. Channel programs offered: Facilitation of vendor partner programs, ongoing value added promotions, reseller training and seminar sessions, joint partner lead generation activities. Value-added services: A dedicated sales/marketing/product management team that works closely with resellers to realise sales opportunities. Type of reseller sought: Value-added resellers (tier 1 and tier 2) that target both corporate and SME markets, systems integrators, consultants, imaging/scanning bureaus, wholesalers, and retailers. Contact: Vic (03) 9674 8188; NSW (02) 9922 5333; WA (08) 9382 1066; Qld (07) 3325 3170 First point of contact for channels: Sales teams (Mel/Syd/ WA/Qld) Credit facilities available: 14-to-30 day terms. Credit available for approved customers, in addition to COD and credit card payments. BPay available. Achieva Technology Australia Part of the Achieva Group, Achieva Technology Australia realises that it’s not only a distributor of computer components but also the distributor of the much-needed information that drives change in the industry. Based: South Strathfield, Sydney. Branches: Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia. Staff: 70. Vendor partners: Seagate Technology, ASUS, Western Digital, Creative Labs, Transcend, Compex Networking, and Sapphire Technology, Alpha, A-Plus. Core competency: The ability to be flexible and influence the changing trends in the PC hardware and components industry. Market differentiator: Supports resellers by actively generating end-user demand, which is then filtered back into the channel in the form of qualified leads and genuine business opportunities. Achieva has true warehouse operations with their branches not just a sales office. S6 Channel programs: Up to 10 different bundle programs offered each month. Value-added services: As part of its master distributor concept, Achieva offers online pricing and stock availability. Type of resellers sought: Systems integrators, retailers, OEMs, VARs, wholesalers. Contact: Achieva NSW (02) 9742 3288. Alfa Computers Pty Ltd Established in 1983, Alfa Computers strives for total excellence. As such it has built and fastidiously maintained such a distinctive reputation. Alfa Computers has long been a partner with various high profile companies representing some of the highest quality, reliability and excellence in their respective product range. This includes Deltacom Servers, Deltacom Desktops, ANTlabs, Cremax, Canon, Fujitsu, Leadtek Research, LSI Logic, Mylex, NEC, Panasonic, Sony, SparkLAN, Raidon and others. The company gained an accreditation to the ISO9002 Quality Assurance standard in 1996 and has recently passed the accreditation for the latest ISO9001: 2000 Quality Assurance standard. Based: Alexandria, NSW. Staff: 23 Vendor Partners: Vendor Partners: Fujitsu, Canon, Panasonic, Gemtek/Sparklan, NEC, Sony, Supermicro, Toshiba, Intel, Microsoft, HP, ANTLab, Allied Telesyn, AMD, Adaptec, LSI Logic, Fuji Xerox, Invensys, Sola, Powerware, Matrox, Netcomm, Pioneer, Seagate, Symantec, Verbatim, Iomega, Leadtek Research, Belkin, Altec Lansing, Kingmax, Legend, Cremax, Raidon Core Competency: Core Competency: Quality, knowledge, responsiveness, technical ability, customised systems and servers manufacturing, disaster recovery, storage solutions, integrated solutions, enterprise management and solutions, repairs/upgrade and onsite services Channel programs offered: Co-op and marketing funding, direct B2B facility. Value added service offered: Turn key solutions. Types of resellers sought: Where quality and value for money matters. Contact: or (02) 9313 3333 Credit facilities: Yes ADO Electronic Industrial (Australia) Pty Ltd ADO Electronic Industrial (Australia) Pty Ltd has been established in Australia since 1992. With its Head Office in Asia and worldwide branches, ADO has been supplying computer components and peripherals worldwide for almost 20 years. Known for its strong ties with Panasonic, ADO has also become the main distributor of Vibrant LCD monitors in Australia. Some of the core products that ADO distribute are floppy drives, mice, keyboards and speakers. ADO Electronic Industrial (Australia) offer total ICT solutions for any company that wants the peace of mind that their computer requirements are being well looked after. Based: Chatswood, NSW. Branches: Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan. Staff Numbers: 300+ (9 in Australia). Vendor Partners: Panasonic, Juzt-Reboot, Vibrant, Cannon, Fujifilm. Core competency: Distribution of Panasonic IT Product + ADO’s factory-made products ranging from Retail to OEM. Australia’s leading specialist in everything LCD. Offering PC security solutions and desktop disaster recovery. Market differentiator: Offering the best Panasonic deals and promotion, mass-distribution of OEM-products. Competitive prices and personalised service with product knowledge. Channel programs: demonstration units, bundle specials, and volume discounts. Value-added services: The ability to source almost any product for your needs. Type of resellers sought: System integrators, consultants, government/education resellers, and computer retailers. Credit facilities available: Yes. Web site functionality: Dealer login section and product info/specials. Contact: (02) 9417 5233. AKA Technology Group AKA Technology group is the result of business growth and expansion. Merged and formed in 1998, we have more than 15 years of importing and distribution experience in the computer industry. With a branch in each major city we clearly have a logistic advantage over many others and can provide better service to our customer nationally. In 2000, we started our New Zealand branch to further expand AKA. Our aim is to provide the best quality product at a reasonable price. This has been proven again and again with our range of Auriga products. To top it off, AKA have been appointed Master Distributorship of the Xandros Desktop, a Linux based Windows Operating system, in September 2003. Based: Mulgrave/Melbourne. Branches: Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Auckland (New Zealand). Staff: 40 Vendor partners: Soltek, Targa, Fujitsu, Genius, Auriga, Edimax, Hightech Informations Systems (HIS), Xandros. Core competency: Logistic and direct importation Market differentiator: Qualtiy product at reasonable prices and great service Types of resellers sought: All resellers welcome First point of contact for channels: Lip Tsin – 02 9896 5688, or directly to each state Credit facilities available: Yes. Alloys International Alloys International was established in Australia in 1982. Since then it has grown to become one of the most successful distributors in the IT Industry. Alloys provides a high level of personalised customer service and has an experienced and dynamic sales team that helps resellers close deals. Alloys consultative selling style is coupled with industry leading innovations such as its Melbourne and Sydney resource centres: Full showroom facilities set up with the latest in colour laser and digital imaging technology. These facilities are available for Alloys’ resellers to use to close deals and test prints. Alloys resource centres are also available for sales and technical training. Alloys also has a full inhouse marketing and design arm, which can assist resellers in their direct marketing activities by personalising flyers and designing targeted campaigns. Based: Abbotsford, Vic. Branches: North Ryde, Sydney, NSW. Staff: 50 Vendor partners: Acer, Avision, Axis, Canon, Epson, Fuji Xerox Printers, HP, Iomega, Kyocera, Minolta-QMS, Polaroid, Transcend, Umax, Verbatim. Core competency: Total digital imaging solutions. Market differentiator: Personalised service, Value adding distributor, focused product range, Colour laser specialists. Channel programs offered: Personalised partner program, Reseller margin enhancement program, Sales Lead generator, Demonstration stock program. Value added services offered: Showrooms and resource centres in Melbourne and Sydney, Sales and product training, POS support, four deliveries daily, large stockholding, marketing support, regular reseller training seminars, product experts on hand. Types of resellers sought: All resellers of digital imaging equipment First point of contact for channels: Marketing manager, Tarni Elder. Credit facilities available: Yes. Alstom Australia Ltd, Information Technology Division Alstom IT has been a value-added distributor since 1992 and provides, nationally, a team of account managers with sales support and BDMs to help grow the business of customers with the complementary products Alstom ARN Express Datas Cisco Front Row YOUR FIRST LINE CONTACT ! Dedicated Business Development Managers Personal Regional Account Managers Team of Presales Technical Engineers Trained Customer Service Representatives Accredited Configuration Engineers A Reliable and Efficient Logistics Team Tell us in 30 words or less why you purchase Cisco product solutions from Express Data. The best 10 entries will receive a Cisco/Express Data Rugby Ball. To complete your entry please visit - ������� �� ���� ���� ����������������������� ���������������������� ���������������������� ������������������� ���������������������� DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT supplies. Our strength comes from our financial security and ability to bring world-class IT solutions to market. The company’s focus is to work closely with its national base of resellers and understand how they want to grow their businesses. Based: North Ryde, NSW. Branches: VIC, QLD, SA, WA. Staff: 80+. Vendor partners: Appsense, Attachmate, Borland, Check Point, Citrix, HP OpenView, IBM Software: Lotus/Tivoli/ Websphere/DB2, Invensys, Mercury Interactive, NetScreen, Oracle, Protocom, Resilience, Sun Microsystems, Trend Micro, Websense, Wyse. Core competency: Specialists in server-based computing, security, management and Java solutions. Market differentiators: Financial stability; value-added distributor focused on high-value solution selling and not engaging in the time and place model; aligned with a select number of world-class vendors whose products complement each other to provide leading solutions backed by a high level of service and support; Alstom prides itself on employing highly trained personnel and investing in their ongoing training and certifications. Channel programs: We work closely with our vendors to promote their solutions into the channel, run ongoing accreditation and marketing programs to train and keep our resellers up-to-date with the latest technology, and actively help our resellers run marketing activities. Value-added services: National team of account managers (with sales support) and business development managers (sales and technical); a responsive customer service team; product specialists; pre-sales support; marketing programs; national technology updates; sales and technical seminar series to educate the channel; run national training for, Trend Micro and HP OpenView; manage vendor partner programs to ensure our resellers are authorised to sell their solutions. Type of resellers sought: Nationals, SIs and VARs managing customers in the SME and enterprise market space with a focus on corporate, government and education. Credit facilities available: Specific credit terms to accommodate individual client requirements. Tailored financial solutions, including leasing options. Website functionality: Online pricing and quoting tools, online stock availability and backorder status, comprehensive online product sales guides and product brochures, special offers, promotions and events, industry news. Contact: Sales hotline 1300 36 25 25 Altech Computers Pty Ltd Altech Computers is a privately owned Australian company, launched in 1997. We have become one of the nation’s largest and most successful distributors of computer components and pre-built systems. Our strong, competitive prices give us the leading edge over our competitors, as reflected in the size of our client base of more than 6000 customers Australia-wide. Our primary focus is to combine extensive knowledge and experience in the local market with strong international partnerships to provide excellent value and extensive knowledge to our valued resellers. Our broad product range consists of more than 800 products that are supplied to the retail market through our nationwide network of resellers and premium retailers. Altech is consistently recognised by Australia’s leading computer publications with awards for superior performance, excellent pricing and quality products. Based: Silverwater, NSW. Branches: Springvale, Vic and Brisbane, Qld. Staff: 60+ Vendor partners: Abit, AMD, Antec, ASUS, AVerMedia, CNet, Corsair, GeCube, Intel, Microsoft, Samsung, Seagate, Soltek, Sony, Tyan, X-Micro and Zalman. Core competency: Our strong international vendor partnerships allow us to provide not only a wide range of products at aggressive prices, but also the latest product knowledge to assist our clients. Market differentiator: Our local support and excellent S8 technical expertise is backed by in-house and vendor testing resulting in a high level of service to resellers. Channel programs offered: Our premium retailers program adds value for our clients by listing them on selected print advertising, and also on our website. Value added services offered: In addition to our premium retailers program, weekly discount and promotional offers are provided to all resellers. Types of resellers sought: All resellers, as well as retail groups. First point of contact for channels: Safa Joumaa, national sales manager (02) 9735 5605; Scott Emerton, national marketing manager. Anyware Computer Accessories Anyware Computer Accessories has been in operation for 5 years. The core business for the company is importing and distributing niche market products to the channel. With a product range about 2000 items, Anyware can proudly boast the largest product range and most competitive pricing. Warehouses all over Australia manage demand for Anyware products, with same day turnaround time for orders. Branches: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane. Staff: 50. Vendor partners: Lian Li, ThermalTake, JustCooler, Ortek, Aten, Sitecom, A4 Tech, New Motion, Apacer. Core competency: Distributors of a wide range of niche market products. Market differentiator: Lowest pricing ensures highest reseller profitability. Technically adept sales team with extensive product knowledge. Type of resellers sought: Computer retailers and resellers. Credit facilities available: On application. Contact: Vic — (03) 9763 8200, NSW — (02) 9879 5788, WA — (08) 9242 8588, SA — (08) 8347 0488, Qld - (07) 3856 1777 ASI Solutions ASI has supplied and serviced superior IT Solutions Australia-wide since 1985. A privately owned company, ASI Solutions is 100 per cent Australian. One of the largest computer manufacturers in Australia, ASI operates sales and service branches in major capital cities around Australia. Based: Botany, Sydney. Branches: Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin. Staff: More than 200. Vendor partners: 3Com, 3M Touchscreen, Allied Telesyn, APC, API, Adaptec, Adobe, AMD, AsusTek, Atdec, Canon, Citrix, CommVault, Computer Associates, Commvault, Concord, Cornerstone, Creative, Diamond, D-Link, Doctrieve, Exabyte, Eurologic, Foundry Networks, Fujitsu, Fuji Xerox, Hewlett-Packard, Inotec, Invensys, Iomega, Intel, Kodak, LG, Legato, Logitech, LearnQuick, LexMark, Matrox, Maxtor, Microsoft, Mimio, Mitsubishi, MSI, MYOB, Network Appliance, NetComm, Nokia, Nortel, N2H2, NCD, NEC, NetOptics, Novell, Overland, OKI, Packeteer, Palm, Panasonic, PCEPhone, Philips, Phoenix, Pioneer, Platypus, Powerware, PreWorX, Quantum, Scholastic New Media, Seagate, SGI, SMC, Sola, SonicWall, Sony, Soteke, Stratus, Symantec, Tally Printers, TDK, Termtek, Toshiba, UMD, Verbatim, Veritas, Watchguard, Websense, Xircom and more. Core competency: System manufacturing, project management, integration services, voice solutions, Internet services, repairs/upgrades, storage services, onsite services, enterprise solutions. Market differentiator: Service and value-added solutions, broad vendor range, superior sourcing relationships and capabilities, national service infrastructure, help desk. Channel programs: Promotions and incentives, key account partners program. Type of resellers sought: All. Contact: (02) 9384 8010 or 1300 36 8010 Australia I.T. Pty Ltd Incorporated in 1999, Australia I.T. Pty Ltd is one of the fastest growing and agile players in the highly competitive IT distribution market with a reputation for quality product distribution, competitive prices and customer-oriented service. We focus on taking customers into leading edge technologies, and best value total solutions of the highest quality. Based: Springvale, Vic Staff: 10 Vendor partners: Sparkle, Power Colour, Albatron, Cooler Master. Core Competency: Quality Hardware Distribution, Product Knowledge, Speed To Market, Customer Service. Market differentiator: Knowledge based value-added distributor. Channel programs offered: Joint advertising and promotion. Value added services: E-commerce website, product advice, technological support. Types of resellers sought: Wholesalers, system integrators, PC manufacturers and retailers. Contact: (03) 9543 5855, AustStor Pty Ltd AustStor Pty Ltd. was founded in March 1993 as an independent company and has established offices in Sydney, Gosford (recently opened), Melbourne, and Brisbane, with agency representation throughout Australia. The company is an endorsed Government supplier. AustStor was formed to source, supply, service and support innovative cost effective products and solutions for the data capture, data storage and imaging markets in Australia and New Zealand. Today, the primary focus of the business is data storage, image capture, image queary, HSM and archival solutions utilising DVD, MO, AIT and ATA Based: Central Coast, NSW since 2002. Branches: Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Staff: 6 Vendor partners: Plasmon Inc, Qualstar Corp, Sony, Panasonic, Nexsan Technologies, XenData, Seac Banche, Psigen, QStar, Legato. Core competency: Design, configuration and customisation of data storage and archival solutions; ability and competence to provide in-depth technical support; broad product mix. Market differentiator: AustStor has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the data storage segment market and has long associations with vendors, local channel partners and its end-user base. It offers a complete range of reliable, compatible, cost-effective, open systems storage and archival products that provide product longevity demonstrated through vendors published roadmaps. The company is the exclusive channel for Plasmon, Nexsan, Qualstar (government customers) and XenData. AustStor is an endorsed government supplier. Channel programs offered: Pre and post-sales support, product training, technical training, evaluation products, professional services, repair facilities, help desk, (24 hours via Vendor Global network) extended maintenance programs. Value added services offered: 12-month onsite maintenance within 50 km of capital cities, technology updates and tradeshow seminars. Types of resellers sought: Systems integrators and value-added resellers that possess strong services and integration skills, OEM partners. First point of contact for channels: 1300 134 795, Avnet Partner Solutions A leading value-added distributor of enterprise computing products, software, storage and services marketing exclusively to the reseller channel in Australia, Avnet Partner Solutions is part of the Phoenix-based Avnet Inc. and one of the world’s largest distributors of semi-conductors, interconnect, passive and electromechanical components, embedded systems and computer products from leading ARN DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT manufacturers. Serving customers in 68 countries, Avnet also delivers services such as inventory management, supplychain services, billof-materials analysis, systems integration and engineering design assistance. A Fortune 500 company, Avnet’s revenues for fiscal 2003 (year ended June 27, 2003) were $9.05 billion. Based: Unit A, Enterprise Park 22-24 College Street Gladesville, NSW, 2111 Branches: Level 2, 448 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, Vic, 3004 No. of staff: 50 staff in Australia Vendor partners: IBM, HP and Enterasys Networks Core competency: Value-added distribution Market differentiator: The only Value-added distributor in the Australia market Value added services offered: Logistics, marketing, finance, sales and technical services. Types of resellers sought: Systems integrators, independent software vendors, solution providers First point of contact for channels: Michael Costigan Credit facilities available: Yes Banksia Software Banksia Software, a name synonymous in the 1990’s with modems and today recognised for its formidable range of high performance, value-adding solutions. Our focus is new communications, security and productivity software. Our mission is to enable SMEs and corporate users to maximise the efficiency of their systems, simply and affordably. Banksia Software prides itself on sourcing the best of the world’s niche technologies, to advance communications, security, productivity and the mobility of a business. With a team backed by a legacy of experience, exclusive distribution rights of superior products, and a commanding marketing agenda, Banksia Software is driving sales of innovative, value add software to the SME sector throughout Australia and New Zealand. Based: Castle Hill, NSW Staff: 5 Core Competency: Providing a range of high performance, value-added software solutions to maximise business efficiencies and lower business overheads. Our focus is hot new communications, security and productivity software. Market differentiator: Twelve years of experience in the software solutions market. We offer personalised support to our channel, which enables them to provide the complete solution to suite their customers requirements. Channel Programs: Reseller training, seminars, trade shows. Vendor Partners: IBM, HP, Maximiser, Front Range, Brooktrout, Eicon, Equisys, NetSupport Manager. Value Added Service offered: Our experience and expertise in the area of network messaging and communications. We provide a high level of client interaction, which in turn, allows us to personalise our years of service and support. Types of Resellers sought: SME, corporate, government and education — network, software-orientated First point of contact for Channels: Ph: (02) 9634 9300, Fax: (02) 9634 7933 Credit facilities available: Yes. BCN Technology BCN Technology was established in 1991 and is an Australian-owned national distributor with ISO9002 quality endorsements. With three fully stocked warehouses, BCN’s goal is to help its business partners exceed their growth and profit targets in an ever-changing business environment. Based: Homebush Bay, Sydney. Branches: Melbourne, Brisbane. Staff: 40. Vendor partners: Canon, Cherry, Clipper, Epson, Hercules, Leadtek, LG, NetComm, PC Partner, Powerware, QDI, Sony, SuperMicro, Swann, VIA and more. Core competency: The provision of timely, cost-effective deliveries to the channel all over Australia. Market differentiator: BCN’s bChannel approach S10 places resellers and partners at the centre of its ebusiness strategy so they can leverage information and communication technologies. It is an easier and more costeffective way of conducting business that enables partners to maximise the value of every user interaction. Channel programs: Partner referrals program, loyalty incentive programs, product expo. Value-added services: Third-party delivery, systems assembly, product defect solutions, product literary library. Type of reseller sought: OEMs, retailers, systems integrators, value-added resellers, e-tailers. Contact:; NSW (02) 9648 0888; Vic (03) 9543 1888; Qld (07) 3852 5288. Bluechip Infotech Pty Ltd. Bluechip Infotech, established in 1995, focuses on delivering the latest IT products to a wide channel base, while maintaining a service commitment second to none. In July, Bluechip Infotech merged with BBF components and peripherals, a wholly owned and operated company established in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1989. BBF has gained recognition in the Australian IT market being listed in Business Review Weekly’s top 100 fastest growing private companies. By the joining of these two organisations we are able to utilise our various strengths and become one of the top distributors in the channel. Key to both Bluechip’s and BBF’s success is strong vendor relationships, many of which involve joint equity interest, ensuring a high level of commitment, co-operation and market relations. In this way we guarantee full comprehensive understanding of products and their market value, allowing us to provide cost effective solutions to our partners. Bluechip, Infotech and BBF have a long and successful history dealing with both the wholesale and retail markets, especially with the support of its many vendors in the component and peripheral business. We are a continually evolving company that continues to work hard in its traditional distribution market to consolidate and grow its position there, but is also looking to develop new markets and partnerships with vendors and customers, locally and overseas, to help grow and diversify. Branches: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Tasmania and New Zealand. Staff: 100+ Vendor partners: 3ware, Acer, AnexTEK, AOpen, Apacer, BenQ, Canon, Cherry, D-Link, FujiFilm, Genius, High-Point, Intel, LG, MGE, Microsoft, Netcomm,Nikon, OKI, Olympus, Pioneer, Powerware, Proxim, S-Media, Sony, Wacom. Core competency: Computer components and peripheral distribution. Market differentiator: Works closely with selected venders and channel partners, with focus on operation efficiency. Channel programs offered: Retail programs include store representation, in-house training, relationship and communication development. Value added services offered: Promote delivery and excellent service from the beginning to the end. Types of resellers sought: Vertical market VARs, system integrators, resellers, mass merchant retailers and etailers. First point of contact for channels: (02) 8745 8400. Alternatively, Contact the BBF components and Peripherals CAIR centre on 1800 803 802. Credit facilities available: Yes, cash-on-delivery - 30 days. Blue Ridge Systems Established in 1998 to service the KVM industry, Blue Ridge’s staff has been in the IT sales and service industry for more than 10 years, with a thorough working knowledge of what is required to service the corporate consumer through a dealer network. Based: Brisbane, Qld. Branches: Sydney, NSW. Staff: 5. Vendor partners: Avocent, Cybex, Apex, Belkin, SceneDouble, Icron, APC. Core competency: Keyboard/Video/Mouse (KVM) management solutions. Market differentiator: One stop shop for KVM, working with and for our channel Partners. Channel programs: Wholesale and VAR partner program. Value-added services: Onsite warranty, pre- and post - sales support. Type of resellers sought: Integrators, rack and server room installers. Credit facilities available: Major credit cards accepted. Contact: Justin Milne, (07) 3250 7777 Brightpoint Australia Pty Ltd The Brightpoint product range includes the leading PDAs, mobile and accessories available in Australia as well as end user support (Brightpoint Technical Services) and telecommunication network activation. Customers choose from the best brands, using advice from a specialised sales team who have indepth knowledge of the products and their applications. Offering a superior range and unique services enables Brightpoint to more effectively serve resellers who offer wireless data solutions. Distribution and logistical services are delivered from a recently constructed, purpose-built warehouse in Frenchs Forest, Sydney. Brightpoint are a global leader in the distribution of wireless voice and data products, and a premier supplier of outsourced services with more than 20,000 customers worldwide, and have served the Australian market since 1996. Brightpoint serve manufacturers, carriers, dealers and retailers with an extensive suite of solutions that are precisely aligned to meet customer’s goals. Brightpoint incorporates Advanced Portable Technologies (APT) who integrated with Brightpoint in 2002. Based: Frenchs Forest, Sydney. Branches: Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide. Staff: 110 Vendor partners: Nokia, HP, Palm, Toshiba, Telstra, Handspring, Carrier Devices, Sony Ericsson, Sony Music, Panasonic, Motorola, SanDisk, Socket, Targus, Pretec, Madge, Belkin, iPrimus, Comtrol, Travroute, TDK, Extended Systems, Pumatech, and many more accessory solutions for handsets and data products. Core competency: Distribution of wireless voice and data products and logistical services. Technical services and support for wireless solutions. Market differentiator: One-stop-shop for wireless voice and data products and services, including software and network activation. Brightpoint technical services end user support for wireless solutions. Superior logistics and delivery services. Channel programs offered: Reseller training, road shows, regular email product updates. Value added services offered: In-depth product knowledge and technical support (delivered through Brightpoint Technical Services). Remote workforce automation solutions for integrators and resellers including hardware, software and implementation and training. Total outsourced logistics services. Types of resellers sought: IT resellers, systems integrators, wireless data VARs, handset dealers, carriers. First point of contact for channels: 1300 300 213 (www.bri ChannelWorx ChannelWorx is a leading distributor of security and networking technology and operate throughout Australia and New Zealand. ChannelWorx are experts in the area of security technology and IP networking. ChannelWorx pride themselves in assisting resellers with “best of breed” technologies, end-to-end security, networking and wireless solutions. Based: Melbourne. Branches: Sydney, Brisbane. Staff: 20. Vendor partners: NetScreen, Foundry Networks, Lucent Technologies, ARN ���� ����������� ���������� �������������� ������������������� � �������� � ��������� ��� � �������������� � ������� � ������������������� � ������������������ � ��������� � ��������� ���������� � ������������� � ��������� � �������� � ����������������� ������������� � ������������ ���������������������� � ������������ � �������������������� � ���� � ������� � �������� ��������������������� � ������� � ������� � ������������ � ����������� �������� DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT Dantz Retrospect, Nomadix, Array Networks and Netopia. Web site functionality: Extensive detail and technical specifications on their existing product range. Additional tools exclusively for resellers are are also accessible on line. Core competency: Network security, IP network-centric and wireless communications, IP network integration services, technology sourcing, product marketing, superior IP network technical knowledge, superior customer service, engineering and technology deployment. Market differentiator: ChannelWorx’s 14 years of experience in evolving innovative IP communications technology is passed on in the form of education, support and advice to the channel. Extensive technical support is available pre and post sale. Channel programs: Reseller training, seminars, trade shows. Value-added services: Remote configuration and onsite integration performed on behalf of the reseller, whilst delivering a healthy reseller profit to for simply on selling the service. Superior customer technical assistance is available on an ongoing basis. Type of reseller sought: Security, IP networking and systems integrators, PC/Mac resellers, IP network and IP communications consultants, service providers. Contact: Sydney (02) 9922 7066, Melbourne (03) 8573 1200 Compucon Computers Compucon Computers has acquired an excellent reputation for its custom built personal computers, servers and workstations that are particularly popular with small to medium business enterprises. A hallmark of all Compucon computers is their reliability, flexibility and expandability. Compucon has become synonymous with quality products and outstanding customer service, underscored by ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Processes and Australian Government Endorsed Supplier status. Compucon is an Intel Premier Provider and Gold Member of the Microsoft OEM System Builder Program. Established in Australia in 1990, Compucon Computers operates 11 branches in five countries including Australasia, China and Canada. A wholesale distributor, Compucon Computers supplies products through carefully selected resellers, whose specialist expertise and services add further value. Based: Sydney, NSW Branches (other cities): Melbourne, Brisbane, and Adelaide Staff: 70 Vendor partners: Intel, Microsoft, AMD, Sony, BenQ, Altec Lansing, Leadtek, Matrox, AOC, iNexQ, HiTi, EasyDisk, Yeong Yang Core competency: System building: desktop PCs, workstations, servers Market differentiator: Product reliability and personal service Types of resellers sought: All resellers of PCs, notebooks, workstations, servers and related products First point of contact for channels: Sales team in local branch Credit facilities available: Yes (conditions apply) Computeck Pty Ltd Computeck is a fast growing IT importer/ wholesaler based South Western Sydney. We offer a large range of components and intend to become a one-stop shop for resellers. We only carry quality items not necessarily the cheapest on the market, but we are very competitive on price, always. Based: Bankstown, NSW. Branches: No. of staff: 18 Vendor partners: Accusys, Nexgen, Canon, Intel, AMD, Gigabyte, Clevo, Hitachi, Microsoft, Seagate, Netcomm, LG, Hyundai. Core competency: Importer and distributor of components and systems with the best price/value ratio. Also have range of IDE RAID and rack mount cases for small-medium businesses. Get on our mailing list to be kept up to date. Market differentiator: Wide range of products at very S12 competitive prices. Friendly customer service. Frequent product/pricing update through email. Channel programs offered: Bundle deals, daily update of product and prices, sub-distributors for different areas where we refer customers. Value added services offered: Technical support, training, promotion materials, assistance with tender preparation, system building with free 3 years local warranty included. Types of resellers sought: Retailers, consultants, subdistributors, and system integrators. First point of contact for channels: member of sales team at (02) 9792 5000 Credit facilities available: To approved dealers Web site address: Conexus Pty Ltd Founded in 1991, Conexus is the Australian distributor of world class technology solutions for the following environments: networking and communication, digital video and multimedia, Macintosh and Windows desktop products, enterprise products, education solutions. Known in the market as a niche specialist distributor, Conexus offers a unique range of award winning products which will enhance your business. For example, we have a comprehensive range of digital product solutions for resellers who are now recognising the growth potential of this rapidly expanding market segment. Our distribution network is Australia wide and incorporates traditional computer resellers, retail super stores, mail order catalogues, ISP’s, VARs and system integrators. With our proven track record and reputation for technical innovation and support, Conexus offers its partners a dynamic and flexible experience base to grow their business. Based: Frenchs Forest, NSW. With reps in all states. Staff: 20. Vendor Partners: 321 Studios, Adobe, Asante, ADS Technologies, ActivePDF, Asante, CE Software, Dazzle, Dataviz, Dr Bott, Graphon, Harman Kardon, IBM, Inspiration, Iomega, Kleer Screen, LizardTech, Macromedia, MGE, Menlo Systems, Miramar Systems, Neoware, NCD, Pioneer, Proxim, Trekeer, Ulead. Core Competency: Niche market distributor. Wide ranging marketing and channel skills across many market segments, digital products, Windows/Macintosh, enterprise and retail as well as education. Market Differentiator: Specialist market developer. Proven success in introducing new products to the Australian market. Also used by major vendors to build market access to digital, Apple and retail channels. Channel Programs: Joint promotions, NFR, Consignment inventory for specialist products. Our integrated marketing approach is comprehensive and includes regular catalogues and price lists to the channel, registered end user mailings and focused media campaigns in targeted publications. This is supported by reseller training, end user seminars, and press briefings. Value-Added Services: Local warranty and technical support. Pre and post sales assistance. Types of resellers sought: Windows, Macintosh and education resellers considering the move into the digital products market, ie video editing, digital publishing, firewire, USB2.0 storage MP3 Players and DVD Backup. As well as SMEs and White Box builders. Desktop DNA by Miramar systems value added resellers working with clients on desktop migration strategies to XP Neoware - resellers working in the thin client environment. Credit Facilities Available: Yes, subject to application. Contact: Grant Kennedy, business development manager. Cosmic Cosmic buys cables, memory and GBIC products in bulk, direct from Ciscoapproved OEMs and distributes them to the reseller community. With offices in the US, Canada, Australia and the UK, Cosmic is positioned within the global market as a Cisco-centric specialist, using its expertise and knowledge to source these specific parts. Based: Sydney. Branches: US, Canada, UK, Germany and Japan. Staff: 10. Vendor partners: Cisco Systems, Nortel Networks, 3Com, Extreme, Foundry, HP, Avaya, OEMs. Web site functionality: Flash. Core competency: Supply of Cisco OEM-approved cables, memory and GBIC products. Market differentiator: Cosmic is the only truly global distributor of OEM cables, memory and GBIC products. Channel programs: Bespoke partner program. Value-added services: Worldwide logistics, substantial stock availability, Cisco market expertise, strong, long-term global vendor relationships, simplified global strategies for standardised pricing, flexible bespoke agreements. Type of resellers sought: Cisco channel partners. Contact: (02) 9006 3303. Datastor Australia Datastor Australia opened its doors in Brisbane in 1997 headed by John Couvaras who has been in the computer industry since 1984, and Brent Van Blerk (Technical Director) who brings with him many years of hardware/ software expertise and experience. The company is private and locally owned. In early 1999, Datastor Australia expanded its operations and opened an office in Sydney. This was followed in 2001 by Melbourne, and then Perth where a stock warehouse is maintained. Datastor Australia represents some of the world’s largest independent manufacturers that focus solely on tape and storage products. These companies design, manufacture and market the full range of tape drives, auto-loaders and tape libraries, as well as storage area network (SAN) and network attached storage (NAS) products. Our product family provides reliable, cost-effective and compact data storage in the fast growing segments of the computer industry: desktop, department and application servers. The products find widespread use in attended and unattended data backup, automated storage management, near-online storage, archiving, data collection, software distribution and interchange. At Datastor Australia we offer high quality service and support to compliment our strongly focused family of storage products. We forge vendor and supplier relationships to ensure ethical and proper product supply lines into the country. We understand the importance of stock availability and have concentrated our efforts to maintain excellent stock levels in both our Brisbane and Perth warehouses. This allows us to make shipments easily and quickly throughout Australia and also into Asia. Based: Brisbane, Queensland Branches: Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth Staff: ± 15 Vendor partners: Adaptec, BakBone, Crossroads, Dantz, Exabyte, FileZerver, IBM (Hitachi), Imation, Initio, JetStor, LSI Logic, Maxtor, Qualstar, Seagate, Sony, StorCase, StorStation, Tandberg, Verbatim, TapeWare, VXA. Core competency: Distributor of state of the art storage products with a strong focus on pre- and after- sale technical support. Market differentiator: Product specialised and solution focused. Our doors are always open and staff and management are always available. We welcome contact from our customers and do not hide behind unfriendly and impersonal answering systems. Channel programs offered: In conjunction with vendors from time to time. Value added services offered: We provide both pre- and after-sales support, as well as on-site service and see ourselves as solution providers. We are committed to providing a high level of ongoing support and whether one is looking for simple SCSI cable or a 15TB fibre tape library system, we are happy to work with our customers to recommend the right combination of products for the correct solution. Most configurable products leave us assembled, tested and configured to customer requirements. Customers have ARN OCTOBER 2003 a one-point contact: our in house technical support team covers all the products we supply. Type of resellers sought: System integrators, storage focused resellers and dealers committed to service. First point of contact for channels: John Couvaras (07 3274 6377), Web site capability/functionality: Online pricing (Reseller and RRP), stock availability, product information, Support options and RA processing. Credit Facilities Available: Available to approved customers Deerfield Software Sales Australia is the Australian partner of leading Internet software and services provider — Deerfield Communications, founded in late 1994 in the US. is now directly servicing the Australasian region from its head office in Adelaide, specialising in cutting edge Internet software solutions designed to optimise Internet connectivity for small-tomedium sized businesses and organisations. We distribute a suite of Internet connectivity, messaging, and security products distributed via ESD (Electronic Software Distribution) nationally through reseller Channels. From our flagship Internet sharing solution including proxy/firewall/VPN support, WinGate®, to our dynamic DNS service, DNS2Go™, and products such as MAILSCAN for Mdaemon and the world’s coolest Webmail from ODDPOST, continues to bring a Vision of the Internet to its customers via a newly-commissioned family of products appropriately named VisNetic. The family includes connection, hosting, security and management tools, all available for free 30-day trial at Based: Adelaide, servicing the whole of Australia via ESD Branches: N/A No. of staff: 6 Vendor partners: Deerfield Communications, US Core competency: Leading edge Internet productivity tools Market differentiator: ESD, e-commerce website, healthy margins available Channel programs offered: Reseller training and seminars Value added services offered: Technical support, reseller training, set-up guides, download saver CDs and white papers Types of resellers sought: Resellers integrating internet technology into their clients business, networking specialists; resellers who are looking at improving their clients internet productivity First point of contact for channels: Stephen Fuller Credit facilities available: Yes, but conditions apply. Web site address: Dicker Data Dicker Data are a specialist hardware distributor. Dicker Data are celebrating their 25th year of operation and are 100 per cent Australian-owned. Dicker Data focuses on customer service, same-day shipping, with orders often fulfilled in a matter of hours. The company provides specialist product and account managers as well as a fully functional e-commerce site. Dicker Data has just implemented a new internal system to provide real time information to their business partners, including automated daily backorder reports, status of orders and customer relationship management tools to provide an improved level of response and service. Based: Taren Point, NSW. Staff: 25. Vendor partners: HP, Toshiba, Epson, Canon, Kingston. NEC, Panasonic. Web site functionality: Real-time availability, pricing, ordering, view transactions and orders, account status. Core competency: Specialist hardware. Market differentiator: Personal service – stable, knowledgeable sales team, easy and flexible to do business with, quick delivery, good inventory. Channel programs: Top Cat program, Retail Program, Education Program, Government pricing, Computer Reseller Network of Australia for SMB, Type of reseller sought: All resellers. Contact: (02) 9589 8400. Digicor Pty Ltd As a value added IT distributor/solution provider targeting niche market, Digicor specialises in two major areas: 19” Maxtron rackmount and pedestal server solutions and networking solutions. Digicor has built its reputation in the marketplace over the past six years by providing the best value, cutting edge technology with exceptional service. Based: Clayton, Melbourne Branches: Lidcombe, Sydney Staff: 25 Vendor partners: Accusys, AMD, Chenbro, Chicony, Enhance, Etasis, Supermicro, Surecom, Transcend, Tyan, Zippy. Core competency: Complete solutions, customer focus, striving for excellence, skilled workforce, one step ahead of competitors, adapting to change quickly. Market differentiator: Meeting customer’s needs completely, on time and superior after sales service set Digicor different from others. Our motto is “Exceeding your expectations” and that is what our customers will receive from Digicor. Channel programs offered: Roadshows with some key vendor partners. Pre-sales consultations. Value added services offered: Extensive pre-sales support and after-sales technical support, access to comprehensive web site, regular product specials, product training. Types of resellers sought: Systems integrators, consultants, corporate/education dealers, and other VARs. First point of contact for channels: Melbourne office: (03) 9560 7222, Sydney office: (02) 9648 6800 Credit facilities available: Yes. Digiland Pty Ltd Digiland Australia is part of the Digiland International Group, incorporated in Singapore. Digiland International is listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. To date, there are 11 Digiland distribution centres, servicing about 13,000 resellers throughout the Asia Pacific region. Digiland Australia has state-of-the-art warehousing in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Brisbane and the Digiland distribution model is to remain as close as possible to our customers, enabling us to be responsive and flexible in catering for our customers diverse requirements. Digiland offers many value-added services such as pick up and third party deliveries, paperless ordering – EDX, E-Commerce electronic information, order confirmations, order status reports and daily and weekly product information updates and pricing. We are also a distributor of HP and Compaq Spare Parts. Based: Digiland’s Head Office is in Mount Waverley, Victoria. (03) 9542 7600 Staff: 85 Staff employed Australia-wide Vendor Partners: 3Com, ACER, Adaptec, Digitrex, EPSON, Fujitsu, HP/Compaq, IBM, Kodak, Linksys, Liebert, Maxtor, MSI, and WD. Core competencies: Wide channel network; Customer centric service; Account management; flexibility to suit customer requirements; fulfilment, warehousing in each state; financing. Market differentiator: Warehouses in 4 states: Qld, Vic, NSW and WA, stocking a full range of products with option of pick up or delivery of goods. Digiland also distributes HP and Compaq spare parts. Channel Programs offered: Digiland hosts a number of seminars, workshops and programs for resellers, and participates in reseller conferences and exhibitions. Value added services offered: Automated order confirmations; automated order status reports daily or weekly; electronic invoices including serial numbers; electronic pricelists- excel format — weekly; electronic product availability and ETA’s; product and pricing catalogue; electronic ordering — EDX program; third party deliveries; — online ordering; product specifications; stock availability; credit availability; online return requests. Type of resellers sought: All reseller enquiries welcome First point of contact for channels: Ph – 1300 65 2005; fax – 1300 65 2005; Email – \E-Commerce –; Contact head office in Victoria Ph: – (03) 9542-7600 Credit facilities available: 7/14/30-day accounts Digital Tape Solutions (DTS) DTS is a value added distributor specialising in providing storage and data management solutions to major channel partners in the Australian marketplace. With more than eight years experience in the storage market, DTS can leverage the distribution model to supply its products to major storage channel partners throughout the region. DTS is the primary distributor for a number of complementary products including: Overland Data tape robotic libraries, Exabyte tape drives, Yosemite Tapeware, Quantum DLT tape products, St Bernard Open File Manager, IBM storage products, NAS, Sony storage and Emulex. DTS has offices in Sydney and Melbourne and serves the full Australian market. DTS offers not just a product or service but a tailored solution for data storage problems. Based: Chatswood, Sydney, NSW Branches: Burwood, Melbourne, Vic (covers the whole Australian marketplace) Staff: 8 Vendor partners: Overland Storage, St Bernard Software, Axiom, Axus, Sony Storage, Fuji, Exabyte, Yosemite Software, IBM Storage, Quantum. Core competency: DTS is vendor neutral and can therefore provide a solution tailored to meet customers needs. We are also an Australian-owned and managed company Market differentiator: Personal attention, Co-operative eXeed’s new family ... IT JUST KEEPS GROWING! eXeed is proud to announce its new family members Acer, Fuji Xerox Printers, Hewlett-Packard, 3, Fujitsu PRIMERGY Servers Contact us and become a reseller with eXeed eXeedStripAd_v5_ARN.indd ARN 1 Melb: 03 9840 8555 10/8/2003, 12:26 PM Syd: 02 9955 4224 Bris: 07 3252 9922 S13 DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT selling, joint calls, extensive data storage knowledge in both disk and tape. Channel programs offered: Joint seminars and events, SPIF reward programs, trade shows Value added services offered: Solution design, Planning and implementation, On site services up to 24x7, evaluation services. Types of resellers sought: All types Credit facilities available: Yes, incl. credit card. Dovetail Distribution Established in 1996, Dovetail is a valueadded distributor, specialising in network security/ firewalls, virtual private networks, remote access, and Internet-related technologies such as SSL, load balancing and traffic monitoring. Dovetail has extensive knowledge of the firewall appliance market and the application of these appliances to meet customer security requirements. In addition, we are one of the pioneers in the VPN market in Australia and have developed our skills and our product range so that we can provide scalable solutions to meet almost any customer requirement. Based: Pymble, NSW Branches: Melbourne – (03) 9890 4900 Staff: 9 Vendor partners: Fortinet, SonicWALL, Snapgear, Secure Computing, Zone Labs, StBernard, Dynalink Aladdin. Core competency: Network security, virtual private networks Market differentiator: Value-add niche market distributor Channel programs offered: Dovetail partner program. Vendor partner programs Value added services offered: Consulting, network design, maintenance Types of resellers sought: ISPs, System integrators, VARS and carriers First point of contact for channels: Marketing - Tracey Roberts; Sales -; support; Telephone (02) 9418 5888 or 1800 00 22 33. Credit facilities available: Yes eXeed eXeed is a national valueadd distributor with offices in Australia and NZ. For more than two years eXeed has been servicing it’s customers needs with exceptional growth in this period. eXeed leads in areas such as IT systems and quality trained people to provide our resellers with a service level that is unequalled in the industry, we call it “ownership of the issue”. Our vendor partnerships are best in class, and include HP, Acer, Fujitsu, Fuji-Xerox, Minolta, Emerson UPS, H 3G, and Computer Trax security software. eXeed specialises in value-added services such as direct shipment to end users, Electronic commerce tools, pre-configuration services, build-to-order capabilities, print solutions offerings, mobile and messaging services and products. Based: Melbourne, Victoria Branches: Sydney, Brisbane No. Of staff: 20 Vendor partners: HP, Acer, Fujitsu, Fuji-Xerox, Minolta, S14 Hutchison 3G, Emerson UPS, Computer Trax software. Core competency: Proficient sales and marketing team focused on the IT and T channel Market differentiator: Mobility and messaging products based on the 3G platform, Value added services around configuration and build to order for servers, print solutions. Channel programs offered: Sol Print, (print solutions offering), Accredited Gold reseller program for H 3G. Acer link, (B to B and B to C e-Commerce offering) Value added services offered: e Commerce, direct ship to end user, pre configuration services, build to order, expertise in mobility and messaging products and services, solutions printing Types of resellers sought: SMB, regional, VAR’s, Telecommunications resellers, SI’s First point of contact for channels: Account managers through the following phone numbers Victoria: (03) 9840 8555; NSW: (02) 9955 4224; Qld: (07) 3252 9922. Credit facilities available: credit card, direct deposit, credit terms to approved resellers. Web site address: Express Online Express Online is a fast, efficient, quality distribution option for IT products. The value Express offers IT resellers is competitively-priced volume sale products using the latest in interactive online transaction processing as well as using the industry leading technology to provide resellers with education and information. Our range includes Acer, Allied Telesyn, Altec Lansing, APC, Belkin, Brother, Canon, Checkpoint, Cisco, Corel, HP Compaq, LaCie, LG, McAfee, Microsoft, MYOB, Netgear, Palm, Samsung and Symantec. Express Online will continue to add to the vendor range over the coming months to offer a “one-stop” distribution option for IT resellers FortuneTec FortuneTec is an IT development firm specialising in the manufacturing, import and distribution of quality computer products, mostly from Taiwan. Based: Silverwater, NSW. Branches: no other. Staff: 10. Vendor partners: Macase, HEC, Compucase, Promise, Chieftec, Chenbro, Zippy. Core competency: Manufacturer of PC cases and power supply, industrialrackmount cases, cabinet and accessories, storage cases, dual P4 servercases, ATA raid card, SCSI-ATA subsystem, ATA controller card. Net PC barebone system. Market differentiator: Quiet P/S with low ripples at twoyear warranty, quality high end cases with dust filter, USB, IEEE1394 in professional innovative design ,colours and finishes, low EMI design cases. Full technical supports and advises on wide range issues among P/S, cases and M/B. Australia-wide distributing. Channel programs: Distributors, system integrators, reseller, wholesale, Retailers. Value-added services: Barbone Systems. Types of resellers sought: Distributors, system integrators, reseller, wholesale, Retailers. Contact: (02) 9748 0001. Galas Electronics Australia Based: Sydney. Staff: 10 Vendor partners: Acer, Allied Telesyn, Altec Lansing, APC, Belkin, Brother, Canon, Checkpoint, Cisco, Corel, HP Compaq, LaCie, LG, McAfee, Microsoft, MYOB, Netgear, Palm, Samsung and Symantec Core competency: Online distribution - highly efficient, interactive, online order transactions as well as industry leading electronics resources to provide resellers with education and information. Market differentiator: Express Online supplies the latest in interactive online transaction processing as well as using the latest technology to provide you with education and information. Express Online’s website offers resellers a more efficient method for processing and tracking their orders not to mention utilising Express Online’s internal backorder, quoting, and order management tools. Value added services offered: A range of online electronic resources to assist resellers including the availability of point of sale material, e-training, webinars, configuration tools and product PDF’s. Types of resellers sought: Express Online distributes a wide range IT products and as such is a fantastic option for a diverse range of IT resellers. Resellers who know what products they are looking for and want to save by minimising cost of doing business and increasing their efficiencies. Express Online saves resellers time and money as we aim to provide our customers with all the major products they require at cost effective prices. First point of contact for channels: Credit facilities available: Credit Accounts, credit card, BPAY, EFT and direct deposit. Galas Electronics was established in 1994, with the goal of being “The best distribution company of the best products”. Through nine years of hard work, Galas Electronics has grown substantially to become a major distributor in the Australian computer market. We carry a vast range of products, and believe in establishing solid relationships with our suppliers through business building. The relationship we have with our world class vendors allows us to provide high quality, high value and high technology products to our customers. Galas now distributes more than 200 product lines, and also imports an extensive range of computer cases, mouse, keyboards, speakers, sub-woofers, motherboards, memory, CPUs, scanners, CD ROM drives, DVD drives. Galas are also a distributor/wholesaler for LG, Canon, Lexmark, Samsung Ricoh, Albatron, Umax, Epson, Intel, AMD, Seagate, and Iomega. Our company motto is: “We work for our customers”. We believe that our customers are the fuel to our company; without their support we could not survive. Therefore, we work around the customers, and consistently refine our process to ensure that the customer benefits most. Based: St Peters, Sydney, NSW. Branches: Melbourne, Brisbane, China, Hong Kong. Staff: 55 (in Australia). Vendor partners: LG, Canon, Lexmark, Ricoh,Samsung, Albatron, Plustek Core competency: Provides high level of product knowledge, customer service and technical support; the best price and fast delivery; strong Internet management and security; local presence to take care all of reseller’s needs. Market differentiator: Value-added importer and distributor focused on providing wide range, good quality of the products and support. Channel programs offered: GEA Voucher system and sales ARN ��������������� � ������������������� � ������������������������ � ������������������ � ���������������������� ������������������ ������������ ����������������� ������� � ���������������� � ������������������ � �������������� � ������������������������� � ������������� � ������������� � �������������� � ������������ � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � ������������������ ���� ��������������� ���������������������� ��������������������������� DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT promotion reward resellers instantly. Selected exclusive distribution contract guarantees warranty, supply and price protection. Value added services offered: Direct shipment and virtual warehouse benefits resellers; customised branding/ packaging on OEM products such as casing, mouse, and keyboard. Types of resellers sought: OEM SI, retailers (shop fronts), mass merchants First point of contact for channels: Peter Hsie, (02) 9550 6888; Michael 0414 188 988/ (02) 95506888 Credit facilities available: 7 – 60 days credit account depending on trading requirements. GL Computing GL Computing has been selling and supporting resellers of sales and marketing software for 15 years – specialising in the ACT! contact management CRM products. Our ability to assist resellers in selling to their clients and increasing their profits through extra add-ons has made us a preferred supplier to most of the ACT! certified consultants and other ACT! resellers in the Asia-Pacific region. Our new instant delivery 24/7 for most products via our reseller website has made us the easiest distributor from which to buy the products we carry. Based: East Botany, NSW. Staff: 5 Vendor partners: ACT!, Interact Commerce Corporation, Best Software, Sage, G2X, Oakhurst, dbDynamics Core competency: Contact management, sales and marketing systems Market differentiator: Technical excellence. We have staff on the product advisory councils advising our vendors on product direction for most of the products we handle. We also provide training and support to resellers in Asia- Pacific the level that the local vendors usually can. Plus our new 24hour ordering system including historical information of all previous orders at: Channel programs offered: ACT! Certified Consultant (via vendor), ACT! for Notes Consultant. Value added services offered: Training, sales and technical support, additional product documentation, development staff, 24-hour ordering system Types of resellers sought: ACT! resellers, Lotus Notes resellers, CRM resellers. First point of contact for channels: Mike Lazarus Credit facilities available: After a trial period and http://Resellers.G Global Business Technology Founded in Sydney in 1988, Global has been supplying resellers and OEMs with quality products at competitive prices as well as offering outstanding service and after-sales support. It distributes a wide range of computer components and peripherals as well as its own computer systems to Australia and the South Pacific. Global’s assembly line has the capacity to produce more than 1000 personal computers each month. Lead-time for pre-built systems is 2-3 working days with all software pre-loaded and configured to the customer’s specifications. Based: Chester Hill, Sydney. Staff: 34. Vendor partners: Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pinnacle, Sony, Albatron, BenQ, Cherry, XPC Shuttle, Gigabyte, Epson, D-Link, Canon, Genius, uLead. Core competency: Distribution of PC components, peripherals, notebooks and pre-built systems to resellers, OEMs, consultants and VARs throughout Australia and the South Pacific. Market differentiator: Focused, personable, online ordering capability. Channel programs: Regular promotions and incentives. S16 Reseller nights. Value-added services: Direct shipments, pre-built systems. Type of resellers sought: All Resellers, Consultants, VARs and OEMs. Sales Contact: or (02) 8718 8888. Vendor Contact: Gordon Taylor Website: Hitech Distribution “Your Success is our Priority” reflects Hitech’s customer attitude. Formed in September 1990, Hitech Distribution is a value-add distributor of software, hardware, peripherals and services, working closely with our customers. Hitech has always been at the forefront of distributing the latest technology, and actively seeks new opportunities to help resellers maintain healthy margins. A key to our success are the motivated and welltrained individuals the company attracts, resulting in an excellent teamwork environment. As an organisation we have gained an enviable reputation for our high standard of friendly, professional service and overall value for money. Recent growth has resulted in the successful opening of our Victorian branch office and Acer’s National award for outstanding sales performance in 2002. Based: Head Office: Adelaide, South Australia. Branches: Victoria. No. of staff: About 30 Vendor partners: Acer, Alloy Networking, Belkin, Dynalink, Epson, Lexmark, Pinnacle, Microsoft, MYOB, NEC, Samsung, Sola, Swann, Symantec, Verbatim, Wacom. Core competency: Value-add distributor, offering one-stop solution inc pre- and post -sales tech support Market differentiator: Flexible stock rotation program, allowing our customers to confidently stock product lines, available on application. Able to offer seamless 24x7 support back-end to our customers by providing technical services at a wholesale level. Suits small to medium resellers who cannot afford to employ their own full time technicians, by allowing them to offer turn-key solutions to their clients. Channel programs offered: Various Vendor programs and networking expertise, tender/quotation assistance, wholesale repair and installation contracting on behalf of reseller including seamless answering service, complimentary in-house or site-based product training Types of resellers sought: Retail, SME, Vertical Market, and Corporate First point of contact for channels: David Hein or Marco D’Agostino – (08) 8130 1000 or 1300 850 072 Credit facilities available: Trading account on application customised consultancy Value-added services offered: Marketing and artwork assistance, credit card Web site address: Additional Info: Some products/services may not be available through branch office Impact Systems Technology Impact Systems Technology is a prominent broad-based solutions wholesaler located in Sydney. With over 13 years in the computer marketing industry, the company has continually expanded and developed its relationships with value added resellers Australia-wide. Impact Systems is an ISO9001 Accredited organisation and certified by the ICSS, which is the international governing body of the Customer Service Certification of Australia and an IPP - Intel Premier Providers. Based: Blacktown, Sydney. Staff: 29. Vendor partners: Microsoft, Fuji Xerox Phaser, HP, Palladine, Intel, D-Link, Teac, Philips, Mitsubishi, Cisco, NEC, Sharp, and Polyview/CMV. Core competency: National product distribution, systems integration, network integration and the delivery of broadbased solutions to VARs. Market differentiator: Dedicated professional customer service, strong vendor relationships, inhouse technical expertise, competitive pricing, aggressive distribution network, strong knowledge in video editing turnkey solutions, 13 years of expertise in the local IT landscape. Channel programs: Product awareness campaigns, product demo offers, promotions and giveaways. Value-added services: Co-Op assistance marketing campaigns, integral network support and consultations to dealers. Unique sales programs. Type of resellers sought: VARs, wholesalers and consultants. Contact: (02) 9621 2999. Infotronics Software Pty Ltd Infotronics Software Pty Ltd is an Australian software distributor and has been in operation since 1989. We distribute and support quality software administrator tools and niche desktop utilities to systems integrators and dealer partners throughout Australasia, with personal service to dealer partners. Resellers are provided with hands-on account management and access to highly experienced and certified Microsoft and Citrix engineers for pre-sales and software support. Based: Keysborough, Victoria. Staff: 14+ Vendor partners: ThinPrint, StBernard Software (Update Expert, Open Manager and iPrimism), Urchin, Argent, Kerio SmartDraw, SnagIt, Quest, Camtasia Studio, Raxco. Core competency: Software for the system administrators. Market differentiator: In-house thin client specialised skills. Products are priced for and aimed at the SME market but have the ability to scale to large corporations. Channel programs offered: Authorised dealer partner program. Value added services offered: Access to CCEA qualified staff for technical pre-sales support and installation. Infotronics’ product range and pricing is designed to ensure our reseller channel cannot only retain great margins but also build and deliver specialists services for additional business. Types of resellers sought: Thin client and systems integrations specialists. First point of contact for channels: .au. Credit facilities available: Yes. Ingram Micro Ranked No. 75 in the FORTUNE 500 2002 listings, Ingram Micro Inc. is the largest global wholesale provider of technology products and supply chain management services with offices in 37 countries. Ingram Micro Australia carries a large range of products including business applications software, personal computers, servers and workstations, personal digital assistants, wireless devices, mass storage devices, CDROM, CDRW and DVD drives, monitors, printers, scanners, modems, networking hubs, routers and switches, network interface cards, components, computer supplies and accessories. 2003 saw Ingram Micro Australia introduce an enhanced operations network designed to provide superior service to vendors and customers. This included the creation of a national distribution centre in new premises in Sydney to enable efficient inventory management and business process improvements across all functions. Satellite distribution centres (SDC) were established in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth to ensure solid national coverage for customers. These outlets serve as ‘will call’ facilities and carry fast moving line items, providing same day or next day delivery service at the same competitive prices. Complementing the SDC’s are field sales teams deployed throughout the country, including dedicated sales coverage in Canberra for the first time. Based: Flemington, Sydney. Branches: Mulgrave (VIC), Brisbane (QLD), Osborne Park (WA) and Canberra (ACT). Staff: 220. Vendor partners: 3Com, Acer, ACCO/Kensington, Aforce, Allot Communications (previously NetReality), APC, ASUS, Avaya, Belkin, Britannica, Computer Associates, Digitrex, Extreme Networks, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Imation, Intel, Interact Commerce-ACT!, Inwin, Iomega, Kingston Memory, Lexmark, ARN DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT Linksys, Logitech, Maxtor, Microsoft, MSI, NEC, Netcomm, Network Associates, Pumatech, Samsung, Seagate Technology, Socket, Swann Communications, Targus, Toshiba, Twinmos, Verbatim, Veritas, Viewsonic, WatchGuard. Core competency: Ingram Micro is a service powerhouse delivering logistics and supply chain management services to increase value and drive efficiency for companies at all levels of the IT supply chain. The company has developed services and solutions designed to address the needs of each technology category and market segment, with expert services to support customers serving vertical and specialty markets. Market differentiator: Innovation is the key differentiator between Ingram Micro and other IT distribution companies. The company’s management team is focused on leading the industry through change and has a clear understanding of customer expectations. Ingram Micro leads the industry in creating market opportunities with new and emerging technologies and value-added services. These new opportunities have changed the way that solution providers offer value to their end-user customers, making them more competitive in the marketplace. Channel programs: Tailored marketing campaigns. Value-added services: Configuration centre, partner licensing Web site. Contact: 1300 65 33 33 or visit Intellitron Pty Ltd The Intellitron wholesale distribution business was established in Brisbane in late 1991 to provide computer resellers with a means of obtaining products from overseas where no distribution agreements were in place. This has now expanded to include computer peripherals, hardware, and software products that enjoy wide public appeal. Intelliton supplies to just under 5000 resellers nationally and internationally. We spoil our customer base through the provision of appropriate selling tools and information, rapid and accurate delivery of ordered goods and quality product support and customer service to our resellers. Based: Bowen Hills, Qld. Staff: 11 Vendor partners: Alloy, Eovia, Fasttrack, GFI, , MYOB, Quicken, Rega International, WRQ Reflection, Sony, Sun Microsystems, Typequick, Winzip — more than 100 vendors nationally and internationally. Core competency: Sourcing software and hardware from local and overseas vendors on behalf of our resellers. Additionally, Intellitron has a reputation in the market for quality customer service. Our commitment to provide personal and professional service to our customers has lead to the success of the company today. Market differentiator: To find and fulfil customer requests for any product globally. Channel programs offered: Product training, dealer nights, Value added services offered: Marketing assistance and point of sale to our resellers, instore visits. A warehouse in Brisbane allow stock to be available same day. Types of resellers sought: All resellers First point of contact for channels: Sales — sales@intellitr; accounts; warehouse — Credit facilities available: Credit card, EFTPOS, direct deposit. credit account applications available. IPL Group IPL was established in 1982 by its managing director Stead Denton, and is the Australian distributor for some of the world’s leading ITandT manufacturers, in Avaya and OKI. In a close working relationship that spans almost two decades, IPL has built a strong and solid presence in the Australian office technology market. Today, for committed resellers and satisfied end-customers alike, the names Avaya and OKI are virtually synonymous for quality, reliability and excellence in customer service. Most recently IPL was awarded a certificate of recognition for its contribution to the development of the Australian ICT industry by Senator Richard Alston, the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts. S18 Based: Alexandria, NSW, 2015. Branches: Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra and Perth. Staff: 85 nationally Vendor partners: Avaya and OKI Core competency: Distribution of Oki faxes and printers and Avaya converged voice and data solutions. Market differentiator: Unmatched level of sales and technical support. Channel programs offered: Regular sales incentive programs. Value added services offered: Scheduled technical training on products, sales training on Avaya and OKI products on demand, lead generation activities including seminars, tradeshows and product launches targeted at resellers’ prospective clients. Types of resellers sought: Hardware resellers and IT resellers who are looking to get into the converged voice and data market space. First point of contact for channels: Justin Kieseker (OKI) and Robert Hastings (Avaya). Credit facilities available: Yes. Kingworld Enterprises Kingworld was established in 1984. Its primary focus is as an importer, wholesaler and distributor of the stylish and quality Tsunami product line, which consists of cases, speakers, LCD monitors, computer accessories and peripherals. Tsunami production centres are based in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Kingworld is headquartered and warehouse based in Silverwater. A small team allows the company to interact closely with its business partners. Based: Silverwater, NSW. Branches: QLD. Staff numbers: 9. Vendor partners: Tsunami. Core competency: Insisting on quality. Personalised service, warranty, replacement and delivery are all part of the Kingworld service. Market differentiator: Sole agent for Tsunami. Personalised service level, encouraging growth for business partners. Channel programs offered: Bundled specials. Value added services: Market protect and replacement warranty. Types of Resellers sought: Serve OEM market, All resellers who need to excite their customers with style and quality. Impressive packaging for dealer and retail market. Credit facilities: Yes. First point of contact for channels: Hendry Tam/ Alison Tang, (02) 9748 6628, KVM Australia Pty LTD KVM Australia is the Sole importer and distributor of the RARITAN brand of Keyboard Video Mouse Solutions. Established in 1999 to partner with Raritan to get the full range of Raritan product into the Australian market. KVM Australia works with Raritan Australia which travels to all states to offer product and industry training for resellers and sub distributors. It also offers technical support and product advice to the market. Raritan KVM switch products save time, space, and money by enabling users to control multiple computers from a central user console (keyboard, monitor, and mouse). Whether you are running two PCs at your desk, or need multi-user access to hundreds of multiplatform servers in a data centre, or have any requirements in between, Raritan has your solution. Every Raritan switch features a dedicated microprocessor on every port, ensuring flawless booting and preventing mouse/keyboard lockup during operation. Raritan’s new Z-series switch less KVM control solution allows the control of up to 42 servers by category 5 cable. Designed initially for high density racks the Z series can be used in any server room environment with up to 300 meters between server and console. UMT is the award-winning KVM solution that gives IT professionals the power to access and control their servers and other network devices any way they want, anytime they want, from anywhere they want. Thousands of companies worldwide have chosen Paragon to access and control their mission critical servers and other network devices because it always works. It is the most reliable, most flexible and most secure enterprise-class KVM solution on the market that offers Cat5 Simplicity™ and multi-platform support for 2 to 64 users having direct control of 16 to 10,000 servers. Released at CEBIT in Sydney in May, Dominion is a family of automated serial console management appliances that provide secure, remote out-of-band access to up to 32 target servers and IT devices, over IP from any Web browser, anywhere in the world. A copy of the Dominion information brochure is attached. Based: O Connor, WA. Branches: Sub-Distributors in each state. Staff: Five. Vendor partners: Raritan Computer Incorporated Core competency: Server management and control Market differentiator: Category 5 based server control switches. Dedicated keyboard/mouse emulation. Remote access in/out of band to servers anywhere by IP Value added services offered: KVM and connectivity solution providers Type of resellers sought: System integrators who sell and install servers and IT companies that offer a complete solution. Web site capability/functionality: Static information – online shopping becoming available April. and LAN Systems LAN Systems was founded in 1990 in response to a clear market need for a specialised, networking channel services partner. LAN Systems works solely through resellers, and focuses on deploying emerging technologies at the forefront of the user adoption cycle. LAN Systems has been chosen by the leading networking vendors to represent their products in Australia. Headquartered in Sydney, with offices in Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra Perth and New Zealand, LAN Systems concentrates solely on the Australian and New Zealand networking marketplace. LAN Systems is now owned by the global networking technology provider, The Westcon Group and continues to maintain focus on further development and expansion within Australia. This supports our drive to achieve superior innovation and present our partners with a profitable and competitive advantage through our core competencies. We’ve extended this to include an offering of true business building capabilities, a key focus for us over the next 12 months. Based: St Leonards, NSW. Branches: Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth and New Zealand Staff: 86. Vendor partners: Cisco, Alcatel, 3Com, Network Associates, Nortel, Alteon Web Systems, Check Point, Trend Micro, WatchGuard, Radware, Packeteer, Extreme Networks, Nokia, Sitara, Concord, StoneSoft, Cosmic, Kingston, NetScreen, Panasonic , Secure Computing, Top Layer. Core competency: LAN Systems offers reseller partners a service-centric, benefits model that strives to deliver profitable and competitive advantage. Our key focus is networking in the areas of infrastructure, security, wireless, storage and IP Telephony. Our people are critical to achieving our core competencies by delivering this model with knowledge, exemplary customer service, integrity, flexibility and adaptability. Market differentiator: Our niche — LAN Systems is a global networking-only channel provider. We seamlessly support our channel partners in country and worldwide through 9 major international warehousing hubs. This allows us to facilitate global rollouts which mirror our customer requirements. Our Services - cost-effective marketing, configuration and staging services, exclusively for our channel partners. This enables them to compete for business that they may not otherwise have been able to fulfill. Our professional services cover, free network design, technical pre and post sales support, training and certification courses. Our programmes - LAN Systems offers business building marketing programmes that allow customers to extend beyond their own capabilities thereby achieving more profitable business relationships with their customers. Channel programs offered: LAN Telligence, Protocol Club ARN OCTOBER 2003 featuring MANIA — an executive partnership forum, LeadGen new business program, Cisco Certified Partner Program, 3COM NBX Voice Solutions Partner, Nortel ‘nPower’ Partner Program, Alcatel Certification Program, Check Point Certification Training, Sitara Partner Program, Trend Accredited Reseller Program, Nokia Channel Accreditation Program, WatchGuard Security Partner Program and Concord Partner Program. Value added services offered: Free network design, dedicated licencing team, dedicated new customer team (Value Partners), hotstaging of products and configuration services, mass customisation (direct customised shipping to customer site), leasing/finance services, marketing lead generation programmes, network and security consulting services. Types of resellers sought: Providers of networking and telecommunications business solutions, who service a variety of vertical markets across the enterprise, small and medium businesses in Australia and New Zealand. First point of contact for channels: Leigh Howard, National Sales Manager, Credit facilities available: Standard terms of trade Legend Legend is Australia’s leading manufacturer, distributor and exporter of memory modules. Legend maintains eight sales offices throughout Australia and New Zealand with stock holdings in every office – a practice which offers resellers the best protection against a volatile commodity like memory. The company offers price updates and same-day supply of stock. Directly supplied by the worlds major memory chip manufacturers, Legend is the only memory supplier able to offer application tested memory with world market pricing on a daily basis direct to integrators and resellers. Legend is Australia’s only Government Endorsed memory manufacturer and is ISO9001 and IPC610C certified. Legend has additional production and sales facilities in Africa and several European countries and has recently opened Asian operations in Hong Kong and Thailand. Based: Adelaide, South Australia Branches: Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth, Auckland, Wellington. No. of staff: 90 Vendor partners: Hynix, Micron, Samsung, Infineon, AMD, MSI, and Fujitsu. Core competency: Legend designs and manufacturers a comprehensive range of memory products and application specific parts for PCs, servers, notebooks, routers, laser printers, plotters and photocopiers. Market differentiator: Just In Time production ensures world competitive pricing. Order to delivery is on average less than 24 hours, In addition branch offices hold stock and offer same day delivery. Channel programs offered: LegendShop web site, weekly industry, product and pricing broadcasts. Value added services offered: Intel Certification , AMD Verification, custom manufacturer and private labelling. Types of resellers sought: OEM, SI, and VAR First point of contact for channels: Sydney – (02) 9448 6768, Melbourne – (03) 9545 3969, Adelaide – 08 8401 9888, Canberra – (02) 6234 8008, Brisbane – (07) 3397 0799, Perth – (08) 9229 6377, Auckland – (64) 9 415 3442, Wellington (64) 4 499 4393. Credit facilities available: Available on application. Web site address: Lynx Technologies Lynx Technologies is a leading supplier of data storage products to the Australian reseller channel. Established in 1988, Lynx is best known for its popular HP and Lynx brand tape back-up drives, autoloaders and tape libraries as well as its high-level of technical expertise. With a complete portfolio of best-ofbreed products and considerable investment in technical capabilities, Lynx is uniquely positioned to assist resellers who are actively pursuing opportunities in this field. Whether ARN the requirement is for storage products or storage solutions, Lynx is uniquely positioned to satisfy the requirement. Based: Rosebery, NSW. Branches: Melbourne. Staff: 18. Vendor Partners: H P, Brocade, Emulex, Hitachi Data Systems, Computer Associates. Core competency: Back up, disk storage, SAN infrastructure. Market differentiator: Totally focused on storage products and solutions via the resellers. Holds relationship with core storage vendors at a labs level. Channel Programs: Sales and marketing programs, reseller education, product training and vendor certification programs. Value-added services: Pre-sales consultation, demonstration facilities, proof-of-concept, implementation services, unique product bundles and packaging. Type of resellers sought: Those eager to explore the opportunity in the storage market. Credit facilities available: Subject to approval. Web site functionality: Product information, ordering information, white papers, news. Contact: Adam Norman. Manaccom Manaccom is the exclusive distributor for a number of software vendors. With a concentration on “retail” and “consumer” type products, Manaccom represents hundreds of products including PC-cillin Net Nanny, PublishPDF, PowerDVD and Zone Alarm. Strategic planning, a high level of service and value-adding for resellers has seen Manaccom grow exponentially since its modest beginning in 1986. Manaccom puts the reseller first; Manaccom offers the channel high margins, no minimum order amount, free help desk support, low freight charges, sale or exchange of slow stock, and a huge software catalogue. Manaccom now specialises in offering value-added distribution services, including publishing and republishing for developers of business, entertainment, education, Internet and reference software. Manaccom would like to be contacted by any reseller looking to add value to traditional sales by including high-margin software titles, especially the award-winning PCcillin. Based: Milton, Queensland. Branches: Sydney. Staff: 25+. Vendor partners: Trend Micro, Net Nanny, MAUS, Cyberlink, Zone Labs, Optomo, Martex,, Arush Entertainment, Software Abroad/CenturionSoft, 3015, Digital Instinct, Qudos, NeoSoft, FileStream, Paraben, SatSoft, VTC, Computability, Supertech, Amic Games, C-Point. Core competency: Software publishing and national distribution since 1986. Market differentiator: High margins, sale-or-exchange policy, free support for all current products, very low freight charges. Channel programs: Varied (ask about the current PC-cillin promotions). Value-added services: Free technical support on all software, reseller incentive programs. Type of resellers sought: All. Website functionality: The launch of the new includes a specific reseller section with added functionality. Contact: (07) 3870 4900. Omega Technology Omega Computer Industries Pty Ltd commenced in Melbourne in 1985 and became incorporated in 1987, making it one of the oldest and most experienced wholesale distribution businesses in Australia. Omega is a wholly Australian owned, national, wholesale distributor of assembled PC systems, servers, components, peripherals, software and solutions, also offering onsite service and maintenance. Our PC Systems range from the most basic PC to highly advanced systems, servers and server clusters. Omega supply superior quality, brand name products at very competitive prices, with a strong emphasis on customer service. Based: Melbourne Branches: Brisbane, Hobart, Adelaide, Darwin Vendor Partners: 3 Ware, Hairong, Netgear, Accustor, HP, Nikko, Hynix, , Olympus, Adaptec, IBM, Panasonic, Altec Lansing, Intel, Philips, AMD, Iomega, Powertech, AOpen, Kingmax, Promise, Apacer, Kodak, Seagate, APC, Kyocera, S-Media, Asus, Leadtek, SOLA, ATI, Leica, Sparkle, Bromax, Lexmark, Spectek, Canon, LG Electronics, Speed, Chenbro, Linksys, Surelabs, Cherry, Liteon, Swann, Chicony, , Logitech, TCN, Cino, Lumix, Technology Credit, Citrix, Maestro , Toshiba, Compaq, Maxtor, Tyan, Creative, Microsoft, Upsonic, D-Link, Microtouch, , Webexcel, Epson, Mitsubishi Electronics, Western Digital, Fuji Film, MSI, Wyse, Gigabyte, Netcomm, Xerox Web Site Functionality: Product information, dealer registration for online pricing, company information, document downloads. Core Competency: national wholesale distributor and systems integrator — computer systems, servers, server clusters, notebooks, components, peripherals, software and solutions. All branches have full operational facilities, warehouse, tech support, sales and service support to provide best practice customer service. Market Differentiator: One of the oldest and most experienced National Distributors in Australia: Exceptionally large range of well known brands such as Philips, Mitsubishi And LG. G.I.T.C Accredited in Queensland and Tasmania. Intel Premier Provider, Intel Validated Server Program member. Microsoft OEM System Builder – Gold Status Channel Programs: Competitive prices, a broad range of product categories, solutions and customer service. Credit facilities: Leasing and rental available. Type of Reseller sought: All resellers. Contact: Vic, NSW – (03) 9837-4444; Qld –(07) 32722888; Tas – (03) 6231-5211, SA – (08) 8410-3434; NT – (08) 8984-2888 Parallel Solutions and Distribution Pty Ltd Divisions: Parallel Online, Australian Computer Parts Network (acpn) Parallel® Solutions was established in 1997. Its vision was to focus on quality and a commitment to customer service. At the outset, the company’s customers included many well-known original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), all of whom remain loyal to the company to this day. As market needs expanded, additional services were soon developed. These included the sale of Toshiba, HP, IBM, Compaq, Dell, Digital and various other OEMs’ spare parts. The company introduced technical courier services, storage and management of consignment inventories and the supply of repaired parts directly to onsite engineers, reducing the need for processing at the client’s warehouse and eliminating freight charges. After undertaking a comprehensive market survey, Parallel® Solutions developed two e-commerce sites - Parallel®Online and the Australian Computer Parts Network (ACPN®). They were a direct response to prolonged call waiting times associated with phone ordering – and a market first. Parallel® Online is a retail procurement site that allows clients to order complete systems, printers, projectors and digital cameras online. ACPN®, designed for the corporate spare parts market, provides a secure online procurement site for the sale of hardware spares. The key features include real time stock availability, advanced search functionality, online ordering, account maintenance, online quotations, target pricing functionality, and order and account history. Parallel® strives to achieve client satisfaction through the planning and control of all its activities as set out in its quality management system. The company’s system is based on the AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems – Requirements. On the back of this achievement, it was also successful in becoming an Australian government endorsed supplier. Based: Head Office - Norfolk Business Centre, Liverpool, NSW, 2170. Sales and warehouse – Moorebank, NSW, 2170. Staff: 13 Vendor partners: Toshiba, Compaq, HP, IBM Core competency: The sale of parts into the replacement parts market via authorised distribution agreements with companies such as Toshiba Australia and HP S19 DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT (Australia). We can process corporate spare parts orders via phone, facsimile or online through our sales portal Market differentiator: Authorised master parts reseller for HP parts; Authorised distributor of non-warranty Toshiba Spare Parts; capacity for member clients to order instantly online; capacity for member clients to obtain quotes online; capacity to offer repair exchange pricing on HP product; and capacity to offer repair exchange pricing on Toshiba laptop screens and main system boards. Quality endorsed company AS/NZS ISO 9001: 2000 Australian government endorsed supplier Channel programs offered: Dedicated channel account manager; Members receive access to marketing, sales and technical support; Discount structure and credit facilities. Value added services offered: Delivery to any residential or business address in Australia, online client chat services, drop ship, online consignment tracking, serial number tracking, consignment stock held for clients contractual obligations, defective hard drive testing facilities available, business financing via RentSmart, assembly or disassembly of parts for distribution, source hard to find computer hardware worldwide Types of resellers sought: Parallel® Solutions aim is to build strong partnerships with companies that consistently display their willingness to place clients’ needs first. Above anything else, the company seeks innovative companies who show a passion to embrace new ideas in the pursuit of service excellence. First point of contact for channels: Anton Cruze,, 02 9821 1660 Credit facilities available: All major credit cards accepted. Online credit application form available for clients interested in obtaining a credit account, or contact: Nicole Fry,, (02) 9600 7888 Protac International Computers At Protac we pride ourselves on providing our customers with quality products at competitive prices that are backed by consistent high level of service. We have recognised that mobile computing is a growing future trend. To supply this demanding market Protac has introduced it’s Excel Notebook Series and I-buddie Desknote. These notebooks are feature packed to suit power users, everyday home/ business users. Our sales and service team are committed to providing resellers with cost-effective mainboards coupled with exceedingly reliable solutions. We concentrate on providing highly integrated boards to lower the component cost and the overhead for the service and stock, plus the less compatible problems and quick response for the value PC market. We continuously review prices, services and thrive to expand the distribution network in order to satisfy customers permanent demands for computer products. Our factory along with the production line located in Silverwater premises, is set up to ensure that our clients receive speedy service and guarantee support. Based: Silverwater, NSW. Branches: Clayton (Vic) Osborne Park (WA) Auckland (NZ). Staff: 73. Vendor partners: ECS, RICOH, Panasonic, Fujitsu, Clevo, A4 Tech, Chaintech, Kingmax, QSI, Tekom. Core competency: Rapid distribution of computer components and notebooks to resellers, wholesalers and some retailers. Market differentiator: Cost effective products tailored to ensure dealers trade profitably. Channel programs offered: POS Material, IT Exhibition participation, sponsorship. Value added services offered: Speedy technical service and care. Direct factory (RandD) assistance and support. Types of resellers sought: All types (Australia and NZ). First point of contact for channels: Joseph Liu, (02) 8748 8868 Credit facilities available: To approved dealers. Rectron Rectron has grown significantly over the past 3 years. Rectron distributes leading international brands and S20 products and has the global backup with parent company in South Africa) and local experience to offer the best service, logistics support and, of course, best price to the dealer market place. Based: Melbourne, Victoria. Branches: Silverwater, Sydney. Staff: 24 in Australia. More than 400 Worldwide Vendor partners: Gigabyte, Leadtek, Aopen, Tyan, Cnet, Lifeview, Kouwell (Add on card), Jazz Speaker, A4 Tech, Adata, Asrock, Cooler Master, BTC, AMD, Seasonic. Core competency: Board base distributor, AMD related products total solution. Developing relationships with channel partners, selling branding products, providing updated technology information. Market differentiator: Board base distributor - all related products around on board. Focus reseller channel only. Rectron assist special projects outsourcing from overseas. Channel programs: Roadshow training. AMD function event. Website download price. Resellers sought: Retail, reseller, consultant, VAR. Credit facilities available: To approved applicants. Contact: (03) 9561 6166, (02) 9748 7725, Saratoga Distribution We are a privately held national distributor of a quality range of software titles into the mainstream and independent retail channel. Servicing small business, corporate and education sectors exclusively via that re-seller channel, our main focus is on business and web related products. We are involved with some of Australia’s and the world’s leading brands, and have been in operation about 10 years. Our product range includes tools such as Anti Virus, file transfer, marketing, CRM and contact management, website design and Internet content security. This product mix forms the basis of a business and Web-related catalogue that appeals to many vertical markets. Specifically, we deal with WinGate from Qbik, all Macromedia products, NetObjects Fusion from WebSite Pros, Contact Tracker from Vital Software, Maximizer from Multiactive Software, StarOFFICE from Sun Systems, Net-It Central and Myriad from Informative Graphics, CA products, especially VET Anti-Virus and VET OEM, all Jasc products, including PaintShop Pro, All DtMS products, (including Marketing Pro and PhoneDisc), file transfer tools from Laplink Inc, CodeCharge Studio from YES Software, TaskTimer from MOBIPRO – and the great new SMS tool Mobile Messenger. Our business model focuses on the independent players in the re-seller market. While we do sell to the larger organisations, we concentrate on building relationships with “corner” stores, consultants, systems integrators and smaller resellers generally. We market to about 2600 resellers (a figure that is growing) in total, and offer attractive conditions under which to do business We offer: Toll free phones; Freight free delivery anywhere in Australia; Penalty free, flexible returns, with no restocking fee; The best margins in the business – as high as 50 per cent, average 30 per cent; Provision of evaluation stock and NFRs where possible; Personalized approach and a strong service focus; In-house technical phone and email support, free of charge; Frequent updating via email and telephone and dealer newsletters; Free software sourcing service; Credit terms (conditions apply). In dealing with Saratoga Distribution, the re-seller is always assured of prompt and professional service, competitive prices and a flexible approach. Based: Adelaide Branches: Representation in Perth, Melbourne and Northern Rivers. No. of staff: 6 Vendor partners: Computer Associates, DtMS, Vital Software, Maximizer Software, Informative Graphics, Yes Software, Laplink Software, Communique, Website Pros, MOBIPRO Core competency: National distribution via the reseller channel Market differentiator: Freight free delivery Channel programs offered: Reseller seminars, reseller training Value added services offered: Software sourcing service Types of resellers sought: Retail, software shops, systems integrators, consultants, education First point of contact for channels: Ivar Stanelis, ivar@sara Credit facilities available: yes, conditions apply. Web site address: Server-Bits.Com The company specialises in the distribution of standards-based server and communications components as well as assembled systems. We a Queenslandowned company operating out of two warehouses in the northern suburbs of Brisbane, and act as an authorised distributor for Snapgear, Netcomm and Emine KVM as well as a representative for Chenbro, Etrunk, Sinox, Panasonic, Iwill, Supermicro and Compucase . Our commitment to the server market includes a large spare parts holding of both current and end of life Intel-based systems. Based: Brendale, Qld. Branches: 2. Staff: 34 Vendor partners: Netcomm, Snapgear and Emine KVM Authorised Distributor, Chenbro, Etrunk, Sinox, Panasonic,Compucase, Iwill and Supermicro Core competency: Quality components and service. Market differentiator: Focus on server/communications market. Channel programs offered: Co-op advertising, trade shows, roadshows, tech training. Value added services offered: Spare parts depot, Flexible RMA process Types of resellers sought: Resellers interested in taking advantage of the growth of broadband and server markets. First point of contact for channels: email Michael Serduik Credit facilities available: Yes. Simms International Simms is a specialist distributor focused on the Kingston memory range, Sony and Fuji media products and Crumpler laptop and camera bags. With more than 10 years experience partnering with the world’s largest memory manufacturer, Kingston Technology (as its master distributor in Australia), Simms knows memory distribution better than most. Based: St Leonards, Sydney. Branches: Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide. Staff: 18. Vendor partners: Kingston, Sony, Fuji, Crumpler. Core competency: Master distributor for Kingston Technology in Australia; Kingston memory, flash memory and ValueRAM. Sony and Fuji data media and Crumpler laptop and camera bags. Market differentiator: Specialist focused distributor partnering with premium vendors. Extensive industry experience, superior product knowledge and particularly strong e-commerce capabilities. Channel programs: Kingston corporate partnership programme, Kingston service reimbursement program, joint customer product promotions, marketing support and product evaluations. Value-added services: Kingston service reimbursement program, Simms Direct website, account management, generation of end-user demand through corporate alliance program, inventory risk management services. Type of resellers sought: Corporate resellers, systems integrators, dealers and retailers. Contact: Gavin Troxler, Sales and Marketing Director, 02 9026 3000. Credit facilities available: 30 days invoice accounts. 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DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLEMENT SLI-Consulting Pty Limited Faster to the market – methodological data storage networksTM. Founded in 1996, SLIConsulting is a dedicated, independent networked data storage consultancy firm that addresses all Open System platforms, service and management issues. The organisation is 100 per cent Australian-owned with OEM relationships in Europe, Asia and North America. During the financial year 2002/3 SLI-Consulting enjoyed continuous organic growth of 80 per cent (up from 69per cent in previous years) based on high levels of professional management, exceptional technical skills and the right product mix using industry leading technology. Based: North Ryde, NSW Branches: Seoul/Korea Staff: 13 Vendor partners: ADIC, Brocade, DataCore, Emulex, IBM, HP, QLogic, Raidtec, StorageNetwork, Veritas, Vixel, Xyratex Core competency: end-to-end data storage, post-production, imaging, IDC, IT infrastructure. Market differentiators: SLI-Consulting focuses on data storage consultancy and solutions, data centre consolidation. It pioneered FC-SAN in Asia/Pacific. It offers: Fast response time order processing within 99 minute; Advanced replacement of defect parts allowing minimum downtime; Deals directly with the factory leading to faster response and immediate action on any issues; Liaises directly with project and design engineers for maximum efficiency and minimum downtime; Provides 24 x 7 support and proactive, autonomous, independent advise; High level of RandD deployed in intellectual property development; Factory-trained support and technical staff; Works through a team of 123 System Integration and OEM partner; Expert consultants who are fully aligned to the business processes. Channel programs offered: Storage Network Authorised Reseller (SNAR) Marketing support, special product purchasing programs, training programs, joint account development, technical support, warranty program, onsite maintenance. Value added services offered: Orientations, consulting, data life cycle methodology, scoping, sizing, design, BMT, TCO/ ROI matrix, hands-on. Types of resellers sought: SI/VAR/OEM with mid-range to high-end open system data storage requirements also Mac OSX centric SI/VARs. First point of contact for channels: José Goldmann Ph: (02) 8875 7994 or email: Credit facilities available: Yes Synnex Australia Pty Ltd Synnex Australia Pty Ltd was formed in 1997 from the merger of the leading local PC manufacturer, Mitac Australasia (founded in 1991), and the worldwide distribution giant, Synnex Technology International Corp. Synnex Australia Pty Ltd is a national distributor and manufacturer of products to the IT industry. Synnex has the global backup and local experience to deliver an unparalleled level of service, support, logistics and competitive pricing to the marketplace. Our established strategic partnerships with leading ITandT companies ensures we can provide the latest state-of-the-art products to our customers. Based: 92 Carroll Road, Oakleigh South, Victoria Branches: Sydney, Brisbane and Perth Staff: 185+ Vendor partners: 4KUS, Adaptec, Arena, ASUS, ATP, BenQ, BTC, Canon, D-Link, Enlight, EPSON, Gigabyte, HP, Hyundai, IBM, Intel, Iomega, Kingston, Lemel, LiteOn, Logitech, Microsoft, Mitac, Netgear, Opti, Panasonic, Philips, Seagate, Yamaha, Viewsonic; Altec Lansing; Certance; Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Core competency: ISO9001-2000 quality endorsed company specialising in distribution to all IT Industry segments, Mastery of Supply Chain Management Market differentiator: State-based field sales teams, national call centre, dedicated channel account managers, S22 warehouses at all Synnex branches, automatic call distribution service for logging service calls, 2-hour pick-upservice, Synnex delivery trucks for delivery of orders (twice daily) and fast warranty service for RMA products, Flexible Credit Support. Channel programs offered: Marketing Communications (MARCOM) in conjunction with product managers and vendors create promotions and product bundles on a regular basis. Synnex also runs the “Priority Plus” reward program. Value added services offered: Just in time delivery system. Consistent pricing based on foreign exchange fluctuations, updated every hour. Types of resellers sought: SME, shops, resellers, dealers, VARS, system integrators, national retailers First point of contact for channels: National call centre or dedicated count managers Credit facilities available: Flexible arrangements individually suited to each customer Tech Pacific Established in 1981, Tech Pacific offers multiple product choices in every product segment, helping to reduce availability problems for its resellers. It supports resellers’ businesses with value-add services such as its Web site, TechLink and several dedicated presales support teams including Network Assist, Server Assist and License Assist. Tech Pacific’s vision statement is to be the technology distribution partner of choice, delivering value through the broadest range of global market leading vendors, skilled and customer-focused people and world class distribution systems. Based: Rosebery, NSW. Branches: Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Canberra. Staff: More than 450. Core Competency: Broad-based ITandT distribution. Market Differentiators: Most comprehensive product range of any distributor in Australia. Extensive market penetration including corporate, education, OEM, government, SMB and retail. SMB and regional reseller focus. Launched in 2003, the “Australia Wide” initiative confirms Tech Pacific’s dedication to this market segment. It’s already seen the development of promotions, publications, marketing tools and blitz days tailored to the needs of resellers servicing SMB and regional areas. And, for the first time ever, regular regional trips and roadshows have been undertaken by Tech Pacific senior management, marketing staff and vendors. World-class warehouse management system. Highest stock holding. Specialisation services include Network Assist, Server Assist, License Assist, configuration centre, Third Party Logistics (3D), dedicated retail and mobile phone teams. Enterprise Technology Group: Covering server systems, storage, load balancing, networking, licensing and security technologies, Tech Pacific’s ETG provides resellers with support in sales, technical pre-sales, professional services, marketing, logistics and vendor engagement. Developed so that resellers of any size and any skill set can offer complex products and services to their end-users. More than $400 million credit available to resellers. TechLink – the industry’s leading reseller website. Tech Pacific’s national roadshow, ExpoTech, gives resellers a unique chance to meet vendor partners and Tech Pacific sales staff in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Drop Ship program, that allows shipping of product to endusers with the reseller’s logo on the consignment paperwork and carton. Vendor Partners: 3Com, 3M, Adaptec, Adobe, AMD, Anthem Software, APC, AVA, Banksia Software, Cisco, Colorgraphic, Computer Associates, Corel, Crumpler, Crystal Decisions, D-Link, Debden, Digi, EPSON, F5, Filemaker, FrontRange, Fuji Xerox Printers, Fujitsu, Guillemot, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Imation, Infocus, Intel, Iomega, Kingston, Kodak, Kyocera Mita, LaCie, Lexmark, Logitech, Lynx, Microsoft, Minolta-QMS, Molex, NEC, NetComm, NETGEAR, Network Associates, Nokia, Nortel Networks, O2, Oki, Palm, Philips, Riverside Technologies, Samsung Electronics, Sonicwall, Sony, STM, Symantec, Targus, Telstra, Toshiba, Verbatim, VERITAS, Vital Software, Western Digital. Type of reseller sought: Its broad-based vendor and product offerings enable Tech Pacific to be a valuable distribution partner for resellers of all types and sizes including VARs, OEM, system integrators, software developers, mass merchants, office product outlets and SMB. Website functionality: TechLink offers a multi-tiered catalogue, searchable by product or vendor category, price range or stock level. Resellers can view their specific pricing and credit account customers can order online.The site also provides extensive real-time inventory status, a freight calculator based on product weight and delivery method, a portal into our freight partner’s track and trace systems, a complete view of order status, promotion information, licensing details and white papers.TechLink is updated every six minutes and protected by multi-user security. Tecksel Australia Tecksel’s origins date back to early 1991 when it entered the Australian IT industry as a modem distribution company. Tecksel is an Australian-owned and operated business that now distributes best-of-breed business products including laser printers, multi-function centres and fax machines, networking and security products, modems, UPS, KVM, Antennae, GPS products, mapping software, Toughbooks, plasma display and digital cameras. Tecksel has actively resisted the temptation to automate its reseller support system-real people answer reseller calls. The approach is symbolic of its business ethos. Tecksel holds stock in 3 states and adjusts to the local market. Tecksel’s website is outstanding, offering resellers added services to make their life easier. Based: Auburn NSW Branches: Glen Waverley, Vic; Herston Qld No. of staff: 20 Vendor partners: Avocent, Benelec, Brother, Dynalink, Fugawi, FujiFilm, Invensys (Powerware), Kyocera Mita, Liebert, Maestro, Netgear, Panasonic, SonicWALL Core competency: Highly personalised service to small and medium-sized resellers, ultra-quick turnaround times, and no voicemail. Market differentiator: Stock held locally (in three states), no minimum orders, multiple daily deliveries, no third party shipment charges, technical support, new website and user customisable pricelists. State of the art website — view orders, statements, invoices on-line. Other functions include shopping cart and scheduled pricelist. Products are in categories making it easy to find what you are looking for. Channel programs offered: Router, networking and firewall training sessions available to all resellers. Regular roadshows – overseas guest speaker on new technologies and products Value added services offered: Third party shipments generate own price database via website, view orders and statements, stock levels and availability via the website. Dealer seminars and workshop based training. Types of resellers sought: Retailers, integrators, resellers and consultants. First point of contact for channels: Phil Tarbox. Credit facilities available: Yes Web site address: Todaytech Distribution Pty. Ltd. Todaytech began operations in 1990 and today services resellers through eight office locations across Australia. Each location tailors solutions to meet the needs of customers in their market and maintains stock levels appropriate to local requirements. Todaytech’s broad geographical coverage across Australia allows prompt response to customer service, support and product requirements. Todaytech is committed to providing a wide range of value-added, premium products and professional technical services. Our production capabilities facilitate the distribution of build-to-order solutions including whitebox PC’s, notebooks and servers. Todaytech’s highlyskilled and experienced team with localised knowledge and infrastructure, provide the best service possible through quick response and attention to detail. Todaytech customers are all appointed a dedicated account manager from the nearest office, providing them professional pre-sales and post-sales support and face-to-face communication on a regular basis. ARN OCTOBER 2003 Based: Lidcombe, NSW Branches: Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Newcastle, Perth and Townsville. No. of staff: 100+ Vendor partners: Todaytech has strategic business alliances with world-class vendors including Canon, Clevo, Fujitsu, Intel, Lexmark, LG Electronics, Mitsubishi and NetComm Core competency: Technical service and value-added solutions. Market differentiator: National coverage, premium products, professional technical services, build-toorder, dedicated account managers, and face-to-face communication. Channel programs offered: Product training and evaluation, product demo units, joint marketing and promotional activities, reseller incentive program, competitions. Value added services offered: PC, notebook and server integration, MSCE technical expertise, tender/quotation assistance, online web-based ordering. Types of resellers sought: All reseller enquiries welcome. First point of contact for channels: 1300 360 022 or Web site address: Tsumori Enterprises Pty Ltd Our motto Is “The future – we supply you build”. Our products are not just only C-Tick; with CE approved. The company also produces under ISO9002. That’s why we are aiming at the market share not the profits. Our policy is to pass the top margin to our customers. Based: Rydalmere NSW. Branches: Melbourne. No. of staff:12 Vendor partners: Channel-Well. I-Cute Core competency: The future- we supply you build Market differentiator: Distributor, importer, and wholesaler of casing and case accessories Channel programs offered: Tailored each month to promote Tsumori Value added services offered: Supports to dealer and marketing assistance Types of resellers sought: Shops, reseller and wholesalers. First point of contact for channels: Credit facilities available: Yes Web site address: Westan Pty Ltd Westan Pty Ltd was incorporated in Victoria in 1989. The company’s original charter was to distribute a select range of globally recognised computer peripherals. Westan has since moved on to a much broader IT arena encompassing a total solution approach to our partners. Westan now provides: systems integration – desktop PCs, notebooks and server assembly storage systems integration – NAS, SAN, Tape Drives, Silos, RAID E-Commerce Consultancy; professional services and system integration wireless LAN, IP telephony, EtherFast switches, broadband communications; display solutions — TFT, Plasma; computer telephony — speech recognition and Voice XML solutions; computer peripherals; print solutions. In doing this, Westan endeavours to continue to focus on the key factors that have contributed to its success in the past decade. They are to continue to provide quality in its products and services, deal only with reputable suppliers and build strong lasting partnerships with itshannel partners. Based: Mt Waverley, Victoria Branches: Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Townsville Staff: 80 Vendor partners: Intel, Fujitsu PC Australia, Samsung, ARN Western Digital, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, Mitsumi, Promise, Epox, AMD, Micronet, ADIC, IEI NAS, NEC, Lynx, Fujimedia, CA, Task, BenQ Core competency: Value-added distribution of computer peripherals, portable computing solutions, storage solutions, communication solutions and systems. Market differentiator: Intel Premier Provider, comprehensive service and support for all vendors, training and joint development with partners. Channel programs offered: Fujitsu LifeBook Partner program, storage partner program, training, joint marketing and development. Value added services offered: System and Server Integration, Solutions Provider, ongoing technology/ solution partner and technical training. Types of resellers sought: Value Added Resellers, Systems Integration Resellers, storage solution providers, vertical market resellers, communication solution providers and AV solution providers. First point of contact for channels: Vic — Ph 03 9541 8888 NSW — Ph 02 9648 2060 SA — Ph 08 8351 6600 WA — Ph 08 9445 9688 Qld — Ph 07 3840 3522 Nth Qld — Ph 07 4779 1455 Credit facilities available: Available upon application and subject to approval WestGroup WestGroup was established 10 years ago to supply quality, well-supported products to the Australian IT market. The company has had since that time an exclusive arrangement with our memory and digital media manufacturer SimpleTech, that enables us to provide a consistent supply of quality products across a complete range. We pride ourselves on a team approach in providing integrated solutions for our channel partners in dealing with corporate, government and retail customers. Based: Canberra, ACT. Branches: Sydney, Melbourne. Staff: 11 Vendor partners: SimpleTech Inc. Core competency: Memory upgrade solutions for desktop PCs, laptops, servers, routers/switches, workstations and printers. Complete range of digital media solutions – compact Flash/secure digital and associated accessories. Storage devices, hard drives and peripherals. Market differentiator: Complete memory and media product range (including world’s highest capacities and market leading performance), Australian ownership, market experience – 12-year trading history, deal through channel partners and established product certification and endorsements. All memory and media products are supported by lifetime warranty. Channel programs offered: Tailored approaches for OEM, system integrators, VARs and retailers in relation to product promotion and marketing, presentations, liaison and contact with end-customers. Complete technical support and training. Value added services offered: Free technical support, lifetime warranty on all memory and media products, joint bid/tender preparation, federal government/state endorsed supplier status, extensive product certification program. Credit facilities. National response sales centre. A complete online memory configuration Guide cross referenced by OEM part code/machine type/product part code. Types of resellers sought: System Integrators, VARs, local assemblers, and retail chains. First point of contact for channels: Ben Champion, national alliance manager, 1300 130 578 Credit facilities available: All major credit cards (no additional service charge), EFTPOS, account terms (B-Pay available) or WhiteGold Solutions WhiteGold Solutions is a value-add distributor (VAD) in the Australian IT channel. The company’s strategy is defined as “niche-on-niche” - niche products into niche markets. This strategy gives resellers better margins, services, support and (ultimately) better value in all solutions involving the WhiteGold Product Portfolio. The company was incorporated in Australia in 2002 by seasoned IT security identities with experience across sales and marketing, technical capabilities and channel knowledge in this space. The company provides products to resellers encompassing the SME, corporate and enterprise sectors - with key niche verticals within each. Our mission catchphrase is “To Connect, Protect and Serve…” Based: North Sydney, NSW Branches: Belrose, NSW Staff: 5 Vendor partners: Blue Reef, Datawatch, D-Link, eEye Digital Security, Intranode Software Technologies, Lockstep Systems, NetBox, Nexon, Ositis (WinProxy), ScanSoft, Stonesoft, WebSpy. Core competency: IT Security, Network Security and Internet Security. Market differentiator: Security focus with presence in niche vertical markets, with niche products (many exclusive). Resellers are provided with marketing, lead generation, sales and technical resources to help identify and close business, as a true value-add. Productised services are available for resellers to sell at similar margins to vendor products. Training is available to certify Resellers to provide their own services if required. Channel programs offered: WhiteGold Assist - includes seminars, sales assist, reseller branding on vendor Websites, market assist, service assist. Two partner tiers – premier and gold. Value added services offered: Installation, configuration and training on all vendor products. Also information security consulting, policy creation, vulnerability assessment services. Types of resellers sought: Niche resellers wanting to focus/improve on offering IT security products and services to their customer base, across SME/SMB, corporate, enterprise and government. First point of contact for channels: resellers@whitegol Credit facilities available: Yes. WPT Since 1991, WPT has supplied colour office printers, dot matrix, line matrix, thermal barcode, continuous inkjet and other specialist printer solutions to Resellers across Australia. Based: Frenchs Forest, NSW. Branches: Burwood East, Vic. Staff: 30+ Vendor partners: Tally and Printronix. Core competency: Distributors of business printers with specialist product knowledge to assist Resellers to provide the right solution for their customers. Market differentiator: Innovative, unique factory sponsored program which offers high margins with limited cash outlay. Channel programs offered: Various including preferred partner plan to maximise profits. Details on application. Value added services offered: Customable sales materials, how-to-sell information, direct marketing assistance, specialist product knowledge and unique selling tools for resellers. Types of resellers sought: Resellers looking for a longterm partnership. First point of contact for channels: NSW: (02) 8977 2300. Victoria: (03) 9886 5922 or Credit facilities available: Credit Card. Accounts on application. 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