Most Holy Trinity Church
Most Holy Trinity Church
MOST HOLY TRINITY Church Parish Office 68 North Colony Street Wallingford, CT 06492 203-269-8791 Fax: 203-269-0880 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 12 Noon SUNDAY, June 14, 2015 CLERGY Rev. Thomas Jeffrey Walsh, Pastor Rev. Jorge Castro, Parochial Vicar Deacon Tullio Ossa Deacon Eugene Riotte Deacon Edward Pantalena, retired PARISH SCHOOL Sister Katie Kelly, RSM, Principal School - 203-269-4476 11 North Whittlesey Avenue OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Frances Selmecki, Coordinator Religious Education Office - 203-265-6300 11 North Whittlesey Avenue OFFICE OF MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Mark Neumann, Director Office of Music Ministry - 860-930-6823 Church Hall: 84 North Colony Street MASSES Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM Mass in Spanish: Sunday, 12:00 Noon Tuesday, 6:00 PM Daily Masses: Monday thr ough Satur day, 8:30 AM THE PARISH WELCOMES ALL PEOPLE INTO FULL PARTICIPATION OF ITS LITURGY AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. ALL PARISHIONERS ARE ASKED TO BE REGISTERED WITH THE PARISH BY COMPLETING A CENSUS FORM, AND TO USE THE ENVELOPE SYSTEM. THE CHURCH IS ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES VIA ELEVATOR LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE ENTRANCE. THE CHURCH HALL IS ACCESSIBLE VIA RAMPS ON NORTH SIDE ENTRANCE. SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: Satur day, 2:30 PM Baptism: Fir st and thir d Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. Prior to birth of child expectant parents are to enroll in the Pre-Baptismal Program. Call the rectory for further information. Sponsor certificates: Those seeking a sponsor certificate must be Catholics in good standing; registered with the parish and using the envelope system for at least three months. Marriage: Contact the Par ish Office 9 months in advance. All couples need to receive the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church before living together. Civil marriages are not sacramental and are not recognized as marriages by the Church. Sacrament of the Sick: Contact the Par ish Office. MOST HOLY TRINITY …………..MISSION • The Mission Possible Team thanks everyone for the tremendous outpouring of generosity , prayers, and support for them as they undertake this adventure. They are ready, motivated and excited to begin this project. Seventeen participants will be traveling to Kentucky August 1st. Planning meetings continue to prioritize projects for the volunteer team, including handicapped ramp construction, and home re-building. • • POSSIBLE UPDATE…… There will be a mandatory meeting for Appalachia travelers June 22nd At 6:00p.m. in the Church Hall. • Anyone interested in learning more details about the trip is welcome to view an informational video at • Follow the team on Facebook-Most Holy Trinity Church Mission Possible • or on Twitter MHTMission Possible! COME TASTE THE WINE!!! Most Holy Trinity Church & the Mission Possible Team cordially invite you to attend a BEER AND WINE TASTING FUNDRAISER Church Hall 84 N. Colony St. Wallingford Date: Thursday, June 18th Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Cost: $30 per person Hors d’oeuvres and appetizers will be served Sponsored by the Tristine Family Vines Distinctive Wine & Liquor 323 Washington Avenue, North Haven Tastings presented by Samuel Adams, Brescome Barton, Founders Brewery, Opici, New EnglandWine & Spirits, Eder Brothers, Winebow as well as food tastings from local eateries Proceeds from the evening will be used to help defray the cost of the Appalachian Mission trip taking place August 1st-8th to help America’s poorest region. Tickets are available at the rectory Office during normal business hours. Please call 203 269-8791 for more info or email @ Learn more about Mission Possible by visiting 2 WALLINGFORD Mass Intentions FOR THE GREATER HONOR AND GLORY OF GOD For the Week from June 13-June 21 The SANCTUARY LAMP burns this week in prayerful remembrance of SATURDAY, June 13(W eek day)(V igil) 4:00 PM William Dunbar and John J. Carroll ( Carroll & Dunbar famlies) SUNDAY, June 14 (Eleventh Sunday Ordinary Time) 7:30 AM Robert Selmecki, Sr.(R ichard,A rlene,Bob & Sharon Cassello) 9:00 AM Giuseppe & Fortunata Galati (daughter,A ngela) 10:30 AM Lavoie & Lawrence Families( Pauline L awrence) 12:00 PM Spanish Mass 5:00 PM Youth Mass ANTHONY SAVO, SR. at the request of his Wife and Family “New Day” / Our Parish Bereavement Ministry Group The Bereavement Ministry Group meets on alternating Wednesdays in the Parish Center beginning at 7:00 PM. The upcoming meetings will be held on June 24th and July 8th. If you are exper iencing the loss of a loved one who has passed away, you can find out more about this group by calling Chick Kelman, 203-265-4546,or Margie Regan-Padgett, 203-605-2262 for information. MONDAY June 15(Weekday) 8:30 AM Pasquale Arrato (Evelyn San Diego) TUESDAY, June 16 (W eek day) 8:30 AM Antoinette Simeone (Ken, Gail, Chris & Jeff Villani ) 6:00 PM Spanish Mass BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASSES Baptism classes help prepare parents and godparents for bringing their child up in the faith. The next class is scheduled for Wednesday, June 24 th in the Church. Parents or soon-to-be parents wishing to attend the class must call the rectory to register for the class203 269-8791. PARENTS MUST BE REGISTERED MEMBERS OF MOST HOLY TRINITY PARISH. Census for ms ar e available at the rectory and at the entrances to the church. WEDNESDAY, June 17( Weekday) 8:30 AM Bill & Betty Holroyd- 66th Wedding Annivesary (Kris Overstrum) THURSDAY, June 18( Weekday) 8:30 Frances B. Morganti & Marilynn Rivest Morganti ( Morganti family) FRIDAY, June 19 (W eekday) 8:30 AM Kenneth Gervais (dad & brother) SATURDAY, June 20Weekday) 8:30 AM Elizabeth Biel ( Joseph Devlin & L ouis Cerbone families) 2:30 PM CONFESSIONS 4:00 PM Joseph DeMaio, Gerald Gigante, Vincant DeCaprio, & Ben Biancur (children & grandchild ren) SUNDAY, June 21 (Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 7:30AM Joao Alves(The Oliveir a family) 9:00AM Rita Freitas & Manuel Gonzalez(Jose & A ngela Pestana) 10:30 AM Frances Morganti (Cassella family) 12:00 PM Mass in Spanish 1:30 PM Baptisms FAITHFULLY DEPARTED OUR SYMPATHY TO THE FAMILIES OF Violet Dighello Thomas Spence Raffaele DeFonzo Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. Let Your perpetual light shine upon them Godparent and Sponsor Certificates We receive many requests for sponsor certificates for Baptism and Confirmation each week. Please be aware that in order to be a sponsor one must be a Catholic in good standing, which means a person: must have his/her Sacraments including Confirmation, Penance and Holy Communion; if married, be in a valid Catholic marriage; and be a current, active, registered member of Most Holy Trinity Parish. If you wish to obtain a Sponsor certificate, you must first fill out a request form at the rectory. The form should be brought to the Sacristy, after Mass, to the pastor/clergy. This form will be reviewed by the pastor/ clergy and either be approved or rejected, based on the information provided on the applicant’s census and request forms. This process takes a minimum of two weeks to complete-please keep this in mind when asked to be a godparent or sponsor. Readings for the Week of June 14, 2015 Sunday: Ez 17:22-24/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34 Monday: 2 Cor 6:1-10/Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 2 Cor 8:1-9/Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-11/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: 2 Cor 11:1-11/Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30/Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 12:1-10/Mt 6:24-34 Next Sunday: Jb 38:1, 8-11/2 Cor 5:14-17/Mk 4:35-41 3 ELEVENTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Banns of Marriage A MESSAGE FROM FATHER WALSH…….. This past week, we had a meeting of the steering committee for the Capital Campaign. I am glad to announce that the work on the roof is finally completed! We have yet to pay the final installment, because we need to finalize the credits due to us for unused flashing, for the damaged sidewalks, for landscaping, and for damage to the air conditioning system. The next stage of the renovations is the wiring and lighting. We hope to have the plans finalized on Tuesday. Then we will put the plans out to bid. After the bids are returned, we will seek the permission of the Archdiocese. I hope that the actual work in the church will begin this fall at the latest. ___________________________________________ Congratulations II Tyler Meusel and Amanda Lowell CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP will gather for prayer and praise to the Most Holy Trinity on Monday June 15th at 7:00 PM in the church. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join them. !! 45th Annual Bazaar Raffle Winners!! 1st prize $5000 Martha E Avila 2nd prize $1000 Vin Christoni 3rd prize $750 Bryan Rivard 4th prize $500 Susan Kunst 5th prize $250 Diane Shaw Help us update the hall bulletin boards We want to feature current pictures of our parishoners on our bulletin boards and on our website but we need your help . Please share photos of your family member’s Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, or Wedding with us for the whole par ish to enjoy- Thanks to all who participated in our PLEASE PRAY FOR…. Please remember in your prayers all of the members of our parish who are in the hospital, nursing home, are homebound, or just in need of the comfort of your prayers….and our men and women in the military who are far from home…... or maybe you have a great shot of your family enjoying the Bazaar, the Mission Possible Dinner, the altar server outing???Anyway, you get the picture...We want our décor to be a reflection of the wonderful people of Most Holy Trinity parish . Gail Villani is chairing this décor update-so mark photos to her attention when you send them to the rectory office. COMMUNION ASSISTANCE If you are unable to walk down the aisle to receive communion, please speak to one of the ushers before Mass and we will gladly make sure a Priest, Deacon, or Eucharistic Minister brings you a host. It would be our pleasure to serve those who are elderly, ill, or disabled. Also, if you have a gluten allergy, we do have low-gluten hosts. Again, please inform the priest or ushers BEFORE Mass if you are in need. June 6,7, 2015 Weekly collection/2015 $ 8,741.00 Weekly collection/2014 $ 8,428.00 Catholic Relief Services $ 2,227.00 Catholic Relief Services 2014 $ 2,337.00 Thank you for keeping up on your weekly contribution. We rely on these much needed funds to pay our weekly 4 JUNE 14, 2015 Religious Education office 203-265-6300. Holy Trinity School News: Field Day is June 16th-Parent Volunteers are needed to assist with activities throughout the day • June15-18 will be shortened days with dismissal at 12:25pm and no lunch served • Congratulations and best wishes to the Class of 2015 who graduated June 11th • REGISTER YOUR CHILD FOR FALL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CCD CLASSES &SACRAMENT PROGRAMS ! Students entering grades 1-9 in September 2015, should be registered for Religious Education Classes, as soon as possible, at the Religious Education Office, located in Holy Trinity School. This includes registration for students entering the Confirmation Program, who are in grade 8 and grade 9; and Sunday Bible school for pre-schoolers. Payment for classes is due at the time of registration. Children who are registering for grade 1, or who are new to the program and were not baptized at Holy Trinity, are required to bring a copy of their baptism certificate at the time of registration. Children entering grade 3, who received First Holy Communion in another parish, must also bring documentation of sacraments received. Call the Religious Education Office for answers to questions regarding CCD registration or to inquire about being a CCD volunteer or teacher., 203 265-6300. CONSIDER YOUR CHILD’S EDUCATION AT HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL ! Applications are being accepted to our full-day kindergarten through grade 8 program. Students entering kindergarten must be five years of age by January 1, 2015. Our kindergarten program runs from 8:10 AM to 2:25 PM. There are openings in select grades 1-8. Holy Trinity School offers children a quality, faith-filled education for a lifetime. Transportation is provided for students who are Wallingford residents. Financial aid is available for qualifying families. For an application or to speak to the principal, kindly contact Sister Kathleen Kelly, R.S.M. at 203-269-4476 BINGO’S BACK! Join us for FUN & PRIZES On FRIDAYS— JUNE 19th and 26th COME ,SHARE THE FAITH with the youth of our parish . The Religious Education Office is looking for CCD teachers for the 2015-2016 year. If you are available on Monday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, we are in need of teachers for Grade 2 and 6. On Tuesday evening from 6:45-8pm, we have openings for (3) 7th grade teachers and (2 )8th grade teachers . Our Director of Religious Education, Fran Selmecki, is looking forward to discussing the details and responsibilities with anyone interested in teaching these grades. Please contact Fran Selmecki at 203 2656300 for further information on how you can make a difference! Proceeds benefit Holy Trinity School ADOPT A GARDEN Put your gardening creativity to the test! Choose a small area in the Most Holy Trinity gardens, surrounding the church and rectory, to call your own and tend ( with supervision, of course). Call the Green Thumb Garden Supervisor-Dolores Johnson, 203-535-1117 For details on how you can help! The Rosary is recited each day before the 8:30 a.m. Mass in the Church. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed on the First Friday of the month after the 8:30 a.m. Mass and is followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for one hour. 5 ELEVENTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME MY FATHER’S HOUSE RETREAT CENTER presents MERCY HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER FUN Hey Girls!! Have your best sumHer ever!!!. 2015 Higher Achievement Program (HAP) Academic skills, Robotics, Arts, Sports, Crafts, and Community Service Monday July 6th - Friday July 17th For girls rising to 7th & 8th grades Register on website VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Local non-profit organizations often depend on volunteers to accomplish various services for clients. These organizations have made us aware that they are in need of volunteer help. Masonicare-volunteers needed to transport patients to and from the chapel for Mass or Communion services Monday mornings 9:45-11:45am call Jane Seekins 203 2650487 Clelian Adult Daycare-assist with recreational activities-cards, puzzles, crafts etc. Mondays and Fridays10-12 and/or 1-3 call Patricia 203 2884151x640 Gaylord Hospital assist by wor king in the gift shop, at the reception desk, or with in-house patient transportation-three or more hours per week-call Lyn Crispino 203 741-3328 for more information. Connecticut Hospice-Assist in administrative positions or offer direct care as a friendly visitor, work with pastoral/bereavement care group etc...Please call Pat Corradino Director of Volunteer Services 203 315-7510 or email MERCY, MARY, and the EUCHARIST led by author, Vinny Flynn (7 Secrets of the Eucharist, 7 Secrets of Confession, The Gaze of Mercy) June 20, 2015 9:30am-4:00 pm. Cost is $45.00 and includes lunch. Register by calling Dottie 860-873-1906 The Xaverian Missionaries invite you to a Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Fatima Shrine in Holliston, Massachusetts is scheduled for Thursday, June 25, 2015. We will celebrate Mass, pray the Rosary in the impressive Rosary Walk, meditate as we walk the beautiful grounds, and visit the gift shop. Following the Spiritual Day, we will enjoy dinner at Wright’s Farm (all-you-can-eat). Bus leaves Our Lady of Pompei, Route 80, East Haven at 8:30am and returns at approximately 8:30pm. Price is $85 per person and includes transportation, dinner, and driver gratuity. Call Judy 203 469-7169, or Carol 203 239-9513 for reservations. ________________________________________ Worldwide Marriage Encounter-Connecticut Married Couples: Give your marriage a well-deserved vacation-a weekend away to renew closeness with each other and with God-July 10-12, 2015-call Paul & Kim Gilbert for details 860-376-0440. ____________________________________ Expedition:Xavier Xavier H.S. in Middletown is offering a 5 day Enrichment Program for young men –Grades 58 July 13-17, 2015 from 9am-3pm. The program focuses on Leadership, Scholarship and Service. Participants will take part in sessions in Science, technology, robotics, debate, mock trial & more. Register at www.xavierhighschool.orgor call Nick Grasso 860- Irish Festival, Feis, & Agricultural Fair Two exciting days of fun are planned for the Connecticut Irish Festival on Saturday, June 27, (Noon-11PM), and Sunday, June 28th(8AM – 7PM). at the North Haven Fairgrounds, Exit 12 off I-91. Events include Musical entertainment, Irish Dancing Exhibits,and the Feis with over 800 competitors. There will also be Bagpipe Bands, Irish Sporting Games, Ethnic Food, Irish Shopping Village, and Cultural Tent. Artists appearing are Noel Henry Band, Liz McNicholl, Kitty Kelly Band, and many others. General Admission $10, children under 16free with adult. See for info or call Patrick Hosey 203 248-1538. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS All bulletin announcements must be submitted in writing by Monday at Noon for publication in the next weekend’s bulletin. Inserts must be authorized and ready by Wednesday. Parish event photos can be sent along with information through 6 WALLINGFORD FUNERAL HOME YALESVILLE FUNERAL HOME 809 NORTH MAIN ST. EXT., WALLINGFORD, CT 06492 386 MAIN ST., YALESVILLE, CT 06492 (203) 269-7777 • WWW.WALLINGFORDFH.COM • (203) 269-2222 Offering Traditional and Cremation Services • Preneed Funeral Consulting & Contracts Available David T. Warren • Peter A. Wasilewski • David W. MacDonald • Frank Totino • Paul Skora s illega sus V Dr. Je For Advertising Information, call PETE SILVESTRI at LPi today! PEDIATRIC DENTAL HAVEN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY, LLC ñol 100 Elm Street, West Haven, CT 06516 Tel: (203) 933-0008 • Fax: (203) 931-1433 la Espa se Hab FAIRFIELD PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY, LLC 209 Boston Post Rd., Suite 201, Milford, CT 06460 Tel: (203) 783-9994 • Fax: (203) 783-9961 ROSA’S DELI Italian Imports / Foods 57 North Colony, Wallingford 1 (800) 888.4574 ext. 3335 203.265.1487 parishioner Dr. Frances Sites, O.D. Dr. Philip Perrino, O.D. 243 Main St., Durham Established 1939 Open Tuesday to Sunday for Lunch & Dinner “New Haven Style” 560 South Main St., Wallingford 203-284-5988 TAKE OUT • LOCAL DELIVERY 860-349-2323 of Wallingford • UNIFORM RENTAL 800 South Colony Rd. (Rt. 5) Sales: 203-294-9000 Service: 203-269-3317 Parts: 203-269-3318 • DRY CLEANING • LAUNDRY SERVICE !/01)2330456 #M5)*C?35NN0?1/:N )789)$/::)";5<))))))))))))))))))))))))))=>8)-?<)!/01)(@<)%A@ )&/::01B3?CDE)F#)GHIJ7KL>J>))&/::01B3?CDE)F#)GHIJ7KL>J>) FISHBEIN LAW FIRM, LLC Norman F. Fishbein Craig C. Fishbein 100 South Main Street Wallingford, CT 06492 Phone: (203) 265-2895 - Fax (203) 294-1396 Both attorneys are members of Holy Trinity Parish. “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching the people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion. “ - Mother Teresa )7GLK7HJKIIII)))))))))))))))))))))7GLK7HJKJ7>8 ALBERTUS MAGNUS COLLEGE D OIL &TANK G PAVING REMOVAL EXCAVATION SNOWPLOWING & REMOVAL WE HAVE FAITH IN YOUR FUTURE Meriden, CT 203-237-6058 213 East Main Street Meriden, CT 06450 ! "#$%&'!()*+(*,+-.),! Steven T. Jacques, CFP® Financial Adviser !"##$%&'()*+,-#,-. /01#2#$34&5%6%706///78%&2 -Wedding InvitationsQuick Copy Service 10 Marshall 203-265-0363 Securities and investment advisory services offered through Voya Financial Advisors, Inc (member SIPC)Lighthouse Financial, LLC is not a subsidiary of nor controlled by Voya Financial Advisors 20928593_1016 ALL PRINTING NEEDS ABOGADO Rodriguez Law Firm Servicios legales en su idioma - Golpes y Heridas de todos tipos y clases - Inmigración - Bancarrota - Defensa del Acusado 39 West Main Street, Meriden, CT (203) 630-0406 Al frente de la Corte Superior 848 South Colony Rd. (Rt. 5), Wallingford, CT T: 203-269-2323 • F: 203-269-1828 Quality Pre-Owned Automobiles, Sales & Service Sales: M-F: 8:00 - 8:00, Sat: 8:00 - 5:00 Service: M-F: 8:00 - 6:00 Mario Vertucci • Joseph Vertucci VALENTI CHEVROLET “Since 1927” Franciscan Ever There Care FARRELL & GROCHOWSKI Your Home–Your Needs–Our Mission Are you in need of a: Homemaker~Companion Personal Care Attendant Live-In Attendant ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Call us today 203-630-2881 A General Practice Including Immigration Law MARGIE LECHOWICZ REALTOR, SFR 375 Center Street • 269-7756 Gerald E. Farrell, Sr. Christine Farrell Grochowski Ann Farrell • Lynne S. Farrell Assisting sellers, buyers & renters. 203-631-7622 Licensed in the State of Connecticut All attorneys are members of Holy Trinity Parish Gaylord Farm Road, Wallingford, CT 203-284-2880 QUALITY SUBARU The Beauty of All-Wheel Drive.® 711 North Colony Road • Route 5 • Wallingford Web Site: #?::)OC556)9K=GGK8>=KG>J>) ))))))))))))))))))))))))JIJK99GI FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. 203-626-9594 FELLOW PARISHIONER MAY 22, 2015 9:53 AM 27 South Colony St.,Wallingford, CT 06492 MOST HOLY TRINITY, WALLINGFORD, CT 03-0004 WALLINGFORD FLOWER SHOPPE SAL & ANN GRECO SINCE 1950 190 CENTER ST. 265-1514 WEDDINGS • FUNERALS • FRUIT BASKETS OPEN DAILY 7:30AM Since 1967 1145 North Colony Road, Wallingford, CT (Staples Plaza) 203-265-2214 • Gelo Exterior Home ROBERT’S CHRYSLER DODGE Improvements Inc. 120 South Broad Street, Meriden (203) 235-1111 ROBERT A. DeBAISE ANTHONY J. DeBAISE Vinyl Replacement Windows Entry & Storm Doors Vinyl Siding Porch Enclosures PAUWAY CORPORATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS9100 & ISO9001:2008 Certified FEDERAL FIREARMS LICENSE #6-06-XXXX-01490 INDUSTRIAL & MIL-SPEC COATINGS, SCREEN PRINTING, PAD PRINTING & LASER MARKING 203-265-5300 HVAC 29 N. PLAINS HWY, WLFD. 203-269-1110 We are seeking volunteers who are willing to take 3 hours of cognitive tests for which they will be paid $60. To volunteer or learn more about this study • Donuts • Bagels !"#$%&'("!")*+(,"-.%%++ please call: Diplomate Member American Society of Ocularists 204 N. Colony St. (Rt. 5) Wallingford, CT 06492-3656 City Place II - 185 Asylum St., Hartford, CT !"/0*1"2.33("!"-0''.34 !"5*+06%0(7"80'194:,+( !";0'4(,"!"-..64+( (203) 284-3737 Custom Fitted Artificial Eyes Office Hours Scleral Cover Shells By Appointment Tel: 860.728.3524 • Do you want to improve our understanding of Multiple Sclerosis? 203-269-4255 MARINO OCULAR PROSTHETICS Christopher W. Wiegert Financial Advisor Are you a healthy adult between the ages of 22 and 60 years old? 63 North Cherry St. • Wallingford, CT 06492 Serving the Industry Since 1979 (203) 265-3939 • Toll Free: 1-866-247-4082 E-mail: LOUIS J. MARINO Ocularist Toomey Financial Advisors 420 Center St., Wallingford (203) 949-1710 Email: Securities offered thru Caderet Grant Member NASD/SIPC AIR COMFORT COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Brendan Toomey, CFP Your Financial Advocate Dr. Brown at (203) 785-5335 Yale School of Medicine HIC # 1401013272 83 North Turnpike Rd., Yalesville, CT 06492 !"#$!%&'($)*+!')"!,)+!-'."/ 323 WASHINGTON AVENUE, HAMDEN LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. (OPP. K OF C HALL) 012304434546 JOHN R. NOLAN Custom Floral Designs, Gifts & Home Decor TAMMY & ALYSSA - OWNERS & PARISHIONERS 354 Main Street, Durham, CT 06422 860.349.1550 REINMANN MOTORS, LLC SALES & SERVICE 87 South Colony Road • Wallingford Tom Reinmann ~ Owner Parishioner 203-265-2819 MICHAEL F. NOLAN ROMAN OIL COMPANY, INC. Family-Owned & Operated Since 1936 Pricing Programs 24 Hour Service Installations A/C Service Service Plans Budget Programs 203.235.3371 Barberino Nissan 505 N. Colony Rd., Wallingford, CT 06492 203-265-1611 • 800-660-2306 Phone: 203-265-1611 ext 313 Cell: 203-537-2096 • Fax: 203-294-6835 DREISSEN ELECTRIC CO., INC. Up-grades, Lighting, Service Changes 1 $ 00 off Attorney at Law a Dozen Donuts or 50 ct. Munchkins® Donut Hole Treats Expires: 9/30/2015 Vincent T. McManus, Jr. P.C. 203-269-5333 PLU # 2600 3 Amie Lane, Wallingford Gary Dreissen Lic.# 104234 GOOD AT All Stores in: Wallingford, Prospect Middlebury & Naugatuck CT 116 South Main St., Wallingford 203-269-1111 LOUNGE AND BANQUET FACILITY 33 North Cherry St., Wallingford, CT 06492 Ralph DeMatteo, Owner (203) 641-2408 Restaurant (203) 284-8187 Banquets for all Social Occasions! (203) 234-6333 • (203) 234-6330 Fax WILLIAMS, WALSH & O’CONNOR, LLC Attorneys and Counselors at Law James G. Williams E-mail: • 37 Broadway • North Haven, CT 06473 © 2013 DD IP Holder LLC. All rights reserved. Price and participation may vary. Limited time offer. On Your Side John J. Kovacs, Jr., Agent John J. Kovacs Insurance Agency Nationwide Insurance ® • Heating & Air Conditioning • Installations • Repairs • Service Contracts Family Owned and Operated Since 1994 FREE ESTIMATES 208 Center Street, PO Box 927 Wallingford, CT 06492 Tel 203-269-2500 • Fax 203-284-2659 (203) 284-0147 203-239-2226 16 James St., North Haven, CT 06473 Lic. 386421, 309113 Lic. P1/203645 • S3/308549 Cherish “The American Songbook” Dick Robinson’s American Standards by the Sea Saturday, 7 PM - 9 PM And Sundays, 10 PM to midnight WJMJ: 88.9 FM “Catholic Radio - Where Faith Meets Life” Underwritten in Part by: Bill & Ann Saas Residential • Commercial Richard H. Ricciardi, Jr. 74 Saw Mill Drive President Wallingford, CT 06492 R.J. LARESE LANDSCAPING Landscaping • Maintenance Services 2 6 Hintz Dr., Wallingford, CT AND Tom, Don, Dave and Ray Porto SAAS KIRWAN ASSOCIATES Porto’s Citgo Service Tax Advisors & Financial Consultants Bill Saas, CPA • Holy Trinity School 1958 203.314.2782 • 203.269.2249 FULL SERVICE AUTO CARE Parishioner 480 North Colony Road • Wallingford FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 Welcoming YOUR Visit NOW at: (203) 269-7033 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. WWW.BILLSAAS.COM MAY 22, 2015 9:53 AM MOST HOLY TRINITY, WALLINGFORD, CT 03-0004
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Most Holy Trinity Church
others. General Admission $10, children under 16free with adult. See for
info or call