Sleepvaart- en Offshore Nieuws
Sleepvaart- en Offshore Nieuws
5e jaargang, nr. 1 dd. 3 Januari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Lady Laura (1) Leen van der Meijden denkt dat de nieuwe naam van de Lady Laura bij Harms niet Warius maar Varius zal zijn, gelet op de schepen die in het verleden ook al onder die naam bij Harms hebben gevaren. Even opletten dus!!! (Bron: Leen van der Meijden) Multraship De Multratug 11 en de Multratug 14 zijn verchartered aan de nieuwe Poolse maatschappij ProjectZegluga te Stettin. De Multratug 11 heet nu Serwal-2, voor de Multratug 14 heb ik momenteel geen nieuw naam. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) Lady Laura (2) Een bevestiging van Lawrence : De Varius (ex. Lady Laura-03, ex. Stril Poseidon-97, ex. Hinna Senior-88, ex. Lunde Senior-87) van Harms zou gisteren (23.12.03) Lowestoft hebben verlaten. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) En Avant 9 De En Avant 9 (23.16099) van rederij T.Muller uit Dordrecht is verkocht aan Howard Beer, die haar omdoopte in Herman Sr Zij werd gebouwd in 1979 bij Damen Shipyard in Gorinchem als Zal 4 voor Damen. In 1980 werd ze verkocht naar Dordrecht (Bron: Schuttevaer) Coast Guard Rescues Three A U.S. Coast Guard crew from Memphis, Tenn., rescued three men whose vessel sank on the Mississippi River, near Tunica, Miss., Thursday at about 10:15 a.m. Ron Nigg, Rick Howell and Tony Lippman were rescued after their 22-foot skiff sank as they were returing from an oil spill cleanup in Tunica. At the time of the accident, there were high winds and choppy conditions reported on the river. A Coast Guard inspection crew from Marine Safety Office Memphis was also at the Tunica oil spill site monitoring cleanup efforts when they were informed that the three men were in the water. The crew, Lt. Ted Lampton, Petty Officer 3rd Class Wyatt Ingram and Petty Officer 3rd Class Jacob Taylor, ran to the nearest vessel, the Tunica Queen, and asked the captain to get underway so they could try to rescue the men. When the Tunica Queen arrived where the three men had fallen in the river, the Coast Guardsmen leaned overboard, and with the assistance of the vessel's crew pulled Nigg and Howell out of the water. Lippman floated farther downstream toward an approaching tow boat and barge. Despite 25-knot winds, Ingram was able to throw a life ring close to Lippman and the crew pulled him to safety. The Tunica Queen transported the three men to shore where they were evaluated by awaiting medical personnel. Nigg was taken by ambulance to Baptist Desoto Hospital in Southaven, Miss., for treatment for hypothermia. Howell and Lippman did not need additional medical attention. All three men were wearing life jackets at the time of the incident. "The rescue efforts were a direct result of preparedness and teamwork," said Cmdr. David Stalfort, commanding officer of MSO Memphis. "We work in dangerous conditions everyday. Yesterday proved how a routine oil spill can turn into a search and rescue case in seconds." 12/22/ Buffalo Grounds 12/28 Update About 10 p.m. the Buffalo was pulled free from the spot where she grounded early Sunday afternoon. The big tug Reliance arrived on scene about 8 p.m. and began to try to pull the Buffalo off Watsons Reef in the lower river north of Pipe Island. The Buffalo was then to head across the channel over to Drummond Island to the anchorage known as Black Rock Point. The vessel is expected spend the night there and will wait for Coast Guard inspection before she departs the St. Marys River system. Original Report Early Sunday afternoon the downbound Buffalo grounded in the lower St. Marys River near Pipe Island off DeTour, Michigan. The vessel was reported to have experienced a steering malfunction that caused the grounding. The Buffalo's stern is blocking the downbound channel and all traffic in the river is using the upbound course. Buffalo was unable to free her self and the tug Reliance with a salvage barge departed Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. late Sunday afternoon. The tug was expected to be on scene about 8 p.m. and crews will begin working on a plan to refloat the Buffalo. If needed, the barge can be used to off load some of the ship's cargo. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie SmitWijs Singapore De verwachting, ETA, is dat de SmitWijs Singapore met haar sleep de Sainty no. 1 op 7 januari a.s. de Waterweg op zal stomen. Dit natuurlijk afhankelijk van de weersomstandigheden in deze winterperiode. Suhaili verliest dok De sleepreis van het Galapagos-dok van Santander in Noord-Spanje naar Cristobal in Panama heeft een vroegtijdig einde gekregen. Kort na vertrek aan de tros van de ITC-zeesleper Suhaili maakte het 140 meter lange dok water in slecht weer op de Atlantische Oceaan, halverwege Lissabon en de Azoren. De oorzaak is onbekend. Het dok zonk en berging is uitgesloten, omdat de waterdiepte ter plaatse ongeveer 4000 meter bedraagt. Volgens een woordvoerder van ITC uit Heemstede was het dok al aardig op leeftijd. Eerder was het nog zonder problemen van Antwerpen naar Santander gesleept. Er hebben zich geen persoonlijke ongelukken voorgedaan (Bron: Schuttevaer) Carrouselslepers in aantocht Het Carrousel Tug-concept, de jongste noviteit op sleepvaartgebied, lijkt voor een doorbtaak te gaan zorgen in de traditionele sleepvaartmarkt. Uitvinder Van der Laan van IMC verwacht dat de eerste carrouselslepers binnenkort op stapel worden gezet. De uitvoerige beproevingen met de tot carrouselsleper omgebouwde havensleper Multratug 12 van Multraship uit Terneuzen zijn succesvol afgerond.Bij de laatste serie proeven was de Multratug 12 met een sleeplier in plaats van een sleephaak uitgerust. De ervaringen met beide systemen zijn zodanig dat de stuur- en houdkrachten van de sleper met een factor vijf kunnen worden vermenigvuldigd. Daarnaast heeft IMC uitvoerig modelproeven gedaan bij de Technische Universiteit Delft. Volgens woordvoerder van der Laan zijn e nu twee typen carrouselslepers ontwikkeld. Zelf heeft hij hiervan hoge verwachtingen. De eerste is een 25 meter lange compact tug met een trekkracht van 80 ton. Een ideale sleper voor havenwerk. Het tweede ontwerp betreft een zogehete escorttug met een lengte van 35 meter en een trekkracht van 120 ton. Van der Laan is zowel met een Nederlandse als met een Duitse reder in een vergevorderd stadium van onderhandeling over de aanschaf van dit nieuwe type sleepboot. Voor de Nederlandse reder gaat het om een havensleper met een trekkrecht van 80 ton en voor de Duitse reder om een escortsleper. Laatstgenoemde wil eerst een sleper laten bouwen en daarna nog een serie van vijf. De uitvinder verwacht dat zeker de havensleper al snel zal worden gebouwd. Andere reders kijken nog even de kat uit de boom. Qua sleep- en houdkrachten, dat hebben de beproevingen intussen wel bewezen, laat de carrouselsleper andere concepten, zoals de Rotor Tug en de ASD Tug, ver achter zich. Wat wendbaarheid betreft benadert de carrouselsleper die van ASD-slepers, Qua operationele kosten is het carrouselconcept volgens Van der aan ook voordeliger. Bijzonder aan het nieuwe concept is, dat de sleper niet meer kan kenteren. Iets dat zich bij andere typen slepers nog steeds voordoet, zoals onlangs met de URS-sleper Burcht en de Smit-sleper Smit Madeira. (Bron: Schuttevaer) Multraship Vandaag, 2 januari 2004, heeft het Terneuzense bergingsbedrijf Multraship Salvage B.V. opdracht gekregen voor het bergen van de drie containers beladen met pesticide, die vlak voor kerst ter hoogte van Vlieland overboord sloegen van het Ethiopische vrachtschip “ANDINET”. Wij, Hans & Jeannette, wensen jullie allen een voorspoedig en vooral gezond 2004 toe. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 2 dd. 10 Januari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Foutje bedankt De En Avant 9 is herdoopt in Herman Jr. en niet zoals ik eerder had gemeld Herman Sr. Jasiu Bedankt voor je oplettendheid. Carrousel slepers Ter aanvulling op het bericht van Carroussel slepers in de vorige nieuwsbrief: Smit heeft i.s.m. met Damen een onderzoek gestart over de mogelijkheid voor aanschaf Carroussel sleepboten. (Bron: Jasiu van Haarlem) SmitWijs Singapore Vandaag, 6 januari 2004, is de SmitWijs Singapore Rotterdam binnengelopen. Zij bracht de Sainty 1 beladen met casco’s vanuit China naar Rotterdam. Een reis van 16.215 mijl. De SmitWijs Singapore ligt nu afgemeerd aan de Parkkade en gaat repareren en dokken. De Sainty 1 is naar de Heysehaven gebracht om te worden gelost. Kwintebank Smit Haven heeft de Kwintebank verkocht aan de Finse reder Alfons Håkans Towage & Salvage. Momenteel ligt zij bij Niehuis & van den Berg voor reparatie en overdracht. Na de overdracht, ongeveer 19 Januari 2004, zal zij naar Finland vertrekken. Vikingbank Vanmorgen, 07/01/2004, om 10.00 uur is de Vikingbank gedokt te Antwerpen bij SKB dok No. 9. Het waren echt middeleeuwse praktijken daar want ze trokken hem met 20 man het dok in, op hand kracht dus. We hebben nog wat navraag gepleegd bij de superintendent van Smit en zij blijft ongeveer 3 tot 6 weken liggen waarna zij voor 5 jaar vertrekt naar Gabon voor een charter bij TotalFina. Zij gaat hierbij voor SMIT Gabon varen. (Bron: Peter Andriessen) Multraship uit Terneuzen sleept Prijs Creatief Ondernemerschap binnen. Multraship Towage & Salvage uit Terneuzen is winnaar geworden van de Prijs Creatief Ondernemerschap 2004. Deze prestigieuze titel werd voor de 22e maal toegekend tijdens de nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst van de Kamer van Koophandel, CWI en Zeeland Seaports op donderdag 8 januari in de Grote Kerk te Goes. De familie Muller, eigenaar van Multraship, kreeg de prijs en een oorkonde met daarbij een bronzen beeld uit handen van de voorzitter van de Kamer van Koophandel, de heer L.A. van Gelder. Het beeld is gemaakt door kunstenares Gerda Rutters uit Middelburg. OSV to Abdon Callais Master Boat delivers another OSV to Abdon Callais Master Boat Builders Inc., Bayou La Batre, Ala., recently completed the 201'´46'´16' steel offshore supply vessel Gloria B. Callais for Abdon Callais Offshore LLC. The 200-footer evolved from the 30 or so 110-footers that Master Boat built between 1980 and 1986. When the bottom fell out of the oil-and-gas industry in the mid-1980s, the yard switched to fishing boats that ranged from 85-foot shrimpers to 170-foot factory processors. By 1995, Master Boat was building OSVs again. After reading about the yard in WorkBoat, Peter Callais contacted Master Boat about building an OSV for his company. Since then, Abdon Callais and Master Boat have quite a history together. The Gloria Callais, named for Peter Callais' mother, brings to 18 the number of vessels the yard has delivered to the Cut Off, La.-based OSV operator. And there are more deliveries to come in 2004. Both the Gloria and her sistership, the Claire M. Callais, measure 201'´46'´16' and come in under 100 GT. "Location of the engine room, framing system, and design of the bulk mud tanks all played a part in keeping the vessel under 100 gross tons," said Andre Dubroc, Master Boat's general manager. "The vessel's being under 100 gross tons does give the owners some leeway on crewing, but other than unmanned engine room requirements, these vessels meet or exceed the requirements for vessels that exceed these tonnage limits." The rear deck measures 146'´40' and can carry 1,240 LT of cargo on a clear area of 5,840 sq. ft. Tankage includes 3,600 bbls. of liquid mud; 4,500 cu. ft. bulk mud; 107,800 gals. fuel oil; 28,000 gals. fresh water, and 58,000 gals. methanol. Thompson Power Systems furnished the main engines for the Gloria-twin Caterpillar 3512B J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie diesels producing 1,575 hp at 1,600 rpm each. The Cats connect to 5-bladed, bronze Rolls-Royce wheels through Twin Disc MG-5600 marine gears. Maneuverability is made easier by the presence of three Schottel STT-170 hydraulically driven thrusters. "The vessel is equipped with an Alstom DP-2 dynamic positioning system allowing the vessel to hold station within one meter of its target while offloading offshore," said Dubroc. Ship's service power is the responsibility of two Caterpillar-driven gensets with a Cat 3306 and a Cat 3412 both producing 170kw of electricity. Gulf Coast Air and Hydraulics provided the Jastram split-rudder steering system and the Mathers Master Command engine controls. The Gloria B. Callais is ABS classed +A-1 AMS DPS-2 ABS and USCG loadline certified Subchapter L. She was delivered in October. Master Boat's OSVs have grown into the current 200-footers, but Dubroc said he wouldn't hesitate to build them smaller if that's what the customer wants. "We've built 110s up to these 200-footers and just about every size in between. We'll build a customer whatever size boat he wants," he said. "It's just that the market right now seems to want the bigger boats." (Workboat, januari '04) (bron: Jan van der Doe) Gulf Craft delivers crew/supplier to Seacor Patterson, La.-based Gulf Craft Inc. has delivered another aluminum crew/supply boat to Seacor Marine Inc., Houston. The 175'´30'´13'6" waterjet-powered Seth McCall is now supporting offshore oil and gas activities in the Gulf of Mexico. The vessel's 100'´24'6" aft deck has 2,450 sq. ft. of cargo space for the loading of up to 225 LT of freight. The deck can support 540 lbs./sq. ft. The aft deck also holds twin SKUM fire monitors each capable of 5,300 gpm. Tankage includes 26,500 gals. of fuel; 25,300 gals. rig water; 16,700 gals. aviation fuel, 1,250 gals. ship's water; and 500 gals. lube oil. The Seth McCall can pump drill water at 200 gpm at 200', fuel oil at 115 gpm at 230', and aviation fuel at 115 gpm at 230'. Four Cummins KTA50-M2 diesels, producing 1,800 hp at 1,900 rpm each, supply the boat with its main propulsion. The KTAs are fitted to Hamilton HM-811 waterjets through Twin Disc MG-6848 SC marine gears with 2.47:1 reduction ratios. Running speed for the boat is 31 knots, 26 knots fully loaded. Thrusters on the Seth McCall include a Thrustmaster TH200R, 200-hp retractable bowthruster, which is interfaced with the DP system and can be used for manual stationkeeping when working offshore in deepwater. There is also a Thrustmaster 30TT150, 150-hp transverse tunnel thruster because the retractable thruster is vulnerable in ports with shallow drafts. The tunnel thruster also improves safety and reduces the time spent docking the vessel. "Thrustmaster developed an electromechanical valve system, which allows the operator to select the desired thruster at the flip of a switch. Both thrusters run off the same Cummins 6CTA8.3-M diesel engine," said Rick Stinson, southeast sales manager for Thrustmaster. "This is the first crewboat ever to be built like this, and to the best of my knowledge the first vessel ever built that offers this thruster configuration that operates from the same power source." Ship's service power is provided by two Cummins 6BT5.9-G2 gensets, sparking 99kw of electricity each. There are accommodations for a crew of eight and passenger seating for 76. The electronics suite includes two Furuno radars and Furuno Navtex receiver, four ICOM VHF radios, two ICOM VHF remotes, dual GMDSS from Japan Radio, ComNav autopilot, Kongsberg Simrad DPS-1 system, Raytheon loudhailer, and KVH fluxgate compass. The Seth McCall is certified ABS+A-1 HSC CREWBOAT +AMS DPS-1, USCG Subchapter T and L. The boat was delivered in October. (workboat, januari, '04) (bron: Jan van der Doe) Smit rondt berging Stellamare dinsdag af ALBANY (ANP) - Berger Smit heeft in de haven van Albany het gezonken Nederlandse vrachtschip Stellamare leeggepompt en rechtgetrokken. Duikers hebben het lichaam van de derde verongelukte opvarende geborgen. Dat heeft een woordvoerder van Smit maandag gezegd. De vijftien medewerkers van Smit zullen de klus dinsdag, 06/01/2004, afronden. De Stellamare sloeg begin december om in de haven van Albany aan de Hudson River in het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten. Dat gebeurde toen de bemanning het schip aan het laden was. Vijftien leden van de Russische bemanning wisten zich te redden. Drie collega’s (48, 43 en 46 jaar) kwamen om het leven tussen de ijsschotsen in het vrieskoude water. De lichamen van de twee andere opvarenden zijn twee weken geleden al opgedoken. Het lichaam van de 46-jarige Rus is zondag gevonden in het laadruim van de Stellamare. Het is er maandag uitgehaald. Het stoffelijk overschot gaat vervolgens naar de familie van het slachtoffer in Sint Petersburg. Voor het Nederlandse bergingsbedrijf was de stabilisering van de Stellamare "geen extreem moeilijke klus". Het was de verzekeraar van de Nederlandse eigenaar die Smit ervoor had gevraagd. Normaal gesproken bergen lokale bedrijven schepen in Amerikaans water. Verder was het voor Smit bijzonder omdat zich nog lichamen in het vrachtschip bevonden. Smit is twee weken druk geweest met het leegpompen. Met kranen en kabels is het schip rechtgetrokken. "De klus is bijna geklaard. Vrijwel volgens planning", aldus de woordvoerder maandag. Over de volgende bestemming van de Stellamare is nog niets bekend. (bron:DFT\LK) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Symphony is a Farstad Masterpiece Farstad’s newbuild PSV P105 design the Farstad Symphony has been christened in Alesund. The 960 sq.mtrs deck vessel was built in the Ulstein yard Norway. The vessel then substituted for it’s frontrunner AHTS UT722L, Far Scout on a Norsk Hydro charter from around December 15th. The charter is for a firm period of 18 months + 3 x 2 years worth of options. The Far Scout has since become available on the spot market. Mexico’s new Gulf GulfMark’s joint venture partner in Mexico received an award from Petroleos Mexicanos SA (Pemex) for two newbuild anchor handling supply vessels. These vessels will start a five-years contract for Pemex in the Gulf of Mexico in the spring of 2005. They are being built at Keppels yard in Singapore. Applause for Splendour Farstad’s newbuild PSV P106 design Far Splendour delivered from the Ulstein yard in Norway at the end of December. Along with the P105, these new vessel designs represent the first straight PSV design to come from the Ulstein design house that brought us the A101/P103 types. As for the Far Splendour the vessel has now begun a five year contract with the Dutch logistics outfit Peterson. Gulf Mark end of Endurance test Alesund again this month was witness to another vessel christening, this time being the turn of GulfMark Offshore’s new AHTS UT722L Highland Endurance. The new 180 ts BP vessel has since repositioned itself to Aberdeen where it is now trading the spotlist. This vessel marks the end of Gulf’s current North Sea newbuild programme, which has seen 9 newbuild vessels enter their fleet. After the replacement of some older vessels and the ending of some bareboat contracts, Gulf’s operated fleet only stands at one more then when the programme commenced. Red, AMBER, green Edison Chouest took delivery from the North American Fabricators Houma yard of this their third in a series of four 85.3 m Offshore Supply Types (OSV 280’s) named Amber in December 2003. The vessel is chartered to work for BHP Billiton. This vessel represents one of the most technically advanced systems in the Chouest family of vessels. The fourth of this series of OSV’s 280 should be available for delivery in March 2004 Prince in-waiting Active Venture III KS took delivery of the newbuild PSV UT755 Active Prince on December 13. The vessel is expected to trade the spot market in the foreseeable future. Opale fruits The newbuild PSV UT745LE Bourbon Opale will undergo a conversion at the Langsten yard in Norway to become a well testing vessel. On completion of the rebuilding, the vessel and topside will have a 10,000 barrels capacity. The Opale will than leave the North Sea to start a four-year PEMEX contract. The vessel is expected to complete it’s conversion in April 2004 and then head to Mexico. Coast Guard begins icebreaking for Operation Taconite 01/10 The Coast Guard on Friday began Operation Taconite -- its largest domestic icebreaking effort to ensure ships on the Great Lakes can deliver iron ore pellets to the nation's steel mills. The Coast Guard said it launched Operation Taconite because colder -than- normal temperatures continue to increase ice formation in the northern Great Lakes. Operation Taconite encompasses Lake Superior, the St. Marys River and the Straits of Mackinac. As a result of the operation, the Captain of the Port may close or open channels as ice conditions require after giving due consideration to the protection of the marine environment, waterway improvements, aids to navigation, the need for crosschannel traffic, the availability of icebreakers, and the safety of the island residents; who in the course of their daily business use naturally formed ice bridges for transportation to and from the mainland. Currently there are no channel closures; however, the implementation of Operation Taconite will place some additional measures on shipping through the St. Marys River and Straits such as restricting tanker transits to daylight only with escorts, reducing speeds by 2 mph in various parts of the river, and placing additional reporting points throughout the operation's area. The Coast Guard warned recreational ice users that there are no channel closures at this time, and to plan their activities carefully, use caution on the ice, and stay away from shipping channels. Recreational users and island residents are urged to use their local news media to learn the status of channel closures. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie St. Marys River Closes 01/10 Ice conditions and temperatures well below zero at the locks and on the St. Marys River slowed or stopped navigation Thursday and Friday. Friday night the river was closed as the downbound Wolverine became stuck in ice in the lower river, blocking river traffic. The upbound Roger Blough and Joseph H Thompson were stopped in the ice overnight in the upper river and were broken out at daylight with assistance from KatmaiBay. Paul R Tregurtha followed in the ships track up to the Soo. The Roger Blough was held in by ice near Neebish Island Friday morning and had to have the help of the Katmai Bay to free her. The Burns Harbor got through the locks but had problems with vibrations going through the ice, so she waited for the Speer to come through and lead the way downbound. The Speer had problems exiting the locks, but managed to work her way out. The American Republic and Herbert Jackson locked through downbound after the Speer. The extremely cold temperatures were causing problems with the lock gates and booms, as well as causing ice to pile up in the locks. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 03 dd. 18 Januari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit Panama De Smit Panama van Smit-Lloyd Antilles NV – Willemstad (ex Smit Nederland – 94) bouwjaar 1979 is verkocht aan Roman Robeyna van Cross caribbean Services – Panama. Smit-Lloyd 32 (1) De in 1968 door Adelaide Ship Constr. Pty. Ltd. – Port Adelaide (54) opgeleverde Smit-Lloyd 32 voor Smit-Lloyd Australia Pty. Ltd. – Sydney (Sea Nostromo Quinto – 03, Condor III – 03; Smit-Lloyd Cairo – 91; Smit-Lloyd 32 – 81); is door Sea Nostromo, San Javier – Spanje op 9-12-2003 herdoopt in Sea Nostromo. Smit China De Smit China is herdopt in Sea Nostromo Segundo Pullman De Pullman (ex. Kiso Maru-03) van SMS Towage is gisteren, 13/01/04, in Hull aangekomen (1,600 apk, 27t paaltrek, 1980). (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Svitzer Bidston De Svitzer Bidston maakt op dit moment in Spanje haar proefvaarten. Ze gaat hierna naar Liverpool. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Prince Rock Een andere proefvaart is die van de Prince Rock, gebouwd bij Halmatic te Porchester voor Catte Water Harbour Commissioners. 2xCummins KT 19 motoren, dubbelschroefs met straalbuizen, paaltrek zal 19 tot 19.5 t zijn. Meer details is tot nu niet bekent. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Roda Bolaget Svitzer's Zweedse dochter Röda Bolaget heefd vorig jaar de Ingemar en de Jarven verkocht. De Ingemar is nu de Hector van Alfons Håkans. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Jarven NOÅS Nordmuddring A/B, Örnsköldsvik is de nieuwe eigenaar van de Jarven. Deze maatschappij is bezig met baggeren en ijsbreken. Op de website ( staat helaas geen vlootlijst. (Bron: Jaap Bijl) Ship rescued after engine fire Coastguards in Cornwall co-ordinated the rescue of a container vessel 12 miles off Land's End. The 2,200 tonne container ship the Sea Fox lost power at about 0030 GMT on Sunday after suffering a fire in her engine room. Crew members alerted coastguards at Falmouth when they realised the ship's engine had failed. The Sea Fox was brought to Falmouth under tow, despite coastguards being concerned her journey would be hampered by gale-force winds and heavy seas. Coastguard tug the Anglian Princess was sent to the scene and towed the vessel back to port. It is the first time the tug has had to tow a vessel since she came to Cornwall last March. The Sea Fox was travelling from Liverpool to Latvia. (Bron: BBC News\LK) Ice Clogging St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair 01/13 Season problems for tugs and their barges. Vessels continued to struggle with ice Monday and Monday night in the St. Marys River, the St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair. There are also severe ice conditions from Saginaw Bay to Lake Erie. Tug and barge units must report transit plans eight hours prior to transit. Tug and barges have the most difficulty in heavy ice as a barge's square bow does not cut through ice and causes the ice to pile up as it is pushed ahead of the barge. On Monday, the tug James Hannah and her barge were stuck in the lower Livingston Channel between lights 20 and 22. Behind her at the mouth of the Livingston, the John J Boland waited for the Hannah to clear, while the James R. Barker waited it out near the Colchester Light. Meanwhile, Arthur M. Anderson was J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie downbound Monday evening with a load consigned to Detroit's Zug Island. Ice conditions are also building on Lake St. Clair. Sunday night the upbound tug Jerry G., pushing an unloaded barge, became stuck near the middle of Lake St. Clair below the Crib Light. Ice conditions on the southern portion of the lake were reported to be light but quickly built as the tug and barge continued north. The tug remained stuck as the upbound CSL Laurentien approached. The Laurentien arranged to pass the Jerry G., this area of the lake is difficult for two vessels to pass. The Laurentien's crew skillfully guide the 740-foot ship around the tug and barge and then backed down to allow the Jerry G. to follow in her track. After about a half hourof trying to assist the Jerry G. conditions became too difficult for the tug and the Laurentien continued on. David Z. Norton was next upbound behind the Laurentien, gaining distance as the Laurentien worked with the tug and barge. Showing equal skill, the Norton passed on the opposite side of the tug about midnight and took the lead. The Laurentien fell in behind the Norton and the Jerry G. was again able to make headway and planned to follow the Laurentien upbound. At the Soo, Operation Taconite continues with the aid of three icebreakers - Mackinaw, Biscayne Bay and Katmai Bay The U.S. Coast Guard reports reports a good ice track above locks from beyond Big Point down to the locks with solid pack ice inside the piers. (bron: Jan van der Doe) SMIT Internationale NV Sells 50% interest in URS Rotterdam, 14 January 2004 Smit Internationale NV is selling its 50% interest in the Unie van Redding- en Sleepdienst (URS), Antwerp, to Fairplay Towage Hamburg. URS is the market leader in the field of towing services, salvage operations and shipping services along the Belgian coast and on the Westerscheldt River. Since 1999, SMIT had a minority stake in URS. By purchasing a majority stake in URS of Bofort NV of Belgium, SMIT received all URS' shares in mid-2003. By purchasing all shares in URS, SMIT's interest in the towage market in the Dutch and Belgium regions became disproportional. SMIT indicated that it would be looking for a partner in URS. The transaction with Fairplay is consistent with the strategy communicated earlier by SMIT, and has no impact on SMIT's results in 2003. SMIT and Fairplay have agreed that URS will continue to operate as an autonomous company, and that it will retain its own name and identity. Fairplay is one of Germany's leading towage companies, operating in German and other European ports as well as offshore and deepsea. Eastern turns out another McAllister Z-drive Eastern Shipbuilding, Panama City, Fla., recently completed another 96'x34'x14'8" steel Z-drive "tractor" tug for New York-based McAllister Towing. The A.J. McAllister is the fourth McAllister tug built at Eastern to the same design from Jensen Maritime Consultants, Seattle. "We had one tractor tug in 1997," said Bucky McAllister, vice president, McAllister Towing. "We now have four newbuilds, four YTB conversions and one on charter for a total of 10 tractor tugs." The new tug is working at the Dominion Cove Point (Md.) LNG Terminal on Chesapeake Bay. The LNG facility requires shipdocking tugs to have a firefighting classification of FiFi 1. The A.J. carries that certification. A.J. McAllister has the capability to pump out 11,600 gpm through dual Nijhuis HGT1 pumps connected to Detroit Diesel 12V92 diesel engines. There are also two Skum MK-250EL VR remote controlled monitors with foam injection capability and a 1,100-gpm deluge system on board. Jonathan Parrott, chief naval architect at JMC, said his company got involved when contacted by Eastern. "Eastern came to us to design them to McAllister's requirements," said Parrott. After designing so many tractor-type tugs, Parrott said it becomes a matter of refining his basic design. "Sometimes they'll come to you and say, 'We want a 100-foot tug,' and sometimes they'll come to you and say, 'We want a 5,000-horsepower tug.' It's just a case of massaging the design to the owner's requirements." On the A.J.'s deck are two JonRie InterTech 200 series hawser winches, one forward and one aft, each loaded with 450' of 7" Amstel Blue synthetic line. A Hagglunds motor, producing a line speed of 100 fpm, powers each winch. A JonRie Bellville spring-applied brake system is also part of each winch. Two EMD 12-645F7B engines provide the tug with its main propulsion, producing a total of 5,150 hp at 1,000 rpm. The engines are linked to Schottel SRP 1215 Z-drives enabling the boat to cruise at about 12 knots. Ship's service power is provided by two Detroit Diesel 8V71 gensets, producing 99kw of electric power each. Tankage includes 28,800 gals. of fuel oil; 6,700 gals. potable water; 3,000 gals. AFF foam; and 500 gals. lube oil. There are accommodations for a crew of six. In addition to the FiFi 1 rating, the A.J. McAllister is ABS classed +A-1 towing, escort vessel. (Bron: Workboat jan’04) Master Boat delivers OSV for Lytal Marine Master Boat Builders, Bayou La Batre, Ala., recently delivered the steel-hulled 165'´36'´12' offshore service vessel Lytal Queen to Lockport, La.-based Lytal Marine Services LLC. Designed by the yard, the boat made her debut at December's International WorkBoat Show in New Orleans. The new boat is a step up in size for the Louisiana operator. "We're upgrading to the 165s," said Jim Lytal, the OSV operator's president. "We have three other boats coming out in 2004." In fact, the upgrade started when Lytal ordered three 145-foot OSVs in 2001. "It was a management plan we came up with about three years ago," said Lytal. "We've run the utility boats for years, the 110s (110')," he said, "but they can't carry the bulk mud and the chemicals the big oil companies want." Two of the 110s were built at J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Master Boat Builders. "They built one for me in 1982 and another in 1983. Then came the big crash of the '80s." Lytal said, though, he'll no longer use the 110s in his fleet. "We're going to retire them, and we're going to sell them," he said. "That way we'll have nothing but new boats." The Queen's rear cargo deck measures 103'´30' and can haul up to 460 LT of freight. The vessel is also capable of carrying 1,800 bbls. of liquid mud and 36,000 gals. of methanol. Main propulsion for the Lytal Queen comes from twin Caterpillar 3508 diesels, each producing 850 hp at 1,200 rpm. The engines are connected to Rolls-Royce 4-bladed, bronze wheels through Twin Disc MG-6690 marine gears. (Thompson Power Systems supplied the gear package.) "She hit 14 knots coming over here from Alabama," said Lytal. For added maneuverability, the OSV was fitted with a Schottel STT-110 bowthruster, driven by a 300-hp Caterpillar 3406 diesel engine. Two Caterpillar 3304 diesels, sparking 99kw each, and a pair of Caterpillar 3412s, producing 170kw each, combine to provide the ship's service power. The hydraulic steering system and Mathers Master Command controls were both provided by Gulf Coast Air and Hydraulics. Lytal said he's happy with his new boat and the job put in by Master Boat. "They're a very, very professional shipyard," he said. "We didn't have one problem." The boat is ABS Loadline classed and USCG Subchapter L certified for 16 offshore workers plus crew. The Lytal Queen was delivered in November 2003. (Bron: Workboat jan’04) SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports Na afgelost te hebben te Las Palmas, de grote groep op 050104, vertrokken we de zesde van de kant om op station te gaan liggen, net even zuid van de aanloop van Las Palmas. Je vraagt je af wat toeristen daar komen zoeken, want zon hebben wij er in een dikke anderhalve week niet gezien, ook geen joppen trouwens, en was het welkom toen we gisteren vaar orders kregen. Gisteren middag om 16:30 anker op, en inmiddels al weer een dikke dag onderweg naar Galveston waar we tegen een economische speed de vierde februari hopen aan te komen. In Galveston/Houston ligt de Stolt Spirit te wachten, een chemicalien tanker die nog niet zo lang geleden blijkbaar onherstelbare schade op liep na een brand aan boord, en is het de bedoeling dat hij achter de Rotterdam naar Alang India gaat om aldaar op het wel bekende strand gesloopt te worden. Al met al een flinke reis in het vooruitzicht rond Kaap de goede hoop, en hebben we er weer zin in, vooral ook omdat het een dag na Las Palmas ineens zomer lijkt te worden, hetgeen best welkom is, en het toestaat om buiten weer aan de gang te gaan. Veel meer is er momenteel niet te melden, maar kom ik wel weer in de lucht wanneer dat de moeite loont. Allemaal de beste wensen hier vandaan, en tot mails. (Bron: Kapitien SmitWijs Rotterdam) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 4 dd. 24 Januari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Triton De Italiaanse sleepboot Triton (Tripcovich) is in 2003 verkocht aan Brodogradiliste 'Uljanik', scheepswerf te Pula (Kroatië). Nieuwe naam Uljanik Triton. (Bron: Jaap Bijl) Cie. Ligerienne Cie. Ligerienne de Transport uit Nantes heeft begin 2004 de duwboot Val d'Anjou (ex. Lyon, 1961 door De Biesbosch gebouwd (397)) in Val d'Europe hernoemd. Eerst werd deze naam toegewezen aan een nieuw duwboot die in Bretagne voor de Ligerienne in aanbouw is en dit voorjaar zal worden afgeleverd, maar deze krijgt nu de naam Val d'Armor. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) Duinkerken De Intrepide (ex. Pyrrhos-03) gaat als ze binnenkort in Duinkerken in dienst wordt gesteld niet alleen de Puissant vervangen maar ook de brandblusboot Sergent Decrocq van de duinkerkse brandweer. Tot nu waren de Puissant en de Sergent Decrocq samen met de brandveiligheid van de haven van Duinkerken belast, doch de Intrepide heeft een brandbluscapciteit die met 1300m3 per uur net zo groot is als die van de Sergent Decrocq. Door het contract met de brandweer van Duinkerken kan de sleepboot maar beperkt buiten de haven worden ingezet. Als de Intrepide een dokbeurt ondergaat moet 'Les Abeilles' een brandblussleepboot uit een ander haven laten komen. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) Wie, Wat, Weet er meer van? Dat de voormalige Lady Laura Lowestoft als Varius heeft verlaten zou bekent zijn. Doch is zij ook door Harms zo in de vaart genomen. Op de website van Harms staat de nieuwste aanwinst van Harms als PRIMUS vermeld. Wie kan hier duidelijkheid in brengen????? ( (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) Kwintebank Kwintebank 7422336, 1-3-1976 officiële proefvaart en opgeleverd aan Nieuwe Rotterdamse Sleepdienst, Rotterdam B.V., 17-12-2003 O.R. van Smit Harbour Towage Rotterdam B.V. ontving adviesaanvraag m.b.t. verkoop, planning was 1-2004 overdracht en vertrek naar Finland, 18-12-2003 maakte Alfons Håkans Oy Ab, Turku/Åbo bekend de sleepboot te hebben overgenomen van Smit, gaat werken in het zuiden van Finland en wordt gestationeerd te Helsinki, 12-2003 naar Maassluis, 21-2004 in de vaart wegens reparatie van de VARNEBANK, 1-2004 naar Scheepswerf Niehuis & van den Berg B.V. voor reparatie en overdracht, 22-1-2004 vertrokken naar Finland als Helios. (Bron Teun van der Zee) Wyke Castle SMS Towage Ltd. te Hull heeft de Pullman (ex. Kiso Maru-03) verkocht aan Portland Towage Ltd. De nieuwe naam is Wyke Castle. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) Thunderer Cia. Maritima Mexicana heeft de Marmex VII (ex. Drive Mar-98, ex. Keverne-96, ex. Groenland-90) verkocht aan Coloured Fin Ltd. te Port of Spain, Trinidad. De sleepboot is eerder deze week in Trinidad gearriveerd. De intentie is de nieuwe aanwinst de naam Thunderer te geven. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) Noorwegen Noorse eigenaren hebben eind 2003 twee sleepboten aan buitenlandse reders verkocht. De Mega Mammut (ex. Sterkodder-80) is verkocht aan Jerry Stewart op Antigua en de Boa Chief (ex. Eide Chief-93, ex. Jomi-90, ex. Uller-72, ex. Topdalsfjord II- ?) is aan onbekende eigenaren verkocht en ze vaart nu als Ocean Chief onder de vlag van Cyprus. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Bever, 197/95 – tug. Has been renamed Smit Bever by Maashelper B.V. – Netherlands Mearsk Logger 2311/87 – offshore tug/supply. By A/S D/S Svendborg & D/S af 1912 A/S Denmark (DIS) to Klyne Tugs (Lowestoft) Ltd., Barbados and renamed Anglian Earl Goliath, 597/77 – tug. Owners – Delta Towing LLC, Mexico and transferred to USA Registery. James Surveyor, 2356/75 – tug Owners – D & J Towing Inc, Belize Master Ray, 652/79 – offshore supply. Owners – Sea Transport (Honduras) Corp., Honduras Miss Chloe, 331/71 – tug. Owners – D & J Towing Inc. USA Bergslep, 112/00 – tug has been renamed Shrove (Gbr) fot service at Londonderry. Butegarth, 182/92 – tug was renamed Vega I (Est) prior to 19/5/2003 Conservator, 52/76 – tug has been renamed Trojan (GBR) Eerland 19, 1957 – tug has been renamed Corrie (Dnk) Mjorner, 196/74 – tug was renamed Odin I (Est) prior to 19/5/2003 Shinano Maru 194/84 – tug arrived at hull as Serviceman on 31/10/2003 Smit Langkawi 1294/73 was renamed Masindra Langkawi (Mys) prior to 23/4/2003 (Bron: Marine News\WSS) Wijsmuller Offshore Ltd. The tugs Seri Kenangan 801 and Seri Mutaira 803 completed the charter with Shell in Brunei and became now a part of Wijsmuller Offshore Ltd. The tugs are renamed Celeste and Cecile. The Seri Purnama 802 is still under charter and did not complete her charter yet. The tug Albatos III is renamed Albatros and became a unit with Wijsmuller Offshore Ltd. The tug Aplha Viking, which operates for Indowise Shipping Ltd/PT Aquaria Shipping in Jakarta, Indonesia is renamed Aquaria Kalimantan. Another addition to the fleet is the tug Maya, which was original named Asma Crystal of Asme Marine. (Bron: Shipping News) Speer Blocks Channel, Soo Shipping at a Standstill 01/20 Ice has locked the St. Marys River down right. Downbound traffic was at a standstill Monday. Edgar B Speer has not moved after two days of battling ice in the lower river at the Rock Cut, which in turn has stopped all traffic. The U.S. Coast Guard cutters Mackinaw and Katmai Bay have been working, trying to get the 1,000-footer moving. A special tow rope was attached to Mackinaw, but the ice held its winter grip. The two icebreakers have stopped for the nite and will resume in the morning. Behind the Speer are 10 downbounders hove to and anchored in the lower and upper river. Downbound traffic consists of Edgar B. Speer, Arthur M. Anderson, Stewart J. Cort, CSL Laurentien, Presque Isle, Philip R. Clarke, Joseph H Thompson Jr., Canadian Transfer, Canadian Progress, Roger Blough and James R Barker. There were two upbounds in the system Monday: Kaye E. Barker and Edwin H. Gott. The Barker was stuck twice in the lower river needing icebreaker assistance and a third time in the upper river. Although she was able to break out, she was reported stuck again at 10:15 p.m. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Doden na kapseizen schip in Noorse wateren (Rocknes – 01) OSLO - Voor de Noorse kust bij Bergen is maandagmiddag (19/01/04) het 166 meter lange vrachtschip Rocknes gekapseisd. Aan boord van schip bevonden zich ten tijde van het ongeluk 29 opvarenden onder wie drie Nederlanders. De drie hebben het ongeluk overleefd. Dat heeft het ziekenhuis waar de drie naar toe zijn overgebracht maandagavond bekendgemaakt, aldus het Noorse persbureau NTB. Twee opvarenden, van wie de identiteit nog niet is vrijgegeven, zouden het ongeluk in ieder geval niet hebben overleefd. Zeker negen anderen zouden uit het water zijn opgepikt en naar een ziekenhuis overgebracht, aldus een zegsman van de reddingsbrigade. Een van hen zou in kritieke toestand verkeren. Achttien personen worden nog vermist. Naast de drie Nederlanders bevonden zich 23 Filipijnen, twee Noren en een Duitser aan boord. De Noorse kustwacht heeft vier helikopters ingezet voor de reddingsoperatie, zo berichtten verscheidene Noorse media. Ook diverse schepen nemen deel aan de reddingswerkzaamheden. Duikers en mensen met snijbranders proberen bemanningsleden die in het schip gevangen zouden zitten te bevrijden, aldus de Noorse krant Aftenposten op haar internetpagina. Infraroodcamera Vanuit de romp van het schip hoorden maandag reddingswerkers duidelijk klopgeluiden. Om ingesloten bemanningsleden zo snel mogelijk te kunnen bevrijden, hebben de autoriteiten het scheepswrak naar ondiep water laten slepen en aan de grond gezet. Een torpedoboot van de Noorse marine speurde ondertussen tevergeefs met een infraroodcamera de wateren af op zoek naar overlevenden. Een team van duikers en experts van de Rotterdamse bergingsmaatschappij Smit is maandagavond afgereisd naar Noorwegen. Duikers zullen allereerst zoeken naar opvarenden, J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie waarna de berging van het schip kan beginnen. Een woordvoerder verwacht dat het team 's avonds nog aankomt. Het ongeval zou zich hebben voorgedaan tussen vier uur en half vijf 's middags niet ver van Bergen. Ooggetuigen zagen korte tijd later vanaf de wal dat het schip ondersteboven lag. Eigenaar van het schip dat stenen vervoerde voor off-shore werkzaamheden, is rederij Jebsen Management AS uit het Noorse Bergen. (Bron: De Smit Orca vertrekt vannacht (20/01/04) met pomp en bergingsmateriaal uit de Waalhaven naar Bergen Bergen - Het Noorse vrachtschip Rocknes, dat maandagmiddag in een fjord bij Bergen is gekapseisd, is vermoedelijk uit koers geraakt waarna ballasttanks van het schip zijn opengereten door rotsen. Enkele van de geredde opvarenden hebben dat verklaard. Hun lezing bevestigd door de duidelijk waarneembare averij aan de onderzijde van het schip. Voor de Noorse televisie NRK hebben loodsen verteld dat het schip in de sterke stromingen voor de kust van Bergen moeilijk te besturen was als het zwaar was geladen. Volgens de loods Alf Ove Austevold was wellicht het roer te klein voor de boot. Directeur A. Jebsen van rederij Jebsen heeft het ongeval 'onbegrijpelijk' genoemd. Vanuit Maassluis is gisteravond het bergingsschip Smit Orca van bergingsbedrijf Smit Salvage naar Bergen vertrokken. Het schip is geladen met apparatuur waarmee de bergers de olie uit de ranks van de Rocknes willen gaan pompen. Smit heeft sinds maandagavond al een ploeg van vijf bergers op de plaats van het ongeval. De duikers hebben nog maar weinig kunnen doen. Het is zeer gevaarlijk om het onderste boven drijvende schip binnen te gaan. ,,De Rocknes is nog altijd zeer instabiel en kan elk moment zinken,'' zegt een woordvoerder van Smit. ,,Er staat op de plaats waar het schip nu ligt een sterke stroming. In het schip is het aarde donker en er drijft van alles rond. De bergers hopen vandaag de Rocknes te stabiliseren. Al sinds gisteren wordt daarvoor lucht in het schip gepompt. Als het stabiliseren is gelukt wordt het schip naar een rustige plek gesleept. Daar willen de bergers dan eerst de olie uit de tanks van het schip pompen. In die tank zit naar schatting 450 ton olie. Of de Rocknes nog rechtop kan worden gezet en hoe dat moet gebeuren is nog niet bekend. Er is geen hoop meer dat zich in het schip nog overlevende bevinden. Volgens de woordvoerder van Smit is het schip bijna geheel gevuld met ijskoud water. Er worden nog vijftien opvarende vermist, waaronder de Noorse kapitein Jan A. Juvik, één van de meest ervaren kapiteins van rederij Jebsens. Maandagavond al waren lichamen van twee van de in totaal dertig opvarende geborgen. Gisteren is op enkele kilometers afstand van de rampplek een derde slachtoffer aangetroffen. Drie medewerkers van het Gorinchemse baggerbedrijf Van Oord, die aan boord van de Rocknes bezig waren met voorbereiding voor een komende klus waarbij het schip zou worden ingezet, hebben de ramp overleefd. Het trio, M. B. G. Schirman, H. A. Beurs en O. F. Schot, is gistermiddag uit het ziekenhuis ontslagen. Zij zijn in en hotel in Bergen opgevangen door een team van Van Oord. Naast de Noorse kapitein en een Duitse opvarende hebben de slachtoffers de Filippijnse nationaliteit. ,,Het zijn mensen die al heel lang voor deze rederij varen,'' zegt een woordvoerder van Van Oord. ,,Omdat wij regelmatig de Rocknes inhuren kennen wij deze mensen ook goed. Het zijn collega's. Het verlies wordt gevoeld. De Rocknes is een combinatie van een bulkcarrier en een zogenoemd valpijpschip. Via een lange flexibele slurf kan het pijpleidingen op de bodem van de zee afdekken met stenen. Het 166 meter lange schip was maandag vanuit de haven van Skålevik bij Bergen in Noorwegen op weg naar Emden in Duitsland met aan boord 25.000 ton stenen. Vlakbij het eiland Bjørøy, ten zuidwesten van Bergen, is de Rocknes in problemen geraakt. Jebsen is een zeer vooraanstaande rederij in de bulkvaart. De in 2001 in Duitsland gebouwde bulkcarrier is enkele maanden geleden aangepast zodat het ook omvangrijke offshore-werkzaamheden kan uitvoeren. De Rocknes voer onder de vlag van Antigua & Barbuda. (Bron: Rotterdams Dagblad\LK) Smit bergt gezonken cruiseschip Bremerhaven 19/01/04 ROTTERDAM (ANP) - Bergingsmaatschappij Smit Salvage gaat het cruiseschip Pride of America bergen dat in de nacht van dinsdag op woensdag (13/14 01-2004) gedeeltelijk zonk in Bremerhaven in Duitsland. Dat meldde vrijdag Smit Salvage. Het schip maakte tijdens de hevige storm in Duitsland water, nadat het als gevolg van harde wind en hoge golfslag tegen een pier was geslagen. Daarbij raakten drie arbeiders gewond. Het schip was nog in aanbouw. Smit Salvage wil de Pride of America de komende twee weken dichtlassen en leegpompen. ,,We hopen dat het schip daarna als een dobber weer overeind komt”, aldus een woordvoerder. De Pride of America was bijna 300 meter lang en had aan boord plek voor meer dan 2200 passagiers. (Bron: Waterland\LK) Berging gifcontainers vandaag hervat De berging van de drie containers met het houtverduurzamingsmiddel arseenpentoxide is vandaag hervat. Het motorschip Andinet verloor de drie containers en 63 losse vaten tijdens een storm op 21 december 2003 ten noorden van Texel. Twee containers zitten aan elkaar vast en de derde container ligt 900 meter verderop. De marine heeft gisteren al de zoektocht naar de losse vaten hervat. Voor de berging wordt boven de twee gezonken containers een ponton verankerd. Vanaf het ponton gaat een onderwaterrobot de twee containers inspecteren. Duikers maken vervolgens de containers van elkaar J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie los en maken de scheur in één van de containers dicht. Daarna worden de containers rechtop gezet en met hijsstroppen één voor één geborgen. De container wordt neergezet op het achterdek van de Multraship Commander waar twee waterdichte bakken staan opgesteld. Daarna wordt het ponton naar de positie van de derde container verplaatst en beginnen de voorbereidingen opnieuw. Alle onderwaterwerkzaamheden en de berging van de containers vereisen goede weersomstandigheden. De golfhoogte moet bijvoorbeeld gering zijn, maximaal anderhalve meter, om de bewegingen van het ponton tot een minimum te beperken. (Bron: Min.V&W\LK) Inmiddels is bekent dat er één (1) container is geborgen. Louisiana Company Orders OSV L&M Bo-Truc Rental of Golden Meadow Louisiana have placed an order with Bollinger Shipyards for two off-shore supply vessels. In the half century since Minor Cheramie founded the company it has grown to be one of the largest privately held supply boat companies with 16 vessels from 166 to 235 feet operating in the Gulf of Mexico. Now operated by the second generation of the Cheramie family, the firm’s capabilities will be significantly enhanced by the new vessels. At 191 feet in length with a 46-foot beam the vessels will have a molded depth of 15 feet. Each vessel will have a pair of Cummins KTA50 main engines rated for 1600 HP continuous duty at 1800 RPM. Gears will turn an 84x67-inch propeller through a Twin Disc MG 56 Series 6.4:1. Each boat’s Cummins power package includes two 6CTA8 3G 165Kw generator sets, one KTA19, 640 HP bow thruster engine, two N14, 440 HP mud pumps and a single 6BT, 76 Kw emergency generator set. The first engines will deliver to the shipyard in February 2004. The first OSVs, to be named Cheramie Botruc#38, is scheduled for delivery to the owners in August of 2004 with the second, Cheramie Botruc#39, to follow in two months. The DP1 and SOLAS certified vessels will be assigned to the supply and service of drilling rigs across the Gulf of Mexico. 1/20/04 Tug Reliance Called in to Help Free Stuck Speer 01/21 The Edgar B. Speer remains frozen fast in the ice at the Rock Cut where she has been for three days. The Purvis tug Reliance from Sault, Ont., was called in on Tuesday, and reports late Tuesday indicate the tug Joseph H. Thompson Jr. may be enroute to the scene to assist as well. Thompson left her barge at the Carbide Dock in the Sault Tuesday and proceeded downriver solo. Attempts the day before by the USCG icebreaker Mackinaw to tow the Speer through the ice were unsuccessful. Behind the Speer, a fleet of 10 downbound vessels wait to continue their trips to the lower lakes and winter lay-up. Other stopped vessels included Arthur M. Anderson, Stewart J. Cort, CSL Laurentien, Presque Isle, Philip R. Clarke, Joseph H Thompson Jr., Canadian Transfer, Canadian Progress, Roger Blough and James R Barker.According to a story Tuesday in the Sault Evening News, the Speer's officers reported a huge mass of ice effectively "welded" to the Speer's hull above water. Below water, Coast Guard officials suspect the ship was also lodged on a frozen mount of ice attached to the channel bottom.In addition to the Speer's predicament, the heavy ice jamming the Rock Cut is preventing the ferry Neebish Islander II from making her regular run across the channel. Coast Guard officials were reportedly considering diverting the downbound vessels behind Speer around Neebish Island via the normal upbound channel to the east of Neebish Island, however at least two of the downbound vessels were loaded too deep for the shallow upbound route. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Ice Blockade Ends With Release of Speer 01/22 After three days of Herculean effort, the 1,000-footer Edgar B. Speer was finally freed from the ice at the Rock Cut Wednesday afternoon, thanks to the help of the tugs Reliance, Joyce L. VanEnkevort, Missouri and Joseph H. Thompson Jr.That was welcome news for a flotilla of nine downbound vessels waiting behind the Speer. Stopped vessels included Arthur M. Anderson, Stewart J. Cort, CSL Laurentien, Presque Isle, Philip R. Clarke, Joseph H Thompson, Canadian Transfer, Canadian Progress and James R Barker, all of which immediately resumed their delayed trips to the lower lakes Wednesday afternoon. The Speer became lodged in the ice Sunday, wedged into the narrow channel that runs between Neebish Island and the mainland, about 15 miles downstream from the Soo Locks. Previous efforts - including towing the Speer through the ice - by the USCS icebreaker Mackinaw - were unsuccessful Monday and Tuesday. In was not clear from reports whether the loaded Speer was hung up on a mass of ice on the channel bottom, another large ice mass alongside, or both. Heavily loaded vessels leave very little clearance between the bottom of the ship and channel bottom.The Rock Cut is a narrow, man-made channel that carries downbound vessels past the west side of Neebish Island (upbound vessels use the Middle Neebish channel on the island's east side). The Rock Cut can easily fill to the bottom with broken ice, a problem that worsens with each passing vessel. While the tugs were working on the Speer, the icebreakers Mackinaw and Biscayne Bay were working the upbound track in order to ease the passage of the downbound vessels. In order to help the Speer, the tug Joseph H. Thompson Jr. dropped its barge, Joseph H. Thompson, at the Sault's J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Carbide Dock and headed downriver Tuesday night. Joyce L. VanEnkevort left its barge, Great Lakes Trader, at anchor near Watson's Reef. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Ex-Roger Stahl Busy at Key West 01/21 The tug Capt. Diane was spotted in Key West, FL on January 12. Now owned by Florida Keys Harbor Services. The tug was better known on the lakes as the Roger Stahl. The Capt. Diane keeps busy in the Keys assisting cruise ships and has already done two salvage and rescue jobs in the area. The trip from Detroit to the Keys took a total of 38 days last year. Only 19 days were actual sailing days due to weather delays. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Rocknes (02) Donderdag 22 Januari 2004 Duikers nog niet in wrak van Rocknes Bergen/Rotterdam - Duikers van het Rotterdamse bergingsbedrijf Smit hebben gisteren geen kans gezien lichamen van de slachtoffers van de ramp met het vrachtschip Rocknes te bergen. Ook gisteren bleek het te risicovol om het ondersteboven drijvende schip binnen te gaan. De stabiliteit van de Rocknes laat nog steeds te wensen over en de aangewakkerde wind, maakte de situatie er niet veiliger op. Daarnaast willen de Noorse autoriteiten dat eerst het wegstromen van olie uit het wrak stopt. De uit het wrak stromende olie is inmiddels tien mijl ten noorden van de plaats van de ramp waargenomen. In de haven bij de binnenstad van Bergen is nog geen olie gevonden. Het geofysisch instituut van de universiteit van Bergen heeft bekendgemaakt ten tijde van de ramp drie sterke bodemtrillingen te hebben waargenomen. Experts stellen dat die trillingen alleen kunnen zijn veroorzaakt door contact tussen de Rocknes en de rotskust in de fjord waar het ongeluk heeft plaatsgevonden. Twee minuten na de derde waarneming kwamen de eerste noodsignalen van de Rocknes. De Rocknes is maandagmiddag gekapseisd. Twaalf van de dertig opvarenden, waaronder drie Nederlanders, hebben het ongeluk overleefd. Er zijn inmiddels vier lichamen van slachtoffers geborgen. Aangenomen wordt dat de lichamen van de overige veertien opvarende zich nog in het wrak bevinden. De Noorse rechtbank hoort komende maandag in een open zitting enkele getuigen van de ramp met de Rocknes. (Bron: Rotterdams Dagblad\LK) Rocknes (03) Earthquake' measurement was "Rocknes" impact Instruments at the Geophysical Institute at Bergen University reveal three powerful measurements in the area where the Rocknes capsized, just before the ship overturned. Experts can see no other explanation for the readings other than the ship striking bottom, newspaper Bergens Tidende reports. "The readings are consistent with the boat scraping along the mountain edge first. Afterwards we have the first, powerful impacts," Institute professor Jens Havskov told the newspaper. The readings at four measuring stations in the area show a minor impact followed by a larger one. Finally a powerful blow is registered, and two minutes later the first emergency messages came from the Rocknes. Havskov said that the Institute's measurements have no other likely explanation, the only alternative being a series of powerful explosions in a 50-second time-span within a kilometer of the capsizing. On Thursday afternoon police sergeant Harald Andersen in Laksevag confirmed that there were signs that the sea bottom had been disturbed, but hesitated to draw any conclusions. Newspaper VG reported that maps dated before 2003 do not indicate a newly discovered shallow only nine meters deep in the narrow sound. The Rocknes extended ten meters beneath the water surface. Twelve of the 30 men on board survived the rapid capsizing of the ship. Three were found dead, and a fourth victim was found on Thursday afternoon. The remaining 14 are still missing. (Bron: Aftenposten\LK) Vrachtschip kapseist in Middellandse Zee 23 januari 2004 ATHENE - In de Middellandse Zee, tussen Kreta en Malta, is vrijdag tijdens slecht weer een vrachtschip met beton gekapseisd. De zeventien bemanningsleden van de Khepi worden vermist, meldde het Griekse persbureau ANA. De bemanning, zestien Egyptenaren en een Griek, zond vlak na middernacht noodsignalen uit, toen een van de ruimen water maakte. De Khepi, dat onder de vlag van de Comoren voer en een Griekse eigenaar heeft, was onderweg van de Turkse stad Istanbul naar een bestemming in West-Afrika. (Bron: ANP\LK) Hoge woorden met bergers VLISSINGEN - De wrakkenruimers hebben hun best gedaan. Wanneer Piet van der Vlies volgende week donderdag afscheid neemt als projectleider wrakopruiming Westerschelde van Rijkswaterstaat zit de verwijdering van obstakels uit de vaargeul en noodankergebieden erop. Dat wil zeggen: het ongerief dat in het kader van de in 1997 en 1998 uitgevoerde verdieping moest worden weggehaald. Dat deze klus is geklaard, betekent niet dat de Westerschelde nu volkomen vrij van hindernissen is. Van der Vlies: "De rivier ligt nog bezaaid met scheepsresten, steenhopen, ankers, kettingen, containers, ankerstenen van boeien en dergelijke. Veel van die obstakels kunnen rustig blijven liggen, omdat ze geen hinder of gevaar opleveren voor de scheepvaart. Maar als er weer een nieuwe J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie verdieping wordt uitgevoerd, zal het ongetwijfeld ook noodzakelijk zijn met opruimingswerkzaamheden aan de gang te gaan." Behalve projectleider wrakopruiming was Van der Vlies (1938) coördinator scheepscalamiteiten. In die laatste functie heeft hij eraan bijgedragen dat er in elk geval geen nieuwe belemmeringen voor de scheepvaart zijn bijgekomen. Van der Vlies heeft er twintig jaar als coördinator scheepscalamiteiten opzitten. In die tijd heeft hij met 163 ernstige incidenten te maken gehad. Van gezonken jachten tot scheepvaartongelukken, waarbij zeeschepen in brand raakten of zware averij opliepen. Voorbeelden: de geramde Contract Voyager in 1985, de brandende Olympic Dream in 1987, de Aya in 1993, de Aya II en de Pioner Onegi in 1994. Bij wijze van toegift kreeg Van der Vlies er afgelopen zomer kort voor zijn pensioen nog twee aanvaringen in het Nauw van Bath bij. "Het heeft wel iets jongensboekachtigs wanneer je aan boord van zo'n schip gaat, terwijl de bemanning persoonlijke bezittingen bij elkaar graait om zo snel mogelijk te kunnen vertrekken. De Contract Voyager maakte dertig graden slagzij. De containers ploften als bommen in het water. Bij de Aya II moesten we er rekening mee houden dat het schip elk moment kon kapseizen. Ik heb toen helikopters besteld om eventueel de bergers en de rest van de bemanning van boord te kunnen laten halen." Toch heeft Van der Vlies zich in dat soort situaties nooit ongemakkelijk gevoeld. "Als een berger niet zenuwachtig wordt, hoef je dat zelf ook niet te zijn." Bewondering Van der Vlies heeft bewondering voor de inzet van de bergingsbedrijven die in de Zeeuwse wateren actief zijn. "Natuurlijk spelen ook financiële belangen een rol, maar die bergers gaan toch maar mooi aan boord van een aangevaren schip op een moment dat nog geen duidelijkheid bestaat over de ernst van de schade en de aard van de lading. Omdat ze er zo snel bij zijn kunnen ze vaak net die maatregelen treffen die erger kunnen voorkomen." Twee keer per jaar ging Van der Vlies bij de bergingsbedrijven op bezoek om de contacten goed te houden. Dat kon toch niet voorkomen dat af en toe bittere woorden vielen wanneer Rijkswaterstaat de berging van een onder de wrakkenwet geplaatst schip niet aan het bedrijf gunde dat er als eerste bij was, maar aan een ander dat voor een lagere prijs had ingeschreven. Die situatie deed zich voor bij de Pioner Onegi. Sleepboten van Union konden op het nippertje voorkomen dat het zwaar beschadigde schip zonk, maar Rijkswaterstaat gaf de bergingsopdracht aan de combinatie Wijsmuller/Multraship. Soms liep het ook hoog op wanneer Van der Vlies hoge financiële garanties eiste wanneer een beschadigd of zeer slecht onderhouden schip zich in de Nederlandse wateren wilde verplaatsen. "Je hebt dan te maken met risico's voor de infrastructuur en voor het milieu. Scheldepoort en reparatiewerven in Antwerpen waren wel eens woedend wanneer ik voor de verplaatsing van zo'n schip een flinke borg vroeg. Ze verweten me dat ik hen het brood uit de mond stootte. Daar heb ik altijd heel laconiek op gereageerd. Waarom moet Rijkswaterstaat alle risico's nemen, vroeg ik dan. Daar zijn banken en verzekeraars toch voor." (Bron:PZC\LK door Ben Jansen) ITS Back in the U.S. The trade fair element of the eighteenth International Tug & Salvage Convention & Exhibition, (ITS) being held at the Bal Harbour Beach Resort in Miami from 26th-30th April 2004, will be dominated by propulsion and associated machinery manufacturers and tug building yards. Returning to the US for the first time since 1996, the ITS 2004 Convention will include 27 papers and a Salvage Forum - covering a broader than ever range of important industry issues. Topics to be discussed by the world’s leading experts include bollard pull determination, the Prestige incident and its ramifications, maritime security, underwater oil recovery, ports of refuge, tackling hazardous and noxious substances, tug construction in China, innovative tug designs, operational concerns and ATBs. Caterpillar, as befits the primary event sponsor, is to be located right by the main entrance to the exhibition hall but not far away will be Cummins, Deutz, Karl Senner, Nautican, Niigata, Rice Propellers, Rolls-Royce, Schottel, Thrustmaster, Twin Disc, Voith, Wärtsilä, and ZF Marine. These propulsion specialists will be joined by a number of engine room associated equipment manufacturers including Fernstrum, Kobelt, Bloksma, Kobelco and Duramax. In spite of the Jones Act, US tug builders Bender, VT Halter and Washburn & Doughty will be outnumbered by overseas yards including Armon and Zamakona, two of Spain’s leading yards, Chile’s Detroit Shipyard, Damen and Kooren from the Netherlands, Irving from Canada and Turkey’s Sanmar Limited. Organiser Allan Brunton-Reed comments: “This invasion by foreign yards reflects the truly international spread of ITS 2004 delegates and, furthermore, the trend for Gulf oil operation service bases to be located outside US borders, thus avoiding Jones Act restrictions.” Participants are already registered from over 30 countries and more are known to in the pipeline There are Conference presentations on fire-fighting and this probably reflects the good show turnout by companies in this field: Fischcon, Kumera, Aker Kvaerner, Fire Fighting Systems and Stang Counterfire. Two of North America’s leading naval architects, Robert Allan Ltd and Jensen Maritime Consultants have both booked space and in this connection Brunton-Reed says: “I always allocate some free Conference delegate places to students taking their first steps in the industry.” Application should be made as soon as possible. 1/22/04 J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 5 dd. 01 Februari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Zoekprobleem Lady Laura opgelost Harms heeft de Lady Laura aangekocht en hernoemd Varius, zij is voor de feestdagen vertrokken uit Lowestoft naar Hamburg. Zij zal worden ingezet voor sleepreizen en rigmoves. Een rigmove is inmiddels uitgevoerd samen met Granit. Momenteel is zij contractueel gekoppeld aan de Smitbarge 1. De Primus is een nieuwbouw project. Harms is in onderhandeling geweest met Damen Shipyards Gorichem, K. Damen Hardinxveld en een Duitse werf. Maar i.v.m. de moeilijke financiele constructie (garanties aan werf) schijnt nu recent de opdracht tot bouw van deze boot gegaan te zijn naar Müzefeld Werft. Oplevering ergens in 2005. (Bron: Rob v.d. Hoek) Camperduin ruil De Camperduin van Thijs Viegers wordt verkocht aan Damen Marine Service en herdoopt in DMS Condor. De nieuwe Camperduin, welke momenteel in de nieuwbouwhall bij Damen Shipyard te Gorinchem wordt afgebouwd onder nr. 1555 is een shoalbuster en zal worden opgeleverd in April 2004. Serwal 3 Uit Polen is het nieuws gekomen dat de Multratug 14 (ex. Petronella J. Goedkoop-03) Serwal 3 is herdoopt. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Oceanos De Oceanos zal bij Internacional Tug S. A. de Apolo (ex. Dalmar Energy-93, ex. Zamtug III etc.) vervangen. De Apolo zal door Damen aan derden verkocht zijn, vermoedelijk ook in Zuid Amerika. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) DOF and BOA form new company District Offshore (DOF) ASA has entered into a contract with Boa Offshore AS/Taubatkompaniet AS to form a new company, to be named DOF BOA AS, reports Seabrokers. Both companies will own 50 per cent of the new company, which has purchased both the AHTS VS480 Boa Hercules and VS480 BOA Giant. The two anchor handlers were built in 2002 and have traded both successfully in and out with the North Sea in the past. Torm Heron Aground Friday morning 23/01/2004 just after 11.00 a.m. Humber Coastguard was informed by Vessel Traffic Services at Humber Control that the 2900 ton tug Torm Heron was stranded on a mud bank and listing at up to 30 degrees. On the falling tide with 14 people on board including a pilot, just of Immingham. She was carring 440 tonnes of bunker fuel. But there was no apparent sign of any pollution in the water, or damage to the vessel, however the vessel later settled back to a 15 degree list. Humber Coastguard immediately requested the launch of the Humber lifeboat and the Cleethorpes inshore lifeboat whilst VTS maintained a watch on the vessel via their remote camera. The pilot vessel also proceeded to the scene as did the tug Tradesman who stood by and offered to take any non essential crew off the Torm Heron. Eight non essential crew were taken off by the Tradesman and landed onto nearby jack up rig. A rescue helicopter was also scrambled; however this was stood down when no one was required to be immediately lifted off the vessel. The vessel was refloated at 15.00 hrs on the sameafternoon by 3 chartered tugs, the crew was put back on and than stood by with the Serviceman, whilst big sister the Moira, pulled her off. She went to anchor, and went into Alex dock, probably MMS drydock 2 Injured after tug/barge collision The Coast Guard, along with numerous agencies responded to the Cheaspeake Bay Bridge Tunnel just before 5 p.m. after a tug and barge collided with a section of the southernmost bridge, injuring two people and toppling a crane. The injured crewmembers were rescued from the tug Captain Ed and taken on board the USS Tempest, a Navy 170-foot coastal patrol boat, and later transferred to EMS personnel on shore. Their conditions are unknown. A Coast Guard rescue boat and helicopter, a Virginia Beach Fire Department fireboat, the CBBT, and the Maryland and Virgina Pilots all are assisting in securing the water and roadway where the collision occurred. The collision occurred on J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie NR. 2 the bayside of the bridge just south of the southern island. The extent of damage to the bridge is unknown. The cause of incident is under investigation. Ongeval aan boord van de sleepboot Boxer. Op vrijdag 23 januari jl. omstreeks 16:15 uur hebben stuurman Jeroen de Knegt en matrozen Alex Mira en Samson Pangan van de M/T Boxer zware verwondingen opgelopen. De Boxer was onder charter van BP en had de opdracht het Noble Drilling rig “Noble Lynda Bossler” naast het platform BP P15- Echo te positioneren. Het incident deed zich voor nadat de Boxer zijn sleepdraad aan het platform had vastgemaakt en deze sleepdraad liet uitvieren. De sleepdraad, die onder spanning stond, kwam vrij van de ‘towing pins’ en zwiepte over het achterdek. De drie bemanningsleden die zich nog aan dek bevonden, werden door de sleepdraad tegen de verschansing gekatapulteerd. De drie bemanningsleden werden onmiddellijk per helikopter geëvacueerd naar een ziekenhuis in Rotterdam. Zij zijn buiten levensgevaar. De dokters verwachten dat zij volledig zullen herstellen. • De operaties werden onmiddellijk stopgezet. • De slachtoffers werden per helikopter naar een ziekenhuis in Rotterdam overgevlogen. • De lokale Nederlandse BP-noodwerkgroep is samengekomen om assistentie te bieden aan boord van de Noble Lynda Bossler. • Het URS SHE-Q-departement is samen met het BP onderzoeksteam aan de slag gegaan om de oorzaken van dit ongeval te bepalen en te onderzoeken. De directie heeft vrijwel onmiddellijk na het ongeval contact gezocht met de familie van de slachtoffers en tracht hen op alle mogelijke manieren bij te staan. (Bron: URS) Powerful, First of Class Damen Tug Delivered 1/28/04 The first Damen ASD Tug 3110 was built in 1993: the Citta Della Spezia. Over the past 10 years almost 100 small Damen ASD Tugs of the following types have been built: Damen ASD Tug 2509, 2810, 3110, 3111 and 3211. These are multi-purpose ASD Tugs, designed for working over both the bow and the stern. The recently developed Damen ASD Tug 2411, however, is a real push-pull ASD Tug, designed primarily for working over the bow. This tug is a powerful 4200 kW vessel that develops a bollard pull of around 70,000 kg; full ahead to full astern in a ship’s length, turning around in ten seconds with the speed of a windmill. With the introduction of the Damen ASD Tug 2411, Damen Shipyards has put a new type of port tug on the market: very compact, with an enormous bollard pull. The prototype of this boat (yard number 512201) was built at Damen Shipyards Changde in China for stock and as a demonstration model, but even before delivery the boat was sold to an Australian shipping company and named Barunga. The handover to Adsteam Towage Pty Limited in Bondi Junction, New South Wales, took place on January 23. The Barunga is based in Port Adelaide. The Design “What we need is a small ASD Tug but with the power of the ASD Tug 3111; we had a length of around 22 m in mind. Make some suggestions.” This was more or less the question the Damen Sales team put to the Tugs & Workboats Product Group almost three years ago. It was a new product, at least for Damen. Initial sketches showeda wide, short and low, with a very big approach angle to enable it to creep as far ‘under’ a ship as possible, and with virtually no accommodation and an excellent view all round. The company had long meetings and made many changes. And the boat grew. That’s how it happens with Damen Standard designs – “Wouldn’t it be handy if it could do this too and if there was room for that as well.” It’s always about the customer and what he can use a Standard Damen product for. Damen’s design philosophy is “form follows function”. This is reflected in the ASD Tug 2411. Everything on board is essential and anything that proves not to be will be removed from subsequent models. The design is not the work of one person or one group of people, but it does show where the Damen Tugs & Workboats division now stands as a “tug builder”. The need for a new type of vessel was the result of developments in the market. Competition for port tug work is usually stiff (witness the price wars in some ports) and that led to an increasing demand for vessels that were cheap but had considerable bollard pull. ‘Cheap’ means, for example, low investment cost, minimum crew costs (and therefore the smallest possible crew) and low maintenance costs. Multraship Salvages Toxic Containers 1/29/04 Multraship Salvage has successfully completed an operation to recover three containers loaded with toxic cargo lost overboard in the North Sea from the Ethiopian vessel Andinet. The operation to recover the containers, which were lost twenty miles north of the Dutch coast, off Texel, on December 21, 2003, got under way on January 3 but was interrupted on several occasions by severe weather conditions and was not completed until January 28. The salvage operation was carried out by the J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie sheerlegs Cormorant and the multi-purpose vessel Multraship Commander. The containers were lifted from the seabed by Cormorant and placed in watertight, oversized flats on the aft deck of the Multraship Commander and have now been discharged in Rotterdam for inspection. The cargo consisted of containerised steel drums of wood preservatives known as CCA 72%, the main constituents of which include arsenic pentoxide, chromium trioxide and copper dioxide. Although there has reportedly been some leakage of the toxic cargo into the water, onsite analysis by Rijkswaterstaat, a division of the Dutch ministry of transport with responsibility for pollution prevention, has said that any damage to the environment is likely to be much less than had at one time been feared, not least because the product discharged into the sea was found to have a very low toxic concentration. Leendert Muller, managing director of Multraship, says, "It was a dangerous salvage operation that we were able to complete because we had the right equipment and the right expertise to remove this toxic cargo safely and to take it ashore for proper, supervised disposal. We worked according to the most stringent safety procedures in order to protect our salvage team from possible contamination and to prevent/minimise damage to the environment. We were assisted and advised throughout by experienced chemical experts." Meanwhile, the search goes on for a further 63 single drums of cargo lost from the vessel. The recovery of these drums did not form part of the salvage contract agreed between Multraship and the vessel's P&I club, Steamship Mutual. It is understand that the Dutch naval authorities are continuing the search for the missing drums. * Multraship is a leading independent Dutch towage and salvage company. Run by the Muller family, it draws on more than 85 years of experience. Multraship's core operations include salvage, wreck removal, harbour towage, sea and river towage services to the dredging and offshore industries and support for inland navigation. Multraship operates and manages a fleet of 26 tugs, salvage vessels, floating sheerlegs and other craft equipped with modern towage, salvage and fire-fighting equipment and manned by experienced and highly-trained masters and crew. K-Sea Acquires Integrated Tug Barge Unit K-Sea Transportation Partners L.P. has acquired the 140,000 barrel capacity double-hulled barge S/R New York and the 8,000 horsepower tugboat S/R Everett. This integrated tug barge unit, built in 2000, had been leased by SeaRiver Maritime, Inc., a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation, from a financial institution. The purchase price of $34 million was financed using available cash and $25 million in borrowings under a new term loan. The new equipment will begin working immediately and is expected to be accretive to K-Sea's distributable cash flow. K-Sea has also signed a new multiyear contract with SeaRiver to utilize the unit in Exxon Mobil's petroleum products transportation in the Northeast United States. The barge has been renamed DBL 140 and the tugboat has been renamed Lincoln Sea. The addition of this integrated tug barge represents a 5.8% increase to the current barrelcarrying capacity of the K-Sea fleet. By the end of 2004, after the phase-out of certain single-hulled vessels required by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 and the completion of certain retrofitting projects on other existing vessels, K-Sea's fleet will be approximately 74% double-hulled. "This acquisition is another step in the positioning of K-Sea as a key provider of petroleum products transportation services in the U.S. We are pleased to expand our relationship with Exxon Mobil and to continue to provide safe, reliable, and efficient service to our customers" said Timothy J. Casey, President and CEO of K-Sea. 1/30/04 C.T.L. - IJsselmeer II In 1957 Scheepswerf R. van den Beldt, Oudewetering, were delivering a tug named "IJsselmeer II", In 1967 she became "Hedvig", in 1974 she came to Denmark as "Svend", owners at that time was a construction company using her to tow barges etc.; last owners were Hanstholm Bugserservice A/S, Hanstholm. On the 22nd December 2003 she was assisting the m.ferry "Fjord Norway" which upon departure from Hanstholm for Bergen got a mooring rope into her bow thruster, reducing her manoeuvribility extensively and urgently needed due to a strong gale from NW. Suddenly during the operation the ferry was caught by the wind and pushed towards the tug and the pier, squeezing the tug. Subsequently she was put ashore for inspection and her owners and underwriters have now calculated that the cost of repairs will exceed the tug's actual value, thus being a socalled constructive total loss (CTL); presently investigations are in hand to find buyers to the vessel, it is a.o. assumed that the 650 HP main engine will bring some proceeds (Jacob Fisher). (Bron: Teun v.d. Zee) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 6 dd. 08 Februari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Groenland Marcon International, Inc. of Coupeville, Washington is pleased to report that the Mexican flagged, 7,000ihp, twin screw tug 'Marmex VII' (ex-Drive Mar, ex-Keverne, ex-Groenland) has been sold by Maritima Mexicana S.A. de C.V. to Coloured Fin Ltd. of Trinidad and Tobago. She will be renamed 'Thunderer'. The tug was originally built in 1977 by Jonker & Stans in Holland and is currently classed with Bureau Veritas. The tug measures 135.8' x 34.4 x 17.4' depth with a 14.4' maximum draft. She is powered by two super-charged Alco 12-251F diesel main engines producing 4460 BHP total. The vessel is configured as a conventional twin screw with controllable pitch propellers in kort nozzles and a bow thruster. "Groenland" was one of three sister-tugs, the others being the "Schotland" and "Ijsland", originally for Sleepdienst Willem Muller (Terneuzen Tugboat Co.) which ran into financial difficulties in 1984. At this time, the tugs were sold at auction to the bank which originally financed them. In 1985 they were bought by Goliath Shipping and Trading of Holland and later split up and operated by various companies worldwide. It seems like through the years Marcon has almost always had one of these well-designed sister-tugs listed for sale from one owner or another. 'Thunderer' will work in ship-docking and offshore towing in Trinidad and throughout the Caribbean region. Marcon acted as sole broker in the transaction and has sold other vessels to both Buyer and Seller over the years. To-date this year, Marcon has sold a total of five vessels and barges, including one other tug, plus has sales pending on six additional vessels and barge expected to conclude within the next 45 days. (Bron: Piet Sinke) Rable Tug Rable has been sold by Les Abeilles to Cooperative Du Lamange-Bastia in Corsica. De Rable is nog steeds in Rotterdam en zal waarschijnlijk op de Super Servant 4 naar de Middelandse Zee vervoerd worden. (source Lekko ITES/Les Abeilles) ASD 3110 De eerste van drie ASD 3110 sleepboten voor Kenia voert deze week de technische proefvaart uit in Europoort. De naam is Simba III. (source Lekko ITES/D Shipyards) Afon Alaw De scheepswerf Hepworth te Paull, nabij Hull, zal komend week de Afon Alaw aan Holyhead Towing Co. Ltd. te Beaumaris in Wales overdragen. De Afon Alaw heeft 2xCummins van totaal 2,600 apk waarbij een paaltrek van minimaal 35 t werd bereikt. De afmetingen zijn 25,00m x (9,00m) x 2,40m. Zij is de tweede onder deze naam bij Holyhead Towing. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Griffon Works in Conneaut 02/03 On Monday the Canadian Coast Guard Ship Griffon was battling the ice off Conneaut, Ohio's harbor. The Griffon was working to free the Canadian Olympic which is loaded for Nanticoke but trapped in the ice choked harbor. The Olympic has been stuck in port since Friday night. There has been no word on whether coal loading operations will continue from Conneaut. As of Sunday there were a number of shuttles scheduled between Conneaut and Nanticoke. Monday night the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw arrived in port after the Griffon called for assistance. The Griffon had become stuck in the ice field and the Mackinaw worked to help her break free. The narrow entrance to the harbor can become blocked as wind pushes ice into the break wall opening. As the ice pressure grows the channel can quickly fill as ice is piled on top of it self filling the entrance many feet below the water's surface. These conditions can quickly be reversed if the wind cooperates. Last January the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw became stuck for a short time trying to open the harbor for the Capt. Henry Jackman. The Jackman was trying to enter the port loaded with salt. After spending a day trying to break into the harbor the ice pressure was determined to be too great and the Jackman headed to Detroit to unload. At that time continued winds from the north had packed the entrance with a large ice field and the winds did not abate. (source: J. van der Doe) Amherstburg Activity 02/03 Monday the tug Salvor was upbound on the Detroit River pushing the barge KTC 115. The tug Tony McKay was following and expected to assist with ice breaking on Lake Erie. The tugs and barge J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie were upbound from General Chemical in Amherstburg heading for the Courtright Brine Dock. The Canadian Coast Guard Ship Samuel Risley was docked at Dieppe Park in Windsor after finishing her recovery mission on Lake Erie. She departed early afternoon to head upbound and escort the tugs and barge. Friday evening the McKeil tugs Salvor & Tony McKay docked at General Chemical in Amherstburg with a barge load of brine. The Canadian Coast Guard Ship Griffon returned to the Amherstburg base Friday evening for a very short stay. She departed upbound about two hours later. Tugs Jerry G & Keewatin also arrived Friday night and remain docked at Boblo Island's mainland dock. The Boblo Island ferry, Courtney O continues to run from Amherstburg to the Island. (source: J. van der Doe) Ship-Crane Collision at Newport News, Va., Marine Terminal Damages Crane Feb. 3--NEWPORT NEWS, Va. -- A cargo ship backing out of a pier at the Newport News Marine Terminal on Saturday night crashed into a crane and caused up to $6 million worth of damage, one of the port's worst accidents in recent years. At 10:12 p.m., the Sealand Express, an 820-foot-long U.S.flagged container vessel, was being assisted out of the pier by three tugboats from McAllister Towing. Tyler Moore, a docking pilot from Hampton, was helping that effort. But during the maneuver, the ship got too close to the berth, and the starboard side of the vessel struck a leg of one of the cranes, dragging it 18 feet along the pier, where it hit one of the crane stoppers. There were no reported injuries. Investigators are determining the accident's causes and who and what are to blame, said Joe Dorto, general manager of Virginia International Terminals. If the 28-year-old crane needs to be replaced, he said, it would cost about $6 million. An incident report by the Virginia Port Authority police read that authority officials estimated the damage at more than $1 million, including the crane, a rail that guides the crane and the crane stoppers. "We don't know the full extent of the damage," Dorto said. "We're looking into whether the crane is totaled or can be fixed." The report read that there was no apparent damage to the pier, though divers were searching near the terminal to make sure. The ship didn't stop immediately after the accident but entered the shipping channel and later anchored. It was unclear Monday whether the ship had been ordered anchored by the Coast Guard or anchored on its own, then called the Coast Guard. Jerry Crooks, the Coast Guard's chief of investigations, could not be reached Monday afternoon. Moore, the docking pilot, declined to comment and would not say for which company he worked. William Douglas, a vice president at McAllister Towing, said that Moore did not work for his company and that his tug operators were not to blame for the accident. It wasn't the first recent mishap for the Sealand Express, a vessel owned by Maersk Sealand's sister company, Maersk Ltd. Last summer, the ship ran aground near Cape Town, South Africa, and had to wait about a month to be removed. Dorto said the damaged crane would make it more difficult for port workers to offload containers at the terminal. A ship docked at the berth where the accident took place now will have only one working crane. That means only 25 containers can be offloaded in an hour, down from 50 an hour with two cranes. Port officials said the accident likely would rank among the largest accidents. "In the 15 years that I've been here, this is the most serious accident involving a ship and the most costly, in terms of damage," said Bob Merhige, deputy executive director for the Port Authority, the state agency that oversees the terminals. A few years ago, a vessel ran its bow into a wharf at Norfolk International Terminals North, but that accident caused less than $500,000 in damage, officials say. (source: J. van der Doe) Sweeney Promoted to VP of Far East Operations at Crowley 2/4/04 Effective March 1, 2004, Alex Sweeney will assume the position of Vice President of Russian Far East Operations. In his new position, Sweeney is responsible for the management of the BETS Sealift to Lunskoye, Sakhalin Island and the tow of the Orlan from Sov Govan, Russia to Ulsan, Korea. He will report directly to Steve Peterson, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Energy and Marine Services and will work closely with Chris Peterson, General Manager, Contract Services, who has commercial responsibility for those contracts. Sweeney joined Crowley in 1980 and has over 20 years experience in marine operations for Crowley on the east and west coasts. In 1995 he was promoted to the Director of Atlantic Operations and in 1999 was relocated to Valdez and promoted to the position of General Manager, Valdez Services in 2000, he was named Vice President of the Valdez business unit. In 1997, he Sweeney was presented with the Thomas Crowley Trophy, Crowley Maritime Corporation’s highest honor. He earned his undergraduate degree from City University in Seattle and completed his MBA in 1995. Rockness Disaster OSLO (AFP) — Divers on Thursday recovered four more bodies from the wreck of a cargo ship that capsized in a Norwegian fjord off the coast of Bergen on Jan. 19, killing 18 of the 30 crew, Norwegian police said. "Four more bodies were found inside the Rocknes during searches today," Bergen police spokesman Tryggve Hillestad said in a statement. The discovery brings to seven the number of dead sailors found inside the ship since Monday when divers began inspecting the wreck, which is docked J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie — still overturned — at a maintenance shipyard. The Norwegian-registered Rocknes was carrying a load of rubble to Germany when it capsized in minutes in a narrow passage of the Raune fjord. Reports indicated that it hit an underwater reef and took on water before overturning. The accident claimed the lives of 16 Filipinos, one German and the Norwegian captain of the ship. The seven bodies recovered since Monday have been identified only as six Filipinos and a German, Hillestad said. Twelve people were rescued in the hours after the accident. "In addition to searching for the dead, the divers have been asked to remain attentive to any technical clues that could be of importance to the police investigation" into the cause of the accident, he said. Divers are to continue their search on Friday for the six bodies still missing. (Bron: Philipinne Star) Wrakken uit WOII bedreigen milieu Stille Oceaan LONDEN – De wrakken van bijna 4000 schepen die in de Tweede Wereldoorlog tot zinken zijn gebracht, vormen een grote bedreiging voor het milieu van de Stille Oceaan ten noordoosten van Australië. Dat komt doordat die wrakken - van voornamelijk Amerikaanse en Japanse oorlogsschepen - zes decennia na het eind van de oorlog aan het doorroesten zijn. Daardoor kunnen olie en brandstof in het gevoelige milieu van de lagunes, koraalriffen en atollen terechtkomen. Dit heeft de directeur van het milieuprogramma voor het zuiden van de Stille Oceaan (Sprep), Asterio Takesy, tegen de Britse krant The Guardian van zaterdag gezegd. Slechts drie staten in het gebied waar de wrakken op de bodem liggen - Fiji, Papua Nieuw Guinea en Niue - beschikken over de uitrusting die nodig is om olievervuiling op zee op te ruimen. Takesy vindt dat de Amerikaanse en Japanse regeringen de arme landen in het gebied moeten helpen te voorkomen dat er een enorme milieuramp ontstaat. Drie jaar geleden werd de afgelegen atol Ulithi in Micronesië getroffen door een tyfoon. Toen de wind was gaan liggen, roken de bewoners een zware olielucht en zij ontdekten een dikke laag olie in een van de lagunes waar zij altijd visten. De olie bleek afkomstig van het wrak van de USS Missisissinewa, een tankschip dat in de Tweede Wereldoorlog door een Japanse torpedo tot zinken was gebracht. De Amerikaanse regering dichtte het lek in het schip (kosten: 3,2 miljoen dollar), maar de bewoners van de atol vrezen dat een volgende storm opnieuw vervuiling zal brengen. In de tanks van het schip zit nog een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid brandstof, hoewel er al bijna acht miljoen liter uitgepompt is. Behalve de Missisissinewa liggen nog zeker 3851 wrakken op de bodem, bleek uit een onderzoek dat door twaalf regeringen in het gebied is gefinancierd. Daaronder bevinden zich 23 grote vliegdekschepen, 213 torpedobootjagers, 22 slagschepen en ongeveer vijftig tankschepen. Weinig van die wrakken zijn goed onderzocht, maar wetenschappers zeggen dat die na zestig jaar op de bodem van de zee allemaal gaan roesten en dat grote lekkages onontkoombaar zijn. De regeringen in het gebied hebben de dreiging lang niet onderkend of genegeerd. Pas de laatste jaren staat de zaak hoog op de agenda. Overigens is het niet alleen het zeemilieu dat bedreigd wordt door restanten uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De Amerikaanse en de Japanse strijdkrachten hebben ook grote hoeveelheden bommen, brandstof en wapens op land achtergelaten. Zowel de VS als Japan is tot dusver niet ingegaan op verzoeken om verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor de opruiming. (Bron: ANP\PZC) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 7 dd. 15 Februari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Varius De Varius is de 11e vertrokken met de Smitbarge 1 voor een reis van Schiedam naar Mongstad met onderdelen voor een raffinaderij. Oceanos De nieuwe Oceanos is eveneens de 11e vertrokken uit Rotterdam met de Ocean Seal. Bestemming is Midden/Zuid Amerika voor Fairmont. Geruchten doen de ronde dat zij op de Antillen gaat werken voor SvitzserWijsmuller. Kan iemand dat confirmeren? New Blessey pushboat at Kody Marine More pushboats were built in 2003 than in 2002 and if Kody Marine in Harvey, La., is any indication, the numbers might go up again in 2004. Kody Marine is building a 120' ´ 34' ´ 12'6" pushboat for Blessey Marine Services Inc., Harahan, La., which is due to be delivered at the end of April, and a pair of 74' ´ 32' ´ 10'9" pushboats for Maryland Marine, Houston. In June 2003, a 74-foot sistership, the Skipjack, was delivered to Maryland Marine. When completed, the 120', four-deck Blessey Marine boat will be the largest in its fleet. It will push "three or four asphalt barges to wherever they need to go, Ohio or the upper Mississippi," said Mitch Jones, vice president of maintenance and repair for Blessey Marine. One advantage the 120-footer will have over other Blessey boats is improved steering. "The longer the boat, the better it steers and it handles better," said Jones. He also said that they hope the design "will give us a little less draft because of the extra beam." Besides being the largest boat in the fleet, the new pushboat will have a couple of firsts for Blessey Marine. In the wheelhouse, a motion sensor will set off an alarm if no movement is detected during a set period of time. "It's called a Pilot House Event Detection Alarm System. If the pilot becomes incapacitated or falls asleep-so there's no movement in the wheelhouse for a certain period of time-it will set off a local alarm in the pilothouse. If that's not silenced, it will set off a general alarm for the whole boat," said Jones. And for the first time, a Blessey Marine boat will have a fixed-CO2 firefighting system in the engine room. "It should be a nine-bottle system," said Bobby D'Aquin, vice president at Kody Marine. On deck will be a pair of Patterson 65-ton electric winches. For power, the pushboat is getting a pair of Cummins Marine 16-cylinder KTA50-M2s that together put out 3,200 hp. The diesels will be bolted to Reintjes marine gears with 7:1 ratios. The props will be four-bladed, 88" ´ 68" stainless-steel open wheels with shaft brakes. There will be four flanking rudders and two steering rudders. To reduce engine noise, there's mineral-wool insulation throughout the boat and hospital-grade mufflers, which are very quiet, said Jones. Cummins Marine diesels seem to be popular at the Kody Marine yard. The two 74-footers for Maryland Marine are also having Cummins iron bolted to the engine beds. Each pushboat will get a pair of 1,000-hp KTA38-M1 diesels. Behind the diesels will be Twin Disc marine gears with 6.18:1 ratios and 78" ´ 53" props on 8" shafts. Electrical power on the two pushboats will come from a pair of Cummins Marine 6B5.9-powered 55kw gensets. (Bron: Workboat) N-N-N-N-N-Nineteen Great Eastern Shipping took delivery of their newbuild PSV UT55L-design Malaviya Nineteen from the Norwegian Aker Aukra yard. The vessel was not expected to remain in the North Sea and was widely anticipated to be leaving for Indian subcontinent. This is the third such PSV to be commissioned by Great Eastern Shipping, the other two being the Malavya Sixteen and Malaviya Eighteen. GE Shipping now has 31 offshore vessels with another 5 offshore vessels on order. Sea Birds Settle with Nomis Nomis Shipping Ltd. and Toisa Ltd. have been deal making recently. Nomis as purchasers have bought up the 1980-built Toisa Puffin and the 1982 built Toisa Petrel stand-by vessels. The Puffin will be renamed the Dea Seeker and is currently having surveys done than will work inhouse for dry dock coverage. As for the Petrel, it will now be called the Dea Searcher and will be working for the North Star for next month or so. Island Patriot switches sides J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie The recently delivered AHTS UT710 Island patriot have been sold by it’s owners Island Offshore VI KS to French operators Les Abeilles. Consideration on the purchase was estimated at NOK 175 million. Change of ownership was effective on delivery from Aker Brevik. Antenor is raised Marselle based Srf SAS took delivery of their new PSV UT755L. Antenor this month from Brattvag Skipsverft AS. The DP equipped vessel comes with accommodation for the 32 and FiFi 1. The hull was built in Rumania by Aker Tulcea, and arrived Brattvag Yard at the end September for finishing. The vessel is now committed to Total Nigeria for one year plus option. Prince moves to new family The recently deliveredPSV UT755L Active Price has been sold to Bourbon Originally owned by Active Venture III KS, a Hagenes controlled venture, the sale is reported to have been approx. USD 16.2 m. The new owners Bourbon, continuing it’s recent trend of vessel renaming told Seabreeze that the vessel was now called the Bourbon Atlantide. At present the vessel is fitting some FiFi equipment at Aker Brattvag Moss gathers on Maersk Further to the Seabreeze article in last October’s edition, when Maersk Supply Service confirmed they were building two large AHTS in Chile; the yard, Asenav of Santiago, Chile have further confirmed that they are building two Moss 929-design AHTS. The vessels will have LOA of 89.3 mtrs, beam 20.3 mtrsand a bollard pull of 212 tonnes. Delivery is expected for mid 2005. To refresh your memory, the year old AH San Fruttuoso is a Moss 424 type, but was built at Havyard in Norway. Seacor shuffles vessels to TMM Seacor Marine’s affiliates: Seacor Offshore Inc. and Arthur Levy Enterprises have each respectively sold a Halter-built OSV. First up was the 1998 built PSV Seacor Alcina followed by the 1999 built AHTS Seacor Valiant. Both were sold to Seacor’s 40% owned joint venture Transportatcion Maritima Mexicana (TMM) S.A. de C.V. (a venture that operates offshore vessels in Mexico) It is believed that both vessels will be registered and reflagged in Mexican colours. Tidewater order more News reaches our desk that Tidewater has ordered another 2 x small AHTS being built in the Remontowa yard in Poland (pls Piotr confirme to my e-mail adress) We’re informed the vessels wll be 67m LOA, come powered wth 8000 bhp producing circa 100 tonnes BP. Delivery for both is estimated for early 2005. Currently on order Tidewater have another two similar sized AHTS AY1001 type on order with Aker Tulcea Romania and Soviknes Verft AS. New Skipper joins fleet OH Meling this month took delivery of their new PSV VS470MK II Siddis Skipper from the Kleven Verft yard in Norway. Not wasting any time, the vessel has already begun a two-year charter with three yaerly options for MLS (Marine Logistics Services). It will begin by supporting the Frigg Field for Total. Berging Duits slagschip Graf Spee begonnen Gepubliceerd op maandag 09 februari 2004. Montevideo (ANP) - Een internationaal bergingsbedrijf is maandag begonnen met het boven water halen van het wrak van het Duitse oorlogsschip Graf Spee. Het 'Panzerschiff' werd in 1939 voor de kust van het Zuid-Amerikaanse Uruguay door de kapitein zelf tot zinken gebracht. De afgelopen dagen zijn al kabels aan het wrak bevestigd. Volgens de leider van de bergers is het slechts een kwestie van uren voordat delen van de Graf Spee, die in ondiep water ligt, naar het oppervlak zijn getakeld. De berging van het 27 ton zware wrak is al verscheidene keren uitgesteld, meestal omdat er een te harde wind stond. De Duitse kapitein Hans Langsdorff joeg op 17 december 1939, vlak na het begin van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, zijn schip naar de bodem van de baai bij Montevideo, omdat hij wilde voorkomen dat de trots van de Duitse marine in handen van de vijand zou vallen. Zelfmoord kapitein Het slagschip was na een zeeslag tegen een Britse en een Nieuw-Zeelandse kruiser zwaar beschadigd de haven van Montevideo ingevlucht. Na vier dagen moest de Graf Spee echter het neutrale Uruguay volgens internationale regels weer verlaten. Na het tot zinken brengen van het schip werden Langsdorff en de 1100 bemanningsleden in Argentinië opgevangen. De kapitein pleegde enkele dagen later zelfmoord. Het is de bedoeling dat de Graf Spee de komende jaren wordt gerestaureerd. Schip door storm in problemen In de Waalhaven in Rotterdam ligt een schip dat slagzij heeft gemaakt. Het schip was eerder op zee al in de problemen gekomen. Dat zegt één van de loodsen die het schip heeft binnengehaald. De Artic Star van vrachtkantoor Junger is beladen met hout. Oorzaak van het slagzij maken van het schip was J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie waarschijnlijk de noordwesterstorm. Ook de veerboot Hollandia van de Stenaline had last van de harde wind. De boot voer te hard tegen de kade bij het afmeren. Daardoor is de wal beschadigd geraakt. De Discovery is de hele dag uit de vaart gebleven. (Bron: RTV Rijnmond) Drifting cargo vessel rescued from crashing into rocks The Coast Guard and the Port authorities in Sharjah yesterday saved an Iranian cargo vessel from crashing into the coast after high winds and rough seas caused it to drift off Khalid Port. The vessel, which was not carrying any cargo at the time, was anchored off the port after it developed engine trouble on Saturday night. The captain called the port authorities to tow the ship to the port, but it could not be done because of the inclement weather. The operation was put off to the next morning, but the weather did not lift. Early yesterday, the vessel started drifting towards Al Hira coast when the Coast Guard and the port authorities swung into action. As the boat neared the rocks, the authorities began tugging it and took the vessel to safe waters. Captain Miqdad Al Suwaidi, Harbourmaster of Khalid Port, said no one was injured in the operation. He said Khalid Port was closed to ships for some time during the morning because of the weather. Meanwhile in Ras Al Khaimah, choppy seas and high winds restricted fishing trips causing prices to rise because of limited stock. Early yesterday, a UAE national fisherman fell overboard in the creek and nearly drowned. He was saved by two Indian colleagues. Khalifa Al Suwaidi, a national fisherman, said the inclement weather prevented many fishermen from putting to sea. (Bron: Gulf News) Environmental, Legal Costs Persist Five Years after Oregon Shipwreck Feb. 5--COOS BAY, Ore.--Like some ugly rock permanently squatting in the scenery, it remains: an empty, rotting shell stuck in the sand not far from where it ran aground five years ago today. Waves pound mercilessly at the 1,500-ton ghost of the New Carissa with such force that saltwater leaps stories above the ship's rusted stern before returning to the receding tide. Each year, bits and pieces of the stern break off and get carried toward the beach or out to sea. Barnacles, starfish and sea anemones have taken up residence inside. Seabirds perch on the deck. But for this stubborn reminder -- along with a informational sign on the beach and a warning sign to remind curious visitors that the stern could still shift at any time -- it's as if the 639-foot wood chip carrier never ran aground here. The media packed up their cameras and note pads and left years ago. Volunteers ran out of tar balls to scoop into plastic bags. The ship hasn't leaked any oil for years. Tourists got their fill of staring at the inglorious stretch of Oregon Coast. But the sea's efforts to remove the battered hull have proved as fruitless as human attempts. So it stays while lawyers battle over how much the ship's owners should pay to have it removed, the government continues to tally the damage to area wildlife done by the 70,000 gallons of oil spilled and biologists determine what's necessary to restore the habitat. "I can't believe it's been five years," said Monte Turner, a spokesman for the Oregon Division of State Lands, which sued the ship's owners -- Taiheiyo Kaiun Co. Ltd. of Japan and two subsidiaries, TMM Co. Ltd. of Japan and Green Atlas Shipping S.A. of Panama -- over how much they'll pay to have the ship removed. But Larry Mangan can. He has devoted a good portion of the past five years to studying the New Carissa's effects on the environment as a senior wildlife biologist with the federal Bureau of Land Management. The BLM owns about 80 acres of the North Spit, where the ship ran aground. The Oil Pollution Act, passed by Congress in 1990 after the notorious Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska, mandates the "trustees of the United States" to restore damage to surrounding natural resources from oil spills at the expense of the responsible party. Mangan points out that the act provides that such losses be restored to a "pre-spill baseline," so the population level of a particular species, for example, returns to what it was at the time of the spill. That has led mainly to a focus on the threatened Western snowy plover, the threatened marbled murrelet and the loss of recreation opportunities at the site. The latter is measured by the number of beaches closed by the spill and the average number of visitors there. In May, the bureau will release a damage report identifying the effects on all three categories. Among its preliminary findings: 2,300 seabirds (mostly murrelet) died as a result of the disaster; 500 to 800 shorebirds suffered exposure to oil along with 23 to 100 gulls; and the public lost 28,000 opportunities to visit the closed beaches. Only a handful of plovers died, but the area where the shipwreck occurred had been the shorebirds' most productive nesting grounds on the coast, so biologists have tracked them carefully. As it turns out, the plover didn't suffer as badly as feared from the oil spill, Mangan said. "Those that were oiled reproduced about as well as those that weren't oiled," he said. In the next step in the damage assessment, the bureau will propose a series of habitat restoration projects for the birds. Once the report is complete, it will be presented to the public for comment. As for the legal battles, a federal appeals court last August upheld the $1.4 million jury award to a Coos Bay oyster farm for damages from the ship. In January, the ship's owners transferred $25 million to an escrow account, where it's being held pending their appeal of a Coos County jury verdict that found three companies liable for damages to the state. That process could take a year or more to conclude. In April, a three-week trial in federal court is scheduled to begin in Portland on a $96 million lawsuit by the ship's owners, alleging that U.S. Coast Guard charts didn't indicate the New Carissa's anchorage was in dangerous waters, made more so by J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie dredging spoils. The government countersued for $7 million for cleanup costs. Once the state suit is resolved, Turner said, his department will examine methods for removing the battered stern. Among the options: bringing in a giant "jack-up barge" that would plant its legs into the bedrock for anchor, providing a stable platform above the water, then using cranes and cutting tools to slice the remains into pieces and haul them away. There's also talk of building a dock to the wreckage and taking the pieces out over land. "It may be that other ideas pop up in the meantime," Turner said. THE SAGA Feb. 3, 1999: The New Carissa, a 639-foot freighter headed for Coos Bay to pick up a load of wood chips, anchors two miles off the Coos Bay North Spit because the bar is too rough to cross. Feb. 4: The anchor begins to drag. The Filipino crew tries to raise the anchor and move to deeper water, but winds and waves push the ship toward shore. It runs aground at 8:30 a.m. Feb. 5: U.S. Coast Guard helicopters lift 23 crew members and a bar pilot from the ship. Feb. 8: Onboard tanks containing about 400,000 gallons of bunker and diesel fuel are reported leaking. The ship ultimately leaks about 70,000 gallons of fuel. Feb. 11: The ship is torched to try to burn off the fuel inside the hull, the first such effort in the contiguous 48 states. Fire consumes about 200,000 gallons of fuel and the ship splits in half in the process. Feb. 21: Efforts to pump remaining oil from the bow section end because the fuel is too thick to move. March 1: The tug Sea Victory pulls the bow section off the North Spit and heads out to sea to a scuttling site. The stern remains on the beach. March 2: The bow breaks loose from the tug in a violent storm 50 miles offshore and drifts ashore the next day near Waldport, where it leaks about 2,000 gallons of fuel. March 9: Sea Victory pulls bow off the beach at Waldport. March 11: The 440foot bow section, still carrying 135,000 gallons of oil, sinks in nearly 11,000 feet of water 320 miles off the Oregon Coast after a a U.S. Navy submarine fires a MK-48 torpedo into it. The hulk survived the detonation of 380 pounds of strategically placed plastic explosives and 69 5-inch rounds fired from a Navy destroyer. May 20: The Coast Guard ends federal involvement in Coos Bay after salvage crews remove about 14,000 gallons of oil from the stern. It declares the stern no longer a pollution threat, even though it continues to periodically burp small amounts of oil. June: A joint venture by Donjon Marine Co. of New Jersey and Fred Devine Diving & Salvage Co. of Portland moves ahead under a contract with the ship's owner to remove the stern from the North Spit, as urged by Gov. John Kitzhaber. The plan is to patch up the engine room and tow most of the stern to a deep-water disposal site. Oct. 26: Unexpectedly heavy seas push the stern 150 feet back to shore after the Salvage Chief and a tug had pulled the hulk about 270 feet from where it went aground. Oct. 29: Donjon Devine says it will suspend the salvage effort until spring because of the setback and expected bad weather. Officials say they succeeded in cutting away about a third of the wreck and removed a large amount of oil and other pollutants. Feb. 1, 2000: The Coast Guard ends federal oversight of cleanup operations in Coos Bay because so little oil has been found on the beach near the stern. Monitoring and cleanup work continues under an agreement between the state and the ship's representatives. January 2003: The ship's owners transfer $25 million into an escrow account, after a Coos County jury finds for the state in a lawsuit to remove the stern from the bay's North Spit. August 2003: A federal appeals court upholds the $1.4 million jury damage award to a Coos Bay oyster farm. April 2004: Three-week trial is scheduled in the ship owners' lawsuit against the government for $96 million. The ship's owners claim U.S. Coast Guard charts didn't indicate its anchorage was in dangerous waters. The government has countersued for $7 million for cleanup costs. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Lakers Reach Alang 02/11 The scrap tow of the Seaway Queen and Oakglen ended Wednesday with their safe arrival in Alang, India. In October, 2003 the Oakglen was towed from Montreal by the tugs Seaways 5 and Lac Vancouver. The Oakglen was paired with the Seaway Queen at Quebec City, where the two tows were joined as one pulled by the tug Seaways 5 for their trip to the scrap yard. The tow took a Southerly route rounding the Cape of Good Hope to escape the rough weather the North Atlantic dishes out that time of year. The tug Seaways 2 with the Mapleglen in tow reportedly took a severe beating in October transiting the North Atlantic. A towing company spokesperson reported it is more economical going this route with the two vessels in tow, the Suez Canal will only allow one vessel per transit. The trip was not with out incident. The Seaway Queen experienced flooding after rounding Cape Town, South Africa. Her rivets started to pop and faced the threat of sinking. The tug Seaways 5 is a large salvage tug and carries heavy duty salvage pumps. These pumps kept the Seaway Queen afloat until her arrival in Alang. The trip from Dubai to Montreal to Alang took 165 days. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Cadal - Repowered for the future Back in late 1988, when Dave Dalzell, owner of Wainwright Marine Services in rince Rupert, had the Cadal built by Les Woodward's Progressive Marine, he was, characteristically, thinking of the future. Several years of observations of the Al McIlwain designs working in southern B.C. waters convinced him to go with the 43'x19'6" hull to take on the open water work around Rupert. The bulwarks were raised six inches and additional channel guarding provide extra protection for log work. Thinking of maintenance costs five and 10 years down the road, Dalzell also invested the best part of $10,000 in J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie pre-painted steel to provide corrosion protection and extend the longevity of Cadal's hull. As the Cadal took shape Dalzell was also looking long-term to when he would be winding down his own involvement in the company and his head skipper, Brian Catherall, on the Wainwright tugs from 12 years of age, would be taking over. Deb Catherall christened the new tug Cadal, a symbolic combination of Brian and Dave's surnames. Now, 14 years later, the Cadal has been transferred to Brian Catherall's Trend Marine and is leased back to Wainwright Marine. The tug continues to be the strong backbone of the company's operations, 95% of which are barging logging industry equipment around the North Coast. Key to Cadal's reliability is the scheduled maintenance program Ron Lowe (Rons' Diesel Ltd.) has applied to the tug including re-enginings at the right times. Cadal's first pair of Detroit Diesel 12V-71s (440 hp @ 1800 rpm) had to be nursed along to 10,000 hours and Ron Lowe was brought on for their replacement with a pair of 12V-92s (500 hp @ 1800 rpm). He and his crew and Brian Catherall recently carried out Cadal's latest diesel upgrading with a pair of Detroit Series 60 14-litre diesels at Poplar Island Marine (Les Woodward's yard located in the Arrow Marine Services yard on Mitchell Island). As Dave Dalzell explains, "We were up to 26,000 hours on the V-92s and near 40,000 on the gears. With the scheduled maintenance, they were running great and we were going to try for 30,000 hours but an engine developed an oil leak and the crankshaft was damaged. That would require pulling the engine but we decided to bite the bullet and put in new engines and gears. We were in a slack period, so the time was right". The success with which Cadal performs its barge towing and handling (and some log towing) tasks was a given, describes Ron Lowe. So, in the early stages of the re-engining program, he and Bob Osborne (Osborne Propellers) developed a propeller curve to match the range of work. Then they worked closely with Detroit Diesel as the engine software was designed to maximize the efficiency of the Cadal's new electronic engines. The main advantage of the Series 60 engines in Cadal's operations will be very substantial fuel savings, says Lowe. The engine is able to deliver maximum thrust while electronically metering the optimum fuel burn at each engine setting. The Cadal's existing engine controls are being used so the full DDEC package has not been installed, but Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link (DDDL) provides the capability for monitoring a great number of engine performance parameters, such as percentage of time at different RPMs, load factors, fuel consumption for each engine at different loads, even individual cylinder performance. For a specific date or trip duration, using the onboard laptop computer, Catherall will be able to determine accurate information on the Cadal's operating costs. Fuel is the biggest expense for most tug operators these days. Just loading a barge a bit differently can reduce fuel consumption and it's that type of efficiency that will become evident through Cadal's engine read-outs. If all goes as planned, says Dave Dalzell, the additional cost of the new engines over that of rebuilding them could well be recouped in fuel savings over about the next three years. Down the road, it all adds up. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 8 dd. 22 Februari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Bergslep, 112/00 – tug By A/S Bergslep, Norway to Londonderry Port & Harbour Commissioners, UK and renamed Shrove Butegarth, (E.L.Preston – 02, Imakon – 94) 182/92 – tug. By Wijsmuller Pt. Ltd., UK to Hansa Liisingu Ltd., Estonia and renamed Vega I Glenlivet II, 111/44 – tug. Has been renamed Vigilant I by Shepard Boats Ltd., Canada. Glenmont, 102/43 – tug. Has been renamed Carolina Borealis by Shephard Boats Ltd., Canada. Hua Shun, (Stirling Sirius – 02, Star Sirius – 96), 1558/85 – tug/suppl. Huawei Offshore Shipping Servces Ltd., Barbados to Huashun Shipping (Liberia) Ltd., Liberia and renanamed Huashun KST Pegasus 51, 499/03 – tug. By Keppel Smit Towage Pte. Ltd., to Maju Maritime Pte. Ltd, Singapore and renamed Pegasus 51 KST Phoenix 52, 499/03 – tug. By Keppel Smit Towage Pte. Ltd., to Maju Maritime Pte. Ltd, Singapore and renamed Phoenix 52 KST Pisces 53, 499/03 – tug. By Keppel Smit Towage Pte. Ltd., to Maju Maritime Pte. Ltd, Singapore and renamed Pisces 53 Maju Aries, (Kansai Maru 2 – 01, Kansai Maru No.2 – 97, Ryuho Maru – 87), 272/74 – tug, By Maju Maritime Pte. Ltd, Singapore to Prince Marine Transport Services, Honduras and renamed Tifon. Mjolner, 196/74 – tug. By Oslo Havnevesen, Norway to Hansa Liisingu Ltd. Estonia and renamed Odin I Shinano Maru, 194/84 – tug. By Sanya Kaiji Co. Ltd, Japan to SMS Towae Ltd, Uk and renamed Serviceman Cristina Antonia Union Naval te Valencia heeft de Cristina Antonia opgeleverd aan Società Esercizio Rimorchi e Salvataggi s.r.l., een onderdeel van de Gesmar groep. Ze is het zusterschip van de vorig jaar opgeleverde Eduardo Junior., 2xKHD SBV9M628 totaal 5500 apk, 2xVoith-Schneider 28GII/210, 29.50m x 11.0m, paaltrek 55t, 369 BRT. Op de web site van de eigenaar ( staat er een vlootlijst met fotos. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Redoubtable gezonken De duwboot Redoubtable van Cie. Fluviale de Transport, Le Havre is eind januari op de Rhône gezonken. Vermoedelijk werd zij vorige week geborgen. Aan de verzekeraar overgedragen. Men is op zoek naar een vervanger. De Redoubtable werd in 1964 door De Biesbosch te Dordrecht gebouwd als de Esso Lutece voor S. A. Française Esso Standard te Parijs. Haar 2x765 apk Caterpillar werden later vervangen door 2x1200 apk Mitsubishi. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Nieuwe motoren Triomphant Verder nieuws van de CFT; bij de Triomphant (ex. Ti-Goff, ex. Duquèsne) zijn vorig jaar de 2x367 apk Volvo vervangen door 2x550 apk Baudouin. Deze duwboot werd 1958 te Vigneux sur Seine gebouwd voor Cie. des Salbières de la Seine te Parijs. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Puissant vertrekt De Puissant gaat als Pitoa te Douala voor 'Les Abeilles'/URO werken, met Kingstown als thuishaven. Ze vertrekt vermoedelijk volgend week. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Smit Langkawi, (Smit-Lloyd 104 – 00), 1294/73 – tug/supply. By Smit Singapoe Pte. Ltd, Bahamas to Masindra Shipping (M) Sendirian Berhad, Malaysia and renamed Masindra Langkawi. Atlantic Oak 402/02 – tug was renamed Ocoa prior to 21/10/2003 Havila Borgsten, 3905/03 was renamed Bourbon Borgsten prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Captain, 1658/83 was renamed Bourbon Captain prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Champion, 1654/83 was renamed Bourbon Champion prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Charisma, 2599/99 was renamed Bourbon Charisma prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Charmer, 1623/93 was renamed Bourbon Charmer prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Crown, 3154/01 was renamed Bourbon Crown prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Eko, 1673/92 was renamed Bourbon Eko prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Hidra, 3102/99 was renamed Bourbon Hidra prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Reel, 3186/76 was renamed Bourbon Reel prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Scotia, 1948/02 was renamed Bourbon Scotia prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Surf, 3905/03 was renamed Bourbon Surf prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Tampen, 3325/02 was renamed Bourbon Tampen prior to 13/10/2003 Havila Trader, 2478/79 was renamed Bourbon Trader prior to 13/10/2003 John Ross 2918/76 – tug is reported as Smit Amandla Kigoria 3898/79 was renamed Talagy prior to 10/11/2003 Lady Laura 640/70 – tug was renamed Varius prior to 31/12/2003 Nuheve 360/00 – tug was renamed Nomade during 2002 then Calafate prior to 17/1/2003 Pyrrhos 374/98 – tug sailed from Rotterdam as Intrepide on 12/12/2003 SmitWijs Rotterdam reports on towing Spirit Het is even stil geweest rond de SW Rotterdam, maar hier is ie dan weer. Op 16 januari jl. vertrokken we vanaf Las Palmas, alwaar we enige tijd op station hadden gelegen, richting Galveston/Houston voor onze volgende sleep. We waren er niet echt ongelukkig mee om Las Palmas achter ons te laten, want het weer was er niet naar, bewolkt, kil, en een hoop regen, en dat veranderde gelukkig al snel naarmate we wat lagere zuiderbreedte op zochten, tot aan een dag voor aankomst dan. Op 4 februari, de dag van aankomst, was het weer tamelijk beroerd, wind, regen, en koud, en vond ook de loodsdienst het te slecht om naar buiten te komen, als we er geen bezwaar tegen hadden om zonder loods naar Galveston Bay te varen, dan kon hij daar aan boord komen, dat was natuurlijk geen probleem, en waren we vroeg in de middag onderweg van Galveston Bay naar Houston. Onze sleep lag aan het einde van het Houston Ship Channel, verder dan waar hij lag kan je met een zeeschip niet komen, en was dat een slordige 52 mijl varen, jammer van het weer, want veel gezien hadden we niet toen we ‘s-avonds af meerden, in de middle of nergens, met vrij uitzicht op grijze wanden van in onbruik geraakte pakhuizen en een rangeer terrein van de lokale spoorwegen, en daarnaast maakte onze sleep nou ook niet bepaald een florissante indruk. Hij, een Chemicaliën tanker, had daar al zo'n zes jaar gelegen nadat hij door brand in de machinekamer niet meer mee kon doen, en dat hij brand had gehad was goed te zien. Afijn, de andere dag sleep klaar gemaakt, en was het wachten op het zeeklaar maken van de sleep, dat had nogal wat voeten in de aarde, alles wat papier werk was, was na zes jaar verlopen, en moesten er toch certificaatjes komen, die kwamen ook wel, vanuit Mongolië, jawel, en toen moest er dus ook een Mongoolse vlag komen, en hebben ze die uiteindelijk maar lokaal laten maken aan de hand van een voorbeeldje in een atlas, verbaasde blikken alom van lokale autoriteiten, het laatste wat ze van Mongolië hadden gehoord was over Ghengis Kahn en zijn legers, maar die hadden niet veel op met schepen zo dacht men. Omdat we met onze sleep door het nauwe gedeelte van het Houston Ship Channel moesten met een aantal bijna haakse bochtjes, zou het overige scheepvaart verkeer stil gelegd worden op de dag van vertrek, daar had de US Coastguard, die dat regelde, vier dagen notice voor nodig, terecht ook wel, want de adressen lijst van de te informeren en betrokken instanties besloeg twee A4tjes, en hield onder andere in dat heel wat verschepers en ontvangers hun logistiek moesten aanpassen. Uiteindelijk hadden ze na veel wikken en wegen de 13e voor vertrek geprikt, daar waren we niet echt blij mee, want dat was nog op een vrijdag ook, en misschien wel gelukkig werkte het weer niet mee om op die dag te kunnen vertrekken. Uiteindelijk werd het zondag de 15e, en stonden we, ter hoogte van de kade waar we aan gemeerd hadden gelegen, net na zevenen in de ochtend vast, zo kort mogelijk, dat om zonder toestanden de nauwe stukken en bochten te kunnen nemen. Alles verliep bijzonder voorspoedig, en liepen we op ons gemak bijna 7 mijl per uur door ook de relatief nauwe stukken en de bochten in het kanaal, hetgeen goed uit kwam, want zo konden we 8 uur na vertrek net na de breakwaters met daglicht ons sleep spul echt op tuigen met een voorloop en een rekker ertussen. Inmiddels, maandag de 16e, staan we op lengte, en schuifelen we met een goeie 9 mijl per uur richting de noord van Yucatan op zoek naar een leuke plek om de Carieb te verlaten, kijken of we de speed er in kunnen houden, dat zou niet gek zijn natuurlijk. Nou voorlopig was het dat weer voor nu, en kom ik wel weer in de lucht wanneer er wat leuks te melden is. Oh ja, onze sleep was de Stolt Spirit, nu alleen maar J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Spirit, onder Mongoolse registratie, is 167 meter lang en bijna 28 breed en is bestemd voor het wel bekende strand te Alang India. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Rotterdam) Ocean Hercules Reports from Kemaman (Malaysia) De Ocean Hercules, momenteel ten anker bij Kemaman na lossen en offhire survey naar Spore voor ste dokken, ETA 21 Na dokken nog niets bekend. Hier ook nog even een lijstje van enkele schepen die momenteel werkzaam zijn vanuit Kemaman: Seacor Rover; Seacor Achiever; Dea Sound; Arafura 2000; Ena Emperor; Ena Supply 1; Setia Gahgah; Setia Handal; Smit Belait; Sidney Tide 2; Osa Victor; Los Tundan; Pacific Navigator; Petronas Supply 2; Los Andari 1. (Bron: Kapitein Ocean Hercules) Pride of America Bergingsmaatschappij Smit Salvage uit Rotterdam heeft in Bremerhaven het Noorse cruiseschip Pride of America, dat vorige maand tijdens een zware storm gedeeltelijk zonk, vlot gekregen. Het in anbouw zijnde schip, dat veertien graden naar stuurboord overhelde, had water gemaakt en was op de bodem van de haven terechtgekomen. Drie dekken stonden onder water. Smit heeft afgelopen weekeinde het schip binnen twintig uur drooggepompt en vervolgens naar een droogdok van de Lloyd Werft gesleept waar het wordt afgebouwd. De Pride of America heeft een lengte van 280 meter. Het kan ruim 2200 passagiers vervoeren. (Bron: RTV Rijnmond) "Rocknes" to be rebuilt The bulk carrier "Rocknes" which capsized south of Bergen on January 19th, with the loss of 18 lives, will be righted and refurbished, according to information director Per Inge Hjertaker of the Jebsen Management, which operated the ship. -We will now try to righten the ship in its present location, and we estimate that this operation will take six to eight weeks to complete, Hjertaker says. Both the insurance company and the maritime experts believe the ship is in fairly good condition, and can be saved and rebuilt. However, the divers who spent several days searching for the missing seamen inside the wreck, said Wednesday that the interior of the ship was badly damaged. (Bron: Norwaypost) HOS Reports 4Q OSV Segment The company took delivery of three newly constructed, new generation OSVs on March 17, June 19, and September 17, 2003, respectively, and purchased a total of six additional new generation OSVs, with five vessels acquired on June 26, 2003 and one vessel on August 6, 2003. The increase in fourth quarter 2003 revenues over the prior year quarter was comprised primarily of incremental revenue from these newly constructed and acquired vessels. The increase in operating costs and depreciation expense for the OSV segment was primarily related to the incremental quarter-over-quarter contribution of the nine vessels added to the OSV fleet. Tug and Tank Barge Segment Revenues in the fourth quarter of 2003 were up slightly from the same period in 2002. The decrease in the fourth quarter 2003 operating margin over the year ago quarter resulted primarily from increased drydocking amortization related to vessels recertified during the first nine months of 2003, and roughly 80 more days of drydocking-related downtime during the fourth quarter of 2003. Todd Hornbeck, President and CEO, commented, “Our OSV segment continued to perform well, achieving above industry average utilization and day rates, despite soft market conditions that kept pressure on margins. While we have not yet seen a significant upturn in Gulf of Mexico OSV activity, we are encouraged that several operators are moving forward with large development projects in the Gulf and in several other key producing areas worldwide.” Hornbeck added, “In our tug and tank barge segment, the increase in revenue reflected the expected seasonal upturn in demand in the latter part of the quarter. However, margins were lower due to increased drydocking activity. Seasonal factors continue to positively impact results for our tug and tank barge segment, particularly as January 2004 was the coldest in the Northeast since 1977.” Delivery of 240 ED class HOS Silverstar In late January 2004, Hornbeck took delivery of the HOS Silverstar, the Company’s fourth 240 ED class OSV, and commenced testing of the enhanced vessel modifications it elected to make in December 2003. The HOS Silverstar is being placed into service in the second half of February 2004. Five Missing in Mississippi River Ship Collision Sat February 21, 2004 03:06 PM ET Houston (Reuters) - U.S. Coast Guard crews searched on Saturday for five crewmembers missing after their offshore supply vessel collided with a container ship and sank near the mouth of the Mississippi River in southeastern Louisiana. Coast Guard Petty Officer Jonathan McCool said rescuers found life rings and a lifeboat from the 178-foot (54-meter) Lee III, but no sign of the crew. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie The downriver-bound Lee III and upriver-bound 534-foot (163-meter) Zim Mexico III collided at about 5:20 a.m. CST (6:20 EST/1120 GMT), McCool said. "The cause of the accident is under investigation," he said. The collision caused the Coast Guard to close all shipping traffic at a location called the Southwest Pass, the main entrance for deep-draft vessels into the Mississippi from the Gulf of Mexico, McCool said. He said he did not know how many vessels were backed up waiting to go through the river pass. The Zim Mexico III, which reported minor damage and no injuries, is owned by B. Rickmers GMBH Cie. and operated by Zim American Israeli Shipping Co., McCool said. The Lee III is owned by Ocean Runner Inc. in Galveston, Texas, he said. (Bron: Reuters) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 9 dd. 29 Februari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Nieuwe Motoren De duwsleepboot Broedertrouw XV (23.09671) van Van der Wees Watertransporten BV uit Dordrecht werd bij Dolderman voorzien van een nieuwe Caterpillar 3412 Dita van 730 pk. Zij werd in 1956 gebouwd bij de Haas in Maassluis (bouwnummer 97) als Mabi 14 van Maatschappij Binnenvaart (Mabi) uit Rotterdam. In 1976 werd ze verkocht aan Sleepdienst Broedertrouw uit Zwijndrecht en omgedoopt in Broedertrouw 15, in 1988 werd ze omgebouwd voor de duwvaart. Bij de bouw was ze uitgerust met 400 pk MWM die in 1978 is vervangen door een 527 pk Caterpillar. (Bron: Schuttevaer) Gesloopt De duwsleepboot Mariëlle (23.01992) van Kramer Duwsleepbootbedrijf uit Urk is gesloopt. Zij werd in 1921 gebouwd bij Roorda in Sliedrecht, als Stern III voor S Kliphuis uit Amsterdam (later Groningen). Zij was toen uitgerust met 90 pk Berkel, die in 1949 bij Roorda werd vervangen door 240 pk Industrie. In 1955 werd ze verkocht aan P.Koenen uit Monnickendam die haar vernoemde in Clara, daarna voer ze van 1987 tot 1988 ook als Clara bij A.Tinnemans uit Maasbracht van 1988 tot 1989 als Toro bij P.Leemans uit Maasbracht. In 1989 werd ze eigendom van H.v.d.Dool uit Maasbracht, die in mei 1990 bij Maassen in Maasbracht een 370 pk GM liet inbouwen en haar omdoopte in Antarcitica. Met dezelfde naam voer ze voorts vanaf 1995 bij Waardt uit Maasbracht, die haar in 1998 verkocht aan Kramer uit Urk. In 2001 werd de 370 pk GM vervangen door 400 pk Detroit. (Bron: Schuttevaer) Vlet VLB 2 voldoet aan ADNR-eisen De IVW-divisie scheepvaart heeft onlangs de nieuwe vastmaakvlet VLB 2 van de Vlissingse Bootliedenwacht (VLB) gecertificeerd voor volledig ADNR. De vlet is het eerste kleine vaartuig dat volgens de nieuwe geherstructueerde ADNR-richtlijnen is gekeurd. De VLB wil dat de grotere vastmaakboten voldoen aan volledig ADNR. Zelf vervoeren ze geen gevaarlijke stoffen, maar ze moeten wel olie- en producttankers afmeren en komen dus regelmatig langzij. De nieuwe vlet heeft een stuurhut met overdruk. Bij een gasalarm wordt alle apparatuur die niet aan beschermingsklasse IP55 voldoet of beperkt explosief veilig is, uitgeschakeld. Dit geldt onder meer voor radarbeeldscherm, marifoon, VHF-radio. Deze zijn niet in IP55-uitvoering leverbaar. In de machinekamer is de electromotor van de hydraulische noodstuurpomp IP55 uitgevoerd. Hetzelfde geldt voor de alarmschakelaars op de motor en koppeling. Bij de bouw van de vlet is ook aan het milieu gedacht. Zo worden schroefas en roerkoningen gesmeerd met vet op teflonbasis, wat een kwart minder vertgebruik oplevert. Bovendien hebben de schroefaskoker en hennegatskokers een vetretoursysteem met centraal opvang reservoir. Het kraanwater en toiletspoelingen worden verzameld in een zwartwatertank, de afgewerkte motorkeerkoppeling- en hydrauliekolie in een vuilolietank. De VLB 2 is een rondspantvlet van 12,75 x 4,10 mtr. In de machinekamer staat een 379 pk MAN D-2866 LXE40 diesel en een twindisc MG 5114 reductiekeerkoppeling. (Bron: Schuttevaer) Tug Manitou Testing water 02/16 The tug Manitou has been working in lower Lake St. Clair for over a week taking water samples. The tug is working from Windsor and moving up to lower Lake St. Clair to take water samples. The water samples are being tested for chemicals after last week's chemical spill in the St. Clair River. The samples are taken above the Detroit River where there are a number of city water intakes that are used to provide drinking water for much of the region. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Workboat Report 02/21 A report from the Dominion Shipyard on the East Branch of the Elizabeth River in Norfolk, Virginia finds several vessels with Great Lakes connections. The Cleveland-based YTB tug Menominee and LT tug Salerno are in storage, as is the YP 671, a Sturgeon Bay-built wooden patrol boat. The 671 had sunk last month and was raised by Dominion. She is powered by twin 12-71 Detroits. Recently stripped by Dominion Marine are the scrap tugs Vincent Turecamo, Kings Point, Georgia Moran (Lambert Point (2) – 86; Barbara Moran (1) – 69) 1750/49; and fish boat Lady Dee. Several more are in the yard awaiting their fate. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Container ship Canada Senator towed to Quebec City 02/22 The Liberian Flagged Canada Senator (Senator Lines) en route to Montreal from the French Mediterranean port of Fos sur Mer, experienced serious engine problems early last week as it entered the Lower St. Lawrence River. Two powerful Groupe Ocean tugs were dispatched to rendezvous with the Canada Senator. First, the Tug Ocean Fox Trot met the crippled ship off Rimouski and was later joined near the entrance of the Saguenay River (Ile Blanche-White Island reef) by the Ocean Delta to assist in towing the Canada Senator ''deadship'' to Quebec City. The CCGS icebreaker George R Pearkes stationed in the Saguenay River escorted the tugs and ship to Quebec City as heavy ice floes were present in the area. The CCGS Pierre Radisson took over once in the Quebec City area. The Canada Senator finally docked in Quebec City at the Anse-aux-Foulons Terminal late on the afternoon of February 17. It was found that serious problems relating to the main engine were the result of faulty lubrication pumps. Ship authorities in consultation with Canadian Coast Guard officials in Quebec City mainly Ice Operations had first projected to tow the Canada Senator ''deadship'' to Montreal to off-load its containers and proceed with the required repairs. A tentative departure was planned for Thursday noon (Feb 19) but severe ice conditions observed between Grondines and Quebec City represented a hazard for the tow to proceed safely to Montreal. It was finally decided that the repairs would be performed in Quebec City. It is unknown when the Canada Senator will sail solo to Montreal harbor to deliver its cargo of containers. Repairs are expected to take several days. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) McKeil Work Boat’s The ferry Ongiara, which has been iced in for several weeks, will resume service Monday when McKeil Work Boats' harbor tugs will break a channel to the island. Island residents have been bussed across the runways at the island airport and have been using the airport ferry Maple City since the harbor iced over. (Bron: Art Church) Mississippi River closed second day, blocking traffic including cruise ships By Associated Press Sunday, February 22, 2004 New Orleans - The entrance to the Mississippi River was closed to large oceangoing ships - including major cruise ships - for a second day Sunday while teams searched for the crew of a supply boat that sank after colliding with a container ship. The 178foot offshore supply boat Lee III sank early Saturday and blocked the Southwest Pass, seven miles south of Pilottown, the only channel into the river that can be used by oceangoing vessels. Searchers on boats and in aircraft looked for the missing crew members while Navy salvage divers examined the damage to help investigators learn what caused the wreck. Commercial divers were on their way to look inside the partially submerged hull of the Lee III for its crew, Coast Guard Petty Officer Jonathan McCool said Sunday. About 40 ships were backed up, including at least three large cruise ships, McCool said. Two had been scheduled to dock at New Orleans on Sunday, but were waiting in the Gulf of Mexico. A third was stuck at its dock in New Orleans. It was the first time in more than 50 years that a vessel large enough to block the Southwest Pass sank in the channel, Gary LaGrange, executive director of the Port of New Orleans, told The Times-Picayune. Coast Guard officials told the newspaper it could be Wednesday before the vessel is raised. The river from New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico was first closed Thursday when a Chinese freighter hit a moored oil tanker at Norco, 30 miles west of New Orleans, puncturing its fuel tanks and spilling 22,000 gallons of oil. The tanker's cargo tanks remained intact. The Coast Guard reopened the river Friday afternoon, but had to close it again Saturday after the Lee III and the 534-foot container ship Zim Mexico III collided in fog. The container ship's crew reported damage near the bow but no injuries. The Lee III is one of six vessels owned by Ocean Runner Inc., an offshore supply boat company based in Houston. The Zim Mexico III is registered in Antigua and Barbuda, owned by B. Rickmers GMBH Cie., and operated by Zim American Israeli Shipping Co., McCool said. (Bron: Associated Press) World’s Largest Dry Transport Vessel Delivered 2/23/04 Heavy transport shipping company Dockwise Shipping B.V. took delivery of the M/V Blue Marlin after her conversion into the world's largest semi-submersible heavy transport vessel able to carry heavy cargoes up to 73,000 tons. After a conversion of 3 months at the Hyundai Mipo Dockyard in Ulsan, South Korea the heavy transport vessel Blue Marlin has re-joined the Dockwise fleet with an increased deadweight capacity of 76,061 tons. The beam has been increased by 21 m, which results in an increased unobstructed deck area of 11,227 sq. m (63 m wide x 178.2 m long). The propulsion system of the vessel has been upgraded and extended with 2 Azimuth retractable propulsors of 4.5 MW each to provide optimum manoeuvrability and seagoing characteristics while carrying ultra large cargoes. With this conversion Dockwise responds to the continuing scale development in especially floating production units for the offshore oil and gas industry. The jumboized Blue Marlin will create the next phase in the transportation of fully integrated, heavier and ultra large floating production and drilling platforms up to 73,000 tons in weight. These units are preferably built fully integrated in order to limit hook up and commissioning at the offshore location as much as possible. The Blue Marlin enables oil companies to optimize the building of these ultra large units regardless of the J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie transportation distance from the fabrication site to the final destination. The first commitment for the Blue Marlin in this top segment of the heavy transport market has already been made. In the summer of 2004 the Blue Marlin will transport an ultra large and heavy semi-submersible Production Drilling and Quarters unit with a length of 163.80 m, a width of 125.89 m, a height of 129.1 m and a weight of approx. 60,000 tons. In addition the new vessel will be able to transport and dry-dock even larger semi-submersible and jack-up drilling rigs than have been possible in the past. (Bron: Marinelink) De Hong te Curacao In het afgelopen weekend van 21/22 februari is de sleepboot "De Hong" te Curacao gearriveerd met het Rig (New) "Pride Rio De Janairo "uit Portland-Maine (USA). Het rig moet later naar Brazil gesleept worden, door wie en wanneer is onbekend. Het rig is van Petrodrill. Het rig ligt nu in een v/d baaien van Curacao op de boeien. (Bron: John Smit) Keppel Offshore & Marine secures OSV Contracts 2/24/04 Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M) has secured a total of S$172 million worth of contracts through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Keppel Singmarine Ltd and AMFELS in USA. Keppel Singmarine, a specialized shipbuilder, will build four Anchor Handling Tug/ Supply (AHTS) vessels for European based company, Groupe Bourbon and four harbor tugs for Keppel Smit Towage. Deliveries of the eight vessels are slated progressively between the third quarter of 2004 and first quarter 2006. With these contracts, Keppel Singmarine has a current order book of 20 vessels, effectively positioning the Company as a leading builder of offshore support vessels in the world. The company has built more than 300 vessels since the early 1970s. “These are contracts from our repeat customers. Our track record for on time deliveries of products and services has earned us the trust and satisfaction of these regular customers,” Said Charles Foo, Chairman of Keppel Singmarine. “Coupled with our excellent Health, Safety and Environment record, we are poised to be a provider of choice to our worldwide clientele.” Groupe Bourbon has a fleet of over 200 vessels offering clients customised services in offshore oilfields, in towage and assistance services and in dry bulk transport. Keppel Smit Towage is a joint venture between Keppel and Smit International Singapore. The company operates a complete spectrum of towage, and support services. Meanwhile, Keppel O&M’s yard in the United States, AMFELS, won a contract to upgrade a jackup rig for repeat customer, ENSCO Offshore Company (ENSCO). Scheduled for delivery in the fourth quarter of 2004, Ensco 68 will be converted from a slot to cantilever jackup rig, with leg extension and capability enhancement. ENSCO, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, provides contract drilling services to the international petroleum industry. (Bron: Marinelink) Rescue Over, Salvage to Begin The U.S. Coast Guard has concluded its search for five crewmen missing since their offshore supply vessel sank near Pilottown, La., Saturday, and is, as of Tuesday, February 24, overseeing recovery and salvage operations to safely remove the vessel from the Southwest Pass. The Coast Guard called off its search and rescue efforts at about 5 p.m. after a final search of the area failed to locate any survivors. Coast Guard assets have been continuously involved in the search since they arrived at the scene of the accident at 6:30 a.m. Saturday, February 21. Also assisting in the search were personnel and resources from Plaquemines Parish, the New Orleans Port Authority, the La. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Navy. Coast Guard personnel are working around-the-clock to oversee the safe re-opening of the Southwest Pass. A salvage plan from Bisso Marine was submitted to and approved by Coast Guard Marine Safety Office New Orleans Sunday afternoon. "The Coast Guard is working closely with the owners of the LEE III and Bisso Marine Company, Inc., the company that has the contract for recovery and salvage operations. This is an extremely challenging operation given the size of the vessel and high water levels on the Mississippi River," said Capt. Ron Branch, commanding officer of the Coast Guard's Marine Safety Office and Captain of the Port in New Orleans. "Safety of the people on scene is paramount. Many people have been working around-theclock putting this operation together. Every effort is being made to complete the recovery and salvage operations and re-open the river to maritime traffic in a timely and safe manner." Listed below are some of the details on the ongoing recovery and salvage operations: Contracted dive operations started at about 7:30 a.m. today and focused on victim recovery and securing the Lee III for salvage. · A salvage technical consultant from the U.S. Navy is en route from Washington, D.C., to assist the MSO and will arrive on scene today. The Capt W A Bisso Jr and the Little Joe, both dive support vessels are on scene, along with 10 divers and numerous support personnel to conduct around-theclock salvage operations. The Lili Bisso, the Cappy Bisso and the Boaz, all heavy-lift equipment barges, are due to arrive tonight or early Tuesday morning. Environmental cleanup contractors have recovered 630 gallons of fuel oil. About 30,000 gallons of fuel was reported to be aboard the Lee III. (MEDIA NOTE: earlier reports of 5,000 gallons being recovered were inaccurate. The correct amount is 630 gallons). 1,000 feet of hard boom, 5,000 feet of sorbent boom, six work boats, three skimmers and 25 personnel from Environmental Safety & Health, an oil clean-up contracting company, are on 2/24/04 J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie scene to clean up the lost fuel. MSO New Orleans personnel are on scene to help coordinate the recovery and salvage operations. There are currently 32 deep-draft vessels waiting to enter the Southwest Pass and 25 waiting to depart. Once the river re-opens, the MSO and its Vessel Traffic Center will work with pilots to develop a plan to coordinate the safe transit of all maritime traffic in and out of the Southwest Pass. According to the state river pilots, by midnight tonight approximately 43 deep-draft vessels will be waiting to enter the Southwest Pass and 45 will be waiting to depart. The Coast Guard Cutter Pompano, an 87-foot patrol boat from Gulfport, Miss., and a rescue helicopter from Coast Guard Air Station New Orleans were on scene earlier today in the effort to find the missing crewmembers. The 178-foot offshore supply vessel Lee III sank soon after it and the Zim Mexico III, a 534-foot Antiguan-flagged cargo ship, collided at about 5:20 a.m. Saturday in the Mississippi Delta, about 60 miles south of New Orleans. The cause of the accident remains under investigation by the U.S. Coast Guard. (Bron: Marinelink) Stantug for Smit Gabon Vandaag, 26 februari 2004, heeft Smit een contract getekend met Damen Gorinchem voor de bouw van een stantug type 3509. De nieuwe sleepboot valt onder Smit Terminals en wordt ingezet te Gabon. Zij is een verlengde Stantug type 2509. Dit nieuwe type stantug heeft een verlengd achterdek. Zij komt hierdoor beter tot haar recht als een terminal tug. Een naam voor deze nieuwe aanwinst voor Smit is nog niet gegeven. In een eerdere S & O editie werd melding gemaakt dat de Vikingbank voor 5 jaar vertrekt naar Gabon voor een charter bij TotalFina, dit gaat nu niet door en dit wordt nu dus ingevuld door deze nieuwe aanwinst. De Vikingbank vertrekt na de dokking richting de West. (Bron: Smit) Vijftien Nieuwe ISU-Leden Het besluit van de International Salvage Union (ISU) om vanaf 1 januari 2004 voor het eerst ook andere organisaties dn alleen professionele bergers als lid toe te laten, heeft tot nu toe vijftien nieuwe leden opgeleverd. Hieronder bevinden zich prominente organisaties als Intertanko, Intercargo en Bimco. ISU-voorzitter Joop Timmermans toont zich zeer tevreden. ‘Vorig jaar september hadden wij aangekondigd dat wij ook andersoortige organisaties als geassocieerd lid zouden toelaten. Het is veel belovend hoe groot de animo is om zich bij ons aan te sluiten. Dit jaar willen wij graag zo’n dertig geassocieerde leden werven’. Een geassioceerd lidmaatschap van de ISU is mogelijk voor alle bedrijven, instanties of organisaties die een belang hebben bij effectieve aanpak van scheepsongevallen en voorkoming van morsingen op zee. Het kan gaan om verzekeraars, advocatenkantoren, havenautoriteiten, reders, scheepsmanagers en overheden. Op 17 maart worden de nieuwe leden op een speciale ISU-bijeenkomst ingewijd. Hierbij voeren ook vertegenwoordigers van Intertanko en Bimco het woord. Andere aanmelders zijn London Offshore Consultants, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines en het Britse ministerie van Defensie. Uit Nederland hebben zich MSC International Marine Services en D.Touw Expertise- en Ingenieursbureau aangemeld. (Bron: Schuttevaer) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 10 dd. 14 Februari 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Delta II Afgelopen week, 2 maart, is de ponton Delta II, voorheen Takmarine en nu Smit Maritime Contractors gebouwd te Fos sur Mer, vanuit de zeevaart onder gebracht in de binnenvaart. Het zeevaart brandmerk is doorgehaald en een nieuw binnenvaart brandmerk 26547 BR 2004 aangebracht. Bamse De sleepboot Bamse 370 GT IMO 8406157 BJ 1985 is vernoemd, de nieuwe naam Bamse Tug Roepletters OXMI2 Deense vlag thuishaven Kobenhavn. Onbekend is wanneer zij werd vernoemd. (Bron: Klaas van Belzen) Oliver Felix verkocht. General Marine Towing Ltd., Londen heeft eind vorig jaar de Oliver Felix (ex. Polgarth-90) verkocht aan M. Baker, Southampton. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Chief Paul & Julian Branford heeft vorig maand de Chief (ex. Filip, 550 apk 72 brt. 1930) verkocht aan John Evelegh (Griffin Towage & Service) eveneens te Southampton. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Verhuizing standplaats De Abeille Antifer zal naar Duinkerke verhuizen. Daarvoor gaat een van haar zussen zonder brandblusintallatie naar Le Havre. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Sleper naar Afrika De PITOA (ex. Puissant-04) zal gisteren vanuit Duinkerken vertrokken zijn naar Saint Nazaire om van daar een sleepboot (de BRÉHAT of de GROIX) op sleep mee te nemen naar Afrika. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Nieuwbouw De nieuwe duwboot VAL D'ARMOR (3xCaterpillar van knap 3000 apk) is eerder dit jaar opgeleverd aan Compagnie Ligerienne de Transport, Nantes. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Sloop De duwboot VAILLANT (2x600 apk, 1961) van Compagnie Fluviale de Transport, le Havre werd te Le Trait gesloopt. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports on towing Spirit Het is al weer twee weken geleden dat de Smitwijs Rotterdam in de lucht was, de tijd is ongemerkt snel gegaan na vertrek uit Houston, en zo is ook onze snelheid met de ex Stolt Spirit snel, bizar op sommige stukken zelfs, maar dat is in ieder geval iets waar we dan niet bepaald ongelukkig mee zijn. Na dat we uit Houston waren vertrokken en de golf van Mexico hadden overgestoken, de route door het Yucatan kanaal gekozen om zo the Caraibische zee in te stomen, daarna zuid van Grand Cayman en Jamaica gepasserd, en vandaar de loxodroom tussen S Lucia en S Vincent van de bovenwindse eilanden getrokken, geen verkeerde route zo bleek toen de weer kaartjes frontale systemen lieten zien op de meer noordelijke route boven Cuba langs, en hoewel de passaat zich dan wel iedere dag liet voelen, konden we de snelheid er goed in houden, tot soms boven de 10 mijl per uur over gedeeltes van de dag. Afgelopen vrijdag, vroeg in de morgen, passeerden we tussen S Lucia en S Vincent om daarna zuid van Barbados te sturen dat we in de avond van die dag reeds hadden gepasseerd. Momenteel, het is zondag avond de 29ste, bevinden we ons 220 mijl NNE van Kaaimanshoofd op de grens van Suriname en Frans Guiana, en sturen koers 118 richting een positie NE van Cabo Calcanhar Brazilie, van waar uit we via de groot cirkel naar de zuid kant van de Agulhas bank zullen stomen, dat lijkt allemaal nog een eid weg, maar wanneer we onze gemiddelde snelheid van sinds vertrek een dikke 8 mijl er in kunnen houden dan telt de maand snel af, en hopen we voor het einde van maart bij Durban voor de deur te liggen om daar te gaan bunkeren, en af te lossen, want zit daar de tijd van een aantal van ons er al weer op. Het weer is momenteel, na een aantal toch wel winderige J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie dagen aardig opgeknapt, en ook dat is niet verkeerd, want met onze huidige snelheid werd de door de wind gedreven zee relatief net iets te kort om echt plezierig te zijn, verder wordt het iedere dag wat warmer naarmate we de zuid in komen en steeds dichter bij de declinatie van de zon die met de middag nu al rond de 65 graden meet, zaterdag hopen we dan de equator te passeren, en circuleren de geruchten reeds dat ook Neptunus onze voortgang bij houd, dus opgelet voor degen aan boord die de linie nog niet eerder gepasseerd hebben. Nou, het is 22:00 uur op een zondag avond, dus maar even een bakje doen op de brugvleugel en even weg dromen bij een momenteel enorm heldere sterrenhemel, en schrijf ik dan binnenkort nog wel weer een stukje. (Bron:Kapitein Smitwijs Rotterdam) Dutch Pioneer BV Van der Wees heeft eind 2003 een nieuwe B.V. opgericht en daarin de van Hubregtse aangekochte sleepboot Dutch Pioneer ingebracht. De geregistreerde eigenaar is Dutch Pioneer B.V. te Dordrecht. (Bron: Frits van der Hoek) K.Damen bouwpakketten Door Shipyard K. Damen zullen bouwpakketen worden geleverd voor een pilot tender en twee mooring launches en uiteindelijk gebouwd worden in Egypte. Opdrachtgever is Svitzer Wijsmuller Egypte. (Bron: Frits van der Hoek) Two more tugs underway at Washburn & Doughty It seems like Washburn & Doughty Associates Inc. has a regular assembly line for its 92-foot tugs. In January, the East Boothbay, Maine, shipyard was busy building another pair of 92-footers. One is the Independent for Tampa Tugs Two in Tampa, Fla. The new tug is scheduled for delivery in the spring. “This is the first tug we've delivered to this company. It will be used for shipdocking and handling,” said Katie Doughty, marketing manager at the yard. The second tug under construction is the James R. Moran, which is scheduled for an early summer delivery. When delivered, the James R. will be the 10th 92-foot tug for Moran Towing Corp. and the 14th 92-footer designed and built by Washburn & Doughty. The ninth tug for Moran Towing was the Kaye E. Moran, which was delivered Dec. 19. The James R. and the Kaye E. are sisterships, and both will assist LNG tankers that call at the Dominion Cove Point, Md., LNG terminal on Chesapeake Bay. The 92' ´ 32' ´ 13'9' Kaye E. Moran has winches fore and aft for working the tankers. On the bow is a Markey DYS-42 hawser winch and a Markey DYSS-24 winch for towing is on the stern. Up forward there is also a Markey CEP-40 electric warping capstan. Tugs working LNG tankers have to be able to throw out a lot of water and foam in a hurry, and the Kaye E. Moran has that ability. With a pair of monitors, a deluge system and the ability to work a fire for a minimum of 24 hours, the tug meets Firefighting (FiFi) 1 classification standards. The two electrically powered Skum monitors can be controlled from the pilothouse or at the monitors. They each have a capacity of 5,280 gpm and a range of 394 feet. There are also eight fire stations on the main deck. The pumping system includes a pair of 900-hp Caterpillar 3412C diesels and two Nijhuis HGTFI-1-250.500 pumps. The main propulsion comes from two EMD-12-645F7B engines, each rated at 2,550 hp at 900 rpm. The EMDs turn Rolls Royce 1650H Z-drives with 94" stainless-steel props. The power package has an estimated bollard pull of 135,000 lbs. Since the Independent for Tampa Tugs Two won't be working LNG ships, she doesn't need FiFi 1 capability and can get by on a pair of Skum 1,500-gpm monitors with an Aurora 411 pump, which is powered by a Caterpillar 3406TA diesel. The Independent will also pack 5,000 hp, provided by a pair of 2,500-hp 3516B Caterpillar main engines connected to Rolls Royce 1650H Z-drives with 94" stainless-steel props. It will develop an estimated 130,000 lbs. of bollard pull. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) New ATB for BC's Island Tug & Barge Island Tug & Barge Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia, (not to be confused with Seattle-based Island Tug & Barge) has begun regular runs of the Island Trader, its new articulated tug-barge (ATB), between Vancouver and Puget Sound. With a capacity of 65,000 bbls., the 368' ´ 69' Island Trader is the largest Canadian oil tank barge on the West Coast, almost twice as large as the second biggest, the ITB 38, which carries 38,000 bbls. “This is our first articulated pin barge,” said Capt. Bob Shields, Island Tug's president. “We've never had a barge large enough for a full pin system.” Built in Shanghai, China, at Jinling Shipyards, the double-hull barge is an IMO-compliant, Transport Canada Class A and ABS A1 oil tank barge built with 12 separate cargo tanks. It is expandable to 75,000 bbls. It has four independent centrifugal pumps with a combined capability of 16,800 bbls. per hour. It was designed and built to ice-strengthened Arctic Class A1 and has a draft shallow enough to operate in the Beaufort Sea. The barge can also pass through the Great Lakes waterway's locks and canals. The Island Trader arrived in Vancouver from China late last year pushed by the Island Monarch, a 136' ´ 32', 3,000-hp tug. In the process, the Island Trader and Monarch became the first Intercon C-series ATB and the first Intercon ATB to cross the Pacific Ocean. The Island Monarch was built in 1966 and rebuilt in 1995. Pins for the Intercon system were added in 2003 after extensive work to convert it to J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie the pin-coupling system, including extensive tank testing at the BC Research towing tank. The coupling system work took place at Allied Shipbuilders Ltd., Vancouver, with some electrical and machinery work performed at Island Tug's facilities. Work at Allied included not only the installation of the Intercon pins, but the addition of Nautican triple rudders, modification of the propellers and widening of the upper wheelhouse. The electronics were also changed so the vessel could be used worldwide. Crossing the Pacific provided a lengthy sea trial for the ATB. Shields said that the Intercon system “worked great. It acted just like a ship.” He said Nautican rudders were installed to enable the tug, with her relatively low horsepower, to turn the barge safely and quickly. The triple rudders were extremely useful when bringing the Island Trader down the extremely crowded Wangpu River in China and in keeping the ATB on course while crossing the Pacific Ocean. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Herakles (Finland) Lloyds List Gothenburg, Mar 2 -- A barge loaded with coal, under tow by pusher tug Herakles (621 gt, built 1967), is reported to be taking in water in near Uppland in rough winds. Herakles is also reporting problems with one of its engines. A Finnish helicopter from Turku proceeded to assist and has evacuated four crew members. Another four are still on board. The situation on board is critical, with strong northerly winds of 30 metres per second. -- Westax Marine Services AB. London, Mar 2 -Following received from Gothenburg MRCC, timed 2214, UTC: All eight crew have now been evacuated from pusher tug Herakles and are being taken to Mariehamn. The tug and barge are believed to have grounded in approximately lat 60 30N, long 18 51E. Lloyds List Stockholm, Mar 3 -- Pusher tug Herakles with barge, loaded with 13,600 tonnes coal, was taking in water due to heavy winds outside Grundkallen. Vessel was on her way from Oxelosund to Hudiksvall. All eight crew members were evacuated and are safe at Mariehamn's hospital. According to the Swedish coastguard vessel has sunk outside Grundkallen, part of the pusher is sticking up over water but the rest is under water. -- Lloyd's Agents. Lloyds List Thursday March 04 2004 London, Mar 3 -- Following navigation warning broadcast at 0925, UTC, today: Tug and barge (pusher tug Herakles and barge Bulk) sunk in lat 60 29.6N, long 18 55.1E, south-east of Grundkallen light. Parts of the wrecks are spread out south of the light. Mariners are advised to give wide berth and pass the area with caution. (Bron: Hans Hoffmann) Bollinger Launches Innovative New OSV Hull Bollinger’s latest is a new 191-ft. platform supply boat that meets all new regulatory requirements including DPS1 and is under 200 ft. The New Generation BoTruc will be focused on supporting the shelf activity in the US Gulf of Mexico. Bollinger Shipyards, Inc., Lockport, La., has added another new design to its list of “less is more” offshore service vessels (OSV) that have cargo carrying capacities of larger vessels without the added equipment, operational and maintenance costs to their owners or operators. The design was developed in close cooperation with operator L & M Bo-Truc Rental Inc., of Golden Meadow, La., who signed contracts for two of the new OSVs. The first hull was launched February 6, 2004 and delivery of the first boat, Cheramie Botruc 38 is planned for June 2004, with the second vessel, Cheramie Botruc 39, following in about three months thereafter. The latest is a new 191-ft. platform supply boat that meets all new regulatory requirements including DPS1 and is under 200 gt. Slotted between Bollinger’s new 166-ft. and 207-ft. supply vessels, the new 191-ft. boat can be contrasted to 180-ft. and 185-ft. OSVs, which were considered “standards” for Gulf of Mexico (GOM) service in the 1980’s and 1990’s. “By comparison,” said Danny Irby, executive vice president new construction, of Bollinger, “the old 180s carried around 1,750 barrels of liquid mud and 3,500 cu. ft. of dry mud. Our new 191 can carry 2,500 barrels of liquid mud and 4,800 cu. ft. of dry bulk mud. The older boats usually carried around 500 tons of cargo on approximately 4,000 sq. ft. of aft deck space. Our new boat can carry 900 long tons on her deck that has almost 5,000 sq. ft. of clear deck cargo area.” He added that the older GOM standards carried around 61,000 gallons of fuel oil while the new Bollinger design more than doubles that with a 125,000-gallon capacity. “That,” he said, “gives the 191 more revenue time serving offshore installations and less time returning to base for fuel.” In addition to being 191-ft. in length overall, the new boats will each have a beam of 46-ft. and a 15-ft. depth. Each will be powered by two Cummins KTA50-M2 diesel engines developing 1,600 bhp each at 1,800 rpm. They will drive Nibral propellers through Twin Disc MG 5600 reduction gears with a ratio of approximately 6:1. Eight other Cummins diesels will power two service generators, two generator drives, an emergency generator, bow thruster and pump systems. Accommodations for 18 will be provided in seven cabins. The vessels are built in accordance with the rules of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and will be certified Maltese Cross A1, Maltese Cross AMS, DPS 1, Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) certificated and documented by the U. S. Coast Guard under subchaper L 0SV. Family owned and operated, L & M BoTruc Rental, Inc. ( ) is one of the largest privately held supply boat companies in the Gulf of Mexico market with 16 vessels from 166-ft to 235ft. (Bron: Marinelink) 3/4/04 J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Nieuwe bouwopdrachten voor Scheepswerf K. Damen Scheepswerf K. Damen te Hardinxveld-Giessendam heeft voor het jaar 2004 nieuwe scheepsbouwopdrachten geboekt. Twee afmeervletten, een containerschip en een sleepboot vullen het orderboek. Alle schepen worden opgeleverd in 2005. Er is een opdracht ontvangen van de rederij Svitzer Wijsmuller Egypt. Het gaat om de levering van twee veertien meter lange afmeervletten en een 14.65 meter grote loodsboot (zie ook hierboven bouwpakketten). De ontwerpen voor de schepen worden op de scheepswerf gemaakt en daar wordt ook gezorgd voor alle inkopen. Daarna worden de schepen onder begeleiding van de Nederlandse werf op een Egyptische scheepswerf in elkaar gezet. Tenslotte gaat Scheepswerf K. Damen in zee met de Duitse rederij Bugsier GmbH uit Hamburg. Op 27 februari tekenden de bedrijven een contract voor de levering van een sleepboot met een trekkracht van 65 ton. De sleepboot is een ‘tractor’ tug en heeft een lengte van 30.60 meter en een breedte van 11.75 meter. De voortstuwing van deze sleepboot wordt verzorgd door twee hoofdmotoren met een totaal vermogen van 4.050 kW (= 5.508 apk.) en twee roerpropeller-installaties. (Bron: De Scheepvaartkrant) Gegevens Yardno. 753 – Tractor Tug for Bugsier Type of vessel: Harbour assistance tractor tug Main Particulars: Length overall Length w.l. Breadth overall app. Depth hull mld Draft max. Accommodation Speed Bollard pull Classification : 30.65 m. : 28.90 m. : 11.75 m. : 4.05 m. : 6.70 m. :8 : 13 knots : 65 tons : Germanischer Lloyd Deck Machinery: One combined anchor- and mooring winch. One towing winch One towing hook Propulsion: Two main engines with a total output of 4050 kW. Two rudder propeller installations. West Venture Hit By a Supply Vessel Smedvig, Monday, March 08, 2004. No persons were injured when the supply vessel Far Symphony ran into semisub, West Venture, at three a.m. on Sunday March 7, 2004. The supply vessel caused two holes in one of the columns of the rig above the water line as well as minor damages to the column further down. The incident occurred when the supply vessel lost control when heading towards the rig. No oil spill or leakage from the rig have been registered as a consequence of the collision. West Venture will arrive at the CCB base outside Bergen today at own propulsion where Smedvig, the Norwegian Maritime Directorate and DNV will appraise the damages. The West Venture was working offshore Norway for Norsk Hydro at the time of the incident. (Bron:037\Rigzone) Shipping Season Slowly Reawakens 03/08 After an unusually short winter rest, crews are beginning to report back to their various vessels for spring fit-out. Inland Lakes Management cement carriers are already on the go, with the steamer Alpena departing her Cleveland lay-up berth for her namesake port March 4. She was upbound at Port Huron March 5 and arrived at Lafarge early on March 6 to take on cement. She departed by bound for Milwaukee and S. Chicago. Jacklyn M/ Integrity left Milwaukee March 2 for Waukegan. By the 4th they were headed down the Calumet River to load slag, then back to Waukegan, to off load. After that, they will head for Muskegon, with the tug Barbara Andrie breaking ice at the Lafarge dock. The American Republic is off and running on the winter shuttles, loading ore at the Cleveland Bulk Terminal for transfer to ISG steel upriver. The CCGS Simcoe will begin opening the channel from Prescott, Ont., to the Bay of Quinte March 8. This, along with the coast guard helicopter ferrying technicians to local light stations, implies that the cement ships will start up soon. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Ice-Breaking Operations to Begin on St. Lawrence River J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie The Canadian Coast Guard will begin icebreaking operations on the St. Lawrence River’s main channel between Prescott, Ont. and the Bay of Quinte during the week of March 8. The U.S. Coast Guard is requesting cooperation from the communities along the St. Lawrence River during this period. Ice fishermen, snowmobilers and other recreational users of the ice are strongly advised to remain well clear of the icebreaker's tracks. Ice conditions in the vicinity of the tracks will be unstable and very dangerous. Due to the recent warmer temperatures, the Coast Guard would also like to remind everyone that ice conditions on all local waters may be unsafe. Those who choose to venture onto the ice are reminded to use caution and take the necessary steps to protect themselves. They suggest: Never go out on the ice alone. Leave detailed plans of your trip with friends or family. Carry a cell phone or VHF radio. Always wear a life jacket. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports on towing Spirit Hier weer wat wetenswaardigheden aangaande de reis van de Smitwijs Rotterdam met de Spirit. Inmiddels zijn we sinds het laatste bericht al weer een week opgeschoten, dat ook in de letterlijke zijn, want de snelheid is er goed ingebleven, zodanig dat het af en toe tegenviel wanneer er 7.9/uur op de meter stond vanwege wat wind, maar doorgaans kunnen we hoog in de 8 blijven besommen, met een dikke 8 mijl per uur gemiddeld sinds vertrek uit Houston. Laatste week vermeldde ik dat we op zaterdag de 6e de evenaar zouden passeren, maar dat werd dan toch zondag morgen de 7e toen klokslag 04:00 uur de GPS de breedte als 00.00 aangaf. Hadden dagen regen achter de rug, maar hoewel op afstand de buien zichtbaar bleven, konden Neptunus en zijn gevolg om 10:30 welkom geheten worden op een zonovergoten achterdek alwaar het commando over het schip tijdelijk aan zijne Majesteit werd overgedragen teneinde de ceremonie rond de doop van onze drie onervaren zeebaren in gang te zetten. De Stuurman had even iets verkeerds gezegd een aantal dagen geleden, hij was er al zat overheen geweest over die evenaar, maar werd nog niet eerder gedoopt, ja, dan roep je iets over jezelf af natuurlijk, en net toen hij dacht dat het aan hem voorbij zou gaan, was het Neptunus zelf die in de drukte van het moment nog een vierde kandidaat miste, die was dus al snel gevonden en moest er toen ook nog aan geloven. Afijn, inmiddels zijn er weer vier nieuwe zeenamen vergeven en in het grote boek genoteerd, en met een geringe koersverandering om een fikse regenbui te ontwijken kon laat in de middag ook de BBQ droog blijven, al met al een geslaagde zondag op de zuid Atlantische Oceaan. verder hebben we blijkbaar een rustige route uitgezocht, twee tonijnenvissers is al wat we waargenomen hebben de afgelopen week, en waren ook wij voor hen blijkbaar een verrassing toen we in onvervalst Brasso portugees werden opgeroepen, dat moet je dan maar kunnen spreken, wij niet dus, en bleef de conversatie dus uit. Momenteel liggen we richting zuid van de Agulhas bank, en wanneer we ons gemiddelde vast kunnen houden kunnen we zo rond het einde van deze maand voor Durban liggen om daar te gaan bunkeren en-route naar Alang. Verder is er niet echt veel te melden, na een aantal briezerige dagen hebben we nu de stilte te pakken, een lichte Noord Oosten wind, en een lange deining uit dezelfde richting, rustig slingeren dus, en dat is wel zo aangenaam. Voor iedereen de beste wensen van deze kant, en tot de volgende keer. (Bron:Kapitein Smitwijs Rotterdam) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 11 dd. 21 Maart 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. De Pitoa (ex. Puissant-04) is vorig week donderdag uit Duinkerken vertrokken om de Groix te La Rochelle op te halen. Cie. Fluviale de Transport, Le Havre heeft de te Duinkerken gestationeerde duwboot M P 2 (ex. achterdeel van binnentankscheep Roxane, 340 apk, 1930) voor de sloop verkocht Bij de Franse duwboot Noordzee van Mario Hochoud zijn vorig jaar de 2x365 apk Caterpillar vervangen dor 2x550 apk Mitsubishi. Volgens Jacques Carney zal de Abeille No.32 naar Dakar vertrekken en na de oplevering van de Croisic zal de Hoedic van Saint Nazaire naar Brest verhuizen en daar de Abeille Iroise vervangen. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Shaima Eind vorig jaar is de nieuwe mooring launch Shaima opgeleverd met thuishaven Tripoli. Lenght over all:13 mtr, breadth moulded:4.80 mtr, depth moulded:2.53 mtr. Uitgerust met een Bos Detroit engine, type S-60 141, 298 KW(400 BHP) 1800 omw/min. Twindisc Gear Type;MG 516DC,6,00-1.Propellor Type:Helseth,3j120-1500 HSD fast. Nozzle Fast profil 19A, 1520 mm, Helseth.Becker-rudder,Type-SA900/100E.1. Deze launch is gebouwd bij Risnes Sonner AS in Noorwegen. (Bron: Hans de Groot) SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports on towing Spirit Hier is de Smitwijs Rotterdam dan weer na alweer een week sinds het vorige bericht, de tijd gaat ongemerkt snel, niet zo'n ramp natuurlijk, want zo schiet onze reis met de Spirit ook snel op. Voor dat je aan zo'n reis begint met de voorbereidingen er omheen, lijken 8600 mijlen van Houston naar Durban een heel eind, maar kijken we nu alweer tegen de laatste twee weken aan en hopen we aan het einde van deze week al ter hoogte van Kaapstad onze positie te plotten. Gisteren, zaterdag de 13e, passeerden we Ascension eiland op zo'n 300 mijl ten zuidwesten ervan, en verwachten we tegen de huidige voortgang woensdag de 17e St Helena op een kleine 200 mijl ten zuidwesten daarvan te passeren. Wanneer je dan dat St Helena in de kaart ziet liggen, dan sta je er bijna als vanzelf bij stil dat ze er destijds blijkbaar zeker van wilden zijn dat Napoleon Bonaparte niet meer terug kwam naar Europa, iets wat hem vanaf Elba dan nog wel gelukt was, het lijkt niet meer dan een eenzame kluit in een enorme plas water, hoewel, ook momenteel kent St Helena nog een bevolking van, volgens de gegevens, zo'n 7000 zielen, maar zijn de middelen van transport heden ten dagen in ieder geval wat toereikender dan op die 16e oktober in 1815 toen Napoleon er, door de Engelsen daar gebracht, aan zijn verblijf begon, en hoe dan ook toch nog zijn naam verbonden zag aan een ondiepte van 105 meter ten west noord westen van Helena. Bonaparte seamount, niet echt ondiep die 105 meter, maar relatief natuurlijk wel wanneer je ziet dat de dieptes er omheen de vier kilometer ruim overschrijden, en al met al was het toch wel een plek die ook in die tijd niet echt uitgenodigd moet hebben om een ontsnappingspoging te wagen, ook al was er dan wel verkeer naar toe en terug, want werd Napoleon toch uiteindelijk nog terug gebracht naar Frankrijk in 1840, hoewel dan wel in overleden toestand. Zo U leest, we schieten niet alleen zonnetjes en sterren, maar doen terloops ook nog wat aan geschiedenis, temeer daar vanavond de sterren verscholen bleven achter een dik pak wolken, en de zon zich de afgelopen dag ook maar mondjes maat heeft laten zien, wat we wel genoeg hebben momenteel is een hele hoop regen in zware buien die een voortdurende wedstrijd lijken te lopen de noordwest in op de passaat wind die wij recht op de kop hebben, en nog wel even zullen houden ook. Stampen geblazen dus op de route die wij moeten volgen, ook geen ontkomen aan wanneer je die kant op moet, en wanneer je er nog met meer dan 8 mijl per uur tegen in stoomt dan komt die regen eigenlijk nog niet eens zo slecht uit, dat spoelt mooi het zout van het scheepje dat er door het buiswater op achter blijft, elk nadeel heeft z'n voordeel, zullen we maar denken, en ook die uitspraak is dan al bijna een stukje geschiedenis geworden. Verder is het een bijzonder stil traject, we zitten dan ook behoorlijk ver uit de reguliere scheepvaart routes, en hebben we sinds het laatste bericht zeggen en schrijven slechts een enkele bulkcarrier waargenomen die vanaf de Braziliaanse kust zijn weg zocht naar de Kaap, afijn, wel erg stil, maar kunnen we in dit gebied in ieder geval de stroom tegen aardig ontlopen die we dichter bij de Afrikaansse kust recht van voren in gehad zouden hebben, en ondanks een straffe passaat wind op de kop, lopen we nog steeds in de pas van een gemiddelde boven de 8 mijl per uur, en dat schiet in ieder geval lekker op. Tot in het begin van deze week J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie vormden we ook nog het transport voor een aantal fregat vogels die vanuit de ra in de voormast ons groene dek hebben getracht wit te schilderen, hetgeen ze op wat heilige dagen na nog aardig gelukt is ook, maar ook die hebben ons inmiddels verlaten, voor de vis onder de Braziliaanse kust waarschijnlijk, kan ze geen ongelijk geven, want naarmate het water om ons heen in temperatuur begint te zakken naarmate we meer om de zuid komen lijken ook de vliegende vissen en andere tekenen van zeeleven te verdwijnen. We hebben, vermakelijk genoeg, een enthousiast aan boord die het plan had opgevat om een vliegende vis op te zetten omdat ze hem anders thuis niet zouden geloven dat er vliegende vissen bestaan, maakten we voor het avondeten de koelkast in de messroom open om de opsnit te pakken, stond er pontificaal een vliegende vis vertikaal in een literfles vol water in de deur, niet echt alledaags natuurlijk, maar, de reden bleek te zijn dat hij al een tijdje in de zon aan dek had liggen bakken eer hij werd gevonden, en het koele water zou hem dan weer in zijn originele staat teruggebracht moeten hebben, daar hebben we dus maar niet op gewacht en het aanvankelijke enthousiasme maar in de kiem gesmoord door het danig vervormde stoffelijk overschot, exclusief de plastic fles, terug aan de zee te schenken. Nou, dat was het weer voor vandaag, de wacht zit er al weer bijna op terwijl de maan door de gebroken bewolking aan de kim begint op te komen, een mooi moment om U allen de beste wensen van deze kant te doen toekomen, en tot de volgende episode dan maar weer. (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Rotterdam) New Voith Schneider Propeller (VSP) blades successfully tested on sea trials With commissioning of the Norwegian Voith Water Tractor “Baut” of the Norwegian shipping company Bukser og Berging, the improved characteristics of the new VSP blades were impressively demonstrated in December 2003. The bollard pull could be improved by 9%, while the input power remains unchanged. Measurements of the bollard pull were carried out under the supervision of the Norwegian classification company DNV. Voith Schneider Propellers and especially Voith Water Tractors (VWT) are renowned in marine circles for precise, efficient and safe ship assistance. The VSP allows accurate, stepless and extremely swift thrust variations in accordance with XY coordinates. In order to improve the hydrodynamic characteristics of the VSP even further, a new generation of blades has been developed. The basis for the successful development is the numeric simulation of the fluid dynamics (CFD = Computational Fluid Dynamics). The CFD method initially serves to optimize the shape of the propeller blade; it also provides the exact loads for the structural and mechanical optimization by using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The new blade generation distinguishes itself by the following characteristics: • Improved propeller blade profile • Increased, uniform profile thickness across the entire blade length • Reduced weight due to hollow drills • Rectangular blade geometry with optimized end plates Which hydrodynamic effects are associated with the new blade generation? - Increased efficiency of VSP - Improved hydrodynamic characteristics - Increased ratio from lift to resistance - Reduced vibrations and noise emission The new VSP blades for the propeller size 36R6/255-2 represent an important step towards the further improvement of the hydromechanics of Voith Schneider Propellers. For new propellers, the new profiles will be standard; any further improvements can be realized with immediate effect. Detailed information on the subject is available from the internet on Website for Rocknes Salvage Established A remarkable salvage operation is scheduled for this month in Norway. The capsized 166-meter-long vessel ‘Rocknes’ will be uprighted (parbuckled) by SMIT Salvage at the CCB yard in Agotnes, Norway. The ‘Rocknes’ capsized and sank in a strait near Bergen, Norway on the 19th of January 2004. In this tragic accident 18 crewmembers lost their lives. The salvage operation can be followed from the newly opened website ROCKNESSALVAGE.COM. During the past weeks the salvors have prepared the parbuckling of the vessel with a total weight of approximately 9000 tonnes. The ‘Rocknes’ will be pulled into an upright position by use of winches and a hoisting barge. The use of this method is extraordinary for a vessel of this size. Details like the development, background and progress of the operation can be found on the new website. The initiators of the site are the Jebsens Group, Gard AS and SMIT Salvage. The Jebsens Group is manager of the vessel, Gard is responsible for its insurance and SMIT Salvage leads the salvage operation. For more information please visit WWW.ROCKNESSALVAGE.COM 3/16/04 9:40:11 AM SMIT Wins Bow Mariner Salvage Contract SMIT Salvage was contracted to assist in locating the missing 18 seamen of the sunken tanker ‘Bow Mariner’ in the U.S. SMIT will deploy an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and 3/15/04 7:01:44 AM J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie specialized divers to locate the missing crewmembers of this accident. SMIT’s second task is to remove the bunker oil from the tanker that lies in the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of approximately 264 feet, 50 nautical miles off the coast of Virginia. Until now heavy weather has prevented the ROV from being launched to begin the search for the missing seamen of the vessel and from making video footage to determine whether there remain recoverable quantities of ethanol and fuel oil in the vessel. SMIT will go to the wreck site as soon as possible and will use all its expertise to locate and try to recover the missing seamen. PolRec SMIT Salvage will deploy its pollution recovery system ‘PolRec’ to remove the vessel’s bunker oil. The PolRec system has been designed to remove oil and chemicals from vessels lying on the seabed in very deep water without the assistance of divers. It was developed by SMIT in co-operation with Norwegian pump specialist Frank Mohn. The system has been awarded the internationally acclaimed ‘Seatrade Award’ in the Countering Marine Pollution category. PolRec uses a combination of the ROLS system (Remote Offloading System) and ROV’s (Remotely Operated Vehicles). PolRec has proven its value in the successful recovery of oil from tankers in Korea and chemicals from the sunken tanker ‘Ievoli Sun’ in the English Channel. At the moment the SMIT Salvage team is completing an on-site survey. Equipment is being mobilised and work on the pumping operation will start as soon as possible. SEACOR SMIT Changes Name to SEACOR Holdings Inc. 3/15/04 4:04:36 PM SEACOR SMIT Inc. announced that the change of its name to "SEACOR Holdings Inc." became effective at 12:01 a.m. on March 15, 2004. The ticker symbol and CUSIP number for the Company's common stock will remain unchanged. Holders of stock certificates bearing the name "SEACOR SMIT Inc." may continue to hold them and will not be required to exchange them for new stock certificates or take any other action. In addition, the Company's Internet website URL will change to SEACOR and its subsidiaries are engaged in the operation of a diversified fleet of offshore support vessels that service oil and gas exploration and development activities in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, West Africa, Asia, Latin America and other international regions. Other business activities primarily include environmental services, inland river operations, and offshore aviation services. Onderzoek Smit Internationale Smit Internationale N.V. maakt bekend dat de Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit (Nma) gisteren een onderzoek is gestart op haar hoofdkantoor omtrent aanbesteding van wrakoperingen en bergingen vanaf 1999 tot heden. Tegelijkertijd is de Europese Commissie een onderzoek begonnen naar de sleepdiensten bij de divisies Harbour Towage en Terminals. Uiteraard zal Smit aan zowel de Nma als aan de Euroese Commissie medewerking verlenen.. Om het onderzoek op geen enekele wijze te verstoren kan Smit gedurende de voortgang van het onderzoek geen nadere gegevens verstrekken. (Bron: Smit Internationale) IMB helps recover hijacked tug A hijacked tug and barge were recovered by Thai authorities following ‘confidential information’ from the IBM Piracy Reporting Centre in Kuala Lumpur, The International maritime Bureau has said. Authorities boarded the Indonesian tug Sing Sing Mariner and the barge Kapuas 68 that were about to assume the false indentities of Tyson and Tyson V and have detained seven Myanmar nationals, who were on the vessel. The vessels were recovered on 15 March. “Vital intellingence provided by the centre enabled the Royal Thai Navy and Royal Thai Marine Police to seize the tug and barge,” Pottengal Mukundan of IMB revealed today. Four hijackers had seized the tug and barge on 9 February near Bintan Island near Singapore. Crew members, who were stranded on an island, were rescued by fisherman. Sing Sing mariner was towing Kapuas 68 laden with 3,000 tonnes of crude palm oil valued at $1.6M from Satui, Kalimantan in Indonesia to Butterworth in Malaysia. According to IMB data, twelve tugs and barges were hijacked during 2003. These vessels are seen as ‘soft targets’ as they move slowly and are easy to board, the IMB explained. Petra resources buys supply vessel for RM14m update by Starbiz Newsdesk PETRA PERDANA Bhd's wholly-owned subsidiary, Petra Resources Sdn Bhd, has entered into a memo randum of agreement to acquire an anchor-handling towing and supply vessel from Bourban Ships AS for RM14mil. The acquisition is expected to be completed within a month from the date of the agreement. Petra Perdana executive chairman and chief executive officer Tengku Datuk Ibrahim Petra said in a statement Friday the group was determined to develop its marine vessel services. The acquisition, he said, would complement the fleet of its new unit, Intra Oil Services Bhd, in providing a range of marine services such as towing, anchor handling and supply to support the engineering and drilling programmes of oil companies. Ibrahim said the purchase was also in line with the expansion of the group's core business to provide engineering, operations, maintenance and marine support services to offshore oil and gas facilities. “Furthermore, with the potential upsurge in exploration and production activities over the next three to five years, we can J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie expect positive growth in the local oil and gas industry. “Based on these factors, as well as the shortage of such vessels and the preference for Malaysian-owned/flagged vessels for jobs in local waters, we hope to leverage on the new opportunities that will arise over the period,” he said. (Bron: The Star) Swire Pacific Offshore opens office in Baku Swire Pacific Offshore has opened an office in Baku, Azerbedijan and deliverd its first vessel in the Caspian Sea. Swire Pacific Offshore (Caspian) LLC has been set up to manage the operation of Pacific Raider, which arrived at Baku in October 2003 and completed the reinstatements required following the transit of the river and canal system needed to reach the world’s largest inland sea. AHTS Luzolo Seabrokers reports that Chantiers Piriou has delivered the newbuild UT721 anchor handler Luzolo to Surf, the subsidiary of Groupe Bourbon. Upon delivery the vessel left for Angola where it has secured a term contract with Exxon Mobil Angola for one year firm plus one year option. Of the nine newbuilds Surf has ordered since 2001, this is their only AHTS, with seven PSV’s and one multi-role vessel making up the final tally. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 12 dd. 28 Maart 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. SMIT starts construction of two new vessels 3/23/04 9:07:32 PM SMIT Transport & Heavy Lift BV (a division of SMIT Internationale NV) has ordered two new ships to be built at the Keppel Singmarine shipyard in Singapore. This order concerns the construction of a Diving Support Vessel – Anchor Handling Tug and an Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel. Both vessels have a bollard pull capacity of 70 tons and will be delivered in the second half of 2005. In addition to the contract for the two new vessels, SMIT has also taken an option on two other vessels with a bollard pull of 120 tons. These are the first vessels in a new standardisation process of SMIT. All four ships share the same basic design. They have an accommodation capacity of 40 to 50 persons. The investment will provide SMIT with vessels capable of performing a diverse variety of tasks. Next to its tasks as anchor handling and supply vessels the ships can be used for salvage and maritime projects. The ships have also been outfitted for holding a deck crane and an A-frame. The variable purpose nature of the vessels, and the possibility to adapt or configure them, makes it possible to meet the varying requirements of our clients. One of the vessels will be used as a diving support vessel on the North Sea. The other ships will be used for anchor handling, supply, salvage and project support in Southeast Asia and West Africa. SMIT has chosen Keppel Singmarine for the building of these vessels due to the yard’s expertise on the construction of this type of vessels and because of its established reputation of delivering high quality work at competitive prices. (Bron: marinelink) Dhoce verkocht naar Polen De Schottel sleepboot Dhoce van Remolques Unidos te Santander is naar Polen verkocht. Haar nieuwe naam is nu Tryton en de nieuwe eigenaar is ZUZ Sp. z.o.o. te Stettin. De sleepboot is op 2 maart in Polen aangekomen. Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports on towing Spirit (1) Alweer een week verstreken sinds het laatste verslag van de Smitwijs Rotterdam, het is zondagavond 23:00 uur, en dacht ik om maar weer even wat bijzonderheden over onze reis te melden. We hebben alweer een snelle week achter de rug met een gemiddelde snelheid van dik boven de 8 mijl per uur, en hebben St Helena sinds woensdag al weer een heel eind achter ons liggen. Inmiddels zijn de plotting sheets van de kaartentafel verdwenen en varen we op een kaart waar we zuidelijk Afrika, inclusief de Kaap op hebben staan, Walvis baai tot Maputo, nog wel een behoorlijke schaal kaart natuurlijk, maar lijken de mijlen er op wat meer aan te spreken dan die tussen de groene parallellen en meridianen van de plotting sheets werden opgetekend. Ook komen we inmiddels wat scheepvaart tegen dat vanaf de Kaap richting Brazilie koerst, en de andere kant op ook natuurlijk, zo hadden we vanmorgen zelfs een tegenligger op een paar mijl CPA, een AMGB nog wel, inderdaad, een AMGB, onze leerling wist dus ook niet wat dat was, en zelfs met de kijker bleek het beeld van het schip geen duidelijkheid te verschaffen, en ja, als leerling ben je er om wat te leren natuurlijk, een AMGB is een Alle Machtig Grote Boot, en dat was het eigenlijk ook wel, maar toch, de leerling moest het ontgelden, maar hadden enkele anderen ook al stiekem naar buiten gekeken om die vier letters te kunnen plaatsen. het weer is ons gunstig gestemd gebleven de afgelopen week, momenteel is het rustig, een heldere hemel en al, maar liggen we te slingeren als een bad eend op een stevige deining uit de zuid west vandaan die zijn oorzaak vind in de dikke depressie die net iets te langzaam naar onze zin onder de Kaap door schuift. Afijn, de afstanden zijn zo groot dat er er moeilijk nu al wat aan kan doen maar halen we toch met enige spanning de weerkaartjes uit de fax, daar wordt je dan ook al niet echt vrolijk van wanneer je de isobaren als een fijn gesponnen web om een laag heen ziet draaien, en lijkt het wel aslof die depressies om de zuid een aaneengesloten mars lopen, we zullen er dan ook maar een plekje tussen inzoeken en heb je daar die kant op in ieder geval in de meeste gevallen de wind mee, en dat surft dan wel lekker. Voorlopig dus nog maar even de voordelen van het goede weer beleven en kijken we toch ook wel weer uit naar Durban, nog een week en twee dagen tegen de huidige voortgang en kunnen we daar voor de kust liggen. Verder is het stil hier, weinig leven om ons heen, de tweede stuurman had al wel orka's waargenomen. maar lijkt het verder uitgestorven op een enkele zeevogel na, zal de temperatuur wel zijn zullen we maar zeggen, die is de laatste week in ieder geval behoorlijk gedaald, totaan het onbehagelijke toe, en loopt zowat iedereen al weer in het lang, dus maar snel rond die kaap en weer de Noord in. nou, verder is er gewoon niet zo veel te melden deze keer, dus bewaar ik maar wat tot volgende week. Voor een ieder de beste wensen van deze kant, en tot volgende week (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Rotterdam) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Tug John Purves to Become Museum Display 03/17 The 1919-built tug John Purves has been donated by Andrie Inc. to the Door County Marine Museum. The 150-foot vessel was towed to Sturgeon Bay in November and is currently moored at a dock near the museum. She will eventually be restored to the colors of the Sturgeon Bay-based Roen Salvage Co., for which she operated for most of her career, and opened to the public as a DCMM exhibit, according to Mari-Times, the group’s newsletter. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Mailboat J.W. Westcott Starts Service Next Week 03/21 The Detroit-based mailboat J.W. Westcott II will return to service April 7th at 0800. De mailboat wordt ook gebruikt als loodsafhaler en de passerende schepen te voorzien van onderdelen, proviand, kranten, schoon linnen, neemt dan de vuile weer mee terug enz. Een manusje van alles maar graag gezien door de bemanning van een passerend schip, want het betekent POST van thuis. Waar je ook vaart de post is altijd het belangrijkste. De boot is ook het enigste vaartuig in Noord Amerika met een eigen postcode. Detroit River Station, MI. 48222 Verder is er nog al wat geschrijf over het in orde brengen van verschillende schepen, want het vaarseizoen gaat weer beginnen. IJsbrekers aan het werk om de haveningang open te breken, de in-en uitvaart naar de sluizen, en zijn enkele schepen al aan de eerste reis begonnen, zolang een passage door een sluis nog niet nodig is. Wij hebben n.l een paar mooie dagen gehad en is er veel ijs al gesmolten. Maar vandaag vriest het weer ,-10 C. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Tanker, tug collide in ship channel Chemical leak plugged; spill is evaporating The Houston Ship Channel was closed for nearly four hours Friday afternoon after an 800-foot tanker collided with a tugboat pushing two barges, causing about 500 barrels of a high-octane petroleum product to spill, the Coast Guard said. All five people aboard the tug, David and Colleen, were accounted for with no injuries. Coast Guard officials said the leak was plugged and the spilled petroleum was evaporating and not likely to cause an environmental hazard. "It's similar to gasoline. It has a high evaporation point," said Petty Officer Nick Cangemi of the spilled substance, called raffinate, that leaked from one barge. The incident occurred around 2:15 p.m. just north of where the channel meets the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, not far from the Texas City Dike. The junction is one of the world's busiest ship and barge traffic intersections, said Capt. Alistair Macnab, president of the Greater Houston Port Bureau. From here, ships take products to the ports of Texas City, Galveston and Houston. "Think of the busiest highway intersection, and that would be similar," Macnab said. But luckily, he said, Friday nights are not the busiest part of the week. Hazardous materials teams were working to contain the raffinate, which is blended with gasoline and used as a chemical feedstock. The Coast Guard contracted with Garner Environmental Services and TNT Marine Ways to begin the environmental cleanup. Fog was hampering efforts, but the stricken barge was pushed into shallow water outside of the channel, which was reopened about 6 p.m. Coast Guard officials didn't know what caused the collision, but Chief Warrant Officer Adam Wine said the area has been plagued by fog. "We've had the channel closed off and on for the past two days," he said. Macnab said something extraordinary would have had to occur. Officials said the inbound tanker, the St. Helen, a Maltese-flag vessel, proceeded to the Bolivar Roads anchorage area on its own power. The spilled raffinate is a flammable, colorless liquid that contains constituents similar to gasoline. The chemical is highly volatile. The Coast Guard's Marine Safety Division was on the scene. (Bron: Houston Chronicle by Dina Cappiello and Richard Stewart) Bollinger complete refit Bollinger Gulf Repair L.L.C. has completed the retrofit of a Bouchard Coastwise Management Co., tug and barge to an articulated (ATB) unit utilizing the Intercon Coupler System. The 446-foot, 125,000 BBL (barrel) black oil Barge B. No.175 which was renamed Barge B. No.275, was transformed from a single hull to double hull vessel to meet the requirements of OPA '90. Her stern was modified with the matching Intercon ladder to accept the bow of the 127-foot tug CAPT. FRED BOUCHARD, which was retrofitted with ram assemblies of the Intercon system. New heating coils were added to the barge's existing hot oil system and a new ballast system was installed. A keel cooled Detroit Diesel 8V-71 generator set producing 99 kW was installed in the tug as back up for powering the Intercon hydraulic system and main generator. The tug and barge were both built in 1981. Morton S. Bouchard III, president and chief executive officer of Bouchard Transportation Company Inc., said "We are pleased to announce that we have successfully taken delivery of our third retrofit unit, the CAPT. FRED BOUCHARD and the B. No. 275. The CAPT. FRED BOUCHARD is named after my grandfather and company founder. This brings Bouchard affiliates double hull fleet up to 11, with delivery of our 12th unit due out from Bollinger Gretna in several months. Bouchard affiliates have the largest double hull fleet in the country and are presently in the final study phase which will result in an announcement of another building program in the next few weeks." Before the tug and barge arrived at Bollinger Gulf Repair, the shipyard pre-fabricated, sandblasted and painted certain components that were used in J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie the conversion of both vessels. The barge was converted and inspected to the applicable rules of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) of shipping for Class Maltese A-1 Oil Tank Barge and the U. S. Coast Guard for the carriage of petroleum products of Grade A and lower, excluding all types of crude oil, for Unmanned Services in Oceans and Manned special service. Ben Bordelon, executive vice president repair, of Bollinger said, "Bouchard Barge B. No. 275 is the 24th double hull barge built or converted to OPA '90 standards by Bollinger facilities. I don't think any other U. S. shipyard comes close to Bollinger's experience in OPA '90 hull design, construction and conversion." In simplest form, the patented Intercon system provides a single degree of freedom allowing the tug to pitch about a transverse connection between the tug and barge. All other motions are restrained so that the tug motions match barge motions in roll and heave. The connection is mechanical, accomplished with two independently mounted ram assemblies, gear driven, and configured for tug installation. The rams stroke transversely, engaging the vertical ladder structures incorporated onto both sidewalls of the stern notch. The resulting connection is rigid, mechanically locked, and fail-safe. Bollinger's Lockport, La., new construction division is also currently building another double-hull articulated ATB unit for Bouchard. The tug, which will be named MORTON S. BOUCHARD IV, will be 130 feet in length, with a 38-foot beam. Power will be supplied by two EMD-16-645 F7BA diesels developing 3070 HP each at 800 RPM. They will drive 140-inch bronze propellers through Reintjes reverse/reduction gears with a ratio of 4.48:1. Bollinger Gretna in Harvey, La., is building Bouchard Barge B. No. 242, a clean product ocean-going barge that meets the requirements of OPA '90. It will be 487-feet long, with an 80-foot beam and 36.6 foot depth and will be able to haul 135,000 barrels of cargo. Bollinger recently delivered another new OPA '90 double hull ATB unit to Bouchard, the 130-foot tug JANE A. BOUCHARD and the 430-foot, 110,000 barrel Barge B. No 225 Smit behaalt uitzonderlijk goed resultaat in 2003 • • • • Divisie Harbour Towage presenteerde goed, met name de buitenlandse activiteiten. Divisie Terminals presenteerde beneden verwachting. Gedurende 2003 hoog werkaanbod in Divisie Salvage. Uitstekende bezetting in 2003 van de vloot van de divisie Transport & Heavy Lift. Resultaten 2003 • De netto winst stijgt van EUR 13,4 miljoen in 2002 naar EUR 27,0 miljoen in 2003 • Het bedrijfsresultaat van Smit Internationale N.V. is gestegen van Euro 13,1 miljoen in 2002 naar Euro 29,3 miljoen in 2003 • In het bedrijfresultaat 2003 zijn begrepen bijzondere posten tot een bedrag van negatief Euro 3,6 miljoen (2002: negatief Euro 1,5 miljoen). • Het resultaat van de niet geconsolideerde deelnemingen bedraagt Euro 11,0 miljoen (2002: Euro 9,1 miljoen). • De rentelast is gedaald van Euro 10,4 miljoen in 2002 naar Euro 6,1 miljoen in 2003. • De netto winst per aandeel, gecorrigeerd voor ingekochte aandelen, bedraagt Euro 3,62 ten opzichte van Euro 1,83 over 2002. (Bron: Smit Internationale) Nieuw Smit-Lloyd site Gepensioneerd Smit-Lloyd werktuigkundige Jaap Kooij opent website van Smit-Lloyd. Op deze website kunt u de scheepsgegevens van de supply vaartuigen vinden. Ook bevat de site foto’s van de schepen. Verder zijn er wetenswaardigheden over de schepen. Jaap laat mij weten dat de site nog lang niet klaar is en er hopelijk vanuit diverse hoeken gegevens binnenstromen om de site zo volledig mogelijk te maken. Met name hoopt hij op oud zeevarenden collega’s en kantoormensen die bij SmitLloyd hebben gewerkt of nog bij Smit op kantoor werken. Breng eens een bezoekje aan de site en laat Jaap weten wat u van de site vindt. 1.html Damen levert havenboten Tuapse Damen shipyards heeft deze maand twee schepen opgeleverd met een Russische bestemming. Het ging om een damen Mini Cat 803 AGAT en een Multi Cat 1506 Vega. Ze zijn nu onderweg naar de Russische haven Tuapse. Het eerste schip wordt ingezet bij roeierswerk, het tweede bij ophalen van afval, controle op vervuiling en inzameling van bilgewater. De Agat, de kleinste Mini Cat van de standaard pakketten, kon Damen uit voorraad leveren. Zij is 8,40 mtr. Lang en 3,10 mtr. Breed. De hoofdmotor is een caterpillar 3304 BT van 140 pk bij 2000 toeren. De snelheid bedraagt 7,8 knopen en de trekkracht is 1,4 ton. De Vega werd als casco voorbereid voor de specifieke activiteiten. Dit schip is 15,50 mtr lang en 6,06 mtr breed. Aan boord bevinden zich twee caterpillars 3304 BT en deze zijn net als op de Agat voorzien van een twindisc MG-keerkoppeling. Het vermogen komt uit op 280 pk bij 2000 toeren. De snelheid is 7,4 knopen en de trekkracht 2,6 ton. Om het afval op te pakken zit er een kraan met een grijper voorop de Vega. Verder is dit vaartuig voorzien van een olieverwijderingssysteem. (Bron: Schuttevaer) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Vlootschouw in Maassluis Met meer dan veertig sleepboten viert het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum 17 april in Maassluis het 25 jarig bestaan. De schepen geven op de Nieuwe Waterweg een vlootschouw, die vanaf het havenhoofd kan worden gevolgd. Volgens een museumwoordvoerder hebben rederijen als Kotug, SvitzerWijsmuller, Smit, Muller Dordrecht en Multraship toegezegd slepers voor de vlootschouw beschikbaar te stellen. Ook de zeeslepers Holland en Elbe en de stoomsleper furie uit de televisieserie Hollands Glorie zijn van de partij. Vedrer doen diverse binnenvaartslepers en stoomslepers mee. Geprobeerd wordt nog enkele hedendaagse, grote zeeslepers naar Maassluis te krijgen. De vlootschouw heeft plaats tussen 14 en 16 uur. Ter gelegenheid van het jubileum is ook de expositie ’25 jaar Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum’ ingericht. Deze tentoonstelling omvat fotomateriaal en een reeks scheepsmodellen. Verder wordt het boek ‘Van walegang tot berghout’ gepresenteerd. Hierin zijn beschrijvingen gebundeld van alle exposities en thematentoonstellingen die de afgelopen 25 jaar in het museum zijn gehouden. Het boek telt 308 pagina’s en bevat in totaal ongeveer 220 foto’s. (Bron: Schuttevaer) SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports on towing Spirit (2) De Smitwijs Rotterdam heeft het langste stuk van de reis er bijna op zitten met nog slechts iets meer dan een dag te gaan tot een positie ter hoogte van Durban alwaar het in de lijn de bedoelingen ligt om dinsdag morgen vroeg onze sleep tijdelijk over te geven om de gelegenheid te maken om Durban binnen te kunnen lopen en te gaan bunkeren, en aflossen natuurlijk, want zit voor een aantal van ons, inclusief de schrijver dezes, de reis er dan al weer op. De afgelopen week hebben we Kaap de goede hoop gerond, en bevinden wij ons nu zo'n 115 mijl zuid van East London op een koers van 062 graden en een snelheid die ondanks dat we de Agulhas stroom van voren in hebben continu boven de 8 knopen blijft. We zitten dan ook redelijk ver uit de kust, en zodoende buiten de as van de stroom, en dat scheelt aanmerkelijk in de snelheid daarvan. Het weer zit ons ook mee, momenteel slechts een krachtje of drie variabel, alleen zit de lucht dicht met lage bewolking en regent het bij tijden fors, maar goed, beter zo dan zon en een hoop wind. Tijdens het ronden van de Kaap bleef het weer voor wat de wind aanging ook behoorlijk binnen de perken, af en toe een krachtje zes, dus redelijk genoeg voor die gebieden, alleen werden we van donderdag op vrijdag nacht verrast door een behoorlijk hoge swell uit de zuidwest vandaan die in de vrijdag morgen piekte naar een meter of tien. Magnefiek gezicht die massa's water die dan voorbij komen rollen, maar was het de tonnenmeter op de sleepwinch die de gemoederen toch wat onder druk zette, en waren we genoodzaakt om vermogen terug te nemen to minimum om de zaak heel te houden. Afijn, vrijdag avond begon het allemaal al weer wat minder te worden, en op zaterdag morgen, met een deining hoogte van een meter of vijf, konden we al weer door gaan draaien om de snelheid er weer in te brengen. Verder is het hier nog steeds bijzonder rustig, geen scheepvaart, en ook maar weinig leven in zee waarneembaar, op een school grienden na dan die ons afgelopen donderdag even kwamen bekijken, maar dat zeker niet zo bijzonder vonden, want waren ze al snel weer op hun weg ergens anders naar toe. Hadden lopen vertellen over de albatrossen die hier normaal gesproken door het luchtruim kruisen, maar hebben er nog maar twee waargenomen, wat we wel genoeg hebben zijn insecten die in de hogere lucht lagen blijkbaar naar zee meegevoerd zijn, in ieder geval een teken dat we niet al te ver meer van land afzitten. Ja, en dan de schrijver zelf, verleden week vermelde ik dat we een AMGB waren tegengekomen, een Alle Machtig Grote Boot dus, en dat we de leerling daar met de verrekijker op attendeerde, maar die niet kon constateren wat dan wel een AMGB was. Dan kan je de bal terugverwachten natuurlijk, en die kwam dus ook, en nog hard aan ook. Of ik dan wel wist wat een SBSP was? niet dus, en daar sta je dan met bijna 35 jaar op zee, een berichtje terug leverde dan wel een aanwijzing op, het was geel en vierkant!!! maar ondanks die hint zit ik nu al bijna een week te vlassen wat het dan wel zou kunnen zijn, ik ben er nog niet uit dus. Nou, de aflos koorts heeft inmiddels toegeslagen en dwaalt de geur van schoonmaak middelen door het schip, ook is het vechten voor de stofzuiger en een beurt aan de wasmachine, maar goed, daar is wel mee te leven in het vooruitzicht dat het nog maar een paar dagen is. Tot zo ver dan maar weer, de volgende week hoop ik thuis te zijn, en zal een volgend verslag van mijn hand moeten wachten tot na het verlof. Voor alle lezers de beste wensen van deze kant, en bedankt voor de reacties die ik heb mogen ontvangen. (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Rotterdam) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 13 dd. 4 April 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Tina A J. A. Rederiet uit het Deense Juelsminde heeft de Tina A (ex. Stevns, ex. Bamble, ex. Sterke-Nils) 600 apk 74/68 verkocht aan P. O. Sørensen, ook in Denemarken, en de nieuwe naam is Sontinja. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Samand Coloured Fin Ltd. te Port of Spain heeft de Samand, 4,290 apk 295/76 gekocht. Haar nieuwe naam werd Tonnant. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Abeille Antifer Eind vorig week is de Abeille Antifer in Duinkerken aangekomen. In ruil daarvoor is de Farouche naar Le Havre vertrokken. Zo heeft Duinkerken nu twee sleepboten met brandblusinrichtingen. Dat was ook de bedoeling achter de ruil. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Eerland 26 Afgelopen donderdag is op de Eerland 26 de oude commandobrug vervangen door een nieuwe brug. De beide schoorstenen zijn geïntegreerd in de nieuwe brug opgenomen. Bij scheepswerf De Haas in Maassluis ligt de Eerland 26 afgemeerd. Tijdens deze verbouwing wordt van de gelegenheid gebruik gemaakt gelijk het special survey af te ronden. Voor de liefhebbers de gelegenheid om een plaatje van de Eerland 26 te maken. Superpesa is super duper With hangovers from the Rio carnival slowly subsiding, early March in Brazil was the place to be to see the vessel launch and christening of Line Handler Superpesa XIV. The design is a local adapted version from original US Gulf design. It has no bow thruster, and being used for infield transport and assistance for the shuttle tankers. Owners Superpesa Cia de Transportes Especiais e Intermodias will take delivery of the vessel in September from the Transnave Shipyard; when the vessel will commence an 8 year contract for the Brazilian state owned oil company, Petrobras. Seabulk’s Brazil Also part of the christening season south of the equator was the PSV UT755L Seabulk Brasil at the Aker’s Estaleiro Promar shipyard in Rio. The vessel is the first of two being constructed on spec for the account of Seabulk Offshore Brasil. Delivery is again expected in September of this year. Asterie is born Brattvaag Skipsverft AS, a company in the Aker Brattvaag Group, delivered to French owners Surf SAS (part of the group Bourbon) the newbuild PSV UT755L Asteri. This is an extended version of the familiar UT755 design and is developed to conduct general cargo duties, bulk, pipe and liquid pipe transport from and to cable vessels, drilling rigs and production platforms. The Asterie also has FiFi I (Firefighting Class 1) and DP and is prepared for Rescue. The hull was built at Aker Brattvaags yard Aker Tulcea in Rumenia, and arrived Brattvaag Skipverft in mid November for outfitting. Rigdon unvell New Orleans On show during it’s sea trials this month, was Rigdon Marine’s new PSV GPA 640 design Orleans. The vessel is scheduled to deliver from Bender’s Alabama yard in mid April. The Orleans will be the first of ten identical newbuilds that are due o come off the Bender production line every 50-60 days for the ext 18 months. The cost of the newbuild programme is in the region of $125m. All the Rigdon PSVs will be named after French Quarter streets in New Orleans. In order of delivery, the names are: Orleans, Bourbon, Royal, Chartres, Iberville, Bienville, Conti, St.Louis, Toulouse and Esplanade. The 210-foot (64m) state of the art DP2 vessels will come with diesel electric 360 Deg azimuthing thrusters, 568m2 clear deck and comprehensive underdeck capacity. The ships were designed jointly with Guido Perla & Associates of Seattle. Busker awarded Melkøya tug contract J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Norwegian towing specialist Busker og Berging have been awarded a 10-year contract worth just under NOK 300 million by Staoil. The deal covers tug and mooring services at Melkøya, near Hammerfest in northern Norway. The escort tug for Melkøya will be a further development of the vessels that currently operate in the saling channels for the Mongstad and Sture crude oil terminals near Bergen. Embracing the hire of three tugs and two mooring boats, this deal also includes options for two five-yaer extensions. All the tugs are due to be built by the Moen Slipyard at Kolvereid in midNorway, becoming operational at Melkøya from the end of 2005. The tug fleet will comprise of one combined escort and harbour tug with a bollard pull of 90ts, and two harbour tugs with a bollard pull of 70ts a piece. Statoil placed the award on behalf of the partners in the Snøhvit licence. Eidesvik backwards coming forward Aker Langsten AS has entered into a contract with Eidesvik Shipping AS, Bømlo, Norway, to build a Platform Supply Vessel, type VS (Vik & Sandvik) 493 Avant. VikSandvik presented a new VS493 Avant design during Nor-shipping 2003 with the prominent feature being the superstructure placed aft. Aker Langsten in cooperation with Vik Sandvik has further developed this innovative project. According to the designers, by moving the superstructure aft a range of benefits can be obtained including: educed movement; Reduced noise; Safer bridge layout (no aft bridge control); Better hull lines; Better DP plot; Simplified cargo area; Safer loading and discharging at platforms. The vessel, Aker Langsten newbuilding no 197, is to be delivered in October 2004. The hull is already under construction at Aker Tulcea, and outfitting and commissioning wil take place at Aker Langsten, Tomrefjord, Norway. Olympic’s game Brevik Construction AS has designed a contract with aster Supply KS for the building of one Platform Supply ship of UT755L design. Olympic Shipping AS, Norway, is to be the operator to both the ship & company. General Manager of Aker Brevik, Lars Stark says this is an important contract for Aker Brevik. “We are very happy to have won a contract for building another Platform Supply Vessel. This means we are competitive in a difficult market”. It’s understood the hull will be built in Romania, then fitted out in brevik’s yard, and is expected be ready for delivery in June 2005. Captain DOF’s its hat. District Offshore were delighted to take delivery of its classy new PSV MT6009 Skandi Captain that was delivered from Myklebust yard in Norway. The DP2 rated, Clean Class vessel and comes with 684mr clear deck. It should be noted that this is the first MT (Marin Teknikk) design in the medium size category. The vessel was fixed for its first cargo run a couple of hours prior to its official delivery. Norsk Hydro hold the honours of being its first charterer with Seabokers delighted to act as the fixture’s broker. 2+2 = Kooren Kooren Shipbilding and Trading B.V. has ordered on a speculative basis, two RT-60 class Rotor tugs to be built at ASL Shipyard Pte Ltd in Singapore. The tugs will have a bollard pull capacity in excess of 63 metric tons each. Delivery of both tugs is expected in April 2005. In addition to the above mentioned order Kooren has also taken options on two additional RT-60 Rotor tugs which they expect to declare within the next three months. Kooren is presently in contact with a couple of potential buyers. Hollyhock Damaged in Collision With Cort 03/27 The U.S. Coast Guard cutter Hollyhock was involved in a collision with the 1,000-foot laker Stewart J. Cort Thursday morning while breaking ice in the St. Marys River. No one was injured in the accident, which resulted in Hollyhock being sent back to her Port Huron base for repairs. She arrived at Port Huron Friday. The Hollyhock's upper bow was damaged, and its flagpole is missing. Coast Guard spokesmen said the Cort sustained "cosmetic" damage to its bow. The Cort was stopped in the ice at the time of the incident. Weather conditions at the time were poor, and fog reduced visibility to one-quarter of a mile. U.S. Coast Guard officials are investigating the crash and didn't know what sent the Hollyhock, which has state-of-the-art navigation technologies, into the freighter, according to a story in Saturday¹s Port Huron Times Herald. A Coast Guard spokesmen didn't know how expensive repairs would be for the $29 million, 225-foot-long ship, or how long they would take. The Hollyhock was placed into service last October, and this was her first icebreaking assignment (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Cargo Ship Grounds Off Florida 3/29/04 6:22:26 AM Coast Guard Marine Safety Office and Group Miami are overseeing response operations to the grounding of the 544-foot cargo ship Eastwind, which was attempting to enter Port J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Everglades, Fla. early this morning. Titan Maritime, LLC will focus on refloating the M/V EASTWIND at next high tide, at approximately 12:10 am. Commercial salvage engineers are taking precautions, in the event that fuel tanks are threatened aboard the vessel. These will consist of an internal transfer of heavy oil from a lower tank to the upper wing tanks to reduce the risk of a spill. Currently, no signs of pollution or injuries have been reported. The Coast Guard continues to monitor and assist, to protect the marine environment and ensure that operations are conducted safely. Resources involved in this response operation include: USCG assets: * Miami Command Center * Marine Casualty * Investigators/Marine Vessel Inspectors * Marine Environmental Response Officers * 2 Gulf Coast Strike teams members * HU-25 Falcon jet Titan Maritime, LLC assets: * 3 Tugs: o Tug JUSTINE MCALLISTER On site o Tug BROWARD On site o Tug ELSBETH-III enroute/eta: 27Mar04 * 5 man salvage team * Marine RIB [Rigid Inflatable Boat] w/ First Response Casualty Assessment Package, Communications Package and Damage Stability Software The Coast Guard was notified by the National Response Center at 2:10 a.m. today that Eastwind reported running aground just north of the port’s entrance. A Coast Guard marine inspector flew over the ship to inspect the situation before being lowered to the vessel from the Coast Guard helicopter to oversee response operations. At this time there are no signs of pollution or any injuries to the crew. The Greek-flagged vessel carrying bauxite, an ore from which aluminum is extracted, also has approximately 241 tons of heavy fuel oil onboard. Eastwind’s last port of call was New Amsterdam, Guyana. (Bron: marinelink) Rocknes Successfully Parbuckled 3/30/04 8:12:28 AM On March 30, 2004, the parbuckling of MV ‘Rocknes’ in Agotnes, Norway, was completed successfully by SMIT Salvage. After two months of preparations, the final stage of the parbuckling process started March 27. In a two-day-long unique operation the vessel was pulled upright from its upside-down position with only a small starboard lift remaining. For this operation the salvors used the Dive Support/Salvage Vessel ‘SMIT Orca’, two immersion and salvage pontoons mounted on a semi-submersible flattop barge which together supported the pulling winches, and a supporting barge. A Heavy Lift Cranebarge that was held on standby during the parbuckling to help out in case additional power was required to force the vessel into its rotating movement was not called into action. On March 28, after pulling the vessel into this 130-degree gradient, salvors pumped water out and air into the vessel in order for it to reach its original draft depth. A special team then proceeded with the conservation of onboard instruments and machinery, while the salvors sprayed parts of the vessel with anti-corrosion material. In the coming days the engine room will be dewatered and conserved and the derigging of the vessel will commence. The ‘Rocknes’ is a 544.6 ft. Dynamic Positioned Flexible Fallpipe Vessel that capsized in January 2004 after hitting a shallow in the Vatlestraumen strait near Bergen, Norway. In this accident, 18 crewmembers lost their lives. SMIT Salvage was awarded the LOF 2000 Scopic contract for the recovery of the vessel shortly after the incident. Eide Marine Services AS from Bergen was signed as subcontractor. (Bron: Marinelink) Users Say Intracoastal Waterway Suffers from Neglect, Cuts in Dredging Funds Mar. 29--J.R. Briggs knows the Intracoastal Waterway. As a captain on tugboats that haul loads up and down the Atlantic Coast, he has to know the ins and outs of the narrow ribbon of water. If not, he'll get stuck in the mud. But getting stuck is more likely nowadays because funds for maintaining and dredging the channel have been drying up in recent years. Captains on larger boats increasingly find themselves having to time their journey with the tides to make sure there will be enough water to get past shallow spots. That's a headache for those like Briggs, who on Friday was heading up to the Chesapeake Bay as relief captain of the Island Progress tugboat. "It's aggravating, and it does slow you down," he said. "It's a big problem." The problem has been growing in recent years as dredging funds have dwindled, according to those who regularly use the waterway. In many places, the water level is well below the authorized depth of 12 feet, and operators are worried things are only getting worse. "It's getting very frustrating," said Bryan Pahl, a port captain for Stevens Towing, which operates out of Yonge's Island. "We're starting to think it's got the potential to stop us from running at all." Shallows near places such as the North Santee River in South Carolina and Lockwood's Folly Inlet in North Carolina force tugboat captains to either hit shallow spots at high tide or pause until the waters rise. Pahl said that the problem has forced the company to limit drafts, which translates into lighter loads and less efficient trips up the waterway. In McClellanville, shrimpers have increasing difficulty getting in and out of Jeremy Creek, said Rutledge Leland, who owns Carolina Seafood. Shrimpers there don't make heavy use of the Intracoastal Waterway, Leland said, but the creek connects to the waterway and also is maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers. "We've got some pretty serious issues up here," he said. "It's really critical before the shrimping season that we get some dredging here." Without dredging, the waterway tends to fill up with silt, creating plenty of places for the unwary boater to run aground. The problem is that money for dredging has dropped significantly in recent years. In 2000, the Corps received $5.6 million to dredge the section of the waterway that covers most of South Carolina. This year, that figure is $1.4 million. That is not enough to keep up with the need, said Gary McAlister, a project manager for the Corps. It is not even enough J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie money to completely address problem areas, he said. "It doesn't get all of them," he said. Right now, no money is budgeted for next year, McAlister said. Funding for dredging is related to the commercial use of the waterway, which has been dropping in recent years. Pahl said that the lack of dredging will drop commercial activity even further, creating a kind of vicious circle. He recommends that recreational activity, which is brisk, be factored into the equation. The impact of the shallower channel is most severe on larger boats with deeper drafts, but recreational boaters are not immune, said Pahl. In fact, in some ways, they might be more likely to get stuck, he said. "Our captains do it so much they know the shallow spots," he said. "A recreational boater has very little information." Robbie Freeman, managing partner of the City Marina in Charleston, said that the lack of dredging in the waterway is a hot topic in the marina world. "We hear about it a lot. It's an issue, really, nationwide," he said. "Some areas, it's really bad." The situation is beginning to push traffic away from the waterway into the ocean, he said. It doesn't take a gigantic boat to potentially run into problems, he said. A 30-foot sailboat might have a six-foot draft, he said. "There are a lot of places where six feet of water can get you in trouble," said Freeman. The issue is drawing some political attention. Operators are waging a campaign to persuade the federal government to provide more money. Members of South Carolina's congressional delegation, including U.S. Sens. Fritz Hollings and Lindsey Graham, say they are working to obtain money for dredging. Pahl believes it should be obvious that the channel is a resource that needs to be maintained. "We just think the waterway is so valuable," he said. (Source: The Post and Courier) Shipper to Pay $10 Million in Cape Cod, Mass.-Area Oil Spill Mar. 30--NEW BEDFORD, Mass. -- Bouchard Transportation Co. officials pleaded guilty to two environmental crimes, agreed to pay a New England-record $10 million fine, and issued a strongly worded apology yesterday for their negligence in an oil spill last year that killed at least 450 seabirds and contaminated nearly 90 miles of shoreline in Buzzards Bay. Officials of the New York-based shipping company admitted that neither the captain nor the first mate of its tugboat Evening Tide were at the controls on the evening of April 27, 2003, as the vessel and the oil-laden barge it was towing headed out of normal shipping lanes toward submerged rocks. The rocks tore a 12-foot-wide gash in the barge, causing the bay's worst oil spill since 1969. Morton S. Bouchard III, chief executive of the company, apologized to people harmed by the spill. "I personally feel your anger and disgust about the effects of this accident," he said. The settlement with US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan does not end the 11-month criminal investigation, which is now expected to focus on possible criminal indictments of individual Bouchard employees. Bouchard also turned over the results of its internal investigation of the accident. Investigators are focusing on first mate Franklin Hill, who had been blamed for an accident the month before, when a barge rammed into a dock in Philadelphia. Hill, who has since been fired, was in charge of the bridge on the afternoon of the accident, but had left the tugboat's controls to work in the stern of the ship. If a grand jury indicts him, Hill could face felony charges that require jail time under the Clean Water Act. "Our message is very simple: Polluters beware," said Michael E. Hubbard, special agent in charge of criminal investigations at the Environmental Protection Agency, which has led the investigation into the Bouchard spill, with Sullivan's office. Hill's lawyer, Peter Ball, declined to comment on his client, saying that Boston federal court rules prohibit lawyers from discussing open investigations. The Bouchard settlement, announced during a press conference at the New Bedford Whaling Museum, includes the largest criminal fine for an oil spill in New England history. Under the deal, Bouchard will pay slightly more than $9 million now, of which $7 million will go to a national fund for improving wildlife habitat and $2 million to a trust fund to clean up oil spills. The remaining $1 million will be waived after three years if the company meets several conditions of probation, including the hiring of local pilots to guide barges through Buzzards Bay. Environmentalists welcomed the tough fine; some were disappointed that the money is not slated to be used in Buzzards Bay. "It's my hope that as much of that money as possible could be directed toward areas affected by the spill," said Joe Costa, director of the Buzzards Bay Project National Estuary Program, which is helping to research the environmental damage from the spill. Sullivan said Massachusetts members of Congress have expressed interest in funneling some of the fine to Buzzards Bay. He stressed that the criminal action is just one part of Bouchard's liability in the spill, which released between 22,000 and 98,000 gallons of heavy industrial oil into the bay. A company consultant placed the estimated amount at up to 55,000 gallons. Bouchard must also pay the $40 million spent so far for cleanup, make payments through its insurers for private property damage, and face a future bill for environmental damage, officials said at the press conference. Studies of the environmental damage could take years, but Bouchard has taken responsibility for killing 450 loons and other birds protected under federal law. Documents filed with the plea agreement provide a better picture of how an accident could have happened on a clear, calm afternoon in a well-marked shipping area. The documents point to a series of problems aboard the Evening Tide that turned a routine trip to a Cape Cod power plant into an environmental disaster. First mate Hill was left in charge of barge B-120, loaded with 4 million gallons of heavy industrial oil, "despite repeated concerns that were raised about his competency," Sullivan said. Hired nine months before the accident, Hill had been criticized by two other tug captains, the J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie settlement said. A month before the accident, Hill "caused a barge to collide with the dock in Philadelphia," according to the settlement. Though no oil spilled, the barge captain blamed Hill for approaching the dock too fast. And on the day of the spill, Hill caused several thousand dollars' worth of damage to the Evening Tide's tow wire, according to the settlement. Other mariners saw the Evening Tide as it headed out of the shipping lane with its cargo and repeatedly tried to warn the tugboat by radio about the dangerous rocks just west of the channel, but neither Hill nor others responded, according to the settlement. In fact, Hill had left the bridge entirely to work in the stern of the boat, violating company policy. The barge plowed into the rocks 22 feet below the surface, cutting open one of the fuel-storage compartments. After the collision, other vessels reported the leak to the Coast Guard, which was unable to get Evening Tide crew members on the radio for 3 1/2 minutes. Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly called the accident "inexcusable," but he pointed out that "as bad as all of it was, [the cleanup] was truly impressive." Slightly less than a year later, 97 percent of contaminated shellfishing areas are open again, though some coastal residents say that tar balls from the spill still wash ashore. (Source: The Boston Globe) Ship Sinks off of Sentosa The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) received a report that a Vietnamflagged freighter, Thanh Da (1,066 GT), had sunk at Western Working Anchorage, about 1 km west of Sentosa Island. According to the master of the Thanh Da, the freighter was anchored at Western Working Anchorage, after loading general cargoes at Jurong Port. At about 1025hrs, the vessel started taking in water and subsequently sank. The shipmaster and six crewmembers were onboard at the time of the incident. They were rescued by a passing workboat and transferred to Police Coast Guard (PCG) craft. There was no report of any injury to the crew. As a result of the sinking, some of the vessel's bunker fuel seeped into the sea, which has been cleaned up by three anti-pollution craft deployed by MPA. Port operations and vessel traffic remain unaffected. The location of the Thanh Da has been marked and navigational broadcasts have been issued to inform ships in the vicinity of the incident. As a precaution, anti-pollution craft will continue to monitor the situation. The shipowner has taken action to engage salvors to salvage the vessel. MPA will be investigating the incident. (Bron: Marinelink) 4/2/04 9:26:54 AM Rijkswaterstaat start verzinken wrak Assi Eurolink Rijkswaterstaat start op woensdag 7 april met het gedeeltelijk in de zeebodem laten zakken van het wrak van de Assi Eurolink. Het schip, dat begin vorig jaar na een aanvaring is gezonken, ligt in twee stukken in de diepwaterroute, 75 kilometer ten noordwesten van Terschelling en vormt een belemmering voor de scheepvaart. Om de plaatselijk vereiste nautische diepte (29 meter) te herstellen, wordt aan beide zijden van het wrak zand weggebaggerd om het verder in de bodem te laten zakken. Het wrak levert geen gevaar op voor het milieu; het schip was niet geladen en de olie is eruit gehaald. Het is voor het eerst dat in het Nederlandse deel van de Noordzee een scheepswrak op deze diepte (de zee is hier 43 meter diep) met een sleephopperzuiger in de bodem wordt verzonken. Het werk wordt uitgevoerd door de bedrijven Boskalis en Noordhoek. Het wrak van de Assi Eurolink zou aanvankelijk worden geborgen. De inschrijving op de aanbesteding van de desbetreffende aannemers leverde echter een buitenproportioneel hogere aanneemsom op dan de raming van Verkeer en Waterstaat. Een en ander is gemeld aan de NMa. Vervolgens is naar een alternatieve oplossing gezocht om het wrak onschadelijk te maken voor scheepvaart en milieu. (Bron: Min. Verkeer & Waterstaat) Schip zinkt bij Hardinxveld-Giessendam Het scheepvaartverkeer op de Boven en Beneden Merwede ondervindt geen hinder van de vrachtschepen die zaterdag zijn gestrand. Ter hoogte van Hardinxveld-Giessendam is een vrachtschip met maïs gezonken, na een botsing met een Duits schip. De lading chroomerts aan boord van het Duitse vaartuig is overgebracht naar een andere boot. Het gezonken vrachtschip wordt maandag geborgen. De Landelijke Politiedienst doet onderzoek naar de oorzaak van de aanvaring op de Merwede. Duikers stellen een onderzoek in. Maandag wordt bekenen hoe het schip zal worden geborgen. (Bron: RTV Rijnmond) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 14 dd. 11 April 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Towboat Sinks, Blocks Matagorda Ship Channel The 32-ft. tow boat Iron Ox sank April 4 during a storm in the Matagorda Ship Channel. The storm's winds averaged 40 to 50 knots with gusts up to 60. No one was hurt and pollution is minimal, but the wreckage is blocking the ship channel. The Matagorda Ship Channel is the only access for large ships to the port of Point Comfort, Texas. Presently there are four ships awaiting transit. Investigators from U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Satellite Office Port Lavaca, Texas, are overseeing salvage operations and investigating the cause of the sinking. The Iron Ox sank while still attached by cable to the dredge it was tending, between channel markers 43 and 44, near Magnolia, Texas. The tow cable and heavy seas from the storm are slowing salvage operations. The Iron Ox, is owned by Laquay Dredging Corp. and was contracted by the Army Corps of Engineers to dredge the channel. (Bron: marinelink) 4/6/04 7:19:16 AM Smit-Lloyd 1 De Smit-Lloyd 1 is op 16-2-2004 verkocht door First Pacific Trading Co. Ltd., Valetta; Malta aan Island Fendering, Valetta; Malta, bleef in beheer bij Tankship Management Ltd., Ta'Xbiex; malta en herdoopt in Ramla Bay. Juiste webadres Smit-Lloyd site Amstelstroom 9295775 afgebouwd bij Damen Shipyards te Hardinxveld onder bouwnummer 1557 voor W. van Wijngaarden Marine Service B.V. te Sliedrecht, 17-3-2004 vertrokken van de werf voor proefvaart in de Europoort, 17 en 18-3-2004 proefvaarten gemaakt, 18-3-2004 weer vertrokken naar Hardinxveld, roepsein PIAS, 233 BRT, lengte 26,10, breedte is 9,35, holte 3,60 en de diepgang is 2,500 meter, 273-2004 vertrokken van Hardinxveld met bestemming Huelva. Barge Hits Moored USCG Vessels A tug pushing two barges drifted into two U.S. Coast Guard ships at the north side of the Corpus Christi Inner Harbor at 4 p.m. Wednesday. One of the barges struck both the Coast Guard Cutter Mallet, a 75-foot inland construction tender, and the Coast Guard Cutter Brant, an 87-foot patrol boat, both located at the Coast Guard harbor facility here. No one was injured and neither of the ships or barges are taking on water. Though the two damaged ships will need to be repaired, no Coast Guard mission will be affected. Personnel from Coast Guard Marine Safety Office Corpus Christi are investigating the cause of the accident. (Bron: marinelink) 4/5/04 8:22:46 AM Damen Delivers Pair of Tugs Damen Shipyards Gorinchem recently delivered a pair of Stan Tug 2608s – Ilha de Sao Luis and O Bravo – in fulfilment of its contract with Adminstracao dos Portos, which was signed in June 2003. The vessels will built for operation in the Port of Horta and the Port of Praia da Vitoria. The first vessel was delivered in February 2004 and the second vessel in March 2004. The pair were built from stock hulls with the yard numbers 509805 and 509806. Both vessels will be used for mooring operations, coastal towing and fire fighting operations. The Damen Stan Tug 2608 has a single chine bilge. The transom corners are well rounded and the vessel has sufficient bow height for severe working conditions. The hull is divided into 4 compartments and is of a very strong construction with side and bottom plating of 10 mm and decks of 8 mm thickness. The sheerstrake has a plate thickness of 20 mm. The aft deck is suitable for a specific weight of two tons per square meter and is designed to carry loads up to approximately 20 tons At the transom corners, a rubber D- fender size 350 x 225 mm is fitted. At the bow, rubber block fender, type 480-300 is used, ensuring a good protection. All around heavy tyre fendering is provided. The compact steel superstructure is placed on the forecastle deck and is made of 6 mm thick plating. The superstructure has ample space for a separate galley and mess room. The accommodation is suitable for a crew of nine persons, with the captain’s cabin and the chief engineer’s cabin on the main deck. Below the main deck, two double crew cabins and a triple crew cabin are arranged. Furthermore a large store is fitted. The complete accommodation and the wheelhouse are air-conditioned by means of an air-conditioning system of 4/6/04 7:15:14 AM J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie large capacity. Two eight-cylinder, resiliently mounted Caterpillar 3508B TA engines power the Damen Stan Tug 2608. The output of each main engine is 820 kW (1100 bhp) at 1600 rpm. Each engine drives a 1900 mm bronze fixed pitch propeller in a NSMB type 37 nozzle for improved astern performances. Each nozzle is provided with a stainless steel inner ring. Reintjes reverse/reduction gearboxes are fitted, type WAF 562L, with a reduction ratio of 5,05:1. The vessel is provided with a hydraulically driven bow thruster of 620 mm, make Promac FP120-620 of 80 bhp. The bowthruster is controlled from both consoles. On the fore deck, a towing bitt and anchor winch are fitted. The winch is provided with a vertical warping head (1.5 ton at 15 m/min). On the aft deck a capstan of four-ton pull at a speed of 20 m/min. is arranged. On the aft towing bitt a towing hook of 45 ton Safe Working Load is fitted. Aft of the aft deck, a flush gobeye is provided, with ample draining and a closing plate. Furthermore, a deck crane of 6.65 ton m with 1.2 ton winch is provided. Maximum outreach of the crane is 7.85 m. The communication equipment is in conformity with the sailing area of the vessels. A Sailor RT 4822 VHF radiotelephone is fitted with integrated DSC modem/ watch receiver, a Furuno FS-2570-25 SSB, with integrated watch receiver and DSC and two Jotron VHF handheld are foreseen. The Navtex is a Furuno NX-500. The navigation equipment consists of a Furuno radar, type FR-1505 mk III, a Furuno GP-80 GPS navigator and a Furuno GD-1700 chart plotter with echo sounder. The autopilot is of the make Radio Zeeland, type Seapilot 75. The vessels were classified by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping and obtained the notation.: X 100 A1 Tug Unrestricted service LMC. With this notation, the vessels are capable of deep sea navigation in any area and at any period of the year and were completely built in accordance with the rules and regulations of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. Both Damen Stan Tugs 2608 will sail under the Portuguese flag and were built in accordance with the requirements specified by the Portuguese Maritime Authorities. (Bron: marinelink) Solstad sells standby vessels Solstad Offshore ASA in Norway has sold a trio of stand-by vessels, Normand Ondur, Normand Skipper and Scott Protector, to Nomis Shipping Ltd. in Uk. The price, which is equal to the booked st gain, is NKr. 25million. The vessels were due to be delivered on March 31 . Asmar gets work on Maersk anchor handler under way Asmar shipyard in Chile had begun work on the construction of an anchor handling tug supply vessel th for Maersk Supply. The keel-laying ceremony was held at Asmar Talcahuano on January 15 . The th contract for the ship was signed on july 15 2003 by Asmar and Maersk and covers the construction of two ships which be used to support offshore activities offshore Canada. Sisters sold to Malaysia The two sister AHTS Bourbon Captain and Bourbon Champion (Smit-Lloyd 122 and Smit-Lloyd 123) built 1983 and 1984 – 10000 BHP are reported sold to Petra Perdana Malaysia for a price of USD 7 mil en bloc. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 15 dd. 18 April 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Vincent Turecamo The United States tugboat Vincent Turecamo was reported sunk 18 miles off of Brunswick, Georgia on friday morning April 9th. Historie: Built as Savannah for Atlantc Towing Company in 1958; 1990 sold to Turecamo and renamed Vincent Turecamo. 1998 taken over by Moran Towing same name. Yard: Equitable Equipment Co.- Madisonville Nr. 1035. 2100 pK. 262 grt; 32,01 x 8,28 x 4,13 mtrs. 4stroke single acting 16 cylinder Alco diesel engine. (Bron: Marinelink) Cultra verkocht Svitzer Wijsmuller (N. I. ) heeft de Cultra, die vroeger als Skelton Cross voor Wijsmuller vanuit Terneuzen en IJmuiden voer, aan Targe Towing verkocht. Zij is eergisteren te Aberdeen overgedragen. De nieuwe naam komt er pas op bij de volgende dokbeurt. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Attack on ship ‘Work of Abu Sayyaf’ The Philippine Navy said an attack on a Malasian tigboat on Sunday in Sulu Sea near Sabah was the work of Abu Sayyaf militants. The attackers seized three crew members – an Indonesian and two Malaysians. “We are receiving reports from the field that the group who abducted the three were Abu Sayyaf members and the allaged leader is a certain Lajib,” said Captain Geronimo Malabanan, a Philippine Navy spokesman. (Bron: Shipping News) Historic tugboat saved from scrapheap Canal enthusiasts in the North-West are embarking on their very own Scrapheap Challenge – to save the luxury tugboat Daniel Adamson, a true one-off that was threatened with breaking up. The unique 1903-vintage craft was once used for luxury trips along the Manchester Ship Canal. But sibce she was superseded by a newer model, the boat has languished unwanted and unloved. Now, a group of intrepid volunteers has hauled the boat to Liverpool Docks to begin the arduous process of restoration. First of all, Daniel Adamson was removed from the dock at the Boat Museum, Ellesmere Port, and towed by ship canal tug MSC Viceroy to Eastham Locks. Then, in the second stage of the operation, the historic boat was towed down the Mersey to Liverpool. This was believed to be the first time Daniel Adamson had sailed on the Mersey in 60 years – and also marked the official handover of the vessel by the Manchester Ship Canal Company to the Daniel Adamson Preservation Society. The next stage of the project will see the craft entering dry dock for a hull survey. Eventually, the Preservation Society hopes to restore the boat to her former glory and to see her active again around the waterways of Cheshire and Merseyside (Bron: Shipping News) “De Sleeptros” weer terug bij Smit. Een aantal enthousiaste Smit zangers hebben het idee opgevat om een ‘Shanty’ koor op te richten. Inmiddels zijn de eerste oefeningen begonnen en eerlijk is eerlijk de klanken zijn buitengewoon amusant. Natuurlijk moest er aan dit koor een naam worden gegeven. Omdat in het verleden het rederijblad een aansprekende titel had in de scheepvaart wereld is door de koorleden deze naam in ere hersteld. In het vervolg kunt u nu dus luisteren naar “De Sleeptros” dan er uit te lezen. Smitters aarzel niet en treedt toe tot illustere gezelschap van zangers en zangeressen. Tugs named as minister visits port Two Durban-built tugs finally received their official christening this week when a visiting entourage of senior Transnet and National Ports Authority (NPA) managers accompanied by the minister of public enterprises, Mr. Jeff Radebe, paid an official visit to the port of Durban on Thursday (8 april) During his visit the minister unveiled plaques at the millennium Tower on the Bluff (the futuristic building houses the port control, vessel tracking and search and rescue offices), as well as the training simulator housed at the bayhead NPA Academy. Later the party moved to the small craft basin where the tugs Uthukela and Mkhuze were christed respectively by Her Majesty Queen Thandi Zwelethini and Mrs Nelli Khumalo, wife of Transnet Board chairman dr. Bongani Khumalo. The tugs were built by SAF Build at the Durban shipyard of SA Shipyards at a cost over R100 million. Each Voith Schneider propelled tug has a bollard pull of 55.5 ton at 100% power and 28 ton with one engine running. Both vessels, which carry sophisticated fire fighting equipment (as was demonstrated in 2003 with the fire on board the container ship Sea Elegance outside Durban, entered service during 2003. They joined J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie the first two tugs in the series, Palmiet and Enseleni, which have since been transferred to Cape Town. The tugs carry a crew of three, as opposed to seven in the older tugs in service. The new series of tugs have all so far been named for rivers in KwaZulu Natal. Note that the spelling of the tug names has altered since launching. (Bron: Shipping News) Atlantic Marine Expanding Its Rig Repair Capabilities 4/15/04 2:35:43 PM Atlantic Marine, Inc. has acquired a heavy lift barge, and it is located at its new home on Pinto Island here at the Port of Mobile on the Gulf of Mexico. The barge, named the Mobile Heavy Lifter, will expand Atlantic Marine's capabilities allowing it to accommodate offshore rigs, jackups and semisubmersibles that due to size restrictions are currently unable to fit on Atlantic Marine's largest dry dock; the 50,000 ton drydock, Alabama. The heavy lift barge has a length of 393-ft., breadth of 131-ft. with a lifting capacity of 19,000 tons. Ron J. McAlear, President of Atlantic Marine, Inc. said, "The addition of the heavy lift barge to our facility in Mobile is part of our ongoing commitment to keep Atlantic Marine –Mobile one of the premier shipyards in the United States. The Mobile Heavy Lifter assures that we are a complete, well-rounded ship and rig repair facility equipped to meet all of our customers repair needs." Atlantic Marine -Mobile and its sister company, Alabama Shipyard, are divisions of Atlantic Marine, Inc. Atlantic Marine -Mobile specializes in repair and conversions of vessels and offshore rigs for both international and domestic markets and Alabama Shipyard builds new vessels for the maritime industry. (bron Marinelink) From Tugtalk: Was speaking to some guys off the Cultra (see note above from Lawrence Amboldt) this morning. She and the Carrickfergus have both been bought by Targe Towing of Montrose and they will be the new resident harbour tugs at Aberdeen. The Carrickfergus is due to arrive in the next couple of days. The present tugs are Schelde 12 and Deidre. The Schelde 12 will return to her owners URS in Belgium and the Deidre will probably be laid up in Dundee. She might work alongside the Dundee based tug Collie T. (Bron: Tugtalk) North Star breidt Offshore uit De Britse rederij voor stand-by schepen North Star investeert momenteel zowel in nieuwbouw als in aankoop van schepen. De rederij, onderdeel van de Graig Group, heeft bij de Spaanse werf Astilleros Balenciaga vier nieuwe stand-by schepen besteld. Ze worden volgend jaar opgeleverd en kosten in totaal 36 miljoen dollar. Daarnaast heeft North Star twee stand-by schepen overgenomen van collega rederij BUE Viking. Dit zijn de BUE Orkney en BUE Islay, die beide nog geen jaar oud zijn. Door deze overname heeft North Star nu een vloot van 28 offshore vaartuigen waaronder 26 stand-by schepen, een bevoorrader en een multifunctioneel offshorevaartuig. Deze vloot is voornamelijk actief op de Noordzee. (Bron: Schuttevaer) Leegpompen tanks Prestige begint in mei De Spaanse oliemaatschappij Repsol begint volgende maand met het leegpompen van de gezonken tanker Prestige voor de kust van Galicie. De berging van de naar schatting 13.000 ton resterende zware stookolie zal waarschijnlijk de hele zomer in beslag nemen. De Spaanse scheepswerf Marin bouwt een robot, die de olie uit de tanks zal opvangen in kunststofzakken. De zakken stijgen naar de oppervlakte, waar de tanker Odin ze aan boord neemt. Sinds het vergaan van de Prestige in november 2002 is naar schatting 53.000 ton zware stookloie uit de tanks gestroomd, voordat ze provisorisch werden afgesloten met behulp van robots. De olie vervuilde duizenden kilometers kust in Portugal, Spanje en Frankrijk en doodde honderduizenden zeevogels en dieren. (Bron: Schuttevaer) SEMCO TAKES DELIVERY OF NEW 13,500 BHP OCEAN SALVAGE TUGS Semco Salvage & Marine is proud to announce the delivery of their new built 13,500 bhp 166 tons bp ocean salvage / towing tug Salvanguard which sailed out on her maiden voyage 1st week Jan 2004, to Ulsan togther with the sister 10,000 ihp 110 tons bp ocean salvage / towing tugs Salvaliant and Salvigour. The Salvanguard is the first of two new built ocean / towing tugs that Semco have built as part of their fleet renewal programme. The 2nd new built vessel named Salviscount has successfully completed it's seatrials and bollard pull tests between 11 to 12 Feb 2004. The vessel achieved a speed of 15 knots and bollard pull of 165 tons. Salviscount now joins the stable of Semco ocean tugs to support it's growing niche long haul towing business especially in FPSO projects. In fact, Salviscount is on standby to rendezvou with the 3 other Semco tugs towing the FPSO "Kizomba A" which is due to pass east of Horsburgh on / about 4 March 2004. Tug will take over from Salvigour who in turn will be escorting the spread all the way to offshore Angola location. As ocean towing works is one of its key revenue drivers and business portfolio, Semco had recognized the fact that with increasing safety and quality standards towards a brand new generation of rigs and FPSOs calling for ever stricter requirements for towing tugs, it was timely to invest in such new building tugs. These two tugs are of course purpose design vessels for long haul ocean towage and salvage works. They have J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie a fuel (180 cst) capacity of over 2000 mt, which would allow tug to tow at maximum power non stop without need for bunkering from Singapore to Cape Town. They are powered by 4 x Wartsila engines allowing flexibility in fuel management in varying circumstances. Aside from having a FiFi 1 capacity and dispersants, they are also equipped with a full range of salvage gears. The crew are handpicked Semco staff with many years experienced as salvage towing crew. These two new built tugs together with the Salvaliant & Salvigour will form a 4 tugs combination to tow one of the world's biggest FPSO the Kizomba A from Ulsan to offshore Angola. Three tugs comprising the two new buildings and the Salvaliant will be towing the FPSO escorted by the Salvigour. Apart from having the towage contract Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), Semco is also engaged by HHI (for client Exxonmobil) to execute the positioning works when the FPSO arrives at offshore Angola. These four Semco tugs plus another 5th tug to be subcontracted in, will be used in the positioning works, under the instructions of a positioning team also supplied by Semco. With the addition of these two new tugs, Semco assures it's customers of it's commitment for top class value added turnkey services. The branching out to provide positioning services is a testimony of the company's succesful effort to provide full turnkey and move up the value chain in offshore marine services. (Bron: Semco) 25 Jaar Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum. Afgelopen zaterdag hebben de deuren wijd open gestaan tijdens het 25 jarig jubileum van het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum te Maassluis. Man van het eerste uur en inspirator voor de vele wisseltentoonstellingen, Nico Ouwehand, ontving uit handen van de Maassluise burgervader de onderscheiding in de orde van Oranje Nassau. Een kroon op het werk van deze Maassluizer die door zijn enthousiasme altijd prachtige tentoonstellingen weet samen te stellen. Ook is hij de schrijver van het jubileumboek “Van Walegang en Berghout” hierin wordt de 25 jarige wisseltentoonstelling geschiedenis van het museum beschreven. De eerste tien jaar wordt beknopt weergegeven, daar er over de eerste 10 jaar al eens een boek van zijn hand is verschenen. De volgende 15 jaar worden uitgebreid belicht. Onder andere kan men hier de tentoonstelling over de Golfoorlog, ITC 25 jaar; Offshore, olie en gaswinning op zee, de berging van de Kursk en vele andere. Een aanrader voor de liefhebbers, maar ook een boek voor diegene die iets meer over de sleepvaart willen weten. Het boek kost slechts Euro 27,50. Na het officiele gedeelte volgde er een vlootschouw van diverse sleepboten w.o. de Elbe, Smitwijs Singapore, Holland, museumschip Hudson, Furie, de Multraship tugs 5, 12 en Commander, Havenslepers van Svitzer-Wijsmuller, Kooren, Iskes en Smit en vele andere. Een prachtig schouwspel voor het jarige museum. Van 17 april tot 19 september viert het nationaal Sleepvaart Museum haar 25-jarig bestaan. Dat komt onder meer tot uitdrukking in een speciale tentoonstelling, waarvoor alle ruimten in het museum worden gebruikt. Alle thema’s van de afgelopen kwart eeuw wisseltentoonstellingen worden nogmaals behandeld. Nieuw fotomateriaal is te zien met betrekking tot alle onderwerpen die eerder aan de orde kwamen. Dat is nioet gering als men bedenkt dat in de loop der jaren bijna zestig exposities werden georganiseerd. Scheepsmodellen passend bij de thema’s, documenten en toepasselijke voorwerpen completeren het geheel. Breng gerust eens een bezoek aan dit prachtige museum en vergeet niet naar het boek “van Walegang en Berghout” te vragen. De komende 2 weken is er geen Sleepvaart & Offshore Nieuws Wegens een karwei in de Emiraten en daarna in Quatar ben ik ongeveer 14 dagen afwezig. De eerst volgende S & O nieuws zal waarschijnlijk weer verschijnen op 9 Mei. Hoop bij terugkomst u weer volop met nieuws te voorzien. Groeten Hans J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 16 dd. 09 Mei 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Magdelan Sea verkocht De Canadese sleepboot Magdelan Sea, ex Salvor General, ex Abeille Normandie, 1977 - 1481 brt. 10000 apk, is in 2004 verkocht aan N.E. Zouros Shipping Group, Thessaloniki en herdoopt in Zouros Hellas. (Bron Lloyd's List). (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Smit Mandji - Smit International Gabon S.A. order new Damen Stan Tug 3509 Smit International have awarded a contract to Damen Shipyards Gorinchem for the construction of a new terminal tug. Following a comprohensive tendering process the order was placed for a Damen Stan Tug 3509 for delivery end of this year under yard Nr. YN511606 Built as an enlarge Damen Stan Tug 2909 under standard rules of Bureau Veritas, the vessel will have an overall length of 35.26 m, a beam o.a. of 8,85 m, a draft of 4,25 m and a displacement of 420 ton with empty tanks. The twin screw tug will be powered by two Caterpillars 3516B TA/A main engines driving, via Reintjes WAF 872/7.087:1 gearbox, bronze Promarin fixed pitch propellors within 2500 mm v.d. Giessen Kort nozzles. The total ouput will be 2950 kW (3959 bhp) at 1600 rpm. A bollard pull in excess of 52.8 tonnes is anticipated, with a free running speed of approximately 12.7 knots. The tug will have basic functions for Mooring assistance, Supply, Anchor Handling and Ocean Towing. The bridge will be constructed for a overall view to foreward, sides and to the aftdeck. A bow fender will be fitted for pushing purposes and on the aft deck we will find a Mampaey quick release tow hook with a safe working load of 65 tonnes. The Anchorhandling/Towing winch will be a double drums hydraulic type with 40 ton at 10 m/min and 400 mtrs 38 mm steel wire on one drum and the other drum will have a 610 mtrs 48 mm steel wire. The tug will have for anchor handling work a stern roller of 4400 x 1100 mm. Karmoy towing pins and forks will be fitted for safe working on anchor handling and towing connecting work. Two anchors of 360 kg Pool High Holding Power with 437 mtrs studlink anchor chain dia 20.5 mm U2. Further more the tug will be equipted with a 1200 m3/hr. Nijhuis HGT fire fighting pump driven by a Caterpillar 3412C TA diesel engine. A Megator DP20 82 ltrs/min disperant set will be installed. For supply purposes the tug will be provided with a SIHI ZLKD 50 m3/hr cargo fuel pump and a cargo freshwater pump. A comfortable accommodation for crew will be fitted out to a high standard air-conditioning living quarters for 12 persons, consisting of 2 single officers cabins, three double crew cabins and one 4 crew cabin and dry store below deck. The nautical and communication equipment will be from the newest generations like 2 x Furuno FR-1501 MKII and FR-7062 radars, Plath Navigat X MK1 mod 10 Gyro compass, Plath Naviplot V HSC/GM Autopilot, Furuno GP-90 GPS, Furuno LS6100 Echosounder, 2 x Sailor RT4822 with DSC VHF radio’s Furuno FS-1570 with DSC SSB, 2 x Furuno Felcom 15 Inmarsat C, Furuno NX-500 Navtex and a Furuno FA100 AIS. The vessel will be operated at the West Coast of Africa particully Gabon. The new vessel will be able to meet their requirements. The enlarge deck dimensions together with their speed and bollard pull give the vessel her ideally conditions for local terminal duties. (Bron: Hans van der Ster) Abeille No.9 De Abeille No. 9 (433/76) is naar Cie. Maritime Chambon (Guy Chambon) gegaan als de Sirocco. Ze zal vooral vanuit Cherbourg werken. In Marine News stond dat de Abeille No.10 sinds vorig jaar de Acajou 2 zou zijn. Dit waarschijnlijk onjuist, de Acajou 2 is de voormalige Marseillais 3 en volgens diverse bronnen is de Abeille No.10 nog steeds te Le Havre. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Rysum De Rysum (26/71) die door ESAG aan een Nederlands sloopbedrijf was verkocht is doorverkocht aan Dieter Ottosen en heet nu Isidora. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Schelde 12 De Schelde 12 had Schotland eind vorig week verlaten om te Antwerpen te gaan werken. Tien dagen geleden stond in Antwerpen de Union Sapphire in het droogdok, samen met de Smit Zweden. Omdat er tijdelijk geen reserve sleepboot in Antwerpen was, was de Gent de vervangende boot. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Europe Na de hermotorisering van de vorig jaar aangekochte Europe (ex. Nettuno Secondo S-03) heeft Gigilinis de Everest (ex. Hoheweg-84) dit jaar verkocht aan Gebroeders Spanopoulos en de nieuwe naam is Christos XVIII. De Europe heeft nu een 8MG284X Niigata van 3530 apk en een paaltrek van 50 ton. De roepsein is SY3511. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Doris De Doris (69/69) is eerder dit jaar door SubMarine Services Ltd. te Falmouth verkocht, zonder namenswisseling, aan Plantain Marine Ltd. eveneens te Falmouth. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Smit Anambas De Smit Anambas heeft afgelopen week, na haar eerdere test trails, voor het eerst succesvol een submersible lading operatie uitgevoerd. Offshore Mesaieed (Qatar) werd in 13 meter diep water de ponton aan de grond gezet voor het laden van 2 kraanpontons, een werkeiland, pontonkistjes de sleepboot Jijel en het werkbootje Sole Bay en boven het dek van de Smit Anambas gemanoevreerd. De Smit Anambas werd door de Smit Luzon, tijdens het afzinken, in de juiste positie gehouden. Hierna werd het water met de eigen compressoren uit de tanken geblazen en de lading droog op het werkdek van de Smit Anambas gezet. De Smit Anambas met het materiaal, eigendom van Grandi Lavorni Fincosit, wordt door de zeesleper "Hellas" – (Gigilines) ex. Nego Prince naar Italie – Brindisi gesleept. (Bron: Hans van der Ster) Dakota Creek finishing tug/barge and passenger cat Inside the 300' ´100' assembly building, the crew at Dakota Creek Industries, Anacortes, Wash., was putting the finishing touches on the 135' ´39' all-aluminum Solano in early April. Delivery to the city of Vallejo located on San Francisco Bay had been rescheduled to mid-May, which is about a month behind schedule. Also due for delivery from the yard in May is a new shallow-draft tug, the Avik, being built for Crowley Maritime. The Solano was designed by AMD (Advanced Multihull Designs), Sydney, Australia. The 300-passenger vessel will be operated by the Blue and Gold Fleet as part of Baylink Ferries running between Vallejo and San Francisco. Main power is provided by twin MTU/Detroit Diesel 16V4000 engines, each producing about 3,100 hp. The engines turn two Hamilton Jet HM 811 waterjets through ZF 7500 gears with 2.241:1 reduction ratios. Service speed is expected to be about 35 knots. A pair of Steuler SCR catalyst exhaust treatment units will reduce emissions. The Solano is the third AMD-designed passenger cat built by Dakota Creek for Vallejo. The Avik is a dual-purpose tug. Its shallow draft will allow the tug to push a fuel barge up into the rivers and estuaries of western Alaska. In addition, the 76' ´36' tug features a bow shape that will allow limited offshore towing, for which the boat is equipped with a small electric tow winch from Markey Machinery. The new tug was designed for Crowley by Peter S. Hatfield Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia. “We came to them with a very specific set of things we wanted to do with the boat,” said Marty Johnson at Crowley. “It’s definitely challenged them because the weight is a real issue. When you’re talking about the sort of draft we’re trying to hit, the weight becomes a very stringent design constraint.” The target draft for the lightest operational condition is 3'6" and the normal operational draft will be 4'10". Weight-saving measures will include an aluminum deckhouse, which includes bunks for eight and provides enough height for pilots to see over the barge being pushed. “The tug will be used for pushing about 50 percent of the time,” said Johnson, for which there are large push knees attached to the rounded bow. Electric Patterson barge winches will secure the tow. Three 3406 DITA Caterpillar engines turning 41" props in tunnels will provide a total of 1,350 hp. “The triple screws were necessary in order to cram that much power in a very small aperture because of the depth,” said Johnson. Ship’s service power will be provided by two Cat 3304 gensets. Dakota Creek is also building the accompanying fuel barge that will be pushed by the Avik. The 180' ´52' ´14'6" barge will have a capacity of 517,000 gals. of diesel fuel, gasoline or aviation fuel. Two Cat 3304 pump engines will be installed on the barge. As these projects near completion, Dakota Creek is turning its attention to the construction of a 146' ´32' steel and aluminum research vessel for the University of Delaware. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Breaux Brothers delivers crew/supplier Loreauville, La.-based Breaux Brothers Enterprises Inc. recently delivered the Ms. Nancy, a 155' ´30' ´12'6" aluminum crew/supply boat, to Gulf Logistics, Golden Meadow, La. The 160-foot-class vessel has a house-forward design that allows for a larger rear cargo deck. “This is our fifth new vessel since 2000,” Joey Arceneaux, Gulf Logistics’ president said at the boat’s christening. “We anticipate building more than one next year. I’m not sure what size yet.” Two days later, after sea trials, Arceneaux ordered a sistership to the Ms. Nancy. “These guys are really in tune,” said Vic Breaux, the yard’s vice president, sales, engineering and purchasing. “Joey and them really cater to the customers.” The Ms. Nancy has seating for 80 passengers (including a VIP lounge) and crew accommodations for eight. Tankage includes 17,500 gals. of fuel; 25,900 gals. water; 250 gals. lube oil; and 900 gals. potable water. The rear cargo deck measures 94' ´25' and can hold 260 LT of freight. Also on deck is an Ideal J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie G2HC winch and a luggage box designed by Arceneaux. The large aluminum luggage box is loaded with the rig workers’ bags and the whole box is sent either to the rig or from the rig to the boat without individual workers having to haul their own gear. “The box was Joey’s design,” said Breaux. “It’s all about safety today, and this is another way to improve safety.” Main propulsion for the vessel comes from four Caterpillar 3512B diesels that crank out a total of 6,000 hp at 1,800 rpm. The mains turn Michigan 48" ´54", 4-bladed, nibral propellers through Twin Disc 6690 marine gears with 2.47:1 reduction ratios. The boat hit speeds of 30.8 knots carrying 22 tons of cargo and 25.5 knots when loaded with 160 tons of cargo. “They called me the other night and told me they were making 24-anda-half knots carrying 200 tons in six- to eight-foot seas,” said Breaux. “I don’t know of any other crewboat that could do that.” Vic’s brother, Brannon Breaux, the yard’s vice president, general manager, engineering and sales, designed the passageways to be spacious and the equipment easy to get to. “We wanted them to have functional piping, but something you can work around,” said Brannon Breaux. “Easy access to the engines’ air filters — little things like that we use to try to make it easier for the customer. And if there is a downtime, this is designed to make it as fast as possible.” The Ms. Nancy was also fitted with a Wesmar DCP 200 bowthruster with counter-rotating propellers run off the starboard Cat main engine via a flexible coupling. Twin Cat 3054 DIT, three-phase gensets spark 72kw of electrical power each. Controls are by Mathers and the steering system the responsibility of a Huber 7.5-hp hydraulic unit. The electronics suite features two JRC JMA2334 radars, Furuno GP1850NT GPS, Furuno LS4100 depth sounder, Furuno FS1503EM SSB, two ICOM M45 VHFs, Raytheon 430 loudhailer, and a JRC NCR330 Navtex. Additional equipment includes a Crane Deming 5063, 1,200-gpm off-ship fire pump, Elkhart Stingray 8393 fire monitor, Crown TS7 10hp fire pump, and a Barnes 25CCE 15-hp ballast/cargo pump. The Nancy is USCG/ABS loadline certified and was delivered in March. “Everything I’ve seen so far about this boat is impressive,” said Arceneaux. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Master Boat completes OSV for Abdon Callais In mid-March, the 145' ´36' ´12' DP-1 steel supply boat Tina Callais left the waters of Bayou La Batre, Ala., where she was constructed by Master Boat Builders, and headed for south Louisiana to join the fleet of Abdon Callais Offshore Inc. She was not the first Abdon Callais boat to make the trip. “The Tina is the 20th boat we’ve built for them and the sistership to the OP Callais [delivered in January 2004],” said Andre Dubroc, Master Boat’s general manager. “We’re building two more 166-footers for them now.” Capacities for the new boat include 27,400 gals. of fuel; 36,000 gals. methanol; and 1,250 bbls. liquid mud. The rear cargo deck measures 88' ´30' and can carry 375 LT of freight. Twin Caterpillar 3508B diesels, each producing 850 hp at 1,200 rpm, provide main propulsion for the Tina Callais. The mains connect to Rolls-Royce Hung Chin 64" ´54", 4-bladed, bronze wheels through Twin Disc MG-6690 marine gears with 3.21:1 reduction ratios. The boat hit speeds of 13 knots light during sea trials, 11 knots loaded. The vessel was also fitted with a Schottel STT-110 bowthruster driven by a 300-hp Cat 3406. Ship’s service power is handled by a Cat 3304 genset that sparks 99kw of electricity. The controls are by Mathers and the steering system a split-rudder Jastram from Gulf Coast Air & Hydraulics. New World Electronics, also of Bayou La Batre, supplied the electronics suite. The Tina has a total of 22 berths for crew and passengers and is USCG certified Subchapter L and ABS Load Line under 100 gross tons. Master Boat is also nearing completion on a 128' ´32' ´11' steel divesupport vessel, the Ocean Inspector, for Oceaneering International Inc., Houston. For safety and efficiency, all of the dive equipment will be stored below deck, leaving the back deck completely clear during dive operations. Main propulsion for the Ocean Inspector will come from a pair of Caterpillar 3508B diesels, producing 850 hp at 1,200 rpm each. The engines will spin Rolls-Royce Hung Chin 62" ´58", 4-bladed, bronze propellers through Twin Disc MG-6690 marine gears with 3.21:1 reduction ratios. The boat’s running speed will top out at 11 knots. A Cat 3406 diesel will power the vessel’s bowthruster. Ship’s service power will be provided by twin Cat 3056 engines generating 99kw each and one Cat 3406 diesel sparking 260kw of electricity for dive operations. Capacities include 16,000 gals. of fuel. Accommodations feature bunks for 24 crew and passengers. New World Electronics will supply the electronics suite. The Ocean Inspector will be USCG certified Subchapter L and I, and ABS loadline certified under 100 gross tons. Also under construction at Master Boat is a 159' ´36' ´12' steel OSV for an unnamed customer. Tankage will include 37,800 gals. of fuel; 36,000 gals. of methanol; and 1,850 bbls. of liquid mud. Main propulsion for the OSV will come from two Caterpillar 3508B engines, producing 850 hp at 1,200 rpm each. The Cats will connect to Rolls-Royce Hung Chin 64" ´54", 4-bladed, bronze props through Twin Disc MG-6690 reduction gears with 1.47:1 reduction ratios. The OSV will be fitted with a Schottel STT-110 bowthruster powered by a Cat 3406 engine. Master Boat has plenty going on, but Dubroc said his yard is aggressively going after more business. “We’ll have all this finished within a year,” he said. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) LaForce OSV for Lytal LaForce Shipyard, Bayou La Batre, Ala., has delivered a 136' ´34' ´12' steel supply boat to Lockport, La.-based Lytal Marine Operators Inc. The Lytal James will be working in the Gulf of Mexico. Kirt J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Loupe, Lytal’s vice president of operations, said his company’s niche is boats ranging from 110' to 150'. “It’s a good in-between boat for us,” Loupe said in describing the new 136-footer. “We can carry double what the 110s can and still be competitive with them in price. If a customer doesn’t want to buy methanol and mud like our 150s can carry, then this boat can do just about anything else the 150s can do.” The boat’s rear cargo deck measures 78' ´27' and can haul 295 LT of freight. Twin Caterpillar 3412 diesels, producing 720 hp at 1,800 rpm each, drive 64" ´56", 4-bladed wheels through Twin Disc MG-5202 marine gears with 5.01:1 ratios. Running speed for the Lytal James is 13 knots. For added maneuverability, the boat was fitted with a Schottel SST-110 bowthruster. Ship’s service power comes from two Caterpillar 3304T gensets, producing 99kw each. Capacities include 53,000 gals. of fuel; 14,000 gals. potable water; and 800 gals. lube oil. New World Electronics supplied the two Furuno FR7112 radars, Furuno FS1503 SSB, Furuno GP1850W plotter, Furuno FCV667 color sounder, JRC NCR330 Navtex receiver, three ICOM M502 VHF radios, two ICOM HS127 full-function remotes, and a Simrad AP50 autopilot. “We’re real happy with what we got in this boat,” said Loupe. “The Coast Guard said the welding is some of the best they’ve seen. It’s a quality boat.” The OSV is USCG certified and ABS loadline certified under 100 gross tons. The James was delivered in April. LaForce Shipyard has a number of other projects in the yard including a liftboat for CS Liftboat, a 170-foot crew/supply boat for Southern States Offshore, and a 74' ´28' towboat for Crescent Marine Towing. “We’ll stay busy throughout the year,” said Ray LaForce, the yard’s operations manager. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Weather Blamed for Marine City Tug Crash 04/30 High winds may have been to blame in a crash involving a tug/barge on the St. Clair River near Marine City early this morning. The tug Doug McKeil, which was pulling the barge Ocean Hauler, crashed into the Edison Dock on the U.S. side of the river after leaving a Canadian dock and turning south, according to preliminary news media reports from the area. No injuries were sustained, and the vessels were not damaged. They continued on their way to Amherstburg, Ont. There was, however, some damage to the dock. Vessel traffic in the area was not affected. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Algoisle Fits Out, Heads for Thunder Bay 4/30 After experiencing engine trouble in southern Lake Huron, Algoisle was towed to Sarnia's North Slip Thursday afternoon by the tug Menasha. It is unknown how long repairs will take (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Crowley Returns to Oakland Market Crowley Marine Services tugs, once a fixture in San Francisco Bay from the early 1900s to 1996, have returned home. Earlier this week Crowley re-launched its ship assist and escort service in the Port of Oakland with two high horsepower tugs - the Tioga (Z drive - 4400 horsepower) and the Sea Robin (twin screw - 5000 horsepower). The company's Oakland operation is located at the 9th Avenue terminal. From there Crowley is now providing traditional ship assist services to carriers, typically container shipping companies, as they enter and leave the port and its surrounding areas. Crowley is no stranger to the San Francisco Bay area. The company was founded there in 1892 and provided ship assist services from the early 1900's until 1996 with its venerable "red stack" fleet of tugs. In addition, Crowley's corporate headquarters remains in downtown Oakland. "Crowley Maritime Corporation has had roots in San Francisco since it was founded there 112 years ago," said Tom Crowley Jr., Chairman, President and CEO. "It is only fitting that we bring our ship assist operations back to this port where it all started. Our customers have been asking us to bring our high level of service back to the Bay Area; we listened and are excited to be able once again to provide them with services". "In today's competitive ship assist market, it is important for us to be able to provide full ship assist coverage to our customers in all of the West Coast ports in which they call," said Rob Grune, Vice President and General Manager, Ship Assist and Escort Services. "Our re-entry into Oakland will enable us to do that". "All of us here at Crowley are looking forward to working with the Bay Area maritime community in providing high quality, reliable, safe ship assist services," said Todd Busch, Director, Ship Assist and Escort Services. Returning to Oakland would not have been possible without the support of the company's operating unions, the International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots (MMP) and the Inlandboatman's Union of the Pacific (IBU). Working with these unions has enabled the company to ensure that that the high level of service offered in its other ports will be provided in Oakland as well. (Bron: Marinelink) 5/7/04 9:26:04 AM First of Three Tugs Delivered to Indian Navy 5/3/04 at 9:56:AM The first of a three-vessel order has recently been delivered to the Indian Navy by the Tebma Shipyard located on the Indian East Coast. Each tug is to be powered by a pair of V-12 cylinder Cummins KTA38M2 main engines each developing 1200 HP continuous duty at 1800 RPM. The 2400 HP tugs have a 25-ton bollard pull. Engines for the second vessel in the series have just J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie been delivered to the shipyard. The first tug is named INS Bhim. The designation INS that precedes the name denotes the vessel as Indian Naval Service. The Tebma Shipyard ( builds a wide range of vessels from dredges to keep irrigation canals clear to larger passenger ferries and mega yachts. (Bron: Marinelink) CPA zegt concessie sleepbedrijf Smit International op. Havenbedrijf CPA, een overheids-nv van het eiland Curaçao, heeft de concessie voor het wereldwijd opererende sleepbootconcern Smit International ingetrokken. Dat houdt in dat Smit, al meer dan dertig jaar actief op Curacao, het eiland zal verlaten. Aldus Ben Vree, chief executieve officer van Smit International. De bedoeling is dar CPA’s dochterbedrijf, Kompania di Tou Korsou (KTK), het werk voortaan zelf doet. KTK is dan per 1 augustus het enige sleepbootbedrijf op Curacao en krijgt dus een monopoliepositie. Smit International (Antilles), gevestigd aan de Grote Werf te Scharloo, had tot nu toe een doorlopende concessie voor het sleepverkeer in Bullenbaai. De maatschappij beschikt daarvoor over twee sleepboten, de Smit Barbados en de Smit Bermuda, en biedt werk aan 25 vaste medewerkers en een dertiental personen die regelmatig worden opgeroepen. Smit springt ook regelmatig bij voor KTK, die verantwoordelijk is voor de haven Willemstad, Caracasbaai en St.Michielsbaai, en omgekeerd. Voor Bullenbaai heeft Smit International een contractet Refineria Isla. Dat contract lopt eind 2004 af. Het ziet er naar uit dat Smit ditr contract me Isla niet kan volmaken, aangezien Curcao Ports Authority (CPA) de concessie van Smit per 1 augustus beeindigt. “We vinden het heel vervelend dat wij, buiten onze macht om, in gebreke blijven jegens onze klant Isla”. Stelt Vree, de hoogste baas van Smit International op het hoofdkantoor in Rotterdam. “Bovendien zegt Isla erg tevreden te zijn over onze sleepbootdiensten en heeft Isla tegenover mij te kennen gegeven liever door te gaan met Smit, die internationaal concurrerende prijzen biedt”. (Bron: Shippingnews) Smit signs contracts with Damen Dutch operator Smit and Damen Shipyards Gorinchem have signed a contract for the construction and delivery of two Damen Azimuth Stern Drive Tugs, Type 2810. The first vessel will be delivered in only 17 weeks from contract signing, the second unit will be delivered in the spring of 2004. The newbuildings are part of the fleet replacement programme, which is currently taking place at Smit Aker Brattvaag to build for Ugelstad Aket brattvaag has signed a contract with Skipsaksjeselskapet S Ugelstad, Oslofor the construction of a PSV to be delivered in May 2005. The vessel is designed by Skipsteknisk AS, Alesund, and designated the ST 216-L. This is a completely new design, with great emphasis on speed and seakeeping. The vessel will be equipped according to Comf-V class, Clean class, Naut-OSV, DynPos AUTR class and Ice C. Outfitting will be carried out by Brattvaag Skipsverft. The contract was managed by broker R.S.Platou Offshore in Oslo. Maine yard builds tug for Yankees owner. He vice president of the Wasburn and Doughty boatyard in East Boothbay may be a Boston Red Sox fan, but business is business. So when it came to building a tugboat for New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, Maine’s baseball loyalities were not a factor. Wasburn and Doughty designed and built the 5,000-horsepower state-of-the-art tug for Florida based Marine Towing, a tugboat firm owned by Steinbrenner and his family. The boat, christened this week in Tampa, carried a price of $5 million – or $ 20 million less than the Yankees will pay Alex Rodrigues in an average year. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 17 dd. 16 Mei 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. McKeil Renames Tug to Honor Longtime Employee 05/12 In honor of his recent retirement and dedicated years of service, McKeil Marine has renamed their former Moran Towing Co. tug Salvager the Wilf Seymour. Capt. Seymour has been sailing the Great Lakes for over 40 years, and retired from McKeil as the captain of the brine tanker Capt. Ralph Tucker. Capt. Seymour continues to sail for Mckeil Marine occasionally, but is enjoying his retirement in Newfoundland. The Seymour is now paired with the barge Lambert's Spirit, the former K-Sea Transportation barge KTC 135. The barge was built in 1969 in Port Arthur, Texas, and has a cargo capacity of 18,850 tons. The Lambert's Spirit is 435 feet long, 75 feet wide and 30 feet deep. The duo will be engaged in the Manistee to Amherstburg run carrying liquid brine. They are expected to arrive Manistee, assisted by the tug Lac Como, sometime Thursday. Meanwhile, the tug Jerry Newberry is reported for sale. She was active for McKeil on the brine runs over the last months. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) 10,850-HP AHTS Joins Seabulk Offshore Fleet Posted 9/8/03 at 9:42:AM The Seabulk Offshore group of companies last week added a new UT-710 Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel (AHTS) to its fleet, making the 226-ft. Seabulk South Atlantic the fifth newbuild vessel in Seabulk's 2003 fleet renewal program. Built by Brevik Construction AS in Norway, the 10,850-hp Seabulk South Atlantic joins the Seabulk fleet on a five-year bareboat charter agreement that includes a purchase option at the end of the contract. Larry D. Francois, president of Seabulk Offshore, commented, "Seabulk South Atlantic is equipped with the latest technology and will service growing markets in West Africa, working with the major oil companies who are demanding modern, state- of-the-art equipment to support their multi-billion dollar developments in the deepwater offshore." The Seabulk South Atlantic produces speeds up to 15.5 knots, has a certified bollard pull of 133 metric tons, and provides a hefty triple-drum anchor handling/tow winch with up to 300 tons line pull and 450 tons brake load. The vessel also offers a large 123 by 50-ft. deck that can handle up to 800 tons of cargo. Designed by Rolls Royce Marine, the UT-710 incorporates a substantial amount of Rolls Royce equipment, including the main engines, thruster, rudder, automation and control systems. Fitted with high Liquid Mud and Brine capability as well as Fire Fighting FiFi 1 class notation and Dynamic Positioning DP 1, the vessel's versatile capabilities allow her to serve in a multiple support role assisting heavy-duty semi-submersible rigs for exploration and development drilling, as well as fulfilling the rapidly growing demand for offshore terminal support work. Earlier this year, Seabulk announced the addition of a newbuild Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) to its West Africa fleet -- Seabulk Africa, two newbuild bareboat charters -- AHTS Seabulk Badamyar and PSV Seabulk Nilar -- for Indonesia, a new line-handler for Brazil -- Seabulk Ipanema, and two newbuild PSVs for Brazil to be delivered in 2004 and 2005. With operations in nearly two dozen countries, the Seabulk Offshore group is Seabulk International's largest business segment, accounting for about half of total revenues. Seabulk Offshore's global fleet of 116 vessels serves customers in North America, South America and the Caribbean, West Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) 5,000-HP Z-Drive Tug Delivered 5/12/04 11:01:12 AM Washburn & Doughty Associates, Inc. delivered the 5,000 hp Z-Drive Tug Independent to Marine Towing of Tampa. The 92 x 32 x 13.7-ft. tug is designed for ship handling and built to ABS Class Maltese Cross A1, Maltese Cross AMS, with notation: Towing Service and Fire Fighting Capability. Independent admeasures 148 gt and has a Load Line based on USA flag registry and USCG rules. Bollard pull is estimated at 135,000 lbs ahead and 130,000 lbs astern. Independent is powered by High Displacement Caterpillar 3516 B main engines – rated at 2,500 bhp @ 1,600 rpm – with electronic injection. The propulsion units are Rolls-Royce 1650H Z drives equipped with 2,400 mm stainless steel propellers and Kort nozzles with stainless steel liners. The vessel is equipped with two Caterpillar 3304 DIT marine package unit generators that provide 99KW @1,800 rpm, 208V 3 phase. One generator is normally on line while the other is on standby. In event that the on line generator fails, the switchboard and generator automatically start the standby generator, put it on line, and shut down the other generator. Fernstrum grid coolers are used to cool the main engines and fire pump engine. The Z Drives are keel cooled by a welded channel cooler and the generators are cooled by circulating jacket water in the skeg void. Independent is outfitted with Schuyler 16-in. laminated “soft loop” bow fender capped at the top of the bulwark with a 14-in. square hollow rubber fender. Schuyler also supplied the 12-in. black rubber “D” fender on the sides and stern. The “D” fenders are J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie secured between two 1-in. plates about 4-in. deep with 1-in. pins on 11-in. centers. The vessel is equipped with two 1,500 GPM SKUM Fire Monitors, with water and AFFF nozzles with local pick up, and an Aurora model 411 centrifugal fire pump. Power is provided by a Caterpillar 3406TA pump engine rated 440 hp @ 2,100 rpm. Deck machinery consists of a Markey model DEPC-48 electric hawser winch forward and an Almon Johnson 18-in. diameter series 351E electric capstan aft. The Siemens machinery alarm system consists of an integrated multi channel alarm system complete with sensors and local/remote alarm indicators. All components are completely modular and plug into a single dedicated backbone running fore and aft through the vessel. Navigation and communications equipment include a Furuno GP-37 DGPS; a Simrad/Robertson AP9MK3 autopilot; a Simrad HS50 satellite compass; a Standard LH5 loud hailer; a Simrad RA53-4 radar; a Furuno 1953 C/NT radar; a Furuno depth sounder; and three Icom M127 VHF radios. (Bron: Marinelink) Carrickfergus De Carrickfergus is vandaag, 13 mei 2004, door Svitzer Wijsmuller (N.I.) aan haar nieuwe eigenaar Targe Towing overhandigd. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) Gekapseisde sleepboot geborgen De sleepboot En Avant 18, die in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag kapseisde op de Oude Maas bij de Develhaven, is vrijdag geborgen. Het schipis naar de Wilhelminahaven in Dordrecht gesleept. De kapitein wordt vermist. De zoekactie naar de 24 jarige man uit Dordrecht in het water en in het schip had vrijdagochtend nog geen resultaat opgeleverd., aldus een woordvoerder van het Korps Landelijke Politiediensten. De politie zet de zoektocht vrijdagmiddag voort. Drie opvarenden, leden van de reddingsbrigade Dordrecht, wisten op tijd van de sleepboot te komen. De politie heeft de twee mannen van 24 en 43 jaar uit Dordrecht en een 28 jarige vrouw uit Barendrecht opgevangen. De vrouw liep lichte verwondingen op In de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag deden ongeveer 60 mensen mee aan de zoekactie die tot 05.00 uur duurde. De politie heeft vrijdagochtend de actie enkele uren voortgezet. Zij heeft een helicopter met speciale camera ingezet. Het schip, eigendom van de rederij Muller uit Dordrecht, sleepte een 80 meter lang Engels schip voor het evenement Dordt in Stoom, dat zaterdag in Dordrecht wordt gehouden. Het scheepvaartverkeer lag tijdens de eerste zoekactie stil maar is vrijdagochtend niet stil gelegd. Over de oorzaak van het ongeval is nog niets bekend. (Bron: ShippingNews) Seacor Laredo Collision Lpg Berge Nice (35346 gt, built 2003), from Bahia Blanca, Arg. For Quintero, Chile, in collision with AHTS Seacor Laredo (1376 gt, built 1982), from Atlantic Pacific, five miles north of the entrance to the first narrowness, at 0310, may 12. Collision due alleged machinery failure on Seacor Laredo. Damages not yet quantified. Three people on Seacor Laredo with minor injuries. (Bron: ShippingNews) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 18 dd. 24 Mei 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Simoon Expected in Montreal late on June 23rd will be the deepsea tug Simoon. It is likely she is coming here to take Algosound to tow her overseas for breaking up. It is not known yet if she will take also the Algocatalyst laid up at Sorel-Tracy. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Nominatie is genomineerd voor site van het jaar op !!!!!!!! Ga naar en vul het formulier in en help om op deze manier jullie site ( als winnaar uit de bus te laten komen !!!!! Zegt het voort , zegt het voort !!!!! Mede dankzij alle tugspotters, bijvoorbaat dank. Making a 40-Year-Old Tug New 5/17/04 9:44:21 AM “One of the really gratifying aspects of ship repair and conversion is the satisfaction we get by being able to give new service life to vessels. And that’s exactly what we did with the 40 yearold Guardian, said Allen Stein, operations manager of Bollinger Quick Repair, in Harvey, Louisiana. The 150- by 35- by 20-ft. Guardian, originally named Gale B. was built by Southern Shipyard in Slidell, La., in 1963. It was owned by Midland Enterprises (Ohio River Company) and was part of a tug/barge unit with the hopper barge Martha B. Midland sold the barge to Moran about three years ago and the tug was on the market when it was acquired by Velvet Maritime, LLC, Hahnville, La. “It was in good shape with a good purchase price,” said Andre’ Ledoux, president of Velvet Maritime. “It had marketable power that we wanted to upgrade to meet new regulatory requirements, practically new Lufkin gears, a good Detroit Diesel auxiliary engine package, good Markey deck equipment, a raised pilothouse and was not undersized or oversized for blue water operations.” When asked why he chose Bollinger to repower and make upgrades to the tug, Ledoux said, “My dad, Raymond Ledux is a 33year veteran of the marine business. He founded, owns and operates Velvet Marine Systems and Offshore Supply Ships, Inc. He has had many vessels serviced at several of Bollinger’s repair yards and has an excellent, long-term business relationship with Bollinger’s Dave Marmillion. That, and Quick Repair’s location on the Harvey Canal just off the Mississippi River was very advantageous to us.” Bollinger Quick Repair dry docked the tug and began the task of repowering first by disconnecting all exhaust, cooling, fuel and lube piping from her two main engines. Then they cut the exhaust stacks off and removed her two main engines. The engine foundations were modified to accommodate two new owner-supplied Caterpillar 3606 diesels developing a total of 4640 HP that were mated to the boat’s Lufkin gears with a ratio of 5.818:1. The port & starboard tailshafts were reconditioned and ABS inspected. While other work was under way, Bollinger’s propeller shop reconditioned the port and starboard propellers by fairing up all blades, welding nicks and cracks, checking and correcting pitch, grinding, balancing and polishing all blades. Steering rudders, bulwarks and rub rails were cropped and sections of the port and starboard ballasts were renewed as necessary. Sea valves were removed, inspected and replaced and the sea chest screens were replaced after cleaning and painting. The engines cooling water system was upgraded with two new Fernstrum coolers with Bollinger built cooler guards. Installation of several owner-provided upgrades to the tug were carried out, such as new speed log and transducer , as well as a Global Maritime Distress & Safety System (GMDSS), provided and installed by ESI. Additional work was done on the stuffing boxes, steering rudder trunks, rudder linkages, box vents, stern fuel vents, exhaust system, bilge, ballast and fire system, anchor chain and locker and deck boards. Ledux said, “We are a new company and the Guardian is our first boat and therefore our flagship. Our goal is to grow at a planned pace with similar tugs so that we can provide first class vessels and service to our customers. And that is why we chose Bollinger to bring this vessel up to current and expected regulatory requirements.” (Bron: Marinelink) Damen Delivers Tug to Sea Ports Corp. 5/17/04 9:34:06 AM In March 2004 the Damen Stan Tug 4511 Al Salaam was delivered from Damen Shipyards Galatz to the Owner’s Sea Ports Corporation (S.P.C.) Sudan. The Damen Stan Tug 4511 is the latest member of the Damen Stan Tug series. In 2003 two shorter versions, the Stan Tugs 4011, where delivered to an Owner in the Middle East. Al Salaam will operate at the Beshair SBM terminal south of Port Sudan, where it’s basic functions will be towing, berthing, fire fighting and pollution J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie control. The tug is classified by Lloyd's Register of Shipping for Unrestricted Service. Al Salaam has a heavily built hull with a transom stern and a round bow. The double chine is designed to afford good water-flow to the twin screws and nozzles and incorporates a large skeg aft. The transom corners are also well rounded and the full-height forecastle gives sufficient bow height for severe working conditions. The hull is divided into five compartments and is of a very strong construction with side and bottom plating of 10 mm and decks of 8 mm thickness. The aft deck is suitable for a specific weight of 5 ton per square meter. A stern roller is fitted, with a 19 mm thick deck forward of it. At the bow a heavy rubber block fender is fitted, made of W-shaped blocks with section of 500 x 400 mm. At the transom corners rubber D- fender of 300x300 mm section is fitted. An extensive tyre fendering is fitted at the sides. The steel superstructure is placed on the forecastle deck and has 6 mm thick side plating and 7 mm front plating. The deckhouse has ample space for the captain's cabin, chief engineer’s cabin and two officers’ cabins. On main deck a galley, large mess room, stores and one crew cabin are arranged while the other crew cabins and sanitary facilities are situated below deck. The wheelhouse has control stands at centre forward, and the starboard aft side, which gives optimal view on the aft deck. Al Salaam is powered by two six-cylinder MAN 6L28/32 A engines, driving fixed pitch propellers of 2500 mm diameter, which run in Van de Giessen nozzles. The main engines have a total output of 2940 bkW (4000 bhp) at 775 r.p.m. The reverse/reduction gearboxes are make Reintjes, type WAF 1942. For optimal control and manoeuvring, these gearboxes are fitted with integrated shaft brakes and trolling valves. The steering is by means of two streamlined (airfoil) double plate rudders, which are activated by a Van de Velden double ram hydraulic steering gear. Two electrically driven pumps are fitted, which can be used in single or double mode. To further aid manoeuvrability and positioning capabilities a hydraulically driven bow thruster is fitted. Al Salaam is fitted with MAN D2866 LXE30 auxiliary engines, driving 150 kVA Stamford generators. A 1350 cu. m. Nijhuis fire-fighting pump is driven by a MAN D2840 LE 401 diesel engine. On the fire fighting platform, between the funnels, two Ajax monitors are fitted, each capable of a throw length of 120 meter. The hull and superstructure are protected against radiant heat by means of a water spray system. For storing of foam, a tank of 28.6 cu. m. capacity is integrated in the ship's construction. Two electrically driven Quincy compressors supply the air for the starting and control system. A Sperre emergency compressor with separate 30 litre air bottle is fitted. To further auxiliary equipment includes the normal general service pumps, fuel pumps, pressure sets etc. with furthermore a Facet bilge water separator, diesel driven emergency fire fighting pump and a Megator twin pump set for dispersant spraying. The Damen Stan Tug 4511 has a very large wheelhouse with control positions fore and aft. Main propulsion and bow thruster controls are available at each position. Controls for the aft winch are located at the after control station. The nautical and communication equipment complies with the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) for Area A2 with complete Navtex coverage. Two Sailor RT 4822 VHF radios are fitted with incorporated DSC modems/watch receivers. Further communication equipment consist of a Furuno FS 1562-15 SSB radio telephone with DSC-60, a Furuno NX-500 Navtex and a Furuno FA-100 Automatic Identification System. The navigation equipment consists of a Furuno FR-7062 radar, a Litton SR-180 gyro compass, a Furuno GP-80 GPS navigator, Furuno FE-700 recording echo sounder and a RZ Delta 130 anemometer. (Bron: Marinelink) Steam Tug Reiss Acquired by Northeastern Maritime Historical Foundation 05/17 The vintage steam tug Reiss was recently donated to the Northeastern Maritime Historical Foundation by the Keewatin Maritime Museum. The Reiss is the only "G-tug" remaining in her original configuration, complete with coal-fired boiler and original two-cylinder compound steam engine. The Reiss was built by and for the Great Lakes Towing Company at Cleveland in 1913, and originally named the Q.A. Gillmore. Her engine came secondhand from the wooden tug Monarch, and may date as far back as 1873. The tug was sold in 1932 to the Reiss Steamship Company, and renamed Reiss. She was put to work in Green Bay providing assistance to ships at the Reiss coal dock. Under Reiss ownership she escaped the mass modernization of the Great Lakes Towing fleet in the 1950's, and remained a steamer to the end of her career. Upon her retirement in 1969, she made her way to the Saugatuck Marine Museum in Michigan, where she has been on display ever since, moored along side the famous Canadian Pacific passenger steamer Keewatin. The Foundation plans on returning the tug to her Towing Company livery and original name of Q. A. Gillmore. A full restoration to steam is also being considered. More information, photos and history of the tug are available at (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Crowley Refloats Stranded Passenger Ferry 5/18/04 12:12:41 PM Crowley Marine Services refloated the passenger ferry Le Conte, which had run aground about 30 miles north of Sitka, Alaska on Monday, May 10. Crowley, under contract with the Alaska Marine Highway System, floated the Le Conte off Cozian Reef. The salvage team made internal and external surveys and the Le Conte is presently being towed to the Ketchikan Ship Yard by the tug Chahunta with Crowley's salvage vessel, the American Salvor, escorting. The 31-year-old ferry J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie was transiting from Angoon to Sitka with more than 100 passengers and crewmembers onboard, when it struck the reef located in Peril Strait. All of the passengers were successfully evacuated by the Coast Guard and local private watercraft immediately following the grounding with only a few people sustaining minor injuries. The vessel has an approximate 50-foot gash down each side of the keel. After conferring with Alaska Marine Highway System officials and the operators of the LeConte, Crowley immediately dispatched an assessment team, including a project manager and senior naval architect, to the scene from San Diego where they had just completed the successful salvage of an F14 fighter jet that went down off of Point Loma. Crowley worked closely with Marine Response Alliance (MRA) partner Titan Maritime, LLC, which provided the salvage master and additional support equipment. Crowley dispatched the American Salvor, loaded with additional personnel and equipment, to the scene last week to provide the support base for the overall salvage effort. That vessel arrived Saturday morning. Crowley's Incident Management Team was mobilized and will remain on site at the command center in Juneau until the project is complete. Prior to extracting the Le Conte from the reef, all fuel, with the exception of a small reserve needed to run generators, was removed from the ferry, as were the automobiles on its car deck. (Bron: Marinelink) Horizon Offshore Reports Barge Blaze 5/19/04 8:25:34 AM Horizon Offshore, Inc. reported that a fire broke out on one of its barges, the LB Gulf Horizon, while being towed approximately 400 miles off the coast of Georgia. The Horizon spokesman said, "All of the personnel on board have been evacuated to the supporting tow tug and are accounted for. We have no reports of injury to personnel during either the initial fire-fighting effort or the evacuation. The tow tug, unaffected by the fire, will offload personnel onto another vessel or bring them into port at the earliest opportunity." The cause of the fire and the extent of the damage are not yet known. The fire continues to burn, so we cannot yet make a damage assessment. The barge was en route to Israel to perform a job for the Israel Electric Corporation Ltd. Anticipating that the Gulf Horizon will not be able to perform this job, Horizon is considering moving the work to other assets within its fleet and is working with Israel Electric Company regarding the substitution. (Bron: Marinelink) Nicolas E. Zouros De Griekse scheepvaart groep Nicolas E.Zouros gaat zich steeds meer sterker manifesteren in de scheepvaartsector en zal een geduchte concurrent voor de Nederlandse bergers gaan worden. Naast een nieuwbouwprogramma voor havenslepers is nu ook een zware zeesleper aangekocht. Deze slepers worden wereldwijd ingezet. De Griekse rederij was tot nu toe voornamelijk actief in de eigen thuishaven en op de Middellandse Zee en Zwarte Zee. Voor sleepreizen en bergingswerk worden hiervoor de zeesleper Champon Z (5340 bhp; 72 bp) en de kust- en havensleper Kerveros (3000 bhp; 30 bp) ingezet. Daarnaast is de rederij ook in de offshoresector actief met de bevoorrader Virginia Star Z (7200 bhp) een voormalige Smit-Lloydboot, en de Statos Z, een sleper met een trekkracht van 80 ton die ook voor ankerwerk kan worden ingezet. Nieuw in de sleep- en bergingssector is de Zouros Hellas, een zeesleper met een vermogen van 10.000 bhp, en een trekkracht van 110 ton. Deze sleper, die onlangs is overgenomen van Secunda Marine Services uit Halifax in Canada, heeft intussen al een aardige reputatie opgebouwd. (Bron:DBW 5/2004) Nieuwbouw Kooren In opdracht van Kooren Shipbuilding and Trading, onderdeel van de Kooren (Kotug) Groep uit Rotterdam, worden op de ASL-werf in Singapore twee Roto Tugs gebouwd van het type RT60. Dit zijn de kust-annex havenslepers met een trekkracht van 60 ton. Kooren heeft daarnaast een optie genomen voor nog twee slepers van dit type. Uitvinder van het RotorTug-concept is Ton Kooren. Door gebruik te maken van een derde voortstuwingsunit achter is dit type sleper niet alleen sterk maar ook heel wendbaar. (Bron:DBW 5/2004) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 19 dd. 30 Mei 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Zoektocht Wie weet er iets meer over een Spaanse sleepboot Picacho? Ze is of was in Valencia werkzaam. 70 tot 80 brt, mogelijk van een baggerbedrijf. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Williams Shipping Damen heeft op 10 mei de Wilanne aan Williams Shipping te Southampton opgeleverd. Zij is een Damen Stantug 1605 met twee Caterpillar motoren van samen 960 apk en een paaltrek van 12,8t. De Oude Wilanne (ex. Anny B II-89, ex. 20-84) werd al in 2002 aan een onbekende scheepswerf in Noorwegen verkocht. Verder heeft Williams Shipping de Albatros 4 (ex. Albatros van GEM) voor zes maanden in charter genomen met een koopoptie. Ze vaart momenteel als de Wilfreedom. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Smit-Lloyd 55 De Smit-Lloyd 55 is op 13 Mei 2004 herdoopt in Ocean Cairo. Werkzaam vanuit Egypte voor Ocean Marine Services een Joint Venture met Seacor. (Bron: Hans van der Ster) Atlantic Marine Completes Roehrig Overhaul 5/27/04 9:21:39 AM Atlantic Dry Dock Corp. (Atlantic), in Jacksonville, Florida, on April 16, 2004 successfully completed a 6-week overhaul on the Francis E. Roehrig, a 85 x 24 foot (25.9 x 7.3m) tugboat owned and operated by Roehrig Maritime, Port of New York. Comprehensive refit and repairs included changing out the two Caterpillar D-398 engines with new 3512 Caterpillar engines, a new steering system, overhauling or replacement of shafts, propellers and rudders, installation of Fernstrum keelcoolers, and other general life extension repairs. To complete the life extension of the tug, the underwater hull and topside was blasted and painted. The Francis E. Roehrig was delivered on-time and on-budget. Chris Roehrig, President of Roehrig Maritime and a first time customer said, “I picked Atlantic because of their competitive pricing, reputation for quality workmanship and fast, ontime delivery.” Mr. Roehrig further stated, “I am very pleased with the project outcome, it met all of my expectations and I would use Atlantic for any of my future work.” Roehrig Maritime LLC owns and operates 6 well maintained tugs ranging from 1800 horsepower to 6000 horsepower. Their office is located in Long Island, NY with a maintenance pier in Staten Island, NY. They are capable of towing most anything along the entire East Coast of the U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico. (Bron: Marinelink) Coast Guard Rescues Three from Sinking Tug A boat crew from Coast Guard Station Port O'Connor rescued three men off the sinking tug, Charles Alfred, May 27 in San Antonio Bay, approximately six miles south of Seadrift, Texas.The crew of the Charles Alfred contacted the Coast Guard at 9:25 p.m. and reported that they were sinking. Two boat crews from Station Port O'Connor, Texas, and a helicopter crew from Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas, responded. The three crewmembers were safely rescued from the tug and taken to Station Port O'Conner.The Charles Alfred was towing a barge, carrying 9,700 barrels of cyclohexane, alongside when it began to sink. The barge is keeping the tug from completely sinking. Both are in shallow water and are not blocking any ship traffic. The tug had the capacity of carrying 5,000 gallons of diesel fuel, some has leaked into the bay and created a sheen.Crews from Coast Guard Marine Safety Satellite Office Port Lavaca, Texas, and the Texas General Land Office are on scene overseeing the clean-up and recovery process. Miller Environmental and Carry Construction have been hired to clean-up any pollution and recover the tug. A containment boom (floating curtain) has been placed around the tug and barge to prevent the diesel sheen from spreading. The tug is no longer leaking fuel and the barge remains undamaged and stable. The clean-up continues.The crewmembers from the Charles Alfred are; Roy Pena, 46, from Rockport, Texas, Larry Krogsgaard, 32, from Rockport and Arnold Smith, 36, from Ingleside, Texas. The Charles Alfred is homeported in Houston. (Bron: Marinelink) 5/28/04 10:00:45 AM Hornbeck Offshore Announces Purchase of Three Vessels Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. announced today that it has exercised its option to purchase the HOS Hotshot, a newly constructed 165 foot fast supply boat that it has been operating under a bareboat charter since it was delivered in April 2003. In addition, the Company announced 5/28/04 9:51:29 AM J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie that it has entered into a definitive agreement to purchase two 6,000 horsepower ocean-going tugs that were built in 1983. Hornbeck expects to close the tug acquisitions by the end of June 2004, at which time the vessels will be converted for service in the Company's U.S. transportation fleet. The aggregate purchase price and conversion cost of the three vessels is expected to be $12.6 million. Todd Hornbeck, the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "We initially inchartered the HOS Hotshot in response to an increasing level of customer requests for a Hornbeckcrewed and operated deepwater-capable fast supply boat to complement our larger capacity new generation offshore supply vessels. We have been operating this modern, new generation vessel for over a year now at attractive dayrates and utilization for a variety of customers. The purchase of the HOS Hotshot allows us to reduce costs by eliminating the bareboat rental payment. This is another milestone in our strategic growth plan to add complementary vessel offerings to our customers in response to their expressed needs." Carl Annessa, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Hornbeck, added, "As we reported on our last conference call, we are acquiring these two higher horsepower tugs to "power" the large double-hulled tank barges that we currently have under construction for delivery late this year. In the interim, we will be able to lower our operating cost during the remainder of our annual drydocking season by using these additional Hornbeck-owned tugs to power our existing tank barge fleet, instead of in-chartering third party equipment." (Bron: Marinelink) News: Welsh Towing Company Growth Continues Holyhead Towing has added another boat to its diverse fleet of tugs and workboats. Like most of the vessels in the fleet, the Afon Alaw is named after a river on the Island of Anglesey where the company's home port is located. (Afon is Welsh for river.) This is the third vessel built for the company by Hepworth Shipyard of Paull, Kingston Upon Hull and will be the most powerful in a fleet that includes multicats, survey boats, fast crew boats and a large split hopper barge. The 83.6 x 29.5-ft. tug has a molded depth of 11.8 ft., which allows a shallow 7.8 ft. working draft, this is important as a major focus of Holyhead Towing's work is dredging and marine civil engineering support in shallow water. The company's work also includes pipelay support and cable work throughout North West Europe and the Caspian Sea. In addition to conventional towing, the versatile vessel is suitable for anchor handling with a winch capable of 45 tons pull at nine meters per minute and for towing, a capacity of 400 m of 44-mm towing wire. The transom is fitted with a 3.5-m stern roller and hydraulic guide pins. A powered storage reel is in a hold below the after deck. A deck mounted 90 t/m Heila HLRM 90/55 hydraulic crane has a capacity of 29.7 ton at 2.89 m extension and 5.1 ton at 14.47 m. The Afon Alaw's main engines are a pair of Cummins KTA 38M2 engines delivering a total of 2,600 bhp through ZF gearboxes to propellers in fixed Kort nozzles. Giving her a free running speed of about 11.5 knots and a bollard pull of about 35 tons. As with most of the vessels in the fleet Afon Alaw is fitted with box coolers to allow shallow water work. The tug is also fitted with high lift rudders and a bow thruster. Electrical service is met with a pair of Cummins-powered 50 Kva generator sets. Hydraulics are provided for by a Cummin hydraulic power-pack. The hardwood covered working deck can be fitted with a 30-ton A-frame. A towing hook is also fitted aft of the towing winch. Tankage includes 100-cu.-m. for fuel, 12 cu. m. of domestic water with another 60 cu. m. for ballast or supply water. Fuel and freshwater supply pumps facilitate support to dredges and other floating equipment. (Bron: Marinelink) 5/12/04 8:37:24 AM C & G Continues Tidewater Building Program 4/23/04 10:54:22 AM Numbers five and six in an eight boat order, the Masleny Tide and Mervat Tide, will join their sisters Vickie Tide, Bonnette Tide, Lourdes Tide and Ursula Tide following their delivery from the C&G Boat Works in Mobile this fall. The last two vessels in this order will deliver in the spring of 2005. These 175x34-ft. vessels look like crew boats but are designed with internal tankage for liquid mud as well as fuel and water in their 14-ft. molded depth hulls. With ample deck cargo space and seating for 36 passengers, these are versatile boats that combine supply vessel type cargos with crew boat speeds. Four Cummins V-16 cylinder KTA50 main engines generate 1,800 hp each at 1,900 rpm and turn four-blade propellers through Reintjes ZWAF742 gears to push the aluminum hulls at 22 knots with 100 tons of deck cargo. Four Cummins 6CTA8.3 auxiliary engines provide electrical power, pumping power for the mud and fire fighting as well as hydraulics for the bow thruster. C&G is building these boats at their 12 acre Mobil yard while continuing with other build projects at their 4-acre site in Bayou La Batre. (Bron: Marinelink) Former CSL Vessel Saguenay Leaves Thunder Bay on Scrap Tow UPDATE: 7 p.m. Saturday. The Saguenay tow arrived at the Algoma Export Dock this afternoon, assisted by the tug Missouri. The vessels are expected to stay there overnight and resume their passage early Sunday morning 05/22 Late Thursday night the one way scrap tow of the M.A.C. Gagne left the port of Thunder Bay, Ont. M.A.C. Gagne was the former Saguenay of the Canada Steamship Lines. Built in 1964 as a bulk carrier, she was boomed at Thunder Bay in the winter of 1971-72. She eventually retired and laid up in Toronto, ON, Nov. 30, 1992. In 1997 she was purchased by Pierre J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Gagne Contracting Ltd. and towed from Toronto on Sept 28, 1997. She was tied up at the old ore dock beside Northern Woods Saw Mill for use in the creosote blob cleanup effort. From there she was moved to Pascol's dry dock where rudder, prop, boom and engine were removed. Later moved up the Kam River to Gagne's dock, she sat there slowly being cannibalized for parts. Her pilothouse was removed and rumors of her becoming a barge never materialized. Finally, with the price of steel sky rocketing, a deal was made to sell her for scrap. She will be towed to Montreal where it is said that her final leg of the journey to the scrapyard will begin. The deep sea tug Simoon is expected in Montreal May 24, and according to a port spokesman, will be used to tow the vessel to Bangladesh. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) UPDATE: The tug Doug McKeil and M.A.C. Gagne, assisted by the local tugs Missouri and Adanac, departed the Export Dock at Algoma Steel at around 6:25 a.m., headed for the Poe Lock. 05/24 The M.A.C. Gagne, which is the former Canada Steamship Lines’ self-unloader Saguenay, which arrived at the Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Export Dock Saturday, was still there as of Sunday night. She had been expected to leave Sunday morning. It is not known what the holdup is, although it could be due to the constant severe weather that has been the norm on Lake Huron since Thursday. The 1964-built vessel is bound from Thunder Bay to Montreal, where another tug is expected to tow her to her final destination, a scrapyard in Bangladesh. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) M.A.C. Gagne Scrap Tow Progresses 05/26 The tug Doug McKeil, towing the M.A.C. Gagne (former CSL's Saguenay) were downbound on Lake Huron early Wednesday morning and expected to reach Lights 11 & 12 in lower Lake Huron about 2:35 a.m. The Doug McKeil will meet the tug Wyoming above Port Huron and reconfigure the tow with the Wyoming acting as trailing tug for the trip through the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers. The tow is expected to pass Belle Isle in the Detroit River about 8:45 a.m. When the tow reaches Montreal, the saltwater tug Simoon is expected to take over for the trip to a Bangladesh scrapyard. Meanwhile, another saltwater tug, the Akhtiar, is enroute to Montreal and is expected to tow the former Algoma Central bulker Algosound to Alang. The Algosound was sold last fall but the scrap tow was delayed until winter weather had passed. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Bergingen bezorgen Smit Internationale hoge omzet 1e kwartaal 2004 • Geen winstverwachting over 2004 • Benoeming van drie nieuwe leden Raad van Commissarissen goedgekeurd • Dividendvoorstel van EUR 2,00 per aandeel goedgekeurd Tijdens de Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders van hedenmiddag heeft Smit bekendgemaakt dat in het eerste kwartaal van 2004 vooral de Divisie Salvage een uitstekende bezetting heeft gehad. In het bijzonder in Pakistan, Zuid-Afrika en Noorwegen zijn enkele grote bergingen uitgevoerd. De overige divisies van Smit presteerden conform verwachting in het eerste kwartaal van 2004. Gebaseerd op het bovenstaande, verwacht Smit voor het eerste halfjaar 2004 een netto resultaat dat minimaal gelijk zal zijn aan het netto resultaat van het eerste halfjaar 2003 (EUR 12 miljoen). Gezien het onvorspelbare karakter van de Salvage-markt en de onzekerheid over de orderportefeulle van de Divisie Transport & Heavy Lift over de tweede helft van dit jaar, wordt op dit moment nog geen winstverwachting gegeven over geheel 2004. De aandeelhouders hebben de benoeming goedgekeurd van enkele nieuwe leden van de Raad van Commissarissen, te weten de heren H.C.P.Noten, R.H.Hendriks en W.Corda (per 1 augustus 2004). De voorzitter van de Raad, de heer J.D.Bax, is voor een termijn van maximaal één jaar herbenoemd. Prof.Mr.P.F. van der Heijden is per heden tussentijds teruggetreden als lid van de Raad van Commissarissen. Het voorstel tot uitkering van een dividend van EUR 2,00 per gewoon aandeel is door de aandeelhoders goedgekeurd. (Bron: Smit) Barendrechts bedrijf versleept SS Rotterdam Het Barendrechtse bedrijf MCS international Marine Services heeft de opdracht gekregen om de SS Rotterdam voor een opknapbeurt naar Gibraltar te slepen. De Rotterdam, het voormalig passagiersschip van de Holland-Amerika-Lijn, is door de gemeente Rotterdam gekocht en zal uiteindelijk als topattractie op Katendrecht komen te liggen. In het schip komt ondermeer een hotel en een casino. De SS Rotterdam moet eerst grondig worden opgeknapt en dat gebeurd dus in Gibraltar. Het schip ligt nu nog op de Bahama's. 15 juni begint het Barendrechtse bedrijf MCS met de sleep. Het duurt dan 3 weken voordat het schip in Gibraltar is. (Bron: Rijnmond) Solstad Offshore ASA to receive 5-year contract for platform supply vessel from Statoil ASA J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5/26/04 The Norwegian supply vessels owner and operator Solstad Offshore ASA said on Wednesday (26 May) that it had received a letter of intent regarding a contract for a platform supply vessel from the Norwegian oil company Statoil ASA. The contract, valued at appr oximately NOK215m for a fixed period of five years, covers the services of a newbuilding under construction at Flekkefjord Slipp &Maskinfabrikk. (Bron: Stockhouse) Twin Ports Report The tug Miss Laura left port May 25 towing the new 70-foot fuel barge Greenstone II. The barge, the first new vessel built at Fraser Shipyards in Superior in about 40 years, will carry fuel from Houghton, Mich., to Isle Royale National Park. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Smit Mandji De nieuwe Damen 3509 Smit Sleepboot Smit Mandji voor Smit Gabon, bouwnr. 6615, ligt momenteel bij scheepswerf v.d.Giessen-De Noord te Alblasserdam. Zij wordt hier doormidden gezaagd om er een stuk van 6 meter tussen te plaatsen. Zodra dat dit is gebeurd wordt zij weer teruggebracht naar Damen Gorinchem. (Bron: Hans van der Ster) Eerste tocht superjacht Ecstasea precisiewerkje van Broedertrouw De sleepboten Broedertrouw XV en Broedertrouw 2 hebben het megajacht Ecstasea 18 en 19 mei vanaf de Kaag naar Rotterdam getransporteerd. Het jacht is met 85,95 meter lengte en 11,50 meter breedte het grootste ooit gebouwd op Koninklijke Werf van Lent en vertrekt binnenkort naar Hamillton in Groot-Brittannie. (Bron: Schuttevaer) Lichaam schipper En Avant 18 gevonden Het lichaam van de schipper van de op 13 mei gezonken sleepboot En Avant 18 is afgelopen weekeinde aangetroffen in de Oude Maas, ter hoogte van de Heinenoordtunnel. De En Avant zonk 13 mei rond middernacht op de Oude Maas, ter hoogte van de Develhaven in Zwijndrecht. De sleepboot was bezig met het transport van een stoomsleper naar “Dordt in Stoom” en kwam tijdens het vastmaken met het zeeschip in aanvarinf. De sleepboot zonk en de vier opvarendenspoelden overboord. De schipper, de 24-jarige Robert van Wensen uit Dordrecht, verdronk hierbij. De overige opvarenden konden zich in veiligheid brengen. Opvarenden van een motorjacht vonden vsn Wensen’s stoffelijk overschot zaterdagmiddag in het riet, op acht kilometer van de plaats van het ongeval. (Bron: Schuttevaer) Vlaggetjesdag Komend weekend is het weer zover, op vrijdag 4 en zaterdag 5 juni, is het weer vlaggetjesdag. De Scheveningse haven bestaat dit jaar honderd jaar. Zaterdag wordt het startsein gegeven voor de haringrace. In de haringrace strijden klassieke visserschepen om de haringtrofee. De traditie van Vlaggetjesdag ontstond in de zestiende eeuw. Op de zaterdag voor pinksteren werden alle schepen met vlaggen versierd. Op Tweede Pinksterdag kwamen de haringvissers bijeen op de kades om de versierde schepen te bekijken, die de volgende dag zouden uitvaren. Het schip dat na een paar weken als eerste haring aanlandde, was de winnar van de haringrace. Nog even wachten dus om de eerste Hollandse Nieuwe te kunnen happen. (Bron: Schuttevaer) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 20 dd. 06 Juni 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit-Lloyd Fortune De Smit-Lloyd Fortune is op 31 mei 2004 overgedragen aan de Chinese eigenaren zijnde: Huacheng Shipping (Liberia) Inc. De nieuwe naam is mij nog niet bekend. (Bron:Hans van der Ster) Smit Curacao The anchor handling tug supplier Smit Curacao (Smit Bjorn J – 96, Smit-Lloyd 108 – 95) 1292/74 by Seacor to Greeks inerests (Bron: Shipping News) Lingue De Lingue is door Seacor verkocht aan Nomis en herdoopt in Dea Lingue. De Lingue is de voormalige Smit-Lloyd 41 en was al geruime tijd in contract by Ultragas in Chilie. Het eerste reisje wat de Dea Lingue gaat maken voor Nomis, is het slepen van een bak van Peru naar Chittagong, Bangladesh over de Pacific Ocean. (Bron:Seabreeze) Abeille No.10, 433/76 – tug. By Les Abeilles S.A. France to Ivorienne de Remorquage et de sauvetage, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and renamed Acajou 2 Active Prince, 2210/03 – offshore tug/supply. By Active Venture III KS, Norway to Company des Moyens de Surface Adaptes a L’Exloitation des Oceans, Artic Terr. (France) and renamed Bourbon Atlantide Albatros III, (Albatros I – 92, Alianza an Pedro – 82, Serviceman – 80) 912/76 – tug. By Wijsmuller Salvage & Towage Argentina S.A., Panama to Wijsmuller Offshore Terminal Towage (Far East) Pte. Ltd., Singapore and renamed Albatros Putford Acasta, (Cumbrae – 91, Ellemtor – 89) 878/72 – offshore supply. By Putford Enterprises Ltd. UK to Mohammad Al-Mojil Group (MMG) Saudi Arabia and renamed Al Mojil 40 Putford Sea Mussel, (Sea Mussel – 93), Stirling Brig – 86), 825/74 – stand-by safety vessel. By Putford Enterprises Ltd. UK to Mohammad Al-Mojil Group (MMG) Saudi Arabia and renamed Al Mojil 41 Putford Tern, (Victoria kent – 85, Kent Service – 84, Kent Shore – 80), 769/67 – offshore supply. By Putford Enterprises Ltd. UK to Wilness International Network (Pte) Ltd. Panama and renamed Cape Endurance Valencia, (Boluda Valencia – 99, Aznar Jose Lus – 89), 338/69 – tug. Has been renamed Valencia Pidesa by Pinturus y Desgasificaciones ls, Spain Reports: Aeger 385/04 – tug was renamed Asterix (Dnk) prior to 24/11/2003 Dalmatian 160/65 – tug was renamed Sandfoot Castle (Gbr) rior to 30/12/2003 Multratug 11, 243/72 – tug was renamed Serwal 2 (Pol) pror to 05/01/2004 Sandfoot Castle 231/67 – tug was renamed Pioneer (Com) prior to 21/10/2003 Stirling Esk 1504/86 was renamed Putford Terminator (Gbr) prior to 05/01/2004 Triton 199/77 – tug was renamed Uljanik Triton (Hrv) prior to 30/12/2003 Chiasson delivers crew/supplier to Abdon Callais Larose, La.-based Chiasson Welding Service Inc. recently delivered a 187' ´32' ´13' aluminum crew/supply boat to Abdon Callais Offshore, Cut Off, La. The Miss Danielle was designed by Picciola & Associates, also of Cut Off, and was built using 5086 marine grade aluminum. “We built it to their specs,” said Douglas Chiasson, the yard’s owner. “They wanted to make a quick crew/supply boat. We did it the way they wanted it.” Chiasson said he’s certified to use aluminum to a thickness of 1.5". “We’re good for any type of aluminum construction. The more certification you’ve got, the better the J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Coast Guard likes it,” he said. “Most yards are certified to probably three-eighths inch.” Chiasson said he is equally comfortable using steel or aluminum, but he admits that aluminum has its eccentricities. “It takes so much more equipment to build in aluminum. It’s so much more delicate,” he said. “You can’t pull it. You have to push it. But we’ve got the facility, the tools and the people to do it all.” The boat has plenty of tankage space. Capacities include 40,508 gals. of fuel and 93,370 gals. rig water. “That’s a lot of capacity for a boat this size, but she’ll still make better than 26 knots,” said Chiasson. The rear cargo deck measures 110' ´26' and can handle 240 LT of freight. There are accommodations for a crew of seven and seating for 92 passengers. Main propulsion comes from four Caterpillar 3512 diesels, producing 1,600 hp at 1,800 rpm each. The Cats are connected to Hawboldt 48" ´53", 4bladed nibral props through Twin Disc MG-6448 marine gears with 2.5:1 reduction ratios. A 200-hp Schottel bowthruster helps keep the Miss Danielle on station while working around the rigs. Twin Caterpillar 3304 gensets, striking 90kw of electricity each, provide the vessel’s service power. The wheelhouse contains ZF Mathers ClearCommand MS568-13484 controls, and the steering system, supplied by Gulf Coast Air & Hydraulics, features dual 7.5-hp steering units and Kobelt electronic steering controls. The boat features a Furuno electronics suite and carries two Quincy 325 air compressors. Miss Danielle is USCG and ABS Loadline certified and was delivered in March. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Washburn & Doughty Wins Tug Contract 6/1/04 3:48:56 PM Washburn & Doughty Associates, Inc. signed a contract to build a 92 x 32-ft. Z-Drive Tug for the Providence Steamboat Company. Providence Steamboat Company, located in Providence, RI, operates tugboats on Narragansett Bay and adjacent southeast New England waters. Engaged primarily in vessel assist work, the company has six tugs with two under construction. The vessel currently being built by Washburn & Doughty is Providence Steamboat’s first Z Drive Tug. Delivery is scheduled for December 2004. The new tug will be powered by two Caterpillar 3516HD main engines each rated at 2,500 hp @ 1,600 rpm. The propulsion units will be Rolls-Royce Aquamaster model US 205 Z Drives with NiBrAl 90.5-in. propellers and Kort nozzles lined with stainless steel. Ship service power will be provided by two John Deere, Tier 2 emissions certified, 99 KW non-paralleling generator sets. A Timberland model A180-1-60-EVC electric hawser winch, with level wind and line rendering features, will be located on the forward deck. An Almon Johnson 18” diameter Series 351E capstan, with a 208/3/60 motor, will be located on the aft deck. Schuyler will provide 17-in. laminated soft loop bow fender and 12-in. black rubber “D” fender for the sides and stern. (Bron: Marinelink) Feature: Boats We Love 3/5/04 11:15:01 AM (By Don Sutherland) Every harbor has its share: hardworking boats that stand-out for some provacative reason. It's probably not for their beauty. Form follows function in most maritime architecture, and maybe there's a beauty in how functional these boats are. But such beauty resides in the mind more than the eye. And yet they're still head-turners. Every harbor has its share. In New York, three come to mind - aphabetically, Odin, Shelby Rose, and Twintube. You know 'em on sight. The first two are tugs, and sort of look it. As for the third, "I was trying to build something that would do everything," Luther Blount told us. It does. They do. Odin They say you'll see boats that resemble her out west. We've seen similar craft heading up the Rhine in Europe. But on New York harbor, Odin looks unique. "Like a praying mantis," said her longtime skipper, Capt. Royal Bailey, Jr. It seems an apt description for a boat whose push knees rise up as they do, so close to the pilot house. And the pilot house itself completes the effect. Standing upon a hydraulic post you may not spot at first, the house seems almost afloat midair - or perhaps is connected by a short neck to the thorax of her deckhouse. Push knees and telescoping houses are familiar enough. It's their size and placement that makes the difference in Odin. We thought they made her look more like a sphinx, albeit a sphinx with forelegs drawn up to do take hold of something, and get to work. "I call her the harbor barge taxi, she never stops," Bob Mattson told us. Capt. Mattson is Executive Vice President of K-Sea Transportation Partners, which acquired the boat as part of the Eklof fleet when the new company took over (see MN, "K-Sea’s OK Seas" MN November 25, 2002 issue). "Her utilization is amazing," said Capt. Matson. "I have said for years she is the hardest working tug in New York." While a smattering of ship-assist and coastal work can be found on Odin's resume, moving barges is her forte. And, given her relatively compact dimensions for a New York pushboat - 73 feet long, just under 28 wide, 8-ft. draft - she's able to move barges in many of the harbor's cramped quarters. Broad and varied to a spectacular degree, more like a sea when the weather kicks-up, New York harbor is not known best for tight turns. But like any harbor, it has its tributaries - the rivers and creeks that flow into it, with sites on their shores that take barges. "Our primary mission is creek work, with single-skin oil barges," Roy Bailey told us. "You have to really watch it in places like those." Westchester creek, Flushing creek, Newtown creek, the Gowanus, the Hackensack River, the Raritan - some of their bridges are low indeed. That's where the retracting J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie house comes in handy - bringing the air draft down from 36 feet to 20. Head pulled-in, the mantis or sphinx adopts certain virtues of the turtle. At first glance, to the untrained eye, Odin might have been taken for similar boat, the Redwing, run by Eklof years ago. But Redwing was single-screw and, as things turned-out, ill-fated. After Eklof sold her, Redwing sank off Florida. The story is told, in the best tall-tale style, on the Web: As for Odin, Capt. Bob Buschman, the relief skipper, calls here handling "mind-boggling" - this after years at the helm of the recently retired tanker Jet Trader. "She has Kort nozzles and flanking rudders, winches and cables to make up the tows. She's an agreeable boat for the crews. They normally don't have to handle lines. They hand the cable eye to the bargeman and the push winches are operated from the house." It almost sounds easy. Odin was built in 1982 by Delaware Marine with twin 930-hp Detroit 16V149s, with Carl Mattson, Bob's brother, serving as Eklof's rep. "Delaware Marine was good at fabricating," Bob Mattson reports, "but not so swift at outfitting. She was run up to Eklof's yard but they had to redo a lot and had to complete the piping, electrical and automation." The modifications took about eight months. But once completed, they added up to a boat that doesn't stop. If you're new to New York and see a praying mantis over here, then awhile later a sphinx over there, don't be fooled. There's only one Odin. Shelby Rose The Shelby Rose is a tugboat, of this there is no doubt. She has all the parts where they belong - hull, gunwale, caps, deckhouse, wheelhouse, stack - but in proportions distinctly their own. The wheelhouse is the tallest single part, the only true vertical in her lines. It seems disproportionate to the deckhouse. For the deckhouse, so low to the deck, is less a set of independent cabins than a roof raised over hull compartments. Freeboard? Let's say the Shelby was built for gentle southern waters, and looks it. So what's she doing, all blue and jaunty, up and down the Narrows, through the slop and chop of the bay of good old nasty New York? It must be something serious. You don't see a push knee on a model bow, unless a boat is very serious. According to Capt. Bob Henry of Island Marine & Towing, the Shelby Rose is better than serious. She's perfect. "When I first saw her," Capt. Henry told us, "I said that's exactly what I had in mind. For the longest time, I had crawled around boats, over boats, in boats, under boats, looking and looking, and didn't find what I needed. Then, when I got to Texas - " Texas? " - I took a look, and if you gave me a clean sheet of paper, I couldn't design a better boat." So that's where you have to go to get a perfect New York tugboat? Trinity Bay, Texas? "With the Shelby, I was able to step into a real niche," working the shallow creeks, canals, and rivers around New York. Shelby Rose draws only five feet, so she goes in where other tugs wait and watch. "Working in conjunction with construction companies," said Capt. Henry, "assisting tugs with docking and undocking, she moves around the docking area very well, unlike a deep-draft tug. The guys in the yards can't get over how she maneuvers." Inspection on that first day in Texas showed the boat to be "extremely well-built, very robust. I'd wanted a floating tank - something I could put up on the beach, and just back off when the time came. There's so much erosion going on, the waters are getting shallower. With the Shelby I can give you hours on either side of high tide - that's a big selling point for what I do." And what Capt. Henry does with the Shelby is just about anything. In a petro town like New York, this includes a lot of run-of-the-mill barge handling - though a five-foot draft enables the Shelby to add a touch of service in the smaller estuaries around the city, Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut. The Shelby Rose is the little tug that could. She came all the way up from Galveston way, and she'll go wherever her package is needed. "We've been on the Erie canal, all the way to Lake Seneca for the Navy. We brought a barge 280 miles west of Albany. We've been all up and down Long Island and the south shore, Barnigat canal, Cape May - places where they haven't seen a tugboat in forty years. "Not only can I tow the barge there, but I can deliver it up the thoroughfares exactly where it needs to go. It streamlines the operation. And with twin 6-cylinder Detroits totalling 480 HP, she doesn't burn much. So I don't have to charge through the nose." But besides the routine tows of the New York region, strong, compact tugs fill needs elsewhere. The Shelby had just spent a week breaking ice in Bridgeport when we went to press, and escorting "fast" ferries through the floes of February. And the 45-footer is the head office and traveling toolkit of Capt. Henry's other calling, salvage. "When I first saw her, the engineer in me was amazed by the size of the engine room. It was big enough for engines twice the size. I don't know why - there's no need for bigger engines, and you couldn't use bigger wheels anyway." But in the meantime, "in the salvage business, you can't have too much stuff - shackles, pumps, welding machines - I've got big tool boxes loaded with equipment. It takes a lot of space on what looks like a small tug, but there's nothing you can break on a boat that I can't fix." Because he can get where he needs to go, Capt. Henry's diving assignments often precede the surveys, or are the surveys, amid loose cables and things that go bump, in the dark, in the mud where a flashlight's no help. From his descriptions, you'd think it's as easy to get out of a tangle as it is to get in. Bob Henry had started a towing company that still bears his name (see "Independence Day," MN August 11, 2003 issue), but that company and its vessel went into a divorce settlement. Bob Henry spent a spell in the auto body business, while running the skimmer that cleans the surface at the Fresh Kills landfill. And he thought-through his niche in New York. "Shelby Rose was so perfect," he recounts, "that a year later I went back to Texas, and bought another just like her." The Rachel Marie (ex-R.M. Davis), like the Shelby Rose, is now named for the captain's daughters. The tugs had J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie been designed for the drilling business. "Brown and Root built a half dozen or so of this model in the 1960s, for towing oil rigs. There was a lot of drilling concentrated around Galveston Bay, where the water was shallow. So they'd put 3 or 4 of these little tugs on a rig, and that's what they'd do for a few days - move the rigs, very slowly, to the next location. I understand the small tugs would break a channel in the bottom of Trinity Bay, then the rigs would break a deeper one." Tough little boats indeed. "They drilled up all the oil in the shallow areas of Galveston Bay - sucked it dry," so the builder/operator's use for the distinctive little craft ended with the operation. "An outfit in Texas called General Supply, a clearing house for companies liquidating their assets, bought the boats from Brown and Root." Her skipper's had time to know the Shelby, and learn what she can take. "She's seen eightfoot seas in the Gulf and up here in the east. But I know when to stop. "She's a wet boat, obviously, and up here you've got wind and tides and vicious currents. On an eight-foot sea, you feel like the captain of the Monitor. Or like a submarine skipper in your conning tower. Not a situation you want to make a habit of." Still, a salver, by definition, goes places that damage vessels, sometimes with rough water. And that's where we learn that spiffy yellow trim is no decoration. The Shelby's rail just about clears the shins - yes, she's a southern boat indeed - and in heavy seas can submerge for awhile. "The yellow paint on the caprails lets you know where the end of the boat is," something you should know where the Shelby Rose goes. Twintube Twintube may seem like an odd name for a stick lighter, and at first sight you'd think a stick lighter is what Twintube was born to be. And maybe she was. But boats besides harbor freighters have Twintube's general layout - broad, open fordeck, house aft - harbor tankers being an example. And both types of craft seem to be on the wane. Other methods of moving things have usurped boats like Twintube, for both liquid and dry cargoes. But the layout remains eminently practical for what Twintube does today. Indeed, it's hard to imagine a better design for bringing provisions and equipment to the varied deepwater ships visiting New York. A containerport like Port Elizabeth may contain goods from all over the world, but the best way to stock a containership still comes from the water. "We're the backbone of the harbor," said the gent at the wheel, Mate Kolanomic. Mate is his given name, not his rank. "Is like 'Matthew' in Croatian," he mentions as he steers toward the Eagle Birmingham with its load of provisions. Capt. Kolanomic eases the broad 64-ft. craft against the Eagle Birmingham in place at Port Liz. Deckhand Rich Koczera climbs up with the paperwork while the skipper prepares to transfer his cargo. Twintube has its own crane, but this time a line descends from the higher boom of the receiving vessel. Mike ties-up a stack of fresh fruits and veggies, palletized and shrink-wrapped, and up it goes. "They used to use baskets for this," says Capt. Kolanomic, "which made problem where do you put them when they come back down empty?" Using pallets and shrinkwrap, Reynolds has in effect containerized the delivery of chandlery goods. Everything arrives at its destination clean and dry. The deck is cleared swiftly, and the skipper turns his boat back toward the direction of Rosebank, Staten Island, adjacent to the Sandy Hook Pilots, where Reynolds' yard bustles with deliveries - all the way from Canada, according to one long-haul driver. Practically in the shadow of the Verrazano-Narrows bridge, itself midway between the New Jersey and the New England turnpikes, with spurs up the New York Thruway and out the Long Island Expressway, the Reynolds operation is an easy reach for anything that comes over the road. Much as Reynolds Shipyard can be considered a transportation hub, a lot of Twin Tube's loads wouldn't fit the highway. "We're tested for 65,000 pounds," said Capt. Kolanomic, "and we've carried loads of sandblasted brick, lifeboats, eight transformers for the Holland Tunnel, six tons each." Mike Reynolds also points out that with her broad, open forward deck, Twintube has proved ideal for movie-makers, who need unobstructed harbor shots from a platform with plenty of room for equipment. Capt. Kolanomic puts it flatly: "We can do anything with Twintube." Twintube. What kind of name is that for a stick lighter? "We acquired the boat in the late 1960s," said Mike Reynolds, "single-screw, with a 1671 Detroit. We added the A-frame and boom in the early 70s. Before that, she'd been a tanker. The tubes were petroleum tanks." And before they were petroleum tanks, it turns out, they were a way to reinforce a large, floating, open space that could, 53 years later, still "do anything." "The only boats in the world like that," said Luther Blount, "were the ones I built - five or six of them." Twintube was Blount Built hull No. 6. The tubes were Capt. Blount's first maritime patent, in a portfolio that also includes a machine used in the manufacture of thread, and a better way for shucking clams. One of Twin Tube's first assignments was carrying a deckload of oysters from Bridgeport to Warren, Capt. Blount himself at the helm. Twintube and her siblings began with the tubes, with the hull added. "It's like a catamaran," Capt. Blount told us, "with a plate over it, a hull around it. When it came to putting the frames in, you knew from the tubes where to put them. You didn't have to think - just go do it. You end up with two tubular compartments plus a center compartment, and that gives you very good stability." With a tank manufacturer performing a large part of the "yard" work, "you can build a boat very easily and quickly. He'd cut the tanks any way I wanted, so they were cut on a bias one way to form a bow, another way for the stern. I built Twintube in about forty days, for under thirty-thousand." Although Capt. Blount's ambition was to produce a workboat that "would do anything," his tube concept found its way into such specialized craft as a ferryboat."The tubes gave the boat the longitudinal strength - a tank, like a pipe, is fairly strong. "I used to run all over with it, took it to New York to show it off. Everybody belittled it as a crazy looking thing. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie But I could go right back and build them so cheap. They were major influences in getting me into the boat building business." Twintube was launched on August 28, 1951, sponsored by Mrs. Willis Bount, Luther's mother. After operating Twintube himself as a freight boat for about eight months, Capt. Blount delivered the boat to John Leopold, who needed a tanker for his Staten Island Oil Company. Piping was added, and the conversion made. That all took place early in 1952. Having gone from freighter to tanker to freighter again, Twintube truly has "done everything." The era of the single-screw tanker having passed, the tubes that gave the boat her name have been substantially removed, their structural contributions substituted by other means. But Twintube she still looks like what she is - a unique variation of a classic configuration, a sight once ubiquitous in New York. As Luther Blount put it, "she's a piece of Americana." (Bron: Marinelink) Tug Jacklyn M Renamed 06/02 The tug Jacklyn M was recently renamed G.L. Ostrander in honor of Gary L. Ostrander, an executive of Lafarge Inc, who retired in March. Jacklyn M, which was built in 1976 and mated to the cement barge Integrity in 1996, is managed by Andrie Inc. for the Lafarge corp. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Torch Offshore Announces Update on Midnight Express Conversion Torch Offshore, Inc. (NASDAQ: TORC) (the "Company") announced today that the Midnight Express has substantially completed its DP-2 sea trials in the North Atlantic Ocean without any major complications. The vessel has returned to the shipyard at Davie Maritime, Inc. for final rig-up and certification before heading to Rotterdam for installation of the patented pipelay system at the manufacturer's operation and the special-built crane. The vessel is expected to leave the shipyard during the first week of June to begin the 12- to 14-day trip to Rotterdam based on the expected travel speed of 11 to 12 knots. It is still the Company's intention to complete final outfitting and installation of the pipe handling system in the Gulf of Mexico before the vessel enters the active fleet in the latter portion of the third quarter of 2004. The vessel is scheduled to be delivered approximately two weeks after the negotiated final delivery date of May 21, 2004. The Company does not expect this minor delay to impact the timing of the Midnight Express entering the active fleet in 2004. Lyle G. Stockstill, Torch Offshore, Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "We are pleased that the vessel has almost completed its first round of sea trials and will be leaving the shipyard in the coming days. In addition, the pipelay system and crane are ready for installation in Rotterdam. Our timing is on track for the vessel to begin work in late 2004." To view photographs of the Midnight Express at the shipyard in Canada as well as photographs of the patented pipelay system in Rotterdam, please visit the Company's web site,, under Latest Presentations in the Investor Relations section of the web site. Established in 1978, Torch Offshore, Inc. is involved in offshore pipeline installation and subsea construction for the oil and natural gas industry. Torch Offshore, Inc. is expanding beyond its established shallow water niche market in order to serve the industry's worldwide growing needs in the deep waters. Any statements made in this news release, other than those of historical fact, about an action, event or development, which the Company hopes, expects, believes or anticipates may or will occur in the future, are forward-looking statements under the Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. The forward-looking statements in this news release include statements about the departure date of the Midnight Express from Davie Maritime, Inc., the time to travel to Rotterdam, timing of the final delivery of the Midnight Express to the active fleet, and expectations of the negotiation of liquidated damages. Such statements are subject to various assumptions, risks and uncertainties, which are specifically described in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as other factors that may not be within the Company's control, including, specifically, oil and natural gas commodity prices, weather conditions and offshore construction activity levels. Although the Company believes its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, it gives no assurance that the Company's assumptions and projections will prove to be correct. Actual results may differ materially from those projected. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Hebron Sea Anchor handling tug/supply Hebron Sea (1963 gt, built 1975), with 11 persons on board, reportedly struck the Venture Offshore Gas Platform, in lat 44.02N, long 59.34,54W, in the Sable Island Gas Fields, at 1113, UTC, May 4. No damage to Hebron Sea and minor damage to the platform reported.(Bron: Shipping News) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 21 dd. 13 Juni 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit-Lloyd Fortune Afgelopen week mocht ik aanvullende gegevens ontvangen over de Smit-Lloyd Fortune 9112715, 1995 opgeleverd als Smit-Lloyd Fortune door Italthai Marine Co. Ltd. (115695) aan Smit-Lloyd B.V., Rotterdam, 4-2004 verkocht aan kopers uit Hong Kong, ingebracht bij Huacheng Shipping (Liberia) Inc., Monrovia-Liberia, in beheer bij Shen Hua Shipping Co. Ltd., Hong Kong, 5-2004 herdoopt Huacheng, roepsein A8EU5. En om het geheel compleet te maken: Het schip was oorspronkelijk door een Noorse reder besteld. Smit-Lloyd nam het schip tijdens de bouw over en paste haar aan, aan de laatste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de offshore bevoorrading. Op 19-12-1996 verkocht aan Seacor Smit Offshore II, niet herdoopt. Op 11-01-2001 ondergebracht bij Seacor Offshore Europa. Op 06-04-2002 werd zij onder Engelse vlag gebracht en het management overgedragen aan Stirling. Bedankt Teun (Bron:Teun van der Zee) Seastructures De laatste sleepboot van de failliet verklaarde Seastructures Ltd. uit Plymouth, de Christine (69/68), is intussen verkocht. De nieuwe eigenaar is O'Hanlon uit het Ierse Waterford. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Svitzer De nieuwe Svitzer Mjølner (62 t paaltrek), zusje van de Svitzer Mars, die vanuit het Deense Fredericia werkt, zal voorlopig naar Wales gaan om te Milford Haven te worden ingezet totdat de Svitzer Milford, een latere sleepboot uit de serie van acht die in Litouwen werd gebouwd, klaar is. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Ocean King sold by Pacific Carriers Offshore Seabrokers reports that the Ocean King, a 15,000bhp anchor handler, has been sold by Pacific Carriers Offshore to OstensjØ. The vessel has been fixed for a charter with Pemex to provide fire fighting cover and logistic support with Pemex's numerous offshore locations. The charter period is 1,315 days, and the day rate is in the region of US$16,823.83 per day. The vessel is presently heading her way to Mexico and is due to start this term charter in the near future. (Bron:Shipping Online) Bollinger Repowers, Modifies 40-Year-Old Tug Bollinger recently gave new life to an old boat, the 150-ft. Guardian, originally named Gale B., which was built by Southern Shipyard in 1963. It was owned by Midland Enterprises and was part of a tug/barge unit with the hopper barge Martha B. Midland sold the barge to Moran about three years ago and the tug was on the market when it was acquired by Velvet Maritime, LLC. "It was in good shape with a good purchase price," said Andre Ledoux, president of Velvet Maritime. "It had marketable power that we wanted to upgrade to meet new regulatory requirements, practically new Lufkin gears, a good Detroit Diesel auxiliary engine package, good Markey deck equipment, a raised pilothouse and was not undersized or oversized for blue water operations." In choosing the yard, a long-term relationship helped seal the deal. "My dad, Raymond Ledoux is a 33-year veteran of the marine business. He has had many vessels serviced at several of Bollinger's repair yards and has an excellent, long-term business relationship with Bollinger's Dave Marmillion. That, and Quick Repair's location on the Harvey Canal ... was very advantageous to us." Bollinger Quick Repair dry docked the tug and began the task of repowering. The engine foundations were modified to accommodate two new owner-supplied Caterpillar 3606 diesels developing a total of 4640 hp that were mated to the boat's Lufkin gears with a ratio of 5.818:1. The port & starboard tailshafts were reconditioned and ABS inspected. While other work was under way, Bollinger's propeller shop reconditioned the port and starboard propellers by fairing up all blades, welding nicks and cracks, checking and correcting pitch, grinding, balancing and polishing all blades. Steering rudders, bulwarks and rub rails were cropped and sections of the port and starboard ballasts were renewed as necessary. Sea valves were removed, inspected and replaced and the sea chest screens were replaced after cleaning and painting. The engines cooling water system was upgraded with two new Fernstrum coolers with Bollinger built cooler guards. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) 6/8/04 1:02:22 PM J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Alleen handel Damen blijft in Nederland Damen Shipyards stopt geleidelijk met de scheepsnieuwbouw in Nederland. Dat stelde topman Kommer Damen van 's lands grootste wervengroep vorige week tijdens een bijeenkomst van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging van Technici op Scheepvaartgebied (KNVTS) in Rotterdam. De Damen Shipyards Group omvat dertig ondernemingen, waaronder zo'n vijftien werven in Nederland, en heeft een jaaromzet van circa een miljard euro. Volgens Damen verdwijnt na de cascobouw ook de afbouw grotendeels naar lage-lonenlanden. 'Er is misschien nog ruimte voor complexe militaire schepen en materieel voor de baggerindustrie, maar ik denk dat ook voor deze schepen Nederland op de langere termijn niet de goede plek is. Voor de jachtbouw geldt hetzelfde. Nederland heeft nog het imago dat je voor mooie jachten hier moet zijn. Maar hoe lang dat duurt, weet ik niet. De rompen die wij in Polen maken, zijn beter dan de Nederlandse. Ik heb een werf in de Oekraïne van 122 hectare die ik waarschijnlijk in mootjes ga hakken. Daar kan Amels dan mooi heen. De engineering blijft natuurlijk hier.' (Bron: Schuttevaer) Supply Boats Auctioned off On a gray Wednesday morning, five supply and anchor handling tug supply boats were auctioned off on the U.S. Federal Courthouse steps in Lafayette, Louisiana. About 26 people attended the auction with ten registered bidders signing in and showing proof of deposit. At 10:00 o’clock a.m. after the Clerk of the Court read the court orders and terms and conditions of the sale, individual bidding started on the 180’ x 40’, 2700HP “Seacor Osprey” at $5,000. The “Osprey” had been originally built as a straight platform supply vessel by Halter Marine in 1981, converted to an oil recovery / emergency response vessel in 1994 and had been cold-stacked since 2001. Bids slowly increased at $5,000 increments to $50,000, at which time she was sold to Hossain Jalabadi of Diversified Engineering Services, Inc. of Houston, TX. Next on the block was the 190’ x 40’ “Kodiak Island”, a 3,900BHP anchor handling tug supply boat built in 1980 by Halter Marine. Bidding also started at $5,000, first increasing by $5,000 increments and then jumped from $15,000 to $200,000. The vessel was finally sold for $275,000 also to Diversified Engineering Services who had purchased the “Osprey”. The 198’ x 42’ AHTS “Seacor Rebel” built in 1983 by Moss Point Marine and powered by a pair of EMD 16-645CE2’s totaling 3,900BHP started off bids at a low $5,000, immediately jumped up to $500,000 and then continued at $5,000 – 45,000 increments until reaching a high of $805,000 which was bid by Jettco, LLC. The remaining two vessels, the 230’ x 42’, 3900HP “Gulf Yankee” (exSeacor Yankee) built in 1982 by Moss Point and lengthened in 1996 and the 248’ x 44’ diesel electric, dynamically positioned “Gulf Frontier” (ex-Gulf Frontier) built in 1981 by Halter and lengthened / converted to a “new generation” PSV for deepwater service in 1996 were both bought back by the creditors. Once individual bidding completed, all five vessels were offered “in globo” (en-bloc) with bidding to start at $3,580,000. No bids were received and the vessels were awarded to the individual highest bidders “as is, where is” and free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and pre-existing claims whether recorded or otherwise. The “Gulf Yankee” and “Gulf Frontier” are now available for negotiated resale through Marcon International, Inc. who handled the marketing of the auction and are acting as exclusive brokers on behalf of the Owners. Although the auction was restricted to only U.S. buyers, the vessels are now available for sale to either foreign or domestic buyers on an “as is, where is” basis. However, any sale to a foreign buyer will have to be contingent on MARAD approval to be obtained by the foreign buyer. Further details on both vessels can be found on Marcon’s website and price guidance is available on request. “Seacor Osprey” and “Kodiak Island” are expected to depart the “oil patch” and work in Caribbean cargo trade and “Seacor Rebel” is expected to go back to work as an offshore tug supply boat for the new Owners. 6/11/04 3:03:59 PM Offshore Supply orders new Moss design Offshore Supply K/S has placed an order for a new design AHTS vessel based on the Moss 501-80 design. The yard receiving the contract was Aker Brevik, Norway, with deliver late December 2004. (Bron: Offshore Shipping) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 22 dd. 27 Juni 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Daphne B, (Daphne – 01), 77/69 – tug. By unspecified owners to taylor & Taylor, both UK and renamed Red Empress. Marmex VII, (Drive Mar – 98, Keverne – 96, Groenland – 90), 579/77 – tug. By Compania Maritime Mexicana S.A. de C.V., Mexico to Prime Vertical Ltd, Antiqua and Barbuda and renamed Thunderer. Seacor Alcina, 1238/98 – offshore supply. By Anna Offshore Inc, USA to Maritima Mexicana SA de CV, Mexico and renamed Isla Azteca Seacor Valiant, 1576/99 – offshore supply. By Anna Offshore Inc, USA to Maritima Mexicana SA de CV, Mexico and renamed Isla de Cedros. Triton, 199/77 – tug. By Tripmare S.r.l, Italy to Uljanik – Brodogradiliste dd, Croatia and renamed Uljanik Triton. Zacharias, (Sea Truck – 00, Nor Truck – 88, Edda Sea – 7, Flexservice 2 – 86) 2652/79 – offshore supply. Has been renamed Sentinal by Sea Truck (K) Ltd. Norway (NIS). Maiden Castle De Maiden Castle (ex. Conor-01, ex. Poblet-94) is door Portland Towage, onder bemiddeling van makelaar Michael Vincent, verkocht aan SOMARA op Martinique. De nieuwe naam werd Massai. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) M A C Gagné, Algosound Leave Montreal on Scrap Tows M A C Gagne (former CSL vessel Saguenay), which was towed from her long-time Thunder Bay lay-up berth late in May bound eventually for scraping overseas, left Montreal last week behind the tug Simoon. The tug has enough fuel for 40 days and food for 60, so a fuel stop is scheduled in Saudi Arabia. The tow to Bangladesh will take an estimated 65 days. Algosound also departed Montréal early last Saturday morning with towing tug Akhtiar on the lead assisted by Lac Vancouver on her stern. Akhtiar will take the tow to the Suez Canal where it will be relieved by another tug. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) 06/14 Seabulk Ordered 6/14/04 5:13:15 PM Expanding its presence in the growing offshore West African market, Seabulk Offshore -- a subsidiary of Seabulk International, Inc. has ordered two additional vessels for delivery in late 2004 and mid-2005, respectively. Built at a combined cost of approximately $23.4 million, the new vessels will work under long-term contracts for a major international oil company in offshore Angola. "West Africa is our biggest market and represents more than half of Seabulk Offshore's revenue," commented Larry D. Francois, President of Seabulk Offshore. "These new vessels are a response to our customers' needs and signify our confidence in the long-term potential of this region, where we are currently the number two operator with 40 vessels." The vessels, the Seabulk Advantage and the Seabulk Luanda, bring to five the total number of newbuilds currently under construction for Seabulk Offshore. Of the five, three are destined for West Africa and two for Brazil. They are part of Seabulk Offshore's ongoing fleet renewal program, which has resulted in the delivery or construction of ten new vessels since the beginning of 2003. The Seabulk Advantage is a 4,800-horsepower, four-pointmooring Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) being built in China for Jaya Shipbuilding & Marine, Pte. of Singapore at a cost of approximately $8.6 million. The Seabulk Luanda is an 8,000-horsepower anchor-handling tug/supply vessel (AHTS) being built by Singapore-based Labroy Marine Ltd. at a cost of approximately $14.8 million. Labroy Marine is also constructing the Seabulk Angola, an 8,000horsepower, anchor-handling tug (AHT) scheduled for delivery in early 2005 at a cost of approximately $10.8 million. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Maumee River Reopened 06/16 9:40 p.m. Update According to reports from WTOL News in Toledo, several tugs were able to free the barge just after 12:00 noon. No one was hurt in the incident and no gasoline was spilled. The Coast Guard was concerned with the risk of gasoline leaking into the river and an explosion. Electricity was cut to the bridge and the immediate area was evacuated. "It was a double hull barge. The probability, even if the extrication of the tug and barge hadn't gone smoothly, there was still a low probability the inner hull would have been breached," Coast Guard Commander Chris Roberge told WTOL. Neither the bridge nor the barge were damaged. The Coast Guard did not speculate about the cause, but admits strong river currents may have played a role in the accident The investigation into J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie the exact cause will take several months. The Maumee River is running at or near flood stage. Heavy rains in the past couple of weeks has the water level up, and the amount of debris up. CSX reported there were about 13 trains being held up since the bridge was stuck in the open position. CSX crews had already started to inspect the bridge Thursday afternoon to see what damage had been done. The company says safety is its primary concern. Original Report The Maumee River was closed Thursday morning as the inbound tug Michigan and barge Great Lakes, carrying 40,000 barrels of gasoline, hit the CSX Rail bridge just north and east of downtown Toledo. It happened just after 9:00 Thursday morning as the barge was fighting the currents in the Maumee River. No one was hurt. No gasoline spilled. The barge and tug is wedged into the bridge. Just before 11:00, another tug was brought in to free the barge. It was not successful. Train traffic is also blocked. The Coast Guard is standing by, along with the Toledo Fire Department's fire boat. The Maumee River is running at or near flood stage. Heavy rains in the past couple of weeks has the water level up, and the amount of debris up. A similar incident happened on the river in October of 2001 when a swift, rain driven current, caught the Nanticoke against the Norfolk-Southern South Railroad Bridge, holding her there for several days. At that time only the upper river was closed. Check back for updates. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) SmitWijs Tugs 19 Juni 2004 SmitWijs London te Zuid Korea in afwachting veertrek met sleep Erha naar Singapore. Vertrek van het transport is al een aantal keren uitgesteld door typhoons op de route. SmitWijs Rotterdam ligt in Dubai, wat kleine reparaties te doen. SWR is door SmitWijs aangeboden om bulk carrier Cape Africa te verslepen van Zuid Afrika naar Singapore of Dubai. Cape Africa is eerder dit jaar als jop gemaakt op de Zuid Atlantische Oceaan door Smit Amandla (ex-John Ross) van Smit South Africa. SmitWijs Singapore los onderweg naar Vera Cruz voor verslepen van accommodatie rig Bornholm Dolphin naar Haugesund. ETA Vera Cruz 8/7. Canadian Venture Scrap Tow Could Leave Today The ULS Group tug Commodore Straits arrived in Toronto around 6 a.m. Saturday and berthed at Pier 35 south. The tug is expected to tow the former ULS bulk carrier Canadian Venture out of the Great Lakes to Bangladesh for scrapping. An exact departure time is unclear, but it could be as early as today. The vessel, which last operated in fall, 2001, has been laid up at Toronto. She had been sold to International Marine Salvage and was scheduled to be cut up at Port Colborne Ont. However recent developments indicate she may have been resold to overseas scrappers. Canadian Venture was built by Davie Shipbuilding Ltd., Lauzon, PQ and commissioned on June 5, 1965 as the Lawrencecliffe for Halco Inc. On Nov.16, 1965, while loaded with ore from Port Cartier bound for Conneaut, the Lawrencecliffe Hall collided with the British general cargo carrier Sunek during a snowstorm on the St. Lawrence River 14 miles east of Quebec City. After failed attempts to beach her, she rolled onto her starboard side and sank in 35 feet of water. All 24 crewmembers were safely removed. She was raised and towed to Lauzon for repairs, returning to service Aug.1,1966. The Lawrencecliffe Hall was acquired by Misener Shipping Ltd., St. Catharines, ON in 1988 when she was renamed David K. Gardiner. From 1991 through 1994, she sailed under the management of Great Lakes Bulk Carriers. This vessel was the subject of another name change when, in 1994, the David K. Gardiner was bought by the Upper Lakes Group, Inc., Toronto, ON. She was renamed Canadian Venture at that time. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) 06/21 Canadian Venture Tow Departs Toronto As Planned 06/22 Canadian Venture left Monday morning from Toronto for Bangaladesh scrappers under tow of the Commodore Straits. Plans call for them to meet the tug Vigilant 1 at the Cape for the tow down the Seaway. Departure from Toronto was at 0835. At present, the ETA for Iroquois Lock is 100 Tuesday. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Canadian Trader to Join Canadian Venture on Scrap Tow The Commodore Straits, towing the scrapyard-bound Canadian Venture and with the tug Vigilant 1 on the stern and the tug Seahound assisting, continues her passage to Montreal. In Montreal, the tug Haedong Star is being prepared to tow the Canadian Venture to Quebec City where she will hook up with the retired Canadian Trader after the latter's arrival from Trois Rivieres. The Haedong Star will also receive a new name, "Strong Deliverer," and will be flagged Panamanian according to the Port of Montreal website. The Trader and Venture are bound for Bangladesh for scrapping. In the interim, more parts will be removed from the Canadian Venture's engine room. The pilot house has been cannibalized to such a large extent it looks bare. Commodore Straits will return to Toronto after Canada Day celebrations, reportedly to pick up the Canadian Mariner and tow her to Montreal for an eventual overseas scrap tow as well. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) 06/23 J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie ss Rotterdam op sleeptouw De ss Rotterdam is onderweg naar Europa. Vanmiddag zijn in de haven van Freeport op de Bahama’s de trossen losgegooid. Op sleep bij de Poolse sleper Englishman is koers gezet naar Gibraltar. Daar zal het voormalige vlaggenschip van de Holland Amerika Lijn (HAL) bij de werf Cammel Laird worden opgeknapt en verbouwd. Kapitein Wojchiech Grotha van de Englishman denkt omstreeks zaterdag 10 juli in de voormalige Britse kolonie in het zuiden van Spanje aan te komen. De door hem uitgezette, zuidelijke koers over de Atlantische Oceaan heeft een lengte van 3.857 zeemijl, ruim zevenduizend kilometer. Grotha denkt met de Rotterdam op sleeptouw een snelheid van zo’n zeven knopen te halen, waarmee per dag ongeveer honderzeventig mijl kan worden afgelegd. Onder leiding van sleepbootkapitein Grotha en Rienk Koopmans als vertegenwoordiger van de Rotterdamse eigenaar van het schip, de ss Rotterdam bv, is in korte tijd alles gereed gemaakt voor de reis. De sleper is dinsdag in Freeport gearriveerd. De Poolse bemanning heeft samen met de Cubaanse werkploeg aan boord van de Rotterdam snel de laatste werkzaamheden kunnen uitvoeren. In de afgelopen weken was alles aan boord van de Rotterdam al zeevast gemaakt. Tijdens de reis naar Gibraltar is er niemand aan boord. Aan boord van de sleper Englishman varen drie Cubanen mee die de afgelopen maanden op de Rotterdam hebben gewerkt. Het trio kan in geval van nood op de Rotterdam worden overgezet. De Rotterdam eeft bijna vier jaar in de haven van Freeport gelegen. Het schip was er ‘aan de ketting’ geled na he fallissement van de Premier Cruises die het schip van de HALl had gekocht en het de naam Rembrandt had gegeven. Die naam prijkt op dit moment nog steeds op de boeg van het schip.(Bron: Alexander Bakker) Shirt & Caps Vanaf heden in de aanbieding het unieke tugspotters shirt en cap !!!. Verkrijgbaar in de volgende maten: XL en XXL. Kosten zijn 10 euro voor elk excl. Verzendkosten. Verzendkosten zijn: 2,50 in Nederland; 3.50 naar het buitenland. Bestellingen via Tug operators stress training Mike Tyrrell, operations director for Serco Denholm and the newly elected vice chairman of the British Tugowners Association, has stressed the role tug operators play in the UK’s maritime cluster. “The BTA’s members, operating in all the major UK ports, haven been investing in new vessels and developing more efficient services. Beyond this, the BTA’s focus has been very heavily on training, with our own bespoke training schemes linked to the UK’s wider seafaring standards. We directly employ more than a thousand tug crew, virtually all of them British.” He added that the association’s role in supporting the UK maritime skills base “cannot be overstated”. The new BTA chairmanis Steve Jellis, who has held a number of senior management positions in UK towage companies – Cory Towage, Wijsmller and, more recently, Svitzer Marne. Jellis was previously vice chairman. (Bron: Shipping News) VT Halter Tapped to Build Two Tugs VT Halter Marine Inc signed a contract with Lockheed Martin to design and build two harbor tugs. The 30-m Voith Tractor Tugs will be built at VT Halter Marine’s Jackson County, Miss., shipyards with completion scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2005. The two tugs, valued at approximately $18 m, will have all the necessary capabilities to manage and respond to maritime distress. Voith Tractor Tugs have propulsion systems that combine propulsion and steering into a single unit, providing 360 degrees of maneuverability. The tugs will be designed and constructed to comply with the rules and regulations of ABS as well as all applicable international regulations. VT Halter Marine will modify existing designs and apply construction techniques used for similar tugs previously built at VT Halter Marine’s shipyards. “VT Halter Marine is well suited to execute this project because of our capability and extensive experience in the construction of tractor tugs. Lockheed Martin’s selection of VT Halter Marine is an indication of the recognition within the industry of our versatility and ability to build vessels for a wide variety of uses and markets,” said Boyd E. King, CEO, VT Halter Marine. VT Halter Marine Inc., based in Pascagoula, MS, is a leader in the design and construction of medium-sized ships in the United States. VT Halter Marine designs, builds and repairs a wide variety of ocean-going vessels such as patrol vessels, oil recovery vessels, oil cargo vessels, ferries, logistic support vessels and research ships. It is a subsidiary of Vision Technologies Systems Inc. (VTS), a provider of integrated engineering solutions, specializing in the fields of aerospace, electronics, land systems, and marine. Headquartered in Alexandria, VA, VTS has locations throughout North America. VTS offers a broad range of proven innovative services to both the commercial and government sectors. VTS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Singapore Technologies Engineering. (Bron: Marinelink) 6/23/04 Delba takes delivery of UT722 Belda Brazil has taken delivery of the UT722 AHTS Geonisio Barrosso. The vessel has now commenced an eight-year charter with Petrobras. The next Delba newbuild, Haroldo Ramos, is due for delivery in July, with the final vessel in the series scheduled for delivery year end. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Wilson Sons to build five vessels. The Brazilian-based shipping group Wlson, Sons is to receive US$19 million from the Brazilian Merchant Marine Fund (FMM) to build five new tugs at yards in Brazil, it was announced at the Intermodal South America conference this week. Wilson, Sons has 60 tugs already in operation, and is the biggest tug operator in South Ameica. It also runs a shipyard in Guaruja, near Santos. Another US$1.9 million is to be loaned by BNDES, which administers the FMM, to Wilson, Sons so that it can upgrade its Estaleiro shipyard. It will able to construct 3,000-tonne PSV’s for the Brazilian oil industry Brevik supplies supply ship. Norwegian shipbuilder Aker Brevik, partner of Aker Yards, has won an order for a NOK 130m ($18,87m) platform supply ship. The hull will be built at sister yard Aker Braila in Romania and handed over in August. The finished ship will be delivered in January 2005. The UT755L-type vessel was ordered by the limited partnership Island Offshore VIII KS. Previous versions of the Island Offshore series, which have ordered anchor-handlers, were part owned by Havila Supply, which was taken over by France’s Groupe Bourbon last year. De Hoop levert Vissolela op Scheepswerf de Hoop heeft het offshorevaartuig Vissolela opgeleverd aan de Franse rederij SURF. Het schip wordt ingezet bij onderhoudswerkzaamheden aan onderwaterconstructies. De Vissolela is een robuust offshorevaartuig, met een lengte van 77,30 meter, een breedte van 18 meter, een holte van 7,40 meter en een diepgang van vijf meter. Het schip, dat onder klasse van Bureau Veritas is gebouwd, meet 2100 ton dwt en valt op door haar grote werkdek. Hierin is een zes bij zes meter grote moonpool verwerkt, waardoor onderwaterrobots in zee kunnen afdalen. Bij de proefvaart van bouwnummer 393 werd een snelheid van dertien knoen gemeten. Aan boord is accommodatie voor maximaal 56 personen. De werf in Lobith is samen met haar zusterwerf in Houma in de Verenigde Staten de laatste tijd heel succesvol in het bowen van offshorevaartuigen. Al eerder werd in Lobith het offshorewerkvaartuig Caballo Andaluz opgeleverd aan de Amerikaanse rederij Otto Candies. Voor deze rederij bouwde de zusterwerf in Houma de afgelopen tijd bevoorraders Amy Candies, Milissa Candies en Mary Francis Candies. En dit jaar levert Houma-werf voor dezelfde rederij ook nog de bevoorraders Keri Candies, Emily Candies en Celia Candies op. (Bron: Schuttevear) Avik Joins Petroleum Services Fleet in Alaska 6/21/04 Crowley's petroleum services group has taken delivery of its newest tug, Avik, to serve in the company's oil transportation and distribution fleet. The 76-foot tug was designed by Crowley's Vessel Management Services team and built by Dakota Creek Industries in Anacortes, Wash. It was delivered on June 3rd and has been put into service in Alaska. The purpose-built tug was designed for both shallow water and ocean towing operations. It features a raised bridge for improved visibility, an electric tow winch for coastal towing and fendered push knees for river or beaching operations. The Avik is powered by three Caterpillar 3406E diesel engines generating 1,350 HP. It will handle barges transporting fuel and general cargo to communities in Alaska where shallow water and lack of docking facilities is common. In those cases, tugs and barges make a beach landing to load and unload cargo. "The Avik will provide improved versatility and service reliability for Crowley's Alaska operations," said Bruce Barto, vice president & general manager, petroleum services. "This boat is designed to operate in moderate open-water weather conditions, and is equally suitable for river and near shore operations." It also incorporates environmentally friendly features such as engines that meet IMO emissions requirements, on board holding tanks to retain treated sewage, electric deck machinery instead of hydraulic and fuel tanks surrounded by void spaces to minimize the chance of fuel spills. Crowley's petroleum services group is also adding another vessel to its fleet. Barge 180-1, also being built by Dakota Creek, is scheduled for delivery in July. This 180-foot combination tank and deck cargo barge will be the first double-hull tank barge constructed specifically for Alaska service. It features a dual anchor system, coated cargo tanks, a pedestal-mounted deck crane, portable cargo ramps and onboard oil spill response equipment. The 180-1 will operate in either a push mode or as a conventional towed unit. "We are excited about these new vessels and about providing improved service levels to our customers", said Barto. "They are very visible reminders of Crowley's longstanding commitment to Alaska". Vessel Management Services, part of Crowley's corporate services segment, designs, engineers, constructs and maintains ownership of new vessels for charter. Its mission is to provide technologically advanced equipment to serve the needs of the industry in general and Crowley in particular. Over the years, it has built some of the most advanced tugs and articulated tug barges (ATBs) in the world, which are now deployed by Crowley along the West Coast from California to Alaska. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 23 dd. 04 Juli 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Theseus Coloured Fin heeft de Theseus (ex. Geronimo Two-02, ex. Britoil III-95, ex. Redoubtable-90, ex. Chambon Alize-82, ex. Sea Husky-80) (447/75) met brandschade aan onbekende verkocht met als nieuwe naam Jupiter 6. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt) Exclusive Tug Franchise Decision Delayed 6/28/04 9:24:32 AM At the request of the Administrative Law Judge, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has extended the time for rendering a decision in the matter relating to exclusive tug franchises on the Lower Mississippi River. The deadline for issuance of an initial decision has been extended from 1 July 2005 to 31 October 2005. 69 Fed. Reg. 35346 (Bron: HK Law) Singaporian tug hyjacked Published June 29, 2004 Call for urgent Indon action to curb piracy. Surge in attacks ahead of world security conference. (SINGAPORE) Urgent action by the Indonesian Navy is needed following a surge in violent pirate attacks in the northern Malacca Straits, the ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) said ahead of its two-day piracy and maritime security conference in Kuala Lumpur this week. Eight serious incidents have been reported within a 12-day period earlier this month with groups of pirates armed with automatic weapons and grenades targetting ships in the northern straits off the coast of Aceh, Indonesia. Most of the boardings took place within a 100-mile radius of Kuala Langsar, off the troubled Aceh province where separatists are waging a bloody secessionist war against Indonesian forces. The attacks consisted mainly of kidnappings of senior crew members - typically the master and chief engineer - followed by a ransom demand for their safe release, the IMB said in an statement. 'This concentration of attacks against vessels in a small area suggests that it may be the work of a few gangs of criminals,' said IMB director Capt Pottengal Mukundan. Citing the success the navy had in recovering the hijacked Indonesian tanker Pematang, Capt Mukundan said he was 'encouraged by this success'. 'We are calling upon the Indonesian navy to take appropriate action in these waters to ensure that the current gang of criminals are brought to justice without delay.' Among the incidents highlighted by the IMB was the one involving a Singapore-owned tug towing a barge which was fired at by pirates aboard eight small boats and armed with automatic weapons. The tug was ordered to stop under the threat of continued gunfire and when it shut down its engines, seven armed pirates boarded the vessel. The master and chief engineer were then kidnapped with the pirates threatening to executive them unless the chief officer agreed not to alert the authorities for five days. The whereabouts of the two are still not known. 'Piracy in Asia and the Far East continues to escalate both in frequency and in brutality of the attacks,' Noel Choong, head of the IMB's Kuala Lumpur-based Piracy Reporting Centre, said in a statement. 'The industry views the situation with increasing concern and is seeking a reversal of the trend,' he said, highlighting the two-day closed-door conference that will see 165 representatives from industry, law enforcement and governments from 34 countries meeting in Kuala Lumpur from today. The keynote address, 'The Real Threat of Maritime Terrorism Separating Fact from Fiction', will be presented by US-based terrorism expert Brian Michael Jenkins. The event will also include an anti-piracy demonstration by Malaysian Maritime Agencies. (Bron: DonaldD Urquhart) Chiasson delivers crew/supplier to Abdon Callais Larose, La.-based Chiasson Welding Service Inc. recently delivered a 187' ´32' ´13' aluminum crew/supply boat to Abdon Callais Offshore, Cut Off, La. The Miss Danielle was designed by Picciola & Associates, also of Cut Off, and was built using 5086 marine grade aluminum. “We built it to their specs,” said Douglas Chiasson, the yard’s owner. “They wanted to make a quick crew/supply boat. We did it the way they wanted it.” Chiasson said he’s certified to use aluminum to a thickness of 1.5". “We’re good for any type of aluminum construction. The more certification you’ve got, the better the Coast Guard likes it,” he said. “Most yards are certified to probably three-eighths inch.” Chiasson said he is equally comfortable using steel or aluminum, but he admits that aluminum has its eccentricities. “It takes so much more equipment to build in aluminum. It’s so much more delicate,” he said. “You can’t pull it. You have to push it. But we’ve got the facility, the tools and the people to do it all.” The boat has plenty of tankage space. Capacities include 40,508 gals. of fuel and 93,370 gals. rig water. “That’s a lot of capacity for a boat this size, but she’ll still make better than 26 knots,” said Chiasson. The rear cargo deck measures 110' ´26' and can handle 240 LT of freight. There are accommodations J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie for a crew of seven and seating for 92 passengers. Main propulsion comes from four Caterpillar 3512 diesels, producing 1,600 hp at 1,800 rpm each. The Cats are connected to Hawboldt 48" ´53", 4bladed nibral props through Twin Disc MG-6448 marine gears with 2.5:1 reduction ratios. A 200-hp Schottel bowthruster helps keep the Miss Danielle on station while working around the rigs. Twin Caterpillar 3304 gensets, striking 90kw of electricity each, provide the vessel’s service power. The wheelhouse contains ZF Mathers ClearCommand MS568-13484 controls, and the steering system, supplied by Gulf Coast Air & Hydraulics, features dual 7.5-hp steering units and Kobelt electronic steering controls. The boat features a Furuno electronics suite and carries two Quincy 325 air compressors. Miss Danielle is USCG and ABS Loadline certified and was delivered in March. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Tug and barge buzz is largely about LNG and ATBs If you only looked at activity at Washburn & Doughty shipyard, you’d think that the azimuthing stern drive tug boom was still going strong. Not only has the Maine yard continued to deliver a steady stream of 92-foot ASDs for East Coast clients, but prospects look good. “The phone is still ringing,” said Katie Doughty, daughter of co-founder and chief naval architect Bruce Doughty. “All we can do is judge on inquiries, and inquiries are still strong.” Washburn & Doughty’s most recent delivery, in April, was the 5,000-hp Independent, which went to Marine Towing in Tampa, Fla. Meanwhile, the yard is building yet another 92-footer for Moran Towing Corp. Scheduled for delivery this summer, the James R. Moran will be the 10th 92' ASD tug designed and built at Washburn & Doughty for Moran and the 14th of the class. When complete, the James R. will join the Kaye E. Moran, which was delivered last December. Both new tugs will be assisting LNG tankers calling at Chesapeake Bay’s Dominion Cove Point LNG terminal. Moran has no additional new tugs on order at this time. Besides the James R. Moran, Washburn & Doughty is also building a 92' ASD tug for Providence Steamboat Co., a Rhode Island-based company. Thames Towboat, a Providence Steamboat subsidiary in New London, Conn., just received a $5.8 million contract from the Military Sealift Command to provide exclusive tug services at the Naval Submarine Base in Groton, Conn. Thames Towboat had shared the Navy contract with Edison Chouest Offshore. (Bron: Bruce Buls, Technical Editor) Island Offshore Orders PSV 7/1/04 10:26:18 AM Ulstein Verft AS has signed a contract with Island Offshore IX KS regarding the construction of an ULSTEIN P105 platform supply vessel, with an option for a further vessel of the same type. The vessel in order is worth around NOK 200 million. The work can start immediately and will guarantee the shipyard work until April 2005. At an internal meeting in Ulsteinvik the Ulstein Group's employees watched as the contract between Island Offshore IX KS and Ulstein Verft was signed. The contract involves the construction of a platform supply vessel in the ULSTEIN P105 design series, with the option for a second one. Island Offshore IX KS is owned by the vessel investment company Island Offshore Shipholding L.P., together with the investment companies Naustneset, Dalseth, Bakkely and the Ulstein Loen family. All are also shareholders in Ulstein Mekaniske Verksted Holding ASA. Earlier this year, Island Offshore Shipholding established an operating company, Island Offshore Management AS, which until now has operated one vessel. The company will also take over responsibility for operating the new vessel from Ulstein Verft. The Island Offshore group is an exciting and important new partner for the shipyard. "The Island Offshore Group has local roots and has now chosen to invest locally. Similarly the new vessel will be named "Island Patriot", an almost symbolic name. This is very important for employment and will greatly contribute to wealth creation, both locally and in the region," says the managing director of Ulstein Verft, Tore Ulstein. Tore Ulstein is also the managing director of the vessel design company, Ulstein Design AS: "Island Patriot will be the fourth vessel realized in the ULSTEIN P series (platform supply vessels) and the ninth of our own design since the establishment of Ulstein Design in 2000. The fact that we have managed to gain a foothold in vessel design in such a short time shows that we are competitive. We are receiving positive feedback from the shipowners that have vessels of our design in operation," says Ulstein. ULSTEIN P105 The ULSTEIN P105 is a large, flexible platform for supply operations. The design has a large load capacity and can carry almost 5,000 tons of cargo, 2,840 tons of this as deck cargo. It has a diesel electric propulsion system, low fuel consumption and noise levels, and good seakeeping abilities. The vessel is 86.2 meters long and 19 meters wide. "An ULSTEIN P105 is a high quality platform supply vessel, designed to meet most of the requirements made of a modern supply vessel. The good below deck capacity means that it is well suited for gaining long-term contracts," confirms the managing director of Island Offshore Management, Håvard Ulstein. (Bron: Marinelink) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 24 dd. 12 Juli 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Damen Delivers Three ASD Tugs to Kenya 7/6/04 8:35:40 AM The Damen ASD Tugs 3110 SIMBA III, KIBOKO II and NYANGUMI II are not the first Damen Tugs to be used in the port of Mombasa. In 1982 DAMEN already delivered the “EL-LAMY”, a Stan Tug 3300 with a bollard pull of 55 ton. The port of Mombasa has two main functions: § It is used as harbour for import and exports as a gateway to East Africa. For these purposes freighters and container vessels up to 85.000 ton visit the port. § Of even more importance is the function of the harbour as a cruise vessel port. The largest cruise vessels like “Queen Elisabeth” visit the port regularly. The assistance of a tug is compulsory because of safety and environmental reasons in the port of Mombasa. The tugs SIMBA III, KIBOKO II AND NYANGUMI II have more than 2.5 times the bollard pull of its predecessors, and on top of that all tugs are equipped with a fire fighting capacity of 600 m3/hr and the tug NYANGUMI II is fitted with buoy handling, salvage and oil pollution equipment, she has a 44 tm meter hydraulic crane, decompression chamber, oil booms and oil skimmers. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping classifies her for Unrestricted Service and Unmanned engine room. Hull and superstructure The Damen ASD Tug 3110 has a round bilge hull with a transom stern and a tapered bow. The transom corners are well rounded and the forecastle gives sufficient bow height for severe working conditions. The hull shape is of proven design, more than 100 Damen ASD Tugs are built based on this successful design. The hull is divided into 5 watertight compartments and is of a very strong construction with side and bottom plating of 12 mm and decks of 8 mm thickness. The aft deck is suitable for a specific weight of 3 ton per square meter. The tugs have a durable epoxy paint ystem. The Damen ASD Tug 3110 also has an extensive fendering. The sides are protected with a rubber Dfender of 380 by 380 mm, and at the bow a triple cylindrical fender is fitted, with two fender of 600 mm diameter, with a 500 mm diameter fender on top. The steel superstructure is placed on the forecastle deck and has 6 mm thick side plating and 7 mm front plating. Two Caterpillar 3516 TA HD engines power the SIMBA III, KIBOKO II AND NYANGUMI II. The main engines have a total output of 3450 bkW or 4626 hp at 1600 rpm. Thanks to this high output, combined with the large 2400 mm diameter Rolls Royce US 205 rudder propellers, the "SIMBA III, KIBOKO II AND NYANGUMI II" are achieving a bollard pull of 58 tons. The steering is by means of Rolls Royce combinator control handles. The wheelhouse has a control stand at centre forward. The tugs are fitted with comprehensive deck equipment, consisting of a Mampaey disc-type towing hook with a Safe Working Load of 65 tons, a Kraaijeveld capstan of 5 ton at 15 m/min and a stern roller on the aft deck. On the fore deck a combined hydraulic Kraaijeveld anchor winch and two-speed towing winch with a pull of 18 ton at 11m/min is fitted, with a holding power of 130 ton. It is complete with a warping head. Furthermore tug NYANGUMI II is fitted with a hydraulic knuckle boom type deck crane. This Effer crane (type 440002S) has a capacity of 5.75 ton at 7.6 m. On NYANGUMI II a standard 20 ft container is fitted with a decompression chamber, also diving compressors and diving equipment are fitted. On “NYANGUMI II” also oil pollution equipment is fitted; 400 meter of Vicoma oil boom and Vikoma Komara 20 skimmers and a dispersant system with pumps and booms. The nautical and communication equipment is in compliance with the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) for Area A3. Two Sailor RT 4822 VHF radios are fitted, equipped with DSC. Also, a Furuno SSB FS-1570 radiotelephone with DSC unit, a Furuno NX-500 Navtex and a Furuno Felcom 15 Inmarsat system are installed. The navigation equipment consists of a magnetic kotter compass with a Litton LMP/STA/M autopilot, a Furuno FR-1505 Mk III radar, Furuno GP-80 GPS navigator and a Furuno FE 700 echo sounder. (Bron: Marinelink) Tug Avik Joins Crowley’s Alaska Fleet 7/6/04 4:13:47 PM Crowley's petroleum services group has taken delivery of its newest tug, Avik, to serve in the company's oil transportation and distribution fleet. The 76-ft. tug was designed by Crowley's Vessel Management Services team and built by Dakota Creek Industries in Anacortes, Wash. It was delivered on June 3 and has been put into service in Alaska. The purpose-built tug was designed for both shallow water and ocean towing operations. It features a raised bridge for improved visibility, an electric tow winch for coastal towing and fendered push knees for river or beaching operations. The Avik is powered by three Caterpillar 3406E diesel engines generating 1,350 hp. It will handle barges transporting fuel and general cargo to communities in Alaska where shallow water and lack of docking facilities is common. In those cases, tugs and barges make a beach landing to load and unload cargo. "The Avik will provide improved versatility and service reliability for Crowley's Alaska operations," said Bruce Barto, vice president & general manager, petroleum services. "This boat is designed to operate J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie in moderate open-water weather conditions, and is equally suitable for river and near shore operations." It also incorporates environmentally friendly features such as engines that meet IMO emissions requirements, on board holding tanks to retain treated sewage, electric deck machinery instead of hydraulic and fuel tanks surrounded by void spaces to minimize the chance of fuel spills. Crowley's petroleum services group is also adding another vessel to its fleet. Barge 180-1, also being built by Dakota Creek, is scheduled for delivery in July. This 180-foot combination tank and deck cargo barge will be the first double-hull tank barge constructed specifically for Alaska service. It features a dual anchor system, coated cargo tanks, a pedestal-mounted deck crane, portable cargo ramps and onboard oil spill response equipment. The 180-1 will operate in either a push mode or as a conventional towed unit. "We are excited about these new vessels and about providing improved service levels to our customers", said Barto. "They are very visible reminders of Crowley's longstanding commitment to Alaska". Vessel Management Services, part of Crowley's corporate services segment, designs, engineers, constructs and maintains ownership of new vessels for charter. Its mission is to provide technologically advanced equipment to serve the needs of the industry in general and Crowley in particular. Over the years, it has built some of the most advanced tugs and articulated tug barges (ATBs) in the world, which are now deployed by Crowley along the West Coast from California to Alaska. (Bron: Marinelink) Canadian Mariner Tow Departs Toronto for Trois Rivieres 07/05 The ULS group bulk carrier Canadian Mariner departed Toronto at 1400 Monday under tow of the tug Commodore Straits and the tug Vigilant 1 on the stern. The tug Lac Vancouver was expected join the tow at Cape Vincent Tuesday. The Canadian Mariner tow is enroute to Trois Rivieres. It is expected the Mariner will eventually be towed overseas for scrap. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Tugboat Operators, Barge Co. Reach Deal Publication date: 2004-07-04 HONOLULU - Striking tugboat workers approved a contract Sunday with the company responsible for much of Hawaii's interisland barge traffic, ending a four-day walkout. The Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific ratified the agreement with Young Brothers Ltd.-Hawaiian Tug & Barge, said Jonathan Lono Kane, the union's regional director. The workers will now accrue six hours off for every day worked, in addition to receiving improved medical benefits and pension plans. The contract doesn't include a salary increase, he said. Under the previous contract, the workers got four hours off for each day worked, Kane said. The 60 tug operators walked off the job Thursday. The company ships everything from food to cars and appliances among Hawaii's six main islands. It kept its ports open to deliver cargo to customers during the strike, but no new cargo was accepted for shipping. At least four other tug-barge companies operate in Hawaii. (Source: Associated Press/AP Online) No Limit De Raad voor de Transportveiligheid onderzoekt het doorbreken van het binnenvaartschip No Limit in de Middensluis in IJmuiden. Dat heeft een woordvoerder van de Raad dinsdagmiddag meegedeeld. Onderzoekers van de Raad waren maandagmiddag al bij het schip voor een eerste verkennend onderzoek. De Raad verwacht dat het onderzoek over een halfjaar tot een jaar is afgerond. Het lossen van de lading zand uit het gebroken binnenvaartschip is dinsdagmiddag voltooid. Dat heeft een woordvoerster van Rijkswaterstaat meegedeeld. Het schip wordt woensdagochtend vroeg uit de Middensluis in IJmuiden geborgen. Secretaris A. de Weerd van de Schippersvereniging Schuttevaer vermoedt dat een constructiefout de oorzaak is van het ongeluk met het gloednieuwe schip. Een verkeerde manier van beladen sluit hij uit. 'Het is een homogene lading die over het gehele schip uitvloeit.' Seacor sluit kantoor Rotterdam SEACOR Marine (Europe) BV will be closing its Rotterdam office on 30th June 2004. Their new London office from the end of July 2004 will be located at: SEACOR International Limited; Paxton House; 30, Artillery Lane; London E1 7LS; United Kingdom Smit-Lloyd 57 Wel ingelichte bronnen melden dat de SL57 door Seacor is verkocht aan Nomisshipping en zal verder gaan als Dea Odyssee (zie zij zal binnenkort in Singapore verschijnen. (bron: Han van Lith) SS Rotterdam in Gibraltar Het passagierschip de Rotterdam is vandaag, 12 juli, in Gibraltar aangekomen. De sleepreis is goed verlopen en onder gunstige omstandigheden is de Atlantische Oceaan overgestoken. De Rotterdam J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie wordt bij de werf in Gibraltar onder handen genomen. De verwachting is dat zij in april volgend jaar naar Rotterdam komt en dan zeker met de Wereld Havendagen geopend zal zijn. Blessey towboats from Kody and Ashton Marine Blessey Marine Services Inc. played host to a double towboat christening in New Orleans in late May for the 3,200-hp, 120' ´34' Jimmy Roussel, built at Kody Marine Inc., Harvey, La., and the 4,900-hp, 150' ´42' Mitch Jones, which was refurbished by Ashton Marine, also of Harvey. The Mitch Jones is now the highest horsepower vessel in the Blessey fleet. The pushboats were docked bow to bow at the Port of New Orleans as company owner Walter Blessey and the boats’ namesakes addressed the guests. “When I saw these boats [earlier in the week], I thought there was no way they would be ready for today,” Blessey said. “As you can see, the boats are here.” New Orleans-based Cummins MidSouth and Karl Senner furnished the propulsion package on the Jimmy Roussel. Marine Systems and Brady Diesel, both of Houma, La., did the engine overhauls for the refurbished Mitch Jones. Blessey also announced that he had signed contracts with Verret Shipyard, Plaquemine, La., for three 1,200hp towboats and two 2,400-hp towboats. In addition, Blessey awarded a contract to Orange, Texasbased Sneed Shipbuilding Inc. for construction of a 1,200-hp towboat. Blessey is also having 15 30,000-bbl. double-skinned tank barges built, 10 of which will be asphalt/black oil barges and five clean service barges. Jeffboat, Jeffersonville, Ind., will build at least 10 of the 15 barges. Following the delivery of the aforementioned equipment, Blessey Marine Services will own and operate 46 towboats, 55 double-skinned black oil 30,000-bbl. barges, 24 double-skinned clean 30,000-bbl. barges, and 18 10,000-bbl. barges. First U.S.-built Damen design at Eastern Shipbuilding On the Florida panhandle, Eastern Shipbuilding Group is near completion on the first boat to be built in the U.S. to a Damen Shipyards design. The 85'6" ´29'10" ´11'9" Candace will be delivered in midAugust to Weeks Marine Inc., Cranford, N.J. The design, the Damen Shoal Buster 2609, was supplied by Damen Technical Cooperation, a division of Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, The Netherlands. Eastern is constructing the tug from a “partial material package” supplied by Damen. Eastern hopes to build more Damen-designed vessels in the future. “It’s the first Damen boat built in the U.S.,” said Ken Munroe, vice president at Panama City, Fla.-based Eastern. “Our agreement with Damen is to hopefully build more of their designs.” Munroe said they worked hard with Damen to convince Weeks to go with a non-U.S. design and build the dredge tender at Eastern. “What convinced them was when they went over to Europe and saw these boats perform,” said Munroe. “They knew they wouldn’t get the same thing from a U.S. design and boat.” Munroe said it is an extremely solid boat. “It’s got more brackets in it than any other boat we’ve built. It’s a rugged boat, one built for shallow-draft operations with towing capability.” For Weeks, they are confident that they have found a design that is “finetuned” to its dredging operations. “It’s been a successful design for them,” said Capt. Rudy Wohl, operations manager for Weeks Marine’s towing division. “I was on one in Europe. It’s highly maneuverable, a well thought-out design. It’s a unique boat, and I’m anxious to see what it can do. It will be a great addition to our fleet.” Wohl also likes that the tug is packing over 2,000 hp, “which is quite a bit for a shallow-draft boat.” Main propulsion is supplied by two Caterpillar 3508 BTA engines producing a total of 2,100 hp at 1,600 rpm. The engines turn a pair of 72" ´36" Casuso 178/180 4bladed bronze propellers in Kort nozzles through Reintjes WAF 562L gears. The package gives the Candace a speed of 11 knots and a bollard pull of 22 tons. A Kalkman BETA 100H bowthruster is being installed in the push knee. On deck, the vessel is outfitted with a Heila HLRM-100-3S 10-ton hydraulic crane. A unique design feature is the Candace’s single, center push knee that “goes down to the lowest point on the hull,” said Wohl. “It prevents you from getting fouled up” when operating in shallow areas. The boat has a draft of 8'10". Wohl said the vessel would be used primarily for beach replenishment jobs, working with hydraulic dredges. “Basically, anything that will require us to use anchors or pipe. It is designed for putting flow pipe together.” The Candace is classed ABS Maltese Cross A1E Towing Service AMS. Eastern is also busy finishing up the fifth and final 96' ´34' ´14'9" Zdrive tug for McAllister Towing & Transportation Co., New York. Designed by Jensen Maritime Consultants, Seattle, the 5,150-hp Shannon McAllister will be delivered in July. The tug is powered by a pair of EMB 12-645-F7B engines that turn Schottel SRP-1215 Z-drives. The combination gives the tug a speed of 12 knots and a bollard pull of 71.5 short tons. The tug has a FiFi 1 firefighting classification, which is required by the Dominion Cove Point (Md.) LNG Terminal where the Shannon will likely work upon completion. Also on the ways at Eastern is the Gay Head, a 186-foot casino vessel for Big M Casino, Fort Myers Beach, Fla. The offshore gaming vessel will be delivered in early October. Evans McKeil Aground in St. Clair River The McKeil tug Evans McKeil, with the barge Ocean Hauler, reported running aground near Light 37 in the St. Clair River at about 4:05 Saturday morning. She was apparently overtaking the upbound tugs Annie M. Dean and Paul E. No. 1 and their tow, which was bound for Goderich. Light 37 is 07/11 J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie located near Robert's Landing, Mich., north of Algonac State Park and south of Marine City, Mich. and across from Port Lambton, Ont. The barge hit several private docks and it was also reported that a new, 29-foot pleasure craft was also damaged. Unable to free herself, the McKeil called for assistance. The tug Menasha departed Sarnia and arrived on the scene shortly after 2 p.m. The McKeil tug Paul E. No. 1 also arrived at roughly the same time. Paul E. and the Annie M. Dean had spudded down their tow in the inner channel east of Stag Island and the Dean took the two scows and derrick, one at a time to the Government Dock in Sarnia. Paul E. and Menasha freed the barge Ocean Hauler from the Evans McKeil and the Paul E. then towed the Ocean Hauler to the brine dock in Courtright, returning to Robert's Landing at about 6:15 p.m. Evans McKeil lightered fuel into the Menasha and shifted ballast in order to raise her stern in an attempt to free herself along with the aid of the Menasha, all to no avail. When the Paul E. returned to the scene, both tugs again secured tow lines to the Evans McKeil to attempt to move her. They just didn't have the oomph to break the suction, although she moved a tiny bit. The list on the Evans McKeil is about 10-15 degrees to starboard and she's probably no more than 75-100 ft. offshore. Police were securing water and land access to keep gawkers and boatnerds at bay. Paul E. and Menasha both left the scene around 8 p.m J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 25 dd. 18 Juli 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Evans McKeil Refloated The McKeil tug Evans McKeil was freed from her grounding mishap at Roberts Landing, Michigan at about 12:45 PM on Monday afternoon. The Evans McKeil had been aground since about 4:00 AM on Saturday morning. Her barge had been released and towed to the brine dock in Courtright,ON. mid afternoon Saturday by the McKeil tug Paul E. No. 1. The Gordon Marine tug Menasha from Sarnia, ON. under the command of Capt. Don Gordon, returned to the area Monday morning with a dive team to once again assess the hull of the Evans McKeil. They were joined a short time later by the Malcolm Marine tug Manitou from Port Huron, Michigan. under the command of Capt. Keith Malcolm. Also on scene was the Malcolm Marine workboat Huron Lady which was carrying additional crew and safety items including containment booms in the event of a spill. The Manitou secured a tow line to the Evans McKeil directly astern, and was able to pull the grounded tug free at about 12:45 PM. with the very shallow draft Huron Lady alternately pushing and pulling the bow of the Evans McKeil. After a bevy of salutes, all four vessels proceeded upriver, with the Malcolm vessels returning to Port Huron and the Evans McKeil rejoining her barge at Courtright. The Menasha also accompanied the Evans McKeil to Courtright and rafted to her port side where it was expected that the Gordon Marine divers would once again enter the water to survey the hull of the Evans McKeil. The tug was inspected on Monday and cleared to continue sailing. The Evans McKeil and barge Ocean Hauler are expected to depart for Amherstburg, ON. about 2 a.m. Tuesday morning. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) 07/12 Rigdon Christens M/V Bourbon 7/15/04 10:42:13 AM Larry Rigdon, President and CEO of Rigdon Marine, said that the second vessel in its 10 vessel contract has been delivered by Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc. of Mobile, Alabama. The M/V Bourbon was issued a United States Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation (COD) for coastwise trade in the United States and is fully classed by the American Bureau of Shipping for international operations. The M/V Bourbon was immediately deployed to a major oil company for work in the Gulf of Mexico after its christening by Mrs. Maxine Rigdon, mother of Larry Rigdon. The M/V Bourbon like its sister vessel, the M/V Orleans, is a 210 x 54 x 19-ft. diesel-electric PSV with a dynamic positioning class 2 (DP-2) certification and a modern, streamlined hull designed for fuel efficiency with top speeds of 13 knots fully loaded and 15 knots in light conditions. “Yesterday’s logic for offshore vessel design has been turned on its head,” said Larry Rigdon. “Today, operations are often long distances offshore and far from dockside support facilities. The design improvements incorporated in the GPA 640 PSVs include increased payloads and speed with reduced fuel consumption. These improvements ultimately equate to reduced costs for our customers.” The Guido Perla and Associates designed (GPA 640) vessels are equipped with two stern-mounted Steerprop SP 20 azimuthing Z-drive units that are driven by two Alconza 2,100-hp variable-frequency AC electric motors, which provide the main propulsion. A further enhancement to the diesel electric drives are the technologically advanced dynamic positioning system and vessel management system from Alstom Power Conversion that provides the total system redundancy required for the DP-2 certification. Consequently, if a vessel system fails, it can be by-passed without loss of control during cargo operations or while maintaining position at an offshore facility The cargo capacity of these vessels has also been increased due to the space saving diesel electric engine room which hosts two 1,825kw (2,500 hp) generators driven by Cummins QSK 60 engines and a third 910kw (1,200 hp) generator driven by a Cummins KTA 38 engine. Furthermore, the fuel burn of this system has been rated at 230 gallons-per-hour (gph) at 13 knots when fully loaded, and only 88 gph at 10 knots. The diesel electric system provides a significant fuel savings often exceeding 10 percent verses conventional direct-drive, diesel propelled vessels. The GPA 640 vessels carry 7,133 cubic feet of bulk material and 5,150 barrels of liquid mud in self-cleaning oval tanks. The vessels’ two Mission Magnum pumps deliver mud to a height of 196 feet above water. The two 80-PSI air compressors can also deliver 50 metric tons of dry cement or barite per hour to the same height. (Bron: Marinelink) Smitwijs Singapore Reports (1) Ahoy Sleepbootvrienden, Na een uitgebreide dokking en reparatieperiode in het begin van het jaar en een beetje rondvaren voor de 'show' op de Noordzee begon voor de SmitWijs Singapore half mei weer het echte sleepwerk. De zware Heerema kraanbak Hermod werd met 3 zeeslepers (Husky en President Hubert en SmitWijs Singapore) van Canada naar de Noordzee versleept. Na aflevering van J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie de Hermod werd kort Rotterdam aangedaan voor bunkeren, stores en bemanningswisseling. 21/6 vertrok SmitWijs Singapore met spoed naar de Golf van Mexico voor haar volgende sleep. Het Noorse semi-submersible accommodatieplatform 'Borgholm Dolphin' moest van Campeche Bank naar Stavanger _ Noorwegen. Voordat de sleepreis zou beginnen moest er eerst weer vol gebunkerd worden om de reis naar Noorwegen in een keer te kunnen maken. Gezien de exorbitante hoge bunkerprijzen in Mexico werd door SmitWijs besloten Port Everglades _ Florida _ USA aan te lopen om daar de tanks op te toppen. De bemanning keek er naar uit om even in USA te kunnen shoppen. De meeste kwamen bedrogen uit. Na de gebeurtenissen op 9/11 is er het een en ander veranderd in de good old U.S of A. Kon in het verleden de bemanning zonder veel problemen van boord, nu mochten alleen de mensen van boord die een geldig visa voor USA in hun paspoort hadden. De rest mocht niet aan de wal en moesten aan boord blijven. Een wachtsman werd bij de gangway geplaatst om daar op toe te zien. Slechts 5 gelukkigen waren in het bezit van een geldig visa en mochten Amerika in. 10/7 arriveerde SmitWijs Singapore bij de Borgholm Dolphin op Campeche Bank. Deze was nog niet helemaal klaar om te vertrekken. Manana, werd er gezegd en dat klopte nog ook. Bijzonder accuraat voor Mexicaanse begrippen. De volgende morgen werd om 1100 vastgemaakt. Er zou nog even een supply boot komen om wat equipment op te halen en dan konden we op pad. De supply boot kwam pas om 1800, snel voor Mexicaanse begrippen, om 2300 was deze klaar en zetten het transport koers naar Straat Florida. Het lijkt een aardig reisje te worden. Zomer Noord Atlantic. Bij uitzondering eens niet de gebruikelijke route met sleep, onder de Azoren door en dan langs de Europese Westkust naar boven kruipen. Deze langere route wordt slepend altijd gevaren om de Noord Atlantische depressies te vermijden welke nagenoeg het hele jaar het ongunstige weerstype op de Noord Atlantic veroorzaken. Dit keer gaan we de Golfstroom volgen, langs de Amerikaanse kust naar boven tot aan Cape Hatteras, onder de Grand Banks (Zuid van Newfoundland) en dan boven Schotland langs, tussen de Orkney en Shetland eilanden door naar Stavanger. Dit kan je ongeveer 1 maand per jaar doen met een redelijke kans op goed weer. Van half juli tot half augustus is dat te doen en dat is net de tijd dat wij er langs komen. Deze route kan een aardige tijdsbesparing opleveren, mits we niet geplaagd worden door te veel passerende depressies. Er zal dan wat eerder dan normaal vermogen teruggenomen moeten worden om de sleepverbinding intact te houden. Het sleepmateriaal en de bevestigingspunten van het sleepmateriaal zijn uitgelegd voor een 120 ton Bollard Pull sleepboot. Aanmerkelijk minder dan de 180 ton BP van de SmitWijs Singapore. Wind en weder dienende is ons ETA te Stavanger in week 33. Daarna is het weer op naar Rotterdam. Klaarmaken voor de volgende sleepreis, Nederland _ Golf van Mexico _ West Afrika met een Heerema ladingbak. (Bron: kapitein Smitwijs Singapore) Keppel Singmarine delivers sophisticated anchor handlers Keppel Singmarine (KSM) has delivered two AHTS vessels to Pacific Richfield Marine (PRM). Both Pacific Silver and Pacific 28 were awarded to KSM in July 2002 and March 2003 respectively. Pacific Silver has a bollard pull of 200 tonnes and 16.000 bhp. Classed under the American Bureau of Shipping as an ice-class towing and offshore support vessel, it is outfitted with fire fighting capabilities, and equipped with dynamic positioning capabilities that enable the vessel to remain in a fixed position whilst work is being carried out. Pacific 28 is also classed under the American Bureau of Shipping as a towing and anchor-handling vessel. Similar to Pacific Silver, she is equipped with fire fighting and dynamic positioning capabilities. With the delivery of the two vessels, KSM has to date completed a total of Five AHTS for RPM. It is expected to deliver two more such vessels in the first quarter of 2005 Queen Supplier reported sold Fearnleys Offshore Supply reports that the AHTS Queen Supplier (built 1976 – 7,040bhp (5,249kW) has been sold to IMI of the Cayman Islands at a price in excess of US$ 2 million. The delivery has already taken place, and the vessel has been renamed InterSea SmitWijs Singapore Reports (2) Ahoy, Sleepbootvrienden, SWS is zondagavond vertrokken van Campeche Bank. Prachtig weertje, 32 graden, zonnig, lichte koelte. Echt een mooi zomer weertje. Een regelrechte cruise en we krijgen nog geld op de koop toe. Speed door het water 7'25 met 55 a 60 % vermogen. Zitten nu in Florida Current 9'5. Wordt morgen, als we Miami passeren ruim 10+. (Bron: kapitein Smitwijs Singapore). Pilot Error Charged in Tug Barge Grounding 07/18 The pilot of a 284-ton tugboat that nearly destroyed three River Road boat docks and a cabin cruiser last week has been cited for negligence, according to a report in the Port Huron Times Herald. Officials report the the pilot could have prevented the Evans McKeil and its barge, Ocean Hauler, from running aground about two miles north of Algonac State Park off Roberts Landing. No one was injured. Officials said the pilot, who faces up to 92 days in jail and-or a $500 fine, thought the tugboat was on auto pilot when he left the wheel shortly before 4 a.m. Saturday to use the bathroom. Green J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie returned to find the tug boat and the empty 3,781-ton barge veering toward land. The accident comes on the heels of an April 30 incident during which heavy wind caused a different tug towing the Ocean Hauler to hit a boathouse and two docks north of the St. Clair Power Plant in East China Township. Both vessels are owned by McKeil Marine of Hamilton, Ontario. "It was a different pilot," said Cpl. Don Berg, with the St. Clair County Sheriff Department marine division, which did not cite the pilot for the previous accident. "But it was duly noted," Berg said. Linda Janiszewski was sleeping when the tug and its barge struck a dock about 100 feet from her back door Saturday. Preliminary damage estimates at Janiszewski's house total about $15,000, she said. The barge was freed Saturday, but the tug was stuck aground until Monday afternoon. There were six people on board the tug at the time of the accident. at vessel and they were all in the cabin," Berg said. "(Green) could have, in this situation, had someone relieve him in the wheel house." Note: In dit geval is de Pilot geen loods, maar hier is mee bedoeld de man die de wacht heeft en verantwoordelijk voor de navigatie. Dus waarschijnlijk de stuurman. De sleepboot in dit geval is een Canadese boot en vaart een bijna vaste dienst tussen Amherstburg en Sarnia, dus die heeft geen loods nodig. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Smit’s Giant’s De Giant 4, is vandaag vertrokken vanuit Zwijdrecht naar Melkoya (Hammerfest) – Noorwegen op de waterweg heeft de Alphonse Letzer de sleep overgenomen van de havenslepers. Op hetzelfde moment is de Giant 2 versleept van de Waalhaven naar Zwijndrecht alwaar ook zij een lading aan boord zal nemen voor Melkyo. Ter hoogte van Puttershoek passeerde beide pontons elkaar. De verwachting is dat zij eind van de week de Giant 4 zal volgen. De verwachting is dat na lossing in Hammerfest zullen beide pontons weer terug keren naar Rotterdam. Tussen beide transporten ligt ongeveer 5 dagen. Op de website van onder Nederland/Maasmond nieuws zijn een paar plaatjes te vinden van de Giant 4. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 26 dd. 19 September 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Viking Victor TWELVE AIRLIFTED AS STANDBY BOAT BURNS OFF ABERDEEN 09:00 - 17 September 2004 The crew of a North Sea standby vessel had to be rescued last night after fire broke out in the engineroom. The 12-strong crew of the Viking Victor, which was 20 miles north-east of Aberdeen, were forced to abandon ship after the blaze got out of control. All were winched to safety on board an RAF rescue helicopter and flown to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. Last night, all 12 were said to be in a "satisfactory" condition, although three were detained in hospital as a precaution after suffering smoke inhalation. The mission to extinguish the fire on board the 44-metre Viking Victor and bring the vessel safely to port was last night being hampered by 30-knot winds and four-metre waves. A chartered firefighting vessel, Highland Endurance, reached the burning boat at 7.15pm, by which time it was drifting on the horizon just 11 miles south-east of Peterhead. A coastguard spokesman said: "It is not safe to do anything yet so until the weather changes, they will simply be on stand-by." The stricken boat - operated by Montrose-based BUE Viking and built in 1969 - was making her way from Aberdeen Harbour to an oil rig 140 miles north-east of the city when fire broke out at 3.50pm. The crew initially attempted to contain the fire but made a mayday call just after 4pm. Aberdeen Coastguard, who co-ordinated the rescue, launched RNLI lifeboats from Aberdeen and Peterhead, and scrambled the RAF Rescue 137 helicopter. Commercial vessels sailing nearby were also put on standby to assist in the rescue operation. The crew, clad in red survival suits, arrived at the helipad at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary at around 5.45pm. They all walked off the helicopter and were driven directly to the accident and emergency department. Chief executive of BUE Viking Graham Philip said: "We are pleased and relieved that this incident has not resulted in serious injury. "All the indications are that our crew dealt with the incident very professionally, and I would also like to pay tribute to the emergency services for their rapid and expert assistance." A statement from the company said: "BUE Viking can confirm that all 12 crew members of the Viking Victor have been returned safely to Aberdeen by helicopter following the fire aboard the vessel this afternoon. "Three crew members are being treated for slight smoke inhalation at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. "The cause of the incident will be the subject of an investigation, in which BUE Viking will liaise fully with the relevant regulatory authorities." It took the eight-strong crew on board the RNLI Aberdeen lifeboat 55 minutes to reach the Viking Victor but they said the thick black smoke billowing out of the ship could be seen from several miles away. Coxwain Rod McGillivray, a full-time member of the RNLI team, said: "The 12 people on board were really lucky that the helicopter reached them early. The vessel was well alight." In rough seas, and with the wind reaching gale force eight, his crew reached the Viking Victor in time to see the crew being airlifted to safety. He said: "There was thick black smoke coming from the vessel and we could see flames on the deck. "Some of those on board were having to run through the smoke to get to the helicopter but they all appeared to be lifted to safety." His crew returned to Aberdeen harbour from their 24th launch of the year at around 7.30pm. Squadron leader Graham Gow, of RAF Lossiemouth, who captained the four-strong crew of the rescue helicopter, said they originally set out prepared to fight the fire but realised en route that it was out of control. He said: "There was talk of abandoning ship so we had to get there fairly quickly. "The fire was in the engine-room so there was smoke pouring out of the back of the ship. "The sea was also pretty rough and we had quite a big ship with no engine power so she was rolling about quite a lot. "We had to be careful not to hurt anyone." All 12 men were lifted off two at a time, within 15 minutes, after winchman Flight Sergeant Duncan Tripp boarded the vessel. He said: "It was rough out there and the vessel was probably two-thirds engulfed in smoke. "Where they were, at the bow of the vessel, was quite high up so we had to deal with pendulum motion. "The front of the boat was probably 20-25ft up and the vessel was probably rolling at a good 25 degrees to either side of the centre." He said the men, who were on the verge of abandoning ship, were ready and waiting in survival suits by the time they arrived. He said: "The crew had to work hard together to get the men off as quickly and as safely as possible. "But we got a happy ending." Luckily the smoke did not get in the way of the rescue because the wind was blowing it in the opposite direction. Smitwijs Singapore & President Hubert Het ligt in de bedoeling dat de Singapore samen met de P.Hubert komende maandag? met de Hermod vanuit Rotterdam naar Sable Island gaat vertrekken. En vervolgens door richting Corpus Christi. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Abeille No.10 Zoals reeds vermoed, en nu door 'Les Abeilles', via Michael Vincent bevestigt; de Abeille No. 10 ligt nog steeds te Le Havre. Het bericht dat ze naar Abidjan zou zijn gegaan als Acajou 2 is onjuist. Er is wel een Acajou 2 te Abidjan sedert 1998: zij is de voormalige Marseillas 3, echter dit is een heel wat kleinere sleepboot en ook geen Voith. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Val d’Armor De eerder dit jaar voor Compagnie Ligerienne de Transport te Nantes opgeleverde duwboot Val d'Armor is naar CFT aan de Rhône overgegaan, om een door brand verwoeste duwboot te vervangen. Er werd op hetzelfde werf in Bretagne een nieuw duwboot voor Compagnie Ligerienne de Transport gebouwd. De Val d'Armor heeft zelf de reis langs de kust van Frankrijk, Spanje en Portugal van de Loire naar de Rhône gemaakt. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Duwboten Bij Socarenam te Bonen zijn vier duwboten gebouwd voor Compagnie Fluviale de Transport, twee voor de Seine en twee voor de Rhône, de casco’s zullen vanuit Roemenië komen. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Zoeker Weet iemand iets over een ijsbreker/sleepboot PITEÅ? Onder de vlag van Togo varend is ze voor de kust van Ghana eerder deze maand door de Franse Marine gearresteerd met twee ton cocoaine aan boord. Vermoedelijk was ze tot voor kort Zweeds en is ze in de laatste jaren hernoemd. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Sleper stopt Rhenus Midgard A.G. te Norderham met de sleepboten MIDGARD I en MIDGARD III zijn per 01-072004 overgenomen door Unterweser Reederei GmbH., Bremen en resp. herdoopt in GEESTE en BRAKE. (Bron: Jaap Bijl) Another McKeil Tug Runs Aground 07/28 The McKeil Marine tug Salvor and her barge, KTC 115, have run aground in the St. Lawrence River near Crossover Island, a point not far up from the Lake Ontario end. There is no word on spills or damage, but traffic in the area has been suspended until the the situation has been sorted out. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Barge Spills Calcium Chloride in St. Lawrence River Grounding 07/28 (Updated) The McKeil Marine barge, KTC 115, loaded with calcium chloride, ran aground early Tuesday in the St. Lawrence River near Alexandria Bay, NY, and Boldt Castle, both major tourist destinations. Early reports indicated about 12,000 gallons of cargo were spilled. Authorities say the chemical, used to melt ice, is not a threat to people or wildlife in the area. The U.S. Coast Guard has declared a 100-yard security zone around Frontenac Shoal, where the grounding took place. The accident happened when a cable that attached the barge to the tug Salvor snapped. Traffic was stopped immediately, but one-way passage past the stranding was being allowed by late Tuesday. Among vessels delayed were Quebecois, Cedarglen, Lake Ontario, Algoeast, Algocape, Montrealais, Irma and Algonorth. Efforts continued Tuesday night to pull the barge free. There is no word of damage to the vessel. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Containership Horizon Aground Near Sorel; McKeil Tug Still Stranded 07/30 The container ship Horizon went hard aground Saturday morning near Sorel, Quebec. She was seabound when she lost all power and went aground at a speed of 15 knots. Six tugs tried to free her but were unsuccessful; lightering of containers is the next plan. The ship is out the channel – the green channel marker # S-129 to the right (see photo) should be well to the vessel's starboard side. The Maltese flagged Horizon was also known before as the Nedlloyd Kilindini, Irenes Horizon and Almudena, and is owned by Tsakos Group. The bunkering tanker Alycia S 1 (ex Horizon Montreal) sailed for Panama Wednesday to enter service for new owners. She was sighted at Contrecoeur at 1455. Meanwhile, the McKeil Marine barge, KTC 115, which ran aground early Tuesday in the St. Lawrence River near Alexandria Bay, NY, is still stranded, with tugs continuing to work to free her. Reports indicated about 12,000 gallons of cargo were spilled. The accident happened when a cable that attached the barge to the tug Salvor snapped. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). U.S.Army 27/04 9:27:35 AM Conrad Industries, Inc. won an $8.9 million contract by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to design and build a 144-ft., 3,300-hp, ABS-Classed welded steel towboat. When J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie delivered, the vessel's primary mission will be the support of the MAT Sinking Unit revetment operations on the Mississippi River for the Vicksburg District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Work Continues on Grounded Horizon 08/04 The grounded Salty Horizon has been offloaded of some containers to try and lighten her so the six tugs can pull her free, as of 0700 Aug. 3, tugs were trying with no success. On July 29, it was reported that the vessel went aground after losing power. Apparently that was not the case, and the cause of the incident remains unknown. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Barge sinks after hitting Mississippi River bridge Tuesday, August 3, 2004 St. Louis -- A runaway grain barge hit a busy Mississippi River crossing and sank, forcing the Coast Guard to close a two-mile stretch of the river Monday. The barge was among 15 that broke away late Sunday from a towboat and floated down the river, with an unknown number hitting the Poplar Street Bridge, the Coast Guard said. Highway officials later determined that the bridge, which carries three interstates across the river, was safe, and it was never closed. Five other towboats rounded up the remaining 14 barges, the Coast Guard said. There were no injuries. Efforts to salvage the sunken barge were under way Monday. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Gordon C. Leitch Heads for Quebec City 8/05 The tugs Ocean Intrepide and the Ocean Jupiter successfully refloated the stranded Gordon C. Leitch Tuesday night. The vessel ran aground earlier in the day just above the Cote St. Catherine lock. After inspection, she was found to have a two-foot gash in her hull. Temporary repairs were underway on Wednesday and the Leitch got underway Wednesday evening at roughly 2045. Her destination is still Quebec City where she will unload her cargo of wheat. The grounding was reportedly caused by a power failure. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Gordon C. Leitch Aground in Seaway Update: The Gordon C. Leitch was released at 2200 Tuesday and towed to Cote Ste. Catherine wharf for inspection. TV reports in the area say the grounding may have been due to loss of engine power. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Beschadigde Zeesleper Elbe naar werf gebracht De beschadigde historische zeesleper Elbe is gisteren van de Wiltonhaven in Schiedam naar een scheepswerf in Vlaardingen gesleept. In Vlaardingen wordt het gat in de romp met een doorsnee van 3,5 meter gerepareerd. Het schip werd vrijdag j.l. geramd, terwijl het aan de kade lag. De schade wordt geschat op enkele tonnen. Het herstel van de machinekamer zal veel tijd in beslag gaan nemen. (Bron: Algemeen Dagblad) Halifax Aground In St. Clair River Original Report: Sarnia Traffic reported late Friday afternoon that the Canada Steamship Lines' selfunloader Halifax was aground at Fawn Island in the St. Clair River. Two unidentified tugs were enroute to assist. The Halifax was downbound at the time of the grounding. No other details were immediately available. Fawn Island is located just south of the Marine City, Mich.-Sombra, Ont. ferry docks. 08/06 9 p.m. Update:: The tug Wyoming reportedly freed the Halifax Friday night. She is unloading at the stone dock on the mainland near Fawn Island and will proceed to Sarnia for inspection (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe) Tug from Jensen Maritime 8/6/04 3:09:02 PM Working from an established design, the Seattle-based naval architect firm Jensen Maritime Consultants Limited have drawn a very tidy 3400 HP docking tug. Building at Eastern Shipbuilders in Panama City Florida the boat will be delivered to her owners, Thames Towboat Company Inc. of New London Connecticut, this fall. The boat, to be named John A. Wronowski, will have a 34-foot beam on a length-over-all of 96 feet and a molded depth of 14 feet 9 inches. Main engines will be a pair of V-16-cylinder Cummins KTA50-M2 rated for 1700 HP each at 1800 RPM. The engines will turn into Schottel 1010 Z-drives fitted with ducted 2100 mm (82.67-inch) propellers. Electrical requirements will be met by a pair of Cummins-powered 95 kW generator sets. A Cummins N14M fire pump engine will supply the boat’s two 2,000 gpm fire fighting monitors. Deck equipment includes a JonRie Inter Tech hawser winch Extensive hull fendering includes below waterline fenders as the boat will be used for docking naval craft including submarines at Groton, Connecticut. Accommodation includes six berths. Tankage will be provided for 30,000 gallons of fuel, 6,150 gallons of water and 550 gallons of lube oil. The boat has a design speed of 12 knots. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Guardian According to Alan Stein, operations manager of Bollinger Quick Repair, Harvey, La., one of the most gratifying aspects of ship repair and conversion is “the satisfaction we get by being able to give new service life to vessels. And that’s exactly what we did with the 40-year-old Guardian.” Originally named the Gale B., the 150' ´35' ´20' tug was built by Southern Shipyard in Slidell, La., in 1963. Now owned by Velvet Maritime LLC, Hahnville, La., the Guardian was repowered with Caterpillar 3606 diesels that put out a total of 4,640 hp. The Guardian is the first boat for Velvet Maritime, a new company. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Halter Marine new building VT Halter Marine recently announced a new contract with Lockheed Martin for the design and construction of two 30-meter (98') Voith tractor tugs. Valued at $18 million for the pair, the harbor tugs will “have all the necessary capabilities to manage and respond to maritime distress,” according to VT Halter. The new tugs will be built at Halter’s Jackson County, Miss., yard. Completion is scheduled for the fourth quarter 2005. VT Halter also announced a contract to build two articulated tug barge (ATB) units for Vessel Management Services, a subsidiary of Crowley Maritime Corp. The total cost of the two vessels is expected to be around $85 million at delivery, which includes the cost of ownerfurnished equipment. The contract includes an option to purchase two additional units. Each unit consists of a 127' ´42', 9,280-hp oceangoing tug and a 180,000-bbl. barge. Delivery of the first ATB unit is schedule for first quarter 2006 and the second unit in third quarter 2006. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Canadian Venture, Canadian Trader Scrap Tows To Depart Today 08/31 Two more obsolete lakers are scheduled to leave today on the end of a towline with their final destination a scrapyard in India. Canadian Venture, which is at Montreal, will leave that port at 10 a.m. with Strong Deliverer as lead tug, assisted by the tug Gerry G from Ocean McAllister. Canadian Trader, which is at Trois Rivieres, Que., will leave at 4 p.m. under tow of the tugs Avantage and Andre H. The two tows are expected to meet up at the Les Escoumins pilot station; the tug Strong Deliverer will then take both vessels overseas. The tow is expected to take 3.5 months, sailing around the Cape of South Africa. The tug Gerry G will tow the tugs Avantage and Andre H. back to Trois Rivieres after the Canadian Venture and Canadian Trader have been delivered to Alang. The Canadian Trader was built in 1969 as Ottercliffe Hall. She sailed for the Halco and Misener fleets before being bought by Upper Lakes Group in 1994. The Canadian Venture was built in 1964 as Lawrencecliffe Hall, and also sailed for Misener as David K. Gardiner prior to being bought by ULG.. Most recently, Canadian Venture was owned by International Marine Salvage of Port Colborne, Ont. She was resold to Indian scrappers earlier this year. Both vessels were 730-feet long, built at Davie Shipbuilding at Lauzon, QC, and diesel-powered. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe). Smit maakt kans op grote berging 2-9-2004 12:07:00 De Rotterdamse berger Smit Internationale gaat mogelijk het autoschip 'Hyundai No105' bergen. Het schip ligt op de bodem van de Straat van Singapore met vierduizend auto's aan boord. Het gaat om één van de grootste bergingen ooit. Smit heeft al ervaring met het bergen van autoschepen. Het bedrijf heeft ook de 'Tricolor' in het Kanaal geborgen. Dat project nam enkele maanden in beslag. (Bron: Nieuwsblad Transport) Newbuilding contract awarded by Solstad Solstad Offshore ASA in Norway has confirmed that it has entered into a Letter of Intent with Merwede Shipyard for the construction of a P105 design PSV. The vessel will be delivered in September 2005. Including the newbuilding, Solstad has a fleet of seven large, modern PSVs, two of which are owned through the company's Brazilian partnership. For the time being the company has no employment for the new building HHI delivers OSV for Saudi Aramco Fairplay ( reports that Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) in Korea has delivered the Abu Safah, a new offshore support vessel, to Saudi Aramco. The vessel was one of two ordered in July 2002, with the first, Qatif, delivered in May of this year. Huangpu in China delivers AHTS Fairplay ( reports that Huangpu Shipyard in Guangzhou, southern China has delivered a 6,500bhp anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessel to a domestic owner. The vessel, named Hai Yang Shi You 623, is equipped for firefighting and oil recovery. Fairplay noted that Huangpu is a relatively small yard is best known for building warships, but now mainly builds and repairs ships of up to 5,000dwt. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Bharati Shipyard secures Great Eastern AHTS Fairplay ( reports that Bharati Shipyard, the privately owned Indian yard, has received a repeat order for two anchor handling tug supply vessels from GE Shipping, India's largest private sector shipping company. Fairplay said the first vessel is scheduled for delivery early next year, and the ships will be classed by ABS and the Indian Register of Shipping. Ulstein Design secures first contract outside Group Ulstein Design has provided more details about the contract Merwede Shipyard has signed with Norwegian owner Solstad Offshore for a P105 platform supply vessel. "This is Ulstein Design's first contract outside the Ulstein Group and is very important for us," said Ulstein Design's President, Tore Ulstein. "As Ulstein Design's first foreign contract this is a very important project. It gives us an opportunity to demonstrate that we can carry out a project in a high-quality manner outside of Norway", said Ulstein Design's Vice President Erik Andreassen. The first Ulstein P105 platform supply vessel was built in 2003 and Ulstein Design has received good feedback from customers regarding the design. Earlier this year contracts were signed for two construction projects of the same design, as well as one option. "Among other things we are going to deliver the propulsion system, engines, cargo system and dynamic positioning system. In addition, through the Ulstein Group's electronics company Ulstein Elektro, we will deliver all the marine electronics, switchboards, consoles and starters," said Mr Andreassen. "As Ulstein Design's first foreign contract this is a very important project. It gives us an opportunity to demonstrate that we can carry out a project in a high-quality manner outside of Norway." Nomis acquires third Toisa ERRV Nomis in the UK has purchased the Toisa Widgeon for an undisclosed sum, and the vessel has been renamed Dea Sailor. The vessel is currently in an Aberdeen undergoing maintenance in preparation for her relief standby role. The Nomis fleet now stands at a total of 25 having recently purchased the AHTS Smit Lloyd 57 in West Africa at the AHTS Lingue in Chile. Latest round of newbuidings The following newbuiding orders have been reported by Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd: • Island Offshore has ordered a PSV of the UT745E design from Kleven Maritime for delivery April 2005. • Portosalvo has ordered a PSV of the UT755 from Simek A/S for delivery April 2005. • The Great Eastern Shipping Company has placed an order with Bharati Shipyard in India for two AHTS each of 80 tonnes bollard pull. The vessels will be delivered first and second quarters of 2006. • Solstad is to build (see above) a PSV of the P105 design from Merwede Shipyard at a cost of Euro’s 24,500,000. Delivery will be september 2005. • Solstad and SBM have formed a JV to build a large construction vessel from Ulstein Verft at a cost of about US$100,000,000 with delivery January 2006. The vessel is fixed for 200 days per year for 8/20 years to SBM. The vessel will have DP3, 250 tonnes crane as well as a 250 tonnes ‘A’-frame. • Simon Mokster Shipping A/S is to build a PSV of the MT6000 Mark 2 design at Aker Yards for delivery second quarter of 2005. DOF is to build a PSV of the MT6000 design for delivery June 2005. A further PSV of the MT6009 design has been ordered from Aker Brattvaag for delivery second half of 2005. • Augustea Offshore has ordered a PSV of the UT755L from Aker Promar Brazil. Delivery will be in late 2005. • Seaways International has ordered an AHTS of 7400 bhp from Dubai Drydocks for delivery in the early part of 2005. Blankenburg (2) – 1938 Tijdens mijn laatste project voor Smit Transport Europe BV in Egypte met de Smit Anambas was ik een aantal dagen te gast aan boord van de Italiaanse zeesleper ‘Letojanni’ ( ex Biscay Star, ex Barbara Onorato). De ‘Letojanni’ sleepte de, met een jacket beladen, ‘Smit Anambas’ naar één van de vele gasvelden voor de kust van Egypte. Hierbij begeleide ik het transport naar, en de load off in, het veld. Ik kwam in gesprek met de kapitein, de Hr. Cavalli Sabastiano, hij vertelde mij dat hij gedurende bijna 6 jaar, begin 1992 tot eind 1997, waarbij hij zijn monsterboekje liet zien, kapitein was geweest op onze oude ‘Blankenburg’. Hierop liet ik hem mijn database met de historische gegevens daarin opgenomen en een foto van de ‘Blankenburg’ zien. De man werd wild enthousiast en kon z’n tranen nauwelijks bedwingen. Uiteraard vroeg ik hem naar de huidige omstandigheden van de sleepboot. Toen kwamen de verhalen los. In het boek, Smit 150 jaar , dat ik dit project bij me had, van de Hr. Gerrit J. de Boer, stond een fout, zo vertelde hij mij, na het lezen van de gegevens. In 1986 voer de J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Blankenburg voor Gestioni Pontini S.r.l., deze eigenaar zetelt niet in Pescara maar in Augusta. Het volgende wat niet meer was vermeld in het bewuste boek, en dat kon ook niet anders omdat het in 1992 is uitgegeven, is dat zij in 1992 een andere eigenaar heeft gekregen. De vorige eigenaren, Gestoni Pontini, bestaande uit twee personen zijn in 1992 uit elkaar gegaan. De ene is uitgekocht en de andere heeft de sleepboot behouden. Zo luidt dus de aanvulling op de gegevens in het relaas van kapitein Cavalli. Aanvullende gegevens: 1992: Blankenburg, de naam is gebleven, Sicil Pontoni Patene S.r.l. – Augusta – Sicily – Italy. Tegenwoordig opereert zij nog steeds in de haven van Augusta en behandelt daar een ponton. Eens te meer blijkt dat de Nederlandse Scheepsbouw, uit Kinderdijk, een goed stukje kwaliteit afleverde. Een schip van 66 jaar oud dat nog steeds in de vaart is kan als iets unieks worden beschouwd. Ook de asgenerator is nog steeds in bedrijf en levert tot op heden de 110Volt gelijkstroom. Ook, waar Cavelli met trots over sprak, waren de teakhouten dekken die nog in perfecte staat verkeren. Verder beloofde hij mij, zodra hij weer thuis was, een foto van de ‘Blankenburg’ te maken en deze aan mij op te sturen. We wachten dan ook met spanning op een mooi plaatje van dit bijzondere schip, met zijn nog steeds, voor vele sleepbootgasten, bekende naam ‘BLANKENBURG’ (bron: Hans van der Ster) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 27 dd. 26 September 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit Panama Op 31 augustus is de ASD- sleepboot "Smit Panama" overgedragen aan Smit in Galati (Roemenië ). Het is een Damen ASD 2810 met een paaltrek van 55,9 ton. Sleper is bestemd voor Panama (Cristobal). Op 2 september is de "Smit Panama" verrokken met ponton ATLAS (40x15 mtr) naar Algiers. Zij heeft de ponton afgeleverd in Algiers op 14 september en is vervolgens onderweg naar Sint Vincent Cape Verde ETA 23/9 18:00 h. voor bunkers en stores. (Bron: Kees Poortvliet) Abeille 10 De Abeille No. 10, gaat nu toch naar Afrika. Niet naar de Ivoorkust maar naar Dakar in Senegal. Een nieuw naam is er nog niet. De Abeille Antifer, die sinds de lente in Duinkerken werkt, heeft wel een nieuw naam ze heet nu slechts Antifer. Na een lange dokbeurt hervat ze deze week weer haar werkzaamheden. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt). Bar Point Light Mostly Demolished by Unidentified Vessel 09/13 The Bar Point Pier Light in the lower end of the Detroit River (near the split between the Livingstone and Amherstburg channels) was badly damaged recently by an unidentified vessel. Only about 10-feet of structure remains above water, with rubble strewn on the platform. The light once stood approximately 45-feet above the water. No other details are available to Boatnerd at this time. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe) Information Sketchy on Bar Point Lighthouse Accident 09/18 The damage sustained to Bar Point Light D-33, which apparently was struck by a tug and barge at around 6:15 a.m. last Saturday. Area residents reported an initial explosive sound followed by what was most likely the shriek of steel as the vessel backed off the light. The structure once rose 45 feet above the water. The Canadian Coast Guard placed a temporary beacon soon after the accident and has been surveying the area for the location of debris. Although no report has officially been issued, reports indicate the Barge A-397, and her tug, Karen Andrie, have been at the Toledo Shipyard with the barge undergoing repairs to bow damage ever since then. No information has been released to the public at this time and all reports are based on waterfront speculation. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe) Gas tanker saved at last minute Minutes before a fully-loaded gas tanker hit the coastal rocks off Fedje in Hordaland a tugboat managed to attach its ropes to the drifting vessel. The tug was hauling the tanker "Marte" and its crew of 14 out to open sea, and the emergency situation is reportedly over. "We are told that the situation is now under control. The ship is being towed and two coast guard vessels are on their way to the site," said information director Erling Bø at Defense operation headquarters. HRS (Rescue Center Headquarters) southern Norway said that operation succeeded just minutes before the tanker would have run aground, and the situation had been classified as "imminent danger". The crew is not in danger, according to the HRS helicopters, coast guard ships and other boats are in the vicinity. If the ship had struck ground it would have been a potential environmental catastrophe from both bunker oil and explosive liquid gas on board. Weather conditions in the area were difficult. (Bron: Leo Kramer) SmitWijs Singapore De Smitwijs Singapore vertrekt a.s. zondag met de Hermod naar Sable Island. Het hangt van de vaart af of ze er tot Sable Island voor blijft staan, eventueel wordt ze nog vervangen door een ? Canadese ? supplier, want er wordt verwacht dat ze rond de 20e oktober in Corpus Christi is voor de H-627. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore) Bollinger Delivers OSV for L&M Bo-Truc 9/21/04 9:43:41 AM Cheramie Botruc 38, Bollinger Shipyards latest new 191-foot platform supply boat that meets all new regulatory requirements including DPS1 and is under 200 gross tons. Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. delivered the first of two new design offshore supply vessels to L&M Bo-Truc Rental Inc., of Golden Meadow, La. M/V Cheramie Botruc 38 the first of two identical offshore supply vessels was delivered early this summer and the second vessel, Cheramie Botruc 39, will follow in late September after builder’s trials. The vessels are the latest in a new Bollinger/L&M Bo-Truc 191-ft. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie platform supply boat design that meets all new regulatory requirements including DPS1 and are under 200 gross tons. Slotted between Bollinger’s new 166-ft. and 207-ft. supply vessels, the new 191-ft. boat can be compared to 180-ft. and 185-ft. OSVs, which were considered “standards” for Gulf of Mexico (GOM) service in the 1980’s and 1990’s. In addition to being 191-ft. in overall length, the new boats each have a beam of 46-ft. and a 15-ft. depth. Each is powered by two Cummins KTA50-M2 diesel engines developing 1,600 bhp each at 1,800 rpm. They drive NiBrAl propellers through Twin Disc MG 5600 reduction gears with a ratio of approximately 6:1. Liquid Mud capacity is 2,500 barrels and Dry Bulk capacity is 4,800 cu. ft. Accommodations are for 18 persons in seven cabins The vessels are built in accordance with the rules of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and certified Maltese Cross A1, Maltese Cross AMS, DPS 1, Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) certificated and documented by the U. S. Coast Guard under subchaper L 0SV. (Bron: Marinelink) CCGS Cuter Thunder Cape Heavily Damaged 09/24 The 47-foot state-of-the-art cutter Thunder Cape received serious damage when it tipped on its side after running into the breakwater at Thunder Bay, Ont., during a rescue in Thunder Bay’s harbor last Sunday. The CCGS Samuel Risley is reported headed for Thunder Bay to transport the damaged vessel to Burlington, Ont. The incident is under investigation by the Canadian Coast Guard and has left the vessel out of commission for at least part of the winter. “Certainly, no boat is indestructible,” Gary Sidock, regional director of operational services for the coast guard, told a Thunder Bay newspaper. It all began when two boaters needed a rescue near the mouth of the Mission River. Thunder Cape was sent to the scene about 10 kilometres away from Keefer Terminal. An inflatable coast guard boat was also sent. After the two boaters were taken into an inflatable rescue boat, Thunder Cape ended up hitting the breakwater. It caused a puncture in its hull, along with damage to a propeller and shaft. Gerry Dawson, who owns Thunder Bay Tug Services, towed the Thunder Cape. He did not see any damage on the cutter at the time, but the boat belonging to the rescued boaters was another story. It “was definitely damaged,” Dawson said. The smaller Coast Guard 119 is filling in for the Thunder Cape, which was scheduled to be upgraded over the winter and used elsewhere. “It’s unfortunate, but frankly the timing was not bad,” said Sidock. He said a new coast guard vessel, the Cape Chaillon, will be replacing the Thunder Cape in October. (Bron: Jan v.d.Doe) US Army Tugs Op 16 september zijn drie voormalige US Army sleepboten, Irrua; Balali en Ogbomoso, door de Bok Taklift 1 bij K.Damen te Hardinxveld op de kant gezet. De sleepboten zullen onder handen worden genomen, aangepast en worden voorzien van een boegschroef. Eind oktober verwacht men met dit karwei klaar te zijn en zullen wij weer aan het water worden toevertrouwd, waarna zij zullen vertrekken naar Nigeria. (Bron: Shipping News- Jos Leentvaar) Marine News Jornal of WSS Camperduin, 163/01 – tug. By Vof Viegers & Zn to Damen Marine Services BV Netherlands and renamed DMS Condor. Jaberi, 524/77 – tug. By Kuwait Oil Co.. KSC, uwait to Al Mataf Shipping L.L.C. – Panama and renamed Mataf Master Kwintebank, 292/76 – tug. By Smit Harbour Towage Co. Netherlands to Alfons Hakans Oy Ab. – Finland and renamed Helios. Lamnalco Hawk, (Tinatini – 01, Tinatin – 00, Lamnalco Hawk – 00, Safir – 96), 477/78 – tug. By Lamnalco Ltd. – Cyprus to Sri Lanka Shipping Co.Ltd, - Sri Lanka and renamed Maha Oya. Lingue, (Smit-Lloyd 41 – 85), 743/72 – tug/supply. By Ultragas Smit-Lloyd Ltda – Chile to Nomis Offshore Ltd. – St.Vincent and the Grenadines and renamed Dea Lingue. Maersk Detector, 2556/99 – supply. Has been renamed Billy Joe Ramey by Tidewater Vessels Inc. – Bermuda (British) and transferred to Vanuta Registry. Marine Lord No.10, 138/93 – tug. By Transindo Marine Pte.Ltd – Belize to Zengo Marine Sendirian Berhad – Malaysia and renamed Dolyi Marmex VII, (Drive Mar – 98, Keverne – 96, Groenland – 90), 579/77 – tg. By Compania Maritima Mexicana SA de CV. – Mexico to Prime Vertical Ltd. – Antigua and Barbuda and renamed Thunderer. Nomade, (Nuheve – 02) 360/00 – tug. By Remolcadores Ultragas Ltda, to Petrolera ransoceanica SA both Chile and renamed Calafate. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Puissant, (Launched as Vigilant), 292/78 – tug. Has been renamed Pitoa by Les Abeilles SAS – France and transferred to St.Vincent and the Grenadines. Queen Supplier, (Java Sun – 97, Pan Sun – 92, Omega 803 – 90, Active Rev – 87) 1346/76 – tug/supply. Has been renamed Intersea by Queen Supply KS – St.Vincent and the Grenadines and transferred to cayman Islands Registry. Sea Pioneer, (Penyu – 91, Cherdek – 84, Star Sirius – 80) 957/75 – tug/supply. By CH Offshore Pte.Ltd – Singapore to Perumpullykadan Shipping Co.Inc. – Panama and renamed Ahmed V. Sealion Aquarius 1122/03 – supply. By Sealion Offshore Pte.Ltd – Singapore to Korea Offshore Logistics Co.Ltd – South Korea and renamed Korol No.2 Seri Kenangan 801 495/93 – tug. Has been renamed Celeste by Semrental (B) SendirianBerhad Brunei and transferred to Singapore Registry. Seri Mutiara 803 495/93 – tug. By Semrental (B) Sendirian Berhad – Brunei to Wijsmuller Offshore Terminal Towage (Far East) Pte.Ltd – Singapore and renamed Cecile. Terneuzen 249/91 – tug. By URS Belgie NV to Fairplay Schleppdampfschiffs-Reederei Richard Borchard GmbH – Antigua and Barbuda and renamed Fairplay XVI. William L.Colnon, (Polar 2 – 5, Tara Lynn S – 84) 198/75 – tug. By Great Lakes Dredge & Docks Co. to McAllister Towing & Transportation Co.Inc. (MT&T), both USA and renamed Christine M.McAllister Reports Abeille No.9 433/75 – tug was renamed Sirroco (Fra) prior to 7/1/2004. Cala Mancina 166/75 – tug was renamed Zumaia III (Esp) prior to 23/2/2004 Dhoce 360/02 – tug was renamed Tryton (Pol) prior to 15/3/2004 Everest 290/60 – tug was reported as Christios XVIII (Grc) Salvager 429/61 – tug was renamed Wilf Seymour (Can) prior to 26/2/2004 Samand 295/76 – tug was renamed Tonnant (Alg) prior to 24/5/2004 Bourbon Castle, 1982 – 12.000 bhp AHTS, has been sold by Bourbon Ships to Intraoil Services Berhad in an en-block deal with PSV Bourbon Trader, 1978 for the price reportedly just below US$ 6 mill. Vessels delivery to new owners is imminent. This deal follows the two vessel transaction between parties in april this year. Golfo de Viscaya, 1983 – 7.200 bhp – AHTS has been sold to Egytian buyers and renamed Misr Gulf VI. The vessel was sold on private terms. Northern Vking, 1976 – 2115 dwt has been sold to Sartor Shipping – Norway for NOK 26 mill. The vessel has been converted into a stand-by vessel and renamed Sartor. Smit-Lloyd 57, 1987 – 5.300 bhp has been sold to Nomis Shipping at private terms. The vessel has been renamed Dea Odyssey J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 28 dd. 17 Oktober 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Hermes De Hermes van Bugsier is als Luna A naar het Deense J. A. Rederiet (Jens Alfasten) verkocht. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Abeille No.32 De Abeille No. 32 is in Flamboyant herdoopt, maar blijft binnen de Bourbon groep (eigenaar van Les Abeilles) zij gaat in West Afrika werken. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Battler De Battler, een Damen Stan tug 1906, wordt vermoedelijk volgend week aan het Schotse bedrijf Clyde Marine Ltd. overgedragen. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Nieuwe URS-Sleper De Antwerpse Unie van Redding- en Sleepdienst heeft in Zeebrugge de door de Spaanse Astilleros Armonwerf gebouwde sleepboot Union Coral in de vaart genomen. Dit is de eerste van vier identieke eenheden. De volgende worden opgeleverd als Union Pearl, Union Ruby en Union Emerald. De vier kosten 25 miljoen euro en hebben een maximale trekkreacht van 65 ton. Ook de Union Pearl wordt t.z.t. in Zeebrugge ingezet, de twee andere versterken de Antwerpse URS-vloot. Het bedrijf telt zes werkmaatschappijen en wordt geleid door directeur kapitein GV Walter de Schepper. (Bron: Schuttevear) Naamsverandering voor Smit in Canada Per 30 september jl. zijn de volgende naamsveranderingen bij Rivtow in Canada. Rivtow Marine Inc is gewijzigd in Smit Marine Canada Inc. Zij zijn verantwoordelijk voor havensleepactiviteiten in Prince Rupert en Kitimat. Tevens zijn zij verantwoordelijk voor het transport van houtsnippers, transport van boomstammen en algemeen transport en sleepdiensten. Westminster Tugboats Inc. is gewijzigd in Smit Harbour Towage Westminster Inc. Zij verzorgen havensleepdiensten op de Fraser River, verder verlenen zij sleepdiensten in het algemeen. Tiger Tugz Inc. Is gewijzigd in Smit Harbour Towage Vancouver Inc. Zij verzorgen havensleepdiensten in de haven van Vancouver, line handing en sleepdiensten in het algemeen. (Bron: Smit) Akar Promar delivers Austral Abrolhos rd On september 03 , Aker Promar in Brazil delivered newbuilding number 09 to Gulf Marine Servicos Maritimos, the Brazilian branch of Gulf Offshore. The vessel, the multi-fuctional offshore support vessel Austral Abrolhos, a UT719-2, is a refinement of the well-known UT719-2 type and is the ninth vessel of the UT design built by AkerPromar. It has an overall length of 65.4 mtrs, and advanced dynamic positioning system (DPII) According to broker Seabrokers, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on health, safety and environment, with high comfort for the crew. The vessel is committed to Shell Brazil for tanker assist duties with the FPSO Fluninense. (Bron: Shipping News) Solstad AHTS to be built in Brazil Norwegian shpowner Solstad has placed a contract to build a US$40 million anchor handling tug supply vessel in Brazil, according to Wagner Vikter, minister responsible for energy, shipbuilding and petroleum at Rio de Janeiro state government. Fairplay ( said Vikter recently visited Norway and made the announcement on his return to Rio. The minister has been heavily involved in the resurgence of the Brazilian shipbuilding sector, and said the promise had been made after talks with Lars Peder Solstad, the president of Solstad Group. The AHTS will receive funding from the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES), via Solstad’s representative company in Brazil, Norskan do Brasil. Fairplay said it has not been decided which yard will build the vessel, but it will be built in Rio de Janeiro. (Bron: Shipping News) Sleepboot Kentert Een sleepboot van de werf Speyer is gezonken bij de assistentie van den Duits koppelverband, dat de ketting van een groene ton in de schroef had gekregen. De schipper van het lege koppelverband zag J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie kans met behulp van de boegschroef de twee kilometer stroomafwaarts gelegen haven van Speyer te bereiken. Maar in verband met de sterke stroom bestelde hij bij de werf twee sleepboten om te voorkomen dat het achterschip het 185 meter lange verbandop de onderste pier zou verdagen Maar bij het invaren van de haven maakte de sleepboot aan het hek plotseling slagzij en zonk in de havenmond. Een opvarende kon in het water springen. De schipper kon zich pas onder water uit het stuurhuis bevrijden en zich redden. Nog dezelfde dag werd geprobeerd de sleepboot met behulp van een luchtkussen te bergen, wat in verband met de lage waterstand mislukte. Uiteindelijk werd een ponton met een grote kraan ingezet om de sleepboot boven water te halen. (Bron: Schuttevear) Vier Rotor Tugs in aantocht Kooren Shipbuilding & Trading heeft de opties voor nog eens twee rotor Tugs omgezet in orders. Er worden nu vier in plaats van twee van dit type slepers gebouwd. De ASL-werf in Singapore levert het viertal volgens jaar op. In april maakteKooren Shipbuilding & Trading in Rotterdam de bestelling van twee sterke Rotor Tugs van het type RT60 bekend. Gelijktijdig werden opties genomen op nog eens twee van deze kust- en havenslepers, waarvan de eerste twee in april 2005 worden geleverd. De voortstuwing van deze trekpaarden bestaat uit drie Niigata 6L25HX hoofdmotoren van elk 1350 kW, die elk een azimuth schroefunit aandrijven. De volgende twee slepers krijgen elk drie Wartisila 6L20 hoofdmotoren van 1200 kW voor de aandrijving van drie Wartisla-Lips FS200 CP schroefunits. De ASL-werf zal dit tweetal in december 2005 opleveren. De 28 meter lange slepers krijgen elk een trekkracht van 65 ton. Kooren Shipbuilding & Trading, onderdeel van de Kooren Group, heeft nog geen kopers voor de vier nieuwe slepers. De onderneming biedt de Rotor Tugs zowel te koop als voor een langdurige bare-boat charter an. Zusterbedrijf Kotug is tot op heden de enige rederij die met vier van deze Rotor Tugs werkt.De slepers onderscheiden zich door hun grote wendbaarheid en trekkracht. Van dit viertal heeft Kotug de RT Magic in Rotterdam gestationeerd en de RT Innovation, RT pirit en RT Pioneer in Bremen en Bremerhaven. E slepers worden ook voor kustreizen en het verhalen van booreilanden ingezet. (Bron: Schuttevear) Rubens De duwboot Rubens (60.02217) van D.Maldrie uit Merksem is aangekocht door ebr. P. & Jong uit Rotterdam en omgedoopt in Taurus. Zij werd in 1973 onder bouwnummer 628 gebouwd bij Scheepswerf De Biesbosch als Confiance (21.04749) voor De Waardt uit Krimpen aan de Ijssel. Ze was toen uitgerust met tweemaal 675pk GM, deze zijn in 1977 vervangen door tweemaal 730 pk Caterpillar. Van 1977 to 1987 voer zij als Confiance (18.20428) voor de CFNR uit Straatsburg, waarna zij naar Belgie werd verkocht als Rubens van Nothern Shipping Co. Uit Antwerpen. (Bron: Schuttevear) Coast Guard Investigating Collision Crewmembers of Coast Guard Marine Safety Office Houston-Galveston are investigating the collision between the freight ship Napoleon and a tugboat with four barges in the Houston Ship Channel Monday night. A Coast Guard watchstander at Vessel Traffic Service Houston received the report of the collision via the pilot aboard the Napolean at approximately 10:40 p.m. According to the report the collision occurred while the Napolean attempted to over take the tug Jonathan Thomas, near buoy number 54, while heading out bound in the Houston Ship Channel near Redfish Bar in Galveston Bay. The collision caused the Jonathan Thomas's tow line to brake; setting the barges adrift, injuring one crewmen and damaging one barge and the tug. No visible damage was done to the Napoleon, the Jonathan Thomas, however, began to take on water and beached on the west side of the channel. The Napolean is a Malta flagged 620-foot freight ship owned by Atlantic Freeze Ship Company Ltd. It was empty at the time of the collision. The Jonathan Thomas is a 66-foot tug homeported in New Orleans. It was pushing four barges; one empty, one carrying 10,000 barrels of octene, one carrying 10,000 barrels of hexene and one carrying 20,000 barrels of lube oil. The lube oil barge was damaged on its starboard quarter, but no pollution has been reported. The Jonathan Thomas has been de-watered and is no longer in danger of sinking. The barges were gathered by assisting tugs. The channel was restricted to one way traffic at slow speed with no passing between buoys 57 to 61 throughout the night. At 7:40 a.m. the Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Capt. Rick Kaser lifted the restrictions, and opened the channel to normal traffic. The cause of the collision is still under investigation. (Bron: Marinelink) 10/12/04 Aker Yards to Build Platform Supply Vessels for The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Aker Brattvaag, a company in the Aker Yards Group, has signed a contract with The Great Eastern Shipping Co, Mumbai, India, for the building of two Platform Supply Vessels. The contract is worth approximately NOK 230 million. The vessels are scheduled for delivery in June/July 2006 and August/September 2006, or 2007. The vessels have the designation UT 755 L, an extended version of the well-respected UT 755 design by Rolls-Royce, which will also be a major supplier of equipment to J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie the project. Aker Yards has in total built 52 various versions of the UT 755 design and has another 8 on order. An identical vessel was delivered from Aker Brattvaag to The Great Eastern Shipping Co. in August this year, and three more vessels have earlier been delivered to the same owner by Aker Yards. The vessels will measure 72 m in length and will have a maximum cargo capacity of 3316 tonnes. The hulls will be built by Aker Tulcea in Romania. . (Bron: Marinelink) Sause Brothers Towing Repowers Ocean Tug Based in Coos Bay Oregon, Sause Brothers Towing has been towing between Pacific Northwest and Southern Californian ports for over 50 years. A new double-hulled 105,000-barrel oil barge, Sunset Bay, is currently alongside at the company shipyard in Coos Bay. With the hull built at the Gunderson yard in Portland it is being outfitted by Sause. Also at the yard, the ocean going tug Powhatan is undergoing an extensive repower that will see a pair of 850 HP engines replaced with a pair of Cummins KTA50 M2 mains each rated for 1500 HP at 1800 RPM. A new pair of Reintjes WAF772 marine gears with 7.45:1 ratios have also been installed in the 105x30-foot tug. The existing 9-inch diameter shafts were replaced with new shafts of the same diameter, while the stuffing boxes were eliminated in favor of a pair of Kobelco Eagle Marine water seals. With the old engines, the boat had open wheels, with the new engines, modified Kort 19-A 92-in. nozzles and 91x89-inch four-blade skewed propellers from Sound Propeller in Seattle are being added. Quad rudders, two behind each prop, are being installed to improve maneuverability especially in tight island harbors. Built in the 1970s at Halter Marine the Powhatan has, at 1700 HP, been relatively under powered. "The old engines were worn out," explains Mark Babcock, engineering general manager for Sause, "And at the old horsepower the boat was an under utilized asset. With the new 3000-hp we expect the utilization to increase by as much as 75 percent. The bollard pull will go from an estimated 40,000 pounds to around 100,000 pounds allowing it to tow larger barges at faster speeds." The Powatan will initially be assigned to towing general cargo barges on the inter-island Hawaiian runs. While she would not have been considered for towing oil barges with her old power, that is now an option according to Babcock. The Commission Authorizes a French aid scheme to promote inland waterway transport The Commission today agreed to a French aid scheme for inland waterway transport. This scheme will be in force during the period 2004-2007 with a budget of between €14.5 and €15 million per annum. The aim of this new scheme is to encourage the development of inland waterway transport in France through fleet modernisation and by promoting the occupation of inland waterway carrier. Any inland waterway freight carrier operating in France is potentially eligible for this aid. The scheme takes over the inland waterway transport aid plan for the period 2001-2003.[1] The new scheme also proposes new aid designed to take better account of current market conditions. The aid plan is in two main parts. The first part is aimed at modernising the fleet and improving its capacity for carrying specific goods in order to meet the needs of shipping agents and industry while improving its environmental quality. Improving the general technical features of vessels should make it possible to save energy and reduce pollution. The aid will also cover targeted research and development projects to meet an explicit demand and investment in new information and communication technologies. The second part concerns the promotion and renewal of the occupation of inland waterway carrier through aid for continuous training and aid for the transfer of French vessels to young buyers. It is proposed that when freight vessels are sold to buyers under 35 years of age, new entrants, or wage-earners setting up their own businesses, aid not exceeding €43/DWT[2] should be paid if the selling price does not exceed €152/DWT. The aid will also be capped at 30% of the total price and at €46 000. The Commission took the view that this aid is compatible with the competition rules. (Bron: Marinelink) Farstad offloads Far Turbot Farstad Shipping is selling its anchor handler Far Turbot (built 1980) to China’s Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Exploration & Development Corporation for $5.6 million. The vessel, which is operated by Fartsad subsidiary Farstad Supply, has been laid up since November2003. The Far Turbot is a 10,560 bhp UT708 design anchor handling vessel built in Ulsteinvik in Norway in 1980. Farstad said it expects to book a profit of about NOK32m ($4.8m) from sale in the fourth quarter of 2004. Delivery to the new owner is expected to take place in November, Farstad said. (Bron: Shipping News) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 29 dd. 5 December 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Mark Hannah, Barge Reported Aground at Mackinaw City. 10/20 Update: 2 p.m. The Mark Hannah and barge were freed with the help of the Mary E. Hannah at around 1 p.m. today. The tow headed east through the Straits with the Mary E. pulling and the Mark pushing. Original Report: As of noon Tuesday, the tug Mark Hannah with barge Hannah 6301 (containing calcium chloride) remained aground close to the entrance to the Mackinaw City marina. The vessels ran aground Monday about 10 p.m. while trying to maneuver to a dock to wait out stormy weather. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Adsteam orders new tugs. Adsteam UK has ordered three new tugs for its operations on the Humber and Medway, writes David Osler. The vessels – to be built by Damen Shipyards – will be identical to Barunga, which is already operational in the Australian port of Newcastle. Powered by two 2085kW (2835pk) Caterpillar engines driving twin Rolls-Royce azimuthing thrusters, they will each have a bollard pull of 70 tonnes. Two will have firefighting equipment. Adsteam’s chief executive Europe, Stephen Eastwood, said: “The new tugs will increase the bollard pull capacity in the UK by 10%, and anticipate future customer demand,” The first will be delivered in February 2005, with the next two due in January 2006. (Bron: Shipping News) Aker order mystery solved. Hong-Kong based Swire Pacific has emerged as the owner that placed a NOK 1.5bn ($226.5m) order at Aker Yards. The Norwegian yard group announced on Friday that it had received a contract of this size, but would not reveal further details. According to the Norwegian daily Dagens Naeringsliv, Swire has ordered three combined ice-breakers/supply ships. They are set to be employed by Shell on the Sakhalin 2 field in Russia. Swire is co-operating with Primorsk Shipping of Russia and was competing with the Dutch firm Smit co-operating with Semco of Russia. Director Tore Langballe of Aker declines to comment. The ships of the UT758Ice type have been designed by Roll-Royce Commercial Marine in Ullsteinvik and according to the paper construction work is likely to be split between the Aker Yards firms Brattvaag, Soviknes and Langsten. (Bron: Shipping News) Compagnie Fluviale de Transport Van de vijf nieuwe duwboten die voor Compagnie Fluviale de Transport uit Le Havre werden gebouwd komen de rompen uit Polen, en niet zoals eerder werd verondersteld uit Roemenië. De afbouw zal plaats vinden Socarenam te Bonen. De eerste romp word eind december c.q. begin januari te Bonen verwacht en met tussenposen van viet maanden zullen de rompen worden aangeleverd te Bonen. De afbouw zal in zo'n twee maanden in beslag nemen. De hele serie word dus in 2005/06 afgeleverd. De afmetingen zijn 22,50 x 9,50 mtrs. De eerste boot word de Obstiné en de tweede de Résistant. De namen van de andere drie zijn nog niet bekend. (Lawrence Amboldt) Smit wil met windkracht 6 naar top-3 positie AMSTERDAM ( - Windkracht zes op de schaal van Beaufort. Bestuursvoorzitter Ben Vree van Smit Internationale is duidelijk over zijn voorkeur voor een krachtige wind. Bij windkracht zes hebben schepen extra sleepboten nodig om de veilige haven te bereiken. En het leveren van sleepdiensten is een van de activiteiten waarin het Rotterdamse bedrijf de komende jaren flink wil groeien. Over tien jaar zijn er nog maximaal twee of drie wereldwijde spelers, zo verwacht hij, en Smit moet daar zoals vanouds bijhoren. De consolidatieslag is de sector waar Smit zich in begeeft zal in de komende periode een hoogtepunt bereiken. Naast Smit Internationale zal aan het eind van die beweging volgens Vree ook Maersk nog van de partij zijn met het onderdeel Svitzer Wijsmuller. De overblijvers zullen 'aanzienlijk groter' zijn dan nu. 'Zij hebben dan ongeveer de helft van de wereldmarkt in handen, gemeten naar aantal klanten en marktaandeel.' Wie de eventuele derde speler is, kan hij niet zeggen. Overnemen om het overnemen is er niet bij, wat Vree betreft. De bestuursvoorzitter blijft kieskeurig. 'Een bedrijf overnemen met drieenhalve sleepboot in een haventje heeft niet zo veel zin voor ons.' Vree is van mening dat een onderneming minimaal een marktaandeel van 25% moet hebben om rendabel in een haven te kunnen werken. 'Het draait allemaal om bezettingsgraad.' Smit Internationale zou volgens Vree graag willen groeien in regio's die J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie groeiperspectieven bieden, zoals Latijns Amerika en Azie. Al eerder werd duidelijk dat een of twee acquisities ter grootte van enkele tientallen mlnen een reele optie vormt voor het Rotterdamse sleepen bergingsbedrijf. Voor de financiering van een overname behoort nog altijd een emissie tot de mogelijkheden. 'Ik kan me voorstellen dat een overname deels in contanten en deels in aandelen wordt gedaan'. Tijdens de zoektocht naar partners blijft Smit Internationale intussen ook naar de eigen organisatie kijken. Standaardisatie is het kernbegrip en de onlangs ingezette vlootvernieuwing biedt daarbij mogelijkheden. In de eerste plaats is dat merk en naam. Smit vervangt op het moment schepen in Rotterdam, Panama en Singapore. 'Per regio willen wij zoveel mogelijk hetzelfde materiaal hebben met goede lokale back-up.' Voor het financieren van de vlootvernieuwing is een emissie voor Vree niet per se noodzakelijk. 'We zullen creatief moeten kijken naar andere financieringsvormen, zoals een CV-constructie.' Betaling van drie tot vijf schepen via zo'n constructie moet tot de mogelijkheden behoren, zo denkt hij. Schepen voor Harbour & Towage en Terminals, de constante activiteiten, 'omdat je anders toch met vaste lasten zit zonder dat er continue inkomsten tegenover staan', meent Vree. Uiteindelijk moeten uitbreiding, vlootvernieuwing en standaardisering in de resultaten zijn terug te zien. Voor geheel 2004 verwacht Smit Internationale een nettowinst van minimaal euro 21 mln, waarvan al euro 14 mln in het eerste halfjaar is binnengehaald. Op dit moment keert de onderneming zo'n 40-50% van de jaarwinst uit aan de aandeelhouders. Voor de toekomst verwacht Smit op dit vlak enige flexibiliteit van de aandeelhouders. Het bedrijf kondigde eerder dit jaar aan het wijzigen van het dividendbeleid te overwegen. 'We beseffen dat wij als niet zo erg fluctuerend beursfonds het met name moeten hebben van dividend. Dat betekent dus dat je niet te veel met je dividend naar beneden kunt spelen.' Een pay-out-ratio van 40-50% moet dan ook worden gezien als de ondergrens. 'Indien we met een echt mooie overname komen, zullen we met de aandeelhouders in overleg moeten gaan', aldus Vree. Maar tot die tijd blijft het hopen op windkracht zes. Pirates free two Two seafarers kidnapped from a tug by pirates off northern Sumatra earlier this month have been released after the ship’ s owner paid a ransom. Both men were kidnapped on 2 October after their tug, which was towing a barge, came under attack from eight armed pirates in a fast fishing boat. The attack was one of two that took place within a couple of days in the same area and saw the captain and chief engineer of the tug Erna also taken hostage. The Filipino captain and chief engineer of the Singapore-registered Erna are still being held captive. Negotiations for the men’ s release is said to be “under way”. (Bron: shipping News) Doha Marine Acquires new vessels It has signed a joint venture with Singapore-based Jaya Holdings. Doha Marine Services (DMS) recently (may this year) signed a joint venture agreement with a Singapore-based company to own and manage two vessels, according to a top company official. The increased energy exploration and marine transportation activities in Qatar will add to the existing demand in the marine supply and services sector, according to analysts. Quatar’s North Dome is one of the largest energy sites in the world and the current exploration activities are generating additional business opportunities for the marine services and shipbuilding companies. Clement F.Misquitta, DMS general manager, said: “We have recently signed a joint venture ownership agreement with Jaya Holdings Ltd. of Singapore for two vessels – the DJM Fortune 3 and DJM Fortune 5 – that are going to be managed by DMS in Quatar. The acquisition of additional vessels in the joint venture is being discussed. “We have also secured long-term business for safety standby vessel Jaya Puffin 2, DJM Fortune 5, DJM Fortune 3 and DSM Challenger. The Jaya Puffin 2 and DJM Fortune 5 arrived in Qatar this month (may 2004) and went into service soon after. The DJM Fortune 3 and DMS Challenger are both due to arrive in Qatar in June and go on-hire soon after arrival.” Both vessels – mv DJM Fortune 5 and mv DJM Fortune 3 – are 4,750 bhp anchor handling tug supply vessels. They are 57.5 metre-long, ABS class vessel with a maximum speed of 13.5 knots and 1,300 metric dead weight tonnes. Both have a capacity to carry 600 metric tonnes of cargo. The company has recently taken delivery of DMS Conquest, an offshore construction maintenance diving support vessel, from China, costing $14 million. It has also invested $2.5 million in converting its 55 metre-long supply vessel, DMS Champion, at Al Jaddaf. “As these vessels have already been committed to contracts that have been bid and awarded in Qatar, DMS has now placed an order for two additional vessels identical to the DMS Challenger but with more powerful engines, that are now due for delivery early in 2005,” said Misquitta. “DMS was awarded a contract in Qatar for the construction of a supply vessel, Jaya Fortune, which joined our fleet in Qatar in August, 2003, soon after the arrival of the DMS Conquest in Qatar.” DMS, a subsidairy of Doha Petroleum Construction Co. Ltd. (Dopet), has on charter a fleet of 15 vessels in qatar, including a jackj-up accomodation barge. (Bron: Gulf News) Wie weet hier meer van? Ik heb zojuist een bericht van Bengt Sjöström uit Finland ontvangen, dat de Finse maatschappij A/B Ö-Skog O/Y te Pargas de sleepboot Öresund (ex. Breifjord- ?) 60 brt, 1966 te Ulsteinvik voor B/B, J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Oslo gebouwd, heeft aangekocht en in RÖJVIK hernoemd. De vorige eigenaar was in het Zweedse Malmö gevestigd. Weet iemand wanneer en aan wie B/B de sleepboot had verkocht? (Lawrence Amboldt) Museumzeesleepboot ‘Elbe’ opnieuw door ramp getroffen Het is buitengewoon triest dat ik u ervan in kennis moet stellen dat de Elbe-stichting vandaag opnieuw door een ramp is getroffen. Om ca. 17.45 uur werd duidelijk dat het fraaie schip, liggend aan de steiger bij Wartsila te Schiedam, water maakte. De oorzaak daarvan was, en is nog steeds, onduidelijk. De afsluiters waren nog deze week gecontroleerd en in orde bevonden. De laatste man had om 16.15 uur vandaag het schip verlaten na een extra ronde om te zien of alles in orde was. Dat was ogenschijnlijk het geval. Onmiddellijk werd om 18.00 uur Hans Hoffmann gewaarschuwd. Samen met hem was ik om ca. 18.10 ter plaatse. Het schip lag toen al met het achterschip diep in het water, maar de verschansing stak nog boven het water uit. Een pompboot van Smit, de Eerland 28, was al gewaarschuwd en in aantocht, terwijl de Smit Ierland en Smit Rusland het schip tegen de steiger duwden. Een boot van de Havendienst was al aan het pompen. Toen de Eerlandboot een kwartier later arriveerde, liep water al bij het achterschip over de verschansing. Het bleek dat ook de pompen van dit schip de lekkage niet konden bijbenen. Toen de trossen op het achterschip braken zonk dat gedeelte van het vaartuig steeds sneller weg tot het tenslotte op de bodem rustte. Er staat daar ter plekke bij laag water (hetgeen toen het geval was) ca. 7 meter water. Het gevolg was kennelijk dat water over het midscheepse schot naar het voorschip kon lopen, dat daardoor eveneens begon te zinken. Het ruisen van het inlopen van het water was duidelijk hoorbaar. Het was toen zinloos geworden om nog diezelfde avond te proberen bokken in te spannen. Die bokken zouden toch niet op tijd kunnen arriveren om verder onheil te voorkomen. Morgen (donderdag) zal verdere actie voor het bergen van het schip worden ondernomen. Het zinken van het schip is eens te meer tragisch omdat op 31 juli j.l. de Elbe eveneens, maar toen in de Wiltonhaven, zonk ten gevolge van een aanvaring. Juist deze week was men bij Wartsila bezig de motoren opnieuw te installeren en de zuigers waren alweer gemonteerd. De rompreparatie was al voltooid. Eerst zal het schip moeten worden geborgen, vervolgens zal de oorzaak van het zinken moeten worden vastgesteld en de omvang van de schade moeten worden bepaald. Pas daarna zal het duidelijk zijn of de Elbe als varend museumschip nog een toekomst heeft. De vrijwilligers, waarvan er velen hedenavond opnieuw aan de kade stonden met andermaal tranen in de ogen (juist zij hadden de laatste weken bijzonder hard gewerkt), hebben er een hard hoofd in. In ieder geval is duidelijk dat de initiators van, en werkers aan, een ambitieus project als de restauratie van de Elbe opnieuw een enorme dreun te verwerken hebben gekregen. (Bron: Nico Ouwehand) Fairmount and Semco form towage pool FAIRMOUNT Marine BV, of the Netherlands and Singapore-based Semco Salvage & Marine Pte. Ltd. have formed a long haul ocean towage pool called OneAllianz and have indicted a willingness to link with other tug owners. The companies say in statement that they will offer a fleet of tug newbuildings specially equipped for long range, high value towage. The statement says: “This pool can be further expanded to include other partners with similar new tugs, so further enhancing OneAllianz resources.” It is intended that, within two years, the new pool, operating commercially from Singapore and Rotterdam, will consist of seven powerful newbuild anchorhandling/salvage/long haul towing vessels. In August of this year, Fairmount celebrated the keel-laying of the first of three 200 tonnes bollard pull newbuildings, under construction at Niigata Shipbuilding & Repair, Japan. Next May, Fairmount Sherpa will join the OneAllianz fleet of two Semco 165 tonnes bollard pull newbuilds, Salvanguard and Salviscount. These tugs were delivered in early 2004. The second Fairmount newbuild, Fairmount Summit, will be delivered in October 2005. The Rotterdam-based towage and heavy transportation specialists have also confirmed an order for a third 75 m, twin-screw tug from Niigata, for delivery in May 2006. Meanwhile, Semco is actively seeking tenders for the construction of two more large ocean-going tugs. As all the newbuilds in the pool will have similar operational capabilities, they will be known collectively as the OneAllianz Class. (Bron: Shipping News) Aker Yards to build "specialized offshore vessel" for Remøy Shipping Aker Brattvaag, part of Aker Yards Group, has won a contract from Remøy Shipping AS for the construction of what it called "a specialized offshore vessel" based on the Aker-03R design. The design has been developed by Aker Brattvaag, Aker Yards Project AS and Skipsteknisk AS. Delivery is scheduled for August 2005. The vessel will be 72.4m long, with a breadth of 16me, and will have accommodation capacity for 36. The vessel is designed for world wide operations. Remøy Shipping already has a coastguard vessel under construction at Søviknes Verft for delivery in January '05. (Bron: Shipping News) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie PSV orders for Kleven Kleven Verft, Ulsteinvik, Norway, has signed a contract to build two offshore vessels for a European owner. The vessels will be delivered in September and November 2005. The vessels are PSV's (Platform Supply Vessels) of the VS 470 MK II design and have been developed by Vik Sandvik AS, in close cooperation with the yard and the shipowner. The vessels have large cargotank capacity and are specially designed to provide supply services to platforms. Kleven Verft AS delivered a vessel of the same design in January this year. The vessels have the following main particulars: Length: 73.4 m Beam: 16.6 m Deadweight: 3,500 tons (Bron: Shipping News) Bourbon Castle and Bourbon Trader sold The Stewart Group reports that the AHTS Bourbon Castle (built 1982, 12,000BHP) and PSV Bourbon Trader (built 1978, and a UT 705 PSV) have been sold to Far East owners Intra Oil Services. The vessels were sold as a package with a price tag in the region of US$6 million, and both vessels have now departed for the Far East. Stewart Group said Trader had been laid up in Norway whilst the Castle had been trading spot in West Africa. (Bron: Shipping News) Olympic Poseidon upgraded for Statoil work Seabrokers reports that Olympic Shipping's AHTS UT722L Olympic Poseidon entered Norwegian yard recently to under go an upgrade before the vessel commences along-term charter with Statoil. The vessel will be performing support duties on the Snøhvit field located off the very northern tip of Norway inside the Arctic Circle. The charter is expected to last approximately 18 months. (Bron: Shipping News) ITC ’s Solana renamed The SOLANO of ITC was handed over to Bahrain Minerals Co. and renamed Karar, the tug will be used mainly for towing barges in the Persian Gulf, the management of the vessels stays with ITC. Seabulk Orders Four Newbuild AHTSs for Offshore Fleet Seabulk International, Inc. (Nasdaq: SBLK) announced that it had signed contracts with Labroy Shipbuilding and Engineering Pte Ltd. of Singapore for the construction of four sophisticated 7,000horsepower Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels (AHTSs) for its international offshore fleet. Delivery of the vessels is scheduled for 2006, and the contracts include an option for four additional vessels. "These are multi-functional, high-specification vessels that can work anywhere in the world," commented Chairman and Chief Executive Gerhard E. Kurz. "They bring to 15 the number of new vessels we have ordered or acquired over the last two years as part of our ongoing fleet renewal program. Six units are already working, and we took delivery of a seventh - the Seabulk Brasil - just last week. One more is scheduled for delivery in 2004, three in 2005, and the four announced today in 2006. All of the vessels are targeted to our international fleet, with the majority going to our expanding West African market." AHTSs are the workhorse of the international offshore fleet. They ferry supplies to offshore oil platforms and drilling rigs, set and move rig anchors, tow other vessels, manoeuvre tankers at offshore oil terminals and moorings, service FPSOs (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessels) and function as floating hotels. Midsize AHTSs, such as those in the 7,000horsepower range, are in high demand in areas of expanding offshore activity, such as West Africa and Southeast Asia. With operations in more than 25 countries, Seabulk Offshore is the largest subsidiary of Seabulk International, Inc., accounting for about half the Company's total revenue. Seabulk Offshore's global fleet of 111 vessels serves customers in North America, South America and the Caribbean, West Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Seabulk International, Inc. is a leading provider of marine support and transportation services, primarily to the energy and chemical industries. The Company has a fleet of 149 vessels in three main businesses: Seabulk Offshore (111 vessels), Seabulk Tankers (12 vessels) and Seabulk Towing (26 vessels). (Bron: Shipping News) Two men feared drowned as tugboat sinks off coast Two men are missing and presumed drowned after their tugboat sank in heavy seas south of Texada Island early yesterday. Missing are skipper Dusty Davidson, 55, and an unidentified 42-year-old crewman. The two were aboard the tugboat Manson hauling two barges of equipment north from New Westminster to Texada for Discovery Towing. Shortly after 3 a.m., the tug radioed that one of its barges had broken loose and the tug was having steering problems. At that time, the crew said they were working on the steering and didn't need help. About 15 minutes later, a satellite picked up the tug's emergency beacon from an area south of Texada near Thormanby Island. Attempts to reach the Manson by radio failed and commercial vessels in the area were notified of the emergency. Another tugboat, the North Arm Champion out of Powell River, was first on the scene just before 4 a.m. and found a life-raft, some debris and the beacon, but no sign of the men or the Manson. Seas at the time J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie were reported to be two to three metres, with winds blowing at 25 knots or more and very poor visibility. Weather conditions deteriorated through the day, hampering combined air-and-sea search efforts that included a coast guard hovercraft, ships and zodiacs and a Buffalo search plane out of the 442 Search and Rescue Squadron in Comox. Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre spokes-man Gerry Pash said it is believed the Manson is about 200 metres down on the seafloor, still attached by a cable to one of the barges. The loose barge was retrieved by another tug and taken to shore. While it's not clear what caused the Manson to sink, Paula Kaye of Discovery Towing said the trip up the Georgia Strait and into Malaspina Strait was relatively routine for the experienced skipper. Davidson has skippered for numerous firms along the B.C. coast for "umpteen years" and is well known as an "old sea dog" in the maritime towing industry, Kaye said. This last job was supposed to take about three days. "He's nothing green. He's been around for many, many years," she said. "If anybody could do the job, Dusty could do it . . . He was very cautious, though." Kaye said officials were still trying to reach the 42-year-old man's next of kin. The Manson is Cloverdale-based. Discovery leased the Manson from Empire Tug Boats for about a year and there were no mechanical issues with the vessel in that time which might explain the steering woes. "It was a great boat in rough seas, that's why nobody knows what the heck happened," she said. "My thoughts are with the guys we can't find and praying we can find them and they're safe." John Manly, part-owner of Empire Tug, said he built the Manson in 1970. The 15-metre vessel was powered by two 12-cylinder engines and Manly said she was "generally pretty reliable." The fact there were only two men aboard the Manson when she sank highlights the need for stricter tow-boat labour regulations, said Capt. Arnold Vingsnes of the Canadian Merchant Service Guild. "At the extreme least, there should be four people aboard," Vingsnes said yesterday. "We're very concerned about two-man continuous operations on this coast." Discovery is not a member of the Guild, Vingsnes noted, adding he was not casting blame on the company or crew. "But . . . if you only have two people on a boat, you can only do so much. In the event should something go wrong, you really only have one crew member on deck to attend to any disasters that are going on around you," he said (Bron: Shipping News) Hornbeck sees OSV demand picking up "Throughout the third quarter we have seen consistent strengthening in our OSV segment," said Todd Hornbeck, President and CEO of Hornbeck Offshore Service, Inc., in reporting the companies third quarter results. "As our customers devote increasingly more capital to drilling opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico, we are seeing demand for our new generation OSVs starting to outpace supply, which has led to full practical utilization and higher dayrates." Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. third quarter results included a 16.7 percent increase in revenues to $32.9 million compared to $28.2 million for the third quarter of 2003. Of the $4.7 million increase, $1.0 million was due to an increase in the average number of vessels in the company's offshore supply vessel (OSV) fleet from 19.9 in the third quarter 2003 to 23 in the third quarter of 2004, and $3.7 million was due to an increase in demand for the company's vessels. Operating income was $9.2 million, or 28.0 percent of revenues, for the quarter, compared to $8.3 million, or 29.3 percent of revenues, for the same quarter in 2003. Higher than expected OSV dayrates and utilization contributed to an increase in EBITDA to $15.4 million, or 17.7 percent over the third quarter of 2003, above Hornbeck's guidance range of $13.0 to $14.5 million. Third quarter 2004 net income grew 50 percent to $3.3 million, or $0.15 per diluted share, well above the company's diluted EPS guidance range of $0.06 to $0.11. This compares to net income of $2.2 million, or $0.15 per diluted share, for the third quarter of 2003. The average number of diluted shares outstanding increased 46 percent to 21.4 million in the third quarter of 2004 from 14.7 million in the third quarter of 2003, primarily as a result of the company's March 2004 initial public stock offering. OSV Segment. Revenues from the OSV segment were $20.2 million for the third quarter of 2004, an increase of 16.1 percent from $17.4 million for the same period in 2003. The net increase in segment revenues is due to the quarter-over-quarter average increase of three OSVs. Hornbeck's utilization rate was 93.2 percent for the three months ended September 30, 2004, which was higher than the 88.7 percent achieved in the same period of 2003. The average OSV dayrate in the third quarter of 2004 was $10,096 compared to $10,411 in the same period of 2003, primarily due to a portfolio mix change in the average vessel size following the acquisition of six 220 ft class OSVs in mid-2003. On a sequential basis, third quarter 2004 business trends showed average fleet utilization increasing 9.4 percent, from 83.8 percent to 93.2 percent, with average dayrates improving 4.7 percent, or $454 per day, over the second quarter of 2004. Tug and Tank Barge Segment. Tug and tank barge segment revenues for the third quarter of 2004 were up 16.6percent over the same period in 2003 to $12.7 million, although operating income declined by $0.2 million to $1.5 million. The third quarter 2004 operating margin of 12.1 percent was flat with the sequential quarter, and down from 15.9 percent in the year-ago quarter, primarily due to increased costs related to insurance, training, repair and maintenance, and drydocking amortization expense related to vessels recertified during the trailing twelve months. Utilization in the tug and tank barge segment increased to 76.0 percent from 67.7 percent in last year's third quarter and average dayrates grew from $10,788 to $11,151 during the same period. This was primarily driven by a boost J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie in gasoline and diesel movements required to restock unusually low inventory levels in the northeastern U.S., which had been depleted by the summer driving season. Hornbeck noted:"We have begun to see some reduction in tank barge capacity in the northeast as OPA 90 gets ready to take effect and vessels that are scheduled to retire at the end of the year leave the market early to avoid recertification costs. In addition, we plan to accelerate the drydocking of one tug and one tank barge between now and the end of the year to position these vessels for the busier winter season." Construction Program Update: "In November 2003," said Hornbeck, "we commenced our fourth new vessel construction program, the first such program for our tug and tank barge segment. Since then, we have contracted with shipyards for the construction of five double-hulled tank barges. These vessels are being built based on aproprietary design developed by our in-house engineering team. In June 2004, we purchased and retrofitted two ocean-going tugs to complement the vessels under construction. These two tugs will be placed into service during the fourth quarter. The primary purpose of our tank barge newbuild and retrofit program is to address our need to replace three of our existing single-hulled tank barges that are required under OPA 90 to be retired from service prior to January 1, 2005. Prior to the allocation of construction period interest, we expect to incur construction, acquisition and retrofit costs of approximately $105 million for the five tank barges and two tugs, of which about $35 million has been incurred through September 30, 2004. We expect to incur the remaining balance of $70 million as follows: $24 million during the fourth quarter of 2004 and $46 million in 2005. The timing of the incurrence of these costs is subject to change among periods based on the achievement of shipyard milestones. However, the amounts are not expected to change materially in the aggregate. Not included in these figures are the costs of one or two additional higher horsepower tugs that we anticipate possibly purchasing sometime between now and the end of 2005." "Our first two announced double-hulled tank barges that were scheduled to be delivered by the end of 2004 are now expected to be in service between February and April 2005. Our contractual liquidated damages under the shipyard contracts for these two vessels are expected to allow us to receive a reduction in the cost of the vessels. However, we anticipate that this short-term reduction in planned tank barge capacity, coupled with year-end OPA 90 retirements, could put additional pressure on supply during already seasonally high market demands. We expect to take delivery of the remaining three tank barges near the end of 2005." (Bron: Shipping News) Body of one missing tug crew member recovered The RCMP have recovered a body from the waters off British Columbia believed to be one of two men who went missing after a tugboat sank in the area last Saturday. The body has been identified as Nanaimo resident Brian Albert Cusson, 40. He went missing after the tugboat Manson sank Saturday. Derek Arthur (Dusty) Davison, 55, of Coquitlam is still missing. Recovery efforts for the men were called off on Monday. The tugboat had been towing two barges north from New Westminster to Texada Island, 80 kilometres northwest of Vancouver, in strong winds and choppy waves. Around 3 am., it contacted Coast Guard radio to report one of the barges it was towing had broken away and that the tug was having trouble steering. The tug's SOS beacon signal went off 10 minutes later. When no response was received from the tugboat's crew, rescuers were dispatched and arrived within the hour. They found the barges on the surface, but the tugboat was gone. It was later found about 200 metres below the surface. While an empty life raft and an emergency beacon were found, there was no trace of the crew. It's possible the men were trapped aboard the tug. The Transportation Safety Board is now trying to figure out why the tug sank. (Bron: Shipping News) Smit Nieuws Jullie zullen het al wel weten maar bij deze.Deze week gelezen in Maritime Journal Oct.04 in Ahoy. Smit int.heeft de "Maasbank" [1987] verkocht naar Las Palmas en vaart nu als "Warlock" onder Portugese vlag. De "Vikingbank" naar een Operator in de Arabian Gulf met als nieuwe naam "Standford Pride". DE "Smit Christobal"komt in december in de vaart en de "Smit Bilbao" in Maart 05. (Bron:Piet van Roon) Smit Kamara, this will be the first of the 2 Anchor Handling tugs with 80 tons Bollard pull under construction for Smit at the Keppel yard in Singapore, the Smit Kamara will be delivered during August 2005 the second vessel will be named Smit Komodo, and will be launched during November 2005, the third vessel will be identically only with 120 ton bollard pull will be named Smit Nicobar and will be launched April/May 2006. The vessels will be homeported Rotterdam Smitwijs London aangevallen Het hierna volgende bericht van IMB Piracy Reporting Centre over piratenaanval op Smitwijs London, 03.11.2004 at 1900 lt in pos: 05:02n - 099:11e, Malacca Straits. several look alike fishing boats followed a tug towing an oil rig. one boat came close and pirates inside started shooting causing extensive damage to navigation equipment, bridge windows and superstructure. in response tug's crew switched on lights, activated fire hoses and fired three rocket flares. pirates continue to fire with automatic weapons and came within 50 metres. the tug then took evasive manoeuvres and pirates moved away. no physical injuries to J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Wijsmuller krijgt nieuwe, sterke sleepboten Wijsmuller Havensleepdiensten Amsterdam krijgt twee nieuwe sleepboten, die sterker zijn dan de huidige exemplaren. Het gaat om de “Svitzer Muiden” en de “Svitzer Marken”. De eerste zal medio december 2004 worden overgedragen, terwijl de tweede half februari 2005 wordt overgedragen. De schepen zijn gebouwd op de werf van A.P. Moller in Klaipeda in Litouwen. A.P. Moller is de moedermaatschappij van SvitzerWijsmuller. De sleepboten behoren tot de M-klasse. Hiervan zijn er 2 eerder gebouwd. M-klasse schepen zijn 30,3 meter lang en 11,5 meter breed. De bollard pul (trekkracht) van de “Svitzer Muiden” bedraagt 60 ton en die van de “Svitzer Marken” 70 ton. Het motorvermogen bedraagt 3600 kW. Ze zijn daarmee sterker dan de sterkste sleepboot die Wijsmuller Havensleepdiensten nu gebruikt in het Noordzeekanaalgebied, de “Titan” en “Simson”. Deze hebben een bollard pull van 50 ton. De grotere bollard pull van de nieuwe sleepboten stelt het sleepbedrijf in staat om grote bulk carriers en containerschepen nog beter van dienst te kunnen zijn. De nieuwe sleepboten zullen niet alleen in de havens en het Noordzeekanaal worden ingezet. Ze zijn ook geschikt voor assistentie en calamiteitenbestrijding op zee, zoals in de offshore. Ze voldoen aan de hoogste eisen ten aanzien van brandbestrijding. Zo kunnen ze 2.400 kubieke meter bluswater per uur verpompen. Dankzij de 360 graden draaibare schroeven en boegschroef zijn de schepen zeer wendbaar. Wijsmuller Havensleepdiensten beschikt in het Noordzeekanaalgebied over zeven sleepboten. Dit aantal zal vooralsnog gelijk blijven. Twee van de huidige sleepboten zullen dankzij de komst van de “Svitzer Muiden” en de “Svitzer Marken” beschikbaar komen om elders te worden ingezet. Waar dit zal zijn, is nog niet bekend. (Bron: Shipping News) Bouchard fined $10M for spill New York-based towage operator Bouchard Transportation drew the largest oil spill fine in New England history last week as the company was ordered to pay $10M. The fine is for a 27 April 2003 incident when a barge being towed by the company’ s tug Evening Tide veered outside a channel and onto the rocks of south-eastern Massachusetts’ Buzzard’ s Bay. About 330 tonnes of the barge’ s cargo of 13,600 tonnes of Number 6 oil – a thick and viscous oil that readily adheres to surfaces – spilled into the sound and eventually washed ashore in nearby watershed and migratory bird habitat areas. Following Bouchard’ s 18 November guilty plea, federal magistrate Marianne Bowler followed recommendations from the US Attorney and the US Fish and Wildlife Service that $7M of the fine be used to improve the damaged wetlands. The incident occurred on a clear, sunny day and was caused by an unqualified mate at the helm of the vessel, court documents state. Immediately following the verdict, Bouchard handed the court a cheque for $9M, with $1M of the fine suspended provided the company complies with the conditions of probation that includes several remedial measures designed to prevent this type of oil spill from occurring again. (Bron: Shipping News) Five Rescued from Norwegian Tug in Baltic Sea Five sailors were rescued by helicopter Tuesday from a tug boat after it ran aground in the Baltic Sea. Rescuers were still searching for a sixth crewman. The Norwegian-registered tug “Nestor” was towing a timber barge, which was wrecked near Gotland, an island off Sweden’ s south-eastern coast, when it ran aground in shallow waters off the island’ s coast during a heavy snowstorm. Coast guard spokeswoman Christel Englund said that one sailor was missing and rescue divers were searching for him. The crew, whose nationalities had not yet been disclosed, were equipped with cold weather gear. Thick snowstorms blanked most of south-eastern Sweden late Monday and earlier Tuesday, hampering air and road traffic and leaving more than 15,000 homes and businesses temporarily without power. (Bron: Shipping News) SmitWijs Rotterdam De Smitwijs Rotterdam is ook weer bezig aan een sleepreis, en ik zal trachten om de geïnteresseerde lezers met enige regelmaat op de hoogte te houden van de ontwikkelingen tijdens de reis. Dinsdag 23 november aan boord gekomen in De Helder, de Rotterdam had daar enige tijd de Waker afgelost. Vroeg in de avond die dag vertrokken we vanuit Den Helder met bestemming Vlissingen alwaar de Heerema bak H851 nagenoeg gereed lag voor vertrek. Om 04:00 in de morgen op de 24ste namen we na een voorspoedige reis de Loods over bij het Steenbank loods station en voeren we in het nachtelijke duister via het Oostgat naar de Sloehaven te Vlissingen, alwaar we net voor 07:30 af meerden langszij de H851. Gedurende de dag werden bunkers en nog wat verse proviand ingenomen voor de reis die Corpus Christi Texas als bestemming had, en na wat overleg tussen de betrokken partijen en een evaluatie van de weerberichten werd besloten om op donderdag de 25ste te vertrekken rond hoog water. Dat hadden we nodig omdat er aan de achterzijde van de 851 voet lange bak die langszij de kade lag niet voldoende water stond om de assisterende havenboten vast te maken. Om 10:00 op de 25ste ontmeerden we van langszij de H851 en stonden om 10:15 vast op de sleepspruit. Na een uurtje dobberen voor ons gevolg om de mannen op de bak de gelegenheid te geven om wat laatste spullen aan de wal te draaien werd de bak losgegooid van de wal, en J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie manoeuvreerden met assistentie van een aantal haven sleepboten en windstil, zonnig weer door de haakse bocht die uiteindelijk leidde naar de monding van de Sloehaven. Hadden net nog het laatste van de vloed stroom te pakken, wat de snelheid in het begin wat tegen liet vallen, maar eenmaal ter hoogte van Vlissingen stad liepen we al snel dik over de vijf mijl in stil water, en later met de ebstroom mee over de zeven, zodat we redelijk op tijd de achter sleepboten konden laten gaan, en zo rond 19:30 de Loods ontscheepten bij de Wandelaar. Zonder last van al te veel kruisende scheepvaart staken we vervolgens de Noordoost gaande verkeersbaan over, en rond middernacht lagen we al Zuidwest voor richting straat Dover. Momenteel, zondag avond de 28ste, hebben we Ile D' Ouessant gepasseerd op een slordige 50 mijl aan bakboord en sturen we de Golf van Biscaye in. De snelheid zit er redelijk in, maar had het weer net iets gunstiger mogen zijn voor het mooie, niet dat het direct slecht is voor de tijd van het jaar, maar met de wind dwars in aan stuurboord waait ons gevolg, dat maar weinig diepgang heeft, vervaarlijk naar bakboord weg zodat we behoorlijk op sturen om onze geplande track vast te houden. Vooralsnog zien de weerberichten er redelijk uit, met voor donderdag dan echter nog wel een 40 tot 45 knopen wind in de verwachting uit de Noordwest vandaan, maar niet voor al te lang. Tot zo ver dan maar voor deze keer, en kom ik volgende week wel weer in de lucht met wat nieuws. (Bron: kapitein Gerrit Verschoor) Saltie Chios Pride Aground at Menominee (1) 11/30 Chios Pride was stuck fast Monday at the channel entrance of the Menominee River about 200300 hundred yards off the lighthouse on the red side of the channel. Selvick tugs worked all morning to free her, then USCG ordered engines all stop until a salvage plan could be put in place. Monday night the tugs Erika Kobasic, Jimmy L and William C. Selvick returned to dock, with plans to meet the Chios Pride at 0700 Tuesday and attempt to move her. The pilot is confident that with the three tugs and shifting of ballast water they will get her free. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Efforts to Free Chios Pride Prove Unsuccessful (2) 12/01 The saltwater vessel Chios Pride remained aground off Menominee Tuesday night. Efforts to free the vessel began early Tuesday morning but were not successful. The Basic Marine tug Jimmy L was standing by all night with Chios Pride, per U.S. Coast Guard order. Other tugs involved are the William C Selvick, Jimmy L and Erika K. Basic Marine tugs will also be helping the Sen. John J Marchi go out on trials at 0630 Wednesday at Sturgeon Bay. Chios Pride (3) The Chios Pride was finally freed on Wednesday morning. She is currently anchored about a mile or two offshore in the bay of Green Bay off Menominee. I assume her hull will need to be inspected before she goes anywhere. As for the reason she grounded - she apparently got too close to the edge of the dredged channel near the mouth of the Menominee River and found a sandbar. - Barge Sinks in Straits of Mackinac 12/01 The sinking of a 32-foot barge in the Straits of Mackinac has prompted an investigation by the United States Coast Guard. The barge had been used for dock work and transporting construction materials to a remote area in the Les Cheneaux Islands. At the time of the sinking, the vessel was en route to St. Ignace for a routine inspection with the 26-foot Grafton, a former Isle Royale National Park Service craft, propelling the barge. Boatswain's Mate Third Class John Sadler of the U.S. Coast Guard said it was his understanding the high waves had simply washed over the low-sided barge causing it to sink. There were no injuries associated with the mishap.The Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians assisted in the removal of the barge from the Straits of Mackinac. Reports indicate the barge is the property of Les Cheneaux Dock and Dredge of Hessel. Italiaanse bak zwaar beschadigd in Egypte De Italiaanse afzinkbare ponton ‘Cargantua’ is afgelopen week zwaar beschadig nadat een zware Noordwesterstorm 8-9 de Egyptische haven Ma’diya teisterde. Vrijdag 26 november stond er een zware storm met hoge golven die zonder veel bescherming de haven van Ma’diya binnen liepen. De daar aanwezige schepen en pontons werden behoorlijk op de proef gesteld. De ‘Smit Anambas’, ook binnenliggend, is redelijk uit deze storm gekomen met behoorlijke huid schade nadat zij gedeeltelijk was afgezonken om beter weerstand te kunnen bieden tegen de binnenlopende swell. De zware trossen konden de ‘Smit Anambas’ goed op haar plaats houden. Minder fortuinlijk was de Italiaanse ponton ‘Cargantua’. Ook zij werd afgezonken om haar zwaarder te maken om zodoende de storm en golven beter te kunnen weerstaan. Echter haar minder zware trossen braken als woldraadjes af. De ponton werd constant tegen de kade gesmakt en de huid scheurde hierbij open. Tijdens het afzinken verloor men volledig de controle over de ponton. De golven spoelde over het dek en de ponton zakte steeds verder weg. Slepend over de grond werd ze vast gepind in het midden van de haven. Bij mijn e vertrek uit Ma’diya lag ze er nog even troostloos bij. De 29 zouden de Italianen proberen haar weer J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie op te drijven en te verhalen naar een veiligere ligplaats. De ‘Smit Anambas’ is inmiddels onderweg naar Rotterdam. (Bron: Hans van der Ster) Oproep: Ook S & O nieuws wil niet achter blijven een oproep te doen voor het behoud van de zeesleper ‘Elbe’ Het zo onfortuinlijke schip, zoals hierboven beschreven, moet met vereende krachten toch kunnen worden behouden. S & O nieuws wil hieraan graag haar medewerking verlenen. U kunt een geldelijke bijdrage storten op: Red de Elbe t.n.v. Piet Sinke – Hoek van Holland Giro number 81 45 443 IBAN rekening nummer; NL 79 PSTB 0008 1454 43 Bank name; Postbank NV Bank address; Postbus 1800 1000 BV Amsterdam The Netherlands Bank Swift code: PSTBNL 21 J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 30 dd. 12 December 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Rasta De RASTA (ex. Birgitta-94, ex. Cindy B-93, ex. Bélier-87, ex. Lion) (6002889) is nu de ORTA van Amber Shipping International S. A., Luxemburg (Verstraten in het Belgische Doel bij Antwerpen). Als ik haar op 20.11.04 in Antwerpen heb gezien had ze wel de Luxemburgsche vlag, maar steeds haar oude, Belgische, IVR nummer. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Piraten openen het vuur op Rotterdamse zeesleper Door Alexander Bakker Het is een rustige avond, vroeg donker, goed zicht en nauwelijks golfslag. De zeesleper SmitWijs London, met het boorplatform Ocean Sovereign op sleep, ploegt met een snelheid van 7,5 knopen door het noordelijk deel van de Straat van Malakka. In de omgeving dobberen wat vissersboten, zien de twee uitkijken op de brug van de Rotterdamse sleper. De brug van de SmitWijs London is die avond, nu vier weken geleden, dubbel bemand. Zoals afgesproken. De sleep is vanuit Singapore op weg naar Bangladesh. De reis voert door de Straat van Malakka, één van de drukste zeestraten ter wereld. Het is een zeestraat met dubieuze reputatie: het is de speeltuin van piraten. De bemanning is gewaarschuwd. Afgelopen maanden zijn in de Straat van Malakka diverse sleepboten overvallen. Er zijn zelfs berichten over een ontvoering van een sleepbootkapitein en zijn hoofdwerktuigkundige. De kapitein van de SmitWijs London weet van de gevaren die op de loer liggen. Twee jaar geleden heeft hij voor de kust van Somalië, waar hij met twee collega slepers met een grote sleep passeerde, de hulp van de Nederlandse marine ingeroepen. Kort daarvoor was een Engels schip door piraten geënterd. Aan boord van zowel de zeesleper als het boorplatform is de bemanning bedacht op piraten. Zij weten zich een gemakkelijke prooi. Met hun lage snelheid zijn zij een eenvoudig doelwit. De sleper heeft als extra nadeel het lage scheepsdek, waarop piraten simpel vanuit hun kleine bootjes kunnen overstappen. Preventief branden op het dek van de SmitWijs London alle lampen. Extra schijnwerpers beschijnen vanaf het voordek de zee. Zowel aan bakboord als aan stuurboord staan brandspuiten klaar om eventuele indringers te verdrijven. Om ongeveer zeven uur plaatselijke tijd 'bliept' op de radar een naderend schip, op twee mijl afstand aan bakboordzijde. Vanaf de brug is het niet te zien. De sleep bevindt zich op dat moment ter hoogte van Atjeh, in het noordelijk deel van Sumatra. Na een half uur toont de radar het contact op één mijl afstand. De afstand tot de SmitWijs London wordt dan snel kleiner. Groot alarm: Als de gewaarschuwde kapitein op de brug verschijnt is het andere schip ook met het blote oog te zien. Het stevent recht op de sleper af. Er wordt groot alarm geslagen. Gevangen in de schijnwerpers van de SmitWijs London blijkt het te gaan om een ongeveer elf meter lang houten vissersschip. Als de afstand tot de sleper minder dan 250 meter is openen de opvarenden van het scheepje het vuur. De SmitWijs London wijkt uit naar stuurboord, waarop de belagers recht achter het schip komen. Er wordt gericht geschoten, blijkt later als de schade wordt opgenomen. De piraten hebben het gemunt op de schijnwerpers, de radar en de 'witte bol' waarin zich de antenne van de satellietradio bevindt. Aan boord van de sleper wordt het vuur van de piraten beantwoord met vuurpijlen. Via de radio wordt het noodsignaal 'may day' uitgezonden. Ook vanaf het boorplatform klinkt dat radiobericht. Aan boord van de SmitWijs London is het nog net geen 'vrouwen en kinderen eerst'. Het vuur van de piraten wordt zelfs zo hevig, dat van enige tegenactie geen sprake kan zijn. Iedereen zoekt een veilig heenkomen. De piraten gebruiken automatische wapens. Aan de hand van de gevonden kogels wordt later vastgesteld dat wapens van het type AK-47 zijn gebruikt. Als de piraten op enkele tientallen meters afstand zijn, wijkt de sleper nogmaals hard naar stuurboord uit, met kort daarna een tegengestelde beweging. Beide schepen raken elkaar nog even midscheeps en daarna verdwijnen de piraten. Als het geweervuur stopt durven de opvarenden van de SmitWijs London uit dekking te komen. Op de radar is zichtbaar hoe de piraten zich in een zuidelijke richting uit de voeten maken. De aanval heeft bijna een kwartier geduurd. Als de piraten zijn verdwenen wordt over de radio contact gezocht met de SmitWijs London door een marineschip dat zich op acht mijl afstand blijkt te bevinden. Het schip meldt zich met de codenaam 'Caddy Lac', maar maakt niet zijn nationaliteit bekend. Er wordt verslag gedaan van het incident en alle gegevens van de piraten, hun koers, snelheid en positie worden doorgegeven. De ontvangst van de gegevens wordt bevestigd, maar het marineschip onderneemt geen verdere actie. Aan boord van de SmitWijs London wordt dan de schade opgenomen. Die is aanzienlijk. Eén van de radars, de satellietontvanger, diverse lampen en schijnwerpers en drie ramen op de brug zijn kapotgeschoten. Op de opbouw van de sleper worden zeker 23 kogelinslagen geteld. Eén kogel heeft zelfs de buitenwand van de hut van de radioofficier doorboord en wordt later uit de betimmering gepeuterd. Op de brug zelf zijn enkele J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie instrumenten door kogels beschadigd. Op de mast zijn veel kabels van antennes en verlichting door kogels beschadigd. De kapitein van de sleper zet een paar dagen later, na gesprekken met zijn bemanningsleden en met de opvarenden van het boorplatform, de gebeurtenissen op papier. Hij herinnert zich radiocontact met een Maleisisch marineschip op de ochtend van de aanval. Door de opvarenden van het marineschip werd geïnformeerd naar details van sleper, sleep en bestemming. Diezelfde middag heeft de kapitein vanaf de brug op een afstand van ongeveer vier mijl aan stuurboord een fregat met de sleep zien opvaren. Ver achter de SmitWijs London heeft die middag ook het boorplatform Ocean Sovereign 'bezoek' gehad. Gedurende een minuut of tien heeft een vissersboot op enkele honderden meters achter het platform gevaren. Uit verklaringen van de bemanning maakt de sleepbootkapitein op dat het ging om eenzelfde soort boot als waarmee de aanval is uitgevoerd. Die middag heeft de sleper nog een paar maal koers bijgesteld om vissersschepen te ontwijken. Bemanningsleden van de Ocean Sovereign verklaren later dat ook zij, tijdens de aanval op de sleepboot, vanaf een vissersschip zijn beschoten. Het gedrag van de marineschepen op de dag van de aanval bevreemdt de sleepbootkapitein met terugwerkende kracht. Bijvoorbeeld omdat geen actie werd ondernomen toen de piraten op de vlucht waren geslagen. ,,Ik wil uit deze zaken geen harde conclusies trekken,'' schrijft de kapitein in zijn verslag, ,,maar het vermoeden rijst bij mij dat de Caddy Lac een Indonesisch marineschip was dat met de piraten onder één hoedje speelde.'' Primus christened in Cuxhaven In Cuxhaven at the Mutzelfeldt Werft Saturday December 4th. At 11:00 hrs yard number 250 was christened by Britta Albrecht, the daughter of Michael Albrecht chairman of Harms Op reis met de Smitwijs Rotterdam (deel 2) Al weer een week geleden dat ik in de lucht was met wat wetenswaardigheden rond de sleepreis die de Smitwijs Rotterdam aan het maken is van Vlissingen naar Corpus Christi Texas. Verleden week zondag kon ik melden dat we op de 25e november uit Vlissingen vertrokken waren met de H851, en die zondag Ile D'Ouessant passeerden de Golf van Biskaje in. De Golf van Biskaje mag dan bekend staan om het slechte weer, maar wij doorkruisten hem voorspoedig, en woei het nauwelijks, totdat we ons afgelopen dinsdag avond ruim ten noordwesten van Kaap Finisterre bevonden. De barometer was al in de loop van dinsdag gekelderd van 1017 naar 999, en die avond begon ook de wind toe te nemen vanuit het Noordwesten tot een krachtje of 6 a 7. Gedurende de vroege woensdag morgen nam de wind al snel verder toe, en zo rond een uur of 6, stond er een dikke 50 mijl wind op de meter die net iets achterlijker dan dwars binnen kwam, slingeren bij dus, want stond er ook al snel behoorlijk wat zee door. Dat was op zich nog niet zo'n ramp, maar dwars op de wind kreeg onze sleep een heel ander idee over waar hij heen wilde dan wij en was daar niet vanaf te brengen, temeer daar we vanwege de toenemende zeegang en een hoge oceaan deining vermogen moesten minderen. We waren Finisterre al voorbij met ruimte genoeg om het zuiden in te kunnen gaan, draaiden dus het hele spul maar voor de wind en zee weg, en reduceerden het vermogen om de tonnenmeter op de draad binnen de limiet te houden. Met minimaal vermogen maakten we evengoed nog vijf mijl per uur goed, niet dat wij er nog zo hard aan trokken, maar die, inclusief uitstekende delen, bijna driehonderd meter lange bak lag zo'n beetje dwars achter ons en waaide meer met ons mee dan dat wij er echt wat aan deden. We zaten net aan de rand van een stevig hoge druk gebied dat op de oceaan lag, maar hadden de pech dat er een laag van 994 millibar langs de Portugese kust omhoog kwam zetten. Dat laag liep snel genoeg, maar toen het boven La Coruna lag besloot het weer de zuid in te komen en hadden we er dus twee keer plezier van. Woensdag en donderdag liepen we noodgedwongen zwaar slingerend voor het weer weg de zuid in, maar begon het donderdag avond laat allemaal al weer wat in te zakken, waarbij de wind snel naar het noordoosten ruimde toen dat laag bezuiden ons kwam te liggen, naar Gibraltar bewoog, en opvulde. Vrijdag morgen zag het er allemaal weer behoorlijk uit, nog wel een stevige deining uit het noorden, maar de meeste wind was weggewaaid en konden we weer vermogen gaan draaien en een koers voor gaan liggen zoals we die gepland hadden. Inmiddels bevinden we ons deze zondag avond al op 35 graden noord 20 west, en koersen we net door het zuiden heen af op nog lagere breedten waar we verwachten de invloed van de passaat en de west gaande stroom te kunnen gebruiken om mooie dag runnen te draaien. Over de snelheid momenteel in ieder geval al geen klagen, we lopen tegen een redelijk verbruik regelmatig over de zeven mijl per uur en dat schiet dan natuurlijk lekker op Naarmate dat we steeds zuidelijker komen neemt ook de temperatuur al flink toe, en waar onze Filippijnse bemanning een paar dagen geleden nog als Pool vorsers rond liepen, verschijnen nu steeds meer de T shirts en korte broeken, hoewel het in deze tijd van het jaar op onze bestemming ook knap koud kan zijn, vernam zo vandaag van een kennis in Texas dat het in Houston en Galveston niet warmer was dan 10 graden Celsius, behoorlijk fris dus. Onze kok werd afgelopen vrijdag terloops vader van een zoon, ( nee, hij is korter dan negen maanden aan boord). Wel een eind van huis af voor de man, maar was hij er niet minder blij mee. Hoe het jongetje heet? Geloof het of niet, maar onze kok had in al zijn wijsheid enige tijd geleden een bemanning lijst van het schip naar huis gestuurd met het idee aan zijn vrouw om vanaf die lijst een J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie naam te kiezen. Filippijnse namen zat op die lijst, maar koos mevrouw kok er voor om het jongetje "Evert Jan" te noemen, kijk dat is stijl, daar heb je wat aan als Filippijnse burger, dat kunnen ze daar in ieder geval lekker makkelijk uitspreken, ook al heeft onze kok er momenteel nog wat moeite mee terwijl hij zich verbeten af vraagt wat het eigenlijk betekend, en daar helpen wij hem dus een handje bij. Tot zover dan maar weer voor deze week, de koffie is net doorgelopen en genieten we op de brug vleugel maar even een kwartiertje van een momenteel glasheldere sterren hemel. Een goede wacht voor allen, en tot de volgende week. (Bron: Kapitein Gerrit Verschoor) Triton VIII officially sold As from the 3rd of December 2004 - 18.30 hrs lt, supply vessel 'Triton VIII' officially has been sold from Messrs. Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland BV, Leiden to Messrs. IOEC, Teheran and as from that moment vessel is renamed 'CASPIAN'. K-Sea Transportation Partners L.P. Agrees to Acquire Mid-Atlantic Fleet; Establishes Norfolk Operations Center Publication date: 2004-12-07 K-Sea Transportation Partners L.P. (NYSE: KSP) announced today that it has agreed to acquire ten tank barges and seven tugboats which were being operated by Bay Gulf Trading of Norfolk, Virginia. These tank barges represent approximately 255,000 barrels of capacity, of which 127,000 barrels are already double-hulled with the balance being eligible to operate in the Jones Act trades until January 1, 2015. The addition of this capacity will represent a 10.6% increase in the current barrel-carrying capacity of the K-Sea fleet. The purchase price of $21 million, which includes a water treatment facility and leased office and terminal facilities in Norfolk, will be financed using K-Sea's available credit lines. After certain required modifications, these vessels will begin working in K-Sea's clean oil transportation and bunkering businesses on the east coast of the United States. This acquisition is expected to be accretive to K-Sea's distributable cash flow. In an unrelated transaction, the Company has agreed to bareboat charter in a 78,000 barrel double-hulled tank barge for use in its northeast market. After the phase-out on December 31, 2004 of two single-hulled vessels as required by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 ("OPA 90"), and reflecting today's announcements and other previously announced projects, the carrying capacity of K-Sea's fleet will be over 73% doublehulled, with all single-hulled vessels eligible to continue to operate until January 1, 2015. Timothy J. Casey, President and CEO of K-Sea, said, "We believe these transactions will strengthen K-Sea's position as a key provider of petroleum products transportation services in the U.S. We are excited about expanding our capacity and geographical presence, as well as improving our ability to provide safe, reliable, and efficient service to our customers. By the fall of 2005, upon delivery of our previously announced 100,000 barrel newbuild barge, our total carrying capacity of approximately 2.7 million barrels will have increased by over 15% from the capacity existing at the time of our initial public offering in January 2004, despite the phase-out of over 325,000 barrels under OPA 90 requirements." K-Sea Transportation Partners provides refined petroleum products marine transportation, distribution and logistics services in the U.S. domestic marine transportation business, and its Master Limited Partnership Units trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol KSP. For additional information about K-Sea Transportation Partners L.P., please visit K-Sea's website, and the Investor Relations section, at Cautionary Statements This press release contains forward looking statements, which include any statements that are not historical facts, such as our expectations regarding the timing of placing the acquired vessels in service, accretion, the benefits of acquisitions, the timing of delivery of our 100,000 barrel newbuild barge, and the percentage of our fleet which will be double-hulled as of the end of 2004 and the fall of 2005. These statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, insufficient cash from operations, a decline in demand for refined petroleum products, a decline in demand for tank vessel capacity, intense competition in the domestic tank barge industry, the occurrence of marine accidents or other hazards, the loss of any of our largest customers, fluctuations in charter rates, delays or cost overruns in the construction of new vessels, failure to comply with the Jones Act, modification or elimination of the Jones Act and adverse developments in our marine transportation business and other factors detailed in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. If one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize (or the consequences of such a development changes), or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual outcomes may vary materially from those forecasted or expected. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update publicly or revise such statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Bollinger Delivers Mega Mini Supply Boat to Seahorse Marine 12/9/04 2:04:32 PM Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. has delivered the M/V CAPT. RUDY to Seahorse Marine Inc. of Lockport, Louisiana. The M/V CAPT. RUDY is the first of a new vessel concept that was modeled from the success of the original Bollinger 145 ft. mini sup ply vessel design, which will provide greater capacity, better sea-keeping and has several design improvements. The M/V CAPT. RUDY is a 163 ft. mega mini supply boat named in honor of the captain of one of the first Bollinger 145 ft. mini supply J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie boats, SEAHORSE I, Capt. Rudy “Uncle Rudy” Lefort. The concept design is a collaboration of Phillip Plaisance, president of Seahorse Marine, and Bollinger’s design and production team. “I’ve had a lot of success with vessels from Bollinger, and I have influenced the various designs by working with Bollinger to get exactly the vessel I need to take care of my customer's needs.”, said Phillip Plaisance. “The CAPT. RUDY is another example of Bollinger’s dedication to working with the customer, insuring that the operator gets the quality vessel that they spec’ed out, at the agreed price, and delivered on time.” continued Plaisance. SmitWijs London op sjouw met Booreilanden 1 november vertrok SmitWijs London met jack up booreiland Ocean Sovereign uit Singapore naar een positie 20' ZZW van Chittagong - Bangladesh. Het zou een enerverende reis worden. Op 3 november werd de SmitWijs London in het noorden van Straat Malakka vanaf een visserbootje voor ca. 15 minuten als schietschijf gebruikt door piraten. Toen de piraten aanstalten maakten om langszij te komen werd er door ons teruggeschoten met vuurpijlen om ze hiervan af te houden. Iets wat weinig indruk maakte op de schelmen, het schieten werd alleen maar heviger. Na enkele zeer wilde koersveranderingen, die door het vissersbootje niet gevolg konden worden en waardoor het vissersbootje zelf ook in de problemen kwam, besloten de piraten dat het niet lukte om aan boord van de SmitWijs London te klimmen en hielden ze het voor gezien. De SmitWijs London beschadigd en zijn bemanning geschokt achterlatend. De meest vervelende schade was dat de Satcom installatie beschadigd was en we nagenoeg incommunicado waren. Het afleveren van het booreiland nabij Chittagong was super uitgekiend door de experts. Tijdens het op locatie brengen was het springtij en liep er een tijstroom van ruim 7 knopen. De waterdiepte op locatie was slechts 8 meter. Gedurende die sterke tijstroom stond het booreiland op z'n poten en lagen wij er voor ten anker en met de motoren flink doordraaiend om de kracht van de ankerketting af te houden in de zachte moddergrond. De sterke stroom zorgde bij de Ocean Sovereign voor een boeggolf die we met volle kracht slepend niet gezien hadden. Tijdens het kenteren van het tij kon er voor een korte tijd gevaren en gepositioneerd worden. Daardoor duurde het 4 dagen voordat het booreiland uiteindelijk de laatste 60 mijl afgelegd had en op locatie stond. 18 november werd SmitWijs London bedankt en konden we een haven opzoeken om de schade van de piratenaanval te herstellen. De reparatiehaven werd Galle op Sri Lanka. 22 november liepen we Galle binnen en konden we de wonden likken. 27 november vertrokken we naar Bombay voor de volgende sleepreis, weer een jack up booreiland. Na het wekenlang varen in piratengebied, constant op qui vive, alle deuren gebarricadeerd, dubbele uitkijken op de brug, twee radars bij, verlichting volop aan, brandslangen stand by, was het een plezier om weer in veilige wateren te varen. Waarbij je zonder probleem het dek op kon stappen om een luchtje te scheppen of van de zon te genieten. 2 december vertrokken we met het Amerikaanse booreiland Pride West Virginia richting Perzische Golf. ETA is 11 december. Daar blijft het booreiland ongeveer 2 dagen staan op een locatie nabij Sharjah en gaat dan onder de Indiase nationaliteit en nieuwe naam Aban V weer achter de SmitWijs London terug India. Waarom makkelijk als het moeilijk kan, schijnt iets met geld uitvoeren uit India te maken te hebben. Goede deal voor SmitWijs, zo'n transactie. (Bron: Kapitein Kees Pronk) Swire Pacific subsidiary invests in US$200 million icebreakers Prisco Swire Offshore Limited (PSO), a 50/50 joint venture held between Swire Pacific Offshore Holdings Limited (SPO) and Nakhodka based Primorsk Shipping Company (Prisco), has signed a Letter of Intent with Sakhalin Energy Investment Company (SEIC) on 1st October 2004. The joint venture is to provide and manage three ice breaking supply vessels to SEIC for its oil field development and production off the Coast of Sakhalin Island for 15 years beginning from 2006. PSO will invest approximately US$200 million to acquire three ice breaking Platform Supply Vessels of approximately 90m in length. Deliveries are scheduled for April, July and October of 2006. SPO's investment will be financed internally by Swire Pacific Limited, the parent company of SPO. Prisco owns a fleet of 43 tankers, the majority of which are ice-class, and regularly trades along the Russian coast between Murmansk and Vladivostok. SPO owns a modern fleet of over 50 vessels, including anchor handling tug supply boats, as well as specialised hydrographic and seismic survey vessels. It plays a major role in supporting the offshore oil and gas industry worldwide. SEIC is a 100% foreign owned venture in Russia; with Shell owning 55%, Mitsui; 25% and Mitsubishi; 20%. SEIC has the concession for Sakhalin 2. The SEIC undertaking represents the largest single foreign direct investment project in Russia, requiring an investment of approximately US$10 billion. Aker Yards to build PSV for Olympic Shipping Aker Brattvaag AS, part of Aker Yards, has been awarded a contract worth approximately NKr 225 million by Olympic Shipping AS to build a MT 6016 PSV. Delivery from Brattvaag Skipsverft is scheduled for March 2006. The vessel will be approximately 93m long, with a beam of 19.70m, deadweight of 4,700 tonnes and accommodation for 50. The vessel will also be prepared for operation J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie in the Barents Sea, with DnV notifications as DE-ICE C, Oil Rec and Stby. The vessel will also be prepared for a helideck, 100 tonne crane and 150 tonne Aframe. Tidewater's Donnelly unveiled Tidewater Marine has taken delivery of the first example of a new class of AHTS, based on Aker Yards' AH-03 design. Built by Søviknes Verft, part of the Aker shipyard group, the hull was built at Aker Tulcea in Romania. A similar vessel is under construction to the same owner at Brattvaag Skipsverft, for delivery in December. Pacific Patriot - first example of new P Type - delivered to Swire The first of a series of newbuildings, known as the "P" class, was delivered to Swire Pacific Offshore at the end of September by Labroy shipyard. Pacific Patriot sailed immediately to take up a long term contract in West Africa. A second vessel, Pacific Pilot, is due to be delivered at the end of October with the Pacific Pioneer following in early January 05 and the Pacific Protector in late March. The four "P" Class vessels are less than 5,000bhp, making them the first low horse power vessels to be built for Swire Pacific Offshore since 1982. The recent fleet regeneration programme at the company has concentrated on larger tonnage until now. Having a more economical specification and aiming at the more cost effective part of the market the vessels are expected to be very much in demand. The first steel was cut for the vessel on the 10th October 2003 creating a building cycle of 11 months. Marcon concludes sale of AHTS and PSV Broker Marcon International in the US has announced that Nico Middle East Ltd of Dubai has purchased of the 230ft x 42ft, 3,900hp AHTS Gulf Yankee (ex-Seacor Yankee) and the 248ft x 44ft, 3,600hp diesel electric dynamically positioned supply boat Gulf Frontier (ex-Seacor Frontier, exAcadian Commander). Both vessels Newbuildings orders Farstad Shipping, Norway is about to contract 2 x PSV of UT 751E design after having received a Letter of Intent from Norsk Hydro for long term charterof three supply vessels. Olympic Master KS, Norway has placed an order for 1 x PSV of UT 755LN design at Aker Brevik, Norway. The vessel is scheduled for delivery late June 2005. Olympic Shipping AS, Norway has placed an order for 1 x PSV of MT 6016 design at Aker Brattvaag, Norway. The vessel will be 93m long, 19.70m beam, 4,700dwt and will be classified for Oilrec, standby DE-ICE C. In addition the vessel will be prepared for helideck, 100 tonne crane and a 150 tonne Aframe. Remøy Shipping AS, Norway has entered into a contract with Aker Brattvaag for the construction of an Aker 03R. The vessel will have a length overall of 72.4m, 16m beam and with accommodation for 36 persons. DOF ASA, Norway, has been awarded a five year contract from Peterson Supplylink BV, and will, as a result of this, enter into a contract for a newbuild PSV of MT 6009 S design. Delivery is expected in the first half of 2006. DOF has also recently ordered a MT 6000 design PSV at Aker Yards for delivery in January 2006. Broker reviews recent secondhand sales AHTS Seabulk Penguin II (built 1976 - 7,760bhp) has been sold to Magnum International at undisclosed terms. AHTS Jaya Hull 838 (AHTS - 10,880bhp) has been sold to Wise Innovations of Malaysia, at private terms, who will take delivery upon completion of the vessel during December 2004. The vessel has been named Nadia Adip and has been fixed to Petronas on a long term charter. The AHTS Lady Elaine" (built 1983 - 10,560bhp) has been sold to Pertra Perdana Berhad, Malaysia for US$6.25 million. Delivery was expected last month. The AHTS Lewek Falcon"(built 1983 - 6,000bhp) has reportedly been sold to unknown clients for about US$3.5 million. The PSVs Malaviya 11 and Malaviya 14 (built 1989 - 885dwt) have been sold to Middle East clients for an undisclosed price. The UT 708 AHTS Far Turbot (built 1980 - 10,560bhp) has been sold to Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Exploration & Development Corporation for US$5.6 million. The UT 708 AHTS Maersk Trader (built 1983 - 12,240bhp) has reportedly been sold to Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Exploration & Development Corporation forUS$5.8 million. Seacor has exercised its option to purchase Hull 844 from Jaya and the vessel will be named Seacor Acclaim. She is a 70m DP2/FiFi 1 AHTSV of 5,500bhp with increased accommodation. Delivery of the vessel will take place by mid/end December 2004. The standby vessel Toisa Plover (built 1979 - 2,250bhp) has been sold to Nomis Shipping for an unknown price. The vessel will be renamed Dea Server. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie The AHTS Jaya Marlin and Jaya Mermaid (built 2001 - 5,000bhp) have been sold to Lamnalco Group, United Arab Emirates at a price of approximately US$5.1 million. Both vessels have long term commitments in Equatorial Guinea. The PSV Bourbon Reel (built 1976 - 3,100dwt) has been sold to Argo SRL, Italy for a price of about US$3.25 million. The vessel has been renamed DP Reel. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 31 dd. 19 December 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Op reis met de SmitWijs Rotterdam (3) Zondag avond 12 december, en is het al weer een week geleden dat ik de vorderingen van onze reis tot dan toe vermelde. Momenteel bevinden we ons in positie 24.23.5 N 028.20.4 W en liggen we 250 graden voor richting het Caribische gebied waar we via de passage onder Martinique door richting het Yucatan kanaal gaan, en via dat naar Corpus Christi. Hadden vandaag een wat briezerige dag in verband met de passage van het kou front van een depressie die benoorden ons de oost in trekt en ondervinden wat ongemak van de deining die rond die depressie gegenereerd wordt. Hoewel wij zelf als sleepboot niet zo veel last ondervinden, die deining is lang genoeg om er redelijk rustig bij te liggen, maar ons gevolg heeft er vanwege zijn lengte wat meer moeite mee. We kijken hier vanaf de brug met regelmaat op zijn dek wanneer hij aan zijn achterkant door die deining opgetild wordt, het effect van dat alles is dat de snelheid daardoor nadelig beïnvloed wordt, hoewel we lang niet mogen klagen, want blijft de gemiddelde snelheid sinds vertrek nog steeds op lopen daar we bij weinig deining snelheden van ruim boven de zeven mijl per uur goed maken. Nog een dag of negen naar Martinique, en dan de Caribische zee in waar we dan die oceaan deining kwijt zullen zijn en we ons richten op een ETA op bestemming in begin januari. Ongemerkt gaat de tijd snel, en zijn we al weer achttien dagen onderweg vanaf Vlissingen en beginnen we inmiddels ook de kerstsfeer te proeven. Een echte plastic, kerstboom staat reeds verlicht en versierd in de mess en vooral zee vast, hoewel het warmer en zonniger wordende weer om ons heen toch ook weer iets van de kerstsfeer zoals wij die kennen weg neemt. Daar hebben onze Filippijnse bemanningsleden dan weer minder last van, die kennen in ieder geval geen witte kerst en is het blijkbaar juist de zon en het warmer wordende weer die het kerstgevoel bij hun aanwakkert. We denken er hier al over om maar twee maal kerst te vieren, en dat vanwege Vasili, onze Oekraïense tweede machinist, want loopt er naast de onze, ook nog een tweede jaartelling in de Oekraïne die daarop achter loopt, en vallen daardoor bij hun de feestdagen wat later, De jaarwisseling bijvoorbeeld wanneer het bij ons dertien januari is, dus plannen we alvast maar oom ook binnenslands nog een keer oud en nieuw te vieren mocht het op zee niet haalbaar zijn om het oliebollen beslag te laten reizen. Momenteel bevaren we qua scheepvaart een bijzonder rustig stuk oceaan, en hebben we in de voorbije week slechts twee maal een ander schip waargenomen waarvan er 1 op die schier oneindige plas water notabene onze koers zodanig kruiste dat het voor ons moest uitwijken, hetgeen allemaal ruim bijtijds en duidelijk gebeurde en het zodoende op veilige afstand passeerde. Het tweede schip was een Amerikaans fregat van de Oliver Hazard Perry klasse dat ons op vijf mijl passeerde op een tegengestelde koers passeerde op de 8 _ 12 wacht van afgelopen dinsdag, hij had ons dus ook gezien zo bleek toen er een onvervalst Texaans accent onze positie via de VHF vermeldde en zichzelf US Navy warship hull number 50 noemde en verzocht de oproep te beantwoorden. Wie we waren, waar we vandaan kwamen en de hele riedel aan standaard vragen. Smitwijs Rotterdam ligt er blijkbaar niet lekker in om verstaan te worden door andere taal gebruikers, en werd verzocht om het uit te spellen. Ik was nog even wat naïef, en spelde ik S.M.I.T.W.I.J.S. gevolgd door een normaal uitgesproken Rotterdam in de gedachte dat Rotterdam toch wel bekend was, maar blijkbaar niet in Texas, want werd ook verzocht om Rotterdam maar te spellen. Corpus Christi, onze bestemming, werd overigens wel zonder spellen begrepen, maar goed, dat ligt dan ook in Texas natuurlijk. Mijn vraag aan hem was natuurlijk waar hun vandaan kwamen en waar ze naar toe gingen, de man maakte bijna oprecht zijn verontschuldigingen en "I'm not allowed to pass you that information captain, this is US Navy warship hull number 50. Out" Top geheim zeker, of gewoon geen zin in een praatje, dus maar gelaten voor wat het was. Verder blijft het stil om ons heen, al beginnen we nu het zee water ook wat warmer wordt al wel vliegende vissen waar te nemen. Degenen daarvan die onverhoopt aan dek terechtkomen, liggen daar niet lang, onze Filippijnse bemanningsleden zijn onvervalste viseters en azen er voortdurend op. Verder niet veel te melden, dus doe ik alle lezers vanaf onze positie de beste wensen toe komen, en tot de volgende episode dan maar weer. (Bron: Kapitein Gerrit Verschoor) De Smit Panama Reports Hier wat wetenswaardigheden van de havensleepboot "Smit Panama”. Zoals bekend is de "Smit Panama" op 2 september vetrokken met het ponton "Atlas" naar Algiers. Aldaar de sleep afgeleverd te hebben vetrokken naar de Kaap Verdische eilanden voor bunkeren en stores. De eind bestemming was Balboa (Panama). De koers werd op woensdag 6 oktober 2004 verlegd naar Freeport (Grand Bahamas Island). Deze route ging via Kingston (Jamaica) voor het ophalen van de benodigde zeekaarten en proviand. Op maandag arriveerde de "Smit Panama" in Freeport (GBI) Bahamas. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie aldaar werd de Zuid-Afrikaanse ploeg afgelost en de taken werden door een Nederlandse Captain en Ch. Eng. overgenomen aangevuld door lokale matrozen. We hebben daar dienst gedaan, voornamelijk terminal werk voor Borco, tot 13 november 2004. We hebben daar de plaats ingenomen van de "Smit Lucaya” welke beschadigd was door een cruise schip, wat losgeslagen was van haar meertrossen, tijdens het passeren van hurricane Jeane. Ook de andere sleepboten "Smit Tahiti" en "Smit Bahama" waren beschadigd door de hurricane. De "Smit Barbados" is ook ter vervanging in Freeport van Curaçao gekomen. Wij zijn op zondag 14 november 2004 vertrokken van Freeport naar Cristobal. De "overstoomploeg" bestond uit een Nederlandse kapitein en Hwtk, een Panamese stuurman en 2e wtk en een Bahamanese matroos. Na 5½ dag met veel slecht weer arriveerden we in Cristobal. Op zaterdag 20 november zijn we door het Panama Kanaal gegaan naar Balboa. Daar is de "overstoomploeg" eraf gegaan behalve de Captain en Ch.Eng. De lokale bemanning , Captain, Ch.Eng en 2 A/B zijn in Balboa aan boord gekomen, de Nederlands kapitein en Hwtk bleven aan boord voor instructie. De "Smit Panama" heeft de Voithsneider sleepboot "Sandettiebank" afgelost en deze is naar Cristobal vertrokken om daar havensleepdiensten te gaan verrichten. In de 2e helft van januari 2005 wordt de "Smit Cristobal” in Panama verwacht. De “Smit Cristobal” Wordt a.s. maandag 20 december in de Waalhaven voor het eigen kantoor gedoopt. Zelf ben ik op 10 december naar huis gegaan de Nederlandse kapitein komt op 18 december naar huis. (Bron: Kees Pootvliet) Spruceglen Aground in St. Marys River 12/13 UPDATE 11 a.m. The Spruceglen was freed late Sunday night or early Monday morning. She was being escorted to Sault Ste. Marie for inspection by the tug Missouri. ORIGINAL REPORT: The CSL bulker Spruceglen remained aground Sunday night in the lower St. Marys River near Johnson's Point. The bow is reportedly grounded, with the stern swinging partially across the narrow channel. Heavy snow squalls in the area Sunday, which sent some vessels to anchor, may have be a factor in the grounding. No further information was available Sunday night. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Second Tug Lacked RescueGear SEATTLE (AP) When tug captain Rob Campbell arrived at Unalaska in Alaska's Aleutian chain, where 35-foot seas were battering the Selendang Ayu, he knew there was only a slim chance of keeping the disabled freighter from running aground. It was 4 a.m. Wednesday and winds were gusting at more than 60 mph. Another tug, the Sidney Foss, had a steel line attached to the freighter's bow, but after 10 hours of pulling, the vessel's drift to shore had only been slowed, from about 4 knots to 2 knots. The Malaysian-flagged Selendang Ayu was stuck in a trough, sideways to the pounding waves. There was just one way Campbell's tug, the James Dunlap, could help: attach another line to the bow so the ship could be pulled around to face the waves. Then it might be pulled away from the rocks. But Campbell didn't have the right equipment. He had no line gun to fire a messenger rope onto the stricken ship. A messenger line is used to pull up heavier cable, to lash the tug to the vessel for hauling. Campbell said he's been urging the Coast Guard for years to station a $50,000 emergency kit at nearby Dutch Harbor for use by tugs in a crisis. The kit would contain a line gun, strong but lightweight towing rope and a special hook to snag a ship`s anchor. The James Dunlap is a 100-foot, 4,300-horsepower tractor tug. But it's a harbor tug designed to guide container ships, not a rescue tug equipped to salvage ships. "Nobody wants to pay for all this, but if you really want to make sure these things don't happen pay me now or pay me later," Campbell said. "Every time we do these kinds of things, we have to make do with what we can put together." Capt. Jack Davin, chief of the Coast Guard's marine safety office in Alaska, said his preference would be for all tugs to carry line guns and two cables, as the Sidney Foss did. But Coast Guard regulations don't require it, he said. He said of Campbell's suggestion: "Normally, the United States government doesn't buy equipment for use by private companies to make more money and do their job." Three hours after the James Dunlap arrived, the Sidney Foss' steel cable snapped. Hours later, the freighter ran aground and then broke in half. A Coast Guard helicopter crashed trying to rescue the freighter's crew. Six men were lost, though the Coast Guard crew and one sailor from the freighter were rescued. The spill area is near a wildlife refuge, home to sea lions, harbor seals, sea otters, tanner crabs, halibut and kelp beds. The attempt to rescue the Selendang Ayu has implications in Washington state. For years, local environmentalist Fred Felleman has been fighting to post a tractor tug at the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca at Neah Bay. Now that it's there, he scrambles annually to keep it there. The tug could keep ships like the Selendang Ayu from going aground and spilling oil in the a nearby marine sanctuary. Currently, there is a powerful Foss tug at Neah Bay with all the right equipment to tackle a ship the size of the 738-foot Selendang Ayu. But it's standing in temporarily for a smaller tug, with less power. "This really underscores the need to have the appropriate- sized tug, and with the appropriate equipment on board, at Neah Bay," said Felleman of Ocean Advocates. (Bron: The workboat). J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Piracy on tugs continue 10.12.2004 at 2030 lt in posn: 00:5.27.00s - 103:58.43.00e, Indonesia. ten pirates armed with guns boarded a tug towing a barge. they cut off the towing hawser, setting the barge afrift. pirates hijacked the tug and landed ten crew members at Jambi in sumatra and sailed away. imb piracy reporting centre coordinated with the indonesian navy and the tug was located and detained on 12.12.2004 off Jakarta. 15.12.2004 at 2150 lt in posn 05:59n - 098:56e, malacca straits. 20 pirates armed with machine guns in two fishing boats fired upon a tug towing a barge. they boarded onboard, kidnapped captain and c/e, took all documents, ship's property, crew property and escaped. SmitWijs Typhoon Reports Hier even een meeltje van de SW Typhoon, onderweg van Kaapstad naar Spore eta 26/12 daarna naar Australie(Dampier) met de DB 26 in Spore uitwisseling van bemanning voor Aussies alleen de kapt. en Hwtk blijven aan boord als super in de tent. (Bron: Kapitein Wim v.d.Kort) Aircraft carriers handling Voith Water Tractors Aircraft carriers allow naval forces to project air power great distances without having to depend on local bases for land-based aircrafts. Modern navys, who operate such ships, treat aircraft carriers as the “centerpiece” of the fleet. Aircraft carriers usually travel in battle groups and can operate in international waters without having to obtain permission for landing or overflight rights. Unescorted aircraft carriers are considered vulnerable to missile attack and, therefore, travel as part of a carrier battle group. Nine countries maintain aircraft carriers: United States, France, India, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Italy, Thailand, and the United Kingdom. Such sensitive vessels, who are generally the largest ships operated by navys, must be fully protectedwhen they are operating in international water, as well as, during berthing or sailing operations. During this stage, the risks are obviously not the same but they remain and tugboat assistance is necessary, especially if she is a nuclear aircraft carrier. The Voith Water Tractor, which combines the Voith Schneider® Propeller’s features with intelligent ship design, is the ideal tugboat for escorting, assisting, and controlling the aircraft carrier in safety conditions when she is proceeding for berthing. The Voith Water Tractor’s concept has revolutionized shiphandling worldwide. More than 800 VWT in more than 120 ports are the hallmark of safety. Reliability, speed, and precision in towing and escorting service, salvaging, firefighting, oil pollution control, and offshore supply have led to classification: “Best Available Technology” (BAT) When the aircraft carrier is proceeding for berthing, she starts loosing control ability due to the slackening of the ship’s speed from free running speed to around 11 knots. At that speed the aircraft carrier becomes vulnerable due her slow speed, the proximity of the coast, the weather conditions, the current, and the risk of main engine failure or rudder failure. Thus, it is necessary to have an escort vessel ready in case of emergency. The VWT is especially suitable for this escorting task with high speed, ready for making fast aft center lead for braking or steering assistance. With the aircraft carrier “Charles de Gaulle” some trials were done with the 50 tons VWT “Lubéron” following the carrier stern to stern at 11 knots. In the same way that the best position for propeller and rudder on a convention vessel is at the stern, the most efficient position for tug is aft, Therefore, the first VWT must be fastened aft and then follow the carrier stern to stern and the second VWT will be fastened forward. Depending of the ship’s speed it will be possible to adjust the length of the tow line with the towing winch. That is to say, from around 8 to 4 or 3 knots the aircraft carrier is assisted by two VWT for steering or braking assistance. During this stage the Voith Water Tractors are ready to control the ship’s course and the ship’s speed. When the ship’s speed is decreased to 4 or 3 knots, the assistance by tugboats is required. At that moment the VWT are used as shiphandling vessels, for turning the aircraft carrier and pulling or pushing whatever the weather conditions are – even in a restricted area. Thanks to its maneuvering capabilities the VWT is able to quickly handle the aircraft carrier in safety conditions as it is required. The special concept of the VWT, with two Voith Schneider Propellers forward and an aft pushing point, allows the tugboat to push the carrier under the flight deck without the wheelhouse risks stopping it from pushing. Besides this advantage, it is possible to install a removable mast in order to reduce the air space of VWT. The French Navy specially ordered two 50 tons Voith Water Tractors, “Lubéron” and “Esterel” for safely handling their nuclear aircraft carrier “Charles de Gaulle” who has 40 600 tons displacement. These two tractors are able to move the carrier with 40 knots crosswind and to assume all shiphandling and escorting tasks as docking operation, getting under way, dry dock operation, or escorting with high speed. To give a summary, two adapted tugboats like Voith Water Tractors can ensure the total control and safety of an aircraft carrier, as well as, the capability of escorting vessels when the carrier is proceeding for berthing or sailing, and the capability of ship handling vessels for docking or getting under way operations. Depending on the great value of such a vessel it is very important for the Navys to have appropriate tugboats in order to protect their ship during these delicate approaches and for ship handling operations. For these reasons a number of navys in the world have Voith Water Tractors for handling warships, for example French Navy, Turkish Navy, Spanish Navy, Indian Navy, or British Navy. (Bron: Nato Nations) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Weekly craft planning SmitWijs Singapore: En-route to Willemstad/Curacao, Eta: 27/12 Next: 3 days maintenance/repairs at Curacao. L.O.I. for towage of Jack-up rig from Trinidad to Galveston. Towage of barge H-541, loaded, from Corpus Christi to Angola, Etd: Febr. 05. SmitWijs London: Towing jack-up rig "Aban V", ex. Pride West Virginia from Sharjah to Mumbai, Eta 22/12. As from 15/09 on charter to Saipem for towage of barge S-45, loaded with Yoho-deck from Pasir Gudang to Nigeria, v.v., Etd.: December. SmitWijs Rotterdam: Towing of barge "H-851" (ballast) from Rotterdam to Corpus Christi, Eta: 08/01. Wolraad Woltemade: Presently at Singapore. Towing of Sanha FPSO, from Japan to Angola, Etd Singapore: 20 - 26/12. (Together with De Da). De Da: Presently at Singapore. Towing of "Sanha" FPSO, see Wolraad Woltemade. SmitWijs Tempest: T/C Mc. Dermott Middle East. SmitWijs Typhoon: En-route to Singapore, Eta: 25/12. Next: T/C Mc. Dermott Far East, Jan * Nov 2005. Waker: On charter for the Dutch Government. Commitments: Towage barge H-851, loaded and with 2 tugs, Texas * Angola, Jan./Febr. 2005. Towage of "Erha" FPSO, with 3 tugs, Singapore * Nigeria, 2005 Svitzer Muiden Als alles goed gaat arriveert maandag 20 december te IJmuiden de eerste nieuwe Svitzer Wijsmuller sleper Svitzer Muiden. Hierbij geen haast geboden om te fotograferen, want deze sleepboot zal in de IJmond regio blijven. Medio februari 2005 komt de 2e eenheid, Svitzer Marken. Als het gaat zoals bij de TITAN en SIMSON zal de officiële indienststelling wel in februari gebeuren, als beide sleepboten er zijn. (Bron:Jan) Smit Mandji Maandag 20 december wordt in de Waalhaven t.o. het nieuwe kantoor van Smit de Smit Mandji gedoopt. De, met 6 meter verlengde Damen Stan Tug 2509, nu type Stan Tug 3509, zal dinsdag 21 december naar Gabon vertrekken om daar te worden ingezet voor terminal werkzaamheden voor Total welke de sleper voor 5 jaar in huur heeft genomen. Het is dus zaak om dinsdag weer de camera in de aanslag te houden voor wat plaatjes. Sonsub Extends HOS Innovator Vessel Contract 12/16/04 11:36:48 AM In order to continue to serve ongoing client projects in the Gulf of Mexico, Sonsub extended its long term vessel charter with Hornbeck Offshore Services, LLC for the HOS Innovator DP II Vessel for the 2005 season. HOS Innovator -- having worked for Sonsub for almost four years -equipped with a heavy duty workclass Innovator ROV, has been utilized on several significant projects in the Gulf with works including mattress installation, touchdown monitoring, pre and post lay survey, pod change outs and a variety of other construction related activities. (Bron: Marinelink) Damen De eerste van de drie sleepboten die door Damen voor BP Thames Haven worden gebouwd word de Stanford, met oplevering eind februari of begin maart 2005. De State of Jersey heeft bij Damen een Shoalbuster in opdracht gegeven met oplevering voor juli 2005, die de Duke of Normandy zal vervangen. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Sales : Abeille Champagne, (Mistral – 93, Cambone Mistral – 89) 487/79 – tug. By Les Abeilles S.A., France to Ocean Srl, Italy and renamed Champagne Abeille No.32, 766/81 – tug, Has been renamed Flamboyant by Les Abeilles SAS, France and transferred to St.Vincent and Grenadines Registry. Aquarius Matsas II, (Pu 1501 – 99, Speedy Mariner – 88), 165/83 – tug. By Aquarius Water Transporation Maritime to Hellas Water Shipping Co., both Greece and renamed Amalia Dogancay VI, 224/03 – tug. By Sanmar Denizcilik Makina ve Ticaret Ltd, Serketi, Turkey to Offshore Maroc SA – Marocco and renamed Miftah El Kheir Smit Curacao, (Smit Bjorn J – 96, Smit-Lloyd 108 – 95), 1356/74 – offshore tug/suppl. By Seacor Smit (Aquitaine) Ltd, to Tent Finance & Investment Ltd, both Bahamas and renamed Carlos. Smit-Lloyd Fortune, 2042/95 – offshore supply. By Smit-Lloyd BV, Bahamas to Huacheng Shipping (Liberia) Inc, Liberia and renamed Huacheng. Torm Heron, (Leo Bay – 99) 2556/99 – offshore tug/supply. Has been renamed Howard Hogue by Tidewater Vessels Ltd, Bermuda (British) and transferred to Vanatu Registry. Troms Tjeld, (Odin Viking – 97), 1345/82 – offshore tug/supply. By Nord Norges Dampskibsselskab ASA, to K/S Offshore Tjeld, both Norway and renamed SIS Pioneer J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie Reports: Bamse 370/85 – tug was renamed Bamse Tug (Dnk) prior to 17/5/2004 Daya Gemilang 155/96 – tug was renamed Sunter prior to 19/1/2004 Dilovasi V 132/98 – tug was renamed Salinas De Aveiro (Prt) prior to 13/4/2004 Goliath Ty 142/81 – tug was renamed Odin (Dnk) prior to 24/5/2004 Hermes 358/76 tug was reported as Lena A (Dnk) during 9/2004 Kimtrans Daisy 152/00 – tug was renamed Pancon 6 (Sgp) prior to 9/7/2004 Larry G.Dahl 229/54 – tug was renamed Edward M.Stowe (Bmu) prior to 26/1/2004 Plym Echo 38/83 – tug sailed from Plymouth for Coleraine in 8/2004 as Confidence (Gbr) Casualties: Svitzer Bidston 366/04 – tug, owned by A/S Em.Z.Svitzer (Svitzer Marine Ltd) UK. Reported 30/8/2004 to have slipped from the blocks in a drydock on the Mersey and to have damaged her azimuthing propellers. Vanguard (Kenry – 91, Campaigner – 88, Rathgarth – 77), 296/65 – tug, owned by Carmet Tug Co.Ltd., UK, Beached 7/9/2004 whwn she started taking water off the island of Rona in position 57.34N, 05.57W. The crew were taken off by the Portree lifeboat. Demolitions: Kappa (Marambu – 84, Pullwell Victor – 81, Campaigner – 77) 248/57 – tug. By Kappa Maritime Co, Greece, to Simsekler Ltd, Turkey and arrived Aliaga 23/8/2004. Kappa Guard (Stylianos K – 85, Bulbider) 140/43 – tug. By Guard Maritime Co. (Kappa Group Maritime Corp), Greece to Simsekler Ltd, Turkey and arrived Aliaga 30/8/2004. ============================================================== Jeannette en Ik wensen jullie allen Fijne feestdagen en een voorspoedig 2005 A merry Christmas and a very prosperous 2005 Felices Navidad y próspero año 2005 Joyeux Noël et une bonne année 2005 Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr ============================================================== J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie 5e jaargang, nr. 32 dd. .. December 2004 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Op reis met de SmitWijs Rotterdam (4) Aflevering vier al weer aangaande de vorderingen van de Smitwijs Rotterdam op reis naar Corpus Christi met de Heerema ponton H851. En zijn we inmiddels al weer drie en een halve week op zee nadat we op 25 november uit Vlissingen vertrokken. We hebben een snelle, maar ook rustige week achter de rug na mijn laatste verslag, Op de lagere breedtes waar we ons sinds een goede week bevinden ondervinden we gemak van het bestendige weer en de constante windrichting die we op onze koers richting het Caribische gebied van achteren in hebben. Ook de oceaan stroming werkt in ons voordeel en blijven we zodoende mooie dag runnen noteren met een gemiddelde snelheid die nog steeds in de lift zit. Momenteel. Zondagavond 19 december, zijn er nog 230 mijl te gaan naar het volgende "way point" dat tussen Dominica en Martinique in ligt, en zullen we met de huidige snelheid van over de zeven knopen op dinsdag ochtend de Caribische zee binnen varen met daarbij een ETA op bestemming van net na oud en nieuw. Niet alleen de gemiddelde snelheid neemt nog steeds toe, maar ook de temperaturen zijn aan de stijgende kant, vandaag kwam het kwik al aan de 29 graden, en op het moment van schrijven, 22:00 uur, is het buiten nog steeds zo'n 24 graden. Dat past dan in ieder geval mooi bij de tropisch aan doende namen van de eilanden waar we op aan koersen die de oostkant van de Caribische zee lijken te bewaken. We profiteren dan ook maar van het mooie weer om een kleurtje op te doen, want zijn de omstandigheden wat dat aangaat op onze bestemming wat minder. Niet dat ze daar nou direct een witte kerst verwachten, maar dalen de temperaturen de laatste week rond Houston in de nacht tot zelfs dicht tegen het vries punt als de bekende Noordelijke stroming doorstaat. Corpus Christi ligt dan wel nog wat zuidelijker, maar is het ook daar momenteel niet echt korte broeken weer. Zoals ik al schreef, een rustige week achter de rug. Niet alleen qua het weer, maar waanden we ons ook alleen op zee bij het niet waarnemen van andere scheepvaart binnen het bereik van de radar. Vanavond dan wel een echo op de radar, op een dikke veertien mijl dan wel, maar was het nog een Nederlands schip ook, de "Atlasgracht" . Dat is dan het leuke van de tegenwoordige elektronica, en in die zin de AIS waarvan de gegevens op het radar beeld getoverd worden. De Atlasgracht was op weg naar Martinique met een ETA voor maandagavond, en net toen die informatie vanaf het radar scherm werd geconsumeerd werd onze scheepsnaam over de VHF uitgesproken. De mannen daar hadden dus ook onze AIS gegevens, en daar er een bekende van een bekende daar aan boord zat werd er even een praatje gemaakt, dat is dan weer jammer van die AIS, want hoef je niet meer te vragen of te vertellen waar de reis vandaan was en waar hij naar toe gaat, want dat staat dus allemaal al in de AIS gegevens te lezen. Afijn, wat niet in de AIS gegevens stond was dat de Atlasgracht een lading jachten vervoerde die in Martinique gelost zullen gaan worden, en verwachtte men daar aan boord een aantal dagen in Martinique door te brengen, er zijn mindere plekken op de wereld natuurlijk, en waren ze er daar dus ook niet echt rouwig over dat het lossen aldaar niet de tijdsdruk kent zoals die elders gehanteerd wordt. Onze lading is niet echt een jacht, nogal groot, plat en vooral zwart, en dus maar goed dat hij er 1200 meter aan een ijzeren touwtje achter hangt, dan lijkt hij in ieder geval niet zo groot. Evengoed hebben we er niet veel last van ook niet, eerder deze reis in mindere weersomstandigheden leed het apparaat een eigen leven, maar momenteel in het bestendige weer volgt hij goed en recht er achter. Volgens onze Filippijnse wachtslieden zit er iemand op de sleep die er of tijdens de reis op gekomen is, of er bij vertrek is vergeten af te stappen, of zelfs vanuit een andere wereld zou kunnen komen. Want zien ze (wij ook wel) met zekerheid regelmatig licht gaan branden ter hoogte van de ingang naar het binnenste van die bak. Buiten de boordlichten om dan wel te verstaan. Eerlijk gezegd hebben wij net na vertrek ook nog wel even onze twijfels gehad, maar moeten we er toch vanuit gaan dat wat we waarnemen de reflectie van onze eigen dekverlichting is. Je weet maar nooit natuurlijk, dus houden we de verdenking van de mannen dat er iets geestigs daar aan boord zit maar levend, als was het maar om de emoties in de gelederen te stimuleren, ik hoop alleen dat de mannen die het zeker lijken te weten niet de lachende derde worden als we mettertijd op gaan korten en er iemand daar op die bak aan dek staat te zwaaien voor wat proviand en iets te drinken, afijn dan zou ik in ieder geval weer wat om over te schrijven hebben. In ieder geval moet het een nachtwezen zijn heb ik de mannen maar uitgelegd, want overdag is hij er niet. Nou is het natuurlijk wel zo dat licht s'nachts het beste werkt, maar is 1200 meter bij dag licht nou ook weer niet zo ver weg dat je niet iets zou kunnen waarnemen. Maar goed, dingen die niet te verklaren zijn lijken voor sommigen altijd in het nachtelijke duister te existeren en daarin in ieder geval ook het griezeligste effect te hebben. Maar goed, je weet maar nooit, 2004 jaar geleden nam men ook een onverklaarbaar licht aan de hemel waar hetgeen uiteindelijk verbonden werd aan ge geboorte van, nu nog herdacht wordt en kerstmis heet, die herdenking staat al weer voor de deur, en J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie daar mijn volgende verslag na die dagen verstuurd zal gaan worden doe ik alle lezers hierbij de beste wensen voor de kerst toe komen. (Bron: kapitein Gerrit Verschoor) Pirates attack Singaporeregistered ship in Malacca Strait 2 crew missing Pirates armed with machine-guns have kidnapped two senior crew members from a Singaporeregistered tugboat in the Malacca Strait. The rest of the crew are unharmed. On wednesday, the tugboat 'ENA Sovereign' with 12 crew members onboard was making its way from Singapore to the Indian port of Mumbai. It was towing a barge when it came under attack from 20 armed pirates on two fishing boats. They are believed to be Indonesians. They fired at the vessel, damaging its communication equipment, and ordered it to stop. The pirates then boarded the tug and seized documents and valuables before abducting the captain and the chief engineer, both Indonesians. The rest of the 10-man crew from Myanmar and Indonesia were unharmed. The ship's owner Eastern Navigation Group declined comment. According to industry watchers, the pirates' modus operandi is usually to kidnap the senior crew members and take the ship's documents, and after a few days, contact the ship's owners to demand a ransom. In most cases, the owner would try to bargain his way out, but the final ransom amount is not publicised so as not to encourage others to follow suit. The International Maritime Bureau has expressed concern about security in the Malacca Strait as there has been an increase in the number of such attacks in the waterway over the past year. To tackle this problem, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia started coordinated patrols along the Malacca Strait in July this year. And ships plying the Straits have been put on a strict anti-piracy watch (Bron: shipping news) Indigenously manufactured tug inducted into Indian Navy A Rs 7.5 crore indigenously built harbour utility tug, 'Ajral', was inducted into the Indian Navy December 17th at a formal ceremony at the Chennai port. The last of the five such tugs, the 'Ajral' has a state-of-the-art steering rudder propulsion system and diesel engines and has been constructed by Tebma Shipyard Ltd, a Defence press release said here. Measuring 28 metres in length, 'Ajral" is powered by two main engines. The Tug will be used at Visakhapatnam and would give a boost to the capability of the Naval Dockyard there, providing quick and optimal services to Naval warships, the release said. Vice-Admiral J S Bedi, Controller of Warship Production and Acquisition at the Integrated headquarters, was the chief guest at the induction ceremony. Naval Officer incharge, Tamil Nadu, Commodore T Hari was also present. Meanwhile, the largest ever compliment of airmen trainees, numbering 1364, passed out of the 22-week long training at the Indian Air Force station at suburban Tambaram today, a separate Defence statement said. Of these, 23 were foreign trainees from Sri Lanka and Mauritius. Nine of them passed out as direct Leading Aircraftsmen by virture of their outstanding performance during training, it said. (Bron: shipping news) Proposed Tug Escort Rules for San Diego The California Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would, if adopted, make a number of minor changes to the current tug escort requirements for tank vessels operating in San Diego Harbor. OSPR also released a document showing the Proposed Language and another document with the Initial Statement of Reasons for the proposal. Comments on the proposal should be submitted by January 31, 2005. (HK Law) (Bron: marinelink) 12/20/04 10:27:50 AM Mv. Nadine Baker Raised From Green River The 1,200 hp., 75-foot by 26-foot Mv. Nadine Baker, which sank on the Green River near Curdsville, Ky., while pushing four coal barges on November 16, has been raised. The Waterways Journal reports that Aquarius Marine Inc., Ludlow, Ky., raised the boat on December 3 and brought it to Paducah, Ky., on December 6. There was a hole in the boat toward the stern starboard side. The condition of the vessel is being evaluated, but Harvey Hall Jr., port captain/personnel of Tennessee Valley Towing Inc., Paducah, told the WJ that he expects the boat to be a complete loss. Crounse Corporation owns the vessel. Steamtug Baltimore Plans are underway to ready the Steam Tug BALTIMORE for service in 2011 as part of the 150th Anniversary Observance of the American War Between the States (1861-1865) The Baltimore and Chesapeake Steamboat Company intends to use the nearly 100 year old vessel to recreate the gas balloons rising from the decks of barges and also will incorporate wire telegraphy and period 1860's flag signals from the tethered basket of the re-production balloons. BALTIMORE is representative of inland tug designs dating from the mid-19th century and is the last coal-fired steam tugboat still operating in North American waters. The initial tour of the BALTIMORE will take it into the Potomac, York and James Rivers during its three year tour. The Tug will represent both a Union and Confederate vessel depending on the year and physical locale. The accompanying balloon operations J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie will also be set to land use as the envelop is to be placed onto flat cars and hauled out of Richmond, Virginia by a steam locomotive in 2013. Bisso Towboat orders tug Bisso Towboat Co., Inc., New Orleans, has signed an agreement with Main Iron Works, Inc., Houma, La. to begin construction on a new 4,300 HP reverse z-drive ship-assist tug. The tug will measure 100 ft x 38 ft x 13.5 ft and will be powered by a pair of EMD 16-645E6 (EPA Compliantnt) main engines, producing 2,150 hp each at 900 RPM, driving Ulstein-Aquamaster US2001 z-drives. The z-drives will feature 2,300 mm diameter stainless steel propellers inside Kort Nozzles. Estimated bollard pull for the vessel will be 59 tons and the vessel will carry an ABS International Loadline. Electrical service will be provided by a pair of 100 kW generators powered by John Deere engines. Deck equipment includes a Markey DYSF-42 hydraulic bow winch, carrying 500 ft of 8 in circumference Plasma line, and a Washington Chain and Supply 100 ton quick-release tow hook. Other features will include Engine Monitor Inc. USCG-approved engine and fire/smoke alarm systems, complete electronics package including Simrad GPS/Autopilot and Foruno Radar and AIS units, Heli-Sep USCG-approved Oil/Water Separator, Owens Kleen Tank sewerage treatment plant and 1000 gpm firefighting capability. Tankage includes capacity for 43,000 gallons of diesel, 1,800 gallons of lube and hydraulic oil, 11,000 gallons of potable water and 1,500 gallons of dirty/waste oil. Construction is scheduled to commence in January 2005 with an estimated construction time of twelve months. Bisso Towboat says the tug, to be named Alma S., "will be an almost exact carbon copy of our Cecilia B. Slatten," a 4,300 HP reverse z-drive ship-assist tug also constructed by Main Iron Works in 1999 that was the first reverse z-drive ship-assist tug on the Mississippi River. The new tug will feature a few minor modifications, primarily in the areas of increased crew comfort and improved operational capabilities. The new tug will join Bisso Towboat's fleet of 12 ship-assist tugs on the Lower Mississippi River, primarily servicing the large bulk carriers and tankers that call in the River (Bron: Shipping News) Simon Møkster orders at Aker AKER Yards Group subsidiary Aker Brattvaag has won awarded a contract worth about NKr200m (US$32.5m) by Simon Møkster Rederi AS to build a MT 6000 Mk II type platform supply vessel. Delivery from Aker Langsten AS is scheduled for May 2006. The vessel will be approximately 86 meters long, with a beam of 19.70 meters and dead-weight shall be 4150 tons. This contract is a repeat of a vessel under construction at Aker Langsten to the same owner for delivery mid next year and is the latest in a string of offshore support vessel orders announced by Aker yards in recent weeks. (Bron:L.Kramer) Rem Offshore orders at Aker REM Offshore has ordered a platform supply vessel from Aker Yards Group subsidiary Aker Brattvaag for about NKr125m (US$20.4m). The Roll-Royce-design UT 755 LN vessel is scheduled for delivery from the Norwegian yard in December 2005. Aker Brattvaag built the hull of the seismic survey vessel Geo Angler and the factory trawler Pacific Pride" to the same owner in 1997. (Bron:L.Kramer) Labroy inks Adsteam tugs Singapore shipbuilder Labroy Marine has secured a newbuilding contract from Australian ports and towage group Adsteam for two tugs in a deal worth SGD16m ($9.8m). The two tractor tugs, which will have a full fire fighting capability, are scheduled to be delivered in January 2006, Labroy said. Adsteam has ordered the two vessels on the back of a long term contract it recently secured to provide towage services for a new LNG terminal in Darwin. These new contracts increase Labroy’s shipbuilding orderbook to SGD396m and will keep the shipbuilding department busy until 2006. Earlier this month Oslo-based Belden Shipping returned to Labroy to order a second 20,200-dwt cement carrier in a deal worth SGD38.1m. (Bron: Shipping News) Manta joins Alseas fleet The compiler of the shippingnewsletter learned that ALLSEAS have chartered the MANTA with intentions to buy the vessel The MANTA is built in 1991 at the Szczecinska yard in Poland under number B92/222 and the present owner is Bohlen & Doyen Verwaltungs GmbH (Bron: Shipping News) SmitWijs London reports Salvage SmitWijs London heeft 22/12 PM zijn sleep op Bombay High afgeleverd. Tot onze verbazing en genoegen hoefde we niet naar binnen in Mumbai om in en uit te klaren, maar werd dat op afstand gedaan. We leverden een 6 cm dik pak papier in aan een supply boot die naar Mumbai vertrok vanaf Bombay High. Voordat de supply boot binnen was te Mumbai hadden we per email al de uitklaring aan boord. Scheelde ons weer een hoop sigaretten, drank, etenswaren en ergernis. Vervolgens J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie gingen we onderweg naar een ankerplaatsje ongeveer 150 mijl west van Mumbai. Daar zouden we voorlopig op station gaan, in afwachting van onze volgende reis en het houden van de kerst-BBQ. Toen we 's middags op de ankerpositie arriveerden ging de telefoon en meldde Smit Salvage dat er 600' Zuid van ons een 40.000 tons container boot lag te drijven met een uitgebrande MK. We hebben toen het anker maar weer geborgd en zijn als een speer vertrokken naar de LT Lloydiana, een Italiaanse boot van de Lloyd Triestino. Daar zijn we 1e kerstmorgen aangekomen om de Italiaanse boot, van Taiwanese eigenaar, Grieks management met een eenzame Italiaanse kapitein en een allegaartje aan bemanning uit hun isolemento te verlossen. De machinekamer was totaal uitgebrand. Schip had geen power meer, alleen uno emergencio generatoro. Met nog voor 12 uur gasolie. Het weer op locatie was redelijk dus we konden in de lij langszij met behulp van onze yokohamafenders. Eerstens de gasolietank opgevuld voor de komende 3 dagen. Daarna sleepklaar maken, wat wel tegenviel zonder winchen van de Lloydiana. Maar met behulp van een lange tros en een winch aan boord van de SmitWijs London werd de sleepverbinding via kluizen en rollen op het voorschip van de Lloydiana rond en aan boord getrokken. Zes uur na aankomst waren we klaar en vertrokken we op weg naar Colombo, waar we over een dag of 5 hopen aan te komen. Lloydiana schijnt naar Mumbai te willen. Ze volgt haar eigen koers en die scheelt wel 40 graden van de onze. In Colombo worden de 4000 containers gelost en verder verscheept naar Europa. LT Lloydiana moet dan naar een reparatiehaven. Of Smitwijs London dat gaat doen is nog onbekend. (Bron: kapitein Kees Pronk) Smit Mandji Na een moeizame start is ze dan toch eindelijk vertrokken. De gehele week is de Smit Mandji nog bezig geweest met het wegwerken van kleine reparaties. Zo bleek b.v. de radar nog niet helemaal te voldoen aan de eisen. Er aan een van de hoofdmotoren nog wat moest worden gesleuteld. Al met al is zij op vrijdag 24 december uit de Rotterdamse Waalhaven vertrokken naar Port Gentil. (Bron: Hans van der Ster) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
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