Sleepvaart- en Offshore Nieuws


Sleepvaart- en Offshore Nieuws
4e jaargang, nr. 1
dd. 3 januari 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
De nieuwe eigenaar van de Point Spencer is Rederij Noordgat op Terschelling. De sleepboot wordt in
april op Terschelling verwacht en krijgt de naam Hunter. bron: UK en Leeuwarder Courant
De anchorhandler Stirling Sirius werd verkocht aan Huawei Offshore Shipping en werd vernoemd Hua
Shun. bron:
BUE heeft de standby schepen BUE Gairsay en BUE Orkney verkocht aan Esvagt en is hernoemd
Esvagt Kappa. De BUE Orkney krijgt de naam Esvagt Sigma. bron: OSL
North Star Shipping heeft de Grampian Sabre, Grampian Sword en Grampian Eagle naar het MiddenOosten verkocht. bron: OSL
SURF heeft een UT 721 besteld bij Chantiers Piriou; oplevering 2004. Voor dit schip is al een
meerjarig contract afgesloten in West Afrika. bron: OSL
Toisa Limited heeft de Fresnel (kabellegger) overgenomen van French Telecom voor een bedrag van
19.250.000 euro. De naam wordt Toisa Pisces. Het schip is omgebouwd tot well-testing vessel.
Toisa is tevens in onderhandeling met een koper voor de Toisa Gryphon en Toisa Cougar. bron: OSL
Seabulk Offshore heeft de Seabulk Eagle II (o.a. ex Maersk Blazer) verkocht aan onbekende kopers.
bron: OSL
Huybrechtse zou een nieuwe sleepboot besteld hebben bij Scheepswerf Gebr. Kooiman in
Hans van Stee (van de Zwervers) heeft een multicat besteld. De Zwerver 1 is onlangs verkocht aan
een Russische eigenaar.
De bok Cormorant is vanuit Varna onderweg achter de Multratug 7 naar Terneuzen. Verwachte
aankomst eind januari.
De Smit-LLoyd Fame is onlangs op de Tyne omgeschilderd in de grijze kleuren van Seacor.
Bos Kalis heeft de sleepvlet Loevestein verkocht aan een aannemersbedrijf uit Tholen.
De Panama Canal Authorities hebben twee nieuwe sleepboten indienst gesteld; Herrera en Los
SURF heeft de nieuwe UT 755-L N'duva van de Ørskov werf overgenomen. Hetschip heeft een
meerjarig contract bij ExxonMobil Angola.
Het samenwerkingsverband SURF/Eidesvik heeft de VS 470 Viking Surf in dienst gesteld. Ook dit
schip wordt naar Afrika gedirigeerd voor een contract bij TFE Nigeria.
Het zusterschip Surf Viking wordt binnenkort opgeleverd.
De UT 722-L die voor Atlantic Towing Ltd. bij Iriving Shipbuilding Halifax wordt gebouwd krijgt de
naam Atlantic Kingfisher.
Secunda Marine heeft de UT 755 die in aanbouw is al doorverkocht aan Seabulk Offshore. De naam
wordt Seabulk Africa.
Swire Offshore heeft de UT 738 Pacific Rigger en Pacific Warden (UT 710) van de werf overgenomen.
De Wave Alert (1983, o.a. ex CSO Installer) is aangekocht door Torch Offshore. De nieuwe naam
wordt Midnight Wrangler.
Het seimic survey schip CGG Mistral (1990) van Louis Dreyfus Armateurs is op 21 december ter
hoogte van Trinidad gezonken na een brand in de machinekamer.
De nieuwe Skandi Sotra (MT 6000) heeft een contract voor 5 jaar bij Statoil.
Tidewater heeft de volgende schepen overgenomen van diverse werven: William C. Hightower (VS
480), Danco Tide (UT 755-L) van de Promar werf in Brazilië en de Damon B. Bankston (VS 480?)
IOS nam de Lady Grete (UT 755) over van Brattvaag Skipsverft.
Olympic Shipping AS heeft de Olympic Pegasus (A 101) van de Ulstein werf overgenomen.
Simon Mokster stelde de nieuwe Stril Myster (VS 490) in dienst.
Seacor heeft de Stirling Islay en Stirling Jura verkocht aan BUE voor een contract bij BP in de
Kaspische zee. De schepen worden eind februari overgedragen.
De DH Alpha is op 30 december als deklast aan boord van de P&O Nedlloyd Southampton in
Nederland gearriveerd. Zij ligt op dit moment in de haven van Maassluis. De nieuwe naam wordt Smit
De laatste nieuwbouw in dit overzicht is de bevoorrader MS Sara Jane gebouwd bij Bollinger Shipyard
voor het Amerikaanse MNM Boats.
In de Nieuwsbrief van 22 november wordt melding gemaakt van de kleine Deense sleepboot Golaith
in Lübeck.
Henk de Winde meldt dat dit de voormalige Goliath Thy is. Gebouwd in 1965 als Mimer, later SCT
Knud. Sinds oktober vaart zij in Hamburg onder de naam Goliath.
Berging olie Prestige kost 50 miljoen euro (131202)
Het verwijderen van de olie uit het wrak van de tanker Prestige gaat ongeveer vijftig miljoen euro
kosten. Het Rotterdamse sleep- en bergingsbedrijf Smit heeft dat laten weten aan de Spaanse
regering en aan de Europese Unie. Smit heeft gisteren een bergingsplan gepresenteerd. Het bedrijf
wil met behulp van robottechnieken de naar schatting vijftigduizend ton olie, die in de twee wrakdelen
is achtergebleven, uit de ladingtanks pompen. De Prestige is vorige maand voor de Spaanse kust
vergaan en ligt nu op een diepte van 3.600 meter.
Volgens een woordvoerder van Smit heeft het bedrijf nog zeker enkele maanden nodig om een
bergingsplan tot in detail uit te werken en voorbereidingen te treffen. Om in de tussentijd het
weglekken van olie te voorkomen, kunnen de ergste scheuren tijdelijk worden gedicht.
Smit beschikt als enige over apparatuur waarmee onder water met behulp van robots lading uit tanks
kan worden gepompt. Enig probleem is dat de apparatuur nog nooit op grote diepte is gebruikt. Ook
om de apparatuur geschikt te maken voor gebruik op grote diepte heeft Smit nog enkele maanden
bron: Rotterdams Dagblad
Schip gezonken na aanvaring op Kanaal (141202)
Op het Kanaal, in het Nauw van Calais, is zaterdagmorgen de carcarrier Tricolor (49.792 brt.)
gezonken nadat het met een ander schip in aanvaring was gekomen. Dat heeft de Britse kustwacht
Het containerschip Kariba (20.829 brt.) van de Bahama's kwam in de vroege ochtend in aanvaring met
de Tricolor geladen met 2.862 nieuwe personenauto's en 77 containers, dat is gezonken en ligt op de
bakboordzijde. Het ongeluk gebeurde ongeveer twintig zeemijlen van Duinkerken. De Franse
reddingsbrigade vermoedt dat dichte mist in het gebied aanleiding voor het ongeluk is geweest.
De 24 opvarenden van het Noorse schip zijn tijdig van boord gehaald en met een Franse en een
Britse reddingsboot naar Duinkerken gebracht. Het containerschip liep zware averij op, maar kon op
eigen kracht haar weg vervolgen naar de haven van Antwerpen. De Tricolor, eigendom van
Wilhemsen Lines, was onderweg van Zeebrugge naar Southampton.
bron: ANP
Aanvaring Kanaal: bergingsvaartuig naar Tricolor (151202)
Vanmorgen is de Kariba, het containerschip dat zaterdag bij een aanvaring in de Noordzee betrokken
raakte, zwaar beschadigd in de Antwerpse Noordzee-terminal afgemeerd.
"De Kariba ligt nu aan kaai 905-907 om daar gelost te worden," verklaarde Ann Wittemans,
woordvoerster van het Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf van Antwerpen. Hoe lang dat zal duren, is niet
duidelijk. Eenmaal gelost, verhuist het schip naar de Mercantile zeven, vlakbij de werven van de
Antwerp Shiprepair, om hersteld te worden.
Vandaag is ook het bergingsvaartuig Deurloo van de Belgische Unie voor Redding- en Sleepdienst
(URS) naar de gisterochtend gezonken Noorse autocarrier Tricolor gevaren om ter plaatse te
onderzoeken of en wanneer het wrak gelicht kan worden en mogelijk bereikbare brandstoflekken
dichten. Er stroomt vooralsnog geen grote hoeveelheid olie uit het vrachtschip, zo heeft een
woordvoerder van het Nederlandse bergingsbedrijf Smit vandaag gezegd.
Volgens de bergers kan het nog enkele maanden duren eer het kolossale schip geborgen is. De
lading - 3.000 luxe-wagens met een gezamenlijke waarde van 45 miljoen euro - is alleszins verloren.
De Tricolor is ongeveer viermaal zo groot en zo zwaar als de Herald of Free Enterprise. "Het schip ligt
aan de zijkant van de zeevaartroute, zowat op de splitsing met de route naar Zeebrugge en
Antwerpen. Maar het verkeer kan er ongehinderd langs varen. Momenteel is enkel de laadklep van de
Tricolor nog zichtbaar, maar bij laagtij zal er wel wat meer van het schip te zien zijn", zegt Jaak
Jespers, de woordvoerder van URS.
Het is belangrijk dat de Tricolor zo snel mogelijk geborgen wordt. Het nauw van Calais kent zowat het
drukste scheepvaartverkeer ter wereld. Ongeveer 400 commerciële schepen kruisen er dagelijks een
honderdtal ferryboten die het traject Calais-Dover afleggen. Zowat 50 schepen, die er passeren,
transporteren gevaarlijke goederen (koolwaterstof, gas of radioactieve stoffen). Wat in de regio het
meest wordt gevreesd, is een dodelijk botsing tussen een schip en een ferry.
Met 26 tanker-ongevallen tussen 1951 en 1998 bezet het Kanaal de eerste plaats op de lijst van
gevaarlijke doorvaarten voor Singapore (21), Malacca (16), Bosporus-Dardanellen (9), Gibraltar en
Suez (8).
Bij de aanvaring die op 14 december tot het zinken leidde van het Noorse autoschip Tricolor voor de
kust van Duinkerken, is een derde schip betrokken geweest. Het gaat om de Singaporese tanker
Clary. Dat heeft de Franse zeevaartpolitie op 19 december bekend gemaakt. De Tricolor kwam vanuit
de haven van Zeebrugge toen het in aanvaring kwam met het containerschip Kariba uit de Bahama's.
De Kariba was vertrokken uit de haven van Antwerpen. Volgens de Franse zeevaartpolitie kwam de
Clary uit de tegenovergestelde richting. Het schip was op weg naar Rotterdam en heeft op een
bepaald moment geweigerd het stuurboord-principe, het equivalent van het voorrang van rechtsprincipe op de weg, toe te passen. De Kariba heeft daar die manoeuvre moeten uitwijken en is
daardoor in aanvaring gekomen met de Tricolor, die het containerschip uit de Bahama's aan het
inhalen was. De Franse zeevaartpolitie vermoedt dat de Tricolor en de Kariba elkaar door de mist te
laat hebben gezien.
De teruggang op de markt heeft ervoor gezorgd dat de Northern Seeker en Toisa Leopard opgelegd
De nieuwe UT 755 Highland Bugler is naar India (ONGC) vertrokken, terwijl de Statesman naar
Brazilië is. Ook de Far Sovereign en Far Saltire verdwijnen van de Noordzee. De MaerskTrinity is
daarentegen teruggekeerd op de Noordzee onder haar huidige naam.
Japan to pay China over ship salvage (281202)
Japan will pay China 150 million yen in compensation for the damage Chinese fishermen suffered in
connection with Japan's salvage of a sunken North Korean spy ship in the East China Sea in
September, government and diplomatic sources said Friday.
The two countries reached a basic agreement on the amount after half a year of negotiations, which
also addressed the question of whether to treat the money as compensation or some other form of
payment, the sources said. The Chinese government is expected to announce the agreement soon,
the sources said. After agreeing in June to allow Japan to raise the ship from the waters in its
exclusive economic zone, China demanded more than 500 million yen in compensation for fishery
losses, according to the sources. Japan, however, did not want to refer to the money as compensation
and worked out a deal to reduce the amount and to call it "cooperation money" instead, the sources
said. The agreed amount will reportedly be paid in a lump sum.
In an operation which cost about 5.9 billion yen, Japan salvaged the then unidentified ship on Sept. 11
and later determined it was a North Korean spy ship. The money to be paid to China is not included in
the salvage operation cost. The ship sank to the seabed some 90 meters below the surface on Dec.
22 last year, following an exchange of gunfire with Japan Coast Guard vessels. The location was
about 390 km off of Amami-Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan. An
estimated 15 people were aboard the 100-ton-class vessel, and all are presumed dead. The coast
guard recovered the remains of four of them, as well as a rocket gun and a number of other weapons
believed to have been carried on the ship. bron: The Japan Times
According to reports from the Jamaica Observer, the MZ Ficus, the petroleum tanker that has been
docked in the Kingston Harbor since it slammed into the Shell oil company pier at Rockfort a week
ago, is expected to sail to Montego Bay this week to off-load its remaining 1,500 tons of fuel before
heading to the Bahamas for repairs.
At the same time, Shell officials said that the accident would not seriously disrupt the off-loading of
petroleum products to its East Kingston facility despite the damage to the pier.
There was no oil spilled during the accident, preventing environmental problems.
"It's not a major disaster," said Winston Ormsby, Shell's operations manager. "We have done some
remedial work so there is not much dislocation."
Once full-scale repair of the pier began, Ormsby said, the docking and off-loading of vessels could be
scheduled in-between the work.
It was not clear, however, how seriously the accident would affect the Jamaica Flour Mills (JFM),
whose overhead conveyor that transport wheat from the harbor to its plant on the other side of the
road was damaged in the accident.
There could be problems with the equipment used by the flour mills as it sits on the Shell pier, said
Ormsby. "The biggest issue is the flour mills," he said. "Their off-loading equipment is on the platform
that is damaged. We are not certain what arrangements they will make."
The MV Ficus, a 44,788 deadweight vessel registered in the Isle of Man, is owned by the Moldovan
company Angelique Shipping and is leased and operated by Shell International Trading and Shipping,
a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell, which also owns Shell Jamaica.
The vessel arrived last week from Point-a-Pierre, Trinidad with diesel and other refined petroleum
products and had off-loaded at petroleum depots in Montego Bay and at Berth 6 in the Kingston
transshipment port.
It was apparently maneuvering to dock at the Shell Rockfort pier at about 6:00 pm on December 21
when it slammed into a platform, tearing away a chunk of the concrete structure, damaging a portion
of Jamaica Flour Mills' conveyor system.
Some sources estimate that the damage could be between J$75 million to J$100 million, although
Ormsby indicated that insurance investigators from Shell Jamaica as well as owners and operators of
the vessel were expected in the island to carry out investigations.
A Port Authority of Jamaica marine pilot was aboard the vessel at the time of the accident, which
apparently took place in good weather. The ship, with a crew of about 20 Filipinos, is captained by a
Dutchman, Kees Cramer.
"We do not know what caused the accident but we do know that the weather was favorable," said
Loxley Tulloch, general manager of Grace, Kennedy & Company Shipping Ltd, the ship's agent.
"There were no swells at sea or high winds."
Shell's Ormsby said that temporary repairs were done to the Ficus, which was now awaiting
permission from the harbor master, Hopeton Delisser, to sail to Montego Bay to off-load its remaining
cargo. Delisser is heading an investigation on behalf of the Port Authority of Jamaica ordered by the
chairman and CEO, Noel Hylton.
"We expect that permission shortly," Ormsby said. "After Montego Bay, the ship will sail to Freeport,
Bahamas for dry-docking and fuller repairs."
There was no damage to the Shell pipeline from the accident. "The pipelines are back from the
platform just in case of events like these," he explained. "There is no environmental damage to the
harbor because the pipeline was completely empty. The pipelines are kept dry."
Bericht van de SmitWijs London (291202)
Hallo allemaal,
Een kb van de SWLondon, samen met de SWRotterdam op weg naar het oosten van de Middellandse
Zee met de H-851 + Mari-B jacket. Zijn er bijna, na een voorspoedige reis voorbij de zuidelijke staten
van de EU, zitten we nu nog ongeveer 250 mijl west van de locatie in het Samedan Field. Prachtig
weer gehad tot even voor Kreta, toen begon het wat te waaien uit het noordoosten, vaart liep ook
terug naar 2.5, maar dat is weer wat afgenomen en we lopen weer normaal 7 of meer, bij minder dan
70%. > De Thialf, momenteel nog op Cyprus, zal morgen ook richting Samedan vertrekken en de
verwachting is dat het Mari-B jacket niet eerder dan de 2e januari zal worden geplaats (Heerema-de
grote- prognosis). Er zijn nog geen berichten binnen gedruppeld over volgende opdrachten. Dat was
het voorlopig, nogmaals de beste wensen voor het komende jaar en groetjes van allen aan allen.
Tanker met brandbare lading vaart op wrak Tricolor (020103)
Een tanker met 70.000 ton licht ontvlambare brandstof aan boord is woensdag in het Nauw van Calais
op het wrak van het gezonken vrachtschip Tricolor gevaren. Dat heeft de Britse kustwacht in Dover
De Britse kustwacht werkt samen met Franse collega's in een actie om de bemanning te redden van
De Vickey, die vastliep op de half december gezonken Tricolor.
Twee dagen na het zinken van de Tricolor voer er ook een schip op het wrak van het Deense
vrachtschip, terwijl het is omgeven met boeien. bron: De Telegraaf
4e jaargang, nr. 2
dd. 12 januari 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Smit heeft de Banjaardsbank verkocht A/S Slepebatene uit het Noorse Trömsö. Vrijdagochtend 10
januari is zij na een dokking bij Niehuis/v.d. Berg naar Noorwegen vertrokken. De nieuwe naam wordt
De Boa Sleipner en Boa Mjølner zijn door Taubatkompaniet verkocht aan de Noorse marine.
SURF heeft twee bevoorraders UT 755-L besteld bij Brattvaag. Oplevering januari en maart 2004.
SMIT biedt de Breedbank en Smit Panama te koop aan via makelaar Dick van der Kamp Shipsales
B.V.uit Hellevoetsluis.
De DH Alpha is woensdag jl. officieel vernoemd Smit Bison. Zij is op basis van bare-boat charter naar
Nederland gehaald om voor twee jaar op de Westerschelde bij wrakopruiming ingezet te worden. Wat
er na die twee jaar met het scheepje gaat gebeuren is nog niet bekend.
In de vorige nieuwsbrief werd melding gemaakt over een mogelijke bestelling van Huybrechtse.
Inmiddels staat vast dat de bestelling concreet is. Het bouwnummer wordt 165. Overigens is de naam
van de eigenaar Hubrechtse.
De Neptun 6 van Neptun Marine Service B.V. uit Aalst is verkocht aan Stemat B.V. Nieuwe naam
Rebecca S.
SMIT Salvage awarded LOF contract for the grounded Vermont Borg (030103)
SMIT Salvage, together with Klyne Tugs, has been awarded a LOF 2000 Scopic contract to refloat the
Vermont Borg. The Vermont Borg, a newbuilding hull with a length of 138 m, was being towed for
completion to a shipyard in The Netherlands. The tug line parted during heavy weather in the western
approaches to the channel and the hull eventually ran aground at around 05.00 am Friday, 3 January
off the northwest coast of Guernsey in the Channel Islands.
In responding to the casualty, a salvage team has been mobilised from Rotterdam who will start
inspections first light tomorrow. Thereafter a salvage plan will be formulated.
The Klyne tug Anglian Prince is at the location and is already making preparations for the refloating
SMIT Salvage are making good progress as preparations to refloat the Vermontborg continue.
Within the next few hours, a helicopter is scheduled to transport the required pumps and generators to
the stricken vessel. These items will be used to pump out the water from the ballast tanks and
thereafter to pressurise a number of tanks. Upon completion of this phase of the Salvage Plan, the
attending tugs will commence with efforts to refloat the vessel.
In further news, specialist equipment is being loaded onto the Anglian Prince in Cherbourg, France.
The bulk of this specialist equipment is the so-called Dynema wire rope, which combines strength with
buoyancy. An additional tug, the Boxer, is scheduled to rendezvous with the Anglian Prince at the
scene of the grounding in the early hours of Tuesday morning, 07 January 2003 to assist with the
The refloating attempt will be undertaken upon completion of the ongoing patching operation and the
subsequent pumping/pressurising. Expectations are that this will be feasible within the next few days.
SMIT’s partners Klyne Tugs of the UK have supplied both of the attending tugs.
bron: SMIT
Miljoenenschade bij brand Hardinxveld-Giessendam
In een loods bij scheepswerf Damen aan de Rivierdijk in Hardinxveld-Giessendam heeft vrijdagavond
een grote brand gewoed. Een woordvoerder van de scheepswerf liet weten dat de schade wordt
geraamd op ongeveer tien miljoen euro.
In de loods lagen zes schepen die speciaal gemaakt waren om bemanning van en naar olieplatforms
te vervoeren. Deze boten zijn verwoest door de brand.
De brandweer was met groot materiaal aanwezig. Ook een blusboot uit Dordrecht was ter plaatse. Net
na middernacht werd het sein brand meester gegeven.
De oorzaak van de brand is nog niet bekend. Er zijn geen gewonden gevallen. bron: ANP
De Koersk; De dodelijke reis van een kernonderzeeer.
Een waar gebeurde thriller over de geheimen en achtergronden van de ramp met de Koersk.
In de ochtend van zaterdag 12 augustus 2000 brachten twee krachtige explosies het koude oppervlak
van de Barentszee in heftige beroerring. De Koersk, de trots van de Noordelijke vloot, tuimelde naar
de donkere bodem van de oceaan.
In dit boek over de Koersk worden de feiten en de tragedie van minuut tot minuut gereconstrueerd en
ontrafeld. Het onzekere lot van de bemanning, de politieke en militaire achtergronden van de ramp,
waarbij de Koude Oorlog tussen Amerikanen en Russen zich onder de zeespiegel blijkt voort te
zetten, de verwoede pogingen van Russische, Britse en Noorse reddingsploegen de overlevenden te
redden, de tergende onzekerheid en wanhoop bij de vrouwen en kinderen.
Een boek over de tekortkomingen van de Russische Marine en het verouderde bergingsmateriaal. De
onderlinge strijd van de bevelhebbers. De leugenachtige berichtgevingen aan de Westerse Wereld en
aan de nabestaanden.
De verslaggever, van het Engelse tv-station ITN, Robert Moore heeft met dit boek in een prachtige
documentatie vastgelegd van de gebeurtenissen vanaf de eerste signalen van de ondergang, de
berging van de eerste slachtoffers tot aan de degradatie van enkele hoge marine functionarissen.
Verder is in het boek een lijst opgenomen van de namen van de slachtoffers en in welk compartiment
zij hun werkzaamheden hadden.
Voor de echt geïnteresseerde in de achtergronden van deze ramp een aanrader.
Het boek is te koop voor Euro 15,-. bij Boek en Plaat. Bij andere boekwinkels ligt de prijs rond de Euro
18,-. Uitgeverij Balans. bron: H. v.d. Ster
8 januari jl. zijn enkele bergers van de Koersk onderscheiden met de Orde van de Vriendschap. De
versierselen werden opgespeld door de Russische ambassadeur in Nederland. Deze eer viel te beurt
aan de heren Jan en Frans van Seumeren van het gelijknamige bedrijf en Leo Versluis van het zelfde
bedrijf, verder aan de heren Jacob van Hogendorp, Nico Buis en Piet Sinke van SMIT.
Piet; gefeliciteerd! (heeft de wodka nog nadelige effecten achtergelaten?)
Berichtje vanaf de SmitWijs London en SmitWijs Singapore
Hallo allemaal, Een berichtje van de SWLondon, van Samedan op weg naar Gibraltar. Na aankomst
bij de Thialf op Oudejaarsdag hebben we nog bijna een week met de H-851 rond gedraaid vanwege
het weer, nog een paar dagen een krachtje of 6/7 uit westelijke richtingen gehad. Op verzoek van de
grote Heerema was de SW Rotterdam op de 2e van de H-851 losgemaakt, maar op verzoek van de
kleine Heerema op de 4e weer ingesloten. Op de 5e begon de wind geleidelijk aan af te nemen tot
rustig weer op zondag en zijn toen 's avonds richting Thialf gevaren. Het Mari-B jacket is gistermorgen
van de H-851 gelanceerd, gegleden was het eigenlijk en het jacket staat nu inmiddels net boven water
op de zeebodem. Vanmorgen de nu lege H-851 weer overgegeven aan de SWRotterdam. Deze gaat
vandaag of morgen richting Vlissingen en wij varen op het moment richting Gibraltar - bunkeren,
reparatie en aflossingen - om dan naar ?????? te gaan. De sleepboot Hua An is op weg met de
'topside' en de 'flareboom' en zal binnenkort ook bij de Thialf arriveren. Geruchten gaan dat deze
Chinees slecht weer heeft gehad bij Sicilië en schade heeft opgelopen (ook al bij vertrek).
De Singapore vertrok dan uiteindelijk toch nog eens van de werf op 28 december jl., aanvankelijk met
bestemming Bantry Bay voor stationsdienst. Werden echter bij het passeren van de Eddystone rocks
verzocht om de rem in te trappen daar er het nodige speelde rond de Atwood Eagle die achter een
Russiche collega onderweg is naar Luanda. Het weer op het moment was beroerd uit de zuid
vandaan, en dus maar weinig shelter aan de Engelse zuidkust, na een dag tegen witte kuiven aan
gekeken te hebben, ruimde het weer naar de west en toen dus maar een anker plekje in Falmouth
Bay opgezocht. Lagen daar net een dag of twee toen het weer besloot om maar uit het zuidoosten te
gaan waaien, en dus maar verhuisd naar de andere kant van Falmouth in Mounts bay, weer eens wat
van Penzance gezien, en dat was, in ieder geval voor mij, al weer een hele tijd geleden. Sinds
gisterenmiddag zijn we onderweg naar Las Palmas voor bunkers, en daarna door naar de US Gulf,
voor een reis naar Duale zo als het er nu naar uit ziet. Van die Rus niets meer vernomen, dus zal die
zijn probleempjes wel in der minne geschikt hebben. Waren er best wel gelukkig mee dat er eindelijk
wat voor ons in de pen zat, maar liepen afgelopen nacht het slechte weer in de noord van Biscaye met
een krachtje of tien bijna op de kop, hetgeen de aanvankelijke vreugde iets dimde, niet een echt
plezierige nacht gehad dus, maar deze morgen zwakte het allemaal wat af tot een 7-8 en lopen nu
weer behoorlijk vaart de zuid in. Voor de London en de Rotterdam, proficiat met het afronden van jullie
reis, en een goede stoom gewenst naar de volgende. Vanaf de Singapore de beste wensen voor alle
geadresseerden, en ik mail wel weer als er wat leuks te melden is.
Bergers willen scheepscasco vanavond van rotsen slepen (070103)
Bergers van het Rotterdamse Smit Salvage gaan vanavond een eerste poging ondernemen om het op
de rotsen gelopen casco van het vrachtschip Vermontborg vlot te trekken. Het casco, dat van de
Roemeense werf onderweg was naar Nederland, is vrijdag in zwaar weer losgeraakt van de Deense
sleepboot Suzanne A en voor de noordwestkust van het Kanaaleiland Guernsey op de rotsen
Het casco van het 134 meter lange en zestien meter brede dubbelwandige containerschip-in-aanbouw
is aan de onderzijde zwaar beschadigd. Via de eveneens beschadigde schoefas is water in de
machinekamer en in het ruim gestroomd. De bergers hebben gisteren met behulp van een helikopter
extra pompen aan boord gebracht.
,,De binnenwand is voor zo ver wij hebben kunnen zien onbeschadigd,'' zegt bergingsleider H. Smith.
,,We gaan nu eerst de schroefas afdichten en het schip leegpompen. Tegelijkertijd gaan we proberen
door ballasttanks vol met lucht te pompen het schip extra drijfvermogen te geven.''
Probleem voor de bergers is het enorme verschil tussen hoog- en laagwater bij de Kanaaleilanden.
Afgelopen zondag was er sprake van extreem hoogwater, een situatie die zich pas over twee weken
opnieuw aandient. ,,Maar wij hebben goede hoop dat het water vanavond, of anders morgenochtend,
hoog genoeg komt om het schip van de rotsen te trekken.'' Met de hulp van twee sleepboten hopen de
bergers het schip tussen de rotsen door naar veilig water te slepen.
Smit heeft er de beschikking over de sleepboten Anglian Prince en Boxer. Het bergingsteam verblijft al
sinds vrijdagmiddag op Guernsey. Het in Roemenië vervaardigde casco was op weg naar de werf
Bodewes in het Groningse Eemshaven voor afbouw. Het schip wordt gebouwd in opdracht van rederij
Wagenborg. bron: Rotterdams Dagblad
Insufficient tide prevents SMIT Salvage from refloating the grounded
The refloating attempt of the Vermontborg was called off at approximately 11.00 local time this
morning due to insufficient tidal swell. The SMIT Salvage team onsite had hoped to pull the
Vermontborg free from the rocks off the coast of Guernsey at the height of the high tide, but the effort
was terminated when it became evident that the tidal swell would not allow for the refloating of the
As planned, the attending tugs began pulling the grounded vessel at 10.30 local time but it soon
became apparent that the vessel was not moving at all and that any additional attempts would be
fruitless in the prevailing conditions. The SMIT Salvage team remains on scene and will be consulting
the owners to determine the next step in this salvage operation and to ascertain the next favourable
date for refloating the vessel.
The Vermontborg ran aground at 05.05 Friday, 3 January 2003. The partially completed 120-meter
hull was en route from Romania to The Netherlands when she broke free from the towing tug and
drifted onto the rocks off the northwest coast of Guernsey.
Bergers Smit wachten op extra hoogwater (100103)
Bergers van Smit Salvage wachten op het Kanaaleiland Guernsey op extra hoogwater om het op de
rotsen gelopen casco van het vrachtschip Vermontborg vlot te trekken. Mogelijk pas eind volgende
week zal de vloed aan de westkant van het eiland hoog genoeg zijn, zo is de verwachting. De bergers
hebben gisteren een eerste poging al snel gestaakt toen duidelijk werd dat het tij niet hoog genoeg
zou stijgen.
De Kanaaleiland kennen een enorm verschil tussen hoog- en laagwater, waarbij ook de maxima en
minima sterk wisselen. Het hoogwater van gistermiddag bleef nog ruim een meter onder het maximale
tij op het moment dat vorige week vrijdag het op drift geraakte casco van de Vermontborg op de
rotsen sloeg. De bergers hebben afgelopen dag de beschadigingen bij de schroefas, waardoor water
in de machinekamer en het ruim was gestroomd, gedicht. Ook is het binnengestroomde water uit het
schip gepompt en zijn ballasttanks vol met lucht geblazen. Bron: Rotterdams Dagblad
Vicky (100103)
De IJmuidense berger Svitzer- Wijsmuller hoopt vandaag verder te kunnen gaan met het overpompen
van de lading diesel uit de tanker Vicky, die op nieuwjaarsdag in het Kanaal op het wrak van de
Tricolor is gelopen. Het overpompen van de zeventigduizend ton olie gebeurt in opdracht van de
Belgische autoriteiten. Het schip ligt voor anker in Belgisch territoriaal water. De tanker is door het
ongeluk aan de voorzijde licht beschadigd, maar mag pas verder varen als de lading is overgepompt.
Wijsmuller heeft sinds woensdag de tanker Mountain Blossom bij de Vicky. Het overpompen is
gisteren gestaakt in verband met slechte weersomstandigheden. Bron: Rotterdams Dagblad
4e jaargang, nr. 3
dd. 25 januari 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Volgens berichten uit Engeland is het standby schip BUE Orkney verkocht aan Esvagt.
Dezelfde bron meldt dat de Stout Truck nu North Traveller heet.
De Scheldepoort 4 is op 27 december verkocht aan Polderman.
De Smit Bison staat nog op de helling bij de Haas in Maassluis. Het is de bedoeling dat het schip over
twee weken in de vaart komt.
Tanker Vicky in Rotterdam (130103)
De beschadigde tanker Vicky, die op Nieuwjaarsdag in het Kanaal bovenop het gezonken schip
Tricolor is gevaren, is vannacht de Rotterdamse haven binnengesleept. De tanker is in de 7e
Petroleumhaven afgemeerd bij opslagbedrijf Vopak. Daar zal vandaag de resterende lading, 65.000
ton diesel, worden gelost.
Bergers van het IJmuidense bedrijf Wijsmuller Salvage hebben afgelopen zaterdag voor de Belgische
kust ongeveer zevenduizend ton diesel vanuit de beschadigde voorste tank van de Vicky
overgepompt in de tanker Mountain Blossom. Dat is gebeurd op last van de Belgische autoriteiten, die
de Vicky anders geen toestemming hadden gegeven om te vertrekken. Na de aanvaring met de
Tricolor, die op 14 december na een aanvaring is gekapseisd en gezonken, lag de Vicky in Belgisch
territoriaal water voor anker.
Op de Vicky was beslag gelegd door de Belgische autoriteiten en dat beslag moest voor de reis
worden opgeheven. De Rotterdamse havenautoriteiten eisten dat na aankomst niet opnieuw beslag
zou worden gelegd. Ook de eigenaren van de Tricolor dreigden nog met beslaglegging. Vanwege de
beschadigde boeg moesten de bergers ook nog aan allerlei veiligheidseisen voldoen.
De Vicky is, gelet op de averij, achterwaarts door de Neftegaz 57 van Wijsmuller naar Rotterdam
gesleept. Het is nog niet bekend of de Vicky in Rotterdam zal worden gerepareerd.
Bron:Rotterdams Dagblad
Seabulk International, Inc. announced the appointment of Larry D. Francois as President of Seabulk
Offshore, the Company's offshore marine services subsidiary, effective immediately. Mr. Francois,
who most recently served as Area Manager of domestic offshore marine operations for Tidewater Inc.,
will also become a corporate Senior Vice President, reporting directly to Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer Gerhard E. Kurz. In his new positions, Mr. Francois will have executive
responsibility for the Company's worldwide offshore operations. "We are pleased to welcome Larry to
the Seabulk management team," commented Mr. Kurz. "He is a well-known figure within the maritime
industry and has extensive experience in all phases of the offshore business, both domestic and
international. He joins our organization at a time when the competitive environment in the offshore
business has never been more intense, and his leadership will be critical to our future success." Prior
to his tenure at Tidewater, Francois served as division manager for Zapata Gulf Marine Corporation in
Mexico. His other overseas assignments included International Marketing Manager in London for
Western Oceanic, Inc., a subsidiary of the Western Company of North America, with responsibility for
Europe, Africa and the Middle East; and Area Executive for Tidewater in Egypt. With more than 25
years' experience in the maritime industry, he also served as Marketing & Sales Manager for
Dillingham Maritime, a division of the Dillingham Corporation. A Vietnam veteran, Francois served in
the United States Air Force and was honorably discharged with the rank of Captain. He is a former
member of the Board of Directors of the Morgan City Chapter of the American Petroleum Institute.
Francois holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Saint Louis University and an M.B.A. in
International Management from Pepperdine University.
Tug and Barge Last Through Soo Locks (160103)
The Soo Locks close at midnight Tuesday ending the shipping season. It was made official as the
Lockmaster announced over VHF radio, "the shipping season is now closed", and this was followed by
a US Coast Guard acknowledgment.
The final down bound transit of a commercial vessel was the Purvis Marine tug Reliance and barge
PML 9000 on Wednesday. The barge is loaded with steel coils from Algoma Steel and was expected
to stop at the Purvis Marine Dock in the Soo Harbor.
Closing the locks for upbound traffic was the Edwin H. Gott who locked through shortly before
midnight on Tuesday. The 2003 navigation season for the locks will begin with the opening of the
Poe Lock on March 25. The MacArthur Lock will re-open later in the spring.
Viking I Tow Continues on (160103)
The Viking I tow spent the early morning hours of Wednesday battling heavy ice in western Lake Erie.
The tug Olive L. Moore took up position as the bow tug with the Port Huron based tug Manitou trailing
the tow. The tug Joyce L. Van Enkevort lead the way, breaking ice ahead of the tow in the notch of the
barge Great Lakes Trader. The tow passed the Detroit River Light shortly after noon on Wednesday.
The tow continued upbound across Lake St. Clair where heavy ice slowed the progress. The Joyce L.
continued to lead the tow and allowed the Mississagi to pass. Mississagi was upbound from Detroit
heading to load in Goderich.
Late Wednesday night the tow reached Port Huron and continued upbound onto Lake Huron. The trip
will now be through open water until they reach the Straits of Mackinac. Ice has been building in the
Straits and was reported to be as thick as 6 to 12 inches in some places.
The tow expected to arrive in Menominee, Mi Friday morning. Weather and ice conditions may delay
the arrival.
Viking I will be converted to a barge in Menominee to haul wood-pulp from Marathon and Thunder Bay
to K&K Warehousing in Menominee. It last operated in 1982. After laying up for several years in
Sturgeon Bay the Viking was sold to a Canadian company. She traveled under her own power
to Port Stanley were she was planned to operate in a cross Lake Erie service.
The planned service never materialized and the Viking I was move from Port Stanley to Erie, Pa. in
1996. The move drew much attention as it was moved out of port in the middle of the night, under the
pretense of repossessing the vessel. Upon arriving in Erie the crew was cited for making the trip
with out radar, gyrocompass and not having a pilot licensed for the Great Lakes.
The carferry remained docked in Erie and had not moved until the start of the tow on Tuesday.
Ice Delays Viking Tow (150103) Update
The Viking tow spent the early morning hours battling heavy ice in western Lake Erie. The tow passed
the Detroit River Light shortly after noon today. About 215 p.m. the tow passed under the Ambassador
Bridge with the Joyce L. moving ahead of the tow. The Olive L. Moore was pulling the Viking I with
the tug Manitou trailing the tow. The Joyce L. was ahead of the tow to break ice on Lake St. Clair and
the St. Clair River.
The tow made good progess from Erie until about 2 a.m. Wednesday morning when the towed passed
through South East Shoal in the Pelee Passage on Lake Erie. At short time later the tow started to
have trouble moving through the ice and the Joyce L. Van Enkevort took the lead. At 3 a.m. the tow
was moving slowly through the area stopping at times. The Malcolm Marine tug Manitou was
downbound off Detroit about 3 a.m., heading to assist the tow. Before the ice delay the tow expected
to reach the Detroit River light at 6:30 a.m. and off Detroit about two hours later, passing through the
River System in day light hours. The actual time the tow reaches the river is unknown. Check back for
The Viking I was towed from Erie, Pa by the tug Olive L. Moore Tuesday morning. The tow departed
about noon on her trip to Menominee, Michigan for conversion to a barge. Despite the weather, many
boatwatchers and other curious spectators were on hand to bid farewell to one of the few remaining
car ferries on the lakes. Once out on the lake, the tow was met by the tug Joyce L. Van Enkevort, who
took up the stern of the tow.
Considered an eyesore by many in the Erie community, the vessel was ordered to have left Erie by
October 31; however the owners did not have it out until after the sale was complete. Sometime within
the next month the former rail float Lansdowne will be moved to the spot where the Viking sat. The
Lansdowne is being converted to a floating restaurant and will be permanently moored where the
Viking was docked.
Some boatwatchers were surprised that the vessel was finally towed. Ever since its arrival in Erie in
October, 1996, the Port Authority has made many requests that the Viking be moved from port.
It is expected to take five days for the vessel to get to Menominee depending on the weather. The
Moore is towing the Viking using steel cables 2 inches thick and capable of with standing 10,000 tons
of pressure.
Olive L. Moore and Viking Depart (140103, 1 p.m.) Update
The Olive L. Moore departed Erie, Pa. with the Viking in tow Tuesday morning 1130 a.m. The pair are
heading upbound for Menominee, Mi. Weather will dicate the tow's progress but they expected to
arrive in Menominee on Friday. The tow is expected to reach South East Shoal in Lake Erie about 2
a.m. Wednesday morning, if weather does not delay the tow it should pass through
the Detroit-St. Clair Rivers during day light hours. Once out on the lake, the tow was met by tug the
Joyce L. VanEnkevort, which was going to take up the stern and assist the Viking the rest of the way.
A hole had been cut in the Viking's stern for the Joyce L. VanEkevort.
Viking I Tow Reaches Straits of Mackinac (170103)
The Viking I tow passed under the Mackinaw Bridge about 7 p.m. Thursday. The tow appears to have
made it trough the heavy ice in Straits with out a long delay. The tug Joyce L. Van Enkevort continued
to lead the tow and was about three hours a head of the Viking I and Olive L. Moore. About 2 a.m. the
Van Enkevort was reported to be arriving at Escanaba, about 60 miles north of Menominee. It is
unknown if the tug is heading to Escanaba to drop off the barge and then escort the tow into
Menominee or if it will remain in Escanaba. At midnight the Viking I tow was reported to be about 15
miles east of Rock Island at the Lake Michigan entrance to Green Bay.
The tow expected to arrive in Menominee, Mi Friday morning about 6:30 a.m. Weather and ice
conditions may delay the arrival. Viking I will be converted to a barge in Menominee to haul wood-pulp
from Marathon and Thunder Bay to K&K Warehousing in Menominee.
Viking I Tow Continues on (180103)
Last night the Viking I tow was expected to arrive off the Menominee Break Wall between 4 a.m. and 5
a.m. Saturday morning but could be delayed further by ice. At mid night there was no sign of the tow
from Menominee. The Joyce L. will lead the tow and do the majority of the ice breaking. The Olive L.
Moore will act as the trailing tug controlling the tow from the stern. Heavy ice has delayed the arrival
into Menominee. The ice in Green Bay is estimated to be up to 12-inches thick in some spots.
The tugs will dock the Viking I behind the William H. Donner at K&K warehouse. They intend to bring
the tow through the bridge, even if it is still dark outside.
Nieuwe supplier voor Seabulk (200103)
Seabulk International, Inc. has purchased and delivered o the Seabulk Africa, a newbuild UT-755L
platform supply vessel (PSV) built at the Simek Shipyard in Norway. The 5,500-horsepower, 236-ft.
vessel will join the Company's West African fleet, which presently comprises 42 vessels ranging from
crewboats to sophisticated anchor handlers. PSVs are large, multipurpose vessels used to ferry
equipment, supplies and personnel to offshore platforms and rigs engaged in the production of crude
oil and natural gas. "This is a state-of-the-art vessel and the Cadillac of the industry," commented
Hubert E. Thyssen, corporate vice president and senior vice president of marketing for Seabulk
Offshore, the Company's offshore vessels subsidiary. "She is equipped with the latest technology,
including dynamic positioning and firefighting equipment, and is ideally suited to the deepwater West
African market. The Seabulk Africa will be the flagship of our West African fleet." The Company also
announced that it would bareboat charter, beginning in February 2003 and March 2003, respectively,
two additional newbuild vessels from the Labroy Group in Indonesia for deployment in the Southeast
Asia market. These two vessels -- the Seabulk Padamyar, a 3,800-horsepower anchor-handling
tug/supply vessel, and the Seabulk Nylar, a 3,800-horsepower PSV -- have secured three-year
contracts with two option years with a major international oil company. "These two transactions, the
purchase of the Seabulk Africa and the bareboat charter of the Seabulk Padamyar and Seabulk Nylar,
exemplify our strategy of selectively augmenting our international offshore fleet with sophisticated new
tonnage," commented Gerhard E. Kurz, chairman, president and chief executive officer of parent
company Seabulk International. "In today's competitive environment, it is essential that we continue to
provide our customers with the finest equipment available." Wärtsilä tests first Wärtsilä
Olievlek bij Gibraltar na zinken tanker (210103)
Algeciras - Twee maanden na het zinken van de tanker Prestige voor de kust van de noordelijke
deelstaat Galicië, is dinsdag voor de Zuid-Spaanse kust een schip met een grote voorraad olie onder
water verdwenen. De Spaanse media meldden dat in de buurt van de Britse kroonkolonie Gibraltar
een olievlek van een vierkante kilometer drijft. De 40 meter lange tanker Spabunker IV is
dinsdagmorgen vroeg voor de kust van de havenstad Algeciras gezonken. De kapitein van het schip
kwam daarbij om het leven. Zijn lichaam is later op de dag gevonden. De twee andere
bemanningsleden verlieten op tijd het schip en werden gered. De Spaanse vice-premier Mariano
Rajoy zei tegen de krant Diario de Sevilla dat het schip ongeveer 1000 ton olie vervoerde. Hij stelde
dat er nog geen duidelijkheid is over de oorzaak van het incident. bron: ANP
Olie lekt uit wrak Tricolor (240103)
Uit het wrak van het gezonken autotransportschip Tricolor is olie gelekt. Dat hebben de Franse
maritieme autoriteiten bekendgemaakt. Plakkerige olievlekken strekken zich uit tot 9 kilometer van het
wrak. Volgens bergingsbedrijf Smit is een van hun schepen op het wrak gebotst, waarna een kleine
hoeveelheid stookolie is vrijgekomen. Het Noorse schip ligt sinds 14 december bij Duinkerken na een
aanvaring met het containerschip Kariba. Het Nederlandse bedrijf Smit is sinds eind december bezig
de 2.000 ton stookolie uit het Noorse vrachtschip over te pompen. Donderdagmiddag kreeg een van
de voorraadboten een flinke zet van een hoge golf en botste tegen de Tricolor aan, zo vertelt Smitvoorlichter L. Walder. Hierdoor onstond een scheur in de wand van het wrak en kon er wat stookolie
ontsnappen. Volgens Walder kan dat nooit veel geweest zijn. Het lek is bovendien meteen gedicht.
,,Het is enorm slecht weer, gewoon voor de wintermaanden, met veel hoge golven. Onze schepen
moeten dicht bij het wrak werken en omdat de Tricolor dicht aan het oppervlak ligt, kunnen dit soort
dingen gebeuren'', licht hij toe. Smit heeft intussen iets meer dan de helft van de 2000 ton stookolie
overgepompt. Walder denkt dat de bergers met mooi weer nog zo'n vijf à zes dagen nodig hebben,
maar met slecht weer kan het nog wel twee weken duren. bron: ANP
Gezonken (250103)
Het Nederlandse vrachtschip Assi Eurolink is zaterdagmorgen op de Noordzee, enkele tientallen
kilometers uit de kust van Terschelling, gezonken na een botsing met het Zweedse vrachtschip
Seawheel Rhine. De zestien opvarenden van de Assi Eurolink zijn op tijd van boord gehaald en
ongedeerd overgebracht naar het Zweedse schip. Dat meldt de kustwacht zaterdag. De twee schepen
kwamen rond 08.00 uur met elkaar in aanvaring. Rond dat tijdstip ontving de kustwacht een
noodoproep van de Seawheel Rhine die op weg was naar Hamburg. Binnen een half uur was de 163
meter lange Assi Eurolink gezonken. De boot vervoerde geen lading en was onderweg van het Britse
Sheerness naar Araholm in Zweden.
Na de noodoproep stuurde de kustwacht een aantal reddingsboten, het kustwachtvliegtuig en een
helikopter van de Koninklijke Marine naar de plaats van het ongeval. Het gezonken vrachtschip ligt op
een diepte van 30 tot 35 meter, middenin een belangrijke vaarroute. De scheepvaart ondervindt hinder
van het wrak, maar kan de vaarroute gewoon blijven gebruiken. Het is nog onduidelijk wanneer de
Assi Eurolink kan worden geborgen. Het Zweedse vrachtschip liep schade op aan het voorschip, maar
kon zijn reis naar de haven van Hamburg rond 10.15 uur vervolgen. De opvarenden van het gezonken
Nederlandse schip worden aan wal gezet in de Duitse havenstad. bron: ANP
Museumschip Hudson (250103)
Vlaardingen, Afgelopen zaterdag 25 januari 2003 is het Museumschip Hudson officieel geopend. Na
een 13 jaar lange strijd om het schip van de sloper weg te houden is de Stichting er ingslaagd deze
voormalige Smit zeesleper als museum voor de Nederlandse Koopvaardij 1939-1945 op te leveren.
Toespraken van de voorzitter P. De Nijs, die een korte samenvatting gaf van de eerste aankoop door
de Stichting tot deze opening. De hr. Slachter van Radio Holland m.b.t. de radio installatie aan boord
waarbij werd gemeld dat wanneer de radar scanner draait de Hudson geopend en te bezichtigen is
voor het publiek. De Hr. Timmermans van het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum Maassluis bood de
Stichting de originele scheepsbel van de Hudson aan.De hr. B.Vree hoofddirecteur Smit wenste in zijn
toespraak de Hudson een behouden vaart en met het luiden van de nieuwe scheepsbel werd het
museumschip Hudson officieel geopend.
Dat de Hudson in Vlaardingen officieel werd geopend had te maken met het aantal vrijwilligers die uit
Vlaardingen komen. Verder dat één van de grote sponsors gehuisvest is in Vlaardingen en als
postuum eerbetoon aan de drie runners die tijdens een reis aan boord van de sleep van de Hudson op
de Noord-Atlantic waren omgekomen.
Na de officiele opening kon aan boord worden bekeken wat er in al die jaren voor werk was verzet.
Tevens kon worden geconstateerd hoe de sleepbootvolk aan boord op zo’n klein scheepje leefde. In
de voormalige machinekamer was de eerste tentoonstelling te zien over de sleepboten tijdens de
Tweede Wereldoorlog. De Hudson blijft nog drie maanden in Vlaardingen. Daarna verhuist het schip
naar haar vaste ligplaats het Maritiem Buitenmuseum in de Leuvehaven van Rotterdam. bron: hans van
der Ster
4e jaargang, nr. 4
dd. 1 februari 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
In Stellendam ligt de Indus alwaar een nieuwe Caterpillar motor wordt ingebouwd. Er worden
nog meer verbouwingen / veranderingen aangebracht. Er wordt ook nog gesproken over het
plaatsen van een sleepwinch op het achterdek.
In Noorwegen is eind januari de nieuwe UT 722-LX AHTS Havila Borgstein (20.400 pk, 220 ton
paaltrek) opgeleverd.
De nieuwbouw voor Sealion Shipping die bij Appledore Shipbuilders in aanbouw is krijgt de
naam Toisa Independent.
De Albatros 4 (ex Albatros van EBS/Swarttouw van 1989 met bouwnummer 6103) is onder
certificaat Bureau Veritas Coastal Area gebracht op de werf Damen Hardinxveld en is verkocht
aan Harbrown Ltd. in Engeland.
Tugs Turned Back in Manistee (260103)Two were turned back Friday evening in an
attempt to break a path for the Capt Ralph Tucker into Manistee, Mi. The Andrie towing tugs
Barbara Andrie and Maribeth Andrie arrived around 11:15 p.m. to attempt to break a path
through Manistee's channel.
The Barbara was first to attempt, coming abeam of the North pier, before waiting for the
Maribeth to follow. The Maribeth was reporting three-inch ice on the windows and a lot of frozen
spray, allowing for poor visibility. This was evident as the Maribeth came close to the South
breakwall before
turning back out to Lake Michigan. The Barbara then also gave up and both vessels proceeded
upbound for Frankfort, MI to wait out the weather. Six-foot seas, and 25 knot winds buffeted the
attempt. It is unknown when the tugs may return or if the Coast Guard will be called in to break
the thick ice in the harbor. The Capt. Ralph Tucker retreated from the Manistee area. The
vessel left her
Manistee anchorage Saturday morning and headed back up to the Manitou Passage where she
will stay until Monday. Weather forecasts for the next few days don't appear too good for
icebreaking, with 6 to 9 foot waves predicted for the next two days.
De berging van de gezonken Tricolor zal minstens drie maanden duren, en volgens het
Loodswezen in Oostende wordt de gekantelde autoboot zonder twijfel nog eens aangevaren.
De bergers hopen het wrak weg te hebben tegen de zomervakantie, maar noemen september
toch realistischer. Aan boord zit ook nog ongeveer 900 ton stookolie, maar wegens het slechte
weer kan die voorlopig niet worden overgepompt. De ligging van de midden december
gezonken Tricolor is volgens het Loodswezen het best vergelijkbaar met een auto die in het
midden van een druk kruispunt werd achtergelaten. Dat de hoogzeesleper Alphonse Letzer
door een aanvaring vorige week voor heel wat oliemiserie zorgde, noemen specialisten maar
een mineur en niet eens abnormaal incident, ook al zorgde dat voor meer dan duizend
besmeurde zeevogels, oliebrokken op het strand van Oostende, en allicht nog meer
milieuschade de volgende dagen.
,,De Tricolor ligt echt verkeerd. Op die plaats passeren per dag duizenden schepen. De kans op
aanvaring is één op de duizend, op zich niet zoveel, maar toch wel één kans per dag'', zegt
Willem Van Poucke van het Loodswezen.
De berging wordt hoe dan ook een titanenwerk. De kandidaten hebben tot vrijdag 7 februari om
hun prijskaartje in te dienen, en stellen dat de prijs in de honderden miljoenen zal lopen.
Sommige kandidaten denken aan het weer rechttrekken van de Tricolor, maar de meest
gangbare oplossing is het in stukken snijden van het autoschip, nadat eerst de bijna 3.000
auto's van boord zijn gehaald.
De bergfirma's hopen in april te kunnen starten, waardoor volgens hen het karwei voor het
zomerreces kan worden afgerond. In maritieme kringen evenwel wordt eerder aan september
als einddatum gedacht.
Vandaag heeft opnieuw een vergadering plaats tussen alle betrokken instanties, inclusief de
Franse admiraliteit. Precies de vrij lakse houding van de Franse autoriteiten stoort de de
Vlaamse maritieme sector. Volgens het Oostendse Loodswezen hanteert Frankrijk het gezegde
rien-á-faire , telkens België aandringt tot spoed, gezien de maritiem penibele ligging van de
Tricolor. Wat meer druk vanuit de Brusselse kabinetten is volgens het Loodswezen wenselijk.
De federale minister van Mobiliteit, Isabelle Durant (Ecolo), stelt dat de Fransen geen
nalatigheid kan worden verweten. Ze hebben volgens haar na de aanvaring met de olietanker
Vicky het nodige gedaan voor een betere signalisatie.
Signalisatie of niet, de ligging is volgens het Loodswezen dermate slecht dat zelfs goed
geïnformeerde kapiteins bij slecht weer en ongunstige stroming zelfs moeilijk een aanvaring
kunnen voorkomen.
De berging van de nog resterende stookolie in de tanks van de Tricolor is intussen gestopt
wegens slecht weer. Volgens de Nederlandse firma Smit kan de klus in tien dagen tijd opgelost
zijn, maar is januari een weerkundige rotmaand. Het overpompen zal daardoor nog drie weken
duren. Zaterdag en zondag zocht Smit naar de 170 ton olie die uit de Tricolor wegspoelde, na
de botsing met de Alphonse Letzer. Speciale schepen en een helikopter vonden geen grote
olievlek en keerden weer.
De meer dan duizend besmeurde zeevogels brachten een ander verhaal. Vogelbeschermers
hadden in diverse centra de handen vol om de veren van de dieren te reinigen. Vrijwilligers
zeggen klaar te staan voor de schoonmaak, maar het ontbreekt hen aan materiaal. Van de
groene ministers van Leefmilieu Jef Tavernier en Vera Dua wordt een crisisbudget verwacht.
Dua trommelde zondag al Vlaamse ambtenaren op om te helpen.
De natuurreservaten nabij Nieuwpoort en Knokke-Heist werden zondagmiddag tegen
olievervuiling afgedamd. De monding van het Zwin wordt extra in de gaten gehouden. De
hulpdiensten kunnen in enkele uren tijd een grote zanddam tegen olievervuiling opbouwen. Bron:
De Standaard
Shell-order voor Smit Internationale
Smit Internationale-onderdeel Smit Heavy Lift heeft een order gekregen om een FPSO (drijvend
olieplatform) van Shell in elkaar te zetten. Dat heeft de maritiem dienstverlener vrijdag
bekendgemaakt. Financiële details zijn niet bekendgemaakt. Een woordvoerder zegt echter wel
dat het een 'belangrijke order' betreft. Vorig jaar gaf Smit Internationale een winstwaarschuwing
omdat een aantal mogelijke orders werd uitgesteld. "Dit is er een van," zegt de woordvoerder.
Bron: De Telegraaf
Experiment met magnetisch aanmeren (270103)
(m.i. is het "aanleggen" en "afmeren" en niet "aanmeren", maar ja, het juiste gebruik van de
Nederlandse taal is vaker een probleem voor journalisten)
Met een simpele druk op de knop een containerschip van vierhonder meter aanmeren. Erik
Fiktorie, student aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, ontwikkelde een systeem waarbij
schepen door middel van magnetische velden aanleggen. Dat staat in de nieuwste uitgave van
het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift New Scientist. Zou het systeem werken, dan zou dat in een
haven als Rotterdam jaarlijks een besparing van enkele miljoenen euro’s opleveren. De
zogenoemde roeiers, die nu nog de trossen overbrengen, en kadewerkers zouden niet meer
nodig zijn. Het gemeentelijk havenbedrijf van Rotterdam ziet dan ook wel wat in een
Het bedrijf hoopt het systeem nog dit jaar te testen. ,,Dat hangt echter af van de
beschikbaarheid van een kade. De onderzoeken moeten worden uitgevoerd op een
gerenoveerde en drukke plaats. Daarnaast is toestemming van het bedrijf op de kade nodig”,
aldus een woordvoerder. Volgens hem zijn tevens oude schepen voor de verschillende tests
nodig. ,,Het is mogelijk dat de magneten verfschade veroorzaken. En wij willen geen
schadeclaim aan onze broek.” Mochten de onderzoeken positief zijn, dan kan binnen twee tot
drie jaar de eerste ‘magnetische kade’ een feit zijn. De magneten worden aangebracht in de
kade waar het schip aanmeert. Die trekken het binnenkomende vaartuig langzaam naar de
kant. Er zijn al eerder andere methodes bedacht om schepen sneller aan de kant te krijgen. Al
dan niet met hydraulische robotarmen die het schip naar de kant moesten trekken, of
onderwaterliften die het schip uit het water moesten tillen, haalden het niet. Dat kwam vooral
door de hoge kosten. Ideeen over aanmeren met behulp van magneten, haalden het
experimentele stadium tot nu toe ook niet. De door de magneten opgewekte magnetische
velden drongen te ver door in het schip. Daardoor bleek gevoelige elektronische lading
ontregeld te worden. Bovendien kwamen de containers aan boord muurvast te zitten.
Bron: Waterland
SvitzerWijsmuller plaatst orders voor 29 nieuwe sleepboten (280103)
In de afgelopen maanden heeft SvitzerWijsmuller, met het hoofdkantoor in Kopenhagen en
onderdeel van de A.P. Moller Group, haar orderportefeuille met bestelde sleepboten en andere
schepen uitgebreid naar 29 eenheden. SvitzerWijsmuller heeft nog niet eerder op zo grote
schaal geïnvesteerd. Hiertoe is besloten om in te kunnen spelen op het toenemende aantal
projecten waarbij men al wereldwijd betrokken is en in de nabije toekomst betrokken zal zijn. De
orders zijn geplaatst bij verschillende werven. Veertien schepen zullen gebouwd worden door
Odense Steel Shipyard uit Denemarken, de eigen scheepswerf van de A.P. Moller Group; vier
door Zamakona uit Bilbao, Spanje; drie door Strategic Marine, Perth, Australië en zes door ASL
uit Singapore. Het nieuwbouw programma betekent overigens niet alleen een uitbreiding van de
vloot maar deels ook een verjonging. Hierdoor denkt SvitzerWijsmuller een nog betere service
te kunnen bieden aan haar klanten.
In Amsterdam is in 2002 de omzet van Wijsmuller Havensleepdiensten Amsterdam op peil
gebleven in lijn met de positieve overslagcijfers voor het Amsterdam Noordzeekanaal gebied in
het geheel. Voor 2003 is men gematigd optimistisch. Ook in Amsterdam zal vlootvernieuwing
plaatsvinden in 2003 met de introductie van een nieuwe sleepboot met een trekkracht van 60
ton. Bron: SvitzerWijsmuller
Gezien door de SmitWijs Londen
De Smit Enterprise heeft de 25e gebunkerd in Gibraltar en 's avonds weer vertrokken richting
Port Said; ETA 5e februari
De Salus heeft de 27e gebunkerd in Gibraltar en is onderweg naar Hamburg.
Kwamen om 4 uur vanmiddag (3101) zuid-oost van Malaga de Hua An weer tegen.
Op de terugweg van het Samedan Field (Heerema-MariB) naar GOM, met de Ocean Seal.
Speed 8'8, goed in de verf, Fukada Salvage op de zij. Uiteraard geen contact gehad.
We blijven ons verbazen over de Chinese kustlijn.
SMIT takes delivery of new 8000 tonnes test barge
SMIT Transport Europe took delivery of a new test lift barge "E3505" at the beginning of January 2003.
The test barge, designed by SMIT Engineering, will be used by offshore crane vessel operators such as
Heerema and Saipem, to test their cranes, like Thialf, Balder, Hermod and the Saipem S 7000.
The E3505 has been totally rebuilt, strengthened according to the rules of Lloyds Register of Shipping and
measures 66 x 23 x 4 meters, making this pontoon extremely suitable for heavy RoRo transport projects
as well as the biggest test lifts in the world. To accommodate client’s requirements, lifting trunnions have
been incorporated below deck level in place of pad eyes- to facilitate connecting/ releasing client’s slings.
When fully ballasted, the total test weight of the E3505 is 5500 tonnes. The E3505 is designed in such a
way, that another test barge “E1505" (60 x 15 x 3.50 meters) can be put on the deck of the E3505
increasing the test weight from 5500 tonnes to 8000 tonnes.
By responding to feedback and commissioning this new test barge, SMIT consolidates its unique position
in this interesting market segment.
SMIT also operates a wide range of other test barges also frequently used by other crane operators such
as the land based crane industry. These test barges are based in Rotterdam but can be rapidly mobilised
to anywhere in North West Europe in short time to meet any testing requirement.
The first test for E 3505 is scheduled for early February 2003 with the Saipem S 7000 in the
port of Rotterdam.
4e jaargang, nr. 05
dd. 9 februari 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
De aan BUE Caspian verkochte Stirling Islay en Stirling Jura zijn vernoemd resp. Islay en Jura.
De nieuwbouw multicat die voor Hans van Stee gebouwd wordt krijgt de naam Zwerver II.
De nieuwbouw voor Hubregtse krijgt de naam Dutch Pride.
Het bergingsvaartuig Dolfijn wat door Takmarine naar Spanje was verkocht, is op 13 januari achter de
Viking vertrokken.
De duwboot Schelde van SMIT is op 12 december 2002 verkocht aan A.M. Bruinsma, Zwijndrecht en
herdoopt in Novalite.
De voormalige Smit-Lloyd 119 is op 2 december 2002 als Motorman in beheer gekomen bij Specialist
Marine Services uit Hull.
Swire Offshore neemt volgende maand de UT 710 Pacific Warlock over van de werf. Zij zal bij de
Castoro Sei voor de kust van West Afrika worden ingezet.
Uit betrouwbare bron is vernomen dat de Buffel die onlangs naar Spanje is verkocht nu eigendom is
van Caladeros Mediterraneo S.L. uit Cartagena. Dit bedrijf is ook eigenaar van de voormalige
Gulf Offshore Norway heeft de supplier Stream Truck vernoemd in North Stream.
Simon Mokster heeft de PSV Stril Myster (VS 490) in dienst gesteld.
Na de Havila Borgstein (UT 722 XL) wordt het zusterschip, Havila Surf, volgende maand van de werf
In Amerika zijn onlangs de volgende sleepboten / bevoorraders / anchorhandlers in dienst gesteld:
C-Leader, Sara Jane, Amy Candies, Milissa Candies en Mary Frances Candies.
General Marine Towing Ltd. heeft de voormalige M.S.C. sleepboten Dido, Deborah en Diana aan Mike
Baker te Southampton verkocht. De Dido is vorig week door de Goliath naar Southampton gesleept,
De andere twee zijn eerder dit week achter de Goliath vertrokken, maar de Diana is ter hoogte van
Margate gezonken.
De LT 1977 Attleborn, ze was reeds zonder motor, is verkocht om huisboot te worden te Hoo Marina
op de Medway.
De Eerland 21 vaart bij Harms in Hamburg onder de naam Biber.
De Hua An (ex Smit New York, ex SmitWijs New York) is zaterdag jl. in Rotterdam gearriveerd met de
ponton Ocean Seal. De Hua An ziet er nog hetzelfde uit als toen zij voor het eerst onder die naam uit
Rotterdam vertrok. Zwarte romp en blauwe schoorstenen. Volgens geruchten zou de naam Fukuda op
de zijkant van het schip staan; dat is echter onjuist.
Het beheer van de Smit Jamaica, Smit Hunter en Vikingbank is overgegaan van Smit Americas naar
Smit Transport Europe, Rotterdam.
De Smit-Lloyd 55 blijft varen vanuit Den Helder onder beheer van Seacor Aberdeen; de Smit-Lloyd 57
is overgeplaatst naar Onne Port, Nigeria.
Scheepswerf De Hoop heeft orders in de wacht gesleept voor twee offshoreschepen. Voor Sonasurf
wordt een maintenance, utility vessel gebouwd; oplevering 2004. Voor Amerikaanse opdrachtgevers
wordt een bevoorradingsschip gebouwd van 3.500 brt; oplevering eveneens in 2004.
De havensleepboot Hector Read van de Havenautoriteiten van Great Yarmouth is verkocht aan de
heer Mick Whiting.
Volgens nog niet bevestigde berichten zijn de Towing Wizard en Towing Diamond aan kopers uit India
verkocht zijn als resp. Wizard en Diamond.
Vreemd bezoek
Maandag 3 februari lag de Franse havensleepboot Costaud in de Berghaven in Hoek van Holland. De
reden van het bezoek is onbekend.
SvitzerWijsmuller trekt vissersboot van het strand (040203)
De SvitzerWijsmuller sleepboot Simson is er vanochtend vroeg in geslaagd het vissersschip UK-33
vlot te brengen nadat het gisteren op het strand van Texel was gelopen.
De Simson, met bergings experts van Wijsmuller Salvage B.V. aan boord, is gistermiddag rond 16.45
uur vanuit IJmuiden naar Texel vertrokken. Ondanks de slechte weersomstandigheden en hoge
golven slaagde men er om 02.30 uur vannacht in een sleepverbinding met de UK-33 tot stand te
brengen.Tegen hoog water vanmorgen werden de eerste pogingen om het schip vlot te trekken
aangevangen. Rond 08.00 uur vanochtend kwam de UK-33 uiteindelijk vlot. Om 09.00 is de weer vrij
drijvende UK-33 overgegeven aan een lokale sleepboot uit Den Helder en is de SvitzerWijsmuller
sleepboot Simson begonnen aan de terugreis naar IJmuiden.
Ondertussen hebben bergers van Wijsmuller Salvage B.V. de bergings operatie van de Hanjin
Pennsylvania, het 6 maanden oude containerschip dat in november vorig jaar als gevolg van zware
explosies ten zuiden van Sri Lanka in brand vloog, succesvol afgerond. Op vrijdag 31 januari werd het
schip overgedragen aan haar eigenaren. Nadat de grote brand onder controle was gebracht, hebben
de bergers van Wijsmuller het schip naar Singapore gesleept en daar de lading gelost om zodoende
het schip weer in een veilige toestand te brengen.
Daarbuiten zijn bergers van Wijsmuller momenteel bezig met de berging van een door een explosie
beschadigde tanker in Brazilië, met het vlotbrengen van een gestrandde bulk carrier in de Molukken
(Indonesie) en met het opdrijven van een gezonken droogdok in India nadat eerder midden vorige
maand de tanker Vicky veilig was afgeleverd en gelost in de Rotterdamse haven.
bron: SvitzerWijsmuller
Malaise in de offshore
Het gaat niet zo goed in de offshore; de prijzen zijn laag en het werkaanbod wordt met de dag lager,
zo waren er sinds begin januari slechts vier rigmoves op de Noordzee. Als gevolg daarvan zijn o.a. de
Highland Warrior, Highland Champion en Havila Captain opgelegd.
Submarine stems sunken tanker's oil leaks (030203)
A submarine repairing the sunken Prestige oil tanker has finished its work - its operators claim they
have stemmed 99 per cent of the leaking. The Nautile submarine, owned by the French Research
Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), completed its series of 18 dives on Monday.
The tanker was patched where it lies, on the floor of the Atlantic, 3.5 kilometres below the surface. It
was damaged in November by severe weather off the north-west coast of Spain and was towed 200
kilometres out to sea, where it sank. Oil has already polluted hundreds of kilometres of the Spanish
The Nautile performed its first dive on 16 December. The submarine's crew used the submarine's
robotic arms to patch about 20 different leaks in the Prestige's hull. The challenges posed by the leaks
varied, so a number of different repair techniques were used. One solution involved placing metal
plugs over ruptures and securing these using weighted bags. In another, a bag of metal shot was
inserted into a tube leaking oil. Barnouin says the patches may last up to 40 years, but admits they
could deteriorate much more quickly.
"It's a step in the right direction," says Simon Cripps, director of the World Wildlife Fund's International
Marine Programme, but even a tonne a day is a serious ecological problem, he says.
Cripps adds that the Spanish government should find a way to retrieve the remaining oil from the
Prestige as quickly as possible. "It's the only solution," he told New Scientist.
Between 17,000 and 20,000 tonnes of oil is thought to have leaked from the tanker so far, leaving
about 60,000 tonnes of oil still on board. Much of the leaked oil has washed up on the north-west
coast of Spain, severely damaging the local fishing industry and wildlife. Some oil has reached the
Atlantic coast of France.
The Spanish government is currently considering a proposal by the Dutch salvage company Smit, to
drill into the Prestige and pump oil back to the surface. Barnouin believes this proposal will be
selected. A decision is expected on 15 February. Bron: New Scientist
s.s. Rotterdam
Er komt een 'reddingsactie' om het cruiseschip s.s. Rotterdam alsnog naar Rotterdam te halen. Naast
een publieksactie komt de gemeenteraad van Rotterdam in actie nu het college van burgemeester en
wethouders heeft besloten dat niet kan worden tegemoetgekomen aan de wensen van het consortium
dat ijvert voor de komst van het voormalige vlaggenschip van de Holland Amerika Lijn. De
coalitiepartijen in de raad willen donderdag in een spoeddebat het college dwingen tot nieuwe
gesprekken met projectontwikkelaars die nu de komst van de Rotterdam blokkeren. Volgens
betrokkenen is projectontwikkelaar ING Vastgoed de kwade genius. De bank/ontwikkelaar start
binnenkort met de bouw van het kantoor- en woongebouw Montevideo op de zuidzijde van de
Wilhelminapier aan de Rijnhaven. Dat is ook de voorkeursplek van het consortium om de Rotterdam
af te meren. In het consortium neemt ook ING's concurrent Fortis-bank deel. De publieksactie,
bedoeld om zoveel mogelijk handtekeningen op te halen om de komst van de Rotterdam te
ondersteunen, wordt georganiseerd door de Stichting Behoud Stoomschip Rotterdam.
U kunt deze actie ondersteunen door een e-mail te zenden aan de voorzitter dan de Stichting Behoud
Stoomschip Rotterdam,
Öltanker im Kattegatt auf Grund - kein Öl ausgelaufen (070203)
Aarhus - Ein Öltanker ist am Freitagmorgen nach einem Bericht des NDR im Kattegatt auf Grund
gelaufen. Öl sei nach Angaben der dänischen Marine nicht ausgelaufen, hieß es. Der 179 Meter lange
Einhüllentanker sei mit 35 500 Tonnen Öl an Bord auf dem Weg von Lettland in die USA und fahre für
eine amerikanische Reederei. Zu der Havarie kam es den Angaben zufolge gegen 8.40 Uhr östlich
der Insel Samsö aus noch ungeklärter Ursache. Das Schiff könne sich nicht aus eigener Kraft befreien
und habe keinen Lotsen an Bord gehabt. Bron: Hamburger Abendblatt
Grootste ponton ter wereld in Vlissingen
Op 30 januari is de SmitWijs Rotterdam vanuit Ashdod (Israël) in de Sloehaven gearriveerd met de
Heerema Marine Contractors ponton H 851. Deze ponton is de grootste ter wereld met een afmeting
van 290 meter lang en 63 meter breed en heeft een laadvermogen van 130.514 ton en is speciaal
gebouwd voor het vervoer van enorme offshore constructies. In afwachting van werk is de ponton
voorlopig in Vlissingen opgelegd.
Het Nederlandse schip Elandsgracht is in de Bandazee tussen Timor en Ambon op een klein
Indonesich eiland gevaren. Volgens een woordvoerder van Spliethoff zijn daarbij geen gewonden
gevallen. Het schip is tegen de rotsen terecht gekomen en ligt vast. Bergers van Wijsmuller zijn
inmiddels onderweg naar de Elandsgracht. Volgens de zegsman gaat het om een zeer klein eiland
waarvan hij zelfs de naam niet direct kon noemen. Het in 1995 gebouwde vaartuig was met een lading
koperconcentraat onderweg van Townsville in Australië naar Nantong in China. "De toedracht weten
we nog niet", aldus de woordvoerder van de rederij. "Er is geen direct gevaar voor vervuiling. Het
schip ligt in rustig water en we hopen het voor eind volgende week vlot te trekken".
bron: De Telegraaf
Bedrijven vragen meer tijd voor plan berging Tricolor
De berging van het gezonken autoschip Tricolor begint op z`n vroegst in maart. Tien
bergingsbedrijven zijn door de verzekeraar van de Noorse eigenaar Wilh. Wilhelmsen gevraagd in te
schrijven. Oorspronkelijk zou de inschrijving morgen sluiten, maar dat is uitgesteld tot maandag 17
februari. Volgens woordvoerder T. Ronnevig van Wilh. Wilhelmsen is de deadline verschoven, omdat
de inschrijvers meer tijd nodig hebben. ,,Het gaat om een ingewikkelde bergingsoperatie. Wij nemen
daarom liever in de voorfase extra tijd dan dat wij tijdens de berging op problemen stuiten.`` De
beoordeling van de inschrijvingen zal nog eens twee weken vergen, denkt Ronnevig. Smit
Internationale is een van de tien bedrijven die zijn benaderd. Als de Rotterdamse firma de opdracht in
de wacht sleept, wordt dat een van zijn omvangrijkste bergingsoperaties ooit, aldus voorlichter L.
Walder. Het in 1987 bij Zeebrugge gezonken veerschip Herald of Free Enterprise was ongeveer de
helft zo groot. Walder vergelijkt de Tricolor vanwege de afmetingen met een flatgebouw: 190 meter
lang, 32 meter breed en 30 meter hoog.
De Tricolor zal niet meer in de vaart komen. Het schip is total loss en kan waarschijnlijk alleen in
stukken verwijderd worden. De berging gaat vermoedelijk een paar maanden in beslag nemen. ,,Maar
we blijven op die plek, op open zee, sterk afhankelijk van de weersomstandigheden.`` Smit
Internationale wist al de opdracht te verwerven voor het wegpompen van de 2.000 ton brandstof uit de
autocarrier. De olie moet er voor de berging uit, omdat er anders grote kans is op ernstig
milieuverontreinigende lekkages.
Wilh. Wilhelmsen is de eigenaar van de Tricolor, die half december ten noorden van Duinkerken zonk
na een aanvaring. Dit bedrijf heeft het schip verhuurd aan de dochteronderneming Wallenius
Wilhelmsen Lines in Noorwegen. Om fiscale redenen staat de Tricolor geregistreerd op de Bahama`s.
Bron: PZC
4e jaargang, nr. 06
dd. 28 februari 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
In Aberdeen zijn deze maand de volgende nieuwe offshore schepen gearriveerd:
- Seabulk Africa (UT 755), is inmiddels via Rotterdam naar West-Afrika vertrokken. (helaas voor de
fotografen kwam zij aan in het donker en vertrok ook weer in het donker)
- Highland Courage (UT 722-L), deze is inmiddels ook al in Rotterdam geweest en wel op de foto
- Atlantic Kingfisher (UT 722)
Een andere nieuwbouw is de Skadi Sotra, een PSV van het type MT 6000.
In Vlissingen ligt na een periode van 4 1/2 jaar de Russische sleepboot Gepard nog altijd aan de
ketting. Er is nog altijd geen oplossing voor het financiele geschil tussen de eigenaar en de
scheepswerf. De 16 bemanningsleden hebben inmiddels hun achterstallig salaris ontvangen en
vertrokken. Twee zijn er achtergebleven om het schip in goede staat te houden. Met andere
schuldeisers zijn inmiddels regelingen getroffen.
De Gäven is door Svitzer/Wijsmuller (Röda Bolaget, Gothenburg) eind 2002 verkocht aan Alfons
Håkans met als nieuwe naam Hermes en werkt vanuit Rauma.
De Jean Raby (ex Mercedes II-83, ex Silverbeam-70) is door Cleanaway Ltd. verkocht aan Medway
Towing Services, Gravesend (Birthright Jr. - de zoon van Bunny Birthright). Dat brengt de vloot van
Medway Towing Services tot vijf sleepboten (de andere zijn: Caroline, General IX, Merano en Haulier
Ook de Jim Higgs (ex Lord Ritchie) zou verkocht zijn aan onbekende kopers.
De aan M. Whiting verkochte Hector Read is intussen in Hull aangekomen.
Vanuit Zeeland komt het bericht dat Multraship 2 (ex)puntpijpers van Wijsmuller heeft overgenomen
hebben. Worden omgebouwd tot carrouseltugs.
Maersk heeft de Maersk Achiever, gebouwd bij de Volkswerft in gebruik genomen. Dit is een
zusterschip van de Maersk Assister en Maersk Attender.
Tyco heeft de Tyco Provider verkocht aan Allseas. Sinds het inzakken van de kabellegmarkt was het
schip opgelegd in Tenerife. De nieuwe naam is Provider I. Een jaar of 10 geleden heeft dit schip onder
de naam Stakhanovets Yermolenko in charter bij Wijsmuller gevaren.
Secunda Marine heeft de UT 705 Coastal Connector vanTyco overgenomen. De kabelleginstallatie
wordt verwijderd, waarna het schip weer als bevoorader op de markt zal terugkeren.
Vik en Sandvik hebben een VS470 MKII besteld bij Malta Shipbuilding. Oplevering juni 2003.
De UT 755 (DP 2) die in maart wordt opgeleverd aan Gulf Offshore krijgt de naam Highland Eagle.
Eidesvik heeft de Viking Surf (VS 470) van de werf overgenomen. Een maand eerder is een
zusterschip onder de naam Surf Viking opgeleverd.
Surf heeft twee bevooraders van het type UT 766-L besteld bi Aker Brattvaag. Oplevering januari en
maart 2004.
Farstad Shipping heeft een contract van 5 jaar verworven bij Peterson Supply Link B.V. Voor dit
contract zal een nieuw schip worden gebouwd.
Tidewater heeft de eerste van een serie van vier bevoorraders van de werf overgenomen. Dit nieuwe
type supplier heeft een max. snelheid van 20 knopen. De naam is Vickie Tide.
Heerema verlegt zijn grenzen met bouw platform Kizomba-A (170203)
Op duizend wielen is eind vorige week door zwaartransportsecialist Mammoet de eerste helft buiten
gezet. Vandaag volgt de andere helft. Twee delen van de bovenbouw van het boor- en
productieplatform Kizomba-A, elk bijna zesduizend ton zwaar. Binnenkort worden ze, samen met nog
drie andere modules, in het Calandkanaal bij Rozenburg bovenop het 'onderstel' van het platform
Het wordt een unieke klus. Voor het eerst wordt een olieplatform aan land, ook al is het dan op het
water, in elkaar gezet. Vanuit bijna alle windstreken worden de 'puzzelstukjes' aangevoerd. Tesamen
vormen zij Kizomba-A. Aan de onderzijde honderdtwintig meter lang en honderdtwintig meter breed.
De opbouw meet tachtig meter in het vierkant. Van beneden tot boven honderddertig meter hoog.
Totaal gewicht: 35.000 ton.
Kizomba-A wordt gebouwd in opdracht van Esso Exploration Angola, een werkmaatschappij van de
Amerikaanse oliemaatschappij ExxonMobile. De maatschappij leidt voor de exploitatie van het
Kizomba-olieveld voor de kust van Angola een consortium waarin wordt samengewerkt met de
oliemaatschappijen Agip (Italië), BP (Groot-Brittannië) en Statoil (Noorwegen).
De bouw van het platform is gegund aan de Nederlands/Amerikaanse combinatie Heerema- ABB. Zij
hebben de drijvers voor het platform laten maken bij de werf van Daewoo in Zuid-Korea. Ze zijn eind
vorige maand al in het Calandkanaal afgeleverd. Vijf modules, gemaakt in Zwijndrecht en op diverse
plaatsen in de Amerikaanse staat Texas, moeten er de komende maanden worden opgebouwd.
Heerema heeft het afgelopen jaar in Zwijndrecht de twee hoofdmodules gebouwd. De één is het
service deel, met controlekamers, de brandwaterpomp, eenheden voor de levering van stikstof en
zuurstof en drie generatoren voor de energievoorziening met een totaal vermogen van tien megaWatt.
De ander bevat de installaties om de opgepompte olie met de bijbehorende gassen te verwerken. In
de twee modules zit 8.600 ton staal verwerkt, 28 kilometer pijpleiding en honderdtachtig kilometer
De twee modules worden eind deze maand op speciale schepen over de Oude Maas naar Rozenburg
gevaren, waar het Calandkanaal een grote openluchtfabriek wordt. Naast het onderstel ligt inmiddels
Heerema's grootste werk- en kraaneiland Thialf, dat de modules op het onderstel zal plaatsen. Daar
bovenop komt dan nog een verblijfsruimte voor tachtig personen, een module met alle benodigde
boorinstallaties, een boortoren en twee zware kranen.
Na de zomer moet het complete platform met alle installaties werken. Dan wordt het platform naar de
zogeheten offshoreput in het Calandkanaal gesleept om te worden geladen op het afzinkbare
zwaartransportschip Mighty Servant 1. Dit schip brengt het platform in ongeveer twintig dagen naar
het Kizomba-veld, voor de westkust van Angola.
Daar wordt dit voorjaar al begonnen met de voorbereidingen voor plaatsing. Het Kizomba-platform is
een zogeheten 'tension leg' platform. Acht pijpdikke kabelbundels, op de zeebodem bevestigd aan
heipalen met een diameter van twee meter, worden aan de vier hoeken van het dan iets afgezonken
platform bevestigd. Door de ballasttanks daarna leeg te pompen trekt het platform zich zelf muurvast.
Bijzonder is dat de zee voor de kust van Angola bijzonder diep is: twaalfhonderd meter. Vanaf
Kizomba-A gaan 36 putten in het olieveld worden geboord. Als de olieproductie eenmaal op gang is
wordt de gewonnen olie over een afstand van ongeveer tweehonderd meter overgepompt in een
omgebouwde supertanker die is uitgerust met een behandelingsinstallatie. Bij dit drijvende productieen opslagsysteem (FPSO) komen kleinere tankers de olie vervolgens ophalen.
Volgens directeur W.C.M. Matthijsen van Heerema Fabrication, het vroegere Grootint, zich zelf met de
bouw van het complete platform overtroffen. Voor met de technisch gecomplceerde modules die in
Zwijndrecht zijn gemaakt is het bedrijf grensverleggend geweest. Uniek is ook de fabricage van
modules op diverse plaatsen in de wereld en, straks, de assemblage in het Calandkanaal.
Voor die samenbouw heeft Heerema op pontons in het Calandkanaal kantoor- en verblijfsruimten voor
maximaal achthonderd mensen gebouwd op twee grote pontons. Een deel van de tijdelijks
kantoorruimte komt straks ook bovenop het platform.
De bouw en installatie van het platform kost opdrachtgever ExxonMobile ruim 650 miljoen dollar. De
klus was goed voor bijna vierduizend manjaren werk. Een kwart daarvan is uitgevoerd in Zwijndrecht,
deels bij Heerema zelf, deels bij diverse onderaannemers en toeleveranciers. Bron: Rotterdams Dagblad
Nieuwsfeit uit Canada (van Jan van der Doe, 180203)
Tuesday morning the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw is expected to escort the tug Reliance and
barge PML 9000 downbound from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., the barge is loaded with about 400 steel
coils for Detroit. The steel shipment by barge is a test of a winter alternative to trucking the
automotive steel from Algoma Steel to Detroit-area customers. One barge load of coils is equivalent to
around 200 truckloads of the steel product, according to the Soo Evening News. On Monday the
Reliance departed the Purvis Marine Dock to breakup shore ice in the Soo Harbor while the cutter
Katmai Bay worked in the lower river opening the ice track. The downbound course will take them
through the upbound channel to Stribling Point, down to Johnson’s Point and over to the Junction
Buoy where they will rejoin the downbound channel. The downbound channel is closed for the winter
because of an ice bridge on the West Neebish.
The Mackinaw was working in the Straits of Mackinaw area Monday and was expected to enter the St.
Marys River system Monday night. The Mackinaw will widen the ice channel to about seventy five feet
from the current forty feet made by the Bay Class icebreakers and tankers. The Mackinaw has spent
most of February at her home port of Cheboygan, Michigan. The mid winter rest was a planned
maintenance period.
Winter Shipment Gets off to a Slow Start (190203)
Originally scheduled to leave at 9 a.m. Monday morning, the tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 got
underway just after 10 a.m. The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw was upbound in the lower river at
Mud Lake. The ice in Sault Harbor had been broken up Monday, but had refrozen and the tug and
barge soon ran into trouble. While the Katmai Bay was docked on the Michigan side, the Reliance's
fleet mate tug Scott Purvis came to assist. At noon the tugs managed to break through to the open
water at the Sugar Island Ferry. Normally, this is a 10 minute trip.
With the Scott Purvis following, the Reliance and barge continued on meeting the upbound Mackinaw
at the south end of Sugar Island. With the wider channel opened by the big icebreaker, the Reliance
and barge proceeded down river. The Mackinaw continued upbound to the Soo, passing Six Mile
Point at 2 p.m.
Troubles continued through the evening with the tug and barge making slow progress through the ice.
The Mackinaw and tug and barge passed just below Six Mile Point around 5 p.m. They are stopped
for the night around Nine Mile Point as the Reliance was stopped in the ice. Evaluation and a new plan
are expected in the morning.
The steel shipment by barge is a test of a winter alternative to trucking the automotive steel from
Algoma Steel to Detroit-area customers. One barge load of coils is equivalent to around 200
truckloads of the steel product.
Reliance Continues on, Open Water Ahead (200203)
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 spent Wednesday struggling through the ice in the St. Marys
River. The pair departed the Soo on Tuesday morning and ran into ice difficulties almost immediately.
The tug and barge pushed down river Tuesday but stopped for the night about 5 p.m. Ice in the river
has piled up and at some points was deeper than the draft of the barge. These conditions made ice
breaker escort necessary. About 7 a.m. Tuesday the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw took up the
lead downbound. Joining the escort was the Purvis Marine tug Wilfred M. Cohen, it departed the Soo
about 1 p.m. The Cohen met the tug and barge near the Stribling Point Ranges. Following the wake of
the Mackinaw through Sailors Encampment, the tug and barge swung around Johnson’s Point
towards the junction buoy and rejoined the downbound course at Lake Munuscong. At 10:30 p.m.
Wednesday night the Reliance and PML 9000 were heading for Lake Huron in the lower St. Marys
River near Detour, Mi. The tug and barge reached the lower St. Marys River about 36 hours after their
departure from the Soo. This is normally a five hour trip. Open water over most of Lake Huron should
allow a normal transit to Port Huron, about 20 hours. Once the tug and barge reach Port Huron they
will likely need escort through the lower St. Clair River and Detroit River. The Canadian Coast Guard
Cutter Samuel Risley has been working this area and will likely take up the lead. With little other
shipping traffic on the lakes, and with the problems the tug and barge had in the St. Marys River, The
Mackinaw may continue downbound to assist the transit to Detroit. The barge is loaded with steel coils
from Algoma Steel in the Soo, this shipment by barge is a test of a winter alternative to trucking the
automotive steel from Algoma Steel to Detroit-area customers. One barge load of coils is equivalent to
around 200 truckloads of the steel product.
Reliance Heading for the St. Clair River (210203)
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 passed downbound on Lake Huron Thursday and expected to
reach the southern end of the Lake early Friday morning. The Canadian Coast Guard Ship Samuel
Risley expected to meet the tug and barge at 43 North in lower Lake Huron about 4 a.m. The Risley
will take up the lead and escort the Reliance and PML 9000 downbound through the St. Clair and
Detroit Rivers.
The load of steel coils is expected to be unloaded in Trenton, Mi., south of Detroit. The trip downbound
would normally have them arriving in the late afternoon. With the heavy ice conditions in the St. Clair
and Detroit Rivers it could take considerably longer.
Tricolor wordt in stukken gezaagd (190203)
Het gezonken vrachtschip Tricolor, dat deels voor de Belgische kust ligt, wordt in stukken gezaagd.
Dat zei woensdag een woordvoerder van het adviesbureau dat de aanbiedingen bekijkt van bedrijven
die het wrak willen bergen. Hij zei dat als het weer meezit, het wrak in het Kanaal voor eind augustus
geborgen kan zijn.
In totaal waren tien bedrijven uitgenodigd om een offerte uit te brengen. Drie hebben dat uiteindelijk
gedaan, waaronder het bergingsbedrijf Smit. Alle drie zien geen mogelijkheid om het schip overeind te
trekken en weg te slepen. In plaats daarvan wordt het wrak in meerdere stukken gezaagd, die
afzonderlijk aan wal worden gebracht.
De eigenaar van de Tricolor beslist begin maart wie de Tricolor mag gaan bergen. De operatie gaat
tientallen miljoenen euro kosten. Bron: Gazet van Antwerpen
Tricolor waarschijnlijk deze week leeggepompt
Bergingsbedrijf Smit hoopt deze week het pompen van olie uit het gezonken vrachtschip Tricolor te
beëindigen. Een woordvoerder zei dinsdag dat er tot nu toe ongeveer 1.600 van de 1.900 ton olie uit
het schip, dat half december in Het Kanaal zonk, is verwijderd.
Smit is waarschijnlijk niet in staat alle olie uit het schip te halen. De Tricolor is gebroken, waardoor olie
in zee lekte en zich verspreidde in het ruim, waar ongeveer 3000 auto's stonden. De hoeveelheid olie
in het ruim is relatief klein, volgens Smit hooguit enkele honderden liters.
Het bergingsbedrijf geeft woensdag samen met onder meer de eigenaar van het schip een
persconferentie. Rederij Wallenius Wilhelmsen had tien bedrijven om een offerte voor de berging
gevraagd, waaronder Smit. De inschrijving sloot maandag. De verwachting is dat Wilhelmsen pas over
enkele weken besluit welk bedrijf de Tricolor kan gaan bergen en op welke manier.
Bron: RTV Rijnmond
Berging van Tricolor wordt een 'uitdagende' klus (190203)
De berging van het Noorse autoschip Tricolor wordt niet alleen in technische zin een hoogstandje, ook
juridisch is het een ingewikkelde klus. 'Hoogst uitdagend' omschrijft de verzekeraar van de Tricolor de
juridische complexiteit. Met de berging van het in december vorig jaar na een aanvaring gezonken
schip wordt in het voorjaar begonnen. Eind augustus is het wrak weg uit het Nauw van Calais.
De juridische moeilijkheid begint al met de plek waar de Tricolor is gezonken. Het schip ligt, ongeveer
vijftig kilometer ten oosten van het Engelse Ramsgate en dertig kilometer ten noorden van
Duinkerken, in internationaal water, feitelijk niemandsland. Wel ligt het wrak binnen de Franse
economische zone. Ook ligt het wrak in het gebied waar de Franse maritieme autoriteiten het voor het
zeggen hebben voor wat betreft de begeleiding van de scheepvaart. Frankrijk, België en GrootBrittannië hebben die zeggenschap verdeeld.
Een tweede complicatie is de status van de Tricolor. Het schip is 'total loss' verklaard. De Tricolor is
daarmee niet langer een schip, maar een wrak. Het is ook zó zwaar beschadigd dat het alleen in
stukjes kan worden weggehaald. Daarmee heeft het alleen nog maar een schrootwaarde. De Franse
autoriteiten hebben de eigenaar opgedragen het wrak weg te halen van de plaats waar het nu ligt.
Die eis wordt door eigenaar Wallenius Wilhelmsen en zijn verzekeraar Gard Services gehonoreerd. Zij
hadden er ook voor kunnen kiezen als het ware afstand te doen van de Tricolor. Dan hadden de
Franse autoriteiten de berging moeten opdragen en de rekening er van als 'claim' bij Gard kunnen
neerleggen. ,,Voor die weg hebben we nadrukkelijk niet gekozen,'' zegt vice-president C. Guddal van
Gard. ,,Wij nemen onze verantwoordelijkheid.''
Daarnaast speelt de schuldvraag. De Tricolor is gekapseisd en gezonken na een aanvaring met het
Franse containerschip Kariba dat voer onder de vlag van de Bahama's. Beide schepen kwamen uit
Belgische havens moesten met een zuidelijke bestemming invoegen in het noord-zuid-verkeer door
het Kanaal. De Kariba heeft met zijn boeg de Tricolor midscheeps aan bakboord geramd. Hoe het
ongeluk is gebeurd en wie er schuld aan heeft, wordt nog onderzocht door de Franse autoriteiten.
Na het vergaan is het wrak van de Tricolor nog tweemaal aangevaren. Twee dagen na de ramp is er
het Duitse vrachtschip Nicola bovenop gevaren. In de nacht van Nieuwjaarsdag heeft de Turkse
tanker Vicky het wrak geramd. Over en weer spelen nog juridische claims.
Dat juridische getouwtrek zal de bergingsbedrijven een zorg zijn. De berging van het wrak van de
Tricolor is een mooie klus. Reder, verzekeraar en adviseur hullen zich in een stilzwijgen voor wat
betreft de bedrijven die lonken naar de bergingsopdracht. Ook over de kosten van de operatie doen zij
geen mededelingen. Gelet op de moeilijkheid van de berging en de duur van de hele operatie,
ongeveer vijf maanden, gaat het hier om een klus ter waarde van enkele tientallen miljoenen euro's.
Drie offertes
Verzekeraar Gard heeft begin dit jaar tien internationale bergingsfirma's uitgenodigd een aanbieding te
doen. Bij het sluiten van de markt, afgelopen maandag, lagen er drie offertes op tafel. Het zijn
biedingen van, zo bevestigen woordvoerders, het Rotterdamse bergingsbedrijf Smit, bergingsbedrijf
SvitzerWijsmuller uit IJmuiden en Mammoet Van Oord, de combinatie van de Schiedamse takel- en
zwaartransportspecialist Mammoet en het Gorkumse baggerbedrijf Van Oord. In deze combinatie
spelen ook Hovago Cranes uit Spijkenisse, één van 's werelds toonaangevende kraanfirma's, en het
Arnhemse hijsbedrijf Marine Construct mee. Mammoet Van Oord is vorig jaar opgericht voor het
bouwen van windmolenparken in zee.
Daar waar er eerst nog de hoop was de Tricolor overeind te zetten en te lichten, daar is inmiddels
duidelijk dat het wrak nimmer als één stuk van de zeebodem zal komen. De klap van de eerste
aanvaring en de 'hits' van de Nicola en de Vicky hebben, in combinatie met het slechte weer van de
afgelopen weken in het Kanaal, hebben de structuur van de 190 meter lange, 32 meter brede en
dertig meter hoge Tricolor ernstig verzwakt. Vorige week hebben duikers al vastgesteld dat de
scheepswand over een lengte van vijf meter deels in elkaar is geklapt.
Berger Smit is van plan de Tricolor in zeven stukken te zagen. De brokstukken zullen, inclusief de
lading van 2.862 luxe auto's van het type BMW, Saab en Volvo ter waarde van 49 miljoen euro, één
voor één worden opgetakeld en op een ponton worden geplaatst. Bron:Rotterdams Dagblad
ENSCO Sells Marine Vessel Fleet to Tidewater (200203)
ENSCO International Incorporated announced the signing of a definitive agreement to sell all of the
oilfield support vessels owned by the Company's subsidiary, ENSCO Marine Company, to Tidewater
Inc. for $79 million in cash. The transaction, which is expected to result in a pre-tax gain of
approximately $5 million to ENSCO, ($0.02 per diluted share after taxes), is subject to various
regulatory consents. It is anticipated that the transaction will close early in the second quarter of 2003.
Carl F. Thorne, ENSCO's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, explained the strategic reasons for
the transaction. "Although ENSCO Marine has performed well for us over the years, further renewal
and growth of our boat fleet would require significant new investment. Given our focus on expanding
the size and capability of our offshore rig fleet, we determined that this capital would best be deployed
in that arena where we have a stronger presence and greater investment return opportunities."
News von Svitzer
Mjolner, Goliath Thy und Goliath Gol sind nach Estland nach Talinn verkauft. Alle 3 Schleppern sind
heute von Kopenhagen losgefahren. Dort sollen sie wohl als Eisbrecher fahren. Ausserdem hat
Svitzer 6 Schlepper in Klaipeda geordert plus 8 Optionen. Lieferung beginnt am Mai 2004.
Reliance Arrives (220203)
Friday evening the tug Reliance and PML 9000 arrived at McLouth Steel in Ecorse, Mi. to unload the
cargo of steel coils loaded in Sault Ste. Marie. The tug and barge experienced some difficulty
transiting the lower St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair but was kept moving by the Canadian Coast
Guard Ship Samuel Risley.
The tug and barge expect to depart Saturday morning and have requested the Risley escort them
upbound. After a successful escort Friday afternoon, the Risley sailed downbound for Toledo to escort
the tug John Spence and barge into port. The Risley was expected to depart Toledo early Saturday
morning and return to Detroit to assist the Reliance and barge upbound through the river system. The
Reliance and PML 9000 expected to get underway about 8 a.m.
Vastgelopen bulkcarrier snel weer los (210203)
Sleepboten hebben gisteravond de ruim 41.000 brt metende bulkcarrier Sibotura, die was vastgelopen
voor Hansweert, vlotgetrokken en naar de rede voor Terneuzen gesleept. Het schip, dat onder
Liberiaanse vlag richting Antwerpen voer, liep door onbekende oorzaak vast. Multraship zorgde voor
voldoende sleepkracht, waarna het schip voor anker bij Terneuzen, het volgende tij afwachtte.
New York is gistermiddag opgeschrikt door een enorme explosie die ogenblikkelijk herinneringen
losmaakte aan 11 september 2001. Tijdens het lossen van ongeveer 100.000 vaten benzine ontplofte
een binnenschip (tankduwbak van Bouchard Transportation Company, Inc. - Red. VAART!) aan de
kade van een grote olie- en gasopslagplaats in Staten Island, in het zuiden van de stad. Er vielen twee
doden. Eén overlevende heeft ernstige brandwonden opgelopen. De ontploffing veroorzaakte een
enorme brand op het terrein van ExxonMobil. Een grote zwarte rookpluim was tot in de verre omtrek
te zien. Burgemeester Michael Bloomberg verzekerde dat er geen aanwijzingen zijn dat de ontploffing
het gevolg is van een aanslag Bron:ANP
Reliance Expected to Depart Today (230203)
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 stopped off Wyandotte, Mi. in the Detroit River Friday night
before entering the Trenton Channel and heading for the McLouth Steel Dock in Trenton, Mi. The pair
arrived at the dock late Friday night or early Saturday morning. The delay may have been due to the
unmanned Grosse Isle Toll Bridge. This time of year the bridge is not manned and requires advanced
notice before opening.
Unloading on the barge continued through Saturday and the pair expected to be ready to depart early
Sunday morning. With heavy snow forecast for the area the tug and barge may wait until Sunday
morning to depart. It is unknown if the Samuel Risley will escort the pair upbound.
Heavy Snow Delays Tug and Barge (240203)
Heavy snow and high winds prevented unloading of the barge PML 9000 on Saturday and has
delayed the departure of the tug & barge. Sunday night there was no estimated departure time for the
tug and barge. The storm started Saturday morning and continued to drop heavy amounts of snow
through early Sunday morning. 11.5 inches were reported to have fallen at Wyandotte, Mi., this is
located just north of the dock where the PML 9000 is unloading.
Tug and Barge Stuck in Ice (260203)
Heavy ice trapped the tug Michigan and barge Great Lakes as they became stuck west of the
Leelanau Peninsula on Monday. Local media reports that the tug and barge became stuck as they
departed Grand Travers Bay after unloading in Traverse City. The U.S. Coast Guard sent a helicopter
to the scene to assess the situation and tasked the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Mackinaw to assist.
Tuesday morning the Mackinaw was on scene and had broken a track for the tug and barge. By early
afternoon Tuesday the Michigan/Great Lakes was making steady progress following the Mackinaw
through the ice.
Local media reports that this is the first time Grand Traverse Bay has been frozen over in almost a
decade. The wind has pushed the ice together into heavy pressure ridges where the bay meets Lake
Michigan. The conditions on Grand Travers Bay are so severe that future transits can only be made
with Coast Guard ice breaker assistance.
Reliance Continues (260203)
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 continued upbound Tuesday remaining close to the Lake
Huron shore line. Early this morning the pair were upbound in northern Lake Huron and reported ice
ranging from 4 - 8 inches thick.The tug was expected to stop for the night off Presque Isle, however
conditions may allow the pair to continue upbound for the lower St. Marys River.
Once in the lower St. Marys River the tug will leave the barge and head upbound to break ice. Another
tug from Purvis Marine is expected to depart the dock in Sault Ste. Marie and meet the Reliance in the
lower river. Once the tugs meet they will return downbound to retrieve the barge and head back
to Sault Ste. Marie.
The trip downbound through the St. Marys River last week was very difficult, a trip upbound with an
unloaded barge could be even worse. The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw is expected to break
ice in the Straights of Mackinac Wednesday and then head for the St. Marys River. The Mackinaw is
currently the only Coast Guard ice breaker available in the area. All others are down for maintenance,
preparing for the opening of the shipping season in late March. Another trip to Detroit is planned for
the Reliance and barge
Europese regels dwingen Smit tot opdoeken van havensleepboten (070203)
Smit Havensleepdiensten wacht een nieuwe reorganisatie, de vierde in enkele jaren. De vloot van
negentien sleepboten wordt met vier tot zevenschepen teruggebracht. De personele gevolgen zijn nog
De reorganisatie is ditmaal het gevolg van strengere Europese regels voor werk- en rusttijden. De
werkroosters van Smit sluiten niet aan op dit nieuwe regiem. Door een betere inzet van personeel en
schepen kan de sleepdienst echter efficiënter werken, waardoor de nieuwe richtlijnen wel gevolgd
kunnen worden.
Bij Smit Havensleepdiensten werken op dit moment 250 mensen. Smit wil andere roosters voor de
bemanningen, waardoor de schepen continue kunnen blijven varen. De reorganisatie moet nog voor
de zomer zijn afgerond.
Vorig jaar zijn ook al 275 banen geschrapt. Daarbij ging het om 121 arbeidsplaatsen in Nederland. Het
aantal gedwongen ontslagen is toen beperkt tot 21. De reorganisatie volgde op een interne
heroriëntatie op de bedrijfsactiviteiten en tegenvallende resultaten.
Reliance Upbound (270203 9 a.m. Update)
Monday morning the Reliance continued upbound the St. Marys River, about 9 a.m. the tug turned at
the Sugar Island Ferry Dock and returned downbound. As the Reliance was turning off the dock, the
tug Wilfred M. Cohen was down bound at Six Mile Point and the Mackinaw was upbound at Lime
Original Report
After passing through difficult ice conditions in northern Lake Huron the tug Reliance and barge PML
9000 reached the St. Marys River about 6:40 p.m. Wednesday night.
The tug made slow progress upbound through the ice and anchored the barge off Lime Island about 1
a.m. The Reliance then continued upbound to break a track.
The tug was expected to continue all the way up to the Soo harbor where it will break out fleet mate
Wilfred M. Cohen at the Purvis Dock. The harbor is reported to be a solid sheet of ice. Reliance and
Cohen will then return down bound to retrieve the barge. Early Thursday morning the tug reported
slow progress but continued on.
The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw is expected in the St. Marys River about 5 a.m. Thursday
morning. The Mackinaw will work the ice off Drummond Island to ease conditions for the Drummond
Island ferry and then head to assist the Reliance.
4e jaargang, nr. 07
dd. 15 maart 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
De twee ex Goedkoop boten die Multraship heeft overgenomen zijn geen ‘puntpijpers’, deze waren al
verdwenen. Het zijn de twee overgebleven zusters van de Multratug 12 en 13. De nieuwe namen
worden (logischerwijs) Multratug 14 en 15.
Volgens onbevestigde berichten uit Zeeland is de Multratug 3 in België gesloopt.
De twee nieuwbouw bevooraders voor SURF die in de vorige nieuwsbrief zijn genoemd zijn van het
type UT755L i.p.v. UT766L.
Farstad heeft een bij de Ulstein Verft in aanbouw zijnde OSV gekocht. Onbekend is om welk schip en
welk type het gaat.
Ulstein gaat voor Farstad een PSV van een nieuw type P106 bouwen. Farstad heeft een optie
genomen op een tweede schip.
Tidewater heeft de vloot van Ensco bevoorraders overgenomen.
Verleden week is het casco van het nieuwe werkschip voor Hans van Steen uit Harlingen
aangekomen. Het nieuwe schip krijgt de naam Zwerver II.
Bij de Appledore werf in Engeland is de Toisa Independent, bevoorrader type Global 1000 opgeleverd.
Zaterdag jl is in Sliedrecht de nieuwe aanwinst voor Iskes, de Thetis, door de Taklift 3 te water gezet.
Finarge, een 100% dochter van Rimorchiatori Riuniti, heeft van de Havyard Leirvik een nieuwe
anchorhandler van een nieuw type Moss 424, in gebruik genomen. De naam luidt San Fruttuoso. Het
schip heeft een afmeting van 64.29 x 8.80 x 5.50. De paaltrek is 180 ton. Zij wordt eerst op de
spotmarkt op de Noordzee ingezet, maar zal vermoedelijk op termijn wel naar de kust van West-Afrika
of Zuid-Amerika verdwijnen.
Seabulk heeft in Indonesië twee schepen van Labroy Shipbuilding & Engeneering PTE overgenomen.
Een PSV onder de naam Seabulk Nilar en een anchorhandler onder de naam Seabulk Badamyar.
Van de heer Sinke sr. ontving ik het volgende bericht
Als vader van Piet Sinke lees ik altijd met veel interesse uw nieuwsbrief. Ik wil hierbij dan even een
up-date geven betreffende het stukje over het Kizomba-A platvorm uit het Rotterdams Dagblad van
Alexander Bakker. Inmiddels zijn gisteren 28 februari de 2 hoofdmodules de Oude Maas gepasseerd
komende vanuit Zwijndrecht. De kleinste, geplaatst op de Giant-4 van SMIT is via de Nwe. Waterweg
in de avonduren gearriveerd op de HEEREMA locatie in het Calandkanaal bij het kraanschip Thialf.
Afgelopen nacht is dit module gelicht en men is momenteel bezig dit te plaatsen op de bestemde
locatie van het uit Korea aangevoerde onderstel dat op 27 januari jl. per ms. Transshelf arriveerde.
De grootste module ligt momenteel in afwachting voor plaats in het Calandkanaal geparkeerd in het
Botlek gebied. Mij werd door de Verkeerspost Botlek medegedeeld dat dit na 1 of 1½ dag ook zal
vertrekken naar de Thialf
Vanuit mijn huiskamer kan ik de gehele operatie volgen. Hopenlijk een goede aanvulling voor uw
Met vriendelijke groet,
Aad Sinke.
Rodriguez building two more tugs for Cheramie
Rodriguez Boat Builders, Bayou La Batre, Ala., has two offshore tugs under construction for Galliano,
La.-based IMMC/Huey L. Cheramie Inc. The Niz C. Gisclair, a 72'x28'x10' offshore tug, is due to be
completed in mid-March. The 93'x32'x12' Gloria G. Cheramie is an ABS-classed, oceangoing tug set
for delivery in June.
Both tugs were designed by Joseph Rodriguez and Rusty Gisclair. "We started our newbuild program
in 1998," said Huey L. Cheramie, the company's president and CEO. "We were looking to build six
medium-sized offshore tugs. Rodriguez, when these two are finished, will have built five of them." In
addition to the two currently under construction, Rodriguez delivered new tugs to Cheramie in 1999,
2001, and 2002. The Niz C. Gisclair will be powered by three Cummins KTA19-M diesels, producing
600 hp at 1,800 rpm each. ZF 650-1 transmissions with 6.5:1 reduction ratios will turn 62"x78" Rice 4bladed propellers in 63" Rice nozzles. The boat's running speed will be 11 knots.
The Gloria G. Cheramie will use three Caterpillar 3412 engines, developing 720 hp at 1,800 rpm each,
as her main propulsion. The Cats will connect to 78"x82" 4-bladed Rice wheels in 79" Rice nozzles
through ZF W3850 marine gears with 7:1 reduction ratios. This configuration will give the tug a
running speed of 11.5 knots.
"We like the triple screw because if you're on a project or on a tow and lose an engine, you still have
enough maneuverability and enough power to where you can still work," said Cheramie. "You lose an
engine on a twin screw, and you're basically shut down."
Capacities on the 72-footer include 40,000 gals. of fuel and 8,000 gals. water. There's tankage
available on the 93-footer for 70,000 gals. of fuel and 11,000 gals. water.
Ship's service power on the Niz C. Gisclair will be the responsibility of two Cummins 4B gensets,
producing 40kw of electricity each. A pair of 45kw Caterpillar gensets will handle that task for the
Gloria G. Cheramie.
The 72-footer will carry a crew of six. The 93-footer will have accommodations for eight crew and
passengers.On deck, both vessels will be fitted with Intercon DD125 double-drum winches
from Intercontinental Manufacturing, Kansas City, Mo.Furuno will fill the electronics suites for both
tugs with two radars, two autopilots, two VHFs, and two GPSes each.Cheramie said negotiations are
underway for Rodriguez to build up to four 65'x24' model-bow, 900-hp to 1,200-hp tugs for inland rig
moving and construction.
"We're debating right now," he said. "Nothing's written in stone." - Ken Hocke
Gelezen in het maart nummer van Workboat.
Reliance Reaches Home Dock, Prepares for Next Load (010303)
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 reached their home dock in Sault Ste. Marie about 11 p.m.
Friday night. The tug and barge ended a ten day trip that saw them battling ice from the Soo, down to
Detroit and back. Weather and ice conditions made this first test trip difficult, but it appears to
have been a successful test.
Crews were busy early Saturday morning positioning the barge for another load of steel coils. The tug
and barge will make a second trip to Detroit, departing some time this weekend.
Crews will quickly load the barge in hopes of departing some time on Sunday. In order to use the
services of the Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw the tug and barge must depart on Sunday. The
Mackinaw is expected to return to its home dock early next week.
The most difficult part of the trip was through the St. Marys River. At 6:45 a.m. the tug Reliance, barge
PML 9000, tug Wilfred M Cohen and cutter Mackinaw started underway upbound in the lower St.
Marys River after stopping for the night. The Coast Guard cutter Mackinaw got underway upbound
ahead of the tug and barge to clear a track around Johnson's Point, by 10 a.m. the cutter was called
back to assist the tug and barge stuck near the Mud Lake Junction Buoy. Ice conditions slowed the
barge considerably as they make their way up the frozen St. Marys River.
Early Friday afternoon the barge was again stuck this time at Stribling Point. The tug Wilfred Cohen
was cutting a track to follow but the ice had no where to go. The cutter Mackinaw started cutting into
the ice edge at 90 degree angles. By cutting these relief tracks and backing out, the built up
ice would flow into the track and relieve the pressure on the barge.
Ice at Stribling Point is reported to be one of the most difficult areas of the river. The brash ice
continues to build and there is concern that the conditions are too extreme even for the U.S. Coast
Guard's 140-foot ice breaking tugs.
At 6 p.m. the Mackinaw and Wilfred Cohen were about an hour ahead of the Reliance and barge at 6
Mile Point. The Reliance and PML 9000 passed upbound at 6 Mile Point making good speed through
the ice.
Ice Holes Barge (010303)
The tug John Spence and Barge 401 returned to Port Stanley early Friday morning escorted down
Lake Erie by the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Neah Bay and later joined by the Canadian Coast Guard
Ship Samuel Risley. In the area of the South East Shoal the port bow was pierced in heavy ice.
The damaged area is located just forward of the cargo tank, but below water line. Flooding of the bow
started after the incident. A large chunk of ice remained in the hole slowing the inflow of water.
Crews in Port Stanley were waiting at dockside for the arrival and began immediately offloading of
carbon black in order to raise the barge and damaged area. Fraser Marine will begin replacing the
damaged steel Saturday morning.
PML 9000 Departs (030303)
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 departed the Soo downbound about 2 p.m. Sunday. The tug
Wilfred M. Cohen departed about an hour earlier to break ice in the harbor and assist the Reliance
downbound. The cutter Mackinaw was working the Nine Mile Point area and will escort the tug and
barge downbound. Temperatures in the Soo were forecast to fall to 25 degrees below zero
Fahrenheit Sunday night. This artic blast is sure to quickly refreeze any track the tug and barge break.
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 are carrying a load of steel coils for delivery to Detroit.
PML 9000 Reaches Lake Huron (040303)
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 entered Lake Huron Monday afternoon downbound behind the
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw. The tug Wilfred M. Cohen assisted in the St. Marys River and
turned back to the Soo at Lime Island about noon Monday. At 6:30 p.m. the Cohen passed Nine
Mile Point. The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Katmai Bay was downbound in the river on its way to Grand
Traverse Bay for ice breaking. Ice in the St. Marys River was very thick and the track quickly refroze
with overnight temperatures at twenty degrees below zero or more.
The Reliance was escorted by the Mackinaw to area of the Nordmeer wreck off Middle Island. From
there the tug and barge will be escorted downbound to Detroit by the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Bristol
Bay, after the cutter reaches Alpena.
Reliance Arrives (060303)
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 arrived in Trenton, Mi Wednesday evening. The tug and barge
were escorted down the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers reaching the dock about 6 p.m. Crews will unload
the barge load of steel coils over night and the tug and barge are expected to depart for Sault Ste.
Marie about noon Thursday.
Reliance Departs (100303)
Sunday afternoon the tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 departed the dock at the old McLouth Steel
plant in Trenton. The moved a short distance up the Detroit River and stopped for the night at the
Belle Isle Anchorage. Also stopped in the anchorage for the night is the Canadian Coast Guard Ship
Samuel Risley. The Risley expected to lead the Reliance upbound about 6 a.m. Monday morning.
Reliance Makes it to Marysville (110303)
The tug Reliance and barge PML 9000 continued their extended trip Monday as they departed the
Belle Isle Anchorage under ice breaker escort. The tug and barge headed upbound across Lake St.
Clair and entered the St. Clair River. Monday afternoon the pair docked at the Marysville Edison Dock.
The tug and barge are expected to remain at the dock until Wednesday morning when they
will depart for their home dock in Sault Ste. Marie.
The delay upbound is likely due to the availability of ice breaking. The severe ice conditions that have
formed on many of the lakes have all Coast Guard icebreaking resources in use around the lakes. It is
likely that boatwatchers will see many early season trips run in convoy form to maximize Coast Guard
Icebreakers may be crucial to season's start (120303)
Ice coverage on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway is so extensive this winter that U.S. and
Canadian icebreakers may be crucial to starting the 2003 navigation season on schedule. Ice of
varying thickness now covers large portions of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. The Welland
Canal also is covered with thick ice.
Seaway spokeswoman Sylvie Moncion said Coast Guard icebreakers from Canada and the United
States would likely be needed.
Al Vanagas, general manager of Algoma Central Marine in St. Catharines, Ontario, confirmed the
probable need for icebreaker assistance. “Conditions are severe,” he said. “They’re as bad as anyone
can remember.”
There are plans to move larger icebreakers from the St. Lawrence River to the Great Lakes to help
clear commercial shipping routes, he said. Moncion said talks were under way with Seaway customers
about changing the opening date of the Montreal-to-Lake Ontario section to April 1. But Vanagas said
there is some pressure to get ships out as soon as possible. Ontario Power Generation needs coal for
three generation plants and Sifto Canada Inc. requires salt to replenish depleted winter reserves.
“So as much as we can, we’re going to try to work with customers and get our ships out with the
assistance of the Coast Guard,” said Vanagas. Canada Steamship Lines spokeswoman Sylvie Lafleur
said an early start also is important for her company. “We’re due to sell (transported goods) at the end
of March, beginning of April,” she said. “When it’s a really bad year for ice and you have to break it, it
slows you down — you’re not as efficient. But it’s never stopped us from going.”
John Falkingham of the Canadian Ice Service said that while Great Lakes ice is thick this year, it’s not
unusual when viewed over decades. “Over our 30 years’ experience here, it’s sort of normal onditions
for this time of year,” said Falkingham. “We’re back to a much more normal year.”
Dankzij de bijdragen uit Canada van Jan van der Doe komen we wat te weten over sleepwerk in echt
winterse omstandigheden. (en wij klagen al als de voorruit van de auto bevroren is!)
Seabulk (120303)
Seabulk Offshore has appointed Gerald A. Gray as Senior Vice President-International, effective
immediately. Gray is responsible for Seabulk Offshore's operations in overseas markets, including
West Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast/Southwest Asia. He reports to Hubert E. Thyssen,
corporate vice president and the managing director of Seabulk Offshore International. Gray has
extensive experience in the offshore marine business, recently completing a 30-year career with the
group of businesses now known as Tidewater Inc. and certain of its acquired companies. Over the
past several years, he has served in management positions for Tidewater's offshore operations in the
Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, and Nigeria. Larry D. Francois, corporate senior vice president and
president of Seabulk Offshore, commented, "One of my highest priorities this year is to drive
operational efficiencies across all of Seabulk Offshore's global markets and deliver service excellence
to our customers in a reliable, disciplined, and consistent manner. With Gray's strong track record
managing offshore energy service operations in international markets, he is an outstanding addition to
our management team." "Gray's operational expertise will be a valued asset to our international group
as we grow our fleet and explore new markets," added Thyssen. "Moving forward, we will be
strengthening our business around the world with a versatile, flexible fleet that can meet the complex
needs of any customer."
Gas Roman and Springbok succesfully parted
Press Release
Rotterdam, 10 march 2003
At 13:48 hours local time last Sunday (9 March) two tugs succeeded in disconnecting the Gas Roman
and the Springbok from each other east of Pulau Binting. Currently both vessels are safely afloat. The
Gas Roman is being redelivered to the owner and the awarded LOF 2000 contract has been
The separation operation was completed after the successful offloading and patching (the mounting of
steal plates onto the damaged hull) activities onboard the Springbok. All work was performed under
close guidance of a marine chemist. Up until now there are no threats to the environment.
The two vessels collided 16 miles N.E. of the Horsburgh lighthouse (near Singapore) in the
international shipping route on 27-2-2003. Initial reports indicate that the Gas Roman sustained
damage to her bow and the Springbok suffered damage to her mid section near the crew's
The Gas Roman is a Panamanian flagged LPG carrier with a deadweight tonnage of 55,000 tonnes.
She measures 230 meters in length and 36.60 in width and was built in 1990. Her cargo consists of
44,000 tonnes LPG.
The Springbok is a Singaporian flagged general cargo ship with a deadweight tonnage of 15,000
tonnes. The vessel has a length of 144 meters with a width of 20.40 meters and was built in 1979, and
was laden with 3,165 tonnes of timber. Bron: Bunkerworld
SMIT Salvage and Semco completed cargo removal and disconnected the Gas Roman from the
Rotterdam, 10 march 2003
At 13:48 hours local time last Sunday (9 March) two tugs succeeded in disconnecting the Gas Roman
and the Springbok from each other east of Pulau Binting. Currently both vessels are safely afloat. The
Gas Roman is being redelivered to the owner and the awarded LOF 2000 contract has been
The separation operation was completed after the successful offloading and patching (the mounting of
steal plates onto the damaged hull) activities onboard the Springbok. All work was performed under
close guidance of a marine chemist. Up until now there are no threats to the environment.
The two vessels collided 16 miles N.E. of the Horsburgh lighthouse (near Singapore) in the
international shipping route on 27-2-2003. Initial reports indicate that the Gas Roman sustained
damage to her bow and the Springbok suffered damage to her mid section near the crew's
The Gas Roman is a Panamanian flagged LPG carrier with a deadweight tonnage of 55,000 tonnes.
She measures 230 meters in length and 36.60 in width and was built in 1990. Her cargo consists of
44,000 tonnes LPG.
The Springbok is a Singaporian flagged general cargo ship with a deadweight tonnage of 15,000
tonnes. The vessel has a length of 144 meters with a width of 20.40 meters and was built in 1979, and
was laden with 3,165 tonnes of timber.
Bron: Smit
4e jaargang, nr. 08
dd. 26 maart 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
De Fonda van de heer D. Wilson uit Terneuzen, in charter bij Multraship, wordt in De
Scheepvaartkrant van 19 maart jl. te koop aangeboden.
De Arie die verleden jaar door Smit Maritime Contractors B.V. is verkocht blijkt eigendom te zijn van
Internautic Shipping S.a.r.l., Grevenmacher-Luxemburg en heet nu Sander Sr.
De bij Astilleros gebouwde DPMPV voor North Star Shipping uit Aberdeen heet Grampian Surveyor.
Voor hetzelfde bedrijf wordt binnenkort een bevoorrader (UT 755-L) opgeleverd door de Akerwerf en
krijgt de naam Grampian Explorer.
De door Secunda Marine overgenomen Coastal Connector heet nu Mariner Sea.
De Smit-Lloyd Safe van Seacor-Smit Offshore 1 B.V., Rotterdam, vaart nu in beheer bij Total Marine
Services Pty. Ltd., North Fremantle, Australië.
De Smit-Lloyd Sound van Nomis Shipping Ltd., Aberdeen, in beheer bij Seacor Marine West Africa is
op 22 februari 2003 in Singapore aangekomen. De volgende dag werd de nieuwe naam op
geschilderd: Dea Sound.
De Buffel die onlangs naar Spanje is verkocht, is eigendom is van Caladeros Mediterraneo S.L. uit
Cartagena, dit bedrijf is ook eigenaar van de voormalige Bruinvisch.
De Smit Bison (ex D.H. Alpha) eigendom van Smit Singapore Pte. Ltd. is op 11 februari 2003
vertrokken uit Maassluis om te werken bij de wrakopruiming in de Westerschelde.
De Smit Jamaica, Smit Hunter en Vikingbank allen in beheer van Smit Americas Inc., Houston zijn
overgedragen naar Smit Transport Europe B.V., Rotterdam.
De nieuwbouw AHTS (type Moss 424) voor Finarge Armamento Genovese is onlangs opgeleverd en
heet A.H. San Fruttuoso.
Voor Gulf Offshore NS Ltd. Wordt binnenkort de Highland Eagle (UT 755) opgeleverd.
Olympic Shipping heeft een AHTS in aanbouw die de naam Olympic Horizon gaat krijgen.
Shamrock Marine Services heeft de Shamrock Petal (ex Seabulk Sari), Shamrock Splendour (ex
Seabulk Shindaga) en Shamrock Dream (ex Seabulk Houbara) verkocht naar eigenaren op Guernsey.
Zij zullen bij West-Afrika worden ingezet.
Het zusterschip van de Havila Borgstein (UT 722LX) heet Havila Surf en is deze maand door de
Langsten werf opgeleverd.
Misschien is deze melding al eerder geweest maar Gulf Offshore Norge AS heeft de Sound Truck,
Stout Truck en Stream Truck vernoemd in resp. North Truck, North Traveller en North Stream.
Havila Supply heeft de Havila Captain teruggetrokken van de spotmarkt en in zgn.’ warm lay-up’ in
Noorwegen opgelegd.
Op 14 februari is de UT 745-E Normand Flipper opgeleverd aan Solstad.
Estaleiro Promar heeft de Danko Tide (UT 755-L) opgeleverd aan Tidewater.
On March,8 ConocoPhillips christened its new towboat INTEGRITY at Orange, Texas. The 1,700 hp.
towboat is being built by Conrad Industries' Orange Shipbuilding, Inc. It is the second of four boats
being constructed. The first, the MV. SPIRIT, was christened in Houston, Texas, on January 30.
Op 15 maart 2003 zijn 3 Ministry of Defence (MOD) schepen geladen op de Erasmusgracht van
Spliethoff. Schepen zijn gebouwd voor het MOD project door FBMA een werf in Arpili op het eiland
Cebu. De schepen worden afgeleverd in Southampton Engeland. De namen van de schepen zijn:
Smit Yare (nr. 2217); Smit Towy (nr. 2218) en de Smit Spey (2219)
Met de drie eerder geleverde schepen de Smit Don, Smit Dee en de Smit Dart komt het nu geleverde
nieuwbouw programma van deze schepen uit op zes. Het Vessel management ligt bij Smit Vessel
Management Service in Aberdeen.
De Zeeland is als eerste in IJmuiden in de nieuwe kleuren van Svitzer geschilderd.
Reliance Arrives, Leaves Barge Behind (160303)
The tug Reliance released the barge PML 9000 near Detour in the lower St. Marys River and returned
to the Purvis Marine Dock at the Soo. The Canadian Coast Guard Ship Griffon worked with the tug &
barge on the upbound trip, but the heavy pack ice would not yield. Reliance arrived Soo harbor at 9:25
p.m. The tug is expected to return downbound Sunday to retrieve the barge.
Successful placement of Permanent Production Facility (PPF) by SMIT Heavy
Lift (120303)
SMIT Heavy lift’s Marine Projects Dept. has completed the loading, dry tow, offloading and placement
of a Permanent Production Facility (PPF). The contract was awarded by Anadarko Qatar Energy Co.
in Dubai.
The jack up rig “DMS Venture” was converted in Jebel Ali (U.A.E.) for deployment as a Permanent
Production Facility, with a weight of 10120 tonnes, for a period of 20 years. The semi-submersible
barge “SMIT ANAMBAS”, which was towed from Colombo to Jebel Ali by the “SMIT LABUAN”, was
mobilized for the transport.
SMIT’s scope of work included, amongst others, design of the cribbing, fenders, seafastings etc and
the supervision during the installation. A few days prior to the loading operation a team from SMIT
arrived in Jebel Ali. On February 20 all preparations were completed and the loading operation
started. With the assistance of the “SMIT LABUAN” and several local tugs, the “SMIT ANAMBAS” was
shifted from its berth to the PPF and manoeuvred stern first under the PPF. By combination of
deballasting/ballasting of the “SMIT ANAMBAS” and jacking down the PPF the full weight of the PPF
was transferred onto the barge and was safely moored to the jetty. On March 4, when all welding- and
preparatory works had been completed, the transport departed to the Al Rayyan Field, Offshore Qatar,
where it arrived on March 7.
The PPF has been offloaded in the field. Today, with the assistance of 5 tugs, it was placed in its final
position next to the existing production facility at 3 m distance with a very tight tolerance of
approximately 50 cm and 0.25 heading.
Bron: SMIT
Smit stuurt bergers náár de Golfregio (190303)
Nederlandse bedrijven wachten zolang mogelijk met terugroepen personeel
De Nederlandse bedrijven die in de Golfregio actief zijn, wachten zo lang mogelijk met het
terugroepen van hun personeel. Het Rotterdamse sleep- en bergingsbedrijf Smit heeft juist extra
materieel en menskracht er naar toe gestuurd. Voor de bemanning van twee bergingsschepen, die op
verzoek van het Amerikaanse leger paraat worden gehouden, waren voldoende vrijwilligers
Met ongeveer tweehonderd werknemers actief in de Golfregio is Smit één van de grootste
Nederlandse werkgevers in het met oorlog bedreigde gebied. Het Rotterdamse bedrijf heeft eigen
kantoren in Jemen, Sudan en Dubai, van waaruit verschillende projecten worden uitgevoerd. Ook is
het bedrijf op dit moment actief in Qatar. Verder is één van de zware ladingschepen met bemanning
verhuurd aan het Britse leger voor troepentransport.
Op verzoek van het Amerikaanse leger zijn twee bergingsvaartuigen naar de Golfregio gedirigeerd.
Smit staat bijna constant in contact met het Britse en Amerikaanse leger om snel in actie te kunnen
komen. Als nodig kunnen schepen die in de Golfregio nu met andere projecten bezig zijn, voor
bergingswerk worden vrijgemaakt.
Snelle aftocht
De bemanning van de bergingsschepen bestaat uit vrijwilligers. ,,We dwingen niemand van ons
personeel naar dat gebied te gaan,'' zegt Smit-topman B. Vree. ,,Voor de bemanning van deze
schepen hadden we keus genoeg.'' Alle Nederlandse bedrijven die in het Golfgebied actief zijn,
hebben de afgelopen maanden familieleden van werknemers al naar huis gehaald. In het algemeen
wachten de bedrijven tot het laatste moment met evacueren van werknemers. Wel zijn maatregelen
getroffen voor een snelle aftocht.
Het Papendrechtse baggerbedrijf Koninklijke Boskalis heeft op dit moment mensen en materieel aan
het werk in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten. Al enige tijd geleden heeft het bedrijf
voorzorgsmaatregelen getroffen om de werknemers snel uit door oorlog bedreigd gebied te
evacueren, liefst met medeneming van de schepen en andere baggermaterieel. ,,Probleem is dat we
er werken op contractbasis,'' geeft een woordvoerster van het bedrijf aan. ,,Om zo'n contract te
verbreken, moet je wel aantonen dat de werknemers er gevaar lopen. Of en hoe we onze mensen
evacueren is dan ook sterk afhankelijk van waar de directe oorlogshandelingen plaatsvinden.''
Ballast HAM Dredging heeft op dit moment nog ongeveer vijftig medewerkers voor twee projecten in
Qatar en Saudi-Arabië. De achterblijvers hebben 'open' vliegtickets en vluchtauto's hebben steeds een
volle tank benzine. Het Capelse baggerbedrijf wacht zo lang mogelijk met evacueren van werknemers.
Een besluit is ook hier afhankelijk van waar de directe oorlogshandelingen plaatsvinden.
Oliemaatschappij Shell is in nagenoeg alle landen in de Golfregio aanwezig. Van kleinschalige
activiteiten zoals de verkoop van smeerolie in Yemen en Libanon tot raffinage in Verenigde Arabische
Emiraten. Ook in Iraks buurland Iran is het Nederlands-Brits concern actief. In Irak zelf en in Koeweit
heeft Shell geen mensen zitten. Shell heeft in de regio circa zevenduizend werknemers, van wie
zeshonderd 'expats'. Dat zijn de personeelsleden die niet behoren tot de lokale bevolking van de
landen waarin het concern actief is
,,Wij hebben adequate plannen klaar liggen voor als de nood aan de man komt, maar vooralsnog
gaan de werkzaamheden gewoon door,'' zegt een woordvoerder van Shell. Uit
veiligheidsoverweginingen voor de betrokken werknemers wil het concern niet zeggen wat die
plannen in concreto behelsen.
De Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging van Reders (KNVR) wacht vooralsnog de ontwikkelingen af. In
geval van oorlogshandelingen zal in overleg met de overheid de oorlogsregio worden gedefinieerd.
Dan komt er een advies aan de reders om dat gebied te mijden. De redervereniging verwacht
voorlopig geen al te grote problemen. Die komen er wel als bijvoorbeeld het Suezkanaal in
oorlogshandelingen wordt betrokken. Bron:Rotterdams Dagblad
Containers vastgelopen schip overgeladen
Voor de kust van Griekenland worden de containers van het vastgelopen schip P&O Nedlloyd Capri
overgeladen op een ander vrachtschip.
Het is de bedoeling om in de loop van deze week de Capri vlot te trekken.
De P&O Nedlloyd Capri liep eerder deze maand op de rotsen bij het Griekse eiland Kalymnos, toen
het schip op weg was van Istanboel naar de Egyptische havenplaats Damietta. Bij het ongeluk sloeg
de romp lek, waardoor olie in zee terecht is gekomen, maar het gaat maar om kleine hoeveelheden.
Er raakte niemand gewond. Bron:Radio Rijnmond
Smit leidt berging wrak Tricolor (210303)
Rotterdam - Het Rotterdamse bedrijf Smit krijgt de leiding bij de berging van het wrak van het
gezonken vrachtschip Tricolor. Dat meldde rederij Wilhelmsen vrijdag.
Smit werkt bij dit karwei samen met Scaldis, URS en Multraship in de Combinatie Berging Tricolor.
Rederij Wilhelmsen verwacht dat de berging van de Tricolor in de herfst kan zijn afgerond. De Tricolor
zonk 14 december in Het Kanaal na een aanvaring in dichte mist. Nadien zijn al drie schepen tegen
het wrak gevaren. Het schip had bijna 3000 dure auto's aan boord.
Het gezonken vrachtschip wordt in zeven stukken van elk ongeveer 3000 ton gesneden. Hiervoor
gebruiken de bergers dezelfde apparatuur als bij de berging van de gezonken Russische onderzeeër
Kranen tillen de delen van de Tricolor, met daarin de lading, op een transportschip dat het naar de wal
brengt voor verdere sloop. Bron: ANP
Investigations into grounded ship
A cargo ship which ran aground on the Cornish coast may not be able to be relfoated, a
salvage expert has said.
The 1,846-tonne RMS Mulheim was travelling from Cork to Lubeck, Germany, when she ran aground
between Land's End and Sennen at 0500 GMT on Saturday.
A salvage control unit has been set up in Penzance to deal with the incident. However, the controller
of the unit said it may not be possible to refloat the ship.
The vessel leaked diesel fuel after she ran aground. But the Maritime and Coastguard Agency said
fuel from the stranded ship had been dispersed by the sea and leaking appeared to have stopped. A
fuel slick 500 metres long had come from the ship from the Mulheim into Gamper Bay, close to
Sennen Cove, from the 100,000 litres of diesel fuel it was carrying.
The ship was carrying 2,200 tonnes of scrap car metal. Her six-strong Polish crew was airlifted to
safety after she ran onto rocks.
The salvage control team is to carry out assessments to see if the Antigua and Barbados-registered
vessel can be salvaged.
However, Robin Middleton, controller of the unit, said: "Due to the rocky location and incoming swell,
even on a very calm day, the vessel has sustained severe damage and refloatation may not be
"Our efforts will concentrate on removing remaining pollutants from the vessel and carrying out
detailed damage assessments."
A spokesman for the Environment Agency said the ship's light diesel fuel was less harmful than heavy
fuel oil.
"Obviously any spillage in our beautiful environment is to be very much regretted," he said.
The County Pollution and Salvage Officer, Donald McDonald, said the risk of pollution was minimal.
Bron: BBC
Tanker explosion off Italian coast injures 9
Container on ship goes off during tow out to sea
Associated Press
Originally published March 23, 2003
LEGHORN, Italy - Nine people were injured off the coast of Italy yesterday during an explosion aboard
a tanker carrying flammable methyl alcohol, port officials said.
The tanker Cape Horn, sailing under the Liberian flag, was docking at the northwestern Italian city of
Leghorn when a small fire broke out, according to the port captain's office. A tug was then ordered to
take the ship out to sea as a precaution.
During the tow, about 1.5 miles offshore, one of the tanks aboard the ship exploded, the port officials
Six crew members from the ship were injured, as were the captain and two crew members aboard the
tug. None of the injuries were serious.
Port authorities said the explosion was apparently set off when the ship butted up against the dock
while being towed.
Methyl alcohol, also known as wood alcohol or methanol, is used as a solvent. Authorities said there
was no danger of pollution. Bron: Associated Press
Union Manta
De nieuwe aanwinst van de URS is zondag jl. in Antwerpen aangekomen. Maandagmiddag heeft de
doopplechtigheid plaatsgevonden. Woensdag 26 maart vertrekt de Union Manta naar Arendal
(Noorwegen) om een ponton voor Heerema op te halen en af te leveren op de Noordzee waar de
Thialf van Heerema aan het werk moet. Daarna zal zij nog korte tijd op de Noordzee blijven en
vertrekt vervolgens medio april naar de Golf van Mexico voor een drie-jarig contract bij Heerema. In
de States wordt eerst ROV-apparatuur aan boord gezet.
Ondergetekende heeft, samen met Frits van der Hoek, de laatste mijlen van de reis van
Fredrikshaven naar Antwerpen meegemaakt. Ter hoogte van Terneuzen zijn we met de Braakman
naar de Union Manta gevaren en samen met nog enkele andere vertegenwoordigers van de pers aan
boord gegaan. Mooie ervaring en beleving van je hobby in optima forma!
Het is wel geen sleepvaart of bergingsnieuws maar toch.
Maandag 24 Maart 2003
Cruiseschepen vinden de weg naar Rotterdam
Binnenhalen rederijen is een zaak van lange adem
Cruiserederijen lijken de weg naar de haven van Rotterdam te hebben gevonden. Voor volgend
jaar zijn al zes scheepsbezoeken aangekondigd, maar daar kunnen er nog zeker vier bijkomen.
Een 'doorbraakje' geeft directeur M. Elmar van Cruise Rotterdam, onderdeel van Rotterdam
Marketing, toe.
Rotterdam - ,,Het bewijst dat het binnenhalen van cruiseschepen een zaak van lange adem is,'' licht
Elmar toe. Rotterdam probeert nu al bijna tien jaar voet tussen de deur te krijgen in de cruisemarkt.
De concurrentie van Noordwest- Europese havensteden is hevig. Echter, met veel nieuwe
cruiseschepen in de orderboeken van scheepswerven kan het haast niet anders dat rederijen naar
andere dan de meer traditionele cruisehavens gaan zoeken.
Rotterdam heeft aan het begin van de jaren negentig zestien miljoen gulden geïnvesteerd in de
renovatie en aanpassing van de voormalige vertrekhal van de Holland America Line op de
Wilhelminapier. De aanlopen van cruiseschepen zijn voor een stad bijzonder lucratief. Grote schepen
zijn per bezoek goed voor ongeveer vijfhonderdduizend euro aan bestedingen, variërend van
havengeld tot de consumpties van passagiers in de stad.
De Grand Prinsess van rederij Princess is het eerste cruiseschip dat volgend jaar Rotterdam aandoet.
Het schip meert op 14 mei aan bij de cruiseterminal op de Wilhelminapier. Krap een maand later, op
10 juni, komt de Royal Princess van dezelfde rederij naar Rotterdam.
Voor volgend jaar waren al langer geleden afspraken gemaakt met rederij Cunard voor een bezoek
van de Queen Mary II. Dit schip wordt op dit moment in Frankrijk gebouwd en zal in januari in de vaart
worden gebracht ter vervanging van de 'beroemde' Queen Elisabeth II. De Queen Mary II is op 21 juli
volgend jaar in Rotterdam.
De Holland America Line 'stuurt' in 2004 twee schepen naar Rotterdam. Als eerste komt de dan
fonkelnieuwe Westerdam, het derde schip (na de Zuider- en Oosterdam) in de nieuwe Vista-serie. De
Westerdam is op 31 juli in Rotterdam. Het vlaggenschip van de rederij, de Rotterdam, komt tenslotte
op 15 september naar zijn thuishaven.
Op papier staan voor volgend jaar ook nog vier 'calls' gereserveerd. Elmar heeft goede hoop dat de
betrokken rederijen die reserveringen ook daadwerkelijk omzetten in een bezoek. ,,Die rederijen zijn
nu druk bezig met het afronden van hun totale cruiseprogramma voor volgend jaar,'' zegt zij. ,,We
moeten nog even geduld hebben.''
Voor dit jaar blijft het aantal cruiseschepen dat Rotterdam bezoekt beperkt tot drie. Eind juli viert de
Holland America Line in Rotterdam haar 130-jarig bestaan. Daarvoor komt op maandag 28 juli het
vlaggenschip Rotterdam naar de stad als slot van een transatlantische oversteek.
Het schip vertrekt woensdagmorgen 30 juli voor een nieuwe oversteek, nu naar New York. Op 14 juni
is al de Royal Princess van rederij Princess in Rotterdam. Het schip komt op 19 september nog een
keer terug.
Bron: Rotterdams Dagblad
4e jaargang, nr. 09
dd. 5 april 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Damen Marine Services heeft de multicat DMS Eagle verkocht aan het Schotse Briggs Marine,waar zij
de naam Forth Inspector kreeg.
De Belgische duwboot Kara (ex Roumois ‘87) (6002376) die eind vorig jaar door J. de Roeck,
Antwerpen naar Frankrijk is verkocht heet nu Nanto Suelta. Is in 2003 hernoemd; de eigenaar heet
Op 26 maart is de Te Awhina (ex Collie ‘01) door Ron Livett verkocht aan Targe Towing Ltd.,
Montrose De Sea Horse is op de Thames aangekomen om haar naar Schotland te slepen. De Collie
was de enige 'Dog' met straalbuizen, paaltrek 21.1 ton.
De Entreprenant is aan het Havenmuseum van Duinkerken overgedragen en is tijdens de tweede helft
van maart verhuisd naar het Bassin de Commerce waar ze nu voor het zeilschip Duchesse Anne ligt
afgemeerd. Er is wel veel werk aan de Entreprenant te doen. De sleepboot was het laatst in 1999 aan
het werk in Cherbourg. Sinds het voorjaar van 2000 was ze te Duinkerken oplegd nadat ze met
machineschade door de Superbe naar haar geboortehaven was teruggesleept. In Duinkerkem werkte
ze het laatst in 1996.
Solstad heeft de AHTS type A101 Normand Master in dienst gesteld. Eén van de eerste klussen werd
ankerwerk bij de Stena Spey, die zaterdagochtend 5 april door de nieuwe A.H. San Fruttuoso van de
Keppel Verolme Werf naar zee werd gesleept.
Voor de rigmove van de Noble Al White staat nu de nieuwe Havila Surf op de lijst. Dit transport komt
mogelijk dinsdag 8 april a.s. naar de Keppel Verolme Werf.
Gulf Offshore heeft de nieuwe UT 755 Highland Eagle in gebruik genomen
Nomis Shipping heeft de Seacor Argosy (1999) van Seacor aangekocht.
De Valiant Nader, Escort Protector (ex Arctic Malik) en Reya (ex Freya) zijn naar West-Afrika
Volgens onbevestigde berichten heeft BP drie PSV’s besteld bij Yantai Raffles in China.
Toisa heeft de optie gelicht voor de bouw van een derde PSV bij de Wuhu Shipyard in China.
Oplevering september 2004.
Maersk heeft bij de eigen werf in Stralsund wederom twee grote anchorhandlers van het ‘A’-type
besteld. Oplevering half 2004.
De Gurron en de Redcliffe (ex W. J. Trotter) van Adsteam zijn van Australië onderweg naar de
De Abeille No. 7 die naar Abidjan is vertrokken is voor haar reis in december 2002 in Kotibe
De Abeille Champagne is sinds eind vorig jaar de Champagne van Ocean s.r.l.
De eigenaar van de Katrine (ex DMS Condor ‘02) is Dansk Bjærgning & Bugsering A/S.
Sinds november 2002 zijn 15 schepen door Ulstein opgeleverd aan de offshore-industrie.
Per 20 maart zijn er 47 schepen in aanbouw, waarvan er 35 dit jaar worden opgeleverd en de overige
15 in 2004.
Op scheepswerven in negen landen zijn schepen volgens het UT-ontwerp van Rolls-Royce in
Het totaal aantal verschillende UT-ontwerpen is op dit moment 17 stuks.
Van het totaal van 47 in aanbouw zijnde schepen zijn er 17 van het type UT 755. Deze zijn op werven
in Noorwegen, Brazilië en Italië in aanbouw. Van het ontwerp UT 722 zijn er zeven in aanbouw.
De eerste multifunctionele anchorhandler van het type UT 722LX (Havila Borgstein) is onlangs
opgeleverd. In maar volgt nog een zusterschip, de Havila Surf.
Voor IOS is een nieuw type UT 712 recent gaan proefvaren. Dit type zal hoofzakelijk in het Verre
Oosten worden ingezet. Een zusterschip staat nog op de helling.
Andere types in aanbouw zijn o.a. de UT 710 en UT 780 en het nieuwe ontwerp UT 527 (standbyschip)
Glerum Joins Multraship (260303)
Paul Glerum has joined the Dutch towage and salvage company, Multraship, as senior salvage
master. "We are delighted that Paul has joined Multraship," says Leendert Muller, director of
Multraship. "With his vast experience and in-depth knowledge of salvage operations Paul's
appointment will help Multraship meet the growing demand for salvage services." Paul Glerum has
over 25 years salvage experience where has been involved in many high-profile salvage projects
including the raising of the Kursk, the Russian nuclear submarine that suffered an explosion and sank
in the Barents Sea. "I am very pleased to be joining the Multraship team," says Paul Glerum. "This is a
great opportunity for me to work for an independent company which has been in the salvage business
for over 85 years. I'm looking forward to expanding the Multraship salvage team."
Alstom to Equip Platform Supply Vessels (260303)
Alstom has been awarded a $20 million order to supply equipment for 10 new platform supply vessels
which are being built in the U.S. Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co. Inc. of Mobile Ala., awarded Alstom
the contract to design, install and commission the fully integrated AC electrical propulsion and control
systems for the 210-ft. support vessels which will be based in the Gulf of Mexico.
Alstom will also provide support and training at its technical training facility in Houston, Texas. The
equipment includes Class II DP systems from Alstom's 'A' Series and vessel control systems, as well
as switchboards, transformers and AC variable speed drive trains. The switchboards will be built in the
US, allowing flexibility during the design phases of the project.
Steve Raynor, Sales Director for Alstom's Marine and Offshore Activity, said: "We secured this
significant contract based on our proven record with Bender Shipbuilding, having completed a number
of orders for them in the past. We were also the only company which could serve as a single source
supplier for all the DP, vessel management system and propulsion equipment and provide full support
through our training facility in Texas." The first vessel is due to be delivered in March 2004.
Thompson First Upbound (280303)
The tug and barge Joseph H. Thompson opened the Soo Locks as the first upbound vessel for the
2003 season. The tug and barge passed upbound late Thursday night. The pair are expected to head
to Marquette, Mi.
Rijkswaterstaat kan berging Assi Eurolink niet betalen
31 Mar 2003
Terschelling - Het schip Assi Eurolink, dat twee maanden geleden in de Noordzee zonk, wordt
voorlopig niet geborgen. Dat heeft de Directie Noordzee van Rijkswaterstaat maandag
bekendgemaakt. De kosten zouden te hoog zijn.
Het Nederlandse schip zonk 70 kilometer ten noorden van Terschelling en ligt 17 meter onder water.
Het wrak ligt in een vaargeul op een drukke vaarroute en daar moet een speling van 29 meter zijn.
Rijkswaterstaat stelt de berging uit omdat er 'behoorlijke financiële perikelen zijn'. ,,Tot nu toe zijn er
echter geen ongelukken gebeurd'', aldus J. Huisman van de Directie Noordzee, die niet kan zeggen
hoeveel de berging kost.
Het Kustwachtcentrum in Den Helder heeft maatregelen genomen om ongelukken te voorkomen. ,,Er
liggen vijf boeien omheen en elke vier uur sturen we een waarschuwingsbericht via de telex. Meer
kunnen we niet doen, maar het schip moet er wel weg. Een menselijke fout kan fataal zijn'', aldus een
woordvoerder van het Kustwachtcentrum.
De 163 meter lange Assi Eurolink botste in januari met een Zweeds vrachtschip. Rijkswaterstaat gaf
kort na het ongeluk te kennen dat het bergen van het wrak 'de hoogste prioriteit heeft'. Wagenborg
Shipping in Delfzijl was de eigenaar van het schip. Bij een ongeluk is de reder verplicht geld in een
'wrakkenfonds' te storten, waarna Rijkswaterstaat eigenaar van het schip wordt. ,,Onze Britse
verzekeraar heeft miljoenen euro's betaald'', aldus R. Strijland van Wagenborg Shipping. Volgens hem
heeft Rijkswaterstaat wel degelijk geld om de Assi Eurolink te bergen, maar heeft zij nog niet een
'passende offerte' ontvangen.
31032003 1130
Bron: ANP
Rijndam gezonken
31 Mar 2003
Rotterdam - Het voormalige cruiseschip Rijndam van de Holland America Line is, op weg naar een
sloperij, in slecht weer voor de kust van de Dominicaanse Republiek gezonken. Het schip zou nu op
een diepte van ruim 2.500 meter op de zeebodem liggen. De in 1951 gebouwde Rijndam, die in 1972
door de HAL is verkocht, heeft de laatste jaren dienst gedaan als drijvend casino in Gulfport in de
Amerikaanse staat Mississippi. Begin deze maand was het schip op sleeptouw genomen door de
sleper Fairplay XIV met bestemming Alang in India, waar het zou worden gesloopt.
Bron: Rotterdams Dagblad
Twee cruiseschepen bij verjaardag HAL
01 Apr 2003
Rotterdam/Seattle - Cruiserederij Holland America Line (HAL) viert eind juli haar 130-jarige bestaan in
Rotterdam niet met één, maar met twee schepen. Naast het vlaggenschip Rotterdam komt ook de
nieuwste aanwinst van de rederij, de Oosterdam, naar Rotterdam. De Oosterdam is het tweede schip
uit de zogenaamde Vista-klasse en zal in Rotterdam worden gedoopt.
Beide schepen zullen op maandagmorgen 28 juli achter elkaar de Rotterdamse haven binnenvaren.
De Rotterdam beëindigt daarmee een transatlantische cruise, de Oosterdam komt rechtstreeks van de
werf waar het schip is gebouwd in Italië. Beide schepen zullen worden afgemeerd aan de Holland
Amerikakade op de Wilhelminapier bij de cruiseterminal.
Op dinsdag 29 juli wordt de Oosterdam gedoopt. De Oosterdam is na de Zuiderdam de tweede uit een
serie van vijf nieuwe schepen. Net als de Zuiderdam, die begin december vorig jaar in het
Amerikaanse Fort Lauderdale is gedoopt, krijgt de Oosterdam Rotterdam als thuishaven.
Diezelfde avond wordt op grootse wijze het jubileumfeest van de HAL gevierd. Aan boord van de
Rotterdam is er voor genodigden onder meer een optreden van Lee Towers. Het feest wordt
afgesloten met een groots vuurwerk op de Nieuwe Maas dat de HAL aanbiedt aan de inwoners van
De Rotterdam en de Oosterdam varen woensdagmorgen 30 juli weer uit.
Bron: Rotterdams Dagblad
Bund chartert erneut "Oceanic" und "Fairplay 26" als Notschlepper für Nord- und Ostsee
Der Bund chartert erneut für zweieinhalb bis drei Jahre den Notschlepper "Oceanic" für die Nordsee
und den Notschlepper "Fairplay 26" für die Ostsee. Die Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Nord erteilte
am Freitag den Auftrag für die Charterung. Beide Schiffe erfüllen wichtige Aufgaben im
Notschleppkonzept der Bundesregierung für Nord- und Ostsee. "Sicherheit für die internationale
Schifffahrt in Nord- und Ostsee steht für die Bundesregierung im Zentrum aller politischen
Zielstellungen für den Zuständigkeitsbereich unserer Hoheitsgewässer. Der Schutz von Mensch und
Natur erfordert entschlossene Maßnahmen, um eine wirksame maritime Notfallvorsorge dauerhaft zu
gewährleisten", sagte die Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin beim Bundesminister für Verkehr, Bauund Wohnungswesen, Angelika Mertens. Deshalb gebe es den festen Willen der Bundesregierung
und aller beteiligten Küstenländer, keine Sicherheitslücke bezüglich der Notschleppkapazitäten in
Nord- und Ostsee entstehen zu lassen. Die Charter-Verträge sind eine mittelfristige Übergangslösung
von zweieinhalb bis drei Jahren, bis endgültig Schlepper in Dienst gestellt werden, die voll dem
Konzept entsprechen. Bron: Bundesministerium V.B.W.
Wisseling van de wacht
De heer Daan Koornneef (sinds 1998 general manager salvage) is benoemd tot Managing Director
Wijsmuller Salvage B.V. per 1 januari jl. Hij volgt Chris van der Zwan op, die de Svitzer Groep heeft
SMIT Salvage and Loucas G. Matsas refloat “P&O Nedlloyd Capri”
SMIT Salvage and Loucas G. Matsas are pleased to report that they have successfully refloated the
“P&O Nedlloyd Capri”. On Friday March 28, 18.00 hrs local time, the tugboats “Matsas Star” and
“Pegasus”, were able to tow the vessel free from the rocky coast. The vessel is currently safely afloat
and is waiting on its location for permission to leave to a ship repair yard. The P&O Nedlloyd Capri, a
container vessel with a length of 125,5 m and partly loaded, ran aground on the coast of Kalymnos,
Greece on March 5, 2003 on its way from Istanbul to Damietta, Egypt. Bron: Smit
Smit pontons
De verkoop van de zware lading/afzinkbare pontons Giant 2, 3 en 4 en de zware transport pontons
Smitbarge 1, 2 en 5 aan AMT is niet doorgegaan. Doordat AMT de financiering niet rond kon krijgen
werd de verkoop afgeblazen. Wel liggen de Smitbarge's nog steeds te koop. Onder tussen gaan de
activiteiten van de vaartuigen gewoon door. Bron: H.v.d.Ster
4e jaargang, nr. 10
dd. 27 april 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
De nieuwe Maersk Winner (AHTS A-type) is zondag 20 april in Zaandam aangekomen om een kraan
te laden. Vertrek mogelijk 11 mei.
Volgens een makelaar zou de Reya (ex. Ull-96, ex. Neto-91, ex. Freya I-88, ex. Freya-75) niet naar
West Afrika verkocht zijn, maar aan Zouros. Overgens wie weet welke voormalige Nederlandse
sleepboot de Efstratios is? Op de website van Zouros ( staan foto’s van haar.
De onlangs opgeleverde UT 755 voor Waveney Shipping heet Waveney Citadel.
The U.K. Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) rescue helicopter ‘India Juliet’ has airlifted (070403)
a team of nine fire fighters from East Sussex Fire Brigade to the ‘Oriental Highway’ to assist the crew
who are currently controlling the fire on board believed to be on deck seven. The ‘Oriental Highway’
was on passage from Germany to Portugal carrying 484 cars when the fire aboard was reported to
Dover Coastguard. The vessel is currently anchored nine miles off Eastbourne in the English Inshore
Traffic Zone. The Coastguard Emergency Towing Vessel ‘Anglian Monarch’ is alongside and is
boundary cooling. Hastings and Eastbourne lifeboats which were assisting, have been withdrawn and
are standing by in the vicinity.
Multraship sleept innovatieaward binnen
Het Rotterdamse ingenieursbureau NovaTug BV en het sleep-en bergingsbedrijf Multraship in
Terneuzen hebben de jaarlijkse Maritieme Innovation Award in de wacht gesleept. Het gaat om een
prestigieuze onderscheiding voor innovatieve ontwikkelingen in de maritieme wereld.
NovaTug bouwde de Multratug 12 van Multraship om tot een zogenoemde carrouseltug, een ietwat
futuristische sleepboot met een sleephaak, die is bevestigd op een grote horizontale ring. De ring is
bevestigd om de opbouw van de sleper heen en biedt de sleepboot een onbeperkte sleepvrijheid, een
hoge stabiliteit en het vermogen grote dynamische krachten op te vangen. De carrouseltug werd vorig
jaar voor het eerst ingezet op het Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen. De jury vond het hoogst interessant dat
met de vinding bestaande principes in de sleep- en bergingswereld overboord worden gezet en
constateerde ook dat de nieuwe ontwikkeling de gemoederen binnen de sleepwereld danig heeft
,,Vorig jaar was het nog een goed idee, nu is het werkelijkheid. Enige kritische kanttekening is dat de
commercialisering van het concept nog meer vorm moet krijgen``, aldus de jury.
Onder druk
De onderscheiding werd gisteren tijdens een bijeenkomst in Rotterdam uitgereikt door demissionair
minister De Boer van Verkeer en Waterstaat, die zei het initiatief van het Maritiem Innovatie
Risicofonds om een jaarlijkse prijs in te stellen, toe te juichen. ,,Innovatie is en blijft een must in de
maritieme sector``, aldus de minister, die daarmee inhaakte op uitspraken van voorzitter P. van
Gulpen van de branchevereniging Holland Marine Equipment. Volgens Van Gulpen staat de positie
van de Nederlandse maritieme toeleveranciers zwaar onder druk door het verdwijnen van de
cascobouw bij de Nederlandse scheepswerven. Van De firma Holvrieka Nirota BV uit Sneek ontving
een award voor nieuwe concepten voor het vervoer van bevroren sinaasappelconcentraat. Het bedrijf
levert compleet uitgeruste en geautomatiseerde modulaire ladingsystemen, waarmee schepen tijdelijk
kunnen worden omgebouwd tot tankers. Bron: PZC
Berichtje uit Lloyds (220403)
Norwegian authorities are better prepared than most to reach a quick and rational decision on whether
a vessel in distress should be sent further out to sea or allowed to enter a place of refuge, according to
Trond Eilertsen, partner at Oslo-based law firm Wikborg Rein.
Not only has Norway implemented most of the measures currently being discussed at IMO's
Subcommittee on Safety of Navigation, it has carried out a thorough survey of the Norwegian coastline
to identify suitable places of refuge for ships in distress. To ensure quick decisions can be made when
an incident occurs, Norway has also placed responsibility for handling vessels in distress in the hands
of one agency – the Norwegian Costal Directorate's Department for Emergency Response (DER).
"Under the Norwegian Pollution Act of 1981, the DER has the authority to grant a stricken vessel's
request for a place of refuge, to order it to shore or send it further out to sea, if it is lying within the
Norwegian territorial sea," says Eilertsen. "Under no circumstances is the owner's approval required."
The efficiency of the Norwegian system was put to the test when the panamax bulker, John R,
grounded and broke in two off the north coast of Norway. With the forepart of the vessel drifting out to
sea and in danger of sinking, the Norwegian authorities granted a request by the vessel's owner for
refuge in a sheltered fjord which enabled the resulting minor oil spill to be efficiently handled by the
Norwegian authorities in close co-operation with the owners. "Having been involved in many cases of
vessels in distress, in my experience it is of utmost importance that local authorities have considered
the possible scenarios that may develop so that a quick and correct decision can be made on whether
a particular casualty should be ordered out to sea or granted shelter," says Eilertsen. The Norwegian
authorities are now in the process of formalizing their current contingency plans on how to handle a
casualty in accordance with the EU's Erica II directive. With nearly 150 lawyers and offices in Oslo,
Bergen, London, Singapore, Kobe and Shanghai, Wikborg Rein is one of Norway's leading law firms.
De Smitbarge 2 is op 24 april naar Engeland vertrokken in contract bij Ugland.
De Smitbarge 1 wordt in gereedheid gebracht voor een contract bij Heerema. Het gaat hierom de
verwijdering van het P15 platform.
Acceptance of STCW Assessments for Certain Towing Officer Assessments
The U.S. Coast Guard National Maritime Center (NMC) issued an NMC Policy Letter providing
guidance on accepting practical assessments of competence required for certification as an officer in
charge of a navigational watch (OICNW) under the STCW Convention to meet certain practical
assessment requirements for candidates for licenses and endorsements for service on U.S. towing
Op de a.s. ledenvergadering van Lekko treed ik (Leen van der Meijden) af als bestuurslid en leg mijn
functie als hoofdredacteur van de Nederlands-talige Lekko neer. Ik blijf wel actief voor het blad, maar
in een andere rol.
Deze nieuwsbrief, die inmiddels alweer ruim drie jaar is verschenen, heeft in feite niets met Lekko te
maken en is altijd een eigen initiatief geweest. Ik heb wel de informatiebronnen gebruikt die ik als
hoofdredacteur van Lekko had, maar omdat mijn informatiebronnen in de toekomst voor een groot
deel zullen wegvallen heb ik besloten om medio eind mei a.s. de laatste nieuwsbrief te laten
Ik wil iedereen hartelijk dank zeggen voor de informatie die jullie op de een of andere manier mijn kant
hebben doen uitgaan, zonder die informatie kon ik geen nieuwsbrief maken, ik weet per slot van
rekening ook niet alles.
4e jaargang, nr. 11
dd. 4 mei 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
De Tai Tam en Waglan uit Hong Kong liggen in Hull liggen en zijn aangekocht zijn door Specialist
Marine Services.
De Thunderer (Svitzer) is verkocht aan de heer O’ Connor van Britannia Shipping.
De Marseillais 15 is naar Sicilie verkocht.
De Reya, ex Freya (Heerema), aan Zouros in Thessaloniki en heet nu Stratos Z.
De Zhongren-3 is in het Calandkanaal beladen met een dok en er worden nog meer spullen
opgeladen voordat de bak naar Nigeria vertrekt. Achter de Zhongren-3 wordt ook nog een sleepbootje
Vanuit Cartagena is het bericht gekomen dat de Roompot, Smit China en Schelde III vernoemd zijn.
De nieuwe namen zijn resp. Sea Nostromo Quatro, Sea Nostromo Segundo en Sea Nostromo
De UT 755 Mercury Bay is in de eerste week van mei door Tidewater vernoemd en heet nu William E.
De Alice K van Svitzer Wijsmuller UK is verkocht aan onbekende eigenaren in Tallin. Deze week
wordt de sleepboot door een Redwijs bemanning vanuit Swansea overgevaren.
MPC Capital gaat CV oprichten voor zeesleepboot Fairmount Marine
MPC gaat een commanditaire vennootschap (CV) oprichten voor één van de twee grote
zeesleepboten, die het Rotterdamse bedrijf Fairmount Marine laat bouwen bij President Marine in
Singapore. De 75 meter lange en achttien meter brede sleepboten krijgen vier hoofdmotoren van in
totaal 13.000 pk. Het sleepvermogen wordt 160 ton en ze gaan circa vijftien miljoen dollar per stuk
Fairmount is de contractor van het schip en gaat het schip van MPC Capital huren in een langdurige
timecharter. 'Wij denken dat het voor particulieren heel interessant wordt in deze schepen te
investeren', zegt Geert Dokter, managing director bij MPC. 'Dit type schepen is echt Hollands glorie,
dat spreekt veel mensen aan.'
Grote zeesleepboten zijn sinds de jaren tachtig niet meer gebouwd en de vloot is sterk verouderd. De
jongste zijn types als de Smit Singapore, gebouwd bij Niestern Sander. Met name bij
oliemaatschappijen is er vraag naar goed materieel om grote projecten zoals FPSO's te verslepen.
'Het gaat mij aan het hart dat deze schepen niet in Nederland kunnen worden gebouwd, maar dat zit
er niet in. De Nederlandse scheepsbouw kan wel seriematig concurrerend werken, maar bij dit soort
schepen zijn we te duur', zegt Dokter, zelf afkomstig uit de scheepsbouw en tevens oud directielid van
rederij Wagenborg.
Met Fairmount Marine is afgesproken dat de sleepboot na een aantal jaren wordt gekocht van de CV.
Fairmount werkt momenteel met gehuurd Chinees materieel en wil met de nieuwe zeesleepboten de
concurrentiestrijd met gevestigde namen als SmitWijs Towage en de Global Towing Alliance
aanbinden. Bron: Weekblad Schuttevaer
Bergers ISU denken graag mee over omgang met schepen in problemen
De samenleving accepteert verontreiniging van de zee door ongevallen met schepen niet langer. De
reacties op de ramp met de tanker Prestige hebben dit nog eens benadrukt. Een 'zero tolerance'
beleid vergt echter eendrachtige samenwerking tussen scheepvaart, overheden en politiek. Als
bijdrage hieraan heeft voorzitter Joop Timmermans van de International Salvage Union op de 4th
International Marine Salvage Conference in Londen diverse voorstellen gepresenteerd.
'De ISU vindt dat alle EU lidstaten het Britse Sosrep model moeten implementeren. Sosrep staat voor
Secretary Of State's Representative for Maritime Salvage and Intervention, dus een
vertegenwoordiger van de minister met volledige beslissingsbevoegdheid over wat te doen met
schepen in nood. Hij kan beslissen of een tanker met problemen wel of niet een haven in mag. Dit
model heeft in Engeland al diverse Prestige-achtige rampen helpen voorkomen. Bij de Shetlands en
bij Milford Haven werden tankers met problemen tijdig naar binnen gehaald.' Had Spanje een Sosrep
gehad, dan had die zeker besloten de Prestige een haven of baai binnen te slepen en was een
milieuramp voorkomen.
EU richtlijn De ISU is ook voor snelle implementatie in de wetgeving van de lidstaten van de Maritime
Monitoring, Control and Information Directive. 'Deze EU richtlijn uit juni 2002 bepaalt onder meer dat
de lidstaten in februari 2004 moeten aangeven welke toevluchtsoorden (places of refuge) er zijn voor
schepen in nood. Dit hoeft niet specifiek een vluchthaven te zijn, maar het kan ook een baai of een
beschutte plek op zee zijn.'
Op de vraag waar zulke toevluchtsoorden in Nederland kunnen worden gevonden, antwoordt
Timmermans: 'Vroeger hadden we een prachtige averijhaven in IJmuiden. Misschien zou iets
dergelijks daar opnieuw mogelijk zijn. Wegens eventuele lekkages uit schepen moet zo'n haven wel
afsluitbaar zijn. Je zou daarvoor ook de sluizen van IJmuiden kunnen gebruiken. Maar ook op of bij de
nieuwe Maasvlakte zou een toevluchtsoord kunnen komen. Verder moet de International Maritime
Organization (IMO) snel richtlijnen opstellen voor behandeling van schepen die naar een
toevluchtsoord worden gebracht. De ISU wil daarbij graag haar ervaring met scheepsongevallen
inbrengen.' Bron: Weekblad Schuttevaer
Eidesvik LNG-powered platform supply ships win 10-year Statoil deals (290403)
NORWEGIAN shipping group Eidesvik is naming an innovative platform supply vessel which is fuelled
by liquefied natural gas and will begin a rare 10-year service contract.
Viking Energy is one of two sisterships being built by Kleven Verft at Uksteinvik in Norway and are
especially designed to run on LNG. The second is owned by Simon Mokster Shipping. It is being
named today at Bergen by city governor Anne-Grete Strom-Erichsen.
Both platform supply vessels are on 10-year contracts with state oil firm Statoil and will assist it to
reduce carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions.
With the majority of PSVs in the North Sea operating on short-term contracts or on the spot market the
ten-year deals are 'rare', say shipbrokers.
The vessels will be propelled by electric power from four generators supplied by Wärtsilä. They are
run on LNG in Norway but can also operate on diesel fuel if in areas where LNG is not bunkered.
An insulated bunker tank, described by Kleven Maritime as a 'giant thermos flask', will store LNG at
minus 162º C to prevent regasification. Before it is used the LNG is vaporised and supplied to the
Rolls Royce engines at 20ºC and 5-bar pressure.
Viking Energywill carry equipment, dry bulk and fluids used in offshore activities for Statoil and use
around 7,000 tonnes of LNG a year.
This will improve the economics of building LNG bunkering facilities in Norway and attract more
investment to expand the LNG-run fleet.
Eidesvik predicts that the environmental technology can be further developed.
'We see that the next generation of gas-driven ships can probably be simplified and made cheaper,'
said the managing director, Simon Eidesvik.
'The development of this vessel has also put us on the track of technology that can further reduce
Using gas reduces emissions of carbon dioxide by about 20% and nitrogen oxides by about 85%,
Eidesvik hopes to develop ships to run on fuel cell technology and reduce these emissions further.
'Our objective is to develop ships with this technology and assessments have been started,' added Mr
'It will probably take some years before hydrogen ships are launched, and we believe that gas-driven
ships will be a necessary intermediate stage so that the industry can become accustomed to the use
of gas.'
The Viking Energy can also operate on diesel fuel if it is operating in an area where LNG is not
bunkered. bron: Lloyds List
Michel Petersen
Op 7 April 2003 is de Michel Petersen gezonken te Montevideo. Om ongeveer 1600 uur, terwijl ze een
grote schip assisteerde met het aanleggen, werd vermoedelijk haar achtersteven onder het water
getrokken. Na ruim 20 minuten was het schip onder gegaan; alle bemanningsleden werden gered. De
kraan Magnus VI van Argentijnse bergings maatschappij Homero Fonda & Cia. werd van Buenos
Aires overgebracht en op 16 April was Michel Petersen weer boven de waterspiegel; ze werd
uiteindelijk vast gemaakt en verder aangelegd te Montevideo vier dagen later. Nog niet bekend is of
ze gerepareerd wordt.
Seabulk Contracts for PSV in Brazil
Seabulk International's wholly- owned subsidiary, Seabulk Offshore do Brasil, Ltda., has finalized an
agreement with shipbuilder Promar Brazil (Estaleiro Promara I) to build a UT-755L platform supply
vessel (PSV) for delivery in the fall of 2004, with an option for a second sister ship. To be named
Seabulk Brasil, the 5,460-hp, 236-ft (71.9-m) newbuild has a purchase price of $16.7 million, and upon
delivery, will enter the Brazilian Offshore market, where the Company currently has one 200-ft PSV
Clear Water for Blue Water
Hornbeck Offshore Services this month took delivery of the HOS Bluewater from Leevac Industries
LLC. The vessel was delivered to Hornbeck Offshore two weeks ahead of schedule and immediatly
began a term charter for an unnamed Operator. The HOS Bluewater is the first of four deepwater
OSV's (Offshore Support Vessels) that will be delivered to Hornbeck Offshore by the year's end. Main
vessel specification inc. 73.1m LOA, DP2, 4000bhp, Clear Deck 53m x 13.7m capable of 1725 long
tons. Underdeck's - Liquid Mud 8272 bbls & 6250cuft of drybulk in 4 tanks.
Edison Chouest Offshore
No offshore operator has built more deepwater supply boats than Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO),
Galliano, La. In the February 24 and May 17 issues of Marine News, we reviewed the Laney Chouest,
the largest anchor handler ever built. This 348-ft. vessel was purpose built to set suction piles and
other platform anchors in water depths from 6,000 to 10,000 ft..
The vessel was chartered by Shell Oil Company and can not only set suction plies but has huge below
deck tanks for drilling liquids and dry bulk.
Last year the company with shipyards in Larose and Houma, La built a series of five 260-ft. platform
supply boats that are working in the Gulf. In 2003, ECO is building a series of five 280-ft. platform
supply vessels, four of which have been chartered to Shell Oil Company.
The first vessel in the series, C-Leader, has joined the fleet. It has tanks for over 15,000 barrels of
liquid mud and also has dedicated tanks for fuel oil, water and methanol. Methanol is a simple alcohol
that is in increasing demand to keep crude oil flowing in the very cold temperatures found in
deepwater pipelines.
Last year ECO also stretched an existing supply boat by 50 ft. solely to add methanol carrying
capacity to the vessel.
ECO Senior Vice President Roger White believes the industry needs to take a fresh look at the way it
categorizes supply vessels. "It used to be that a vessel's length was the determining factor on how big
a supply boat was needed for a particular job," White said. Many oil companies figured that a 180-ft.
boat could do a particular job while it may take a 220-ft. vessel or a 240-ft. vessel to do a bigger job.
"That's no longer the case," White believes. Now deadweight tonnage should be the overriding factor,
A vessel can only carry so much weight at its load line, regardless of whether its liquid mud, fuel oil,
water, deck cargo or whatever.
"The C-Leader class of vessels has a deadweight tonnage of 4, 830 long tons, twice as much as some
vessels in the 220-240 ft. range," White indicated.
Ensco sales
ENSCO International completed the sale of its 27-vessel Gulf of Mexico fleet to Tidewater Inc.
ENSCO, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, provides contract drilling services to the international
petroleum industry.
Farstad Shipping ASA, through its wholly owned subsidiary Farstad Supply AS, had been awarded a
five year charter contract by Peterson Supplylink B.V. Peterson is a provider for seven Dutch
operators. The contract, starting between January 1 and March 31, 2004, demanded building of a new
platform supply vessel (PSV). It has since been decided that the vessel will be built at Ulstein Verft AS
for delivery on December 22, 2003. Measuring 243 ft. (74 m) with a beam of 52 ft. (16 m), the vessel is
a newly developed Ulstein-design, P 106, which will have diesel-electric propulsion system.
Panama Canal Authority Acquires New Tugs
Panama President Mireya Moscoso welcomed two new tugboats to the Panama Canal Authority
(ACP) fleet, both purchased at a cost of $10,768,794. The new units, named Herrera and Los Santos,
are made of state-of-the-art technology, and include emergency response equipment and improved
operational facilities. Canal Administrator Alberto Aleman Zubieta stated: “The addition of two
tugboats, Herrera and Los Santos, are part of the Canal’s permanent modernization program geared
towards providing our customers with the best service for their transit through the Canal. High- quality
customer service is our first priority and these new tugboats are another example of this commitment.
This equipment, to be operated by the Transit Resources Division, is made of steel and has a Schottel
system for stern azimuthal propulsion. Each features a 4,400-horsepower Deutz engine, with
specifications that allow the ACP to provide a better quality in transit services offered to customers.
The tugboats consist of floating equipment that assist ships during their transit through the Panama
Canal, mainly in the entrances and exits of the locks and during their journey through Culebra Cut,
where maneuverability and power are required. Both tugboats received the traditional splash of
champagne from their patrons: Captain Vielka Domínguez, inaugurated tugboat Los Santos; and
Panama President Moscoso inaugurated tugboat Herrera. The ceremony was attended by Canal
Administrator Alberto Alemán Zubieta and Deputy Administrator Ricaurte Vásquez M., members of the
Panama Canal Authority Board of Directors, distinguished businessmen and government officials.
During the inauguration, the advantages of the new equipment were highlighted, for this acquisition is
part of the waterway’s permanent modernization program. With the addition of Herrera and Los
Santos, the fleet now totals 24 units.
Glas Dowr installation on Sable Field (Zuid Afrika):
After a long period of delays incurred during the conversion of Bluewater's FPSO Glas Dowr - which
started her life in 1998 on the Durward/Dauntless Field on the UKCS - , she finally departed from
Kaapstad's Duncan Dock A-berth on the 01st of April. (No joke this time...).
The tow out lasted for an expected 1,5 day and covered the distance of 209nm to the field.
The Sable Field in located 9 nm west of the well known Orca.
On the 22nd of April all of her 9 mooring legs were connected and checked on correct angles and she
started receiving the risers.
A rather impressive fleet of anchorhandlers and a DSV supported the operation.
The tow out was conducted under the supervision of two towmasters from Offshore Marine
Contractors who were contracted by Messrs Coflexip Stena Offshore International (Paris branch).
CSO-INT are nowadays known as Technip Offshore International.
The fleet consisted of the CSO Venturer and further assisted by: Maersk Dispatcher / Maersk Terrier /
Pacific Ariki / John Ross and irregular assistance was provided by the Pacific Searcher and the
Pentow Skua.
The entire -ongoing - operation will last another 14 days and after that the FPSO will complete her
commisioning work and first oil is expected in July this year.
The weather during the period of hook up has been a well known mixture of strong winds and high
seas however well received periods of almost calm seas and no wind were helping the job
tremendously. (NB: The ever existing long Atlantic swell prevailed throughout anyway).
Hopefully the unit now may remain on her new location for a much longer period than on her previous
one and this is particularly important for the charteres PetroSA (formerly lknown as Soekor and
Mossgas) and Pioneer NR and last but not least for the Republic of South Africa.
This country -albeit the fact that many people consider it a crime pestered country - is a wonderfull one
and should not be avoided being visited for many people and the team of mariners and engineers from
both CSO (and subcontractors) and Bluewater have thoroughly enjoyed working in the country.
Bron:Hans Bosch (Towmaster for OMC)
4e jaargang, nr. 12
dd. 19 mei 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
De Marseillais 15 is de Tigrillo geworden van Rimorchiatori Siciliani SrL., Palermo, niet te verwarren
met de Societa Siciliana Salvataggi SpA., Palermo.
Als de informatie juist is zijn de nieuwe namen van de Tai Tam en de Waglan voor Specialist Marine
Services; Trueman (of Truman) en Tradesman. Info: Jacco van Nieuwenhuyzen en Lawrence Amboldt
De Thunderer van Joseph O'Connor krijgt de naam Iron Bull. Ze is onderweg naar de Canarische
Eilanden, maar door de Spaanse overheid tegengehouden omdat de documenten niet in orde waren.
De eerste twee van de vier nieuwe sleepboten die in Spanje voor SvitzerWijsmuller worden gebouwd
zullen Bristolgarth en Severngarth worden genoemd. De derde is bestemd voor Liverpool, maar er is
nog geen naam bekend.
De ‘duckpellers’ Maju Aries (ex Kansai Maru No. 2-01, 3.200 apk) en Maju Richel (ex Kansai Maru No.
3-01, 2.600 apk) zijn in april door Maju Maritime Pte. Ltd., Singapore aan onbekende kopers verkocht.
De anchorhandler Sharda M (1976, o.a. ex Thor Salvator, ex Tabasco, etc) is aan onbekende kopers
in het Verre Oosten verkocht.
Tidewater heeft de Gray Tide (1982. o.a. ex PBR 456) en Barton Tide (1982) verkocht aan onbekende
kopers in het Midden Oosten.
Seabulk Offshore heeft een UT 755L besteld bij Estaleiro Promar, Brazilië. Oplevering begin 2004.
Tijger (2314747, 1977) opgeleverd door Jachtwerf van Gelder, Gorinchem (633) aan W. van Laar,
Dordrecht, 42 Brt, 675 EPK, 496 kW, 12 cyl, 2 tew, G.M. NE-76, 2-4-2003 eigenaar: Coastal Shipping
B.V., Workum, herdoopt Coastal Tiger, roepsein PICG.
KST Pegasus (9275452) i.a. bij Keppel Singmarine (244) voor oplevering in 2003 aan Maju Maritime,
Singapore, beheer: Smit Singapore, herdoopt Pegasus 51 voor Keppel Smit Towage, 499
KST Phoenix (52 9275464) i.a. bij Keppel Singmarine (245) voor oplevering in 2003 aan Maju
Maritime, Singapore, beheer: Smit Singapore, herdoopt Phoenix 52 voor Keppel Smit Towage,
420 brt.
KST Pisces 53 (9275476) i.a. bij Keppel Singmarine (246) voor oplevering in 2003 aan Maju Maritime,
Singapore, beheer: Smit Singapore, herdoopt KST Pisces 53 voor Keppel Smit Towage, 420
Seacor Argosy (9205110) is door Seacor Smit Offshore 23-4-2003 verkocht aan Nomis
Shipping, Aberdeen, vlag: Bahamas, beheer: Smit Singapore, herdoopt Dea Argosy.
Smit Langkawi (7306817) door Smit International Singapore Pte. Ltd. (vóór) 23-4-2003 verkocht aan
Masindra Shipping, Port Kelang, vlag: Malaysia, herdoopt Masindra Langkawi, roepsein 9MET7.
Smit heeft de Salvatore van Augusta Supply Vessels gekocht. Momenteel is zij onderweg van Texas
naar de Bahama's waar zij wordt omgevlagd naar Bahama vlag. Het management gaat gevoerd
worden door Smit Vessel Management Services - Singapore. De nieuwe naam wordt Smit Madura.
Tevens krijgt zij een ander Classificatie Bureau. Naar alle waarschijnlijkheid wordt dit veranderd van
INA naar ABS.
Salvatore; geb. 1988 onder nummer 68 bij Cantieri Navale Ferrari, La Spezia. 56.00 x 14.30 x 6.70. 2x
A.B. Nohab 16V25; 9.000 pk. Paaltrek 120 ton. 940 brt., 280 nrt., 940 dwt. Snelheid 15.4 kn.
Eigenaar: Augustea Offshore SpA. Manager: Scinicariello Augustea Ship Management SpA.
Smit heeft de Breedbank op 9 mei jl. verkocht aan Marine Transport Services uit Ierland.
Stolt Offshore heeft de nieuwe Seaway Petrel in gebruik genomen.
De Simek Yard heeft de UT 712 Lady Caroline opgeleverd aan IOS en is onderweg richting
Tidewater heeft de bij Bender Shipbuilding gebouwde PSV Fortier Tide in dienst gesteld.
Hornbeck Offshore heeft van Leevac Industries LLC de HOS Bluewater overgenomen.
Secunda Marine heeft de onlangs aangekochte Coastal Connector omgedoopt in Mariner Sea.
Tidewater heeft de PSV Mercury Bay omgedoopt in William E. Bright.
Boa Offshore heeft het ‘offshore contruction vessel’ Boa Deep C in dienst gesteld.
Maersk Supply Service heeft in Brazilië twee bevoorraders besteld bij FELS Setal. Oplevering in juli
en november 2005. Er is een optie genomen op nog twee schepen.
Hubrechtse uit Scharendijke heeft op 16 mei jl. de nieuwe Dutch Pride in gebruik genomen. Na de
proefvaart die op 15 mei in de Europoort heeft plaatsgevonden, werd de sleepboot een dag later in
Scharendijke gedoopt en overgedragen. Zij zal in Kazakstan worden ingezet. De Dutch Pearl van
dezelfde eigenaar is medio juni 2002 verkocht aan Rob Engelsman.
Vanuit Engeland (!) is vernomen dat Rederij Waterweg de Coastal Bison (ex Bison, van Laar) verkocht
zou hebben aan een Duits bedrijf voor werk in Nigeria. (Julius Berger ?) Dit bericht is nog niet door
Waterweg bevestigd.
Titan Maritime (060503)
21st Century Technologies, Inc. will provide additional special application magnets to Titan
Maritime, Inc. for its Hot Tap drill system. Titan Maritime is a Florida-based salvage company with
major operations in the U.S., U.K. and Brazil. "We are excited about our cooperation with Titan
Maritime," says Arland Dunn, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of 21st Century Technologies,
Inc. "We are providing a portable platform for their drill system. This is a slightly different application
than our best-selling patches SeaPatch and ProMag, and should therefore further broaden our market
potential." By using patented magnetic adhesion, Trident's magnetic patches, SeaPatch (for leaks in
ships and underwater structures) and ProMag (for all other leaks) quickly and safely stop virtually any
leakage. Whether the leak is on an open-ocean tanker, inland waterway bridge, railway tanker, remote
pipeline or shore storage tank, Trident's versatile patches save time and money by stopping leaks
before they get out of hand. Trident's clients include Bayer (NYSE:BAY), Cabot (NYSE:CBT), Basf
(NYSE:BF) and Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM). "In addition to serving large corporations who want to
prevent financially disastrous leaks, we are also getting increased attention from the homeland
security related agencies. For example, if local fire stations decided to include our ProMag patches in
the toolsets, this would dramatically increase their preparedness and ability to contain potential
hazardous leaks arising from terrorist activities or other local accidents involving leaks. This is
becoming a very important issue," Dunn says. SeaPatch and ProMag provide a fast, tight and effective
seal on any container vessel capable of magnetic adhesion. They are ideally suited for both open
ocean and inland waterway ships and barges, and can also be used in a multitude of industrial
settings and transportation systems where hazardous materials (hazmat) are manufactured, stored,
handled or shipped. Hazmat specialists particularly like the way ProMag can be used to quickly stop
railway tank car ruptures, one of the hardest and trickiest to deal with in and during a spill-on
Crowley naar Rusland (090503)
Crowley Maritime Corporation has expanded its international presence with the formation of Crowley
Far East Services. This new company, formed and incorporated in Sakhalin State, Russia, on April 9,
2003, offers marine and shoreside logistics and transportation services to the energy and construction
industries in the region. As a Russian company, Crowley Far East Services offers Russian and
international marine transportation by drawing on a fleet of over 200 vessels, including some of the
industry's most powerful oceangoing tugboats, and barges with heavy lift, breakbulk and ice breaking
capabilities measuring up to 400 feet long and 100 feet wide. The new company will also charter local
equipment and will use vessels operated under the Russian flag thus creating jobs and opportunities
for Russian citizens while supporting the local economy.
The new company provides marketing, operational support and infrastructure for current and future
operations on Sakhalin Island and in the Far East. The formation of this company provides for
increased local support and participation in Russian operations and allows for greater flexibility in
responding to customer requirements in the region. As a 100 percent Russian company, Crowley Far
East Services will be able to provide additional partnership opportunities and logistics services to both
local and international customers in the Russian Far East. Crowley companies have operated in
Sakhalin since 2001, with past projects including the delivery of the drilling structure Orlan from the
U.S. and delivery and discharge of drilling cargo in 2002 at Chayvo Beach, Russia. Previous
operations were carried out through a branch office of Crowley Energy Support Services
located in Yuzhno Sakhalinsk.
4e jaargang, nr. 13
dd. 27 mei 2003
Dit is de laatste nieuwsbrief die werd verzorgd door Leen van der Meijden
(hoofredacteur van Lekko). Het is bijzonder jammer dat hij er mee stopt. Wij hebben
de afgelopen 4 jaar kunnen profiteren van zijn uitstekend verzorgd Nieuws. Leen is
tevens gestopt als hoofdredacteur voor Lekko. Hij heeft te kennen gegeven het
rustiger aan te willen gaan doen. Wij respecteren dat uiteraard en wensen hem dan
ook alle rust en vrijheid de komende tijd.
Ikzelf zal proberen het Sleepvaart- en Offshore nieuws voort te zetten. Ik reken dan
ook op jullie medewerking. Mocht je iets weten, horen al lijkt het nog zo klein of van
weinig betekenis. Mail het aub naar mij. Ook van de schepen, bokken enz hoor ik
graag wat nieuws, over de reis en/of het werk. Ik reken op jullie.
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Panfido heeft er twee nieuwe sleepboten bij t.w.:
San Marco 1 en Ivonne C, beiden gebouwd in 2002 bij Cantieri Navali San Marco, La Spezia. 415 brt.,
5.060 apk. (V.S.). Afm. 32 x ? x?
De Eerland 19 is verkocht naar Denemarken.
De door Svitzer gecharterde Italiaanse sleepboot Uran, werkzaam in Zuid-Wales, is omgedoopt in
De Forth wordt binnenkort omgedoopt in Bargarth.
Svitzer heeft de Emsgarth verkocht naar Griekse eigenaren.
De Butegarth en Alice K zijn door Svitzer verkocht aan Euro-Baltic Shipping Services, Tallinn,
Butegarth heet inmiddels Vega I.
De Tigrillo staat als zijnde gemanaged door WCT Offshore Ltd., dit is het voormalige West Coast
De Trueman (heet inderdaad zo) en Tradesman zijn nog steeds eigendom van Hong Kong Salvage &
Towage maar worden gemanaged door Specialist Marine Services.
Rederij Waterweg heeft de Sabrina aangekocht van Neptun Marine.
Voor Damen Marine Services heeft de Shoalbuster DMS Raven deze week in de Europoort
De Smitbarge 2 is maandag jl. versleept naar Nelcon. Hier heeft zij de twee in aanbouw zijnde kranen
geladen voor Rouen. Vertrek is gepland week 23.
De Giant 4 is 22 mei vertrokken (leeg) naar Denemarken gesleept door de RT Spirit.
Smitbarge 1 gaat voor Heerema t.h.v. Scheveningen de P15 laden om hierna af te voeren in 'sGravendeel.
Smit heeft een persbericht uit laten gaan met goede vooruitzichten voor 2003 de verwachtte netto
winst zal 18 miljoen Euro bedragen. Alle divisie gaat het nu beter en de herstructuering gaat dus zijn
vruchten afwerpen.
It is often said that there is nothing wrong with the rules that govern shipping, but that the application
of those rules is lacking. This week, we may have to think again.
As its contribution to the IMO debate on ports of refuge, Spain has reportedly said that refuge should
only be offered to safe ships. Safety is a subjective condition, dependent on a string of causation and
fortuity that starts with good and bad luck and which can never be divorced from the cost of
implementing and maintaining quality in people and hardware.
If there were no unsafe ships there would be no need for ports of refuge. But there are, and there is.
Think again Spain. Or, rather, think.
Rederij Waterweg
Naar aanleiding van de melding over de verkoop van de Coastal Bison het volgende:
De Bison (27.19706) werd op 7-06-2002 omgedoopt in Coastal Buster. (nadat de vorige nieuwsbrief
verstuurd was, realiseerde ik me dat de naam Coastal Bison niet goed was; sorry)
De registratie van deze boot werd op 10-04-2003 doorgehaald, omdat boot niet meer aan de
Nederlandse wetgeving voldoet hetgeen meestal inhoudt "verkoop naar het buitenland", waarheen
wordt echter niet vermeld.
Tijger (2314747, 1977) opgeleverd door Jachtwerf van Gelder, Gorinchem (633) aan W. van Laar,
Dordrecht, 42 Brt, 675 EPK, 496 kW, 12 cyl, 2 tew, G.M. NE-76, 2-4-2003 eigenaar: Coastal Shipping
B.V., Workum, herdoopt Coastal Tiger, roepsein PICG.
De Tijger (27.14747) werd op 4-03-1977 in Rotterdam te boek gesteld onder nummer 14747 Z Rott.
1977. Die “Z” betekentd “zee” en dient als europanummer te beginnen met 27 en niet met 23 dat is
van B(innenvaart), daaraan zie je meteen of het een zeeschip of binnenvaartschip betreft.
Het bouwnummer is 276, stapelloop 21-12-1976.
De 12 cilinder G.M. nr.12E4306 type 12V149 is in 1983 opgevoerd naar 750 pk.= 552 kW.
De Tijger is reeds op 26-11-2002 omgedoopt in Coastal Tiger op naam van Coastal Shipping B.V.,
Workum. (met dank aan Reurt Koster)
Voor de liefhebbers
'De Rotterdam kan nog wel 500 jaar mee'
17-5-2003 9:23:00
Alexander Bakker
Eerste inspecties in haven Freeport: schip verkeert in verrassend goede staat
Rotterdam/Freeport - De kennismaking met het cruiseschip Rotterdam heeft Bert
Kloosterziel blij verrast. Het schip, dat als Rembrandt nog in de haven van Freeport op
de Bahama's ligt, verkeert volgens hem in een verrassend goede staat. ,,Zeker als je
bedenkt dat het schip ruim twee jaar heeft stilgelegen,'' zegt Kloosterziel, die namens de
RDM-werf aan boord van het schip is.
Kloosterziel is de vertegenwoordiger van de eigenaar. Twee weken geleden is het voormalige
vlaggenschip van de Holland America Line (HAL) door de RDM-werf gekocht. Op last van
de bank van de inmiddels failliette rederij Premier Cruise ligt het schip al ruim twee jaar 'aan
de ketting' in de haven van Freeport op het eiland Grand Bahama, één van de grootste
eilanden van de paradijselijke archipel.
,,Voor een schip van vijftig jaar oud én na ruim twee jaar opgelegd te hebben gelegen ziet ze
er prima uit,'' laat Bert Kloosterziel vanaf het schip weten. Helemaal verwonderlijk is dat niet,
want hoewel werkeloos aan de kade, heeft er toch al die tijd een kleine bemanning op het
schip gezeten. ,,Een man of acht, verdeeld over twee ploegen en onder leiding van een
officier,'' vertelt Kloosterziel. ,,Zij hebben zich beziggehouden met onderhoud en wachtlopen.
Kortom, ze hebben op het schip gepast en er voor gezorgd dat alles in orde blijft.''
Die bemanningsleden hebben enthousiast gereageerd op het bericht dat het schip van eigenaar
is veranderd. ,,De mensen die aan boord zitten vinden het een prachtig schip,'' vertelt
Kloosterziel. ,,Ze hadden het zonde gevonden als het schip naar de sloop zou zijn gegaan.
Daar zag het op een gegeven moment echt naar uit. Een ander schip van Premier Cruise, de
Big Red Boat 3, dat ook in Freeport lag opgelegd, is wel aan een sloper verkocht.''
Kloosterziel had in zijn koffer folders van de stichting Behoud Stoomschip Rotterdam. Ook
had hij de Nederlandse kranten bij zich, waarin de koop van het schip door de RDM-werf is
gemeld. ,,De mensen aan boord waardeerden het enorm dat er zulke enorme inspanningen zijn
gedaan om het schip naar huis terug te brengen,'' zegt Kloosterziel.
Dat het cruiseschip van eigenaar is veranderd is vooralsnog aan de bevolking van de
Bahama's voorbij gegaan. Het nieuws heeft de plaatselijk krant nog niet gehaald. ,,Ik heb er in
ieder geval nog niets over gehoord,'' meldt Kloosterziel. ,,Als er wel wat in de krant zou
hebben gestaan, dat hadden de bemanningsleden het me wel verteld.''
Zelf heeft Bert Kloosterziel nog nauwelijks tijd gehad om aan de wal te gaan. Hij heeft zich,
sinds hij ruim tien dagen geleden na een reis van veertien uur aan boord is gegaan, gevestigd
in de hut van de hoofdwerktuigkundige. Direct na aankomst heeft hij een eerste
inspectieronde over het schip gemaakt. ,,Ik was enorm onder de indruk van alle kunst aan
De komende tijd zullen meer technici van de RDM-werf zich aan boord van de Rotterdam bij
Bert Kloosterziel voegen. Zij moeten bezien wat er allemaal nog moet gebeuren voordat het
schip kan beginnen aan de thuisreis naar Rotterdam. Of de Rotterdam die reis op eigen kracht
kan maken is nog de vraag. Als het te veel moeite kost om het schip 'vaarklaar' te maken waarbij moet worden voldaan aan strenge eisen van een klassificatiemaatschappij - dan zal
een sleepboot de Rotterdam naar haar thuishaven slepen.
De algemene conditie van het schip is in orde, oordeelt Bert Kloosterziel. ,,Allemaal massief
staal,'' zegt hij. ,,Dat is er over vijfhonderd jaar ook nog. Natuurlijk, de boel moet wat worden
schoongemaakt en opgeknapt, maar het schip is bijzonder mooi en gaaf. Het was leuk te
merken dat een paar pompen, die ik tijdens mijn verkenningen heb laten opstarten, het meteen
deden. Zoiets lukt je niet bij een auto die ruim twee jaar heeft stilgestaan.''
© Rotterdams Dagblad
Damen Offers Disaster Prevention Vessels
At the beginning of 2000, Damen Shipyards was awarded the contract for the design and construction
of five Disaster Prevention Vessels for the Rotterdam Port Authorities. With four of these specialized
vessels designed for use inshore in the Rotterdam Port area, the fifth vessel (and slightly larger) of the
series will be used in the offshore approach area of the Port of Rotterdam. The vessels were specially
formatted for fire fighting, oil pollution prevention, patrol and inspection operations.
Normally, the vessel will operate with a crew of three, but if disaster should occur, the vessel can take
up to eight persons aboard. Classed by LR with the descriptive note "Specially strengthened for
navigating in RIZA code R conditions," the vessel meets the requirements of the Netherlands Shipping
Inspectorate, such as the ADNR regulations for vessels coming alongside vessels carrying dangerous
goods while loading and unloading. The hull is of a round bilge design strengthened by a combined
longitudinal and transverse framing system. In the design process special attention has been paid to
minimize sound levels and minimization of the generation of waves. Also, the ability to execute patrol
activities at very low speeds for prolonged periods of time was an important factor in the design of the
vessels. The wheelhouse has been designed to act as a command center in the event of Disaster
Prevention Operations. Its large front, side, aft and sky windows provide maximum visibility. Controls
have been divided over two controls, one forward and one aft with the forward console comprised of
three sections (port, center, starboard) in which the various controls, navigation and communication
equipment and fire fighting control equipment are placed.
The vessel is fitted with two Lips controllable pitch propellers each driven by a resiliently mounted
Caterpillar 3412E TA (electronic) engine via a Reintjes LAF 562 reduction gearbox. Auxiliary power is
generated by two (naturally aspirated) Caterpillar 3304 B engines, each developing 63 kVa, and a
hydraulically driven (200 kW) bowthruster is capable of generating a side thrust of max. 2.2 ton.
Forward of the (propulsion) engine room a pump room is situated, in which two fire fighting sets are
fitted comprised of Caterpillar 3406 engines driving 900 cu. m. Nijhuis FiFi pumps at 13 bar each. The
FiFi lines are connected to four hydraulically remote controlled monitors, two of which are fitted in front
of the wheelhouse and are rated 450 cu. m/hr. each. In addition, the vessel's anchoring DP system
may be activated during fire fighting operations for station keeping. The fire-fighting monitors, firefighting connections are provided at the fore and aft deck fitted in heated enclosures.
A high level of automation can be found on board, such as a Praxis automation technology system
comprising four TFT screens on the bridge for remote control of all major systems.
Farstad Shipping Goes Big
Farstad Shipping ASA is a valued Norwegian owner/operator of offshore supply vessels, well regarded
for its innovative approach but reliance on conservative values in relation to safety of ships and crew.
The company, which has steadily built its fleet and reputation in the offshore sector since exiting the
tanker business in 1973, has a decidedly neutral take on the future, though. "There is a lot of
uncertainty right now, about how the industry will move forward," said Torstein L. Stavseng, Farstad's
CFO. "We are entering a period where there is a lot of over-tonnage, which will require us to push into
new fields. More than likely, some of the small players will disappear into the larger ones."
While the crystal ball may seem a bit cloudy, Farstad has proven in the past to be an astute evaluator
of companies and markets in the past. It acquired the Seafourth fleet in 1989, just as the market was
starting to pick up steam, established International Offshore Services (IOS) in 1997 in an Australian
joint venture with P&O, and established Brazil Offshore Services in 1995.
The organization has a market capitalization of more than $200 million and a newbuild orderbook of
approximately $170 million. Including the vessels under construction (four Platform Supply Vessels
and six Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels), the Farstad controlled fleet is 53.
Though future demand is uncertain, Farstad's strategy is not. The company is firmly focused on
owning and operating large PSVs and AHTS', in excess of 2,000 dwt for the former and units in
excess of 10,000 bhp for the latter. In evaluating its prospects, it sees the move to deeper water for
E&P to be the most vibrant.
News: New Tugs Being Finished at Vancouver Shipyard
Seaspan International is having a very attractive pair of new tugs finished up at their Vancouver
Shipyardd ivision. The hulls were fabricated in China and shipped across the Pacific by barge. When
the two 64 by 23-ft. tugs are completed with the addition of machinery and deckhouses, they will be
the result of several years design and planning that included significant input from the operations end
of the towing company. Over the past 20 years, Canadian tonnage regulations have created a
generation of beamy 50-footers in British Columbia.
These new boats have gone beyond this limit to define a new generation of tug with a fine longer
double-chined hull. The hull has a molded depth held to 10.4-ft. to facilitate working some of the
shallower areas of the lower Fraser River while providing good water flow to the propellers. This fine
hull form, combined with a smooth "slipper" stern will reduce wake wash and lesson the need for the
tug to make a "slow-bell" past riverside moorings.
Since the boats will be towing the big boxy wood chip scows, they have been designed so that the aft
bulwarks are the same height as the deck of a loaded chip barge while the bow matches the height of
an empty barge. Bulwarks are set two feet back from the hull side so that crew can move safely
between barge and boat. A total of 17 tons of rubber in soft loop, laminated and D-form will protect the
already heavily built hulls from the wear and tear of barge work.
Main engines will be a pair of Cummins KTA38 M0. The engines will be operated at reduced rpm to
deliver 600 hp each rather than their full continuous rating of 800 hp or a total of 1600 hp, although in
times of high river this can be adjusted upward. The mains will turn into TwinDisc 540 marine gears
with 5.19:1 rations.
The 72x62-in. propellers will turn in Harrington Kort19 A nozzles. The TwinDisc gears will provide for
counter rotating propellers to give maximum efficiency in handling and in drawing water flow.
The four Cummins main engines were installed in the boats in late March with plans for the new tugs
to be in operation by summer.
Profile: Marinette Marine Makes Mark with Innovative Tug/Barge Units
With the pending need to replace many single hull tankers in the U.S. in the coming years, The
Manitowoc Company, Inc. showed the depth of its capabilities with the delivery of the 127-ft. tug,
Ocean Reliance, the first of two tugs built at Manitowoc's Marinette Marine subsidiary. Ocean Reliance
and sister tug Coastal Reliance are mated with 155,000-barrel, double-hulled petroleum barges, which
were built at Manitowoc's Bay Shipbuilding subsidiary, for VMS, a Crowley Maritime subsidiary. Ocean
Reliance is powered by 9,280-hp engines and is equipped with an Intercon coupling system that will
link the ocean-class tug with its 512-ft. barge. Both tug/barge units are fully compliant with the
provisions of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA '90), which mandates that any vessel carrying crude
oil or refined petroleum products in U.S. waters must be double-hulled. Both of Vessel Management's
new tug/barge units will operate in the Pacific Northwest and are among the largest and mostsophisticated vessels of their type ever constructed in the U.S. Tom Byrne, president of Manitowoc
Marine Group, said at the time of the launching: "These vessels continue the long, proud tradition of
shipbuilding that launched The Manitowoc Company 100 years ago. This century of success stems
from working closely with our customers to assure that they get the high-quality vessels they need.
Always on time and always on budget is the formula that guides us everyday in all that we do."
4e jaargang, nr. 14
dd. 14 juni 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Ajax (Orca supporter –1986; Ajax 1979) is door Carol Ann Bachu – Belize verkocht aan onbekende
kopers en herdoopt Sea General
Cochise van keppel Smit Transpacific Inc uit de Philipijnen is verkocht aan Global Logistics in Zuid
Korea en herdoopt K. Young
Glengarth is door Lutamar Prestacao de Servicos A Navegacao – Portugal herdoopt in Barra de
H-9901 is door Industries Ocean – Canada verkocht aan onbekende eigenaren in Mexico en herdoopt
CMM Oaxaca
Hamaei II (Hamaei Maru No.II –1995 ; Heian Maru No.3 – 1983) is door KBN Corp – Belize verkocht
naar Indonesie Interest Association met PT Perusahaan Pelayaran Nasautara – Honduras en
herdoopt ASO VIII
Q.M.Pioneer 188 (Promex 15 –1993) is door P.T.Intinusa Sukses Cemerlang – Indonesie herdoopt
Biliton 198
Roompot (Midgard III – 1985 Ulrich Eleers; Midgard 15) is door Polderman Bergingsbedrijf –
Honduras verkocht aan onbekende eigenaren te Honduras en herdoopt Sea Nos Tromos II
Tradesman (Nore Challenger – 2001; Balt-1 – 1999; Bugsier 1 – 1999) is door Lineleverl – St.Vincent
& the Grenadines verkocht aan Cie. De Remorquage Maritime – Frankrijk en herdoopt RM Pomerol
Cynthia Marie van Jaya Marine Lines – Singapore is aan onbekende eigenaren verkocht en herdoopt
Isla Guadalupe
Delta Chromalloy-3 (DC 3 – 1987; Delta Chromalloy No.3 – 1984) is door Peter G.Caramanos –
St.Vincent & the Grenadines verkocht aan onbekende eigenaren en herdoopt Norma H
Mega Tide (Pearcy Eagle – 1991; Mega Tide – 1989; Dearborn 202 – 1983) is door Twenty Grand
Offshore - Belize verkocht aan onbekende eigenaren en herdoopt Mega Ton
Salvage III (Arjun – 1988; Western Moon – 1986) is door Salvage Shipping – Honduras verkocht aan
onbekende eigenaren in UAE en herdoopt Al Nader
De sleepboot Apollon (Ciclone – 1983) is door Alexander C.Tsavliris & Sons maritime Co. –
Griekenland verkocht voor de sloop.
Smit-Lloyd 110 is door Seacor Smit (Aquataine) – Bahamas verkocht aan Offshore contractors –
St.Vincent & the Grenadines en herdoopt Jascon 10
Smit Express (Boris Polevoy – 1999) is door Smit International Eminent Carries – Bahama verkocht
aan Torch Inc. – Vauata en herdoopt Midnight Express
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Steenbank is door Smit International (Curacao) – Panama verkocht aan Tug Services Panama –
Panama en herdoopt VB Tifon
Rederij Noordgat
Rederij Noordgat uit Terschelling heeft de voormalige Point Spencer van Svitzer/Wijsmuller –
Greenock / Schotland aangekocht en herdoopt in Hunter De Point Spencer werd in 1973 gebouwd
voor Smit Cory Towage
Smit hoofdkantoor
Smit Internationale krijgt een nieuw hoofdkantoor op pier 2 en 3 in de Rotterdamse Waalhaven. Smit
heeft hiervoor een huurovereenkomst gesloten met het Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Rotterdam (GHR).
De eerste paal voor het nieuwe hoofdkantoor wordt in november geslagen. In januari 2005 moet
projectontwikkelaar Multiplan het pand opleveren. Smit huurt het terrein en de naast gelegen kades,
pieren en water van het havenbedrijf. Dit betekent dat al het varend materieel straks weer ‘voor de
deur’ komt te liggen. Hiervoor wordt een aantal steigers gebouwd, waaraan slepers, bokken,
bergingsvaartuigen en pontons kunnen worden afgemeerd. Ook komt er voldoende opslagruimte voor
het bergingsmaterieel dat nu nog in Maassluis ligt opgeslagen. Voor Maassluis betekent het vertrek
van Smit het einde van een relatie die al vanaf de negentiende eeuw bestaat. (aanleg Waterweg).
Volgens Smit gaat het nieuwe hoofdkantoor werk bieden aan circa 400 mensen, die nu nog verspreid
over de Rotterdamse havens hun taken uitvoeren. De verhuizing van Smit past overigens uitstekend
in de plannen van het GHR, dat de Waalhaven op maritiem gebied verder wil ontwikkelen. (bron:
Met een nieuwe diepwaterrobot wil Smit Salvage uit Rotterdam de ongeveer 40.000 ton bunkeroile uit
de wrakdelen van de tanker Prestige gaan halen. Hiervoor is bij de Spaanse overheid een
bergingsvoorstel ingediend.
Het nieuwe systeem, Polrec Superdeep, is inzetbaar tot dieptes van 4000 meter. De wrakdelen van de
Prestige liggen in 3600 meter diep water. Het systeem is een verbeterde versie van Polrec, dat Smit
enige jaren geleden samen met de Noorse pompspecialist Frank Mohn Flatøy heeft ontwikkeld. Met
deze onderwaterrobot heeft Smit al diverse kerenolie en chemicalien uit wrakken gehaald. Het
afgelopen jaar is het gelukt het systeem geschikt te maken voor grotere waterdieptes. Naast de
diepwaterversie van Polrec hebben beide partners ook een nieuw surveysysteem Polscan, ontwikkeld.
Met dit systeem kan een wrak nauwkeurig worden onderzocht en kan ook worden vastgesteld of het
een gevaar voor het milieu vormt. Met de Polscan sensoren kan heel precies de wanddikte worden
gemeten en de inhoud van de lading- en bunkertanks worden bepaald. In ondiep water kan Polscan
door duikers worden bediend, in diep water is een onderwaterrobot nodig. (bron: schuttevaer)
De Kigoria (ITC) gaat samen met Artiktic Kalvik een rigmove doen in de Beaufort Sea.
New escort tug under construction for Norwegian owners
Norwegian tug owners Busker og Berging AS have entrusted Moen Slip A/S of Kolvereid, with the
construction of the new ‘state of the art’ escort tug. One of the world’s most advanced vessels of its
kind, the new tug will serve the Statoil Mongstad Oil Terminal and replace the escort tug Bob that will
then be released for use elswhere. Escort Towage is an essential element in measures taken by
Statoil at Mongstad to prevent tanker related accidents and posible oil pollution in the relatively narrow
The new vessel is a larger and more powerful version of the ‘fin first’ tractor tug Boxer that entered
service at Mongstad in 1999. In keeping with earlier escort tractors designed by Bukser og berging’s
own naval architect, the hull and skeg will have similar higly developed underwater characteristics
intended to generate maximum steering forces whilst operating in the ‘indirect towing’ mode at
relatively high speeds. When meeting ships arriving from sea, the new tug will be able to make fast
towline at speeds of up to 14 knots.
Moen Slip has built a number of technologically advanced escort tugs for the same owners in the past
decade and delivery is scheduled to December 2003. The new vessel will measure 40,5 mtrs in
length, have a beam of 14,30 mtrs and moulded depth of 5,14 mtrs. When completed the tug will have
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
a static bollard pull 95 tonnes and produce a steering force of 160 tonnes in the indirect towing mode
at 10 knots. Running free at full escorting draft the vessel will have a top speed of 16 knots.
Two Deutz SBV 16M628 main engines producing a total of 9348 bhp will power a pair of Voith
Schneider 36R6/255-2 cycloidal propulsion units of the very latest type. These units are a recent
development of the well-tried Voith propeller that now incorporates six blades of a new profile and
length. These will be fitted in conjunction with an improved ‘nozzle and protection plate’ expected to
provide a significant improvement in bollard pull per unit horsepower.
Special attention has been paid to the towing gear. The winch, manufactured by Karmoy Winch AS,
will have a single, hydraulically powered, drum with a maximum line pull of 175 tonnes and brake
holding load of 300 tonnes. Sophisticated programmable, winch controls will incorporate a tension and
compensation system, capable of maintaining preset towline lengths and forces. For escort duties a
high-tech Dyneema towline will be used, with a length of 180 mtrs and 82 mm in diameter and a
maximum breaking strain of 450 tonnes.
In commonwih all escort tugs at the Staoil Mongstead terminal and in the Bukser og berging’s fleet,
the new vessel will be subjected to full-scale trails by Det Norske veritas (DNV) in order to achieve an
approved escort nomination. When completed the vessel will carry the classification: DNV +11, ice C,
EO, tug, SF, FiFi I, oilrec, escort (160,10)
News: New Bouchard Transportation ATB Launched at Bollinger
The first of its two double-hull, clean product, ocean-going, articulated tug and barge (ATB) units is
ready for sea trails and is being outfitted for delivery at Bollinger Shipyards, Morton Bouchard III,
President and CEO of Bouchard Transportation Co., Inc. "In 1990, our company embarked on a longterm business plan that has been moving forward for over a decade. Our management initiated an
aggressive building plan that includes the retrofit of single-hull barges and a new building program
which includes two new articulated tugs and barges that will strategically position the organization in
the petroleum transportation industry. The new double-hull ATB units are major components of a
business plan that will take us to where we want to be by 2005. The new units are being constructed
to meet the requirements of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 and will replace designated single-hull
tonnage scheduled for phase-out. These investments adhere to a strong organizational commitment to
meet the high standards of the petroleum industry." The new Bouchard ATB units will employ the
Intercon Coupler systems that have two electric rams that lock into a rack or ladder at the notch stern
section of the barge to keep each of the two units locked rigidly in place. The Intercon system provides
a single degree of freedom, allowing the tug to pitch about a transverse connection between the tug
and barge.
The first new barge, B. No. 255, with a 110,000-barrel capacity, will be 430 ft. long, with a 79 ft. beam
and a depth of 34 ft. The second barge, B. No. 242, a 135,000 barrel capacity, will be 487 ft. long, with
an 80 ft. beam and a depth of 36.6 ft.. Both manned barges have been built with dedicated generators
and living quarters for a crew of four. The two new articulated tugs will be named Jane A. Bouchard
and Morton S. Bouchard IV, in honor of the mother and son of the company's President and CEO,
Morton Bouchard III. The tugs will be 130 ft. in length, with a 38 ft. beam, and powered by two EMD
16/645 F7BA diesel engines, which can develop 3,070 hp at 800 rpm. The boats will drive bronze
propellers through Reintjes reverse/reduction gears with a ratio of 4.48:1.
Enter the LNG-Fueled Supply Ship
By David Tinsley, technical editor
A landmark decision to use liquefied natural gas (LNG), instead of diesel oil, to fuel a new class of
offshore support vessel has taken operational form on the Norwegian continental shelf after a threeyear development process. The platform supply ship Viking Energy is the result of a concerted effort to
provide a versatile, sophisticated vessel promising much reduced environmental impact. The project
emphasizes the Norwegian coastal industrial community's propensity for innovation, and for working
together to bring new ideas to fruition. Although bunkering on LNG has meant a higher capital outlay
on the newbuild project, the vessel is expected to yield about 200-tons less in oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
emissions every year compared to a ship burning oil. In addition, carbon dioxide release should be
significantly reduced.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Charterer Statoil, which has made a 10-year commitment to Viking Energy and to a second such
newbuild from west Norwegian shipbuilder Kleven Verft, can use the savings in pollutant emissions as
a quota to offset other operations. Under an agreement between the energy group and the Norwegian
authorities, emission reductions achieved with the new vessels can be credited to Statoil-operated
facilities on the Norwegian coast, where Nox curtailment measures cost much more. In addition, the
development will help Norway realize goals set by the Kyoto agreement.
Although an earlier Norwegian initiative saw the entry into service of a 312-ft. (95-m) fjord ferry, Glutra,
incorporating plant designed to burn LNG fuel, the arrangements adopted for the two new platform
supply vessels have given an enormous fillip to the development of the natural gas supply
infrastructure. Viking Energy is expected to use about 7,000-tons of natural gas every year. This
allows for improved economics in establishing LNG bunkering facilities at locations along the
Norwegian coast to provide fuel for an anticipated, growing fleet of gas-fuelled vessels.
The Eidesvik-owned Viking Energy, and the sister newbuild contracted by Simon Mokster Shipping,
are based on the VS4403 design developed by consultancy Vik-Sandvik. The vessels will be deployed
out of the Coast Center Base near Bergen, supplying consumables, materials and equipment to oil
and gas installations in the North Sea. The ships have a deadweight of 6,013-tons at the summer draft
of 26 ft. (7.9 m), and offer a large open, working deck plus a diverse underdeck storage capability
within main dimensions of 308 ft. (94 m) in length with a 67 ft. (20.4-m) beam. Each is installed with
four main generator sets, individually rated at 2,010-kW, supplying electrical power for propulsion and
shipboard services.
ABB was entrusted with the electrical system, and the prime movers for the gensets are six-cylinder
Wärtsilä 6L32DF dual-fuel engines, conceived to ingest gas or oil in any proportion. While employing
the gaseous fuel at low pressure, reliable ignition will be ensured by injecting a minute quantity of
diesel oil directly into the combustion chamber as pilot fuel. For minimum emissions, the vessels will
run on LNG, but should the vessels move away from an area where gas can be bunkered, the engines
can operate on diesel fuel.
LNG is contained in stainless steel, horizontal tank protectively located in the middle of the vessel. It
comprises an inner and outer chamber, and employs a gap of 300-mm between the two, maintained
under a high vacuum to insulate the LNG at minus 162-degrees Centigrade from the surroundings.
The liquid gas is vaporized for delivery to the engines at about 20-degrees C and 5-bar pressure.
The endorsement of such a system through these bold investments can be expected to stimulate
interest in the uptake of the technology across a broader front in the shipping industry.
Kody Building 3,200 HP Pusher for Blessey
Kody Marine of Harvey, La. began construction of a powerful push boat for Blessy Marine. "It will be
similar to the Dreama Klaiber and the Walter E. Blessey Jr." says Blessey’s Mitch Jones, "With the
same propulsion package and four deck layout, but it is longer and wider." The progression in size has
been evolutionary. The Dreama, launched in late 1999, is 95x30x12.6 feet and the Walter, launched in
mid-2002, is longer and wider at 110 x 32 x 11.5 feet. Now the new boat will add still more to the
dimensions to become 120 feet long with a 34-foot beam and a 12.5-foot molded depth. Jones
explains that the additional beam gives the boat a shallower draft while the increased length gives
improved performance. All three vessels are built with the same proven main engine package of a pair
of 16-cylinder Cummins KTA50 M2 engines, delivering a total of 3200 hp (2,388 kW) for continuous
duty at 1800 RPM. The as yet unnamed new vessel is scheduled for delivery in April of 2004.
News:Blessey Grows Again
This June will see Blessey Marine add yet another push boat to its ever growing fleet. The latest
addition will be delivered from the John Bludworth Shipyard in Corpus Christie, Texas.
To be named Dane F. Morgan, the new boat, has been built to a design by John L. Bludworth, III. Like
a number of others in the Blessey fleet, the towboat will be powered by a pair of V12-cylinder
Cummins KTA38 M0 main engines. Each of these 38-liter (2,300-cu. in.) engines deliver 850 hp at
1,800 rpm. The engines will turn into Twin Disc MG540 6:1 gears to turn 74 x 52-in. stainless steel
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
four-blade "Dominator Type" propellers from Sound Propeller Service, Inc. Ship's service power will be
provided by a pair of 75 kW Onan Gensets powered by Cummins 6BT5.6(D)M engines. The boat is
equipped with air controls. The steering system is a full follow-up type employing two 5 x 30-in.
cylinders. The 74 by 30-ft. hull has a molded depth of 11 ft. and a draft of 8.5 ft. The pilot house has a
32-ft. eye level for good visibility over high floating empty oil barges. The hull is fabricated from .5-in.
steel forward, .75-in. steel aft and .375-in. for sides and deck. Four crew rooms have a total of six
Tankage is provided for 22,000 gal. of fuel, 7,000 gal. of water and 360 gal. of lube oil. Furuno
navigation electronics are a model FR-8111 radar, Model GP-32 GPS, and a Model FCV-667 echo
sounder. The VHF is an ICOM Model IC-M502. Additional equipment and systems include 36-point
engine alarm system by Baton Rouge Marine Electric Service. A 1,000-watt Xenon and a 500-watt
incandescent search light. Two 40 tons Nabrico galvanized deck winches will handle the face wires.
Air for the controls will be provided by two Speed Air 5Z400B air compressors 17 scfm at 175 psi.
Blessey Marine's Mitch Jones, reports that "the boat will normally push two 30,000 barrel clean or dirty
barges. Each barge will be 297-ft. long. I would suspect that particular vessel will operate primarily on
the Gulf (of Mexico) Coast."
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 15
dd. 28 juni 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Karamea (1978, o.a. ex Schotland) is verkocht naar Noord Korea als Abdullatif Alghanim.
Sharon (1958, o.a. ex Tempo van Kooren) is verkocht aan v.o.f. Kunst-Kuiper in Groningen als Ron.
Rysum is door Scheepssloperij Nederland B.V. uit 's Gravendeel verkocht aan Piet Ottosen op
Scheldepoort 4 is door Polderman omgedoopt in Foxtrot
Yves Gerling is als Yves verkocht aan Scherpenhuyzen Diesel- en Marine Services in
Govert Kruyff (1983, o.a. ex Regge) is door Gulf Oil Nederland B.V. verkocht aan W.A. Vervenne te
Amsterdam als Vervenne Jr.
Albatros van Damen Marine Service uit Hardinxveld werd verkocht aan de Engelse reder Harbrown
Ltd.. Zij werd als Albatros, onder bouwnummer 6103, in 1989 gebouwd bij Damen Shipyards voor
Frans Swarttouw BV in Rotterda. In 1994 ging zij overnaar European Bulk Service (EBS) in
Rotterdam, waarna zij tenslotte in 2001 werd ondergebracht bij DSM. Nieuwe naam nog niet bekend.
Stirling Islay (tug/supply) is door Stirling Offshore verkocht aan BH Islay en herdoopt Islay.
Stirling Jura (tug/supply) is door Stirling Offshore verkocht aan BH Islay en herdoopt Jura.
Stirling Sirius (Star Sirius – 96) tug/supply is door Stirling Offshore verkocht aan Huashun Shipping
en herdoopt Hua Shun
De Pegasus 51 en Phoenix 52 zijn opgeleverd aan Keppel Smit Towage.
De Havila Captain en Havila Champion (beiden ex Smit-Lloyd 122 en ex Smit-Lloyd 123) worden te
De nieuwe eigenaar van de Breedbank is Marine Transport Services, Cork (Ierland)
Rotterdam, 24 juni 2003
Smit Internationale N.V. verwerft 100% aandeel in Unie van Redding- en
Sleepdienst nv (URS)
Overeenstemming is bereikt tussen Bofort N.V. Antwerpen en SMIT (onder voorbehoud van het
gebruikelijke due diligence onderzoek) met betrekking tot de aankoop van het 50,1% aandeel van
Bofort in de Unie van Redding- en Sleepdienst (URS), Antwerpen.
SMIT heeft reeds een minderheidsaandeel van 49,9% in de URS en zal als gevolg van deze
transactie het gehele aandelenkapitaal van URS in haar bezit krijgen. URS is marktleider in het
leveren van sleepdiensten, bergingen en transportservices op de Schelde en in en rond Belgische
De transactie is de eerste stap ingevolge de strategische heroriëntatie waarin alle deelnemingen zijn
geëvalueerd op management controle, strategische aansluiting en synergie binnen de SMIT groep.
Door deze aankoop zal SMIT management controle krijgen over deze operatie welke binnen de
kernactiviteiten van SMIT valt. (persbericht: Smit)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Vlootlijst URS:
Union Manta;
Union 7 ;
President Hubert;
Union Diamond;
Lieven Gevaert;
Union 8;
Union Beaver;
Alphonse Letzer;
Union Sapphire;
Schelde 20;
Union 9;
Schelde 12;
Schelde 10;
Salvor 12;
Union 5;
Sea Horse;
Union 6;
Union 11;
Anton V;
Berging Tricolor.
Rotterdam, 23 June 2003 TRICOLOR salvage on schedule Special website launched today!
It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of WWW.TRICOLORSALVAGE.COM, the website
providing information on the development, background and progress of the remarkable wreck removal
operation of the TRICOLOR, one of the biggest wrecks ever to be removed.
The website has been produced by the ‘Combinatie Berging TRICOLOR’ (CBT),
A consortium consisting of SMIT Salvage B.V., Scaldis Salvage & Marine Contractors N.V., URS
Salvage & Maritime Contracting N.V. and Multraship Salvage B.V.
Apart from being a reliable source of information for the press, the purpose of the website is to inform
interested parties about the challenging wreck removal operation in the English Channel.
The CBT will use a specially designed wire cutting system to divide the wreck into nine sections.
Thereafter, each section will be lifted out of the water and placed onto pontoon barges for transport to
Zeebrugge, Belgium. At Zeebrugge the vehicles will be separated from the wreck and disposed of in a
specially designed area in accordance with EU regulations.
All operations will be conducted with due care for the environment and safety of passing vessels in
this important shipping lane. The CBT will station an anti-pollution vessel in the vicinity of the
TRICOLOR throughout the operation.
The TRICOLOR is a 1987 built Norwegian flagged vehicle carrier, which, in the early hours of 14
December 2002, was struck by KARIBA, a 1982 built Bahamian flagged container ship, in the French
Exclusive Economic Zone some 20 miles north of the French coast in the English Channel. The
TRICOLOR sank as a result of the impact of the collision and was eventually declared a total loss. In
December 2002, French authorities ordered the wreck to be removed, as it was perceived to represent
a danger to shipping and the environment. (persbericht CBT)
Tijdens het afmeren in Den Helder is het rampenbestrijdingsvaartuig Waker van de kustwacht
getroffen door een black-out. De zeesleper kwam daardoor in aanvaring met de marinesleper Hunze.
Toen de bemanning van de Waker probeerde te ankeren, trof het anker de marinesleper, die averij
aan de reling opliep. Later meldde een marinewoordvoerder dat de Hunze slechts licht was
beschadigd. De oorzaak van de black-out was brand in een generatorset, waardoor de
stroomvoorziening uitviel. (bron: schuttevaer)
De Noorse offshoreservicerederij Farstad Shipping heeft een belang van 50% in International Offshore
Services (IOS) overgenomen van P&O. IOS is vooral actief in Zuidoost-Azie en Australie. Dat is
volgens Farstad een regio met een aanzienlijke groei. De Noren haden de helft van IOS al in handen
en investeren nu 135 miljoen Euro in de volledigeovername. IOS houdt hoofdkwartier in Melbourne in
Australie en beheert een vloot van achttien OSV’s. In de loop van dit jaar komen daar nog twee stuks
nieuwbouw bij. Farstad Shipping zelf heeft 45 eenheden onder beheer en acht nieuwbouw orders
uitstaan. P&O trekt zich uit IOS terug om zich te concentreren op de kernbesrijvigheid. Dat zijn voor
wat betreft P&O Maritime Services, speciale lading en diverse maritieme dienstverleningsactiviteiten
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
voor onder meer wetenschappelijk onderzoek en defensie. Wat overblijft in P&O Maritime Services
wordt voortgezet onder de vlag van P&O Ports. (bron: schuttevaer)
Fairmount gaat de Bonga van Newcastle naar de westkust van Afrika verslepen; zij gaan hiervoor de
De Xiang en twee boten uit de Global Towing Alliance pool inzetten.
Maersk heeft weer twee A-type anchorhandlers besteld bij de Volkswerft. Bij Fels Sital (voorheen
Verolme in Brazilië zijn twee PSV's (optie op nog twee) besteld.
Keppel Singmarine to Build two AHTS Vessels and Two Tugs
Keppel Singmarine (KSM), the specialized shipbuilding division of Keppel Offshore & Marine, will build
two Anchor Handling Tug/ Supply (AHTS) vessels for CH Offshore Ltd, and two harbour tugs for Maju
Maritime Pte Ltd. The total value of the four vessels is approximately S$42.5 million. The two AHTS
vessels totaling S$33 million are expected to be delivered in August and October 2004 respectively,
when they will be deployed to Asia and the Middle East for operations. Goh Boon Kiat, Executive
Director of KSM said, “In terms of cargo carrying capacity and bollard pull, the vessels will be of an
optimal design. "This particular design is extremely popular because of its versatility. It is suitable for
use in a lot of offshore operations.” The two AHTS vessels will have bollard pull in excess of 60 ton.
They will also be wider in breadth than standard AHTS vessels, at 16 metres. Since 2002, KSM has
been awarded contracts, including this latest job, to construct seven AHTS vessels of this series.
Other clients include Hadi H. Al-Hammam Establishment from Saudi Arabia and Pacific Richfield
Marine Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based customer.
INP delivers anchor handler to Swire Pacific
Fairplay International Shipping Magazine reports that INP Heavy Industries of South Korea has
delivered another anchor handler to Swire Pacific in Singapore. Pacific Wrangler is the sixth of eight
ordered by the owner. He final two under construction are the Pacific Wrestler and Pacific Wyvern,
due to be delivered in 2Q03 and 3Q03
Saevik to acquire Havila vessels?
Per Saevik, through Havila SA, has agreed to buy, subject to finance and conclusion within June
2003, the standby vessels currently owned by Havila Supply for a price of NOK 550 million.
Seabrokers said the move “will probably pave the way for Bourbon (Surf) to make a full bid for the
remaining supply vessel operations of the group,” in which they already have a 39,6 per cent share.
Other broking sources suggest that the price offered is around NOK 550 million, plus transfer of all
commitments related to newbuilding contract of standby vessel under construction at Havyard Leirvik.
The Havila Board of Directors has discussed the matter, and is reported to be in favour of the deal.
The offer is valid until the end of June, and is subject to financing.
McNee Tide returns to Aberdeen
Tidewater Inc. has decided to return the AHTS McNee Tide to the North Sea. Seabokers reports that
the anchor-handler left Aberdeen in July last year and completed various ‘sunny’ term charters with
Pride and Stolt off the coast of frica. Seabrokers said the McNee Tide is currently towing a tanker in
the mediterranean and is expected to reach the ‘Chilly’ shores of Aberdeen the end of June.
New Tug and Barge
06/26. The new tug Keewatin has been shuttling two barges with limestone from Marblehead Ohio to
Southwestern Sales' Kingsville Dock for the past month. The tug and barges unloaded in Kingsville
Tuesday and were expected to return to Marblehead on Wednesday morning. The barges each carry
2,500 tons of stone. The company operating the tug, Northern Transportation, has purchased the flat
deck barge Stone Merchant from Lafarge. This barge had been sitting idle in Windsor for several
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
years. She was moved to the Toledo Shipyards last month and is being brought up to current
standards. A telescoping stacker will be added before she leaves Toledo to make her a 6,000 ton self
unloading barge. (bron: Jan van de Doe)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 16
dd. 7 juli 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Conservator: The port of Kings Lynn (England) has sold its port tug for £40,000. The vessel has
sailed from Kings Lynn to Great Yarmouth en route to her new owners.
They have a Stan tug on order which is due for delivery on 20th July 2003.
Azami: Smit heeft de Japanse sleper gekocht voor haar terminal activiteiten. De nieuwe naam is Smit
Lucaya Op 4 juli is zij vertrokken uit Jokohama richting Bahamas. De nieuwe eigenaar is Smit-Lloyd
De Titan van Wijsmuller is vrijdag 4 juli vertrokken naar Denemarken voor een contract van 6
maanden bij Svitzer - Denemarken. Ze staat reeds in de nieuwe kleuren.
De Maersk Winner is 6 juli, 22.30 vertokken uit Amsterdam, en zal weer gaan proefvaren en
paaltrekken. Ook de Kraan zal weer opnieuw getest gaan worden zoals wordt verondersteld. De kraan
was bij de laatste proefvaart n.l. nog niet in orde.
De Thetis gaat 8 juli dokken bij Niehuis v/d Berg, en gaat daarna waarschijnlijk proefvaren, maar die
datum is nog niet bekend. Hou het brand vrij?
Smit Internationale N.V. completes acquisition of Unie van Redding- en
Sleepdienst N.V. (URS)
SMIT has completed its due diligence investigations and signed the share purchase agreement with
Bofort N.V. regarding the previously announced acquisition of Bofort’s 50.1% share in Unie van
Redding- en Sleepdienst N.V., (URS), Antwerp. (bron: Smit)
Rotterdam/Antwerpen - Topman B. Vree van het Rotterdamse sleep- en bergingsbedrijf Smit heeft
gisteren in Antwerpen de overname van de Unie van Reddings- en Sleepdienst (URS) beklonken. De
overname levert Smit een vloot van vijfenveertig schepen en ongeveer vijfhonderd personeelsleden
op. URS is, net als Smit, actief op het gebied van havensleepdiensten, transport en berging. Smit
heeft vorig jaar nog overwogen om het belang in URS af te stoten. Het Rotterdamse concern zat
slecht bij kas. Smit zit inmiddels ruimer in de middelen. Vree: ,,Daarbij komt dat URS na twee
reorganisaties nu ook veel beter presteert.'' Vree verhult niet dat de aankoop van het resterende
belang URS een defensieve operatie is. ,,Hiermee houden we Antwerpen dicht voor de concurrentie,''
geeft hij aan. Het is een publiek geheim dat het Deense sleep- en bergingsbedrijf SvitzerWijsmuller
aast op uitbreiding van haar positie. Smit is voorlopig niet van plan veel bij URS te veranderen. ,,Dit en
volgend jaar wordt er zelfs geen verf gekocht om het Smit-logo op de schoorstenen van de URSschepen te schilderen.''
“Smitwijs Rotterdam” sleept het passagiersschip “Norway”
De 20 juni kwam het bericht dat de “SW Rotterdam” de “Norway” zou gaan verslepen, bestemming
nog niet bekend (varieerde van Singapore, via Kaapstad tot ergens in Europa).
Op 21 juni in de avond vertrok de “SW Rotterdam” van Galveston naar Miami.
Zij kwam daar de 25 net na de middag aan. De 26 sleepklaar gemaakt, sleepmateriaal bevestigd op
een ankerketting van de “Norway” .
De 27 om 07.05 vertrokken we met 4 havensleepboten vanuit Miami naar hoogstwaarschijnlijk
Bremerhaven, volgens geruchten zou Amsterdam ook nog een bestemming kunnen zijn.
Amsterdam zou mogelijk te maken hebben met het feit dat de “Rotterdam” naar de plaats met de
zelfde naam komt en Amsterdam zou dan de “Norway” aan kopen om iets dergelijks te realiseren.
Uiteraard zijn er ook nog gegadigden in Noorwegen en Frankrijk.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
De “Norway” is namelijk de ex “France” (1961). De huidige eigenaren, Norwegian Cruise Line, weten
nog niet wat ze met het schip van plan zijn, het schijnt met 3.500 betalende passagiers een flinke
‘Goudmijn” te zijn. Varen momenteel richting noord van Bermuda en vervolgens noord van de Azoren
naar het Kanaal. Vaart op het moment is tussen de 7 en 8 mijl, denken rond de 23 juli bij
Bremerhaven te zijn. Verwachting is dat het in de buurt van de Franse kust wel eens druk door
belangstellenden zou kunnen worden. Van de kapitein van de “Norway” gehoord dat hij wordt
overspoeld door emailtjes van ‘belangstellenden’.
Een en ander is ‘live’ te volgen op het internet.
De webcam van de “Norway” staat aan en naar voren gericht, wij momenteel dus een stip in de verte.
Adres :
(Bron : Kapitein Smitwijs Rotterdam)
(Texel) De Texelse sleper Elizabeth van L. Visser en Zn. is afgereisd naar de havenplaats Umm Qasr
in Irak. Daar helpt de sleper met het opruimen van de honderden wrakken die voor en in de havenstad
ten zuiden van Basra liggen. De bemanning, bestaande uit Texelaars, werkt onder gespannen
omstandigheden. ,,Al met al een angstig avontuur'', weet eigenaar Leo Visser. De familie Visser werkt
al jaren over de hele wereld. Van Birma, Bali tot Dubai; klussen overal in de wereld worden
aangepakt. ,,De jongens willen liever niet meer naar Europa. Hier vinden ze het te nat en te koud. Het
is daar in Irak nu ongeveer 33 graden'', vertelt Leo Visser, die nog wel op Texel verblijft.
De Elizabeth voert het werk uit in opdracht van Titan Maritime, een Amerikaans bergingsbedrijf. Het
was een moeilijke beslissing om te gaan werken in oorlogsgebied. ,,Ze kennen ons van haver tot gort.
We waren net klaar met onze werkzaamheden bij het 'Palmeiland' voor Dubai, dus we hadden er wel
tijd voor.'' Na alle risico's te hebben afgewogen besloten de Vissers toch naar Umm Qasr te gaan.
,,Het is er niet gezellig; een avondklok, een afzetting met prikkeldraad van het havengebied en fulltime
bewaking door Amerikaanse militairen. Maar zodra de sfeer te grimmig wordt, gaan we weg.'' Drie
zoons van Visser, Erick (41), Erwin (40) en Torwald (31) bemannen samen met Klaas Raven (23) de
sleper. Het is de bedoeling dat ze gaan assisteren bij de berging van elf wrakken. Maar momenteel
zijn ze druk bezig met het opruimen van de drijvende brokstukken. ,,Samen met andere slepers en
boten zijn ze nu bezig alle drijvende rommel naar één plek te slepen en daarna gaan ze werkelijk aan
De havenstad is een van de belangrijkste aanvoerroutes voor hulpgoederen. Volgens Visser liggen er
honderden wrakken. ,,Niet alleen van deze oorlog maar er liggen ook nog restanten van de (andere)
Golfoorlog.'' De Texelaars houden hun hoofd droog. ,,De jongens regelen alles op het schip, het zijn
geen duikers. Dat laten we aan anderen over.'' In principe is het de bedoeling dat de mannen na twee
maanden een maand naar huis terugkeren. ,,Maar de aflossing wordt nog een probleem. Vanuit Irak is
het niet mogelijk te vliegen, waarschijnlijk moeten ze via Dubai naar huis. Maar Dubai ligt op 48 uur
varen.'' De jongens bivakkeren dag en nacht op de sleper, omdat er een avondklok is ingesteld blijft
de bemanning er ook slapen. Van het gigantische hotelschip dat voor de havenstad ligt maken ze
geen gebruik. Visser werkt eigenlijk alleen met mensen van Nederlandse nationaliteit. ,,En het liefst
met Texelaars.'' De eerste dagen op de locatie was een ware reünie. ,,Het is een klein wereldje en we
werken vaak met dezelfde schepen. Ze kwamen oude maten tegen en dat is natuurlijk erg gezellig.''
Al met al is het een angstig avontuur. Hoewel de Vissers meestal in de slechtere gebieden van de
wereld aan het werk zijn, valt dit avontuur toch zwaar. Thuis bij de familie Visser aan Nieuwe Schild
wordt met meer interesse dan normaal het nieuws gevolgd. Dagelijks wordt er gebeld met de sleper;
de schoondochters e-mailen om het laatste nieuws uit te wisselen. Mits de situatie het toelaat, werken
de Texelaars de eerste drie maanden in Umm Qasr. ,,Daarna zien we wel weer verder.''
(bron: Noordhollands Dagblad)
S’pore-flagged tug hijacked in Indon waters
The Singapore flagged tug Poet Vanda, hijacked in the early hours of June 18 after leaving Kariman
Island. The poet Vanda was towing a barge through the Durian Strait when seven pirates armed with
knives and parangs boarded the tug off of Pulau mantaras. Trowing the seven Indonesian crew
members overboard. The crew was later rescued by fishermen and the barge found abandoned in the
vicinity. (bron: shippingnews)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Hawaiian tug gets more pull
The 3000 hp tug Moana Holo is back in service with Young Bros. Hawai, after being fitted with
Nautican Research and development Ltd’s Nozzles and rudders at Foss Shipyards in Seattle. Two
108 inch Nautican High Efficiency Nozzle were fitted, along with two sets of High EfficiencyTripple
Rudders Prior to the converzion, the 126 ft x 34 ft Moana Holo was fitted with twin open propellors and
spade rudders. It’s bollard pull went from 64,000 lbs with open propellors to 101,500 with the nautican
Nozzles. The Triple rudders increased the turning capability. During the sea trails, it was able to turn
360 degrees in 60 seconds and one ship length, with both engines ahead. The Moana Holo is used to
assist in ship berting and towing barges from Oahu to the other hawaian Islands. (bron: shippingnews)
New ASD Ship-Handling Tug Designed by Robert Allan
In December 2002, the high performance tug Altug was completed by Uzmar-Uzmanlar Shipping and
Trading Company Ltd. of Izmir, Turkey. This tug is the first of the new ASD 32/80 Class design
developed by Robert Allan Ltd., of Vancouver, BC. It was built under direction of the Owners at the
Ge-Ta Shipyard Particulars of the new ASD 32/80 Class tug. The propulsion system comprises a pair
of Deutz Model SBV 8M 628 diesel engines, each rated 1,750 kW at 1,000 rpm, driving Schottel SRP
1212 Z-drives through a system of Cardan shafting. This combination delivers a Bollard Pull of
approximately 56 tons, and provides a full-load free running speed of 13.5 knots. The design is also
configured to take higher power, capable of supporting a BP of approximately 80 tons. Two skeg
design options are also offered, one more or less conventional, and a deeper "escort skeg" if a higher
indirect towing capability is required. All main and auxiliary machinery is cooled using Bloksma
Electrical power is provided by a pair of Cummins, 6 CTA 8.3 diesel gen-sets, each rated 136 kW at
1,500. The deck machinery comprises a combination hydraulic hawser winch/windlass forward, with
35 ton line pull and 100 ton brake, and a hydraulic powered towing winch on the aft deck, rated 35 ton
line pull and 100 ton brake, all supplied by Kraajeveld. The tug has open bulwarks aft for towing, and
could be retro-fitted with a stern roller for anchor-handling operations. The tug is also equipped with a
fire-fighting capability, provided by two main engine-driven Unitor SFP 250 x 350 fire pumps, each
rated 25,500 Lpm at 15 bar. Two Unitor Model FJF-200 EL remote-controlled monitors are mounted
on the mast platformabove the wheelhouse.
8,000-hp Offshore Tug First With QSK60s
Cenac Towing of Houma, La., has long had a reputation for quality boats. Both their inland waterway
push boats and their off-shore tugs are meticulous in their design, construction and maintenance. In
the spring of 2000, the company commissioned a Cummins-powered 2,550 hp, 100 x 34-ft. triple
screw off-shore tug, the Andrea Cenac. This May, Cenac is putting their newest and largest tug into
service. As with their other new boats, the O.J. Cenac will be Cummins powered. At 130 x 38 ft. with a
15-ft. molded depth, this is a big boat. The new boat marks a milestone for both Cenac and Cummins
as it is the first tug into service with Cummins' recently introduced QSK60 engines. With three of these
new engines, each turning its own propeller, the O.J. Cenac, will work as an 8,000-hp classed vessel.
The engines turn into Twin Disc MG DR5600 marine gears with 7:1 ratios. The 90-in. props are
enclosed in kort nozzles that have been faired into the hull to maintain the boat's 12-ft. working draft.
The massive props are mounted on nine-in. shafts equipped with Kobelt 527A shaft brakes. Steering
to the boat's three rudders was supplied by St. Rose, Louisiana-based EMI. The electronic clutch and
throttle controls were supplied by Twin Disc. Tankage on the O.J. Cenac includes 100,000 gallons of
fuel in multiple tanks with a common day tank. There is an Alpha Laval SB104 centrifuge through
which fuel is pumped. The centrifuge is also employed to circulate fuel in the tank. Accommodation for
a crew of up to 12 people is provided in a traditionally styled three level deck house. Auxiliary power
employs two Cummins 6CT-powered 130 kW generator sets in addition to a Cummins QSM11 for the
boat's Intercon winch. The waterfall-type winch has a capacity of 3,000 ft. of 2.5-in. wire per drum and
315,000 pounds of line pull. The boat has a fixed onboard CO2 fire suppression system for unmanned
machinery and cargo spaces and is built to an ABS load line but is not classed. The boat will tow a
425 by 70-ft. 50,000-barrel barge in deep water Gulf of Mexico service. "The Andrea Cenac has been
a very successful strong pulling boat and that success has led to this larger boat," Cenac said, "The
design is a collaboration between Maine Iron Works and Cenac Towing, We like a boat with classic
lines but the latest equipment." Leroy Molaison, of Main Iron Works in Houma, explains that this boat
is one of 20 or 25 vessels the two companies have collaborated on, "I've been here since 1961 and I
know they did boats before that," he explains. "Depending on the work schedule at Cenac we do more
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or less of the finish. On this boat, we did the steel work, installed the props, shaft and some of the
piping before delivering it to the Cenac yard." The vessel has a hard chine design with the relatively
shallow 12-ft. working draft determined by the maximum 13.5-ft. availability at the Cenac facility in
Houma. "This boat is a totally new design," says Molaison, "That grows out of the combined
experience of years and years of working together by our two companies."
Kody Marine Building For Maryland Marine
"The resurgence in the push boat new-builds for the petro-chemical market has been a pleasant
surprise for Cummins Mid-South," says Calvin Klotz Vice-President for Marine Sales. Mid-South
currently has engines for a half dozen or more Cummins-powered push-boats on order. Three of these
boats are building at Kody Marine for Higman Marine Services' associated firm Maryland Marine Inc.
The first vessel, to be named Skipjack, was delivered at the end of May. Construction on the two
sister-ships is to start by July 1. Each of these three boats will be powered by a pair of Cummins
KTA38 M1 main engines rated for 1,000 hp each at 1,800 rpm. The engines turn into Twin Disc
MG540 gears with 6.18:1 ratios. The 78 x 53-in. propellers are mounted on 16-ft. by 8-in. cold rolled
shafts. Electrical needs are met by a pair of Cummins 6B5.9-powered 55 KW generator sets. Keel
coolers for both the main and auxiliary engine are supplied by Fernstrum. The 74 by 32-ft. boats will
have a molded depth of 10 ft., nine in., and will operate with a normal draft of eight ft. The hulls will be
framed with 5x3-in. 5/16-in. angle iron with frames on 16-in. centers from the stern for 23 ft. forward,
then ten ft. forward on 21-in. centers with the final 39 ft. forward on 18-in. centers. Bottom plating is
5/8 and ½-in. plating. Sides and deck are 3/8-in. plate. The four-level deck house on each boat will
feature accommodations for up to seven crew in five cabins. Tankage includes 26,000 gallons of fuel,
16,000 gallons of water and 530 gallons each of lube and gear oil. Wastewater will be handled by an
Owens Model C wastewater system suitable for a crew of ten. The boats will be equipped with four
flanking and two steering rudders all on eight-in. stocks. Each boat will have two Nabrico 40-ton,
electric winches with 208 volt 3 phase power and controlled at the winch locations and in the
wheelhouse. Kody is also just completing the repower of the push boat M/V Cumberland with the
removal of the old engines and installation of a pair of Cummins KTA38M0s and MG 540 6.18:1 gears.
The job included the replacement of the exhaust, modification of grid cooler boxes and the installation
of new grid coolers for the main engines and gear oil coolers.
Boston Tug Muster 2003 Classic Powerhouses and Modern Behemoths
By Don Sutherland
There was a tense moment at the Boston Tug Muster, held this year on the last day of May. At 10
A.M. sharp, the official opening moment of this 19th annual event, there were no tugs at the rallying
point, Pier 4, Charlestown. At 10:05, still no tugs. By 10:10, only Innovator, possibly the shortest tug
in town, had cruised by. It passed along the pier as if looking for old friends, and finding none,
performed its trademark about-face and seemed to be departing. Maybe the gents aboard had got the
date wrong? Last year's Muster, after all, was in August. On the pier itself, among Muster officials, a
nasty question was starting to form: What if you gave a Muster, and nobody came? Then, at precisely
10:15 by the official MarineNews watch, a large, regal vision appeared on as much of a horizon as the
compact Boston Harbor provides. The stately 1954-built vessel glided almost silently to the pier,
seeming confidant that even among a hundred tugs, all eyes would be on her. She was exactly,
perfectly what springs to mind, has sprung to mind for a century, when people say the word "tugboat."
Compounding her nobility was her glistening sheen, her spiffy and spanking cleanliness, as if she just
had been sandblasted and painted (she had, leaving the yard only the day before). The colors
themselves were McAllister-like, but the stack bore the letter P. The gentlemen from Portland had
arrived, and the Boston Tug Muster was on. Innovator returned, entertaining the spectators - both
those on the pier, and plenty more in various pleasure craft arriving for a look - with its whirligig
maneuvers, spinning like a top before rushing off in a whoosh to some other spot on the stage.
Underway, Innovator leans aggressively forward in its hellbent determination to reach its destination,
presenting an opposite appearance to classic tugs - they're mostly raked the other way. The Big Toot
was next to arrive, more of a general workboat in appearance with her broad, open afterdeck, but
certainly fitting to any gathering of tugs. Her expansive aft section bore what looked like the most
bodacious barbecue of the fleet, and with its large complement of young'uns served to remind that the
Muster has always been about boaters, their boats, and their families. There's no telling who among
them will steer a vessel into the 35th Boston Tug Muster. Waukegan was the next arrival, also in a
McAllister-like livery - though unlike Portland Tugboat LLC, a division of McAllister, the 1953-built ex-
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Army classic of Sterling Equipment Co. in East Boston adopted its burgundyish superstructure and
yellow stripe from another previous owner. "We just liked the colors," said the company's Marine
Manager Norm Bourque, "asked them if they minded our keeping them, and they gave their blessing."
The 2000-hp single-screw tug was "upgraded for ship-assist work by the first owners after the
government, Sanches Towing. For Sterling, she's going to work in the construction business as one of
four tugs - she being the oldest and largest - to herd the company's fleet of about 90 dredges and
construction barges. "The company was started in 1995 by Jay Cashman to be the equipment
company for his construction operations," said Bourque, "but we've been supplying all different
construction companies up and down the eastern seaboard."
New Kid on the Block
The final arrival for the Muster's formalities was the newest tug on Boston Harbor, Boston Towing and
Transportation's Z-drive Freedom. "She was delivered in March," said the company's president,
Vincent D. Tibbetts, generally known as Jake. " She was built by Washburn Doughty in East
Boothbay, Maine. They're the best. We worked with them continuously, and things couldn't have gone
smoother. "They have a standard 92-foot design, which our head of constrution, Bill Skinner, modified
here and there for our particular purposes. We had the luxury of watching Moran build seven or eight
boats ahead of ours, and they were very generous about letting us look over their shoulder. Altogether
we made about 500 changes, though numerically most were details - put this plug here instead of
there. But we were pleased to learn that some of our larger modifications were incorporated into the
standard design."
Tibbetts was so pleased with the whole venture that the yard built a sister boat for Boston Towing, with
delivery due about two weeks after the Muster. "We've named her Liberty," quipped Tibbetts, "and
maybe someday we'll have a third we call Justice." The primary occupation of the 4400-hp tugs,
which come at a price between $4-$5 million apiece, is to assist LNG carriers and gasoline tankers
through Boston harbor. "The fire system can pump 6000 gallons per minute, and has a deluge system
- covering the boat itself in water - so we can get up close to a fire if we have to. We also made
modifications to improve visibility all around - lowered the stacks, among other things." Equipped with
Rolls-Royce Z-drives, the two sisters are the first new boats commissioned by the venerable company,
whose fleet includes boats unmistakable as classic railroad tugs. "Z-drives are the future of ship
docking work," said Tibbetts, "although the first time I sat in Freedom's seat, I felt like a potato farmer."
A boat that can drive sideways at will, and astern at 13 knots, obviates some of the piloting skills
required of single-screw classics. But unlike some operators of Z-drives, Tibbetts doesn't think
skippering the new boats is necessarily a young man's profession, straight from school to the pilot
house. "We promote from within," he said, "because when a deckhand finally gets to the pilot house,
he knows what to expect and what not to, from his own deckhands. That doesn't change just because
the propulsion system does." Tibbetts had plenty of praise for the crews picked for the new tugs. "The
people we picked for these boats are grabbing the ball and running with it - it's amazing how quickly
and how well they pick it up. We sent our guys to Foss and to Moran, who have been very generous
for training. They also do the simulators down in Newport." Just as some of this Muster's boats bore
McAllisterish colors without being, strictly, McAllister boats, Boston Towing's fleet bear more than a
passing resemblance to Reinauer's livery. "Boston Towing was started by Bert Reinauer in 1932," we
were told. "The Tibbetts and the Reinauer families have been associated for a long time. The boats
used to have red houses and black hulls, but in 1967 Franklin Reinauer went south to buy the Gulf
Hustler - which became the Janice Ann Reinauer - and asked if he could use colors red & buff.
Crescent Towing used those colors, although in their case the upper house is all buff."
Struttin’ Their Stuff
The main event of the Boston Tug Muster, as far as observers are concerned, is the parade around
the harbor, followed by various random, impromptu, and sometimes unlikely-looking head-to-head
pushing contests. Although a sixth tug, Capt. Tom, arrived at Pier 4 shortly before the Freedom, she
was apparently called away during the time of the parade - though did return for a pushing contest or
two. "We used to get dozens of tugs at the Muster," said Philip Michaelman of the World Ship Society,
the event's main mover, "but in recent years it's slackened-off greatly. We're not sure why. We don't
get very much publicity - even Offshore magazine didn't run our announcement this year - but that
would affect the spectator turnout more than it would the turnout of tugs themselves." Norm Bourque
speculated that the early date of this year's Muster - advanced to coincide with other harbor events put
on by Boston agencies - may have had something to do with the sparse attendance. "It snuck up on a
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lot of people," he said, "and this early in the season, doesn't give you enough time to paint the boat."
"Don't forget all the construction going on in Boston," reminded Capt. Brian Fournier of the Stamford.
"Everybody's busy. The reason we were in the area was that we had a ship job here around 4 in the
morning. We're from Portland, Maine, and we were in Boston for a job. What does that say about the
local boats getting sucked-up for work?" One of the things it says, or at least underscores, is the kind
of ironic doublethink that comes with a tug rally. The organizers, liking tugs, want as many boats onhand as possible. But also, the organizers, liking tug people, want them to prosper - which means
being too busy to take a day off. If the central purpose of the Muster is to bring tugmen together for a
day of hobnobbing and, maybe, bragging, it doesn't matter all that much how many boats arrive.
MarineNews has covered tug meets with as few as four participants, and those gatherings were no
less successful for — how should we phrase it? For their exclusivity? Their intimacy? Four great tugs
still make an impressive display. Boston's display of five great tugs this year was that much more
impressive - shall we say by 20%? The day's outing's the thing, as are the burgers and cole slaw, and
the line-toss, and the chance to socialize. Still, as the parade circled the harbor, plenty of additional
tugs - classics by the score - were visible tied-up individually or in clusters. How come they weren't out
strutting their stuff, too? "The boats were idle," offered Fournier, "but the crews were not." As it was,
this year's parade was a bit of a wonder, visually speaking. From the two splendid '50s classics Stamford and Waukegan, looking almost like members of the same fleet - the odd Innovator made a
startling visual departure, and The Big Toot was a whole different exercise in workboat design.
Whether trained or untrained, the eye could learn a lot about maritime diversity from even this select
grouping. With the Boston Fire Department's Fire Fighter enlivening the festivities with its airborne jets
of spray, the parade was an eye-catcher with a rousing flair. It was, of course, Freedom that
completed the sense of variety and, to a large extent, of good-natured braggadocio of the day. Might
as well demonstrate what it means to run astern at 13 knots, or to turn in one's own length, to run
sideways, and to blast the skies with its own water cannon. Aboard the Stamford at least, which had
become something of the Press Boat, an air of hilarity and not-quite-grudging admiration was apparent
for the antics of the town's newest tug.
Getting Good PR
Besides MarineNews, Stamford played host to the Boston Globe, which sent a reporter and a
photographer to cover the event. MarineNews having suggested, once or twice before, that the lay
press doesn't "get it" when it comes to harbor industry, we were curious about the take this Beantown
counterpart to The New York Times would have on the proceedings. So, in a form that might have
been mistaken for a conversation, we interviewed their interviewer. The Globe's initial interest had
been in the larger Boston Harbor festivities, but the Tug Muster, perhaps a novelty in the collective
psyche of an inland newsroom, was deemed worthy of a feature. We obtained a premonition of the
newspaper's report from the look on the reporter's face - the wonder, somewhat wide-eyed, at the
grandeur and complexity of the working wheelhouse. And the correspondent's assigned task was to
look it all over, take it all in, write it all down. It was not an experience we thought the reporter would
soon forget. The article, under Ron Fletcher's byline, did well with the spirit of the event, and conveyed
much of the tugman's pride and joy. It's quite widely said that most people who work tugs could enter
other lines of work, possibly for better money, less risk, less responsibility - except that the business is
"in their blood." That kind of description is itself novel, possibly a bit of an inspiration, in a world-atlarge where the quick buck and unaccountability have become the cultural norms. What the lay press
writes, most tugmen seem to think, is inconsequential to their lives. What does it matter if Ron
Fletcher's article doubles the spectators at next year's Muster? Tugs operate B2B. They don't serve
the tourists who come to see the U.S.S. Constitution or the other historic vessels in the Navy Yard
vicinity. They don't buy diesel engines or hawsers or charter tug services, so whatever they think - or
read in the newspapers - should be generally irrelevant to the industry's objectives. Shouldn't it? Well,
maybe. The towing industry's famous insularity may well suit its daily chores, but no industry's an
island unto itself. In a city, especially a big city, especially a city of big changes like Boston's Big Dig,
there are things called politics. There are ambitions. There are issues to address, and lobbying to
conduct. Or does anyone believe that a mayor or a town council would design a port for its industry's
needs because they read Scuffy the Tugboat as kids? Probably, other forces are moving them. The
article in the Globe gave good-natured, sympathetic insights into the nature of tugboaters. It was the
press at its friendliest, giving good PR. There's no telling how it will feed into urban design and city
planning, or broader undertakings that could draw or repel business in that port. But it could do no
harm. It would do all the more good if good coverage happened more often in response to events like
the Boston Tug Muster. Portland's own rally on August 17 should be media-friendly, staged as it is as
a benefit for the Multiple Sclerosis society. Public relations is a "soft" science, whose return-on-
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investment is difficult to measure. But at the very least, it should relieve some of those tense moments
that come up at showtime.
Feature: Family Tradition
By Larry Pearson
About a year ago MarineNews debuted an article on the "First Families" of the oil patch featuring the
Graham, Chouest and Candies families. We continue this series with two real pioneers in this industry
whose partnership is still going strong after 57 years. Albert Cheramie and Anthony Guilbeau were
among the very first to recognize that when oil and gas exploration moved offshore there would be a
need for boats to supply the rigs. In 1947, Cheramie began by running a vessel for Humble Oil to
Block 16A barely in the Gulf of Mexico off Grand Isle, La. By 1951 both Cheramie and Guilbeau were
working offshore themselves as roughnecks for Texaco. "After five years with Texaco, it didn't seem
like I was going to advance very far with only a 7th grade education," Cheramie said. "Besides we both
wanted to work on the marine side of the business. Our fathers were fishermen, so it seemed natural
for us to also work on the water," Guilbeau said. In late 1956 Cheramie and Guilbeau formed C&G
Boats and decided they wanted to build a 65-ft. utility boat and return to the offshore service business
for good. They approached Donald Bollinger who along with his brothers had established a machine
shop and small shipyard along Bayou Lafourche in Lockport, La. 10 years earlier. Bollinger's company
designed the boat and said they would build it for $90,000. "That seemed like a fair price to us, but
Bollinger told Albert and I to get another bid on the project." Guilbeau said. The competitive bid came
in at $70,000. Bollinger told the two men." if you can get the boat at that price, by all means buy two."
"Donald Bollinger was probably the most honest man I have ever met," Cheramie said. Although
Bollinger lost that round of competitive bidding, they subsequently build literally dozens of boats for C
& G and other companies established by future generations of the Cheramie and Guilbeau families.
Albert's brother Gilbert Cheramie came into the company when C&G bought its third boat. Like a lot of
new startups, C&G was strictly a family operation with the wives running the office and doing the
bookkeeping. Anthony's wife Norma is the sister of Albert. The company grew to several boats during
the next 15 years serving many of the Chevron rigs and those of other companies. "One of the little
known facts is that we sold the plans for our 65-ft. utility boat to Edgar Graham, so he could get
started in the business," Cheramie said. Last year we featured Edgar Graham's son Barry in our
Family Traditions series. Graham's company has been very aggressive in building crew/supply boats
at Breaux Brothers Enterprises. Incidentally, the two boat building companies that bear the Breaux
name in Loreauville, La are another fascinating family story which we will bring you in the next
installment of Family Traditions. In the early 1970's Gilbert Cheramie left C& G Boats to form his own
company with another power-to-be in the offshore service industry, Edison Chouest. Chouest was the
brother of Albert and Gilbert Cheramie's mother. Chouest and Cheramie formed C & C Boats and that
partnership lasted about 10 years before Chouest formed Edison Chouest Offshore with his sons
Gary, Eddie and Laney and Cheramie formed Gilbert Cheramie Boats. Edison Chouest Offshore has
become a huge player in the Gulf of Mexico oil and gas service business and is continually introducing
bigger and bigger boats. Gilbert Cheramie Boats also became a major company in the GOM and as
late as two years ago took delivery of the 166-ft. supply boat Clay Ella before selling his company to
Seacor Marine of Houston, Texas. The sons of Albert Cheramie and Anthony Guilbeau are also in the
oil and gas service business. "We decided to take a slightly different approach with our sons entering
the business," Guilbeau said. "Yes, rather than taking them into our business as junior partners as so
many other families have done, we decided to "help" them start their own companies," Cheramie
added. In these cases "Help" was a code word for co-signing the note for their son's first boat.
"Besides we did not want to change the dynamics of C&G Boats, a partnership that has worked well
for decades," Cheramie said. Cheramie's son Alan is in the lift boat business and son Marc runs C&C
Offshore, operating supply and utility boats. Anthony Guilbeau has two sons and a grandson in the
offshore service business. The younger son Phil operates offshore utility boats. Older son Anthony Jr
(known as Noonie) operates utility and crew boats under the name of Guilbeau Marine, Inc. In 20012002, Guilbeau Marine took delivery of four 145-ft. utility/supply boats built by Bollinger Shipyards.
These deliveries represent just the latest vessels Guilbeau Marine has bought from Bollinger
Shipyards over the years. Anthony Guilbeau's grandson son Chad is in the crew/supply boat business
under the name Seaborne Marine. While C&G Boats has been in business since 1956, their outlook is
definitely progressive. They took possession of the first two of a new series of high capacity, high tech
supply boats built by Bollinger Shipyards. The Ms. Sara Jane and Miss Jolie are 207 x 53 x 19 ft.
Surprisingly, the vessel can hold 6,000 barrels of liquid mud and 6,000 cu. ft. of dry bulk material.
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"That's a lot more mud than you usually get in a 200-ft. vessel," Cheramie said. The two vessels also
have rolling chocks and six foot rather than three-foot bulwarks. "This boat can really work in 14-ft.
seas, even when the rigs are shut down," Cheramie added. Stability and maneuverability around rigs
is enhanced by a dynamic positioning system rated by ABS as DP-1. The vessels were design to use
engines connected to a standard drive train of an engine, gear, shaft and propeller rather than Zdrives. "Without having to devote a lot of space to Z-drives we can hold more ballast water than other
boats," Cheramie reported. The below deck tanks can hold three different types of liquid mud and can
be piped through two independent piping systems. "That really saves time when doing mud swap
operations," Cheramie added. While C & G Boats is one of the pioneers in the industry, they obviously
are not resting on past glories but have made the necessary investment to provide the type of
equipment their customers want as evidenced by the purchase of the two new Bollinger supply boats.
The story of Albert Cheramie and Anthony Guilbeau is more than their partnership that spans the
history of the offshore vessel service industry. It would not be complete without mentioning that both
are world famous big game hunters with huge trophy rooms to exhibit their collection. Both have been
on numerous safaris to Africa, Russia, most of Europe, Asia and areas of the U.S. including Alaska.
Guilbeau has been to six continents and has in his trophy room the African big five, a grizzly bear from
Alaska 140 miles above the Artic Circle, the North American Grand Slam and Guilbeau's greatest
prize, a leopard. Cheramie's hunting exploits are just as illustrious. He holds four world records and
has won 31 hunting and membership awards from Safari Club International and was proclaimed by
Louisiana Governor Mike Foster as "Outstanding Sportsman in the State of Louisiana." Cheramie
estimates he has 250 trophies in his display room. "You just can't work all the time," Cheramie and
Gilbeau agree. "And if you want to do something else, you might as well be good at it.."
Bollinger Delivers ATB for Bouchard
Bouchard Coastwise Management Co., Hicksville, NY, has added to its fleet a double-hull articulated
ocean-going tug/barge units (ATB) with the delivery from Bollinger Shipyards, Inc., Lockport, La., of
the 130-ft. tug Jane A. Bouchard and the 430-ft., 110,000 barrel (BBL) class double-hull oil Barge B.
No. 225 that meets the requirements of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA '90). The Jane A. Bouchard
and Barge B. No. 225 is the first of a two ATB contract between Bouchard and Bollinger. The second,
planned for delivery in May 2004, will be the sister ship, Morton S. Bouchard IV and a larger, 487-ft.
barge B. No. 242 capable of carrying 135,000 BBL of clean petroleum products. Donald "Boysie"
Bollinger, chairman and CEO of Bollinger said, "Barge B. No 225 brings the total OPA '90 barges built
by Bollinger yards to 20 with three more under construction, one for Bouchard and two for another
customer. We have positioned ourselves well in the OPA 90 market, with our Gretna and Marine
Fabricator facilities building for the industry and other Bollinger locations handling conversions of
barges to meet OPA 90 regulations. Each location has established portfolios providing quality,
expertise and the ability to adjust to client/industry requirements." The Jane A. Bouchard was built at
Bollinger's Lockport, La., shipyard and the Barge B. No. 225 was built at Bollinger Gretna, in Harvey,
La.. Joined together by an Intercon coupler system, they form a 520-ft. ATB unit capable of carrying
several types of petroleum products. Jane A. Bouchard, named in honor of the mother of Morton
Bouchard III, company president, is 130-ft. long with a 38-ft. beam and normal operating draft of 19-ft.
Maximum draft is 22-ft. It is powered by two channel cooled General Motors EMD 16-645-F7BA diesel
engines developing a total of 6,140 bhp. They drive two Bollinger manufactured five-blade, 140-in.
diameter by 94-in., manganese/bronze propellers through Reintjes WAT 3455 reverse/reduction gears
with a ratio of 4.480:1. Three Detroit Diesel 8V-71 engines driving three Baylor generators develop a
total of 297 kW of electrical power. The engines are started by Quincy air compressors and monitored
by an EMI 72-point system. A Sperry Marine electro/hydraulic system steers the tug. The tug's deck is
outfitted with an Intercon single-drum hydraulic tow winch, forward and aft vertical electric capstans
and a rescue boat and davit. The Intercon coupler system has two electric rams that lock into a rack or
ladder at the notched stern section of the barge that when the tug and barge are locked together,
keeps each of the two units rigidly in place. The system provides a single degree of freedom allowing
the tug to pitch about a transverse connection between the tug and barge. All other motions are
restrained so that tug motions match barge motions in roll and heave.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 17
dd. 14 juli 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
THIONVILLE (ex. Caesar-91) uit Straarsburg (1870 apk, 1988 te Putterhoek gebouwd) verkocht aan
Compagnie Fluviale de Transport te Le Havre. Sinds begin juni vaart ze op de Rhône onder de naam
CONSERVATOR is aan M. Street te Gravesend verkocht en is momenteel op de Medway voor een
dokbeurt bij Acorn te Strood. De nieuwe Stan tug zal ook de CONSERVATOR heten. De heer Street
Zal haar nieuwe aanwinst waarschijnlijk hernoemen.
DAPHNE B. is door de heer Barbour doorverkocht aan Taylor & Taylor in het Schotse Troon. Een
nieuw naam is nog niet bekend.
SMIT JAMAICA (ex. Piku) is op 11 juli 2003 verkocht aan Maritime Gibraltar Ltd.
Smit Hunter
De Smit Hunter is vrijdagmiddag, 11 juli 2003, van de werf Niehuis & van den Berg naar de
scheepssloper Poot in Ridderkerk gesleept door de Buizerd. De sleepboot was donderdag uit dok
gekomen en werd dezelfde middag nog verkocht aan Henk Poot. De Erasmusbrug werd om 15.00 uur
gepasseerd. Zij ligt nu afgemeerd bij Schiepo te Ridderkerk en langzij de Giant 4. Er kunnen nu nog
foto’s gemaakt worden. Het ontmantellen is begonnen.
Hornbeck Offshore Acquires Five Deepwater OSVs
Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. has acquired five 220-ft. class deepwater offshore supply vessels
and their related business from Candy Marine Investment Corporation, an affiliate of Candy Fleet
Corporation,for an undisclosed amount of cash and common stock of the Company. Candy Fleet is a
privately held marine vessel operator in the Gulf of Mexico. Hornbeck funded the cash portion of the
purchase price with a combination of borrowings under the Company's revolving credit facility and
proceeds from a private offering of the Company's common stock. In connection with such private
offering, which was primarily undertaken to fund a portion of the acquisition costs, Hornbeck received
payment or binding subscriptions for $30 million of new common stock of the Company, including the
shares issued directly to Candy Marine Investment Corporation, to fund the equity portion of the
purchase price. In addition, concurrent with the transaction, the Company increased the borrowing
base on its revolver from $25 million to $50 million.
Hornbeck plans to continue operating the acquired OSVs, which have an average age of
approximately 4.5 years, in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico.
The vessel which are sold are listed below with the new names:
New name
Candy Voyager
HOS Voyager
Candy Trader
HOS Trader
Candy Express
HOS Express
Candy Explorer
HOS Explorer
Candy Pioneer
HOS Pioneer
A further option for Hornbeck is to buy the Candy Mariner and maybe give her the name of HOS
Bourbon to take control at Havila Supply
Offshore vessel and tug operator Groupe Bourbon has opted to take full control of Norwegian operator
Havila Supply for a potential total cost of Euro 52m., writes Andrew Spurrier in Paris. Bourbon which
has 39.6% of Havila’s Capital, is to lift its to 90.06%, notrably through the acquisition, f shares from the
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
other shareholder, the Seavik family, which has 35%. This means it has overtaken the decision of the
Oslo stock exchange, which ordered it to proceed with a bid for the company on the grounds that it
had an agreement with another shareholder, the Ulstein family’s Borgstein Supply Invest, to acquire
11.1% of havila’s capital in 2006. Previously Bourbon had deliberately stayed below 40% to avoid
triggering a fule-scale takeover. Agreement with the Seavik family was helped by a second operation
in which the Seavik company Havila AS will pay Euro 58m for Havila’s Supply flrrt of 10 safety and
rescue vessels. Bourbon, which is interested by Havila Supply’s potential in the deep offshore sector,
has already said that it does not consider the activities of these ships to be strategic. Announcing its
plans for Havila Supply, Bourbon said that the leet of the restructured company would compromise 18
supply vessels with an average age of 10 years, including two scheduled for delivery at the end of this
Plan Sleepboothaven valt goed.
Maassluizer Luuc Vroombout droomt er al jaren van, en nu moet het er maar eens van komen. De
buitenhaven van Maassluis wordt steeds stiller en dus is de tijd er rijp voor om de haven met
historische slepers vol te leggen. De Hudson en de Elbe passen hier uitstekend, net zoals ze hier
vroeger lagen. Met het Nationaal Sleepvaartmuseum en de Furie in de binnenhaven ontstaat er een
pakket wat sleepvaartliefhebbers en toeristen zal aantrekken. Vroombout maakte van de gelegenheid
gebruik door het plan op het Schanshoofd onder de aandacht te brengen bij burgemeester Karssen.
“Want,” zo zei Vroombout, “we hebben wel de steun van de gemeente nodig om het plan te laten
slagen.” Karssen had er wel oren naar. “Het klinkt goed, maar er moet wel een breed draagvlak zijn.
Ook de gemeente kan het niet alleen.” Volgens Luuc Vroombout moet dat niet al te moeilijk zijn, er zijn
vrijwlligers genoeg te vinden. (bron: shippingnews)
Towboat Faith Successfully Removed from Bayou Sorrel Lock & Towed To
Canal Bank
The Mv. Faith, which capsized and sank on her side in Bayou Sorrel Lock late on July 5, was
successfully lifted from the floor of the lock Wednesday and towed on its side to a nearby canal bank
where it was grounded. Involved in removing the vessel from the lock were the U.S. Coast Guard,
Corps of Engineers, Oil Mop Inc., Specialty Divers of Vicksburg, Coral Marine Salvage of Amelia,
Pollution Marine Response Group of New Orleans and Big River Salvage Inc., of Vicksburg. It took
two cranes to lift the boat from the bottom of the lock and guide it to shore. Containment booms
trapped the oil and diesel fuel leaking from the Faith. According to news reports, the Faith, owned by
Monica Lee Tugs, was heading for Baton Rouge from Texas by way of the waterway between Morgan
City and Baton Rouge, La. The cause of the sinking was still unknown as of Thursday afternoon. The
Faith was in the lock next to another vessel about 11 p.m. Saturday night. She had already removed
several of her barges from the lock and was headed back to pick up the remainder of her tow. When
the lock opened, the other vessel began to move out when the Faith began listing to port, according to
Lt. j.g. Brandy Parker of the Cost Guard Marine Safety Unit. A crewman who rushed to the engine
room to try to discover the problem was unable to, but he did see that water was coming in very
quickly, Parker said. When the general alarm was sounded, several crew jumped onto the lock wall or
onto the passing boat to safety. Parker said when the captain jumped, he severed his arm, but she did
not know his condition. The Faith's second pilot was sleeping when the incident took place and had to
break a window to escape. He was not hurt. Because of the unusual accident inside the lock, vessels
coming down to Morgan City turned around and took either the Atchafalaya or Mississippi rivers,
Parker said. Boats proceeding north also were forced to turn back toward Morgan City. (bron: Jan
Main Iron Works delivers offshore tug
The O.J. Cenac, a 130'x38'x14' offshore tug, recently joined Houma, La.-based Cenac Towing Co.
Inc.'s tug fleet. Built at Main Iron Works, also of Houma, the new boat was outfitted at Cenac following
delivery, a common practice for the towing company that also has a fleet of inland towboats. With a
workforce of 500, Cenac has a construction crew available at all times. "We have an ongoing
maintenance schedule for our boats and do most of the outfitting of our new boats here," said Walt
Cenac, the company's marine equipment manager." "On this boat we did the steelwork, installed the
props, shaft and some of the piping before delivering it to the Cenac yard," said Leroy Molaison, Main
Iron Works' owner/manager. The new tug is the biggest in Cenac's fleet. "We've been looking for a
niche element in the Gulf, and we found it with this boat," said Cenac. "This boat allows us to stay on
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
station. It gives us a bigger weather window. We can provide services that are unique. A smaller boat
can't [handle the weather] under certain conditions, and that holds the customer back."
The O.J. Cenac is the first boat to be fitted with Cummins' new QSK60 diesels. Though the engines
carry a rating of between 2,000 hp and 2,300 hp, the three mains have been tweaked to give the tug a
total output of 8,000 hp. "The choice for a proven and modern engine design backed by a global
marine customer support network has been limited in the 2,000 to 2,500 horsepower range," Cummins
general manager Geoff Conrad said at last December's International WorkBoat Show, where the
engines were introduced. The mains each connect to 90" propellers in Kort nozzles through Twin Disc
MG-5600DR marine gears, with 7:1 reverse reduction ratios. Twin Disc also supplied the electronic
clutch and throttle controls (EC250) for the tug. The wheels are mounted on 9" shafts equipped with
Kobelt 527A shaft brakes. On deck is an Intercon doubledrum, waterfall-style winch with 3,000' of 2.5"
wire on each drum and 315,000 lbs. of line pull. The winch is powered by a Cummins QSM11. Below
decks is tankage for 102,400 gals. of fuel; 20,500 gals. drinking water; and 1,100 gals. lube oil. Ship's
service power is provided by twin Cummins 6C8.3T gensets, producing 130kw of electricity each.
Though the tug is not classed, it was built to ABS loadline standards. The relationship between Main
Iron Works and Cenac spans over 40 years and 20 boats. "I've been here since 1961, and I know they
did boats before that," said Molaison. "This boat is a totally new design that grows out of the combined
experience of years and years of working together." The O.J. Cenac has accommodations for a crew
of 12. It was delivered May 23 and is currently working in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico towing a
425'x70', 50,000-bbl tank barge. "It's a good evolution of a workboat," said Cenac. "It's what we were
looking for."
The ship-assist industry is well-equipped and very competitive.
In the ship-assist industry these days, it's all about keeping up with the Joneses. For tug companies
that translates into big capital outlays on new, technologically advanced equipment. " Over the past six
or seven years, we have invested over $150 million in new tug equipment on the West Coast," said
Robert Grune, vice president and general manager for ship-assist and escort services at Crowley
Marine Services, Seattle. "That includes the two Protector class tugs, six Harbor class tugs, the
Response, and two enhanced tractor tugs and three prevention and response boats for Valdez. We've
put some real money in the operations out here, and I think the customers appreciate it." These 14
new tugs are a mix of Voith Schneider and ASD propulsion and all specialize in tanker-escort and
ship-assist services. Crowley's fleet buildup has been paralleled-although to a lesser degree-by
all the other ship-assist companies operating in major West Coast ports. Foss Maritime, BayDelta
Maritime, Harley Marine Services/Millennium Marine, and AMNAV Maritime Services have all added
new advanced-technology tugs in recent years. At East and Gulf Coast ports, development of new
ship-assist/tanker-escort equipment hasn't been quite as dramatic as the buildup out west, but
McAllister Towing, Wilmington Tug, Moran Towing, Boston Towing & Transportation, Great Lakes
Towing Co., SeaBulk Towing, Crescent Towing and others have all added new equipment.
Customer service is a big part of the impetus for the new equipment. Everybody, including pilots, loves
tractor tugs, and everybody wants the latest technology. But West Coast tug operators have also been
pushed by the regulatory climate. " The state escort regulations in California-LA/Long Beach and the
Bay Area- require certain amounts of bollard pulls and stopping power," said Grune. "Same is true
here in Washington where state law requires a certain amount of capability. That's driven the
investment in the new tug technology. In addition to that, in the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez, the
scrutiny that the oil companies are coming under to make sure they're operating safely has
been very, very high out here. They need to stand up to that scrutiny, to make sure they're doing the
right thing, and they are. "On the East Coast, they don't have those escort regulations," continued
Grune, "and they are now starting to ramp up, to get some tractor tugs out there, but there was
definitely a lag between the East Coast and West Coast. The reason they are starting to get tractor
tugs out there now is that it's more of a replacement program for older equipment and when you go to
build new equipment, you look to the newest technology. That's what's driving the East Coast, as
opposed to customer demand and regulation." Although Gulf and East Coast ports don't have the
same strict guidelines on tanker escort operations as the West, the Navy's switch to private
contractors for ship-assist work prompted the design and construction of seven new 92', 4,200-hp
ASD tractor tugs for Connecticut-based Moran Towing Corp. Cleveland-based Great Lakes Towing
also has built several new ASD tugs to meet Navy contract requirements.
Moran's updated fleet helped the company secure LNG ship-assist work in the Savannah, Ga., area
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
that resulted from the re-opening of the Elba Island terminal in 2001. According to Moran, the process
of reopening the terminal included a Coast Guard mandate that a minimum of two tractor tugs be
utilized for the docking and undocking of LNG tankers. Moran's main competitor, McAllister Towing
and Transportation, has remained focused on commercial work, and in 2001 the New York-based
company began adding new 98', 5,000-hp ship-assist tractor tugs. The third of these was
recently delivered from Eastern Shipbuilding Group, Panama City, Fla. McAllister has also been
converting boats as part of a fleet-wide upgrade. "The real story with us right now is our YTB
conversions," said Bucky McAllister, a company vice president. "We bought a number of ex-Navy
YTBs. Some we have repowered and left with their conventional propulsion, and some we have
converted to single screw and twin-screw Z-drive tractor tugs. The Donal G. McAllister, a single-screw
Z-drive YTB conversion, has been in operation in Baltimore Harbor for a year.
" Baltimore's a relatively low volume port, and you don't have the revenues to support, say, something
like one of the Crowley tractor tugs in Alaska. There's no way you can support a very expensive piece
of equipment. But the Donal gives the pilots the type of maneuverability they're looking for, keeps
the customers happy, and it increases the safety margin in a cost-efficient way."
LOW RATES Cost efficiency is important, especially in the East Coast ship-assist industry which
McAllister characterizes as "super competitive." "I think we charge very low rates, especially
compared to Europe," said McAllister. "Our European counterparts can't believe how low our rates
are. We now have nine tractor tugs up and down the East Coast and we feel we're providing better
equipment. But we find that price tends to dominate over service." Out West, the tug environment is
also competitive. " Yes, here on the West Coast, it's very competitive," said Crowley's Grune. "You
would think it wouldn't be, but it is. There aren't a lot of operators out there. Ourselves and Foss here
in Puget Sound, and in Southern California we compete with Foss and Millennium. So there aren't a
lot of operators that we compete against, but we do compete pretty rigorously."
Crowley's long-time arch rival is Foss Maritime, but Grune views the competition with Foss as
healthy." "Quite honestly they are good competitors to have," he said. "They have a similar philosophy,
and they operate a quality operation. They also tend to have similar cost structures. So when we start
putting out quality equipment and quality service and they do the same thing, we're going to be
competing on a relatively even playing field. If for whatever reason they decide or we decide to cut
some corners, to go the cheap route, that's probably not going to be good for the maritime industry as
Grune doesn't feel the same way about Millennium Maritime, Crowley's newest competitor in the
L.A./Long Beach market. "Millennium would be perceived as a cost cutter in L.A. They have some
advantageous crewing arrangements, and they in turn have been able to offer some competitive rates
down there. So there has been some rate erosion in Southern California, but we still have the largest
market share down there." Crowley's L.A./Long Beach share is only slightly larger than Foss's.
Millennium's share is about 17 percent. On the West Coast, Foss has about 50 percent of the shipassist and tanker-escort business, according to Tim Brewer, Foss Maritime's director of national sales.
Foss is the only company that operates in every major West Coast port. In early 2002, Foss added a
new 6,250-hp reverse tractor tug, the Marshall Foss, to its Long Beach-based fleet. The most powerful
tug in the harbor, the Marshall also features a skeg under the bow for better indirect maneuvering.
A sister ship, the Lynn Marie, works the Bay Area for AMNAV Maritime. TOUGH FUTURE AHEAD
The battle over market share and costs will likely continue to dominate the U.S. ship-assist/tankerescort business in the foreseeable future. The big swing from conventional to tractor tugs has
occurred, and now all the major players can offer fancy new tractor-style tugs as well as conventional
tugs. "The future is going to be tough," Grune acknowledged, "but I think we're well positioned based
on the fact that we have the equipment. I think that as the container vessels get bigger, their focus on
quality equipment and high quality service will increase. But as the ships are getting bigger, there's
also consolidation in the liner companies, so there are fewer and fewer ship calls, which means fewer
and fewer tug jobs. So I don't see a lot of growth." Foss's Brewer said Pacific Northwest business has
been declining. "Puget Sound and Columbia River ports have seen about a 22 percent decline in total
vessel calls, primarily because of fewer bulk ships. Rates have also been going down for several
years. We've hit the floor. I don't see how they can go much lower. " All of us tug companies are facing
the same problems these days: higher requirements for tugs, high capital costs, a very competitive tug
market itself and a very tough business that our customers are in." "Nobody's going to get rich quickly
in this business," said McAllister. "Most of us are in it because our forefathers were in it. I'm fifth
generation, so the family tradition is certainly my excuse."
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Former Fire Tug Awaits Fate in Algoma, Wisconsin
The former Chicago fire tug Joseph Medill remains docked in Algoma, Wi. as its owners work to
secure a permit from the Department of Natural Resources to sink her. Members of the dive club
Neptune's Nimrods hope to sink the retired fireboat Joseph Medill about 1.5 miles off Algoma to
become a diving attraction.
Heavy Haulers … Fast Haulers
Mud, Mud, Mud. Liquid mud is the name of the game in the design of today's offshore service vessels.
The drilling rigs not only want huge volumes of mud, but they want the vessels that serve them to be
able to carry several different types of liquid mud. That means two or three separate piping and
pumping systems to keep the mud from cross contamination. That also increases demands for
automated control and alarm systems, many of which utilize touch screen controls. The rigs also need
dry bulk cement, barite and other such products, so dry bulk tanks with 6,000 or so cu. ft. of capacity
would be desired. Many rig owners would also like the vessels to carry methanol and, by the way, to
be equipped with a dynamic positioning system rated to at least DP-1 (DP-2 would be better) by ABS
so the liquid, bulk products and cargo can be offloaded in nearly any sea state. Those are tall orders
but the realities of supplying drilling rigs and platforms in deepwater. In response to these design
criteria, the offshore service vessel operators have develop vessels that can only be described as
"Heavy Haulers." A few recent deliveries have shown how the operators have stepped up to the plate
to give the drillers what they want in a supply vessel. "It's all about deadweight tonnage," said Roger
White VP of Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO), Galliano, La. a firm with over 100 advanced supply
vessels and anchor handlers in the Gulf. "That number tells all in our opinion since it is the true
measure of how much weight a vessel can carry when it reaches its loadline," White added. "The
length of a vessel is not a true reflection of its deadweight capacity anymore," White said. Edison
Chouest C-Leader Series A new series of 280-ft. by 60-ft. by 24-ft. supply vessels proves White's
point. ECO is building four of these vessels for charter to Shell Oil Company and a fifth boat for
another client. While only 20 ft. longer than most large OSVs, its deadweight tonnage is 4,830 long
tons...about 1,000 tons more than that of vessels only slightly shorter. "The 280-ft. series of offshore
supply vessels was purpose built by Edison Chouest as super efficient vessels able to carry multiple
cargos in any sea condition short of hurricanes and serve multiple platforms on a single trip," said
White. The first vessel in the series…aptly named C-Leader went to work for Shell in February and the
second vessel C- Legend was launched in March 2003 and will join the fleet in July. Two other vessels
C-Liberty and C-Legacy will be completed in 2003. This series of vessels was specifically designed to
carry very high quantities of all liquid, bulk and deck cargo loads. For example liquid mud capacity
is15,880 barrels, the largest quantity of liquid mud carried in a single vessel in the Gulf. In addition, the
vessel can carry 359,720 gallons of fuel oil, 224,680 gallons of ballast, 32,100 gallons of potable
water, 12,280 cubic ft. of dry bulk and the vessel even has dedicated tanks for 87,360 gallons of
methanol. In the hull is a pair of anti-roll tanks with a capacity of 57,440 gallons of water. Another
group of tanks in the hull are called "Service tanks." Number 11 in total, these tanks hold from 950 to
2,700 gallons of whatever the rig wants to offload and can be used to transport limited quantities of
specialized liquids to the rig or platform. On the 203-ft. by 50.5-ft. rear deck, the vessels can carry
2,700 long tons of cargo. Propulsion power is via pair of Caterpillar 3608 engines, rated at 3,600 hp
each. The engines drive both controllable pitch propellers and 1.2 MW shaft generators. Thrusters
include a tunnel thruster and a swing down thruster at the bow and a tunnel thruster in the stern. As
expected, a vessel with twin bow thrusters has an advanced dynamic positioning system and the CLeader has a DP-2 class system.
Tidewater Miss Jane Tide Series
Tidewater, Inc., New Orleans, La. the largest firm offering offshore vessel services has just completed
the fourth of four 260-ft. by 60-ft. by 24.6-ft. platform supply vessels. All four have a deadweight
capacity of 4,006 long tons. Mud hauling capacity is 8,000 barrels in below deck tanks. "We have
carried up to 10,000 barrels of mud with the addition of deck tanks," according to E. J. Hebert, manger
of engineering for Tidewater. Other below main deck capacities are also plentiful including 311,500
gallons of water, 342,300 gallons of fuel oil, 52,850 gallons of potable water and 11,220 cubic ft. of dry
bulk. Main deck cargo capacity is 2,650 long tons. These vessels use diesel electric propulsion. A
quartet of Caterpillar 3516B engines drive KATO 1,800 kW generators producing all the power the
vessel needs. For propulsion power two LIPS Z-Drives are each powered by three General Electric
DC motors. A drop down thruster and a tunnel thruster are in the bow. Since the vessel uses two 360-
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
degree Z-Drives, no stern thrusters are need for the vessel to be fully DP-2 compliant. "Redundancy is
the key to this vessel," said Luis Sanders, assistant manager of new construction for Tidewater. "We
have a great deal of redundancy in our power generation system and in thruster propulsion which is a
key to operating in the harsh conditions found in deepwater," Sanders added. Z-Drives have become
standard propulsion in the 15 or so new supply vessels Tidewater has built in the last three years and
in the vessel currently under construction. Their wholly owned Quality Shipyards, LLC; Bollinger
Shipyards and Bender Shipbuilding and Repair are involved in this building program.
Hornbeck Offshore Services 260-ft. Series
Hornbeck Offshore Services, Mandeville, La., boasts that they have the youngest fleet of supply boats
in the Gulf of Mexico. Their vessels average 2.5 years old while 70 percent of the supply boat fleet is
over 18 years old. Hornbeck has built a series of five 190-ft. vessels, five 240-ft. vessels (with three
still under construction) and four 260-ft. OSVs. LEEVAC Industries LLC, Jennings, built all of their 240ft. vessels and two of the 260-ft. vessels La. Of the five 240-ft.ers built, two were finished as
combination supply/ ROV support vessels for SonSub, Inc., Houston, Texas and one of the two 265-ft.
vessels LEEVAC built was completed as a well stimulation vessel for BJ Services, Inc., Houston,
Texas. Alabama Shipyard, Mobile, Ala, built the other two 265-ft. Hornbeck vessels. Deadweight
capacity of there 240's is 2,758 long tons while their larger 260's have over 3,700 long tons of
deadweight carrying ability. Their 260's can haul 10,450 barrels of bulk mud and 10,800 cubic ft. of dry
bulk. Fuel oil capacity tops out at 609,000 gallons if some of the tanks used for water or other
materials are used for fuel oil. Normal fuel oil capacity is 148,300 gallons and rig water capacity is
413,000 gallons. It is obvious that the new vessel being built for Edison Chouest, Tidewater and
Hornbeck can hold significant quantities of the supplies rigs and platforms need most. They also can
usually serve more than one platform at a time, increasing the efficiency of the vessels.
Fast Haulers
Delivering massive quantities of supplies is one aspect of what is happening in the Gulf. But speed of
delivery is another part of the equation. That is where the crew/supply boat comes in. With their
massive horsepower and lightweight aluminum construction, the crew/supply boat has come into its
own as a critical part of the fleet of an offshore supply company. Tidewater recognized this last year
when they decided to both buy existing and build new crew/supply boats. In fact they came up with an
entirely new class of vessels, which they call the Fast Supply Boats. C&G Boatworks, Mobile, Ala. is
building four 175-ft. crew/supply vessels for Tidewater with the first one delivered. These vessels are
the first ones to carry liquid mud in below deck tanks. So if you need 1,000 barrels of liquid mud
delivered in a hurry (23 knots) rather than larger quantities delivered at 13 knots these vessels will no
doubt serve this niche market. The 175-ft. by 34-ft. by 14-ft. Vicki Tide has a deadweight capacity of
555 long tons. Individual capacities include 33,900 gallons of fuel oil, 25,880 gallons of cargo water
and 1000 barrels of liquid mud. This is about 10 percent of the capacity of the giant supply boats
discussed about, but speed does come with a price. Deck cargo is 365 long tons on a 100-ft. by 29-ft.
clear space. Power to propel the vessel to 23 knots comes from four Cummins KT-50's each rated at
1800 hp. With the mud hauling ability of this vessel, the number of rig workers carried is reduced to 39
with a crew of 5. The vessel is rated at DP-1 by ABS.
Crew/Supply Boats
There are still plenty of "typical" supply boats being built for the major operators. Tidewater is having
four 162-ft. vessels built at Breaux Bay Craft and Breaux Brothers Enterprises (both companies
located in the tiny town of Loreauville, La.) builds at least six crew/supply boats a year for Barry
Graham and other operators. Breaux Brothers also builds safety/standby vessels and on occasion a
passenger vessel or two in most years. Boat operator giant Seacor Marine has two 170-ft. vessels and
one 158-ft. vessel in the fab sheds at Neuville Boat Works, also in Loreauville. Speaking of Seacor
Marine, Gulf Craft, Patterson, La. (you guessed it…close to Loreauville) has a 175-ft. water jet
powered crew/supply vessel for Seacor just delivered at the end of June. Behind that are three more
vessels for Seacor…another 175-ft. boat and two 150-ft. vessels. Gulf Craft also has a 175-ft. by 30-ft.
high-speed catamaran ferry for Key West Shuttles, LLC for slated for November delivery. Gulf Craft
started off the year by delivering the third of three 155-ft. crew/supply vessels to Trico Marine. The
third vessel in the series Tennessee River is powered by five Cummins KTA-38's for a total
horsepower of 6,750. Cummins also supplied the two gensets. A Wesmar hydraulic bow thruster is
included in the package. A total of 78 seats are in the main deck cabin for rig crew. The total number
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
of heavy haulers and fast haulers to be delivered this year is approximately 100 with a value well in
excess of $1 billion. It is by far the largest workboat vessel construction market. (bron: Larry Pearson)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 18
dd. 21 juli 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Far Swift (UT755L) will deliver from Yard in Brevik in early July.
Britoil 39 (1998 – 5000 bhp) AHT has been sold to Tidewater.
Jaya Hull 830 (5500 bhp – 70 ton bp) AHTS has been sold to Tidewater.
Seabulk Titan (1976 – 7200 bhp) AHTS has been sold to Nigerian interests.
Gray Tide (1981 – 3900 bhp) AHTS has been sold to Middle East buyers.
Bartion Tide (1982 – 3200 bhp) has been sold to Middle East buyers.
Seaford (1973 – 2250 bhp), UTO fornmer supply vessel, which has been with the Swedish navy for a
number of years, has been sold to unspecified buyers.
Arctic Kalvik (1982 – 23200 bhp) Icebreaking AHTS has been sold to Murmansk Shipping Co.
Norskan Ipanema (2002 – 2400 bhp) linehandler has been sold to Seabulk Internatonal and renamed
Seabulk Ipanema.
Ultrapetrol of Argentina has apperently ordered two VS4404-design PSV’s plus two options plus two
further option vessels thereafter from a yard in China. The confirmed vessels are set for delivery in
March and April 2005.
Avant Norwegian shipyard Aker Langsten has announced the construction of a new Vik Sandvik PSV
design – the VS493 Avant. It will have length of 92,2 mtrs, beam of 20,4 mtrs, deaweight of 6,000
tonnes and deck area of 1000 square mtrs. Vik Sandvik claims that by moving the superstructure aft
the following benefits are obtained: reduced movement, reduced noise, safer bridge layout, safer
loading and discharging at platforms, and lower building cost. Another benefit to be derived will be the
vessel’s significantly reduced speed loss in waves. It is understood the prototype will deliver in the
summer 2004.
Edda Fonn Østensjø took delivery of their new ROV?Survey type ST253 designed vessel, Edda Fonn
in June. Built at Myklebust yard in Norway, the vessel has been chartered to DeepOcean to perform
call off subsea & rov work for Norsk Hydro and Statoil. It is anticipated that the vessel will be used for
this contract for approximately 150-200 days a year for the next 2 years; and during it’s off-contract
spells the vessel is currently uncommitted. Main vessel specifications 84,7 mtrs LOA / Deck 700 m2 /
DP2 / Helideck / Crane 50t @ 16m on single part.
Lady Laura At the time of writing, Klyne tugs were reporting that the AHT Lady Laura had been sold,
subject to drydocking inspection. The new owners identity and the consideration had yet to be
Stevns Ocean Danish tug owner’s Nordane Shipping recently took delivery of their new 65 tons
bollard pll ocean-going tug Stevns Ocean from Quebec yard in Canada. The vessel was expected to
arrive in NW Europe during mid July, where it is being marjeted for offshore work. At the time of going
to press the vessel was reported as being fixed on a tow to the Mediterranean. Main spec includes
160ts winch, Hydraulic guide pins and shark jaws, Fifi, Pollution Control.
CH Offshore expanding its fleet.
The Directors of CH Offshore Ltd. (CHO) in Singapore have announced that the company has ordered
two new AHTS vessels. The two AHTS vessels are expected to be delivered in the second half of
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
2004. Together with wo recently delivered vessels and two other vessels under construction in China
(and also due to be delivered in the second half of 2004), the addition of the latest two AHTS vessels
will bring the total of the CHO Group
Swire Pacific
Swire Pacific is in the final process of taking delivery of the final few vessels in their colossal newbuild
drive that has seen 13 vessels added to their fleet in the past 15 months. The final three – all AHTS
UT710 types – the Pacific Wrangler, Pacific Wrestler and Pacific Wyvern have or are in the
process of being delivered from INP yard South Korea very shortly. It is led to understand they will all
trade in the Far ast for the foreseeable future. This is the culmination of a newbuild investment of
nearly $215 million. However it doesn’t end there. Swire have just announced an order for 2 plus an
option on another 2 AHTS UT780 from a yard in Indonesia, expected delivery end 2004.
Tug Sinks on Maumee River
07/17 An unidentified tugboat sank on the Maumee River while viewing the tallships Parade of Sails.
As hundreds of recreational boaters crowded the river, a very busy Coast Guard responded to five
distress calls including one capsized powerboat and the sinking tug. According to local news, the tug
began taking on water through her shaft seals. The red and white tug with a black hull is now partially
sunken with a severe list on a mud flat with her decks awash. (bron: Jan v.d.Doe)
Tug Edna G. to again welcome tourists aboard
07/17 After a two-year hiatus, tours of the historic steam tug Edna G. are expected to resume August
following removal of the vessel's lead paint. The tug has been a fixture in Two Harbors, Minn., for
much of the past 107 years. The vessel assisted ships arriving and departing at the ore docks
until the advent of bow thrusters and 1,000-footers forced its retirement in 1981.
The crimson-and-yellow tug received a $90,000 overhaul at Fraser Shipyards in the early '90s. In
2000, volunteers spent $2,700 to restore it whistle. Despite the improvements, the vessel has been
closed to tourists the past two years because of concerns over peeling lead paint.
Now, however, a $29,800, five-week project to remove or seal the hazardous paint is expected to be
finished by the end of July. Local tourism officials already are promoting tours of the tug through a
"We're anxious," Rachelle Maloney, administrator of the Lake County Historical Society, told the
Duluth News Tribune. "All the time we have people asking, 'When will she be open? When can we
take a tour?' It's a real symbol of the North Shore. People love walking on her and feeling all the
Named for the daughter of a former Duluth and Iron Range Railway Co. president, the tug spent its
entire career in Two Harbors except for two years during World War I when it was sent by the federal
government to work in Norfolk, Va. The Edna G. was the last operating steam tug on the Great
Lakes, and possibly the last hand-fired steamboat on the lakes. It was added to the National Register
of Historic Places in 1975. (bron: Jan v.d.Doe)
SmitWijs London Reports
Hier zo maar even een meeltje van de SmitWijs London met wat wetenswaardigheden.
Heb op de 11de Ate afgelost op de London te Singapore waar het schip in afwachting van vertrek met
de Petrobras 43 ten anker lag op West Jurong. Op de 12e een poosje aan de werf en op die 43
rondgelopen om op de hoogte te zijn van de situatie daar, natuurlijk net een dag dat het maar niet op
wilde houden met regenen en er ook geen plek aan boord was van dat ding om te schuilen, afijn, een
nat pak in deze regionen lijkt dan uiteindelijk dan toch weer anders dan wanneer je het in de kou op
loopt. Alles lag op schema, en op de 13e werd de romp naar buiten gesleept waar we aan het einde
van de morgen ter hoogte van de western boarding area vast maakten nadat eerst de De Da zulks
had gedaan, daarna vertrokken naar een toegewezen zeegebied waar de romp af geballast zou
worden, > 12 nm NE van Pulau Bintan. Aldaar aangekomen hebben we op de 14e de voorloop van de
De Da overgenomen op onze BB draad, en houden sindsdien de zaak, langzaam draaiend op 1 motor
gaande terwijl de mannen van KBR dat ding dieper het water in brengen, hetgeen naar ze verwachten
vrijdag as gereed zal zijn. Een behoorlijke romp toch nog die P43, een verbouwde VLCC met een
lengte van zo'n 335 meter, maar, hoewel hij toen nog geballast moest worden, liepen we met een
procent of 45 vermogen zo'n mijl of 6 door straat Singapore, en zijn in die zin de verwachtingen dat we
een leuke run kunnen maken richting Rio aanwezig, maar, met enige reserve aan deze kant, want je
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
wil niet weten wat er allemaal onder water begint te komen nu hij steeds dieper komt te liggen, er
hangt nogal wat staal werk buitenboord. Maar goed, eerst maar eens zien dat we de reis op komen,
Appie Bakker zit als Smitwijs man op de De Da, en zelf ken ik die ouwe van die boot vanwege mijn
laatste reis daar aan boord, dus hebben we onderweg nog eens wat te babbelen. De planning is om te
Durban te bunkeren en daarna door naar Rio, het duurt nog wel even voordat we daar zijn, maar zal
jullie tijdens de reis op de hoogte houden van onze vorderingen, tot dan het beste toegewenst van
deze kant en tot horens. (Kapitein SmitWijs Londen)
UP Offshore on the up
Up Offshore, a subsidiary of the Argentine ship owner Ultrapetrol, signed in early June a contract with
Rio de Janeiro based Eisa shipyard for the construction of four Platform Supply Vessels. Vik Sandvik
from Norway is responsible for the design of the four supply boats. The first PSV is expected to be
delivered in 22 months.During the signature of the contract, UP Offshore announced that the
company’s board of directors had already given the green light for the construction of three additional
supply vessels for approximately US$47 million. Moreover, the offshore support firm is said to be
considering building locally this year still another three support vessels, adding to a potential total
investment of US$ 160 million. Once concluded, the boats will be placed in the spot market. In
contrast with many other players, UP Offshore has not entered a chartering, agreement with Petrobas
before ordering the vessels. The firm is funding the construction of the supply boats not resorting to
the Brazilian Development Bank, BNDES, for subsidized loans. So far this year, 17 offshore supply
boats have been contracted at Rio de Janeiro state shipyards totaling US$ 550 million.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 19
dd. 30 juli 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Alice (Wonder – 95, Lady Katherine, Lady Celica – 88, Lady Celicie – 75) 496/66 – supply. By Jaleel
& Castaldi, Belize to Cecilia Maritime, Tonga and renamed Cecilia
E.M.S.3 (Seahawk I – 89, Engineer – 87, Jarrar 2 – 87, Muharraq – 82) 148/60 – tug. By Muharraq
Engineering Co. Bahrain to unspecified owners, Comoro and renamed Fadak 100
Echo Star (Moresby – 02, Joyce Tide – 89, Lady Joyce – 74) 1075/73 – supply. By Governement of
Canada , Canada to Lintegra A.G. Cambodia and renamed Malbun
Gro Viking (Lord Supplier – 90) 1823/84 – supply. Has been renamed Active Lord by S.Ugelstads
Rederi A/S – Norway.
Malbun (Echo Star – 02, Moresby – 02, Joyce Tide – 89, Lady Joyce – 74) 1075/73 – supply. By
Lintegra A.G. Cambodia to Echo Shipping A/S – Panama and renamed Echo Star
Seabulk Gabrielle (Ocean Pioneer – 97, Gray Rove – 95, Nuti – 81, Launched as Fook gee One)
430/81 – tug/supply. By Seabulk Gabrielle Inc. – Panama to unspecified owners, Tonga and renamed
Tai Tam 182/87 – tug. Has been renamed Trueman by Hong Kong Salvage & Towage Co. – Hong
Kong (China) and transferred to Panama Registry
Tito Neri Quarto 244/81 – tug. By Fratelli Neri S.p.A. – Italy to imorchiatori Laziali Impresa de
Salvataggio e Rimorchi S.p.A. – Italy and renamed Monello
AHTS “Lady Astrid” delivered by Simek
Simek shipyard in Norway has delivered the multi-function AHTS Lady Astrid to P/R International
Offshore Services ANS (IOS), Alesund, Norway, the Farstad Shipping subsidiary. The vessel is a
UT712, the second in a series of two. The first Lady Caroline, was delivered in March and is operating
out of Australia. Lady Astrid will be operating in the North Sea.
Maersk has taken delivery of new building no 443 “Maersk Winner” from
Volkswerft Stralsund.
The multi-purpose offshore support vessel named “Maersk Winner” is fitted with a 200 tonnes marine
crane on the aft deck at the starboard side. The crane is designed for fully heave compensated lifts of
200 tonnes to 1000 meters water depth using double fall wires and 100 tonnes to 2000 meters water
depth using a single fall. The crane can work over both sides of the vessel as well as over the stern.
Ballast control is installed to compensate the vessel’s heel during lifting operations and the operational
work criteria for the crane is carefully matched to the vessel’s stability and sea keeping capabilities.
When not in operation the crane boom stows on top of the vessel’s winch garage. In the stowed
position there is ample height of between 7.5 meters and 10 meters under the boom ensuring the
starboard side of the deck can be fully utilised for cargo. The crane, which will be operated by
dedicated crane operators, has several built-in redundancy systems to ensure safe operation at all
times. A centerline moon pool, with a built-in wave damping system, is installed on the vessel.
Measuring 5.20 meters x 4.38 meters (exclusive wave damping system) and placed in the centerline
forward on the main deck. The moon pool can be serviced by the crane or by the main winch for
heavy sub-sea lift operations and it can be used for ROV deployment and guideline operations. The
moon pool is fitted with bottom and top hatches, which can seal the pool watertight when it is not in
use. The vessel has all the features of an ultra deep water anchorhandling vessel, impressive drum
spooling capacities intended both for conventional rig mooring systems as well as fibre rope
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
deployment and retrieval. Very large chain lockers, 4 in total of 1,122 m3, are built-in directly under the
main winch. The chain lockers can accommodate long lengths of chains of up to 7 inch diameter.
All the anchorhandling and towing capabilities, as well as the cargo carrying capacities, are
maintained which in addition to the crane capability, gives the vessel excellent flexibility for performing
multiple tasks. The DP systems (dynamic positioning system) uses the latest technology in references
systems, mainly DGPS and HIPAP hydroacoustics with built-in features for ROV tracking and array
positioning. With the large installed horsepower and powerful side thrust capacity, the vessel is able to
hold DP position in very rough weather conditions. The vessel has accommodation for a total of 86
personnel ensuring that the necessary space is available for expert personnel, surveyors and client
representatives. (Bron: Maersk/037)
Another tug hijacked off indon islands
Tug and barge hit on July 10 and crew dropped off in latest in string of attacks.
(Singapore) Armed pirates have hijacked another Sngapore-flagged tug and barge in Indonesian
waters, in the latest in an alarming spike in violent attacks in the past month. A group of armed men
boarded the tug Bintan 1200 near Indonesia’s Sinkep Island, off Bintan, on July 10 and blindfolded
and bound the crew, who were dropped at a nearby island and picked up by passing fishermen two
days later. The International Maritime Bureau’s Piracy Reporting Centre said tug, and its towed barge
Bintan Golden 2301, are still missing, and may have already been disguised with new paint, names
and flags. This hijacking comes just a week after the recovery in Singapore waters of another
Singapore-flagged tg, the Poet Vanda, which was hijacked in Indonesian waters on June 18 shortly
after leaving Karimun. That vessel was towing a barge through the Durian Strait when seven pirates
armed with knives and parangs boarded the tug off Pulau Mantaras at 2.30 am, throwing the seven
Indonesian crew overboard. The crew were later rescued by fishermen and the barge found
abandoned nearby.
Kody Building 3,200-hp Pusher for Blessey
Kody Marine of Harvey, La. began construction of a push boat for Blessy Marine. "It will be similar to
the Dreama Klaiber and the Walter E. Blessey Jr." says Blessey's Mitch Jones, "With the same
propulsion package and four deck layout, but it is longer and wider." The progression in size has been
evolutionary. The Dreama, launched in late 1999, is 95 x 30 x 12.5 ft. and the Walter, launched in mid2002, is longer and wider at 110 x 32 x 11.5 ft. Now the new boat will add still more to the dimensions
to become 120 ft. long with a 34-ft. beam and a 12.5-ft. molded depth. Jones explains that the
additional beam gives the boat a shallower draft while the increased length gives improved
performance. All three vessels are built with the same proven main engine package of a pair of 16cylinder Cummins KTA50 M2 engines, delivering a total of 3,200 hp (2,388 kW) for continuous duty at
1,800 rpm.
Bollinger Delivers ATB for Bouchard
Bouchard Coastwise Management Co., Hicksville, NY, has added to its fleet a double-hull articulated
ocean-going tug/barge units (ATB) with the delivery from Bollinger Shipyards, Inc., Lockport, La., of
the 130-ft. tug Jane A. Bouchard and the 430-ft., 110,000 barrel (BBL) class double-hull oil Barge B.
No. 225 that meets the requirements of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA '90). The Jane A. Bouchard
and Barge B. No. 225 is the first of a two ATB contract between Bouchard and Bollinger. The second,
planned for delivery in May 2004, will be the sister ship, Morton S. Bouchard IV and a larger, 487-ft.
barge B. No. 242 capable of carrying 135,000 BBL of clean petroleum products. Donald "Boysie"
Bollinger, chairman and CEO of Bollinger said, "Barge B. No 225 brings the total OPA '90 barges built
by Bollinger yards to 20 with three more under construction, one for Bouchard and two for another
customer. We have positioned ourselves well in the OPA 90 market, with our Gretna and Marine
Fabricator facilities building for the industry and other Bollinger locations handling conversions of
barges to meet OPA 90 regulations. Each location has established portfolios providing quality,
expertise and the ability to adjust to client/industry requirements." The Jane A. Bouchard was built at
Bollinger's Lockport, La., shipyard and the Barge B. No. 225 was built at Bollinger Gretna, in Harvey,
La.. Joined together by an Intercon coupler system, they form a 520-ft. ATB unit capable of carrying
several types of petroleum products. Jane A. Bouchard, named in honor of the mother of Morton
Bouchard III, company president, is 130-ft. long with a 38-ft. beam and normal operating draft of 19-ft.
Maximum draft is 22-ft. It is powered by two channel cooled General Motors EMD 16-645-F7BA diesel
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
engines developing a total of 6,140 bhp. They drive two Bollinger manufactured five-blade, 140-in.
diameter by 94-in., manganese/bronze propellers through Reintjes WAT 3455 reverse/reduction gears
with a ratio of 4.480:1. Three Detroit Diesel 8V-71 engines driving three Baylor generators develop a
total of 297 kW of electrical power. The engines are started by Quincy air compressors and monitored
by an EMI 72-point system. A Sperry Marine electro/hydraulic system steers the tug. The tug's deck is
outfitted with an Intercon single-drum hydraulic tow winch, forward and aft vertical electric capstans
and a rescue boat and davit. The Intercon coupler system has two electric rams that lock into a rack or
ladder at the notched stern section of the barge that when the tug and barge are locked together,
keeps each of the two units rigidly in place. The system provides a single degree of freedom allowing
the tug to pitch about a transverse connection between the tug and barge. All other motions are
restrained so that tug motions match barge motions in roll and heave.
Seacor Takes New Supply Boat from Bollinger
Seacor Madison, the first of three 207-ft., 4,750 bhp supply boats, was delivered to Seacor Marine,
Inc., from Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. This delivery will be followed by two others of Seacor's new
President Class offshore support vessels (OSV), the Seacor Washington and Seacor Jefferson. The
boats are part of Bollinger's new 220 Class OSVs, vessels designed to raise versatility and cargo
carrying capacity, while lowering operating costs. Bollinger's COO explains. "For example, the Seacor
Madison can carry 6,223 barrels of liquid mud and has 6,000 cu. Ft. of storage for dry bulk mud," said
Mike Ellis, chief operating officer of Bollinger. "Combine these capacities usually found in OSVs from
220-240 ft. with the lower operating costs of a 207-ft. vessel and you have a boat that will be very
efficient. It has separate pump systems that can handle different liquid mud products without danger of
contamination. And, all pump systems can be operated through a central control system in the
pilothouse, which also accommodates the boat's ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) classed DPS2
dynamic positioning system." "The design is a result of close cooperation with Seacor and Bollinger's
design and engineering teams," Ellis said. "The pilot house is located further forward and features 360
degree visibility free from interference by stacks and includes touch screen computer displays for the
boat's dynamic positioning system and other control systems. He said, "Seacor's successful
experience with Bollinger's repair facilities and past new build programs was a big factor in the
decision to team with us on these large capacity 220 series vessels. Bollinger has a long-standing
relationship with Seacor and we will continue to pursue innovative solutions to their needs
domestically as well as internationally." "The Seacor Madison and her sister vessels were designed to
provide maximum capacities of key cargoes such as liquid mud, as well as to provide redundancy in
transfer and operating systems so as to assure cargo deliverability," said Milt Rose, President, Seacor.
"In addition to the vessel's cargo capabilities, great care has gone into the design of the vessel to
incorporate features that will significantly minimize the possibility of spills of fuel and liquid mud
cargoes. The Seacor Madison is a vessel that offers reliability, maximum capacities, and a design for
safe operations." Overall, Seacor Madison is 207-ft. long, 53-ft. wide and 19-ft. deep. Light draft is 6.5
ft.; loaded draft is 16.2 ft. A pair of Caterpillar 3516B diesels developing a total of 4,750 bhp at 1,600
rpm driving two Steerprop SP25 azimuthing propulsors supplied by Karl Senner, Inc, provide
propulsion. Two 370 kW generators driven by two Caterpillar 3408 diesels produce electricity. The
boat is also equipped with a 95 kW generator as part of its Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS)
classification. Two 1,000 hp SMI bow thrusters driven by two Caterpillar 3508B diesels aid
maneuverability and station keeping. Bow thruster noise is reduced by a Sound Down noise damping
system. All of the Caterpillar engines were supplied by Louisiana Machinery, Inc. Her cargo deck has
a clear area of 6,525 sq. ft., capable of carrying 1,380 long tons. Other equipment includes six (6) 16man inflatable life rafts; a SOLAS rigid inflatable boat (RIB) with a 50 HP motor, and a Headhunter 36person marine sanitation device. Air-conditioned and heated accommodations are provided for 26
people in 11 cabins, all with private heads. A double bed hospital is also included and the boat's galley
can serve 12 persons at a time. Seacor Madison is U. S. flagged and classed by the ABS Maltese
Cross A1, AMS, DPS2 and documented by the U. S. Coast Guard under sub-chapter L OSV & I Misc.
Vessel and carries full SOLAS certification.
Sonsub and Torch Offshore Sign Frame Agreement
Sonsub has signed a one year Frame Agreement with Torch Offshore, L.L.C to provide ROV support
onboard the Midnight Wrangler. Sonsub will be supplying our 200 Hp, in-house designed and built
Innovatorâ work class ROV with a depth rating of 3,000m. The Midnight Wrangler is a deepwater
construction/pipelay vessel capable of laying rigid pipe, flexible pipe, coiled tubing and umbilicals,
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
utilizing up to four reels, in water depths to 3,000m and beyond. Because both vessel and ROV are
able to work in ultra deep waters, both companies feel that this is a very well suited match for the
demanding deepwater construction market. Robert Keith, President of Sonsub, states, “We firmly
believe that this partnership will result in providing our mutual clients with a complete package which
will be a valuable deepwater asset to further their development goals.” Likewise, Torch Representative
Willie Bergeron states, “The commitment of each partner to excellence, as well as the quality of the
assets themselves, will provide our mutual customer base with a proven commodity in today’s
competitive market.” The spread will be available for work beginning August 1, 2003.
SmitWijs London met de P43 onderweg naar Rio.
Nadat de Smitwijs London op Zondag 13 juli samen met de Chinese Collega De Da uit Singapore
vertrok en na een week ballasten ter hoogte van Bintan uiteindelijk aan de reis naar Rio begon,
hebben we zondag 27 juli in de morgen Sealat Sunda gepasseerd, jammer van het slechte zicht op
die dag, en hebben we niet veel kunnen waarnemen, wel de kampong luchten, in de bijna windstilte
was het alsof je naast de BBQ stond, laat in diezelfde zondagavond was er waterdiepte genoeg om op
lengte te gaan staan, en hebben dat toen ook maar gedaan ook, na de windstilte van de morgen stond
er in de avond een stevige bries door, en werden we min of meer verrast door behoorlijk wat swell.
Vanaf Bintan tot net voor Selat Sunda viel de sleepsnelheid behoorlijk tegen met een 4.4 mijl
gemiddeld, iedere dag een stukje of 6 tot af en toe zeven zo'n beetje recht van voren in bleek de zaak
maar weinig goed te doen, na Selat Sunda de Oost tot Zuid oosten wind meer van achteren in met de
westelijke koers die we voorlagen, en dat hielp. De snelheid liep op tot een mijl of 6,3 gemiddeld, en
dat bij een niet al te hoog vermogen, al met al niet verkeerd dus met dat apparaat dat toch aardig aan
de maat is met zijn 335 meter lengte en een diepgang van 11.5 De vaart blijft er lekker in momenteel,
en verwachten binnen niet al te lang wat hulp van de zuid equatoriale stroom te krijgen, het windje
helpt ook mee met een krachtje of 6 van schuin van achteren in, en slingeren we daar nog lekker
rustig op ook. Die P43 blijf goed volgen, een beetje hoog aan de wind, maar geen gieren, dus ook
daarover geen zorgen. Onze Chinese vlienden doen ook lekkel mee, zo net even achtelijker dan
dwals aan bakboold van ons, en hebben we wat dat aangaat ook nog wat om naar te kijken ook
tijdens het eten in restaurant panorama. Een praatje maken met die vlienden verloopt wel wat
moeizaam, maar de goede wil is daar, en vooral de jongere garde daar aan boord, 6 man leerlingen,
beheersen toch verrassend de Engelse taal, beter dan ik in ieder geval met maar vijf woorden
Chinees in mijn vocabulaire, wel apart, Tsoa Shang Hao, probeer ik dan zo goed mogelijk uit te
spreken, het geen goede morgen betekend, en krijg dan steevast een enthousiaste stem telug die
good molning zegt. Afijn, misschien kunnen we aan het einde van de reis wat meer buiten de deur
babbelen, proberen toe nu toe in ieder geval alleen nog maar door de nacht heen een Chinees boekje
te lezen. (bron: Kapitein Smitwijs London)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 20
dd. 07 Augustus 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
W.V. van Laar
De gehele vloot van W.V. van Laar uit Dordrecht is ondergebracht bij Coastal Shipping in Den Helder
en Workum, zo ook de Tijger (23.14747) die nu Coastal Tijger heet. Zij werd voor van Laar in 1977
onder bouwnummer 276 gebouwd bij H.A. van Gelder in Gorinchem en is voorzien van een 750 pk.
GM. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Halmatic Portchester delivers ‘Farset of Belfast’
The quest of leading boat builder VT Halmatic to enter the steel workboat market has taken
substantial step forward with the recent delivery of the tug/workboat ‘Faset of Belfast’. This new 15
mtrs vessel built for D.Ferran & Sons, created a great deal of interest. The vessel is intended for
towage, mooring and general harbour duties in the port of Belfast and left on its delivery voyage at the
end of June. With a length overall of 15.4 mtrs, and a moulded breadth of 5 mtrs the tug has a draft of
approx. 2 mtrs. She is powered by two Volvo Penta D12-550 diesels, each rated at 550 bhp (408kW)
at 1900 rpm. On trails the tug exceede the specified performsnce figures by a healthy margin,
achieving a bollard pull of 14 tonnes and a free running speed of over 11 knots. Farset of Belfast
replaced the small 515 bhp, motortug David Andrews that has now been offered for sale. Following
hard on the heels of this latest delivery by Halmatic is a larger tug/workboat for the Cattewater
Harbour Commissioners of Plymouth. This 18 mtrs vessel is expected to be delivered at the end of the
year. (bron:maritime journal)
Sanmar introduce the first of the ‘Nehir’ Class
Turkish tug owner and builder Sanmar Denizcilik Makina ve Ticaret Ltd of Istanbul has completed the
first of two 22.5 mtrs Nehir class twin screw tugs. The first vessel Nehir is now in service with the
company’s own fleet and sister-ship Nehir II will be launched by the middle of July. Nehir has a overall
length of 22.5 mtrs. A beam of 8.2 mtrs and draft of 3.4 mtrs. Two caterpillar 3508 BTA main engines
produce a total of 2200 bhp. At 1800 rpm.This first vessel of the series achieved a bollard pull of 30
tons and a free running speed of 12.5 knots. (bron:maritime journal)
Kings Lynn Conservancy Board
Kings Lynn Conservancy Board is to replace their small harbour tug Conservator with a new Damen
1605 tug/workboat. The new tug, bearing the same name, will be delivered in July and will be modified
to incorporate a rounded bow fender. A full description of this vessel will appear in a future issue.
(bron:maritime journal)
German Government
The German Government has extended their contracts covering the provision of Emergency Towing
Vessels by the Arge Kuestenschutz consortium in german waters. Contract for both the deepsea tug
Oceanic and ASD tug Fairplay 26 have been re-tendered and awarded for 2 ½ year terms with two six
month options to follow. This arrangement has afforded greater security of employment for both
owners and crews. Both vessels had previously been engaged on renewable six month charters
(bron:maritime journal)
Pan United wins contract to build two anchor handlers for Tidewater
Pan United Shipyard in Singapore has secured an order to build a pair of anchor handlers for
Tidewater. Delivery of the two vessels is scheduled for the last quarter of 2004 and the first quarter of
2005. (bron: shipping news)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Keppel Offshore & Marine secures new contract for AHTS
Keppel Corporation Ltd., through its offshore and marine units Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd., has
clinched contracts worth a total of S$45 million. Keppel Singmarine has won two contracts to build two
45 tons bollard pull harbour tugs for PSA Corporation Ltd. And a 5,500 BHP AHTS vessel for Hadi H
Al-Hamman of Saudi Arabia. The later contract is the fourth vessel to be contracted by this owner
since the first was delivered in early 2002. (bron: shipping news)
Offshore supplier
Tug Offshore Supplier (127 gt –1979) towing barge Rebecca VII (1140 gt), empty, left Salt Rock Dock,
Little Cayman, at approx. 23.00, Jul 30, and proceeded to and attached to a mooring buoy of Preston
Bay, Little Cayman, for the night. Once moored the tug stopped its engines at 02.00, Jul 31 the
mooring rope parted from the buoy. The tug started its engines, however, the wave action and current
moved Offshore Supplier close to the forward section of the barge. When the engine of the tug was
put in gear to move ahead the propeller was fouled by the tow rope from the barge causing the tug
become disabled and drift aground on shallows off Preston Bay. Tug has water in the engineroom due
to heavy swell breaking over the tug. Arrangements are being made to get the tug from Roatan Island,
Honduras. The stern of the tug is pounding against the forward part of the barge. The tug and the
barge are stll aground, and a boat is en route with pumps to pump out the water in the tug’s
engineroom. The tug and barge are in regular operation between Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac.
(bron: shipping news)
"Goodbye Godley"
After 25 years of eventful service to Lyttelton Port, tug Godley will soon depart for Tasmania, Australia.
The ageing Godley was replaced last year by the Blackadder, one of a new generation of tugs.
Blackadder was commissioned by Lyttelton Port Company (LPC) in a drive to accommodate new
trends in shipping, and is well suited to a port needing high performance towage at minimal costs.
Chris Connor, General Manager, Operations said, “Godley has served the port very well, however she
is almost 25 years old and lacks the power LPC now requires. The Blackadder is one of the most
powerful tugs in the country and is designed to provide the most modern, efficient, ship-assist tug
capability available.”Tug Godley, which has been sold to North Western Shipping and Towage Co Pty
Ltd, is now resplendent in her new colours, having been in the dry dock for the last two weeks.
Built by Sims Engineering Ltd of Dunedin, Godley was designed for a bollard pull of 28 tonne, whereas
Blackadder has a minimum bollard pull of 58 tonne.Godley replaced tug Lyttelton ll and was built to
cater for the new container vessels calling at New Zealand ports. She has been in continuous service
providing assistance to the varied vessels calling at Lyttelton.“On occasions Godley has helped
vessels that have broken down off the coast. The two most notable were towing the Howard Smithowned self unloader Express from Kaikoura back to Lyttelton, fully loaded with 15,000 tonne of coal,
and towing the Sydney Express from Kaikoura to Wellington,” said Chris Connor.
“In 1978 she was delivered to Lyttelton by the then Deputy Harbourmaster, Jack Barbour, and a crew
of Harbour Board staff including Maurice Gillard. So it is quite appropriate that Maurice will be in
command for its final sailing out of Godley Heads on the delivery voyage to Hobart, which is expected
to take six days.” (bron: via Hans Hoffmann)
Lone Ranger Visits the Lakes
The converted tug Lone Ranger, now America's fifth largest yacht at 255-feet, passed through the
Welland Canal Monday heading for Cleveland. The tug was built for the German company Bugsier as
their salvage tug Simson and served as such before being sold and converted for use as a yacht. She
was converted in 1994 by her owner Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance. The former tug has a
crane to launch her two motor boats of 31 and 38 feet. Lone Ranger is 255 feet long and has two
4,400 hp diesels. The Lone Ranger last visited the lakes in 1997. (bron: Jan van der Doe)
Smit Internationale N.V. verwacht hogere nettowinst
Smit Internationale N.V. verwacht dat zij de door haar eerder geïndiceerde nettowinst van EUR 18
miljoen voor het gehele jaar 2003 ruimschoots zal overtreffen. De hogere verwachting voor het
resultaat over 2003 is gebaseerd op de uitstekende bezetting in het eerste halfjaar, de sneller dan
voorziene uitvoering van lopende projecten en een nog steeds goed gevulde orderportefeuille voor het
tweede halfjaar. Nadere informatie volgt met de halfjaarcijfers 2003 die op 21 augustus 2003
gepubliceerd zullen worden.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Sleepboot omgeslagen op de Schelde
De sleepboot Burcht van rederij URS, 100% Smit, uit Antwerpen is omgeslagen en ligt in de
Westerschelde net voor de Belgische grens tegen een zandplaat. Aan boord is nog één man. Er wordt
geprobeerd om me snijbranders een gat in het schip te maken, waardoor hij er uit kan.
Scheepsongeluk bij Saeftinge eist leven.
Duikers hebben vrijdag op de Westerschelde bij het Verdronken Land van Saeftinge urenlang
gepoogd een bemanningslid van de gekapseisde Burcht van de unie van Redding- en Sleepdienst
(URS) te bevrijden. Brandweerlieden, duikers en bergers probeerden tervergeefs met snijbranders
een gat in de romp van de sleper te branden. E 44 jarige man, die na het scheepsongeluk nog enkele
uren klpsignalen gaf, is zo goed als zeker verdronken. De Burcht, een sleper van de URS-vloot die
vooral dienst deed op het oostelijk deel van de Westerschelde en in de haven van Antwerpen,
kapseisde gisteren, vrijdag 1 augustus 2003, om 11,40 uur vlak voor de Berendrechtsluis op de
Antwerpse rechteroever. De sleper assisteerde op dat moment het containerschip NOA van rederij
MSC. Wat er precies fout ging, wordt nog onderzocht. Drie bemanningsleden werden uit het water
gered en ter observatie naar een ziekenhuis gebracht. Een technicus kon zich niet redden. Hij gaf tot
omstreeks twee uur nog klopsignalen. Vermoedelijk heeft hij nog enkele uren geleefd dankzij een
luchtbel in de romp. De sleepboot was toen al de grens overgedreven en door andere slepers van de
URS tegen een zandwal in het meest oostelijke deel van Saeftinge gedrukt. De scheepvaart was na
het kapseizen van de Burcht uren gestremd. Multraship Salvage bv uit Terneuzen dirigeerde de bok
Cormorant naar saeftinge. In de loop van de avond werd begonnen met de voorbereidingen van de
berging, die zo goed als zeker zaterdagmorgen vroeg plaats vindt. Het wachten was vrijdagavond op
toestemming van Rijkswaterstaat.
Lichaam van vermiste monteur gevonden bij berging van sleper
SAEFTINGE - De bok Cormorant van Multraship Salvage in Terneuzen heeft maandag omstreeks
acht uur 's ochtends aan de oostrand van het Verdronken Land van Saeftinge de sleepboot Burcht
van de Unie van Reddings- en Sleepdienst (URS) gelicht. `s Middags rond vier uur werd aan boord
het lichaam aangetroffen van de vermiste monteur, een 44-jarige Antwerpenaar. De sleper, die
ondersteboven uit het water werd gehaald, zou in de loop van de nacht in het ankergebied De
Appelzak in het Nauw van Bath worden gekanteld en daarna worden leeggepompt. Vandaag wordt de
sleepboot naar Antwerpen getransporteerd en in een droogdok gezet. De Burcht kapseisde
vrijdagochtend omstreeks half twaalf, toen de sleper het containerschip NOA van rederij MSC
assisteerde richting Berendrechtsluis in Antwerpen. Een speciale commissie verricht onderzoek naar
de oorzaak van het scheepsongeval. Volgens URS-directeur D. Mertens kan het enkele weken duren
voor de commissie haar conclusies bekendmaakt. ,,Maar dat is niet waar wij ons nu echt mee
bezighouden. Onze aandacht gaat nu vooral uit naar de nabestaanden van onze omgekomen collega.
Het is een enorme klap voor ons allemaal. Als berger sta je meestal aan de andere kant; nu treft dit
ons eigen bedrijf en dat komt hard aan.`` (bron: Wout Bareman)
Gekapseisde sleepboot rechtop
Donderdag 07 augustus 2003 – Antwerpen. De bok Cormorant van Multrship Salvage uit Terneuzen is
er gistermiddag bij laag water in geslaagd het wrak van de gekapseisde sleepboot “Burcht” van de
URS rechtop te zetten. Dat gebeurde met enkele dagen vertraging, omdat Rijkswaterstaat met het
oog op mogelijke olievervuiling alleen toestemming wilde geven voor de operatie als die bij daglicht
zou worden uitgevoerd. Bovendien moesten de nodige voorzorgsmaatregelen worden getroffen om
olielekkages te voorkomen. De Burcht, die vrijdag bij het verlenen van assistentie aan het
containerschip NOA voor de Berendrechtsluis plotseling kapseisde, arriveert in de loop van morgen bij
Droogdok 6 in Antwerpen. Daar wordt de sleper geïnspecteerd en zo mogelijk opgeknapt. Bij het
ongeluk kwam een 44 jarige URS-technicus uit Antwerpen om het leven. Hij kon niet tijdig uit de
machinekamer worden bevrijd en verdronk.
Owner of Salved and Salving Vessels Entitled to Salvage Award
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that a company that owns both the salved vessel
and the vessel performing salvage may be entitled to share in the salvage award. In the instant case,
a tug owned by the company caught fire while towing a barge in the Gulf of Alaska. The company
diverted another one of its tugs to the scene. This second tug had been equipped with salvage gear.
The second tug brought the first tug and the barge under tow and they eventually reached port. The
crew of the second tug sued for a salvage award. In addition to resisting the suit, the company
contended that it was entitled to share in any award the court might make. The trial court awarded
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
salvage to the crew, but denied any proceeds to the company. The appellate court held that the right
to remuneration for salvage services is not affected by common ownership of the two vessels
involved. The issue is whether the salving vessel was put at risk. Bartholomew v. Crowley Marine
Service Source: HK Law
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 21
dd. .. Augustus 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Wie is nu de eigenaar van de BUIZERD die vroeger voor Jan Kooren en Maas voer?
KINGROAD, 1982; 138 rpk, 12 BRT van Port of Bristol Authority is verkocht aan Capital Pleasure
Cruises te Londen. Het duwbootje zal worden gebruikt bij werken aan de Westminster Bridge.
CONSERVATOR welke door M. Street is aangekocht is herdoopt in TROJAN.
ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN word zaterdag 16 augustus vanuit China te Lowestoft verwacht. Zij is een
zusterschip van de ANGLIAN PRINCESS.
The Mv. Marie C, a twin-screw towboat owned by International Barge, Inc., Paducah, Ky., hit a wing
dike near Gray's Point on the Upper Mississippi just before midnight July 28, causing a 17-hour
closure between Miles 45 and 47. The incident punctured a portside fuel tank and caused engineroom
damage. The cause of the accident is under investigation.
Seacor verkoopt Smit-Lloyd suppliers terug aan Smit.
Seacor is een pricipe overeenkomst aan gegaan met Smit over de verkoop van 3 stuks Suppliers. De
suppliers zijn de Smit-Lloyd 27; Smit-Lloyd 28 en de Smit-Lloyd 33. Smit gaat naar verluid de schepen
inzetten voor Terminal doeleinden. De koop van de drie schepen door Smit zal eind van het jaar begin
volgend jaar plaats vinden. De Smit-Lloyd 27 en de Smit-Lloyd 28 zullen onder Smit Vessel
Management Service – Singapore gaan vallen. Terwijl de Smit-Lloyd 33 onder Smit Vessel
Management Service – Kaapstad komt. Aldus betrouwbare bron bij Smit Vessel Management
Services - Rotterdam
Two tugboats sink in Florida Shipyard
Two unoccupied tugboats sank in a shipyard, and officials quickly contained a sebsequent diesel fuel
leak inro one of the city’s channels. An unkwown amount of fuel leaked into the Ybor channel when
the boats sank last sunday 10th of august, Coast Guard officials said. Comined, the tugboats carried
up to 500 gallon of fuel and lub.oil, sai Lt. Erich Stein, a Coast Guard spokesman. The tugs belonged
to Gulf Marine Repair. The boats were tied together and as one began to sink it took the other whit it,
Stein said. What cased the first boat to sink remains unclear, he said. Gulf Marine contained the leaks
within an hour of the report. Vessels would be asked to operate at slow speed in the Ybor Channel on
monday, Stein said.
Pisces 53 – BSP’s latest tug
Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad (BSP) unveiled vessel Pisces 53 during an
inauguration ceremony in Singapore recently. This is the third of thr three vessels under contract
awarded to Briny Marine Services Sdn Bhd by BSP’s Marine Department (SMR) in February 2002. It
was awarded with a firm period of seven years, with an option of extension of up to three years. In
June this year, BSP inaugurated vessels Pegasus 51 and Phoenix 52 at the BSP Muara Supply Base
in Brunei Darussalam. These ew tugs, chartered to BSP for provision of services to BLNG, were built
at Keppel Singmarine Pte. Ltd. In Singapore for owners of Maju Maritime Pte. Ltd. The vessels will be
bare-boat chartered to a Brunei-based company. Briny Marine Services Sdn. Bhd. – a joint venture
company between Briny Marine services (30 per cent) and Keppel Smit Towage Pte. Ltd (70 per cent).
The ceremony on August 8 began with the recital of Surah Al-Fatihah followed by speeches from
chairman of Keppel Singmarine Pte. Ltd. Charles Foo and Deputy Managing Director of BSP Haji
Zainal Abidin Haji Mohd Ali. Pisces 53 is a tractor tug (harbour tug) fitted with Azimuth Tractor
propulsion units and will be dedicated to operations at BLNG. Pisces 53, together with Phoenix 52, will
replace the existing BLNG tugs, whose 10-years contract expiring. The vessels are 35,2 mtrs long and
rated at above 60 tonnes Bollard Pull. An upgrade over the existing tugs rating 50 tonnes. The
additional power will allow greater operational flexibility for handling the larger “A” Class LNG vessels
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
calling at BLNG. BSP’s deputy managing director said. ‘This will definitely enhance the capacity to
supply LNG to our suppliers without interruptions. The contract for Pegasus 51 and Phoenix 52
commenced in June 2003 while Pisces 53 in September 2003. Some of the improved features of the
tug emphasise on the health, safety and environment elements such as extended duration of stay at
sea, reduced port visits, boarding arrangement, improved visibility from the bridge, fendering and
towing capabilities. More importantly, the tugs will also launch another “Bruneianisation’ effort by
Brunei Shell Petroleum Company of its contractual requirement by the 5th year the tugs are in
P & O’s Heemskerk vlot getrokken door vloot van Smit.
In totaal 7 slepers van Smit hebben dinsdag in de namiddag de heemskerk van P& O, die bij de
Steinweg locatie in de Botlek aan de grond was gelopen vlot getrokken. De Smit vloot betsond uit de
slepers. Smit Denemarken; Taktow 1; Smit Portugal; Smit Zweden; Smit Finland; Smit Rusland
en de Smit Rhone
A682 Oave
The French Navy tug A682 – Oave under construction at Boulogne sur-Mer, this tug is one of a serie
of 23 tugs of the RPC 12 serie (Remorqueur Portuaire et Cotier) under construction of the French
Navy, the vessel have a length of 25 mtrs and are powered by Wartsila diesel drive each a VoithSchneider propulsion unit, with a total output of 1360 hp, the maximum speed ia 11 knots.
Barge Sinks
On Wednesday 6th of August The tug John Selvick lost a barge carrying 61,000 bushels of wheat. The
barge sank in four to six foot seas when the cargo shifted and the forward cargo hatch cover began to
sink. The barge sunk bow first in approximately 100 feet of water five nautical miles west of
Waukegan, IL. Thirty to forty feet of the barge's stern remained above water. Attempts to salvage the
barge were abandoned by the company due to an unsafe sea state. A Captain of the Port order was
issued to light the barge or have a vessel stand by through the night. The barge owner was unable to
comply, reporting it was unsafe to operate in the weather and lake conditions. The U.S. Coast Guard
Air Facility Waukegan launched an HH65 to lower strobe lights onto the barge while a Station
Kenosha 41-footer monitored the operation. The next day the barge sunk in 115 feet of water. The
owner of the barge was unable to salvage the barge during the day due to 5 - 7 foot seas throughout
the day. The tug John Selvick marked the position with lighted buoy. Divers later confirmed that the
sunken barge was in a flat position in approximately 120 feet of water with 100 feet of clearance above
it. Current plans are to dive on the barge on August 18 to obtain full side sonar, plot altitudes and take
camera to barge surface. The buoy marking its position has been removed. (bron John van der Doe)
Hornbeck Offshore Increases Fleet
Hornbeck Offshore Services recently took delivery of the HOS Gemstone, the Company's second
240ED-class offshore supply vessel. The HOS Gemstone, which was delivered two weeks early by
the shipyard, is currently working under a one-year time charter with a large independent oil and gas
company to support its deepwater operations in the Gulf of Mexico. On July 11, 2003, the Company
commenced service with the 240-ft. class HOS Deepwater in Mexico under a two-year time charter for
Pemex. The HOS Deepwater will retain its U.S.-flag status during the term of the charter, which will
enable the Company to return the vessel to Jones Act service in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico after the
expiration of the charter and any renewals. On August 6, 2003, the Company acquired an additional
220-foot deepwater OSV. The vessel was purchased from Candy Marine Investment Corporation for
$9.0 million. The closing of the transaction was effected after satisfying certain conditions precedent to
closing, including the receipt in July of $13.5 million in proceeds of the Company's previously
announced $30 million private offering of common stock, and satisfactory completion of a drydocking
and survey of the vessel in early August. Hornbeck plans to continue operating the acquired OSV,
which was renamed the HOS Mariner, in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. In connection with the
acquisition, the Company was also granted options to purchase three 180-foot offshore supply vessels
from Candy Fleet for an aggregate exercise price of $4.5 million. The options will expire on August 6,
2004. (bron Rob Janse)
Sleepreis Smitwijs London met P43 voor Rio
Het is al weer even geleden dat ik met wat bijzonderheden aangaande de P43 reis naar Rio op de
mail was, dus hierbij weer wat wetenswaardigheden. Na een redelijk voorspoedige voortgang met de
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
P43 gedurende de eerste week na het passeren van straat Soenda, is het de afgelopen week wat
minder opgeschoten langs de 10 graden zuider breedte die we van plan waren te volgen naar de
noord van Madagaskar, ten zuidoosten van Madagaskar bevond zich een vrijwel stationair hoge druk
gebied met een laag ten noorden van ons, en keken we de afgelopen week tegen behoorlijk wat wind
aan. Naast de wind werden we voorts vernaakt door een zee/swell hoogte die een significante 6 meter
noteerde, net iets achterlijker dan dwars in, dus slingeren geblazen, en niet alleen wij, die P43 lag er
ook behoorlijk op te rijden, altijd weer een magnifiek gezicht zo'n forse romp die door de elementen in
beweging wordt gebracht. Aanvankelijk was het nog allemaal goed te doen, en bleven we aardige
runnen noteren, echter, toen de wind in kracht toe ging nemen bleek die 43 wel erg loefgierig te zijn,
en kroop er bijna dwars achter. En hoop krachten en weinig voortgang, en daar het weerbericht weinig
goeds liet zien toen maar besloten om in plaats van zuid van de Chagos Archipel noord daarvan te
passeren, zo konden we met een geringe koersverandering voor de elementen weg lopen, en met het
weer van achteren in, volgde de 43 redelijk goed, met een snelheid van toch nog een dikke vijf
knopen. Voor de komende week verwachten we dat de wind naar het noordoosten zal krimpen, dat
komt dan wel goed uit, na de Chagos archipel kunnen we dan weer aardig zuid gaan maken met het
weer uit een relatief gunstige hoek. Een beetje wrang om in de huidige situatie in het nieuws het weer
in Nederland waar te nemen, te heet misschien wel, maar hier op tropische breedtes, is het de
zuidelijke wind die gewoon koel aanvoelt, en verschijnen er steeds meer lange broeken, ook regent
het continu, en hebben we al een dag of vijf geen zon meer gezien, slecht voor het kleurenschema
dus. Afijn, momenteel begint het met de Chagos Archipel zo'n driehonderd mij west van ons allemaal
wat handzamer te worden, geen bakken water meer aan dek, en slingeren we ook al weer wat
aangenamer, het weerbericht blijft wat aan de matige kant, maar in ieder geval beter dan wat we de
afgelopen week gewend zijn. Onze Chinese collega doet ook lekker mee, en geeft ons wat om naar te
kijken, die kan ook aardig slingeren hebben we wel gemerkt, en kijken we met de regelmaat van de
klok vanuit de messroom op zijn groene dekken, geen klagen van de mannen overigens, gaat gewoon
allemaal door daar, inclusief het Engels, krijg iedere avond een enthousiaste stem aan de VHF die de
pjoebel oil liemaining on boald doorgeeft, en dat is tot nu toe aaldig collect. Nou, dat was het weer
voor deze keer, allemaal de beste wensen van deze kant, en tot meels. (kapitein Smit London)
Dutch Treat
For many years Houma Fabricators, Houma, La. built passenger boats, offshore boats and other steel
hulled vessels much like a dozen other shipyards in the Gulf south. In the mid-90's they built several
large gaming boats for Iowa entrepreneur Bob Kehl. If you hadn't stopped by Houma Fabricators for
the past two years, today you would not recognize the place. Purchased by Shipyard De Hoop of the
Netherlands in 2001, the shipyard has undergone an amazing transformation with an $8.6 million
expansion. The Dutch shipyard is turning the 42-acre Houma site into a shipyard to resemble the
company's main facility in Lobith, Netherlands. " So far we have added three steel preparation halls,
four subassembly halls, new slipways with bulkheads and a permanent launching system," said O.M.
Monnier, President and CEO of Houma Fabricators. A two two-story administrative center and
engineering department has also been built. The building of these new facilities to some extend was
accelerated by a contract from Otto Candies LLC, Des Allemands, La. for five 187-ft. diesel electric
supply boats. The first boat in the series was built in the Netherlands bringing the total order to six. "In
effect, we have been building boats while building a shipyard," Monnier added. The hull modules of
the Candies' boat are being built in the new subassembly buildings. The building is built on rails so it
can rolled open to allow cranes to lift the completed hull modules out of the building so they can be
stored for later assembly into complete structures. Other modules for the vessel were also built in the
new facility and they are seen throughout the shipyard waiting to be welded in place.A second phase
will see a 450- by 120-ft. covered construction covered dock, so that vessels can be built at water level
but in a dry environment and then floated out by opening watertight doors. "Timing of the second
phase of construction depends more on market conditions than anything else," Monnier said. Houma
Fab is now over half-way through their five boat contract with Otto Candies. The vessels feature a trio
of Caterpillar 3508 diesels powering 910 kW generators that supply all of the power needed by the
ship. Ulstein Z-Drives provide primary power with a Rolls-Royce 440 kW tunnel thruster in the bow.
The cargo deck measures 124-foot by 33.5-feet. Under deck hauling capacities include 110,000
gallons of fuel oil, 180,000 gallons of potable water, 3080 barrels of liquid mud and 4,000 cubic feet of
dry bulk material. "These vessels have the ability to carry 1,700 deadweight tons and can work on
deep water or on the shelf," said Brett Candies, traffic manager for Otto Candies. The employment at
Houma Fabricators has risen from 68 when Shipyard De Hoop purchased Houma Fabricators two
years ago to 123 today. Jan Smit, whose family owns Shipyard De Hoop, is very impressed with the
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
quality of the Houma workforce. "The attitude of the American shipyard worker is very good and so are
their skills,' Smit said. Smit discounts the idea that American shipyard workers are not competitive
against foreign workers. " Better organization and better management is the answer, not better
workers," Smit added. (By Larry Pearson)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 22
dd. 08 September 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Eigenaar van de Buizerd is Cees de Jong uit Rozenburg. Heeft het scheepje destijds van Jan Kooren
gekocht met de garantie van xxxx jaar werk. Toen Smit JK over nam gold dat nog steeds, vandaar dat
Cees nu nog voor de centrale vaart als enige particulier. Huib van der Velde met zijn GRADA en Henk
van der Stelt met de LIMBURGIA zijn er 1 1/2 jaar geleden uit geknikkerd. Helaas, want het zijn wel
hele handige bootjes als je ze bij een klein scheepje nodig hebt. De 1800 boten zijn dan te groot en te
lomp. (Bron:Hans Hoffmann)
Afon Cefni (Oil Razee – 96) 69/93 – tug. By Holyhead Towing Co. Ltd. UK to Wijsmuller Groningen
BV – Dubai and renamed Al Risha
Captain Barnaby (William C.Gaynor) 187/56 – tug. Has been renamed William G.Gaynor by Kemma
Jo Walsh, USA.
Karamea (Frederick Brown – 98, Anglion Warrior – 97, Samson – 95, Scaldia – 93, Hilal 2 – 90,
Schotland – 87) 557/78 – tug. By Union Shipping Group Ltd. New Zealand to Sheheen Alghanim
Roads & Bridges Contracting Co. South Korea and renamed Abdullatif Alghanim 10
Knight Buster 69/99 – tug, By Damen Marine Services BV. Netherlands to Holyhead Towing Co. Ltd.
UK and renamed Afon Braint
Mercury Bay 1998/69 – supply. By Mercury Offshore Ltd. Bermuda to Tidewater Vessels Inc.
Vanuata and renamed William E.Bright
S/R Providence (Tecumseh – 00, Doc Candies – 96) 482/90 – tug. By Otto Candies L.L.C. USA to
Tug Emma Roehrig L.L.C. USA and renamed Emma M.Roehrig
Uran 359/98 – tug. Has been renamed Danegarth by Tripmare SrL Italy.
(Bron: Marine News WSS)
Members Reports
Ay Marine 3
Ay Marine 8
Island Tamara 11
Island Tamara 9
Shoal Spirit
Ze Chang 1
381/80 – tug was renamed Zor (Vct) prior to March 2002
114/94 – tug was renamed ASL Marine 3 (Sgp) prior to April 2003
114/94 – tug was renamed ASL Marine 8 (Sgp) prior to April 2002
109/70 – tug was renamed Mermaid Chieftain (Aus) prior to March 2002
127/97 – tug was renamed ASL Marine 11 (Sgp) prior to April 2003
127/97 – tug was renamed ASL Marine 9 (Sgp) prior to March 2003
229/77 – tug was renamed Portovenere Primo (ita) prior to August 2002
126.67 – tug was renamed Trapa ( Hrv) prior to November 2002
108/02 – tug was renamed Elizabeth (Nld) prior to December 2002
429/88 – tug was renamed Lavan (Bhs) prior to March 2003
457/01 – tug was seen under the German flag at Bremerhaven in June 2003
429/88 – tug was renamed Siri (Bhs) prior to March 2003
109/96 – tug was renamed ASL Marine 1 (Sgp) prior to April 2002
Tug news,
The 1910-built Tolsma Bay, a new arrival in the Duluth harbor, is being offered for sale by her new
owners. She was advertised in a recent edition of Boats & Harbors. Also in the latest B&H is the 1900built Sea Bird. This was an old Zenith Dredge tug that began life as an excursion steamer. She is
currently in Ashland, WI.
The canal tug Harbor Star is being offered for free "as is" in New York Harbor. The tug has recently
een rebuilt and has an excellent hull, but no running engine. She is an 88' Jakobson hull of the "canal
tug" style.
Tug Arrives at Montreal for Scrap Tow
The 150-foot tug Seaways 2 is at Montreal's Sec. 70 preparing to tow either Mapleglen or Oakglen to
the scrap yard in Alang, India. Since Mapleglen is the outside vessel, odds are she will be the first to
go. A departure date has not been announced. Ocean McAllister will supply a Montreal based tug
that will take up the stern of the tow for the voyage down the river as far as Les Escoumins. Seaways
2, built in 1990 and operated by Seaways International LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is rated at
741 gross tons and has approximately 3,000 h.p. Original plans were to two the two vessels at once
with a 7,000 h.p. tug, however the decision has apparently been made to tow each singly. Algosound,
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
also laid up at Montreal, is expected to be the last to head for the scrappers, probably sometime in
September. (Bron:Jan van der Doe.)
Mapleglen and Saturn Ready to Go
08/26 Work crews are busy at Montreal preparing Mapleglen for her one-way trip to the shipbreakers.
Although the tow was scheduled to depart Monday, last-minute work kept Mapleglen and the tug
Seaways 2 in port. A new departure date has not been given. Seaways 2 was observed Monday tied
alongside the Mapleglen facing aft. Ocean McAllister is expected to supply a Montreal-based tug that
will take up the stern of the tow for the voyage down the river as far as Les Escoumins, but as last
report the tug had not arrived. Seaways 2, built in 1990 and operated by Seaways International LLC,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is rated at 741 gross tons and has approximately 3,000 h.p. Next scrap
tows will be Oakglen and Algosound, also laid up at Montreal. 08/27 Crews continued to prepare the
Mapleglen for tow to the scrap yard in India. Shore crews are working in the ballast tanks and other
areas that need work before the tow can begin. The tug Seaways 2 remains moored along side the
Mapleglen and will be until the tow is finalized. The departure date is unknown at this time. (Bron: Jan
van der Doe)
Nova D. heads for Arctic
08/26 The Nova D. tow got underway Sunday after high winds delayed the tow. The big tug Reliance
pulled away from the dock with the barge in tow heading for the Arctic. It was slow going from Cote
Ste. Catherines Lock to St. Lambert Lock, their speed was approximately 2 knots. (Bron: Jan van der
Roger Stahl Heads South
08/28 Gaelic Tugboat Company's tug Roger Stahl has been sold to unnamed southern interests. The
buyer's crew arrived in Detroit on Sunday and the tug departed Gaelic's yard about 6 a.m. Wednesday
morning and is expected at the Welland Canal sometime Friday Morning. The crew plans to transit
downbound the Seaway and through the Canso Canal then turn South along the Canadian and U. S.
coast. The Roger Stahl was a favorite among boatwatchers and many viewers of this site followed
along with a number of her adventures. The Stahl will be missed on the lakes. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Official launching of the new scientific icebreaker CCGS Amundsen
08/28 In Quebec City Tuesday, Ministers Allan Rock (Minister of Industry) and Robert G Thibault
(Minister of Fisheries and Oceans) attended the unveiling of a Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker
destined to host over 145 researchers from 41 Canadian and foreign universities under the umbrella of
ArcticNet, a new Canadian Network of centres of Excellence. Headed by Louis Fortier of Laval
University (Quebec City), ArcticNet will study the scientific and social economic changes and
challenges resulting from Arctic warming.The scientific icebreaker was named CCGS Amundsen , in
honour of a courageous Norwegian explorer of the early 20th century, Roald Amundsen, the first
person to navigate the Northwest Passage in the High Canadian Arctic 100 years ago. In a 70-foot
fishing boat, Amundsen took three years ( 1903-06) to complete his heroic journey. Amundsen was
also the first person to reach the South Pole. The ship's sponsor, Lily Schreyer, is the wife of the
former Governor General of Canada, Rt. Hon Edward Schreyer.(Mrs Lily Schreyer has been the
sponsor of this vessel since launched as Sir John Franklin in 1979) The CCGS Amundsen will sail
from Quebec City on September 8 for the Beaufort Sea on its first scientific icebreaking mission and
will sail by King William Island , the exact location where Amundsen and his crew spent his first
winter. The Amundsen will spend a year in the Arctic for research purposes and will be frozen into the
ice during the winter months. The CCGS Amundsen is the former Sir John Franklin a popular
icebreaker working out of St-John's Nfld (built at Burrard Dry Dock -North Vancouver BC- 98.15m -325
f long-19.5 m-65 f wide-7.16 m-25 f draft-diesel 10,142 hp) Reactivated and refitted by Verreault
Shipyard of Les Méchins Québec at a cost of 30 M $ the Admunsen has become a state-of-the-art
science vessel outfitted with the following capacities: Capacity to conduct ocean-floor mapping and
shallow marine drilling. Wet and dry laboratories. Fast-launch capability to deploy and recover a 7 m 25 f survey boat while sailing at up to 6 knots Meteorological instruments to calibrate satellite images
directly from ship's path. Ability to take oceans sample in adverse weather through access hole in
ship's bottom hull. The CCGS Amundsen is based in Quebec City (Canadian Coast Guard Quebec
Region Base) and is crewed by Coast Guard personnel of the Quebec region. Its present Master is
Capt. Stéphane Julien. Amundsen Docked in Quebec City Tuesday. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Bourbon buys remaining shares in Havila Supply
Groupe Bourbon in France, parent company of Surf Offshore, has acquired the remaining 50,49 per
cent of the shareholding of Havila Supply ASA for around UD$48 million. After the acquisition Groupe
Bourbon’s stake now stands at 90 per cent of the share capital. Shares of Havila Supply ASA, it is
reported, will be de-listed from the Oslo Stock Exchange. Havila AS (owned by Per Saevik) recently
finalised the acquisition of Havila Supply ASA’s standby fleet of 10 vessels. (Bron: Shipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Douane controleert zeesleper op drugs
Medewerkers van de douane district Roosendaal onderzoeken de zeesleper Otton mdat het
vermoeden bestaat dat er smokkelwaar aan boord van het schip is. De oude zeesleper vaart onder
Panamese vlag. Het schip ligt aan de ketting in Vlissingen in het verlengde van de Piet Heinkade.
Volgens medewerkers van de douane heeft de scheepvaartinspectie het schip aan de ketting gelegd
omdat het in slechte staat van onderhoud verkeert. De bemanning van het schip kon geen doel voor
de lange reis van Zuid-Amerka naar Vlissingrn aangeven. Dat was de redenen waarom het het voor
de douane een verdacht schip was. Een tiental medewerkers van de douane inspecteren sinds
maandag 18 augustus het schip. (Bron: Shipping News)
New tug arrives in Lowestoft.
Lowestoft firm Klyne Tugs delivery of a £10m tug as part of a £76m contract with the Coastguard
Agency.The Anglian Sovereign arrived at Lowestoft docks at the end of a voyage from the Chinese
Shipyard where she was built. The 16,400 horsepower tug is the second of a pair of sister ships
ordered as part of a contract to protect Britain’s coastline. Under the eight-year coastguard contract
Klyne Tug is providing four powerful vessels to help protect the coastline against maine accidents and
pollution. Klyne tugs took delivery os sister ship Anglian Princess last year and the Anglian Sovereign
will soon link up with her and the Anglian Monarch and the Anglian Prince. Klyne Tugs managing
director Carl Beare said: “We are delighted to take delivery of Anglian Sovereign. Er sister ship
Anglian Princess has been service for over a year and proved to be an excellent vessel for use as an
emergency towing vessel capable of virtually any weather conditions encountered around the coasts
of Britain. “As a company Klyne Tugs is committed to ensuring that the Lowestoft locality benefits from
this development of the current fleet. “Altough our vessels are deployed around the UK coast the are
suported by engineering and a host of other servces provided by local companies. We intend to
continue with our support to these suppliers”. The Anglian Sovereign will formally christened at the
Town Quay in Lowestoft by Klyne Tugs director Waveney Ley. After taking on stores the Sovereign
will leave the port to take up station with HM Coastguard in the North of Scotland. Anglian Sovereign
is 67,4m in lenght with a bollard pull of more than 180 tonnes. She is fully equipped for towing, anchor
handling and firefighting. Under the eight-year contract fleet the four tugs wil carry full HM Coastguard
livery with white hulls and red insignia. (Bron: Shipping News)
Forse winststijging Smit Internationale
21/08/2003: Sleep- en bergingsconcern Smit Internationale heeft in de eerste helft van dit jaar netto
12 miljoen euro verdiend. Dat is fors meer dan de 4,8 miljoen euro van dezelfde periode in 2002. Smit
rekent voor het hele jaar op een nettowinst van zeker 22 miljoen euro. Daarbij gaat het bedrijf uit van
de huidige dollarkoers, aldus Smit donderdag. De winststijging komt niet als een verrassing. Al in mei
gaf Smit aan dat het goed ging met het bedrijf. De winst zou dit jaar zeker op 18 miljoen euro
uitkomen, een verwachting die later al naar boven werd bijgesteld. Het bedrijfsresultaat van Smit is in
de eerste zes maanden omhooggegaan van 4,9 miljoen naar 19,9 miljoen. In dit resultaat zijn
bijzondere baten begrepen van 2,3 miljoen euro. Het gaat vooral om boekwinsten op de verkoop van
activa. De post was in de eerste helft van vorig jaar 2,7 miljoen euro groot. In de tweede helft van dit
jaar zal het bedrijfsresultaat van de divisie Harbour Towage (havensleepdiensten en aanverwante
activiteiten) afvlakken. Voor het onderdeel Terminals wordt een verbetering verwacht. Het
gezamenlijke bedrijfsresultaat van deze stabielere divisies zal lichht verbeteren. Salvage (berging)
blijft onvoorspelbaar. Gezien de goede resultaten in het eerste halfjaar en de al verworven opdrachten
Westerschelde en Tricolor wordt voor Salvage en Transport & Heavy Lift over heel 2003 een
substantieel beter bedrijfsresultaat voorzien. Smit schrijft de goede gang van zaken sterk toe aan de
vorig jaar ingezette nieuwe strategie. Daarbij richtte het concern zijn vizier op de kernactiviteiten en
voerde een nieuwe organisatiestructuur in. Ook werd kritisch naar de vloot gekeken. Met de verkoop
in het derde kwartaal van de twee overgebleven zware ladingsschepen is de implementatie van de
nieuwe strategie afgerond. (Bron: ANP\037)
Towboat Captain Indicted In Killing Of Deckhand
Towboat Capt. Louis J. Ledet, 40, Houma, La., has been indicted by an Assumption Parish, La., grand
jury in the killing of one of his deckhands. Ledet is accused of shooting Ryan P. Andras, 26, of
Thibodaux, in the neck. The shooting occurred while Ledet and Andras were under way June 19 in the
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway on the towboat Captain E. J. The Assumption Parish sheriff said in June
that the shooting was the result of an argument and horseplay that got out of hand. Andras was
pronounced dead at the scene -- a fuel dock at McDermott Fabricators Shipyard near Amelia. Ledet is
to be arraigned Monday in front of District Judge Guy Holdridge. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Reliance Heading for Artic
08/24 The tug Reliance and the tug Lac Vancouver along with the barge Nova D. were preparing to
depart the Cote Ste. Catherines wharf Saturday afternoon for the Artic. The barge Nova D. is loaded,
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
all between deck cargo stowed, the deck cargo lashed down and secured. Saturday the tug Lac
Vancouver took up her place at the stern of the Nova D. and the tug Reliance at the bow, the pilot
asked the Lac Vancouver for a test pull from the rear, the test was successful and barge was secured
once more at the wharf, the winds were not cooperating with the tow as they increased to 25 knots.
With winds at that velocity the tow had to be rescheduled for early Sunday morning, officials said
winds and traffic necessitated the tow to be cancelled for the time being, the winds are still quite
strong hopefully they will abate for the new departure time. The tow is expected to take 10 days before
reaching the first Artic community. The tow of the Nova D. will have the tug and barge returning to
Montreal within 40 days. Upon return they will load once more for the Artic. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Coffin World Water Systems to Supply for Rigdon OSV
08/25 Coffin World Water Systems has contracted to supply Heli-Sep Oily Water Separators for
Rigdon Marine’s fleet of offshore supply vessels (OSVs). The first ten vessels are currently under
construction at Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Company in Mobile, Ala., with deliveries scheduled to
begin March 2004. HELI-SEP oily water separators reduce oil discharge to less than 15ppm. The
separators are equipped with a self-cleaning polishing pack and permanent coalescing matrix that
eliminates the need to replace filters. Each unit is shipped pre-pied and pre-wired to simplify
Haida Towed to Hamilton
08/29 The HMCS Haida was towed from Port Weller Dry Docks about 9 a.m. Thursday morning
headed for Hamilton. She entered Lock 1 under tow of tug Vigilant 1 on the bow and Seahound on the
stern. The Vigilant is the former navy tug HMCS Glenlivet Thursday afternoon the Haida arrived in
Hamilton, her new homeport, and be temporarily tied up at Pier 26 on Eastport. At noon on Saturday,
the legendary warship will be joined by two Canadian navy minesweepers, HMCS Shawinigan and
HMCS Glace Bay, the city's fire tug, Judge McCombs, and two police boats for a slow tour of the
harbor from north to south before being moored permanently beside the new $10-million Marine
Discovery Center.Last December from the historic vessel was towed from Toronto to St. Catharines
for a $3.5 million refit (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Tugboat Party to Take Place in NY
08/29 The 5th annual "Tugboat Roundup" will take place September 5th through the 7th at Waterford,
NY. This is where the New York State Barge Canal meets the Hudson River. The event will host a
large flotilla of tugboats from all over, including many pieces from the vintage Canal Corporation's
fleet. It is a great time to see tugs in action and enjoy the rich history of the Erie Canal. For more
information,the official website is:
Repowering a Hawaiian Tug: More Power, Better Air Quality
08/29 Sause Brothers, based in Coos Bay Ore. also operate tugs out of Long Beach, California and
Honolulu, Hawaii. They have been providing ocean towing between the mainland and the Hawaiian
Islands since 1966. In more recent years they have also maintained three docking tugs in the islands.
As many harbor operators can attest, the high visibility of docking tugs provides a unique opportunity
to demonstrate a commitment to environmental protection. When the time came to repower Sause’s
Z-drive ship assist tug Kamaehu (ex Koos Pilot) the importance of a low emissions and minimal
exhaust smoke was a significant criteria in the selection of replacement engines. A pair of Cummins
KTA38 M2 met these as well as horsepower requirements and the company ordered a pair for
installation this coming December. Given the duty cycle in the ship assist role, the new engines will be
able to operate at the intermittent rating of 1500 hp each at 2050 RPM. This will give the 72 x 25.5 x
9.5-ft. (21.9 x 83.6 x 31.1-m) tug a total of 3,000 hp turning the 78 x 69-in. props on her twin Schottel
Z-drive units. The company expect that the tug’s bollard pull with the new engines will be in the
100,000-lb. range. The Kamaehu is equipped with a Knutson Diesel bow winch and two 60 kW gen
sets. As a harbor boat she operates with a crew of two. She carries 9000 gallons of fuel as well as 400
gallons of water and 150 gallons of lube oil.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 23
dd. 19 September 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Howard Beer, de eigenaar van HERMAN SR. heeft de EN AVANT 9 (ex. Zal 4-80) van T. Muller
gekocht. De nieuwe naam zal HERMAN JR. worden.
Ay Marine 3, 114/94 – tug has been renamed ASL Marine 3 by Lightmode Pte. Ltd. – Singapore.
Ay Marine 8, 114/94 – tug. By Lightmode Pte. Ltd. – Singapore to Capitol Tug & Batge Pte. Ltd. –
Singapore and renamed ASL Marine 8
Chartwell, 105/89 – research. By Port of London Authority, UK to Royal Bank Leasing Ltd. UK. And
renamed Smit Cymran (Smit Vessel management Services – Aberdeen)
Ievoli Red, 498/01 – tug/supply. Has been renamed Tinatini by Marnavi SpA, Italy and transferred to
Georgia Registry (Smit Terminals Europe - Dubai)
Island Tamara 11, 127/97 – tug has been renamed ASL Marine 11 by Capitol Tug & Barge Pte. Ltd. Singapore
Island Tamara 9, 127/97 – tug has been renamed ASL Marine 9 by Capitol Tug & Barge Pte. Ltd Singapore
Portovenere, 229/77 – tug has been renamed Portovenere Primo by Rimorchiatori Riuniti Spezzini –
Imprese Maritime & Salvataggi Srl – Italy.
Rosenort, 126/67 – tug By BBB Schlepp- und Hafendienst GmbH – Germany to Jadran Tuna –
Croatia and renamed Trapa
Shoal Spirit, 108/02 – tug By Damen Marine services BV – Netherlands to L.H.Visser & Zn. Netherlands and renamed Elizabeth
Stout Truck, 1971/98 supply. Has been renamed North Traveller by Sea Truck Rederi A/S –
Stream Truck, 3106/98 – supply By Sea Truck Rederi A/S – Norway to Gulfmark Rederi A/S –
Norway and renamed North Stream
Tenax, 429/88 – tug has been renamed Lavan by K/S Bugsertjeneste II A/S – Bahamas.
Velox, 429/88 – tug has been renamed Siri by K/S Bugsertjeneste II A/S – Bahamas.
Tugboat Crewman Rescues Girl, 8, Swept Away In River
Andrew Frazier a crewman on the tug Custom, jumped into the Mississippi River Monday, September
1, to rescue eight-year-old Amy Aguilar, who was swept into the river while she was playing in the
water. According to the "Times Picayune" report, Amy was wading near Harvey Locks with her sevenyear-old sister and 18-year-old cousin, when she walked out too far. She stepped off a dropoff, and
the current carried her into the river a Harbor Police spokesman said. When the crew of the tug
Custom, which was at the Stone fuel dock in Gretna, heard the emergency call on the marine radio,
they were underway and looking for her within 10 minutes. Under Captains Ebdon Adams and Ernest
Camus, the tug moved upriver for about 12 to 15 minutes before spotting Amy floating about 100
yards from shore. Frazier jumped into the river and rescued the 67-pound girl, who was still conscious,
Harbor Police said. Amy said later she remembers the sound of splashing water that was so loud it
drowned out the voices of her sisters calling from the shore. She remembers the waves and the
current that pulled her out into the Mississippi. But she also remembers praying for angels to come to
her rescue. "They're powerful angels," she said. "They can help." (bron: Jan van der Doe).
Roger Stahl Waits in Connecticut
09/12 The tug Roger Stahl continues its trip south to Florida after being sold by the Gaelic Tugboat
Co. in Detroit last month. The Stahl arrived in New London, Conn. on Wednesday and will wait in port
as her new owners watch hurricane Isabel and decide when it will be safe for the big tug to continue
on to Key West. It is moored at New London's City pier, across from the USCGC Eagle. The
smoke stacks have been repainted black and the stylized green name and shamrocks gone from the
pilothouse. (bron: Jan van der Doe).
Coast Guard And Local Authorities Control Tug Fire
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The U.S. Coast Guard is continuing today to coordinate efforts with local agencies
to contain a fire onboard a 144-foot tugboat 20 miles north of Clarksdale, Miss., on the Mississippi
River. The master of the Lainey Jones reported to the Coast Guard that his tug was on fire. He also
reported the tug was pushing 24 barges, from Lake Charles, La., to Paducah, Ky., (15 empty, eight
with dry goods and steel, and one with Methyl chloroform, a cleaning solvent). Three tugs assisted the
disabled tug and barges, pushing them onto the bank of the Mississippi River at mile marker 620.8,
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
where they were secured. As a safety measure, the 10 crewmembers evacuated to the nearby motor
vessel Bethany Dawn and were taken ashore. There were no reports of any injuries or any product
released into the water. Local firefighters blanketed the tug with foam to smother the fire. Four firemen
from New Orleans also responded. The vessel is owned and operated by Canal Barge Company, Inc.,
New Orleans. The Coast Guard Marine Safety Office Memphis is investigating the cause of the fire. (
bron: Jan van der Doe).
Kigoria van ITC naar Smit
De Kigoria welke in management was bij ITC is 16 september overgegaan naar de Joint Venture
tussen Smit en Femco. Zij heeft een 5 jarig bare-boat charter bij High Longitude Shipping Inc. –
Moermansk. Femco heeft het Vessel management op zich genomen. De Kigoria was vanaf 1 Juli
1998 onder commercieel en operationeel management van ITC. Gedurende meer dan 5 jaren hebben
de Nederlandse kapiteins Gijs Dijkdrenth en Gerrit Verwey het schip onder hun commando gehad.
(bron: G.Dijkdrenth)
Smit-Internationale zoekt mede-eigenaar voor sleepdienst URS
TERNEUZEN - Het sleep- en bergingsconcern Smit-Internationale bv wil een deel van de verworven
aandelen van de Unie van Reddings- en Sleepdienst (URS) alweer van de hand doen. In juni kreeg
Smit, dat op dat moment al 49,9 procent van de aandelen bezat, het volledige aandelenpakket in
handen. Nu wordt gezocht naar een nieuwe partner. Bestuursvoorzitter B. Vree: ,,We hebben nu de
zeggenschap over de onderneming en dat willen we zo houden. We bestuderen momenteel of een
partnerschap kan worden aangegaan met een andere partij. Met de opbrengst van de verkochte
aandelen kunnen we dan weer nieuwe activiteiten financieren. Bij de aandelentransactie van juni
kreeg Smit de zeggenschap over 45 sleepboten, die de URS inzet op de Westerschelde tussen
Zeebrugge en Antwerpen en op het Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen, en over 500 URS-werknemers. Vree
noemde de overname van groot belang. ,,De Antwerpse haven blijft fors groeien en verder wordt veel
aandacht besteed aan de infrastructuur zoals het uitdiepen van de Westerschelde en de bouw van
een groot containerdok.`` Met de transactie kreeg Smit in één klap ook greep op de haven van
Zeebrugge en het Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen. Bij de onderhandelingen die vooraf gingen aan de
overname van URS zette Smit URS-eigenaar Bofort nv voor het blok: Smit wilde de volledige controle
over het Antwerpse sleep- en bergingsbedrijf en zoniet, dan zou het Rotterdamse concern zich
volledig terug trekken. Het was een kwestie van kopen of verkopen. Bofort koos voor het laatste. De
overname werd door Vree `strategisch`genoemd en ook `een defensieve zet` omdat er kapers op de
kust waren. Ook het Deense sleep- en bergingsbedrijf Svitzer-Wijsmuller lag op de loer, daarin
gesteund door rederij Maersk (één van de grootste spelers op de wereldmarkt, zeker in de
containervaart), die samen met Svitzer de grootste havens naar z`n hand probeert te zetten. Een
gevaarlijke indringer, oordeelde Smit, dat vroegere besluiten (Smit zou, gedwongen door een labiele
financiële positie, de aandelen URS afstoten) terugdraaide en alle aandelen van URS opkocht. Nu is
de handel weer geopend. (bron: door Wout Bareman - PZC\037)
Manitowoc to Build Ocean Class Tug and Barge
09/05 The Manitowoc Company, Inc. and its subsidiary, Bay Shipbuilding Co., has been awarded a
contract from Penn Maritime, Inc. to build an ocean-class tug and a 140,000-barrel, double-hull hot oil
barge. The contract allows Penn to purchase a second tug/barge combination within 120 days. Other
contract terms were not disclosed. The tug and barge are scheduled for delivery by December 2004.
The barge will measure 480 ft. x 78 ft. x 36.5 ft. and will be equipped with a system of heating coils to
maintain cargo temperatures at or above 135 F. The 123 ft. x 38 ft. tug will be powered by a 6,000horsepower engine room and features an Intercon coupler to link both vessels into a 564 ft. overall
length unit. Both tug and barge will be ABS, U.S. Coast Guard, and OPA-90 compliant. "We are very
pleased to have won this contract, which marks the fourth OPA-90 vessel built by Bay Shipbuilding,"
said Dennis McCloskey, president of Manitowoc's Marine Group. "We are optimistic that the pace of
orders for OPA-90 double-hull tank barges will increase over the next few years, and we should
benefit from those opportunities given our proven experience in this area. "Other recent contract wins
for Manitowoc's Marine Group include a U.S. Navy contract for the Improved Navy Lighterage System
(INLS); selection as a finalist for the Navy's Littoral Combat Ship project with our partners LockheedMartin, Gibbs & Cox, and Bollinger Shipyards; as well as our recent selection by the U.S. Coast Guard
as one of three companies to build a Response Boat Medium prototype with our partner, Kvichak
Marine of Seattle," McCloskey added. Penn Maritime is based in Stamford, CT, and Staten Island,
NY. They are the largest U.S. coastal transporter of liquid asphalt and residual fuel products. Penn
currently operates 13 tugs and 21 barges. (bron: Jan van der Doe).
Smitwijs London Reports
Ben al weer een poosje uit de lucht geweest met wat bijzonderheden aangaande het transport van de
P-43 waarmee de London en de De Da onderweg waren, en gelukkig inmiddels ook weer zijn sinds
heden morgen. Nadat wij, de London, te Durban gebunkerd hadden, en op de 9de september de
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
sleepverbindingen van de De Da hadden overgenomen om die naar Durban te kunnen laten
vertrekken voor het innemen van broodnodige bunkers, hebben we tot aan vanmorgen de 43 aan
twee draden gaande gehouden in het zuiden van het Mozambique kanaal. Gaande houden werd een
wat minder aangename aangelegenheid toen in de morgen van de 14e onverwacht de wind behoorlijk
begon aan te trekken terwijl wij ons ten zuid oosten van Ile de Europe bevonden en in de middag
toenam tot een dikke windkracht acht uit de SSE vandaan, met zee navenant die vergezeld werd door
een hoge swell uit de zuid, in de avond leek het toen allemaal weer wat af te nemen, maar in de
morgen van de 15e trok het aan naar een dikke negen, en in langdurige buien maten we bij tijden ruim
zestig kopen wind, en hadden we niet echt veel meer te vertellen toen die P-43 ons mee uit wandelen
nam en de opgaande koers dicteerde. De De Da was in middels al weer uit Durban vertrokken, maar
kwam niet echt snel door het weer heen, had ook niet uitgemaakt wanneer hij er eerder was geweest,
en konden we hem pas in de morgen van de 17e welkom terug heten terwijl het weer afgenomen was
tot 6-7, al stond er nog een meter of 6 swell door die plannen om een voorloop over te geven op dat
moment dwarsboomde. Het weer nam in windkracht vrij snel af op de 18e, en in de avond begon ook
de swell aan hoogte in te leveren terwijl we richting Cap saint Vincent stoomden om wat dichter onder
de wal van Madagaskar te komen, hoewel daar ook niet veel shelter voor de zuidelijke swell leek te
bestaan. Vanmorgen, de 19e, zag het er allemaal een stuk aangenamer uit, bijna geen wind, en
hooguit een 2.5 meter swell, en hadden we dus al snel beide sleepdraden met de socket op het
achterdek liggen en de De Da op aangename afstand langszij om zijn voorloop van ons in ontvangst
te nemen. Rond 10:45 stonden we er beiden weer voor en lagen rond een uur of twaalf op lengte en
richting de Kaap, de snelheid valt nog een beetje tegen, maar deed dat al de hele reis, dus schrikken
wij daar in ieder geval niet zo meer van. Jammer van die snelheid, want Rio non-stop halen op wat we
aan brandstof aan boord hebben lijkt een beetje krap te worden, en zal het er wel op uit draaien dat
we als we eenmaal rond de kaap zijn we er nog eens ergens af moeten om wat in te nemen, maar
goed, eerst maar eens zien dat we daar komen, de weerberichten lezend van verder om de zuid
nodigen niet erg uit om daar heen te stomen, maar is dat nog even weg, en kunnen we misschien nog
eens een keer mazzelen deze reis voor wat het weer aangaat. Afijn, voorlopig genieten we nog maar
even van een mooie dag, jammer, jonge Kees Pronk verspeelde vanmorgen een forse bonito die zijn
vishaak tot een recht gebogen stukje draad staal vervormde, dus die zijn dag was vanmorgen al
verpest, want dat betekend wat voor een Scheveninger natuurlijk, intussen zijn er steviger vishaken
gelokaliseerd, maar is er geen vis meer te bekennen, je kan maar pech hebben, en hadden we
gelukkig nog wat red snapper uit Singapore in de vriezer liggen. Nou, dat was hij weer voor vandaag,
de beste wensen van deze kant aan allen, en tot meels maar weer. (bron: kapitein Gerrit Verschoor)
Tidewater to Expand Fleet
Tidewater 8/29/2003 Tidewater has completed an increase and extension of its current Revolving
Credit Facility. The current facility, which was set for expiration on April 30, 2004, has been expanded
by $95,000,000 to a new level of $295,000,000 with an extended maturity date of April 30, 2008.
Additionally, the company has entered into contracts for the building of an additional eight new vessels
at a total cost approximating $100,000,000. The vessels, to be built as an integral part of Tidewater's
ongoing vessel replacement program, consist of six anchor handling towing supply vessels varying in
size from 5500 BHP to 9000 BHP and an additional two of its next generation class of 175' fast supply
vessels. The towing supply vessels will be built at various international shipyards while the fast supply
vessels are to be built in the United States. Options to build additional vessels at similar pricing are
included in the contracts. "The renewal and increase of our Revolving Credit Facility in combination
with our recently announced placement of $300,000,000 of private placement notes has secured
Tidewater's ability to expeditiously respond to market opportunities for many years to come," said
Dean E. Taylor, chairman and CEO of Tidewater. "Such a secure and solid financial position will
enable Tidewater to systematically replace its fleet on a timetable of its choosing, in response to
market opportunities."
10,850-HP AHTS Joins Seabulk Offshore Fleet
The Seabulk Offshore group of companies last week added a new UT-710 Anchor Handling Tug
Supply Vessel (AHTS) to its fleet, making the 226-ft. Seabulk South Atlantic the fifth newbuild vessel
in Seabulk's 2003 fleet renewal program. Built by Brevik Construction AS in Norway, the 10,850-hp
Seabulk South Atlantic joins the Seabulk fleet on a five-year bareboat charter agreement that includes
a purchase option at the end of the contract. Larry D. Francois, president of Seabulk Offshore,
commented, "Seabulk South Atlantic is equipped with the latest technology and will service growing
markets in West Africa, working with the major oil companies who are demanding modern, state- ofthe-art equipment to support their multi-billion dollar developments in the deepwater offshore." The
Seabulk South Atlantic produces speeds up to 15.5 knots, has a certified bollard pull of 133 metric
tons, and provides a hefty triple-drum anchor handling/tow winch with up to 300 tons line pull and 450
tons brake load. The vessel also offers a large 123 by 50-ft. deck that can handle up to 800 tons of
cargo. Designed by Rolls Royce Marine, the UT-710 incorporates a substantial amount of Rolls Royce
equipment, including the main engines, thruster, rudder, automation and control systems. Fitted with
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
high Liquid Mud and Brine capability as well as Fire Fighting FiFi 1 class notation and Dynamic
Positioning DP 1, the vessel's versatile capabilities allow her to serve in a multiple support role
assisting heavy-duty semi-submersible rigs for exploration and development drilling, as well as
fulfilling the rapidly growing demand for offshore terminal support work. Earlier this year, Seabulk
announced the addition of a newbuild Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) to its West Africa fleet -- Seabulk
Africa, two newbuild bareboat charters -- AHTS Seabulk Badamyar and PSV Seabulk Nilar -- for
Indonesia, a new line-handler for Brazil -- Seabulk Ipanema, and two newbuild PSVs for Brazil to be
delivered in 2004 and 2005. With operations in nearly two dozen countries, the Seabulk Offshore
group is Seabulk International's largest business segment, accounting for about half of total revenues.
Seabulk Offshore's global fleet of 116 vessels serves customers in North America, South America and
the Caribbean, West Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.
Seaspan Adds Two More KTA38s
9/4/03 With a little over a month and several hundred hours on the KTA38 engines of the newly built
Seaspan Tempest and Seaspan Venture, British Columbia’s largest towing company, Seaspan
International has installed another pair of Cummins KTA38s in their 83-ft. (25.3-m) tug Seaspan
Cavalier. The Cavalier is one of four in its class, the others are the Seaspan Cutlass, Seaspan
Crusader and Seaspan Corsair. Built in 1975 at Vancouver Shipyards, the Cavalier returned to the
same yard, an associated company with Seaspan, for the installation of the new engines. These are
the third set of engines for the 27-year-old tug, but the first Cummins. With the two engines at a
continuous duty rating of 800 hp each, the tug will have a combined 1,600 hp turning its three-blade
79.37-in. propellers in Kort nozzles. The existing massive Lufkin Model RS3614 gears with their
6.987:1 reduction were retained. New gauges and controls were installed. The boat carries 18,000
Imperial (21,617 US) gallons of fuel, 320 gallons of lube oil and 2,500 Imperial gallons of fresh water.
A single drum Burrard towing winch is mounted on the aft deck with 1,800 ft. (549 m) of 1 3/4-inch
(44.45 mm) wire. The Seaspan Cavalier typically tows wood chip and fuel barges in inside waters but
makes some trips to places such as Port Alice on the outside of Vancouver Island. The installation
was simplified by cutting a large section (about 10 x12 ft.) from the tug’s starboard side. The port side
engine was then installed, followed by the starboard engine. Given the relatively small size of the
modern engines, the job was completed in relatively short order and the tug is expected back in
service by late September.
Eastern Shipbuilding delivers Harvey newbuild
Seabrokers reports that Harvey Gulf International has taken of the Harvey Explorer from Eastern
Shipbuilding, the second of the company’s latest 240ft offshore supply vessels. Seabrokers says the
company is also set to build two 290ft ultra deepwater support vessels. (bron: shipping news)
Bollinger delivers Elsa Leigh to Aries Marine
Bollinger Shipyard has re-delivered the 254ft supply boat Elsa Leigh to Aries Marine of Lafayette,
Louisiana. Elsa Leigh is the new name for the formet Seacor Clipper, following an extensive
renovation at Bollinger’s Morgan City Shipyard. Much of the work on the vessel involved mechanical
systems in the hull and replacement of about 30 per cent of the boat’s steel The vessel was brought
up to ABS DPS 1, FiFi 1 and GMDSS Area 3 certification. Her two main EMD engines were removed
and rebuilt by NREC in Houma, Louisiana, who boosted their power from 1,250hp each to 1,500hp
each. The vessel’s old reverse/reduction gears were replaced with re-conditioned Falk gears to
accommodate the higher horsepower and her two drive shafts were re-conditoned at Bollinger Elsa
Leigh’s Detroit Diesel 12V71 diesel engine replaced the existing Detroit Diesel bow thruster engine..
That engine was re-conditioned and used to drive a fire pump that serves two new 11,000GPM Stang
fire monitors that Bollinger added to the boat. Bollinger also adated the stern to accommodate a
schottel thruster unit powered by a Cummins KT-19M4 600hpdiesel engine. Two Cummins 6CT
diesels were added to power new mud pumps and to drive Quincy air compressor that deliver dry bulk
drilling mud. The ship’s dry and liquid mud system were totally upgraded. (bron: shipping news)
DOF indentified as buyer of Trico UT741
Seabrokers reports that, after what it called “several weeks of speculation,” District Offshore A/S were
recently indentfied as buyers from Trico Marine of the 1999 built AHTS UT741 Northern Admiral for an
agreed purchase price of approximately Nkr.266 million. (bron: shipping news)
Bollinger Completes Conversion of Ned Ferry
Bollinger Shipyards, Inc., has completed a major conversion of the Crescent Towing tug, NED
FERRY that transformed the boat from a single engine vessel with 3500 HP, to a twin-engine vessel
with 4,000 HP. It is the third of eight Crescent Towing 105-foot sister ships to undergo the same
upgrades and modifications at Bollinger Algiers LLC, the New Orleans based repair and conversion
shipyard facility. Her old engine was replaced with two Caterpillar 3512B engines coupled to Reintjes
WAF673 reduction gears driving 83-inch Bollinger stainless steel propellers. They were installed in 84-
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
inch type 37 kort nozzles with stainless steel inner rings and leading and trailing edges. It has a 45degree rudder angle for better maneuverability and its new power package is designed to generate
100,000 pounds or 50 tons of bollard pull. The boat’s stern was modified to accommodate the new
propulsion system. Bollinger has reconstructed the tug’s wheelhouse with low profile stacks for
maximum visibility and has installed new radars, GPS, depth sounders, hailers, VHF radios, fax
machines, sound powered telephones, fuel emergency shut off systems, and remote control start and
stops for the main engines. New Coast Guard approved oil and water separators and sanitary systems
have been installed and channel coolers were replaced with keel coolers. Living spaces and the galley
were refurbished and new air conditioning and heating installed. Mike Ellis, executive vice president
and chief operating officer of Bollinger said, “This modernization project for Crescent Towing is similar
to the U. S. Navy’s SLEP (Service Life Extension Program) in which ships receive upgrades to their
design as well as the installation of new leading edge machinery and electronic technologies.
Executives at Crescent have told us their two other tugs, LOUISIANA and FLORIDA (formerly
LOUISE) that have already been converted, are performing beyond expectations. Conversions such
as these extend the productive life of vessels while helping to keep their owners costs down without
the higher costs of newbuilds.” The G. SHELBY FREIDERICHS, MISSISSIPPI, MARGARET F.
COOPER, TEXAS and GLENN SMITH will follow the NED FERRY. Each is 105-feet in length with a
26-foot beam and 13.5 foot depth. They were built in the late 1950s and early 1960s. New Orleansbased Crescent Towing is part of the Cooper Group of companies ( Its
twenty-four tugs provide harbor towage for vessels on the Mississippi, Mobile and Savannah rivers.
Panama Canal Modernizes Locomotive Fleet
9/18/03 The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has purchased an additional 34 locomotives from the
Mitsubishi Corporation – part of the Canal’s permanent modernization program. The ACP has been
upgrading its locomotive fleet in a multi-year contract with Mitsubishi for the past several years. The
contract entitles the ACP to exercise unique options, particularly notable to this purchase is that the
assembly of 16 of the 34 locomotives will be performed in Panama by Mitsubishi and ACP employees.
Rarely done by Mitsubishi, the assembly in Panama will provide ACP employees with a transfer of
skills and new opportunities for training and technology education. Since the handover, the ACP has
been committed to modernizing its locomotive fleet, an essential component for safe, reliable and
efficient transits. The locomotives run on tow tracks along the lock walls and are used to keep ships
centered in the lock chambers through cables attached to the vessels as they pass through the
Canal’s locks. The locomotives to be assembled in Panama have 50 percent more towing power and
have a much faster return speed than previous models; this will help reduce the time vessels spend
transiting the locks. Each locomotive weighs 55 tons, operates with two 290 HP traction units and has
a towing capacity of 311.8 kilonewtons. The assembly of the locomotives will begin in June 2004. The
ACP, through its ISO 9001-certified Department of Maritime Operations, will replace the entire fleet of
locomotives over the next three years. “Our partnership with Mitsubishi is a win-win arrangement.
These locomotives will help make Canal transits safer and more efficient – and assembling them in
Panama will not only prove to be cost effective, but it will also allow ACP employees to develop
special skills that will prove useful in promoting effective maintenance practices of the locomotive
fleet,” said Jorge L. Quijano, Canal Director of Maritime Operations.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 24
dd. 03 Oktober 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Smit Transport Europe
De afgelopen 12 maanden zijn er bij Smit Transport Europe diverse vaartuigen van het bestand
afgevoerd. Hieronder een lijst van deze vaartuigen:
Side Pontons – E11/E12 Pontons – E110 ; E202 ; E507 ; E702 ; E1501 (opgelegd) ; E3001 ; E6002;
Eendracht; Slaak; Sloe; St.Annaland; Westerschelde; en Zijpe. Pusher/Tug – Eerland 21; Schelde.
Tug – Arie; Zeerob; Eerland 19; Salvage – Dolfijn Multi Purpose - Kermit
Svitzer Brunel is op 17 september opgelevered.
Svitzer Bootle, de derde sleepboot van dit type is voor Liverpool bestemd.
Triton, 1,665 apk 199/77 23t BP. Is door Tripmare, Trieste verkocht naar Slovenie.
Piemonte 2,500 apk, 198/75, 36.5t BP is door Carmelo Noli, Savona binnen Italië verkocht.
Giles Paterson, die in februari dit jaar de Maximus van Paul Magnus Group heeft aangekocht, zou de
sleepboot zojuist aan een Ierse eigenaar hebben verkocht.
Volgens Jacques Carney zal de nieuwe sleepboot voor Saint Nazaire Croisic gaan heten.
Tewaterlating in november en aflevering eind maart begin april volgend jaar. Ze wordt een zus van de
Abeille Barfleur maar met grotere brandbluscapaciteit om de Hoedic te vervangen.
A/S Bergslep in het Noorse Aalesund heeft de Bergslep (2,638 apk, 123 brt 2000, 36 t. paaltrek)
verkocht aan Londonderry Port & Harbour Commissioners te Derry
Kooren heeft de Tramontane (ex. Marseillais 16-89) aan Catherine O'Hanlon te Waterford verkocht.
(bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Sales after the 6th June:
Subsea 7 has sold geotechnical vessels Bucentaur (1983) and STM Markab (1976)
DSV Buccaneer (1982) has been sold at private terms. DSND chartered out the vessel back in 1999
on a financial lease Agreement with continuous purchase options for the vessel, which is now being
exercised. The agreed sales price is higher than the purchase option price, and generates a sales
gain for DSND.
Cable ship Maersk Repeater (2000) has been sold at private terms and delivered to SB Submarine
Systems Company Ltd. The vessel has been renamed YanHai
Northern Admiral AHTS UT741 (1999 – 23,800) has been sold to DOF, Norway for NOK 266 mill.
The vessel is currently on a two years contract with Norsk ydro with a contract value of about NOK 92
AHTS newbuilding Hull 830 (5,500) has been sold from Jaya Shipbuilding & Engineering Sinapore, to
Tidewater for about USD 13 mill. Vessel will be named Ang Tide.
AHTS VS468 Ocean King (2000 – 16,000) has been sold to Pacific Carrier Pte Ltd. The vessel will be
delivered to the new owners during October 2003.
Well service vessels Crystal Sea (1994 – 6,800) and Crystal Ocean (1999 – 10,376) have been sold
en bloc to Seatankers of Norway at a price of approx. USD 25 mill en block.
Line Handler Norskan Ipanema (2002 – 2,400) has been sold to Seabulk for about USD 2,5 mill and
renamed Seabulk Ipanema.
OH Meling has taken over the newbuilding contract for VS470 MKII from Havtrade AS, which is
presently under construction at Malta Shipyard. Vessel will be outfitted in the Baltic. The vessel has
been fixed for two years plus three yearly options to MLS, Norway, with commencement in January
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Eidesvik has purchased the newbuilding PSV VS470 MKII presently under construction at Westcon
Shipyard in Norway from Sira Offshore. Price indicated is in the region of NOK 130 mill.
AHTS Boa Prince (1976 – 7,040) has been sold to Middle East buyers at private terms. The vessel
has been renamed Intersurf
Subsea 7 has sold DSV Aquamarine to Bibby Line Ltd. At a price believed to be around USD 9 mill.
The vessel will be chartered back to Subsea 7 for 150 days to conclude ongoing contracts.
Hornbeck Offshore Services Inc. has aquired five 220 ft OSV’s and all their related business, from
Candy Marine Investment Corporation at undisclosed terms. Hornbeck will have a fleet consisting 22
vessels after delivery of two newbuildings later this year. An additional vessel was purchased for USD
9 mill. From same company and renamed HOS Mariner.
Newbuild UT755L, due for delivery from Aukra, Norway December 2003, has been sold to Great
Eastern at private terms. Due to modifications, vessel’s delivery will slip to first quarter.
Maintenance vessel Seabulk Giant (1975 – converted 1989 – 1,542 dwt), has been sold to S.E. Asian
principals at private terms.
Coast Guard vessel Tromso has been sold by TFDS to the new setup Kystvakskipet Tromso AS,
Tromso – Norway, at a price of NOK 68 mill inclusive a contract to the Norwegian Navy which runs till
March 2007.
AHTS Arctic Kalvik (1983 – 23,200) has been sold to Mutmansk Shipping for USD 13 mill. The
vessel has already been delivered to the new owners.
AHT Britoil 39 (1998 – 5,000) has been sold to Tidewater for USD 4,25 mill.
PSV UT710 Troms Supporter, has been renamed Seabulk South Atlantic upon commencement of
the 5 year bareboat charter to Seabulk,
Lainey Jones on Fire
A fire onboard the mv. Lainey Jones, which blazed for more than 36 hours before finally being
extinguished, forced the vessel's 10-man crew to abandon ship September 8 at Lower Mississippi
River Mile 632. [Just the advent of the fire was mentioned in B&B last week.] The Lainey Jones, a
154- by 42-foot twin-screw boat owned by Canal Barge Company, New Orleans, was northbound
pushing 25 barges at the time of the accident. The Coast Guard received a distress call at 3
a.m. on September 8. A crewman on roving watch was making his rounds when he noticed
the fire. He woke the crew. The crew called for help and left the towboat, escaping to the barges. The
vessel was quickly engulfed in flames. The company is still trying to determine the cause. Company
officials said the crew did the right thing. "They are all safe," they said. (bron: Jan van der Doe)
Smit Madeira gezonken
Zojuist, 25 september 2003, is bekend geworden dat hedenmorgen in Venezuela bij Terminales
Maracaibo, waarin Smit een minderheidsbelang heeft, de sleepboot ‘Smit Madeira’ tijdens het slepen
van een schip is omgeslagen. Van de vier lokale bemanningsleden is er vooralsnog één man gered.
Eén lichaam is gevonden en twee mensen worden nog vermist. Op dit moment ontbreken meer
details over dit tragische ongeval.
It Takes A Mighty Tug - And $400,000 - To Tow An Aircraft Carrier
Since the birth of the U.S. Navy under a 13-star flag more than 200 years ago, there has always been
a Constellation. Now part of that long tradition of naval history arrives in Puget Sound today while
another part prepares to leave. The recently retired 42-year-old aircraft carrier USS Constellation,
nicknamed "Connie" and dubbed "America's Flagship" in the 1980s, is expected to arrive without
fanfare today, under tow from San Diego by the tug Lauren Foss. It is slated to appear about 6 a.m. at
Restoration Point on the southeast corner of Bainbridge Island, making Bremerton by 10 a.m.
Meanwhile, a famous 60-year-old carrier mothballed for 11 years in Bremerton, the USS Midway, is
being readied to be towed next week to San Diego by the same tug. Midway has been donated to the
new San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum, Navy spokeswoman Diane Manning said. "It is quite the
honor to be towing this great ship," Joe McGimpsey, 49, one of the Lauren Foss' able-bodied seamen
and a member of the Makah Indian tribe of Neah Bay, said by cell phone as the Constellation passed
Ozette off the Washington Coast. "You can sure feel the presence of all the men and women who
served on it and of all the parents and family who cared about them. Now it has done its duty
and will rest, but its spirit still is powerful," McGimpsey said. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard will prepare
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
the Constellation for storage before it is mothballed indefinitely at Bremerton's Navy Inactive Ship
Maintenance Facility nearby, Manning said. The ship will not be open to tours. At 17 stories high,
nearly 1,100 feet long and weighing 61,000 tons, the gray warship has been towed gingerly for two
weeks by the powerful, 141-foot Lauren Foss and its crew of nine. The Navy says the nearly $400,000
towing fee to bring the ship to Bremerton is cheaper than paying for food and fuel for a crew of 2,500
to steam it here, then fly them back. A Military Sealift Command tug, the Sioux, is accompanying the
Lauren Foss with four Constellation sailors who would board the deserted carrier at the first sign of
flood or fire. The 8,200 horsepower Lauren Foss, one of Foss Maritime's newest tugs, and the Sioux
will tow the Midway south, first to Oakland to be painted before its final voyage to San Diego. Towing a
ship as large as a small city at 4.3 knots over 1,200 miles is an art, said Foss Maritime spokesman
Paul Gallagher. Since the wind tends to push the large hulls around, the towboat must keep the ship
trailing 1,500 feet behind it and steered partially into the wind, essentially crabbing sideways,
Gallagher said. That can get tricky. Physics govern the effects of friction and drag, with special
attention paid to the "catenary" of the tow cable, the amount of sag that acts as a shock absorber
between the tug and the carriers. It must be continuously adjusted so both vessels ride the waves in
unison. "When it becomes tight like a bowstring, that's when you worry," he said. Bad weather farther
south slowed the "Connie's" expected arrival Thursday. Off California the group hit winds of 60 knots
and 22- foot swells, avoiding going "in irons" - a dangerous situation when bad weather makes it
impossible to maneuver. That slowed progress to around 2 knots, Gallagher said. "On the other hand,
had they been heading (south) downwind, they would have been surfing," he said. The Lauren Foss is
the biggest tug on the West Coast. But the heart of the historic mission remains the towboat's crew they towed the carrier USS Carl Vinson into Bremerton two weeks ago - and their appreciation for
reverence for what they are doing, he said. "We had a lot of people calling in on their vacation
volunteering to do this," Gallagher said. Constellation, which served in Iraq just before its Aug. 7
retirement, was commissioned Oct. 27, 1961, a year before the Cuban missile crisis. It went
on to decades of service ranging from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf. When it returned from Iraq this
summer, it was the second-oldest ship in the Navy before its retirement. This Constellation also is the
third Navy warship to bear what has become a storied name: the one given to the first-ever U.S. Navy
ship, honoring the constellation of stars on the American flag. The original Constellation - in the same
family as the famed USS Constitution, "Old Ironsides," in Boston Harbor - was launched in 1797. A
year later the fast boat - 14 knots was speedy for its time - defeated or captured several French ships
in the little known "Quasi- War," which some call "Constellation's War." The second Constellation
served during the Civil War and beyond with equal distinction, intercepting slavers out of Africa and
bringing relief to famine victims in Ireland. It survived to be briefly re-commissioned during World War
II as a national monument, and today exists as a popular attraction in Baltimore harbor. The keel for
the rugged Midway, meanwhile, was laid in the middle of World War II, on Oct. 27, 1943.
Commissioned in 1945 when fighter planes still had propellers, Midway evolved over the decades to
serve in every ocean of the world, through the Cold War to Kuwait. In 1975, its helicopters evacuated
thousands of Americans and Vietnamese refugees when South Vietnam fell. It was decommissioned
in 1992 after service in the first Gulf War. (Bron: Jan van der Doe.)
SmitWijs London Reports
Op 19 september jl meldde ik mij voor het laatst met wat bijzonderheden aangaande de reis met de P43 van Singapore naar Rio de Janeiro, we hadden op die datum de " De Da " weer aan bakboord
liggen nadat we hem zijn sleep voorloop in de morgen van die dag hadden overgegeven. Aanvankelijk
zat de snelheid een beetje tegen nadat we weer gezamenlijk onderweg waren, maar naar gelang we
in het begin van afgelopen week meer om de zuidwest kwamen, en onder invloed van de ozambique
stroom begon de sleep snelheid meer comfortabele vormen aan te nemen, en bleef het weer daarbij
ook nog redelijk voor wat de windsnelheid aanging. Het korte broeken weer is inmiddels echter over
nu we op zo'n bijna 35 graden zuider breedte zijn beland, het is hier immers nog winter seizoen, en
dat is te merken aan boord, op een enkele "die hard" na is iedereen inmiddels in het lang, hoewel het
niet echt koud wordt, maar het verschil in temperatuur met een week geleden in het Mozambique
kanaal aanzienlijk is. Ten tijde van dit schrijven, 27 september om 21:00 LT, bevinden we ons een
slordige 45 mijl ten zuiden van Port Elizabeth, en stomen we met een voorliggende koers van 241
graden in de as van de Agulhas stroom de zuidwest in langs de grens van de Agulhas banken, en die
stroom is er, waar we zonder stroom een matige 5.5 mijl gemiddeld liepen, staat de klok nu op 8.4 mijl
per uur, en dat schiet behoorlijk op, temeer daar ook het weer ons redelijk gunstig gestemd is.
Gisteren hadden we tot aan de avond een redelijk stille dag, maar nam de wind tegen middernacht toe
tot kracht zeven vanuit de oost, vanmorgen trok hij nog aan tot een negen, met uitschieters naar tien
terwijl de richting kromp naar westelijk, maar zwakte het allemaal al weer snel af naar wat meer
comfortabele waarden. De verwachtingen zijn ook niet ongunstig, af en toe verschijnt er een zeven in
de berichten, maar veranderd de richting regelmatig, waardoor er geen zee van betekenis zal gaan
opbouwen, en verwachten we zo rond maandag avond de Agulhas bank gepasseerd te hebben en op
de breedte van Kaapstad de noordwest in te stomen. We kunnen dan uiteindelijk toch nog gaan
aftellen, ik heb inmiddels dagrapport nummer 76 al verstuurd, en hoewel de tijd ongemerkt erg snel
gegaan is, en de sfeer aan boord onveranderd positief blijft, zijn we inmiddels toch al wel elf weken
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
onderweg, en markeert het ronden van de Kaap een soort mijlpaal met zicht op de eindbestemming,
waar we zo rond de 25ste oktober verwachten aan te komen, en dan is het toch ook wel weer eens
mooi geweest. Verder is het erg stil hier rond de Kaap, op afstand nemen we af en toe wat
scheepvaart waar, maar wanen we ons doorgaans maar alleen, weinig dierlijk leven ook, een grote
zwarte zeevogel was gedurende de laatste twee dagen onze enige waargenomen metgezel, maar die
heeft het inmiddels ook voor gezien gehouden, de vislijn hangt nog steeds buitenboord, maar sinds
jonge Kees een week geleden een vis verspeelde hebben we ook geen geschubde zeebewoners
meer waargenomen, maar wie weet, we laten die lijn nog maar even hangen, want een Scheveninger
moet vissen natuurlijk, ook al is Keesie dan de enige aan boord, en kan hij nog wel eens de lachende
derde worden. Nou, dat was hij dan weer voor deze week, we gaan maar eens kijken of we vandaag
aan een top-run kunnen komen, en meld ik me het volgende weekend wel weer. Allemaal de beste
wensen vanaf frisse Kaapse wateren en tot de volgende episode. (bron: kapitein Gerrit Verschoor)
Roger Stahl Arrives
09/29 The tug Roger Stahl arrived at her new home base in Key West Florida Sunday afternoon. She
is now owned by Florida Keys Harbor Services and will be used for ship docking and rescue towing.
The new owners report that she is a magnificent tug and made the 3,000 mile trip without difficulty.
The new owners thank Bill Hoey and the staff at the Detroit based Gaelic Tugboat Co. for all of their
help and support given on the trip from Detroit to Florida. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Next Round of Scrap Tows
09/29 The next round of scrap tows are expected to take place in early October as classic lake
freighters make the final voyage to the scrap yards in Alang, India. The next round of tows will start
with the Seaway Queen towed to Quebec City, with the Oakglen following the Seaway Queen. If
accepted by the Coast Guard, the two vessels are expected to be towed in tandem to Alang, India.
The first part of the tow is scheduled for October 10. The tug Seaways 5 is heading for Montreal,
departing Ceuta, Spain on Sept. 19. It is believed that this is the tug that will make the Atlantic
crossing with the lakers in tow. (Bron: Jan van der Doe.)
Reliance Returns
09/30 The tug Reliance and the Desgagnes barge Nova D. have returned from their recent trip to the
Arctic. On Monday the pair made their way up the Seaway to Cote Ste. Catherine with the tug
Progress assisting. They arrived at the Eastern dock area to reload for one more trip to the Arctic.
The Anna Desgagnes was also loading at the Cote Wharf for the Arctic and will be leaving on
Tuesday. This should be the Anna Desgagnes last trip to the Arctic this year (Bron: Jan van der Doe.)
Bay Shipbuilding Picks ATB Design
10/01 Ocean Tug & Barge Engineering Corp.'s new ATLANTIC III ATB ocean tugboat design has
been chosen by Bay Shipbuilding Corp., of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., a unit of Manitowoc Corp., for
construction as the powered portion of a new AT/B the yard will build for Penn Maritime, of Stamford,
CT. The 140,000 bbl capacity heated ocean tank barge, will be handled by the latest tug design from
Ocean Tug & Barge Engineering Corp., a long established firm whose focus is AT/B, or Articulated
Tug/Barge design. The new tug, equipped with the INTERCON connection system, measures 123' in
length, 38' in beam, powered by twin EMD 12-710G main engines, for a total of 6,000 BHP. The tug
will feature a unique hull design that is not only less costly to construct, but will also the new tug to fit
the notches of Penn's other INTERCON AT/B barges. Robert P. Hill, the President of Ocean Tug &
Barge Engineering Corp., says that the new ATLANTIC III class design was a direct response to an
industry request for a tug design for AT/B service that was adaptable to any connection system, yet
was simple to build and outfit. "Our clients were asking us to do a mid-level design, that had all of the
best features of our highly successful ATLANTIC II class tug, but a bit smaller, and able to be built in
fewer man-hours. They wanted the quality and operational benefits of our boats, without having to
accept a stock shipyard design that was largely oriented to yard production issues. This design does
exactly that, marrying ergonomic design, lower production costs, and the benefit of our years of AT/B
design experience." Five of the firm's ATLANTIC II class vessels, which are 124 ' x 40', with a full
forecastle have been built to date, with a sixth about to be contracted. Two others are to be built
overseas. Owners of that design include Reinauer Transportation, of New York, Allied Transportation
of Norfolk, VA, and Exxon-Mobil Corp. The new "stepped-deck" design of the ATLANTIC III builds on
what was learned through monitoring the operation of the parent design. It is capable of up accepting
up to 8,000 installed BHP, and a wide range of connection systems. "We are excited about working
with Bay Shipbuilding once more", said Hill. "We have a long association with Bay Ship, having built
the Great Lakes AT/B tug "DOROTHY ANN" with Bay. The barge portion of our Exxon-Mobil unit,
designed by CT Marine, was also built there. We know well, the high quality vessels that Bay's people
produce, and the level of integrity and fairness found in the yard's dealings with its' customers and
vendors. We see this as an honor, and we look forward to the ATLANTIC III design having the same
success as it's parent design continues to have." Penn Maritime is also a long-time client and we're
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
honored they will now have one of our new designs in their fleet.", said Hill. In the recent past, Ocean
Tug & Barge Engineering designed the INTERCON installation aboard Penn's first AT/B's built at
Halter Marine and Alabama Shipyard back in 1994. The firm engineered the tug and barge structures
on both the tug and barge into the designs presented by Halter Marine and Alabama Shipyard. Two
further units were built to the same engineering in the late 1990's. The firm has also converted two
other Penn units to Bludworth-type AT/B's, and handled other projects for Penn such as repowers and
tug and barge modifications.
Delivery: Bollinger Delivers the "New" Elsa Leigh
09/30 Bollinger Shipyards last month re-delivered the 254-ft. supply boat, Elsa Leigh, to Aries Marine
Corp., of Lafayette, La., which is the new name for the former Seacor Clipper following extensive
renovation at Bollinger's Morgan City shipyard. The new name is in honor of Elsa Leigh, the four yearold daughter of Courtney B. Ramsay, vice-president of Aries Marine. "This is the kind of project we
love," said Donald "Boysie" Bollinger, chairman and CEO of Bollinger. "Repair, conversion and
retrofitting boats has been a vital part of our business since my father founded the company in 1946
and jobs like this always present new challenges." Much of the work involved mechanical systems in
the hull and replacement of about 30 percent of the boat's steel. The vessel was brought up to ABS
DPS 1, FiFi1 and GMDSS Area 3 certification. Her two main EMD engines were removed and rebuilt
by NREC in Houma, La., who boosted their power from 1,250 hp each to 1,500 hp each. The boat's
old reverse/reduction gears were replaced with re-conditioned Falk gears to accommodate the higher
horsepower and her two drive shafts were re-conditioned at Bollinger. Elsa Leigh's Detroit Diesel
12V71 generator sets were "tuned up" and a Cummins KT-19 M3 700 hp diesel engine replaced the
existing Detroit Diesel bowthruster engine. That engine was re-conditioned and used to drive a fire
pump that serves two new 11,000 GPM Stang fire monitors that Bollinger added to the boat. Bollinger
also adapted the stern to accommodate a Schottel skeg thruster unit powered by a Cummins KT-19
M4 600 hp diesel engine. Two Cummins 6CT diesels were added to power new mud pumps and to
drive Quincy air compressors that deliver dry bulk drilling mud. Both dry and liquid drilling mud
systems were totally upgraded. Bill Purvis, marine superintendent for Aries and project manager said,
"Originally the vessel had dry mud tanks that were removed in the mid 1990's. We have installed four
new dry bulk tanks rated at 80 PSI, giving the vessel 6,000 cu. ft. capacity. "We also converted six
ballast tanks to hold liquid mud," said Purvis. "That, with the boat's four other liquid tanks gives Elsa
Leigh a capacity for 4,169 barrels of liquid product." Two new mud pumps powered by two Cummins
5CT engines were also installed. The pumps and their associated piping are two separate systems
permitting the boat to carry two different types of mud without contaminating the other. The double
pump system is also used for "mud swaps" in which the vessel delivers fresh mud to a rig and the rig
pumps the old mud back to the boat. Extensive changes were also made in the pilothouse with the
addition of an integrated electronics package manufactured by Engine Monitor, Inc., St. Rose, La. It
includes a dynamic positioning 1 system, a 96-point alarm, dry bulk controller and liquid mud mimic
panel, steering and engine controls and controls for the bow and stern thrusters.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 25
dd. 12 Oktober 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Cecrops (4,290 apk, 295/76) is door South Riding Port Holdings te Nassau verkocht aan Coloured Fin
Limited te Port of Spain op Trinidad. Opgeleverd op 2.10.03. De nieuwe naam zal TEMERAIRE
worden. (bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Seaway Queen, Oakglen Readied for Tandem Tow
10/04 Although an exact date has not been set, reports from Montreal indicate the Oakglen and
Seaway Queen are about ready to leave on their one-way trip to shipbreakers in India, perhaps by late
next week. The tug Seaways 5 has arrived in Montreal and will likely be the one to take the pair
overseas in a tandem tow. A second tug will likely be called in to help handle the trip as far as Les
Escoumins. If the vessels do leave together it will be reminiscent of the 1980s, when a purge of older
lakers saw many such tandem tows. Preparations for towing the Algosound off-lakes have yet to begin
so evidently she will be the last to leave. Meanwhile, a representative of the firm that will be scrapping
the retired Canadian lakers indicated that the company has yet to buy any U.S.-flag lakers. There are
reportedly at least four for sale. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
SmitWijs London Reports
Het is Zondag 05 oktober wanneer ik schrijf, en bevinden de Smitwijs London en De Da zich
nagenoeg ten noorden van de Vema Seamount in de zuid Atlantische oceaan, de P-43 ook natuurlijk,
alleen dan wel 1400 meter later dan wij. Afgelopen dinsdag passeerden we de breedte van Kaapstad,
ook wel Slaapstad genoemd door de zuid Afrikanen die niet in Kaapstad wonen, en stoomden we de
noord west in om op wat mindere zuiderbreedte terecht te komen, en uit de baan van de depressies
die zich om de zuid onophoudelijk lijken op te stellen in een tocht de oost in. Blijkbaar waren we net
iets te laat, na woensdag en donderdag een hele stille dag gehad te hebben voor wat het weer
aanging, kwamen we vrijdagavond in frontaal weer terecht, een hoop regen, en vooral een stevige
wind recht van voren, en nam die in de zaterdag ochtend toe totdat de wind meter het tot aan
windkracht negen wel genoeg vond, ook bouwde er nogal wat zee op, en moesten we genoegen
nemen met een snelheid van nog geen drie knopen en een situatie aan boord waarin alles wat tot nu
toe nog niet vast stond voor de dag kwam. De P-43 liet ons met regelmaat de oranje rode verflaag op
zijn onderwaterschip zien wanneer hij in de swell het water uit leek te willen komen, een magnifiek
gezicht wel om 337 meter schip zo in beweging te zien, maar wil je er tegelijkertijd ook weer niet te
lang naar kijken. Zaterdag avond begon het tegen middernacht dan toch allemaal al weer wat af te
nemen, hoewel we in een zware swell uit de zuidwest vandaan behoorlijk bleven slingeren, en heden
morgen klokken we toch al weer 5.2 mijl per uur terwijl de wind aan het krimpen is en inmiddels al niet
meer tegen werkt. Een beetje vertrouwen hebbende dat de snelheid nog wat hoger zal gaan worden
wanneer het weer stiller wordt, verwachten we zo rond de 25ste oktober te Rio de Janeiro aan te
komen, en zijn we dan 105 dagen op pad geweest, niet de langste reis, maar kijken we er toch wel
weer naar uit om bij Rio het "suiker brood" en die man in het wit op zijn rots te zien staan. We hebben
er sinds een aantal dagen een metgezel bij, een forse albatros die schijnbaar moeiteloos gebruik
makend van thermiek het spoor van ons kielzog afzoekt naar iets eetbaars, prachtig gezicht, vooral
wanneer hij, of zij, dicht bij komt en je jezelf af vraagt wat de spanwijdte van het dier wel niet is,
behoorlijk dus. We vissen ook nog steeds met een lijn die al weken meesleept aan een uithouder
buitenboord, maar er heeft nog niets willen bijten, jammer maar helaas voor onze Scheveninger die
inmiddels al buiten de deur te rade is gegaan om uit te vinden wat de truc is, we hebben stilletjes al
eens de gedachte gehad, buiten hem om natuurlijk, om er een blik tonijn aan te haken, maar zou dat
misschien na zo lang wel iets te veel emotie worden voor een vrije zondag. Dat was hij dan weer voor
vandaag, ik hoop dat ik volgende week kan schrijven dat we buiten kunnen zitten. Aan alle de beste
wensen vanaf een frisse zuid Atlantische oceaan, en tot de volgende episode. (Bron: kapitein Gerrit
First 'toxic ships' set sail for UK. The ships are currently in the James River in Virginia. The first two
vessels in a so-called toxic "ghost fleet" of former US Navy ships set sail for Britain on Monday night
after weeks of protests by environmentalists. A last-minute court bid to prevent all 13 chemicalcontaminated ships leaving dock in Virginia, bound for Teesside, failed last week. The two vessels, the
auxiliary oil tankers Canisteo and the Caloosahatchee, were due to leave at 2200 BST on Monday on
the three week journey to the north-east of England. Six tugs will be needed to accompanied the ships
to the Atlantic Ocean. From there, one large ocean-going tug will tow them to the Able UK yard in
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Hartlepool, where they will be scrapped. Two more of the obsolete ships are free to leave at any time.
Another nine are being held in port while a court battle between the US Maritime Administration and
American environmental groups goes on in Washington DC. The vessels are between 40 and 50years-old and contaminated with chemicals including PCBs, asbestos and heavy diesel.
THE GHOST FLEET: USS Canisteo; USS Caloosahatchee; USS Mormacmoon; USS
Mormacwave; USS Santa Cruz; USS Santa Isabel; USS Rigel; USS Compass Island; USS
Campaigners vow to fight. Campaigners claim that the ships could break-up during the journey,
causing an environmental catastrophe. Friends of the Earth said it would seek a judicial review in the
High Court in London into the decision by the Environment Agency to extend Able UK's waste
management licence, to facilitate all 13 ships. The group's director, Tony Juniper, said: "Unless the
Environment Agency revokes or justifies its decision, we will seek judicial review. "We are extremely
disappointed with UK authorities, including the Environment Agency, English Nature and the
Coastguard, for agreeing to allow these boats to come to Teesside. "Their ghost fleet decision may
come back to haunt them. "These toxic ships should be disposed of in the US, and not sent on a
hazardous cross-Atlantic voyage to be dumped on the North East." Despite the objections Able UK
has stated that the vessels, which have been at anchor in James River, Virginia, are safe to make the
journey. The claim was supported by US authorities and the Environment Agency. The contract is
worth £16m to the company and will create about 200 jobs. Able UK has accused environmental
groups of "scaremongering". US environmental group the Basel Action Network (BAN), said the first
two ships contain more than 68 tonnes of toxic PCBs as well as over 120 tons of asbestos. The
network joined the Sierra Club in applying for the emergency restraining order against the ships'
departure at the Federal District Court for the district of Columbia in Washington last week. The
application was upheld in part, meaning four ships could sail immediately, but nine more could only
depart if approved by a the court following a hearing on 20 October. (Bron: BBC\037)
Everlast Docked after Engine Room Fire
10/09 The tug Everlast anchored in the navigation channel below the Iroquois Lock on Tuesday
morning after fire broke out in its engine room. Navigation through the channel was suspended as the
tug Robinson Bay was en route to move the Everlast out of the channel. About noon on Wednesday
the Robinson Bay and Everlast / Norman McCloud arrived below the Iroquois Lock, tying up at the
lower emergency tie wall. Once secured the Robby Bay departed for Eisenhower Lock. Preliminary
reports said a fuel line burst but the fire is now blamed on electrical wiring in the engine control
system. At the time of the fire the tug was approaching the lock. Crew members reportedly were on
deck when the fire broke out so no one was injured. The captain activated the carbon dioxide fire
extinguisher to douse the flames. Repairs are expected to take several days.
Everlast Repairs
10/10 The tug Everlast and the barge Norman McLeod will be taken to Hamilton under tow of a McKeil
tug after the Everlast suffered an engine room fire Wednesday. Once in Hamilton the tug Everlast will
be dropped off for repairs and the McKeil tug will then continue with the barge Norman McLeod to
Detroit to load for Valleyfield, Quebec.
Everlast Tow to Depart Saturday Morning
10/11 The tug Everlast and barge Norman McLeod are expected to depart the Iroquois Lock Saturday
about 6 a.m. The pair will leave under tow of the tugs Carrol C and Bonny B. The tow is expected to
go to Port Weller where repairs will be completed. The Carrol C and Bonny B. are expected to
continue upbound with the barge for Windsor, Ontario. A replacement tug for the Everlast hasn't been
chosen but it will be a tug owned by Mc Keil. It is unknown how long it will take to repair the damaged
areas of the Everlast's engine room.
Everlast tow Departs
10/12 The tug Everlast and barge Norman McLeod departed the Iroquois Lock under tow Saturday
about 10:35 a.m. The tug and barge were towed by the tugs Carrol C and Bonny B. The tow's
departure was delayed by fog in the area. The tow is expected to go to Port Weller where repairs will
be completed. The Carrol C and Bonny B. are expected to continue upbound with the barge
for Windsor, Ontario. Arrival time at Port Weller is estimated for early Monday morning. The actual
time will depend on the weather conditions, fog or heavy weather on Lake Ontario could force them to
stop. A replacement tug for the Everlast hasn't been chosen but it will be a tug owned by Mc Keil. It is
unknown how long it will take to repair the damaged areas of the Everlast's engine room. (Bron: Jan
van der Doe)
Keewatin Returns to Wallaceburg
10/09 The Husky Marine tug Keewatin and barge Sand Merchant arrived in Wallaceburg, late
Wednesday, Oct. 8 to offload a second cargo of gravel at the Southwestern Sales Dock. According to
the company salesperson, Southwestern is contracted to bring 60,000 tonnes of gravel to
Wallaceburg, although it may not be possible to fulfill the agreement before the conclusion of the
shipping season. The tug and combination exited the St. Clair River at Port Lambton, ON. on
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Wednesday afternoon and transited the very twisty Chenal Ecarte and then into the Sydenham River
for the three hour trip to Wallaceburg. Capt. Gerry Peats of Peats Marine Construction of Port
Lambton, provided escort and cornering assistance with his tug Tammy Lynn through the very narrow
turns and confines of the waterway. It is interesting to note the channel turning basin, about one half
km from the offloading site is utilized to turn the tug and barge for the return trip. Departure was at
daybreak this morning with the third Wallaceburg arrival expected to be sometime on Saturday
October 11th. The Keewatin is registered out of Hay River, Northwest Territories. Since there has
been little commercial shipping in Wallaceburg since 1987, the present gravel offloading is drawing a
number of interested spectators. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Back to Back Trips for the Shannon
10/11 Gaelic Tugboat Company's tug Shannon has been assigned the outside towing work formerly
designated to the tug Roger Stahl. The Shannon arrived in Detroit early Friday morning from White
Lake with two construction barges for the Faust Corporation, a lakes wide marine construction and
dredging company. The tug was quickly resupplied and fueled, and promptly headed back to
Muskegon to pick up two more barges for Faust to be delivered to Detroit. The tug is under the
command of Captain John Wellington, with Gaelic fleet engineer Jim Storen supervising the operation
of the tug's 2,000 hp Caterpillar power plant. Photos are being taken by other crew members which
will be posted upon the return of the tug to Detroit. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
SmitWijs London Reports
De laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarst, en na 88 dagen op zee met de P-43 dachten we dat we het
ergste wel gehad hadden en we op 22 graden zuid het weer aan onze kant zouden hebben, dat mocht
dus niet zo zijn, de weer faxen die we van het "Suid Afrikaanse Weerburo" (geen spel fout van mijn
kant) ontvingen, projecteerden ons in een sterk hoge druk gebied, en hoewel het geschreven
weerbericht daarbij niet verder kwam dan een windkracht 6-7, werden we nogal onaangenaam verrast
toen de wind twee dagen geleden aan trok tot 8, en er vooral nogal wat swell begon door te staan
vanuit de zuid, die gisteren ochtend op bouwde tot een dikke tien meter hoog. Voor het ronden van de
Kaap was het alsof we verwachtten dat we daar wel eens het slechte weer in konden verdagen, maar
hebben we daar, ook al was het dan wel even slecht geweest, nog aardig door kunnen zetten met ons
gevolg, en dat was de laatste twee dagen wel even anders toen we genoegen moesten nemen met
een snelheid de west in van onder de drie mijl per uur, en was het vooral slingeren geblazen, hetgeen
ook die P-43 behoorlijk deed, waarbij het de tonnen meter op de sleeplier was waar je eigenlijk liever
niet naar keek wanneer de digitaal weergegeven waardes op momenten de bloeddruk lieten
stijgen. Vandaag, 11-10, is de top van het slechte er af, en zakt de swell ook langzaam maar zeker in
elkaar, maar nog belangrijker is dat we weer wat snelheid maken, en hoewel we vanwege het weer
dan wel een dag vertraging hebben opgelopen, verwachten we toch om zo rond de 26ste van deze
maand te Rio de Janeiro aan te komen, en waar de reis op momenten eindeloos leek te duren, is het
alsof we nu in een stroomversnelling terecht komen, niet dat we zo snel vooruit komen, maar gaan
alle perikelen rond aankomst spelen met berichten en plannen over en weer, en vliegen de dagen nu
voorbij. Geen schade opgelopen gelukkig in het slechte weer, alleen vanmiddag ons toetje na het eten
gemist, dat ging op het zeetje, samen met het glaswerk waar het in opgediend zou worden over de
vloer van de kombuis, jammer dus, maar geen nood, een inventieve kok aan boord, en stond er al
snel een platte schaal met peren op tafel, alleen jammer dat die nogal rond van vorm zijn, en dat rolt
makkelijk natuurlijk. Nog steeds geen vis van de lijn van Kees junior, we weten eigenlijk ook niet of er
nog naar omgekeken wordt, hij sleept nog wel steeds met ons mee, die lijn dan, maar bijt er niets, of
dat nog komt? Wij denken van niet, maar goed, niet geschoten is altijd mis, en wat dat aangaat heeft
junior het geduld van een echte visser. Nou, veel meer is er momenteel niet te melden, het wordt
allemaal steeds rustiger, en slingeren we al een stuk aangenamer, de volle maan verlicht de zee, zo
af en toe onderbroken door een zwaar pak wolken, en als het weerbericht gelijk krijgt dan wordt het
steeds mooier vanaf nu tot zo ver als dat ze bij de meteorologische dienst vooruit kunnen kijken, en
dat zou niet slecht uitkomen, dan kunnen we wat we aan afstand over de laatste twee dagen
ingeleverd hebben misschien nog inhalen, en deze reis dan misschien toch nog eens buiten een
bakkie doen zonder dat je daarbij je zuidwester op moet zetten, dat had nog niet zo erg geweest,
maar de wind kwam uit het zuidoosten, pech alom. Voor allen de beste wensen vanaf de Smitwijs
London, en tot de volgende keer. (Bron: kapitein Gerrit Verschoor)
Kleven to complete PSV/Standby vessel for OH Meling
Kleven Verft in Norway has won a contract for a PSV/standby vessel for OH Meling. In a recent issue
of its Daily Newbuilding News, Fairplay said the value of the contract is about US$20 million. The hull
has already been built, in Malta, and it is currently being transported to the yard in Ulsteinvik, Norway.
The Norwegian shipbuilder has taken over the hull from Havtrade AS with delivery scheduled for
January 2004. (Bron: Shipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
More details on Trico’s Brazilian deal
Seabrokers has provided more details about the sale of Trico Offshore Ltda (Brazil) to Norskan
Offshore Ltda, the 50/50 joint venture between District Offshore and Solstad Shipping. In the latest
issue of Seabrokers’s monthly Seabreeze, the broker noted that under the agreement Norskan will
take control of Trico’s Brazil’s only asset being the AHTS UT722L that currently under construction at
the Eisa Yard in Brazil. This will bring to three the number of vessels under Norskan’s control, the
other two being the PSV UT755L Norskan Flamengo, which is on contract for four years to Petrobras,
and the PSV UT755L Norskan Leblon, which is due to deliver ex Estaleiro in early 2004. The company
will have an eight-year contract for the AHTS vessel wihr Petrobras for anchor handling work in deep
water on the brazilian Continental Shelf. (Bron: Shipping News)
Active Princess leaves Norway
Norwagian shipyard Aker Brattvaag delivered a UT755L, Active Princess, to its new owners Active
Venture K/S (a limited partnership company owned by J.Hagenaes Shipping) early October.
Seabrokers says the vessel was originally commissioned by Sea Truck Shipping but was sold about a
year ago. Upon delivery the vessel will begin an immediate three year plus two year option bare boat
charter to Seabulk International, who will rename it Seabulk Asia. It is unclear at the time of writing if
the vessel will trade the Far East or West Africa. (Bron: Shipping News)
Farstad takes delivery of Melinda
Farstad’s latest newbuild Multi Purpose UT755L Lady Melinda was delivered last month. The vessel
was built at Aker Brattvaag’s brevik yard in Norway and set sail to join Farstad’s Australasian fleet
where currently it is uncommitted. Brokers Seabrokers says it believes the UT755L variant is an
unique design, as aclose study of the owner’s preliminary specification reveals that the vessel comes
equipped with a 150 tonnes pull double drum winch producing a bollard pull of 80 tonnes. To allow
room for the winchws, the designers ‘borrowed’ circa 80 m2 in deck space from a standard UT755L,
meaning the vessel now has only 600 m2 clear deck space. (Bron: Shipping News)
Op 9 november 2003 worden de jaarlijkse koopvaardijdiensten gehouden. Deze diensten zijn een uur
van bezinning, gebed en ontmoeting van de gehele koopvaardijgemeenschap, zeevarenden,
gezinsleden en gepensioneerden. Ook degene die zich met de zeevaart en de christelijke
gemeenschap verbonden voelen kunne vanzelfsprekend deze diensten bijwonen.
De diensten worden gehouden in:
16.00 uur
16.00 uur
15.30 uur
Sint Laurenskerk
Oude Boteringsestraat
Grote Kerkplein
Prins Hendrikkade
N alle plaatsen is op deze datum koopzondag, het is daarom aan te raden met het openbaar vervoer
te reizen. De collecte tijdens de diensten is bestemd voor Kerstfeest op Zee en van harte bij u
aanbevolen. Giro: 569309 t.n.v. Kerstfeest op Zee. Rotterdam
Voith Turbo BV
Since October 1 st, 2003, all Marine activities have been incorporated into the Corporate Division
"Power Transmission" of Voith AG - Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG, Heidenheim. In future, the company
will be trading under the name Voith Turbo Marine GmbH & Co. KG.
Responsible Distribution company for the Netherlands will be :
Voith Turbo B.V.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 26
dd. 20 Oktober 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
De SURF sleepboot PYRRHOS is op weg van Afrika naar Rotterdam. De sleepboot gaat terug naar
haar bouwwerf Damen om te worden gemodificeerd voordat ze voor 'Les Abeilles Dunkerque' in
Duinkerken gaat werken. Bij 'Les Abeilles Boulogne' krimpt de vloot van twee sleepboten naar één
vanaf januari 2004, omdat de fabriek van Comilog dan de deuren sluit. Zowat 70% van de
sleepbootactiviteiten in de haven van Bonen zijn met Comilog verbonden. De haven van Bonen heeft
in 2002 reeds een verlies van overslag van cement, hout, meel en diepgevroren vis te verwerken en
het aantal van sleepbootbewegingen zijn vorig jaar reeds naar 256 gedaald tegenover 1,884 in 2001.
De BOULONNAIS blijft en de RABLÉ werd verkocht. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
De Burcht zal volgens berichten voor de sloop worden verkocht, omdat het te duur wordt de sleepboot
weer te herstellen en de eerste van de vier in Spanje bestelde sleepboten in september van volgend
jaar verwacht worden. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
SBS Stratus
SBS Marine are scheduled to take delivery of the medium sized PSV ‘SBS Stratus’ (VS470mkII) at the
beginning of November from Karmsund shipyard. She is the sister of the earlier this year delivered
‘SBS Nimbus’.
Skandi Caledonia
DOF are scheduled to take delivery of the large PSV ‘Skandi Caledonia’ (MT6000) in the second half
of November from the Myklebust shipyard.
Seabulk Asia
Seabulk International continue to secure newbuilding tonnage and modernise their fleet. They have
recently bareboated a UT755L. which recently delivered from the Brattvaag shipyard in Norway, from
Hagenaes for five years. The vessel has been renamed the ‘Seabulk Asia’
Seabulk South Atlantic
Also bareboated recently a medium sized anchorhandler UT710 design from Norwegian based TFDS
for five years and renemed ‘Seabulk South Atlantic.
Anglian Earl
Lowestoft based Klyne Tugs have agreed to purchase the 1987 built anchor handler ‘Maersk Logger’
(12000bhp), which is currently trading the North Sea spot market, for an undisclosed sum. Handover
will take place in the next month or so and the vessel will be renamed the ‘Anglian Earl’
Sam S. Allgood
Gulf Offshore handed over the ‘Monarch Bay’ to Tidewater and renamed her Sam S.Allgood.
William R. Croyle
Gulf Offshore handed over the ‘Leopard Bay’ to Tidewater and renamed her William R.Croyle.
William E. Bright
Gulf Offshore handed over the ‘Mercury Bay’ to Tidewater and renamed her William E.Bright.
Stevns Power
The Danish ‘Stevns Power’ which was working offshore Nigeria was lost Sunday afternoon, the anchor
handler was running anchors for a pipelay barge 9.3 km offshore, when is suddenly capsized and
sank within 30 minutes, the owner of the vessel reported today that the 11 crew was lost (3 Danish, 6
Filipinos and 2 Congolese crewmembers), a Maersk anchor handler in the area responded very fast
but was to late to assist. The Maersk vessel reported the accident to the owner of the vessel Nordane
Shipping in Svendborg.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Everlast Tow
10/13 The tugs Carrol C. and Bonny B. were expected to arrive at Port Weller shortly after mid night
with the tug Everlast and barge Norman McLeod in tow. The tugs planned to leave the Everlast at Port
Weller and continue on to Windsor with the barge Norman McLeod. The Everlast will be repaired at
Port Weller Dry Docks while another tug take takes over pushing the barge Norman McLeod.
Everlast Reaches Port Weller, Barge Reaches Windsor
10/15 On Monday the tow of the Everlast and barge Norman McLeod reached Port Weller and the tug
Everlast was moved into the deep dry dock, facing out to the canal. It is believed that the tug was put
in dry dock due to lack of space at the fit out wall and the dock will not be drained. The Everlast
suffered an engine room fire last week and will have an extended stay at Port Weller while repairs are
made. The barge Norman McLeod continued upbound for Windsor under tow of the tug Carrol C. The
barge arrived Tuesday night with the tugs Carrol C. and Tony McKay assisting it into the North Slip at
the Morterm Dock. The McLeod is expected to resume trading being pushed by the Tony McKay until
repairs are complete on the Everlast. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Keewatin Returns
10/13 The tug Keewatin and barge Stone Merchant arrived in Wallaceburg at 10:15 a.m. to offload the
third of an expected 15 loads of crushed stone from the Cedarville, Michigan quarry. Entering the
Chenal Ecarte at Port Lambton at 7:30 a.m., escorted by the Lambton Marine tug Tammy Lynn, the
combination eased smoothly through the Walpole Island Bridge at 8:10 a.m. during her inbound trip
while experiencing a brisk northwest wind. A minor mishap occurred as they entered the Sydenham
River near the junction of the East Passage when the Keewatin hit some underwater obstruction,
possibly a log. However this did not deter her continued passage to the Southwestern Sales dock.
Company official Bob Tulloch is pleased with the results of the contract thus far indicating in all
likelihood the Southestern Sales Wallaceburg dock will continue to be busy next season as well. It is
reported another tug may be acquired by Husky Marine to augment the new route. As word of the
Keewatin's arrivals spread across Chatham-Kent and area more interested observers are attracted to
the site, many remembering when arrival of bulkers and package freighters was a common sight on
the Wallaceburg waterfront. The Keewatin and Sand Merchant were expected to depart at daybreak
on Monday.
Keewatin Returns
10/19 The tug Keewatin and barge Sand Merchant arrived in Wallaceburg Oct.18 to unload the 4th
cargo of gravel for Southwestern Sales Co. The duo had been delayed while repairs to the Keewatin's
rudder and props were undertaken at Sarnia. It is reported that possibly some underwater obstruction
had caused the minor damage necessitating the remedial work. With other work commitments in the
Chicago area, it is anticipated the Keewatin and Sand Merchant will not return to Wallaceburg with
load five for approximately ten days. Departure from Wallaceburg came this morning escorted
by the Lambton Marine tug Debbie Lynn. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Kotug Prepares Organization for Further Growth
10/14/ Kotug International B.V, the well known provider of harbour towage services in Rotterdam
Hamburg and Bremerhaven, have announced the appointment of two professionals to join its team. Mr
Dorus Knegtel, a director of the company will be responsible for strategic issues and Business
Development. Quality and safety of the operations will also fall under his direction. Mr Kommer Tanis,
as a member of the management team, will coordinate the salvage and offshore operations of the
group and give nautical/technical and operational support in Business Development. “These
appointments underline the commitment of the shareholders to pursue growth of the activities, while
consolidating and optimising the present successful operations”, says Ard-Jan Kooren, president of
the group. New developments in terminal- and ship escort services require innovative solutions for
ever more complicated tugboats. The experience of the development of the Rotor propulsion principle
can be made available to customers in tailor made proposals, dedicated to provide a safe and efficient
marine service for the terminal operator. Changing regulations and legislation in respect of port
operations and security create new opportunities for dedicated port services. “The customer is
requiring an adapted attitude when assisting his ship. It will put more pressure on the conventional
structures of harbour towage operators and concessionaires”, explains Ard-Jan. Mr Tanis has the
ideal c/v for his new position. After a career as an engineer sailing on large tugs and supply vessels,
he was involved as a senior surveyor and consultant in many complicated marine projects in the field
of salvage, environment control, security and safety. Dorus Knegtel has held management positions
with other well-known Dutch towage companies and lastly was Divisional Director Harbour Towage
with Smit. “His international commercial experience shall complement the already existing relations
with our global customers”, adds Ard-Jan, who succeeded his father last year as president of the
group. The present Kotug fleet of more than 20 tugboats is predominantly dedicated to harbour
towage. They also maintain an active position in the offshore market , thanks to the versatility and
power of the four Rotor tugs stationed in Rotterdam and Bremerhaven. “With this reinforcement of our
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
organisation, we trust we shall be able to increase our portfolio of contracts and expand our fleet with
dedicated new buildings”, Mr Kooren concludes. (Bron: Rob Janse)
Tucker Refloated
10/15 The grounded brine tanker Capt. Ralph Tucker was freed Tuesday afternoon after grounding on
lower Lake St. Clair due to a power failure on Monday night. The McKeil tug Tony McKay and the
Gaelic tug Carolyn Hoey arrived on scene about 10:15 a.m. Tuesday morning and took up station
awaiting word from the Coast Guard. The Tucker was given permission to discharged part of her brine
cargo from her two bow tanks over the side. The small amount of cargo (salt water) was harmlessly
diluted in the lake and posed no threat to the environment. The cargo transfer gave the Tucker a few
more inches of freeboard and helped lift her from the muddy bottom. At 12:40 p.m. the Coast Guard
cleared the Tucker to begin refloating operations, by 2 p.m. the Tucker was freed and proceeding
downbound to the Morterm Dock in Windsor where electricians would continue to work on the
generator that caused the outage. An excellent job was done by Capt. Seymour and the crew of the
Tucker in avoiding a potentially hazardous situation. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
River helps U.S. get down to business
Towboats and barges aren't so elegant or romantic as steamboats, but they keep Ohio River
commerce thriving. Unless you live along the river, you might not be aware of how commercialized it
is. Some 280 million tons of cargo move up and down the river each year. Coal is by far the biggest
commodity aboard strings of barges that are pushed -- not towed, despite the name -- by towboats.
About 160 million tons of coal, most headed for power plants, travel annually on the 981-mile long
river. Other major products transported on the river each year include 20 million tons of petroleum, 18
million tons of farm produce, 13 million tons of manufactured goods and 10 million tons of chemicals.
To get an idea of just how much cargo the river carries, it would take 240 rail cars or 900 trucks to haul
what one string of 15 barges holds. Barges pushed by diesel-burning towboats are also fuel efficient.
While one gallon of fuel can move one ton of cargo 59 miles by truck or 386 miles by rail, it can move
it 522 miles by barge. River transportation also has fewer accidents than any other type of commercial
transportation. The major drawback is speed. Averaging just 4 miles an hour, a barge can go only
about 100 miles a day, meaning it can take weeks to do what trucks and trains do in days. If
something absolutely, positively doesn't have to get there tomorrow, barges generally can be counted
on to stay on schedule. "Our industry has a tradition of getting the job done and doing it quietly
and efficiently," said Stephen Little, president of the Crounse Corp. of Paducah, Ky., an 800-barge,
coal-transporting company. "Because of geography, we're pretty much out of sight to many people.
But river transportation is critical." Without barges, all cargo transported on the river would have to be
handled by trucks or trains, noted Peter Stephaich, chairman of Campbell Transportation Co., a
Pittsburgh-based barge firm. "And that would create a lot more highway congestion than we have
now." A constant gripe in the barge industry is that the federal government isn't doing its part to
upgrade the system of locks and dams that keeps the Ohio River navigable. The industry splits the
cost of improvements and replacements 50-50 with the federal government. Barge companies pay a
20-cent per gallon tax on fuel which goes into a trust fund. There's now about $400 million in the trust
fund, and the industry wants a big chunk of it spent to replace deteriorating locks and dams. "But it's a
continuous fight with Congress and the administration to get the government to come up with its part
of the money so that it can be spent," said Little. Stephaich said that, because the barge industry is
relatively small and because the public is generally unaware of what it does, people don't put
much pressure on Congress to match the barge industry's contributions and spend the trust fund
money. "Unfortunately," he said, "barges don't vote." (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
SvitzerWijsmuller wins two new LNG terminal contracts
Two new LNG terminal towage contracts are awarded to SvitzerWijsmuller. One contract is with Shell
in India and one is with Egyptian LNG in Egypt. SvitzerWijsmuller currently operates at 6 LNG
terminals and in 2002 performed safely more than 1000 succesful taker bertings and unbertings.
SvitzerWijsmuller will start up another 2 LNG terminals in 2005. (Bron: Shipping News)
Tug order angers French yards
RUMOURS that an order for two deep-sea tugs to replace the Abeille Flandre and Abeille Languedoc
could be placed in Norway rather than in France has angered two French shipyards, which had been
confident in securing the business. Cherbourg-based Constructions Mecaniques de Normandie (CMN)
and Concarneau-based Chantiers Piriou are furious about the possibility, after working on the project
for more than five years. Union representatives at CMN said the new tugs would be operated by a
French company, Les Abeilles, in Cherbourg and Brest, where the shipyards need to be supported to
remain alive. "Saving lives at sea is a noble objective but what about the 500 employees of CMN who
could lose their jobs in the near future if no new orders are obtained?" one union leader asked. It is
reported that Norway is able to build these two tugs €3M ($3.5M) cheaper than the two French yards.
"We are prepared to revise our prices downards but not to such an extent," CMN managers said,
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
adding that they would request help from the state to secure the order. CMN's order book has
dwindled and the yard must secure orders soon to avoid redundancies. (Bron: Leen v.d. Meijden)
Seaway Queen
10/19 The Seaway Queen tow with tugs Progress and Vigilant 1 departed Montreal Friday evening
after a long delay created by inspector's clearance and downbound traffic in the port, which included
the passenger liner Rotterdam. Originally set to leave at about 15:30, the tow didn't depart until 18:45
and it wasn't before 21:00 that the convoy proceeded downriver. The Oakglen tow, with tugs Seaways
5 and Lac Vancouver, which were set to leave about 4 p.m. Friday, actually departed much later, at
about 22:30. The retired lakers are bound for Quebec City, where the two tows will be joined as one
for their trip to the scrap yard at Alang, India. The Seaway Queen, built in 1959 and operated by the
Upper Lakes Group, has been laid up in Toronto since 1999. Oakglen, built in 1954, last operated in
2002 for Canada Steamship Lines. Remaining in Montreal harbor and awaiting her eventual scrap tow
is the retired Algoma Central Marine steamer Algosound. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Ocean Hercules Reports
Ocean Hercules momenteel in charter voor Talisman Energy als accommodatie schip voor een
mannetje of 50 offshore constructie werkers voor hook-up van het BR-D platform offshore Maleisie.
Charter loopt tot eind november, waarna het schip in dok moet, misschien eerder aangezien de
moesson vandaag of morgen wel zal arriveren en dan houdt het een beetje op met de transfer ‘s
morgens en ‘s avonds van de mensen per basket. (Bron: W. v.d.Kort)
SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports towing Bonga
Hallo allemaal, Vorige zaterdagavond aan boord gekomen, het was even zoeken naar de Rotterdam,
want de chauffeur wist absoluut niet waar ze lag. Uiteindelijk via een bezoekje aan de Far Saltire toch
nog aan boord beland. Zondag gelijk een simulatie met het vertrek van de Tyne meegemaakt.
Maandag op de Bonga gekeken, indrukwekkend en vervolgens veel vergaderingen over het
aanstaande vertrek naar Nigeria. De eerste uitvaar poging op de 17e werd de nek omgedraaid door
de loods, er zou bij vertrek niet genoeg daglicht zijn. De tweede poging op de 18e werd door een
weerbericht van 35/40 knoop om zeep geholpen. Dit weerbericht werd later op de avond van de 17e
wat afgezwakt, maar vertrek werd toch uitgesteld. Drie keer is scheepsrecht dus gaan we morgen wel.
Er wordt wel wat meer wind verwacht als de laatste dagen hier, maar dat schijnt van zeer korte duur te
zijn en het was de afgelopen week ook wel heel erg mooi en rustig weer. Morgen tegen de avond
hopen we onder leiding van Fairmount en de Far Saltire als midden sleepboot en de Wolraad aan sb
en wij aan bb op weg te zijn richting Doggersbank. Niet naar Nigeria via de Canariese eilandjes, maar
nu naar Setubal, of eventueel Gibraltar, daar moet nog wat aan de Bonga gesleuteld worden, de
schatting is een week of 4-6. Er was ook in eerste instantie nog gedacht aan Lissabon, maar daar kan
de Bonga niet onder de brug door en die kan niet omhoog. Voor het stukje varen naar buiten zijn ook
twee Koren bootjes ingehuurd, de RT Magic en de RT Spirit en op die laatste zit de voor ons wel
bekende Jan Kleijwegt (oud kapitein Smit red.) groeten van hem aan alle bekenden. De Magic blijft tot
voorbij Straat Dover als 'wegjaag' bootje bij ons. (Bron: kapitein Smitwijs Rotterdam)
SmitWijs London Reports towing P-43
Zaterdag 18 oktober, en inmiddels dag 99 op pad met de P-43, na de update van vorige keer hebben
we een redelijk rustige week achter de rug met een briesje van achteren in, en de snelheid zo rond de
6 knopen, en dus inmiddels aardig opgeschoten richting Rio, vandaag een wat mindere dag, winderig
uit de west vandaan met 6-7, maar verder niet veel aan de hand, hoewel de snelheid wat te leiden
heeft van de tegen wind, en de run vanavond een tegenvaller wordt met een gemiddelde van onder de
vijf mijl, maar goed, erg veel maakt dat momenteel niet meer uit met nog maar een kleine week te
gaan. Hoewel we dan nog zo'n 500 mijl oost van Rio zitten, is het de bedoeling dat we dinsdag
gezelschap krijgen van een support schip dat personeel op de P-43 zal gaan afzetten dat het
ontballasten van ons gevolg ter hand zal gaan nemen zodat hij in ieder geval qua diepgang Rio kan
aanlopen, momenteel ligt hij op 10.5 meter, en dat moeten er 6.2 maximaal worden, hetgeen gelijk
staat met het weg pompen van een slordige 75000 ton ballast, maar goed, ze hebben drie dagen de
tijd om dat voor elkaar te krijgen, en wanneer alles na de oversteek nog gangbaar is, moet dat geen
probleem zijn, denken wij. Afijn, met een beetje mazzel kunnen we de 26e zo'n beetje de lichten van
Rio zien, en verwachten we dat we de 27ste een schot lucht ter afscheid door de hoorn kunnen laten
gaan, en dan is het ook wel weer eens mooi geweest, iedereen is nog net zo wit als toen we aan de
reis begonnen, weinig mooi weer gehad tot nu toe, en hoewel we al enige dagen op de breedte van
Rio zitten, wil de temperatuur nog niet echt aangenaam worden, bij tijden is het nog gewoon fris, en
blijft het maar bewolkt, een tegenvaller voor de stagiaires, weinig ster bestekjes in de kaart, maar
goed, de GPS bied uitkomst in deze. Inmiddels beginnen ook de aflos kriebels te komen, en zijn er
inmiddels tien man die bij aankomst Rio aan hun tijd zijn, een hele ploeg om er zo in een keer af te
gaan, en een beetje sneu voor die paar man die nog mee de reis op moeten, maar, "such is life", zoals
de Fransen zeggen, en kunnen de achterblijvers ook al af gaan tellen naar de volgende haven. Nog
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
steeds geen vis van de lijn van Kees junior, oeps, een beetje pijnlijk voor een visser, weken lang hing
die lijn mee te slepen, en schreef ik verleden week al dat er niet veel meer naar omgekeken werd door
onze visserman, stuurman 1 dacht er wel aan, die vond het van de week tijd om die lijn maar eens
aan dek te halen, en toen het einde van de 320 meter aan dek kwam bleek het een loze tamp te zijn,
geen haak of niets er meer aan, en dus ook geen vis, hetgeen overigens wel weer ruimte bood voor
speculatie, hoe groot zou hij geweest zijn, wanneer had hij er aan gezeten, en hoe lang, de geleerden
zijn het er niet helemaal over eens, maar houden we het er voorlopig maar op dat die haak er gewoon
afgeschavield is, want de uithouder was nog in takt, en een vis groot genoeg om de lijn te breken had
ook daar wel wat schade aangericht, frustratie natuurlijk, en dat zal dan wel de reden zijn dat alle
visspullen inmiddels zijn opgeborgen, nou ja, met nog een kleine week te gaan zullen we wel geen
honger lijden zonder vis van junior, Nou, dat was hij voor vandaag, het zal de volgende week rond
deze tijd wel wat hectisch zijn, en denk ik dat dit de laatste episode van de P-43 reis is, dus wens ik
een ieder van u het allerbeste, en misschien op naar de volgende klus. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs
Two More Ships Depart James River Fleet
10/20/03 The U.S. Department of Transportation issued a Press Release stating that the Canopus and
the Compass Island were towed from the James River Reserve Fleet to be dismantled in Teesside,
UK. So far this year, the Maritime Administration (MARAD) has awarded contracts for removal of 23
ships, with some to be dismantled in the United States. (Source: HK LaM)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 27
dd. 26 Oktober 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Candy Explorer 1254/99 – supply. By Candy Cap; USA to Hornbeck Offshore Service and renamed
HOS Explorer
Candy Express 454/98 – supply. By Candy Cap; USA to Hornbeck Offshore Service and renamed
HOS Express
Candy Pioneer 1255/00 – supply. By Candy Cap; USA to Hornbeck Offshore Service and renamed
HOS Pioneer
Candy Trader 454/97 – supply. By Candy Cap; USA to Hornbeck Offshore Service and renamed
HOS Trader
Candy Voyager 454/98 – supply. By Candy Cap; USA to Hornbeck Offshore Service and renamed
HOS Voyager
Dogancy III 224/01 – tug. By Sanmar, Turkey to Tamara Shipping, Gibraltar and renamed Tamara I.
Geronimo Two 447/75 – tug. By Keppel Smit Transpacific; Philippines to Coloured Fin; Trinidad &
Tabacco and renamed Theseus
Marseillais 15 264/72 – tug. By Compagnie Chambon; France to Purplewater Towing Ltd, UK and
renamed Tigrillo
Neptun 6 175/99 – supply. By Neptun Marine Service BV, Netherlands to Stemat BV, Netherlands
and renamed Rebecca S.
Reya 535/73 – tug. By Reya Shipping Co. Ltd Panama to Oceanic Z.Maritime Inc. Panama and
renamed Stratos Z
Thunderer 290/70 – tug. By Irish Tugs Ltd to Time Pot Ltd. UK and renamed Iron Bull
Towing Diamond 786/93 – tug. By TSA Tugs Ltd; St Vincent & Grenadines to Accurate Investments
Ltd; St Vincent & Grenadines and renamed Diamond 1
Stirling Esk. Renamed Putford Crusader.
Maersk Logger is door Maersk Supply Service verkocht aan Klyne Tugs (Lowestoft) Ltd. Een nieuwe
naam was nog niet bekend, maar in de wandelgangen waart de naam Anglian Duke rond.
Stevns Power
A DANISH off-shore oil service vessel has sunk in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Nigeria with the
loss of all 11 sailors on board, rescue officials and the ship's operator said today. The Stevns Power
went down today 50 nautical miles off the southern Nigerian oil city of Port Harcourt with six Filipinos,
three Danes and two Congolese aboard, Danish state television reported. A spokesman for Nigeria's
National Maritime Authority, Ilyasu Dhacko, said three search and rescue vessels had set off to the
scene of the sinking. "It's been confirmed, it happened, the rescue crews have not reported in yet," he
said. Dhacko was unable to confirm the death toll. Nigerian navy spokesman Captain Sinefi
Hungiapuko said Port Harcourt's naval base had also sent out a search party. Shipowner Niels
Hoejlund of Nordane Shipping told the regional Danish daily Fyens Stifstidende: "I can't understand
why no crew member was able to get off the ship, which sank suddenly for as yet unexplained
reasons." Hoejlund told the Danish newspaper the "strange and incomprehensible" sinking had been
witnessed by the crew of another Danish vessel, the Maersk Terrier. The Stevns Power had been
dropping anchor next to a much larger oilfield service vessel when it capsized without warning and
sank in 80 metres of water, according to the Danish reports. The weather was fine and the wind was
blowing at a moderate 10 kms per hour. The Stevns Power was working with other support ships
alongside the world's largest ship for laying pipelines and erecting floating cranes, the Castro Otto, in
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
the oil-rich waters of the Gulf of Guinea. Fatal accidents are common in Nigeria's oil industry, the
largest in Africa and a key source of crude oil for the United States and Europe. Pipeline explosions,
boat accidents and piracy claim scores of lives every year, while dozens of Nigerian and international
oil-workers are kidnapped for ransom or trapped in protests by ethnic militants. (Bron:The
Offshore Supplier wreck
Resolve marine Group of Fort Lauderdale are the contractors appointed to clear the wreck of tug
Offshore Supplier. Two vessels of Resolve Marine called at George Town on oct 16 en route to little
Cayman to commence the wreck removal. They are utility vessel Lana Rose and crane barge 30603.
It is planned to cut the wreck of Offshore Supplier in two and dispose of the pieces in deep water.
Barge Rebecca VII was salved and towed to Cienfuegos, Cuba, where it was repaired. It is now back
in service with Thompson Shipping. (Bron: Shipping News)
Keppel Singmarine Delivers Tractor Tug
10/23/03 Keppel Singmarine Pte Ltd. delivered one of the world's largest tractor tugs to Maju Maritime
Pte Ltd. Measuring 111.5 ft. long with bollard pull in excess of 64 tons, Pisces 53 is on a long-term
charter through Briny Marine Services Sdn Bhd to support Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd's
exploration and production activities. Pisces 53 will joined her sister vessel Phoenix 52 and an utility
tug Pegasus 51, two other Maju Maritime tugs that were delivered in early June 2003, at the Brunei
Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal in Lumut, Brunei. These vessels were contracted to Keppel
Singmarine in May 2002. Pisces 53 is classified under LRS Maltese Cross as 100 A1 TUG + LMS
(Unrestricted Service). Maju Maritime is managed by Smit Singapore. Its services include harbor
towage, standby duties, tow out of offshore structures, outside port limit ship-to-ship transfer, marine
support and coastal towage. Briny Marine Services Sdn Bhd is a subsidiary of Keppel Smit Towage.
Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd's activity is primarily exploring for and producing crude oil and
natural gas from onshore and offshore fields.
Seabulk Gets 10,850-hp AHTS
10/23/03 Seabulk Offshore added a new UT-710 Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel (AHTS) to its fleet,
making the 226-ft. Seabulk South Atlantic the fifth newbuild vessel in Seabulk's 2003 fleet renewal
program. Built in Norway by Brevik Construction, the 10,850-hp Seabulk South Atlantic joins the
Seabulk fleet on a five-year bareboat charter agreement that includes a purchase option at the end of
the contract. "Seabulk South Atlantic is equipped with the latest technology and will service growing
markets in West Africa, working with the major oil companies who are demanding modern, state- ofthe-art equipment to support their multi-billion dollar developments in the deepwater offshore," said
Larry D. Francois, president of Seabulk Offshore. The Seabulk South Atlantic produces speeds up to
15.5 knots, has a certified bollard pull of 133 metric tons, and provides a hefty triple-drum anchor
handling/tow winch with up to 300 tons line pull and 450 tons brake load. The vessel also offers a
large 123 x 50-ft. deck that can handle up to 800 tons of cargo. Designed by Rolls Royce Marine, the
UT-710 incorporates a substantial amount of Rolls Royce equipment, including the main engines,
thruster, rudder, automation and control systems. Fitted with high Liquid Mud and Brine capability as
well as Fire Fighting FiFi 1 class notation and Dynamic Positioning DP 1, the vessel's versatile
capabilities allow her to serve in a multiple support role assisting heavy-duty semi-submersible rigs for
exploration and development drilling, as well as fulfilling the rapidly growing demand for offshore
terminal support work.
SmitWijs London Reports
Wanneer alles een beetje volgens plan verloopt, is dit de laatste update van de reis met de P-43 naar
Rio, nog 173 mijl te gaan op deze zaterdag avond, en werken we op maandag morgen zo rond een
uur of zes op het loods station, dat wordt nog even langzaam aan doen het laatste stukje, want
momenteel is de vaart er niet uit te halen, en denderen we met 7.6 mijl voort bij niet al te veel
vermogen. Dat de snelheid er goed in zit komt doordat ons gevolg inmiddels ontballast is, en een
goede vier meter minder diep steekt, ook is de 3.5 meter stuurlast er uit, en ligt hij sinds vanmorgen
gelijklastig. Afgelopen dinsdag kregen we gezelschap van de "Danko Tide" een Ulstein 755L, die had,
buiten wat spulletjes, 11 man van de klant aan boord die bedoeld waren om het ontballasten voor hun
rekening te nemen. Woensdag gingen de mannen aan boord om de boel voor te bereiden, hetgeen
allemaal erg vlot verliep, en donderdag morgen begon het weg pompen van de berekende
hoeveelheid ballast water, en dat ging hard, en zonder problemen, ook al had het spul dan 105 dagen
stil gestaan. Naarmate dat er ballast water uit ging, nam onze snelheid gestaag toe, heden
zaterdagmorgen was het allemaal al gereed, en liepen we dus dik over de 7 mijl per uur.
Inmiddels is het licht op de sleep weer uit, en de "Danko Tide" met alle mannen aan boord terug naar
Rio, allemaal moeilijk, moeilijk met immigratie regeltjes, en mag er niemand aan boord zijn van die P43 totdat we de 12 mijl passeren, maar goed, we hebben het 106 dagen uitgehouden zonder iemand
op dat ding, en dat zal de laatste dag ook nog wel lukken dus. Papier werk genoeg, kregen een lijstje
van de agent met wat er zoal verlangd werd, en dat was even niet misselijk, afijn, gelukkig is daar de
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
computer, en vraag je jezelf nu wel eens af hoe we dat voorheen allemaal deden met een typmachine
en carbon papier. Afijn, het zal allemaal wel nodig zijn denken we dan maar, ook al vraag je jezelf dan
wel af waar al dat papier blijft, maar bij de gedachte dat we maandag weer eens iets anders zien is er
over het invullen van wat papiertjes wel heen te komen. Ook een behoorlijke aflossing als we in Rio
zijn, we gaan er met 10 man af, en is het momenteel vechten om de wasautomaat, hangen de luchtjes
van schoonmaak middelen door het schip, en zie je zo af en toe al iemand met een koffer lopen die
vier maanden opgeborgen heeft gestaan, een beetje zuur voor de achterblijvers natuurlijk, maar ja, zo
gaat dat. Vissen? Nee Kees Jr. is sinds een dikke week viskees af, na het debacle van die lijn zonder
haak heeft hij het af laten weten, en zelfs de locale visserschepen die we momenteel al af en toe
tegenkomen vormen geen inspiratie meer, Jr. is zo'n beetje de man met de meeste bijnamen
geworden, sprongetjuh, viskees, sterkees, testkees, verfkees en nu ook nog sopkees, want hij gaat
dus ook naar huis, heeft inmiddels het veelal erotisch getinte behang van de schotten van zijn hut
geweekt, en kwam vanmiddag vertellen dat hij alleen zijn "gootsteentje" nog moest doen,
gootsteentje? Dat zal wel Schevenings zijn zeker, wij noemen dat gewoon een wasbakje, jammer dat
we daar nog geen bijnaam van konden maken. De De Da doet ook nog steeds mee natuurlijk, voor
het eerst deze reis heeft hij de afstand van ons die gebruikelijk is in de rollen verdeling, niet
uitgerekend, maar vond hij een aantal gebroken garens in zijn sleepdraad, paniek dus, toen maar
gelijk 75 meter draad ingehieuwd, geen halve maatregelen, en kijken we nu al een week tegen de
voorkant van zijn stuurhuis aan. Wij spleken nog steeds geen Chinees, en hun nog niet veel Engels,
velly wong time on sea, you know ahhh, lepail engine polside, ploblem tlee houl, ahhh, plotectol tow
waaiel damage you know ahhh pull in, thank you. glapje hoow, het klinkt wel zo, maar evengoed
komen we er wel aardig uit, en hebben ze vijf leerlingen aan boord die zich redelijk goed in het engels
kunnen redden, en die springen dan ook vaak bij wanneer het belangrijk wordt om elkaar goed te
beglijpen. Nou, meer weet ik er vandaag niet van te maken, en zal dit nu echt wel de laatste update
zijn, hopen we, want je weet maar nooit natuurlijk, vanaf deze kant voor een ieder de beste wensen,
en tot schrijfs. (Bron: kapitein Smitwijs London)
Tug of War
Standby rescue tug is a bone of contention in Washington state. Like coastal residents worldwide,
people that live around Washington's Puget Sound worry about oil spills. Each year, thousands of
vessels, including over 3,000 tankers and tank barges, navigate the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget
Sound carrying an estimated 15 billion gals. of oil. But while everyone agrees that spills are bad and
prevention is good, efforts to prevent an Exxon Valdez-type disaster from fouling the wilderness
beaches of Olympic National Park, the pristine San Juan Islands or even the shorelines of Seattle
have lead to much debate and divisiveness. The debate centers on the Neah Bay rescue-tug program.
Since 1998, an ocean tug has been stationed seasonally (fall, winter, early spring) at this remote
Makah Indian village located at the very northwest tip of the continental U.S. Sitting exactly at the
entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Neah Bay is the perfect place to wait for disabled vessels
attempting to enter or exit Washington state waters. Since the program's inception, Foss Maritime's
Barbara Foss has, for the most part, been the primary tug guarding an area that has a lot to lose
(there's also a national marine sanctuary nearby) and seemingly little to prevent an oily catastrophe.
" Everything that comes through here with fuel, oil or hydraulic fluid poses a threat to the environment,"
said Capt. Tim Federspiel, one of the tug's captains. "We're here to grab 'em or do whatever it takes to
keep them from going aground." About 70 miles east is Port Angeles, a small city where ships and
tankers pick up pilots, and inbound laden tankers are joined by escort tugs. Overall, the portion of the
Strait east of Port Angeles is much busier and more closely monitored than the wild western end. Out
where the ocean meets the Strait, conditions are more severe and help is harder to come by.
Residents surrounding Neah Bay are happy to have the 126', 5,500-hp tug, and nearby Clallam Bay
also supports it. Other active proponents for the rescue-tug program are environmental groups
including Ocean Advocates, People for Puget Sound and Puget Soundkeepers Alliance.
On the other side are those who believe that the millions spent to keep a tug sitting at the dock in
Neah Bay for 200 days a year is a big waste of money. Principal among these is the Puget Sound
Steamship Owners Association, based in Seattle. Primarily made up of ship owners, PSSOA has led
the fight against state funding of the Neah Bay rescue tug. Mike Moore is the executive director of the
PSSOA and the former Coast Guard captain of the port in Seattle. Moore and his association have
long advocated the International Tug of Opportunity System over the stationary standby tug scenario.
Formed voluntarily in 1997, ITOS was designed to prevent drift groundings by providing timely,
accurate information about the location and capability of randomly operated tugs that might be
dispatched to assist disabled vessels. U.S and Canadian tugs that are in the program carry
transponders that update their location to vessel traffic service coordinators. And with the advent of
mandated automatic identification system (AIS) equipment, the Coast Guard will have even more
information at any given time about the location and situation of potential rescuers. Moore's opposition
to a dedicated Neah Bay rescue tug is based on his reading of risk assessments, both as a Coast
Guard officer and as a private citizen who now works for the shipping industry. "The bottom line is that
it's not the best way to spend the marine safety dollar," he said. While still with the Coast Guard,
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Moore studied the risk of groundings in Washington waters that would lead to spills and concluded
that the risk was less than many others had concluded. In large part, his conclusion was based on his
finding that there had been no drift groundings by vessels covered by the vessel traffic system that led
to an oil spill. The caveat is that this statistic includes only vessels monitored by VTS, so there may
have been smaller vessels and others not included or outside VTS coverage involved in oil spills as a
result of drift groundings. However, Moore said, "We couldn't find any drift groundings in this [VTS]
group that led to an oil spill-and I wanted to-because you want to measure risk. You even want to find
close calls because risk is probability times consequence, so you're trying to find that data to give you
insight into what happened."
Moore said that the risk in the outer Strait can be managed by means other than a dedicated standby
tug because its entrance is 10-12 miles wide, which provides plenty of room and time to recover
and/or get help. "By comparison," said Moore, "the navigable channel at the entrance to the Columbia
River is one-one hundredth the size of the Strait's navigable channel." Moore said there's another
important risk factor that should receive consideration-the probability of both power and steering
failure. " Glosten Associates was hired by the California folks for their tug escort development in San
Francisco," said Moore, "and they did a thing called the dual-failure study, which is losing power and
steering at the same time. They couldn't find data worldwide to support that happening. So they had to
revert and redo the study to single failure, which is losing either power or steering. They ended up
setting up a tug escort system based on single failure involving power or steering but not both." Based
on its cost-benefit analysis, the PSSOA concluded that the Neah Bay rescue tug is unnecessary and
has lobbied the state Legislature in an effort to derail state funding of the program. " If you assume you
have limited resources," said Moore, "and we like everyone else have limited resources for marine
safety, then conceptually it doesn't make much sense to put so many eggs into one area when you
have a large system. You get better risk mitigation by applying it to the entire system. " Proponents of
the tug would argue that the system doesn't seem to include the Strait of Juan de Fuca very much, so
therefore it's at risk and you have to go do all these special things out there. But if you go back and
look at the details you see that the risk assessment-the actual incident data-does not reflect that you
have sufficient risk out there that can't be mitigated by means other than throwing so much money at a
stationary tug in one spot of a 3,500-square-mile system, which includes the Canadian internal waters.
You need to have a systematic approach and understand the risks better." Ocean Advocates and
other environmental groups disagree. Not only do they support the deployment of the rescue tug, but
they want the tug there year-round, and one with firefighting and better oil-spill cleanup capabilities.
Their model is the prevention and response tugs owned and operated by Crowley Marine in Prince
William Sound that are part of the Ship Escort Response Vessel System put in place in the aftermath
of the Exxon Valdez.
The state of Washington has supported the rescue-tug program by providing millions in funding.
Although the first year was paid for with federal money, the tab for all subsequent deployments, about
$1.5 million per year, has been picked up by the state. In a November 2002 letter to Rear Adm. Erroll
Brown, then commander of the Coast Guard's 13th District, Gov. Gary Locke wrote: "Foreign countries
and the state of Alaska have established rescue tugs in direct response to major oil spills in their
waters. I do not want to wait for a similar disaster to occur here before we recognize the
reasonableness of providing permanent funding for a dedicated tug." The Neah Bay rescue-tug
program is overseen by the state's Department of Ecology, which reports regularly to the state
Legislature. In its January 2002 report, the department repeated an earlier conclusion that "a rescue
tug should be permanently stationed at Neah Bay" and cited its effectiveness by describing numerous
incidents in which the Barbara Foss responded to disabled vessels that posed a threat to the
environment. The report also referred to terrorist threats and the need for the Coast Guard to move
"some of their coastal search-and-rescue, and marine environmental protection resources closer to
the state's major ports. This has increased the gap in protection that exists on the outer coast and in
the western Strait. . Under the current circumstances, the rescue tug is needed now more than ever."
While the state has been funding the rescue tug yearly, the Legislature has developed a funding plan
for the next five years. Part of the plan is to continue seeking federal support. Recently, $1.6 million in
federal funds were appropriated for one-time use for Puget Sound oil-pollution prevention. Rescue tug
advocates had hoped the money would be used to extend and enhance the Neah Bay rescue-tug
program. Instead, the Coast Guard has decided to purchase 20 or so buoys and other equipment
designed to provide better real-time weather, current and visibility information. About a quarter of the
$1.6 million will be used for emergency rescue-tug operations anywhere in state waters during fiscal
2004. Crowley Marine Services was awarded the contract in September. Capt. Danny Ellis, captain of
the port in Seattle, decided how to best use the $1.6 million appropriation. "I know the people in Neah
Bay are not happy that I didn't use this money for the Barbara Foss, the entire $1.6 million, but I try to
use it the best way I can think of," he said. "I'm trying to do more outreach to educate people and say,
'OK, we got to work together as a team, not pointing fingers at everybody.' We've got a lot of
prevention measures out there." " The state has appropriated money for this boat during some of the
hardest financial times the state has ever seen," said Fred Felleman, northwest director for Ocean
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Advocates, "and it's time for the feds to ante up. There is no mystery that the Coast Guard was not
going to give it to the rescue tug. They've been busy trying to disprove the value of this thing as hard
as they can." " I'm not saying having a tug in Neah Bay is a bad idea," said Ellis. "If you need it, they're
there. But what about other places throughout Puget Sound? Anytime somebody says it's not a good
idea to put a tug out there, I don't know if I agree with that. But do you need one there full time? So far,
it hasn't shown that. But it's always a good argument-hey, what happens if something goes wrong one
time, that's all it takes, just like the Exxon Valdez." Foss's contract with the state has been extended
through the 2003-2004 season, which puts the Barbara Foss in Neah Bay for a sixth straight year.
Next year, however, the state intends to put the contract out for bid again. With a five-year contract up
for grabs, the state wants a better deal and rescue tug advocates are hoping for more tug time and
more equipment.
During the debate, Foss, Crowley and the other tug operators have tried to stay out of the fray, even
though the program and its spin-offs represent a nice chunk of business. " We have been very careful
not to take a position on whether the rescue tug needs to be there from a marine safety standpoint,"
said Bruce Reed, Foss's regional manager of marine operations. "PSSOA represents many good
customers, so we have to be very careful and not alienate the people who pay our bills. If the state
and the Coast Guard decide there needs to be a rescue tug, we'd like it to be ours. But we see it as a
Coast Guard/state policy decision." The reluctance of tug companies to get involved politically is
another thorn in Felleman's side. " The other thing that drives me nuts is that I've been advocating for
the tug and salvage industry here for many years," he said. "But in any good lobbying effort, it
succeeds best when you have vested interests helping out. The frustration I've always had is that we
can't force the tug industry to take the money. " They're happy to spend the money, but they have not
been willing to advocate for it for fear of pissing off their existing clients." (Bron:Nov/ Workboat)
NRC to Acquire Foss Environmental Services
10/24/03 National Response Corporation (NRC), a wholly owned subsidiary of SEACOR SMIT Inc., and
SaltChuk Resources, Inc. (SaltChuk), a private company based in Seattle, Wash., announced that
they had signed a definitive agreement for NRC to acquire Foss Environmental Services (FES), a
wholly owned subsidiary of SaltChuk. FES will be renamed NRC Environmental Services and will
operate as an independent wholly owned NRC subsidiary Through its acquisition of FES, NRC will
acquire additional spill response resources, existing contracts, and employ more than 175 people
throughout the West Coast of the U.S. Its personnel and equipment in California will more than exceed
the requirements of new California regulations, which are currently being phased in. Combined with
NRC's already significant West Coast based assets, including four ocean certified vessels strategically
located from Neah Bay, Washington to Long Beach, California, the acquisition will result in the largest
commercial spill response and environmental contracting organization operating in the States of
California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii. Completion of the transaction is subject to the approval of
SaltChuk's and NRC's Boards of Directors. The parties anticipate that the transaction will be
completed by the end of October 2003. Todd Roloff, Chief Operating Officer of FES said: "We look
forward to FES becoming an important part of NRC. The companies' activities are well matched and
this transaction will enable NRC to strengthen its emergency response business and at the same time
enhance FES's more traditional land based environmental contracting and industrial services
business." SaltChuk's other operating companies, principally Foss Maritime, have signed long term
service agreements with NRC to both support and benefit from NRC's enhanced services. Steven
Candito, President of NRC, said "This acquisition is in line with our operating philosophy of optimizing
the mix of dedicated NRC resources and non dedicated local resources in order to provide our
customers with the best services at competitive prices. A critical element in accomplishing this goal is
to ensure that non dedicated personnel and equipment are routinely used in related work, such as
land based environmental contracting projects, where they are immediately available for emergency
response events. The acquisition of FES clearly supports this effort.
Toisa re-enters anchor handling market with new design
Sealion Shipping has confirmed an order, on behalf of Toisa Ltd., for three dynamically positioned,
anchor handling tug supply vessels, with options for a further three. The ships are to be constructed at
the Wuchang Shipyard in China, the first being scheduled for delivery in August 2005 with subsequent
units being delivered at intervals of four months. To be built t a new Vik and Sandvik design,
designated the VS4612, the principal characteristics will be a length overall of approximately 70 mtrs,
beam of 16,6 mtrs, and depth of 7,3 mtrs, with a summer deadweight of 2200 tonnes on 6.2 mtrs draft.
The ships will hae Firefighting Class 1, 2 x 4500 kW main engines, a speed of 16 knots, bollard pull of
160 tonnes, anchor handling/towing winch of 350 tones pull, and wll be prepared for oil recovery
operations. (Bron:Shipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 28
dd. 06 November 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Laker Making Progress across Atlantic
10/26 The scrap tow of the Mapleglen continues, Saturday the tow continued with the deep sea tug
Seaways 2 crossing the Atlantic with the Mapleglen in tow. The crew report the tow is progressing
satisfactorily. The voyage to India, where Mapleglen will be demolished and steel recycled, will take
approx 70 days. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Mapleglen Heading for Suez Canal
10/28 The scrap tow of the Mapleglen continues as the deep sea tug Seaways 2 pulls the Mapleglen
closer to the scrapper's torch. The tow is expected to reach Port Said, Egypt on November 2. Port
Said is the Northern entrance to the Suez Canal. The trip from Canada is expected to take a total of
70 days with the Mapleglen ending the tow beached in Alang, India. Following behind the Mapleglen is
the tow of the Seaway Queen and Oakglen. The deep sea tug Seaways 5 is towing the two lakers,
they are currently crossing the Atlantic also heading for Alang. Seaways International is the towing
company charged with moving the hulls, the company has towed ten lakers to meet their end in India.
(Bron: Jan van der Doe)
SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports Bonga tow (2)
Vorige zondag inderdaad vertrokken van NewCastle. Het is wel iets anders gelopen als eerst in de
bedoeling lag. Op het moment dat we bijna op het punt stonden om aan bb van de Bonga vast te
gaan knopen werd besloten om niet ons, maar de Highland Courage aan bb vast te zetten en ons
later met hem weer te gaan wisselen. Ook kregen we nog van de Maersk Logger (die als achterboot
op de Tyne had dienst gedaan) de achterspruit van de Bonga. Om 13.00 ging het Bonga transport op
weg en wij om half 4 in de achtervolging. De volgende dag de spruit aan de Bonga overgegeven en
dinsdag, de 21e dus, hebben we de bb verbinding overgenomen van de Highland Courage, oost van
de Doggersbank. Dover werd van woensdag op donderdag gepasseerd en het ging wat harder
waaien, wel uit het oosten, dus weinig last en eigenlijk meer gemak Het Kanaal werd met een
gemiddelde van rond de 6'5 gepasseerd. In verband met het aanlopen van een haven nog in Europa
zijn de Highland Courage en ook de RT Magic nog steeds als stand-by boten met ons aan het
meevaren. Inmiddels zitten we al halverwege de Golf van Biskaje en het weer is redelijk tot goed,
lichte tot matige wind van achter. Komende week wordt er wel wat meer wind verwacht, maximaal 7/8.
In de buurt van de Spaanse kust ligt een vrij vervelend en hardnekkig laagje. Onze bestemming om de
Bonga verder af te bouwen is er eigenlijk nog niet. Er wordt nu ook in Cadiz navraag gedaan. Setubal
staat op losse schroeven, want er ligt momenteel nog een tanker op de ligplaats en daar zou ook nog
voor een dag 10 gebaggerd moeten worden. Ook is Gibraltar een mogelijkheid. (Bron: Kapitein
Smitwijs Rotterdam)
Slepertje zinkt
Bergingsbedrijf Schaafstra uit Drimmelen heeft maandag de sleepboot ‘Lucretia’ gelicht, die de nacht
ervoor onder de nieuwe HSL-brug over het Hollands Diep was gezonken. De ex-Monopoolboot van
eigenaar Blokland, al geruime tijd ingehuurd voor hand- en spandiensten bij het bouwproject, was
vrijdagmiddag langszij bij het werkschip Smit Waalhaven 4 afgemeerd onder de eerste brugboog aan
de Brabantse oever. Zondag dreef zij volgens ooggetuigen nog; maandagochtend stak alleen de
stuurhut nog boven water uit.Verzekeraar Oranje reageerde snel. Binnen een paar uur hadden enkele
bergers offertes uitgebracht en ging de opdracht naar Schaafstra, die er de honderd tons drijvende
bok Manus voor inzette. Hoewel deze bok een beperkte hijshoogte heeft, moest hij vanwege de ruimte
onder de brug ver worden afgetopt om met de blokken boven de ‘Lucretia’ te kunnen komen. Dat
maakte de klus er niet makkelijker op, maar aan het eind van de dag dreef de sleepboot weer. De
oorzaak van het zinken was volgens Schaafstra vermoedelijk een lekje in de tunnel. (Bron:
France stick with Abeilles
Bourbon Maritime ad its towage subsdaiary Les Abeilles International are expected to become
operators of two deep-sea tugs built to provide towage and assistance along the French coasts. The
French Navy award of tender will take place in the first days of November but according to some
sources in Paris, it is unlikely that another company will be chosen. Les Abeilles already operates the
two current assistance tugs, ‘Abeille Flandre’ and ‘Abeille Languedoc’, which will be replaced. A year
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
ago, the French Navy put out a European-wide tender to find a suitable tug company. Four companies
replied, including Les Abeilles International, Louis Dreyfus, NTA and the Dutch group Smit
International. According to latest reports, the two new tugs could be placed in Norway. This has
triggered protest from French shipyards Chantiers Piriou and Constructions Mecaniques de
Normandie, which had been working on the project but whose prices are uncompetitive compared to
what can be obtained in Norway. (Bron: Shipping News)
SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports Bonga tow (3)
Een nieuwe week met nieuwe kansen. Afgelopen maandag een plukje slechter weer, krachtje of 8 uit
het noordoosten, dus mee en niet veel hinder vanwege de vaart (6' +), maar wel wat betreft de
leefbaarheid aan boord, niet prettig. Dinsdag voorbij Finistere en we kregen te horen dat de 'tussen'
bestemming niet Setubal, maar Cadiz zou worden. Woensdag begon de wind weer toe te nemen en
de verwachting was voor vrijdag nog meer beestenweer. Wind wel van achter dus niet slecht voor de
voortgang (5-6'). Donderdagmorgen vernamen we van de OIM op de Bonga dat er onderweg geen
haven zou worden aangedaan, dus ook geen Cadiz, maar direct door naar het Bonga veld bij Nigeria,
alleen een bunker/aflos-stop bij Las Palmas. Dat werd in de namiddag definitief, dus koers gezet
richting Las Palmas. Dit duurde niet zo lang, want op donderdagavond begonnen de wind en de zee
verder toe te nemen, waardoor op vrijdagmorgen rond een uur of 6 besloten werd in de wind en zee te
gaan liggen en zo het minder mooie weer wat af te rijden. Verder de hele vrijdag tot en met zaterdag
ochtend flink last gehad van de af en toe zeer hoge deining - tot 10 meter. Nu net, zaterdagavond
namen wind en deining dermate af dat we weer richting Las Palmas konden gaan varen. Verwachten
rond de 5e november daar aan te komen en de drie sleepboten zullen dan een voor een aan de beurt
zijn om even Las Palmas binnen te wippen om daar bunkers en de rest aan boord te gaan nemen.
Momenteel schatten we rond eind november bij de locatie in het Bonga veld aan te zullen komen.
Meer daar over in een later bericht. (bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Rotterdam)
Ship Departs Reserve Fleet for Dismantling in Texas
10/30/03 The U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) issued a Press Release stating that another ship
has been towed from the reserve fleet for dismantling in Texas. (Source: HK Law)
Driving Force Captains and pilots keep traffic moving on the Mississippi River
No matter who you are, no matter what you do, if you live in East Baton Rouge Parish, you're close to
the Mississippi River. You might not be consciously aware of it, but it's there, flowing between the
levees day-in and day-out. For some people though, the river is not just the water on the other side of
the levee, not just a pretty sight from a high bridge. It's the place where they go to work or to play. It's
their old friend and sometimes their enemy. Come along with the staff of Sunday Magazine as the y
set sail on a journey to meet some of these people who work the big muddy in our parish and to tell
their stories. Once a month, one of our writers will take a look at life along the famous waterway in the
series The Mississippi: Our River. The Mississippi River has a life of its own. Strings of barges edge
their way upstream, while a huge oil tanker makes its determined way down the river toward the Gulf,
dwarfing the tugboats it depends on for safe passage. It's a pretty picture, but it takes captains and
pilots, dock hands and engineers to keep order on the river. "I've had many narrow escapes. I've
forgotten more than you'll ever know," said Capt. John Hohence of the Gladys B, with a rueful laugh.
His boat is the only tug permanently based in Baton Rouge by E.N. Bisso company of New Orleans.
"It's an art, pulling a ship. We drag the boat behind like a dog on a leash, but the dog's watching you. I
take it to heart and if I bump a little, I can't sleep that night. A lot of people are scared of that part of the
job."He said he loves the river, and wouldn't want to do anything else. "I've been on the water all my
life," he grinned. "My daddy got me my first job as a deck hand with him on a tug in New Orleans when
I was 13 and weighed 85 pounds, now I weigh 220 and I'll be 52 on Pearl Harbor Day."Capt. Billy
Watson, a member and past president of the New Orleans Baton Rouge Association of River Pilots
(NOBRA), was also captivated by river life as a child. "You've got to have the knowledge of the river.
You learn those things over the years and you know enough to keep a ship out of trouble.""I started
riding with my father on the river at Natchez when I was 6 or 8 years old so I've been on boats all my
life. I actually started piloting Dec. 22, 1955."The romance of Old Man River stimulates the magination,
but the traffic on the Mississippi also stimulates the local economy to the tune of more than $800
million annually. The men and women who keep this economic engine working have a lifestyle that
baffles most landlubbers and both Watson and Hohence face new challenges every day. Hohence, a
tall, impressive man with gray sprinkling his neat beard, lives half his life on the Gladys B, a week on,
a week off, and takes pride in keeping the boat in top shape. "I go to work Monday morning and get off
a week later. When I go on board I bring our groceries for the week, change clothes, make beds and
then sit back and wait for an order. Sometimes we move ships every day, sometimes we just sit and
wait. It's a stressful thing, it's like you're moving every two weeks," he said. Engineer Holden
Quebedeaux agreed that life on the boat is an entirely different world than across the levee. "From
leaving home to getting here is like turning a light switch on and off. It's a good living, but it's a lot of
leaving your family. It takes a special family to tolerate it."Keeping the boat in top condition is the main
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
activity on inactive days, Hohence said. "If the weather's good we begin maintenance as soon as we
settle in," he said. "If we have a ship coming up the river we go to the dock, put the tow on the boat
and the folks on the dock take the lines from the ship and the pilot takes over. We have to hold the
ship while they take the lines off, then we turn it around and send it on its way. "If a ship goes too fast
it can pass you, and it would turn you over." He recalled one of the tense incidents he experienced on
the river. "We were ordered to assist a loaded tanker, with pilot and two tugs, get to the dock. When
the ship slowed she dove. The other tug was in front to keep the ship from the bank, and he left to
keep from getting crushed against the bank. The tanker captain yelled to me, asking me please not to
leave, and I stayed there. We got the ship straightened up and he didn't hit the bank, but it was a scary
few minutes. "You have to be really careful and feel what you're doing. The boat has two controls, and
I stay on one side. I can't see the other side, but I feel it." "It's a gift," interjected Hohence's wife, Juliet.
"Johnny's got a gift." A social worker with Family Services, she met Hohence some years after his
first wife's death. His aunt kept telling her about her nephew. "I finally called her, we talked, and finally
we got together," he said, cuddling his tiny pup in his arms. "We've been together 7 years," he said,
releasing the pup, which immediately began begging to return to his lap. Two big dogs lounged on the
back porch of the home. Hohence is a third-generation pilot with a legacy to inspire him. His
grandfather, Capt. Albert Joseph Hohence Sr., died at 95 a few months ago and served on the river
for 58 years. He ran paddle wheelers, and later operated the ferries at Donaldsonville and Destrehan.
Hohence's father became a tug captain at 18 and retired May 3 after a 58-year record as a captain,
handing down the commodore flag and hat to his son. "He was the commodore, and I became
commodore at his retirement party," said Hohence. "Is this a mirror image or what?" The Gladys B is
an old converted steamboat with a teak deck, built in 1937, and sparkles with polished floors and
gleaming fixtures. "She's a good boat," Hohence said firmly. "I know my boat and to me, I can write my
name with her, come back, cross my T's and dot my I's. One day we came up at a dock with two tugs
already there. The deck hand said I couldn't fit in there, but I went up to the dock and zagged right in
and tied up." In addition to moving ships, the Gladys B has been involved in other chores. "You know
all those phones you use, we ran the cables under the Mississippi for those phones. We got the
cables on a barge right where the old ferry landing was, and placed them along the bottom." He has
trained many people over the years, including Scott Tassion who is now his relief captain. "I put my
heart in training that kid, taught him the pros and cons about the boat. "It's a good job. With this
schedule, you're gone just long enough to make you want to go home and home long enough to be
ready to go back. "At Exxon the other night, we were stopped and looking at the sky and the city and
the ships coming on, and it's so quiet and peaceful. We sat on the back of the boat just enjoying the
peace and quiet." Capt. Watson also has a week on, week off schedule, but he's at home unless
he gets a specific call to pilot a ship. When he's on call, he can stay at home, but has to be ready to
move on short notice. "The phone rings at 6 a.m., I have to be at the Exxon Docks at 9 a.m. to
pilot a tanker, a 9,000 dead-weight-ton ship drawing about 30 feet of water. I get there, go up 50 or 60
feet of gangway, and most of the time it will be a foreign ship - from Singapore, Russia, English or
Dutch - people from all over the world. "Every day is a different situation, currents, wind change and I
do whatever conditions indicate. I have a walkie-talkie and shout directions to the tugs. We know the
draft of the ship and the river stage. The first thing I do every morning is pick up the paper and check
the river stage." Watson believes experience and focus on safety are hallmarks of a good pilot."I've
trained myself to look at the water and be aware of all the traffic. We try not to meet anything big just
below the I- 10 bridge and you become very aware of what's in the river." Watson, who looks every
inch a mariner, said he only remembers three incidents with serious problems on the river, recalling
details of one crisis."Once below Baton Rouge I started without a tug boat, went across the river and
attempted to turn around. It was a steam vessel, an old Lykes ship, I tried to steer and as I came
around I scraped down an old wooden dock. After I got done drubbing that dock, I was in the willow
trees. "It was high water, about 10 feet, and I look ahead and there sits a bulldozer and the only thing I
could think of was I'm gonna hit that bulldozer and all I could see was that blade. It would have opened
up that ship like a knife on a stick of butter. Somehow I missed the machine and made it back to the
river. "Back in those days they just took a fellow like me, already a pilot and put him on the river.
Today we take younger people and but them through a 31/2-year training program, and we wind up
with a better group of pilots."New technology is a benefit, but doesn't replace experience and training
on the river, he said. "The sounding machine is under the ship and just tells how deep the water is
after you've run aground. The automatic pilot just runs the course you set and the currents affect you,
sand may build up and wind does the same thing, causes the ship to start toeing and those things that
are a big help out at sea can be a hindrance in the Mississippi. "You've got to have the knowledge of
the river. You learn those things over the years, and you know enough to keep a ship out of trouble."
Pilots are frequently accused of nepotism, and it's an occupation that often does run in the family, but
Watson was an outsider when he was voted into NOBRA. Many of his four children and numerous
grandchildren are in maritime careers, including his son William Watson III, who is current president of
NOBRA. He also has three daughters. The oldest, Shirley, is married a river pilot Henry Pecue.
Daughter Christine Anne has a son at the U.S. Naval Academy and plans submarine duty and another
daughter is already a grandmother. "It's a known fact that we're (pilots) well paid but I'm not ashamed
of it. I worked hard to get here. "We do get family and friends in but we take outsiders. We have two
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
blacks and a scholarship program, to train minorities. One of our pilot's daughter, Casey Clayton, is
the first female pilot and she's going to be a good one. His wife Shirley is accustomed to Watson's
lifestyle, and before cell phones, even though he was at home, he often could not go with her to
events. "A guy like me had to have a very good wife, and she had to do everything," he said. "She
even had most of our babies by herself. Pilots are almost ambassadors for the U.S. and must work
amicably with ship captains from all over the world. "We have not had racial problems. We work
with people from all countries, eat with them and work with them, and I was raised to respect all
people. Pilots are from all walks of life, and we have no problems."Respect for foreign sailors is a must
in his business, Watson emphasized, adding that Greeks are his favorite because of their great
hospitality. "When you go aboard a ship it can be nice and clean, but some are just horrendous.
Whatever it is, that's their home and you act like you're visiting their home. Our job is pretty
educational but you learn a lot about the world situation." (Bron: Jan van der Doe).
Vastgelopen in de Westerschelde
VLISSINGEN - De bulkcarriër Tate J is gisterochtend om iets over negen uur vastgelopen in de
Westerschelde, vlakbij de Buitenhaven van Vlissingen. Het lege schip was uit de koers geraakt na een
loodswisseling. Na ruim een uur hadden twee sleepboten het schip vlotgetrokken. De Tate J is 186
meter lang en meet 26.000 brt. Het vrachtschip kwam uit Antwerpen en was op weg naar SintPetersburg. De twee slepers, de Multratug 9 en Walcheren, trokken het schip vlot. Haast was
geboden. Het was gisterochtend omstreeks tien over acht hoog water. ,,We hadden versterking achter
de hand. Het werd laag water. Dan komt er met de minuut minder water binnen en wordt het steeds
moeilijker om het schip vlot te trekken``, zegt een medewerker van de centrale sleepdiensten. Het
schip had gisteren, omdat het leeg was, maar een diepgang van circa zes meter. Het was in ondiep
water terecht gekomen, in het gedeelte dat bij eb droogvalt, nadat twee Belgische loodsen elkaar
hadden afgewisseld. Het vermoeden bestaat dat de bemanning de windkracht heeft onderschat. ,,Het
schip had zijn neus in de wind gelegd, zodat de loodsboot in rustiger vaarwater kwam en de twee
loodsen elkaar konden afwisselen``, verklaart J. Davidse van de waterpolitie Vlissingen. Het schip
moest vervolgens 180 graden draaien om zijn reis te vervolgen. De cirkel werd groter dan verwacht,
doordat de wind grip kreeg op het schip. De windkracht was 6, met af en toe een piek naar 7 en 8. Na
inspectie kon het schip vertrekken naar Sint-Petersburg. (Bron: PZC\037)
Atlantic Towing and Canadian Superior Announce Contracting of Atlantic Hawk
for Offshore Nova Scotia ``Mariner'' Natural Gas Project
SAINT JOHN, New Brunswick & HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Nov 3, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE). -- Atlantic
Towing Limited ("Atlantic Towing," or "ATL") and Canadian Superior Energy Inc. ("Canadian Superior"
- AMEX, TSX: SNG) announced today the contracting of the ATL vessel the Atlantic Hawk as the
primary supply vessel supporting the initial drilling program of Canadian Superior's "Mariner" Natural
Gas Project offshore Nova Scotia. Graham Curren, Atlantic Towing's General Manager, commenting
from ATL's Halifax offices, "We are very pleased to announce this new contract for the Atlantic Hawk.
The vessel will be utilized as the primary supply vessel for the 'Mariner' shallow water exploration
campaign, offshore Eastern Canada, beginning later in November. We look forward to continuing our
activities with Canadian Superior and their industry partners." In Calgary, when contacted at Canadian
Superior's Head Office, Greg Noval, President of Canadian Superior, noted, "Atlantic Towing Limited
performed well for us last year in support of drilling our first 'Marquis' exploration well, L-35/L-35A. This
year, the Atlantic Hawk, is exactly what we want to support a late fall - winter drilling program. It is an
outstanding local vessel with superior maneuverability and significant power." The Atlantic Hawk,
based from the port of Halifax Nova Scotia, is a world-class Anchor Handling Towing Supply Vessel
(AHTSV), built at the Halifax Shipyard, and commissioned in 2000. The vessel has an overall length of
75 m (246 feet) and breadth of 18 m (59 feet); main engines providing 14,400 continuous horsepower,
with 3 thrusters of 1,200 horsepower each and dynamic positioning capability. Commenting on the
awarding of the contract to Atlantic Towing, Mike Coolen, Canadian Superior's Director of East Coast
Operations, said today, "Atlantic Towing's wealth of international and Eastern Canadian expertise and
experience is a welcome addition to the 'Mariner' Project. We look forward to putting the Atlantic Hawk
to work shortly when we tow the Rowan Gorilla V jack-up drilling rig out to the 'Mariner' well location.
The Rowan Gorilla V is currently in the Port of Mulgrave in the Strait of Canso, Nova Scotia being
mobilized for the upcoming 'Mariner' well." Canadian Superior's "Mariner" Project is located north of
the eastern tip of Sable Island on the Scotian Shelf. The first "Mariner" well, approximately 9
kilometers (5 1/2 miles) northwest of Sable Offshore Energy Project's Venture natural gas producing
field, will be one of the deepest offshore wells drilled in Canada this year and will be located on
Exploration License EL 2409 which was acquired by Canadian Superior in November 2001 for a work
expenditure bid of Cdn. $15.5 million. The "Mariner" block (EL 2409), on which three large "worldclass" prospects have been identified with current high-resolution seismic, encompasses a total area
of 101,800 acres and directly offsets five significant discoveries near Sable Island including the 1.6 tcf
Venture natural gas field located about 290 kilometers (180 miles) southeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
The "Mariner" well will be drilled to a total depth of 18,370 feet (5,600 meters) and will evaluate one of
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
three large structures that have been identified on the "Mariner" block, directly offsetting the 1.6 tcf
Venture natural gas field. Atlantic Towing Limited operates a large and diverse fleet of vessels that
work regularly on the East Coast of North, Central and South America. ATL also specialize in heavy
engineering projects and provided workboats, coastal tugs, AHT's, barges, and Z drive tugs during the
Hibernia Platform construction as well as during the Confederation Bridge construction. With a
reputation for quality service and cost effective performance, Atlantic Towing Limited has earned a
place among the world's leaders in towing and supply service companies. Canadian Superior is a
Calgary, Alberta based oil and gas exploration and production company with operations in western
Canada, offshore Nova Scotia and offshore Trinidad. The Company is one of the largest acreage
holders offshore Nova Scotia, with interests in 934,065 acres offshore Nova Scotia (See: Canadian
Superior's website at to review Canadian Superior's "Marquis, Mariner and
Mayflower Offshore Projects" and to view the "Table of Major Offshore Nova Scotia Acreage Holders"
and "Offshore Nova Scotia Maps," to review information on the Company's Western Canadian
operations and for information and detailed maps regarding Canadian Superior's new Trinidad
"Tradewinds" Project). This release includes forward-looking statements and projections, made in
reliance on the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The
companies have made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information and assumptions on
which these statements and projections are based are current, reasonable and complete. However, a
variety of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the projections, anticipated results
or other expectations expressed in this release. While the companies make these statements and
projections in good faith, neither the companies nor their managements can guarantee that the
anticipated future results will be achieved. Reference should be made to the companies' (and their
affiliates') Securities and Exchange Commission filings for additional important factors that may affect
actual results. (Bron: Free reatime\037)
Mimmo Ievoli vastgelopen
Wednesday during the afternoon the Italian 9550 dwt 1998 built chamical tanker mimmo Ievoli ran
aground near the Everingen 2a buoy, several tugs (Multratug 9; Multratug 11; Fonda & Drado)
proceeded to the 125 meter long and 19.6 meter width chemical tanke, the master refused for first the
assistance of tugs, but later the tanker was refloated around 17.00 hrs with assistance of the tugs
Multratug 9 and the Fonda. (Bron: Shipping News)
Tug and Barge Ground
11/04 The tug Jane Ann IV and barge Sarah Spencer grounded on a high spot Monday
while transiting upbound below the Detroit River Light. The pair were reported to be upbound for
Rouge Steel. The tug was able to back off the high spot and go to anchor in the East Outer
Channel in Western Lake Erie. It is unknown if the tug or barge were damaged in the incident but they
are waiting for day light to enter Toledo Tuesday morning. (Bron: Jan van der Doe).
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 29
dd. 14 November 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Boa Master
The 1994 at Armon Spain built tug Boa Master is for sale. The tug has a 53.5 tonnes bollard pull and
4000 horses powered by 2 Caterpillars diesels, supplied to 2 Schottel Azimuth propellors. Sales price
US$ 3.5 mil. (Source: Shipping News)
Boa Tor
The 1995 at President Marine – Singapore built tug Boa Tor is for sale also. This tug has a 50 tonnes
bollard pull and 4000 horses powered by 2 Wartsila Nohad diesels, supplied to 2 Schottels. Sales
price US$ 3.5 mil. (Source: Shipping News)
Serviceman voor SMS
De Shinano Maru (,3,500 apk, 1984) die door Specialist Marine Services te Hull van Sanyo Kaiji is
aangekocht is nu op de Humber aangekomen en heet nu Serviceman. De Kiso Maru (1,600 apk,
1980) zal ook voor eind van dit jaar bij SMS in dienst zijn. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
St.Gluvias te koop
Falmouth Towage heeft de St. Gluvias (ex. Cruiser-81, ex. Clonmel-73) verkocht aan Geoff Yell en
W. Barbour en is nu weer te koop. De heer Barbour zou ook de Rossend (ex. Riverman-95, ex.
Bargeman-74, ex. Brentonian-62) en de Rosslyn (ex. Kelman-95, ex. Scorcher-62) van Briggs Marine
hebben gekocht. De ETA (ex. Clevelandman-89, ex, Anglian Man-88, ex. Motorman-83) is door W.
Barbour naar Fiumicino bij Rome verkocht. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Colimore verkocht
Seamus Dennehy in Ierland heeft de Colimore (ex. Applesider-73) verkocht aan Roy Kissick die
onder de naam D.P.S. in de beurt van Portsmouth werkzaam is. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Bergslep hernoemd
De van Londonderry Port & Harbour Commissioners te Derry aangekochte Bergslep is in Shrove
hernoemd. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Duwboten besteld
Compagnie Fluviale de Transport uit Le Havre heefd bij Socarenam te Bonen drie duwboten besteld
met een optie op een verdere twee. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Logger to roam in new forest
After weeks of speculation, Klyne Tugs of Lowestoft confirmed to the market, that they have indeed
entered into an agreement with AP Moller Maersk Supply Service to purchase the 1987 built 135
tonnes bollard pull AHTS Maersk Logger. Klyne were anticipating the transaction will be concluded
within the next four weeks and the vessel will be renamed the Anglian Earl. (Source: Seabreeze
SBS’s complete cloud cover
SBS (Shetland Base Services) Marine’s new PSV is about to make strides into the market. Built both
in Poland and Norway; the VS470 Mk II type SBS Stratus, is SBS’s second PSV to deliver this year;
the first being it’s sister the SBS Nimbus. Due to deliver any day now, the vessel is expected to trade
the spot market from Aberdeen for the month of November before hopefully leaving to India, with the
SBS Nimbus to support the drillship Discoverer DeepSea whilst on chater to ONGC. However at the
time of writing, this deal was still subject to regulatory approval. (Source: Seabreeze Oct.2003)
Chinese to ride with Surf
French vessel owners Surf have ordered this month, two UT755-sized PSV’s from the Zhiangjing yard
in Ningbo, China. Surf have contracted Seattle based vessel designers Guido Perla & Associates to
use their GPA 670-design based on a 240-foot American size PSV. Delvery is scheduled for mid-2005
with options for a two further vessels. The design house is indicating that another four of these vessels
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
have been contracted possibly for build in Brazil. The vessels are designed for optimized cargo
capacity and constructability, while achieving higher speeds than competing designs. (Source:
Seabreeze Oct.2003)
Maersk order a brace
Maersk Supply Ships are rumoured to have ordered another two large AHTS from a yard in Chile. It is
speculated that the vessels will be around 18.000 bhp in size. This brings to a total four AHTS vesels
on order, the other two being their A-Class behemonths being built in Germany due for delivery for
2004. (Source: Seabreeze Oct.2003)
Hornbeck’s polshed gem
Hornbeck Offshore took delivery of their new 240 ft ED Class Offshore Suply Vessel, the HOS
Gemstone from Leevac shipyard. The DP2, 732 m2 Deck Area vessel is currently uncommitted.
(Source: Seabreeze Oct.2003)
Grip & Poseidon to shift B & B
Dolphin Drilling has fixed Olympic’s AHTS UT722 Olympic Poseidon to wet tow the semi sub unit
Borgny Dolphin from Belfast to Mexico. The tow was expected to start towards the end of this month
and is estimated that it will last around six weeks. This follows Dolphin Drilling’s other recent fixture of
Farstad’s AHTS UT722 Far Grip, which will be used to tow the semi Bulford Dolphin again from
Belfast to Mexico. As reported in August, the Far Grip had just completed it’s five year charter to Norsk
Hydro. (Source: Seabreeze Oct.2003)
Lay up
The AHTS UT704 Troms Tjeld has been moved to Leith to go into warm layup since it finished it’s
Irish Wind Farm contract. However the owners have been quoting the vessel as available for work.
The AHTS UT708 Aldoma left for lay up in Malta around the same time as the Tjeld. Both of the
anchor-handlers have given possible lay-up departure times as spring next year. (Source: Seabreeze
A Fortune to be found
Seacor’s 1996 built Trym SI44 designed PSV Smit-Lloyd Fortune has now been swapped out with
the PSV UT706 Stirling Pegasus. The Striling Pegasus will expected to finish the SM Fortune’s
original contract in mid January 2004. This should have released the SM Fortune. (Source: Seabreeze
Fame awaits Esk move
Seacor Marine’s PSV Clyde designs 464 Stirling Esk departed from it’s term charter with Global
Marine Services (GMS) this month to undergo a refit which should take around 8 weeks. Upon
completion, the PSV will be renamed and transformed into a mlti-role standby vessel. At present, the
new name for Stirling Esk is being kept under wraps, however it is known that Boston Putford will
operate the vessel, and also that it has gained a long term charter in the North Sea. Seacor’s PSV
Smit-Lloyd Fame is to be used as a replacement for the remainder of the GMS charte. Which the
Stirling Esk had been originally fixed for. The Smit-Lloyd Fame, a Trym SI44 design, is due t return in
early November. (Source: Seabreeze Oct.2003)
Don’t pipe for me Argentina
Total Argentina fixed three North Sea pipelay PSV’s this month being Olympic’s MT6016 Olympic
Orion plus Solstad’s UT745 Normand Vester and District Offshore’s PSV Skandi Hav for 45 to 60
days pipelay work. The vessels will leave in early November. The total time away from the North Sea
is estmated to be about 3.5 months including the transit time. (Source: Seabreeze Oct.2003)
Monarch’s Nigerian Realm
GulfMark Offshore’s PSV UT75 Highland Monarch was fixed this month to French PSV owners Surf.
The vessel has departed for Nigeria and is to be used to front run a Total Nigeia charter, which wll
eventually be filled by the Surf’s newbuild PSV UT755L. Surf’s newbuild is currently on order at Aker
Brattvaag in Norway. The newbuild has yet to be named, and is expected to deliver in early 2004.
(Source: Seabreeze Oct.2003)
North Sea Utilization Rates Down
11/4 Farstad Shipping achieved a cash flow of NOK 142.3 million in 3Q 2003 (NOK 145.1 million in 3Q
2002). The operating income was NOK 381.2 million (NOK 318.2 million) and the operating profit
(EBIT) was 82.9 million (NOK 112.5 million). Five of the company's vessels have traded the spot
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
market in the North Sea. Two other vessels have been upgraded and mobilized for long-term
contracts and were therefore without revenue forpart of the period. In the Far East/Australia two of the
vessels have traded the spot market in September. The third quarter is the first whole quarter where
the IOS fleet is 100% owned (earlier 50%). Results for the 3rd quarter 2003 Farstad Shipping
achieved an operating income of NOK 381.2 million for the 3rd quarter (NOK 318.2 million in 3rd
quarter in 2002). The operating costs for the period were NOK 214.8 million (NOK 149.8 million). The
increase is due to growth in the fleet, the IOS vessels being 100% owned and several vessels have
operated in Australian water which has higher crew costs than in Southeast Asia. The operating profit
(EBIT) was NOK 82.9 million (NOK 112.5 million) after depreciation of NOK 83.5 million (NOK 55.9
million). The operating income at September 30, 2003, was NOK 1,027.8 million (NOK 956.9 million).
The operating costs were NOK 552.8 million (NOK 441.0 million) and ordinary depreciations NOK
205.6 million (NOK 163.3 million). The operating profit (EBIT) was NOK 269.4 million (NOK 352.8
million). The Fleet During the quarter the newbuildings Lady Astrid (AHTS), Far Swift (PSV) and Lady
Melinda (PSV) were delivered in July, August and September. After trading the spot market in July
and August Lady Astrid left the North Sea for the Far East. After delivery from the yard Lady Melinda
started on a short-term operation in Nigeria. Far Swift was delivered from the yard in the beginning of
August and immediately left for Mexico to start on a 3.5 years contract. Also Far Scotia left the North
Sea in August for long-term employment in Mexico. Of the company's North Sea tonnage 5 vessels
have traded the spot market during the third quarter. Far Swan has won a 6 months contract, while
Far Turbot is in lay-up. During the 4th quarter 2 of the other spot vessels will be engaged in 2 towing
operations of approx. 70 days duration outside the North Sea. In Brazil the Far Sea's contract has
been extended by another 2 years. At present the company has 8 vessels in Brazil. All IOS owned
vessels in the Far East/Australia have been well employed in July and August, while 2 vessels have
partly been trading the spot market in September. The company has 2 vessels under construction at a
Norwegian yard for delivery in December. One of these has long-term employment. In addition our
Joint Venture Company (BOS) in Brazil has 3 AHTS under construction at Brazilian yards for delivery
in 2004 and 2005. These have all long-term contracts for Petrobras.
Ship Repair Consortium to debut in 2004
All is on target for the new Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam (DSR) to be formed by January 1, 2004. The
four Damen-owned shiprepair yards in Rotterdam are Niehuis & van den Berg, Rotterdam United, Van
Brink and Vlaardingen Oost. All will be marketed as DSR from the new headquarters in the Rotterdam
United yard at Schiedam.
SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports Bonga tow
Een week verder en inmiddels het Las Palmas gebeuren ook helemaal achter de rug en ongeveer
halverwege de rit naar Nigeria. De afgelopen week redelijk mooi weer gehad en de temperatuur is ook
mooi aan het stijgen. Vanaf de 6e begonnen met de sleepboten er één voor één af te laten gaan om
in Las Palmas de noodzakelijke dingen te gaan doen. De Wolraad was als eerste aan de beurt, de Far
Saltire ging los van de midden verbinding en nam de stuurboord verbinding over van de Wolraad.
Deze kwam ‘s avonds laat weer terug en nam de 7e ‘s morgens weer over van de Saltire. Vervolgens
waren wij aan de beurt, in het begin van de avond weer terug, maar er stond wat meer wind en
deining, dus met het Bonga Transport naar de zuidkant van Gran Canaria. De 8e ‘s morgens wij weer
over van de Saltire, eerste poging mislukte doordat onze drijflijn niet aan de rekker was gezet, dus het
hele handeltje hing op en neer voorop de Bonga. 2e poging een uurtje later lukte wel en vervolgens de
Saltire, na nog wat lading van de Bonga te hebben genomen, op haar beurt naar Las Palmas. De
Wolraad en wij alvast richting Nigeria. Vanmiddag was de Saltire weer terug en tegen het eind van de
middag varen we nu met een gangetje van 6 mijl richting het Bonga veld bij Nigeria. Denken daar eind
november aan te komen. Verwachting is dat de anker operatie ongeveer een week in beslag gaat
nemen. Dus in de eerste week van december komen de Wolraad en wij weer op de markt. Over het
afbouwen van de Bonga horen we momenteel niets meer. Later meer, groeten aan allen van allen.
(Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Rotterdam)
Bouw nieuw hoofdkantoor Smit Internationale N.V. gestart
Maandag is in de Rotterdamse Waalhaven, pier 3, de eerste paal geslagen voor het nieuwe
hoofdkantoor van Smit Internationale N.V. Smit de wereld Smit, de wereldwijde maritieme
dienstverlener, brengt in de Waalhaven een aantal activiteiten bij elkaar die nu nog zijn verspreid over
diverse plaatsen in Rotterdam. Het huidige hoofdkantoor van Smit is al jarenlang gevestigd in het
centrum van de stad, pal naast de Erasmusbrug. Een mooie plaats, maar ver verwijderd van de
schepen, bokken, pontons en pakhuizen van Smit die her en der in de Rotterdamse haven liggen. Met
het nieuwe hoofdkantoor komt daar verandering in, want bij het nog te bouwen kantoor komen
steigers voor drijvende bokken, schepen en pontons. Ook het pakhuis van Smit in Maassluis, dat
wordt gebruikt voor de opslag van bergingsmateriaal, gaat naar de Waalhaven. Al met al zullen straks
ongeveer 400 mensen werken op de nieuwe locatie. Het nieuwe hoofdkantoor is ontwikkeld en wordt
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
gebouwd door projectontwikkelaar Multiplan uit Den Bosch. Het terrein, de pieren en het bijbehorende
water worden gehuurd van het Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, dat de Waalhaven verder wil
ontwikkelen op maritiem gebied.Het slaan van de eerste paal door de heer M.G.T.Pastors, wethouder
Fysieke Infrastructuur van Rotterdam is mede het startsein voor deze ontwikkeling. Het is de
bedoeling dat in januari 2005 het kantoor en het bijbehorende terrein volledig in gebruik worden
Scrap Tows Making Progress
11/12 The scrap tow to India of the Oakglen and the Seaway Queen, by the tug Seaways 5, are
heading for the South African coast. The tow is taking a more Southerly route rounding the Cape of
Good Hope to escape the rough weather the North Atlantic dishes out this time of year. The Seaways
2 with the Mapleglen in tow reportedly took a severe beating in October transiting the North Atlantic. A
towing company spokesperson reports it is more economical going this route with the two vessels in
tow, the Suez Canal will only allow one vessel per transit. The Seaways 2 and the Mapleglen transited
the Suez Canal last week and are now due to arrive at Alang, India November 30.
The next scrap tow is expected to be the Algosound, departing in early May, 2004. (Source:Jan van
der Doe).
Two more tugs on the ways at Washburn & Doughty
Some call it the tugboat capital of the East Coast. True or not, Washburn & Doughty Associates, East
Boothbay, Maine, has been building a lot of tugs. In mid-September the yard had a 92'x32'x13'9" tug
under construction for Tampa Tugs Two LLC of Tampa, Fla., and was laying the keel for another 92footer for Moran Towing Corp., Greenwich, Conn. Bruce Washburn, the yard's naval architect and vice
President, said, "This is the first tug we've done for Tampa. We've talked to them for quite awhile,
and the pieces finally came together." It might be only the first tug for Tampa Tugs Two, but the Moran
tug is the ninth for that company and the 13th tug to be built at the East Boothbay yard. Tampa Tugs
Two's 92-footer will be used for shiphandling and coastal towing. The hull design dates back to 1991
when Washburn & Doughty designed and built the 90-foot Alice Winslow, a conventionally powered
tug. After that, customers wanted Z-drive propulsion units, so the after sections of the 90-foot design
were reconfigured and the hull was lengthened 2'. Since then, the hull has changed very little. For
main engines, the Tampa boat will have a pair of 2,500-hp Caterpillar 3516B diesels with electronic
injection. These will power two Rolls-Royce 165OH Z-drives with 94.5" stainless-steel props and Kort
nozzles with steel liners. Also in the engine room will be a 440-hp Caterpillar 3406TA diesel to power
the firefighting system. That consists of a 3,000-gpm monitor that will shoot both water and foam. The
foam will be delivered through a lock pickup at the nozzle. The fire pump is a centrifugal Aurora model
411. On the bow will be a Markey DEPC-48 electric hawser winch with a 4,000-lb. brake force, and on
the stern will be an Almon Johnson 351E 18" electric capstan. Supplying electrical power for the
winches and the rest of the boat will be two 99kw Caterpillar 3304 DIT gensets. Normally, one
generator will be online while the other is on standby. If the online generator fails, it automatically
shuts down and the second generator picks up the load. The tug for Tampa Tugs Two will be
completed in early 2004. The newest tug for Moran will be going to Cold Point, Md., where it will
service ships at the LNG terminal. For that duty, it will have a hawser winch on both the bow and
stern. " If there's bad weather and they want to pull a ship off the dock, they will
be able to put the bow into the seas. Now they have to put the stern to the seas and back off," said
Washburn. The tug will also have a fair amount of firefighting ability. There will be two monitors, each
with 6,000 gpm capacity and a deluge system. The Moran boat is due to be completed in the summer
of 2004. – (Source:Michael Crowley/ Novembernummer Workboat)
Austal Crew/Supply Boats Deliver Day-in, Day-out
“Anapaula” and “Veronica”, the first vessels delivered by Austal USA, have now completed nearly
2 years of hard but successful work in the southern Gulf of Mexico. The two 150ft high-speed
crew/supply boats have been operating in support of the Mexican offshore oil industry out of the port
of Del Carmen since they were delivered, ahead of schedule, in January 2002. The boats are owned
by Candies Mexican Investments, an affiliate of Otto Candies, LLC, a Louisiana-based marine
transportation and offshore services company that specializes in regional and international support
services for the oil exploration and exploitation industries. Comments made by Otto Candies III make it
clear that, nearly 3 years after ordering its first Austal crew/supply boats, the company is pleased it did
so. “The vessels are good value for money overall and Austal has proved to be a reliable, professional
shipbuilder,” he said. “Our experience on this contract was very positive. We appreciate the way in
which the negotiation, construction and warranty follow-up on the vessels was handled.” The
sisterships have been working in the fleet of Oceanografia SA de CV, carrying personnel and cargo to
and from offshore platforms operated by Petróleos Mexicanos. Government-owned PEMEX is
Mexico’s largest company and one of the world’s largest producers of crude oil and natural gas.
PEMEX’s requirement is for vessels with a service speed of 25 knots, the durability to operate day-in,
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
day-out, and the reliability to ensure that critical logistics support situations can be accomplished as
quickly as possible. Capable of 30 knots, “Anapaula” and “Veronica” are effectively exceeding that
requirement, operating an average of 17 hours a day, 365 days of the year and transporting about 150
people and 250 tons of cargo per day. Each vessel can carry up to 80 passengers and carry 150 long
tons of cargo on the 1,500 square foot aft deck, while also having tanks for 10,000 gallons of
transferable fuel. Their crews rate the Austal-built aluminum monohulls very highly for not only their
speed but also their versatility and report that monthly fuel consumption is around 1,000 gallons per
month less than similar vessels. Four Caterpillar 3508B diesels provide a total of 4200hp to quadruple
Hamilton 571 waterjets. In addition to fuel efficiency, this propulsion arrangement contributes to
excellent maneuvering, which is noted by the crews as another area in which the Austal product is
preferred to competing designs. Summing up, Otto Candies III concluded: “I guess the best
endorsement we could give Austal is that we would look to them again if we were in the market for this
type of vessel.”
Conrad Wins Contract to Build Aluminum Vessel
11/11 Conrad
Industries' subsidiary Conrad Aluminum, LLC won a $2.8 million contract to build a 175-ft.
aluminum crew/supply vessel for Diamond Services Corporation of Amelia, La. Construction will begin
in the company's new facility in Amelia in November with delivery scheduled for October 2004. When
delivered, the vessel will immediately service the oilfield in the Gulf of Mexico. Kenneth G. "Jerry"
Myers, Jr., Conrad's President and CEO, said, "We have received a number of indications of interest
for projects for our new aluminum facility and are extremely excited to announce our very first contract
award for aluminum vessel construction. This award demonstrates Diamond's confidence in our
expanded capabilities." The vessel will have a 32-foot beam and hull depth of 14.5 ft. Diamond
Services Corporation is providing the major machinery including main engines, generators, water jets,
dynamic positioning systems and electronics. The vessel will be powered by four Cummins KTA38-M2
diesel marine engines driving four Hamilton HM-721 water jets. Wallace Carline, President of Diamond
Services Corporation, said, "We are pleased to award this contract to Conrad. Conrad has always
been recognized as a quality shipbuilder and we are confident in their abilities as they expand into the
aluminum market. Their new site is impressive and we look forward to a continued successful
relationship for both vessel construction and repair."
Tug Agis grounded
The Polish tug Agis (330 grt; built 1981), bound Falkenberg towing a barge laden with wood splinters,
grounded in The Sound, just south of Landskrona. The vessel is still aground, and the Coast Guard
intend to empty its bunker tanks before attempting to refloat it. (Source; Shipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 30
dd. 22 November 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Abeille No.7, 299/72 – tug. Has been renamed Kotibe by Les Abeilles; France and transferred to
St.Vincent and the Grenadines Registry
Barbara Onorato, (Bizon – 97, Biscaya Star – 79), 682/77 – tug. By Oceanic Salvage & Towing Lda,
Potugal (MAR) to interests associated with Augusta Shipmanagement, Italy and renamed Letojanni.
Forth, (Laggan – 87), 225/79 – tug. Has been renamed Bargarth by Svitzer Marine Ltd. UK.
Hoboken, 242/83 – tug. By URS, Belgie to Societe De Remorquage Louis Thomas et Compagne,
France and renamed RM Moulis
Stirling Vega (Star Vega – 96), 1737/83 – supply. Has been renamed Putford Provider by Stirling
Offshore Ltd. UK
Hoeksebank, 274/82 – tug was seen as VB Tifton (Pan) at Rotterdam on 4/10/2003
Sandfoot Castle 231/67 – tug was renamed Pioneer (Com) at Ramsgate in late 9/2003.
Steenbank 273/73 – tug was seen as VB Huracan (Pan) at Rotterdam on 4/10/2003.
New tug under construction:
Eastern Navigation has a new large tug, the Ena Pearl, under construction for delivery next year. For
details the company web site:
PSA tug
PSA Marine site now has the Neon, Ninble, Navigator and Nectar listed, but no spec sheets as yet.
All 4,436 bhp., built 2003. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Finnish tug sank while assisting the containervessel MSC Hina in Helsinki
The Finnish tug Pegasos sank outside Helsinki around 21.40 hrs local timeon November 13th. She
was assisting with another tug the arriving containervessel MSC Hina, when she suddenly capsized
and sunk quickly. Two of het crewmembers were rescued but one is still missing. Probably he lost his
life, because of cold water (only +6 celsius). (Bron: Shipping News)
Sterkste havensleper in Denemarken
De Aeger, die aan Dansk Bjergning og Bugser A/S is verkocht, zal na een doopceremonie in Hobro
volgende maand in de haven van Århus gaan werken. Met een paaltrek van 70.5t word zij de sterkste
havensleepboot in Denemarken. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Zar IV verkocht
Martin O'Hanlon, Waterford heeft de Zar IV (430 apk, 1914) enkele maanden geleden verkocht aan
Seamus Dennehy te Cork. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
MOD verkoopt Dog class
Portland Towage Ltd. te Portland heeft de Dalmatian (1,320 apk., 1965) in november dit jaar van de
Britse overheid gekocht. Note: Lees voor Britse overheid het Ministry of Defence (red.) (Bron: Lawrence
Coast Guard Medevacs Man After Fall on Tug
A Coast Guard helicopter crew rescued a 60-year-old crewman suffering from a possible head
injury and uncontrolled bleeding aboard a tug 120 miles southwest of New Orleans yesterday evening.
The Coast Guard was notified at 4:00 p.m. by the tug El Toro Grande that Douglas Plaisance from Cut
Off Louisiana had fallen and hit his head. Due to a previous medical condition, the crew was unable to
stop the bleeding and was concerned about the possibility of a severe head injury. A helicopter from
Air Station New Orleans was dispatched to the scene where the crew lowered a rescue swimmer and
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
basket to the tug. The patient was placed into the basket and brought aboard the helicopter for
transfer to a local hospital. Once aboard the helicopter, the crew transported Plaisance to Terrebone
General Hospital in stable condition.
MITRA 8109266, 2-7-1982 opgeleverd door Scheepswerf Damen B.V., Gorinchem (4608), casco:
Scheepswerf Damen B.V., Bergum, 991 BRT, 1.425 EPK, 1.048 kW, 3 x Stork Werkspoor Diesel B.V.,
Zwolle, eigenaar: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, in beheer bij Boskalis, 10-2003 verkocht aan
Multraship B.V., Terneuzen, 11-2003 herdoopt Multra Commander.
Smit-Lloyd 3 6513437, 29-6-1965 opgeleverd door N.V. v.d. Giessen-de Noord (846) aan N.V. Kon.
Rotterdamsche Lloyd, Rotterdam, in beheer bij N.V. Smit-Lloyd, 1982 verkocht aan S.H. Supply,
Suez-Egypte en herdoopt Minasam-II, 1996 herdoopt Ramsis 10, 2001 herdoopt Prince Ahmed,
vlag Bolivia, roepnaam CPB456.
Smit-Lloyd 56 8517621, 2000 herdoopt Riyan, 26-8-2003 eigenaar: Svitzer PT, Middlesbrough, vlag:
St Vincent and Grenadines.
Smit-Lloyd 75 8015843, 1996 verkocht aan South Atlantics Offshore Services, Nassau-Bahamas en
herdoopt Smit Lenga, 23-1-2003 vlag: Panama en herdoopt Seacor Lenga, 31-3-2003 eigenaar:
Patagonia Offshore Services, beheer: Antares Naviera, 6-5-2003 eigenaar: Minvest, Buenos Aires en
vlag: Argentinië, 30-6-2002 vlag: Panama.
Smit-Lloyd 122 8213952, 1983 opgeleverd door B.V. Scheepswerf & Machinefabriek “De Merwede”
v/h van Vliet & Co., Hardinxveld (631) aan Smit-Lloyd B.V., 13-1-2003 eigenaar: Bourbon Ships AS,
Fosnavåg, thuishaven: Ålesund-Noorwegen, manager: Bourbon Offshore Norway AS, Fosnavåg en
herdoopt Bourbon Captain.
Smit-Lloyd 123 8215912, 29-10-1982 kiel gelegd, 1983 opgeleverd door B.V. Scheepswerf &
Machinefabriek “De Merwede” v/h van Vliet & Co., Hardinxveld (632) aan Smit-Lloyd B.V., 13-10-2003
eigenaar: Boubon Ships AS, Fosnavåg, thuishaven: Nassau-Bahamas, manager Bourbon Offshore
Norway AS, herdoopt Bourbon Champion.
Weet iemand mogelijk meer van de sleepreis terug naar Nederland van het wrak van het
onderstaande schip TWEE GEBROEDERS / ROERDOMP met de Wijsmuller sleepboot Stentor ?
Graag zou ik wat meer details willen weten. Volgens Wijsmuller zijn de oude archieven weggegooid
!!!. Misschien is er ook nog iets te vinden in de oudere Personeelsbladen (De Beting ???). Dit n.a.v.
een vraag uit Noorwegen. Hieronder de geschiedenis van de Roerdomp.
146. Twee Gebroeders
Roepnaam: PIBQ.
289g, 133n, 350d.
38,48 x 6,99 x 2,64 m.
3-cil. 4-takt e.w. motor (nr. 5301) (290 x 440) van N.V. Appingedammer Bronsmotorenfabriek,
Appingedam, 225 pk, .. knopen.
15.12.1934: Opgeleverd door N.V. Noord-Nederlandsche Scheepswerven, Groningen (Werf No. 146)
aan J. Damhof, Hoogezand, thuishaven Delfzijl als Twee Gebroeders (PIBQ). 12.11.1937:
Verkocht aan Atze de Vries (E. Wagenborg's Scheepvaart- en Expeditiebedrijf N.V., Delfzijl, managers),
Zwartsluis en herdoopt Roerdomp (PHCY). 03.1942: Verkocht aan August de Meyere & Cie.,
Paimpol, Frankrijk. 29.04.1942: Vlak voor vertrek naar Frankrijk werd dit schip in Rotterdam door de
Duitsers in beslag genomen en kwam in dienst in langs de kust van Noorwegen. Managers: Rederei
H.E. Kirsten. Nieuwe naam: Lea.
Na beëindiging van de oorlog werd ze na lang zoeken teruggevonden in Oksfjord, Noorwegen op
17.06.1947 in zeer slechte toestand. De hoofdmotor was ook verwijderd uit het schip. De verkoop
naar Frankrijk was niet legaal ten gevolge van de oorlogssituatie. Ze werd toegewezen aan de
Nederlandse Regering. 12.1947: Van Oksfjord naar Kristiansand gesleept en gereed gemaakt voor de
sleepreis naar Nederland. Ondertussen werd ze verkocht aan C.V. A. Polders, Amsterdam. Die gaven
opdracht aan de Firma Wijsmuller om het schip naar Scheepswerf A. Vuyk, Capelle a/d IJssel te
slepen voor reparatie. 09.03.1948: Vertrokken van Kristiansand, gesleept door de sleepboot
STENTOR. 10.03.1948: In nood nadat de sleeptros was gebroken in een zware storm, waardoor het
schip slagzij kreeg. De twee runners aan boord werden door de Deense sleepboot Vestkysten van
boord gehaald. Ze zonk later die dag op ongeveer 5 mijl van Thyboroen, Denemarken. (vraag: Bert
SmitWijs Rotterdam reports Bonga Transport
Weer twee week verder en vanmorgen net het zuidelijkste puntje, Cape Palmas gepasseerd.
Over het weer niet te klagen, ook de vaart liep geleidelijk aan op van een 5,5 naar momenteel tegen
de 7. Het lijkt er wel op dat het Bongaatje zin heeft om op haar uiteindelijk plaats terecht te willen
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
komen. Zullen de 27e wel aankomen bij het Bonga veld. Er is nog steeds geen duidelijkheid over wat
er daar dan gaat gebeuren, het enige waar over gepraat wordt is een aflossingen op de Bonga per
helicopters op de 27e tot de 29e. Verder is er nog niets bekend, althans bij ons hier niet.
Weinig visspul gezien, wel tot twee dagen na Dakar duizenden vlinders (het leek af en toe wel een
sneeuwbui) en andere vliegende lawaaischoppers, waarvan de sterksten ons nog steeds hinderen
met hun geluiden. Over een weekje wel meer, groeten aan allen van allen, (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs
NB. Over onze vorige sleep, de Norway, gaan geruchten dat deze toch verkocht zou zijn aan
Amsterdam??, maar we kunnen dit niet bevestigd krijgen. De Norway zelf antwoord niet op mailtjes en
op de NCL website staat nog altijd het bericht van 21 juli.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 31
dd. 04 December 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
De voormalige Yves, ex Yves Gerling, ligt in het Voornse Kanaal in Hellevoetsluis onder de naam
Apollo. (Bron: Leen van der Meijden)
Historie: Yves (23.24067) van Veka Handelsonderneming v.o.f., Werkendam werd op 28 februari
2003 verkocht aan S.D.M.S. (Scherpenhuyzen Diesel- en Marine Service), te Hellevoetsluis en
hernoemd Apollo.
Geb. 1954, Werf: F. Schichau, Bremerhaven (bnr. 1659)
1954: Union II, W. Schuchmann, Hamburg
1954: Yves Gerling, S.A. de Remorquage a Helice - Antwerpen.
1974: Yves Gerling, Unie van Redding & Sleepdienst - Antwerpen
1987: Yves , W.A. van Meerland, Amsterdam.
1999 (2202): Yves , Veka Handelsonderneming v.o.f.
In de Lekko van 1981 blz. 107 is nog vermeld dat zij in 1978 is verkocht aan Malta Maritime Services
Ltd. Kan iemand hier meer duidelijkheid over verschaffen?
Wie weet wat er van de Poolse sleepboot Adam (300 apk, 79 brt, 1962) is geworden? Ze werd in
1992 naar Nederland verkocht en lag in 1994 nog steeds onder haar oude naam op de IJsselmeer.
No. 18
De Abeille Barfleur is onder nummer 18 haar dienst te Le Havre begonnen..
Pyrrhos -
De Pyrrhos word over twee weken te Duinkerken verwacht. Volgens de bemanning zal zij daar onder
de nieuwe naam Intrepide sleepwerk gaan verrichten.
Bij Adsteam is de Sun Surrey verhuisd van Gravesand naar Liverpool. De Ganges is eveneens
verhuisd van Gravesand, echter niet naar Liverpool maar, naar de Humber. Dit als gevolg van de
komst van sleepboten uit Australie die op de Thames worden ingezet. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Portland Towage
In de vorige S & O nieuws gemelde verkoop van de Dalmatian aan Portland Towage kan nu worden
gemeld dat de Dalmatian is herdoopt in Sandsford Castle. Verder wordt melding gemaakt van een
tweede aanwinst, dit keer uit Japan. Of dit de een Maiden Castle wordt is nog onduidelijk. (Bron:
Lawrence Amboldt)
Tug Forney Departs Army Yard
11/25 The historic WWII U.S. Army ST tug Forney departed the Corps of Engineers yard in Detroit
Monday under tow of the Gaelic tug Carolyn Hoey. The Forney is most likely the best preserved and
possibly the last of this class of ST tugs in original condition. Her direct reversing main engine and
generators are in good running condition. The vessel was laid up after her last operation in 2001 so
the vessel was towed to her new owners dock on the Rouge River next to Gaelic's yard. (Bron: Jan
van der Doe)
Concorde Towed to the Intrepid
11/26 The
British Airways Concorde on a barge makes it's way past the Statue of Liberty headed for the
Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum Nov. 25, 2003. (Bron:Mike Hvozda)
GCI Completes Sun Towing Tugs
Voyager and Quest could not be two more apt names for Sun Towings pair of new tugboats, as it
was precisely this that was required to complete the vessel's construction. The two hulls were started
nearly 10 years ago, and had more than 2,000 miles experience before the first main engines were
installed. The hulls were originally built by Marine Power and Equipment in Seattle in 1990, and
moved three different times, from Washington State through the Panama Canal to Texas, then finally
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
to Louisiana. The odyssey of the hulls was well worth it, however, according to their owner, Captain
Mike Smith of Sun Towing, Morgan City, La. The 150 x 40 x 19.5 ft. hulls finally made their way to Gulf
Coast Industries (GCI), a yard owned by Garrel Chiasson and Randy Joubert II, in Amelia, La., where
they were to be completed. Now finished, the vessels' respective journeys have come full circle, as
they have returned to Washington state and have been placed on long term charter from Sun Towing
by Foss Maritime. Captain Sam Smith saw the potential of the hulls and purchased them three years
ago, and then sold them to his son, Captain Mike Smith. Captain Mike decided to use local companies
as much as possible to complete the vessels, and contracted with Gulf Coast Industries to complete
the steel work of the hulls, install all of the equipment, complete the piping systems, and install the
SOLAS approved joiner work package. According to Mike Toups, Gulf Coast Industries' General
Manager, the first vessel, the Sun Quest, was delivered in February 2003 and its sistership, Sun
Voyager, was delivered six months later. The vessels are both ABS Class A-1 Ocean Service and full
SOLAS. Each vessel holds 224,000 gallons of diesel fuel. The two 16-251 F Alco main engines were
supplied by Preco and develop 8,200 bhp, driving a pair of 126 x 144-in propellers ghrough Haley
GMC 4232 reduction gears. The two 13-in. propeller shafts as well as all of the machine items were
completed by Ricky Romaire's machinest at E.J. Fields Machine Shop in Morgan City. The two
Cummins 170 kW ship's service generators and the John Deere 60 kW emergency generator were
supplied by Red Cunningham of Cummins Diesel of Morgan City. Don Abney Inc. was charged with
wiring the vessel, as well as designing and furnishing the smoke and fire alarm system. Huber Inc.
designed and furnished the hydraulic steering, tow pin and bow thruster hydraulic systems, as well as
the electronic controls for the systems. Huber's Kevin Hayes coordinated the installation of the Huber
equipment. Herb Mashburn of Star Tech Electronics of Morgan city furnished and installed all of the
vessel's electronic components. Wesley Barbier's Black & Gold Contractors of Lockport accomplished
the vessel's sandblasting and painting., and all pain was supplied by Vida Paint of Morgan City,
specified by Lee Schilling and coordinated by Amanda Spenser. Harris Refrigeration of Morgan City
furnished and installed the HVAC system. Both tugboats have a top speed of 13.5 knots and a
certified bollard pull of 217,000 pounds. An Intercontinental DD 250 double drum winch was furnished
by C&G Services of Morgan City. It can hold 4,300 ft. of 2.5 in. tow capble, and 2,900 ft. of 2.25 in.
anchor cable. C&G also supplied the 10-ton, 60-ft. hydraulic deck crane. Conrad Industries of Morgan
City dry docked the vessels and completed the underwater portion of the project. Gulf Coast
Industries' joiner work crew prefabricated all of the furniture and installed a SOLAS approval steel stud
and vinyl clad aluminum wall panel system, purchased from Spacecon of Thibodaux, La. The MDE's,
reduction gears, generators, pumps, piping systems and other equipment installation were also
accomplished by Gulf Coast Industries and supervised by Gulf Coast Industries' yard superintendent,
Clyde "Breeze" Badeaux.
SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports Bonga project
De 27e aangekomen in het Bonga veld, van inklaringen op de boten niets gemerkt, op de Bonga was
het een fluitje van een cent. De rest van de dag waren ze bezig met het installeren van het positieapparatuur. De 28e was men op de Bonga, met hulp van de Normand Progress de hele dag bezig met
het laten zakken van de ankerkettingen, om te zorgen dat ze uiteindelijk niet verkeerd zouden vallen.
In de avond richting de uiteindelijk locatie. De 29e om 06.00 had de Normand Progress - het
werkschip - de eerste ketting van de bodem gevist en was klaar om deze te gaan insluiten. Om 11.40
was de eerste ketting ingesloten en om 18.30 de tweede. Momenteel (09.00) bezig met de derde
ketting, maar er zijn wat probleempjes met het onderwater-robotje, de 'knipschaar' schijnt niet te
werken. Verwachting is, dat na de 4e ketting in ieder geval een van de boten, WW of wij, zal worden
ontslaan. (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Rotterdam)
Multra Commander
Woensdag 26 november 2003 - TERNEUZEN - De vloot van sleep- en bergingsbedrijf Multraship bv
in Terneuzen is uitgebreid met de Multra Commander, een voormalig onderzoeksvaartuig van
Rijkswaterstaat. Na een opknapbeurt in Den Helder arriveerde het imposante vaartuig eind vorige
week in de nieuwe thuishaven Terneuzen. Daar werd onder meer het logo van de nieuwe eigenaar op
de schoorstenen aangebracht. De Multra Commander (56 meter lang, 11,5 meter breed met een
diepgang van 3,5 meter) wordt toegevoegd aan de bergingsvloot, die de sleper/berger uit Terneuzen
momenteel aan het formeren is. Belangrijkste vaartuig daarvan is de bok Cormorant, die momenteel
wordt ingezet bij de wrakkenruiming op de Westerschelde. De Commander kan ook worden ingezet bij
alle mogelijke vormen van onderzoek op het water. Het vaartuig werd in 1982 gebouwd en deed onder
de naam Mitra dienst als onderzoeksvaartuig van waterstaat met Scheveningen als thuishaven. De
Commander telt nu nog 22 kooien, maar dat aantal wordt binnenkort met tien uitgebreid. Ook de
bergingsfaciliteiten aan boord worden geoptimaliseerd. Multraship beschikt nu over 25 sleep- en
bergingsvaartuigen. Het bedrijf van de familie Muller - een gevestigde naam in de internationale sleepen bergingswereld - richt zich inmiddels ook op de Oost-Europese markt. Er zijn inmiddels kantoren
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
geopend in Roemenië en Bulgarije en er wordt druk gewerkt aan de opbouw van een vloot in die
landen. (Bron: BN/De Stem)
Workboat Report
12/02 We are at a definite end of an era for older single screw tugboats, as they are now being
scrapped or sunk as artificial reefs in great numbers. Newer twin screw and tractor models are
replacing these traditional old style tugs. McAllister is scrapping the Gregg McAllister, William H.
McAllister, and Capt. Bill. Their tug Wilmington will be sunk on a reef. The Gregg was known
on the Lakes as the S.M Dean which towed the coal barges Constitution and Maida. Moran has sold
for reefing their tugs Georgia Moran, Kings Point, and Vincent Turecamo. About a dozen more of
these classic tugs, from various companies, will be scrapped or sunk in the next six months.
The four ATF's owned by the Escanaba & Lake Superior Railway are being scrapped. They were
purchased years ago, reportedly for use on Lake Michigan. Two are on the West Coast and the other
two, the Papago and the Paiute, are being scrapped in Chesapeake, VA. The Navy and Marad are
also in scrap mode, as they Philly Naval yard has both graving docks in use, with two ships in each
dock, all being dismantled. Only four WW-II era vessels remain, the cruiser Des Moines and three YO
(Yard Oiler) tankers, similar to what the sandsucker J.S. St. John was built off. Down in the
Chesapeake, a local recycler is busy dismantling ships out of the James River reserve fleet. The last
of the C-4's, the Marine Fiddler, is currently being stripped for scrapping and the Victory ship, Catawba
Victory, has just been towed in awaiting her turn. The canal tug Chaplain, which has been seen
visiting the Lakes in recent years at such ports as Monroe, MI and Rochester, NY, has sunk
somewhere in the Northeast and is a total loss. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Admiral Nakhimov sinks in Sea of Azov
The Russian tugboat Admiral Nakhimov sank in the sea of Azov which joins with the Black Sea
through the Kerch Strait. There are no victims, reported the Russian Emergencies Ministry. The
incident took place at 07.23 am Moscow time in the area of the port of Kavkaz some 1.5 miles from
the shore at the depth of ten meters. The crew was evacuated by the tugboat Lvov which was passing
by, said the Emergencies Ministry. At the present time experts are finding out the cause of the incident
because the weather in the area of the Sea of Azov was favorable, pointed out the Emergencies
Ministry (Bron: Shipping News)
SmitWijs Rotterdam’s Last Bonga Report
Het is voorbij, voor de Rotterdam dan, de Wolraad en de Saltire zijn nog bezig, waarschijnlijk tot de
laatste kettingen zijn bevestigd, nog 6 stuks. Afgelopen maandag kwam van de wal af de opdracht om
een van de Smitwijs boten te gaan ontslaan zodra er 6 kettingen waren bevestigd. De 6e zat vast op
de 2e vroeg in de ochtend. Om logistieke redenen werd besloten de Rotterdam te laten gaan, deze
had van de drie boten het minst aan gasolie aan boord. Aldus geschiedde en tegen 8 uur
dinsdagmorgen waren wij onderweg naar Port Gentil om te gaan bunkeren. Dit is in de loop van
dinsdagmiddag weer omgezet naar Abidjan omdat de olie in Port Gentil niet te leveren was. Komen de
5e bij Abidjan aan en krijgen daar buiten de bunkers. Hierna is het de bedoeling dat we de Smitwijs
Singapore, onderweg van Kaapstad naar Rotterdam met de bak Sainty 1, van bunkers gaan voorzien,
ergens net zuid van de evenaar. (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Rotterdam)
Hercules flexes its muscles
Norwegian based owners Olympic Shipping were quite literally pushing the boat out this month, as
they managed to secure a 4-week tow fixture for their AHTS A101 Olympic Hercules. The vessel is
set to tow Prosafe’s accommodation support unit MSV Regalia from Bergen to West Africa. The
vessel is likely to be away from the market for almost siz weeks from early December.
Havila’s Handles begin to turn
The process of renaming Havila’s ex-fleet has begun. New owners, the French controlled Bourbon
Offshore recently changed three vessels (also last edition of S & O News Nr. 30 the Smit-Lloyd 122 &
123 changed over to Bourbon) – AHTS UT722LX Havila Surf; PSV’s UT705 Havila Trader and
Havila Eko – are all having their Havila tag replaced with Bourbon. Hence from now on we shall
seeing the Bourbon Surf; Bourbon Trader and Bourbon Eko. One or two others have also received
the same treatment , i.e. Bourbon Tampen, Bourbon Hidra …and so on. Simple!
Amazonia takes to the water
Recently in Brazil was the launch ceremony of the dedicated RSV/DSV type vessel Sealion
Amazonia that was held at Estaleiro Itajai S/A yard. The vessel, when delivered will be owned by
Sealion do Brasil Navegacao Ltda, a joint venture company between Sealion and Petroserv, the
Brazilian offshore service company. The same yard is set to deliver 3 AHTS for BOS (Brazil Offshore
Services), the joint venture between Farstad Shipping and Petroserv from the end of 2004 into 2005.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Austral goes waterborne
The Aker Brattvaag controlled Estaleiro Promar shipyard in Brazil launched this month a US$ 30 mill
multi-purpose supply vessel (MPSV). The vessel AHTS UT719-2 Austral Abrolhos has been
commissioned by US-based GulfMark Offshore and when completed early next year, will operate for
Shell for 5 years to support on the Bijupira and Salema project in the Campos Basin. The vessel will
support FPSO operations and assist with the mooring and towing of the local tankers. This particular
contract with GulfMark Offshore Inc. is the sixth newbuilding order for the Promar Shipyard.
Sun Rises for Seaport
Farstad Supply ASA has confirmed this month that the 1982 built AHTS Far Sun was sold to Seaport
International Shipping Company L.L.C. in the United Arab Emirates. The deal price is around the US$
4 million level. Older, apolagies, more experienced readers may well remember the Far Sun as the old
Far Sovereign. The vessel should be about to leave the North Sea soon for the Middle East, marking
the end of its ten-year BP Norway charte. It is thought that the Far Sun will now be used by Statoil
Iran, but the details of it’s term charter were undisclosed at the time of writing. BP Norway is now
expected to tender for a more replacement vessel for support on the Valhall field.
Caledonia more than a Scottish name
Aberdeen recently was witness to the arrival of DOF’s (District Offshore) newbuild PSV MT6000
Skandi Caledonia. The vessel was constructed at the Fitjar Mekaniske Verksted yard located south
of Bergen. Now its in DOF’s hands, the vessel will immediately begin a 5-year charter to Kerr McGee
here in the North Sea.
Laura not resting on Laurels
At the time of writing, the Klyne Tug managed AHT Lady Laura was very close to being sold to some
undisclosed German buyers. Klyne were unable to comment as to the specific terms of the agreement
due to the delicate stage at which they’d reached.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 32
dd. 14 December 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Yves Gerling
Lawrence Amboldt laat het volgende weten over de Yves Gerling. Het gerucht dat de Yves Gerling
naar Malta zou zijn verkocht en in de Lekko stond vermeld, kan hierbij worden ontzenuwd. De fout zit
volgens Lawrence bij Lloyd’s Register. In de LR 1980/1981 staat Malta Maritime Services Ltd als
eigenaar van de Yves Gerling, met steeds als thuishaven Antwerpen. En het Belgische roepsein
ORLU. Misschien is daar de vergissing gemaakt. Om kort te zijn zij heeft dus nooit onder de vlag van
Malta gevaren. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Lady Laura
De Ton Has laat weten dat de Lady Laura wel eens verkocht zou kunnen worden/zijn aan de haven
collega’s in Litauen, Zij waren al een tijdje naarstig op zoek naar zoiets. We houden dit natuurlijk
vlijmscherp in de gaten. (Bron: Ton Has)
Stirling Spica
De Striling Spica is verkocht aan Nomis en herdoopt Dea Signal
Bouw twee nieuwe schepen goedgekeurd
Al maandenlang wordt binnen Smit gestudeerd op mogelijke nieuwbouw. Daarvoor is intensief
gekeken naar de behoefte die er is in de markt. Er is gesproken met talloze klanten en brokers.
Gebleken is dat er zeker een markt is voor schepen in de klasse tussen de 70 en 120 ton bollard pull.
Uitgangspunt voor de nieuwbouw is dat er zoveel mogelijk wordt gewerkt aan standaard schepen. Dit
werkt kosteneffectief bij zowel inkoop en onderhoud als bij het inzetten voor operaties. De schepen
waar nu naar wordt gekeken hebben de volgende specificaties:
Bollard Pull
: 70 tot 120 ton
: 70 meter
: 16 meter
: DP 2
: Fifi 1
: Bulkcapaciteit
Behalve deze specificaties zullen ook voorzieningen worden aangebracht om in de toekomst mogelijk
installaties ten behoeve van projecten aan te brengen. Daarbij moet worden gedacht aan een kraan,
een A-frame of addiotionele accommodatie. De neuw te bouwen schepen worden in nauwe
samenwerking ontworpen tussen geselecteerde werven en de afdeling Engineering. Daarbij wordt
natuurlijk uitgebreid gebruik gemaakt van de inbreng van andere afdelingen binnen Smit. De schepen,
die in 2005 zullen worden afgeleverd, zullen andere schepen vervangen in de T&HL-vloot. Op dit
moment wordt met verschillende werven gesproken over een mogelijke bouwopdracht. Zodra meer
bekend is over de schepen, zullen we u hierover uiteraard informeren. (Bron: Smit)
Tugboat capsized in Port of Palm Beach
A tugboat pushing a barge capsized in the turning basin of the Port of Palm beach, Fla., at December
4 10 a.m. Coast Guard Station Lake Worth Inlet received the call at 10:30 a.m. from another boater in
the area and immediately sent a 27-foot rescue boat to the scene. Three people were recued from the
water by a good Samaritan and were taken to the port, were they are meeting with a coast Guard
marine safety investigator. There were no injuries reported. There were 2,000 gallons of diesel on
board at the time of the incident and there is a visible sheen on the surface of the water. The Coast
Guard Marine Safety Office is overseeing the pollution response and is working with the vessel’s
owner on cleanup and salvage plans. Another tugboat was dispatched to retrieve the barge, which has
been safely recovered. The cause of the incident is under investigation
SmitWijs Singapore:
Towing loaded barge "Sainty 1" (loaded with inland-barges) from Shanghai * Rotterdam, via Cape of
Good Hope, Eta: 07/01/04.
SmitWijs London:
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Towing of barge "S 45" (loaded with YP Jacket), Singapore * Nigeria * Singapore, Eta off Durban:
22/12. Off Durban, tow will be handed over to Wolraad Woltemade. Next: Repairs/maintenance
period, 7 days, in Durban. Towage of semi-submersible rig "Sedco 708" from Pointe Noir to Dubai,
Etd: 05-10/01/2004.
SmitWijs Rotterdam:
Presently arriving at Abidjan for bunker-call. Next: Will rendez-vous with SW Singapore/Sainty No. 1,
for fuel transfer operation.
Wolraad Woltemade:
En-route to Cape Town/Durban, Eta Cape Town: 13/12. Next: Towage of loaded/empty barge "S-45"
from off Durban * Nigeria * Singapore. (see also SmitWijs London).
John Ross
The South African tug John Ross (Pentow) has been renamed in Smit Amandla. She is brought
under Smit Vessel Management Service South Africa.
De Da:
Towing barge H-401 (in ballast) from location off Cabinda to US-Gulf, Presently stand-by at location
off Cabinda, Etd: 07/12.
De Yue:
SmitWijs Tempest:
Maintenance/repairs for about 12 days.
SmitWijs Typhoon:
T/C Mc. Dermott Argentina, since 05/05.
T/C for Dutch Government until December 2009.
Rivtow Princess
On Nov. 27, tug Rivtow Princess (182gt, built 1962) while towing chip barge RT 1202 (Rivtow)
reported a collision with fishing Ocean Destiny (87 gt, built 1989), in lat 48.52.00N, long 123.37.59W,
near crofton, BC
Smit Barges
De E1201 en de E1202 zijn onlangs uit de zeevaart genomen en ondergebracht bij de binnenvaart.
Derhalve hebben zij nieuwe brandmerken gekregen. 09/12/2003 E1202 - Brandmerk 26425 BR 2003
10/12/2003 E1201 - Brandmerk 26424 BR 2003. De zeevaartbrandmerken zijn doorgehaald.
Sealion – Toisa
Sealion Shipping/Toisa Ltd. Have confirmed an order in China for three VS4612 designed large
anchor handlers with the first delivery scheduled for August 2005. The vessels wil be 160 tonnes
bollard pull / dynamically positioned and be equipped with a firefighting facility. Toisa have three
further DPII multi-purpose supply vessels under construction at a different shipyard in China and a
ROV support vessel being built in Brazil for the local market. All four vessels are scheduled for
delivery in 2004. Toisa operate around 25 PSV’s / subsea construction vessels worldwide but this
latest move represents their move back into the AHTS sector after an abcence of five years.
Les Abeiles
Les Abeilles International, which is a subsidiary of the Bourbon Group, has ordered two new salvage
tugs against 8-14 year contracts which were awarded to the company by the French authorities. The
vessels will provide shoreline protection for France’s 2000 miles of coastline but surprisingly they will
be built in Norway for delivery in the first half of 2005
Bourbon Group
The Bourbon group are scheduled to take delivery of four offshore vessels from European shipyards in
January and one in Brazil. The UT721 anchor handling under construction in France will be christened
the ‘Zolo’ and is committed for a long term contract in Angola. The ‘Antenor’ (UT755L) will deliver
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
from the Brattvaag shipyard in Norway and again is reportedly committed for a long term contract in
West Africa. Two DPII/MPSV’s of the UT745 design are scheduled to deliver from the Langsten
shipyard in Norway. The vessels will be christened the ‘Bourbon Opale’ en ‘Bourbon Jade’ with the
former believed to be close to be chartered by Pemex for four years. Finally Delba Maritime, which is
50% owned by Bourbon, will take delivery of a UT722 anchor handler from the Setal shipyard in Brazil.
The ‘Geonisio Barroso’ is committed to Petrobras for a minimum of eight years.
Gulf Offshore
Gulf Offshore are scheduled to take delivery of their third (and last) large anchor handler in the first
half of December from the Soviknes shipyard in Norway. The vessel will be christened the ‘Highland
Endurance’ (UT722L) and will join the sister vessels ‘Higland Courage’ & ‘Highland Valour’ on the
North Sea spot market. Gulf Offshore have placed an order in the Far East for two 8000 BHP anchor
handlers for delivery in the 2 quarter of 2005 against minimum five years contracts awarded to them
by Pemex. Gulf are also building a smaller anchor handler in Brazil for delivery in June 2004 against a
minimum five years contract awarded by Shell (Brazil)
Hagenaes is expected to take delivery of a medium sized PSV of the UT755L design around the mid
December from the Brattvaag shipyard. The vessel will be christened the ‘Active Prince’ and is
currenly uncommitted although the owners are endeavouring to secure a long term bareboat charter
for the unit. The Brevik shipyard are scheduled to deliver a UT710/10800 BHP anchor handler later
this month altough it is unclear who will operate the ‘Island Patriot’
Farstad are due to take delivery of two supply vessels from the Ulstein shipyard in Norway later this
month. The large DPII PSV ‘Far Symphony’ (P105) is scheduled for delivery around mid December
and will reportedly replace another Farstad on a long term Norsk Hydro contract. The smaller ‘Far
Splendour’ (P106) is expected to leave the yard towards the end of December in readiness for a
minimum five year contract with Dutch logistics provider Petersons Supplylink. The only other vessels
Farstad have under construction are three large anchor handlers which are being built in Brazil against
long term Petrobras contracts.
Havila are scheduled to take delivery of a stand-by / field support vessel in the second half of
December from the Havyard shipyard in Norway. The vessel will be christened the ‘Havila Troll’ and is
committed to Norsk Hydro for a minimum of ten years.
OH Meling
OH Meling will take delivery of a medium PSV (VS470), which is equipped with a Norwegian/British
standby facility, from the Kleven shipyard in the first half of January. The vessel is committed to
Norwegian logistics provider MLS who have fixed the vessel for 2-5 years to support Total Norge’s
‘Frigg Field’.
Middle Eastern based Algosaibi are scheduled to take of a purpose built ROV vessel later this month
from the Balenciaga shipyard in Spain. The vessel will be christened the ‘Aquanaut’ and is thought to
be currently uncommitted.
Tidewater are scheduled to take delivery of a UT755L designed PSV later this month from the Promar
shipyard in Brazil. The vessel will be christened the ‘Milan Tide’ and is thought to have a long term
commitment with Petrobras lined up. The same shipyard currently has orders to build a further five
offshore vessels for Gulf Offshore / Seabulk International / Norskan & Astromaritima
In 1999, Petrobras launched a fleet renewal plan indentifying a demand for 22 newbuilding support
vessels which would be built and galvanise the shipyards. Six are already operational with a further
ten scheduled for delivery in 2004 with the balance due in 2005/6. Petrobras has now launched a
second renewal plan which will inevitably further limit the opportunities for European built tonnage in
Brazil. The plan states that Petrobras will charter a further eighteen offshore vessels for tonnage
between 4 & 8 years which will generate revenues of circa $290 million for the local shipbuilding
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Gulf Offshore
The ‘Tom Kestrel’ (UT755), which is operated by Gulf Offshore, will be handed over to Tidewater
Marine in the North Sea in the second half of December (after drydocking) on completion of a five year
bareboat charter. The vessel will be renamed and Tidewater, who operate over 500 offshore support
vessels worlwide, are believed to have a contract lined up overseas.
Tidewater will also take control of two larger anchor handlers in the first half of 2004 on completion of
similar five years bareboat arrangements – namely the ‘Maersk Detector’ & ‘ Torm Heron’ which are
currenly based in West Africa and the North Sea respectively. Tidewater acquired seven vessels (4
AHTS / 3 PSV’s) from Japanese based Sanko Steamships 2-3 years ago but all had five year
bareboat arrangements in place so they could not take full control of the units until these expired. Four
vessels were handed over earlier this year – all of which are now trading overseas in West
Barge Damaged
12/10 Barge Laviolette, under tow of the tugs Salvor and the Bonnie B III, was involved in an incident
Tuesday near Cornwall, Ont., in which the barge was pushed into the Bonnie B III. There was no
damage to the tug but reports indicate the Barge Laviolette may have been holed above the waterline.
The trio is tied at the upper wall of the Snell Lock awaiting clearance to go to Prescott for repairs.
The Barge Laviolette is loaded with sugar from Trois Rivieres bound for Toronto for winter storage.
Services Maritimes Laviolette Inc. of Trois Rivieres operates the vessel, which is the bow and cargo
section of the former ULS Group bulker Canadian Explorer. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Tug and Barge Have Trouble Entering Holland
12/10 The tug Undaunted and barge Pere Marquette 41 became stuck while attempting to enter the
Holland, Mich. Piers sometime before dawn Tuesday. About 10 a.m. the tug Carol Ann arrived to
assist. After about ninety minutes of maneuvering the tug and barge broke free and proceeded into
Lake Macatawa with their load of gravel. A Corps of Engineers survey boat was on the scene and
reported depths of only 16 1/2 feet in spots, the PM41 appeared to be drawing 18 feet. (Bron: Jan van
der Doe)
Three missing in heavy lift ship loading tragedy
Three crew members were still missing this morning after Jumbo Shipping's heavy lift ship Stellamare
lay on its side in icy waters in Albany, N.Y. The 1982-built, 2,368 gt ship was loading the last of two
turbines, each weighing about 250 tons, when it rolled to port and became partially submerged in
about 30 ft of water at about 3 p.m. Tuesday, according to local media reports. Several of the ship's
18-man crew were thrown into the icy water. Local reports say four Stellamare crewmen from St.
Petersburg, Russia, ranging in age from 28 to 53, were taken by ambulance to St. Peters' Hospital
and two patients were taken to Albany Medical Center Hospital for treatment of injuries and
hypothermia. A tugboat, the Rhea I. Bouchard, plucked one man from the icy waters and another from
the hull of the ship. The boat, bound for Italy and Romania, was already holding 600 tons of cargo
when it started taking on water, Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings is reported as saying.
The port remained closed to all traffic early this morning a mile north and south. It was believed the
three missing crew members might be trapped in the hull and sound-monitoring equipment was in use
to try to detect them. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Crowley unit christens ATB
Marine Transport Corporation, a subsidiary of Crowley Maritime Corporation, recently christened the
fourth Articulated Tug-Barge (ATB) tank vessel in its new-build program. The 9,280-horsepower tug
Coastal Reliance and 155,000-barrel barge 550-4 were built by Bay Shipbuilding Company in
Sturgeon Bay, Wis. During the ceremony, which took place at Marine Transport's Long Beach,
Calif., office, Clorinda Nothstein from Shell Trading U.S. Company (STUSCO) christened both the tug
and barge. The Coastal Reliance/550-4 is the second of two similar units on time charter to STUSCO.
Both currently trade on the U.S. West Coast. "We are pleased to officially place the fourth new ATB
into service," said Steve Collar, Vice President, Business Development for Marine Transport. "We
are equally proud of the fact that this ATB will serve STUSCO, one of our most valued and respected
customers." Already in service are the Sea Reliance/550-1, the Sound Reliance/550-2 and
the Ocean Reliance/550-3. "All four new ATBs have been integrated into the Marine Transport fleet
and are performing very well," Collar said. The essential difference between the newly constructed
ATB's and the traditional West Coast tug and barge unit is the method of attachment. The
ATB tug is attached to the stern notch of the barge with an Intercon coupler system allowing the tug to
push the barge at sea versus the traditional means of towing the barge at sea. The primary benefit of
the ATB configuration is greater speed, 12 knots versus seven to nine knots, higher fuel efficiency
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
and greater handling capability. The Intecon coupler system provides a single degree of freedom
allowing the tug to pitch about a transverse connection between the tug and barge. All other motions
are restrained so that the tug motions match barge motions in roll and heave. The ATB tank vessel
incorporates the latest advances in environmental protection and safety while providing increased
efficiencies in hose handling, anchoring, mooring, discharge and loading of product. The 550-4 is
double hulled and the tug is double sided. The barge, built, documented and maintained to the
requirements of American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) SafeHull, has an inert gas system as well as an
enhanced cargo system and a fully redundant ballast system. The Coastal Reliance meets all SOLAS
(Safety of Life at Sea) and ABS criteria, and has a foam capable fire monitor; twin fuel efficient,
reduced emission electronic diesel engines; a noise reduction package and other upgrades to
increase crew comfort. The communication and navigation equipment is described as "among the
most technologically advanced in the industry today." (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Sleepboten verplaatst wegens gebrek aan werk
IJMUIDEN - Sleep- en bergingsbedrijf SvitzerWijsmuller heeft het afgelopen jaar twee sleepboten uit
IJmuiden 'overgeplaatst' naar het buitenland wegens gebrek aan werk. Door het teruglopende aantal
schepen dat de havens langs het Noordzeekanaal heeft aangedaan lagen de krachtpatsers van het
water werkloos voor de kant. SvitzerWijsmuller heeft de slepers daarom tijdelijk gestationeerd in
buitenlandse havens waar wel voldoende sleepwerk was. Het bedrijf heeft hierdoor naar eigen zeggen
de misgelopen opdrachten gecompenseerd. ,,Voor de havens in de regio was 2003 een matig jaar'',
zegt John Verschelde, algemeen-directeur van SvitzerWijsmuller in IJmuiden. Hoewel exacte cijfers
vooralsnog ontbreken schat Verschelde dat de slepers tien procent minder opdrachten hadden dan in
2002. ,,Omdat we altijd streven naar een optimale inzet van de vloot hebben we twee slepers tijdelijk
ingezet in buitenlandse havens.'' Zo is de sleepboot Titan uit IJmuiden een half jaar ingezet in de
Deense en Zweedse havens, de sleper Groningen in Denemarken. Ook is de boot ingezet bij
bergingswerk op zee. Hoewel het aantal opdrachten in het Noordzeekanaal-gebied daalde benadrukt
Verschelde dat SvitzerWijsmuller de negatieve financiële gevolgen heeft weten te beperken. ,,We
verstrekken tussentijds geen financiële gegevens, maar het is toch nog een redelijk jaar geworden'',
aldus Verschelde. Opvallend is volgens de topman van het sleepbedrijf dat de havens van Rotterdam
en Antwerpen opvallend beter presteren dan die van Amsterdam. ,,Maar het is te hopen dat het
aantrekken van de economie leidt tot de overslag van meer grondstoffen zoals minerale oliën, cacao
en erts.'' Daarnaast hoopt Verschelde op meer opdrachten via Corus door het beëindigen van
importheffingen op staal door de Verenigde Staten. (Bron: Haarlems Dagblad)
Hoge straffen geëist in drugzaak
Voor de Middelburgse rechtbank is donderdag zeven keer acht jaar en één keer tien jaar
onvoorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf geëist tegen acht van de tien mannen die worden verdacht van
grootschalige cocaïnesmokkel. Het gaat om bemanningsleden van de zeesleper Otton waar in
augustus in Vlissingen-Oost 4050 kilo cocaïne werd gevonden. Het was één van de grootste
drugsvangsten die ooit in Nederland is gedaan. De straatwaarde wordt geschat op meer dan 200
miljoen euro.
Mapleglen reaches Alang, India
12/12 After a 82 day trip across many bodies of water and sometimes severe weather the tug
Seaways 2 with the Mapleglen in tow arrived at Alang, India on December 4. The tow started from
Montreal on Sept. 13. Crews have all ready begun scrapping her, the former Carol Lake and Algocape
built in 1960 was a classic carrier which served four different companies over a span of 42
years. The Seaways 5 is making progress with the double tow of Seaway Queen and the Oakglen, the
convoy is presently passing Walvis Bay on the West Coast of Africa, no date of arrival was given for
the double tow, future progress will be added to the news channel. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Volvo Penta Diesels Make Impact on Tug
Volvo Penta is enjoying continued success with sales of engines for vessels operating in canal
and river traffic in the US. When the barge transportation company, Stevens Towing in South Carolina,
recently installed its first four-stroke diesel engines in one of its tugboats, its choice of engine was
Volvo Penta’s TAMD165C. The results to date are impressive – the company calculates that it gains
the equivalent of one engine per year through lower fuel and maintenance costs! There is a large
market for new engines for tugboats working on canals and rivers in the US. Volvo Penta, which
gained its first foothold in this market only a few years ago, is reporting significant performance
improvements for its customers. “We installed our first engines three years ago, and today this is an
important market for us,” says Kent Lundgren, head of the Diesel Engines division at Volvo Penta of
the Americas. “Satisfied customers are the best testimonial to our engine performance, and we are
now noticing a demand that did not exist before.” Increased maintenance costs Stevens Towing
Company has a fleet of six tugboats and about 25 barges that operate on waterways in the eastern
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
US. The engines onboard have previously been 12-cylinder, two-stroke diesels, but increasing
maintenance needs and relatively heavy fuel consumption convinced Stevens Towing to try out new
state-of-the-art four-stroke diesel engines on one of the tugboats. Profitable switch The vessel chosen
for the refit was the 56-foot tugboat Island Express. The existing installation comprised twin two-stroke
engines, each developing 400 horsepower. Following the refit, the vessel has twin 510-horsepower
Volvo Penta TAMD165C diesel engines. “So far, the engines have run for 1,500 hours of trouble free
operation with no service requirements beyond normal maintenance,” says Arthur Bailey of Superior
Diesel, who supplied the engines and takes care of servicing them. “We have installed flow meters on
Island Express and a sister vessel still running on the old engines. Our preliminary figures show that
we are making fuel savings of 15-20 percent, in addition to considerably higher availability and
minimal maintenance costs. I calculate that we can earn back the cost of an engine in just one year’s
operation, which means that both engines will have paid for themselves after only two years,” says
Bos Smith, Operations Manager at Stevens Towing. Another beneficial effect has been improved
working conditions for the crew – being a straight six-cylinder diesel, the TAMD165C generates far
lower noise levels and minimal vibration. “The level of comfort onboard has improved enormously and
the crew members are very pleased,” concludes Bos Smith.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 33
dd. 21 December 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Lady Laura
Naar de informatie van Ruud Veenman wordt de Lady Laura verkocht aan Harms Bergung.
Overdracht staat gepland voor het einde van dit jaar. De nieuwe naam wordt Warius. (Bron: Ruud
De Intrepide (ex. Pyrrhos-03) is vrijdagavond in Duinkerken aangekomen. Helaas te donker om foto’s
te maken. Ook de Banckert was van de party, ze staat nu te Antwerpen geregistreerd en is onder
Belgische vlag. Ze had een bunkerschip binnengebracht vanuit Le Havre. De Fighter was eerder
deze week ook in Duinkerken, met baggermaterieel. (Bron Lawrence Amboldt)
De scheepswerf Socarenam uit Bonen leverde vandaag (15.12.03) te Toulon de Rascas aan de
Franse Marine. De Rascas had reeds in november Bonen verlaten. 2x660 apk Baudoun, 2xVoithSchneider 18GII/115. (Bron: Le Marin)
Sleepboten tot zinken gebracht
De Franse Marine heeft tijdens schietoefeningen drie van hun sleepboten tot zinker gebracht de:
l'Utile (980 apk, 1971), Saule (700 pk, 1961) en Grand Duc (250 apk, 1967). (Bron:Jacques Carney)
Abeille verplaatst haar sleepboten
Met det oplevering van de twee nieuwe stationsleepboten voor Brest en Cherbourg gaan de Abeille
Flandre naar de zuidelijke atlantische kust, vermoedelijk naar Bayonne, en de Abeille Languedoc naar
Toulon. (Bron: Jacques Carney).
Adsteam heeft haar eerste Damen ASD 2411 gekocht. De in China gebouwde sleepboot
(2xCaterpillar) zal te Newcastle, N.S.W. worden ingezet. Een naam is nog niet bekend, (Bron:
Lawrence Amboldt)
BP zal bij Damen drie sleepboten van het type ASD 3211 hebben bestelt. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Smit Panama
Smit heeft de Smit Panama (ex. Smit Nederland-94) verkocht aan Roman Robeyna van Cross
Caribbean Services uit Panama. Cross Caribbean Services heeft ook tussen 1990 en 1992 de
Independent (ex. Smit België-90) aangekocht. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
De Wm. H. McAllister (ex. Sound Shore- ?) is deze maand (december 2003) te Chesapeake in
Virginia gesloopt.
De Gregg McAllister (ex. Maryann-77, ex. David McAllister-70, ex. S. M. Dean-69) is ook deze
maand te Chesapeake gesloopt, direct na de Wm. M. McAllister. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Maiden Castle
De Maiden Castle gaat niet naar Bahrain. Het geld kwam niet binnen - verkoop geannuleerd. Ze is
nu weer te koop. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Ahoy, Vanuit de Zuid Atlantische Oceaan een bericht van SmitWijs'
vlaggenschip, de SmitWijs Singapore.
16 September 2003 is de SmitWijs Singapore vertrokken uit Shanghai naar Rotterdam. Aan de
sleeptros de nieuw gebouwde en beladen ladingbak "Sainty no.1". De Sainty no.1 is beladen met 20
casco's van binnenvaartuigen voor de Nederlandse markt. De leek vraagt zich af, waarom laat men
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
die in China bouwen en niet in Nederland? De arbeidskosten in China behoren tot de laagste in de
wereld, zo laag dat het lucratief is om ze daar te laten bouwen. Met de transportkosten naar
Rotterdam erbij is dat nog altijd goedkoper dan de binnenvaartuigen te laten bouwen in Nederland. Na
aankomst in Nederland worden de binnenvaartuigen verder afgebouwd, voorzien van accommodatie,
motoren en verdere benodigde apparatuur. De Sainty no.1 is speciaal voor deze reis gebouwd in
China, voor een koopje. Dat is goed te merken. Geen goed gebouwd vaartuig, slecht afgewerkt, er is
bezuinigd op noodzakelijk equipement en voorzieningen die een vaartuig zeewaardig maakt voor de
vaart rond Kaap de Goede Hoop en in de wintertijd op de Noord Atlantische Oceaan. Het lage
vrijboord maakt de Sainty en haar lading zeer kwetsbaar voor de winterstormen op de Noord
Atlantische Oceaan. De casco's staan op de bak gestapeld in vier lagen hoog, sommige casco's
passen in het ruim van een ander casco. Er zijn enkele vaartuigen bij van 135 m lang. De hoogte van
de vier lagen vaartuigen is 24 meter. Een flinke windvang. Direct na vertrek kwam nog een slechte
eigenschap naar voren van Sainty no.1. Nadat de havensleepboten, die bij vertrek assisteerden,
losgooiden begon Sainty haar eigen Chinese koers te varen. Zij gierde achter de SmitWijs Singapore
van bakboord naar stuurboord en draaide bovendien ook nog om haar eigen verticale as. Een
interessant gezicht, maar met ruim 14.000 zeemijlen voor de boeg geen prettig vooruitzicht.
Het lag in de bedoeling dat van Shanghai rechtstreeks naar Kaapstad gevaren zou worden voor een
bunkerstop. Maar door het wispelturige gedrag van Sainty kon niet de snelheid gehaald worden die
was berekend en moest Singapore aangelopen worden, deels om te bunkeren en deels om Sainty
grondig te inspecteren voordat de oversteek over de Indische Oceaan naar Kaapstad gemaakt zou
worden. Al zwalkend werd op 25 november Kaapstad binnengelopen. Hier werd na grondige inspectie
verschillende scheuren in de zeevasten gevonden van de onderste laag casco's. Het sleepgerei werd
grondig geïnspecteerd en aangepast daar waar teveel slijtage opgetreden was. Op 27 november was
dit klaar en lag het transport weer gereed voor vertrek op de 28e. De havenautoriteiten van Kaapstad
hadden een restrictie ingesteld voor wat betreft de wind tijdens vertrek vanuit de haven. Er mocht niet
meer dan windkracht 5 Bft staan om te vertrekken. Dat stond er de volgende dagen wel en werd het
vertrek dagelijks uitgesteld. Pas op 1 december was er een korte luwte gedurende de dag en kon de
reis vervolgd worden. Op 13 december werd 800 mijl zuid van Liberia rendez vous gemaakt met de
SmitWijs Rotterdam. Deze maakte een sleepverbinding op het voorschip van de SmitWijs Singapore
en de bunkerslangen werden overgegeven. In 2 dagen tijd werd ongeveer 1000 m3 brandstof over
gepompt, zodat we verder non stop onze sleepreis naar Rotterdam kunnen vervolgen. De verwachting
is dat SmitWijs Singapore in week 2 van 2004 in Rotterdam arriveert met zijn zwalkende sleep.
(Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Singapore)
HiPAP 500 for Ardmore Single Anchor Loading System
12/15/ Tuscan Energy has awarded Kongsberg Maritime a contract to supply and install a HiPAP 500
system on board the Nomis Shipping vessel, MV Dea Commander. The vessel will operate on the
Ardmore Field in conjunction with two Single Anchor Loading (SAL) systems. These will be used to
transfer oil to shuttle tankers using a flexible seabed riser. This loading system comprises an anchor
point on the seabed where the loading risers and mooring lines are terminated into interconnected
swivel systems. The Dea Commander will be responsible for orientating the subsea loading riser prior
to connection to the tanker. It used the HiPAP system with subsea gyro transponders mounted on the
swivel point. Once connected, the tanker is able to weather vane freely during loading, and the Dea
Commander monitors the correct orientation of the flexible seabed riser during the whole operation.
Otto Candies Upgrades to HiPAP 500
Otto Candies LLC, USA, purchased a HiPAP 500 for the ROV Support vessel MV Caballo
Andaluz. The HiPAP 500 is a market leader in acoustic positioning with accuracy making it ideal for
ROV operations. Using HiPAP the ROV can now be positioned from surface in any direction down to
3,000 m (10,000 ft.) with very high accuracy. The HiPAP can also be equipped with an Hydro Acoustic
Inertial Navigation system, HAIN Subsea, which can improve super short baseline positioning of an
ROV up to 3 times.
Ship at distress after massive wave
The Norwegian standby ship, Ocean Sky, was at the mercy of the raging sea after a massive wave
shattered the glass window on the bridge, and the water destroyed the electronic equipment around 3
a.m. last night. Ocean Sky lost part of its ability to maneuver and is now taken to habor at Kristiansund
by the standby ship at the Heidrun field, Scandi Stord. Ocean Sky’s crew is doing fine in spite of the
night’s drama. The incident occurred on Ocean Sky, the standby ship at the Draugen field in the North
Sea, around 3 a.m. last night. There was a hurricane blowing in the area with gusts of wind up to 80
knots, and 10 meter waves, according to Alf Kristian Lillebo, head of information at Norske Shell, the
company operating the Draugen field. Ocean Sky lost parts of its ability to maneuver and all
communications equipment when a massive wave shattered a glass window and water poured
everywhere. The crew managed to communicate by emergency equipment. “The crew managed to
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
switch over to the emergency system, but lost part of the maneuver abilities,” stated Karstein Høyland
at Sartor Shipping, the company that owns the ship. “The crew did a good job to get control over the
situation, and they managed to board up the window. The waves were about 10 meters high, but the
crew is used to such conditions. However, all the same, this was not a pleasant experience.” The ship
is expected to reach harbor this evening. The "Ocean Sky" has been working almost all over the world.
In 1995 she was flagged home and converted to a multifunctional vessel with special emphasis on
Escort-/ Towing, Oil Recovery, Supply, Fire Fighting and Stand- by/ Rescue at Floating Production
Sites. She is equipped with 2 FRC's, Rescue Scoop, VSP, NOFO, ARPA, Surface Survillance, FiFi II
and A/H. "Ocean Sky" is certified for 217 persons. Ex. : "Pan Sky" - "Far Sky" Flag : NOR (ordinary
Norwegian) Home Port : Bergen - Built / Converted : 1976 -85/ -96/ -98 (Bron:Carin Pettersson)
People & Company News: Kings of the Crewboat
12/18/ Family businesses are not only numerous in the offshore vessel owners arena, but among the
shipyards that build these boats as well. Gulf Craft, owned by the Tibbs family, is an excellent example
of a company that has been building aluminum boats during the last five decades and has prospered
under two generations of family ownership, and is positioned for a smooth transition to the third
generation. The shipyard is located in Patterson, La., along Bayou Teche. The yard was founded by
Scott Tibbs in 1965 and began by building small aluminum vessels of all kinds. By the early 1970's,
Gulf Craft built its first crew boat for Norman McCall Boat Rentals, a 75-ft. vessel named the Joseph
Alan. Since then they have built over 50 additional crew/supply boats for McCall and the present
company Seacor Marine. "Over the past 30 years there has almost always been a McCall or Seacor
Crew vessel under construction at Gulf Craft," Scott Tibbs said. Scott's three sons Scott II, Kevin and
Bryant began their shipyard careers early in life, Scott II (or Scottie) remembers. " We began working
in the yard as teenagers after school and in the summer." Today Scottie (41) is Comptroller, Kevin
(40) is President and Bryant (39) is the Purchasing Agent. Scott, now 64, has turned the operation of
the shipyard over to his three sons. "The business of building crew/supply boats has become much
more technical with computer aided design," Scottie said. Regulations are also tougher. "Sometimes
we are building vessels that have to meet two different sets of regulations," Scottie added.In addition
to their12-acre shipyard on Bayou Teche, Gulf Craft has a yard in Simmesport, La. that builds major
vessel components such as frames, bulkheads, tanks, rails, etc. All final assembly takes place in
Patterson. The company moved into a new 7,500 sq. ft. office and engineering center. Today, Gulf
Craft remains very busy. They have a 150-ft. passenger catamaran under construction to carry people
from Ft. Myers, Fla. to Key west. This 40-knot vessel is one example of the diversification of the
shipyard. In addition to crew/supply boats, they build whale watch vessels, party fishing boats, dive
boats, tenders and other passenger and research vessels. In the crew/supply boat area they
completed earlier this year a series of three boats for Trico Marine and have just completed
construction a pair of 175- by 30-ft. water jet crew/supply boats for Seacor Marine and are working on
two more of 150- by 27-ft. boats also for Seacor . It would appear that the next generation of Tibbs
children will be ready to take over the company when Scottie, Kevin and Bryant are ready to give up
the reins. Totally there are five young Tibbs children in the wings waiting to show they can make the
transition to the third generation as smoothly as their fathers took over from their father. (Bron Larry
Accident on a Marine Vessel
12/18 Was
This A Permit Required Confined Space?. This accident happened in a large compartment
of an Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV), which, because of lack of appropriate ventilation and toxic
atmosphere it should have been treated as a confined space. An OSV is a vessel that carries supplies
to offshore platforms and rigs drilling for oil and gas in the oceans, such as the waters of the Gulf of
Mexico. Most of the supplies are carried on the cargo deck, but drilling mud and other chemicals are
carried below the cargo deck in a compartment designated as "Bulk Mud Room", which on some
OSV's may be 60 to 100 feet long. In this compartment some 10 to 20 large pressurized cylindrical
tanks measuring 15 to 18 ft. in diameter and 10 to 12 ft. in height are permanently installed to carry the
chemicals. Hence, although the compartment is large, it is pretty well occupied by the tanks, piping
and structures, leaving just enough room for two narrow walkways. The Bulk Mud Room is normally
accessed through watertight doors located at the forward end, where the crew quarters are located,
and at the after end where the engine compartment is located. The watertight doors are normally
closed for safety reasons in case of hull damage and flooding. Normally, 2 narrow walkways are
constructed inside the Bulk Mud Room, one port and one starboard, to reach the engine compartment
from the crew quarters, since in the Bulk Mud compartment normally does not have a toxic, or
explosive, or asphyxiating atmosphere. But, because the watertight doors are normally closed, two
small blowers (one port and one starboard) are installed so the compartment receives some outside
air creating positive pressure ventilation. On the day of the accident, the mate decided to order a
crewmember to spray paint the overhead area of the Bulk Mud Room, while the vessel was tied to the
dock. Since it was known that toxic fumes would be generated by the spray paint, in an effort to
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
remove the paint fumes, the rotation of the two small blowers were reversed creating a "negative
pressure ventilation" rather than a "positive pressure ventilation", which is the preferred method of
ventilation. The worker assigned to perform the spray paint job was provided with a respirator, but
without performing any fit testing procedures for tight-fitting respirators. To reach the overhead areas
to be spray painted, a 6-ft. aluminum type III stepladder was also provided to fit in the narrow walkway.
After the accident, the ladder was found, defective because it had several permanent deformations on
the rails and the spreader, and was light duty, 200 lbs. working load. After some 10 minutes of spray
painting, and as it could have been predicted, the worker collapsed from the ladder due to the toxic
fumes and fell in the bilges and sustained major injuries. Despite of the dimensions, the Bulk Mud
Room should have been considered a Confined Space because: a). Has limited means of access or
egress; b). Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy; and c). A potential hazardous
atmosphere was going to be developed and therefore, the OSHA provisions for confined spaces
should have been applied. The employer disagreed with the above and used the argument that it was
not a confined space because the watertight doors located some 50 to 60 feet from the area to be
painted were left open, making the Bulk Mud Room a non-confined space, and blamed the fall on the
employee contending that the employee may have tried to "walk" the ladder instead of descending
from the ladder and relocating it. The employee also claims that the damages to the ladder occurred at
the time of the fall. The employee, who was seriously injured, testified that he fainted because of the
fumes developed by the spray paint process. There were no witnesses. Regarding ventilation,
everybody agrees that the small blowers could not extract the paint fumes, among other reasons,
because the intake grills of the blowers were too far from the area being painted. Nevertheless, the
employee contended that because the watertight doors to the engine room and crew quarters were left
open, the main engine room blowers that supply outside air to the engine room were running because
a generator was in service, and this would have been enough to create a draft sufficient to dissipate
the paint fumes. The question still remains: Should the Bulk Mud Room be considered a confined
space despite of its dimensions and the paint operation be subject to the Permit Required Confined
Space standard in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.146 promulgated by OSHA and adopted by the
Department of Transportation of some states, such as Code SB-99-3 of the New York State
Department of Transportation? Or, should the "Bulk Mud Room" be considered a naturally ventilated
space when the watertight doors at the forward and after end of the Bulk Mud Room are open? OSHA
standard 1910.146 assigns the responsibility of identifying a space as Permit Required Confined
Space to the employer. This leaves the employer the freedom to blame the cause of this accident on
other possible factors, such as misuse of the ladder by the employee. The author of this article
believes that the definition of Confined Space shall be expanded in great detail in an attempt to avoid
the type of dispute generated in this case. Hector V. Pazos, P.E. is a Naval Architect and a
Mechanical Engineer, President of Ocean-Oil International Corporation, a consulting group involved
with accident reconstruction and providing Expert Witness services to attorneys. (Bron: Hector V.
Pazos, P.E)
New Tug for Upper Lakes Group
12/21 A large tug named Commodore Straits, bearing Upper Lakes Group house flag, is tied-up in
front of the Canadian Trader in section 2 of the port of Trois-Rivieres, Quebec. Recently arrived from
Vancouver, where she had been laid up and for sale, the tug may be used to push the Canadian
Trader after she is converted to a barge, as well as Barge Laviolette The Commodore Straits was built
in 1966 by Halifax Shipyards Ltd. under the name Haida Brave for Reliance Towing Co. (Kingcome
Nav.Co.) In 1978, she was renamed Commodore Straits by new owner, Cosulich Holdings. According
to the Transport Canada website, the new owner is the number company 1168596 Ontario
Inc., with an address at 49 Jackes Avenue, Toronto. That is the same address listed for Upper Lakes.
There is no word as yet on a new name for the tug, or what work may be needed to prepare her for
her new role. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, nr. 34
dd. .. December 2003
Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.
Lady Laura (1)
Leen van der Meijden denkt dat de nieuwe naam van de Lady Laura bij Harms niet Warius maar
Varius zal zijn, gelet op de schepen die in het verleden ook al onder die naam bij Harms hebben
gevaren. Even opletten dus!!! (Bron: Leen van der Meijden)
De Multratug 11 en de Multratug 14 zijn verchartered aan de nieuwe Poolse maatschappij ProjectZegluga te Stettin. De Multratug 11 heet nu Serwal-2, voor de Multratug 14 heb ik momenteel geen
nieuw naam. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt)
Lady Laura (2)
Een bevestiging van Lawrence : De Varius (ex. Lady Laura-03, ex. Stril Poseidon-97, ex. Hinna
Senior-88, ex. Lunde Senior-87) van Harms zou gisteren (23.12.03) Lowestoft hebben verlaten.
(Bron:Lawrence Amboldt)
Coast Guard Rescues Three
A U.S. Coast Guard crew from Memphis, Tenn., rescued three men whose vessel sank on the
Mississippi River, near Tunica, Miss., Thursday at about 10:15 a.m. Ron Nigg, Rick Howell and Tony
Lippman were rescued after their 22-foot skiff sank as they were returing from an oil spill cleanup in
Tunica. At the time of the accident, there were high winds and choppy conditions reported on the river.
A Coast Guard inspection crew from Marine Safety Office Memphis was also at the Tunica oil spill site
monitoring cleanup efforts when they were informed that the three men were in the water. The crew,
Lt. Ted Lampton, Petty Officer 3rd Class Wyatt Ingram and Petty Officer 3rd Class Jacob Taylor, ran
to the nearest vessel, the Tunica Queen, and asked the captain to get underway so they could try to
rescue the men. When the Tunica Queen arrived where the three men had fallen in the river, the
Coast Guardsmen leaned overboard, and with the assistance of the vessel's crew pulled Nigg and
Howell out of the water. Lippman floated farther downstream toward an approaching tow boat and
barge. Despite 25-knot winds, Ingram was able to throw a life ring close to Lippman and the crew
pulled him to safety. The Tunica Queen transported the three men to shore where they were
evaluated by awaiting medical personnel. Nigg was taken by ambulance to Baptist Desoto Hospital in
Southaven, Miss., for treatment for hypothermia. Howell and Lippman did not need additional medical
attention. All three men were wearing life jackets at the time of the incident. "The rescue efforts were a
direct result of preparedness and teamwork," said Cmdr. David Stalfort, commanding officer of MSO
Memphis. "We work in dangerous conditions everyday. Yesterday proved how a routine oil spill can
turn into a search and rescue case in seconds."
Buffalo Grounds
12/28 Update About 10 p.m. the Buffalo was pulled free from the spot where she grounded
early Sunday afternoon. The big tug Reliance arrived on scene about 8 p.m. and began to try to pull
the Buffalo off Watsons Reef in the lower river north of Pipe Island. The Buffalo was then to head
across the channel over to Drummond Island to the anchorage known as Black Rock Point. The
vessel is expected spend the night there and will wait for Coast Guard inspection before she departs
the St. Marys River system.
Original Report Early Sunday afternoon the downbound Buffalo grounded in the lower St. Marys River
near Pipe Island off DeTour, Michigan. The vessel was reported to have experienced a steering
malfunction that caused the grounding. The Buffalo's stern is blocking the downbound channel and all
traffic in the river is using the upbound course. Buffalo was unable to free her self and the tug Reliance
with a salvage barge departed Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. late Sunday afternoon. The tug was expected to
be on scene about 8 p.m. and crews will begin working on a plan to refloat the Buffalo. If needed, the
barge can be used to off load some of the ship's cargo. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
SmitWijs Singapore
De verwachting, ETA, is dat de SmitWijs Singapore met haar sleep de Sainty no. 1 op 7 januari a.s.
de Waterweg op zal stomen. Dit natuurlijk afhankelijk van de weersomstandigheden in deze
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
4e jaargang, EXTRA EDITIE
dd. 30 juni 2003
Zondag 29 Juni 2003
Schip in brand in Rotterdam
Rotterdam – In de Eemhaven in Rotterdam is zondagmorgen een grote brand uitgebroken op een
schip in een droogdok van Niehuis & Van den Berg. Dat bedrijf is gespecialiseerd in onderhoud en
reparatie van schepen. In het dok ligt de ruim 50 meter lange zeesleper Smit Hunter. Het bedrijf ligt
aan de Pastoriestraat in Rotterdam-Pernis. Een persoon is voor controle naar een ziekenhuis
overgebracht nadat hij of zij rook had ingeademd. Verder vielen er geen gewonden.
Het vuur ontstond bij onderhoudswerkzaamheden in de machinekamer en sloeg over naar andere
delen van het schip. De brand veroorzaakt een enorme rookontwikkeling, maar er kwamen geen
schadelijke stoffen vrij. Door de noordwestenwind kampt de nabijgelegen woonwijk Pernis met
rookoverlast. De DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond ontving enkele tientallen telefoontjes van mensen die
klaagden over stank. De brand is inmiddels grotendeels onder controle, maar het sein brand
meester is nog niet gegeven.
In de loop van de middag kreeg de brandwer het vuur in de machinekamer onder controle.
(bron: Rotterdams Dagblad)
Zondag 29 juni 2003
Brand aan boord van de ‘Smit Hunter’
Hedenochtend, 08.15 uur, is brand uitgebroken aan boord van de ‘Smit Hunter”.
De brand, waarbij geen gewonden zijn gevallen, brak uit tijdens werkzaamheden in de machinekamer
en heeft zich vervolgens uitgebreid naar de accommodatieruimte.
Het schip lag, op het moment dat de brand uitbrak, in dok bij een scheepsreparatiewerf aan de
Pastoriestraat in Pernis voor regulier onderhoud.
De brandweer was snel ter plaatse en kreeg meteen hulp van 3 blusboten.
Over de oorzaak van de brand is op dit moment nog niets bekend maar zal worden onderzocht zodra
het vuur onder controle is. De brandweer heeft bevestigd dat er geen schadelijke stoffen zijn
De ‘Smit Hunter” is een zeesleper van circa 51 meter lang met een vermogen van 6000 pk en vaart
onder de vlag van de Bahama’s. Bouwjaar: 1978
Er mag worden aangenomen, gezien de schade, dat de Smit Hunter CTL (constructief total loss)
wordt veklaard.
De accomodatie is zo heet geweest dat alle persoonlijke bezittingen van de bemanningsleden zijn
verloren gegaan.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Smit Hunter
Zij werd gebouwd bij de Arnhemse Scheepsbouw Maatschappij te Arnhem onder nummer 477.
Het was het laatste schip dat de Arnhemse heeft gebouwd en werd in juni 1978 opgeleverd. De werf
sloot hierna haar deuren.
Zij werd in de vaart gebracht als Happy Hunter voor Scheepvaart Maatschappij ‘De Kromme Waal’ BV
(Mammoet Transport BV) – Amsterdam. Op 14 april 1978 te water en op 22 juni 1978 in dienst
Brt. 862 ton. 133 Nrt. Displacement 1816 ton@summer
LxBxD 52,08 (48,24) x 11,77 x 5,50 (4,80) meter.
Twee dieselmotoren 4tact enkelwerkende 6 cilinder Type SBV6M 540 van Klockner-Humboldt Deutz
AG – Koln (370x400) welke een vermogen afgeven van 7250 bhp.
Bollard pull 80 ton;
Bow thruster 350 bhp.
In augustus 1982 werd zij door Smit in bareboat charter genomen en herdoopt in Smit Hunter. In 1984
werd zij door Smit overgeneomen. Kapitein Langbroek kwam eveneens in dienst van Smit. In 1986
werd zij omgevlagd naar de Bahamas voor Smit Tak International Ltd. – Nassau. In 1988 ging zij over
naar Smit Tak Towage & Salvage (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. – Nassau. Eind vorige eeuw ging zij over naar
Smit Dolphin Shipping Inc. – Bahama’s – Callsign C60F8.
Afgelopen jaar kwam zij in management bij Smit Vessel Management Services – Singapore.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie

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