1 - ITO
1 - ITO
Lo Lake this opportunity to thank the Istanbul Chanıher of Coınmerce for allowing me to .say a few worcls in the Turkish Fair 2000 hook puhlishccl by the [stanbul Chaınber of Commerce. At the outset, I like to wou!J !ike wclcome the Turkish delegation compri.sing government officials, members of the Jsranbul Chambcr of Conunerce and businessmen to Kuala Luınpur, Maluysia. 1 bid a warm "Selamat Datang" and wish all of you a pleasant and fruitfu1 stay in Mahıysia. The fact that the Turldsh Product Fair 2000 is being held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, isa rdlcction of the dose economic relationslıip that exists betwecn both countrics. This one week event which exhibits a variety or Turkish products induding food, glasswarc, iron and steel proclucts, textHes and caqx:t, mıtomotivc cquipnıent and spare paıts anclleather products no doubt will attract Malaysian buycrs. T believe the fair would also providc a uscful platform for Malaysian businessmen and Turkish counterparts to share their experience, knowledge and making uscf'ul contacts as well as ndworking. Malaysia <ts a nıcmber of the World Tr~ıcle Organization (WTO) adopts a liberal and open market policy. As such products whicb are compctitive in price, higlı quality <llıd mccts international standards which catcr the needs of Malaysian consunıers will receivc positivt? rcsponse. The Turkish Producrs Fair 2000 in Kuahı l.ıımpm unch-mıkcn by Istanbul Chaınlx:r of Commcrce is indeed <ın aggressive cffort to proınote Turkish products in the Malaysiıın market. plan:. wish Turkish Product Fair 2000 will gencratc trade int.crcst amongst tb<: Malaysian businessmen aııc.l thcir Turkish counterpaıts as well as the Malaysian con.sumers in gcner.-ıl. 1 MOHAMMED NAZRI BIN ABDUL AZIZ MINISTEH OF ENTEHPRENEURS DEVELOPMENT MJ\LAYSIA is a great pleasure and honor f'or mc to expre~s nıy deep gratin.ıde to the Govcrnment of Malaysia fo supporting the cxhibition of Turkish Export Products in Kuala Lunıpuı·. Such organizations have greal inOuencc on the relations between the countries and thcir business people. Turkey has a great cxpoıt potcntial, slıc is a country loctıted on the tradilional trade channcls and this fact enahles the country to supply products casily to the markcts of Europc, Midelle East and North Africa. Turkey continucs to expancl its volume of exports to thcsc countrics and now, opening up to Southeast Asian marl<ds is vital for Turkey in order to continue to cxpancl its expoıts. The success of' the Turkish Export Proclucts Exlıihition in promoting our cxport products in Mahıysia will hopcfully also hclp opcn up new markets in the region. Malaysia will be a gateway to Southeast Asi~ı. Inercaseel trade hetwe<.::n Turkey and Malaysia will aJso cnhancc cconoınic cooperation. The Turkish Govcrnıncnt attaches great importcmce to economic coopcration among devetoping counu·ies anel tıies to do ito;; pat1 in encouraging it. Aiıning to consolidate the ties of fıicndship ~nd to clevelop economic and technical coopcration hetween the two counlries in accorclancc with thcir development needs and objcctives on equitahle and rnuLually beneficial bascs, I believe that thitı very exhibition will Icad to the strcngthening of exisUng coopcration bctween Turkey and Malaysia. A. KENAN TANRıKULU MINISTER OF TNDUSTRY AND TRADE THE HEPUBLIC OF TURKEY urkey and Malaysia an.! two countrics, wlıich are sepcıraıed hy geognıphy but whosc nations cnjoy tiL~s of c:oınmon cultural heritage. lnckıed, dcspitc bcing located m the two ends of the vast Asiun contincnt, the similarities in ılıe lifestyle and culıure :1n..' rcmark:-ıhlc. Furthcr to the human asrx~ct, the econoınk growtlı trcııds of Turkey and Malaysia are also similar. Hoth countrics have a dynamic and fast growing econonıy, vvell-ınotivat~.'d nnd hard working population and they <In..' locat('<.l on vi w1 international trade lifelines. The important liıık, wlıich is ınissing hcıwecn the two countrics, is cı scrious lack of informc-nioıı. This cldkicncy isa real gap hcfore tlıe dcvelopınl!nt of' closcr tics hetwccn tlıe two countrics, in tlıe fieltls of tn.1<.k' anel cconomy. ün the real ground howcver, lcgal l'mtnL'Work to facilit:ıte enilanecd tr<ıdc anel cconoınic co-opcrarion has already bccn coınrleted hy the ıwo (~ovcrnnıcnts, i.e. all ıhe necessary agreements are concluclcd and stand reac.ly in force, ıo be utilizec..l by th<; respedivc businc"is circlcı;. Both countricı-; have cxpcricnccd a hecıvy cconomic seth;ıck in rc<.:cnl years, clul' to the severe finandal and cconomic nisis, whidı also affcctcd the dcvdopnH:nt of ı he Turkish-Malaysiaıı ıraele rclations. I lowcvcr, having succcssfully ovcrcoınc rhc erisis and bcing in the plıase of rcc:ovcry, time is wry ınuclı rip<' now for~~ tW'\N hcginning, with full tlırust. I am confi<.lent tlıat tlll'l'l' arl.' pknty opportunitics for ılıc Turkish <111<.1 Malaysian husin<.:ssmcn foı co operalion in cacl ı otlıcr's country and also in third countrics. Yct, they l'irst have Lo know e<ıdı other and ıo hccoınc bcucr acquaintccl witlı cadı othL·r's assets ,tnd captıhiliti<.:s. In this conıext, 1 belicw that the organization of the in Kuala Luınpur is a timely emleavour ~ınd l do hopc that this Exlıihition will enablc scttiııg up new fruitf'ul and nıutually lx·neficial paıtncrships hctwecn Turkish and Mo:ılaysian business drdes. 1 consiclcr it asa ple:ısnnt dury to express ıny lıeartfelt tlıanks to the J\lhılaysian Authoritics and business association.s who lıave hdped tıııcl contributcd to thç organization of this Exhibilion in Kuahı Luınpur anelalsoto The lslanhul Chamher of Conınıercc, wlıich h<Ls unck:ıtakçn lo :-;et up this importcınt event. My .spl'cütl Lhanks certainly go to the partidpating coınıxınil's as Wl'll and 1 wislı rhcııı all tlll' best f(>r new busineı;s coııtacts :ıml partn~;:rslıips in Malaysia. KORAY TARGAY AMBASSADOR OP Tl lE HEPlJBLlC OF n JRKEY is inciecd a gre:ıt pridL· and immense pk·:ısure lo IX.' ahle lo organize tlıe first in Kwıla Lunıpur h<.'ing the dynanıic of Far East. The ever inercasing coınpl'tit ive condit ions c<ı u.s<.'d by r:ı pid glohalization of World Tnıde and the forımıtion of new l'Conoınic hlocks madc ncc<.'ssaıy the clcvelopıncnt of international co-opcralion, so we nccd to Lake evcry opportunity to inıprov<.: th<.' effkk:nt use of resources to increa.se productivity and to cxpand exports. Tnckccl moveıncnt of comnıoclitk's ~ı nd services anel exchange of technologicı; has paved the way not only for the increasc in trade volumes which has always played a ınajor and persisting role for the cstahlishnwnt anel d<.:vclopm<.!nt of rdationı; hetwcen countries, but also the creation of a hclter undcrstanding amongst pcopk living in the world. With this considen.ılion, The btanbul Clıaınber of Commcrcc with its :)00.000 nıcmhers and ll R years of historical hackground and experience, is playing a vita l role for the cncouragcrnenr and clevclopıncnt of the Turkish econoıny and tlıe economic relationship betwccn 1\ırkey and the other coı.ıntrics. In this cemncetion T do bdit.•vc that ''Turkish Export Products Exhihition'' will give our countrics an excdlt.:nt oppurtunity ro devdop new fruitful. business contaCL'> and parl.ncrslıips betwecn Turkish and Malaysian businessmen and this <.>vcnt will go a lon.g way in creating greatcr awareness amongı;t our countries. T take rhis opportunity to express our thanks and gratcfulncı;s to Uis Exeelleney Mohaınrned Nazri Bin Abdt..ıl Aziz Minister of Enterpreneurs Development of Malaysia for their valuablc suppoıt and assistaııce shown to our Chamher for the orgmıization of the 'furkish Export Products Exhihition and ro wish the vxhibitiors fruilful meetings with their counterparts in Malaysia and succesft..ıl conclusion of the business dea ls. MEHMET YILDIRIM PRESIDENT Tl lE 1STANl3UL Cl IAMmm OF COMMERCE lST OF PARTICIPANTS OF TURKISH EXPORT PRODUCTS EXHIBITION IN MALAYSIA Address : Tem Otoyolu Hadımköy Çıkışı ıs rso Sanayi Sitesi 475 Ada Parsel ı Haclunköy 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 212 623 25 10 (4 li nes) Telefax : 90 212 623 22 08 E-mail : aakgida@superon linc.co ın Contact person : Mr. Nihat And iç 1 Ms. Sevilay Eski Products : Confectionery, biscuits, gums, candies, chocolates, wafers. Address : Serpil Sok. No : 9 81640 Kavacık 1 Beykoz 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 216 308 75 86 (3 lines) Tele fax : 90 216 308 75 89 E-mail : abka kristal@ihlas.net.tr Web site : www.abkakristal.com Contact person : Mr. Emin Altan Products : Crystal cut vases, bowls tumblers, w ine glasses, candy dishes, color glassware, tabletop set, golcl platecl, glassware, gondolas. ll Address : Yenimahalle Cumhuriyet Cad. No: 54 Karral 1 istanbul 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 216 306 44 90 Telefax : 90 216 387 90 69 E-mail : bayhan@l ibarholding .co m Web site : www.kibarholding.co m Contact person : Mr. Hamza Products Demirdağ 1 Mr. Ömer Bayhan : Galvanized sheets-coils 1 aluminiuro sheets-coils and fo il. Address : Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 17. Cad. No : 13 Kayseri 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 352 321 10 95 Telefax : 90 352 321 12 95 E-mail : atla ntiklıa li @superon line. com Web site : www. atlantikhaJi.com.tr Contact person :Mr. Mahmut Özkan 1 Mr. Tarka n Tckdemir Products : Mac_hine made woven carpets o/o 100 acıylic, wolle n o/o 100 pure wooJ in va rious colour combinalions. 12 Address : G .O. Paşa Küçüksanayi Avizeci le r Sitesi J Bl. No : 14 Küçükköy 1 İsta nbu l 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 212 668 29 79- 668 72 99 Telefax : 90 212 668 42 69 E-mail : avisan@superonline.com Contact person :Mr. Mustafa Da l Products : Chancldiers, apliques, tablc lamps, stand lamps. Address : 2. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Ulukavak Sk. No : Selçuklu 1 Konya 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 332 239 Ol 51 Telefax : 90 332 239 Ol 54 E-mail : ayd @aydsuspcnsionparts.com. Web Site : www.aydsuspensionparts.coın. Contact person :Mr. Ali Ergun Products : Suspension and steering parts. 5 ------- - -.----:-..;,_=- 1 - - Address --- ' • ~- ~ '--__.~·.;IL..> : Ordu Cad. No : 243 K: 4 No: 49 Lale İş Hant Laleli 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY Telephone :90 212 Sl.H 22 07 Telefax : 90 2 12 63H 86 9'; E-mail : harislıibl okristal @ h otına il .com Contact person : Mr. Rahim ıCıne ri 1 Mr. Rasim Products : tlass knick knack Addresse : Mücahitler Cad. No : 24 Sarıgül 33060 Mersin 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 324 221 37 00 Tele fax : 90 324 221 37 10 Contact person : Mr. Naci Bayarn Products : Chickpeas, le ntils, beans, poppy sced, sesame seed, oregano, coriander, licorice root, gallnuts, nigella seed, cumin seed , anisseed, fenugreek, laurel leaves, rosemary, thyme, dried lemo n, paprika, p epper, carobs, gum amoniao, gum arabic, raisins, dried apricots, hazelnuts, pistachio and e te. 14 ' ., "'~ "YiJ Address : Fatih Bulvan No: S96 Sultanbeyli 1 İ stanbul 1 TUHKEY Telephone : 90 216 487 21 6 1 (-i lines) Telefax : 90 216 4H7 2 1 64 E-mail : besim@ambalaj.com Web Site : www.a m bal aj .coın/besinı Contact person : Mr. Mehmet Soylu 1 Mr. Ebrubekir Soylu Products : llorizamal packing n"'achines, chocolare coatiııg and coo liıı g wııııels , hiscuit production lines, sitck craker lines, special hn liııes , rollcd wat'er lines, wa fcr p roduction l iıı es , chocolate tablel production line, half and fu ll a u toırı :ıtic l'eed iııg system . Address : Fatih Bulvan No : 351 Sultan beyli 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 216 398 13 68 (pbx) Telefax : 90 216 398 40 70 Contact person :Mr. Sadulla h Products Odabaş 1 Ms. Gülperi Tutkun : Decorative paints, mineral coating, isolatio n group. 15 Ş,iii. Address : Tüccar Pazarı No: 25 Malatya 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 422 321 12 51 - 321 33 33 Telefax : 90 422 324 77 77 E-mail : info@cdipler.com .tr Web Site : www. edipler. coın . ı:.r ' .,. Contact person :Mr. Mu hib Resu l DePi,npmar Mr. Feyzedin Alpktray Products : Scarf (Mus lim head cover), prayer rug, computer desk. Address : Fatih Mah. Malatya 1 T URKEY Telephone : 90 422 311 Ol 3l Telefax : 90 422 311 Ol 34 E-mail : info@cntegrc.com Web Site : www.entegre.com Contact person : Mr. Ali Products Savaş : Driecl apricots, raisin ultanas, hazelnut kernels, sweet apricot kernels, dried figs, spices, he rbs, seeds, pine nut kernels. 16 Address : Karadeniz Mah. Beşyü zevler Paşa çayu·ı 1134 Sk. No : ll 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 212 649 18 06 Telefax : 90 212 618 39 53 E-mail : gunericrystal@veezy.com. Contact person : Mr. Sczai G üneri 1 Mr. Alper S ıktaş Products : Glass knick knack, glas~ vase, fruit ca~e . Address : Uzunçarşı 34450 Havancı Sk. No : 15 Mercan/İstanbul/TURKEY Telephone : 90 212 528 37 02 (6 lines) Tele fax : 90 212 526 38 74 E-mail : info@guzelis.com.tr 1 info@ete rnity-nonstick.com Web Site : www.guzelis.com.tr 1 www.eternity .nonstick.com Contact person : Ms. Belgin Çatak Products : "Eternity" porcelain enamel, nonstick cookwares. 17 Addt'ess : Eski Londra Asfa ltı Fabrika Mev]d i No: 5 34600 Bah çelievler 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 212 556 02 17 (pbx) Telefax : 90 212 556 02 18 E-mail : hazneda r@escortne t. com Contact person : Mr. Vedat Çanılıdere Pt'oducts : Refractoly p roducts. BHO .r Address • - : No: 28 ] ala n Permas 9/ 3 Bandar Baru Permas ] aya 81750 Masai Jo hor/MALAYSIA Telephone : 607 386 54 55 Telefax : 607 386 55 03 E-mail : ade lfax@pd .ja ring. my Contact person : Mr. Kasim Abdullah Pt'oducts : Evyap's soap a nel toiletries Acle l's statio nc ries. 18 - ...;;;. ~REAU Address : Meş rutiyet Cad . 57/ 4 80050 İstanbul Beyoğlu 1 TURKEY Telephoııe : 90 212 292 14 47 Telefax : 9o 212 292 54 E-mail : istan bul@icvb.o rg Web Site : www.icvb.org sı Contact person : Mr. Eyüp Babür Products : ICVB is th e destination marketing organization of the city of istanbu l. The bureau has been formed jo intly hy the to uri sm sector and the state. It is a non-profit organiza tion and asists rneeting organizers who needs information about the city and to book meetings. 1-.. . - Address ...... - ~-- - -- .. : Başaklı Sk. No : 39 30610 Güngören 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY ·Telephone : 90 212 557 34 00 (4 lines) Telefax : 90 212 554 31 55 E-mail : locks@kalekilit. com .tr Web Site : www.ka lekilit.com .tr 1 539 46 23 Contact person : Ms. Berrin Okutan Uzan Products : Locks, steel safes, steel security doors, screws. 19 - Address : Uğu r Mumcu Cad. No : 103/B G.O.P. Ankara 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 312 437 33 Ol Telefax ; 90 312 446 04 75 Contact person : Mr. Products İbrahim Geyikoğlu : Anatolian kilim, Anatolian carpet, cushion cover, pillow , kilim bag, furniture . DIŞ TiC. A.Ş,. Address : Barbaros Hayrettİn Paşa Malı. 1058 Sk. No : 38 Küçükköy 1 İstanbu l 1 TUHKEY Telephone : 90 212 618 70 80 Telefax : 90 212 618 70 89 Contact person : Mr. Korhan Köserecep Products : Tomato paste a nd saucc-conserves-su gar productTurkish delight-jams-pulses-spices-olives-dried fruitsw ine leaves-h oney-pickles. 20 TiC. LTO. ŞTi. Address : Akşemsettin Mah. E-6 Yanyol Yol üzeri Sultanbeyli 1 İstanbul / TURKEY Telephone : 90 216 487 35 61 (4 Lines) - ı ı 487 51 82 (2 Lines) 1 487 51 03 (Lines) Telefax : 90 216 487 35 65 E-mail : vefamuh@turk.net Web Site : koskce likyapı. com Contact person : Mr. Orhan Güne r Products : Pre fabricated buildings with pre-product, prefabricated office buildings, office container, prefabricated houses, steel frame home , prismatic stores-stu dio-steel construction, half cylinderical storages, po liester cabins. Address :AOSB 10003 Sok. No: 3 Çiğli 1 İzmir 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 232 376 78 45 Telefax : 90 232 376 78 46 E-mail : ihracat@lio.corn.tr Web Site : www.lio.com.tr Contact person : Mr. Sinan Products Bozdağ : All types of olive o il, sunflow er oil, com oil, vegetables o il. ·=-. 21 Address : Fuatpaşa Cad. Anadolu Çarşısı No : 80/ A Kat : 1 Mercan 1 'Eminö nü 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 212 513 13 21 1 528 19 68 Telefax : 90 212 512 10 38 Contact person : Mr. Emre Products Fırat : Saucepan, teapot set, coffee pot set, pressure cooker, egg pot set, ete. Address : Kıraçköyü Çayırdere Mevkii 3. Bölge 6. Cad. No : 45 Büyükçekmece 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY Telephoııe : 90 212 620 36 00 Telefax : 90 212 596 13 86 E-mail : mertsteel@mertsteel.com Web Site : www .mertsteel.com Centact person :.Mr. Mehmet Tamısever Products : Stainless steel cookware sets. 22 Address : Abidin Daver Sok. No: 12 06550 Çankaya/ ANKARA/TURKEY Telephone : 90 312 277 22 00 Telefax : 90 312 277 37 00 E-mail : mesainıalat@superonl i ne.com Contact person :Mr. Nihat Aky ıl dız Products : • Stce l faced formwork (tunne l form, column form, s lab form , wa ll form) • Plywood faced formwork (wall form, column form, slab form) • Steel wire mesh • Loacl bearing scaffolding Address : Soğ uks u Mah. Polonez Yolu Kenan No : 31 1 1 Beykoz 1 İsta nbul 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 216 322 43 39 Telefax : 90 216 331 26 57 Contact person : Mr. Products Çağlar Toklu : Ladies bra, panty bra set, panty, ladies night wear. 23 Address : 2. Organize Sanayi Bö lgesi Güzelkonak k. No : 28 42300-1 Konya 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 332 239 01 24 Telefax : 90 332 239 09 81 E-mail : ibra himkoc@selva.com .tr Web Site : www.selva.com.tr Contact person : Mr. Erka n Akyol / Mr. İbrahim Koç Products : Pasta, semolina, wheat Aour, macaroni. Address : Bağcıla r Cad. 41/ 1 B. Evlcr 1 İstanbul / TURKEY Telephone : 90 212 677 91 90 Telefax : 90 212 557 2J 54 E-mail : silkcoat@su peronline.com Web Site : www. s ilkcoat.tr.com Contact person : Mr. Me hmet Ege Products : Mineral plaster, s ilk p laster, plastic points for exterio r and inte rio r walls, glace polish, yath varnish, senthe tic paints for untcrior walls. --.- 24 : Mimar Ke ma lettin Malı . Dibekli Cami Sk. No : 24 Address 34490 Beyazıt 1 İstanbul 1 TURKEY Telephone : 90 212 517 96 37 Telefax : 90 212 517 11 66 Coııtact person : Mr. Ahmet Mclih Products : Leatlı e r bag, brie fcasc, po rtfo lio , walle ls, s uitcases, belts, o rga nizers, Address Oğ u z türk sınall good s. : Dudull u O rganize Sana yi Bölgesi and Sanayi Sitesi No : 21 Y. Dudullu 1 ista nbul 1 T URKEY Telephone : 90 216 313 01 72 Telefax : 90 216 313 03 87 E-mail : te knocelik@te knocelik.com Web Site : www.teknocelik.com Coııtact person : Mr. Mustafa Products : Beverage dispc nsers, cold wate r dispensers. Hoş kul -Mr. Serhan 25 Hoşka l ABKA CRY~!Al·CUI AND GOlD DrCORAIIO M ~ 1 lJRIN X ADDRESS: SERPIL SOK. NO: 9 KAVACIK/ ISTANBUL TURKEY TEL: +90 216 3087586 3 LINES FAX :+90 216 3087589 E-mai l : abkak.ristai(Cijihlas.net.tr Homepage : www.ahkakristal.coın AR 1\ is manufacturing c rystal-cut and gol d decorated glassware for 12 years. ABKA has many different type g lassware and glass tableware including handcut and gold decorated vases ~fruit bowls candy dishes Ibeverage sets wine glasses champagne g lasses ~iuice glasses candy gondolas ete. ABKA is exporting %80 of its products to various part of the world. 1 1 1 1 LATEST DEFINITION OF EXCELLENCE ... AMS 100, 200, 300 • Conflgurabl@! Modular Design • Quallty, Flexibility, Rellablllty • Standard Hypoxlc Guard • ~xtendable Selectatec Back-Bar • User-Selectable Ventllator Mountlng • User-Selecbtble Monltor&Panımeters • Up to 4 Vaporlzers (one on parking station) • Large Plvotlng Dnıwers • Complies wlth CE, ISO and other International Standards The modular design of AMS new Anaesthesla Dellvery SY5tems available In three slzes to sult speclflc space requirements, each system lncorporates latest safety features, wlthout compromlslng on tradltlonal speclflcatlons. AMS 100 8200 ventllator ~ {::} AMS 300 wlth 8200 ventllator & A.5(3T~ Monltor ô ~' AMS, offers fle)4ible monltor mountlng system fıom preconfigured basic monltof5 to modular, open system, upgrc~dable monltors, that enables the user to select the tallored monitorlng parameters wlth lntegn~ted monitor. AMS 100, 200 and 300 Anaesthesla Dellvery Systems offer user-frfendly superfor design, rellablllty and hlghest quallty that have the flexibility to be tallored to lndlvldual needs. AMS Tibbi Clhaz Imalat Ithalat Ihracat Ltd. Sti. ~ı Kazım Karabekır Cad 95 195 06060 Iskıller ANKAHA TURKIYE Tel: +90 312 384 05 20 Pbx Fax : •90 312 342 33 07 &·nıaıı. .ırns@anıs com tr ınternet www anı s com tr Arılı Plastık Sanayi A.Ş. Köyü. Sanayi Caddesi No. 15 Pendik 81520 istanbul- Turkey Tel: (0216) 378 36 20 (71ines) Fax: (0216) 378 36 27 e-mail· arill@arili.com.tr Şeyiıli l,n e si gn nr 1, eenno1ogu Aegean Beige Greeny Marveııous ı Stone of the spot you design, Your fl rst cholce ! Architectural approvaı of largest sizes of Aegean Beige Greeny slabs. lmpessive and elegant Direct from our quarries to your warm atmosphere, Experienced crew, precision on sizing and pollshing. Dellvery at high quality, competitive prlces and required service. We invite you to contact us when you feel lndecislve. Of course there may be a solution we can offer today. 1 ... MARBLE INDUSTRY Organize Sanayi Bölgesi DENiZLi - TURKEY Tel: +90(258) 269 11 38 Fax: +90(258) 269 11 39 Internet: www.basaranlar.com.tr e mail: mermer@basaranlar.com.tr SLABS 2 cm, 3 cm TILES 12"x12", 16"x16", 18''x18'', 24:'x 24f CUT-TO-SIZE i ....~..'1....,.,... w ......o:!.. ...~= BAYAKTAÇ BAYAMLAR AGRO-PRODUCTS TRADE-INDUSTRY INC. ~ ~ CHICKPEAS LENTILS ~ ~SEANS ~ ~ VETCHES TSILBAN ~CAROBS ~PISTACHIOS ~ ~ GALLNUTS ~ ROSEMARY ~ LAUREL ~ OREGANO ~ CUMMIN ~ FENUGREEK PEANUTS HAZELNUTS Address: Mücahitler Cad. No: 24 - MERSIN 33060 - TURKEY Tel: 90-324 - 221 37 00 (Pbx) Fax: 90-324- 221 37 1O Tlx:67418 Byam Tr. PHARMACEUTJCALS A.Ş. Bilim Phnnnnceuticals A.Ş. Ayunguköyll yolu, 80670, Mnslnk, İst:ınbul, Turkey Plıonc: 90 212 285 22 90 (cxt.-370) - Ft~x: +90 212 286 94 72 V. ı ı \' v .lı'liıııplıaın, .rıı ı c:- ıııuil : infıl(i!lııli ı ıı ,cuııı Smail Size Round Bars 16-70mm TS 1291 1DIN 1013 Large Size Round Bars 75 - 110 mm TS 1291 1DIN 1013 Squares 22 • 80 mm TS 1378/ DIN 1014 Squares Wlth Rounded Corners 50 - BO mm Spring Steels Fiat Bars 50 x 6-140 x 30 mm DIN 59145 DIN 59 146 Spring Steels Fiat Bars 50 x 6 - 140 x 30 mm TS 520 1 DIN 4620 Hexagonals 18.5 • 62 mm TS 1521/ DIN 1015 DIN EN ISO U002 os 9000 Lloy'ds Flaııl•tor ÇEMTAŞ ÇELiK MAKiNA SANAVi VE TiCARET A.Ş. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Ali Osman Sönmez Bulvarı, No: 3 16159 BURSA/TURKEY Phone: (+90.224) 243 12 30 (4 lines) 243 34 03 (5 lines) 243 54 92 (2 lines) Fax: (+90.224) 243 13 18 Telex: 32172· abcd tr http: // www. cemtas.com.tr Fiat Bars 50 x 6 • 140 x 50 mm TS 3024 / DIN 1017 ® • •• •• • • • BURO GEREÇLERI ENDUSTRI ZIMBA TELLERI TIC. SAN A.Ş. YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW r~---ALLWAYS QUALITY . . ,. frnıl W e have been at your service for 36 years, manufacturing and exporting Office Equipments, lndustrial Staples, Upholstery Staples, Carton Packing Staples, Staplers, Punçhes and Packing Materials. W e have andless varous types of staples in our production range. OıVEER :~" T Qt.J-_ 'RO:JUC':'JOY Cn.. ~Ac:r.! _..ıVD COl·!PATIBLE PRICES Adress: Tahtakale Vakıf İş Ham No: 709 Eminönü-İSTANBUL-TURKEY Office: 00(212)522 59 22-522 95 00 Fax: 00(212) 522 10 69 Factory: 00(212) 655 47 32/7 - 550 78 58 - 550 78 77 Fax: 00(212) 550 78 86 Web: http:// www. delta.com.tr. e-mail: deltabur@delta.corn.tr. CUBIC AND PANTALON TYPE MIXERS PNEUMATIC FILLING MACHINES PORTABLE MIXER LABELLING MACHINE PRESSFILTER STRAINING MACHINE ROTARY FILLING MACHINE MACHINES OF MEDICINE, CHEMICAL, COSMETIC AND FOOD INDUSTRY DOL MAK • PNEUMATIC CREAM FILLING MACHINE MIXERS AND DEPOTS DOLUMMAKiNALARI PASLANMAl ÇELiK MAMÜLLERi SANAYi VE TiCARET A.Ş. Topçular, Kışla Cad. Karakol Sk. No: 20 Rami/İSTANBUL{fÜRKİY B Td: (00 90 2 12) 577 06 2 1 - 501 10 44- 501 67 73- 544 55 28 Fax: (00 90 212) 6 13 06 00 E-MajJ: dolmak@dolmak.coın E-Mail: dolmak@ambalaj.com ...___ _ _ _ ___, www.do lmak.com - www.dolmak.com.tr - www.am balaj.com/dolmak DIGITAL READ-OUT SYSTEMS FOR MACHINES AND MACHINE TOOLS Rotory Encoders •• PRESS AUTOMATION SYSTEMS for sheet metal processing • Decoilers • Roll Straighteners • Electronic Roll Feeders • Roll Straighteners-Feeders Edipler lmport Export Co. Ready-made clothing Men, woman, chlld Scarf cıothes Prayer rug Office furniture, work desk Modular, pratic, ergonomic Dried fruit/nuts aprlcot, hazelnuts, ralsins shelled walnuts, shelled almonds ta. Ed •. p 1er ~ . lmportExportCo. Address: Tuccar Pazari No:25 Malatya 1Turkey Phone: +904223211251 Fax : +904223247777 +90 422 32 1 3333 web site: http://www.edlpler.com.tr e-mali contact: lnfo@edipler.com.tr Entegre w as e stablished in 1990 for the processing and exporting of dried Apricots. Today Entegre brand products have increasingly become apreferred name for additionally raisin sultanas and hazelnut lcernels. Customer satisfaction is our first and foremost goal that means quality in every respect. The traditional quality of Entegre products is the result of careful selection of raw matarial and application of new technologies. The quality control is the key factor which contribute towards Entegre to exeellence in quality. The products which are processed under the supervision of the food engineers. Company are paying top attention to the hygiene, product safety and quality. Entegıe opens up your dried fruit business as no other supplier can. Fatltı Matıa t.[es i H an ı ının ÇlftliQi Mevki Malatya 1 TURKI VE Tel. ; 0 422 . 311 01 31 Faks : 0422 . 311 01 34 e- mal i : en t egrclllltu r k.ncı JSJ-J ~~\!JJJ J0 ~;?J·u;\~lJ?JJ-JJ~J~J Jf J~~:\1 J!JF:\OJUJJ"~JJ ~@ ~;\J~~;~ıt. J.\J JD !";;OJ Jt~CfJOJ J.~r~ 1 ~U!JJPJ~\~~ JJ5 . ;! '~ PACKAOIHO MACHIHitS COJ~lPL.E'l'E YI OD!Jt iJO! J.LJ! JE0 MAKINA IMALAT SAN. ve TIC . LTD.ŞTI. ~YfJ'}J AIR·COHDITIOHf!R JD YF;~H EJ PEI l.Eü lCEB Head office :Yıldırım Beyazıt Cad. No: 274 34530 Yenlbosna/ISTANBUUTUAKEY Web Page : www.es-mak.com Phone : +90 212 451 82 55 (3Unes) Fax: +90 212 451 81 57 E-mail : mail@es-mak.com. hllp :J/Www.guzolls.com.ır H NED_____ tN ED--- .----NED R HAZ HAZ E t EDA BEST REFRACTORY SOLUTIONS ATEŞ TUGLA SANAYii ANONiM ŞiRKETi Eski Londra Asfaltı, Fabrikalar Mevkll No:S 34600 Bahçelievler -Istanbul Telefon : 0(212) 556 02 17 PBX • 575 33 92 • 575 33 93 • 556 34 99 • 556 07 50 • 556 25 04 • 556 49 21 Fax: 0(212) 556 02 18 Telex: 28841 Erez Tr. E-mail: haı:nedar@escortnet.com E r_~ -Esr--REPORIJ.-.~ Hi/kar@ - .-;;;---- ELEKTROTEKNiK SAN. LTD. ŞTi. T: 90.264.275 55 40 {pbx) F: 90.264. 275 12 76 ADAPAZARI· TURKEY P.O. BOX210 E-mali : hllkar@hilkar.com http : //www.hilkar.com T .... ,........ (-. .....,._,..,,::: ----== ~ -- lı,......_lllı ..... ,IO L~ , .......- - - "'" - ~Ho. ........,~ ......... "-==-~·- =~ --::--....... ~-- "-oo~ ~ .: ; ~~~--------- ı:..: * NEUTRAL EARTHING RESISTORS up to 36 kV * TESTING BENCH RESISTORS fo LV GENERATORS *STARTING and BREAKE RESISTORS for MOTORS 'ttM~ -..ıııut ..~ o.•.,.... -._......... ......__. . .... ~ M-- ~ ~· ... {'u:! ::;:..,::;.;::7:.~.:- / ......,.:::::; * DISCHARGE RESISTORS for POWER CAPACITORS ~~-=--~ s:::·""~ ~:.: ~::~::·:::_~:~~~.i:_-=~~=~=-~j *CURRENT LIMITING RESISTORS for INDUCTION FURNACES * HARMONIC FILlER RESISTORS GENERATOR iNER ............ ) • ~· HARMONIC FILTER REACTORS • If power capasitors are over current or if their lifetime is shorter then expected, • If mechanical vibration observed or it over temparature rise is observed in induction motors, • If thermal circuit breakers trip earlier than usual, • If computer has extreme noise. ALL fHESE FACTORS ARE DETERMINATIONS OF HARMONICS IN ELECTRlCAL SYSTEMS. THEREFORE YOU MUST USE HARMONIC FILTER REACTORS. Up to 1-36 kV 160 A fr=189 Hz. - 21O Hz . Standard : EN 60289 - IEEE 59 HILKAR ELEKTROTEKNiK SAN. LTD. ŞTi . P.K.210 ADAPAZARI 1TURKEY TEL: +90.264.275 55 40 (PBX) FAX: +90.264.275 12 76 E-mail : hilkar@hilkar.com http : //www.hilkar.com Just Drean1 lt! .. ...... .... 1' ••• •• • •• • • • ..ll • • Decorative Crystall Glass Basins ... .... , ...... ..... . .. ·.~ ~ IDEAL DI$ TICARET INŞAAT A.Ş. Altun i zade, Kısı klı Cad. Oymacı Sak. No: 15-81190 ÜSKÜDAR/ISTANBUL Tel. & Fox:(02 16) 333 75 44 • 333 l l 55 • 333 51 83 • 391 65 21 (3HAT) - nr:A CREATIVE B A T H S - We Realize ••• ...... . . ... .. ••• •• • ••• .... 1' .......... , Antique Marbles IDEAL DI$ TICARET INŞAAT A.Ş. Altunizade, Kısıklı Cad. Oymacı Sok. No:15-81190 ÜSKÜDAR/ISTANBUL Tel. & Fax:(02 16) 333 75 44 • 333 ll 55 · 333 51 83 - 391 65 21 (3HAT) ••• • • •· .~ tl •• A1Rmo niA -CREATIVE S A T H S - Lampholders, KALEPORSELEN elektroteknlk sanayi a.ş. Ugh_ting "Saf9ty In El9ctrot9chnlque" FiH1ngs Safe pa age to enlightenmen LEPORSE:DEN <$> T&IN·IIO 1001 !(ALE Group of Company ~olkolı Cod. 160 Sefoköy, 34620 lstonbul - TURKEY 4& <$> Tl:ıııt Partnership of 1= Tel: +90 21 2 698 95 80 Pbx Fox: +90 212 698 95 97 Web Sito: www.koloporsolon.com.tr E·moil: fortrode@koleporselen.com. ROAD AND CONSTRUCTION MACHINES CONCROI VIIRATOR O.t.50LINI VIIRATOR VITH CONVIRTIR CONCAlfE AND ASPH.t.LT $.t.W$ CRANI PLOOR CONTROWD CUNI POWIR TROWIL$ VIIUTINO ROWRS HANDYFLOAT5 YIIlATlON CONCRITI AND ASPH.ALT SAWSCunJNO PORTAILI CUNI TOWIR CRANI IUCKIT DilLUNG CORI MACHINU IRONCUnJNO lllTIRNAL fıtONTAOI LOAD IUVATOII PORTAlU CONCROI MIXIRS 250 lT, CONCRITI MIXIAS IRON IINDING IRON IINDING AND CUniNG STIRRUP IINDIRS FACTORY : Dudullu imes Sanayi Sitesi E Blok 501 Sk. No.: 33 ÜMRANiYE - iSTANBUL TELEPHONE +90 0216 466 34 34 pbx- 364 32 68- 314 47 91 Fax: 314 19 77 WEB matsaninsmak.com e-mail: matsan@matsaninsmak.com YOUR PARTN R IN TURK Y • Guaranteed Departure Tours Specially Designed for Asia Pasific Countries • Umrah Turkey & Istanbul Stopovers • All Reservations: Hotel Bookings, Car Rentals, Limousine Service • Conventions, Congresses, Seminars, Symposiums and lncentives • Student and Educational Tours • Cultural and Archeological Tours or i on-tour TOURISM ORGANIZATION & TRAVEL ACENCY Head Office: Halaskargazi Cad . Marmara Apt. No: 284/3 Şişli 80220 ISTANBUL 1 TURKEY Phones: 90 (212) 248 8437-232 6300 Fax: 90 (212) 241 2808-241 4953 e-mail: orion @oriontour.com.tr - oriontour@compuserve.com http:// www.oriontour.com Singapare Office: M s. Cindy Tay - 467 A Joo Chiat Road Singapare 427678 Phones: (65) 440 3712 Fax: (65) 440 3710 Mobile: 97656055 Pager: 96069867 e-mail: oriontour@pacific.net.sg Established in 1969, Member of ASTA - PATA - UFTAA - JATA - SITE - TURSAB ) • IW~lit CE Ct GOST AQAP·120 ' Since it has been founded Öztiryakiler continues the Iradition of "quality" and constituted "trust" by lts experience over than 60 year, its superior technology and lts stabillty in quality In any kitchen it set completely up with its variety of products more than 2000 vary from preparation to cooking, from service to dlshwashing rooms. Öztiryakiler whose trust worthiness is also proved by international certlficatıon of quality standards has become a brand of being in gread demand in the world market as well as in our country in kitchen industry. Today, Öztiryakiler bears its deserved honor of its prlviliged posltlon in the industry as lt aims perfectness in products and service as well. Factory/Head Quarter: BeyllkdO zO, Eski Hadımköy yolu ı . Km , No:14 BOyO kçekm ece 1 Istanbul Tel: (021 2)886 78 00 /pbx Fax: 886 78 09 Kasımpaşa Store 1: Tei:(0212)237 23 40 1 254 59 90 Fax: 235 34 56 Kasımp•f• Store 2: Tel:(0212) 238 83 00/pbx -254 65 02 Fax:250 82 68 Badrum Store: Tei :(0252) 313 62 71 1 72 Faks: 313 62 73 Ankara Store: Te1: (0312) 231 63 05 f 230 79 37 Fax: 230 77 86 Antalya Store: Tel: (0242) 312 32 39 / 40 Fax: 312 22 53 Salea Afler Service: Tei:(0212)254 85 52/ 53 öZTiRYAKILER http: If www.oztlryakller com. ~~·f Wl Coffon-Lycfl L1ce Panfy-Br~ $111 • * ~~ . * * ~ ~~ AO '"' * * TEKSTiL PAŞAOGLU LIWÇ/~rR..!P.S' MANUFACTURING AND EXPO RT Address: Sogul<su Polonez yolu no: 31/1 Pasabahce Istanbul - Turl<ey 1e.l.i. +90 216 3224339 +90 216 3087586 fax: +90 216 3312657 +90 216 3087589 e-mail: pasaoglu@iname.com Soft Touch Beaqtv ~ith Full of Color Panfieg Witn Full Co/or Range Brief Info About Us : fns capacify fo producs SOO.OOO pieceg of Ladisg undergarmenf per monfh in our fwo facfory in Jgfanbul and Giresun. tıbouf %70 of our producfion fo Europe , Middle East and The IJ.S. Beside producing more fnan 300 model, we also producs cusfomers'dsı' wifh s grsaf dea/ of care. We use diHerenf materials including Coffon-Lycra Lace , Pure Coffon , Polyester Jsrssy Fabric , Spandex efe. ~ have fype of SABlRLAR FINDIK IHRACAT LTD. ŞTi. Sheller, Processer, Exporter Postal Address: Pazarkapı Malı. Kalekapısı 61040 Trabzon 1 Cad. No: 34 TURKEY Telephone : (462) 272 57 251321 59 33 Telefax : (462) 321 94 18/272 55 00 Mobile Phone: 532 - 314 66 99 E-mail : hsabir@sabirhazelnut.com.tr F0R ln'T ER I 0R WALLS Silkcoat Sllk paint is an interior coating material. lt adds lively to interior locations such as residence rıouse and business place and increases aesthetic appeararıce with its spedal silk tissue. Silkcoat Silk pairıt is sanitary and healthy.lt cleans air of iving places by its respiration feature. Excellent thermal insulation provides saving from fuel to greatest extent lt absorbs noise with its sound insulaiton feature and lncreases comfort. peace and quietness on places.lt is anti-statıcal and doesn't catch dust and doesn't contaminate and become contaminated. lt assures places to remain clean during appl"lcation. Silkcoat Stone isa strong and decorative coating material for both exterior and interior walls. Given its wide spectn.m of natural ively colors, heat irısUation water proofing compositlon. healthy structure, d.ırabılity, adaptabı1ity and flexebıTıty, it is an excellent armor for your buildings. http://WWW.sllkcoottr.com e -mail: siıcoot@superonllne.com SILKCOAT WALL COVERING MATERIAL INDUSRTY AND CO. LTD. HEAD OFFICE: Ba1)cılar Cad. 4111 Bahçelievler · lSTAN BUL 1 TURKEY Phone: +90 212 677 91 90 (pbx) Fax: +90 212 557 21 54 FACTORY: Çatalca -ISTANBUL 1 TURKEY Phone: +90 212 789 56 43 Fax: +90 212 789 56 45 MILLENNIVM COLOVRS ÜÇSAN PLASTiK KALlP SANAYii ve TiCARET LTD. ŞTi. ADDRESS Baglar Mah. Mimar Sinan Cad. Fidan sok. No: 7 34540 GÜNEŞLi 1 iSTANBUL / TURKEY Tel: (0 2 12) 655 01 50- 655 01 00 Fax: (0 212) 515 36 03 ---:- - - - Internet: http ://www.ucsan.com.tr E-mail : bulent.o~bek@ucsa n.com .tr ~ 1809002 ~KEMA • DUTCH COUNCIL FOR ACCREOITATION ÜÇSAN PLASTiK ISA PRODUCER OF PLASTIC HOUSEHOLD & KITCHENWARE ARTICLES, CLEANING SETS AND FLOWER POTS. Ts E K • • • -I (~)Net- .