February - The Feingold Diet
February - The Feingold Diet
PumeFaeGs'"'fi+f' Newsletter of the FeingoldoAssociationof the United Staies FEIIIGOLD'" Vol. 25, No,l February, 2001 without the Sugar Sweetness Althoughmostpeopleon the FeingoldProgramdon't reporta problemwith sugar,theprospect of a sweetenerthat doesnot have the negativeeffects(or the calories)is certainlyattractive. Thereare manynaturaland syntheticalternatives,andmore in the works. Which oneswill be toleratedby peoplewith chemicalsensitivities?Sofar our informationis limited;we hopereaders will sharetheir experiencewith us. t shouldn'tbe sucha problemto determineif a sweeteneris safe for consumers to use: after all. that's the job of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA). Most people believethat any food additivesold in this countryhasbeencarefullyevaluated for safety, and that only those which passrigoroustests have been allowedto beaddedto ourfoodsupply. Sadly,thatisn'talwaysthecase. A goodexample ofthisbadlyflawed is system aspartame(Nutrasweet, Equal, Spoonful,etc.) which is the mostwidely usedsyntheticsweetener in history, despitepoorly conducted researchandcountless reportsof serioushealthconsequences. Sucralosecan be used in baked goodsandmostotherfbods,andit dtles as not deterioratein hightemperatures was doesaspartame.The sweetener first discoveredin 1976and hasbeen usedin brandnameproduclsfor several years. Last Octoberits manutacturer, McNeil (subsidiary of Johnson Meanwhile,two newersweeteners, was givenpermission to & Johnson) haveatsucraloseand acesulfame-k, sell it asa tabletopsweetener. tracteda lot of attention.andconsumWhilesucralose doesnot appearto ers areaskingabouttheir safety. reactions tliat have trigger the severe it is not Sucralose attributed to asDartame. been (marketed is for Sucralose as Splenda) without critics. The Center Scimadehy treatingsugarwith chlorinc. encein the Public Interest(CSPI)has It containszero calories-but is 600 raisedouestions aboutits safbtv. times sweeterthan sugar,without an ('ontinued ofi page 3 unpleasant aftertaste. people. Perfumesare a big offender for chemically-sensitive It is hard to set solid informationon sweeteners , but it's evenharderto learnaboutperfumes. Thereis no governmentalagencythat regulatesthe fragrance industry, and their formulasare consideredtradesecrets espitethe secrecycoveringthoseexpensivelittlebottlesof strong-smelling liquid, we do have some infbrmationabout whatgoeson in the industry. Onesourceof informationis a 1986report from the National Academy of Sciences. Theyfoundthat95% of thechemicalsusedto makeperfumesare derivedfrom petroleum, havebeenconandsomeof thesechemicals nectedwith cancer.birth defects.centralnervoussysrcmdisordersand allergicreactions. ["Neurotoxins:At Home and the Workplaoe"l Peoplewith asthmaandotherrespito ratoryproblemsaregenerallyverysensitive fragrances. Someof the chemicalsusedin fiagrances Protecare designated by the Environmental tion Agency as hazardouswastedisposal chlochemicals.Theseinclude:methylene ride, toluene,methyl ethyl ketone,methyl isohutylketone,andethanol. ('onlinue.l on page 6 The Feingofd@Associationof the United States,Inc., founded in 1976, is a non-profit organizationwhoe purposesare to support its membersin the implemeitation of the FeingoldProgramand to generatepublic awarenessof the potentialiole of foods and iynihetic addilrvesln beh,rvior,learningand 8 HA, BHT, and TBHQ. he!hh problems. The progiam is basedon a diei elim;natingsyntheticcolors,syntheticflavors,and the preservatives Plants for Clean Air Another point of view The U.S. EnvironmentalProtection accents.Some Agency does not agreethat plants are Houseplants cando morethanjust addattractive plantshave been found to be effectiveat removingtoxic ableto cleantoxinsout ofthe air. They state."While it is true that plantsre from indoorenvirorunents. chemicals move carbon dioxide from the air, and year ln he for the ability of plantsto removecertain a two study conducted of the ehallengesin design. fine pollutantstiom water is the basis NASA, Dr. Wolverton fircused on other \-/ing spacestationsis finding a pollution control methods, of for three mosr common indoor air some rhe way to createan environmentwhich is pollutants: fbrmaldehyde, the ability of plantsto control indoor benzene and healthydespitethe fact that it is entirely pollution is less well established. These,and other air closed. For l8 years,Dr. Bill Wolver- trichloroethylene. suchas Most researchk) dateusedsmallchamton worked at NASA, using plants to commonindoorair pollutants, radon,leadandcarbonmon- hers without any air exchangewhich maintainhealthyair quality in indoor asbestos, oxide,are oftenemittedfrom furnish- makesextrapolationto real world enenvironrnents.He has studiedthe abiland building vironmentsextremelyuncertain." ity of plants to clean the air, and also ings, oflice equipment "As a practicalmeansof pollution materials. to de&)xifl chemicalwasteand purify The researchers ti)und that phib- cr)nlrol.lheplantremovalmcchanisms water. appearto be inconsequential compared ln his book, How To Grow Fresh dendron,spiderplantandgoldenpot ventilation hos were most firr removt0 common and air cxthe eff'ective ,4rr,Dr. Wolvertonnotesthat virtually " furmaldehyde change rates. ing from the air. Gerevery tropical plant, as well as many were Excerptedfrom the publicatior:.lnandchrysanthemums ll,rwcringplanrs.can help removein- beradaisies best tbr removing funr Air Pollution, An IntroductbnJbr the henzene. door pollution. undoor irritants can Haalth ProJessionaLs. come fiom many diff'erent sources. To learn more ahout the use of Fabrics and carpeting give ofT tiny fiHave any Pure Faus readerstried visit airh(rrn I(rxinS. bers and may containdust mites; syn- plantsl() rcm(rve houseplants using to improveair qual theticmaterialscan "out gas," releas- thewebsiteof thePlanlsForCleanAir ity/ We would like to hearfiom you. org. ing chemicalsused in their manufac Councilat www.plants4cleanair. rure. Building materialssuch as plywotxl. panicle board and fbam insulation are manufacturedusing fbrmaldeA novel way to clean up hyde. Plasticsand othcr syntheriemaour world terials contain benzene, and it is a The explosiveTNT has lelt a legacy solventin inks. Dry cleanedclothing of prrllution whercil was at army hases brings a host of toxins intu a house; manufactured. The waste water trom paints. varnishesand adhesivesadd cleaning the plants contaminatedthe more. especiallywhen they are newly soil surroundingthe facilities. applied.I Scientistsat the Argonne National Basedon the NASA research. here Laboratoriesin Illinois have discovis a list of plants that have been found Ered an et'fectiveway to clean up the to be eff'ectivein removing pollutants messby mixing agriculture-grade motiom the air. lasscs u ith thc ctrnlaminatcr.l roil The molassesencourages the rapid Azalea growth of bacteria,which hreakdown Bamboo the TNT into carbondioxideandnutri Chrysanthemum ents,thatcanthenbe usedastertilizer. Corn Plant The sugars,proteinsand amino acids Dieflenbachia Hot solution! tnulasscs in the causcthc haclcriartr EnglishIvy was with Soil that contaminated grow ten timesasfastastheynormally GerberaDaisy (PCBs) polychlorinated was biphenyls w',uld. and ean dctuxifysr,il in urt a GoldenPothos successfully treatedusing"blankets" few weeks. JanetCraig heated k) temperatures upt{)925". The might Researchers believemolasses Marginata heat separated the PCBs fiom the soil be an effective way to remove ()ther Mother in-law's Tongue theyhadcontaminated. andoncesepa contaminants(chlorinated solvents, PeaceLily rated, were they ahle to be destroyed. wood-preservingchemicals,petroPhilodendron The prumise technique slrows fbr re- leum) sincethey are consideredto be SpiderPlant pollutanls moving other fiom soil. lessdifficult to cleanup than TNT. Warneckei 2 Pure F^ctslFebruam2001 Sweeteners,from page I On their web site they note, "Preapprovalresearchshowedthat sushrunkenthymusglands cralosecaused andenlargedliver andkidneys." "Despite the manufacturer'smtsdoesbreakdown sucralose statements, into small amountsof 1,6-dichlorofiuctose,a chemicalwhich has not been adequatelytestedin humans. More importantly, sucralosemust breakdownin thedigestivesystem.If it didn't breakdownandreactat all (as claims),it would not the manufacturer chemicallyreacton the tongueto provide a sweettaste." CSPI objectsto the government's controlfailureto provideindependent led humanstudieson sucralose,andto the fact that there are no long term human studieson its eftect and no monitoringof healtheffectsin subjects usingthe sweetener. Acesulfame-k The Feingold Associationworks to locate foods and other productsthatwill bewell toleratedby memberfamilies.In some casesit is difficult to find objectiveinformation,andthisis when the feedbackfrom our membersis especiallyvaluable.The membersavoidsyntheticsweeteners Associationrecommends ; with but we are eagerto hearfrom you aboutyour experience of all kinds. sweeteners Severalnew syntheticsweeteners Sugar Alcohols havebeendevelopedbut are not yet that have A group of sweeteners approvedfor use. beenaroundfor a longtimeare"sugar polyo)s."alsoknownas"raresugars' Neotame (|r "sugaralcohuls."They c,'nrain Neotame,a new, morepotentform calories, but areabsorbedlessrapidly of aspartame,has not yet been apThcyarc thansucrose. andcompletely provedby theFDA. often usedto add bulk, moistureor textureaswell assweetness. Alitame Manitol Sorbitol Another syntheticsweetenerwaitIsomalt Maltitol ing in the wings is Alitame (brand Xylitol Lactitol by Pfizer nameAclame)manufactured Erythritol Inc. Alitameis formedfrom L-asparHydrogenated starchhydrolysates andan amine. tic acidandD.alanine (a blendof severalsugaralcohols) It is 2,000timessweeterthansugarand While polyolsseemto be better but whenit stableat hightemperatures it develops toleratedthan syntheticsweeteners, is usedin somebeverages thereis the potentialtbr adversereacoff-flavorsafterprolongedstorage. to tionsincludingdiarrheaanddamage variousorgans,particularlyif theyare consumedin largeamounts. potasAcesulfame-k or acesulfame (Sunetr. was discovSweet One) sium eredin 1967by the HoechstAG company. This non-caloricproductis 200 times as sweet as sugar and is not metabolizedby the body. Used in manyfoodsandavailableasa tabletop sweetener,it has been found to be hasa stableunderhigh temperatures, longshelflife andno aftertaste. It is used in many foods and is available asa ubletopsweetener. CSPI cites an impressivegroup of scientislswho havereviewedthe studRecently,two older sugar substiies on acesulfame-k and believethey tutes havemadea comeback, are badly flawed in both designand implemenution.They funher write Saccharine ofcancer-causing Beginningin 1911. Saccharine lhatthereisevidcnce propertiesin the sweetener. (Sweet'NLow) wasrequired to carry BfF6trSF&F Aspartame Aspartame(Nutrasweet,Equal, NatraTaste)is the mostwidely used (andmostprofitable)syntheticsweetener in history. The Food and Drug hasreceivedthousands Administration effects,somevery of reportsof adverse serious. The Associationhasalso receivedadversereportsand recommcnds memhers avoidaspartamt. B?SdBSe appearto off'er Newer sweeteners thebenefitsof theartificialones,without their harmful side effecLs. But thereare no guarantees that they will be toleratedby everyone. D-Tagatose D-Tagatose.awaitingFDA approval, is the productof a Maryland It is de companycalledBiospherics. rivedfromwhey,theliquidby-product production,but is claimedto of cheese a warning label that it could cause betoleratedby peoplewho areallergic cancer. In Decemberof lastyearthe to milk andlactose. warningwasremoved. Tagatose looksandtasteslikesugar, and can be usedin the sameway: it Cyclamate evencausesbakedfoodsto brown,as Cyclamateis 30 timessweeterthan doessugar.It is 92%assweetassugar rablesugar.lt wasbannedfuomusein with onefourth the calories. in 1970asa potential the United.States Proponents claimmanyhealthbenecarcinogen, butthevalidityofthe stud- fits, suchaspromotingthe growthof ies conductedhave beenchallenged, beneficialbacteriain the colon . andit is expectedto be returnedto the (:onlinuecl on page I market. Pure Facts/February2001 Sweeteners,Jrom paga 3 Trutina Dulcem (Opti-Sweet)Ac(Nutrilab cordingto the manufacturer FL) it is Corporationin St. Petersburg made from kiwi fiuit, natural fruit tlavors- and low glycemic carbohydratesfiom fruit sugar. 15 times as sweetassugar,it wasfirst usedin 1997 and is suitablefor diabetics.Trutina Dulcemcanbe usedin anyrecipethat callsfbr sugar,andhasno allertaste. (Available fiom For Pete'sSake) Lo Han Kuo or "Magic Fruit" (HerbaSwee,SweetBalance) grows in KwangsiProvincein China.It has no calories, is about250timessweeter thansugarhut has a luw glycemic index,so it wouldbe suitable fbr diahetics.Lo Hanhasheenusedin China for centuriesto treatvariousailments. Agaveis the nectarof the agaveor "century plant" that grows in the Thcsyrupit pr,rSrruthweslern states. videsis similarto fiuctose. Critics contend it poseshealthrisks. Dihydrochalcones hasno calories Corn Syrup andis 300to 2,000timessweeterthan This sweetener is widely usedin sugar.It is madefiom citrus biofla- preparedfoods,and hasprovento be vonoids,but hasa licoricetaste. anirritantfor manypeopleontheFeingold Program. Generally. this same Monellinis a proteiDwith a flavor individualdrxs not haveanyproblem that is 100,000times sweeterthan eatingcorn in otherfirrms.so it is not sugar. It is fbund in a West African an allergicreactitx. berry.Somescientists areexpcriment- We knowthatthepro,cess of making ing with introducingmonellin rnto a clearsyrupfromthc srarchlponion growing plantsto increasesweetness ofcornrequires various treat chemical withoutraisingthe plant'ssugarcon- ments,andwe havesuspected thatthe tent. finished corn syrup retainstrace amountsof thesechemicals.We reNeohesperidine DC is describedas cently learnedthat corn kernelsare "a low-caloriesweetenerand f'lavor treatedwith sulfitingagentswhenthey which may be produced enhancer by areprocessed. hydrogenation of neohesperidine, a flaThe food industryusessix dift'erent vonoidoccurring naturally in bitteror- sulfur-based purchemicals fur various " anges. prescrva(ive. as a n(rscs.nrimarily Sinceit hasan afier tasteit is used Sulfiteshavebeenshownto bea probin combinationwith othersweeteners, lemfbr manyasthmatics hutwe do not typicallysynthetic ones. knowiftheyplaya partin learning and behaviorproblems. Glycyrrhizin(licoriceroot)is 50to 100timessweeterthansugar. It has theflavorof licorice. (stevia)is 300 times Stevioside sweeterthan sugar. Derivedfiom a Inuin belongsto a groupof non-diplant,andwidelyused SouthAmerican gestible"fiuctooligosaccharides," or in thc narurallbod community.stevia Somemore about corn FOS. It is a carbohydrate foundin is availahle in mosthealthfoodstores. syrup aboutone third of the Earth'splants, TheUSFoodandDrugAdmini\tratiun Likemostgrains,a kernelofcornls for buthasonlyrecently beenextracted allowsit to be soldasa dietarysupplecomposed of an outerhusk, a large usein prtressedfin)ds.It is commer- ment,but nOtas a sweetener or tbod portion, made from starchy and a small"germ" cially chicoryroots,and additive. which is replacessomeof the sugarand fat in thesourceof cornoil. Thestarchyportionis thesourceof tirtd aswell asaddingfiber. Inuinis considered cornstarch,which is thentreatedwith a food ingredivariouschemicals to changeit into a ent.notan additive.Whileit appears and syrupmadeup ofglucose, dextrose to ofler manyadvantages, seriousalmalt0se. lergicreactions havebeenreported. Manufacturersuse corn syrup t0 thickenfoodsas well as to add both D i m o r p h a n d r a Gardneriana growsin theBrazilianrainforest.The sweetness and bulk. (Corn syrupis Syrups only abouthalf assweetassugar.)It leavesfrom this plant are combined Thereare numerousothersweeten- helpspreventthe sugarin foodsfiom with chicory maltodextrinextract to syrupsmadefromsugar crystallizing and prevenLs the lossof make"Nature'sTreasure." It con- ers,including goods. rice fiuits, well cane, and as as the moisture fiom baked hasa low glycemic rainsno calories. Cornsyrupcanhedriedandusedin index,noafteftaste, andcanbeusedin moretraditionalhoney,maplesyrup, producls.Thisis thenlisted powdered andmolasses. tlresamewaysassugar. product Even a with a lengthyhis- on ingredientlabelsas "corn syrup " usecanbea prohlem solids. Thaumatincomesfroma WestAf- toryof successful To makeyour (lwn cornsyrupsub rican fruit, 2,000 to 1,000 times firr someallergicindividuals. Be sureto chcckwith a physician stitutcseetherecipctirrSimple Syrup swceter thansugar.lt leaves a lie,rricc altertaste, but this is minimizedby befbregiving any of thesesweeteners in the flro WeekManu PLan/Recipe hookthatcamewithyourmembership. it with othersweeteners. t0 infants. cornbining 4 Pure Facts/Fe bruan 2001 Will this be a tea for salicylatesensitivepeople? An herbalbeveragethat looks andtasteslike "tea" might bejust the ticket. If you testit out, pleaselet us know if you are able to toleratethis product. AmazonRainforestholds fhe I many treasuresincludingrhe promiseof newdrugs. Pharmaceutical andenvironmentalists both companies recognize thevalueofthisuniquepiece of the Eath. Plantsthat grow in the Rainforest aresparedthe"progress"of modernagriculture:syntheticfertilizers, pesticides,chlorinatedor fluoridatedwater.andgeneticengineering. Oneof the producs availablefrom the Rainforestis a blendthat was formulatedby the ShipiboIndians,called ShipiboTreasureTea. Try it of A limitednumberof freesamples Treasure Tea are available Shipibo from For Pete'sSake. To requesta sample,call PamWeldonat (800)8647383. For moreinformationaboutthe company visit their web site at www.amazonherb.com. Be cautiousin testingnew products The Amazonlegacy The tea is a productof the Amazon Herb Company.Oneof thethingsthat The teadoesnot containany of the impresses peopleaboutthiscompanyis plantswe list asnaturalsalicylates.It their commitmentto preservingthe is composedof the following plans: Rainforest. This is accomplished in t a h a r i, cha n ca piedra, stevia, severalways. Theplantsaregathered jatoba,and unade gato. chuchuhuasi, and processedin the Rainforest,proWe are hopefulthat feedbackfrom viding employment for natives. They peoplewho canclearlyidentifya sali- canearna living withouthavingto sell cylatereactionwill give usthedatawe their land. Then, a portion of the needto knowhowto classifythisprod- moneyearnedby the companyis used uct. Contactusvia ourwebsite,or call to purchaseland in the Rainforest, FAUSat (631)369-9340. which will be kept in its unspoiled state. The companyalsohasopportuHow doesit taste? Thosewho havetried it find it to be nities for individualsto participatein pleasant tastingwith a slightsweetness. this effort. Oneteabag can makea whole pot of tea and it works well over ice as well ashot. For variety,you may want to experiment with addinga smallamount of a toleratedfruitjuice to the icedtea. StageOne or StageTwo? Valentine'sday is a very sweetholiday "It mustbe recognizedthat on an emprystomach theabsorption of simple sugars.and evenwhite flour. is rapid, leadingto a lower tolerance. Takenwith a full meal, the tolerance for simple sugarsmay be greater. Therefore,do not offer a child a between-meal snackwith a simplecarbohydrate load, for example,cakes, cookies, candies, or icecream,washed down with a bottle of Seven-Upor lemonadehighly sweetenedwith " sugar. The Feingold Cookbook, 1979 This newslettercontainsinfbr mationaboutnew foods,products and additives,and we invite your feedback. Many peopleon the Feingold Program routinely test outnewitems,andthisis a valuable for us,hutit sourceof information is not withoutrisk. If you believeyou arevery sen youto stickto sitive,we encourage theregimenthatworksbestfbr you and if you wish to experiment,do soundertheguidanceof a qualified health care practitioner. Something aswonderfulasan applehas the potentialto trigger a serious reactionif you happento be highly sensitive. As an allergist,Dr. Feingoldunderstoodthat, "any in existence, naturalor compound in synthctie" eantriggcra rcaclit'n someone who is sensitive to it. naturalingredients,andare the subtle pastelsthat come liom naturaldyes madewirh spinach.beerandrumeric. The chocolate Iookjust like sprinkles their syntheticcounterparts. Usethem to dressup yoguft, as well as cakes, cupcakes, cookiesandicecream. Sprinkelz are availahle at various Rememberthoselittle coloredbits naturalfood storesandcanbe ordered that adornedthe cookiesandcupcakes from the Squirrel'sNestCandyShop we usedto givc uur kids in thc pre- in Delaware.Call (302)378-1033. The companyhasa limitedsupply Feingolddays?Now thereis a line of naturaldecorations. of Sprinlelz available(free) to Pure Edward& SonsTradingCompany Factsreaders.Senda written request offers"Let's Do...Organic,"nahrral to Edward& Sons,Attn: Alison,Box CA 93014or e-mail toppings. Confetti(little roundballs) 1326,Carpinteria, andCarnival(oblong)arecoloredwith vegsample@aol.com Sprinhele! Pure FactslFebruary2001 5 Meals in a Hurry Warmup to a steaminghot bowl of shrimpbisqueat lunchtime. Or, adda saladandyour favorite breadfor a satisfyingdinner. meal begins with lmagine fhis f Foods Creamy Potato Leek Soup. It is one of a line of organic soupsthat can cut time andwork off of your meal preparation. The soups come in aseptic packaging, and are availablein 32 ounceboxes;somevarieties are also off'eredin the 15 ounce sizewhich makestwo servings. These soupshave a long shelf life and do not needto be refrigerateduntil they have beenopened. The potatoleek soupservesasa base fbr your favorite combination. If you enjoy shrimp bisque, you can come closeby addingsomefiesh, camred,or frozen shrimp (thawed) and fiozen corn to the heatedsoup. If you have leftover potatoescut them into small cuhes, and add them, along with a bit of wine (stage2). Any meat, fish or vegetablethat is used in a cream based soup can be added.andsocanpastaor rice. Unlike most creamy white soups, however, this one doesnot containmilk. The consistencyof the soup comes from pureedpotatoes,organically gIown. ImagineFoodschickenbroth,made free range from organically-raised, chicken,can be the start of a homemadechickennoodlesoup. All ofthe othersoupsarevegetarian,andall are freeof MSG,sooftenhiddenin soups. They arealsogluten-fiee. More informationand recipescan web sire: he loundat thecompany's www.imaginefoods.com. Pure Facts Editor:JaneHersey Contributingto this issue: KathyBratby Lynn Murphy Dorrn Curtis BarbaraKeele DebbieJackson PureFactsis publishedtentimes a yearandis a portionof thematerial providedto membersof dre Feingold Association of dreUrited States. Perfume,.from page I Does this mean that scents are off Iimits for sensitiveFeingold members? Perhapsnot. If you can tolerate the fragrance of fresh flowers and other plants,you might be able to use high qualityessentialoils. These aromatic compounds are widclyuscdin Europe.wherepurity is controlled. Many of the essentialoils used in the United Stateshave been adulterated by the additionof cheaper chcmicals.Tf you lravehad a rcacrion to theseoils, it may be the additive(s) usedthattriggeredthe problem. not the oils themselves. It takes a lot of plants to make an ounceof pure oil; fbr example,5,000 pounds of rose petals are required to produceone pound of pure rose oil, and three /ozs of melissa to produce onepoundof oil! Essentialoils havebeenusedtherapeuticallyfbr centuries,andtheir shelf lile is imprersive:oils lound in Egip. 6 Pure Facts/Fe bruam2001 Ordering soupon-line If your localstoredoesnotcarrythe Imaginesoups,you maywantto check the outOrganicProvisions. IAlthough FeingoldProgramdoesnot requirethe use of organicfoods,manymembers preferto usethemwheneverpossible. ] OrganicProvisionssellsonly tbods thatarefreeof: arlificialcolors,flavors sugar, fructose, and preservatives, growthholmones, irradiation. of kosher Theyalsohavea selection fbodsandprovidedetailsontheorganizationcertifyingthattheyarekosher. See:www.orgfood.com. tian tombsstill retain their potency. Therearemanyret'ercnces tu themin the Bible; the mostfamousarefiankincenseandmyrrh. Someoils are also usedas perfumes,andthesemightbe worth trying il you reallymiss havingfragrances. Onebrandthat is favoredby many practitioners is YoungLivaltcrnativc ing, bcatedin PaysonUT. Thecompany grows many of its own plants, andusesa steamdistillationprocessto extracttheoilswithoutdamagingtheir delicateconstituents.You cancontact YoungLivingfrrrintbrmati,'n ur visit their web site: (800)350-5042and www.youngliving.com. Onceagain,we cautionhighly sensitive membersto test any of these productswith care,andwould appreyoucanoffer. eiateanylccdhack Membershipincludesthe Fein gold Handbook,Recipes& 2 Week MenuPlan,regionalFoodlistcoDainingthousands ofacceptable U.S.bmrd name foods, a elephoneand e-mail Help-Line,anda subscription to Par€ Facts. The costin dre U.S. is $69oc $8 shipping. A PLrz Facl.rsubscripis $38/year. ti r, iforderedseparately, For more inlbrmationor details theU.S.,conon membership outside Suitc raclFALS.127EasrMairrStrcrr, 106,Riverhead, NY 11901or phone (631)369-9340. are The articlesin thisnewsletter offeredas informatiol fot Pura Facts reaclers,and are not intendedto provide medicaladvice. Pleaseseekfte guidance ofa qualifiedhealthcareprof'essional concerningnedical issues. www.feingold.org o 2001by theFeingoldAssociation of the United States,[nc. Feflmg@t FEIIIGOLD of the UnitedStatet lnc., P.O. Box 5550,Alexandria,VA 22306 (703)768-FAUS Publishedby the Feingold@Association February2001 /elrqtU Srop,patE/u4/t7 We often hear from members who are interested in having a support group in their area. had local At one timethe FeingoldAssociation the country.Butthischangedin chaptersthroughout the 1980swhen so manymotherswent backto \ /ork outsidethe home. A changealsocameaboutonce pnntedmaterials. comprehensive we had developed Manyfamiliesfoundtheirquestionswereansweredin our materials and they did not feelthe needto attend wo*shops. Todaywe haveevenmoreresources: web sitewithour message the telephonehelpline, as boardfor lotsof suggestions and encouragement, well as the FeingoldHandbookand book,Wy Can't My ChildBehave? But there are other benefitsto a supportgroup beyondhavingyourquestionsanswered.lt'salways fun forour kidsto meeteachotherandto be ableto go to a placewherethey can eat anythingtney want. Thefirstthinga supportgrouprequiresis a memberwith an outgoingpersonalitywho has had a successful experience withthe FeingoldProgram. GailWachsmuth, will be OurVolunteerCoordinator, happyto work with you. You can reachGail via e-mailat Gail@feingold.org. We havefoundthat monthlyscheduledmeetings generallyare notthe bestoption. Suchmeetings typicallyare designedfor peoplevvhohavenot yet foundsuccessful answers.Sincethe majorityof Feingoldmembersreportthatthey havefounda very big partof theiranswer,theydo not havethe same motivation to go out to a meeting. We suggestthat youconsiderplanningseveralgetthe year,and somecouldbe togethersthroughout thatwouldincludethe basedon a holidaycelebration children. The simplestoptionis to plana picnicin an area parkthat hasa playground.Choosea locationanda datewhereinterested famifiescan meet. Eachfamily bringstheirown food,and the childrencan playwhile the parentsget acquainted.This requiresverylittle planning, and nobodyhasto vacuumtheirlivingroom or anangefor a babysitter As you becomeacquainted withyourFeingoldneighborsyou maywantto planeventswhereyou sharethe job of bringingfood,or perhapsschedulea coffeeat someone'shome. A groupthat developsfromtheseinformalmeetings mightwant to take on moreambitiousprojects.A populareventis a Feingold-safe party; Halloween you will want Easteregg huntsare fun too. Perhaps to initiatea campaignfor naturalfoodsin yourschool's cafeterias or educateteachersaboutthe oroblemsthat arecreatedvvhenthey giveout candyin class,plusthe parents optionsavailable.A few motivated alternative can makea big difference, so don'tunderestimate the impactyou can have,especiallyif therearetwo or threefamiliesin the sameschoolwho sharethese interests. Contactour membership officeat (631)369-9340 for a volunteerpacket. Sale on Books ftom FAUS Thesepopularbooksare availablefromthe New Yorkofficewhilesupplieslast: Keep On Looking, an art activitybookby Susan Stern,$3.99 DemonicMnemonics,800 spellingmemorytricks the rule, for thosedevilishly trickywords. Remember "l beforeE exceptafter C" etc.? This bookcan help words.For students withthosecommonlymisspelled in grades5-'12.by MunaySuid,$9.95 Call(631) 369-9340to orderbooksbeforeMay1 charges. and you payno shippingihandling A Very Special Lady We weresaddenedto learnof the deathof lrene "Vicky"Colquhoun at the age of 80. Vickywasa Feingoldgrandmain Englandwhojoinedher daughter,SallyBunday,in creatingand runningour the Hyperactive Children's Britishsisterorganization, SupportGroup(HACSG). For morethan twenty yearsshetraveledextensively in her!\Drk,leaming, and publishing. sharing,researching Theworkof the HACSGhaschangedthe livesof the children,notjustin GreatBritain,butthroughout world. We are muchricherfor Vickyhavingspentthis timeWth us. FAUSProductlnformationCenterReport fromDonnaCurtis ProductAlert ENER-GFOODShas madechangesin certain products.Someofthesechangesare goodand some are not. In futurePIC Reportswe will be listingnew ENER-GFOODSitemsthatcan be addedto your Foodlist.For now,the followingproductsshouldbe removed:Cremeof MushroomSoup, FrenchAlmond PlainRiceDoughnuts Cookies,CoconutMacaroons, Chocolatelced. Product Change Cook'sVanillaPowder(soldby Ener-GFoods)now containscornsyrup. Mrs. Fields Cookies Thereis nowa retailbrandunderthe labelMRS. FIELDSCOOKIES.Thesecookiesare madeby a different companyand are notacceptable for useon labelsclearly the FeingoldProgram.The ingredient stateBHTand/orartificialflavor.The ingredients for the Mrs.FieldsCookiesfoundin airportsand mallshave notchanged,and are stillarceptableon the Feingold Program. Thisis a big disappointment. The founder,Debbi Fields,believes,"quality,morethananything,accounts for Mrs.Fields'worldwideacceptance.The mission hasalwaysbeento createthe highestqualityproduct possible- everytime. Thatcrmmitmenthasyielded productslikeno others... " from www.mrsfields.com A cookiepreserved withthe petroleumbasedBHT, and flavoredwithsyntheticingredients is neither'the highestquality"nor "likeno others"in our opinion. Whilewe are gratefulthey havenot changedthe cookies soldat theiroutlets,it is a shametheyhavegiven theirnameto this new product.lf youwishto contact the companyand expressyourviews,you can sendan e-mailvia theirweb site,or writeto: Mrs.FieldsOriginal Cookies,2855EastCottonwood Parkway,Suite400, SaltLakeCityUT 84121,or call 1 (800)COOKIES. FAUS On-Line Wth this newsletter mailingFeingoldAssociation memberswill be receivinga new passwordto enable youto accessthe members-only sectionof our web site. yellow your Keepthis little card near computer;it will enableyouto stayin touchwth us aboutproduct research, alertsand cautions,to accessour message board.and obtainadditionalmatenals. PIC Report or Thefollowingproductshavebeenresearched re-researched and may be addedto yourFoodlistor mailorderguide. Stage One Drink: BALANCEDDietTotalNutritional Chomlate,Vanilla BALANCED* HighProteinInstantlvlealReplacement Drink:Chocolate, Vanilla BALANCED* HighProteinReadyto DrinkMeal: Chocolate, Vanilla AlbacoreTunawithor CRO\/Il PRINCENATURAL* withoutSalt,BrislingSardinesin OliveOIl,Fancy Write Crab Meat ECCOBELLA-NaturalCover-upStick:Beige, MediumBeige;NaturalLip LinerPencils:lvlauve, Terracotta,Plum Orderby calling(877)696-2220. FRENCHMEADOW Yeast-freeBagel:Toasted OnionBagel HEALTHFROMTHE SUN'The TotalEFAcapsules. Thesemay be orderedby calling(800)447-2249 or visitingthe websiteat www.hfts.com. GOURMETMixes:HeartyDinner INTERNATIONAL Muffins,lVlildFlavoredDinnerMuffins,Pancake(CS), Wafffe (CS) Ordervia their web site: www.TheInternationalGourmet.com. (CS), Sprinklez: Carnival LET'SDO...ORGANIC" (CS),Confetti(CS) Chocolate YORKSHIRE FARMSCookedUncuredPastrami Round- delior pre-sliced, Brisket- delior pre-sliced, BeefJerky,BlackForestHam,BonelessPorkChops, FreshFieldsUncuredPorkBacon,HoneyTurkey Oven Breasts,RoastBeef,TurkeyHamburger, pre-sliced. RoastedTurkeyBreasts- delior PorkKielbasa, TurkeyJerky,TurkeyKielbasa, RoastedPepperedTurkeyBreast- delior pre-sliced, SmokedTurkeyBreast- delior pre-sliced Stage Two BALANCED" HighProteinReadyto DnnkMeal: Strawberry ECCOBELLA-NaturalSoftEyelinerPencils: Velvet,RoyalBlue,Violet,Seal,Cocoa,Bronze All contain apricot kernel oil. Mix INTERNATIONAL GoURMETHerbDinnerlVluffin pepper) (cayenne Snaps,LemonSnaps, Ml-DEL"Chocolate VanillaSnaps All containwhitegrapejuice. YORKSHIRE FARMSSausage:JalapenoHerb (or The Feingold@ doesnot endorse,approveor assume responsibility fof any product,brand,methodor treatment.The presence Association (ordisapproval). The Foodlists or thediscussion of a methodor treatment doesnot constitute approval absence) o{a producton a Feingold Foodlist, arebasedprimarilyuponinformation suppliedby manuiacturers andarenot baseduponindependent testing. Feingold News February2001 2